#media reveals biases and that’s important to talk about
emsleyanbluejay · 6 months
there is really interesting discussion to be had about the way dialects, not just accents, are used as shorthand in media regardless of origin. the way that Japanese media uses the Okinawan dialect in much the same way that USAmerican media uses the Southern dialect. the way that British media uses the Cockney dialect, and so on and so forth. and this extends past the narrative shorthand of “this dialect means bad and/or stupid person.” dialects are used to Other characters narratively, or to establish them as the in-group.
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wingzie · 3 months
The Life of a Jikooker, Online and Offline
Sometime last year I revealed my real first name on Twitter. Though I am known more prominently as “Wingzie”, a name given to me by a good friend of mine, I wanted to add a bit more of a human touch to my account. It was a reminder that, even if I spend a rather large amount of time making posts, I also have a life away from the screen. There's been a few occasions when my army life and personal life have become interlinked.
I am lucky enough to have made wonderful friends since becoming Army. Thus, I will always say that your fandom experience and enjoyment will depend on who you interact with and what you engage with. It's because of these friends that I have been to South Korea or gone to Olle in London for BTS’ tenth anniversary. I've explored new local places or exchanged gifts. It's also because of these friends that I felt safe enough to talk about Jikook in my first ever group chat in 2019. I feel a certain love and connection between us, online and offline, that I don't think many others will understand. 
However, there is a certain loneliness in being a jikooker. I have been unfairly judged or dismissed just for talking about them. Either individually or as a unit. It calls into question why this is. I personally do not see myself as a shipper. The definition of a shipper is that you WANT them to be together and that is not the case with me or many other jikookers at all. The definition of shipping has changed so much that we are seen as bad people just for talking about them, when we are just talking about their moments together.
In the last few months or so I have experienced more of an Army life outside of Twitter. I have been to various offline events and spoken to so many and I couldn’t help but notice two things: 1) Jikookers have a terrible reputation
2) People are scared to talk about them as a unit compared to others. The first part can be somewhat understandable and it’s why I never bother fighting. It brings negative attention to them, when we should be boosting them instead. All they see are people just attacking each other and it is sadly true that a small number of Jikookers are Tae antis. I have left a few group chats because of that or because of ex-jikookers hating on Jimin or Jungkook. However, there are also a huge number of us that DON'T behave this way and it depends on what you focus on.
At a previous event I bumped into a local Tae bias. She clearly knew who I was and was under the impression that I hated Tae. I soon proved her wrong but I guess this is where some of the problems lie: There are a lot of focus on stereotypes, without giving us the chance to prove otherwise. I have also been to events where Army have cited misinformation and they needed to be corrected. I am aware that not everyone has my memory, but they were so callous about their comments that I was shocked. There was a huge disconnect between reality and what they were thinking and it is so important to check sources. Especially when BTS' history and ours is so rich and can be easily accessible in this social media age. 
Being scared to talk about Jikook is something that will always confuse me. I joined a BTS Discord and left shortly afterwards when I realized that they had a channel for every until apart from Jikook. I also went to an event shortly after the “You can handle it” Weverse Live and the group I was with mentioned every single part of that Live, apart from when Jimin was in the comments. They also said some things about Jungkook that made me feel really uncomfortable and they ignored what I was trying to say. They saw him as a puppet, for their own desires, rather than his own person. And I think that is also something I have seen on the increase lately. It should be allowed and in fact encouraged to talk about them as a unit without being shamed for mentioning them together. Ignoring them doesn't help either.
I am Jimin and Jungkook biased, but the definition of having a bias itself has also changed. You cannot say you have a bias now without automatically saying “but I love all of them”, when that should go without saying. I have seen this change since Mots:7 and it emphasises how much the fandom definitions have changed and how it has also shaped our communities. I have been to other events where I am sadly seen as an anti, once they find out my Twitter ID. My account includes all members, I just happen to post about Jikook and their moments most of all and there is nothing wrong with that. Ultimately, I wrote this without any clear message or goal in sight. I just wanted to express what I have experienced and my feelings about it. I will always cherish the memories I have with those that are closest to me and our beautiful conversations about BTS or Jikook. I just wish others did the same and understood what this community is actually about, online and offiline. My account will always be a safe place for all the members and I refuse to be villainized for talking about Jikook at the same time.  Much Love Wingzie/Becca
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ceruleanwhore · 1 year
So I’ve seen a lot of posts talking about the potential for canon Ted x Trent in the finale, but there’s an angle or two I haven’t seen examined yet that I’d like to discuss here. What I am referring to is mainly why the writers chose to have Trent be the one to support Colin through his arc, coming out and everything, instead of using Keeley, who is canonically bi and was in a sapphic relationship during Colin’s arc. They didn’t need to have another character come out and everything for the sake of supporting Colin through his arc, and yet they chose to do so anyway, and I do think it’s important that they chose Trent specifically. I think it’s also important to acknowledge how limited lgbtq rep has been in media and how already, just by having Keeley and Colin be written as they are, this show has gone far beyond most others. Likewise, it should be acknowledged how having that role in Colin’s arc would have been genuinely very good for Keeley’s own character arc and how well it could have tied into some aspects of her relationship with Jack, so it’s not as though using her for that would’ve just been a cheap cop-out. The fact that they didn’t do that indicates to me that they have something specific and even better in mind.
When you keep that in mind, suddenly the signs are everywhere that this could actually, genuinely happen in canon - Trent’s red string bracelet, Ted’s comment about Sleepless in Seattle, Trent meeting Ted’s mom, etc. My whole thing with this pairing is that, when I look at it, especially in s3, there’s so much there that I genuinely believe they’d already be snogging if it was hetero and in a different show. In this context, I can only see Trent coming out and Ted “I was a straight man” Lasso making that movie reference as our indication that they bat for the other team, as it were, and yes, this can be something other than friendship.
The other thing I would add is that in the mom episode we get open acknowledgment that Ted’s biggest problem is how he runs around helping others but can’t accept help from anyone else for himself. I would then point out that the only time he’s received the same huge, self-sacrificial type of help he gave Beard with prison and everything is what he got from Trent Crimm revealing an anonymous source and then leaving his entire career to show his support and respect of Ted. Yes, a lot of the others around him have supported and helped Ted in different ways but I think it’s huge that Trent is the only one who’s done so on that level. I would also add that Trent has supported Ted multiple times while being one of the only characters to do so without ever acting against him. Beard stole his car, Nate turned on him, Rebecca was plotting against him and using Leslie to do so, etc., and yet Trent from the beginning was skeptical at most and never really acted against Ted. Beyond that, I also think that the first article Trent wrote about Ted in s1 is hugely indicative of Trent’s potential compatibility with Ted.
For one thing, Ted talked quite a bit in s1 about curiosity and went on that whole speech with Rupert in the darts game about how he values it but how so few people are genuinely curious - but Trent is. Trent shows up to write about Ted, skeptical but curious enough to pay close attention and allow his view of this other man to shift and to not be clouded by biases. I think the truth element is also huge - Ted’s ex wifey couldn’t accept his communication style and got an override from their therapist to force Ted to be outwardly truthful in a way he wasn’t comfortable with, and yet Trent clearly demonstrates his ability to accurately discern the truth from Ted without ever pushing him in such a way. Trent over and over again respects boundaries, never pushes people to share beyond what they’re comfortable with, and still gleans the truth from what he does see and hear, which is exactly what Ted needs.
Lastly, I’m not here to go off ragging on tedbecca and tbh I wouldn’t be mad if it did happen, but I want to talk about why I just don’t see it happening in canon real quick. First and foremost is that she’s the only other character than Ted’s ex (is her name Michelle? I genuinely can’t remember and that’s the only reason why I’m not using it) who uses ‘Oklahoma’ with him, and I don’t actually see that as a good thing. This is especially the case ever since it came out that Michelle(?) is now dating the therapist she and Ted saw who had them start using that in the first place, since that new relationship calls all the therapy she and Ted did into question.
Also, it’s not just that Rebecca used to be plotting against Ted, it’s that from s1 e1 on she’s been using him in one way or another to get back at or one up Rupert. Whether it’s working against him in s1 or then really trying to get him to win, especially with that one game against West Ham in s3, she’s just continually trying to use Ted as a tool against another man. What’s more damning is that when she does start to show interest in men who are not Rupert, it’s never Ted- Ted’s just there to bring her biscuits and engage in occasional attempts at girl talk, which really fits into the trope of a token gay best friend. I think they do have a good, solid relationship and, like I said, I won’t be mad if they do end up together, but I don’t see them as being set up to be in a romantic relationship.
But yeah, I think that’s all for now lol
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honesty-my-policy · 1 month
Resources/Sources against HAMAS + more [re-organization of previous posted resources]
Sources/places that have uncensored footage from the Oct. 7th attack. For anyone who needs a reality check or needs to smack someone with a reality check.
important websites + articles they have posted
UN Watch - https://unwatch.org/about-us/our-work/
Fact Checking UNRWA Claims About Teachers and Education
Hamas stole 36,000 liters of fuel from UN warehouses
Group of 3,000 UNRWA teachers celebrates Hamas massacre and rape
UN staff celebrate Hamas massacre
The Case against UNRWA from UN Watch - link
2023-Report-UNRWA-pdf - link
Report: Red Cross Statements ‘Overwhelmingly’ Biased Against Israel - link
Honest Reporting - https://honestreporting.com/about/
Desperate Media Accuse Israel of ‘War Crime’ Over Killing of Terrorists in Daring Hospital Raid
Media Accused Israel of ‘Strike’ on Palestinians Who Died in Gaza City Aid Truck Stampede
Council on Foreign Relations -https://www.cfr.org/about
What is HAMAS? Link
The Sunni-Shia Divide - link
MeForum - https://www.meforum.org/about/
A Primer on Hamas; Part 4: Who Are the Palestinians? - link
Countering ‘Pro-Palestine’ Propaganda Part 4: Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing - link
Countering ‘Pro-Palestine’ Propaganda Part 5: Gaza is an Open-Air Prison - link
Countering ‘Pro-Palestine’ Propaganda Part 6: Palestinian Refugees’ Right of Return - link
Israel Can Trust Hamas - To Keep Its Promises - link
The Rhetoric of Nonsense - link
The Wilson Center - https://www.wilsoncenter.org/about
Digital Deception: Disinformation’s Impact in the Israel-Hamas War - link
Hamas: Words and Deeds… - link 
Hamas over-reporting civilian casualties in Gaza, again - link
Misc Articles (find the about page yourself if you care enough) -
Hamas use of human shields in Gaza (pdf) - link
Intelligence Reveals Details of U.N. Agency Staff’s Links to Oct. 7th Attack - link
Don’t erase our history: The Jewish people are indigenous to the land of Israel - link
Hamas’s October 7th Attack: Visualizing the Data - link
Teaching Terror: How Hamas Radicalizes Palestinian Society - link
Why Hamas is an Unreliable Source and How Many Reporters Fail to Disclose this - link
Misc Resources -
The Complete List of the 1030 Jewish Expulsions in Human History (pdf) - link
Educational Posts made by rootsmetal -
Palestine and the Holocaust
Hamas's Islamism
we are treated differently
evidence (there's plenty)
teaching hatred
united nations
lies about 1948
was there peace before 1948?
HAMAS Guidelines to Social Media (excerpts)
Anyone killed or martyred is to be called a civilian from Gaza or Palestine, before we talk about his status in jihad or his military rank. Don't forget to always add 'innocent civilian' or 'innocent citizen' in your description of those killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza.
Begin [your reports of] news of resistance actions with the phrase 'In response to the cruel Israeli attack,' and conclude with the phrase 'This many people have been martyred since Israel launched its aggression against Gaza.' Be sure to always perpetuate the principle of 'the role of the occupation is attack, and we in Palestine are fulfilling [the role of] the reaction.'
Beware of spreading rumors from Israeli spokesmen, particularly those that harm the home front. Be wary regarding accepting the occupation's version [of events]. You must always cast doubts on this [version], disprove it, and treat it as false.
The interior ministry prepared a series of suggestions specifically for Palestinian activists who speak to Westerners via social media. The ministry emphasizes that conversations with them should be conducted differently from conversations with other Arabs.
When speaking to the West, you must use political, rational, and persuasive discourse, and avoid emotional discourse aimed at begging for sympathy. There are elements with a conscience in the world; you must maintain contact with them and activate them for the benefit of Palestine. Their role is to shame the occupation and expose its violations.
Avoid entering into a political argument with a Westerner aimed at convincing him that the Holocaust is a lie and deceit; instead, equate it with Israel's crimes against Palestinian civilians.
The narrative of life vs. the narrative of blood: [When speaking] to an Arab friend, start with the number of martyrs. [But when speaking] to a Western friend, start with the number of wounded and dead. Be sure to humanize the Palestinian suffering. Try to paint a picture of the suffering of the civilians in Gaza and the West Bank during the occupation's operations and its bombings of cities and villages.
Do not publish photos of military commanders. Do not mention their names in public, and do not praise their achievements in conversations with foreign friends!
Recently I came across a bunch more ancient/old maps of the Middle East, Near East, Levant, Israel, and others. Some are remakes as the old ones were degraded or unable to be scanned, some are historian estimates of what the area looked like at the times, others are actual scans of maps from back in the day. I will link specific maps of interest but also databases below. I will link the maps first and the databases they are from above them.
David Rumsey Historical Map Collection (over 130,000 maps and related images online)
Alte Welt: Städte. (Old world: cities)
No. 1: General map of the countries mentioned in the Bible
No. 2: Map of the journeyings of the Israelites : in the desert
Turkey. Middle East. Ancient World
American Society of Overseas Research (online resources)
The Ancient Near East: The Hellenistic World c. 200 BCE
Neo-Hittite and Aramean States
Iron Age IIIv2 Empires
The National Library of Israel
Specific search for maps of Israel
Map History (part of the virtual library)
Gallica (digital library of the National France Library and its partners + I don’t know if it’s just my browser but switching the language to English didn’t work much so it was mostly in French)
W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (Digital Collection)
Palestine of the Old Testament
Historic Map Works
ASIA/recens summa/cura delineata
United Nations Archives
Map Collection of the League of Nations + UNOG
Library of Congress World Digital Library
Map Collection
links to previous posts containing the same resources in case i missed any - link
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astro-duck · 8 months
The finale of DuckTales is deeply flawed
I don’t know if I’m alone in thinking this, but I’ve always wanted to explain this to someone.
It’s not all bad. It’s actually an enjoyable watch, it’s fun and charming like most episodes are. The animation is incredible, even more so then it usually is, there’s lots of great moments that are really beautiful. I also enjoy a fair few of the plot moments, the one that stands out most to me is Scrooge immediately surrendering to Bradford the second he threatens to kill Donald, saying “it’s not worth the risk.” Really, all of Bradford’s eventual surrender to petty villainy is well done.
I will likely end up making a post talking more in-depth about why the finale is great, but that is not this post. This post is strictly about the flaws in the plot of the finale.
A few important notes:
I am not a genius media critic, I’m an asshole on Tumblr. This is entirely my opinion and if you love this episode/this one is your favorite I am genuinely happy for you. I understand that it can suck to have someone criticize your favorite piece of media, and if you don’t want to hear this then I don’t want you to hear it either. (/gen)
I, as a person, am very resistant to change. I find it difficult to cope with extreme changes to form in the media I love. I tried to look at this from a non-biased perspective, and I think I did a good enough job, but I’m sure my personal bias slipped through the cracks very frequently.
The very final episode made me cry, despite all this. I cried because the end credits were so sweet and I cried because it was over. I was watching the end credits and I cried. So, that’s something.
I will refer to the three part finale as “The episode” throughout, because this is the easiest way for me to understand it. I will specify if I am talking about a specific part, but for the most time it is just “This Episode” or “The finale”
Actual Episode Criticism:
I think May and June were a terrible idea. I think that the reveal that Webby is a F.O.W.L clone of Scrooge was also a terrible idea. I think the episode has too many plot twists and characters thrown in and it means hardly anything truly meaningful happens.
I believe that May and June were a harmful addition to the finale and the overall canon of the show. Strictly speaking from a finale perspective, they are completely new characters who take up a large portion of the finale of a show, especially in the first part. The episode should not have centered around new characters, but instead been a grand final adventure with the existing characters all having their moments, but especially showcasing the McDucks.
They divert so much of the time of the episode away from other characters that nobody else really gets to shine. Huey, Dewey and Louie sort of get replaced by Webby, May and June. They feel like the new triplets because it’s literally Webby and two clones of her. However, instead of being three distinct personalities, they’re all just literally clones of Webby, personality and all. I have nothing against Webby, but I don’t think having three of her running around taking up 60% of screen time in the finale was good.
The “Webby is a Scrooge Clone” thing is dumb as hell. Especially because Webby calls Scrooge “Dad” at the end of the end of the episode. I’ll get in to this more in a second, but it sort of shits on the message that family isn’t blood. I don’t think Webby needs to see Scrooge as a father. It also doesn’t make sense that they made her a girl, even though trans Scrooge/Webby is a good thought, it’s not canonical.
This is also another twist that they shouldn’t have thrown in last second, because it’s such a large idea to flesh-out. I’m glad they kept it for the finale though, strictly because I would not have enjoyed the arc of Scrooge and Webby being Father/Daughter. Especially because it doesn’t make sense, like if May and June are “sisters” to Webby and they’re clones of her, wouldn’t Scrooge be more like a brother? At least save Webby calling him “Uncle Scrooge” for this grand moment at the end, if you’re going to go to this terrible twist.
These two plots shit directly on the face of whatever message the show was saying up to that point, that “Family is just the people who love you.” Because when May and June show up, Webby immediately begins calling them her sisters because they have the same blood as her. She goes directly against the wishes of the people who, up to that point, were her actual family. Just for two girls who are F.O.W.L spies and who she doesn’t know.
Webby being genetically identical to Scrooge also flies in the face of this a little, because it makes it so that the Papyrus appearing to her, and Webby and Scrooge being family, arguable as being because they are genetically related. This is not the point the show is trying to make, but it still is an argument to be made. Why do they have to be biologically related at all? Why can’t they just be family?
Especially because this show had, for a while, done such a good job portraying non-standard family dynamics. An uncle raising his sister’s kids? A grandmother raising her (adopted) granddaughter? Both in non-standard environments? We don’t often see things like this casually portrayed. But with the return of Della and the Dad-ification of Scrooge it almost feels like they’re saying families aren’t complete without a mom or a dad. Even though they aren’t saying that, it’s still there.
Gosh this post is getting long. Last thing, nobody gets any screen time. So many characters are in this episode, and they had 60 minutes to use them all, but so much of it was dedicated to Webby, May and June that it’s nearly impossible for anybody else to get a complete arc. Webby and Huey are separated from the rest of the McDucks for a while, which would be fine except they don’t even really get a proper reunion. Webby doesn’t get one at all, and Huey gets a quick “I’m so happy to see you, I used your book to find you.” Before they are immediately captured again. Most of the cast actually spends a large portion of the part just before the climax in cells, not being a part of the action.
I mean, Gyro has a few references yo feeling like he’s “losing his touch” before it’s never a big deal again. Della is mad that Donald is leaving but they don’t ever talk about it and then Della just decides it’s okay. Donald never interacts with May and June before deciding to take them on his boat with Daisy. B.O.Y.D, Goaslyn, Violet and Lena don’t really do anything at all, except for B.O.Y.D and Lena having some plot point that no one else really would have been able to do (Reprogramming the Gizmoduck armor and making the ship invisible.) I think that the addition of these characters feels forced, when they should have been a natural addition to a grand adventure finale.
May and June are unnecessary and hinder the other characters relationships and I don’t think Webby should be genetically related to Scrooge because then it feels less like “Found Family”. I think nobody gets enough screen time except Webby and her clones, but I don’t think they should have been the focus of the episode.
I’m sorry this post was so long, remember that I don’t hate watching this episode. I just think that the finale of my favorite cartoon should have been handled better.
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nyushkawritesstuff · 5 months
A Critical Take on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Hey everyone, it's me, your friendly neighborhood Nyushka. Today, I want to dive into a discussion about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. I know I'm very late to this conversation, but I've been busy and I still want to share my thoughts. Now, don't get me wrong, I love gaming and the thrill of a good shooter, especially when there's an exciting storyline to follow. But there are a few aspects of this particular game that I think deserve some serious critique.
First and foremost, let's talk about the issue of Islamophobia. It's disheartening to see that Muslim characters in Modern Warfare 3 often fall victim to more brutal deaths compared to others. Take, for example, the tragic demise of Farah's friend, whose car was blown up. It's instances like these that perpetuate harmful stereotypes and contribute to a negative portrayal of Muslims in media. And don't get me started on "No Russian", the plane hijacking cutscene. It'd already been established that the west thinks Urzikstani people are terrorists, it'd already been established that they fought through the allegations and proved their innocence, which paints the cutscene useless - and islamophobic.
Another concern I have is the depiction of women in the game, specifically in relation to Milena. It's disappointing to see that her wealth and success are attributed solely to her husband. We're introduced to her and we see her as a very successful and ambitious woman, so it was disappointing, to say the least, when we find out that Milena killed her husband and stole his wealth through a conversation with Laswell. This kind of portrayal reinforces gender stereotypes and fails to empower female characters in their own right. This is especially bad considering Milena is Russian, so the game is also reinforcing the "Russian golddigger wife who'll murder you" trope.
Moving on, let's discuss the excessive use of death fakeouts. Modern Warfare 3 introduces a whole list of characters whose deaths are teased, like Farah, Alex, Graves, Price, Laswell and a few more, only to reveal that they miraculously survived. This tactic may create momentary excitement, but it ultimately cheapens the impact of death in the game and undermines the emotional investment of the players.
And then there's the ending. Oh boy, where do I even begin? Soap, a beloved fan favorite character, meets a tragic end, leaving us devastated. Meanwhile, Makarov once again manages to escape, leaving us with an unsatisfying resolution. It feels like a missed opportunity to provide closure and a fitting conclusion to the story arc.
Additionally, so many people joined the campaign after the last installment solely because of the loveable banter between Ghost and Soap. We expected more in this one - only to be disappointed by a few lines of Ghost teasing Soap for admiring the luxury of Milena's estate and boats.
Lastly, let's touch upon the issue of military propaganda and politics. Call of Duty games have often been criticized for glorifying war and promoting a biased perspective. While it's important to acknowledge the bravery of soldiers, it's equally important to question the underlying motives and messages conveyed in these games.
Remember - your fiction might be someone else's nonfiction. Your fun game might be someone's reality. War is something you glorify and play with while someone else actually suffers through it. The genocide in Gaza is a good example of this in current time. So please, don't be insensitive to this. Playing war games is okay, but try to be respectful and not glorify these awful situations where so many people lose their lives or loved ones.
Now, don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed playing and watching Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 for its action-packed gameplay and adrenaline-pumping moments. But as a critical gamer, it's essential to voice our concerns and hold game developers accountable for the content they create.
In the end, it's up to us as players to engage in thoughtful discussions, raise awareness, and promote a more inclusive and responsible gaming industry. Let's encourage game developers to push boundaries, challenge stereotypes, and create games that not only entertain but also inspire meaningful conversations.
So, what are your thoughts on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3? Share your opinions and let's keep the conversation going. Reblogs, likes and comments are highly appreciated!
-your friendly neighborhood Nyushka :)
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yenonnoff · 10 months
。o♡ profiles: minor chars!
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masterlist ⌒☆ HOT dummies (yn's group) // mentally sane + atsumu ig? ⌒☆ chapter 1
fun facts:
oikawa is currently the most talked about actor on social media because of his versatility and skills (even directors love him).
he also attends a lot of variety shows! the people love his charisma, some even want his best friend, iwaizumi hajime, to appear on one of them with him. they think the two will be a hilarious pair with eye-catching chemistry. (everyone just thinks iwa is attractive)
jolie is the human version of a golden retriever. she's bubbly and a huge extrovert, but only to a necessary amount. it’s the reason why everyone she meets adores her (even staff members and directors). they excuse her occasional-over-the-top moments because of her hardworking, committed attitude.
her user @/joliepop is supposed to be like lolipop
she's invited to ALL the parties because all her co-stars love her.
jolie is everything that emma aspires to be... but fails at doing
emma is an important character so watch out for her !!
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TEACH ME HOW TO LOVE! 。o♡ an atsumu miya smau
synopsis: when y/n l/n, a rising actress, decides to star in a romance film that could make or break her career, she’s unable to showcase her skills, revealing her inexperience within the romance department instead. worst of all, atsumu miya, her co-star and the main lead’s love interest, seems to hate her guts! with absolutely, unbearably zero chemistry between the two, an idea was proposed: spend time with one another in the upcoming weeks. will y/n be able to ignore her professionalism and listen to her heart? and will she, a clueless romantic, be able to pick up on the signs her co-star is sending her?
a/n: can u tell i had fun with jolie's and oikawa's fun facts? and can u tell that im biased towards jolie? i think shes the cutest. idk if ppl will look at this post but to those that did, watch out for emma 😜😜
taglist is open! dm or ask to be a part of it! (those bolded were unable to be tagged)
⌒☆ @kqbukimono @empathum @clyver @chosoluv @moonplethxra @sunarots @marga-j @rukia-uchiha-98 @wyrcan @thechaosoflonging @rintarousgirl
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
Yu-Gi-Oh Review Roundup: DM!
Favorite main character: Joey Wheeler
Okay, let me just fully reveal all of biases here: Heart of Gold, Dumb of Ass. Characters who have never experienced a single thought in their entire lives because their brain is too busy running Friendship.EXE 24/7. Real golden retrievers of people. I wanna look at a character and know that the only thing running around in their cavernous, empty skull is *sparkly heart emoji*
Joey Wheeler is perhaps the pinnacle of this thriving subspecies. I don’t know what more to say than that. He just makes me happy.
As someone also suffering from Chronic Dumbass Disorder, I always adore shows and media where idiots are included in the friend group. It’s very easy to preach love from a pulpit of Smart, Successful, Capable, Well Rounded Characters. But the character that’s allowed to screw up? To constantly be just shy of achievement, but never feels any angst for it, because they know it’s not what their friends love about them. It’s the reciprocal act of loving like an idiot. And that being enough. 
Very good. 10/10. Inspiring to us fellow himbos.
Favorite antagonist: Marik Ishtar
And, at the complete opposite end of the Character Tropes I Go Bananas For scale: Maverick Blishtar. 
While I’m a tad shy of the proper age to truly have nostalgia for DM, there’s no denying the sheer style the first series burst out of the gate with. And Marik is truly the pinnacle of Battle City Iconic. Amazing gender. The perfect blend of (then) contemporary street fashion and ancient egyptian iconography. He’s just. So fantastically yugioh. 
And then, on top of that, he’s such a genuinely well grounded character, with a backstory and motives that feel very human, despite being about literally underground cults and ancient magic. Marik is, fundamentally, an angry, sheltered teenager, lashing out at the world with an anger too big for his age. You know: a teenager. As much as I adore villains like Pegasus and Kaiba, Marik manages to have the Campy Gay Villain Style while also being a very understandable, and surprisingly relatable, villain. 
(And, quick note, my other character weakness, aside from Pure Of Heart, Dumb Of Ass, is any fictional character whose arc can remotely correlate to the struggles of living with depression. I just. Cannot stress enough how impactful it is to every version of myself as a Consumer Of Media. I’m cutting myself short here, because this is meant to be a quick review and I might make an essay on the topic someday, but I wanted to touch on it very lightly, because it is not only a major reason why I adore Marik, but it’s gonna come up in my reviews of these shows again and again. Yugioh is a show that depicts depressed characters in a way that just. Makes me feel felt. And that’s important for me to say.)
Favorite side character: Mai Valentine
Anyway, heavy stuff out of the way! Mai “Girl” Valentine, everyone! 
She is very neat. :)
I mean, what more is there to say about a self sufficient, young woman who’s perfectly comfortable with her self, acts as a guiding older sister to the main friend group, and also rides a motorcycle??? Absolutely nothing. She is a lovely lass. 
I mean, you could talk about how she is the first victim on yugioh female characters having their most interesting character development when they’re momentarily evil, which, yes, is not exactly the most feminist win. But! There’s too many overly long think pieces one could write about shonen anime girls, and that’s not what I’m setting out to do today! And besides, the pattern is more worthy of criticism than its individual examples. So, here’s your complimentary grain of salt. Now, back to my favorite harpy lady.
In her first duel, she claims to have esp, when in fact both fake-psychics and real-psychics are a dime a dozen in this world. You know what’s actually impressive??? Being able to pick out individual strains of perfume from a forty card deck that’s been doused in as many fragrances. Beating up an entire biker gang while also on a bike and by throwing pieces of cardboard as weapons. Spending days trapped in the shadow realm, surrounded on all sides by magical projections of her own loneliness and fear of rejection, then coming back to life and deciding to use this once in a lifetime opportunity to play the fun prank of temporarily faking her death and making her friends think she’s gone forever. 
What a gal.
Favorite duel: Yami vs. Yugi
Probably my favorite thing about the entirety of DM. Yes, there are some fantastic duels in the series: Yugi vs Pegasus, Bakura vs. Yami Marik, Kaiba vs. Ishizu. But the final fight between Yami and Yugi is where I truly got yugioh. 
I originally started watching yugioh as a time filler, something I could throw on in the background as a white noise while I sewed, or a wind-down right before I went to bed. While the characters were fun, and the monsters very cool and colorful, I found it very easy to zone out whenever duels took centerstage. I actually went digging through my old discord messages before writing this review, and found this quote, from myself, that really summarizes my thought on duels at the time:
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But then I got to the finale. And everything clicked.
For once, I saw the card game as not just a brightly animated frame-filler, but an integral part of conveying the story. I wasn’t just waiting for Yugi to play enough turns until he could claim his inevitable victory; I was on the edge of my seat to see exactly how he would outmaneuver his opponent. And I genuinely cheered and gasped and got choked up watching it all unfold.
The finale fight was when I truly became invested in the card game aspect of yugioh, not just as a framework on which to hang the most insane anime worldbuilding, but as a truly unique way of delivering narrative that you can’t get anywhere else.
The time taken for deckbuilding does a lot to set up the duel. Yami and Yugi having to go through their shared card pool and picking out which card from the formerly homogeneous playstyle is truly theirs. Yami goes for the flashy monsters; the royalty, the big beasts, the cards he had a personal connection to in his past life. While Yugi has cutesy-er monsters that are more than meets the eye. The entire dramatic question of the finale is “Is that enough?”
Can those smol kidsy monsters match up to the King of Games partnership? Can they surpass it?
And then the actual duel, and the back and forth finishing of both arcs is wonderfully represented in the plays. The entire premise of this show started off with a vengeful ghost, violently punishing anyone who he can trick into a game, and now here he is, playing a fun game with a friend and actually enjoying himself. There’s gentle ribbing and friendly conversation during a duel for almost the first time. And yes, that’s mostly because all the opponents up till now have been villains trying to rob/murder people, but that goes even further to show how much Yami has grown! Because he used to be that villain dark magic baddie! Yami goes out with a smile and a thumbs up, happy to finally lose his crown.
On Yugi’s end of things, he proves that scrappy friendship he’s been touting around through the entire show can stand toe-to-toe with literal gods. And through Yami, he’s learned not only how to stand up for himself, but the technical skills of the game, leading to his victory. The Yami-Yugi dynamic is PERFECTLY summed up by the shiny, radiant god of the sun, equally matched (and eventually beaten!) by a pink marshmallow.
The Yami vs. Yugi fight is where I coined the phrase that has been guiding my principles in enjoying this franchise: The Rule Of Duel. That in any good yugioh fight, the game should strive to spend 50% of itself building and conveying character. And 50% of itself being PURE UNAPOLOGETICALLY AWESOME.
The closer a duel comes to that perfect Rule Of Duel ratio of 50/50, the closer it is to being the platonic ideal of yugioh story telling.
And by that metric, the Yami vs. Yugi fight is damn near perfect.
Favorite arc: Waking the Dragons
I know. I was surprised too.
At first, this choice was determined by process of elimination. Like I said, for most of its runtime, DM was very passive viewing for me, since I had yet to be bitten by the yugioh bug.
But as I started to think on it more, Waking The Dragons really is my favorite arc of the original show. Look, it has “dragons” in the title! That's like, a guarantee on 100% more dragons!
I think it’s in the fact that WtD feels like it has the least internal friction between the manga, the anime, and the 4kids dub. Probably because there isn’t a manga to conflict with. The americanized saturday morning cartoon feel isn’t fighting as harshly with the heavier tones, and rather, Dartz’s insane magic atlantis story feels just as natural as Seto Kaiba himself; ridiculous, over-the-top, and perfectly at home in the wild worldbuilding of the universe that runs on card games. Also, as a mythology nerd, this arc completely blindsided me by having a bunch of researched and under-utilized details about its Atlantis, like using Plato’s concentric ring city, non-greco-roman architecture, or the names of the dialogues for the arc’s dragon trinity.
Also, it’s some of my favorite character growth for Yami; forcing him to deal with consequences to his actions. Yugi and Yami are the central duo of the show, yet get very little story diving into their actual interactions and relationship. I really liked getting to see that dynamic explored, as well as Yami’s god-king complex brought down a peg. Good growth, good adventures, and just the thickest veneer of kids television charm.
Listen, sometimes, it’s not about the writing. It’s about how many dragons Seto Kaiba can summon before the building explodes.
Greatest strengths of the series:
Undeniably, its sheer style. Yugioh DM changed the entire definition of shonen drip. Its eclectic mix of occult, punk, and streetwear, with the sharp points of ink and eyeliner alike, really is something to behold. And applaud, seeing as how many works are still drawing influence from it, over two decades later. Duel Monsters really set the bar with such a strong visual identity and I think, without it, the series simply wouldn’t have grown into what it is today.
In terms of writing, the narrative bandies about a strong sense of duality, on what the “good” and “evil” parts of the self really contribute to as whole person. Marik is probably my favorite example, exploring whether that darkness in the soul should be eradicated, even at the cost of ones self.
 And the answer is: it shouldn’t.
Obviously, Yami Marik is defeated because, come on, this is an action driven card game anime, but the idea that og Marik was willing to sacrifice himself to do it. Killing the thing inside you at any costs. Including your own life.
Don’t do it. Instead, focus on making as much of yourself the you that you want to see survive. Overtake the Yami. Preservation of the self is the most radical form of self care, yet also the most difficult and tiring decision one can make. And it’s worth making.
Because there’s always. Always. A chance to heal.
Weakest points:
Those narrative high points, however, do come few and far between. If I could levy one criticism against DM, (as a story, not a show) it’s that it’s long. And it sometimes lacks direction. You really feel as DM violently jerks back and forth between being a pg-horror, an advertisement, a kitschy adventure anime, and a saturday morning cartoon, like a confused bumper car on a rusty track. None of the elements are bad, but they’re all somewhat fighting with each other. They haven’t properly coalesced yet into anything more than the sums of their parts.
The duels haven’t hit their stride yet either. The fights are long, and they rarely feel like they convey anything more than twenty minutes of screentime with a three minute ad break. And there’s so many of them. For every Yugi vs Kaiba, there’s at least a dozen Yugi vs. Random Joe We Don’t Really Care About. Again, early days of the formula, this is very much a trial by fire that will go on to be the foundations of some of my favorite Yugioh Serotonin.
(Also, I have no idea what is actually going on in the final season and at this point I’m scared to ask.)
Most yugioh moment:
When Kaiba loses Battle City, and grumpily announces to everyone that he will now blow up the entire island. Then flying away in a giant dragon shaped jet.
(Kaiba actually contributes to 98% of The Most Yugioh moments in the entire franchise, so I’ve disqualified him from any future runnings but. I can’t deny him his crown, not when I’m standing amidst the landscape of his kingdom.)
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silviakundera · 2 years
when we talk about lgbqt+ persons not forgetting our history, one thing I wish is that we don't forget to watch indie queer cinema from the late 80s, 90s, early 2000's.
They're not perfect: they'll include problematic dialogue, full of cringe, be clearly made with no budget, have hilariously bad wardrobe, feature 2 or 3 actors who frankly... are not good at acting? They will generally be shockingly amateur.
But why they are important is that they were queer stories made by queer people, for queer people. This is community media. There wasn't money or acclaim and no one who made it expected it to be consumed by a large audience. That wasn't the POINT of it. So if it looks amateurish, that's because it is.
There is just something essentially very different about Go Fish, an indie queer movie about lesbians that was meant to create open conversation between lesbians, and a wide-release hollywood action adventure film with a lesbian character. I'm not saying the 2nd thing is worthless. I'm just saying, community media is ALSO of value and it's an important part of our history. Consuming it can tell us about the kind of conversations, arguments, problematic biases, sterotypes, and grudges that the queer community used to have (and will also reveal how long-standing some internal debates are).
Like, I haven't watched Better Than Chocolate in at least 15 years, but I think it would be interesting to view now and consider their portrayal of an amab trans character who, if I recall correctly, considers herself a lesbian.
gay female focus
But I'm A Cheerleader
Better Than Chocolate
Incredibly True Story of 2 Girls in Love
Desert Hearts
Go Fish
Show Me Love
Chutney Popcorn
Claire of the Moon
Girl Play
gay male focus
Beautiful Laundrette
Broken Hearts Club
The Trip
Formula 17
Noah's Arc
Eating Out
Latter Days
Another Gay Movie
All Over The Guy
Staright Jacket
(note, I've intentionally left off products like Personal Best, Philadelphia, Boys Don't Cry, Brokeback Mountain, Bound, and If Walls Could Talk 2 because they weren't indie gays for gays productions.)
I know I'm forgetting a whole bunch and this quick jotting down of names is pathetically American centric because during that era we mostly weren't exposed to international indie films. (since, u know, small budget and not mainstream. this was pre-streaming media.) Feel free to point out what I missed.
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
Now there are more questions in my mind!Why are BTS being pursued by their parents about what career decision they should take?And why that ministry visited Jimin's father and not Jungkook's father?Was there a prior connection there like being friends in personal life? I will not get ahead of myself and swear on Jimin and his father's innocence. But I will give them the benefit of doubt. Corruption and hiding it using seasonal charity is used by most closeted corrupt people so if Jimin is doing it,he will not be the first one in the universe to do it. It's easy to cry defamation and libel when you have money and specially if there is corruption to hide. But there is also a possibility that these are baseless accusations .I guess I cannot reach a conclusion just hearing someone else's opinion.However this now has my interest .I find it abnormal why BTS' parents are dictating or expressing wishes about their sons' careers to their sons so that they fulfil them.
This is borderline anti behavior. Allow me to set you straight here:
Jimin's father was approached by a representative of the government at his public business, was a good host to that person and heard him out, talked about the benefits of the expo for his city, and relayed the message to those involved. You can find this information by googling articles from legitimate news sources.
Nowhere in a legitimate source is it implied that he or JK's father pressured or dictated anything to their sons and it's really concerning your mind would immediately leap there (where the antis are barking). The entertainment industry relies heavily on networking. Even our own White House uses entertainers to relay important messages and drum up support for initiatives (see: Elvis, Johnny Cash, Beyoncé, and BTS).
BTS made the decision to be ambassadors for the expo because it worked for them. No one forces BTS to do anything. The current (conservative) President of the country asked them to perform at his inauguration and they flat-out refused. They always have right of refusal. There is no scandal here.
You don't need to swear on anyone's innocence or guilt. You need to review facts from reputable sources and form an opinion based on careful review of all evidence.
Jimin and his father never breathed a word about their charitable giving. The CHARITIES chose to highlight their involvement and thank them (it's called donor stewardship and it's best practice unless the donor insists on absolute anonymity).
Jimin has never done anything scandalous. He played a forehead-flicking game with a girl at a pub in Paris and he didn't know to pay his insurance premiums because he didn't get his mail, and the SHITSTORM the media caused about these two innocent incidences is disgusting. So when you write "there's a possibility that these are baseless accusations" instead of "there's a possibility these baseless accusations may be true" it lets me know you are already biased to believe the worst.
The GLEE I'm reading from your tone is most concerning--like you're super excited to have a bit of juicy gossip, here. Parents and children in every culture discuss kids' careers and business opportunities--it's normal. Jimin's father is the kind of father who drove his kid to dance practice every day for years even though he wanted him to be a scientist, called his kid every month and brought him food for the whole team during idol training, gives his son flowers and a handwritten note every birthday, texts him encouragement before big concerts, proudly displays his photos and merch and plays his music at his business (even before BTS got famous), and never hesitates to speak well of his son to customers or anyone who will listen. I find it abnormal that you doubt their relationship and integrity--that's really more character revealing of you.
Please check yourself.
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pep-the-artemis · 11 months
What people miss about good/bad representation
On the internet theirs always a lot of talk and debate about representation and what is good and bad representation and what I think a lot of people miss about this is that no individual character constitutes good or bad representation. Good representation is a diverse representation.
For representation to be good, you need a range or characters who are; good/bad; smart/dumb; strong/weak etc... along with how important being a part of the represented group is to the plot/character, some shows it should be a side detail and others it should be a key factor. Speaking from personal experience, as a trans person, I love it when a show has a character who is subtly revealed in a backstory to be trans and then it never be brought up again because far to often for most trans people in media, being trans is a key detail of their character. But if all trans characters were represented like this, I would hate it.
A very common argument which happens a lot is the argument 'women aren't over-sexualised in media, look at all these these men who are over-sexualised' then proceed to show a picture of Chris Hemsworth naked in Thor. The reason this argument doesn't work is because over-sexualisation is disproportionate compared other traits while this isn't present in male representation. Except when used as a character flaw, it is hard to find female characters who aren't over-sexualised to some extent. While with male characters, it's easy to find characters who aren't attractive or are attractive in very unconventional ways because men have a good diverse representation.
When someone talks about a character in media as being good representation of a group what they really mean is that the character challenges the biases of the way the group are generally represented.
But why is not having a diverse representation bad? Its bad because when people consume media, its affects them to an extent and if you keep seeing biases in media you will start conflating that with reality like if you keep seeing women as sex objects in media, eventually you're going to start to some extent viewing women as sex objects. This is generally worse for small minorities because all most people know about them comes from media as most people won't know a person from that minority.
Final note, when talking about diversity of representation it's important to specify which specific mediums like films, comics, anime, etc... or even a organisation like Disney, Dreamworks, or (if someone has a big enough portfolio) individuals. This is because diversity isn't universal to all mediums, anime for example suffers from a far worse over-sexualisation problem of women and underaged characters compared to other mediums but thats a discussion for another day.
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In the case of Habana vs. Robles, copy infringement refers to the unauthorized use, copying, or sharing of someone else's original work. This can have serious consequences for the person whose work was copied without permission. Copy infringement can result in financial loss by causing a decline in sales or missed opportunities for the complainant to earn income from their creative efforts. It can also damage their reputation, as presenting someone else's work as their own or making unauthorized changes to it can lead to a loss of trust and hinder future collaborations. Copy infringement takes away the complainant's control over their work, violating their right to decide how it is used or shared.
In the Newsweek, Inc. vs. IAC case, we decide if information is considered libelous by looking at some important things. We must check if the information is false. If it's proven to be true, it usually can't be considered libelous. The statement must have the potential to harm someone's reputation or make others think badly of them. Additionally, for a statement to be libelous, it must have been shared with others. Private thoughts or discussions don't count as libel. Moreover, the statement should clearly say who it's about. Readers or listeners should easily understand who is being talked about. Lastly, depending on whether the person harmed is well-known or not, we might need to show that the person making the statement was careless or intentionally spreading false information. These things help us decide if information is libelous. It's important to carefully think about the specific details and context of the case to see if the information is true and meets the requirements for being called libelous.
Protecting privacy is really important for everyone because it gives you control over your personal information and choices. Privacy allows you to keep things private and decide what you want to share with others. Privacy lets you be yourself, allows you to freely develop your thoughts, beliefs, and personal identity. Privacy helps keep you safe from harm or exploitation. It stops people from accessing your personal information, like financial details or private data, which could be used for things like stealing your identity or committing fraud. It allows you to express your ideas without worrying about surveillance or unwanted attention. It lets you keep your dignity and guards against unfair judgment.
Ethical principles are important when evaluating content on social media and other platforms. They ensure that the information is accurate, fair, and aligned with ethical values. Ethical principles help prevent the spread of false information and build trust with the audience. Fairness standards promote different viewpoints, which helps us understand events better. Ethical values like sincerity, integrity, and respect for privacy prevent conflicts of interest and maintain professional behavior. Transparency allows the audience to assess the reliability of information by revealing sources and biases. Accountability encourages content creators to take responsibility for their work, address mistakes, and provide channels for feedback. Lastly, diversity and inclusivity principles ensure that different perspectives and experiences are represented, creating a fair and inclusive content environment. In summary, ethical principles help ensure accuracy, fairness, professionalism, transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in the information we consume online.
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taekookibb · 11 months
'I feel sorry for the fans. They are being played like this.'
Clearly, this Anon is not a fan. Whatever the truth is in this situation, statements like the above are entirely selfish imo. All about the fans and how they feel. I'm not a KPopper, I only listen to BTS and Tae is clearly my bias. I'm not taking into account my feelings on the matter cause it's not my life nor my relationship. I'm going to keep supporting Tae. People need to move on from the are they or aren't they. Tae has never lied to us as fans and I think he is the best at setting boundaries. He is loud in who he loves, ARMY, members, and Wooga. Sadly, some OT7 Army don't deserve him cause they are the ones leading the ot6 agenda on their side accounts. None of these guys are virginal angels, like some would like to believe.
Rant over. I know this is a TK space but I felt I needed to share my thoughts whether you post or not. No matter Tae's truth when and if revealed, I will strongly be supporting him.
Hey anon, even if it's not Taekook related, I'm also Tae biased so I'm always up for talking about him ☺
Not to play Devils Advocate here, but I can understand why fans would be upset and feel played by this Taennie thing. The whole thing is weird and confusing. But since we don't really know what's going on, because we can only speculate, it's not necessarily accurate to say fans have been "played."
But it's not like the boys (MEN) of BTS don't know how invested ARMY are in what we know of their real lives. No matter how they portray themselves, we feel like we know them. Even if what we know is all a show and not even legit in the first place. But BTS have always made ARMY such a huge part of their success. They wax poetic about us. They write songs about us. They interact with us on social media. Of course there's going to be this large faction of the fandom that feels like the relationship (parasocial) is valued and important not just for them but for BTS too. So when something like this situation with Taennie comes along, there's going to be some betrayal felt, even if it's not fair to Tae to feel that way. Because, yes, I agree that we should support him and whatever his relationship is.
But it's not necessarily about the relationship, nor who the relationship is with, but how it's all been handed to the fans. If this Taennie thing is real, i'm sure there's a group of fans who would have liked to learn this new development differently. But I also don't think there was any perfect way to do it. No matter how it could have been handled, there was going to be some really unhappy fans no matter what.
Okay, enough of MY rant, lol!
As for how I feel, I like to believe that Tae shows us a lot of who he really is, or tries to. I think it matters to him what we, as fans, think of him. But you're right, he knows how to set the boundaries, and he's never done anything to make us lose faith in him or lose trust in him. That's why I feel like there's a purpose behind this whole thing. Regardless, I love that man no matter what.
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she-scriptures · 1 year
What Is The Importance Of News?
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Being informed is vital to stay connected in our fast-paced world. The news is an essential tool that keeps us updated on the latest events or trends around the globe. The news plays an important role in shaping our perception of the world and influences the decisions we make and our decisions. We will be discussing how news impacts our lives and how important it is.
What exactly is News?
News is information that news reporters or news agencies provide to the public about recent events. You can deliver it through newspapers, TV, radio and the Internet. It covers a wide variety of subjects, such as economics, politics and entertainment, as well as sports, science, and technology.
News is Important
1. Information and knowledge
One of the primary benefits of keeping tabs on the news is the fact that it keeps us informed of the latest developments going on around the globe. News provides us with information about the latest events, issues as well as trends that helps us make better decisions. No matter whether it is about the political climate or financial investments, but being informed can help you make the right decision.
2. Stay connected
It's an effective means of staying in touch with people around the world. It helps us understand the perspectives and opinions of others and fosters a sense of community. It can also help us feel less isolated and feel more part of the global community.
3. Keep Secure
News is also a great way to stay safe. They provide information on natural disasters, crimes, as well as other risks, that will help us plan and take necessary precautions. For example, if an approaching hurricane hits it can inform information on the latest developments as well as advice on how we can stay protected.
4. Empowerment
News empowers us through providing information and knowledge. It helps us understand the world better and gives us the information needed to make educated decision-making. This is particularly important in a democratic society, where an informed electorate is essential for a stable and productive society. Mash viral is an international magazine that shares news and trends about various issues, like entertainment, business, sports, gaming, tech as well as lifestyle, politics and culture. It has been providing valuable information to its readers around all over the globe for years.
5. Accountability
The news media play a vital role in holding those at the helm accountable. In the media's reporting of scandals, corruption, and other misdeeds, the news media can help reveal wrongdoing and ensure the culprits are accountable. This will help to bring transparency and accountability to public and private organizations.
Impact of News Impact of News
It has a profound influence on our lives. It has a significant impact on how we perceive how we think, feel and even act. These are just a few ways the news can affect our lives.
1. Perception
Our perception of news may alter our views of the world. It can highlight specific events or issues but ignoring others. It can result in an untrue perception of the world, and affect our views and beliefs.
2. Attitude
The media can influence our opinions and attitudes on various issues. When the news media report repeatedly on the dangers associated with a drug, this can impact public opinions and lead to changes in policies.
3. Behaviour
The news about trends in society and standards can affect how we behave. When the news stories talk about the dangers associated with smoking tobacco, for example it could encourage smokers to give up smoking or even prevent smoking from beginning.
News is an essential instrument to stay up-to-date and aware of the world. It helps us gain the information we need, as well as empowerment, and it helps to ensure accountability and transparency in our society. Even though the news is not without its shortcomings and biases, it remains a vital element of our life.
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digitaltrades · 1 year
Executive Recruiting Trends to Help You Find the Best Candidates
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Finding the right candidate to join your company is a crucial part of growing. Whether it's a new hire or an acquisition, you need to be able to find candidates that are not only qualified, but also a good fit for your company culture.  Here are some trends in executive recruiting and how Professional Executive Recruiters can help you find the best candidates:
Start with a corporate audit
A corporate audit will give you a complete understanding of the company culture and values, vision, mission, goals and objectives. Who are your competitors? What's the competitive environment like? What about employee retention? In order to understand this information you need to talk with current employees. Having a good understanding of your leadership structure will help you make more informed decisions when it comes time for an interview process.
Utilize unbiased screening techniques
In addition to using an unbiased recruiting and screening tool, you can also take steps to ensure that your job description is not biased. Here are a few tips for doing so: Use gender-neutral language in the job description. If possible, avoid using words like "he" or "she" when describing what the ideal candidate would be like; instead of saying "a man/woman," simply use "candidate." This will help attract potentially more diverse candidates to apply for your position. Also make sure that other parts of your hiring process don't have biased language written into them! Use an objective scoring system for the interview process. When conducting interviews with candidates, make sure each person receives scores based on their performance on certain criteria instead of just being evaluated by one person's subjective opinion—this helps eliminate bias from determining who gets hired (and who doesn't).
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Put diversity first
Diversity is a key component of any successful business. It not only increases the quality of your team, it also improves team performance and morale.  In fact, a recent survey conducted by Forbes revealed that companies with diverse leadership teams perform better financially than those without diversity at their helm.
Standardize Your Search Process
As a hiring manager, you'll want to ensure that the candidates you're interviewing are qualified and fit the criteria for your open position. To do this, it's important that you have a standardized process—a series of steps that follow a similar pattern for each candidate. A standardized process should include everything from job postings to making offers. It should also include onboarding new employees after they've accepted an offer.
Conduct a Comprehensive Search
As Executive Recruiters, it's important to realize that finding candidates with the right experience and qualifications can be a challenge. However, you can use several methods to increase your chances of success. One way is to use social media platforms as an avenue for recruitment. This will help you find individuals who are already in the industry and have relevant skills, but might not be actively looking for new opportunities at this time. You may also want to consider using job as another source of talent acquisition; however, keep in mind that these sources usually only list job openings rather than companies' open positions—so they aren't ideal if you're looking specifically for executive candidates.
If you’re looking for new talent to join your team, it can be easy to get caught up in the sheer volume of resumes and applications that you receive. But what’s important is not just finding a good candidate—it’s finding the right candidate. With these tips, we hope that you can put together an effective search strategy that will help identify talented individuals who will contribute to your company for years to come. Read the full article
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orlintommas · 1 year
The power of decision
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I previously wrote about procrastination and its attributes. Of course, the content that I covered was biased toward my own life experiences. As I stated in my previous post, I am writing guidelines to remind myself what procrastination is and how I can beat it. Procrastination is the opposite of decision (indecision to be precise). But where ever there is indecision, doubt and fear soon follow. That is why it’s important to learn how to overcome indecision. The key to eliminating indecision and in turn eliminating procrastination lies in the power of decision.
“Indecision and procrastination are twin brothers. Where one is found, the other may usually be found also. Kill off this pair before they completely “hog-tie” you to the treadmill of FAILURE.”
Napoleon Hill — Think and Grow Rich
Those who wish to obtain the power to overcome procrastination, have to earnestly and persistently seek to master the power of decision. The richest and most successful people have displayed the particular habit of coming to decisions quickly and being very slow in changing those decisions if they ever decide to change them. To beat procrastination, you must be decisive in your decision-making. But this is a skill that will not come by chance, one must constantly and consciously make an effort to acquire and master it.
Think for yourself
Decision-making demands the ability of one to think for themselves. You cannot permit the newspapers, social media, and the neighbors’ gossiping to do the thinking for you. It is very crucial to keep your own counsel. Do not let the opinions of others influence your decisions because it will rob you of your own desires.
“Opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth. Everyone has a flock of opinions ready to be wished upon anyone who will accept them.”
Napoleon Hill — Think and Grow Rich.
If you want to gain more confidence and have power over your own decisions you must learn to keep your mouth shut and your eyes and ears open. When you talk too much you do very little of anything else. You reveal sensitive information to those who might envy you and wish to defeat you. And most importantly you display the extent of your knowledge or lack therefore. Do not let just anyone enter your confidence, be very selective about whom you chose to disclose things to. Millions of people walk with their heads down due to inferiority complexes inflicted on them by the advice or ridicule of some ignorant but well-meaning person.
“Close friends and relatives, while not meaning to do so, often handicap one through “opinions” and sometimes through ridicule, which is meant to be humorous.”
Napolean Hill — Think and Grow Rich.
Do not be mistaken, making decisions oftentimes calls for great courage. Therefore, I advise you to take at least 2–5 minutes of careful and deep introspection before making decisions. Ensure that you gather adequate information and facts without disclosing too much before making very big decisions. Most importantly, refrain from saying yes to every request for help. This can be tricky but trust me, your peace of mind, sincerity, and decisiveness are largely linked to your ability to say no (this merits an entire post of its own).
You have a brain of your own, use it, shut your mouth, open your eyes and ears and come to decisions for yourself.
Organized planning
Those who want to beat procrastination cannot escape organized planning. You have to learn to not only organize your goals but also learn to organize your day. Decisions become easier when there are not left to chance or “spontaneity” as people love to proclaim. Those who cling to spontaneity must recognize this one fact, organized planning liberates creativity and encourages spontaneity. As paradoxical as that might seem, just slowly let it sink in. When things are planned out you don’t have to worry about running the risk of your mind being clouded by unimportant tasks.
“A schedule defends from chaos and whim. A net for catching days.”
Annie Dillard
Always take the time to plan your day, to plan for that one important task that you must complete in the day to ensure that either your business grows or you grow. It is very important for humans to feel the sensation of accomplishment. Ticking that all-important task from the list is so satisfying and gives your mind room to continue to venture for more creativity and to become more decisive.
“Try to imagine a life without timekeeping. You probably can’t. You know the month, the year, the day of the week. There is a clock on your wall or the dashboard of your car. You have a schedule, a calendar, a time for dinner or a movie. Yet all around you, timekeeping is ignored. Birds are not late. A dog does not check its watch. Deer do not fret over passing birthdays. Man alone measures time. Man alone chimes the hour. And, because of this, man alone suffers a paralyzing fear that no other creature endures. A fear of time running out.”
Mitch Albom
The lack of organized planning is also the major cause of people feeling overwhelmed. Big projects and tasks will always seem impossible at first. They will always reveal to you your lack of knowledge and once you fall into the trap of thinking you can’t do it, then it’s over for you. But every big project or task can be broken up into little actionable tasks that even the most unskilled and unknowledged individual can complete. James Clear states that you can break up any habit into 2-minute actionable tasks. The 2-minute rule is a fantastic rule to live by and when you learn to use it correctly, no task will ever seem impossible.
“This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.”
Deuterononmy 30:19
Life and death are in the power of decision. To defeat humanity’s enemy, old man procrastination, you must call upon the powers of decision. Have the courage to think and make decisions for yourself. Imbue that with organized planning and you will free your mind from senseless worries allowing it to be sharp and ready to make crucial decisions. Remember that the power of decision is not something you can acquire overnight, you must work on it constantly.
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