If I was Apollos Baby Mama that had to go trough nine months of pregnancy and birth just to find out that Apollo can do it himself I would be FUCKING PISSED
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fanfic-obsessed · 18 days
Dawn of Hope
This is going to start in that weird place where we are taking canon and making it simultaneously better AND very much worse.  Also, as always, I may be ignoring or ignorant of some part of canon that contradicts this stuff, forgive me. 
While there are many changs we need to address, the biggest is that Anakin does not choose Palpatine, or Fall, during the fight between the Council and Palpatine (Also, because I truly believe that it is the point of no return for Anakin’s fall, he did not kill the Tuskens). This does not actually make anything better.  
Anakin’s refusal caused the three way fight to last a bit longer, but also ended with Mace Windu’s death. The Force began to scream that Anakin needed to get back to the temple immediately. Anakin disengages from the fight and escapes.  Palpatine let him go, since this was still in line with several of Palpatine's plans (I fully believe that Palapine had a plan for any eventuality). Palpatine calls for Order 66 and Anakin arrives back at the temple mere moments before the 501st.  Anakin is horrified to see his men firing on, and killing, the Jedi in the temple and ignoring his attempts to order them to stop (it is important to note that in this, there is no indication in the Force or their behavior why the clones have suddenly started shooting Jedi; also Fives report in this one was not intelligible enough-due to being drugged-to give either Anakin or Rex information about the chips).  His help gives the appearance that the temple can start evacuating (they rebuffed wave one) and Anakin is told by one of the temple guards that a group of initiates had been locked in the council chambers for safety, but they need a counselor to unlock the door to evacuate them.  
Anakin goes down and unlocks the chamber, and just as the initiates look up at him with hopeful eyes, believing that they have been saved…Anakin is knocked unconscious by the temple guard, who had been one of the guards that betrayed the Jedi. The guard then slaughtered the children (all of them, including Reva as the guard had not been as conflicted) and dragged Anakin away (Palpatine now intended to torture him into Falling) as the other traitor guards disabled the last of the protections for the temple, letting the clones come back in to kill everyone.
 Another change was that early in the war Cody took a hit to the head that, unbeknownst to everyone, broke the chip. The extra time it took for Palpatine to call for Order 66 meant that Obi Wan had reached the upper levels and that Cody had joined him there when the chips activated and every clone, except Cody, started trying to kill any Jedi (for apparently no reason).  Cody and Obi Wan are able to escape, but there is a part of Cody that will never forgive himself for the fact that they both had to kill some of his brothers to do so.  They are able to get to Coruscant, where they meet up with Yoda at the ruins of the Jedi temple.  They see the surveillance video (the clones attacking, the temple guards that betrayed them, Anakin being captured, the younglings being slaughtered). 
The next step is obviously to rescue Anakin. Now both Yoda and Obi Wan are self aware enough to admit that this would have been the goal for no other reason than that Anakin was part of their lineage. However realistically he is also the only other Jedi they know is still alive, a powerful fighter, and would be a devastating enemy if he could be coerced to fall (they do not know for sure that this is the goal, but there are only a few reasons to take Anakin alive). Knowing that they would need to rely on the Force to move quickly Cody is sent to collect Padme before she can be used against Anakin. 
By the time Yoda and Obi Wan find Anakin, he has been tortured but has not fallen. Obi Wan is able to escape with Anakin, though Yoda gives his life for them to do so.   Anakin injuries mean that his remaining flesh arm and his legs have to be amputated. The stress causes the twins to be stillborn and the measures needed to save Padme’s life remove her ability to have any other children.  
Obi Wan and Anakin are the last Jedi in the galaxy at this point. Through chance or circumstance everyone else died in the Purge(This includes Ahsoka. With the extra time and without Rex having knowledge of the chips, she is eventually killed by the clones; the fight did enough damage that the ship still crashed into that moon, killing everyone on board-including Maul).  They are only just able to get the mechanics to replace Anakin’s missing limbs, and the four keep on the move to lay low.  By the time both Padme and Anakin have healed from those first few days, 18 months have passed and the galaxy continues to grow darker. 
Bail Organa’s fledgling rebellion has been found out (a combination of the lack of a daughter had Bail focusing on the rebellion more, and moving just a hair too fast, and Palpatine not having Vader to deal with-both not spending time focused on his recovery and not needing an enemy to point Vader at one he has healed). Bail and Breha have been executed as warmongers and traitors with a Palpatine approved puppet installed as the new ruler of Alderaan. Any friends that any of the four might have had were swept up in the aftermath of the failed Rebellion. 
At the two year mark Palpatine, who no longer has any use for the Clones, as he had recruited a natborn army in the meantime, issues another Order, this time for the last remnants of the GAR to kill themselves. 
Cody is the last Clone of the GAR in the galaxy, and none of four of them know about the chip. 
These four have no friends, no help, and no hope. And they survive in this galaxy where they can rely only on each other for another 8 years.  
In that time neither Anakin nor Obi Wan fall. This is not due to some extra attachment to the light, but the fact that there is nothing the dark can offer them. How do you resurrect an entire culture? Who would they even try to bring back? Because they do not know about the chips, they do not have one person, even Palpatine, that they can blame or get revenge on. 
Also during these 8 years the four form a Force bond, tying their life forces together.  Though the bond is deliberate, and of the Light Side, none of them are quite sure if it is ‘If one dies, we all die’ or ‘we all have to die for one to die’. Frankly, in the galaxy they live in, they figure there is not much difference.  This bond does have the effect of slowing all of their aging to the slowest (Anakin, with his Force connection ages at one third the normal human rate once he reached maturity)
10 years after Order 66 and the Purge, our four feral survivors find an artifact that will take them to a new timeline.  It has not been used often, because there is no control over where or when they will be dropped, there is no way back, and most people do not want to chance that they will end up somewhere worse. Our four are not worried about worse, they know that they have the worst timeline, and they have no one to try and come back to. So they activate the artifact.
It drops them into the canon timeline, during A New Hope, on the Death Star,  just before Darth Vader strikes Obi Wan Kenobi. This derails Old Ben’s attempt at martyrdom. Darth Vader is immediately distracted by Padme Amidala, looking older than he remembered but younger than she should be (had she lived).
As they all recognized an older version of Obi Wan, and guessing that the tall being in black is the bad guy, the four dimension travelers grab Old Ben, the teeny boppers (Luke, Leia, and Han look unbelievably young to them) with the Wookie and the familiar droids (as none of them look like they belong on the Death Star) and hustled them onto to only ship that does not look imperial (A Corellian Freighter) and escape while Vader is staring at the spot where Padme Amidala had appeared. 
The only reason that they were not immediately shot out of the sky is that Vader realized that Padme was on that ship and made sure no one shot the Millenium Falcon. 
The Millenium Falcon, and everyone she holds, escapes. They take some time to make sure that they are not being followed before Han, with input from Leia, sets a course to the nearest Rebel Base. There is enough confusion that he does not even ask about payment. 
Then everyone turns to the four dimension travelers.  Obi Wan, the younger, looks at Old Ben and goes ‘Hello There’ in a tone that is distressingly flirty for a solid half the ship. Anakin rolls his eyes, whacks Obi Wan (the younger) upside the head, and goes ‘set up a threesome between yourself, you husband (Cody), and yourself later’. 
Old Ben looks far too considering for Luke and Leia’s piece of mind. 
It is Padme who introduces the four dimension travelers, with a brief overview that they were from a different timeline.  Upon Padme introducing Anakin, Luke perks up and goes ‘Oh, you’re my father’
Anakin practically squeals with excitement that he (Luke) must be one of the babies (Padme also got visibly excited and interested in the answer), and asks if he is Luke or Leia.  Luke somewhat blankly answers with his name. A moment passes then Luke goes ‘BABIES???’ At the same time Leia goes ‘LUKE OR LEIA???’
At some point in the midst of this chaos Luke manages to tell Anakin that the Anakin was killed by Darth Vader (and clarifies that Darth Vader was the tall fucker in black). 
Both Anakin and Obi Wan feel the wince in the force coming from Old Ben at that statement. Old Ben, for his part, fully expected to be dead before having to have this conversation on ‘from a certain point of view’ with his niece and nephew. He also did not expect to be having this conversation with another version of himself with three people he had loved and lost to decades earlier. 
Old Ben manages to get out a single ‘from a certain point of view’ before Anakin goes ‘Oh, other me is Vader. I Fell’
Old Ben agrees (which increased the Chaos quite a bit and it takes some time for those revelations to sink in). It is at this point here a minor, but somewhat critical misunderstanding occurs. Once Anakin found out that this universe’s version fell, he muttered that it must have been the torture. Anakin has made an assumption that this Anakin was also captured by the Guard and was tortured until he Fell. Old Ben hears this and assumes that his Anakin was tortured to fall at some point before he killed the younglings (in this one Old Ben never found out why his Anakin fell).  Neither are speaking directly enough about what had happened to catch onto the mistake (both had had time to come to terms with what happened, it still is deeply traumatic and neither really wants to talk about it), though it will be resolved quickly and without real drama. 
Padme asks about her own fate, given that it is clear that neither of her children recognize either of their parents by sight. Old Ben says she died in childbirth. Padme, very used to Obi Wan’s ‘from a certain point of view’, drily asked how much Anakin’s fall contributed to her death.  Old Ben winced and admitted to the choking and throwing. 
Old Ben also admits that he has not seen Cody since Utapau.  No one on the ship is aware of the chips, so no one knows to disagree when Cody goes ‘so I went insane with my brothers’. Old Ben, Cody, and Obi Wan compare notes and realize that the clones ‘going insane’ happened a bit later to Obi Wan then it did to Old Ben.  They come to the erroneous, but understandable, conclusion that Obi Wan’s presence when Order 66 went out (not that they know that is what happened) somehow kept Cody from going crazy. 
On the other side of the ship Padme and Anakin are making a concerted effort to get to know their now adult children. 
Then they arrive at the Rebel base and additional, hilarious chaos. The Rebellion expected the Corellian freighter carrying Leia Organa (and were ecstatic that Leia, at least, survived Alderaan destruction) with R2D2 and C3P0.  They neither expected nor did not expect Han, Chewbacca, and Luke. They very much did not expect the Corellian freighter to be carrying: Presumed dead General Anakin Skywalker, Very officially dead Padme Amidala, not one but two General Obi Wan Kenobi (Possibly dead-no one has seen or heard of him in a decade, still has the highest bounty in the Empire; Also visibly different ages), and Cody (who was supposed to be on a mission somewhere in the Cadavine sector and looking much younger than he should). 
Our four dimension travelers are abjectly overjoyed, as anyone they recognize has been dead a long time as far as they are concerned, to see the people of the rebellion. It is in this set of explanations that there are many revelations. Including, but not limited to: Vader’s fall was not from being tortured (Anakin posits that Vader chose to Fall to try and save Padme, then killed her anyway); The revelation about the chips in the Clones; The revelation of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, twin children of Anakin and Padme. 
The Leaders of the Rebellion starts to recall any Force Sensitives, Clones, and anyone who the four dimension travelers would have recognized. There are many happy reunions (including Old Ben reuniting with the Older Cody; which eventually also results in a foursome with the younger Obi Wan and Cody) As soon as it is clear that the dimension travelers intend to stay, the Rebellion starts to plan how to use having 2 Obi Wans, 2 Codys, a non fallen Anakin, and a living Padme in their fight against the Empire (the propaganda potential alone is glorious).   None of them are really in the position to be on the frontlines, but there is still plenty they can help with.
Anakin does put his foot down, that they will not hide that they come from a different dimension. Some of the rebellion had talked at first at playing that the four had been put into some kind of status (since three of the four were presumed dead, and the fourth was also genetically identical to enough people that the stasis is realistic).  Anakin pointed out that doing that would essentially steal Old Ben and Older Cody’s identity. Plus, and this was the argument that actually worked, hearing that Anakin was a dimensional traveler from a timeline where Anakin chose not to fall AND did not cause his wife’s death would both piss Vader off and, possibly demoralize him.
Anakin and Padme take special missions to squash Vaders psych like a bug.
It works.
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augustmarie2022 · 1 month
grief only exists where love LIVED FIRST
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spidersonline · 1 year
Got slapped with the memory of being shown The Bad Seed in psychology class in high school as part of the lesson on how some people are born bad. It was a presby school that was big on calvinism so it makes sense but gee whiz
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shadfinite · 5 months
That person asking for Infinadow kids is making a point. I've only seen like 2 fankids for them. granted the ship isn't that popular.
I mean in my lore their kid is Silver but i'm just not a fankid maker.
in my lore silver is ALSO their kid but theres other lore about shadfinite babies too that I have. I also don't make fankids because god I hate next gen stuff but my shadfinite very specifically both does and does not have fankids. Alien stuff.
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vaugarde · 1 year
im reading this tallstar’s revenge rewrite and in it, palebird and brackenwing have a really nice friendship where bracken defends pale from sandgorse’s pushiness, and since i hadn’t read the original in so long i decided to check their wiki pages out of curiosity, and in the original brackenwing fucking shames palebird for mourning her dead daughter bc “she only knew her for two seconds” and scoffs at the fact that she named her at all? why do the girls in this series hate each other so goddamn much
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artificial-father · 8 months
When your friend, affectionately nicknamed Drugs, accidentally uses a word that triggers your friend who had a miscarriage.
21 CFR 201.19
When Drugs starts telling the story again but this time switches to Spanish to avoid triggering her.
21 CFR 201.16
When Drugs exaggerates a detail in his story
21 CFR 201.6
When Drugs trauma dumps on you afterwards
21 CFR 316
When you find out Drugs is a master criminal on the run from the law.
21 CFR 299
When Drugs is finally arrest for his crimes
21 CFR 290
Drugs was actually framed by the US government as a scapegoat for their criminal drug smuggling rings and financial support of the cartels.
21 CFR 250 (a)
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theslowesthnery · 2 years
I can just see Mohg being an extremely overprotective mom, especially if he's lost babies before. Although I imagine it's a very violent sort of overprotectiveness.
he absolutely is! when the babies are very small he refuses to be apart from them, he doesn't like anyone who isn't their other parent getting too close, and he probably literally carries them around with him if he has to go somewhere instead of leaving them in someone else's supervision. pity the poor fool who makes the mistake of getting too close to the babies - or worse, touching them - without mohg's explicit permission, because mohg will tear them apart like a 12-foot demonic mama bear on steroids. he has exactly zero chill when it comes to keeping his babies safe, and people need to be kept away from them less for the safety of the babies and more for the safety of themselves.
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firelordgrantham · 2 years
why do they have to get so many stillborn kits in Warriors?
I get the appeal of having a character be the only surviving kit of their litter by the time they're apprentice: less characters to develop, more trauma and angst.
But like... why not have them die of greencough or starve during a bad season? why not have one of them get out of the camp and be taken by a fox?
much, much more trauma and angst for the surviving one, and much, much less stillborns for no reasons.
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feralwifey · 1 year
I just don’t think videos about abortion, miscarriage or stillborn babies should be in pregnancy tags :)
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arielles-mommy · 2 years
I feel like I’m living just to keep on getting my heart crushed. Why do bad things always happen to me? Why was I given this life…. I don’t understand… right now nothing makes sense. I miss my daughter. I want her here.. i need her… she should be with her mommy & daddy.
I want to get pregnant again… Obviously not to replace my daughter.. nothing will EVER replace her. I will always long for her & will always wonder what life would be like with her here on earth
Please god, if there is one out there… please let me get pregnant again.
Let me have a smooth pregnancy & give my baby girl an earth side sibling. Please. I will do anything. Anything. I have been wanting to be a mother for so long. Unfortunately this is not how I pictured it… 😭
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thirstghosting · 2 years
trigger warning for the most god awful doctor story I've heard
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augustmarie2022 · 29 days
Jizo statues representing unborn children lost to miscarriages, abortions, or stillbirths.
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thschei · 3 months
I had to stop reading the ema negai translations bc they were making me crazyyyy, they'd be like
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And I'd be like [screams]
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teddytoroa · 8 months
having an incurable autoimmune disorder is like ok do you wanna be in pain and sickly and fragile your whole life? or do you wanna take a potentially toxic medication that will make you sickly and fragile in a different way.
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artificial-father · 2 years
Why would they kill babies in there? It’s called planned parenthood? Planning for being a parent? You sound stupid.
They kill babies?! I was just getting an HIV test.
They kill babies. Hershey’s uses slaves. Nestlé steals water —Nestlé also uses slaves. There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism.
They kill babies?? Like those little things in diapers, with the crawling, and the goo goo gaa gaa? Those kind of babies?? No?
Oh hey, That reminds me of a joke from middle school! You know what’s worse than a dead baby in abortion clinic? A dead mother with a rusty coat hanger up her vagina.
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