capn-o-my-soul · 9 months
misophonia is such a bitch . like what do you mean the sound of someone chewing gum makes me have a mental breakdown and start crying and want to slam my head into wall over and over again until i can no longer hear
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People with misophonia:
We deserve better. We deserve so much more than this. We don't deserve to be mocked and purposefully triggered. We deserve to be respected.
We all also deserve those soundproof headphones and protective ear devices and the freedom to use them whenever we want to and need to.
Not everyone processes sound the way a typical person does. Some of us fucking hate the sounds we hear and would rather not exist in the same room as the sound being made.
I am prevented from normal function by sounds and they cause me overwhelming hatred and/or fear. I become really really overwhelmed and begin to want to not hear anymore. I wish not to have functioning ears. That is how bad it gets. It feels like the sound is piercing through my brain and my ears and it hurts hurts hurts!!!
This is not something someone like me can "forget about" and overcome. Its impossible. I've had it for so long now and found out it has a name. I didn't know it wasn't normal to have severe reactions to sound like dripping water, chewing, chalk on board, swallowing and even breathing. Normal mundane sounds send me crying and begging the gods to remove my ability to hear.
You are strong, fellow misophonia haver.
Love you. (platonic)
-Amber (any pronouns)
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radiomuseum · 1 year
People with misophonia deserve peace in life and love and good things. Simple simple
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a-chaotic-dumbass · 4 months
nothing makes a misophonic girl want to kill more than ppl clearing their throats
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Love love love interacting with other misophonics because to normal ppl I sound like "I want you to choke to death slowly and painfully on that cheeto because I can hear your molars grinding and the rage that is causing me is great enough to kill all gods" and they're like "wtf" but to other misophonics I sound the same but THEY'RE like "haha, yeah"
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ijsschots · 1 year
How stupid of me to think moving house would help against obnoxious neighbors. It's almost 1 am and they are still being loud outside in their garden.
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Once again just wanted to mention that misophonia is the fucking worst.
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nothing like sitting in silence next to the noisiest fun ingredients rank disgusting horrible hideous FICKING SDISGIUSTING SLOPPY SLURPY EATER IN THE FUCKING HISROTR OF THE FUCKING WORLD I FUCMING HATE MYSELF SOMEONE STARVE ME TO DESTH
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fuchstnz · 12 days
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Misophonia Here are my links
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ineloquent-creature · 1 month
if one more man mows his lawn i’m going to mow HIM
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depressed-cowboah · 2 years
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Me? Contributing to the memes?
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My misophonia hurts me every day.
No I don't think therapy will help me.
I'm so tired of it.
I just sometimes wish I could turn off my ears and not hear anymore.
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foone · 8 months
Man, I don't usually think of my writing as being "wish fulfillment", but I just realized that while trying to fill out the back story to explain one reference, I just casually went "yeah the dominant religion in this setting has a priesthood of trans lesbians who think silence is sacred"
I'm just saying, I may be slightly deluding myself about how much I'm "not writing wish fulfillment"
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e-claire · 1 year
Misophonia sucks so fucking hard and no one anywhere ever wants to talk about it. Literally the only people I've ever had listen to me about my Misophonia are other people with Misophonia. So fuck it, Misophonia Awareness Post or something, I want to vent.
Allow me to describe what it is first for all the lucky people who aren't fucked over. Misophonia is likely an Audio-Processing Disorder (Potentially some form of Synesthesia) in which certain sounds trigger a fight or flight reaction. Trigger sounds can vary and sometimes after long term exposure it can create a reaction to the visuals associated with those sounds. It is possibly genetic, there is no known cause, there is no known treatment, there is only suffering and ways of generally kind of reducing that suffering. When I hear people chewing I am filled with a rage that can only be described as "Bordering on a primal desire to Kill." and there's nothing I can do about that. A family member or friend takes a bite of something crunchy and I have to sit there and exist with thoughts of pounding their fucking skull into paste with my bare god damn hands and then afterwards I have to go back to "being normal". I have to just pretend that didn't happen, I can't do anything with those emotions, I can't put them anywhere, I can't talk about them with anyone or gain any understanding or sympathy from others for having them.
When I see someone chewing food anymore it's borderline impossible for me to remain in the room with them for any more than a few seconds because the mere sight of them chewing makes me physically ill and inspires in me a sense of deep disgust and panic that I could never ever hope to describe.
I tell people about what it's like and I get one of four reactions :
"Oh I think I have that too" With a weird amount of curious excitement at the concept of having a fun new quirky thing to mention in conversations. This means that they don't have it, and they'll then proceed to list off a couple different things that literally no human being likes to hear and how much that thing "annoys them". This makes me want to kill myself.
"Wow, Yikes." Through a grimace. This means I was too open about how it makes me feel and they now think i'm a either a freak, liability, time bomb, or over-dramatic, and will do everything they can to avoid the subject in the future so that I can't make them uncomfortable. This makes me want to kill them AND myself.
Immediately eats something really loudly to set me off as a "joke". This means that they're an obnoxious piece of shit that I have to try my absolute hardest not to beat to death with my bare hands. This makes me want to kill them, if that wasn't already obvious.
"Oh. So that's what this is called." This means they have it, and we can both engage in a brief period of mutual trauma sharing that helps us know we're not alone, and that our curse is unfortunately shared with others. This makes us both somewhat melancholy, and kinda ruins the vibes until something fun happens.
And then we get into the "How do you make the pain stop", and good news! You can't. There is no way to make it stop. But you can make it hurt less with ✨Spending Unbearable Amounts of Cash✨
You can buy a billion different types of earplugs that will all do great at muting the world but always leave you incredibly unaware of the world around you and leave you fucked in-terms of listening to media.
You can buy normal headphones that will kind of work but never mute the world around you anywhere near enough and vaguely frustrate you constantly, but hey at least you're a bit more accessible! Try combining these with a combination of rain and static noise playing at all times in the background for an extra layer of silence :)
You can buy ANC headphones that cost infinitely too much money and are almost always built to break so that they can farm cash from you in repairs, but the ANC is so useful despite not working perfectly that you can't really exist without it so you're gonna spend 200+ dollars every couple years because you don't have a choice, and spend every single day 24/7 wearing hot heavy over-ear headphones! Use the Rain and Static Noise combo with this as well for the best ANC effect.
And inevitably, all of these options will give you hearing problems, potentially make you aware of new trigger sounds, and always leave you a step behind everyone else when a conversation happens. Pro-Tip : For when the sounds are really intrusive and you're on the verge of a breakdown, Combine ANC with Ear Plugs and the R&SN background audio to basically kill noise in it's entirety for a little while :)
Listen to us. Don't ostracize us for experiencing emotions we can't control and don't mean or want to act on. If you can, try your best to do the trigger noises quietly, and try your best not to do the trigger visuals in-front of us. We know it's not something you can control entirely, but if you can make the effort to make our lives suck less, we'll really fucking appreciate it.
And if you try to get back at us during a fight by eating something really crunchy to abuse our disorder for your benefit, I swear to god I will hunt you down personally and subject you to the most violent and painful torture I can manage before killing you and hiding your body somewhere no one will ever find it so that your loved ones never have the closure of knowing if you died or if you're still somewhere out there. Thanks for reading even though I know you didn't because the length of this post is frankly unhinged and i'll probably only get like 2 likes at best.
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scoutpologist · 10 months
okay im feeling so fucking emotional about having this weird ass disorder so everyone is gonna have to deal with me talking about it. what they don't tell u about misophonia is how fucking lonely it is to have it. even with just the one trigger, i have it at the extreme, and it means i can't eat with other people at all. if i'm forced to, i have to block out all noise and be viscerally uncomfortable. even without being able to hear it, i know it's there, and it fucking ruins me.
people talk about the love that's present in eating with people, in sharing a meal. i don't feel that love. i wish i could feel that love. all i am is afraid. in public spaces, i'm terrified that someone will start chewing something and i'll get triggered. in class, i had to sit there and sob quietly to myself, digging my nails into my arms to stop from screaming. "cool" teachers who let students eat in class became teachers i despised.
when i say it's bad, i mean it's bad. at my worst, if forced to listen for more than a minute, i will quickly go to level 10 on this scale. it's horrifying! it's awful! at times i've wished i couldn't hear at all!!
and like... so few people talk about us. so few people care about us. i'm in so much pain and i'm so lonely because all people want to do is eat with other people and that is the one thing i can't do!!! and at best people have never heard of it, but at worst they try to purposefully trigger me (which is a quick way to make sure i never trust you again. it's one of the worst kinds of betrayal for me).
this is a big part of my life that is literally disabling and i get so tired of people not understanding or not caring or not even remembering and triggering me anyway. it's exhausting. i can't even blame them most of the time, because of how weird of a trigger it is, but it weighs on you after the tenth time someone accidentally triggers you and you've had to remind them over and over and over again.
if you have misophonia, i want you to know i love you and i'm here for you. we're in this shit together. this condition can literally kill people, or make us wish we were dead, and we deserve so much better than that. we will survive, we will be okay, and we will find people who care, even if it's each other.
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lesbiansupavillain · 4 months
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Lol. I love my snakes <3
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