#miss my dad
aworldoffandoms · 7 months
I read With Every Heartbeat again....and I'm sobbing.
Still such an amazing story with well-rounded and relatable characters as well as beautiful, emotive writing.
I loved it then and I love it still.
Dakota Winchester is an inspiration.
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ailsa143 · 6 months
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When I was in the hospital with my dad, I had very interesting dreams in the little bit of sleep I got. It was all the same continuous dream though. Him, marching through a field. You could tell he knew where he was going, like he had seen it before. There was no end in sight, but it didn’t discourage him he just kept going. It was this dream that brought me just a bit of peace in all the heartbreak and chaos. Every time I woke up it would startle me to be back in the hospital room and I would cry because I just wanted to stay in that field. It was jarring to come back to reality, like I was temporarily sucked into a different world wherever he was going and just watching him start the journey. I like to think that he made it beyond the field, to another, beautiful and peaceful place where he could just be. Just peacefully be. Personally, I think he was showing me where he was to soothe my aching heart. You can believe whatever you’d like but I saw that field. I saw it multiple times and I heard the music ringing through and I KNOW the way my heart felt. It was unlike anything I had ever dreamt of before. I’ve been wanting to share for a while I just didn’t know how to express it, but thankfully that’s what art is for, right?
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swift-gurl-blog · 1 year
*Carlie's Version* Taylor Swift Karaoke! 💋
This pulls at my heart. 💔 My Dad died and this song reminds me of him. Bringing tissues for all my issues at The ERAS TOUR! 😭
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#Bigger Than The Whole Sky
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buddyhollyscurls · 5 months
Happy Thanksgiving I have a story for yall so my two big brothers were here today and as we're sitting down to eat my oldest brother goes to his car comes back and hands a bag to my mom. She looks at it like huh? But then suddenly she gasps and is like no puede ser ... and I'm like what it is? She goes his (my dad) wedding ring...
My brother then goes yeah he never took it off
I had to keep from crying right there
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supersleepysnail · 8 months
I wish I would have been told the last time my father carried me inside from falling asleep in the car, I would have savored the taste and held on to it I swear it.
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wendykw · 10 months
Father's Day without my Father
It's Father's Day and my Dad passed away more than 20 years ago. I keep thinking about how lucky I was to have a father who was a good man, a good husband, and a good father. We were at the edge of poverty for all of my childhood. Still, my parents made sure we had access to being in the Scouts, being in the band, and going to college. I know they refinanced the house to get money for my siblings to go to college. The VA home loans were a blessing. I got a scholarship, because my Dad knew if I didn't get a job at 16 like my older brothers had, I'd have the grades to get a scholarship. I think having the extra time for multiple extracurricular activities made getting that scholarship even easier.
For my 12th birthday, I got a flute. My siblings chose instruments that could be rented, but I wanted a flute. When I was in the 9th grade, I was asked to the school dance. My aunt made me a dress. On the day of the dance, Dad came home & I was having a meltdown about not having any shoes that were appropriate for a dance. He didn't even change out of his work clothes, he just told me to come with him. He took me to Pic' & Pay shoes to get shoes. It was a big deal to spend that money.
When my 1st husband died when I was 25, that was the first time I saw my Father cry. It was at the funeral, while he held my hand.
I miss my Dad today. I miss my late 2nd husband, too. He was a single Dad of 2 little girls, when I met and married him. I've been blessed in this life.
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obsess-d · 2 years
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magfairycircles · 1 year
Everyday I become more like my dad.
Phone close to my face to read the tiny print
Standing too close to the TV
Driving while yelling on the phone
Considering rewatching Dr. Who
Forgetting where I put my keys!! Where are my keys!!
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eugwynsue · 1 year
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My Dad passed away 12-3-2022. I am struggling with grief, with isolation, with loneliness, with the Holidays, with self realization. The reality of well-meaning people saying “if you need anything, I’m here” is it’s only meant if it’s not an inconvenience. I am just as guilty. I get it…everyone is busy, especially this time of year. Work, family, holiday obligations…I get it. So I’ll put my brave face on and struggle and grieve alone in private.
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paulynhah · 1 year
21 de janeiro de 2022. Último dia que meu pai ficou em casa. Foram cerca de 5 dias de febre alta, cansaço absurdo, dificuldade para pensar e falar... e depois ele foi para o hospital e não voltou mais pra mim.
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boredelle · 1 year
I miss my dad so much. It’ll be 9 months in a few days. He’s always on my mind, but it seems like the past week has been worse.
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iheartliquor · 2 years
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rabbitheartedfool · 2 years
sometimes i wish someone would just offer to make me a grilled cheese for no reason
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trixiesol-blog · 2 years
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missaliceliddell001 · 2 months
Entre la Melancolía y la Belleza de los Sueños
En el silencio de la noche, cuando las sombras se funden y los susurros del viento nos envuelven, emerge un viaje efímero: los encuentros con los seres amados que ya partieron. Estas visitas en el mundo de los sueños, como destellos fugaces en la oscuridad, nos sumergen en un mar de recuerdos y emociones, donde la alegría se mezcla con la tristeza en un baile etéreo.
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Querido Papi,
Hoy, entre las brumas de mis sueños, te he encontrado una vez más. Ha sido un encuentro cargado de nostalgia, donde tu presencia efímera me recuerda la ausencia que pesa en mi corazón. En este trance nocturno, tus palabras susurradas y tus gestos familiares avivan la llama de la memoria, recordándome que la separación física no borra el lazo indeleble que nos une.
Cada vez que tus sueños me visitan, siento cómo el peso de la realidad se desvanece por un instante, permitiendo que nuestros espíritus se rocen en la penumbra. Pero al despertar, la realidad se impone con crudeza, recordándome que el abrazo que anhelo es solo un eco en la oscuridad, una ilusión efímera en el vasto universo de los sueños.
Hoy, más que nunca, he aferrado tu recuerdo con la fuerza de quien se aferra a un sueño que se desvanece al despertar. Aunque la distancia física nos separe, sé que tu presencia sigue resonando en los rincones más profundos de mi ser, como un eco lejano que se niega a desvanecerse.
Te extraño con la pesadez de la noche sin estrellas, pero sé que mientras nuestros encuentros sigan tejiendo susurros en el tejido del tiempo, nunca estaré solo. Te recuerdo, en la quietud de la noche, en la suave brisa que acaricia mi rostro.
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trashmakerarticle · 6 months
Everyone thinks that dick was the golden child when in reality it was Jason.
Clark: Bruce who was your favourite robin?
Dick: obviously it’s me?
Tim: it’s dick
Damian: I am superior robin, it will be me.
Bruce: it’s Jason
Everyone: WHAT?!?!???
Bruce: why are you so surprised? He didn’t jump on too my chandeliers which I had to replace each week
*everyone looks at dick*
Bruce: he didn’t drop out of school
*everyone looks at tim*
Bruce: I didn’t have to stop him from killing everyone who annoyed him
*everyone looks at Damian*
Bruce: in fact, he enjoyed school and handed all his homework in on time, we would spend hours in the library reading his favourite classics. He even helped Alfred with most of the cooking, He was my little boy
Jason: stop spreading lies, I hate you go away
Bruce: my precious little boy
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