#ml Adoration analysis
The days Zoe loved Marinette
In "Adoration", Zoe reveals to Marinette she had been secretly in love with her since the day they met. Marinette might have felt surprised to learn that she was the ninth grader Zoe was in love with all along, but it wasn’t long before Marinette's moment of surprise quickly turned to realization as she thought back to the time they shared together and realized it was obvious from the start that Zoe was in love with her, it’s just that no one thought to take notice.
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Aside from Andre, no one else knew Zoe was in love with Marinette, but looking back, a lot of things that happened around Zoe in past episodes, make a lot more sense now.
Zoe met Marinette the day she arrived to Paris in "Sole Crusher," and at the time, no one knew who she was, making it all the more pleasant for Zoe as it was a brief window of opportunity to show her real personality, before having to hide it to fit the standards of the Bourgeois. Meeting Marinette was a complete contrast to what Zoe normally experienced, but was overall a moment Zoe felt she could genuinely just talk to someone without fearing the consequences that would come from allowing herself to be vulnerable enough to act more like herself.
Obviously Chloe did not hesitate to judge Zoe the moment they met, even threatening to send her back to New York if she didn't fit the family standards, while Audrey in turn saw nothing wrong in Chloe's methods and was more than willing to agree with Chloe for the same reasons. But with Marinette, everything was different. Marinette didn't judge Zoe, she looked at her with honest eyes and noticed she had her unique qualities, but also her share of struggles, all things Chloe and Audrey were quick to reject and ignore, from the unique shoes on her feet, to the way she hinted about her life in New York being anything but happy. Marinette listened to Zoe, she wanted to understand her, and despite not knowing much about her, there she was ready and willing to not only gift Zoe pastries as a way of welcoming her to Paris, but to also ensure the two of them would keep in touch by exchanging numbers.
Marinette gave Zoe her number on a box of macaroons, but it was her heart felt attempts to keep Zoe's number as close to her as possible, on the palm of her hand, that truly made Zoe realize Marinette was a kind and considerate person who wanted to befriend her, rather than expect her to be a certain way in order to obtain that friendship. But in actuality, this little moment always had more to it than the start of a friendship, it was the start of something more. Not long after Zoe wrote her phone number on Marinette's palm, Zoe BLUSHES, hinting she was not only falling for Marinette the moment they met, but that this new love she felt would grow the more Marinette reached out to her and saw through her attempts to fit in with her family, understanding there was something holding het back from being who she truly wanted to be.
(In "Sole Crusher", Zoe blushed at Marinette, revealing the beginning of her love towards Marinette.)
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(In Sole Crusher, after Zoe arrived at the Collège Françoise Dupont and felt compelled to insult Marinette to please Chloe, it was Marinette, the one girl who actually got to know her, who understood something was wrong and who was unwilling to push her away without hearing her out.)
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 Although Zoe believed she had no other choice but to accept the same fate Andre had, as he too accepted long ago that he would need to abandon his dreams and much of who he was so he could shape himself to fit the standards of the Bourgeois family, it was Marinette who once again tried to reach out to her and told her what she was too afraid to tell herself, that no matter the consequences she feared, she always had a choice to just be herself.
After Zoe was akumatized into Sole Crusher, Shadowmoth pointed out that Zoe was weakening the more she listened to Marinette's words, and of course she did, this one girl(Marinette) whom she had fallen in love with, knew exactly how she was feeling, how frustrated she was to have to hide herself from others and constantly put on a show to pretend her life was fine. And of course Marinette understood how Zoe felt as well as the life Zoe was living, because she too was living that very struggle everyday of her life as Ladybug, and had already known all too well what it was like to have to live a life where she was controlled and judged by Chloe, who expected her to fit the role she had made for her.
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(Back in "Heart Hunter", Marinette opened up about her frustrations, one of which was being unable to just be herself, of always having to pretend she was fine for fear of the consequences.)
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 Marinette didn't want Zoe to live with the same lonely struggle she had, to constantly hide from others, which is why she was so determined to reach Zoe/Sole Crusher and tell her she didn't have to hide her true self while in Paris.
Marinette did say there would always be someone there to help Zoe up when she is down, if she took that chance to open up to people who actually cared about others, and at the very least, Zoe could place her faith in knowing that someone like Marinette, who never gave up on trying to reach out to her, really would always be there for her, and she was, from the very moment they met.
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At the end of "Sole Crusher'', when Zoe shared the macaroons Marinette gifted her with everyone at Anarka's boat, who welcomed her with open arms, there was a subtle moment where Zoe's eye's remained focused on Marinette, that look was not just out of friendship, it was out of love for the girl who gave her the life she never thought she could have.
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We even see Nino pointing to a rainbow on the title screen as Zoe happily stood beside him, a hint that Zoe was LGBTQ+. Zoe loved Marinette the day they met, but there was just one problem, it was entirely one sided as Marinette was already in love with Adrien.
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Back in "Transmission", when Zoe found out that Marinette was struggling with her love life, she did not hesitate to reach out to her to help. Of course, the situation surrounding Marinette and Adrien's love life was no easy matter to sort through and understand on account of their secret lives as heroes, but out of everyone in their social circle, it was Zoe who said she knew perfectly well just how complicated love can be. She knew because she was secretly facing a complicated love of her own, towards Marinette, that entire time.
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And sure, Zoe still had her issues with her family to sort through, but it was precisely her love for Marinette that eventually helped her find the courage she always had to stand up to all of them, and learn to not let their threats continue to control her.
To be the one whom her family mistreated was one thing, but to watch her family mistreat the girl she loved was not something she could bare to stand and watch, which is why in "Deflagration", Zoe took any fear and doubt she had over facing Chloe, and threw it straight out the window, refusing to stand by any longer as Chloe attempted to humiliate Marinette during her special lunch with Adrien. Chloe's threats might have proven effective in the past to make Zoe grovel for forgiveness, but in that moment, Zoe could care less, she’d rather get sent back to New York than have to stand by and watch the girl she loved cry.
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(In Transmission", Zoe found the courage to stand up to Chloe for Marinette's sake, and even though she quickly realized she may have to face severe consequences for it later, to see Marinette smile happily at her, thanking her for what she did, made it feel it was all worth while if it meant she helped the girl she loved.)
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As tough as it must have been watching Marinette fall head over heels for Adrien, even helping in any plans to help her get closer to him, the one thing Zoe had that likely eased her heartache, was knowing that Marinette was still part of her life and had found happiness with someone who loved her just as much as she did.
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In "Adoration", Zoe saw picture after picture of Adrien that Marinette owned, she saw Marinette's constant flustering and embarrassment towards him, her little sketches, her writings and talks about what their future together would be like, Zoe watched it all, and even though she knew every action and every word that came out of Marinette was for someone else, Zoe never reacted negatively towards it, instead, she smiled, smiled at how all those things made Marinette happy and larger than life. At the end of "Adoration", Zoe said she felt there was no point in telling Marinette she loved her if she was already in love with someone else, that doing so would only change, or even ruin, things between them, but thankfully, Marinette thought otherwise
In many ways, Marinette knew the kind of heartache Zoe felt, because she faced the same thing in the season 3 finale, when she tried to give up on telling Adrien she loved him and instead watched him drift towards Kagami, someone she thought Adrien loved and would love him just as much as she did in return.
Yeah, Marinette's situation with Adrien wound up working out as she realized he always loved her, but had she been in the same position Zoe was in, then she would have wanted to take the chance to tell the person she loved how she felt if they were willing to give her that chance, to finally have that weight lifted from her shoulders and allow her to move on with her life, and that is exactly what she gave Zoe, a chance in knowing the person she loved would be willing to listen to her confession.
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At the end of "Adoration", Marinette gave Zoe the chance to speak her feelings, and despite Zoe's fears over what could have changed between them as friends in the process, thankfully, nothing did. If anything, the only change that did occur between them, was added respect towards one another in knowing they had both grown as people. Marinette never made any elaborate plans when she thought Zoe was in love with Adrien, and Zoe never broke the boundaries of their friendship to try and make Marinette fall in love with her. The two of them never lost sight of each other and accepted they both needed to be considerate of one another and be clear on how they felt. Marinette couldn’t reciprocate Zoe’s feelings, but this didn’t change the fact that she still loved her just as much as any other good person in her life, she loved everything Zoe did to make her feel better and appreciated everything Zoe did to look out for her in her most dire of times, such as when Chloe blamed her for stealing. Instead of ignoring Zoe’s confession, Marinette chose to acknowledge Zoe's feelings, giving her a proper rejection.
(Despite not feeling romantically drawn to Zoe, Marinette was still flattered by someone as wonderful as Zoe would fall in love with her.)
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Zoe was always aware her love towards Marinette was entirely one sided, and even though she knew a romantic future with Marinette would never be possible, to know that Marinette valued her so much and thought so highly of her, meant more to her than anything, giving her the peace she never knew she wanted, and the confidence she needed to keep being that amazing girl Marinette said anyone would be honored to be loved by.
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familyagrestefanblog · 11 months
There is this ongoing thing with Adrien drawing back from kissing Marinette all the time, which at this point in "Collution" doesnt make sense anymore as him just 'backing out'. "Emotion" too brought this up already as legitimate issue Adrinette is going through that after the ending of "Adoration" every single time Adrinette tried to kiss, Adrien stopped it and even ran away.
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This is a great opportunity for me to FINALLY talk about this massive subtext plot that started for real with the end of "Adoration" but up til now I didn't know from which angle I should approach an analysis post about it. This kissing detail being back and visually more elaborated on is EXACTLY what I needed!
In "Collusion" we see that Adrien's facial expression looks like as if an older order put in him is lighting up for a second preventing him from kissing her:
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I mean, the shot composition is even purposfully leading your eyes towards Adrien's head with the background wall for example. It's clear who you're supposed to focus on the most.
"Emotion" already implied it through dialog but "Collusion" now pretty much proves that the one time on-screen we saw Adrien draw back from Marinette in "Emotion" wasn't merely caused by the damn phone (although this isnt the first time something weird happens with Adrien's phone this season) or an order somehow given in real time as one would assume, every single time after "Adoration" where Adrinette tried to kiss, Adrien seems to be stopped by an order Gabriel gave him after Gabriel turned Adrien into a puppet in the end scene and Marinette was so worried about if Adrien might be in danger in his home, but tried to remain hopeful:
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This is something I figured for a while now. That we were supposed to feel exactly what Marinette is feeling here. She has no idea if Gabriel is doing something to Adrien and if its bad. She is the the outside person, she doesnt know whats happening in that house and she can't help Adrien once he's in it alone with his father. All she can do is hoping that there is another explaination.
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Though that turns out to be wishful-thinking, because "Emotion" in fact has already told us that Gabriel did something to Adrien on this evening in "Adoration" after Adrien was forced back inside and Gabriel kept on and on twisting and using the ring while creeping backwards where WE know exactly that Adrien has just returned inside. They would have met in the foyer.
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There is nothing far-fetched about a conversation having taken place once Marinette was gone and in my opinion it feels more like wishful denial to say that Gabriel 100% totally did not go to talk to his son. I mean, Adrinette was straight up about to have their first kiss right in Gabriel's view and that right after the events of "Protection", the episode right before "Adoration":
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Re-enforcing to Adrien through harsher means to not be in a relationship with Marinette seems like a fitting punishment order Gabriel would pull after "Adoration's" horror show ending.
Give me a logical reason for why that wouldnt have been a realistic thing to happen? A reason that please isnt rooted in the logic of "we didnt see it when we followed Marinette's pov and therefore nothing happened". Cause I sure followed Marinette's pov and she ended this episode very alarmed and concerned.
Alarmed and concerned for a very good reason. The entirety of "Emotion" then goes on and on and ON about asking WHY Adrien is acting so weird and WHY he hasn't told Marinette about the Diamond Ball:
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This question is a central theme all through the entire episode, and in the end the truth about Adrien's silence gets revealed.
Marinette herself has no idea and everyone else in this episode is also just giving their best guess of what makes the most sense for them. But that doesn't mean anybody actually got this right. And we know that because in the end Adrien outright SAYS that he didnt mention it because his father ORDERED him not to:
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And then Adrien's and Gabriel's father son talk elaborates on that further from Gabriel's perspective:
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I don't know what to tell you, it's right THERE. Adrien did not tell Marinette because Gabriel forbit it. It was an order Adrien couldnt go up against because it explicitly stated that Adrien is not allowed to tell Marinette specifically about the Diamond Ball. And as we saw in "Emotion" this order manifested in Adrien panicking around Marinette and lying in a way that at least somewhat still contained the truth:
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I really find it upsetting when people victim-blame Adrien for not rebelling and "being brave" the way Félix and Kagami do (or even worse, compare him to Marinette who isnt a Sentihuman at all) because unlike them Adrien is not wearing his own amok AND is unfortunate enough to have both his parental figures wear them, so of course there are alot of direct interactions.
But if that one moment in "Collusin", where Adrien talks back at his father, indeed showcased Nathalie giving Adrien the means to really fight back for a moment by having laid her ring hand on Adrien's so one of his amoks would for the first time touch his skin and making it possible to nullify Gabriel's order depending on how passionately Adrien is against it, then this was a first taste of what Adrien would be like if he were given full control over himself:
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Nathalie did that on purpose to protect Adrien from Gabriel and enable him to choose his own happiness as Emilie wished, which is what we saw moments before:
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Adrien in "Emotion" and "Pretention" was not a 'coward', that is such disgusting victim-blaming against a person who is literally mind-controlled by their parent without even knowing it for their entire life. It's like giving Kagami shit for giving her amok back to her mother when Tomoe demands it, as if Kagami KNOWS that her ring holds her entire mental and physical autonomy. These poor children have it horrible enough being literally almost enslaved to their parents demands from the day they were born for some sort of sick purpose. Cool that Marinette doesn't have that problem at all and Félix doesn't have it anymore so THEY are able to do whatever they want, but they have no business being held as the golden standard.
This is about Kagami and Adrien who are still being taken advantage of and lied to ever since birth from the people who are supposed to love and protect them. Yes, they act weird and nerve-wreckingly sometimes and in ways that apparently dissappoints you because - of course - if you were a Sentihuman half enslaved and kept in the dark by your parent you would just choose to not have those problems, no biggie, but unfortunately Adrien and Kagami arent you.
They're weird and frustrated. Weird, frustrated, exhausted and abused little half-slaves, left in the dark and still minors so they cant escape anyway.
These things matter.
DETAILS matter.
Details like between the ending of "Adoration" and "Emotion" the episode has Marinette tell us that there was a time skip we didnt see in which Adrien has been acting very weird:
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New and suspicious extremes MATTER.
Gabriel crossed a massive line by turning Adrien into a literal puppet at the end of "Adoration" seemingly for the first time from a further distance, since this seems to be the first time THIS happened in Adrien's head:
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The fact alone that this was the instance where Gabriel crossed such a fundamental line is already a give-away that whatever is about to follow from Gabriel as Adrien's father from this moment onwards will be on an even more extreme layer of abusive. Which we know to be true from all the episodes afterwards.
But even if you wanna ignore all that, Marinette is then increasingly more worried about Adrien's safety in his home and everything regarding his father and has to truly face for the first time her underlying fear of "what if Gabriel isnt just a bad father?" and "What if Adrien is even being hurt in some way?" although she tried to approach it from deflecting angles until Gabriel talked to her in "Pretention".
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But more and more Marinette is learning in what hellhole Adrien has been living in for all his life.
Because, you know, that is the case with highly abusive parents and its something one very likely has to face when one enteres a relationship. This is perfectly realistic, just the abuse method is fantasy. Something the show is not yet letting any of the children besides Félix know yet.
But we KNOW that Adrien is a Sentihuman at his abusive father's mercy and "Emotion" tells us that Marinette's concern at the end of "Adoration" was correct. Gabriel DID do something to Adrien but we, just like Marinette, couldnt fully see it because the biggest portion of the abuse happened behind closed doors as most abuse does. And Marinette, just like us, was left wondering what just happened to Adrien when she saw something disturbing happen to him which may stand in connection to his father.
And she, just like us, asks herself if he's even safe living with this man (no he isnt) when THIS is what happend to Adrien just being near his home and father:
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And just like Marinette WE were supposed to find Adrien's silence after this concerning. Marinette read this correctly but she doesnt know yet how to properly interpret all of Adrien's types of silence and the family contexts surrounding it.
Adrien didnt tell Marinette about the Diamond Ball because Gabriel silenced his son, something that Adrien himself wouldnt properly recognize as such and only blames himself for as a failure on his part.
Who cares what the other characters' guesses are for why he didnt say anything? The only two people who truly know why Adrien didnt tell her are Adrien and Gabriel themselves because that's the abusive parent and his abused child. And that's the truth Marinette should be after. Not the one she prefers to be true and she is finally making good progress on that front.
And we can take the silencing in "Emotion" even further, because that wasn't the only time skip + silencing situation we had.
Just like in between "Adoration" and "Emotion", there is yet another significant time skip very cleverly handled - and almost hidden - between "Emotion" and "Pretention". We know that there is a time skip because once again Adrinette tells us:
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Honestly, no doubt they will go back to these important time skips in season 6 or 7, there is so much important Marinette development for her love-related anxiety alone deliberately skipped before and after "Emotion" because of what it was entangled with. Not to mention everything else!
Optional rant ahead, I need to get this out of my system for a second: "Emotion" still barely makes sense and dont get me started on Félix! When do you think he fell in love with and stalked Kagami besides in the time skip? He wasnt in love with her before he found out at the diamond ball that she's like him, he probably barely made anything of her when he thought her to be a "normal human". Kagami and Marinette were not part of Felix' plan, Kagami he only just found out is a sentihuman too and therefore deserving of concideration for him, and Marinette wasnt even supposed to be there!
I swear, "Emotion" and the time skips before and afterwards are driving me crazy. I have to make a seperate post for the Felix and Amilie stuff alone and Adrien too was just plain weird in that episode with no proper explaination besides for the little amout that was required to make this work for Marinette's outsider perspective who doesnt know what's going on inside those families anyway. Félix apparently was gone for WEEKS and apparently both Adrien and Kagami knew that because they werent surprised hearing that and neither Gabriel nor Tomoe seemed to care that Amilie went off on Gabriel about it in infront of their children.
Félix was gone for weeks. Adrien knew it. And then we see Adrien immediately recognizing Félix as peacock miraculous holder even despite the magic; not being too surprised seeing Felix there transformed and AT ALL when he should be missing and is willing to go to him in a friendly enough and trusting manner despite that being weird too with no context! Félix is a completely new person who suddenly is aware that Adrien has always been a victim caught in a hellhole with Gabriel and what the fuck was that fake miraculous ring from Adrien Felix had?
Screw you, something happened there in this time skip before "Emotion" and we only got to see the tip of the ice berg! And screw this show for barely giving context for anything in "Emotion" yet because we are stuck with Marinette as main character and Adrien didnt wanted to involve her in his family shit because why would he?
*GROAN* I'm turning grey because of this damn show...
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What "Pretention" does very cleverly is picking up the same character goals established at the end of "Emotion" prior and starting this episode with it. But that doesnt mean at all that this is the next day. NOTHING about what Adrinette tells us about how Gabriel now breathes down their necks makes sense if this is merely the next day:
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It's at the very least a couple of days and that's being VERY generous. I'm personally putting it at one week. That would mean Gabriel is being increasingly more of an ass for one school week where Adrinette has to get more and more creative (and Adrien ending up knowing when his father is busy) and at the beginning of the second Marinette has had it. One week is also a perfectly reasonable timeframe for the kids to put off talking to Gabriel and Tomoe while its also a realistic point in time where you would draw the line and motivate yourself again to finally do it.
Kagami's dialogue is the factor that very cleverly tricks the audience into thinking it can just be the next day since Kagami is "oh so much braver than Adrien who doesnt dare to talk to his father", which the episode then subverts by showing that Kagami rightfully fears her mother too and shouldnt be concidered less for it because Tomoe is an abusive hardass too who Kagami needs to be protected from as (her) child and Sentihuman who doesnt know she is one & the end of "Emotion" literally showed us Adrien talking to his father right after he told Marinette that he would try to convince him to have a heart-to-heart with her to clear up whatever he has against her:
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Adrien did NOT fail to talk to his father after he said he would because we saw him do it right away. What he did "fail" to do though was mentioning towards the girls that he already talked with his father and tell them what Gabriel said - though that's understandable, Gabriel is being an irrational fuck; blaming the fiasco on Marinette when it's realistically on Félix - and to convince his father to talk to Marinette. But even for this Adrien's on-screen talk with Gabriel has the explaination for:
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Did you pick up on the pattern too? That as well was an explicit order from Gabriel with the ring.
Adrien in "Pretention" didnt 'manage' to talk to his father again about him and Marinette so they can have a heart-to-heart because prior to that Gabriel forbit Adrien through an order to ever mention Marinette towards him again (and that means, since Adrinette didnt talk to Gabriel yet, Kagami in turn put off talking to her mother too)
So of course Adrien couldnt do it, which is why he went along with the only option he subconciously felt like he had left. Bringing Marinette to his father so SHE can talk to him by his side, forcing his father into a corner. Adrien unknowingly loopholed himself and out of Gabriel's order that's literally silencing him.
Details, time skips and circumstances matter.
So to bring this back to the failed Adrinette kissing in "Collution":
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I'm pretty sure that from the ending of "Adoration" onwards we are now going to see a further and further escalation of ways for Gabriel to enforce his power over Adrien. Regularly just as his father (which is already bad enough) and also the ways in which Gabriel can hurt Adrien through the amok ring
- but in ways he can for now at least somewhat still hide from Nathalie, though no doubt this is going to end BADLY where even Nathalie cant help Adrien anymore as it was already established that Gabriel can absolutely do that and still cross so many more lines-
and in "Emotion" that already included silencing Adrien from letting Marinette know about the Diamond Ball and then not letting him talk about Marinette to him at all (for which I'm quite sure Nathalie touching Adrien with the amok ring in "Collution" helped Adrien break through that barrier because that WAS the first time he really talked ABOUT Marinette towards Gabriel since "Emotion" that isnt just him mentioning her name in logical situations or vaguely talking around the relationship topic like in "Pretention").
But I'm also betting that Gabriel odered Adrien to not kiss Marinette after he puppeteered Adrien back into the mansion in "Adoration" or some other variation of an official grand gesture that Adrien is in a relationship with her. Something that... yeah, DID indeed stop after "Protection", didn't it? (Ooh. That explains why the date was made such a big deal for Adrien's story through the parallels to Gabriel's and Emilie's date in the past in "Evolution"; that was the last time Adrien was able to do something like that...)
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But poor Adrien of course does not know the true reason for why he's still hesitating to kiss Marinette even now in "Collusion". He must be so relieved that Marinette is reading it as him needing more time with her too to get comfortable enough to kiss. It's so rough watching all these episodes and seeing Adrien beat himself up and think so low of himself when he's literally being abused through mind-control. All I want is for Adrien to finally have his rings on his hand like Félix and Kagami get to. I just want my boy to be free :'(
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[Adrien] doesn't belong to me. Well, maybe a little. But no, none of this matters, because no one belongs to no one.
Ok but I loved this quote SO MUCH.
Media so often gives the impression that when people are dating, they belong to each other. Just the fact that "We belong to each other" is a love confession is proof of that warped understanding that loving equates to possessing someone.
And Marinette destroyed that belief with this one line, giving all the right messages to the younger audiences.
Also, let's appreciate for a second how she doesn't feel entitled to see Adrien as an object that can be possessed, unlike Gabriel, who once more doesn't hold back from puppeteering his son throughout this episode once more.
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uptoolateart · 1 year
In Adoration, we saw Marinette's adoration for Adrien - Zoe's adoration for Marinette - Andre's adoration for Audrey (boggles the mind) - and Sabrina's adoration for Chloe.
Marinette finally told Adrien she loves him, and that was a beautiful moment. It was beautiful the way Marinette hugged Zoe and thanked her for her confession, too.
But Sabrina is an example of when adoration can be misplaced and get you into trouble. I truly hope she gets some backbone and learns to love herself, for a change.
Please no post-Revelation spoilers in the comments :)
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zaaaras · 1 year
okay but like something that keeps on bothering me is that no matter HOW many times, no matter how many times she KEEPS on proving herself, how many times she ALWAYS seems to be the one in the right NO ONE will ever believe marinette when when’s accused of something
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even her own PARENTS think she’s guilty when TWO people are telling them she’s not
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this has been going on throughout the whole series but like season 5 is no different LOOK AT THIS STUFF nobody believes her DESPITE her being proven right again and again
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“she rejected her megakuma” IF EVERYONE SAW HER REJECT THE AKUMA DID NO ONE SEE IT WAS MARINETTE WHO HELPED HER DO THAT????? to their knowledge at least. it just breaks my heart that she keeps needing to prove herself over and over
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nothingtherefornow · 1 year
Honestly, the fact that people to get so offended over the idea of Chloe and Lila being worse than Gabriel. Kind of makes me roll my eyes ar people screeching about the misogny of two teenage girls being called evil.
Both Chloe and Lila have both have been shown to knowingly willingly try to take advantage of the fact that Gabriel is an abuser to use for their benefits…
The reason I honestly agree with the assessment that they are both worse than Gabriel comes down to one simple thing. If you took away the miraculous from Gabriel, he probably wouldn’t have the guts to do literally any of the stuff that he does. All his confidence and all his power to do what he does come from the fact that he has that magical brooch.
Chloe and Lila have both been shown to not need a miraculous to want to do evil things to people. It is it so shocking to people the idea that teenage girls can be pretty awful coming from a girl who was frequently bullied by other teenage girls yeah teens can be awful to each other.
Portraying something in fiction doesn’t equate to condoning/normalizing behavior.
I adore this analysis of yours ^^ ! Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts :) Even if I'm a girl myself I was a little bothered that fans felt so ofended over the idea that Lila and Chloé could be worse than Gabriel. But for me it was kinda logic that they would be worse than him, because they are supposed to be the next Big baddies once Monarch is out of the picture. And Ladybug and Chat Noir became strong enough that the ml writters will have to put them against crazier villains in order to rise up the stakes
I had never thought of the kind of person Gabriel would be without the butterfly miraculous, but I think we had a glimpse of it in the episode Queen Wasp where he was ready to stop everything for Adrien's sake (and he even complimented Marinette, while in this season 5 she seems to be the second person he despises the most after Ladybug T_T). It is also the period when Gabriel had not yet developed the habit of controlling Adrien with his amok. Gabriel had not been totally corrupted by power yet in this episode, while for season 5 there is no doubt that he has descended into madness and took a liking to evil, but it was a slow descent into hell, he got worse every season, and his abusive, toxic and obsessive behavior also escalated.
Chloé and Lila on the other hand ... They're different. Of course there was a period when Chloé softened between season 2 and season 3, but the Derision episode will show us how bad she really was, and unfortunatelly became once again. This episode will also reveal how much Chloé has a very twisted and wicked view of how the world works.
And Lila is no better, if not worse. I still get goosebumps thinking back to this scene when she's cutting Marinette's face from a bunch of photos she took from a distance either by herself or by paying somoene to do it, declaring loud and clear "soon you'll have no one and nothing left Marinette". My only though after this scene was : PSYCHOPATH !
And I don't know if you've read the bible, but (SPOILER WARNING FOR THIS PARAGRAPH !) the fact that Lila can go as far as managing 3 false identities at the same time just to get attention and popularity is kinda messed up. Also her intelligence level must be as good as Felix's if she can pull something like that so easilly (also it probably helps her that most ml character are guillible dummies ^^')
And let's not forget that Chloé and Lila willingly got themselves akumatized at one point just because they were offended. They are willing to wreck havoc for the most pettiest reasons of all.
And also, while during season 5 Gabriel is mostly motivated by his madness and hunger for power and control, his original purpose was still intriguing and understandable, to bring a loved one back to life.
Lila and Chloé on the other hands, what do they want, what are their motivations ? Simple : destroying the life of another teenager girl who barely did anything to them. They are only motivated by petty jealousy and the desire to hurt.
Because yeah Chloé always enjoyed hurting Marinette more than anyone else even before she became jealous of her, and Lila seems to have developped an hate-obsession toward Marinette even more intense than the hate she feels for Ladybug, and for what ? Just because Marinette called Lila out for her lies twice or thrice and is currently Adrien's girlfriend ? The boy both Lila and Chloé covet llike he's a thing to possess ?
When there is no rationality behind someone's motives, only madness remains. And crazy antagonists who take pleasure in making others miserable can sometimes be even more terrifying than rich powerfull business man obsessed with power.
There's no denying anymore that both Lila and Chloé are not only bad persons, but also a little deranged in their head. So what happens when you give wicked teenagers more power than they already have ? They become worse, because if they can get away with hurting even more people because that's something they enjoy, what's really stopping them ?
What the fans seem to ignore is that even at 14 years old, people can be pretty messed up in real life. It's much rarer than adults doing evil around them that's for sure, but it happens. I even remember a real case where two young girls below 12 years old murdered a 2 years old kid and an old lady just "for fun". And there's many others example with boys, some can even start committing rape when they're just 14. So why is it that hard to beleive that 14 years old girls have the potential to be more evil than an adult man when they grow up ?
Also can we really talk about misoginy when the main hero character who must face those two crazy girls is also a girl herself ? And when said girl is the protagnoist while her boy partner is the deuteragonist ?
Miraculous Ladybug seems to focus much more on the performances of its female characters like Kagami, Alya, Alix and Zoé for example. And then the star characters of the New York and Shanghai specials were also female. The series has probably chosen two female characters as the future antagonists who will be "worse" than the previous one, because they are characters that we have known since season 1 as rivals of the heroine, and who also evolved alongside the season, but towards the path of evil. After all, when the good becomes better, the bad must become worse.
But I think the detail that might show that fans are wrong to howl mysoginia is that somehow, Gabriel is the one who gave Chloe and Lila opportunities to become even worse. His akumatizations and plans involving Chloe and Lila can be seen as a way of corrupting the two young girls, their viciousness is something Gabriel has always indirectly encouraged for his plans. So is it so surprising then that the student would manage to surpass the master ?
For those who have read the bible, I seem to remember that the synopsis of an episode mentioned Chloe and Lila as "the best minions and allies of Monarch" So if Chloé and Lila became worse than Gabriel, it's because Gabriel himself influenced them.
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floweryotter · 1 year
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He compartido 4809 publicaciones este 2022
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He etiquetado 3252 publicaciones en 2022
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#ml spoilers: 1028 publicaciones
#ml season 5: 733 publicaciones
#ml fanart: 473 publicaciones
#ml season 4: 233 publicaciones
#ml season 4 finale: 229 publicaciones
#shadow moth's last attack: 226 publicaciones
#miraculous ladybug: 201 publicaciones
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#bakery enemies au: 114 publicaciones
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#the fact that this person just headcanoned that adrien's other 3 middle names start with a and just picked them it's so freaking hilarious
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23 notas. Fecha de publicación: 19 de junio de 2022
I know we are now in a BEAU hiatus, but I was so used to see the update at 19:40 that I still see the time and think "oh it's almost update time!" but no, it isn't until further notice, so congratulations @buggachat on the successful conditioning
30 notas. Fecha de publicación: 5 de septiembre de 2022
I really love how we can now literally call Felix a little bitch lol
31 notas. Fecha de publicación: 11 de marzo de 2022
Ok so by now we know that must of the S5 Episode Titles refer to the meaning/power of each miraculous/kwami from the Mother Box:
Evolution - Fluff (bunny)
Multiplication - Mullo (mouse)
Destruction - Plagg (cat)
Jubilation - Daizzi (pig)
Illusion - Trixx (fox)
Determination - Stompp (ox)
Passion - Ziggy (goat)
Exaltation - Roaar (tiger)
Transmission (The Kwami's Choice part 1) - Nooroo (butterfly)
Deflagration (The Kwami's Choice part 2)
Perfection - Longg (dragon)
Migration - Kaalki (horse)
Derision - Xuppu (monkey)
Intuition - Sass (snake)
Protection - Wayzz (turtle)
Adoration - Barkk (dog)
Emotion - Duusu (peacock)
Pretension - Orikko (rooster)
Conformation (The Last Day part 1)
Re-creation (The Last Day part 2) - Tikki (ladybug)*
Action - Pollen (bee)*
But we have 8 titles that don't seem to have a direct connection to any of the miraculous, so what does this means? We know that, before this list, almost every episode made reference to either an akumatized villain or a sentimonster (with some few exceptions), so it feels weird to have the rest of the titles being nouns instead of villain names, but it makes sense when the season 5 clearly will be about the kwamis, or more specificly, their concepts, so let's search the definitions of the remaining titles to have some more context:
Reunion: 1. An instance of two or more people coming together again after a period of separation. / 1.1. A social gathering attended by members of a group of people who have not seen each other for some time. / 1.2. The action of being brought together again as a unified whole.
37 notas. Fecha de publicación: 21 de marzo de 2022
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I had the feeling we were trending because of THAT UPDATE and yeap I was right
90 notas. Fecha de publicación: 28 de agosto de 2022
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vignanonlinedegree · 1 year
Which Master's Degree is Best for Artificial Intelligence? 
The top artificial intelligence master’s degrees will improve your abilities and prepare you for a career in the rapidly expanding area of AI or artificial intelligence. A Masters in Artificial Intelligence online will include topics such as robots, machine learning, and big data.
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emsylcatac · 3 years
Love you and your blog so much! You are a lovely artist and writer, I super enjoy seeing your creations! Do you have any recommendations for other ML artist Tumblrs and ML writer Tumblrs to follow?
Hey! ♥ Aaah thank you, you’re very sweet!!! 🥺 Comments like this make my day!!!
Yes of course, I have blogs to rec!
I had made a list back in September, so I’ll link it here again and there’s already plenty of blogs!   Have a look at it so I don’t rec the same persons again but I would cause they’re all great!! (Note: since the last post, chatnoirinette changed her url and can be found at @carpisuns, ladybuginettes too and is now @ladynoirist, and the_picayune is now @picayunearts)
I will add a few more people to this list though, however you probably know some of them already (order is alphabetic):
@aerequets — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Very funny and cute comics that makes your heart full of love!
@buggachat — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: She makes some of the funniest & wholesome small comics, her art is precious and she has written some fanfics that are pretty cool!
@bugsandchatons — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Rachel is a fantastic writer, she hasn't written for ML a lot yet but is definitely someone to keep track of because the one she wrote made me scream & cry & filled my heart with love!
@caytaclysm — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Cay has some very cute and wholesome fanart, and particularly Ladrien fanart which automatically makes her awesome. She reblogs also lots of posts and it always makes me discover new art or fics, which is really great!
@chocoluckchipz — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Lucky does amazing art & writes nice fics as well, so have a look around her blog!
@eggrestes — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Luna's really nice and funny and supportive, I love her posts too!
@fearlessinger — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Chiara has great analysis and insight on the show, and she's super sweet!
@fizzyarts — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: her art is gorgeous and she has made recently very beautiful edits/drawings of the ML characters.
@hannahyonana — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: I adore her comics & her art style, and she makes super fun post-episodes comics these days it's amazing.
@jennagrinsoverml — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Jenna writes lovely fics and is super supportive of writers! She seems like a delightful person, I really recommend her blog & her fics!
@jjuuppiter — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: I really love their art, and they sometimes do short animation that are insane!
@kittychatnoire — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Bri writes beautiful fics, and posts wholesome content; she's really cool and nice!!
@ladyofthenoodle — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Noodles has great analysis, great fics, great & fun fanart and is a great person overall so give her some love!
@lc-holy​ — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: I cannot say how much I adore her art style! On top of it all, she makes very good comics with thoughtful & intriguing plots or original AUs, fully coloured and super professional-looking, it’s crazy. Really wholesome content, I highly recommend!!
@lnc2 — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: She writes very good fics & is an amazing writer, and her posts are pretty fun as well!
@marinetteplztakeabreak — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: She's very sweet and writes fun fics and very insightful meta! She also has super funny posts.
@peachcitt — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: Her writing is so good, I really recommend her fics!!
@sweetjupiterr​ — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: They’re new to Tumblr but I saw their art before on instagram and I adore their art style! They make pretty wholesome drawings so I’d advice everyone to check them out!
@thesquipproject​ — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: I discovered her blog pretty recently so I can’t tell much about the other content she does yet, but she has very cute and fun fanart and seem like a lovely and supportive person!
@yuumi0035 — fanart / fanfics / gifs-edits / analysis - meta - theories / shitposts - memes - jokes: She makes adorable fanart & is pretty fun!
Otherwise, you can also follow:
@discoveringmiraculousartist and @discoveringmiraculouswritersthat are blogs made specifically to discover artists & writers! They've both managed by the sweet @verooquieremimir (who also draws herself lovely art!)
Aaaand I’ll stop there, I probably forgot tons of people & I’m sorry!
Note that I selected blogs that aren’t (or minimally) salty, and I’d rather avoid anyone adding salty blogs in the comments, thanks ♥
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
ML Analysis: The Miraculous. Marvelous or Ridiculous.
So I have been asked to make an analysis on the well known Magical Jewelry of the show. The miraculous. (No I will not be talking about the Shanghai special magical gems, I won't even be mentioning anything revealed after the NY special. This is solely knowledge on season 3 and prior.)
This will be a VERY long post in which I will be discussing the merits and demerits of the magical items in question.
Now for this analysis I will be doing my best to solely focus on the miraculous themselves, this is not an analysis on the Guardians or other miraculous holders. This is about the magical gems. I will be giving some background information on certain things. But I am going to focus on the miraculous.
I think in order to organize this post I will be splitting it up as follows.
A Miraculous Lore
Kwami: Personal Pals or Pain in the Butt
Potential and Drawbacks
Power Balance: The delicate dance
Final thoughts
So lets get to it
A Miraculous Lore
To briefly explain, the 'Miraculous' are magical jewelry created by a powerful mage which allows the powers of Kwami to be harnessed and controlled by anyone who wields it and uses it to transform.
Now when it comes to magical items, its important that these items have sort of connection to the fictional world they are in. This connection acts as a means of world building. Now there are 3 main factors to keep in mind when connecting the mystical item of power to the world itself, the history, mystery, and Impact on the present. In this section I will be talking about how the miraculous are addressed in the series, from their historical significance as well as their mysterious powers that are yet to be truly revealed.
Now history is the talk of the events of the past, and in the world of miraculous ladybug, the miraculous have a rather interesting connection to world events. In the show, we learn that the miraculous were active in ancient china, in Egypt, in greek mythology (which makes the greek myths more of history) and even events as recent as the American revolution were impacted by the miraculous. Now these reveals are information provided in the show itself, there are also confirmations from the writers regarding other points in history where the miraculous were active, such as when Joan of Arc was fighting in the 100 year war. Now this aspect works well with the second trait of world building, mystery, but it also leaves a lot of gaps for the viewer, which is where the next part of the history connection comes in, the order of the guardians. The guardians of the miraculous work as the connecting point, giving the viewer the explanation on how the miraculous became a part of human history. The guardians connection lays the ground work for the miraculous lore as it allows us to understand that an ancient order dedicated to protecting the miraculous knew when to step in and help history along. Overall, the aspect of history when connected to the miraculous seems to work well for the world building, at least so long as we focus on the miraculous themselves.
The mystery is the aspect of the unknown. What exactly are the secrets hidden about the miraculous. Now the part of the mystery is that the purpose of the miraculous and how the link between the god like beings that the Kwami are is still left up in the air. With the comics, we know that the Kwami are each based on an abstract concept like Creation, destruction and so on. We also find out that a wizard made the miraculous... for some reason. The mystery of the miraculous allows for rapid progress and power ups in the story. In the beginning we knew very little of the limitations and potential the miraculous had. We knew, Ladybug and Chat noir had 5 minutes after using their unique power and that the bad man wanted their miraculous for evil. As the mystery unveils, we find out that there are more miraculous, and that using certain miraculous together can allow for god-like power. We also learned about potions, techniques, and other such things that make the miraculous more enigmatic. What is the full potential of the miraculous? What more is there to this mystery? The miraculous brings the more interesting parts of ML to light because we as the viewer are invested in what more these jewelry sets can do.
The impact on the present. As the show's plot revolves around the two heroes that utilize the miraculous, it is easy to see how the miraculous are very crucial to the plot. The main villain wants the magical items because he wants to make his wish, the heroes need the power to fend off his villains that he creates and eventually take the miraculous back from him. Meanwhile the order that protected the miraculous are once again active thanks to Ladybug and Chat noir purifying the akumatized Sentimonster Feast (which had massive impact on the progression of story ).
Kwami: Personal Pals or Pain in the Butt
Kwamis, best described as divine, spirit-like beings who embody "abstract" concepts. They give certain powers to people with Miraculouses, transforming them into animal-themed super beings. Kwami are the beings that make the Miraculous, well miraculous.
The Kwami have a rather fascinating role in the story as they act as they add character to this relatively cool jewelry piece. It isn't just a magical item, the Kwami are companions to their wielders and need to be judged as such. Now these beings are crucial because they play multiple roles in the show. For this part of the analysis, I will be focusing mainly on the Kwami that have had the most screen time, mainly Tikki, Plagg, Wayzz and Nooru. The other Kwami, while having personalities, do not have permanent owners or have not been out long enough to establish themselves. Now these four Kwami are important because they can be examined if they follow the indicators of a companion or specifically fit the trope known as Mentor Mascot. For this I have created 2 criteria Distinct criteria that these Kwami must meet in order to be considered good companions. These criteria are Cute Confidant and Wiser Advisor.
The Cute Confidant is an aspect that addresses two key components in the mentor mascot companion field. The first is obviously, cuteness. The Kwami must be cute, small and have tiny habits that make you want a plushy of them. In this regard, all of the Kwami pass the test because all of them are tiny and have little habits that make them adorable to the viewer. From Wayzz and his little Match box bed, to Plagg's chaotic cat tendencies, to Tikki's cute little assistant routine, and even Nooru's tiny bits of exposition and concern. The kwami capture cuteness. The second component to this is the Confidant portion. The Kwami must be entities that the wielder wants to tell things to, things that they would not tell anyone else. In short, the Kwami need to be beings that the user can trust whole heartedly. Now Tikki and Wayzz have both shown to be the most obedient confidants in this regard. Both have the best experience keeping secrets and their users trust them completely. Plagg is a bit more chaotic and it is true that Adrien does tell him everything and that he would never spill that info, Plagg has gone behind Adrien's back more times then any of the other swami (like in Sand boy, and in Kwamibuster). Though while not trust breaking, Plagg has caused his partner a bit of trouble (which actually makes him a better mascot, but less a mentor). Nooru is sort of forced to obey Gabriel so while not a willing confidant, he does listen to him monologue a LOT. In short, the Kwami do make for Cute Confidants.
The Wiser Advisor aspect comes into play in one very simple way. How do the Kwami help their wielders outside of their powers. The Advising role of the mascot mentor is truly important as with nearly every single magical girl/ superhero show, the character has an identity to keep secret and sometimes the only one that can be talked to when there is a problem is their mascot mentor. In this department, Tikki is technically the best advice giver as Marinette is suppose to learn the most lessons due to her being the main character, but I think Plagg better exemplifies the personal aspect of the wiser advisor role. Plagg goes out of his way to try and do what he thinks is best for Adrien. Plagg is seen more like the devil on the shoulder by the fandom, but Plagg is acting more like the voice of self worth for Adrien. Plagg is acting with Adrien's interests at heart. If one looks at Syren or Chat Blanc, there are times when Plagg advises AGAINST something and is often right in that regard. Plagg has a larger grasp of knowing when something is wrong more than something is right. The Kwami are still inhuman and can't relate to everything their 'Chosen' goes through, which we see more in the recent season, with Tikki's explaination. In this regard the Kwami learn just as much from the humans as the humans do from them. Though really, Tikki is suppose to be the wiser advisor but the problem comes into play when her answers are... not very helpful. Tikki has shown to either tell the lesson of the day and get ignored or have no idea how to fix a situation. There is no middle ground with her. But in the end the Wiser Advisor role is conveyed by the kwami and that is important.
The Kwami provide a very crucial aspect to the miraculous, it adds a personality to the ancient relic. We want our heroes to protect the miraculous because we want the kwami to be safe and away from evil people like Hawkmoth. The kwami add so much more to this normally typical magical item. Their roles as the cute confidant and the Wiser advisor allows for them to be crucial in the growth of the heroes as they continue down the path of heroism. And while i think the writing for the kwami can fluctuate, I think its fair to conclude that they are personal pals rather than pains in the butt.
Potential and Drawbacks
So in this section of the analysis I will be covering the Potential of the Miraculous as well as the drawbacks. Does this potential make sense? Or is it simply another deus ex Machina. As for the drawbacks. Whats the price of utilization? Is their a fee? What are the limits? Do these limits make sense? Are there too many limits or not enough limits? Now let us progress.
As mentioned in the mystery aspect of the miraculous. The Miraculous have Kwami that represent concepts and their power relates to said concept. When we as the viewer are introduced to the Miraculous, we only know that the miraculous have a unique power and that when the ladybug and Cat miraculous are both used can have a power that the villain wants. Now as the seasons pass we see that the specific power that the villain wants is to use the two miraculous to make a wish. This concept alone make the miraculous (or at the very least the ladybug and Cat miraculous) immensely powerful. The potential of having a wish makes the two miraculous priceless. In a way, this reveal shows the max potential that the miraculous are capable of, the ability to shape the world in anyway the user desires. But that is only the case when BOTH the ladybug and Cat miraculous are utilized, what about the other miraculous? What are they capable of alone? Well by themselves, the miraculous are pretty much straightforward. They enhance the abilities of the user to super human levels and then allow the user to utilize the unique power of the miraculous, such as destruction, time travel, etc.
Now in season 2 we learn that there are potions that can be consumed to allow the heroes to traverse different environments, such as the vaccum of space, the ocean, and frozen plains, what this does is allow for the user to have an edge in any environment which makes the miraculous highly adaptable. It is unknown if potions can be stacked on top of one another, but that is debatable on whether or not that would even be useful.
In Season 3, we learn that miraculous can be used together, using unification. This allows the user to use 2 miraculous at the same time. While it is unclear if it improves the already enhanced abilities of the wearer, it is confirmed that they can use the kwami powers involved in the unification. We even see Marinette find a work around to this by using the mouse miraculous to make copies of herself and then use 4 different powers! Showing that there is a way to work around the two person ability of unification. It is also feasible that using more than two active miraculous at once in one form is possible, but that is yet to be discover.
In Season 4, we are given a reveal that embodiment of the concept of the miraculous can result in more abilities, or at the very least can be inferred from Alya's discovery. Ladybug created a new powered up form of her lucky charm and could now create Akuma/Amok warding charms thanks to this power. This aspect of the miraculous is rather new and it is unknown how far this concept can be taken. But the potential demonstrated gives the implication that the limitation of powers on the miraculous is mental.
The miraculous still seem to have more tricks that have yet to be revealed, but the potential from environmental potions, to 100's of unification combinations, and potential to push past limits gives the miraculous a massive pool of potential that make it fascinating.
When it comes to magical items, many always like to know the drawbacks with the magical item involved. The miraculous is no different. Now this is where I find the miraculous is a little murky. At the start the most well known issue with the miraculous was that after the miraculous wielder used the special power of the Kwami, the user only had around 5 minutes before they were forced back. Now with Hawkmoth we never really knew if he was subjected to that rule, since there were times he was off screen. Did he simply have a work around? Was it because he knew something the heroes didnt? That was the biggest mystery until season 3 when its revealed that adults can use the power multiple times without having to de-transform. This explanation was and is still a gripe many people have with the series. The creators gave explanations outside of the show on why that is but it was usually dismissed and still left people angry. However there were still plenty of other drawbacks that the miraculous had.
A major drawback is that the Kwami's condition is related to the condition of the miraculous and vice versa. A broken/damaged miraculous results in the kwami also being damaged. We see this in season 3 with Duusu and the peacock miraculous. Using a damaged miraculous also has an impact on the wielder, slowly draining their life force (as seen with Nathalie) and it appears that overuse can kill the wielder. (which is what happened with Emilie). A Kwami is the reason the miraculous are powerful, without the kwami present, the miraculous is useless. So being too far from one's kwami would make transforming impossible. The kwami being affected by something would also affect the user. Like when Plagg couldnt see due to Chloé's jewlery it is implied if Adrien had transformed, He would have been blind. So the kwami needs to be taken care of, which is a drawback that makes sense.
Another Drawback of the miraculous is revealed in both Silencer and Miracle Queen. The transformation and special power are voice activated. In Silencer, when she had her voice stolen, Ladybug was unable to summon her lucky charm until Silencer used her voice to say the word Lucky charm. And in Miracle Queen, Chloé couldnt utilize the other miraculous because she didnt know the names of the kwami. Without the Kwami's name, the user cant activate the miraculous. It plays on the trope of a name giving the speaker power over the magical being. Using a name also gives a level of respect and it is an interesting drawback as well as a fail safe.
Another drawback that we learn about is that using too many miraculous at once can be dangerous. While this has only been shown in Kwamibuster, when Marinette wore at one point nearly every miraculous at once. Simply transforming caused her to feel a bit woozy. Though after that it did not seem to impact her. There has yet to be seen if abusing unify (like Shadowmoth) and Ladybug have been doing will result in similar effects. But it is something to look out for.
For the most part the potential of the miraculous is put on the user where it is the user figuring ways of utilizing the miraculous that make it more powerful while the drawbacks are mainly limited to the state of the Kwami. This allows for an interesting act of balance where caring for the miraculous would allow the user to evolve, which is something we are seeing in the show, and not taking care of the miraculous or abusing it results in damage, like we see with the villains. Its an interesting parallel that I do wish was explored more.
Power Balance: The delicate dance
People dont really understand how important balancing power is when it comes to shows. The Hero must be strong enough to save the day, the villain must be a big enough threat for the hero to take seriously. Thats why superman has foes like Darkseid or Braniac. Why Goku fights Frieza, or why Sailor moon has to fight Galaxia.
The miraculous are very bizarre in terms of balance. The strongest miraculous are claimed to be the ladybug and Cat miraculous, the concepts of creation and destruction, Together they maybe the most powerful, but in reality, they are not the strongest. The strongest single miraculous is the Rabbit. A miraculous with the ability to travel through time, it is likely the closet miraculous to being the cat and Ladybug combined. It allows one to change the flow of time. Changing events that could have lead to disaster. And we know that time travel is not multiversal travel, that going to the past DOES impact the timeline. In fact thats the reason its so rarely used, the Rabbit miraculous is a last resort, and if something is a last resort, than its clearly the most powerful. There is also the snake miraculous which has nearly infinite uses regardless of age so long as it is within the 5 minute window. The Horse miraculous that can transport the user anywhere they have in mind, including sending someone into the vacuum of space.
The miraculous power balance also has issues when one considers the two main miraculous, the cat and the Ladybug. Both miraculous are considered crucial to giving someone maximum power and are illustrated like Yin and Yang. But in reality, the Ladybug miraculous is much more powerful than the cat miraculous in nearly every conceivable way. Ignoring the users and just taking their abilities at face value. The cat miraculous has one unique power while the ladybug miraculous has 3. The cat miraculous can destroy anything but the ladybug miraculous can fix any damage done with her miraculous cleansing. The cat miraculous has one piece of jewlery while the Ladybug has two, making it still possible to use with only one earring. Looking at the powers by themselves and not the wielders, one would believe one miraculous was superior to the other.
The power balance between the heroes and the villains seems to be the only one with some care and merit. The peacock and the Butterfly miraculous are at perfect odds with Ladybug and Chat noir. The peacock and the butterfly allow for any sort of power to be created and utilized by an individual or created monster, while the ladybug and cat miraculous are able to purify and fix the person possessed. This allows for a strong balance that means one side must try and out think the other in order to win. The one balance I do think the show captured correctly is the balance between the heroes and villains. Ladybug and Chat noir always managed to foil Shadowmoth's plans but shadowmoth gets more creative and does have small victories from time to time, but never actually wins the day. It is enough to keep the viewer on their toes and keeps the power balance from being too predictable.
The miraculous in terms of balance are... a mess, and I do think that the powers given to the miraculous in some cases were not well thought out. It is hard to say that the miraculous follow a proper balance of power or even dynamic. But the balance is hard to maintain when one is trying to have over a dozen different magical items, its natural that some would be more powerful than others.
Final thoughts
The Miraculous are incredibly interesting magical items and its understandable how appealing they are to viewers. They arent just unobtanium or a generic magic powersource that villain can pursue. The miraculous have sentience and special unique characteristics that make them so much more. While the power balance is something I find problem with, the matters of lore and kwami help keep the user invested and I feel it makes the miraculous well... Miraculous. I find the miraculous fascinating and while at times ridiculous, the potential development has me marveling at their beauty.
(thanks for this commission and sorry it took months to make. Season 4 put a wrench in this and I needed to utilize what was learned to add to it)
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marimopeace · 3 years
there's a limit on how much you can be an isekai intellectual...
a bunch of analyses have been popping up before me all day so i wanted to throw my hat into the ring. all love to ppl who are exercising their creative minds + ppl like geoff here who just talk about these things because of fan interest but i feel like there reaches a point where exploring the "types" of isekai is pointless? i've seen ppl list out the different types of villainess revenge isekai or fantasy mmorpg isekai but eh why fit them all into separate boxes like that?
i think it's easier to think of isekai as a "type" (genre) of itself with only two categories: 1) a focus on isekai (lit. another world) 2) tensei (lit. to be reborn). this allows for a variety of applications and thus tropes that ppl see so many trends of!
with isekai - in another world
you see everything from:
pure fantasy (inuyasha, digimon wait maybe not the best example but in my childhood mind i count digimon as pure fantasy, fushigi yugi)
mmorpg inspired fantasy/adventure (.hack//legend of twilight, sao ugh, log horizon, overlord (LOVE OVERLORD!)
otome game-esque worlds >>> this is where it gets complicated with "villainess routes" since i admit there are multiple villainess tropes but this is why it's nice to not think of this as a "sub-type/genre" bc it frees you from those complications! (the saint's magic power is omnipotent, the white cat's revenge as plotted from the dragon king's lap soso cute!, the savior's book cafe in another world, i'm a villainous daughter so i'm going to keep the last boss wait i can't remember if she's reborn in this one lmaooo see this is why rules make everything hard)
with tensei storylines - being reincarnated/reborn in another world as *insert character/role*
you see...
the same tropes!!
pure fantasy (a returner's magic should be special, reminiscence adonis, the lady and the beast, light and shadow, i can't think of a manga off the top of my head for this ah)
mmorpg inspired fantasy/adventure (so i'm a spider so what i stan kumoko so hard, her majesty's swarm, can't name another off the top of my head ah i hate lists shorter than two things...)
self-insert based games/novels (fiance's observation log of a self-proclaimed villainess, who made me a princess, death is the only ending for the villainess, the villainess wants to marry a commoner, honestly games vs novels are different applications but i'm not in the headspace to try to remember a bunch of both lol)
*insert line break to give random ppl a break from scrolling but tl; dr just enjoy things for what they are no need to micro analyze*
similar variations occur in both genres (if ppl want to be super technical i guess i'm arguing that isekai itself is a massive genre that has the "another world" subgenre and "reincarnation" subgenre tl; dr) so i think it's honestly a huge pain to try to separate all these trends into so many different types of stories. for me personally it's easier to not get overwhelmed by this gigantic umbrella of "isekai" that spans light novels, manhwa, manga, and mobile games by just stripping each story down into its trademark tropes (aka character archetypes, story structures) and slapping "oh this is a person going to a world that's not ours" and "this person gets reborn as blank in another world". none of this "omg this power fantasy is such a this kind of isekai moment" or "there are 14 different types of villainess revenge stories and this series fits into this" bc AH labels! limitations! circle-jerks via ppl trying to compartmentalize everything and sound smart for leaving a comment on story analysis instead of ooh-ahhing over a character's face! dividing things into light novel manga vs manga vs korean manhwa ft. female characters!
the last bit is mainly why i feel frustrated by ppl's insistence to group everything?
the video linked at the beginning of the post (honestly good video essay, i enjoyed it, i just kept thinking in my head the whole time "marimo these are tropes do not take the genre talk literally") has a baby comment thread talking about "korean isekai manhwas" as a genre featuring nothing but reincarnated villainess' and i can't.
like i cannot acknowledge that as a genre of any sort. the energy i felt reading through some of those insights takes me back to 2012 when all yt americans discovered k-pop and deemed all korean music k-pop from then on! (ppl still do this now, yes you are seen and don't talk to me pls i don't like you. k-pop is korean pop music and nothing less and nothing more. take a few seconds and try to parse apart aspects of korean culture instead of slamming everything into a monolithic label that has the letter k and a hyphen.) it feels so odd to see a bunch of young ppl on ig and tiktok acknowledge korean media that happens to be in the form of a webtoon as "oh stories all about young girls becoming villains in stories they made/played" bc it feels so reductive u.u
(positionality disclaimer that i'm praying isn't actually necessary: i am a 3rd-generation korean of japanese descent do not fite me i am exhausted irl of ppl asking for validation/verification bc massive shove off.)
breaking news! korean manhwa...is just as multifaceted as japanese manga...bc how can comics as an art-form not have multiple genres...huh such a shocker?!?! same likely applies to media in other parts of the world like chinese manhwa and french comics--not my place to explain either of those i just know those industries exist bc of wakfu and donghua shows by Tencent.
at the end of the day it's not like analyzing any kind of isekai is wrong--absolutely not!! i think it can be super fun to think about how isekai elements complicate a story (MCs trying to go back home, ppl from the og world, reincarnation plot-twists) or maybe even bash a series for including some kind of other world element when they could have just written a super fun fantasy.
insert marimo's brief ramble that hey you can get sick of truck-kun's hitting disillusioned guys who happen to be super duper smart or girls who happen to be master chefs/craftsmen but transporting a fully-grown being into a fantasy setting is the ultimate cheat code for making mundane modern technology seem cool and overpowered, and being reincarnated as a fully grown person in a world with a pre-made story/game set-up completely bypasses the need for an author to slowly flesh out world-building in a natural progression so isekai is actually a really smart writing tool it's just that there are some series where the author didn't use it well at all and it's cheesy or clearly isekai was misused as a vehicle for character/story development and it was pointless *DEEP BREATH OUT*
in this essay i will argue...lol i am such a culture studies major!! if i were an english major i would be talking all about writing but here i am having a side-tangent about world-building via someone being reborn wow i love this for me (don't get me started on when an author has someone reincarnate as a baby and the story is mostly them having warm fluffy moments with their family--typically father figures--and getting lots of powers i could and would and probably will rant about east asian toxicity)
but anyway am i crazy????? like yes for being passionate about the technical use of a word like genre (i am a scorpio rising let me be fussy pls) but i don't think it's a lot to ask for ppl to not unironically see "villainess revenge isekai" as the definition of korean manhwa.
idk as someone who resonates with why japanese isekai is so popular domestically + why a lot of korean manhwa feat. the same tropes (it's not for great reasons lads it's actually depressing tbh) i'm just starting to feel kind of pained by the generalization and need to separate "cute japanese girl in an otome game"/"japanese boy finds a harem in another world" from "korean girl dies and comes back as a villainess" bc they are just! applications to the same story device!!
recommendations for any who makes it this far down below <3
// also gladly recommend any of the examples i've listed in the above rant as i've read/watched all of them and adore them v much! //
save me princess
super refreshing fantasy manhwa ft. a princess and her ex-boyfriend having to save the world!
the beginning after the end
an AMERICAN web novel turned into a comic (but see it being not korean/japanese doesn't really matter when you just consider isekai as a genre...isn't it nice to not overthink it?) ft. a super-powerful wizard king reincarnated into another world and starting from scratch--gives mushoku tensei vibes but huge twists!
the reason why raeliana ended up at the duke's mansion
love love LOVE this story--read the title and you'll learn how this girl reincarnated as the character raeliana in a book gets married to a duke!
trash of the count's family
such a good novel!! a guy gets reborn as a lazy oaf and he takes the hero of the story under his wing...plot twists come up later on!
this time i will definitely be happy!
v good and refreshing for a shorter series! she's been reborn 3 times and remembers every time the hero's stabbed her in the back, and now she just wants to break up with him!
silver diamond
older manga but v good adventure w intrigue! a boy who loves plants get sucked into a desert world with demonic lizards and a mysterious bodyguard by his side. shonen-ai not BL but wonderful vibes nonetheless + great side characters!
the princess imprints a traitor
adore everything in this from the world (not in that way this society makes me so angry) to the machinations at play and the dynamic between the fl and ml
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Oh, I love that! Look at Gabriel at the end of “Adoration” in the shot where we see him from the outside in Marinette’s POV:
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He stands there in a way that we the audience recognize as a visual reference to his Monarque transformation pose and the shadows create a butterfly-like form. The black space between Gabriel’s legs and right under his hands, which are also in a visually similar position again, create the illusion of his staff.
Plus the shadow over Gabriel’s chest leads your eyes right to his tie where of course his Butterfly miraculous is hidden.
But the most interesting I find Gabriel’s hands in combination with the shadows and details of the french bacony (so..regualr balcony in this case? lol). It’s an optical trick depending on you remembering how his hands look like in the transformation pose so your mind makes sense out of the kinda visual mess that doesn’t properly check out when we see him standing there. From afar it looks like Gabriel is once again laying his right hand (with the wedding ring) on top of his left one - as per usual. But when you look closer, that’s not the case: Gabriel’s left hand is on top of his right, which is of course what he has to do to control Adrien with the amok object in this very scene.
All Gabriel is doing is holding his hands in a way that doesn’t make it obvious.
And to really drive that point home, right afterwards after Marinette left we see Gabriel holding his hands in front of his chest:
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Reminding us which hand the ring is on and what he obviously has been doing just now.  
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Fortuna's ML Analyses Master List
Look, I had to do something with my Humanities degree.
Ep. 26 Recreation:
A perfect world and a fake victory
Wrapping up the "running out of time" theme
In defense of s5 finale: the finale was supposed to feel wrong
Ep. 25 Conformation:
The ultimate fight location: the kitchen
Ep. 23 Revolution:
Adrinette love as act of revolt
Ep. 22 Collusion:
Ms. Sans-Culotte and the French Revolution symbolism
Collusion and the political victory of Gabriel/Monarch
Ep. 19 Pretension:
Season 5 and the symbolism of pancakes: Gabriel's illusions of choice
Two designers: Marinette vs. Gabriel
Ep. 18 Emotion:
On Felix, Revolution and Anarchism
Ep. 17 Adoration:
Marinette's healthy relationship message
Ep. 16 Protection:
Meta joke on ml fans
Marinette/Adrien and Gabriel/Emilie parallels (visual storytelling)
Hints that Kagami is a sentibeing too
Ep. 14 Derision:
3 beliefs Marinette acquired due to the prank and how it impacts her relationships
Accepting Chat Noir & Adrien parallels (short)
Adrien's pov on Marinette's anxiety (short)
Ep. 10 Transmission:
Duty vs. Love: how Ladybug and Chat Noir chose love over duty
Metaphor between disease and superpowers: the weight of responsibility
Adrien & Gabriel parallels (short)
Separation and reconciliation of civilian and superhero identities
Ep. 9 Elation:
the Marichat kiss image analysis (l don't have anything better to do)
Marinette and the impossibility to be in a relationship
Monuments' symbolism in season 5
End card: Chat understands that his love to Marinette is impossible (short)
Ep. 8 Reunion:
Post-truth in Miraculous
Ladybug // Joan of Arc parallels: heroes' antagonisation
Ep. 7 Passion:
Marinette and control vis-à-vis Adrien and Chat Noir
Ladybug/Chat Noir roles reversal (short)
Nathalie's discourse analysis and how it reflects her relationship with the Agrestes
Ep. 6 Determination:
Determination in the light of Derision: why Marinette falls both for Adrien and Chat Noir
Marinette crying at the end of episode explained: the duality of Marinette and Ladybug
Adrien falling for Marinette at her worst, loving her as is
Marinette and self-acceptance
Contrast between Adrien and Marinette in understanding their love
Jubilation // Determination speech parallels
the love square is becoming a circle (short)
The symbolism of the museum Grévin? (overanalysis)
The symbolism of wax heroes? (overanalysis)
Ep. 5 Illusion:
Gabriel's emotional exploitation of Adrien
Nino's Resistance: a reference to French Résistance during WW2
Ep. 4 Jubilation:
The importance of rain in Jubilation
On Adrien/Chat Noir and control, aka why is Adrien depressed in Jubilation?
Easter egg in the episode
The power of Jubilation (short)
Reconciling the real Chat Noir and the one in Ladybug's dreams (short)
Ep.3 Destruction:
Parallels between Chat Noir and the Monarch's destructions
Chat Noir vs. the perfect Chat Noir Ladybug wants (short)
General s5:
Miraculous Ladybug is actually a Greek tragedy
Schrödinger's love square (short)
Gabriel and Adrien being each other's obstacle to be with their love (short)
My one and only salt about the scientific error in Ephemeral
I'm doing this list mostly for myself (it was starting to get hard to keep track of some points I previously made when I wanted to link).
I'll keep this updated, and if I have forgotten something (Tumblr's search function has disappointed me once more...) feel free to lmk :3
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uptoolateart · 1 year
So, Nathalie is just flat out, straight up a murderer. She knows Adrien, Felix and Kagami are all sentimonsters. She's helped raise one of them. She cares for him. And yet she's made other senti-humans and wiped them from existence with the snap of her fingers, no second thoughts.
We all thought this was the case, but it's now confirmed. If she didn't know what she was doing, then it'd be a bit of a different case. But she absolutely did, so...redemption is hard.
I know she's fighting to do something good with her remaining time in the world, hence stepping in for Adrien...although she's just one more puppeteer pulling him the direction she wants to. As Felix says, 'They're...still the ones pulling the strings...aren't they.' Indeed, they are - even if they're pulling them with good intentions.
The rules of cartoon land definitely dictate that Nathalie needs to die or something, even if she's more of a sympathetic character towards the end. The woman who went too far for the sake of love of a dangerous man is quite a common age-old trope in storytelling.
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mmikeeo · 2 years
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Cant do a Gabriel Agreste analysis until after subs come out, but I will say some things.
FIRST OF ALL, Knight in Shining Marinette and Princess Adrien are absolutely adorable.
Tomorrow I will talk more about how Felix highly suspects Gabriel to be Shadowmoth. Also, wanting to explore the possibility of SentiAdrien and (possibly) a SentiFelix. And how much does Felix actually know, and what he plans to do with the information. Because he knows a lot, but he seems to be playing his cards slowly. The only thing we know for sure: Felix knows that the rings are VERY important.
Side note: when going into the Senti-Felix theory, it’s just a theory. I have two theories surround Felix and Sentimonsters and one does involve him in being one and the others don’t. I’ve been hesitant to do any SentiAdrien theories so far, because of the uneasiness of the idea. But with the evidence and implications, I really do wanna discuss it.
Anyhow goodnight ML fandom.
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melodiousramblings · 2 years
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#kuro neko is ‘black cat’ in japanese… it’s already been confirmed that it’s not kagami getting the black cat miraculous…
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Okay. I could be completely reading way too much into this, but I have to talk about it.
With Chat Noir gradually getting more and more sidelined, it’s really not surprising to see him so isolated in the end card. In fact, it’s not the first time, as I recall people analyzing end cards from other episodes we’ve seen this season and making note of Chat Noir or Adrien looking isolated from everyone else in the image. So let’s take a closer look at Chat:
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The rest of the end card is swathed in the familiar dreamy love colors, with bubbles and sparkles. But Chat Noir? He’s standing in gray-ish blue, with what I’m sure are clouds behind him. And when I first looked at this end card I thought that was a moon above him.
It’s not though, it’s just one of the bubbles. …But there’s only ONE. There is only ONE bubble on this side of the end card. In this gray-blue corner with clouds. The fact that the clouds are there means it’s a sky, not just some arbitrary void of gray-blue. And you couldn’t be sure that it’s a bubble if you didn’t have the rest of the image. Was it meant to look like there’s a moon there?
Sure, the immediate obvious analysis of the end card tells us that Chat is feeling increasingly isolated and that he is very much being left in the dark. He’s literally in a corner (with a darkened sky) of an otherwise sweet and dreamy looking image, looking very much upset and facing away from everyone else.
But the angle of his gaze is pointing upward… at that single bubble that looks like a moon in a gray-blue sky…
Again, I could totally be reading way too much into this image. Being a Kingdom Hearts fan leaves you over analyzing everything. But if it’s intentional… Then those Chat Blanc 2.0 theories are starting to look more and more possible.
88 notes • Posted 2021-07-14 00:52:07 GMT
A few quick first thoughts about Crocoduel!
- Luka and Juleka being twins is officially CANON now. THANKS FOR THE CONFIRMATION. So yes, Jagged Stone is Juleka’s father as well. And this episode touched on their relationship too.
- Props to whoever theorized that Chat Noir would not be upset over another “cat” member on the team! On the contrary, he seemed super excited about Purple Tigress! That bit was adorable! :3
- So if multiple people are akumatized at once, they all get a Shadowmoth repellent magical charm each!
- The episode ended with Marinette and Luka saying they were friends. Literally “amigos”. Finally they had a post-breakup chat!
- Juleka/Purple Tigress’ transformation sequence was *chef kiss*. And OMG her bracelet before she transforms is black (and gorgeous I might add). A goth queen through and through.
- Not a suuuper significant episode plot-wise, but still very much enjoyable, especially if you’re a fan of Luka and Juleka.
- OH. OH. And how can I forget, Rose taking Juleka’s face in her hands to press a little kiss on it. :’3 These adorable girlfriends…
- Oh, and one last thing: Nearly 19k people watching ahshjdkhahdjddj, hot damn.
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104 notes • Posted 2021-08-03 23:12:27 GMT
Has there EVER been an episode with a scene AFTER the end card? Not as far as I remember??? That’s why it’s the end card.
So we didn’t get the reveal, and I knew it was totally going to be a fake out, this show loves doing that. X3 But I still got Sailor Moon reveal vibes and I love that, eeeeeeee. However, Shadowmoth got really close to finding out Ladybug’s identity, if she hadn’t noticed Sentimonster!Nino and had taken the turtle miraculous home… And that scene after the end card… What were he and Nathalie talking about????? Definitely something about Alya because Gabriel said her name.
No but seriously, I’m am SO sure we’ve never had a scene after the end card. So this must be big. Shghdjdjhsdh I can’t wait to rewatch it with English subs. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
Edit: Someone reminded me that there IS one other episode with a post-end card scene, and that was the season 3 finale Miracle Queen, in which Gabriel holds up the Peacock miraculous after fixing it, which left us on a cliffhanger and set up season 4.
That only makes me feel like the post-end card scene in Optigami is setting up for a significant shift for the second half of season 4 and I’m both excited and scared.
117 notes • Posted 2021-05-30 17:27:59 GMT
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198 notes • Posted 2021-09-23 23:51:46 GMT
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André Glacier, the Sweethearts ice cream maker.
👀 Like, we know that JuleRose is *implied* to be canon… so is this… another implied gay couple…???
265 notes • Posted 2021-08-07 05:35:34 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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