siryouarebeingmocked · 8 months
I made the mistake, the horrible mistake, of watching this Shoe0nhead video about progressives and leftists trying to address male loneliness. 
Spoiler:their advice is mostly "be a liberal" and 
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Have a taste of the tipple;
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Imagine being so hateful that Vaush has a more sensible take on men’s issues than you.
It's also a tad ironic, if you've ever seen feminists insisting feminists and progressives are the ones who REALLY care about men's issues, not MRAs. 
Man-hating Radfems (redundant), please do not interact.
This is the part where I usually draw some sort of parallel to another prog-to-lefty movement, but I won't this time.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 months
Men's rights inactivist.
They think men need more rights but someone else can do that. They have minecraft worlds to build.
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michellezagenda · 5 months
god i hate men rights activists with every fiber of my being……like i may get violent if im around one long enough im afraid
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haggishlyhagging · 11 months
There are direct connections between the world of incels, pick-up artists and MRAs, and the far-right movement that helped bring Trump to power. The grievance politics of flailing white masculinity that fuel the manosphere have served as an ideological and material gateway to the more overt grievance politics of ethnonationalism: from Gamergate, Red Pill, and Jordan Peterson to Unite the Right, Proud Boys, and Three Percenters. Two of the men arrested for their involvement in the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, were Patrick Stedman, a "dating and relationship strategist" and expert in “female psychology”, and Samuel Fisher (aka "Brad Holiday'), the owner of a You Tube channel that promises to "help men get high value girls." Two months before storming the Capitol, Stedman tweeted "You don't have a problem with Trump, you have a problem with masculine energy."
-Amia Srinivasan, The Right to Sex: Feminism in the Twenty-First Century
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nansheonearth · 1 year
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She has reblogs turned off but @ambiencowboy is right (minus calling radfems 'terf')
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caitlinjohns77 · 1 month
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Imagine asking a woman to love this 🤮
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fuckingrapeculture · 1 year
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[Tweet by Paul Elam @RealPaulElam
Johnny Depp made it harder for women to be believed about domestic violence and sexual assault. THANK YOU JOHNNY!!!
When MRAs and rape supporters (but I repeat myself...) are the ones celebrating alongside you, you should probably rethink your position.
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theexodvs · 1 year
The next time a man complains that women get to treat men like pieces of meat and suffer no consequences, demand to see his Internet history. He’ll probably pipe up real quick.
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g0dlessheathen · 1 year
Male people are a statistical threat to female people. People of color are not a statistical threat to white people. In fact white people are a statistical threat to people of color. Hope this helps you fucking idiots sort out your issues with statistical data.
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xkiwinova · 10 months
Weird MensLib Rant
I'm not sure where this is going, but I wanted to write down some of my thoughts concerning where men fit into the feminist movement.
The feminist movement is broad, with millions of people identifying at least partially with feminist ideas. Because of this, you are bound to run into quite a lot of different perspectives on topics like the role of men and boys in the movement.
The two competing perspectives we see are that feminism is fundamentally a gender equality movement and that dismantling societal expectations for men is inseparable from any attempt to achieve this goal, and the idea that feminism is a movement established by women and for women, and while men are important as allies, feminists should not be expected to extend resources to solving men's issues.
This creates a paradoxical situation wherein Men's Rights Advocates are discouraged from directly working with feminists as this is seen as drawing resources from a women's movement to solve men's issues; yet at the same time are discouraged from developing their own movements as they are seen as unnecessary when feminist movements already advocate for gender equality.
I think this leads to a vacuum in gender discussion which the right wing exploits. Of course, the right obviously is to blame for emboldening figures like Andrew Tate and facilitating the rise of the far-right incel movement; but I think as leftists we have contributed to the popularity of the right wing manosphere by failing to offer a significant alternative.
If feminism is truly a movement by women and for women, then men's participation in said movement becomes altruistic, or at least a moral obligation to assist others. While there is fundamentally nothing wrong with participating in movements for the good of others, it is important to evaluate how such participation appears from the perspective of men and boys.
One of the most common terms used to analyze men's behavior in the context of societal norms is toxic masculinity. I think a lot of people don't understand the definition in the original context. Toxic masculinity is a set of expectations placed on men that impact our behavior in ways that are ultimately restrictive and detrimental to ourselves and/or others. It is not the individual or even the behavior that is toxic, but rather, the social forces which promote the behavior.
One element of toxic masculinity is an expectation that men are providers, and that they are seen not for who they are, but for what they can do for others. From this perspective, men's expected role in feminist movements appears only to reaffirm this expectation of toxic masculinity.
Again, while it is great for people to dedicate themselves to uplifting others, holding an expectation that men engage in this task with out consideration of reciprocation may be seen as a form of toxic masculinity. Men and boys seeking to escape social expectations are not going to be attracted to a movement which appears to see them only as assets.
I do think that feminist activism has helped, and will continue to help, men's issues, but that is not the impression given at a glance by the movement at large. One of the most oft-talked about notions when discussing the development of the manosphere is the pipeline that young men fall into which leads them into alt-right circles.
There are a lot of factors contributing to this: social media algorithms which promote far-right content, the ability for far-right speakers to invoke passion in the audiences over seemingly trivial ideas, and a natural gravitation towards ideologies that hold that your groups are superior to others.
However, I feel that the left promotes this rabbit hole by failing to provide an adequate alternatives for men and boys. People searching for content relating to men's issues will be inundated with right wing media because left wing movements dedicated to men's issues seem scarce and lacking in support from fellow leftists.
There are of course movements like MensLib that offer leftist and progressive approaches for men's issues, but again, these movements are limited in popularity and support and do not have the necessary outreach to compete with the alt-right.
One of the most common complaints about the feminist movement (atleast among the terminally online) is the prevalence and refusal to condemn statements like 'men are trash' among the feminist community. The justification for this is that such statements are purely a form of venting and not meant in earnest as a way to demean men and promote violence against them, as is frequently the case for statements made by men directed against women.
While this is understandable, these statements are really hurtful. How can activists who claim to wish to abolish toxic masculinity expect men to stoically role with the punches and participate selflessly in feminist activism regardless?
Another criticism I have seen brought up when discussing feminist thought is this perception of hyper-agency among men. Men do not chose to embrace toxic masculine traits out of genuine desire; they do so because of societal expectations forcing their hand.
By characterizing the problems facing men as personal, actual activism is limited in its effectiveness. To quote another user:
Boys (and men) are notorious for repressing their emotions. They have a good reason: in boys' peer groups, a failure to control your emotions is almost as shameful as a failure to control your bladder; it is a sign of weakness, and any sign of weakness makes you a target for bullying and ridicule. So boys learn to wear a permanent mask of aloof toughness to avoid inadvertently revealing any sign of weakness or uncontrolled emotion, and many keep this habit into adulthood. It is generally well recognized that suppressing emotions is unhealthy in the long run, but it seems to me that the commonly proposed antidote is misguided: boys (or men) are told to "just open up more and be vulnerable" or to "learn how to cry", as if their reluctance to show emotions were some kind of irrational emotion-phobia, rather than a perfectly reasonable, perhaps even necessary, defense against the ridicule, contempt and loss of respect that society inflicts upon those who can't keep their emotions in check in the proper "manly" way.
Some feminists (not all, by any means), assume that men are in control of their own societal norms; that because men are the dominant sex in patriarchal tradition and are overrepesented among the elite, they must also posses the agency necessary to overcome these gender expectations without the need for a major social movement:
Problems predominantly affecting women are addressed by changing society, while those predominantly affecting men are addressed by changing men (or by telling men to change themselves). The difference is not that one approach is right and the other wrong; they are both 'right' in the sense that they highlight genuine issues, but the approach to men's problems is more superficial. When dealing with men's problems, we focus on the immediate cause, which is usually the men's failure to cope with mental strain ("he should have gone to therapy", "he should have learned to open up more"); in contrast, when dealing with women's problems, we focus on "the cause of the cause", and try to remove the systemic social issues causing the mental strain, rather than telling the victims what they should have done to better cope with it.
So to conclude this very long rant, I feel as though there exists a vacuum in progressive spaces for genuine men's rights activism that essentially leads to the left conceding the subject to the right. I hope that future feminist activism with develop to be more inclusive and consider the societal underpinnings of patriarchy and toxic masculinity and focusing on unraveling those as opposed to demonizing its victims.
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siryouarebeingmocked · 7 months
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One of my exes sent the police to me under the claim that I hit her. All it took was an allegation and they showed up so gung-ho about arresting me they didn't even want to listen. It was just "You're under arrest." 
We'd been broken up for over a month, there were no bruises, no evidence of any violence whatsoever. I hadn't seen her, talked to her, answered any of her calls, nor replied to any of her increasingly unhinged texts. 
Anyway after about a half hour of me insisting that all they had to do was look at my phone and this will all make sense, they FINALLY agreed. After reading the very lengthy series of text messages where she clearly stated multiple times if I didn't take her back she was going to get me arrested for hitting her, or rape, or molesting her younger sister, etc. they finally realized what they were dealing with and took the cuffs off and issued a half-assed apology and an explanation that 99% of the time the allegations are true.
I responded with "But are they, though?" and based on his expression I think he had an oh-shit moment of clarity where he realized "How many innocent men have I arrested..."
I know Youtube comment stories are even less credible than Reddit stories, but I’m sharing this one anyway.
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Apparently acknowledging crime statistics is from “misandrist cults”.
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What else did I expect from the MRAs with a flag?
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michellezagenda · 8 months
I love how TRAs try to tell terfs what feminism is. You’re letting men go into female spaces just bc these men call themselves women. YOU have no idea what feminism is & you need to stay away from women, yea even if you’re a woman yourself, you’re actively harming us bc you love men so much you can’t imagine telling them no.
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captaincatlady · 1 year
A blessed caturday to all radfems on here! I recently argued with an MRA on reddit, a little hobby on mine. He was blabbering about how its misandry that fewer and fewer men are having sex (lol) and I quoted the statistic that incels have racked up a kill count of at least 60 (spoiler alter, its much worse)
So I sat down and complied this excel sheet, these are just the ones that are on the list of Wikipedia's article Misogynist terrorism and some that I remembers. Ive added where it took place, how old they were when the commited the crime, what reasons/excuses they had, how many victims and the S means they alt+f4:ed
Id love it if you guys message me if have any in your country or that you can think of that I could add!
TLDR If you dont feel like opening the whole thing the little shitheads have killed 106 and injured 119, most of them women. They go out of their way to target women and the men killed seems to often be collateral damage
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burningtheroots · 1 year
Honestly, MRAs and liberal feminists (a.k.a. MRAs 2.0) complaining about "men are oppressed, too!" are a joke.
If these men actually wanted something to change, they‘d actively fight and advocate for the liberation of women because — believe it or not — every single inconvenience men face under patriarchy is a side effect of systemic female oppression.
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caitlinjohns77 · 1 month
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