#my brainrot has hit new extremes
ghostdrinkssoup · 2 years
you ever think about how we were robbed of abigail + team sassy science interactions? the found family potential of bev being an older sister figure for abigail (wlw solidarity) haunts me every day. like sure murder family is great and all yeahyeah but also imagine abigail in the evidence room with zeller and price like. they’re the silly gay dads she deserved I will be taking no criticism
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slytherinshua · 5 months
i'm not really one for new years or rly doing anything for it, but i thought i should at least thank all my friends who have made this year infinitely better for me. i'm ngl, this year was really hard in many ways. it felt like me and my family particularly were hit with new things to deal with as soon as the old ones had ended, and we just desperately wanted a break.
my way of getting a break was talking to you all, writing my silly little delusions, and being able to have a space here to share my work. so thank you. whether you were a silent reader, liked, reblogged, followed, or gave feedback for my writing-- all of you have helped me so much this year. the love that my writing has received has given me such motivation to keep going and to keep trying, and i don't think i would've otherwise.
now to thank my lovely friends, who without, i wouldn't be here today :( in no particular order...
@aravrs,, @kyrjnie,, @nyukyujs,, @etherealyoungk,, @rubywonu,, @kyeomyun,, @idubiluv,, @minholing,, @welcometomyoasis,, @dinotoro,, @wonijinjin,, @hannieheartuu,, @mangocustard16,, @amara-mars,, @glosskirt i don't like putting you all together because each of you mean so much to me individually, but i was worried i was gonna forget some of you especially since i don't talk to you guys as much </3 i love each and every one of you, and you have made 2023 such a fun year for me since i was able to talk to you all!! thank you for wanting to be moots with me and for talking to me, talking with you has been so fun and comforting this year <3 cheers to 2024 🫡
@blue-jisungs axe you were one of my first moots ever, and the first blog i followed. we became friends last year but i feel like we became so much closer this year. we watched kdramas together, spammed and ranted to each other, fed each other brainrot and delusions, and just generally enjoyed each others company :( i cannot see my life without you in it, you are so so so important to me now and i want to cry whenever i think about how amazing it is to have you as one of my best friends. i love you more than you know <3
@fairyhaos yena! you were one of the first blogs that i saw and went "woah" bcuz ur writing has always been so amazing. i seriously love it so much, i'll never get sick of it. once i got to know you as a person, i realized that you're even more amazing than your writing is. you're fun and kind and sweet and caring-- thank you so much for being my friend this year and i can't wait to make more memories with you next year 🫡
@weird-bookworm sky you are truly one of my closest friends. we've spent so much time talking and i've enjoyed every second of it. i feel like we have a unique dynamic cause unlike my other friends, we're constantly teasing and bullying in each other in the best of ways <3 in a weird way, the fact that i still know someone who is as big an army as i used to be is comforting. you feel like nostalgia-- like the old me in 2021. and even tho ur older by a bit, you feel like a younger sister to me sometimes skdjsk i really love you a lot, thank you for being my friend this year!!
@haecien cien my only guy friend 👹 talking to you has been especially fun this year. introducing you to the new loves of ur life, listening to you scream about minghao, harua, seungwoo, hyunjae, shin and gaon, playing stardew valley, and sharing some nostalgia from the philippines is all so comforting to me <3 i love u so much and i hope that i can find some more guys to add to ur loml list in 2024 🤞
@kkooongie sarah!! we've talked quite a bit since we met, and it's always been so fun and nice to talk to someone who is as much of a multi as i am <3 finding someone who also stans groups like victon and verivery is extremely hard??? and i'm so happy that there's someone out there who loves silly little nugu kpop men just like me <3 i love you a lot, and i hope you never forget that 🫶
@evalevaeva eva.... ur just incredible to me sometimes?? from writing the best fuma delusions to stressing out abt ur auditions (don't go to cube istg) talking to you has always been so fun!! i'm still so glad that you reblogged that one so mun fic, otherwise i would've never found your blog or talked to you </3 the sieun delusions are real and stan lucy for a better life 🤞 you always make me laugh and smile so much, and i hope i do too cause otherwise that would be a little awkward... 🧍‍♀️ PLS I HOPE IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO LIKES OUR FRIENDSHIP 👎
@caramel-maveeato viv </3 my wife fr 🥹 whether it was screaming about the men i love the most to dying over your art or fics, you've always been someone who was always comfortable to talk to. i just love talking to you so much its so therapeutic??? stop rizzing me up tho it must stop before i go insane 🙅‍♀️🚫 no more rizzing in 2024 okay 👹 i hope we talk a lot more and stay as close as we are now bcuz talking to you has always been one of my favorite things to do, i love you so much 💖
@candewlsy mizu my baby </3 I LOVE U SO MUCH LIKE PLS PLS PLS KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE U IM GONNA SCREAM I WANNA SQUISH U?? what. ur just so fun and silly and comforting and I LOVE U AND UR HUMOUR 🥹 i love how you allow me to introduce you to new kpop men and actors, and how you love them just as much as me!! you're just as delulu and slightly deranged as i am AND THATS WHAT MAKES IT FUN 😭 i love watching kdramas with you, and i hope we can finally get through our list of kdramas to watch in 2024 cause its getting l o n g e r 🧍‍♀️ thank you also for reblogging my fics bcuz ur reblogs have to be some of my favorites ever </3 they're so fun and entertaining to read, i always end up giggling :(
@wheeboo rania :( i know i usually bully you and you bully me back, the whole divorced wives things but idk i'm feeling a little emo rn so i'm just gonna be appreciative?? i know we have talked recently, but it feels like we haven't talked enough since before christmas cause i've been busy and you've been busy... and idk i've just felt that void a bit?? talking to you has always been so fun and relaxing, and it's guaranteed to make me smile and laugh and just be an escape from anything i've been thinking about. watching k-dramas and having little music sessions were some of my absolute favorite memories of this year. it's just so special that I can call you one of my best friends, and i hope that i can continue to talk to you for years to come because you're one of the most comforting people i've ever met. not to mention that you write like an absolute goddess?? i still remember proofreading psycho for the first time and just being so shocked bcuz how does anyone even write like that????? i love that i'm ur little go-to for fic spoilers pls don't ever replace me or i'll cry 🧍‍♀️ and whenever i'm struggling with a fic, i always go to you as well <3 i can't express how much i love you and how much you mean to-- words just aren't enough 😭 i'll never get tired of talking to you
@eternalgyu i saved you for last cause i know this is gonna be a long ass paragraph.... ppl are gonna be dying to scroll past this so i wanted to make sure u were at the end. saving the best for last yk 🫡 hannie you have changed my life. like from the day i met you my life was completely changed. it felt like i had finally found my missing puzzle piece?? the best friend that i never had was finally in my life. and my life has never been the same since. everyday when i wake up, i text you. my brain is just "hannie hannie hannie hannie hannie hannie" that's all it is now. when you weren't able to text me for 3 days, i felt like my world had stopped. i couldn't think about anything else, i couldn't sleep. at this point, i need you to live. i need you to be able to function. you are the reason i kept writing. you are the reason im alive. and you will always be my favorite person on this entire earth. i'd choose you over everyone and everything in a heartbeat. it's not even a question at this point, but i know the answer is gonna be you every time. i know this isn't an accurate number of the messages i've send to you, but just on discord, in 2023, i've sent you 183,422 messages. i'm sure ive sent thousands on instagram, and hundreds on other social media too. if you ever stop talking to me, i'll literally find u. LIKE U CANT EVER LEAVE ME CAUSE UR STUCK WITH ME FOR THE REST OF TIME >:( i'll start sending you daily emails pretending to be car insurance or smth like idk ill think of smth... anything to keep you as my best best friend for eternity. i know i say that i don't believe soulmates exist, because the idea of romantic soulmates is a little too fantastical for my realist mind. but since meeting you, i can say for certain that platonic soulmates do exist. we fit together so perfectly, i couldn't imagine anyone else as my best friend.
i remember one time before i met you, i tried to make an irl friend here and my dad said "i hope that you'll find your diana". obviously they didn't end up being your diana, but it's fine. because i did find my diana. you are my diana, and i am your anne. if i could spend the rest of my life talking to you, it'll still not be enough, so please keep talking to me in heaven or something.... the beomgyu to my taehyun, the jeonghan to my joshua, the sejun to my subin, the hoyoung to my gyehyeon, the wyatt to my yuto, the anton to my sohee, the taesan to my jaehyun, the yechan to my wonsang, the chanhee to my changmin, the jeongin to my seungmin, the moonbin to my rocky, the jo to my yuma, the jake to my jungwon, the theo to my jongseob, the taehyung to my hobi, the hwiyoung to my hwiyoung (what), THE HWIYOUNG TO MY DAWON (there we go), THE TAEYANG TO MY HWIYOUNG (even better), the jihoon to my minhyun, my one and only hannie. i love you more than anyone and anything. even though we're so different, we work so well together. we have different biases, and different habits. different religions and different plans for our lives. but we both have plans to meet each other, and i know it'll happen eventually. my life won't be complete until i can run up to you at the airport and give you the biggest hug. i'll probably start crying when that happens since i'm crying just think about it. i won't let go of the hug for maybe 5 minutes because i need to make up for all the hours spent that i couldn't give you a hug. i don't usually like hugs, but giving you one is all that i want to do. there's been so many times where i wished i could hug you. whenever you're struggling or feel depressed, whenever you feel hopeless and lost and uncared for and unloved and overlooked. i just want to hug you when i hear about them, because even though i don't know how to help you in those times, even when i don't have the solution, i know a hug would make things just a little better. when we eventually get ourselves a little apartment with a couple of cats, you can always come to me for a hug when you feel down. i'll bake you some brownies or cookies and we'll watch some kdramas together. we'll reminisce to old kpop songs from our childhood (like... srr SUGAR RUSH USH SUGAR RUSH USH SUGAR RUSH USH UH) and we'll eventually be old porch grandma's still bopping to txt's emo songs. i'll spend my teen years with you, and my adult years with you, and when i'm old and wrinkly, i hope you're still by my side. cause i don't want anyone else as my best friend. only you. pls don't cry while reading this cause ik you might AND I DIDNT MAKE THIS W THE INTENTION OF MAKING U CRY BUT LIKE IT MIGHT HAPPEN..... i rly rly love you. seriously. i love you so much. every memory i've made with you in 2023 is precious, and i know we'll make millions more in the years to come. please stay my best friend for the rest of time, because i'm never going to get sick of you. i love you the most, i hope you know that <3 i hope this is a good paragraph cause i forgot everything i wrote at this point, i don't really plan to write this much but whenever it comes to writing an appreciation for you, i always have more to say. you're my favorite person in the entire world, so ofc i would never run out of words to describe how much you mean to me. please be happy in 2024 and talk to me a lot <3 we'll meet each other for real soon and share a long hug together. until that day, let's continue how we are 🫶
happy new year to you all!! i hope 2024 is filled with love and joy and happiness <3 i love you all very much!! - zanna
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thr-333 · 4 months
In other news- because tbh this other au holds more meaning in my heart (just cuz of how I relate to Donnie the most out of all of the aus), I genuinely am craving for angst with hurt/comfort for Leo Jr au.
sooo time for THOUGHTS I really am longing for moments with Leo Jr and Donnie, because...hnk- Donnie actually receiving comfort, care, patient understanding and acceptance instead of being told to suck it up or being ridiculed/treated like a ticking time bomb???? Means the world to me????? Idk- I guess my soul just aches for this version of Donnie who didn't get that safe space Leonardo's Donnie did. (i get the au is mainly Leo-centric, but for some reason this version of Don-tron ya created has somehow wormed his way into my heart and he is truly my favorite iteration in terms of aus???)
When I tell you that I felt my heart break over the silly comic where Leonardo says that Leo Jr and Casey Jr are twins, solely due to what that implies to the overall story. In a sense, Leo Jr gets to have variations of the life he would have if he hadn't been kidnapped (by all technicalities Leo Jr IS a victim of kidnapping no matter how wholesome it turned out to be). He gets to know the joys of having a twin, of being able to goof around and laugh, being understood/accepted, being able to make friends and be a kid! Meanwhile...Donnie (the one who was MEANT to have Leo as his twin) didn't get any of that. It hit hard that, even if it wasn't intentional by any means, Don was "easily replaced." (which idk if it's intentional or not, but that seems to be a reoccurring theme for the spiny softshell in this au). He'll never really have that close knit bond, not know what it's like, even if Leo Jr and him do grow close during their teenage years. Because in this reality, the "Disaster Twins" exist, Donnie's just not apart of it. Which is just another way that shows how much of a stranger the kid is to everyone who is supposed to be his family; his father, two brothers, and even the one who was at one point meant to be his twin.
That thought is sorta what led me down the rabbit hole of Leo Jr AU! Don brainrot. The kid's reality is one of neglect, extreme isolation, fear and...probably a deep well of self-hatred, loneliness, non existent self-worth, etc. (we saw how he struggled with in Rise Canon, so i can only imagine it is so much worse in this au). I can only imagine that this also impacts his ninpo and mystics later on, which probably is going to make his self-esteem take a nosedive.
Ngl if Leonardo's twin (who I'm gonna call Tello) is actually watching over his past self, it makes me wonder what he's thinking. His pov would be intriguing consider he'd be witnessing how much pain his twin's actions caused. Idk- I just- when I look at everything from this particular au, it makes me hope that Donnie is allowed to feel his big feelings without people trying to rush him. He should be allowed to be terrified, hurt, angry, etc towards Splinter and Leonardo. Neither of them deserve his forgiveness, because shit- both of them fucked up big time. They both caused complex trauma...and like- really need to face consequences. (apart of me sorta hopes Donnie DOESN'T forgive them) dakjsfsadfas sorry for rambling, not sure if any of that made sense, but I just- I have so many feelings about Donnie in the Leo Jr au, and really want to see more of him!
The sewers were a gross place to live if you asked Junior but Splinter refused to move to the hidden city. Luckily he had his portals meaning he could step into the already cleaned portion they called a home.
“Leo!” Mikey was the first to notice him. Dropping the plates on the table he was setting them vaulting over it, “You came!”
“It’s still Junior,” He reminded for the umpteenth time, “And yeah I said I would,”
Mikey collided into him for a hug. Junior gave a small wave to Raph- or Red, probably Red as the snapper wasn’t meeting his eyes while trying to hide his scowl. Splinter was setting the table in Mikeys stead, making wayyy too much eye contact as he kept staring at Junior. He was placing the plates down carelessly. The one in front of Donnie was placed down with a crack, only Junior caught his flinch.
“Great, he’s here, I saw him,” Donnie pushed away from the table in a frenzied movement, “Can I please leave now,”
“Purple your brother is here, that is more important than some computer,” Splinter snapped. No one took note of the way both Donnie and Junior cringed. 
“Nah he’s just tryna get out of showing me his lab since he promised last time,” Junior stepped forward and away from Mikey.
“I did no such thing,” Donnie scowled at him as Junior came around to his side,
“No use backing out now Dee,” Junior grinned, shuffling towards Donnie so the softshell backed away. Kind of like herding a very liable to bite sheep, “I’m expecting the grand tour, don't wait up everyone! “
But dinner…” Junior pretended he didn’t hear Mikey as he walked Donnie towards his room office lab space.
It was empty, with sections obviously organized out to put things there but with not enough actual stuff to do it. Donnie held himself like a tightly drawn string as they walked in. Not looking at Junior as the red slider circled around to the other's bed.
“What did you want to see?” Donnie asked tiredly as Junior came up behind him, “Most of my stuff is at the old place, or the other old place, or-”
Donnie was cut off by the blanket being draped over his head like a tablecloth.
“Nothing much,” Junior shrugged stepping away as Donnie went very still under the blanket, “Just had to get out of there, think I might sit quietly against a wall for the next half hour, not say anything, not do anything, you know how it is,”
Junior slid down the wall. He would have to go back eventually, or the others would break down the door and pull them both back to dinner. He estimated he had about thirty six minutes before that happened and that he could convince them to leave Donnie be. He’d say he asked if the softshell could make something for him. Something big so Donnie would have an excuse to disappear for the next week or so. They tended not to bother the other turtle as much if they thought he was doing stuff for the yokai.
The blanket shuffled, bunching up on the ground as Donnie sat near him. Only just within arms reach. He was covered head to toe, curled up and completely silent. Junior occupied himself trying to come up with a believable project. Maybe a new mask? That way he could wear his old one and the others would never know, it’s not like Splinter ever let them follow Junior to the battle nexus.
The blanket shifted but Donnie didn’t emerge. A hand poked out the bottom, listing up the cloth and bunching it up while still keeping the soft shell hidden. Junior reached his hand out halfway. Donnie couldn't see it but paused when his searching hand brushed up against it. Junior kept still, waiting, not minding one way or the other.
Donnie held his fingers, squeezing lightly. Junior squeezed back, not taking Donnie’s whole hand but meeting him where he was. It was pleasant, it was quiet. The noise from the others blocked off. A little bubble away from everything where they could just be. 
Junior thought growing up in the sewers may have not been all bad… if he got to do it with Donnie.
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alfreds-shitpost · 1 month
John seed brain rot
Issues and disorders
Bipolar 1
Savior complex
Delusional thinking
Unlabeled but queer
I think John Seed suffers from bipolar due to how he treats the deputy as well as his dialoug. He is obsessed with the deputy and unlike others he seems to treat them with ‘care’ and being more tender with the deputy than he is with anyone else. He is seen washing the deputy’s chest and being generally more ‘gentle’ with them over anyone else.
In the church where he carves nick rye’s ‘sin’ off his chest without prep
Hits and punches other characters that do not listen
I also believe he suffers from delusional thinking, not only due to being groomed into a cult but due to the fact he believes he is a higher power and the chosen one to judge others and aid them. He has what is simply a very extreme religious savior complex
Examples of bipolar
Delusions and mania especially when it comes to getting noticed by the Deputy
Joseph is seemingly one of two of his FP’s because he desires attention from them at all times and seems mood-dependent on them quite a lot.
Is obsessed with the deputy and or has obsessive issues
Mood swings and is extremely complex
Impulsive and risky during mania
Examples of the savior complex
Baptizing others
‘Clenses’ others of sins + indoctrinates others
I also believe him to have aspd since its seen very clearly while he is hurting and extremely emotional he lacks remorse and guilt which is typical of people with aspd. I believe joseph seed manipulated and coerced john into his more aggressive violent behaviors as while john was likely trying to get help joseph used it for his own whims.
John’s cries for help were likely emotional outbursts that those around him labled as dangerous instead of trying to help him they likely demonized him as seen when joseph states that “he was not well liked but was feared” when you complete john’s plotline.
Examples of ASPD within john seed (as someone medically recognized with it)
Violent without seeming remorse for most people
Lack of guilt
Only cares for 3 people in total
John also seems to be attention-seeking and a perfectionist until its his own downfall as he’s seen worrying over the fact not everyone is perfect, not everyone is what he wants and therefore he must help them change so that they fit into his views. So they do not fall for what he did and he believes ridding them of their sins is making them stronger when in reality he is doing what his parents did to him
John is a case of the abused becoming the abuser and people grooming others in a non-sexual way to become what they need as seen with he and joseph’s interactions
Not even joseph likes his brother john which means he likely never cared that john died in the first place considering joseph is quite biased toward his sister faith.
John is the most hated of the family due to his instability and due to the fact he is not as responsible as joseph or jacob. He is unstable and a wild card, something you don't want especially if you are running a cult
John seed is a victim of abuse and what i believe to be a form of non-sexual grooming, he also likely has tried bliss so he may be victim to drug abuse as well.
I think john seed is queer mainly for the fact he acts the same towards the deputy no matter what gender you pick and other characters/NPC’s even joke how john seed wants to ‘get in your pants’ per se in dialogue no matter what gender you had picked in the game.
I also think he is queer coded and likely has some form of internalized homophobia or insecurity around it hence why he acts like he does with the deputy
John seed brainrot has gotten to me
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keruukat · 7 months
My CJVerse Masterpost
Hey! With the recent breaching of containment of the CJVerse upon Tumblr I figured I’d finally get a blog and subject my brainrot over my silly little guys upon the world. Anyway! This’ll be my masterpost for brief descriptions of all of my characters as of 11/8/23. Including Bad End and guys who have yet to hit the chatroom!
First off, my first and favorite: my “canon” guys! In quotes as, as all writers know, removing a character from isolation causes character growth. These guys have already formed Whole and split once, and are currently attempting to break the loop and live Whole-free, as per his request.
To kick it off, Whole himself! His chatroom nickname is Tempo, as these four have music themed nicknames. He’s generally kind, if self-sacrificing. Believes his Thirds deserve to live more than he does. Not necessarily suicidal per se, but would rather be split. Still, he rides the high of being Alive when he’s here. Enjoys the time he’s here but isn’t afraid of splitting. Has been looping for around 7 years, so he’s used to it. Has been looking for ways to make it easier on his Thirds but nothing he does changes anything of the loop. Art by @disruptivevoib !!!!
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Here’s his Soul. His nickname is Amp but he considers such his actual name, as it was relayed back to him through Tempo when he split. Mistakenly convincing him it was a gift from him for the longest time. He used to knit, hence the knitting project in his profile picture, but after an incident with a certain cognitohazardous twizzler he can’t stand the sight of yarn, particularly red. Has extreme self-sacrificing tendencies, and will shamelessly attempt to carry other’s burdens for them despite being crushed by his own. He’s healing, and is doing better, but still struggles. Is also struggling g with apathy and finding a new hobby, but uses a notebook gifted to him to try to pick up songwriting again. Art by @starryhologram !
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Heart Tiem! His name is Tune and he is FIRMLY in japathy, and has been since the start of this loop. He locked himself away at his Mind’s antagonizing and attempts to incapacitate him, alongside his verbal beratement. Hasn’t done much beyond run away from their Psyche recently, but that’s another long story. Art by @squeak-4657 :D
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Last but not least, Static! He’s the Mind, and he is Wonderful. A lot of character development went a long way w him. He used to be extremely antagonistic towards Tune to the point of an attempted poisoning, however, since Tune shut himself in his room for a depression coma and Amp secluded himself away due to Mental Illness^tm he’s since seen the error of his ways. He leans hard into the morality aspect of Mind, and believes Hearts are important to the function of the Psyche. Two of his closest friends are Hearts, in fact. He uses a regulator/modulator for his voice which cracks horribly. This has led into him building prosthetics and mobility aids for some other people in chat including his best friend, Storm, who is a Mind played by Q-ott. Can’t not mention him, as these two are in a HELL of an unhealthy codependent friendship. Trainwreck level. It’s awful. Anyway. Static also bakes as a hobby, and distributes his baked goods to chat on a regular. He’s great, I love him. Art by @pathos-p ! And bonus, my pfp, which is Static drawn by @agent-8449 (not shown in this post tho)
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Now, that’s the only “AU” played solely by me, but I’m in several shared AUs. I’ll list the canonical guys here, and later Bad End and FFA!
Kicking off with the Mind of the Aside AU, The Sound of Deep Waters, the Maestro in Blue, or as some may call him, Wawer. Eldritch god who lives in Europa where he’s built a laboratory to study and observe whatever life-forms sprung up on Earth this go-around of the universe. Hears the Dreamers, who are Us. The creators of the AUs. That’s to say he (and his counterparts) can hear all of the non-canon discussion and chatter (though there are limits.) I’ve taken a bit of a step back from him partially due to mental health but I still love the concept!
Pfp by and Heart played by @agent-8449
AU created and Soul played by @nitroish
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Next, not to go from an over the top eldritch god to The Most Boring Man In Existence but actually doing exactly that- meet Robert. It’s Robert. Ignore what William tells you, it is Robert, and nothing else. Much less anything unprofessional like Billybob or Bert. Eughk. Robert’s the Mind of The Stanley Parable AU! Haven’t done much with him, but there’s a running joke he’s a bootlicker because he’s So prim and proper and would do anything for a raise, or even better, a promotion.
Heart of the AU played by Q-ott
Soul of the AU played by @shadywoods
Whole played by and Robert’s pfp done by @disruptivevoib
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Heehoo. He’s awaiting canon, so I can’t say much of anything about this mf. Only thing I can say is that his name’s Tenor, he’s a Heart, and the pfp was done by the talented @squeak-4657! >:)c
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Azzurro’s an interesting one. Mind, displaced. Taking the role of a Soul this loop. He also hasn’t hit chat yet, so there’s not much to say. He’s shared custody between me and Q-ott, Q’s got em this loop. Pfp done by Q, too!
Heart/Mind played by @jesterberries
Soul/Heart played by the mastermind of this AU, @shadywoods !
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YIPPEE!!! That’s all for canon! Now onto the OOC chats.
Starting with someone I can’t say much about, but he’s still my scrungly beloved birdboy supreme, Trill! Trill’s a [REDACTED] for the [REDACTED] AU, and he makes bird noises near 24/7 and will go feral over a bowl of sunflower seeds (despite not liking them too much). He’s a silly little guy, if you ignore The Horrors like he does! @squeak-4657 and I share custody for him, sowing havoc and confusion in FFA when we both rped him at the same time haha. :> hroooo!
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Next up is Bass, similarly a [REDACTED] for an AU I can’t share. He hasn’t hit chat yet, but he’s an all around chill guy. Me and @starryhologram will be sharing custody of him! Unfortunately I’ve run out of image attachments I can add, but it works out because he’s still p secret. Shhh.
Lastly! Tachycardia. Oh, Tachycardia… He certainly puts the “bad” into the “bad end” timelines. He was once called Static, but he’ll insist you call him Cardia. He’s the once-Mind, now-Heart-but-not-quite of the SELF AU. Twisted beyond recognition due to forces from an unknown Psyche he’s landed himself as well as his best friends, Sisyphus and Midas (similarly twisted versions of Willow and Storm, who belong to Q-ott) in due to a grevious mistake, he’s left stricken in horror as Sisyphus grows chains and shackles, Midas begins freezing everything he touches solid, and Cardia himself? He watched as his blood turns from blue to red. He has to eat and drink to survive when he didn’t before. He goes blind, like a Heart. Eyes changing color between blue and purple. His regulator melds into his neck, becoming half assimilated by frozen, scarred flesh. His voice splits in two, a Mind’s with a Heart’s underlaying it. Hell of a body horror moment. And he’s stuck like this. Falling into Heartlike tendencies despite being a Mind (at least in part. Not fully, anymore.). Falling into apathy. Also, becoming even more unhealthily attached to Midas/Storm and to Willow/Sisyphus.
Heart and Mind of this AU played by Q-ott!
Pfp by @tnovanadir
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So yeah! That’s my currently comprehensive full list of Guys across all chats! May y’all enjoy, feel free to ask questions bc I’m always happy to infodump further. :D
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elliegoose · 1 year
different anon. that post may or may not have also awakened something in me. uh oh oopsie woopsie
okay at this point i need to show everyone here my favorite plushie tf sequence. it's a six-part series of sketches by grindaviking (one of my favorite artists in general) about a woman who, because of a miscommunication with her doctor, gets turned into her kemono/mascot plushie sona and has to adjust to living life as a giant anthro made of cloth and stuffing. reading through the first four parts as she was drawing them made me fully plushiebrained. it's really hot imo
here they are, with links to the tweets as well:
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part 1
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part 2
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part 3
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part 4
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part 5
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part 6
like just... watching a tf'd character have to adjust to their new body is really really good, and i adore how the ghostly version of her former body showing her inner thoughts in parts 1-3 gets replaced with a version that looks like her new body in part 4. it's just askljdfjlasdlkj idk it hits in all the best ways.
also part 5 is extremely hot and gave me a kink for overstuffed plushie characters lmao
anyway i need everyone to understand my very specific plushie brainrot and i'm glad there are at least some of you here who do
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boinin · 9 months
Have an on-the-fly Hiori narrative theory cos new chapter brainrot. I love when storytellers seed future payoff simply, and in plain sight.
Hiori is a kind, polite person. He is extremely mild-mannered. No one would imagine him capable of thinking about his parents this way.
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This panel in chapter 206 is horrifying. You're taken aback by it. It's a nod to the FPS games Hiori loses himself in, but nevertheless. Yes, his parents are scumbags, but imagining shooting this way borders on the perverse. Maybe Hiori's not as mild-mannered as he seems.
Then we get back to the main plot, which is Isagi's story. Isagi knows nothing about Hiori's background. We're back to seeing him as calm, kind, measured, but dispassionate. Exactly how everyone in Blue Lock perceives him.
Although you expect Hiori to be subbed in during this match, enough time and chapters pass that the memory of Hiori's flashback dulls. You pay attention to Hiori having metavision and his synergy with Isagi. You don't think about how much darkness there might be inside Hiori.
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Flash forward to this week's chapter. It starts with a reminder of his upbringing, but we also get this unseen memory. It shows Hiori in his own stratum, during the penalty game. He's in Team Z too, going by the numbering. Notice how viciously he shoots that ball at another player: right to the face. By choice.
Hiori's an accurate passer. He could have aimed anywhere on the body and hit, but he chose this guy's head.
Again, not the level of brutality you'd expect from this character, even in a situation of live or die. Make no mistake, leaving Blue Lock is as good as death to Hiori, because it means returning to his parents.
But we already knew he was capable of imagining it.
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Just before, in chapter 232, Hiori substitutes into the game at Isagi's urging, but finds it hard to be effective. He has a shattering realisation of what he's up against. His teammates and opposition are on a different level.
The darkness in his eyes is something we've seen in other characters before (representing flow), but damn if it doesn't look spooky on Hiori. This is meant to be jarring. We're subconsciously being told to alter our perception of him as a character. Remember, he's not as unfailingly nice as he seems.
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Hiori is juxtaposed against Isagi frequently, with good reason. The manga's protagonist is a character who's somewhat meek in personality, but turns into a raging egoist during matches. Isagi shows a different side of himself on the field. And as Hiori himself said during their conversation with Noa in chapter 230, substituting him would be like having two Isagis playing.
As a reader, you think he's speaking in terms of metavision/game sense. He is...
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But this final panel from chapter 233 makes me believe it's not just that Hiori has in common with Isagi. Here's where we get into theory territory.
The chains are coming off Hiori, representing the expectations his parents and everyone else have for him. He's done repressing what he wants, his true ego.
This will alter his way of playing. While we don't have too long to wait (bless weekly manga releases), I wager it's as much to do with physicality and riskiness as it does his use of metavision. His interception of the ball from Barou may support this.
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His parents brought him up in cotton wool. He trained and ate well. He avoided injuries. He played impressively in the manga before now, but that performance was mediocre in comparison to the top players in Blue Lock.
It's not enough on the battlefield of Bastard Munchen v Ubers, and Hiori knows this.
We're about to see a very different side to our soft-spoken sheep boy. Something far less polite and polished. It could be what makes Isagi king of this match. Time will tell.
He has had one of my favourite arcs so far, and I cannot wait to see how it ends.
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irlarcadegannon · 2 years
Thoughts on Vulpes ? be as detailed as you’d like I love hearing ppl brainrot about him
Oh, you've asked the right person, because I have a LOT to say. I mean, a lot. This post is long and it doesn't even scratch the surface.
hbomberguy put it best in his Fallout New Vegas video when he referred to Vulpes as an "imposing weirdo". It may be the most concise and simultaneously descriptive summary of him I've ever heard.
He's such a vague character that so much is open to interpretation. Ask a hundred people and not once will you get the same answer on who he is. I think that's a fantastic thing for the sake of variety and creativity in the fandom.
So what do I think of him?
I hate him, I love him, he needs to get himself together, I can't take him seriously, I can take him way too seriously..
He's one of the most volatile members of the Legion. He's walking a tightrope line between two extremes: being the Legion's poster boy, or abandoning it entirely—here's why I say that:
Vulpes is standoffish and dramatic. He has some, er, theatrical passion to him that other Legionaries do not. He runs up to you at Nipton to give you his evil monologue you just know he was rehearsing in the mirror for days, anxiously waiting for someone to come along so he can put on a show.
It's comically evil. And he knows that. He wants to be the big bad, because that means it's his chance to shine, and prove to the Legion that he is useful, he serves a purpose, see, you guys, I did it all in the name of the Legion!
It's childish. And I don't say that to absolve him of any guilt, no, this is a direct criticism of him. He's so out of touch and so entrenched in what the Legion has taught him that he fails to recognize the world around him as anything other than a stage for his performances.
If anything breaks that mirage, it's going to completely shatter him.
Talk to Caesar and he'll tell you that Vulpes has been saved from the brink of execution (at least once, I think multiple times) by his word alone. He's too stubborn, too independent. That tells me that Caesar is the one thing keeping Vulpes alive, let alone in the Legion.
He's young, and yet he's somehow the top frumentari? (Reeks of Caesar's interference.) Listen to the way he talks to you, he's so earnest that it's almost laughable. He'll do whatever it takes to give himself a name and credibility, and most importantly, to get the attention of Caesar. That is the foundation of his existence.
I think the rest of the Legion hates him. They can't stand him. He's Caesar's favorite so suddenly he gets to run everything? The man can't even stay incognito on the Strip, that's his one job!
If you took the Legion away from him, he would be nothing. And that would challenge his entire world view.
He tries so hard, yet everyone remains so unimpressed (you know who's the legend among soldiers? Joshua Graham. It's never Vulpes they mention). He's outrageous and horrible, and yet, you can't take him seriously. I've heard so many players say they shoot him on sight. They don't fear him. And if you kill him, guess what? He gets replaced! Nothing changes! The game demonstrates as blatantly as possible that he is replaceable (and will not be missed)!
His ego is so fragile that if it takes a single hit, it will result in the most catastrophic critical failure ego death imaginable.
That's why I like him. Because I'd really like to see that ego death happen. My first few times playing the game, I honestly thought he was meant to be a companion, because he seems so perfectly set up for a character arc that you as a player to influence for better or for worse.
Would you enable him and let him stay in his fantasy land where he gets to play the starring role? Holding his hand through more violence and slaughter? Would you show him (or let him figure out on his own) that the Legion doesn't care about him and watch him fail when he doesn't know what to do without them? Would you give him a reality check and tell him to change or die? That to change he's got to accept that he's caused a whole lot of pain to a whole lot of people that he can never undo and no one will ever owe him forgiveness?
He's a very important character in my fan works, arguably a main character in some of them. I think his symbolic status sets him up for some really interesting dynamics with other main characters, particularly the companions that represent their factions. I assure you I have PLENTY to say about those, too, but I'm cutting the post off here before it reaches novel length.
Vulpes is such a blank slate, with details that are so telling. He is fascinating.
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found-wings · 8 months
oooooo so I have two ideas here- whichever one you like better is cool :D
• for disorientation- another layer of it would be a q!etoiles being thrown into a vanilla world and having to go through the sudden loss of the extensive stamina and extra layer of health. those add ons that are required in a world as buffed as theirs would def be a rough transition. the sudden rip to half of what you've adjusted to be your body's new basic functions would be rough but mwah the pure painful angst :D put this funky fighter through the wringer WOOOOO HAVING HIM SHOW UP ALREADY INJURED the idea of his body throbbing with phantom injuries because if it's just his body adjusting to the new world- then yes his health is now Normal and so there's no physical injuries. but the inner pain of his entire beings durability being divided like this would cause lots of pain ^-^ angst)
• the other idea though- is the mods add ins sticking. him transitioning world's but his body retains the qsmp extras. so him going into a vanilla world with double the health and maybe a bunch of rare shit depending on if he warps with his items or not (I thinkkkkk he might bc he has the scythe but that could be an exception :O) it'd be cool to see him with a bunch of high tech and insane level utilities in a base world and needing to be hit twice as hard and fights lasting twice as long to even do some damage to him. (also funny and angsty the idea of him having the auto fill backpack and other players reactions to him dying repeatedly over and over again and the totems just constantly popping and popping. him shouting as if the pain is nothing but a normal adrenaline rush for him knowing damn well the effects of over-totem consumption is hurting :D!! i wonder if anyone would noticeeeeeeeeee whump whomp)
brainrot - 💿
So my current idea kind of.. consists out of the two ideas you‘ve mentioned? Let me explain :
SMPEarth isn’t entirely 'vanilla', though instead of mods they did have a couple of plugins iirc ( shaking the planes and airstrikes KAJSJ ). So even then, there‘s still a lot of differences between their worlds.
qEtoiles does keep majority of his things from whatever he had on him when he was thrown into the different world, an example being his Scythe.
This means he does have a variety of rare items, tech and much more that the others don‘t have. However what we would consider his health & stamina do get reduced - it‘s not quite noticeable at first as the world hasn‘t fully recognised Etoiles presence just yet, hence why it doesn’t affect him instantly. The reason for that is the corrupted code part of him, aka. his arm.
The code monsters that are also within the world already also haven‘t been hit with it because they are basically 'viruses' in the world and have gone unseen. Etoiles will be hit with the reduce rather sooner than later as he‘s not entirely corrupted like the actual code monsters.
Regarding the totem thing, I do have a headcanon that aeTechno is similar on that level in the world. Just a little less extreme as he doesn’t have the auto fill thing - but aePhil has seen him tank attacks with repeatedly popping totems during multiple battles they‘ve participated in and seen the effects it has. aePhil on the other hand prefers to fight with no totems at all and keep his hands free - he‘s more used to standing at the sidelines and away, but he will not hesitate at diving into or leading a battle if ever needed. I‘d imagine that with Etoiles he‘d just straight up go 'oh god, not another one' / JOKING
I‘ll go more into this later maybe, but I like the idea of aeEmerald Duo having a deeper history with each other from even before the Antarctic Empire. This is where the silly immortal stuff comes into play, that Etoiles will eventually find out about :D
Modded items from the QSMP will mostly stay in the world of what is technically SMPEarth, however any buffs ( such as health & stamina ) will eventually be fixed by 'the system‘ they have there once the world recognised Etoiles presence. Yes, it will be painful as hell when it does hit - he‘s basically tanking hits with no physical attacker and no actual injuries. Just pure phantom pain. The only way he can 'heighten' his stamina and stuff to a constant state again is through working it back up manually with practice & all.
A couple of blocks, etc. from the QSMP have already found their way into the SMPEarth world via world corruption - the Antarctic Empire has had a couple of run ins with a few code monsters probably before they met Etoiles, hence why aePhil is even less trusting for a while as he sees the corrupted arm.
My current idea is also that aePhil & aeTechno originally met Etoiles near an oddly corrupted looking waystone they had been traveling out to to take a look at. They weren‘t quite expecting another person to appear-
I am so silly about this AU :D
I also apologise for any writing mistakes, my brain is zooming AJJA
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youraveragedeltafan · 8 months
Idea: Crossover/AU where Chloe Bourgeois gets on the Infinity Train and joins the Apex
Idk how niche this is, but I just had a thought once a little bit of my old and slightly older brainrots came back to haunt me: Chloe Bourgeois and Infinity Train, more specifically book 3. Since I have been grasping at creative straws for 2 months, here are a few bullet points/ideas that I may work with later. Big maybe, this newfound motivation might die tomorrow lol. Either way, hope you few people who find this interesting enjoy!
Also mlb season 5 spoilers I think? I dunno I just kind of read episode summaries now I have no idea what season we're on.
Imagine if at 15, Chloe Bourgeois unknowingly escapes to the train right before she was forced to live with her mother, but instead of going on a journey of self discovery, she has the 'fortune' in bumping into the Apex instead.
(oh also while all of this is very found family like, I acknowledge that under the surface these are still three flawed extremely traumatized kids feeding into each others problems and creating/building a cult that kills denizens/destroys cars, like that's all still happening in the background of this LMAO)
When the crying teenager is brought into the mall by the few younger members of the group, it's more of the same for Grace and Simon, and the normal Apex welcomes begin.
Nobody really realizes or cares who Chloe is, due to their ages when boarding the train. It would bother her on a normal day, but given everything that has happened prior to boarding, it kind of sends her spiraling into more crying/anger.
While Simon is in no mood for it, Grace goes into full damage control mode, comforting and leaving her alone in one of the nicer areas of the mall car so she can fully calm down.
Simon is annoyed by it, but Grace plays it off as playing the long game so to speak in order to get Chloe to join. It's a half truth, as she feels empathy for Chloe after hearing a small bit of the events leading to the train picking her up. (mainly that someone left her, bringing up memories of Grace's first time meeting Simon)
Speaking of empathy, this is dialed up to an eleven when Grace gets to know her better, and finds out about her kind of similar living situation (neglectful parents) and her history of friends/conflict at school (she doesn't really go into the whole superhero thing because she feels like it would take attention off her. Besides, they don't seem to know or care much about what's going on outside anyway)
Now friends, Grace decides to take Chloe to her first car raid with just her and Simon. Chloe goes along with it to both get her anger out on something and impress her new friend. I'd expect they'd hit an 'easy' car first, like the cube car from Book 2.
Simon is now annoyed and jealous now that Grace is giving more of her attention to someone else, but after the car is thoroughly destroyed Chloe gives more information on how she got onto the train. As soon as she mentions being essentially abandoned and replaced by her father, he empathizes with her immediately and actually gets pissed off for her as well (Brought to you by Samantha fueled abandonment issues). They bond over the trash talking of her dad, and they become official friends soon after.
With Chloe fully on their side (and their friendship growing fast), they finally decide to tell her about what the Apex is all about. Full theatrics, conductor and everything.
Knowing the crazy stuff that happened in Paris on a daily basis (which is only reaffirmed by the train), she doesn't doubt the existence of the Conductor, but has reservations about his godlike status among the group ("Are you serious? That thing is probably just a glorified sentimonster!"). However, she keeps these to herself, as she deep down, she doesn't want them to abandon her.
What she lacks in 'belief', she makes up for in fierce loyalty. The only thing Chloe has to her name now is her found family The Apex, and she's not just gonna lose that, no matter how many nulls have to pay. Besides, just because she doesn't believe in the Conductor's power, doesn't mean that she isn't greatly invested in beating the train...
(Oh also, a little bonus. Depending on if the headcanon/theory is true, I'd imagine Simon and Chloe would speak to each other in French on occasion to mess with Grace.)
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natashasbitxh · 4 months
ive been suffering from a case of the shaynse brainrot again but its not serious enough for me to write another fic (ive written three so far on ao3, ill let u guess which ones lol) so the only other way of dumping my dumb shaynse thots was writing smth here
anygay, the new maury episode?? (no real spoilers below but i guess a small warning is needed) first of all, shayne really woke up and decided to serve mantits that day with his fit
second, contrary to what ppl might think from reading my horny smut fics, i dont think of shayne as a particularly horny person BUT every once in a while he will make an extremely sexual joke and act very dumb himbo about it (usually i love it even if it gets a lil gross or childish)
but the hot ball joke with the usual glances towards chanse felt like really bad flirting?? bc i dont think shayne would ever straight up hit on anyone. i think hes polite enough and also conscious of not wanting to make anyone too uncomfortable to not allow himself to act too risque UNLESS he makes it conpletely clear its a silly joke
and that joke felt like it was purposely st00pid to not only make chanse laugh but also very lowkey flirt with him??
obvsly i could be making shit up, my imagination tends to run wild when i think of these two
WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUVE WRITTEN THREE FICS, I am absolutely scrambling abt omg
Omg don't even get me STARTED on Shayne's outfit LIKE...he's been serving a bit too much lately...I fear he has too much power
This is me being silly but it's such a funny thought that jts like Chanse helping his style😭 somebody add that to their fic STAT
OH so u write horny smut fics...writing that down...I WILL FIGURE OUT WHICH FICS R URS
shayne making a horny joke is so silly like his laugh after it makes it so silly little guy idk
omg ur so right, like I found it rlly funny but I must say he COULDNT STOP bringing it up😭 HOT BALLS 🗣🗣
And I totally agree with u, he deffo gives the vibe he flirts through joking ESPECIALLY SILLY JOKES to not make ppl uncomfortable..in a way?
oh I am just the same, I'll think of something and then be like OMG YH and then have to ground myself😭 remind myself I know nothing
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(#) people you want to get to know better
I saw it on the (handwavy gesture) timeline thanks to @saltysatellite804 so I'm gonna do it with my usual lack of brevity :)
1) three ships:
1. I also have many a ship so I'll go with the one I brainrotted really hard for over the last few years, yalex (yassen gregorovich/alex rider) my beloved from the series alex rider! [assassin with a soft spot/extremely reluctant teen spy] dynamic, there's a shit ton of parallels between them, the metaphorical ghost that is alex's dad haunting the both of them, lots of angst-hurt/comfort potential, some infamous lines from the book that is nothing short of describing yassen in unneccesary detail or a literal love confession, I don't take concrit, thank you! thanks to the tv series there's been more fics but I would definitely still categorize it as a rarepair. somehow there still feels like there's such a wealth of excellent writing though!
2. next is adayu (adachi tohru/narukami yu) from the hit game persona 4 or persona 4 golden. [super nuanced jaded cop that goes too far/new in town protag who gains friends as a bit of a butterfly effect from said antag's actions] dynamic, yin-yang opposite sides of the same coin or two roads diverged mirrored equals, and definitely the darker accomplice!yu ending which leads to a lot of creative headcanons and whatnot. also a rarepair that within the last 3 years got a couple of excellent new longfics thanks to the various ports! I have an active discord server for the pairing with about 60-ish people total so we're going strong >:3c
3. finally I'll go with the ship that was the first "fandom" environment I participated in, eobarry (eobard thawne/barry allen) in all media forms, honestly. ngl I was kind of... young then cough so I tried not to be perceived as much as possible... I respect past!fel's enthusiasm but that's about it LOL. simple yet delicious [obsessed antag who is ready to ruin protag's life at a moment's notice/heart of gold protag who messes up... sometimes] dynamic that I need to get back into in order to describe it further. as you can tell, I'm all about the "but they're just opposite sides of the same coin" trope because this one's literally the flash and the reverse flash. from what I remember, I adored eowells but was always craving for more OG thawne in the tv series. in fact, I scoured through the recent flash movie trailer like a goddamn madman in hopes of catching a glimpse of the reverse flash, but no dice. did a little bit of ranting about it here and there on various platforms but since there's visible elements of change in the trailer such as kara instead of kal-el or how barry actually talks to his alt!self and doesn't knock him the fuck out or phase him out of existence, there's a chance they're gonna pull the whole barry vs evil!barry shtick again and I'm going to have to have to write self-cest. also again. rooting for suprise thawne in the theater when I go and watch it to reignite this possible flame, yeah?
2) first ever ship - it's not something I actually remember because it was that long ago. I can, however, tell you that the first three ship fic I wrote were hetalia character/reader-insert fics over on ff dot net about eight years ago. they didn't even last half a year before I wiped them from existence LOL but I've not deleted anything after that ‘cause I not longer care to
3) last song - it's still pulled up right now on my device, heh. it's shadow from the album "face the sun" by the kpop group seventeen. it's a gorgeous song, and if you look up the lyrics, they definitely hit too. about accepting the flaws in yourself, fears, shadows, etc etc
4) last movie - I actually rewatched the animated "flashpoint" movie recently because of the new flash trailer, ha. still can't get over thawne walking out of the shadows mid-movie stirring a mug of (?) so casually jsdfhsdkjfs
5) currently reading - like any other mentally well person, I have over 150 ao3 tabs open, so I'll choose the one that's most recent and relevent. the fic's called "something rich and strange" that's (the distortion/martin blackwood) for the magnus archives. take care to read the tags if you click into the fic^^
6) currently watching - not watching anything at all that can't be finished in one sitting because I've been so busy. the only thing I can think of is my once per week saturday blue lock episode. blue lock's a really well animated and cool-looking hardcore soccer anime that I would say is a totally different genre from something like haikyuu. it's about growth and egocentrism and super fun to watch; it's in-progress but there's over 12 episodes out already
7) currently consuming - the last thing I ate was some pani puri and naan >:P
8) currently craving - you don't understand how badly I need to see that flash movie. I need a flash that's a new flavor from the CW's and I also desperate crave for eobard thawne's entire ass character to exist again. if we're talking food, it's a bit too cold for me day after day so a heart and body warming meal of hot pot with lots of greens and root veggies, mushrooms, fish balls with roe, slices of beef and other meats or seafood, various tofus, and a delicious spicy soup base sounds so good right about now but I'd have to pester my roommate to drive me somewhere to grab it... maybe next week heh! another thing might be, hmm, dragon age 4? get in my mouth right now, dreadwolf.
lastly, the (totally optional) tag line: @suzie-shooter, @that1qb, @lastlymatt, @aurastiel, @spicavenius, @kelbrid, @weavingmemories
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youngster-monster · 9 months
everytime i look back at my own anon asks they get longer and i feel like im writing an essay except the essay is hyperfixation fueled rambling . does that mean anything i WILL get my wow lore from you i HAVE been getting my wow lore from you and there is nothing that any gamer alive can do to stop me because i have more free time than i should be allowed to have and an obsession for two dead gay elves. i think about them every single day and i think that this can be accredited to you, ELVES???? IN MY MULTI-MASSIVELY ONLINE ROLEPLAYING GAME???????? MANY OF THEM??? AND THEYRE COMPETENT TOO?????? oh man oh god i (i am shoveling everything on my desk into a suitcase) i dunno if i (i am hauling my computer and monitors into a comically enormous suitcase that is far larger than the contents would require) dunno if i can (searching "FINAL FANTASY XIV DOWNLOAD") i dont know if i can play that g- okay for real though i May In Fact Download FFXIV . i am scared of games i know nothing about because Uh brain sucks but youve convinced me by setting up one of those stick and box animal traps with promise of elves as the bait. i now get to message my sister who has also been hitting me with ffxiv copypasta and tell her i am interested PLEASE please please i would literally do anything to see subs tank so that they have no choice but to kick illidan out of space hell and by extension kael and vashj too so they can be mean to eachother and have the banter i so crave. to me their banter is what mana addiction is to the high elves. i miss them every single day my brother actually found out about the gay elves when i left wow open on my computer ("what relevance does that have?" you know how you can name your wow character almost anything? yeah so i have this thing where i physically cannot stop myself from testing if ship names are available for use on any game i play and uhm. youll never guess what i was testing on wow right then and there) which is tragically positioned in such a way that it is visible to the entire room and when he saw it he looked so disappointed but in no way surprised whatsoever
the time that i have to message you approaches very quickly because the ask length is getting Worse. it is getting So Bad. my deepest condolences that you have to sift through this whole thing i just have so many things to say at any given time
frankly this reminds me of my old forums days. did y'all ever do that thing where you made a friend on a forum and instead of exchanging numbers (no mobile phone) or skype contacts you'd just exchange novel-length private messages? emails with extra steps.
i am so sorry for the dead elves brainrot. it will get worse.
me 🤝 your sister Come Play FFXIV. They Are Extending The Free Trial In October. You Cannot Escape The Elves
it's actually a good game too especially once you make it past base game! as a wow player i found it pretty easy to get into after a quick period of adaptation ( < forged in the crucible of wotlk-era wow)
i just KNOW the outland trio has some incredibly comedic AND tragic potential with their banter and blizzard is KEEPING IT FROM US.
everyday hapless brothers are subjected to their sibling's dead gay elves obsession.... and it will happen again. when we're in the same room i often ask my brother random wow lore questions and he answers me immediately before going (extremely suspicious) "why. is this for a fanfic." yes it is now tell me more about coastal cities in the eastern kingdom for this throwaway line im trying to write
i also cannot shut the fuck up and i love attention and friendship so i'm having a blast personally 😌 everyday i log on and go "ah :) got a new message from my Secret Connection" like we're two spies in the 17th century corresponding through letters folded under a rock
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dangoarts · 2 years
@marbarmars asked for it therefore fawful brainrot infection time
mention bc haha you paid 1 millisecond of attention to me now i'm gonna bug you
quick doodle separation featuring post bis fawful design concepts
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design notes before headcannon infodump the left fullbody is reminiscent of his dark appearance but none sleeve and is kinda like his "i'm feeling especially confident today" fit and the right fullbody is self explanatory
additionally his glasses are now a lavender tint bc of residual dark star corruption adding a bit of red into his normal blue color
✶ After the events of BiS, Fawful did die. However, I really like the idea Super Paper Mario implemented, where characters who died, or "game overed," are sent to the Underwhere, and villains whose games end are basically trapped by Jaydes for eternity. Unless they escape of course. If a prisoner does manage to outsmart her and escape, Jaydes will respectfully let them live another life, knowing full well they'll be back eventually for her to punish ;)
✶ Fawful escaped the Underwhere and wound up getting ejected in the Mushroom Kingdom. He couldn't go back to the Beanbean Kingdom since he was a wanted criminal, and he couldn't stay in the Mushroom Kingdom for the same reasons. Therefore, he hopped a Bonneton airship and completely vanished off of the radar before his old enemies could find him again.
✶ He met up with Midbus again in the Sand Kingdom, surprisingly on a Bonneton delivery ship he snuck onto where he worked as a heavy lifter. Midbus left his job to stay with him, still extremely loyal even after he thought he was dead for years.
✶ Fawful ended up opening a repair shop in New Donk City after attempting to work under an engineering corporation, but quickly grew frustrated at how they "restricted his creativity." He still makes the occasional weapon to sell on the black market for emergency cash (and for himself).
✶ Leftover remnants of the Dark Star still live inside of him. It grants him a VERY weakened version of its abilities, but he can still kick ass in a fight with them. His main ability is creating dark lightning, but he can also summon the portals he used in his boss fight in-game. The portals have to be within his eyesight, however (if you've watched Wakfu, it's kinda like how Yugo's portals work). He’s very bad at controlling both powers, though, with the lightning either being only a singular spark or a sudden explosion of electricity, and the portals rarely teleporting him where he wants to go (has almost died multiple times from teleporting off of cliffs accidentally).
✶ Absolutely adores capes. It makes him feel powerful.
✶ Nearsighted as hell. Cannot see anything without his glasses unless it is inches away from his face.
✶ Has a bad overbite. If he closes his mouth fully, his upper row of teeth will stick out. (ik in-game art lines up his teeth n stuff but SHUTUP fawful with overbite is hella cute)
✶ Loud. Shouts constantly. Doesn't give two shits about what people think of him. Very quick temper. Literally vibrates like a chihuahua if he's not doing something. Absolutely feral.
✶ short king ✨✨ (i have no idea what the average size/mario’s in-game height is i’m not making an estimate but he’s definitely shorter than mario)
✶ I am hitting him with the aroace beam actually, as I do with all my favorites.
✶ Appreciates Midbus's company a lot. Sure it was only strictly professional (as professional as an evil villain with a lackey can get) at first, but he's glad that he has at least one friend. (i cannot see this as a potential ship at all like no way in hell). Midbus helps with his anger issues by listening to him scream-vent and acting as a punching bag since Fawful has no physical strength whatsoever.
✶ Toadsworth occasionally visits him once he discovers he's alive again. This is another whole big headcannon that I never shared with anyone where Toadsworth started this whole villain monitoring thing where he documents and keeps a watch over all of the villains the Bros/Peach/Bowser have faced over the years. They're tea besties.
✶ Those are slippers he's wearing. Not even actual shoes, just straight up slippers that you'd wear around the house while you get ready for bed. He is a fashion disaster and shouldn't be allowed to dress himself. He doesn't go outside of his house/shop often anyway.  
✶ If he and Dimentio met, Dimentio would probably try to kill him on the spot, especially with the headcannon I have where Dimentio's death made him "lose" all of his magic while Fawful's death granted him magic. (lose is in quotations because it's more like he subconsciously forgot how to use it again, kind of like how Zuko "forgot" to firebend in ATLA season 3)
the cinematic universe of headcannons i've built up about connecting the three mario franchises is insane
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badwatervideos2009 · 2 years
Give me your owl house thoughts please
ALRIGHT here is a bullet point list on most of my thoughts on the new owl house episode. there is a lot here. i have brainrot
the lil montage at the beginning is cute but it also makes me so sad. they are GROWING
luz and hunter are bi, amity's a lesbian, and masha's nonbinary. if god hates gays why do we keep winning
VEE i love vee and i love her new disguise it's so cute. very happy that we got 2 see a little more of her this season
AND CAMILA. CAMILAA she's wonderful. i appreciate them expanding on why she tried to send luz to summer camp i really wanted to know what that was all about. very excited to see her again in the next episode :]
also camilia's lil grey streak. that is all
hunter is so traumatized dear god. he is so fucked i feel so bad. the fact that he just started crying after luz said that he's family is so deeply upsetting hunter i am so sorry…….
belos got hit by a car and that is all that matters
luz absolutely has either adhd or autism there is no way she doesn't. camilia also
possessed hunter has fucked me up extremely. what was that.
knowing that philip and caleb were orphans makes everything about them so much worse somehow
also. the fact that phil n caleb seem to parallel camila and luz. what the fuck
I WANT TO SEE WHAT'S BEEN GOING ON IN THE DEMON REALM SO BAD. it's apparently been Months (maybe even close to a year) and i NEED to know what the fuck the collector has been doing during those months. where is king. where is eda. where's my man Hooty i have to know i have to know Now
i love gus and hunter getting super invested in a book together. they are friends i care about them so much
evelyn. i am so interested in evelyn. she has to be a clawthorne right??? please tell me she's a clawthorne
knowing that philip's blue jacket is actually caleb's upsets me beyond belief
what the fuck is belos' plan. everyone in the demon realm now knows he tried to kill them and i know that if he saw him the collector would not hesitate to obliterate him for a second time. what are you planning to do gayboy. get turned into goo again??
in conclusion. this show is going to kill me i think
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lovahopie · 1 year
Well I'm in Cars brainrot again. Now everyone gets to suffer with my ocs. These are the girls only. I got a lot. And yes they are all children of WGP racers. Sue me.
Alessa Shimada (Birth name Alessandra)
Age: 18
Birthday: January 16
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Nationality: Japanese
Ethnicity: Italian
Appearance: Short wavy black hair, reddish brown eyes, tan skin
Height: 5'7
Mother: Elisa Shimada
Father: Francesco Bernoulli
Sibling(s): Valentino Shimada (older twin brother)
Friend(s): Sabrina Todoroki, Valentino Shimada, Katashi Todoroki, Daria Clutchgoneski, Emmie Schnell, Rolf Schnell, Sarah Revington, Jessica Gorvette, Nicolas Caroule, Andrés Camino, James Gearsley, Abby McQueen, eventually Landon McQueen
Closest friend: Sabrina Todoroki
Crush or Partner: N/A
Personality: Can be standoffish, considerate, bold, confident, creative, sarcastic, protective
Where they live: Osaka, Japan
Background: Being the product of a one night stand, Alessa had to grow up not really knowing who her father was. She grew up with her twin brother and mother in Osaka Japan . The only other family member that she has is her mother's adopted father, a old family friend to her mother's parents. Alessa grew up being very close to the Todoroki family. Shu Todoroki was a father figure for Alessa and her brother and Carla Todoroki was like a second mother. Alessa's best friend is Sabrina. The two are basically sisters. Alessa personally wants to hit Landon in the face with a frying pan.
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Sabrina Todoroki
Age: 18
Birthday: March 14
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Nationality: Japanese
Ethnicity: Japanese and Brazilian
Appearance: Long wavy black hair, dark brown eyes, dark tan skin
Height: 5'7
Mother: Carla Veloso (married surname Todoroki)
Father: Shu Todoroki
Sibling(s): Katashi Todoroki (older twin brother)
Friend(s): Alessa Shimada, Katashi Todoroki, Valentino Shimada, Daria Clutchgoneski, Emmie Schnell, Rolf Schnell, Sarah Revington, Jessica Gorvette, Nicolas Caroule, Andrés Camino, James Gearsley, eventually Landon McQueen
Crush or Partner: Valentino Shimada (crush)
Personality: Sarcastic, blunt, honest, loyal, standoffish, quiet, can act out going
Where they live: Osaka, Japan
Background: Being the daughter of two legendary race car drivers, Sabrina had to get used to the public at a very early age. Her parents tried to keep her and her brother out of the public eye so that they can have a normal childhood. Sabrina's fondest memories were dancing with her mom in their living room and reading with her father. She is now struggling with the fact that she likes Valentino more than a close friend.
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Daria Clutchgoneski
Age: 17
Birthday: June 27
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Nationality: New Rearendian
Ethnicity: New Rearendian and Hungarian
Appearance: Long curly red hair, light green eyes, pale skin, freckles
Height: 5'0
Mother: Catalina Clutchgoneski
Father: Razvan "Rip" Clutchgoneski
Sibling(s): Stefan (baby half brother)
Friend(s): Alessa Shimada, Sabrina Todoroki, Emmie Schnell, Sarah Revington, Jessica Gorvette, Nicolas Caroule, Andrés Camino, James Gearsley, Valentino Shimada, Katashi Todoroki, Rolf Schnell, eventually Landon McQueen
Closest friend: Emmie Schnell
Crush or Partner: Nicolas Caroule (partner)
Personality: Meek, shy, empathetic, honest, friendly, optimistic, sensitive
Where they live: Wheeli, New Rearendia
Background: At the age of 5, Daria's mother passed away from bone cancer. Ever since then, it's been just her and her father. Daria's father was the kindest soul and extremely tuned to his emotions. Daria grew up into a beautiful and independent girl. But her relationship with her father started to turn a little sour when he started dating Crina. Crina was nice enough, but Daria's father began to spend a lot more time with her than with Daria. Now Crina is pregnant and Daria's father has all but forgotten about Daria. But Daria has her boyfriend Nicolas to take comfort in.
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Sarah Revington
Age: 18
Birthday: July 29
Zodiac sign: Leo
Nationality: British
Ethnicity: Grenadian, British and Haitian
Appearance: Black coily hair, brown eyes, dark espresso skin
Height: 5'5
Mother: Tamara Revington
Father: Lewis "Hamilton" Revington
Sibling(s): None
Friend(s): Jessica Gorvette, Alessa Shimada, Sabrina Todoroki, Daria Clutchgoneski, Emmie Schnell, Rolf Schnell, James Gearsley, Nicolas Caroule, Andrés Camino, Valentino Shimada, Katashi Todoroki, Landon McQueen
Closest friend: Jessica Gorvette
Crush or Partner: James Gearsley (crush)
Personality: Sweet, kind, soft spoken, the nice mom friend, humble, life of the party
Where they live: Liverpool, England
Background: If Daddy's girl was a person, it would be Sarah. Although, she isn't a brat. She just has a very close bond with her father. When she was a newborn, her father would parade her around as if she was the greatest thing on earth. Despite living in the UK, Sarah grew up around so much culture. Her favorite dishes were the Haitian dishes that her mother makes. Her parents pushed into her mind to be proud about her heritage and not let anyone put her down. She now has a huge crush on James.
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Emmie Schnell
Age: 18
Birthday: September 1st
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Nationality: German
Ethnicity: German and Danish
Appearance: Shoulder length platinum blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin
Height: 5'8
Mother: Zoey Schnell
Father: Sebastian "Max" Schnell
Sibling(s): Rolf Schnell (older brother)
Friend(s): Daria Clutchgoneski, Alessa Shimada, Sabrina Todoroki, Sarah Revington, Jessica Gorvette, Nicolas Caroule, Andrés Camino, James Gearsley, Rolf Schnell, Valentino Shimada, Katashi Todoroki, eventually Landon McQueen
Closest friend: Daria Clutchgoneski
Crush or Partner: N/A
Personality: Cautious, smart, quick on her feet, strong-willed, low trust in people, sarcastic, pessimistic
Where they live: Berlin, Germany
Background: Emmie grew up surrounded by love. She just happens to be too much like her father. Emmie used to be very close to her father. She could have definitely been described as a daddy's girl. When she was about 6, her father got into a horrible car crash during a race. She didn't know how to handle seeing her father in so much pain, especially when she hugged him and he winced in pain. She internalized her feelings and started to distance herself from her father. Now she does a lot of the tech and mechanical work for her father's race car. But she just can't bring herself to touch her father. Ironically, she is very close to her older brother Rolf. She finds Andrés very annoying.
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Jessica Gorvette
Age: 18
Birthday: November 7
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Mainly of Scandinavian and Germanic descent
Appearance: Dyed platinum blonde hair, green eyes, light tan skin
Height: 5'5
Mother: Veronica Gorvette
Father: Jeff Gorvette
Sibling(s): None
Friend(s): Sarah Revington, Alessa Shimada, Sabrina Todoroki, Daria Clutchgoneski, Emmie Schnell, Rolf Schnell, Valentino Shimada, Katashi Todoroki, Nicolas Caroule, Andrés Camino, James Gearsley, Rolf Schnell, Landon McQueen, Abby McQueen
Closest friend: Sarah Revington and Landon McQueen
Crush or Partner: Katashi Todoroki (crush)
Personality: Cocky, life of the party, adventurous, energetic, easy going, outgoing, thinks everyone is a friend
Where they live: San Francisco, California, USA
Background: Living most of her life in San Francisco, Jessica lived life to the fullest. Her favorite thing to do is surfing and hiking. From a young age, Jessica was taught to appreciate everything in life. She loves learning about different cultures. Her best friend is literally her golden retriever named Lucky. She has a major crush on Katashi
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Abby McQueen (Birth name Abigail)
Age: 13
Birthday: August 12
Zodiac sign: Leo
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Mainly of Irish and German descent
Appearance: Long light brown hair, blue eyes, pale skin
Height: 5'2
Mother: Sally McQueen
Father: Montgomery "Lightning" McQueen
Sibling(s): Landon McQueen (older brother), Blake McQueen (younger brother)
Friend(s): Ling Ge, Santiago Rojas, Alessa Shimada, Jessica Gorvette
Closest friend: Ling Ge
Crush or Partner: Does Jacob from Twilight count?
Personality: Blunt, caring, dramatic, sarcastic, going through the emo phase of life
Where they live: Radiator Springs, Arizona, USA
Background: Being the only daughter of a legendary race car driver, Abby got to be the spoiled princess. She isn't rude like her older brother is though. Her mom made sure that didn't happen again. But at the moment, she is going through what every 13 year old goes through: the emo phase. And yes, she reads the Twilight series unironically. She sees Alessa and Jessica as the older sisters that she never had.
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Ling Ge
Age: 14
Birthday: February 2
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Nationality: Chinese
Ethnicity: Chinese and Cambodian
Appearance: Short back hair, brown eyes, light tan skin
Height: 5'3
Mother: Jorani Ge
Father: Long Ge
Sibling(s): None
Friend(s): Abby McQueen, Santiago Rojas
Closest friend: Abby McQueen
Crush or Partner: N/A
Personality: Quite, a loner, cautious, shy, meek, can be sarcastic
Where they live: Guangzhou, China
Background: Ling's life was a bit rocky. She grew up in Phnom Penh, Cambodia with her mother. She didn't know who her father was for the longest time. It was only when her father found her. All of a sudden she is living in a strange city in a country that she hates. Cambodia was not the best country, but at least it wasn't China. Her mother loves being back with her father, but Ling wishes that she could go back home. This wasn't home to her. Because of all the changes, Ling has a rough relationship with her father. Ling met Abby and Santiago at a racing event that their fathers were participating in. Now the three are extremely close.
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Alma Rojas
Age: 7
Birthday: March 23
Zodiac sign: Aries
Nationality: Mexican
Ethnicity: Mexican and Guatemalan
Appearance: Long brown curly hair, brown hazel eyes, dark tan skin
Height: 3'9
Mother: Gabriela Rojas
Father: Memo Rojas Jr
Sibling(s): Santiago Rojas (older brother)
Friend(s): Macy Winterbumper, Yevgeny Petrov, Blake McQueen
Closest friend: Macy Winterbumper
Personality: Sassy, confident, bold, loud, the life of the party, energetic, adventurous, loves her family more than anything
Where they live: Mexico City, Mexico
Background: Alma is the youngest child of the Rojas family. Because of that, her family spoiled her as much as they could without making her a brat. She grew up in not only Mexican culture but also Guatemalan culture. She is one of those girls that isn't afraid to get dirty. She is also not afraid to wrestle with the boys in her family. Her older brother Santiago got a black eye from her a few times.
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Macy Winterbumper
Age: 7
Birthday: June 5
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Scandinavian descent and Australian
Appearance: Light blond hair, blue eyes, light tan skin
Height: 3'8
Mother: Charlotte Solomon-Winterbumper
Father: Harrison "Frosty" Winterbumper
Sibling(s): None
Friend(s): Alma Rojas, Blake McQueen, Yevgeny Petrov
Closest friend: Alma Rojas
Personality: Friendly, soft spoken, gentle, adventurous, curious, very well behaved, calculated
Where they live: Amarillo, Texas, USA
Background: Macy grew up in the Lone Star state of Texas. Her mother is a well known rodeo queen and barrel racer. Because of her mother's profession, Macy found herself surrounded by horses and the rodeo life. Macy has a horse of her own. An appaloosa named Pepper. Macy looks up to her mother a lot. But her father is a bit of a mystery to her. She rarely sees him because he lives and works in Australia. Macy wishes that she could have a closer relationship with her father, but she has no idea what the first thing of racing is. She likes horses and rodeos, not cars and racing. Her father tries, but he is rarely there and doesn't know much about either horses or rodeos. Macy is best friends with Alma because Macy's mother and Alma's mother were college roommates that still keep in touch.
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