#my cringefail daughter
deathbypufferfish · 2 years
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The Twins First Day of High School
Miyu freaked out over her acne
they had a fire drill in the rain
Lunara still likes Oscar...but she doesn’t really like his interests...
Miyu had an embarrassing photo booth experience with Oscar
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goodwillfidgetspinner · 11 months
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parhelionz · 11 months
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starscream doodles ...ignore the inconsistencies with his dumb helm... i still cant decide how exactly i want him shaped lmfao
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moeblob · 4 days
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Look, I rewatched all of Bravern to try and make more sense of it now that I know plot twists and stuff and honestly how does Lewis never ask anything about the cockpit that he was in for four seconds. I think he should mention it. I think he's allowed to talk about it.
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ilovebeingaturtle · 1 year
I’ve had the realisation that a lot of people who haven’t seen the old cartoon don’t realise how much of a loser 87!Raphael is and only know him as the “sarcastic one” so please enjoy this small selection of some of the many many moments where he takes the L in this show
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h0nk · 1 year
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Collab with @chasetrickery ! They sketched and I painted [Speedpaint]
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vasito-de-leche · 5 months
(pulls up to your asks like a mcdonalds drivethrough) yo can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh matilda. reltaitonshiop headcnaon
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;R1999 MATILDA - Relationship Headcanons
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Compilation of headcanons about Matilda in a romantic relationship.
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(through the most robotic, crunchy voiceover ever) got it, please come right up to the window for your order
sorry this post was shorter than usual! i have so many thoughts about matilda but they're mostly for just character analysis rather than HCs
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Matilda is very young, so relationships are a brand new experience for her, lacking all the seriousness and weight of a proper relationship, while being full of wonder and excitement.
One only needs to look at the way she interacts with Sonetto to figure out how she'd act with any other crush of hers. Matilda, whose medium is "competitiveness", sees crushes and love as a game - whoever admits their feelings first, loses. And she's the great Matilda, she can't possibly lose to something so trivial!
I'd argue that there's some depth about this aspect of her, outside of her arcanum and her medium. Her 01 Story gives insight into her competitive nature: from young age, she understood that she had to earn her parents' affection through academic achievements or any other worthwhile merits. And in the main story, we see how she willingly joins the Foundation, how most of her voicelines are about becoming the best at whatever role she sets her sights to, etc.
So with this in mind, whenever Matilda speaks about making Sonetto her assistant, she's truly talking about earning a position of authority and power through her hard work, all to justify receiving affection and adoration from those she cares for. Because this is the only way she knows how to be loved.
I think this would continue to happen, regardless of who she's crushing on, and the game already gives so much info as to how she'd act while crushing on someone, so I'll focus on other headcanons instead!
It takes her a long time to stop acting so flustered.
Because of how confident and one-track minded Matilda is, I genuinely don't know if she's aware of how she tends to come across whenever she trails after the object of her affections like a lost puppy, unconsciously glaring at you from afar because she's trying so hard to prove herself in front of you and what not.
So she would need a lot of time to get over that initial wave of emotions and nervousness, until she can confront you without stuttering, fumbling over her words or just running away.
Once she does, Matilda will become bolder and directly challenge you - her one and only rival! - to all these little things. I imagine it's a very healthy and wholesome rivalry, one that allows the two of you to be kids and stop worrying about the "Storm" for a few hours at least.
I like to think that this rivalry would also help in making Matilda grow used to the idea of losing, since there's no horrible repercussions for doing so.
If she loses to you whenever you two race to see who can reach the library first, to see who can finish a book faster, who can recite the most complex incantation and so on and so forth, well... She can just try again! There's always a next time! There are no downsides to losing, because even though she's lost time and time again, you're still there smiling and laughing along with her. Competitiveness will still remain a big part of who she is, but it loses that edge from before - she's not fighting to be worthy of people's attention.
Eventually, as she grows more comfortable around you, she'll promote you from assistant and/or rival to her closest friend and partner in crime. Matilda starts to include you in her plans for world domination, treating you as her equal.
Matilda is extremely supportive. She loves to be helpful when she's not being competitive.
I'm 100% certain that Matilda's first and foremost love language is acts of service - just take a look at her voicelines. Even though her words are coated with this air of superiority and that slightly condescending and gloating filter, Matilda has many, many quotes that are all about her offering help. Both of her "Morning" quotes, the "Hat and Hair" one, her "Praise" and "Intimacy" quotes... Take a moment to listen to them, really.
Matilda is at her best when she's able to help others, and the fact that her skills in divination and foresight are her biggest pride also hint towards that. It's a skill that's usually associated with easing people's anxieties about the future or the unknown.
The one moment in the main story that sold me on this portrayal of Matilda is her divination scene with Sonetto - once Matilda sees that her friend is in serious need of help and guidance, she pushes her feelings aside just to help on the spot. This is the most serious she's been, and she's gentle and calm, nothing like the Matilda we've seen whenever Sonetto was involved.
When it comes to you, it's no different. While she might've gotten over her initial flustered feelings and whatnot, Matilda would continue to consult her divination orb - if only to know that you'll be okay. And you can always, always come to her if you need a little peek into your future. You might be the only person in the world with that luxury, actually.
This aspect of Matilda also extends to smaller things, of course! If you ever struggle with anything, especially when it comes to academics, she'll step in right away - more than often, she'll do it without even knowing what she signed up for, so forgive her if she suddenly realizes she has no idea what subject you're even talking about. Still, the great Matilda is no quitter, and will research in her free time just so she can help you during study sessions.
People tend to assume Matilda is a horrible listener just because of that pompous and confident attitude she carries herself with - but this is far from the truth! Again, her skill relies in divination, a type of arcanum that relies entirely on seeing what's already there, on being perceptive to one's surroundings and the person seeking her help.
Whenever you need to vent or ramble to her about whatever might've been bothering you, Matilda always sits there, holding your hands, listening intently to every word. It's the same look she has during exams, only softer.
And once you're done, she always gives the most sound and solid advice - should you want it! She always makes sure to ask first! If there's one thing she hates is unsolicited advice! And even if she cannot help you in finding a solution for your troubles, she can still offer her support by loudly complaining with you!
On the subject of Matilda and romance.
To loop back to the very beginning of this post, romance as a whole is still very new to Matilda. Whether you've been her partner in crime for a handful of months or many years, I think any displays of affection will render her speechless, red as a tomato and flustered to the moon and back.
It doesn't matter if all you did was hold her hand, pat her head or give her a surprise hug - Matilda always, always reacts the same way. She squeaks and complains, but never pulls away.
As clingy as she is, following you around and insisting on being seated together all the time, etc etc, Matilda struggles with being on the receiving end of physical affection - at least whenever they're done in a romantic context. She has no problem dragging you around, arms linked together and all, but the second she notices the romantic context of the situation, she'll go back to being a flustered mess. It's yet another thing that will take her some time to get used to.
Make sure not to tease her or make it obvious that you've noticed whenever she tries to hold your hand while walking! That's the one thign that will absolutely get her to retreat right away! She's doing her very best and gather the courage to show you she cares for you!
That aside, I do think Matilda loves being complimented just as much - appealing to her ego is extremely easy, after all. And considering you're the one complimenting her, whatever you say will inevitably get to her head.
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spooky-dice · 1 year
scary apologist FIRST person second‼️
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conkorse · 1 year
hai everyon that likes my tf2 art!!! i just want to clarify since i dont think ppl read the tags in my posts so ill make this instead (≧ヘ≦ ) please dont tag my tf2 art calling them men id rly appreciate it (´TωT`) my spoovy art is lesbian & t4t,,,,, im not going to dive into my hcs for the rest of them atm but i hope yall understand ty for reading (〃´ω`〃)
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vivictory-draws · 6 months
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trucbiduleschouettes · 4 months
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Shoutout to our greatest Horseboy tho, sorry you didn't make it king 😭😭😭
[Do not use/repost]
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thedragonagelesbian · 7 months
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kara-zor-els · 5 months
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She's so cunty I love her so much ahh
(also something about her being served by musclar bald men... the daddy issues might have jumbed out)
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deathbypufferfish · 2 years
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Miyu stop living that blaze it life!!!! you scoundrel!!!
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vitamin-zeeth · 2 days
Gang I'm rewatching ghosts I'm sorry for the person I'm gonna become for the next few days
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rainedroptalks · 1 month
Okie I’m gonna pass out soon but I just wanna say thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday I love you guys. Mwah <333 gnight
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