#my mother wouldn’t care. she definitely wouldn’t sympathize or give me a hug over it
lesbiansanemi · 19 days
I don’t often think I’m upset at not having a good relationship with my parents but sometimes it really fucking hits me that I don’t have a good mom I don’t have a dad I’ll never experience having a good parent and someone I can lean on like that and I get… really upset
#I have this coworker who is about my mom’s age#I love her and she’s a wonderful person and she’s such a good parent to her kids#her autistic queer kids and she fights for them and defends them all the time#she values their interests and does things they love with them and supports their choices and jusy#ugh#today she gave me a hug because ‘it’s really seemed like I wasn’t doing okay’#and ‘I’ve been dealing with a lot of hard things and big life changes which she knows is really hard’#and I kinda teared up#my own parents don’t even know about everything that has happened with my roommate or the friends I’ve lost this year#I don’t tell them. and I could but it wouldn’t matter#my mother wouldn’t care. she definitely wouldn’t sympathize or give me a hug over it#she wouldn’t comfort me#my dad my try but he lives thousands of miles away#and I love my dad but I didn’t get to know him until I was 17#I don’t think he’s really like… a dad you know?#he’s more like some weird friend or MAYBE an uncle than anything#which is fine! I think it’s really the best we can do and like I said I do love him and I know he loves me#but it’s still… different than a parent you know?#and sometimes I just ache knowing I don’t get parents…#I don’t get that relationship that so many ppl have that’s so important to them#and it just doesn’t feel fair and makes me feel really sad#I’m glad I’m as independent as I am but even that doesn’t feel fair#I’ve lived on my own since I was 17…. I never should have had to do that anyways….#and I just feel sad because I got a hug from my coworker that made me want to sob#because it’s like damn… is this a teeny tiny taste of what having an actual good mom is like?#I missed out on so much….#kaz rambles
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purrincesskittens · 3 years
Star Eyes, Zuko is mistaken as Water Tribe.
Gift for @muffinlance based off this post and this one
It was night when they found him. A quick examination showed blood on the back of his head. As they pounded on his back someone noted his eyes. “Gold eyes.” They called. “Are you fire nation?” The boy lifted his head and the light of the lantern caught his eyes reflecting back at them. “Of course I am.” The kid snarls. “Star Eyes.” Someone breathed. Shit this kid was one of theirs. “Could be the child of a war bride.” Was suggested by someone. “At least he’s not a fire bender.” There was a laugh that was quickly interrupted by the star eyed boy himself. “Yes I am.” “Well that was.... honest.” 
Star eyes were only something seen in the water tribes though. Even if this kid was a fire bender he had to be water tribe. More then likely the result of a woman stolen from her tribe during a raid and raised as Fire Nation since he looked enough of the part. But he was young, probably just recruited or practically forced into joining the military. There was a easy way to figure out how dangerous this kid was or rather how much more dangerous he was considering he was a fire bender. 
“Have you ever killed someone?” Hakoda asks crouching before the boy lifting his chin in one hand so the boy had to look him in the eye with those gold colored star eyes. “What? No ... I don’t think.... No.”  The kid seemed confused the blood on the back of his head suggested a head wound but this kid was young probably just assigned to a ship only to get knocked overboard by either by a storm or by another soldier. Those eyes probably didn’t make him popular or the fact that this kid’s eyes kept sliding away from Hakoda’s own suggested he may be a fey child. 
“What do we do with him?” Somebody asks as they watch the kid cough up water, curling and uncurling his fingers against the wood of the deck his eyes cast down. “We keep him for now. His mother is probably Water Tribe war bride if he is star eyed. Have Kustaa check him over and if he survives we figure out what to do from there." Hakoda announces to the crew. They took care of their own and until they figured out who his mother was and could turn him over to her family if she had any left the crew of the Akhult would take care of him for now. Half Water Tribe and the child of a war bride was still Water Tribe and like hell were they going to turn him over to the Fire Nation to continue using as a weapon.
Kustaa later informed him the boy had hypothermia as well as potentially severe head trauma it was hard to tell right now. The kid mistook him for his uncle. Which uncle they weren't sure. It's possible the boy's mother had a picture of her family she either managed to take with her or she drew herself or he could be thinking Kustaa was his father's brother. The escape attempts didn't help some of the crews opinions on keeping the kid but considering he was raised as Fire Nation and was in a strange place so its expected that he would try to escape although climbing the mast was something Hakoda really wished he didn't do along with scaling the side of the ship.
Kustaa had mentioned the boy called for his mother while delirious along with begging his father for forgiveness pledging his loyalty to him and pleading no to the man which didn't paint a pretty picture of the man or gain much favor of the fire nation in the crews opinions. "Tell me about your mother." Hakoda suggests sitting up on the mast beside the boy. Glowing gold eyes blinked at him. "I remember trailing robes. She favored long sleeved robes with delicate embroidery. She had long hair I remember her brushing mine when I was little. I would sit in her lap and she would brush my hair talking to me about theater or turtleducks or plants. Different things she liked. I think I would sometimes tell her about my day or what I had done recently I don't remember clearly its... faded almost. Fuzzy. I barely remember what she looked like."
Hakoda frowned the boy was water tribe he had to be with those star eyes of his but why wouldn't his mother tell him about her people, her home. Maybe she couldn't? Maybe the boys father was so controlling he made sure she never spoke of home to their son? Then the boy said something that made him rethink everything he knew about the kid. "Uncle said my hair is alot like hers. Or it was. I don't even remember why I shaved it." The kid frowned obviously struggling to remember rubbing his head with one hand. The head wound had left him confused he didn't rember his name or much of anything recent but he remembered he had been burned for cowardice supposedly or partially for that but what did the fire nation consider to be cowardly? Kustaa suspected the boy's own father burned him based off what they gleaned from fever dreams and night terrors.
“What did she look like?” Hakoda questions softly holding his breath hoping he was wrong with the hunch he had. “Elegant, beautiful, she had long straight black hair that was so soft and amber eyes with flecks of true gold in them she wore long sleeved red robes with elegant embroidery. The sleeves would bellow and she would hide me in them when I was little.” The boy continued to talk about his mother someone he remembered fondly although all the details suggested the hugs, the turtle duck kisses and every else stopped when the boy was small. Something happened to his mother and Hakoda was beginning to suspect it may have something to do with the boys true parentage. But how to suggest it to the kid without breaking the poor things mind? The whole crew already suspected he was spirit touched as the water tribe liked to call those who were different mentally the earth kingdom called them fey and not all of the earth kingdom where kind to them. 
“If I promise no one on this ship will hurt you and we won’t turn you over to the Earth Kingdom will you stop with the escape attempts?”Hakoda asks when the boy falls silent picking at the grain of the wood under his hands not meeting Hakoda’s eyes. The kid blinked up at him startled. “Okay.” Getting the kid down the mast was surprisingly easy after that and a few more rules were hashed out before the kid was sent to see Kustaa again and the crew was gathered. “The boy’s mother was fire nation. He remembers her more clearly then anything else.” This drew murmurs from the crew some wanted to toss him over board then since he wasn’t the child of a war bride. “But he’s star eyed he has to be Water Tribe.” Toklo says tilting his head in confusion. “Exactly. We know he seemed to have issues regarding his father and Kustaa suspects he may have been the one to burn the kid. I learned his mother also disappeared or may possibly have been killed when he was young.” This gained more murmurs from the crew. 
Panuk pulled in a sharp audible breath. He had figured out what Hakoda was getting at. “Does any one here know where they were about 16 to 17 years ago? If they were around the Earth Kingdom or the colonies anywhere?” Their chief had to ask if none of the men on this ship was the boys father he would have to send messages out to all the others in the fleet see if anyone remembered if maybe had met a pretty woman in the Earth Kingdom or in the colonies and spent a night with her. If the kids mother was Fire Nation and he was star eyed that meant his real father had to be Water Tribe. His mother had to have married or started a new relationship soon after and the boy looked fire nation enough to pass him off as her husband’s but the husband probably suspected what with the star eyes. There was silence followed by an uproar. “You can’t be serious?!” Aake shouted in outrage. “I’m not judging anyone but the boy is water tribe and with his mother gone we most definitely are not giving him back to the Fire Nation so we need to figure out whose he is. We take care of our own.” Hakoda soothed the crews ruffled feathers listening as the men scrambled to remember where they were and what they were doing all those years ago.
Slowly they managed to clear the majority of the crew those who couldn’t remember were left struggling valiantly to justify why they couldn’t possibly be the boys father while their youngest two crew members watched with glee obviously in the clear themselves due to their age. Once Kustaa cleared the boy Hakoda set him to work and had to add no breathing fire to the list of rules. Toklo and Panuk made friends with their newest crew member over laundry and the boy was very shouty about women’s work. And then the issue over the kid not having a name he remembered came up. Names like Siqinq, Kallik, Cupun, Tulok, Yuka and Tulugaq were tossed around. He is pretty sure they settled on Tulok simply because they already have a Tuluk and Toklo on board and that name is almost a combination of the two plus it had a star meaning behind it. The boy just wanted to fit in.
Reds were changed for Toklo’s blues and the boys hair shaved to regrow properly after Kustaa managed to break it to the kid that a real father wouldn’t abuse his son, biological or not. They picked up Bato who sympathized with them for wanting to keep the star eyed child, teach him his real culture, and find his real father but the kid was still a fire bender. A fire bender on a WOODEN SHIP!! The boy, Toluk looked like a kicked polar puppy being denied sleep in the hammock he was used to and his usual snacks when ever he wanted. They still had a lot of work cut out for them when the kid thought he would be killed over a bending accident because he didn’t fully remember he needed to mediate to control his fire. His memories were still patchy at best. So Hakoda ended up with his temporary foster star eyed child sitting in his cabin breathing with a lantern holding a dog.  
The kid liked sea prunes proving he was Water Tribe at heart. He was good at using his fire bending for non evil purposes even if he protested it. He proved he shouldn’t be left alone in port either by himself or with his friends. He gained a piercing, two rusted swords, a theater scroll and a cabbage? No one seems to know about the cabbage. He can cook as it’s proven despite how spicy his cooking is and nearly gets kidnapped by prostitutes. Sex workers were not on the list of people Hakoda thought he would have to fight for custody of Tulok with. He nearly gets himself kidnapped by a Earth Kingdom solider they are allied with who seemed sure their boy was then dead prince of the Fire Nation. Never mind that the prince was dead and their boy was star eyed. The solider was surprisingly unfazed by the heat of the kids cooking. He didn't end up kidnapped despite his best efforts.. The kid really needed to stop climbing the mast. “Prince Zuko?!” Hakoda’s kids seemed to also mistake Tulok for the dead prince. 
“That’s the Prince of the Fire Nation, dad he chased us all over and tried to capture the avatar numerous times. His sister did capture Aang.” His kids argued trying to convince him that their new foster brother was some evil prince. The kid in question for his part had more headaches then usual and just seemed more confused and angry. He remembered something. A little sister named LaLa. It takes a while but after watching their new brother and listening to the crew, “His name is Zuko, he is the prince of the Fire Nation, his father is Fire Lord Ozai does no one care about that?!” Sokka asks in outrage staring as the kid in question does laundry like its a perfectly normal thing for a prince to do. “His mother may be fire nation but his father sure isn’t.” Panuk comments dodging a wet shirt thrown by their resident fire bender.  This earned laughter and calls of “Good for her!!” And “She could do a lot better!” Followed by “At least a water tribesman would treat her right!!”. Sokka groaned in frustration and confusion. 
“Why is my nephew wearing blue, convinced Ozai isn’t his biological father and that he is water tribe?” General Iroh the Dragon of the West questions calmly. Tulok seemed to recognize Iroh and even called him Uncle and recognized some of the crew but he still didn’t have complete clear memories although his headaches grew worse until Kustaa told him it didn’t matter if he remembered or not he was water tribe and nothing was going to change that spirit touched or not. “He is star eyed you can’t possibly tell me the fire nation has star eyed kids that’s a water tribe thing only.” Iroh considered it briefly before dismissing it. His nephew looked similar to a young Ozai, so Ozai had to be his father even if he wasn’t much of one and his nephew deserved better then Ozai. But surely Ursa couldn’t have had an affair while married to Ozai it was impossible. Iroh tried to do the math off the top of his head of when Ursa and Ozai married vs when Zuko was born. “Look the obvious answer here is that the boys mom met with a Water Tribe beefcake and had a one night stand that lead to the boy. It’s the only thing that explains why his supposed father hated him so much and why he struggled with fire bending and is star eyed.” Bato explains grinning. “Beefcake?” Hakoda and Iroh question. 
Azula finds this all far to amusing. “That just means I’m the rightful heir after all. You can stay here with your little water tribe family and I can be the next Fire Lord after Uncle.” Somehow things get worked out that their star eyed fire bender’s fire nation sister will be staying with them along side her two scary friends and the kids supposed Uncle will become the next Fire Lord once they take down Ozai. The kid is still confused and there are still gaps in his memories but they aren’t giving him back now he is their’s and the fire nation can’t have him. They still call him Tulok since the fire nation does consider the sun to be a star after all. He seems to like it better then Zuko. He still does their laundry still wears beads in his braids in red, blue and one gold. In all that’s happened no one thought to alert the rest of the fleet about what they learned leaving them in for one heck of a surprise when they reach Chameleon Bay where the rest of the men from the fleet scramble to try to remember where they were sixteen-point-nine years ago. 
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shellyseashell · 3 years
Chapter Three - Not As Bad
Note: @kotlc2021collab here’s the third chapter!
TIRED OF LINH and Marella and deciding to get some work done, Sophie had left the cafeteria after she finished her lunch. She had promptly gotten a text from Grady, saying that they needed to talk whenever she was available. Since she still had fifteen minutes until lunch ended, she decided to call him.
“What did you need to talk about?” Sophie asked once Grady had answered.
There was a silence on the other side, and for a minute Sophie thought Grady might not have heard her. But before she could repeat herself, there was a sigh and Grady said, “It’s about Iggy.”
Sophie froze. Iggy, her rabbit, had had health problems in the past, but they’d never been too serious. Still, bringing up Iggy and anything negative made her heart pound. She’d had Iggy for years, ever since she had been adopted. He’d been one of the things that had helped her adjust. Why she’d been allowed to get a rabbit and not a dog, she didn’t know. “What about Iggy?” She was almost afraid to ask.
“He’s sick again,” Grady said, confirming Sophie’s fears.
Taking a deep breath, Sophie leaned back on the shelf behind her. “How sick?”
A pause. Sophie’s heart felt like it was trying to escape her chest, and she was sure she’d get kicked out because of how loud it was pounding. The silence was too long. And then, “He’s probably not going to make it, Sophie.”
There it was. Her worst fear confirmed. Iggy was dying.
“I’m sorry I told you during school,” Grady said quietly.
“No, I’m the one who called you,” Sophie said. “Thanks — thanks for telling me. I’ll see you at home.”
She hung up. Sophie stifled a sob as she slid down the shelf and curled her knees up to her chest. The library was most definitely not the place to cry, but she didn’t have the energy to get up. Iggy was dying. Iggy was dying. It was the only thing she seemed able to think of, and she didn’t even hear the footsteps approaching her.
“Sophie?” Out of all people, it had to be her.
Wiping tears off her face, Sophie stood and leveled her glare at Biana. She was surprised to find the girl looking at her with concern. “What do you want?”
“Are you okay?” Biana ignored her question.
Sophie crossed her arms over her chest. “Like you care.”
Biana glared at her, but her expression quickly softened. “Look, you’re clearly upset about something. Better to tell someone what’s wrong, even if it's someone you hate.”
Sophie had a lot of arguments against that logic, but the fight had drained from her, and she slumped back down on the ground. “Iggy is dying.”
Biana sat down next to her. “Iggy is your rabbit, right? Fitz has told me about him.”
Sophie nodded. “I’ve had him since I was adopted. He’s had health problems in the past, but they’ve never been that bad. Now, though . . .”
Biana placed a hand on Sophie’s arm. “I’m sure your parents will do their best to help him.”
It was the only thing they could do.
Sophie let out a sob she muffled with her arm, and Biana did something unexpected. She hugged Sophie. Wrapping her arms around her and pulling her to her chest. Sophie stiffened, not expecting that sort of affection from Biana, but soon softened and started crying.
Biana let her cry. She let her cry and cry and cry some more. She wasn’t sure how long she lay there sobbing, but somehow, when her breathing was even and she could see again, Biana was still there. Though she hated Biana, there was something oddly comforting in curling up against the girl and letting her comfort her. She didn’t want to leave.
But she knew she had to, and she might as well not make this awkward.
She pulled away from Biana, ignoring how she looked disappointed. “What were you doing here anyway?”
“I was coming to do research,” Biana said with a small grin. “Guess you had the same idea, huh?”
“Yeah, until the whole ‘Iggy is probably going to die’ thing,” Sophie said, her eyes welling up again as she choked out the words. Sophie coughed and blinked away the tears. “But we should look for some books while we have time.”
Biana nodded, and so they got searching.
They didn’t talk the rest of the time, each girl absorbed in their task. As Sophie flipped through the various books, her mind wandered to both Iggy and Biana.
Iggy, because she didn’t know what she’d do without him. Of all the animals to die, it had to be him. Not that she wanted any of them to die — each death brought on a wave of grief, even if short lived. At this point, she should have been used to animals dying and not being able to do anything. It was a normal occurrence. Still, this was Iggy, and Iggy was different.
And so was Biana. Biana, her enemy, had seen her crying and hadn’t laughed. She had comforted her, and made sure she was okay. She didn’t know where the sentiment had come from. For as long as she could remember, it had always been a constant rivalry. Biana hated Sophie, and Sophie hated Biana. Neither had ever been bothered by it, and neither questioned their feud. But now, something about Biana felt different. She didn’t seem as bad. She almost seemed nice. Like they could be friends.
Sophie wasn’t sure how to feel about it.
THAT NIGHT, ONCE her homework was done and cross country was over and she had nothing to occupy her mind with, Biana found her thoughts wandering to Sophie. She’d never lost a pet, and the closest she’d come to losing someone was when her mother divorced Alden, and that hadn’t been awful.
Though she couldn’t sympathize with what she was going through, Biana knew Sophie holding in her feelings wouldn’t work out in the end.
She used to bottle her emotions when she lived with Alden. It often resulted in her snapping and letting her emotions out at once. Which usually meant yelling at someone and only rising the already high tension between the family. But when Alden was finally gone, she had finally let go of all her emotions, and it felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.
She hoped Sophie wouldn’t do the same.
Biana sat leaning over the counter in the kitchen of their small apartment, that they had moved to to get away from the memories of Alden. Della cleaned the kitchen in front of her, and Fitz sprawled out on the couch behind her.
The apartment was only a few rooms. The kitchen and living room combined, one half of the room holding a couch, some chairs, and a TV. The rest held the table and kitchen, a counter with bar stools spreading the two. Down one hall was the front door, and down the other were four bedrooms — Fitz’s, Biana’s, Della’s, and a guest room, which would sometimes double as Livvy’s when she was spending the night and felt Fitz and Biana wouldn’t want her sleeping with their mother.
Tonight, though, Livvy wasn’t there. It was just the three of them.
Della looked over to her. “You alright, Biana?”
“Huh?” Biana said, snapping out of her thoughts. “Oh, yeah, fine, I guess.”
Della placed the dish in her hands down and turned her full attention to her daughter. “What’s up?”
Biana sighed, and explained what had happened today. Once she had, Fitz said, “I should go check on her,” and left to his room.
Biana stared at the counter in front of her, trying to sort out the knot in her stomach. She didn’t understand why she was so worried about Sophie. Sure, she knew grieving a pet couldn’t be easy, even if they hadn’t yet died. But she had never cared about what Sophie felt before, so why should she start now?
“You seem to have a lot of thoughts about this,” Della said.
Biana nodded. “Yeah. I guess — I’m just so worried about how Sophie is handling it, and I don’t know why. We’re not friends, we don’t get along, I hate her.”
“And why’s that?”
Biana sighed, ready to give the reasons she always did, but paused when she couldn’t remember what those reasons were. Clenching her jaw, she glared at the space in front of her.
“That’s what I thought,” said Della. “You don’t actually hate her. You just feel like you do because of some rivalry or something that happened when you were younger. But you don’t hate her.”
Biana considered this. Honestly, she couldn’t remember ever really, truly hating Sophie. And she knew what hate felt like. It was the blood boiling, gut clenching feeling she got even thinking about Alden. The one that made her want to punch something and run away. The one that had torn apart her family and stopped her from having a childhood.
She had never felt like that with Sophie. It was always a slight disliking — annoying, but something she could deal with.
Maybe she didn’t hate Sophie. Maybe she was so similar to Sophie, liked her more than she should, and didn’t know how to process that, so she channeled it into hate and anger. In the past, channeling her emotions that way had not gone well.
Biana nodded slowly. “I — I don’t think I hate her.”
“I didn’t think you did. You should try talking to her, being her friend.”
Biana nodded. Maybe she should.
As if Sophie had read her mind, she got a text from her then saying, Want to come to my house after practice tomorrow to work on the project?
Biana, a smile on her face, replied, Yes.
Taglist: @salt-warrior @pai-shodown @cinderswrench @shadymcsilverbangs @cindersassasin @healing-winston-pratt @just2bubbly let me know if you want to be added or removed!
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romanceromp · 3 years
Okay, so I’ve been processing this amazing show, and everything about it for a couple of hours now. I’m going to try to put them into some sort of order, but it’s probably still going to be messy and yeah.... whatever. Gonna cut again, cause it’s going to be long. 
I was not a Daphne fan in the book. I found her very disingenuous, and quite manipulative. She manipulated Simon so much to get him to marry her. And then the dubious consent scene when he was drunk was the nail in the coffin for her...
But, the show did a really good job of rehabbing her character from the book. I actually really liked her. I found that most of the decisions she made were based on the enormous pressure she felt to have a successful debut and the find a worthy husband. She was concerned about her family’s reputation, and setting up her younger sisters for when their time came. I never really thought about that pressure while reading the book. 
I didn’t like Simon in the book either. He was way too pig-headed, I hated that he basically abandoned Daphne, it was just all around terrible.
Rege brought such a warmth to Simon’s character. I really felt for him, and while he was still quite pigheaded, HE DID NOT ABANDON HIS WIFE. He still cared enough to stay with her. HUGE IMPROVEMENT ON THE BOOK. I just loved him. I can’t really put it into words. He was wonderful even when he was being a jerk. 
I understand what they were doing with Anthony. Some may view it as character assasination, but I understand it completely. As Siena said, Anthony is lost. He’s trying to emulate what he thought his father would do in every situation, but he just got it so wrong every time. I truly did feel like he thought he was doing what was best, but he just wasn’t listening to his family, which he needed to. I loved the back and forth with Violet. I think by the end he had started to turn the corner, and would be more like book Anthony in caring for his families’ wants and wishes. 
I didn’t hate the love story with Siena. To be honest, it makes more sense to me than the book story of why he didn’t want to love his wife. He had his heart broken, and his pride wounded. The normal reaction to that is to avoid love again (I’ve been there before, I wholly sympathize). But I don’t think he was truly in love with Siena, he was infatuated with her, and I think that he liked he could let down his “head of the family” guard that he always had up. He could be himself around her without being judged. I understand why he wanted to keep being with her. 
It really did set him up perfectly for the next season where he will meet Kate and his whole world will turn upside down, and he will truly understand what REAL love is. I can’t wait to watch that happen.
I liked the introduction to Benedict’s artist storyline. I also REALLY enjoyed the introduction to Benedict not giving a FUCK about society’s standards. It all leads quite nicely to his love story with Sophie, the lady’s maid. 😊 
I also REALLY loved the Benedict/Eloise scenes. I adored them. They are so similar, and I really loved that the show explored that and that they challenged each other. It was wonderful, and I look forward to seeing more of that in the later seasons.
I kinda loved Eloise’s obsession with Lady Whistledown and trying to figure out who it was. I honestly thought in the carriage scene with Benedict and Madame Delacroix that she figured out that it was Penelope, good misdirect there show. Claudia really gave such a wonderful performance. I CAN’T WAIT to see Phillip being super annoyed at her talking all the time. CAN’T WAIT. 
The Peneloise friendship was so wonderful as well. I hated that little part when they were fighting, but of course, they were always there for one another when they needed it. I adored it. 
I’ve already mentioned on another post that I didn’t like the Marina storyline. But now, thinking about it, maybe it wasn’t that out of character for him? We all know he kind of makes snap judgments and just goes with it, as in when he decided he wanted to marry Penelope and just essentially ran in to ask for her mother’s blessing within 5 minutes of deciding. 
I did appreciate him being a sensitive soul. He really is. He would honestly do anything to help someone he cared about. 
I suppose the Marina storyline sets up the LW reveal in his and Penelope’s story, as it’s much harsher knowing that Penelope was the one to reveal Marina’s pregnancy publicly. It adds a level of drama that we didn’t have in the book. He was just jealous of Pen in the book, which was a bit weak in my opinion. 
Also, I feel like we can still get the “what is love” conversation with Daphne in his book. I feel like based on this experience he could be confused about what love really is, if he thought he loved Marina, but was wrong. I just really loved that scene in the book, so I hope they keep it.
I ADORED PENELOPE. Except for when she was a jealous bitch and basically ruined her and her sister’s future by revealing Marina’s pregnancy. That was 100% out of character, as we know Penelope wouldn’t have done anything to ruin her family. They will definitely need to do some character rehabbing for that particular plot point in the future. 
But seriously, Penelope’s heartbreak absolutely shattered me. Nicola played it SO WELL. She cried, I cried. It was hard to watch. And to be honest, at the end when she was crying after looking out the window, I thought she was crying because Colin was leaving, and I completely forgot that her father had just died. Lol. I honestly believe she was crying more for Colin than her father. 
Anyways, Penelope still has my heart. I just wanted to hug her for 90% of her scenes. Don’t worry Pen, your time will come. 
Violet was wonderful. I also really loved that they had Daphne tell her how terrible it was that she didn’t give a proper birds and bees speech to her prior to her marriage. I think this sets up Violet to prepare the other girls better for their marriages. 
I loved that she went toe-to-toe with Anthony a lot. He needed to be put in his place, a lot, and she did. It was wonderful. 
She was just in general the matriarch that we all came to love in the books. I think she really grew as a mother over the season as well. 
Other thoughts:
Nigel being the villain in the first half was shocking and such a departure from the books. Not sure I loved that choice.
Cressida’s hair crowns were wild, and distracting.
I’ve said this in another post, but Prince Friedrich’s storyline was unrealistic, and yes, I know it’s fantasy world, but it still was a reach, and wasted potential Daphne/Simon development time.
I loved seeing Sir Phillip and setting up that story. Are they going to make the twins older though? Are they going to move up Eloise’s story? So many questions remain from that plot point. Also, he is hot and can GET IT. Yum.
Lady Danbury was almost as regal as the Queen, and I LOVED her women’s only gambling party. It is 100% in character, and I wanted to go to that party. I also loved the mother role she took with Simon, and boy did he need her. I’m so glad she plays a role in each book, I need more of her.
Daphne’s speech at the end of the ball in the rain made me cry so much. It was beautiful. Phoebe did such a great job with it. I loved that both she and Simon got a monologue to explain how much they care and love one another, and that they were at different times. 
Overall, I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. I need season two ASAP. It’s going to suck waiting another year or more for it. I’m still fairly convinced we will see a season two. They just set up so much for future seasons, I don’t see why they wouldn’t continue the show.
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goldrun · 4 years
An unexpected inquiry: foolish notion
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Read part 1 here
A/N: Hey guys! It took me more than three weeks to write this part, mainly because I wasn’t feeling it at all. But when I started writing, a lot of ideas popped up in my head and it came naturally (mostly). So I hope you’ll enjoy this part!!
@nerdbirdsworld​ @lilbabyhoneypot​ @dreams-of-wander​ @bluemirkwood​ @meilovesanime​ @downwiththedoorpoole​ @theofficialwitch​ @katewatso​ @c-s-stars​
Pairing: Fili x Reader
Word count: 3484
It was almost 8 o'clock. You were in the flower shop back in the stockroom pretending to count the number of daffodils for the day after.
You couldn't set your mind to it. You still weren't able to fathom what happened yesterday. A prince asked you to court you. You. And you refused. Well, not quite, you sort of decided to give him a chance. It also felt kind of foolish. When you meet your One you just know it, and he definitely didn't felt like yours. And this kind of connection was more important to you than marrying some prince. You couldn’t deny the fact that you felt 'something', even though you declared it as negligible. Any other young dam would've said yes immediately. But you weren’t any other dam.
The dress you were wearing was a simple one, made of a periwinkle colored smooth silk and reached above your ankles. The sleeves came just over your elbows and they had lace hanging on the ends. The corset with lilac colored flowers sewn upon it was laced at the backside, just a small wink to your job. It wasn't overdone, and you felt beautiful. You even felt like you put a little too much effort for someone you didn't even care about, you chuckled to yourself, who are you kidding, of course you cared. Even felt nervous. Your (H/C) hair was partly braided on the front, with the rest of your hair hanging loose. Alava braided it. All decorated with small golden beads you inherited from your father and mother, as well as the dress you were wearing. It was worn by your mother and her mother before her. Your family wasn’t wealthy and with you being the only one left, this was the way you could honor them every time you had a special occasion. Wait, was this a special occasion? You shook your head and tried not to think about it too much.
Back in the stockroom you counted about sixty daffodils but you weren’t sure of the number, since you started counting again for about three or four times.
Suddenly the doorbell jangled and you heard footsteps on the wooden oak floor. Your heart skipped a beat. “Y/N?” You heard a male voice calling. You sighed in relief, it wasn’t a stupid joke between him and his brother, a thought that slipped through your head at night. Sharing one last glance in the small hand mirror you kept in a drawer for when you ever needed it, never expecting that it would ever be needed for a situation like this. Your legs almost forgot how to walk when you made your way to the main room of the shop, and you took a deep breath before entering.
There he stood. All handsome and neatly dressed. You looked directly into his blue eyes.
“Hi.” You gasped, feeling as if your feet weren't even touching the ground.
A smile appeared on his lips as he approached you closer. Oh no, that dimple again, you thought.
“Hi.” He marvelled as he took you in. "You look beautiful.” He said with hushed tone.
You smiled timidly. "You’re very kind, thank you.” You brushed your dress.
The two of you staring at each other for a moment. None of you really knowing what to say.
He wore a brown leather coat with beige colored fur on the fronts. A belt in the same color as his coat with golden buckles closed it all together.
“You look handsome, Prince Fili.” You broke the silence, instantly regretting what you said. Was it even appropriate?
He blushed a little. “Thank you.” He smiled. “And please, just call me Fili.” He shrugged
You beamed. “Very well, Fili.”
"I-I brought you a gift." He stammered and reached with his hand somewhere in his coat. He handed you a small black box and when you opened it your mouth fell open. It was a small brooch and recognized it as a lily. The flower was white and covered it in small crystals and fit right in the palm of your hand. "Thank you, it's beautiful but i can't accept this." Still mesmerized by the gesture.
Fili was determined. "No, it's a gift, from me to you."
“I don’t know what to say...Again, thank you.” You stammered. You pinned the brooch down on your chest.
“It looks good on you.” Fili approved.
You gushed. “It’s beautiful, I love it.”
“So, where are you taking me?” You asked with a curious tone.
“I’m taking you to a small tavern called ‘The Joyful Goat’ which is a short walk from here.” He grinned.
“A tavern?” You asked hesitantly. It didn’t sound quite pleasing to your ears.
“Don’t worry, it’s a very neat one.” He assured.
The two of you walked towards the tavern. Chit-chatting along the way. You told him about your family, and how the flower shop was owned by your grandparents. He told about his family as well, and his life in the royal halls, which you were interested to hear about.
When you reached the tavern you noticed a sign with a goat on it.
“Here it is!” He praised as he pulled the door and let you in first.
It was rather a tiny tavern, but just as he said, it was very neat. A friendly old dwarf greeted you and he seemed to know your companion.
Fili hugged the dwarf. “Hoìn! How are you?” Fili asked enthusiastically.
“Prince Fili.” He said loudly. “Nice to see you around! How is your mother?” Hoìn wondered. “She’s doing well, she said to send you her regards.” Fili said sincere.
“That’s good to hear.” Hoìn said. “And please send her our greetings.”
“I will!” Fili said. “Do you have a table for two?” He questioned.
“Excuse me, I was wandering off, please follow me!” As he gestured to follow him.
You sat down at the dark brown mahogany table, at the opposite of Fili. You took a quick look around, a fire was crackling and a few dwarfs sat at the bar. You enjoyed the ambiance as your eyes turned back onto your company. Fili even looked even more good-looking in this warm scenery. You noticed his warm blond hair and his braided moustache in the same hue. You tried to study his face as unnoticable as possible but you were ripped out of your thoughts abruptly.
“Myla!” Hoìn yelled as an older female dwarf appeared, supposedly his wife. “Can you give these two lovebirds our best wine and special stew?”
“Of course!” She said lighthearted.
“Oh but we’re not together.” You blurted and your eyes turned big.
“Yet.” Fili said mischievously.
You rolled your eyes at him, Mahal, what were you getting yourself into?
“Very well then!” He reported and he rushed off.
You sat down and the burning question in your head was trying to get out.
“Can I ask you something?” You interrogated.
“Of course.”
“Do you know about the rumors that are being told about you and your brother?”
“I assume you mean the wretched ones, so yes, I do know about them.”
“Are they true?” You squinted your eyes.
Fili shook his head. “I promise you, it’s not true."
You sighed in relief but not fully convinced. "I have no idea how these stories came into the world." He continued. "Kili was the most reckless one of us two, and I can’t say I’ve never done anything that Mahal wouldn’t approve of...” Fili admitted. “But I never woke up with a different girl in my bed every morning and I’m most definitely not seeing you as an easy catch.”
You smiled to yourself and looked down. “It would be surprising if you did.”
“Alright. Can I ask YOU question?” He queried while he gazed at you.
You leaned forward on the table. "Go for it.” you challenged him.
“Look, i'm not proud of the way how I approached you yesterday and I'm surprised you didn't ran away. You're definitely not feeling the same as i do, so, why waisting your time with me?”
"I'm going to be honest with you, i wanted to see who you really are. I thought you were different, nothing more than that." You confessed.
"Because of these stories?" He questioned as you nodded slowly.
"You said you thought I was different. So what do you think of me now?" Fili crook his brow and grinned.
"Let's not get ahead of yourself.” You raised your brows and leaned backwards.
“What a pleasant sight!” Hoìn marvelled when he walked by your table. “You two remind me just of his father and mother, they came here by a lot ya know.” You shared a short look with Fili. “Aye, this lad is a keeper!” He concluded with a big smile to you as he walked away to another table. You could do nothing but laugh, and felt a flutter in your chest and you noticed Fili's cheeks colored red.
“So you are more than familiar with this place.” You hinted.
“My father used to take my mother here when he was still alive.” Fili recalled. "So to me, this has been always a special place. Kili and I come here by a lot.”
“That’s such a sweet story.” You sympathized.
“Next time you should meet my brother, you would love him. If there’s going to be a next time of course.”
“I would love to meet him. And we shall see about that next time.” You teased. Fili chuckled.
Myla walked by with the wine and stew and placed it in front of you."Here you go dears!" She said sweetly.
“Thank you!” You both said in unison.
You both were enjoying the meal. Sharing a laugh and anecdotes about one another.
When you both were done you thanked Hoìn and Myla and left ‘The Joyful Goat’.
Fili suggested to walk you home, which you tried to refuse kindly. But Fili insisted.
You arrived at your home which had three steps in front of the front door, and while you stood on the highest step, Fili stood on the ground. You found your key and put it in the lock as you turned around to face him.
"Well, surprisingly you are not that terrible as I thought you'd be." You joked which he answered with a chuckle. "I had fun, and thank you for taking me out." You acknowledged.
"You really speak your mind don't you?" Fili laughed. "But, I had fun too."
You chortled softly. "Goodnight Fili". Shared one last glance and turned around to step inside your house.
“Wait!" Your head turned around from the sound of his voice. "When can I see you again?” He asked with a questioning gaze, and your heart melted a little.
“Well, let’s see about that.” You winked and closed the door behind you. Fili stood there for Mahal knows how long, maybe hours, debating if this was a yes or a no.
It’s been a few days since you last saw Fili. You really let him baffled, not giving him any closure. You told Alava about it, and she couldn’t believe you let him go.
Today you were busy helping a client who wanted a bouquet of roses and white lilies when you saw a familiar face entering your shop.
You looked up at him, smiling as if you knew he was up to something. The client gave you your coins and stepped away to leave the shop which was almost empty now.
“So, here we meet again.” You tittered, trying not to seem too eager while bundling a bunch of red lilies with a white ribbon.
“Yes, indeed we do.” He smirked he said as he walked towards you. “And you’re not alone I see.” You noticed as you looked curiously behind him.
“Yes, Y/N, this is my brother Kili.” You immediately recognized him as he stepped closer to you. “Nice to meet you Y/N!” He said as you shook his hand. “Likewise Kili!” Sure he was handsome just like his brother, but with a much more darker complexion. You never got the chance to study his face from up close. This was the cheeky one.
“So, this is the girl that you’ve been talking about!” Kili said amused." You chortled, "I hope i am!"
“I always wanted to meet the person who rejected my brother!” Kili joked. Fili punched him on the back and you could only laugh at the brotherly chemistry.
“Oh I did not exactly reject him.” You folded your arms and looked at the two brothers. “I just kept things open.”
“And can you close it now?” Fili said amused.
“I’m not closing anything right now.” You provoked.
"Oh Fee." Kili said. "I hate to break this intimate moment but we have to go now, you know how Dwalin thinks about being late for sparring time."
"Yes of course, let's go. Y/N I'll see you around, I hope." Sharing one last gaze with you and the two brothers walked towards te front door. Your eyes crinkled. “I hope so too.” Just before Fili closed the door he looked at you one last time, while you pretended no to see him. Trying to keep yourself occupied with the next bundle of lillies you could not resist to peek when he closed the door behind him.
Months have gone by, and Fili visited you almost every day. You even found yourself in the royal halls at times, and you were mesmerized every time you entered. Talking and blabbering about everything. Every time you saw him you became more and more fond of him. You could say he really was your friend, as well as Kili. Fili seemed to have let go of the whole 'One' thing and accepted the fact that you would never be a couple. That still didn’t mean he wasn't into you, sometimes annoyed by his ambiguous comments.
Today you were sitting in an open field with Kili. A place you visited ever since you were little. While sitting underneath a big oak tree you felt a warm breeze running over your skin.
“Where’s Fili?” You wondered.
“He had some important business to do with our Uncle, heir stuff probably.” Kili answered.
“Y/N I was wondering, how exactly did you meet Fili?” Kili wondered while he was lying down next to you, chewing on a piece of grass.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Wait, hasn’t he told you about it?” You mouthed.
Kili placed his arms underneath his head. “He didn’t tell me much about it, just that you two bumped into each other on the street.”
“What! He really told you that?” You chanted and sat right up.
“What happened then?” Kili asked, leaning on his elbows.
“Well, I was working in my shop just like every other day and suddenly he stood right in front of me asking me to court him!” You uttered.
Kili’s mouth fell open. “You’re joking right?” You shook your head while chuckling and he bursted out in laughter. The loudest you’ve ever heard. Tears welled up in his eyes. You could do nothing but join the laughter.
“Even I would never do something like that!” He exclaimed while drying his eyes. Kili couldn’t stop laughing. "Oh Mahal, so this idiot really likes you."
"So it appears." You nodded. “But I’m glad I went out with him even though the feelings weren’t exactly mutual, because now I have two amazing friends.”
“Yes I’m glad you did.” Kili confirmed, and you two lay down again, staring at the sun.
"About what I just told you, please don't let it go hard on him."
"Don't worry about it." Kili grinned. "I will."
You slapped him on his chest as your laughter followed.
“What’s so funny?” You heard footsteps on the tall grass, you recognized the voice in an instant when the person sat down next to you.
“Oh nothing Fee.” Kili tried to say trying to hold in his laughter. “Just thought about that time when you asked Y/N to court you when you never even met her once!” Kili joked and Fili’s cheeks turned crimson.
“I’m sorry Fee, I had to tell him.” You tittered.
“Alright alright, that happened ages ago!” Fili tried to brush it off.
The three of you lay down again, with Fili in the middle.
“So where have you been all day?” You asked curiously while you lay on your side, leaning your head on your hand.
“Yeah what have you been doing?” Kili repeated as he furrowed his eyebrows.
Fili looked at you, squinting his eyes from the sun. “Why so nosey?”
You shrugged. You knew why.
“Well, since Thorin complained about me not having a wife yet, he set up a meeting with a princess, a human nonetheless.”
“And? How did it go?” You spoke slightly bitter. You didn’t even notice the jealous tendency in your chest.
“Thorin was enthusiastic, but only for the sake of the Blue Mountains, not for love. She was beautiful, intelligent and thoughtful.” He said while staring at the sky. The envious sting in your chest became more painful.
“But?” You questioned and raised a brow.
“She wasn’t you.” He answered, gazing into your eyes. You smiled tender.
You didn’t really know where to look while trying to think of something witty to say, but nothing came to your mind.
“I honestly don’t understand why you two are not together.” Kili interrupted, you almost forget he was there too.
You both sighed, staring to the blue sky. "Excuse me, I have to go." Fili said as he stood up and walked away on the grass towards his pony. "Fee! Where are you going?" Kili yelled but Fili didn't answer. He jumped on his pony and rode away as you both watched him from afar.
That night you were laying in bed and you couldn't sleep. Your mind were like one giant cobweb of thoughts. Was he angry with you? The thought of him being with someone else terrified you. He was the only one who ever understood your sarcasm. You also thought about that time when he helped a kid when he fell down and scraped his knee. Or that time when you walked upon him shirtless when you visited him in the forges last week.
Or how is moustache moves when he speaks. And that dimple. Suddenly you loved everything about him and every little thing he did seemed more and more attractive.
In an instant you sat right up in your bed. And one main thought shot through your head. You loved him. "I love him." You repeated but speaking out loud this time. "I must tell him now."
So you kicked away your sheets, put on your easiest shoes put on your olive green cloak, threw open your front door. And there Fili stood, with his fist in the air from an attempt to knock. Was he feeling something too or was this a coincidence?
"I love you Fili." You grabbed his face and gazed in his eyes. "I already have from the start but I was too blind to see it." You gently intoned.
You gave him no chance to answer as you placed your lips on his. He answered your kiss and buried his hands in your hair.
You pulled back and placed your forehead to his.
“You are my One, you’ve always been.” You confessed. He brushed his thumb over your lower lip.
“I love you too Y/N.” He told you. “So would this be an appropriate time for me to ask to put a courting braid in your hair?”
You chuckled. “Yes, you may now.” You nodded as you bit your lower lip. “Come inside.” You said softly.
He followed you inside and closed the door behind him. Standing in your small living room, smiling as you turned around with your back towards him. He fiddled with your hair as he put a small bead at the end of the braid. You turned around to face him again and placed your arms around his neck as he put his arms around your middle.
“For someone who always knows what she wants, you were pretty oblivious." Fili spoke with a soft voice. "When did you realize?" He questioned.
"Five minutes ago." You laughed. He looked approving."Well, I'm glad you did."
"Let's go tell my uncle." He hummed.
You giggled. "It's past midnight."
"Wait, let's tell him tommorow." Fili agreed.
"I hope he won't kill you."
"He won't." He said with a smirk as he kissed you once more.
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Dark Side of the Moon: Final Part
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,441
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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Underneath a ‘Come In We’re Open’ sign, Ash draws another sigil-formula. This one is different from the other ones you’ve seen, but you know it’ll work.
“All Access Pass to the Magic Kingdom,” Ash smiled.
“Good,” Dean nodded, but when Ash gave him a pointed look, he changed his attitude about it. “Not good?”
“That Zachary fella is going to be watching every road to the Garden.”
“We’ll be prepared. Thanks, Ash,” you thanked, giving him a hug.
Behind you, Pamela hugs Sam before moving onto Dean. Instead of hugging him, she decided on other things. She pulls his head down for a kiss. You wanted to care, but since she was dead you kind of gave her a pass for it. Plus, he needs to be used to kissing other women since he’s definitely breaking up with you once he finds out. You have to tell him when you’re alive because this was getting to be too much for you to handle.
“Yup. Just how I imagined,” she grinned.
Dean looked over at you, but when he saw you not even looking at him and Pamela, he knew something was definitely wrong. He is going to have to question it when he gets back to his body.
“Ah, gentlemen and lady. I don’t mean to be a downer or anything but… I’m sure I’ll see you again soon,” Ash chuckled once the contraption was ready to go.
“Well, keep a sixer on ice for us,” Dean declared.
“Yeah,” he nodded.
He opened the door for you three, and you walked in first with Dean right behind you and his little brother in last. Whatever Ash did definitely didn’t lead to a garden because this was the living room of Dean’s childhood home in Lawrence. It’s dark, empty, and kind of creepy if you’re being honest. A train’s whistle can be heard in the background.
“What the… Why are we back home?” Dean asked.
“I don’t know. So what are we going to do?” Sam wondered.
“Keep looking for the road, I guess,” you shrugged.
You turned to start looking when you noticed Mary standing behind you three. Nudging Dean’s shoulder, he turned around first and then Sam last. This time, Mary was just like how she is in the pictures Dean had, but she was wearing the nightgown she wore the night she was killed.
“Honey. Why are you up?”
“Look. I’m-I’m sorry. I love you but you’re not real and we don’t have time—”
“Did you have another nightmare? Tell me,” she interrupted him.
“I gotta go,” he shook his head.
“Then how about I tell you my nightmare, Dean? The night I burned,” she chuckled.
Blood started appearing on the nightgown right above her stomach.
“Sammy let’s get out of here,” Dean said shakily.
“Right behind you,” you declared.
“Don’t you walk away from me,” Mary snapped, and Dean halted in his steps. “ I never loved you. You were my burden. I was shackled to you. Look what it got me.”
She blinked and her eyes turned yellow… the same yellow as Azazel’s.
“Dean, come on. This isn’t real,” you urged, yanking on his arm to get him moving.
However, he just seemed frozen in place. When he could finally move, he turned to you with a look of pure devastation. The lights in the house begin to change color, taking on an unhealthy green hue. The room starts to change all around you, and suddenly, the doors are gone. Mary blinks once more and they are back to their normal color.
“The worst was the smell. The pain, well. What can you say about your skin bubbling off? But the smell was so… you know, for a second I thought I’d left a pot roast burning in the oven. But… it was my meat.”
Dean moves away from his demented mother to go to the wall where the door once was. Instead, it’s been bricked over so there was no chance to escape.
“And then, finally, I was dead. The one silver lining was that at least I was away from you. Everybody leaves you, Dean. You noticed? Mommy. Daddy. Even Sam. Y/N eventually. Want to know what she did?” she asked with a huge smile.
“Okay, shut the fuck up! You’re not real!” you yelled, throwing your hands out as if you still had your magic.
“Not going to work on me, sweetheart,” she said to you before turning to her eldest son. “You ever ask yourself why? Maybe it’s not them. Maybe, it’s you.”
“Easy now, kitten,” Zachariah revealed himself.
“You did this,” Sam glared accusingly.
“And I’m just getting started. I mean, guys. Did you really think you could just sneak past me into Mission Control?”
“You son of a bitch!” Sam yelled.
Very large angel goons appeared behind you three, and they grabbed you from behind. Normally, you could have gotten out of this with your magic, but you didn’t have it to protect yourself with this time.
“You know, I’d say the same thing about you, Sam, but I have actually grown quite fond of your mother. Or at least the Blessed Memory of her,” he chuckled.
He moved Mary’s hair away from her neck and began to kiss it. Dean has no choice but to look away since he won’t be able to handle this.
“I think we’re going to be logging a lot of quality time together. I’ve discovered she’s quite the... MILF,” he chuckled.
“I’m going to kill you,” you threatened harshly.
“With what? You’re magicless here, Y/N. In heaven, I have six wings and four faces, one of whom is a lion. You see this vessel because you’re,” he ran his fingers down the length of Mary’s arm, and it’s Sam who can’t watch this time, “limited.”
“Let’s brass tack this, shall we?” he continued, snapping his fingers to make Mary disappear.
“You gonna ball-gag us until we say yes? Huh, yeah, I’ve heard that one too,” you challenged.
Zachariah walked up to you and wasted no time slamming his fist in your stomach. If you were till pregnant, then that would surely kill the baby. He knew this would mess with your head which is why he did it in the first place. You folded over in a painful groan.
“I’m going to do a lot more than that. I’ve cleared my schedule. Get her up,” he ordered.
The angel holding you forced you to straighten, and Zachariah gave another hateful punch to your gut. Sam and Dean struggled against the angels holding them to they and help, but it wasn’t working.
“Let me tell you something. I was on the fast track once. Employee of the month, every month, forever. I would walk these halls and people would AVERT THEIR EYES!” He yelled, and the house begins to shake. “I HAD ‘RESPECT! And then they assigned me you three. Now look at me. I can’t close the deal on a couple of flannel-wearing maggots? Everybody’s laughing at me… and they’re right to do it. So! Say yes, don’t say yes; I’m still going to take it out of your asses. It’s personal now, and the last person in the history of creation you want as your enemy is me. And I’ll tell you why. Lucifer may be strong, but I’m ‘petty’. I’m going to be the angel on your shoulder for the rest of eternity.”
“Excuse me. Sir?” a third party spoke from behind Zachariah.
All heads turned to the stranger who interrupted this fun fest. He is a slightly older black man who had a calm look on his face.
“I’m in a meeting,” Zachariah said.
“I’m sorry. I need to speak to those three.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s a bad time, I know, but I’m afraid I have to insist.”
“You don’t get to insist jack-squat.”
“No, you’re right. But the boss does. His orders,” he chuckled which only unnerved Zachariah.
“You’re lying,” he said uncertain.
“I wouldn’t lie about this. Look, fire me if you want. Sooner or later, he’s going to come back home and you know how he is with that whole wrath thing.”
Zachariah gave one last look at you, Sam, and Dean before turning to face the newcomer. The stranger is clearly not going to back down, and it was foolish on Zacharia’s part to challenge him. In a flutter of wings, Zachariah and his goons have gone away. Suddenly, the environment changed from a childhood house to a verdant, green garden—a conservatory. You are surrounded by the sounds of a forest. You walk down stone steps, approaching the stranger.
“This is heaven’s Garden?” Sam asked.
“It’s-it’s nice… ish. I guess,” Dean shrugged.
“You see what you want to here. For some, it’s God’s throne room; for others it’s Eden. You three, I believe it’s the Cleveland Botanical Gardens. You came here on a field trip.”
“You’re Joshua,” you concluded.
“I’m Joshua.”
“So, you talk to God.”
“Mostly, He talks to me.”
“Well, we need to speak to Him. It’s important. Where is he?” you asked.
“On Earth.”
“Earth?” You were very shocked at this.
“Doing what?” Dean cut in.
“I don’t know.”
“Do you know where on Earth?”
“No, sorry. We don’t exactly speak face-to-face.”
“I… I don’t get it. God’s not talking to nobody so…”
“—why is he talking to me,” Joshua finished for Dean. “I sometimes think it’s because I can sympathize—gardener to gardener—and, between us, I think he gets lonely.”
“Well, my heart’s breaking for him,” Dean said in a disgusted tone.
“Well, can you at least get him a message for us?” Sam asked, bringing the topic back to the important issue on hand.
“Actually, he has a message for you. Back off.”
“Excuse me?” you scoffed.
“He knows already. Everything you want to tell him. He knows what the angels are doing. He knows that the Apocalypse has begun. He just doesn’t think it’s his problem.”
“Tell me you’re joking because I am this close to kicking someone’s ass,” you growled.
“God saved you already. He put you on that plane. He brought back Castiel. He granted you salvation in heaven,” he turns to Sam, “and after everything you’ve done too. It’s more than he’s intervened in a long time. He’s finished. Magic amulet or not, you won’t be able to find him.”
“But he can stop it. He can stop all of it,” Dean stuttered.
“I suppose he could, but he won’t.”
“Why not?”
“Why does he allow evil in the first place? You could drive yourself nuts asking questions like that,” the angel shrugged.
“So he’s just going to sit back and watch the world burn?”
“I know how important this was to you, Dean. I’m sorry.”
“Forget it. Just another dead-beat dad with a bunch of excuses, right? I’m used to that. I’ll muddle through,” Dean said.
He was clearly too emotional about this, and that only added onto your guilt. He would have made a great father.
“Except… you don’t know if you can, this time. You can’t kill the Devil, and you’re losing faith in yourself, your brother, even your girlfriend, and now this?” Joshua asked, motioning to Heaven as a whole.
You were shocked at this because this is the first time you realized just how desperate and depressed Dean really is. Sure, he tells you things, but nothing like this. How could you ever tell him this now?
“God was your last hope. I just… I wish I could tell you something different.”
“How do we know you’re telling the truth?” Sam voiced his concerns.
“You think that I would lie?”
“It’s just that… you’re not exactly the first angel we’ve met.”
“I’m rooting for you three! I wish I could do more to help you, I do! But I just… trim the hedges.”
“Then what now?” you asked bitterly.
“You go home again. I’m afraid this time, won’t be like the last. This time, God wants you to remember.”
Joshua lifted his hand to send you three back to Earth, and he did so in a bright light which blinds you so much that you had to close your eyes.
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When you open them next, you can’t help but wake with a loud gasp. Shooting out of bed, you noticed you were back in your motel room, the same one in which you died. Sam and Dean are lying lifeless on their beds, and before you could go to them, they awoke in a similar fashion. Both brothers sit up and cough as they tried to get used to being alive again.
“You two alright?” you asked.
“Define alright,” Dean sighed.
He got up and snatched his phone from the bedside table. He dialed a number with his back turned to you, and you could see his back is covered in blood where the hunters shot and killed him. Within a moment, Castiel appeared in the room so that you could update him on what happened. Once finished, he looked lost and without hope. He leans against the divider while Sam and Dean pack up their gear.
“Maybe… maybe Joshua was lying,” the angel said.
“I don’t think he was, Castiel. I’m sorry,” you sighed.
Your bag was already packed since you got it packed before you were killed. Castiel walked into the light, and he was glaring at Dean harshly.
“You son of a bitch. I believed in—”
He stopped short since he couldn’t think of the right words to say. He looked above for any kind of sign, but there is nothing to be seen. He shakes his head in disappointment before pulling out the amulet that he took from Dean.
“I don’t need this anymore,” he scoffed, tossing it to Dean. “It’s worthless.”
“Castiel!” you called out, but the angel was already gone.
Dean stared at the amulet in his hands with anger and regret.
“We’ll find another way. We can still stop all this, Dean,” Sam tried saying.
“How?” the older brother asked, finally looking up.
“I don’t know, but we’ll find it. You, me, and Y/N, we’ll find it.”
Dean clearly doesn’t believe him, and you and Sam both know it. He picked up his packed bag and walks past Sam without a word. As he walks out the door, he drops the amulet in the trash. Your heart broke, but you walked over to the trash to stare at the amulet. With one look at Sam, you reached in and grabbed it since you knew this was too special to throw away.
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peakyblinders1919 · 5 years
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“Mary, can you please do something about him? His crying is giving me such a headache.” You sighed, rubbing your temples as you laid back on the couch.
���Of course, Mrs. Shelby.” The docile maid agreed, picking up the babe who couldn’t stop wailing and taking him out of the room. You sighed in content. Why did babies have to cry so much? Being a mother wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Long days, even longer nights, constant crying, constant headaches. You loved your son, of course you did, but what made it all worse was the way you felt so...alone.
Tommy was here and then there, jumping from one business meeting to the next so much that he didn’t help out. You were starting to feel like a single mother, slipping further and further into the void of being locked up in a house with a baby. No contact with the outside world, with many adults for that matter. You were going a bit stir crazy, and Tommy wasn’t even around much for you to talk about your feelings. Which meant you were letting them bottle up and building inside you, just like he had taught you.
After a short nap, waking up to silence, your headache subsided but you felt just as alone as ever. Dead inside. Cold. There was one person who could sympathize with what you were going through, so you hurried to the phone in your husband's office.
“Esme, I beg of you, how do I do this...this whole mother thing? How do you do it with so many kids, I have just the one?”
“Y/N, you sound like you could use some help, I’ll be over soon.” Hanging up the phone, you were thoroughly pleased that Esme was coming over. It was the first time in weeks that you had a reason to get ready, that you were having a meeting with someone other than a doctor or an employee. You put on a nice dress and used the occasion as an excuse to put on some makeup, and waited in the living room with a bottle of red wine already open and poured into two glasses.
“Mrs. Shelby, your guest is here.”
“Thank you Mary, let her in.”
You smiled widely when that sister-in-law of yours walked in. You couldn’t resist the urge to run over and hug her, rocking her back and forth.
“Hi love.”
“Hi hun. You didn’t have to get all dolled up for me.” Esme said, and taking one look at her you remembered why. Her onyx hair was wild, braided and curly and loose and free, just like her. She was beautiful without makeup, and her style clearly defined that she was a gypsy. The moment she walked in it was like she carried a fresh air in with her, and for the first time in a long time, you felt happy. A feeling. Something.
Esme joined you on the couch, and you quickly poured her a glass.
“I needed the excuse Esme. I feel like I’m withering away in here”
“Dramatic. You’ve always been dramatic Y/N.”
“Esme, I haven’t left the house in months. My husband hasn’t been here for more than a day or two at a time. It’s just me and William all day, and all he does is cry and slobber on me.”
Esme looked at you with a cocked brow, assessing the situation; it was definitely unique.
“How do you do it?” You begged, looking for advice. Esme bit her nails, thinking.
“You just need to calm down. Believe in yourself that you can do it. You really just need to relax hun.”
“I’m trying.” You sighed, leaning your head back in a dramatic fashion, taking another sip of wine. “I think this wine has gotten weaker. It doesn’t give me the same effect.”
“That’s called tolerance hun. You’ve been drinking too much, it’s not as strong. You...you may need something stronger.”
It took you a second to realize what she was suggesting, but when it all clicked, your eyes grew wide as you looked at the gypsy.
“Are...are you...suggesting what I think you're suggesting?” You asked, your voice tapering off at the end so no one else could you hear, though the maids had a tendency of listening, especially of late with your current state of mind. They were worried about you of course, but you convinced them you were fine and that Mr. Shelby know nothing about it.
“Yes.” Esme said bluntly, sitting back on the couch.
“Esme, I could never- you know Tommy’s feelings abo-”
“You asked me what I did to stay sane with 7 kids, and I’m just letting you know...a little bit of snow never hurt anyone.”
“Esme...I don’t know…” you sighed. It sounded like it might work, if it could just get you to relax for a few hours, then maybe it would be worth it. But what about everything else? The backlash from your husband if, no when, he found out? How would it weigh on your conscious? What would it do to your relationship with your son, make it even more strained?
“Well, look, I have an extra vial here,” Esme said, fishing out the blue tiny glass vial from her jacket. “You can hold onto this and use it whenever you want.”
“Uh...thank you.” You said after a while even though you weren’t sure about it.
For now you stuck to wine, finishing a bottle and having Mary bring you two another one from the cellar, it finally began to give you the sensation you needed. You spoke about the business, something that you women normally didn’t get to do unless you were together and away from everyone else. Esme continued rambling about how John’s always horny after a shootout or fight and she definitely doesn’t need any more children. You couldn’t agree more. You mostly rambled about Tommy’s lack of affection and his overall absence in you and William’s life. It made for a very depressing conversation in the end, and by the time Esme found a way home, you were left in your vast, empty, living room wondering what had happened to your life.
Knowing Tommy was still away on business in London, you hurried to bed early. You actually stopped in the nursery. When he was sleeping, William could actually be peaceful. The alcohol in your veins caused you to run a finger down his soft, plump cheeks, actually giving him a kiss before walking into your bedroom.
You were getting used to seeing it empty, sleeping on half of the bed with all the covers draped around you. He had promised these business meetings wouldn’t last much longer, when the deal was settled he’d be home for good. But it seemed to be forever, never ending.
Getting into your pajamas, you had forgotten the vial of snow gifted to you from Esme until you felt it in her hands and placed it on the bedside table. You eyed it for a long time, getting completely ready for bed. Even when you shut off the lights and snuggled under the blankets, the blue little vial came to life as you shut your eyes. You couldn’t get it out of your mind. You shoved the thing into the bedside drawer too, but a few minutes later you took it back out again.
“Fuck it.” You whispered to yourself, taking the vial into the bathroom and powering the white powder onto the counter. You eyed it for a long time, wondering if you had officially gone crazy. Were you really about to do this? The more you thought about it the more it seemed like a bad idea, so it was now or never.
Slowly rolling up a hundred pounds, you bent over and snorted the powder, a burning sensation filling your nostrils. Just as you threw your head back, waiting to fill something before finishing off the remaining powder, the bedroom light flicked on. You turned quickly, giving you a head rush.
“Tommy? What...what’re you doing here?” Saying you looked like a deer caught in headlights would be a gross understatement.
“We closed on the deal early so I thought I’d come to surprise you.” He said, his voice steady and low. He threw his coat on the bed and took a few steps towards you. “What’re you doing Y/N?”
“What? Oh, nothing.” You said, turning around quickly, trying to hide the coke from him. You flailed your arms, trying to disperse the white powder so it wasn’t as conspicuous.
“Y/N, what’re you doing. Stop, what’re you doing.” His voice was still low and steady, which at this point was scarier than if he was screaming at you. He stepped forward, grabbed your hands and pulled you out of the way lightly to see the remains of coke on the counter. He let you go.
“What is this?” He asked slowly.
“Tommy, I….”
“Coke? You're doing coke now, huh?”
“Tommy I... this is the first time-”
He didn’t want to hear it, brushing the rest into the sink and turning it on so it could go down the drain. He stood over the sink with his head hung and nothing to say to you.
“Get out.”
“Give me a fucking minute Y/N.” There it was. The yelling. It shocked you, and you moved away into the bedroom. He kicked the bathroom door before following you.
“What are you thinking? Are you ok? Coke? Really?”
“I’m sorry Tommy. I….this was the first time.”
“It doesn’t matter Y/N. Once is enough to get you hooked, or put you in danger. Why the fuck did you even do it in the first place?”
“Because Tommy,” you cried, unaware that hot tears were streaming down your face. “I’ve been going insane in this house.”
“So you do coke? With our son in the other room?”
“Tommy, you don’t know what it’s like-”
“What’s what like? Hm? Explain it to me Y/N.”
“I’m….I’m trying but you just keep cutting me off!” You snapped back, making him stop his disappointed pacing to look at you in the eye. He stood over you, hands on his hips, trying his best to intimidate you, but the high from the cocaine made you want to fight and stand up for yourself. “I’m trapped, Tommy. Trapped. My life is a nightmare, and I didn’t know what else to do and Esme came over and-”
“You know I’ve never liked Esme.”
“Yes, but I do. She’s my friend Tommy. She cares enough to listen to me and my feelings and try to help me out. You,” you said, hand extended out to him. “You….you just keep leaving.” You said, your lip now quivering as you spoke and tears continued streaming.
“I’m working for us, so I can support you and William.”
“I know it’s just….it’d be nice if you were ever here. I miss you and I...I didn’t know what else to do so I thought maybe Esme had a point and-” your voice finally cracked, both it and you reaching your breaking point. You hunched into yourself, your cries similar to those of William’s. Hysterical, loud, unnerving. Tommy had never seen you like this.
He hurried to your said, his anger dissipating as he saw you so broken down. He kneeled in front of you, trying to get you to look him in the eye.
“Y/N, love,” he said quietly. “Look at me.” You finally did, though he was blurry. “I...I didn’t know you felt this way. I’m sorry. I….I’m done with business trips for a while, yeah? I’ll be here with you. It’ll all be ok. Just promise me you’ll never do coke again.”
It was hard keeping your eyes on him, the coke and the crying was making your head foggy, but you held onto his words, clutched them to your chest. You smiled, nodding.
“Yes, yes, I’m sorry, I just didn’t know what else to do. I...I thought it would help.”
Tommy just shook his head, now going to embrace you. You missed his scent, burying yourself into his chest as he held you. Taking in a deep breathe, knowing that he would never treat you this way again.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
How long has loneliness been your friend? “My loneliness is killing me...”
Sorry, had to. Anyway, loneliness and I go way back. I’d go through bouts of feeling lonely and also in the sense that I’m alone with my own mind and thoughts and no one really understands what I’m feeling and dealing with. Like, people can relate to some things and sympathize/empathize, but no one really knows exactly what someone is feeling and going through, ya know? That can feel lonely. I’m also someone who likes their alone time, though. I need it. Like I said, feelings of loneliness kinda comes and goes, but lately I’ve been feeling intensely lonely for some reason. 
When was the last time you remember not being lonely? >> I mean, I don’t feel lonely right now. It’s not a constant feeling, it comes and goes as it pleases. <<< That’s what I was trying to say. 
How many guys have attempted to rape you? Zero, but jeez you could have left this question out. 
When was the last time a cop committed a crime against you? That hasn’t happened.
Who was the last person you missed? There’s a few people I’ll always miss, like a few loved ones who have passed away and former friends.
Who is the last person you heard about who died in a car accident? There was a really sad story I heard recently about a mom and her baby that were killed in a car accident.
Have you ever lost a best friend in a car accident? No. 
Have you ever had a woman try to seduce you sexually? I had a friend who sometimes got flirty when drunk and she was saying sexual things to me. It was very awkward and uncomfortable.  
Do you ever pretend to not be so alone, or are you honest about it? I don’t pretend not to be, it’s just something I don’t talk about with anyone. Apart from in surveys, of course.
Are you wearing leggings right now? Yep. I’m always wearing leggings. 
Do you wish you had a new pair of fuzzy pajamas? >> Nah. I mean, I love fuzzy pajamas, but I can’t wear them. I get too hot. :( <<< Saaaame.
When was the last time you went to church? December 31, 2015.
Do you wish there were a good church in your town? There are. Do you wish you lived in a Christian bubble? I’m a Christian. What’s living in a Christian bubble?
What is your favorite Avril Lavigne song? “My Happy Ending” and “I’m With You.”
Who are five of your favorite down-to-earth singers? I don’t know who would be considered a down to earth singer or not.
Is your hair messed up? It’s in a messy pony tail.
Do you wish you could let your anger show, and not hold it in? My irritability, frustration, and moodiness rears its ugly head all the time. It takes control over me. 
Why do you hold in your anger? Like I said, I rarely do. I don’t have much control over it.  Name someone who sexually harassed or abused you. Have you ever told anyone about this? If not, do you want to? Do you fear that no one would believe you? I haven’t experienced that.
What’s one thing you hate about being a woman? It used to be having a menstrual cycle, but I don’t have them anymore.
Do you wish you could be yourself without restraint? I am who I am. It’s not who I want to be, though. I don’t like who I am.
Name one good person you know. My family are good people.
Who would you like to talk to ? No one right now.
Was your last crush a good person, or a heartbreaker? He’s an amazing person. 
Have you ever had a crush like you back and be with you? Shockingly, yes.
Have you ever told someone you had a crush on them? Yes. Well, the 5 people I told were more than just a crush at that point.
Has anyone ever tried to force you to pretend you were suicidal, so they could get money? Wtf?? A question like this was in a previous survey I did recently, too. I’ve never heard of this. Not sure why that’s a question survey makers have come up with. Also, why would someone get money if I pretended to be suicidal? Anyway, I most definitely would not do that.
Who do you wish you could trust? Name one person. I can trust my family.
Has anyone ever accused you of being gay, then tried to seduce you? No.
Would you be more open about your faith if it weren’t for persecution? I don’t hide it.
Do you dream about being loved? I mean, I’d love to experience romantic love someday. 
Who do you love? Name one person . I love my family. That’s more than one person, but *shrug*
Do you wish your parents loved you? They do.
Would you be ok if your parents loved you? My parents do love me. My issues don’t have anything to do with that. Why does everyone hate you? I’ve hurt some people and I’m sure they feel very strongly about me in a negative way. I don’t blame them if they hate me. I know my family doesn’t hate me and that they ove me, but I feel like a total failure and disappointment to them. Not because of anything they’ve said or done, but because of who I am and what I have and haven’t done. I for one definitely hate myself. 
Do you stand up to bullies, or give in to them? I haven’t dealt with any bullies. Well, apart from myself to myself. I’m my own bully.
Do you think it’s ok to last out at someone when you’re angry? No, but unfortunately that’s what often happens. Especially to the ones we love. :(
Why are you so nice? I don’t think I am all that nice. :/ Not anymore. 
Do you realize that most people taking this survey are probably living in a bubble? Why do you say that?
Do you know anyone who’s not selfish?
Yes. My mom is one of the most selfless people I know.
Do you know any true Christian women? Women who aren’t selfish or rude? Yes.
When was the last time you had a hug? Can you remember how many years it’s been? It was just a couple days ago.
When was the lsat time you switched doctors? and do you like your new one? A couple years ago when I had to go to a new pain doctor. Yeah, the new one is fine.
Have you ever overdosed? No.
Do you wish all the people who have tried to kill you would get caught? I don’t think anyone has tried to kill me...
Who was the last couple that you’d expect to get divorced (that did)? Uhh.
Who was the last person that you’d expect to turn on you (that did)? No one has in a long time. I’m the one who pretty much turned on everyone these past few years. :/
Name a church that just wants your money. I don’t know.
What’s the last church you left because of the way you were treated? I haven’t had that issue. I’ve never been a regular church goer.
How bad do you want a mother? I am very fortunate to have my mother. She’s my best friend and my rock. I couldn’t keep going if it weren’t for her.
Do you pretend that you don’t want a mother? Never.
Do you wish you could afford make-up that wouldn’t get ruined when you cry? I don’t care about that. I never wear makeup anymore anyway.
What was the last church you loved that closed down? I haven’t experienced that.
Who was the last friend that betrayed you? I’m the friend who betrayed my friends these past few years. Keep rubbing that in, please.
Name 6 people who have tried to kill you. Wtf. Is that something you’ve experienced or something??
Do you think calling gossip “tea” is stupid? lol I call it that.
Who told you that reaching out to friends for support when you’re grieving a loss is a sin? and is this person a leader at a church? What?? I’ve never heard that.
Do Avril Lavigne songs speak to you? I haven’t listened to her music in several years, including the ones I listed previously, but those and “Complicated” definitely did at one point. Although, “So much for my happy ending...” feels fitting. 
Were you bullied at youth group? I was never in youth group.
Which church has the biggest bullies? I have no idea.
Who lied to the police about you because they were mad at you? No one has done that to me.
Do you trust any of your firends on facebook? My family members on there.
Are you a healer? No.
Do you have supernatural gifts? No.
Does anyone appreciate you? I don’t feel I deserve to be appreciated for anything.
What would you like to tell someone? Merry Christmas and a happy new year to ya’ll.
Do you look your age? I’ve been told I look a lot younger.
Are you sleepy? Always.
Do you hallucinate? No.
Have you ever seen a spirit? No.
Can you see spirits? I’ve never seen any.
What do you want for Christmas? A hippopotamus, haaa.
What’s something the Lord healed you of? One of the things I’m dealing with has healed, and another thing is making progress. There had been no signs of healing for a very long time (years) and I know I haven’t done anything to attribute to it. 
Do you wish you didn’t have to keep your faith a secret? and that you weren’t persecuted? Didn’t you ask that this? I don’t keep it a secret.
Do you wish you were loved? My family loves me.
Do you pretend you don’t want to be loved? No.
Can remember how many years it’s been since someone loved you? My family loves and has always loved me.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 5 years
9x14: Scars - Parallels & Arcs
Okay, guys. Sorry it took me awhile to get this posted. I was originally going to wait and do a Details post tomorrow (which I still will) but I quickly realized I’d need to divide it in half because it would have been monstrously long. So today I’ll talk about wider arcs and parallels, which are actually more important for TD than the details are anyway. Though the Details will support what I say today.
***As always, spoilers abound in this post for 9x14. Don’t read until you’ve watched! You’ve been warned!***
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So there are basically three major story lines going on in this episode: 1) Daryl’s group coming to Alexandria for medical care. They leave again before the episode ends. 2) Judith taking off and Michonne going to look for her/mother-daughter bonding. 3) The flashbacks sequence in which Jocelyn shows up and decides to traumatize everyone. (Typical TWD newbie. 😉)
And in truth, all three of these are entirely too interconnected to actually separate them out. Michonne is an isolationist now because of what happened with Jocelyn. Judith takes off because she wants to help Daryl. And the mother-daughter bonding comes from being candid about what happened with Jocelyn…which leads to helping Daryl. It was a very beautiful but also very dark episode. Despite the dark subject matter, I really did like the episode.
Daryl and Michonne:
Many people have noticed Daryl and Michonne’s relationship this season and how it has deepened. We’ve been given signs for a long time about how they care about one another. Clear back at the prison, there was plenty of banter between them (“he’s already given me flees”) and also candid talk about the Governor. And I also think of 7x08 when Daryl returned after his imprisonment at the Sanctuary and we saw them hug. But their relationship seems deeper this season, and now we know why. They went through this terrible thing together and it brought them closer.
But it’s more than even just that.
1. The scene on the swings was a re-hash of Rick and Daryl’s “You’re my brother” scene. It didn’t click for me until Daryl told Michonne, “This ain’t on you.” With the exception of the “ain’t,” that’s exactly what Rick said to Daryl about the Claimers. “It’s not on you, Daryl. It’s not on you.” 
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So then I went back over the conversation and there are lots of parallels. Michonne talks about how she desperately needed a friend in the wake of Rick’s loss and wanted Jocelyn to be that friend. It’s a lot like Daryl talking about how he knew the Claimers weren’t good, but he was alone, so he joined them anyway. Michonne also mentions how Jocelyn saw her through the loss of her mom. Rick and Daryl didn’t talk about that, but we know how devastating the loss of Daryl’s mom was to him, so he sympathizes with that. It’s just a really deep bonding moment for them, and then there’s that line about it not being on her.
So I think they’re kind of trying to show that Daryl and Michonne’s bond is now as deep as Daryl’s and Rick’s was, which is nice.
2. Michonne and Daryl are being paralleled. It’s not exactly the same thing as showing their Rickyl-esque bond, but it may be even more important for TD purposes.
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Take a second to appreciate how closely Rick and Michonne’s story is paralleling Beth and Daryl’s. From looking closely at things they showed us in S5, we’d already surmised that Beth’s body disappeared somehow, and Daryl searched for it. Rick made him move on when they couldn’t find it, which was why he was angry with Rick in 5b. 
Much the same thing is happening here. Michonne is looking for Rick’s body, but can’t find it. Without anyone (or any reason, since they have a home now) to stop looking, Daryl hasn’t.
Even Michonne finding Rick’s gun is interesting. It feels like a parallel to Daryl getting Beth’s knife. Both were the missing person’s signature weapons.
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And this leads me to something of an epiphany. Thanks to the research of @wdway, we’ve long thought that the Xs represent Beth in some way. Both because we saw them around her, both before and after Coda (by after, I mean 5x10, Them). And since then, we’ve seen them entwined with a lot of the other symbolism we associate with her.
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So of course we jumped at the X scars on Daryl and Michonne’s backs. And now it makes a lot of sense, even symbolically. Not only did they go through this terrible, traumatic event together, but they’ve both lost their significant other, thinking their dead and searching for their bodies, when they really aren’t dead at all. So my epiphany was that the Xs don’t just represent Beth in general. They represent the arc whereby one member of a couple disappears and is thought dead when they really survived. 
So for example, when we saw the Xs in Crossed when Rick and Daryl were making a plan to enter Grady, 
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it foreshadowed this arc was about to be employed. Seeing them in the dry river bed in Them showed the arc was now playing out.
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I can’t help but wonder if, if we end up being correct about Carzekiel also having an arc like this, one of them will end up branded with an X. After all, one of Jocelyn’s kids—Winnie—who branded Michonne, did escape and is alive somewhere. Something tells me she might resurface at some point.
Let’s talk about Psycho—I mean Jocelyn.
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So Jocelyn had trained a gang of kids to be terrorist-like soldiers and both brand and kill people. “Mark your kill, kill your mark.” *Shudders*
This led to Michonne having to kill these kids in order to keep Judith, RJ (in utero) and the other Alexandrian kids safe. Very dark stuff. I want to talk about two things with this. Well, three actually.
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1. Parallels to The Grove. Obviously we can parallel this to 4x14, The Grove, because we’re dealing with very dark subject matter and the death of children. But it was more than that for me. 
Several of us in my group discussed how we didn’t actually think this was worse than The Grove. Neck and neck with it, for sure, but not worse. The reason being that Michonne didn’t really know the kids she killed. That doesn’t make it any less heavy, of course, but she didn’t love or mother any of them, where Carol definitely loved and mothered Lizzie and Mica.
But what jumped out to me was that, in both cases, their hands were kind of forced. In both cases, the kids (Lizzie in S4 and Jocelyn’s kids here) were almost too messed up to be helped. Personally, I think Carol could have tried harder to help Lizzie, so I’m not making a judgement about the morality of either decision, but I can see that the writers are trying to parallel them. 
One of my favorite scenes in The Grove—mostly because it gives me chills—is when Lizzie plays with the walker and Carol kills it and Lizzie has a meltdown. The way Carol looks at Lizzie is just so haunted. I remember watching that episode and wondering how on earth you would even begin to help this child. She’s just SO messed up. In the end, Carol decided she couldn’t because Lizzie was too dangerous to let her near other people.
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I felt like the situation was similar here. Michonne even offered to take Jocelyn’s kids back to Alexandria, but they still tried to kill her. A pregnant lady! I just feel like if they’d have brought these kids into the community, they would have killed everyone in Alexandria in their sleep. With axes. So there are just heavy parallels here with how messed up the kids were and how Michonne/Carol felt forced to the decision of killing the kids.
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Also, in both cases, it was done to save Judith, which is important. Carol and Tyreese didn’t want Lizzie around Judith, who was a baby at the time. 
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Remember Lizzie admitted she was going to kill Judith, same as Lizzie, but Carol and Ty got there in time. Here, the kids were going to kill Judith as well, and Michonne begged Winnie not to.
Even as I’m writing this, it occurs to me that, more than any of the other kids, Winnie, the one that survived, is a parallel to Lizzie, since she was the one who was going to kill Judith. So if she survives and brands Carol eventually, well, that would be interesting, wouldn’t it?
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It’s also interesting to remember the convo between Carol and Michonne in 5x06. Remember when I said that the line about both of them losing children was both a callback and a foreshadow? Yeah, definitely true. And I think there’s still more to fulfill because of Henry, at the very least. But we now know that not only have they both lost children, they’ve both killed children. That’s some damn subtle and powerful foreshadowing, y’all.
While this isn’t a TD thing in particular, you COULD argue that this is a callback to Lizzie in S4, which was right after Beth disappeared and before Coda. Perhaps having such an obvious rehashing of that storyline could foreshadow Beth’s return.
2. Michonne is a foil to Alpha. I know I said Beth would be the anti-Alpha, and I still believe that, but here, Michonne is also being set up as one. I totally didn’t pick this up at all until watching TTD. Right after the “In Memoriam,” they said this:
“Michonne did the unthinkable to the ones who took Judith. But is anyone ready for what Alpha will do to the ones who Lydia?”
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 So I realized they’re purposely pointing us toward drawing a comparison between Michonne and Alpha. Michonne killed other people’s kids in this episode, but it was done reluctantly, as a last resort, and severely traumatized her.
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We already know from spoilers that Alpha will also kill other people’s kids, but of course it will be a conscious choice, a power play, and won’t traumatize her in the least.
So one really tragic way to look at this is that this episode foreshadows what will happen with Alpha and Henry. 😥
So I know these parallels are all over the place. Before, I said Alpha and Beta = anti Beth and Daryl. So if Michonne is also a foil to Beta, then in some ways, Michonne and Daryl symbolically = Beth and Daryl. And Michonne and Daryl = Daryl and Rick from S4. And Michonne = Carol. Lol. I get that it’s a lot, but I think this is all being purposely done, both to retell arcs, show character growth and how tables have turned, and also to foreshadow what’s to come.
And now it’s time for another episodes of Totally Crazy Theories from TWDMusicBoxMystery Sparked by This Last Episode.
Here goes. So, while watching this episode, I couldn’t help but be struck by how much the Jocelyn situation was a lot like what we’ve imagined for Beth…except exactly the opposite. Because of all the Child/Baby Symbolism around Beth, many of us have often thought Beth would show up with a group of kids in tow. I have plenty of head canons about that myself. Of course the major difference here is that Jocelyn was evil and turned the kids into killers.
Many of us have also theorized that maybe Judith would be kidnapped by an evil group and Beth would save her. That’s exactly what happened with Jocelyn, except Michonne and Daryl saved her.
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And I think there must be a specific reason besides just rehashing a Lizzie parallel. I think there must be some plot reason for it. So what did this incident do? Well, at the very least it made Michonne and Daryl very freaked out by warrior kids and old friends, right?
So let me tell a quick story. In my group, we read spoilers before the episode aired. The first ones posted just said an old friend of Michonne’s from a long time ago shows up. Naturally, we jumped at that as a possible Beth thing, but we all also agreed pretty quickly that it wouldn’t be her. It seemed too casual and easy to be Beth. Besides, it’s not like Michonne is the only one who would remember Beth. She wouldn’t be billed only as Michonne’s friend, you know? Then we read some more spoilers that said her name was Jocelyn, etc.
But thinking about that, combined with the kid stuff made me think this could be a Beth anti-parallel/foreshadow.
So here’s my insane theory for this week:
I think Beth is going to show up with a slew of kids, just like Jocelyn did. The difference being that Beth isn’t evil and the kids will all be little Judiths, rather than little Lizzies. I think this makes a lot of sense based on what we saw in last night’s episode.
Jocelyn was a friend from a long time ago that Michonne hadn’t seen in years. Ditto Beth, when she shows up.
This group of kids led by Jocelyn seriously messed with Michonne and Daryl’s heads. They’ll be naturally worried about another group of kids showing up, even though they’d obviously trust Beth. But what better way to counter this incident and facilitate healing than by welcoming in a group of kids trained by Beth…who are good?
It would go a long way toward explaining a lot of the parallels we saw here, as well as fulfilling the Child/Baby symbolism around Beth. And, while I’m not going to go into this in detail today—mostly because I need to think about it more—I think this could explain parallels/anti-parallels we’ve long seen between Beth and Lizzie. Even though they stood for polar opposite things and had opposite mentalities, I always felt like there was some kind of tie between their stories. This may be it.
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It was also mentioned in my group that Jocelyn was a callback to Carol at the prison. She tried to train the kids to take care of themselves, and inadvertently turned Lizzie into a killer. It wasn’t truly Carol’s fault, since Lizzie was kinda crazy to begin with and no one realized it, but a lot of what we heard Jocelyn say to her kids here matched Carol’s philosophies in S4. So maybe the idea is that Carol’s flawed mentality when training kids resulted in killers, just as Jocelyn’s did here, even if Jocelyn did it on purpose and Carol didn’t. But if Beth trains kids to survive, her faith and positivity will have the opposite result.
While watching, I also thought we could throw the Whisperers into the mix. I mean, they waited to show us this until after we were very familiar with the Whisperers, rather than showing it in chronological order, as it happened. I’ll get into this more tomorrow with the details, because they used a TON of dialogue foreshadows during the flashbacks. And I don’t mean dialogue dialogue that showed TD stuff. I mean dialogue foreshadows that pointed toward what’s happening at present with the Whisperers.
Okay, let me give you one example. Remember how during Daryl and Michonne’s convo on the swings, Daryl said the thing about how some people are evil and don’t show it. It’s almost like they’re wearing a mask? 
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Even on TTD they talked about that being a foreshadow of the Whisperers. So in the flashback, which was 5 years ago, they had dialogue that foreshadows what’s happening in the present day on the show with the Whisperers. And like I said, there were quite a few of these that I’ll go into tomorrow. 
But my point is that showing this thing with Jocelyn and foreshadowing the Whisperers tells me there will be a replay of it when TF encounters the Whisperers. So I’m thinking the rehash will be Beth showing up with another group of kids. Or at least I hope so.
So I’ll stop there for today. Tomorrow I’ll do details. Most of them reinforce what I’ve said here. Stay tuned. What did everyone think of the episode?
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mtvswatches · 5 years
Jane the Virgin 2x01 Chapter Twenty-Three
Spoilers disclaimer (please read before sending messages or writing comments.)
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) That’s probably the longest “previously on” I’ve ever seen. I imagine all these plot twists make it very difficult to capture the attention of casual viewers, hence the length of the recap. And I’m dreading the scene where Jane finds out her baby’s been kidnapped…
2) “Los Milagros de Mariana” looks pretty progressive for its time, doesn’t it? Especially for a telenovela…
3) Oh dear, Jane and Rafael are watching pictures of Mateo and they have no idea he’s gone…
4) Sin Rostro’s a brunette now. Huh. I’ve wondered if they’re going to go with a different actress or if they’ll give her a different haircut once she shows up again. I mean, she’s bound to show up again, right?
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5) I can’t imagine what it must feel like to have your child taken away from you. Jane’s clearly in shock, she hasn’t processed this information yet…
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6) Oh thank jebus, Sin Rostro has given Michael instructions. I really hope Mateo is back with his mom by the end of this episode.
7) She took the baby… to get her brooch back? What kind of value does it have? It can’t be emotionally significant… could it be some kind of key or something? It must be something that she needs for evil purposes… Kudos to her, though, she knew that the only way to manipulate Michael into doing anything for her would be to put Jane or her baby in danger.
Also, I think I have to admit that my theory that Rose was the fighter chick was way off.
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9) I think the narration needs amending...
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9) “First of all, she’s not a psychopath, she’s a sociopath.” Because that’s what’s relevant at this juncture…
10) Ugh, this other moron, really?!
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Like, she justified everything she did before because Sin Rostro was supposedly blackmailing her and threatening her family, but it seems to me that she is now really into being a criminal.
11) And this bitch is telling Michael about all the valuable information that’s in the chip on the brooch like she wants him to waver and consider the possibility of not giving it up! Please die.
12) Aww, this was very sweet and heartbreaking…
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And Rafael and Michael actually hugged? But now the narrator is all ominous and tbh, I didn’t need that, I was already expecting everything to go to shit considering the baby was back with his family in the first act…
13) Seriously?
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14) Oh, Petra, I really hope you get over Rafael SOON. He’s definitely not worth all of those cons…
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15) OMG, they really said this? And it didn’t get censored?
NARRATOR: I'll say this. The girl's got spunk.
It’s such a dirty joke, I can’t believe they got away with it!
16) Yeah, I’m not a fan of this storyline…
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17) I’m sorry but of all the outrageous situations that happen in this show, this is the one that’s pushing my suspension of disbelief…
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No mother would go ANYWHERE other than their doctor’s appointment in the first couple of weeks of a new-born baby, especially not when he’s only one day old! That’s ridiculous! First of all, the baby shouldn’t be exposed to germs of bacteria because he still hasn’t been vaccinated. Some doctors even suggest that you shouldn’t take them out until they’re one-month old, unless it’s absolutely necessary. Second of all, moms of new-borns use of all their energy to feed and care for their babies – there’s no way in hell they’re going to get all dressed up to go to a mummy’s club or something? NO FUCKING WAY!
18) What do you know? I’m actually sympathizing with Michael…
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19) So… Rafael’s semen is now… a baby’s present. Full circle, I guess.
20) It’s so weird to see that once upon a time they were a loving, healthy couple…
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21) Isn’t the narrator all of us when you find yourself rooting for the “villain”?
NARRATOR: Hurry up, Petra! Wait! Why am I rooting for her?!
22) You know who I don’t feel sorry for? Luisa. She’s a fucking moron.
ROGELIO: In the last 24 hours, I have ruined multiple celebrity friendships by tweeting their dirty secrets in an effort to distract the press. It has not worked!
I’d really wish there was an official Rogelio twitter account because I’d love to see what and whose dirty secrets he tweeted about!
24) I really do like their friendship…
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25) Aw, Jane is blaming herself because her maternal instincts didn’t kick in and it got Mateo kidnapped.
26) I guess Michael has stopped being the Nice Guy TM and moved into being Actual Nice Guy. Huh.
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27) And Rafael was also kind of decent by thanking Michael, but then he wasn’t when he started having a very intimate conversation with Jane right in front of him. I guess Jane and Rafael are going to be co-parenting under the same roof now…
28) So… Magda’s advice is that Petra should sell Rafael’s sperm back to him… now, wouldn’t it be much more profitable for Petra to get inseminated with it? Evil, yeah. But so much more profitable.
29) And Moron is planting ideas on Petra’s mind…
LUISA: He got mad at me, actually. Because if I hadn't screwed up in the first place, then none of this would be happening, which it's true. I mean, that should have been your baby.
PETRA: Thank you. You're right. It should have been my baby.
NARRATOR: To be fair: Luisa didn't know Petra had Rafael's sperm.
LUISA: There's still a chance with you and Raf. I swear.
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So I guess she’s going for it. But I want a storyline for Petra that doesn’t involve Rafael IN ANY WAY.
30) Okay, good, Xiomara came clean about her wedding with Rogelio. I’m glad they didn’t make her keep it a secret because it really doesn’t make much sense.
31) So… Jane felt the need to tell Michael that Rafael is staying at her house strictly as Rafael’s father. I guess it’s back to Michael. But then…
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That ought to make a girl at least a bit confused.
32) ?????
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I’m confused!
33) As a season opener, it was an okay-ish episode. The cliff-hanger was resolved rather quickly, which I appreciate. I don’t think it would’ve been a good idea to have Jane apart from Mateo longer than she was. It was somewhat fun, but I didn’t feel the stakes were high enough or that the season storylines were truly being established. The final scene was confusing, which I guess was meant to be, and I can’t say I’m on board with rehashing the Michael-Jane-Rafael triangle AGAIN or with Petra getting inseminated with Rafael’s sperm. I really don’t see any potential in those storylines, so let’s hope the season goes somewhere else instead.
34) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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Mason Family Drabble - Moving On
Long post
“....You want to move out?”
Had she heard him correctly? Was there something blocking her ears? Brown hues stared at her oldest in shock, completely taken aback by the news he just broke to her. The teenager who stood a whole six inches above her sighed softly, his lips drawing in a line as she could see the wheels in his head turning, pondering on what he should say next. He was honestly unsure of what to expect from his mother, given that she often told both of her sons that she would never try to ‘stop’ them from growing up and carrying on with their own lives - but at the same time, he was very close with his mother and knew that no matter how hard she tried to convince them, the thought of her boys leaving hurt like hell. It was inevitable. He didn’t want to upset her, but he also didn’t know how to explain himself without being direct and honest with her - as she always told him that he should be.
“Not really...moving out per se...” Jack tried to explain, hand scratching at the back of his head and neck, his face putting on a very ‘awkward Kim’ like expression (he was pretty much the spitting image of his mother). “You know that house just down the street? It’s like...five houses away from us? Well, Bailey’s dad just bought it and it has an in-law suite he’s willing to give to her, and so I thought...I mean, it’s just right down the street - it’s not like I’ll be hundreds of miles away...” No, she thought to herself, fighting a frown that quivered on her lips. That’ll be after you graduate and go to military school...She still didn’t like the idea, but Kim always made sure that her kids knew that she would support them no matter what path they took in life - even if she didn’t fully agree with it. 
The Bailey he was referring to was Bailey Reynolds, Jack’s also seventeen year old girlfriend, whom he started dating a little after his sixteenth birthday. She was a nice girl, very polite and respectful - Kim liked her (she was definitely better than his last girlfriend, whom completely broke her boy’s heart). Kim didn’t know much about to admittedly, only that her mother moved far away after divorcing her father and leaving him to raise the girl all on his own - she could sympathize with Mr. Reynolds, though her circumstance was still different considering the joint custody agreement she had with Jacob (then again, with the way he’s been acting for the past few years now, he was near the equivalent to a deadbeat too). She could understand his desire to live with her, he really did seem to that strong connection with her, though she wasn’t sure if she could call it love yet...But maybe she wasn’t being fair, after all she was Jack’s mother so her opinions were a little...bias. 
“I thought that maybe I could split my time between here and that house.” Neither of them were even going to mention the living arrangements with his father. “And I don’t have to pack up all of my stuff either...Look, Mom,” he put his hands on her shoulders, craning his neck down a bit just as she had to tilt her head back to look up at him - God, she remembered how small he once was...It was almost hard to believe. “I’m not making any final decisions, I wanted to talk to you first. I’m not asking you to force yourself to agree with me or even to let me go. Technically, I’m not legally an adult yet, which means you can still boss me around.” The two of them chuckled, with Kim adding, “Hey, I’m your mother, that gives me the right to boss you around even when you’re forty - now, whether you listen to me or not is the key here,” which earned a laugh from her oldest. They exchanged a few more words back and forth, with Jack reciting some life lessons and valuable teachings his mother often spoke of. He knew that Kimberly wanted him to be independent - and she really did, she didn’t think it was right for her almost grown sons to be taking care of her as they had been, they had their own lives to lead - but that didn’t change the fact that she was still their mother and she really did feel like she was losing them.
“You’re not losing me, Mom. You’ll never lose me.” If you don’t go off to war, I won’t... She kept that thought to herself. “I’ll come to visit so much, you’ll beg me to leave you alone for a while.” Not true, but she understood his point. “Look, I am asking you for permission here, because like I said I’m not technically old enough to make that call by myself. And Bailey will understand if you don’t want me to do this, she’s actually had the same discussion with her dad about living on her own at this age and that’s what made him buy the house with the in-law suit - so she can live on her own but still be with him at the same time. But like I said, I’m not rushing into anything here. And you don’t have to give me an answer right now. Think about it, doesn’t matter how long. Bob [Bailey’s father] said I was welcomed there no matter what, whether it’s temporary or permanent.” 
He kissed his mother on her forehead before pulling her in a tight hug, Kimberly almost clinging to her son for dear life as she thought over what he had told her. He then let her go and said that he was going to start making dinner, and then left her alone to really think and ponder on the situation. A swell of pride filled her, this was perhaps the moment she truly realized that her son wasn’t her little boy anymore. He was becoming a man, if he wasn’t that already. Tears welled in dark brown hues, but it was uncertain if they were happy or sad - perhaps both. Jack was his own person and was clearly ready to make his own decisions to benefit his own life. She knew this day would come, she was waiting for it. But honestly? It felt too soon...
It wasn’t more than five minutes later that she pulled him aside. With hands cupping cheeks that matched her own, Kimberly tearfully gave him her answer. 
He was ready to move on. She would find a way to cope, she wasn’t about to stop her son from being happy. He always had a place in her home, too - that would never change. Sure, her nest would be one chick away from being completely empty now, but it was something that she couldn’t - nor wouldn’t - control. 
“But you promise me you’ll visit just like you said! Twice a week - if you’re not busy that is.” He still had school and was also looking for a part time job, she wouldn’t blame him at all. Jack laughed softly and nodded. “I promise.” But that wasn’t good enough and they both knew it. The mother and son held up their pinky fingers, wrapping them around each other’s and smiling, before following up with another tight embrace. 
“I love you,” Kimberly sobbed quietly. “And I’m so proud of you.” Her words even caused him to shed a few tears. “I know, I love you too. And I’m proud of you. I couldn’t have ever asked for a better mom.” 
Oh, well now she was just a crying mess. 
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imfrozentrash · 7 years
Helsa One-Shot: “Detention”
Author’s Note: Another addition to my Appreciation Drabble series to some wonderful people. Today’s fanfic goes to @princehansofthecutieisles80  ♡
I also made a Fanfiction account for my Frozen trash! If you want to check it out, you can right here! 
Stemming from my Helsa One-Shot: “Proposal Disaster,” Elsa is flashed back to her days as a senior high school student. Honor role and potential valedictorian, what happens when she ends up in detention and bonds with one of her classmates from Calculus? Modern AU. Family.
It was just any other day of the week, really. It was Tuesday, probably Wednesday. But nonetheless, I was glued to my textbook like usual. Calculus was my favorite subject in high school. I definitely grew an interest in any math class I took while your aunt loved literature. The school day already started; it was around 8 in the morning when he walked in.
He always made an entrance when he walked in the room. I never talked to him because I never gave him the time of day. If you asked me, he looked like he was trying too hard; dressed in his leather jacket, white v-neck, dark blue jeans, and his motorcycle helmet held snug under his arm. His backpack, if you even called it that, only had one spiral notebook for all of his classes and an occasional pencil. But only until he had to ask someone else for one just to never give it back to them.
"Mr. Westergaard," our teacher sighed, taking off her glasses. "How is it that you're tardy? Again…" But he just shrugged his shoulders and went to the back of the class where he usually sat. "Fine, if you have nothing to say, you can think about it at detention,"
I just continued my classwork for that day. It wouldn't be the first time he got called out like that in the middle of class. So, as sad as it would sound, it was just like any other day during Calculus.
I was in the hallway after lunch when your aunt came running up to me. Don't tell her this, but I kind of didn't want to talk to her that day because I had a huge exam to get to. But now that I think about it, if it weren't for her, I don't think we would have ever met. Huh…
Anyways, long story short, she was just telling me about your Uncle Kristoff. She talked for so long, it made us both late for class. Now, my history teacher was very strict on being on time. If you didn't sit in your seat when the bell rang, you were marked tardy. If you weren't in the classroom, you were marked absent and he didn't allow anyone in until the bell rang for the next class.
Now, I was in the run for valedictorian and I knew that this exam was probably one of the most important ones to take, aside from the midterm and final. But, when I arrived at the classroom, the door was already closed. I never knew this because I was always on time. But apparently, he posts a sign on the door saying, "If you're tardy and try to knock, I'll fail you for the entire semester" or something along those lines. So, there I was almost on verge of tears, not knowing what to do until he showed up out of nowhere.
"Oh, don't cry about it. It's nothing to cry over anyways," I turned around and he's up against the lockers on his phone.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, feeling irritated. "Haven't you been tardy enough?"
"What, this is my class too," he explained, shoving his phone in his pocket. "It's alright, you wouldn't be the first one to not notice me when I'm in the room," I'm taken back by his remark when I didn't say anything back. It was confusing to me because based on what happened in Calculus, seemed like he catches everyone's attention.
"Hey, that's not-"
"Save it," I walked backward until my back hit the wall and he looked over me. I held my ground as heat crept up my face. "I'd love to hear all about it after school,"
"What are you talking about?" But all he did was move back, already walking down the hall. "Hey, come back here!"
"Room 416. Don't be late this time or you'll really hear it from the Principal," he winked at me from behind his sunglasses and disappeared down the hallway. I didn't know what he meant by that. But when my teacher gave me detention after school for missing the exam, I wasn't looking forward to seeing him again.
And there he was, feet propped up on the desk in front of him while on his phone. I looked around and didn't find any advisor watching over him.
"Hey," he looked up from his phone and smiled almost genuinely. I sighed and took a seat as far away from him as much as possible. But he just jumped in the seat next to me.
"Do you mind? I plan on trying to get some work done,"
"Hey, we have two hours. Might as well make the most of our time, am I right?" He winked at me. I rolled my eyes and just opened up my unfinished Calculus homework. "You're still working on that thing?"
"What and you're already finished? Do you even know how to do it?"
"Hey, I'm just lazy. It doesn't mean that I'm dumb," he looked over at my worksheet and snatched it from my desk.
"You've got number seven wrong," he tossed it back, it almost falling off my desk.
"What do you know?" I snickered back. But I took a look and saw that I did do the problem wrong. I've been staring at the equation for a good fifteen minutes until he moved his desk close - a little too close, actually - and explained my mistake. Right when I thought I knew all the answers, he made me realize what I did wrong.
Fifteen minutes turned into an hour and we were just casually talking with each other. That same morning, I didn't want anything to do with him. But, after getting to know him a little more, I realized that I misjudged him. We had a little over half an hour left of our detention when an advisor came in.
"Oh good, you two decided to stay after all," the advisor mumbled out loud. I tried to hold my laugh when I heard him chuckle behind me. "After this, you're free to go home, Elsa,"
"What? What about me?"
"Oh, we've got another meeting after this, Mr. Westergaard. Your father is on his way and you'll be sure to meet with him in the Principal's office," and with that, he left us alone again.
"Oh, tough luck Hans," I sympathized lightly, packing up my things early. But I looked over and saw him shift from his usual playfulness to a strong surge of nervousness. "Hans? Are you alright?" But he just sat up from his desk and started pacing around the room. "Hans?"
"Shit," he cursed under his breath, nervously stroking the back of his neck. His breathing started to get louder until I could clearly see his shirt get damp. I got up and tried to calm him down.
"Hans, it's okay. It's just your father," I gently reassured, trying to grab his hand.
"Don't touch me!" He snatched it away so quickly, I felt a sharp pain in my palm. I pulled back, feeling worried. I just watched hopelessly as his pacing got faster and he slid down the wall. I almost broke down when I heard soft cries coming from him as he folded himself in his lap. I didn't care that he was distant, so I persisted. I took a seat next to him and gently placed my hand on his shoulder. To my surprise, he didn't shrink back to my touch.
Instead, he forcefully pulled me into a tight embrace. It caught me off guard so much that I instinctively tried to pull back. But I stopped fighting back when I heard him cry on my shoulder and his grip got tighter. So, we just sat there in the middle of the classroom and I allowed him to cry.
"That was the day I first learned he had anxiety. And the first day we met. Who knew, right?"
"So does he always act like that?"
"Not always, but I understood that he didn't want to show anyone. He was 'too cool for school' to be honest with himself," I chuckled as I showed Thomas the air quotes. "But after about half a year or so, I was able to encourage him to be his true self. I also learned that he's able to calm down without his inhaler when I'm with him. It makes me feel a little special whenever he tells me that,"
"So you both met in detention?"
"That does not mean we're allowing you to get yourself in trouble, young man," I turn around and see Hans standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. I chuckle and smile up at him as he walks in.
"That's right, listen to your father. But I know that our boy is better than that," I assure Hans, running my fingers through our son's hair. Thomas happily snuggles in his bed by my motherly touch.
"Oh, and by the way, your mother was the only one who noticed me every day when I walked in late every morning. She just assumed everyone else saw me too,"
"Really?" Thomas laughs. I smack Hans' arm as I blush in embarrassment.
"Noticed it ever time," he sits next to me and hugs my waist.
I never knew that. I smile to myself.
"Goodnight son," Hans whispers, handing him his stuffed horse. Thomas hugs it close and shuts his eyes.
"Goodnight," he says and I kiss him on his forehead. Hans and I walk out of his room, leaving the door slightly open. We walk down the hall to our shared master bedroom.
"Did you really have to tell him about my days in high school?" Hans sighs in embarrassment as he gets into bed.
"Of course. What else would I talk about it?"
"Oh anything else but that, Elsa. Looking back, I was a real dumbass. I didn't know what the hell I was doing," I lean over and kiss his neck playfully as I intertwine my fingers with his.
"Well, what about his grandparents?" Silence. "Or… maybe about his uncles?" More silence. "Can I, or at least - when can you tell him that story?" I feel disappointed again when he pushes my hand and turns away from me.
"He doesn't need to know about it,"
Thanks for reading! It’s been a while since I’ve posted my own content and I’m really sad about that... School and life catch up with you that I find it harder to find time to do what I love doing. But if you were waiting, thanks for being patient!
If you want a more organized place for some of my fanfiction, you can check out my Fanfiction.net account. I’d appreciate it! (:
@princehansofthecutieisles80 I love you so much! Thank you for being such a great person! I always smile every time you notice me when I see a notification from you in my feed. It’s embarrassing, I know... But I admire you so much and I appreciated all of those time you gave me the slightest time of day when I was lonely. Thank you for being a wonderful human being. I hope this Appreciation Drabble makes your day. ♡
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vipxrofshili-a-blog · 7 years
So, I’m officially back in me home town. And, my head still hurts (rip). But, before I really crack down on threads, Imma post my current Wishlist for the muses. Gonna put it under a read more though, cause it’ll be LONG, cause five muses.
General wants:
Modern au stuff, which is my own true weakness
Pokemon aus! Give them all to me
More threads in main verse with the muses that aren’t Shaak too, I love her but for real guys she’s not the only one
Fluffy angst
Shaak specifically:
Padawan Shaak, before she was a graceful Jedi Master and more or less space Rapunzel. Most suited peeps for this are other older Jedi Masters so like, Qui Gon and Plo Koon and Mace Windu, for example.
Younger Jedi Shaak, before she was a Master but she’s a little more settled with herself, probably around the point when she first took on Fe Sun as a padawan. Same characters apply here, but with bonuses of like, bby Obi Wan and crew.
Someone confronting her during the loss of Fe Sun, specifically for comfort fluff. She needs snuggles at this point in time, and someone to probably tell her she isn’t alone on her morning
Shaak with clones, especially lil baby clones. Give me Togruta mama and her little boys, P L S
Shaak and Plo in general tbh, platonic or shipping, I don’t care. I need my clone parent bffsies back in my life again, like, holy fuck.
Shipping in general is also something I need more of for her. I love shipping stuff, fluffy smooches or heart wrenching angst, the mun has a thirst and it isn’t even funny.
Non force sensitive au where she becomes the Duchess of Shili like her bitchy mother, snark master tiger princess rocking the senate is a mighty need.
Mad Max grandma level bad ass TFA era Shaak is literally something I’d never say no to
Saesee specifically:
Same as Shaak, I want more smol Saesee. And same as Shaak, most characters within the same age range would apply to him
Saesee and little ones is something I need. He’s so good with kids it isn’t even funny okay, it’s so good and so pure. Please give your little baby muses to the goat dad
Younger Jedi Saesee, when he was real awkward and quiet and scared of everyone. Someone go give him a snuggle, maybe flatter him a bit, he deserves it
Au where he survives Order 66 and becomes this bamf pirate, fixing ships like we all know he’s excellent at.
Dark Jedi bros holy fuck. My soul needs more of Saesee and Mace, they go together so well. They aren’t bffs but, they’re definitely one of my brotps
Au where he lives to TFAs timeline and so doesn’t want to be a Jedi, he’s avoiding it at all costs, he just wants to be an old man in frigging peace.
Someone comforting just made a Jedi Saesee after he loses his master, getting snuggles and reassurance is something he’d need so badly omg
Saesee and his kids, specifically. While Saesee and little one’s are so good, when they’re his adopted little ones scuttling into his robes for hugs is so good
Sha specifically:
Baby Sha, between the tiniest youngling to the tiniest padawan. Just, itty bitty mini Kel Dor
Sha and Plo. Like, holy fuck, I need it so bad. I need travel sized Kel Dor and the full sized Kel Dor, just, at any given point. I just, need it so bad.
Au where Plo took on Sha as his padawan, because I need it. I need it so bad
Someone interacting with her after the battle of Giju, when she’s down one eye and without her padawan and her battalion
Pre Clone Wars Sha with other Jedi her own age, so anyone who would’ve been a padawan at the same time as Obi Wan and crew.
Post 66 Sha, where she’s just this bitter brooding over intelligent hella reckless mess of an ex Jedi, trying to recollect her life
Her interacting with Clones after Giju, all that awkward tension and fear and mistrust, just, yes
Cham specifically:
Him with other Twi’Leks is just, a need. Bonus points if they call him out on his shit
I need stuff where he’s interacting with Jedi during The Clone Wars, bonus points for extra shit that is bound to happen.
Cham with Clones, because you can’t tell me he wouldn’t be a massive clone sympathizer.
Someone talking with him after Hera leaves Ryloth, because there’s that good ol’ heartbreak
Cham and Hera talking about Sabine leaving, comfort hugs and stuff, that whole good angst that fuels my life force.
Interactions with other members of the Ghost Crew are also a mighty need. I want Chopper to run his foot over, and the fact this hasn’t happened yet deeply displeases me
Even though I can’t interact in it, I wanna see an au where Cham dies instead of Rhea. I just, really hate myself, and want to suffer, obviously.
Au where the clone wars actually end well and Ryloth is doing good
Senator Cham Syndulla, because yes
Nubraa specifically:
Lil bby Nubraa, the sweetest togruta prince ever
More interactions with other Imperial era senators, someone handle this child
Au where O66 doesn’t happen and this sweetie is a youngling and uber cute
Just, more Nubraa in general tbh
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❦ 23.) Get It Together
"And you'll only have yourself to blame, if you continue to live this way" - India Arie 
|R H Y A N| 
"How you feeling?" I asked Mila as she sat on the floor messing with her fingers.
Her wild curls were all over her head, and she was dressed in Cookie Monster pajama pants with a wife beater. The scent of the Dove body wash coming from her brown skin, swirled throughout the room.
"Ready for it to be over with. Najeem is a little mad at me." Mila shrugged as I kissed on Heaven'S forehead.
"Why? You decided not to keep it?" I asked with sad eyes, thinking back to my abortion and how hurt Elijah was when he found out.
"I'm keeping the baby, I'm just not as happy as he wants me to be." Mila admitted raking her fingers through her hair.
"I definitely can relate. That's how I was with my first pregnancy. I would cry for days on end. It took me hearing my baby's heartbeat, before it hit me I was about to be a mother and this was something a lot of women didn't get to experience." I sighed, "And right after I found out the sex, I miscarried and I felt so low Mila."
My eyes burned, thinking back to that dark place me and Elijah were in when we lost our first child. No one knows the physical pain I went through, and mentally it fucked me up for a long time.Mila stared at me with big tears in her round eyes, while chewing at her bottom lip.
"I felt like I couldn't do anything right, when it came to me and Elijah's relationship. I was selfish, and I couldn't even carry a baby for him. So ultimately I ended up leaving, then I found out I was pregnant again and got an abortion." I admitted shaking my head at the thought, "That broke my baby's heart when I told him. The move I made was so selfish, based off what I would lose and gain from the situation."
I watched Mila wipe her eyes, and let out a sigh as she stared at floor.
"I know this isn't the happiest moment of your life right now because of all the things you could be doing, but this is your blessing." I smiled at her, "You get to experience something a lot of females can't, with someone who genuinely loves you. I can assure you when you become a mother, all those thoughts you're having now will fly out the window."
Heaven let out a breath, causing me to look down at her and see her sleeping just like Elijah. I kissed her one last time, before laying her in the crib with Brix who I already shared my time with.
I walked over, and helped Mila up off the floor giving her a strong hug. She hugged me tightly, and just cried on my shoulder while I sympathized knowing that exact feeling.
"We love you Mila, and have so much faith in you. You're going to be a good mommy girl." I assured her as my phone began to beep back to back with notifications.
I rolled my eyes, as we pulled away from each other and Mila laughed at me as I held a stank face staring at my phone. Unlocking my phone, I went to Instagram seeing that I was being tagged in the same post by people.
I realized it was something Lolo posted, causing me to snarl. I honestly wasn't trying to go there with this bitch, because I was trying to fix things with my man.
She a baby mama, and that's all her ass will ever be.
It was a picture of her with a black eye, busted lip, and broken nose causing me to giggle at the sight. Finally, somebody else popped her ass cause she talks too much shit.
SweetndLo: The shit I go through with daughter's father 😔. Ladies it's never okay to let a man beat you! I've dealt with the disrespect from him one too many times, and this is the second time this man has put his hands on me! How the fuck am I supposed to look my daughter in the face, and explain her daddy did this to me?! If a man hits you once, he will hit you again! It doesn't make it any better his family is going to support his dumb ass, along with his dumb ass other baby mama. I just want justice. #JusticeForLo
My nostrils flared at the post, and I tried to control my anger thinking of Eli and Halo. I wasn't sure what Lolo was up to this time, but I didn't appreciate her lying on my man's name especially with all the shit he has going on business wise.
It wasn't long before I hopped on the post.
BigBootyRhy: @SweetndLo Pussy ass ho take this down and quit lying on my man name. I ain't on house arrest no more bitch, and I ain't scared to go to jail again. Lying for some fucking likes and followers. Dumb ass lil girl. #CatchMeOutsideHowBoutThat
I left the app, and hit Elijah's contact icon. Dialing his number, the phone rang before it went straight to voicemail making me frown.
"Mila call your cousin. I think he has me blocked and this is urgent." I spoke going back to the post, seeing that Brae and Adonis were also on the post.
SoBrae: @SweetndLo You getting good with this makeup sis. Put some respeck on Eli name, he didn't do shit!
AdonisThePhotographer: @SweetndLo Bitch if you don't take this shit down!
"It's going to voicemail Rhy." Mila voiced, as I began to panic while chewing my lip.
Lolo responded back to my comment, making me kiss my teeth.
SweetndLo: @BigBootyRhy I don't have a reason to lie! Your man came over here and beat my ass like I was a nigga off the street, and not the mother of his child. He probably been knocking yo lil dense ass around and you haven't said shit but I'm saying something and I'm pressing charges and getting full custody! While you on here arguing with me, you might wanna go get yo man from county and get money for a lawyer cause I can guarantee you I'm going to slaughter his ass in court!!!!
Before I could respond, my phone rang from a number I didn't recognize. I quickly answered, thinking the worst and knowing it could be Elijah.
"Hello?" I answered pacing the floor, as Mila watched my every move.
"Baby," Elijah sighed into the phone as my heart felt like it fell down to my stomach.
I knew something was wrong. The tone in his voice said it all, not to mention he called me baby and he was supposed to be mad at me.
"Baby?" Elijah spoke again.
"I'm here. What's wrong? What's going on? Lolo is on Instagram-"
"Fuck that ho. I need you to come bond me out. They got my bail set at fifty grand." Elijah spoke as I snatched up my keys and purse, quickly leaving the room.
"I'm coming baby, sit tight." I replied running downstairs.
"I love you man." Elijah spoke in a sincere tone.
"I love you too baby. I'm coming." I assured him, running out the front door.
"Can you tell me what's taking so long? I bonded him out five hours ago." I spoke in annoyance, to the lady at the desk.
She was too busy stuffing her mouth with white powdered doughnuts, and watching some shit on her phone. Of course she didn't care, and wasn't trying to hear anything I was saying.
I just wanted my man out, that's all.
The door buzzed, causing me to turn and see the door come open. Elijah stepped out holding his bag of belongings, not looking like himself at all.
I ran over to him, giving him a hug. He wrapped his arm around me, and rocked us back and forth.My hands roamed his body, making sure he came out the same way he went in. I wouldn't hesitate to sue these white folks about my man.
"You okay?" I asked looking up at him, seeing a few scratches on his face.
"I'm good." He assured me refusing to let me go.
He leaned down and kissed my lips, holding a hand full of my hair. The kiss was so strong, it scared me a little.
It was as if he was savoring these moments.
Elijah broke the kiss, and pulled me out of the station. I offered to drive, and he didn't argue.The ride home was filled with silence. Every so often I would look over at the bag in his hand, seeing his shirt that was covered in blood.
There was a few spots of blood on the wife beater he was sporting, but not as much as his other shirt. His knuckles were bruised, blue and purple and his hands had scratches as if someone was clawing at his skin.
I knew something happened between him and Lolo, but I didn't wanna pry and ask. Elijah would tell me in his own time.
When we got home, we both went upstairs to the room where he fell out on the bed. I went to the bathroom to run him a bath in our in floor tub.
Once the tub was full, Elijah came in the bathroom and stripped naked wasting no time climbing in. I watched as he shut his eyes, and relaxed after turning on the jets to keep the water warm.
I allowed him to have some time to hisself, while I went back to our bedroom and found him some clothes to sleep in. Afterwards I went downstairs, and decided to whip up something quick.
After I got dinner all ready, I went back upstairs to find Elijah still sitting in the tub appearing to be in deep thought. I let out a sigh, and dropped my clothes before stepping slowly into the water.
Once I was down in the tub, I walked over to Elijah and wrapped my arms around his neck. His fingertips slid up and down my back softly, before he wrapped his arm around me and buried his face in my neck.
The hug began to grow tighter, and small sniffled came from his nose as I let out a sigh and kissed his cheek.
"It's okay baby, let it out." I coached him, before he started to son into the crook of my neck while I rubbed his back.
I didn't know what was going on, nor did I care. I just that I was here.
I would always be here.
Reaching out for Elijah, I was greeted by the coldness of the silk sheets. My eyes opened, and I looked around as the moonlight crept in our bedroom.
I sat up looking at the clicking, noticing it was three in the morning. My eyes traveled to the French doors, and I saw Elijah sitting on our balcony.
Slipping out of bed, Elijah's wife beater fell down on my nude body as I crept outside. He was so zoned out, he didn't even feel my presence.
"Babe," I spoke softly, causing him to look up at me, "It's three in the morning, come back to bed."
"Can't sleep." He mumbled glancing at the iPad on the small table, showing footage of the nursery, Mila's room, and Halo's room who was home since Adonis dropped her off last night.
He grabbed my hand, and tugged at it gently asking me to sit in his lap. I wasted no time finding a seat on his lap, and laying my head on his chest.
I placed gentler kisses on his bare chest, as he rubbed my arm and rested his head on top of mine. It was peaceful, listening to the sound of crickets this time of morning along with the gentle breeze.
"I lost my shit yesterday. I'm sorry for not thinking of the kids and you, but I'm not sorry for beating that bitch ass. If her neighbor wouldn't have called the police, she would be dead." Elijah assured me.
"Baby what happened? What did she do?" I asked curiously.
"I went and met with my lawyer yesterday. He starts telling me about this case, then proceeds to tell me that they noticed Halo's hospital records from when she was born was missing from her tests. Come to find out, Lolo paid her doctor to hide the records because she had been drinking during her pregnancy. If the doctor would've kept it on file, they would've reported her to dcf. Long story short, she the reason my baby deaf." Elijah confessed, letting out a breath he had been holding.
I shook my head, not knowing what to say. A million different scenarios played in my mind, of all the things that could have happened to Halo.
She could've been brain dead, blind, born with Down syndrome, etc. Things could've been worse.Tears began to swell my eyes, as a burning sensation of hate sat in my chest. Lolo had me so tight right now, it wasn't even funny.
Halo was Innocent in all of this, and yet her dumb ass decisions affected her for the rest of her life.
How do you live with yourself knowing you're the reason your daughter is going deaf?
A warm tear fell on my nose, causing me to look up at Elijah who had his lips tucked and his eyes shut. I could feel my baby's pain.
"My baby scarred for the rest of her life behind this shit. It ain't shit I can do about it." He spoke with his voice cracking.
"It could've been worse babe." I tried to reason, drying his tears, "And although you can't do anything, at least you tried and you've been going through this process with her trying to make her as comfortable as she can be. You made the effort, you're not the deadbeat."
We sat in silence, just holding each other. I was just as hurt as Elijah was, Halo was apart of me too.
"Thank you." Elijah spoke kissing my forehead, "Thank you for being there when I need you, and for being my voice of reason."
I smiled small, and cuddled close to his chest.
"I know we need to talk about us-"
"It's cool. We'll get to it." I assured him, rubbing the side of his face.
Elijah leaned down and pecked my lips, while I returned the peck staring at him. We pecked each other's lips again, and again until I straddled his lap resulting in him removing the shirt from my body.
The cool air caused goosebumps to form on my skin, as Elijah kissed my neck making his way down to my chest. I let out a low breath, before taking my bottom lip into my mouth as he licked and sucked on my breasts.
I could feel his manhood poking from underneath me, resulting in a pulsating feeling between my thighs. With each kiss and touch, my inner walls grew wetter sliding from my inner walls down on Elijah's basketball shorts.
Elijah lifted us briefly, pushing his basketball shorts down until they fell to his ankles causing his hard member to poke at my entrance. I practically whined at the feeling, not wanting to beg although I wanted to feel it inside me so bad.
Us wanting each other in any type of way was worse than drugs.
Elijah took his manhood sliding it gently against my wet folds in a teasing manner, smirking at the sight of my juices sticking to him and he hadn't even slid inside me. Positioning himself at a stand still, he guided me down on his manhood bringing out a small gasp escape my lips.
It had been so long, I felt like a born again virgin who was having her walls torn apart. I pushed on his chest, as he pushed me further down.
As my walls adjusted to his length, I let out a breath of air and stared at Elijah who stared at me in return massaging his fingertips in my waist. Sliding a hand from my waist to my neck, Elijah wrapped his hand around it pulling me forward kissing me with tongue as a series of butterflies fluttered inside my stomach.
With the other hand, he slapped my ass demanding that I start riding him in which I began to slowly roll my hips while I stared at Elijah with low eyes.
"I love you forever." He whispered as our lips touched a little.
"I love you too." I replied letting out a gasp as he thrusted upward, with a strong stroke.
It felt good to be home.
"Rhyan." I heard a little whisper.
"Hmm?" I groaned feeling like I had been hit with a ton of bricks as my hair laid disheveled on my head.
I can't remember how long me and Elijah were up last night/this morning but it was late. We went from the balcony, to the floor in our room, the wall, and eventually to the bed.
All I knew was I was sore, and exhausted.
"So I was walking by the nursery, and the twins crawled out the crib. Ain't that something?"
The voice spoke, as I recognized it belonged to Halo.
My face frowned up in confusion, knowing my damn near five month old kids were not crawling out cribs. I immediately shot up in bed, seeing Halo holding Brix damn near about to toss him over her shoulder, and an arm around Hev's neck trying not to drop her.
"Oh my God!" I screeched grabbing Hev who was giving me help me eyes.
"You need to stop being dramatic. She not dead." Halo spoke with her upper lip curled, patting Brix on the back as he continued to lay his mouth on her cheek liking the noise he made.
"Well she was almost there." I sighed grabbing Brix, laying him next to Hev, "Halo you can't handle both of them like us. And don't take them both out the crib. Wait until me and your daddy gets them out."
"Fine, can you put on some clothes? Nobody wants to see you naked." Halo said pointing to my naked chest.
I sighed pulling the sheets up to my chest, as Elijah walked in the room looking between us.
He let out a sigh, and ran a hand down his face.
"What I tell you about waking people up out they sleep just cause you up?" He asked Halo.
"I didn't even wake nobody up." She said throwing her hands up in the air.
"The twins crawled out of their crib." I spoke with sarcasm, placing their pacifiers in their mouth and rubbing their stomach watching them drift off to sleep.
"Get yo ass downstairs and eat breakfast so you can get ready for school." Elijah spoke as Halo mimicked him, and headed for the door.
Elijah popped her upside the head, and mugged her as she frowned and rubbed her head leaving the room. He walked over taking a seat on the bed, leaning over kissing my forehead.
"You okay?" I asked him, as he nodded.
"Still mad, I'll live though." He assured me as I stroked the side of his face.
"It'll be okay. Going to work today?" I asked noticing he was dressed.
"Yeah, you got them?" He asked looking at the twins.
"Of course. They can come help me at the store. I got a few things I gotta handle before the opening." I spoke looking at the time.
"When is that?" Elijah asked me.
"Few days." I admitted as he nodded his head.
"Mhm. I'll see you later, be good to my kids." He spoke kissing them both.
"They're mine too." I argued as he laughed as if that was a joke.
"They mine. I gotta go meet with my lawyer and see what he gon' do about these charges now. He was already filing for full custody but I think I fucked that up, hopefully we figure something out. Let's do lunch later." Elijah spoke grabbing my face. "I. Love. You." He spoke between kisses.
"I love you too." I replied watching him leave our room.
I had so much to do today, so I had to get ready now.
After handling stuff for the store, I took the twins to Alejandro so I could handle this one last thing. I didn't want them around in case things got physical.
I stared at Lolo's house for another moment, before getting out of the car. Hitting the locks, I walked up the walkway and rang her doorbell adjusting my engagement ring before looking at my watch for the time.
"I'm about to call the police Rhyan!" She yelled from the other side making me roll my eyes.
"Girl nobody's going to touch you. I need to talk to you!" I spoke growing annoyed.
Lolo weighted her options, before cracking the door and eyeing me. I stared at her in return, as she cracked the door open wider displaying her bruised face.
She was fucked up, but it could've been worse. At least she wasn't looking like Rihanna after Chris Brown whooped her ass.
I invited myself inside, and took in how nice it looked and smelled. Of course she had high end furniture in here, that looked even better than the furniture we had.
Hers was in different shapes and colors. I knew one of these chairs alone was $1200 because I ran across it when we were doing the nursery.
"Did he send you to apologize? Because I'm still pressing charges." She voiced folding her arms.
"No, he doesn't even know I'm here. Listen, we don't have time for this court shit. You're cutting into work, and the time we spend with our kids. We just want what's best for Halo, and frankly we're what's best for her at the moment." I said as Lolo looked at me in disbelief.
"How the hell you figure?" Lolo asked getting offended.
"I won't even go there with you today, cause there's a list of shit. The only reason I'm here is for Halo. Elijah is filing for full custody, so I just came over to tell you to make it easier on yourself and sign over your rights." I spoke with a shrug.
"I'm convinced this nigga has been knocking your little ass around, or you're just retarded because I'm not signing over shit." She spoke with attitude.
"You either sign your rights over, or go to jail for child endangerment being that you were drinking while you were pregnant and YOU'RE the reason Halo is deaf." I said watching her face soften, wondering how I knew what I knew.
In all honesty, it didn't matter how I knew what I knew. At the end of the day, my only concern was Halo and I felt she needed to be around people who actually cared about her wellbeing.
Since the beginning of this process, me and Elijah have been there for her and tried to make the right accommodations. Meanwhile Lo brushed it off as if it was nothing, and didn't care about how Halo felt.
And it wasn't just me or Elijah on the outside looking in. This was the words from our four year old, crying to us saying her mommy didn't care.
"Don't drag this to court. Cause you're just going to end up in jail, and Elijah is going to get full comes to get regardless. Even if you do drop the charges, the state will pick it up and he'll do a little time but that's something we can both live. Halo is what we want." I spoke as tears swarmed in Lolo's eyes.
"Y'all can't keep me away from my baby." She sniffed.
"I'm sure we won't. I'm only a step-mama remember?" I smirked at her.
Lolo rolled her eyes, and chewed her lip before pacing her floor.
"What I gotta do?" She asked me.
"You late Oompa Loompa." Elijah teased as I walked to the table.
"I know, things ran over with inventory. How's your day going baby?" I asked kissing his lips, before taking a seat.
"I don't know. My lawyer saying even if Lo drop the charges, the state might pick it up. I'm looking at six months to a year. That's too long to be separated from you and the kids. I can't leave all these businesses on you." Elijah sighed rubbing his head.
"We'll make due. Text your lawyer and ask him to ask the court on your behalf for thirty days in county, you pay Lo's medical expenses, and sixty days in anger management." I smiled as Elijah stared at me, while I looked over my menu, "I deserve a steak, I've been closing deals all day."
"Should've been a damn lawyer." Elijah mumbled doing as I told him to do.
"Ehh, never liked school. It was either start my own thing with fashion, join the family business, or become a scammer." I winked at him as he laughed.
Our waitress came over and took our orders. Handing the menus over after we were done, she walked away going to get us drinks and rolls.
Elijah grabbed Brix out his car seat, while I left Hev in hers because she was sleep. I stared at the two in a loving manner, as Elijah planned Brix's whole life making Brix laugh.
"You miss me while I was gone?" I asked curiously.
Elijah glanced at me, and looked down at Brix messing with his hair. I tried to lay the shit down, but it curled right up on the top of his head.
"I always miss you when you gone, even when I'm mad." He spoke making me smile a little.
"Well I missed you and the kids. It's hard sleeping without you." I admitted as he looked up at me, while Brix tried to bite him with his toothless ass.
"Imagine how I felt. I honestly was hurt, cried a lil bit, tried to convince myself it was over, prayed about it, just couldn't let go. I hate how much I love you sometimes. I know our shit won't be perfect, but when we keep doing the same shit over and over again something gotta give." Elijah tried to reason.
"I know. And I'm sorry for my actions lately. I'm still trying to get out of this selfish mentality. I need to be considerate of your feelings as well, because you don't deserve to be with somebody who sneaks behind your back and does things or lies. Nor do you deserve to be hit, or have somebody that does childish things to get your attention." I spoke sincerely, "I'm so sorry. I don't want to make you feel like less of a man, or give you hell. I'm supposed to be your peace. I've even been thinking we should try counseling, if you're willing."Elijah just starred at me, before grabbing my hand placing a kiss on it.
"I'm trying to have faith in you, because you had faith in me. You gotta do better moving forward, aight?" He spoke as I nodded.
"No more drinking, fighting, and tattoos of other people's name." I giggled as he shook his head.
"I love you fat girl." He smirked.
"I love you too." I smiled at him.
"Thank you for coming out." I smiled giving someone a hug.
Today was the grand opening of my store. I thought this day would be exciting for me, but inside I wasn't happy.
It was probably because Elijah wasn't here.
"Rhyan this is so nice." Brae spoke looking around, sipping on wine, "I'm bout to rack up on some lingerie too honey. You know me and Adonis trying for another baby and even though I won't have it in long, I'll look really nice in it."
I giggled at her, and shook my head. The girl was still as crazy as the day I met her.
"Well thank you. You guys okay?" I asked Brae, Santana, Benji, and O'Neil.
As usual, Alejandro was missing in action. He, and Elijah were the only ones missing.Adonis was taking pictures for the grand opening.
"Girl we fine. Stop worrying yourself. Where's Eli?" O'Neil questioned.
I shrugged, trying not to let my emotions show. Disappointment wa burning me up inside, because I wanted his support although I went about things the wrong way.
"Rhy," Benji spoke holding Santana by the waist who couldn't stop smiling for no damn reason, "You plan on doing something for men?"
"Ooh that would be dope. Make your own line of briefs and boxers, for well hung men." O'Neil spoke wiggling his eyebrows.
"Yes, cause some people need it." Santana spoke before sipping her wine with a smile as Benji playfully bit her neck.
"They're so cute." Brae whispered as I shook my head.
"Thanks you guys, now my head is rolling with ideas." I spoke as the bell to the store chimed.
Looking towards the door, I saw Elijah walk in looking around for me. When his eyes landed on me, he smiled big making my heart skip a beat.
He had a big bouquet of pink roses, and balloons. I was almost in tears.
I walked over trying to hold myself together, while taking in his appearance. A maroon short sleeve button down hugged his torso, that he paired with peanut butter pants that were slightly sagging, and a pair of maroon Nike Air Force One duck boots.
He wore his hold chains and bracelet, looking simple but overall fine. I could tell he had a fresh haircut, and that just made my mouth water.
"I thought you weren't coming." I pouted standing in front of him, as his eyes roamed my frame.
I wore a black Sass and Bibe bin harness, with leather Dolce and Gabanna leggings, and a pair of black and gold Saint Laurent heels. My gold Tiffany's bracelets Elijah got me for my birthday rested on my wrist, matching my gold hoop earrings that was hiding underneath my straightened hair.
"You know better than that." Elijah said kissing his teeth, pulling me close and kissing my head making me smile uncontrollably as Adonis snapped a picture of us.
I took the roses and balloons from his hand, and smiled uncontrollably while grabbing the card. Flipping the card open, I looked at Elijah who was looking down at me.
When you can't look on the bright side, I will sit in the dark with you. Congrats baby.
- Daddy
"Awwww, thank you baby." I coped giving him a hug.
"You welcome bumblebee." He teases squeezing my butt while I frowned.
"You just had to fuck up the moment." I kissed my teeth, as Coco walked over and grabbed my flowers and balloons from me.
The rest of the night was a success. We stayed until everyone left, and the cleaning people cleaned before leaving as well.
I hit the lights, as Elijah sat in one of the chairs on his phone waiting on me so we could go home. Mila had all the kids, and I was hoping they hadn't tied her up and beat her ass.
"Come on baby." I spoke walking towards the door.
Elijah followed, and we both stepped outside on the sidewalk. Locking up, I turned around looking for our car.
I rode with Adonis and Brae.
There was a black panaramic two door Porsche, with a big red bow on it. I looked over at Elijah, as held up the keys for me.
"You're gonna make me cry." I spoke fanning my eyes.
"Start crying and I'm taking the car back." He warned me, causing me to straighten up.
"I was just playing, thank you baby." I smiled kissing his lips, while taking the keys from him.
"You welcome. Why you ain't wear a skirt? We could've made this an exciting ride home." Elijah teased as we walked to the car.
"Elijah get in the car." I laughed waving him off.
"Fine man, but its lit when we get home." He warned me.
|S A N T A N A|
I smiled big as I looked around my bedroom. It was so big and pretty, and the thing I loved the most was I got a new balcony and it was bigger.
In a sense, my home reminded me a lot of Sheree from Real House Wives of Atlanta.
"You gon' stand up here all day?" Benji asked coming through the door.
"I'm just taking in our room. I can't wait to break in this new bed." I smiled standing on the bed doing a little twerk.
"You keep saying you don't want a baby right now, but you reaching." He warned, as I blushed stepping down off the bed.
"I'll keep that in mind. You get the boys beds set up?" I asked wrapping my arms around his waist.
"Levi got hungry." Benji spoke rolling his eyes, "Can you whip us up something quick?"
"Sure." I spoke pecking his lips, stepping around him slowly while looking him up and down.
"See what I'm talking about." He spoke slapping me on the butt.
The house phone rang, and we both began running towards the stairs. We laughed trying to push each other out the way, to get to the house phone.
When we reached the bottom stair, Benji threw me over his shoulder and ran with me making me laugh uncontrollably. I don't know why this was so funny, but it was.
Benji grabbed the phone, and put me on my feet handing it to me. I looked at the caller I.D seeing Zai was calling, so I answered.
"I'ma go finish unpacking some of these boxes." He spoke kissing my forehead, while I nodded listening to the automated system.
Accepting the call, I waited for Zai to come on the line.
"Wussup big head?" Zai teased as I smiled small.
"Hey, how are you?" I asked staring at my wedding ring.
"I'm good. Congrats." Zai spoke in a sincere tone.
"Thank you." I replied as Zayden came in the house moon walking to the pantry. "You better not! No zebra cakes until after you eat."
"But ma!" He whined poking out his lip, "Me and Chris is starving. We been moving stuff all day."
"Well you and Chris can wait until after lunch." I argued as he sighed, while Benji stopped down and said something that made him nod.
"Moving stuff? You redecorating?" Zaire asked me.
"No, we moved into our new home." I spoke feeling a bit bad. "I still have the house for you."
"Oh," Zai spoke lowly and cleared his throat, "How the boys been?"
"Good. Nasir's birthday is coming up, so I'm planning that and he's been hounding me about playing baseball. Zayden just wants to be fat and happy." I shrugged as he chuckled.
"Chris still around?" He asked.
"Unfortunately. I won't hold you up, I'll let you talk to Zayden first." I spoke with a smile, "Zay, your daddy is on the phone."
He quickly ran over to the phone, grinning from ear to ear. This boy loved Zaire so much.
"Hey best friend!" He cheered walking in the backyard, so he could be next to Nasir so they could both talk to Zaire.
"What do you think about doing the kitchen in a metallic navy blue or orange?" I asked Benji as he unpacked plates, while I prepared to fix us a light lunch.
"Orange. You don't see a lot of orange kitchens." He spoke as I smiled.
"I like the way you think." I winked at him, making him laugh.
"I'm having a clothes drive and giving food to the homeless this weekend at the church. Can you come?" Benji asked me.
"Of course I'll be there. Don't forget Nasir's birthday is next weekend." I reminded him, as his phone rang.
"I got it noted baby." He said staring at the screen, before answering, "Des is Facetiming me."
Kobi entered the kitchen, and let out a sigh taking a seat at the island. He looked exhausted, so I gave him a water.
"Preciate this sis. Yo kids know they will run somebody raggedy." He spoke as Zayden came back in the house, putting the phone on the charger.
"Umm Kobi, why you in here? You gotta help us, don't be lazy. If my fat self can move and Levi fat self can move, yo skinny tail can move too. Nobody's paying you to be lazy." Zayden ranted before walking outside.
"His lil smart mouth ass better be a doctor or something." Kobi mumbled while I giggled watching him leave.
I looked over at Benji, seeing the look of confusion on his face. Walking over I placed my chin on his shoulder, and saw that he wasn't on FaceTime alone.
Lina, Nolan, and Des were all sitting on the couch together staring at the camera. They all looked like something was wrong.
"Hey everybody." I smiled at the three.
They all spoke back, and I walked away not wanting to be in the business. While I cooked lunch, the four talked on FaceTime until Benji ended the call and took a seat at the island looking stressed.
"What's wrong boo?" I asked with a slight frown.
"Des wants to come stay with us. I'm just a little upset, that Lina's upset cause he wants to come back here. He's not happy there, and they've done everything that they can to try to make him feel home but it's not working. That's her only child, and that's a lot of responsibility." Benji tried to reason.
"You had him for a few months, and that went well." I reminded him.
"I know," Benji sighed, "I told them I would have to talk to you and the boys, it's our home."
"Who coming to stay? They can't sleep in my bed." Zayden complained as Kobi carried him in the house on his neck.
"We just moved in." Nasir added with annoyance.
"Desmond wants to come back." I told the two, watching their eyes light up.
"Oh, well Des can stay. I like Des." Zayden smiled.
"You like anybody that gives you food." Nasir responded as Zayden shot him a look.
"Well now you know why I don't like you." Zayden argued while Kobi and Levi laughed.
"Hey, cut it out. I'm not saying it no more today." Benji spoke as the kitchen went quiet, "Y'all argue like y'all grown."
"Yes sir." They both chimed, as I looked at him in disbelief.
"How'd you do that?" I asked him, because I couldn't get the two to stop arguing for nothing.
"I said what I said, and I meant what I said." Benji spoke as I stared at him feeling Niagra falls in the seat of my panties.
"Jesus it's a daddy." I mumbled under my breath, making him smirk.
"You're married!" Dr. Johnson smiled at me, "Congrats."
"Thank you." I cooed showing him the ring.
"I'm just," He took a breath, "Wow. I don't know what to say. How's everything? How do you feel?"
"Good actually, really good." I smiled crossing my legs, "Just knowing that he genuinely loves me and the kids makes me happy. People had a lot to say about us getting married but, they can kiss my ass."
"Oooou," Dr. Johnson teased, "Who had a lot to say? Was it Zaire's family?"
"No, Benji's church members. They seem to be more concerned about our relationship, than the Bible scriptures.
Apparently I'm not fit to be the First Lady for the church." I explained as Dr. Johnson rubbed his chin.
"Why? I think you're pretty dope." Dr. Johnson shrugged.
"Well thank you. Apparently I can't wear my hair any color I want, and I can't have a normal life with my friends. They talked about my pictures on Instagram, saying I was showing too much skin. They want me to dress like a grandma, and be messy in the church like them but I think not. It doesn't matter what I wear, this ass ain't going no where. My husband likes it, and they can kick rocks if they don't like it." I huffed folding my arms.
"I say that's a W for you Santana, you on a roll today." Dr. Johnson chuckled writing something down, "What did Benji have to say?"
"He went off, in a Christian way." I clarified as Dr. Johnson laughed at me.
"To his church members?" He asked, while I nodded.
"I thought the same thing to too, BUT he said he wasn't going to allow anybody to disrespect me." I smiled as Dr. Johnson nodded.
"This man really loves you and worships the ground you walk on." He said staring at me, as I blushed.
"I feel the same way. I don't feel pressured to be something I'm not with him." I sighed with a smile, "Even the sex is amazing."
"Sex? You guys had sex?" He asked with his eyes about to fall out his head.
"Oh yes. I never came so much in my life." I admitted having flashbacks, which reminded me that we needed to break our bed in.
"That's a triple W for you." He laughed as a knock sounded at his door.
The door slowly came open, and my mom stepped inside with a small smile. She looked nice, her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail.
Since I was in such a good space, I decided to hear her out one last time.
She greeted the both of us, before taking a seat on the couch next to me. We started off with light conversation, which was mainly me talking about my new life.
Dr. Johnson was trying to make us all comfortable, before bringing up the past. I was just hoping she didn't piss me off this time.
So when he started to ask her questions about the incident with Larissa, I cringed a little bit. It seemed to upset my mom, because she started to cry a little.
"I know the last time we talked about this I said she lied, but that wasn't the truth. Honestly, I was still beating myself up for letting something like that happen to her. She was a child, and she had her innocence snatched away from her by someone that should have loved and protected her. Knowing that I didn't protect her, it really ate away at me and I've felt guilty about it for years." She admitted, as I exhaled.
Hearing that she blamed herself, made me feel something for her. I knew that feeling being a mother myself.
Nasir fell once, and had to get stitches above his eye. I never stopped blaming myself, because I wasn't outside to catch him when he fell.
But I realized, as a parent you can't be there all the time.
"I'm just glad you acknowledged it." I smiled giving her a hug.
We decided to do a few more sessions together, before trying to hang out. She wanted to see the kids, but it would be a while before we got there.
I didn't trust my kids with everybody, and trust takes time.
Me, and Nasir sat at Steak and Shake eating cheese fries, milk shakes and burgers. Well he had a burger, I just had cheese fries.
I picked him up from school, so we could get some alone time. Plus we needed to do some planning for his birthday.
"So do you want Spider man, or Superman for your birthday party?" I asked him as he sat with his mouth full.
"I want Spider man, but I want the black one." He spoke as I nodded and lifted an eyebrow.
"Why?" I asked, not really liking that one.
"He's cool." He shrugged while I decided to just let it go.
"I'm going to get your invitations done tonight, and you can give them out to your classmates tomorrow and your friends at the dojo." I informed him, as he nodded.
"Can I have a telescope for my birthday?" He asked me, "I like looking at the stars."
"I think I can work something out." I smiled at him, "So how do you like Benji living with us?"
"It's cool. He really cares about us." He smiled at me, while I nodded agreeing.
"Benji has y'all spoiled, that's why you said that." I spoke as he laughed agreeing.
"Is Des really going to come stay with us?" He asked curiously.
"Yeah, he should be here next week." I admitted staring at Nasir.
It was hard to believe my boy was about to be seven years old. Time was flying.
I still remember, when I became his mother after Nylah died. I'm sure if she was alive, she would be proud of him.
He was such a good kid, respectful, smart, and helpful.
"Mommy?" Nasir spoke snapping me from my thoughts.
"Yes?" I spoke wiping cheese off his mouth.
He stared at me for a moment, and let out a sigh. I watched him look at his hands, before looking at me.
"I don't want you to be mad at me but, I know you're not my real mom." He informed as my mouth grew dry all of a sudden.
I didn't know how to respond to that, or how to even take it.
"But, it's okay because even though we're not blood related you are my mom and I still love you. I was just curious and wanted to know where my real mom is and why she doesn't want me." He spoke with sadness, "I like living with you and being your son, but I just wanna know."
Tears had managed to creep into my eyes, while I sat trying to process this. Me and Zaire had so many talks about how one day we would tell Nasir about this, but now that the day was here I was at a loss for words.
Dabbing at my eyes with a napkin, I rubbed my lips together and tried to find the words. It was hard trying to talk to a child about these kind of things.
"It's not that your mommy doesn't want you, she just took a trip to heaven. She's watching over you." I assured him as he nodded in an understanding way.
"Well how did she end up there? Was she in an accident?" He asked while I shrugged, wanting to leave this part for Zaire.
He could tell him what he wanted, but I didn't want any parts.
Regardless of the situation this was still my son, and it's been that way since the beginning. It would remain that way until the end.
|B R A E L Y N N|
"Don't cut too much off the top Benji, Adonis is already going to have a fit I'm cutting it but his hair is too long. He can't see." I spoke as Benji used scissors to cut Aj's hair as I held him.
"It's hair, it'll grow back. I been trying to convince Zay to let me cut that mess off the top of his head, talking about he want dreads." Benji smacked his lips while I giggled.
"That's your step-son." I reminded him as he sighed.
"Boy do I know it. He reminds me every time he wants something, and says he's my FAVORITE step-son. I honestly don't know what we gonna do with him. He call hisself trying to help me plan my sermon for church on Sunday, told me I need to put in there people need to stop fake falling out at church." Benji went on to tell me, while I shook my head.
People could say what they wanted about my little Zay Bae, but he was always speaking the truth.
After Benji finished up, I paid him and me and AJ headed to Adonis' office even though he had a shoot today at the aquarium. I was going to meet with the production team, so I could set a clear direction for the way I wanted his documentary done.
When we got there, I noticed everyone sitting in the meeting room waiting for and AJ. He was too focused on sucking his bottle, getting ready to fall asleep.
He and Adonis had been up playing since the wee hours of morning, making me want to choke the hell out of both of them. Making all that damn noise as if I don't need my beauty rest.
"Hi everybody." I smiled at everyone, as they greeted me in return.
I sat Aj's car seat in a empty chair, and began to walk around the room shaking everyone's hand as well as noting their names. The person in charge of the documentary was Ellis, but it was nice to get to know the other ones as well.
Taking a seat, I adjusted my shirt and folded my hands. I was ready for business.
"So tell me, what do you guys have planned so far?" I asked curiously.
"Well for starters, I wanna make this film feel relate-able. I want the audience to feel like they know him, and can relate to some parts of him. So I wanna document every unscripted moment. I'll play around with clips, and decide which one is best to use. Nothing will be scripted, I want people to say hey that really happened versus that was so scripted. Don't you guys feel that way when you watch what is supposed to be reality television?" Ellis asked everyone who began to mumble things.
"I love it. What stories do you guys want to touch on?" I asked as he slid over a paper with an outline of the stories.
"I was thinking we can start with the child hood, that is what normally molds a person. Then we can skip to the teen years which is when a person goes through changes. And then we'll make our way to his adult years. We wanna hear how he made it this far, the road blocks, set backs, people who influenced him." Ellis continued on, while I nodded.
I liked his drive. Ellis was really on his shit.
"Let's talk about the people we'll be interviewing. So far I have you, his mom, grandmother, and brothers. Speaking of brothers, we are trying to get permission from the warden to let us come in and film instead of having to go through all the audio tape. I'll keep you guys posted on that." Ellis spoke writing something down.
"I want his secretary Charity interviewed because she's been with him for a while, and there's about two people in the industry we can get to speak for him." I spoke watching Ellis jot down notes.
"What do you guys think of stunt doubles to act out the scenes of the stories he tells?" Reynaldo, one of the team members asked.
"Ehh, no offense but I think that's corny. Imagination is key, so let the audience have their own visual. It'll keep them intrigued." I spoke as Ellis agreed.
"I like you, ever thought of being in film?" He asked with a smile, while I shook my head no.
"Anything that has my husband's name on the line, just has to be perfect. I'm a mother and a wife, so I handle these type of things." I smiled as he nodded.
For another thirty minutes, we sat discussing other things. Backdrops for confessionals, makeup, hair, lighting, areas where we would shoot, etc.
I was so excited for all of this, like it was my documentary. Now I had to go home and find all of me and Adonis' pictures from over the years, along with home videos.
Then I would link up with Ava, and grandma Alice for childhood photos. This was going to be amazing.
I stood at the island preparing lunch for Amaris, while she sat in the living room with Doctor Johnson. The two were sitting on the floor, trying to put a puzzle together which was something she liked to do with Adonis or sometimes on her own.
Adonis came home early for work for this, and he was sitting at the bar with AJ watch the two. I could tell by the look on his face, he wasn't too happy our baby girl had to see a therapist.
"Is chicken pesto panini okay baby?" I asked Adonis, catching his attention for a moment.
"That's fine. What's for dinner?" He asked as I tilted my head.
Here we are talking lunch, and he wants to talk dinner too.
"Me." I smirked as he eyed me, and cracked a smile.
"That's dessert." He spoke as AJ sneezed, "Bless you man."
"Does he feel a little warm to you?" I asked curiously.
"Yeah. I think he getting a cold. We should check his temp." He spoke as AJ rubbed his nose, and laid his head on Adonis' chest.
It was so cute, although he looked miserable.
"His thermometer is in his back, but you have to stick it up his butt." I reminded him as Adonis looked at me as if I lost my mind.
"Hell the fuck no! What kind of shit is that?" He asked in disbelief. "Trying to take my son manhood away from him. Yo mama don' lost her rabbit ass mind."
"Adonis, that's the most accurate way to get the right temp. It only goes in an inch." I reasoned as he shook his head.
"We'll get you some Tylenol. You better fight this shit AJ, cause I'm not fucking with no rectal thermometer." Adonis scolded him as he sneezed and coughed.
"It's your fault. You wanna have the air on blizzard at night." I reminded him.
"Girl its hot as hell outside, it needs to be cold in here." He responded as AJ whined and pulled on his shirt, "I know son son."
"So tell me about school Genesis." Dr. Johnson spoke catching me and Adonis' attention.
"It was good. I go to school from home now, with Zayden and Halo. Those are my cousins." She spoke with a smile.
"Sounds like fun. I went to school from home as well, do you like it?" Dr. Johnson asked her.
"Yeah. I don't have to be around mean kids." Genesis spoke as I pouted a little.
"Yeah, mean kids are bad. I had a mean kid push me down one day." Dr. Johnson spoke as Genesis looked up at him.
"Well did you push him back? You too big to be getting pushed around." She spoke as Adonis tried not to laugh, while I frowned at him.
"Should I have pushed him back?" He asked her.
"Yeah. My daddy said if somebody hit you, you hit them back." Amaris shrugged looking for puzzles pieces to match.
Dr. Johnson looked over at Adonis, who began to whistle and look around the room.
"Well I didn't push him back, but it made me angry. Do you get angry?" Dr. Johnson asked her.
"Sometimes. I got angry at Zayden one day because he was teasing me, and I hit him in the face and started to punch him in the head. I didn't mean to do it though, I know I hurt his feelings." She said sadly studying a puzzle piece.
"I think he knows you didn't mean it. When I get mad sometimes, I do stuff and I forget and it makes me feel bad when I realize what I did." Dr. Johnson spoke as Amaris perked up.
"Me too! I just see red colors, and when I calm down I start to cry because I did a bad thing. It's scary Mr. Johnson." She spoke, "And sometimes, sometimes I think people are talking about me but they're not but I think they are so I get angry and wanna hit them."
"Oh fuck." Adonis spoke rubbing his eyes, leaving the room.
I quickly cleaned my hands, and followed behind him.
"Baby," I spoke as he walked outside.
The Florida sun beamed down on us, as he stood trying to control his emotions.
"It's my fault, I didn't mean to mess our baby up like that Brae." He spoke in a sympathetic tone.
"It's not your fault baby. She's going to be fine. You're fine, everything is going to be okay. Please come back inside." I begged pecking his lips.
"How you gonna deal with two of us?" He asked as I held his hand.
"I'm built for this." I assured him pulling him back inside.
We walked back to the kitchen, and I washed my hands while Adonis reclaimed his seat. For another hour we listened to Dr. Johnson and Amaris talk.
She talked about us a lot, and how she loved us and AJ. It was honestly cute.
"Well?" Adonis spoke as we stood at the door with Dr. Johnson.
We'd just had lunch, and now he was leaving to prepare for another session.
"She definitely has a paranoid personality disorder." Dr. Johnson spoke as Adonis sighed.
"What do you think of meds? We don't want anything that's going to make her turn into a zombie." I said rubbing Adonis' arm.
"I'll give her a low dosage, but she'll be fine. She's a very bright young lady, and she's very passionate for such a young age. My concern is when she gets older. People may take advantage of how nice she is, and when she catches on she may flip like she does from time to time. We're going to keep a close eye on her. She'll be fine." Dr. Johnson assured us before walking out the door.
Amaris came into the foyer, biting into her sandwich.
"Did you enjoy yourself with Mr. Johnson baby?" I asked trying not to cry.
"Yeah. We have a lot in common mommy." She smiled as I gave a faint one and looked at Adonis.
He had his head thrown back, trying not to let tears fall.
"Daddy, can you build me a treehouse?" Amaris asked Adonis.
"You can have whatever you want baby." He spoke with his voice cracking, and he cleared his throat.
"Yay! I gotta tell Halo." Amaris danced running off to the living room.
I'd never forget this day. Ever.
"Man, we haven't been to Shoreline in a minute." Darius spoke in the passenger seat.
Today I was taking Amaris, Halo, Zayden, and Nasir to the beach. AJ was with grandma Alice, and Rhyan had the twins.
"I know. I been craving one of these salads for the longest." I spoke as Darius gave me a side eye.
"You pregnant again?" He asked me.
"Trying to be. Which reminds me, can you watch the kids tonight?" I asked him, as he shook his head.
"Nope, going out tonight." He spoke as I frowned.
"What kind of uncle are you?" I asked pulling up to the store that had a deli.
"One without kids." He smiled as I flicked him off and parked the car.
"I'll go get the food. I don't wanna take all these kids in here, some of them have sticky fingers." I spoke eyeing Halo through the mirror.
"Auntie Brae, I don't steal anymore." Halo spoke as Darius chuckled.
"Well who stole my ten dollars when I was over yo house?" Zayden asked side eyeing her.
"Blanket Jr., cause Promise doesn't steal." Halo shrugged as Zayden flicked her nose and she slapped him.
"Well shit. She definitely belongs to Eli." Darius laughed.
"Keep your hands to yourself, both of you." I warned the two.
"You better get your niece auntie Brae, I'm not the one." Zayden warned folding his arms.
I looked at Genesis, who rested her head on Nasir's arm, watching him play Candy Crush. She had been quiet all day, since I gave her the medicine Dr. Johnson sent to the pharmacy and I got it filled last night.
"You okay Amaris?" I asked as she looked at me and smiled.
"Yes mommy, are you okay? You need a hug?" She asked me.
"She's daughter goals bro. She so sweet." Darius fake cried as I slapped him upside the head.
"Keep your hands to yourself Aunt Brae." Halo and Zayden said at the same time, before laughing.
"Keep on Ren and Stimpy, and y'all gon' be starving." I smiled at the two.
"Halo, stop. I gotta stay fat and happy, I can't afford to miss a meal." Zayden tried to whisper.
"She can't do that. We can call dcf, like grandma did on that girl cross the street." Halo spoke as my mouth fell open.
"The stripper?" Zayden asked as I looked at Darius who was sitting there with his mouth open.
"Yeah. Grandma say she wasn't feeding her kids." Halo shrugged.
I quickly got out the car, cause them kids was too damn much.
Walking inside the store, I went to the back where the deli was and stood in line. I waited patiently, until it always my turn and ordered sandwiches along with salads for me and Darius.
While I waited on my food to be made, I grabbed some chips, drinks, and other snacks for the kids. By the time I was done the food was made, and I took it up front so I could pay.
As soon as I sat the food down, someone stood behind me and spoke. "Put it on my tab."
Turning around, I noticed it was Navadius and quickly cursed under my breath. He looked me up and down like I was some type of snack, making my skin crawl as I clutched my purse.
"You look like you seem a ghost, you don't miss me?" He asked with a smile.
"Do yourself a favor, and leave me alone." I warned him.
"What you mean? I was just in the neighborhood getting a sandwich and-"
"You're a damn lie! Just like you lied about me on that song." I spoke as he stared at me.
"You know it's the truth." He spoke lowly.
"No, it's a lie. You wasn't all that." I spoke watching his light brown orbs grow dark before they flickered back to being light.
"You just talking. Let's go somewhere and talk for old times sake." He spoke grabbing my hand, that I quickly snatched away from him.
I turned to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist too tight for my liking. That resulted in me pulling out my mace, and maxing him watching him scream.
I wasted no time running out the store, saying fuck that food in the process.
Adonis was going to kill this man.
Instead of going to the beach, I came back home and made the kids some food and let them run around the backyard. Adonis had a small playground out back now, and the kids seemed to love that.
I was going to talk to him about Navadius when he got home, because I didn't want him getting upset.
Kensie had been on my mind lately, and I hadn't heard anything from her since the funeral so I decided to call her up. Just to check on her.
When I was greeted by a message system saying her phone had been disconnected, I drowned in confusion. I know she can afford a damn phone bill.
Attempting to call again, I was greeted by the same thing causing me to bite my lip. This crazy idea popped up in my head, that I should go check on her.
And I wouldn't be Brae if I didn't follow my crazy mind.
When I got there, I noticed her car out front before I went inside the building and made my way to her floor. Once I got to her floor, I followed the numbers on her door, until I stood in front of hers.
I frowned at the stench in the air, wondering what the fuck that scent was. Knocking on the door harder than I intended, I covered my nose and looked around.
There was no answer at first, so I knocked again as my phone vibrated causing me to see a text from Rhyan.
Rhyan 💚: Loho signed her rights over we got our baby girl !!!!!!!!!!!
I smiled, as the  locks unraveled and Kensie opened the door. That foul smell I was smelling, flew out the door damn near knocking me over.
Kensie stood in front of me, looking a mess. She wore an old shirt that was falling off her body, she looked as if she hadn't been eating, and her hair was all over the place.
Bags were underneath her eyes, and skin was dry.
"Kensie, I came to check on you. You okay?" I asked her, as she shrugged and offered for me to come inside.
Stepping inside the apartment, I noticed food boxes on the table, cover on the couch as if that's here she had been sleeping. Liquor bottles on the floor, along with used tissues.
I stepped into her kitchen, and damn near threw up at the sight. The garbage was running over, and maggots were starting to form.
This girl really lost her shit.
Somehow I managed to clean her house, and even give her stinky ass a bath. I combed her hair and made her look like somebody, dressed her, and packed her a bag before taking her home with me.
I knew Adonis was going to pitch a bitch, but this girl needed some help like I told him from the beginning.
Adonis called and told me he was coming home late, so after I got Kensie and the kids settled I put everybody to bed and gave myself some attention. After a nice bath, I dressed in panties, bra and a robe and sat in the living room sipping wine thinking of the crazy day I had.
The alarm beeped notifying me Adonis was coming through the door. I could hear one of the dogs bark, making me giggle.
Instead of being greeted by a tired face or a smile, Adonis greeted me with a frown flicking the lights on.
"Being your ass here." He spoke gesturing for me to follow him.
"Excuse me?" I spoke eyeing him.
"I'm not in the mood, bring ya ass." He warned making me sigh.
We made our way to his office, where he sat at the computer and did some typing and clicking. I was still nursing my wine, getting a little sleepy as I stood across the room.
"Come look at this shit." He spoke.
I walked over to the computer, and saw pictures of my nude self sent to Adonis' email. Not just me, me with Navadius.
"Ugh!" I screamed throwing the glass across the room, resulting in it shattering.
"You said-"
"Adonis that's all I remember happening that night. I was drunk." I spoke covering my face as tears welled up in my eyes, "He's such a spiteful bitch."
After pacing the floor for a moment, I began to tell Adonis what happened earlier today with Navadius at the store. He grew pissed, and sat with a clenched jaw.
Before he could say anything, there was slight knock at his office door.
"Can I have some water please?" Kensie mumbled trying not to make eye contact with us.
"What the hell is this shit?!" He asked as I told him to calm down, and went to get Kensie some water.
After I have her water, I sent her back to bed. When I returned to the office, Adonis was gone causing me to sigh.
I cleaned the glass up, before heading upstairs to our bedroom, where he was taking off his clothes.
"Have you lost your mind? Bringing that damn girl up in here?" He asked me taking off his shirt, sitting on the bed.
"I told you she needed help! I went to her place to check on her, and it was a damn mess. She had liquor bottles, food boxes, and tissues everywhere. Not to mention garbage running over and maggots!" I tried to reason with him.
"Well you could've dropped her ass off at a psych ward! She not in the right state of mind to be around these damn kids man!" He yelled hopping up off the bed heading for the bathroom, "Fuck!" He yelled slamming the bathroom door making me jump.
|A D O N I S|
"Say what now?" I asked biting on my bottom lip, as I slammed into Brae delivering a smack to her ass making her gasp.
"I'ma listen babe! I swear." She yelled reaching behind her, trying to push me away only for me to grab her wrist and pin it down on her back.
"Why you gon' listen?" I asked slowing down my strokes, sliding in and out of her at a slow pace sending chills down her spine.
"Adonis!" Brae whimpered as I release her wrist and grabbed her hair.
"Why you gon' listen?" I mumbled licking her ear.
"Oooh cause you the man." She moaned as her legs shook violently making me smile before she came.
Brae fell on her stomach, biting her lip as she clutched the sheets. I trailed kisses down her back, then flipped her over trailing kisses down to her lower lips.
Pecking her lower lips that was wet, I flicked my tongue on her clit making it jump because it was still sensitive.
My mouth latched to her lower lips, sucking them gently before I slid my tongue between her wet folds and began to explore. I held her thighs in both hands, lifting her up until she was standing on her head.
Her legs now rested in the crook of my arms, as I licked and sucked on her lower lips and clit listening to her cries. Five minutes passed before Brae pushed on my stomach telling me she couldn't take standing on her head any longer, so I laid her on her back still devouring her pussy, while pushing her legs back by her head and holding on to her ankles tightly.
I could hear the small breaths leaving her mouth, as I flicked my tongue back and forth in fast pace as she grew closer to her peak. Biting her clit gently before taking it into my mouth sucking on it, Brae moaned loudly and began to squirt.
Smiling in satisfaction, I cleaned her up with my tongue before releasing her ankles and falling on my back. Brae sat up and climbed on top of me, leaning down sucking on my lips as I palmed her ass gently.
"I love you." Brae cooed in a whisper against my lips, staring in my eyes with her hair all over her head.
"I love you too." I replied licking her lips, as she smiled at me.
Taking one hand grabbing my manhood, I ran it up and down her slit as she shut her eyes and pushed herself down on it. Brae slid down inch by inch, giving me lustful eyes and squeezing her muscles around it resulting in me shutting my eyes letting out a groan.
Once Brae took me in all the way, she began to move back and forth as we laid body to body. Our lips latched to each other's resulting in kisses, with Brae moaning in my mouth every so often or trying to catch her breath.
I thrusted up inside her, as she broke the kiss and placed her face in the crook of my neck whining. The strokes were slow, driving her crazy.
"How that feel?" I whispered, as she faced me with tears in her eyes and her lip quivering unable to find the words.
Brae sat up, and began to glide up and down on me slowly which soon turned to a fast pace. Her breasts jiggled as she bounced, and she sucked my two fingers I slid in her mouth while I groped her breast.
I ended up groping it so hard, some of her breast milk slid down my hand and arm as she came we both came close our peak.
"Ah fuck." I moaned as she locked her walls around me with a devious smirk until we both came.
Brae sat still for a moment, trying to catch her breath. I watched her roll off me, and slowly get out of bed trying not to fall.
She went to the bathroom, and came back with a warm rag wiping us both up. After she took the rag back to the bathroom, she climbed back in bed under the sheets with me and laid her head on my chest.
I played in her hair, as we both listened to the quietness in the house. It was six in the morning on a Saturday, and Brae woke me up trying to talk about this situation with Kensie which led to an argument, and led us to where we are right now.
"I honestly was just trying to help. She's fallen into post-partum depression." Brae tried to reason rubbing my stomach.
I let out a sigh, and used my left hand to run my temples. This shit was giving me a headache, and had me paranoid to the point where I couldn't sleep.
I'd just managed to fall sleep, when Brae woke me up.
"Baby, I understand that's a bad state for a woman to be in and it's also unhealthy. You don't know what could be on her mind, she could kill me and you and run off with our babies. You and the kids are my priority, and I gotta protect y'all. I don't think it's safe having her in the house, so she gotta go. We'll get her some help, but she can't stay here." I reasoned with Brae.
"Okay." She whispered snuggling close to me.
"I love you." I mumbled as she looked up at me and smiled showing her dimples.
"I love you too." She spoke before pecking my lips and closing her eyes.
We all sat at the table, enjoying the breakfast Brae made for us. It was quiet, with the exception of forks and spoons making contact with the plate.
Kensie sat in front of her plate, pushing French toast around in syrup. Her fist rested against the side of her face, as she sat there moping.
Brae stared at her with a look of sympathy, before shutting her eyes to keep from crying. It wasn't long before AJ began to cry through the baby monitor.
"I'll get him." Brae spoke quickly hopping up, "Amaris come help mommy."
"But I'm not finished." She mumbled with her mouth full.
"What did I say?" Brae asked tilting her head to the side.
Queen got up, and followed Brae. I waited until the two were upstairs, before speaking to Kensie.
Seeing her in the house last night, made my stomach knot up. Something about this wasn't right, and I was going to fix whatever it was before it turned into a problem.
"How long you been messed up like this Kensie?" I asked curiously, causing her to look up at me slowly with sad brown eyes.
Her black hair was done in two French braids, and she wore a pair of silk pajamas Brae gave her. It was actually a wedding gift from my mama, but Brae ungrateful ass didn't like it.
It wouldn't have killed her to wear the shit one time.
"I-I don't know." She mumbled and looked down at her hands, "I thought I was okay. I thought after we buried her I was okay, then one day I couldn't get out of bed and I just didn't care about anything anymore."
I bit my lip, knowing the feeling. After Addison passed it hit me hard, and if I didn't have Brae and the kids I wouldn't know what to do.
But Kensie didn't have anybody. Her mama and her friend Janelle was ignorant as hell, and Ashanti had her own stuff to tend to.
She was all by herself, and I felt bad a little bit. I felt as because she was the mother to my daughter, and I felt like I didn't support her enough.
But the only thing keeping me bonded to her was Addison, and she's gone now.
"I know how you feel Kensie, and I know it's easier said than done but you gotta move on." I tried to reason.
"Yeah, it is easier said than done. You have other kids, at least you have them to fall back on." Kensie shrugged, with jealousy in her eyes.
"You'll get your happily ever after soon K. I love you as the mother of my daughter and I wanna see you happy, but if you keeping moping you never will." I spoke touching her shoulder as she sniffed.
It was quiet, as I allowed her to cry.
"I found a doctor for you, and they house women with post partum depression. Don't think I'm kicking you out, I just think it's best you let us go. Only if you need us, just call." I spoke giving her a solid hug.
"Promise?" She asked me
"Promise." I lied to her.
There was no point in holding on.
Kensie let me go, and nodded her head while wiping her tears. Her phone rang, and she stared at it for a moment before looking at me.
"I'm going to take this, and get ready." She spoke slowly getting up.
I watched her walk out the kitchen, and let out a sigh rubbing my stomach. Queen ran in the kitchen, hopping back in her seat grabbing her fork eating her food making me laugh.
I saw Eli's face flash on the Tv, that was on the news causing me to turn it up. Eli called and informed me about the incident with Lolo, I just didn't know he would be on the news for this shit.
Niggas beat they baby mama ass everyday B.
Not only was Mr. Savage arrested on a variety of charges, but another one of his businesses has managed to get shit down temporarily. Angela Odom happened to catch Mayor Pierce outside of the closing of Mr. Savage's business.
A video of Mayor Pierce popped up, making my upper lip curl. This bitch really had no life, and after I was done with Navadius ass he was next.
"I'm just concerned about the things taking place in our community. Especially in places where we have a lot of tourists and civilians walking. These streets are made to be safe. But you have criminals like Mr. Savage who bring this type of foolishness and plays victim when police get involved. These type of things aren't coincidental." Mayor Pierce, "There's no telling what him and his brother are up to behind this legit front."
The video went back to the original news anchor.
"You may remember Adonis Savage, who is now known as a legendary photographer. He was charged with capital murder almost five years ago, with his older brother Zaire Savage. Adonis was acquitted of the murder charge, and is now a legendary photographer that was listed on Forbes. We will keep you updated on this story." She spoke flashing a smile with that ugly ass fuscia lipstick.
Brae walked into the kitchen, handing AJ over to me. He rubbed his nose, and looked at me with eyes that read he was miserable.
"What was that on the news?" Brae questioned me.
"Lies." I replied kissing my son on the head.
"Eli, fuck is you doing?" I asked as he walked into the foyer, eating a sandwich.
"I'm eating a sandwich ho. You don't drag a man out of bed in the wee hours of morning, without eating." He fussed before biting into the sandwich, "This ho got pepper jack cheese, shit lit. You want some bih?"
I smacked my lips, and cut my eyes peeking out the sheer curtain. If Navadius thought I was gon' let that shit he did slide, he had me fucked up.
The only person who was going to have nudes of my wife was me, and that was for my eyes only on some J. Cole shit.
Me, and Eli were currently waiting on him to get home from the club. This nigga went to the club more than anybody I knew.
"You seen that shit with the mayor?" Eli asked me.
"Mhmm, I say we send this evidence to the police and let Abel people break his neck in general population." I suggested as lights flashed on the window.
"Sound good to me." Eli spoke finishing his sandwich, before picking up his metal bat.
We already scoped the house for cameras, and different view angles to make sure the neighbors wouldn't notice us. The plan was indeed to kill him, but we would dispose of the body and let his people assume he went missing,
"Damn I need some juice." Eli mumbled as Navadius walked up the pathway.
I rolled my eyes at his ghetto ass, I stood on the other side of the door across from him. Navadius whistled, while playing with his keys before inserting one into the lock.
Twisting the lock, he pushed the door open and walked inside stepping on the tarp. His face frowned up in confusion, before his eyes grew wide and he realized what was going on.
"Batter up!" I spoke before swinging the bat to the mid-section of his stomach.
Navadius doubled over, and fell face first while Eli kicked the door close. I lifted the bat, and swung it again making instant contact with the back of his legs where his knee was hearing the instant cracking noise.
"You thought you was gon' fuck my wife, taunt me, and not see me?" I asked between swinging the bat, as Navadius cried like the lil bitch that he is.
"Please man." He managed to beg, as Eli pushed me away while laughing.
"Enough. Let big bro help you out." Eli grinned pulling out a pocket knife, eyeing it admiration, "When niggas talk too much shit, you cut they tongue out."
Navadius began to scream, as Eli turned him over and forced his mouth open. I watched as he cut his tongue out, and grinned behind his ski mask.
Standing to his feet, while Navadius flopped like a fish out of water Eli held up his tongue.
"Ask Brae do she still want her ass ate like a cupcake?" Eli snickered while I smacked my lips.
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lumiolivier · 7 years
Chapter Twenty-Two:  Fireball Burns Back
Word Count:  4941
Chapter No. 22/?
Notes:  I know, I know.  It’s been quite sometime since I last posted a chapter.  Things have been rather hectic lately.  I was getting ready to go on vacation.  I went on vacation.  I had to recover from severe depression because of said vacation.  Not because of it being over, but because it happened.  Long story.  You’re not here for that.  How about that chapter, though?  Let’s do that.
Chapter Twenty-One:  Long Live the Red Hats
 Can I die now?  Is this what dying feels like?  The adrenaline from last night has definitely worn off.  I’m dead inside and more hungover than I’d like to be.  I woke up to the empty bottle of Fireball in my bed and my pajama bottoms missing.  That’s fantastic.  And I still had to go to Julian’s.  I’m sure he had aspirin.  Would he mind if I took the whole bottle?
 I dragged myself out of bed and stumbled into my bathroom to heave my guts out.  Isn’t this wonderful?  First day of unemployment and I’m already a cliché.  And if that wasn’t bad enough, when my phone went off, the usually delightful chime of my ringtone turned into a million nuclear bombs going off in my head.  My day just keeps getting better, doesn’t it?
 “Hello?” I groaned into the speaker.
 “Holy shit, baby,” Julian spoke softly, “Are you ok?”
 “I found that bottle of Fireball last night,” I told him, “Needless to say, I don’t have any left.”
 “Mimi,” he worried, “That bottle was damn near full.  We didn’t drink much out of it last week.  You finished it?”
 “What can I say?” I gagged on round two, “I needed to sleep.  I’ll be over soon.”
 “Are you sure?”
 “Positive,” I swallowed the stomach bile trying to make its way out of my mouth, “I’m fine.  But you wouldn’t happen to have aspirin at your house, would you?”
 “A whole bottle,” Julian cringed, “Are you sure you still…”
 “Yes,” I cut him off, “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
 “Alright,” he let me go, “I love you.”
 “I love you, too,” I hung up and threw up some more.  Note to self: Nearly a whole bottle of Fireball? Not a good idea.  Do not do again.  I grabbed some clothes out of my closet, not quite sure who I grabbed, and headed for Julian’s.  Not getting dressed quite yet.  Once Julian leaves for work, I had all intentions of crashing in his bed. Putting my pajama bottoms wouldn’t be a half bad idea.  The neighborhood doesn’t need to see the little kitties on my underpants.
 I pulled into his driveway, pushed his front door open, threw myself into his chest.  Like a reflex, Julian wrapped his arms around me, “Oh, Mimi…How trashed were you last night?”
 “I don’t know,” I murmured into his t-shirt, “I drank the rest of the Fireball and went to bed. Now, I feel like absolute shit.”
 “Alright,” he put me on his couch, “I’m going to get the aspirin bottle.  Stay here.”
 “Where am I going to go?” I whined, “It’s not like I’m going to work.  Or anywhere else for that matter.  My parents still think I’m employed.  Is it cool if I hang out here while you’re gone?”
 “Fine with me,” Julian allowed, throwing me a white bottle, “In fact, I insist upon it.  Now, take a couple of those.”
 “Don’t have to tell me twice,” I downed two blue tablets without any water.  If I drank something right now, it wouldn’t stay down, “I’ve never been this bad.”
 “Never?” I had a feeling he didn’t believe me, “Come on.  You can’t tell me you didn’t get shitfaced on your twenty-first birthday.”
 “I didn’t,” I clarified, “I had maybe one drink and went to Chili’s.”
 “That’s so disappointing,” he pitied.
 “Hey,” I shrugged, “My best friend was only sixteen and my parents didn’t like me drinking.  That’s why all of my booze is hidden.”
 “Do you keep it in one of those classy globes that double as a minibar?” Julian asked, going back into the bathroom.
 “Yes, Julian,” I groaned sarcastically, “Because somewhere in my room, where you’ve been a few times now, you’ve seen a globe.  No, dumbass. It’s in my desk drawer.”
 “Hemingway style,” he approved, “I like it.  Although, I think Hemingway would have it in a super classy globe.”
 “I’m going to punch you,” I gagged a little more, running over to the kitchen sink.
 “I really wish I could stay and take care of you, Mimi,” Julian sympathized, “But my Netflix and my Crunchyroll premium account doesn’t pay for itself.  Are you going to be ok by yourself?”
 “If you come back and I’m pantsless,” I warned, “That’s not an open invitation to try something.”
 “Wouldn’t dream of it,” he promised, coming out as Russell, “Not in your condition.  The last thing I want is for us to be in the throes of passion and you turning around to throw up.  I’ll come straight home after work, ok?  You need anything, call me.”
 “I will,” I wrapped my arms around his waist, never wanting to let go, “If Griffin comes in today, don’t be a dick about me.  I know you want to, but don’t.  He’s not worth it.”
 “One of us has to be bringing home some money,” Julian teased, “And I’ll be damned if he ruins my viewing of Orange is the New Black when it comes back.”
 “Nerd,” I cuddled into him.
 He kissed the top of my head and grabbed his keys off the counter, “Go back to sleep, ok?  I love you.”
 “I love you, too.”
 Julian went off to work while I curled up in a little ball in his bed.  Still warm.  Still felt like him.  Even had an indent where he was laying.  Perfect. My first real day off in what felt like an eternity and I’m spending it with a wicked hangover.  Give yourself a pat on the back, Mimi.  Or how about laying in Julian’s bed and going back to sleep? I liked that idea better.
 A little while later, the blaring ringtone on my phone decided to wake me up.  I rolled over and caught a glimpse of the clock.  Who the hell would be calling me at noon?  I grabbed my phone off Julian’s nightstand, “Hello?”
 “Where are you?” Veronica squeaked on the other end, “I just talked to Julian and he said you quit.”
 “Veronica,” I scolded, “Could you keep it down?  I’m hungover and sleep deprived.  I love you, sweetie, but your voice is like nails down a chalkboard right now.”
 “Sorry,” she apologized, “Now, what happened?”
 “I quit my job,” I shrugged, “Not much to tell.”
 “But you’ve been working at the café since forever,” Veronica pointed out, “Why?”
 “Because I needed to move on and Griffin’s an asshole,” I explained, “I couldn’t stay and a change of scenery would be nice.”
 “No,” her voice broke a little, “You’re not leaving Lenexa, are you?”
 “No,” I settled her, “I’m not leaving until May.  Then, I’m taking a trip.”
 “If you’re not at the café then,” Veronica wondered, “Where are you?”
“Julian’s,” I might regret that later, “He let me crash here, so my parents won’t find out about me losing my job.”
 “He’s so sweet,” she awed, “Are you guys together yet?”
 “What did I tell you?” I shut her down, “Once I know something, I’ll tell you.”
 “Julian already told me.”
 “No, he didn’t,” I knew this game, “Or you would’ve led with that.  Besides, there’s nothing to tell.”
 “Dammit!” she snapped, setting off an earthquake in the back of my brain.
 “Veronica!” I growled at her, “Jesus, why don’t you fucking shoot me?  It’d be quicker.”
 “I’m sorry,” she settled, “I don’t mean to.”
 “I know, honey,” I came down, too, “It’s just…I’m tired.  I’m exhausted.  I’m sick. Cut me some slack.”
 “I’ll let you go back to sleep,” Veronica let it go, “And I won’t ask about you and Julian anymore.”
 “Thank you,” I sighed out, “You tried pumping him for information, too, didn’t you?”
 “Go back to class, Roni,” I pulled out the mom voice, “You know where I’ll be.”
 “I don’t know where Julian lives,” she chimed, “But I’ll check on you later!”
 I was too awake to go back to sleep.  Don’t get me wrong.  I still felt like inside out ass, but at least I had more sleep.  As much as I didn’t want to get out of Julian’s bed, I got up and got in the shower.  And I’ve never enjoyed a shower more in my life.  Except maybe for a camping trip I was forced on one summer, but I digress. Now, I could see who I grabbed this morning.  Come on, hungover me.  Tell me you made a smart decision.
 Alphonse Elric.  I did make a smart decision.  All I had for Al was a short, loose, gray dress to simulate his armor.  It won’t push on my stomach.  I don’t have to wear pants.  Hungover me deserved a medal.  I got out of the shower and searched Julian’s kitchen for something to eat.  Hopefully, I’m past the puking phase.  Even during my worse hangover, I stopped throwing up after a good nap.
 To no surprise, Julian had packs on packs of ramen.  My god, Julian.  Were you preparing for the apocalypse?  My beloved boyfriend had more ramen than what one has the right to in a lifetime.  It’s like he’s hoarding.  Every size, every flavor.  Flavors I had never even heard of!  Julian, baby, you need to lay off your Amazon account.
 I made a package of creamy chicken, put a shake of sriracha in it, and turned on his Crunchyroll. What to watch, what to watch. Maybe I should go old school and watch Dragonball Z.  It has been quite some time since I watched Dragonball Z.  Nah.  I’ll watch something else.  Wasn’t feeling too nostalgic.  Until I found something on the list that did get me all nostalgic.
 I might have started my road to otakuhood on Pokémon and Sailor Moon, but a part of me had a soft spot for one in particular.  I had gone from fourth grade until my freshman year of high school without living my otaku life.  Five years of no anime and a fully functional social life.  But then, for old time’s sake, I decided to turn on Netflix and in my recommendations was an anime called Fruits Basket.
 This girl Tohru ended up living in a tent in the woods after her mom died.  She didn’t want to be a burden on her father’s father.  Little did she know, the property she had staked her tent on belonged to the most popular boy in her school.  Yuki Sohma…My first anime crush.  I had to admit it.  That is until I saw his cousin Shigure.  From that moment on, I was a Shigure girl.  However, the Sohma family had a secret.  If any member is hugged by someone of the opposite sex or is under a great amount of stress, they turn into an animal of the Chinese zodiac. Shigure was a dog.  Yuki was a rat.  And I loved them all.
 Fruits Basket was the anime to reintroduce me to the beautiful world I missed so much.  It made me go back and rewatch Sailor Moon. It made me rewatch the original Pokémon series.  From Fruits Basket, I jumped right into Fullmetal Alchemist, the original series. And from then on, I never had a regular social life again.  The only reason I met Veronica was because of a school project.  I kept my love for anime and manga and video games under wraps and it’s been that way ever since.  Once the theme started playing, I felt a bubble of emotions rising deep within my heart and tears started streaming down my face.
 I was so happy when you smile.
Your smile breaks through the clouds of gray.
Far from the sunny days that lie here and sleep.
Waiting with patience for the spring.
The flowers will bloom renewed again.
Knowing there’s more beyond the pain of today…
 Such a beautiful song. My heart never failed to melt whenever I heard it.  I grabbed a blanket and curled up on the couch in Julian’s living room.  Life was good.  I forgot about the hell that happened last night and the hell I went through this morning and I couldn’t be more content.  For a brief moment, the world was ok again.
 I’d be lying if I said I didn’t put a dent in Julian’s couch today.  I nearly watched the entire series and felt the judgment.  I’m sick, ok?  Fuck off.  I had a day to myself to do whatever I damn well please and did just that.  I binged one of my favorite anime on my boyfriend’s couch.  I kept ramen down and sucked down half a case of Julian’s bottled water, which I probably owe him…But all in all, I had a good day!  Minus the part where I wasn’t feeling too hot, but still!
 “Honey…” Speak of the devil, “I’m home.  Do you have pants on?”
 “No,” I shook my head, “But I showered today.”
 “Good for you, sweetheart,” he kissed the top of my head, “How you feeling?”
 “So much better,” I pulled him down to the couch, “I missed you.”
 “I missed you, too,” Julian pulled me against his chest, “What have you been up to all day?”
 “Nothing,” I smiled, “And loved it.  I forgot how nice solitude can be.”
 “Well then,” he chimed, “I brought you a present.”
 “You didn’t have to do that,” I brushed him off, “What’d you bring me?”
 “I don’t suppose you want another bottle of Fireball,” Julian assumed, “At least I hope not.”
 “Not at the current juncture,” I promised, “Or in the near future.  Seriously, though, what’d you get me?”
 “I took a detour on the way home from work,” he admitted, “You hadn’t called or texted, so I figured you were either sleeping or good enough for me to take a trip to Kansas City and back.”
 “I thought you were getting a little late,” I glanced up at the clock.  Yikes.  I lost track of time.
 “I made a stop at the mall,” Julian went on, “at that store you told me about with the shit selection. But the closest we can get to any otaku-y goodness without going online.  I saw something I knew you’d squeal over and I knew you didn’t have it.”
 Julian grabbed a little bag from the other side of the couch and put it in my lap.  I’m sure he outdid himself.  He always did.  I felt around a little.  Soft, squishy.  Plushie. Definitely a plushie of some sort. By the feeling of it, an animal. That’d be so weird if he got me a member of the Sohma family.  I pulled my present out and, as predicted, squealed my heart out, “Julian!”
 “You’re welcome.”
 I’VE BEEN EYEING UP LITTLE SEBASTIAN IN THE PINK COW SUIT FOR MONTHS!  I never went up to Kansas City by myself enough to get him, though! Where there was the Sebastian plushie in the pink cow suit, there was also a Ciel plushie in a blue cow suit. And I needed them in my life, but just having Sebastian for now was good enough for me, “Julian…This was so sweet. Thank you.”
 “I couldn’t decide whether to get Sebastian or Ciel,” he thought.
 “They had Ciel, too?” I gasped.
 “You did good, though,” I approved, “He’s precious.  I love you.”
 “I love you, too,” Julian grabbed over the arm of the couch again, putting another bag in my lap, “That’s why I got Ciel, too.”
 “Julian!” I squealed again, pulling little cow Ciel out, “You didn’t have to do this.”
 “I wanted to,” he fought, “You weren’t feeling good and I wanted to make you feel better.  I figured why not use your OTP to my advantage?”
 “You know,” I hid a smile, “It’s cute that you think Sebaciel is my OTP.”
 “They’re not?” Julian gave me a look, “Bullshit.  Then again, you have seven different OTPs, I’m sure.”
 “I have one OTP per franchise,” I clarified, “Unless we’re talking Fullmetal.  Don’t even get me started.”
 “Who’s your overall OTP?” he asked, “If you had to pick one.”
 “How to give an otaku an anxiety attack,” I teased, “That’s like telling me to pick my favorite child!”
 “But,” I cuddled into his ribs, “I do have one.  My number one OTP…”
 “Which is…?”
 “Isn’t it obvious?” I kissed his cheek, “Us.”
“Oh,” Julian awed, “That was cheesy…”
 “I know.”
 “But,” he held me a little closer, “I loved it.  And you. And I really can’t wait until May.”
 “Me either,” I beamed with visions of cosplayers and panels dancing in my head, “So, how did you manage today?”
 “What do you mean?”
 “It’s Wednesday,” I pointed out, “Book club came in.”
 “Oh yeah,” he remembered with a hint of an eye roll, “They asked about Sebastian.  Broke their hearts to hear what happened.”
 “What happened?” I asked.
 “He skipped town,” Julian spun the tale, “Apparently, he found out he had a kid in England somewhere.”
 “Does he now?” I giggled, “Was that on the spot?”
 “Yes, it was,” he took a little pride in his work, “Not bad, right?”
 “I’d give that fic a read,” I critiqued, “Maybe the first chapter or two.  After that, I’d lose interest.  The plot would be too farfetched and nothing adds up.  Three stars.”
 “Three whole stars?” Julian gasped overdramatically, “I’m so honored.  That’s coming from someone with your internet star power.  I’m sure you get the senpai comments, too.”
 “I do,” I nodded, “Senpai, Mom…Mommy.”
 “Oh, you poor baby,” he cradled me, “Speaking of comments, have you looked at the ones for the Death Note set yet?”
 “I figured we could read them together,” I insisted, “You got your phone?”
 “I do,” Julian pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened up his website, “Let’s see. BrilliantRoseCosplay sends one. Misa Amane is the top of the list for the most annoying anime character ever, but she makes for some really hot cosplayers.  Welcome back, Julian!  Keep your Misa coming.”
 “That’s sweet,” I awed, “Read another one.”
 “Ok,” he scrolled, “NicoNicoChan45 says this.  A question. Is your Misa the same as your Ciel? They both look like they have similar body shapes, but the face looks so different.”
 “Do we say something?” I asked.
 “Of course we do,” Julian pulled up a text box, “Without them, there is no us.  If they’re going to take the time out to talk to us, the least we can do is talk to them.”
 “You sound like me,” I chuckled a bit to myself, “I’m the same way with my comments, too.”
 “What do we say?”
 “Tell them,” I thought it over, “Yes.  Your Ciel and Misa are one in the same.  And they’ll be seeing a lot more of her.”
 “Alright,” Julian typed out his response, “Who are we doing this weekend?”
 “I’d love to do all of Team Mustang,” I picked, “But we don’t have enough people.  We already have Mustang and Hawkeye.  We need Breda, Falman, Havoc, Armstrong, Hughes, and Fuery. And Black Hayate, if we can find a dog that looks enough like him.”
 “You’d want to add in Hughes, too?” he got a little choked up.
 “Of course,” I followed his lead, “No matter what, Hughes will always be a part of Team Mustang.”
 “You know what?” Julian smiled, “I think I can make a few phone calls and make Team Mustang happen.”
 “Are you serious?” I squeaked.
 “Completely,” he nodded, “Hold on.  I’ll be right back.”
 “Ok,” I let him up and reassumed my position on the couch.  I couldn’t believe it.  To think I used to only cosplay in my bedroom.  Now, I’m online and I’m about to participate in a group cosplay!  Hell, I did a couple last weekend!  I was a part of a well-known cosplayers website. We were partners!  Even better, we were us.
 Things really were going to get better.  I’m well overdue for a win.  I had enough points in my karma bank, I think.  Dealing with Griffin and bitchy soccer moms with screaming children, a dipshit stoner and unsupportive parents, I’m sure someone up there had something for me. Something good had to be coming.  
 “So, good news!” Julian came back, “We have Breda and Havoc.  Our Fuery is going to have to call me back.  I can’t get a hold of our Hughes or our Falman.  Unfortunately, our Armstrong is on his honeymoon right now. But it looks like things are going our way.”
 “You know,” I laid my head on his shoulder, “I have an idea for a Royai crack fic that involves all of Team Mustang.”
 “Oh?” he chimed, “Care to share with the class?”
 “Basically,” I explained, “It’s a day at the office.  Breda, Falman, Fuery, and Havoc have a pool going, wondering when the colonel’s going to wise up and confess how nuts he is for Hawkeye.  They all do little things around the office, trying to win the pool while sabotaging the others.  The winner gets to be best man at their wedding.”
 “Nicely done,” Julian applauded, “When did you come up with that?”
 “Just now,” I smirked, “You’re not the only one that can come up with ideas on the spot.”
 “That’s not fair,” he pouted, “You do this regularly.  Speaking of things of the fan fiction nature, did you get any done today?”
 “Fuck off,” I retaliated, “I was sick all day.”
 “You had all this time to yourself,” Julian got judgmental, “What did you do all day?”
 “Watched anime,” I mumbled.
 “I’m sorry,” he nudged me, “I didn’t hear you.  What was that?”
 “I binged Fruits Basket!” I yelled at him, “I forgot how good of an anime that was!  And I enjoyed every goddamn minute of it!  I almost finished before you got home!”
 “Then, why aren’t we finishing it?” he yelled back.
 “Wait,” I stopped, “What?”
 “Yeah,” Julian wrapped his arms around me, “What episode are you on?”
 “The last four,” I cuddled into him, “Where did that come from?”
 “I like fucking with you,” he smiled, “It’s fun.  You get all angry and puffy and it’s adorable.  You’re like a Chihuahua with a size complex.”
 “Julian,” I growled, “You’re so lucky I love you.”
 “Or what?” he kissed my cheek, “You wouldn’t do anything.”
 “I could delete our pictures from your phone.”
 “They’re already posted.”
 “Dammit,” I thought a little harder.  And a lot dirtier, “I could set Miku on fire.”
 “You wouldn’t set Miku-chan on fire,” Julian figured, “You know better.”
 “Do I?” I glared, “She gets the honor and privilege of cuddling my senpai every night.  I’d go all yandere on her ass.”
 All of a sudden, he got nervous, “You wouldn’t.”
 “I would,” I stood my ground.
 “Then, what’s to stop me from doing the same with Sebastian?” he fought back.
 “He can be replaced,” I cringed internally.  I love you, Sebastian.  I don’t want anything to happen to you.
 “What about Rin?” Julian pointed out, “Or Mustang?  I don’t think you have any other dirty body pillowcases.”
 “That you know of,” I stuck my tongue out at him, “I have one that’s been on back order for the past few months that’s supposed to be coming in soon.”
 “Who is it?” he wondered.
 “No,” I cut him off, “I’m not telling you.”
 “It’s Noiz.”
 “Nope.” It might be Noiz…
 Julian thought some more, “Gray Fullbuster?”
 “I’m not telling you, Julian.”
 “No,” he mulled it over, “You’d be more of a Gajeel Redfox kind of girl.  Can’t blame you.  I’ve thought about what his massive arms would be like to lay in.  Don’t get me wrong.  Gray would be nice, too, but you’re small.  Gajeel is huge in comparison.  You’d feel like a baby with him.”
 “Still not telling you.” Damn, he had me pegged.  I was a sucker for a good pairing with a major size differentiation.
 “Am I even in the right series?” Julian asked, “Is it someone from Fairy Tail?”
 “Nope.” It’s someone from Dramatical Murder and you already guessed him.  I turned on the next episode of Fruits Basket, “Now, I love you, but shut the fuck up.”
 “What’s this one?” he settled down.
 “Ritsu Sohma,” I beamed. I loved Ritsu.  Ritsu was a spazz and when Tohru first met Ritsu, she thought Ritsu seemed like such a nice girl…only to find out that Ritsu was a crossdresser.  I loved him, though.  An absolute mess on legs.  His curse was the monkey.  Accurate.
 And so, we began our evening together, curled up on the couch, watching the anime that got me back into this mess.  I could’ve been more conventionally normal if I wouldn’t have turned on Fruits Basket. But honestly, I’m perfectly content with where my otaku life has gotten me.  I’d be a part of a group cosplay by the weekend.  I had my equally awesome otaku boyfriend.  I couldn’t complain.
 Gladys was right.  To hell with what other people thing.  I was in a good place.  In fact, I was in a great place!  Sure, I don’t have a job, but that doesn’t mean I won’t find another. One where I’m appreciated and my boss isn’t a sexist pig.  Sure, I’m socially withdrawn, but that doesn’t mean I’m lonely.  I had Julian and Veronica and Paul, to a certain extent. Because of my budding social life, I sent my mother a text, telling her I was crashing with Julian tonight. We’re working on a big project together.
 Which wasn’t completely a lie.  We were. I had a crack fic to write and maybe we’ll make it come to life together.  I for one, thought that was a beautiful thing.  I felt my phone buzz on my thigh with a quick text back from my mother.
 Pulling an all-nighter?
 I rolled my eyes at her ignorance.
 Yes.  I’ll be home after work tomorrow.
 “What was that all about?” Julian wondered as I threw my phone on his coffee table.
 “Giving my mother some peace of mind,” I told him, getting comfortable, “It is cool if I crash here tonight, right?”
 “As long as you don’t try setting Miku on fire,” he stipulated.
 “I won’t.”
 “Then it’s fine,” he allowed, “About time, if you ask me.”
 “You’ve stayed with me twice,” I reminded him, “I still have one time on you.”
 “God, I can’t wait for Saturday night,” Julian looked down at me, “You have no idea.”
 “Not the first time I’m clueless on a Saturday night,” I shrugged, “And I’m sure it won’t be the last.”
 “This Saturday is special, though,” he cuddled me, “It’s very special.  The one day we can’t forget.”
 “The day we proved we can’t turn back,” I sighed, “The day we have to keep moving forward.  Maybe on Saturday, I should burn the café down.”
 “That’s preemptive arson,” Julian stopped me, “I don’t want to be an accessory.”
 “I’m not burning the café down,” I promised, “I wouldn’t be that stupid.  We have con season coming up and we have to cross state lines. Can’t do that if I’m in jail.”
 “That’s my girl,” he kissed me, “Keep your thoughts of arson to yourself, salamander.”
 “You calling me a pyro?” I pouted, “Because that’s your job.”
 “What?” Julian scoffed, “You think it says Flame Alchemist on my business cards?”
 “You have business cards?” I wondered.
 “Yes, I do,” he confirmed, “When I’m doing cons and shit?  Oh, hell yeah!  I have people asking for serious commissions every now and then, so I’ll give them my business card and we’ll keep in touch.”
 “Does it say Flame Alchemist on it, though?”
 “You’re such a nerd,” I laid my head in his ribs.
 “I know,” Julian played with my hair, “Don’t judge me.”
 “No judgment from me,” I promised.
 “I’m a whole lot worse than my otakuhood, you know,” he admitted, “Sci-fi.  Fantasy.  My favorite book as a kid was the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings series.”
 “You are a nerd,” I teased, “In all sense of the word.”
 “Right down to the superhero underpants,” he assured.
 “You’re not wearing superhero underpants,” I groaned into his side.
 “You want to put money on that?” Julian pulled up the top of his boxers.  That may or may not have Captain America on them, “Told you.”
 “That’s nice, sweetie,” I patted his shoulder, drifting off a little.
 “Are you getting tired on me, baby?” he asked, running his fingers down my back.
 “A little,” I suppressed a yawn, “Why?”
 “If you’re getting tired,” Julian brushed my hair out of my face, “We’ll go to bed.  My doorways are pretty narrow, so if I’d have to carry you to bed again, I’d end up hitting your head on the wall.”
 “I’ve been fighting a headache all day,” I whined, “If I could not hit my head, that’d be great.”
 “Come,” he pulled me onto my feet, “Let’s go to bed.”
 “Ok,” I was ready to clock out.  I didn’t want to.  I wanted to stay up with Julian a little while longer, but I guess I couldn’t complain. We were about to sleep together and he was kind enough to take Miku off his bed for me.
 “Hey, Mimi,” Julian peeled his shirt off, “Do you want this before I throw it in the washer?”
 “Are you really offering me your t-shirt?” I started feeling heat in my face.
 “Yeah,” he shrugged, “Why not?”
 “I’ll take it,” I threw Julian’s t-shirt on and dropped my dress around my legs, crawling in bed with him. His body felt so warm under mine. And right now, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.
 “Good night, baby,” Julian kissed my cheek.
 “Good night.”
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