#ngl this was done to get me out of an art block
bigbrainbiology · 1 year
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From the OnS Build-a-bear poll results! <3
"An androgynous vampire, working for the JP vampires. They have medium-length black hair that is braided, and red eyes. They wear a cloak with their uniform, and have ribbons in their hair."
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llhg · 1 day
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|Day 30 Destiny|
If Malachia made it out of the path of metamorphosis safe and sound (in the comics) so can these two !!
Woah I managed to somehow do (nearly) every day of this month long challenge, pat on the back for myself 😌.
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hellbubu · 16 days
If you don't like what I post, filter tags and block me. I'm not gonna argue with anyone.
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The "whoa-oa" the rest let out when they saw this is very me-codded.
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Erwin what are you doing here??? My man got isekaied into Kuroshitsuji
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What Shōjo did this man escape from?
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One of these is called  Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way and is a vampire but his teeth are straight and white. He also loves hot topic and wears a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots,black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. And you'll never guess which one it is.
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Average Tuesday for O!Ciel
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I'll excuse the catchphrase only because you're hot
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I can't blame you, I'd also try to get him to come to me.
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Call me a hater if you want, but I hate this office. I wouldn't get shit done, I'd be looking at the pretty windows or the pendulum. Also, I don't like the lighting.
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I was gonna make a joke but decided against it. But I will say that I love how no one helped him.
I hate that we didn't get to see O!Ciel's whole signature. I was planning to commit identity theft (not like he hasn't done it as well)
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Mate, go get that head injury checked out, JFC
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From the perspective of someone who hasn't read the manga, this sounds... kinda sketchy ngl
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Oh God, Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way kidnapped him
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Dude, chill. This is a school, not a Vogue photoshoot.
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They made the art kids live in a haunted house.
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All art kids have alexandria's genesis
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If I were Seb, I'd snap. Imagine putting so much effort into cleaning that room and someone else takes all the credit
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This looks so pretty
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The ED is too fucking pretty
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pleucas · 10 months
Would you ever consider doing a colouring tutorial?
I've done a coloring post before (a few months prior), but somehow, my coloring/painting process has changed a lot since then lol. I'll give a breakdown of my process (and go into specifics on coloring) here, but please do take it with a grain (or a spoonful) of salt... I'm still very much learning, and though you can use my process as a guide, experiment on your own to find what works for you! This post got a little long I'm ngl so. open at ur own risk. it's really just me rambling and being a bit too pretentious for my own good
using my recent post as an example, my process is basically just:
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first i get a clean sketch (after many hours of pain finding detailed references lol), not gonna go into that since you asked abt coloring
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then i immediately go to block out shapes over the sketch. For big paintings, I don't do lineart (because i find that it eliminates a lot of depth that can be achieved with shapes and shading) — for smaller sketches and pieces, i'll do lineart tho.
I started darker to lighter in this painting because I knew I wanted harsh light. For me, it's a lot easier to project "additions" onto a surface — ie, if there's a harsh light, that's the addition vs. a shadow in neutral lighting as the addition. dunno if that makes sense, but breaking tones down like that helps me understand how i want to chronologically color smth and choose my bases:
for example, since I knew I was gonna have harsh light here, I felt comfortable with just getting the tones for my shadows down immediately. There won't be many midtones due to how extreme I saw it to be, so there was no point in finding a neutral base tone.
how i choose colors varies from painting to painting, but for this one, I decided to lean purple-blue because skk are just one of many red and blue gays (same reason why most of my other skk works lean red-blue-purple), and also because I knew I wanted my light to be on the warmer side — thus, the shadows and unlit areas will be cooler.
i also wanted it to recede (to emphasize the perspective and for depth), so for the base colors, i made them cooler + darker as they went back. This wasn't as clear in the finished product, but i think it did a good job at reminding me the vibe i wanted as i rendered
By how much I've written for this step, I guess you can assume that it's the step I put the most consideration into — and you'd be right. I think base colors really determine the vibe, and it sets you up for the rest of the painting. Sometimes I have to color adjust my bases over and over (with hue adjustments, color balance, curves) until I'm satisfied. I think that satisfaction is obtained w/ more ease as I've painted more and more. Alongside the sketch, this step takes me quite a while. Sometimes it's fun to mess with really wild color combos, but that's another topic.
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Then I block out the lighting, which is probably the most drastic step but also somehow the quickest for me. Once you understand how light affects color (warmth, tone, etc) and you gain confidence with it, blocking out values in relation to base tones isn't too hard. That ofc takes practice and a lot of fundamental understanding of Shapes & Colors but there's a lot of stuff online abt the theory specifically from professionals, so I'm not gonna lecture y'all as a fanartist for glorified literary author rpf
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then i just start rendering, layer by layer. above is a screenshot i took mid-rendering; at this point, dazai's clothes were basically done but I later worked on the face + hair more and textured the tie.
I try to do the stuff I want people to focus on first, because at least for me, that's when I have the most energy to make smth detailed — the more detailed an area is, the more naturally drawn you eye is to it (this is because the brain likes areas of high contrast, and details are entirely founded on the placement of contrast).
My art has never been too extremely detailed — I enjoy flatter + bigger shapes, styled texturing and silly patterns, but I find that "detail" still translates into "effort". When I look at paintings, it's very clear where someone put most of their effort — and when I can't tell, then I know I have a very confident + experienced artist who can effectively distribute their workflow (goalz). So yeah, I render in my very silly poly style but still keep that in mind.
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eventually, I finish rendering. This part is kinda a blur tbh, and it always varies from artist to artist. I'd say the things I keep in mind are:
shape + form (making sure my rendering doesn't mess up gesture or vibes, and that it keeps things loose)
composition (making sure i don't overdo areas where i don't want people to focus on)
and tone (ensuring that the depth and believability of the scene stays intact so that my non-realistic style can work)
I added the bullet because i wanted a reason for the goofy expressions, just a bit more pizazz so that skk's drama was also believable lol. also visual storytelling or whtv (but that's not something i usually prioritize, it mostly comes with the concept and sketch).
I also added the bullet for some compositional spice. the dark shadow on dazai's arms was there to also emphasize the warped perspective, but it also left a weirdly empty vibe that I didn't enjoy lol. So yeah, bullet! and ofc my favorite, weird flowy line pattern thing that doesn't adhere to the laws of physics
I think a lot of my traditional painting experience leaks into my digital painting practice. I don't like lineart too much, and since I mainly work with acrylic, I rely on opaque color blocks, layering, and "carving out" shapes. probably explains my affinity for solid flat brushes in Procreate,,,,, but yeah. It's a little all over the place, but at its core, it's a lot of technical stuff mixed with habits after finding what works for me.
Dunno if this helps at all, or if it was interesting lolol. Thank you for reading until the end if you're still here! I appreciate it. I'm still learning but I've definitely learned a lot since I started this blog so it's exciting to track my progress. I'm sure I'll see this in a few years and laugh lolol.
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savage-rhi · 11 months
Summer Reading/Writing/Arting Tag!
I was tagged by @blossom-adventures and a few others. I apologize it took so damn long, and thank you for inviting me to play 💙
Not gonna tag anyone, but if you want to hop on board and have me read what you write, feel free to tag me back! (mentally I’m here ⬇️)
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1) Describe one creative WIP project you’re planning to work on over the summer. Just one! 
Yeah, that’s a hard pass. I’m going to share more than one! Gonna preface by saying my summer writing schedule is riding on what my new job entails. I won’t have 3 day weekends anymore, but I’ll be working less hours during the day. It’s with hope that I’ll have a better work/life balance going forward. 
I’m working on a Reader x Ardyn fic, and plotting a new Death Stranding fic. I’m hoping this summer too I’ll be able to complete The Sacrifice (Karl Heisenberg x OC/Sonja Ainsley). I have gotten so much done on all of these, but I’m not confident right now sharing them because I’m healing from work burn out and a whole host of other shit. 
2) Recommend a book. 
Yeah, again I’m going to have be a rebel and give you a couple because that’s how I roll ;D 
Heir & Vampire Magic by P.K. Reeves (also a lovely tumblr friend) 
Reincarnation Blues: A Novel by Michael Poore 
Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton 
Also throwing my own poetry book in here for giggles 
3) Recommend a fic! 
No one can stop the rebellion...
@seradyn has some lovely Ardyn/FFXV work that I recommend even if you’re not into bastard men. She has a wonderful way of writing characters. Same goes for @hauntedadagium
@pandora-writes-stuff​ & @astrandofgold​ have some great Death Stranding material (especially if you like Higgs)
@woundedheartwithin​ @blossom-adventures​ @vodkafolie​ also have some great work worth checking out. 
4) Recommend music! 
Tina Turner--RIP Queen. She was a beautiful soul and her music is powerful. 
Raining in Kyoto (Lofi Hip-Hop)--Comes with a cute froggo 
The XX--I’ve loved these guys since my early days of college. Good beats and some powerful lyrics. 
5) Share one piece of advice! 
Rest. Rest. REST. 
If you’re dealing with burnout, don’t find joy in your creative endeavors, don’t feel like people appreciate you, have a creator block, that’s a sign you need to dial it back and take a break. If you can have a few days to a week off not doing anything, do that. Seriously. Don’t. Do. Anything. 
It’s okay to not be productive all the time. We are not machines, not everyone wants to be a content creator or be categorized as such, and you don’t owe anyone jack shit (ngl it’s nice to create things for people and have feedback as being your motivator but don’t make this your only source of joy when you make something. If you absolutely need an audience, get 1-3 friends who are consistently supportive of you to be beta readers, give critique, or be hype men). 
I’m guilty of not following my own advice here, but seriously, go the fuck to sleep my beautiful deprived lovely darlings. 
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cybrthrillz · 1 month
i'm ngl i was trying really hard to hear out your side of things and be supportive but at this point it kind of just sounds like you're making excuses,,, im sry i hope you keep working on yourself like you said you are but some of the public exposure youve done about it jst makes no sense,, no one's posting things but you, nothing is making you post tht kind of stuff, keep all suggestive art+talk on priv, nd i think mybe youd stop getting asks abt it..
im not sure what you mean by public exposure but ive been keeping suggestive art and talk on my private. i just answer these questions because i think people should be given an opportunity to talk but i think i'll stop entirely if people don't learn to just block me.
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91divoc · 2 months
Welcome to my Blog!! :D
I'm Leo (he/him), but you can call me by my blog name, Divoc, if that's more comfortable for you. Either one is fine, it's whatever you prefer :)
NOTE: I AM AN ADULT! 18 years old??🤯 (which isn't much, but it still counts) I do curse a lot and tend to make inappropriate jokes that are not suitable for young little kids.
That being said, I have a few boundaries and rules. If these boundaries cannot be respected, I will block you.
1. My DM's are opened to people who are 18+ ONLY. I do not want minors messaging me because that's kinda weird ngl and honestly uncomfortable on my end. If you are 18+ though, feel free to message me!! (though I am a nervous talker, be warned)
Ask box, however, is open to everyone!!
2. I'd prefer to keep this blog atleast 13+. I do not plan to do any hardcore NSFW art wise, if anything it'll be suggestive. But like stated before, I have horrible humor, a bad habit of cursing, and I can be inappropriate. If you are below 13, try to steer clear of my blog, please and thank you! I do not want to have you exposed to my inappropriate bullshit.
3. No bad vibes here, gang. We're all going to be nice to eachother. I have zero tolerance of bullying, slurs, racism, homophobia, transphobia, pedophiles, or hardcore NSFW (by that I mean don't over do it, occasional dirty jokes are fine). (list may be updated if I think of something else later on)
If you cannot keep yourself from saying such, then either leave or I will block you myself.
4. This blog is my own little personal escape from reality. I am here for enjoyment and relaxation. I refuse to get involved in political posts or topics here, or just drama in general. Additionally, I will post whatever I want here, whether that be ship art, shitposts, OC art, hyperfixations, AUs, ect. Hell, I might just post a picture of a cool stick on a sidewalk if I really want to.
5. I am open to doing requests, mainly to just try it out and see how well I can handle it. If I can't handle it, or simply no longer want to do it, then I will put up a notice. Keep in mind though, I am a human being with a life. If you request something from me, do not expect me to immediately hop to it and get it done, or expect me to do it at all. If I don't do your request, don't spam me asking for it, I'm not obligated to do your bidding. It's a request, not a commission.
6. Not necessarily a rule/boundary, but please don't be intimidated or scared of me!! I am a nice person I swear. Yes, I use sarcastic humor, but I mean no harm in it. If that scares you, my apologies! If I bother you, tell me and I will chill, I want to respect your boundaries as much as I hope you respect mine! Again, I am not scary, I am a socially anxious nerd with a Thomas the Tank Engine hyperfixation. I am more afraid of you than you are of me, trust me on that one, chief. Also spam liking is fully allowed; do whatever to have fun, I do not care!!
That is all! Sorry for how lengthy this is. Thank you for respecting me, and enjoy your stay!! :)
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skiesandflowerss · 1 year
sky, i am kind of going through a writer's block and it is bothering me. do you have any ideas that i can write on? any prompts? and pov's you'd like to read that i can write? any emotion that i can write on? and fictional scene? anything? any ideas are welcomed! but of course, no pressure to come up with ideas if that'd cost you lots of energy and time. you can choose to ignore this ask as well, no problem at all. thank you. <3
and i hope you are doing well! and, also, life update. i got done with almost all of my interviews last month, so i have been very free and living these slow days without any care. it's been fun ngl but some days i get a little sad because of the lack of events in my life. anyway, next month it'd be decided which college i'd be going to for my post grad. i really really hope i get a good one! :" and i read and watched a couple of things during this free period, and they were all so good. makes me fall in love with life when i come across things that capture all my attention and make me appreciate art and the people behind it. :")
Imaaa, I don't know if i will be able to help you much here cause I haven't picked up a book to read in a while and honestly my mind is all blank these days but I do have some suggestions or lines or povs you might can write on, I hope they help you:
'You're far away,' she says, returning you to the present. 'Don't hide from me.'
You have never loved from a distance, but then you have never known love like this. You want to tell yourself, and her, that it will be OK, that nothing will change, but you don't know.
You are ending the summer, wondering how it is possible to miss someone before they have gone. There are lives moving around you but they are of little concern.
Have you ever been afraid of what lies within you, what you're capable of?
You can't live in a vacuum. And when you let people in and you make yourself vulnerable, they're able to have an effect on you. If that makes sense.'
To live with other people is to be responsible for protecting them from your moods.
It was so gorgeous that it almost felt like sadness.
Maybe I was afraid of seeing anything as absolute. I wanted to keep moving, like a stream, and I wanted to go on watching everything from a distance.
Truly happy memories always live on, shining. Over time, one by one, they come back to life.
I've always been like that—if I'm not pushed to the brink, I won't move.
What a pain I thought, wondering why everyone felt such a need for reassurance.
(Ps: these are all quotes from the books I read last year and also I read a book Open Water by Caleb Azumah Nelson last year which kind of gave me many ideas to write on like this book helped me write quite vividly and this book is hardly of 130 pages so I would suggest you to give it a read in your spare time, I think it will help you come out of the block)
and I'm doing fine, my exams are close so I'm not doing any extra activity which is basically reading these days but yeah and glad to hear that you are finally over your a-little-stressful-cum-eventful-days and do enjoy your mellow days and summers are here so do have a fun time attempting activities that can attract your creative brain and yes you have had quite a busy month so do relax and take care of yourself. Hoping that you get to choose your desired college and have a great time pursuing your masters. Sending you positivity, hugs and sunshine 🌻🌻🌻
(another ps: I will keep adding lines or prompts as I get time and ideas)
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kilzbee · 7 months
Been AFK for a few months, time to get back to work
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Ngl been going through one hell of a art block, I should probs complete all my WIPs done. Don't you ever have a long ass burn out that it drains you mentally and physically? no? just me? Ok.
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tartppola · 1 year
Fine day, if I may leave a message (that I wish shall lift the sides of your lips for today), I would like to say,
YOUR SILVER AND YUULIS COMICS ARE SO!!!! DCRUMPTIOUS I AM SO EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN IT ESPECIALLY THEM AS KIDS ITS SO ❤️😭 that i wanna go cROOWWOmpCHustomMMRP (I tries making it slubd like the sound im making rn and im not sure if its fallin thru) BUT YEAH I LOVE IT
Especially like,,, lilia and your yuu??? I wanna see more from them honestly the dynamic is so funny like its just the rhing youll take out to get a good laugh on before going on to the rest of your day + your yuu is just so interesting in general that i wanna know more of them and their syory in general and plus,, your art????
Your art is so cute, irs simple, sure but i can see it, the absolute hardwork in it and how it feels so special that when i see it, i know its yours and not anyone else??? Bc its kind of ingrained in a way plus it looks so,, warm? And nice i cant explain it eloquently enough rn mb mb 😭 but i hope the sincerity and genuinity comes through plus how dare you make me so invested in ace + deuce+ yuu so much more like?????? I can't believe youve done this to me and now w how much im invested bc each time i see your artwork of those three (+ grim) its now lowkey ngl my oasis in a scorching desert because i barely see content for them and stuff so now when i see your work i just go !!!!OHHHH!!! Whooooahh!!! Or just :) its them! (Cue me kicking my feet later about it when i think about it)
Oh and if i remember righr??? YOUR KALIM COMIC!! i think its the first one i saw from you the hiwagang ganda(?) Or somrthing where kalim just goes ... wow... while seeing yuu in a crowd and stuff its so cute and everything began falling for me there bc then you began hunting my recommendations feed and im so glad you did thank you, blessed, tskr, and I hope you have a nice day and everytime you finish a drawing you will always smile and feel content
And also i think i recall a post from you making a copypasta(?) Of lyrics and that was so weirdly funny in a way that for the next weeks of it, whenever i think of it i just smile like,,,?? AHHAHA but anyways sleep well and tqke care od youtself and everything and sorry if i gave you a syroke w this 😭 (like the misspells and stuff)
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AHSGSHHFKF omg!! sorry this took so ling to respond i get like super overwhelmed when i see big blocks of text but aaaaa tysm!!!!
i’m so honored that you feel that way about my art hhhabdkf ngl i haven’t been able to do more than doodles as of late cus of college + zines but im so glad you still like my silly littol doodles uhuhuhu
i’m also glad that you’ve taken a liking to my guy yuulis uhuhehdhf theyre just my silly little guy! NOT GONNA LIE.....they don’t have that much lore HAHDHAHHDD ( only like super close oomfs know their lore 👁👁 ) but I do have a separate canon divergent version of ch.7 where I hamfist Yuulis lore into it HAGDHAHAHA but I want to see how ch.7 goes first before finalizing it.
and also aaa i’m so glad you like the Young Silver + Lilia comics! they’ve been such a comfort to draw and think about lately hhgrhg
AND IM ESPECIALLY GLAD IVE INFECTED U WITH THE ADEUYUU BRAINWORMS EHHEHEAAAARGHH Ace and Deuce compared to other characters are already so,, so hard to find individually,,,ITS ALSO EVEN HARDR TO FIND STUFF OF THEM AS A COLLECTIVE UUUHUHUHU,,, i’ll definitely draw them more!
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kaythefloppa · 2 years
Can't believe I've been on Tumblr for almost 2 years with no introduction pin:
Hi! My name is Kanyanta, though you can call me Kay if you can't properly pronounce/spell my name!
My pronouns are he/him. I'm 16 years old (4/272006)
As you can probably see with my profile and most of my posts, my account is primarily centered around the animated series Wild Kratts, whether it'd be shit-posts, analysis, discussions, or regular fixating on the series. Not every post will be WK related, as I've often posted under Tangled, Lion King, MLP, and ToH tags..
In the Lion King fandom, I am currently writing a fanfiction titled Roar Towards the Future that picks up after the events of The Lion Guard’s 3rd season. You can see the masterpost organizing the chapters here.
I don't regularly do art-work because I'm not talented at it... at all. If I feel interested in doing so, I'll probably post it but I don't do NSFW art-work.
If you want to know me by my other socials, or see the link to my full BFY/DNI list, click on the linktree.
Before You Follow:
I don’t do art requests, commissions, or art trades. Don’t force me to create artwork because there's a good chance I'll say "no" and if I have to say it more than once, there's an even higher chance you will be blocked. Please understand my boundaries and know that I am indeed NOT infantilizing myself by pointing out the fact that I am indeed a minor when I am uncomfortable with your behavior, especially if you are an adult and/or your behavior towards me falls under the umbrella of toxicity and abuse.
I don’t do RP. Ever
I have several hobbies outside of the Internet. I don’t respond to DM’s right away, and my personal life interferes with my ability to get shit done or be online. Please understand that I will try to communicate as much as possible
Despite the older MLP content you might find on my platforms, as well as some MLP content creators that I follow or am followed by, it should be noted that as of mid-2022, I am no longer a brony or in the brony fandom. This is due to the numerous traumatic encounters I’ve had with several individuals in the fandom — of varying platform size and popularity —over the course of this decade that has come to a severe detriment to my mental health and lifestyle. Any and all MLP-related projects like my audio drama have been indefinitely canceled with 0 hope for any revival and I won't be making any more content based around it or G5. People who choose to interact with me that are in the MLP fandom are free to do so but keep my criteria in mind because I will take it seriously.
A good amount of my content is LGBTQIA + related. If that is something you do not want to interact with, then go somewhere else. Do not make it my, or anyone else’s problem.
I am multifandom, and I’ll often follow for fandom content or other reasons. I have a Discord server, but if you want the link, you can DM me or go into my link-tree. Hopefully, the server will hopefully be less dead than it already is.
I have self-diagnosed myself as neurodivergent on the autistic spectrum and having ADHD  [which explains so fucking much ngl]. I can sometimes have trouble reading the room, so if it’s applicable, please use tone indicators. Examples here!
Respect. My. Boundaries. My criteria list is not to be used as a tool or means to extort or threaten anyone, myself very much included. Attempting to force or blackmail me to remove you from the DNI list against my consent is a violation of my boundaries, and you will receive a hard block and report. This goes to anyone who condones or defends these people's notions.
you fall under basic dni criteria: homophobic, xenophobic, racist, sexist, misogynist/misandronist, abusive etc
you are a proshipper, or support proshippers (people who ship incest, pedophillia, zoophillia, SA, abuse ships in general, queer erasure pairings [ex. lesbian x male]) - For example, Krattcest, Cassarian, Catrime, Hunter x Amity, ect..
you claim to be a pedophile, zoophile, or necrophile (or support them). It is not MY problem if YOU fall under those categories.
you’re conservative. Sorry!!
you are against callout posts and bewares
you don’t support BLM, SAH, or any movement to empower racial/ethnic minorities.
If you’re against pronouns or make fun of them, including neos
You are against xenogenders or make fun of them
you think blackwashing is a thing/are pro-whitewashing/
You are a DSMP/Dream fan (fr, please don’t. Idc if you consider yourself a “good one”) /srs
you defend Tribbleofdoom after the evidence that has been raised against her.
you’re bi-lesbian, support bi-lesbians, or support lesbiphobic/bi phobic ideals
If you are against women’s rights to have abortions.
If you are, associate with, and/or condone the actions of the people listed on my blacklist on my full BYF/DNI. Additionally, if you are on my blacklist,
Anyways, goodnight.
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foxgarten · 2 years
Can someone please point me to where the fandom starwars discords are?
Went to the star wars shows one and everyone was done nothing but complaining about how crap Takes of the Jedi were... Srsly. Wtf... Are you ppl watching the same thing?!?
They were shorts! And they were awesome!
Ep 1.
O.m.g BB! Ahsoka's little nubby head!!!! So darn cute! Mama! Ahsoka is a hottie! Had hoped we'd see Master Ploon pick her up but still cool. Also I love the animal interaction. So its nots just an Obi-Wan thing its a jedi thing?
Ep 2.
BB! Qui-Gon!!! Where's his padawan braid?? How is he the oldest looking young man? And seriously this whole situation? I too would be team Dooku. Justice. Also... Just me or are Team Dooku not very good at blocking? Everyones hurt or dead... Obi could've saved them all..
Ep 3.
Jedi really suck at investigating. No srsly. See the whole Ahsoka arc. Mace suffers from this by the book thing too. I'm Team Dooku here too. Also nice to see that relations aren't bad for Yoda linage! He's quite proud of Qui. And wants to meet Obi!!! So all those hints in prequel movies... Disaster lineage couldve been...
Ngl it recently occured to me that Grogu is now technically part of disaster lineage and that is a funny awesome thought.
Ep 4.
Again with the shit at investigating. Yaddle you see that shit you run! You also had a massive window right there to freedom and you... Dont escape? Don't fall the other way?! Like come on!! Thats so dumb. But Dooku being upset at his apprentice being killed... Yep, disaster linage family feels. To canonise the deletion of Kamino is cool as ok. Really bad record keeping practices if you think about it. But otherwise cool to see. Despite how sith Dooku is he never gets with the yellow eyes tho y'all notice? I mean his purpose is.. noble.ish.
I get it. Have realised I too would probably be a horrible jedi because Team Dooku all the way. Kill all the corrupt senators. I mean aside from the waging pointless war on innocent planets and enslaving 3mill clones.. but eat the rich? Yes. Agree.
Ep 5.
Obi-wan!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aniobi snarky banter heart5eva. Rex!!!!!!!!! All the clones! Caleb Dume! Kanon Jarrus! BB!padawan!!! Look how excitable and impressed he was! Thats so cuteeee. Anakin's training is next level and goes to show.... how bamf ahsoka actually is. I love you so much.
Ep 6.
Bail!!!! Most underrated mvp. Haha suck it inquisitor guy. They're all really shit compared to actual jedi... Stupid brother. He deserves to die to. Whats that saying? You snitch get hit or something? Very much applies here. The rise of fulcrum huh.
Ahhhhhhh it was so good!!! The ost was beautiful, the art was beautiful! It added to character backstory. Perfect gift for me in the midst of finally succumbing to the damn plague.
Anyone out there wanna squee too????
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hekatekun · 15 days
yaoi was horrendous this week genuinely great job i am always obsessed with your uncanny ability to put todomatsu under a magnifying glass and burn him like an ant ^__^ cannot wait for chapter 5!!! i noticed a change in direction though particularly in how you characterize todomatsu's interactions w atsushi which i really liked!! i am curious though what prompted it :33
thank you^^<3 there's probably a few different reasons both intentional and unintentional. to start, ccckk will have 10 chapters, however in its original "outlining" i intended to have 9 chapters
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i've shared my hyperlinked table of contents on a few different posts now, mostly as cockteasers. but also i literally don't think i could navigate the google doc without it atp
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i think theres like 30k of it published? so there's on average at least 1-2k worth of a scene in all 6 of the unpublished chapters that i've chipped away at over the last 3 years, bc ofc some are more developed than others. there's never been a solid outline for ccckk but rather a string of scenes i knew i wanted at certain intervals, like milestones, and i had wanted to retro-engineer the rest around those concepts
with that in mind, ch10 isn't a real chapter but more like a coda i wrote right after publishing ch1 and so the rest has been "how do i move the story from ch1 to this epilogue?" the plot is only in the first 9 chapters, so i structured it with three "acts" in mind and tried to have the chapter titles reflect that - both for my own amusement and to ground the ideas better lest i forget what wasn't written yet. so if ch4 starts "act 2" then it should show off that shift. but also, i never intended ccckk to be a slowburn, more like a...... medium burn ig? it's supposed to be a todomatty character study first and foremost, after all
each chapter should feel episodic to some extent, since i paced it on individual chapter "goals" rather than wordcount or anything (tbh i actually thought i would only ever hit ~50k total but if i'm not even halfway done and i'm at 30k now? jesus fuck. fuck me. what the fuck did i do.) if i've planned/structured the story like i'm fitting individual glass pieces into a metal frame, then by god you're gonna get the yaoi-est stain-glass art you've ever seen outside church in your life. it's why ch4 utilizes something like a montage, to show that ~passage of time~ and what that did to their dynamic now in this act 2
as to what that situationship dynamic actually ended up looking like on the big screen, i definitely blame @moeatsushi's art for that one^^ a lot of it made me realize i could definitely make them..... messier? nastier? gayer? [insert tumblrbait adjective]? for a lack of a better word. and that i could balance That with the surrealist realism that i wanted to achieve when translating the show into prose. also helped me get out of a general writer's block<3
beyond all that, i think part of it comes from me now being 23 writing yaoi instead of writing yaoi at 20. not that my brains developed any more, but my opinions have changed. like, to the point i find it hard to read the previous chapters when i have to reference them. ch1 really is a mark of shame to me ngl only god knows how i wouldve wrote it now. i had a friend look at it a few weeks ago and they called that shit "college freshmen posting on wattpad" 😓 which is already how i felt about it but whatever. post and move on. i (probably) won't repost/edit since that's more work that no one's paying me for, and it (probably) isn't as bad as my perfectionist monkey brain feels. anyway this isn't about being emo it's my precursor to admitting that there's a good chance i went off script bc i refused to look super close at my own goddamn source material/notes and decided winging it was better out of a mixture of laziness and pride at the cost of tighter consistency/characterization
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tsukasageorge · 1 year
8 10 12 14 16 18 artist ask
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nico is carrying my entire inbox
1. what is your favorite color to work with?
pink and purple my beloved. red is cool too
2. who is your favorite character to draw?
(shoves mound of alluka drawings under the table) i do not have a favorite ahaha maybe aubrey because she has long hair 😊😊😊😊😊😊
3. what song(s) do you listen to when you do art?
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a lot
4. how often do you draw?
at least every few days. it's pretty rare for me to go more than a week without drawing nowadays but i used to draw much less regularly and improved so much slower
5. digital or traditional?
digital! traditional is nice in small doses. i think im done with normal pencils i prefer either painting or like. charcoal as i recently discovered
6. tag your favorite artists/inspirations!
UH. UH. YOU DO I TAG YOUR ART BLOG OR MAIN. @shitbox-drawn my friend who's not on tumblr but she was my first art mutal ever i love her her names kyoki um. ngl i dont know anyone's name. tiucotheus (i dont wanna tag them i feel like id bother them) & yuumei art. hyperpop type art has been a pretty big inspiration for me recently i love colors
7. do you prefer sketching, outlining, or coloring?
sketching <3 lineart is to me what coloring is to normal people. it's relaxing sometimes but i need 1 million stabilzer. you already know how i feel about coloring
8. show us at least 2-3 drawings from 1-2 years ago.
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this is the iconic sibling moment i was talking about. its roughly a year old now, and looks pretty stiff, but it was like. kinda insanely good for my skill at the time. pretty big point in my art history
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here's one from 2021, its one of the oldest drawings i have on my computer. gilda was supposed to be there but i couldnt draw her so i gave up
9. what drawing program do you use? (if the artist does digital art)
clip studio paint my beloved
10. are you right or left handed?
11. warm or cool colors?
why are we pitting two bad bitches against each other..... personally i like ourple
12. draw one of your favorite characters in 15 seconds.
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14. what was something that you used to draw a lot that you don’t draw as much anymore?
um. bows i guess? butterfly wings, i really liked drawing those for a bit (i drew like 2 ever)
15. when was the last time you did art?
1 minutes ago if u count unlluka. i did draw earlier today though
16. what kind of tablet do you use? v v 
the wacom one its like. flat. no screen
17. (alternative for traditional art ) ^ ^  do you work with pencils or pens more often?
pencils my beloved
18. how long have you been drawing/ when did you officially “declare” yourself as an artist?
i considered myself an artist when i actually drew something and didn't just shade a picture. i've been drawing for probably like... 4 years now??? that's insane i swear it was 3 yesterday
19. do you like drawing short hair or longer hair more?
20. how often do you get art block?
not in my art block era but if i dont have an idea then yeah
21. draw one of your original characters.
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not gonna lie i actually dont really like my ocs but anyways this one is nyx they're chaotic silly. remember that royal who randomly disappeared 3 years ago yeah thats them they were hanging out w some dragons this whol time
22. do you use a mac or pc to do (digital) art?
23. draw your fav as a vampire
i will do this as not an ask bc i want to put actual effort into it
24. how many followers do you have? (on your art blog)
like 23 iirc but lets say 24 so it matches with the question number
25. where in your house do you usually do art?
exclusively on my bed but i drew nyx on nicos bed
26. draw urself! (it doesn’t have to be detailed)
same as 23 ive been meaning to make a meet the artist for a while
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Hi. May I ask you yandere axis and allies reaction to darling who really like playing mind games with and once after their kidnapping darling will successfully escape. If you're not okay with this request just ignore it.
Ngl, I like these kinds of asks. Perhaps it's because I like writing chaos and destruction off of an s/o who's just not afraid to tempt fate.
TW: Mentions of murder? (if there is anything triggering to you readers that I didn't put in, let me know, and I'll label it promptly.)
You are dealing with countries; immortal humans that have experience bloody wars, battles, and have lived for hundreds, thousands, of years.
Nonetheless, this may work on certain countries, but not all.
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Art credit: Pixiv Id 7153825 from zerochan
The only person I can think that this can work on is France.
He's the country of love, all love, and he's not any different with you.
Not to mention, he's the one that will spoil you the most with dresses, accessories, games - whatever you want! Simply ask, and you'll get it at the snap of your fingers.
America, maybe. I read an old headcanon somewhere that he's most vulnerable when he's asleep.
Other than that, don't mistake his cheerfulness for weakness, because this man is more on-guard than any of the other countries next to Russia.
Oh, and don't even try with Russia. If anything, he'll play those mind games right back at you.
Asian tiger dad China is straight-up impossible to mind-fuck with.
In fact, he absolutely will not tolerate it and will, without a doubt, punish you for it.
China has lived for thousands of years and counting, he knows when he's being played.
England too will not take it, and will also punish you if you tried.
That being said, if somehow you bamboozled France or escape while America is fast-asleep. The moment they find out you're gone, prepare for chaos.
There will be search teams sent out across the globe for you.
There will be investigations.
And there will be BLOOD.
All of them, all of them, will search the ends of the Earth and back to find you.
And when they do, any luxuries, trust, and privileges you have - poof - gone.
They'll amp up their security.
They'll amp up their watch on you.
And they'll amp up their punishments.
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Art Credit: Wakoku Nito from Zerochan
Obviously, Italy would be the one that allowed you to escape.
He's the most lenient and softest country out of both the Axis and the Allies, next to Romano, that it wouldn't be surprising if they find out you escaped under his watch.
Germany is a hardened leader and soldier, and will promptly shut down any of your attempts at manipulating him.
Japan is no different, but he's more apt to scold you and lecture you about it.
If you still keep it up, time for punishments.
Once they find out you escape, they will do the same thing as the Allies would do, only worse.
Germany will start investigating and tried to narrow down your location.
Japan will go the extra mile and will personally hunt you down, and try to cut off, and block, any other routes or hiding places you could've gone to.
Oh, and you bet there will be bodies left behind.
Once they get you back, same thing will happen, any freedom you had previously is swiftly taken away.
Their security, and watch is increased to the MAX.
And all their trust in you has disappeared into thin air.
Their punishments can range from being exhausting (Germany), strict (Japan), or suffocating (Italy).
Unless you wanna make life worse for you than it already is, I don't recommend doing that.
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There are more characters that I wanted to add to who are also considered a part of the Axis and Allies.
You may be able to manipulate Canada but its highly unlikely, because he might caught on to what you're trying to do.
Spain is a no-go. He will more than likely wave it off, but may make a stern and/or subtle warning under a sickly sweet smile to not try him.
It's very likely this could work on Romano. Dude has such a soft-spot for you, it's almost as bad as Italy.
DISCLAIMER: This work and any other works I do is purely fiction and fantasy. I do NOT condone any behaviors like this or other yandere behaviors in real life. If you experience something like this, I strongly advise you get help. Again, this work is purely fantasy and should not be done or supported in real life.
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nako-doodles · 2 years
🌸BEST OF 2021: 🌸
post your favorite or most popular post from each month this year!
thank you for thinking of me darlings @rumue @kithtaehyung @minieggukie @hyunsung @rainycle @intronnevermind @min-boongie @jeonjcngkook @bisexualrapline @jeonbunkook @bangguks @suga-ssi @kkulmoon 💖✨
embarrassingly enough i barely make enough content to maintain a monthly schedule so this should be fairly simple🤣🤣 sophomore year of pixel-ing and you would think id be better at planning and time management 🤣🤣🤣
i feel like everyone has done this already so im going to poke @jung-koook @taeunwoo @gimbapchefs @hobeah @sugaftrm @blueandtaes @userjiminie @abcdefghi--lmnopqrstuvwxyzz @taee @sugajimin @slipped-away to tag me in theirs so i can relive my fave posts in 2021 💖✨
most popular: you gucci?
favourite: hello, we are dts!
⤷ i forgot i made both of these for january tbh. i only remember being stressed about frame matching for this gif of the tannies dancing, but that came out new years eve oops (i kept this in my 2021 folder tho? it sounds right?)
favourite: bts rpg mockup: taemon
⤷ the inauguration of my rpg mockups! even tho these didnt get that many notes, i learned a LOT about appropriate pixel size vs grid size, color theory, sprite animation, formatting menus, how much hubris i had for undertaking the work of professionals w my poor overworked laptop and gimp 2.10. i had all 7 members mocked out but there were too many math and formatting mistakes in my base for my perfectionist self to tolerate making more.....a moment of silence for chimrub, ggukdian, jinari (神) and their unrealized potential.........
most popular: bts rpg mockup: hoba
favourite: bts rpg mockup: erljönig
⤷ in true 94z soulmate fashion, these two practically have the same note count, but im just sliiiiiiightly more partial to joon bc i actually planned out his palette beforehand! i know! me! planning ahead!!!! im also really proud of getting hobi's item skin just right.......those rainbows gave me so much grief bc airbrushing in squares is counter-intuitive
most popular: piu~! u quiz on the block jinnie
⤷ what? you thought i would see u quiz on the block jin and NOT pixel him? banish the thought. i think this is the last time this year i leaned this heavily realistic rather than the more traditional abstract style of the medium. both have its challenges, but i find this more realistic approach to be less maddening despite the smaller size of pixel bc i didnt have to worry about details as much. and not worry my snap to grid function didnt poop out on me, gimp
most popular: tiny tan dynamite teaser
favourite: the applejinnie doesnt fall far from the tree
⤷ im actually mad proud of both of these ngl 🤣🤣🤣 for the tinytans, im really proud that i got their complicated motions a lot smoother than i did w chilsung, or w the rollerblade chaos. plus they look like they just escaped from my folders to wreck havoc i love my lil minions so much 🥺🥺🥺 yes. all ~60 frames of utter frustration, tears, and insanity. cel animators deserve all of the accolades holy fuck. for applejinnie, i was testing out a new pixel style, and i was so surprised it all worked out!!!! hes one of my fave headers that ive made, even tho i spent 10 minutes drawing him, and 4 days trying to get his apple to bounce correctly.
most popular: moonprince jinnie
favourite: whats melting?: a butter jinnie game
⤷ moonprince jinnie is my first attempt at making those ✨aesthetic✨ pixel art loops, even tho theres only 10 frames in mine, and like....300 frames in the traditional kind........either way im super proud of him and im glad yall agree 🥺🥺🥺 butter jinnie was actually just gonna be like 3 separate jinnies that gradually morphed into a behemoth of a project like i genuinely had no idea how it went from 'oooo dilf jin' to 'lets make a whole butter themed game around this' yoongi should have told me the song is not actually about butter
favourite: pumpking patch kids
⤷ this might be my favorite thing ive ever drawn this year. like. look at them being chaos and wrecking havoc on those poor pumpkings! anyways im still trying to manifest a 🕯halloween practice vers🕯 cov*d begone! leave!
most popular: happyjinnieday!
favourite: star turned villain bts & cafe date taehyung
⤷ december may seem to be surprisingly prolific for me, but its bc i spent most of october, all of november, and half of december to make all the things that came out 🤣🤣🤣 im just proud i got jin's applejinnie website up on time, and even though i missed christmas, at least the start turned villain post came out this year! i cried literal tears of blood trying to get all the details right but it was worth it™️ im also really proud of how tae came out even though i spent a fraction of time on him vs. star turned villain 🤣🤣🤣
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