#nightingale cosplay
lemoon-a · 2 years
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Nightingale - Fate Grand Order Photo: _lylivi_
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phoebe-of-ivalice · 7 months
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𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕟 ℙ𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕤𝕤
A little Yor cosplay for fun!
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geekyhumanbean · 3 months
Photos from my Beelzebub cosplay!!
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Blocked out for privacy :)
I loved making this cosplay! It was mostly thrifted, but I bought and made the hat, sash, and tie/tassel thingy. I bought a cheap wig as well but I decided comfort over looks. Beelzebub is wonderful and I love them so much fr.
Shout out to the aziracrow I kept seeing, you guys slayed.
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the-bisexual-a-genda · 10 months
This sound is so Sam Nightingale coded I had to
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arborealkey · 6 months
Hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing, but not in that specific order. Photos by DrSparkeor.
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helimir · 5 months
i’m half an episode into the seven and already obsessed but particularly with sam “processing and mourning the betrayal and death of her toxic manipulative competitive gorgeous popular girl best friend who now haunts her personal narrative” nightingale
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hornylegushka · 7 months
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Just wanted to show my Halloween costume
GO hyperfixation going hard rn.......
My friend had a wig btw!!!
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cosplayclans · 6 months
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Path to Nowhere Nightingale Cosplay Wigs
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nightingaleflow · 6 months
Reason #8657 why I love my husband:
When I said, "Would you dress up as a golden retriever for me?" he said "Sure."
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lemoon-a · 2 years
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"Those who teach the most about humanity aren't always human" 🐾 Nightingale - Fate Grand Order Photo: _lylivi_
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phoebe-of-ivalice · 4 months
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𝘽𝙖𝙙 𝘽𝙪𝙣𝙨: 𝙂𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙨
This is my third manga/comic themed gpose and edit. It was inspired by a cover of Ghost in the Shell.
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dissectionchan · 2 years
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I’m finally almost done w nightingale, I just need to order buttons and finish up the jackets hem
I’m overall happy with how it’s turned out and I’m doing an ok job of letting go of the things about it that I don’t like for once
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arborealkey · 6 months
Work has been hard lately so I'll have to rely on feet photos from now on.
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werexpuppy · 7 months
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I love the 1941 era, it gave us so many lovely scenarios and fics to play with (¬‿¬)🔥 and it's hard to resist her in that suit n tie 💕
I know a certain fussy angel has pictures perfect memory and saves those moments to sketch up later, then fumble around and hide as them hips swagger in with a HEY ANGEL!! WHATCHU DOIN?!🤣🤣🤣
Also the wonderfully helpful nightingales of Tumblr have provided some divine inspiration!
Such as our favorite midwife/cobbler!!
✨Bildad the Shuite✨ Need any shoes?
And our man bun ICON!! (//∇//)💕 It’s a crime against humanity we didn’t get to see this Crowley longer! I loved this look!!
As always I'm open to more suggestions on your favorite Crowley era! If you got one feel free to drop them like a sassy blonde dropping their dark brooding-you know what… Still too soon 💔
➡️ I’ll be adding more batches soon so stay tuned and check out the others I’ve done!! (ΦωΦ)
Reblogs with hilarious tags are more than welcome 💕
*I mentioned it in my first post but I'll be cosplaying as Aziraphale at next year's cons and I'll be setting up my booth to look like the bookshop! So I'll be selling all my good omens sketches and merch as the softest angel xD
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bogunicorn · 11 months
thoughts on what fandoms the da:i characters would be in
I will do this for you but ONLY if I amend it to "fandoms they would be annoying about" because it's funnier and otherwise I'm just assigning them shows they would be into and that's too subjective and less fun
One of them has to be a Homestuck and it's Sera, Sera is the Homestuck. Sera has a Trollsona that she doodles on everything, she would 100% absolutely try to dye herself gray using sharpies and vodka for a cosplay. She references it all the time and is annoying when you don't understand her jokes. She still tries to get people into it, but she considers Andrew Hussy a mortal enemy these days for Reasons.
Solas is a Song of Ice and Fire bitch. Not the show. The books. "But wait, Boggers!" you might say (if you know me well enough to call me "Boggers"), "What about LOTR? Why isn't Solas into LOTR?" And to that I say, he's definitely read it and is a nerd about it, but this is about fandom, and fandom to someone like a Reddit-addicted bitch like Solas is about theory crafting, debates, and politics, and ASoIaF being complex but unfinished really lends itself to the kind of deep internet toxicity that I think Solas would crave. Also he likes wolves.
Cole is a Supernatural Superfan. He has all the cheesy "join the hunt" merch because for a while it was his chief special interest and all he wanted was SPN stuff. He's kind of obsessed with Baby, specifically. His favorite episode was Baby and he has an AO3 account full of fic written from the car's perspective. He didn't cry in the finale until he saw the Impala under the canvas and he's been lowkey upset at Sam for doing that ever since.
Dorian is an old school Baldur's Gate fan. Like, BG1 and 2. He's played other RPGs of that era, those are just his favorites. What makes him an annoying fan is that he thinks complicated = good and looooooves to complain about how "simple" and "boring" current-era RPGs are. If you can't softblock yourself from all progress by making one mistake two hours into your playthrough, it's too easy. He's active in fandom spaces and is largely helpful, like he writes tips and guides and will answer newbie questions, but the price for his help is dealing with him being smug.
Leliana is a FromSoft fangirl and a Soulslike aficionado. Nightingale says git gud. She'll happily team up with you in co-op to get you through stuff if you ask, but she also explains mechanics and such like you should have known them already and thinks you're just not trying hard enough to listen, even though her advice is almost incomprehensible.
Cullen is an MCU fanboy. He fully believes they're the peak of cinema. He compares literally everything to an MCU movie, as he has seen all of them, multiple times, and thinks you're "thinking about it too much" if you criticize them in more than the most banal of ways. Usually it's fine, like, being excited for stuff is fine and enjoying mainstream things are fine, but you can only have so many "Thanos was a great villain" conversations with this dude before you go insane. Despite seeming incapable of critiquing the MCU, his criticisms of the DCEU are spot-on, sharp, and demonstrative of actually very impressive media analysis skills, but also coming from a starting point of "DC Bad, Marvel Good", so it's like, we could've had it aaaaaaaaall.
Cassandra is in the Bridgerton fandom. She read the original books and liked them, so she was one of the first people watching the show. Most of her fandom stuff happens on Facebook with other book fans. Watching the show with her is fun until the exact second she says "well, in the BOOKS" and then rattles off a list of the most inconsequential changes, distracting you from a pivotal moment in the show and forcing you to rewind. She is very pressed about the seasons going out of order from the books.
Varric is a Critical Role evangelist. He was there when it started, he's listened to everything. He's listened to other real play podcasts and shows, but CR is his favorite. That's not annoying in and of itself, what's annoying is that he will not stop trying to get you to watch it. If you even breathe in the direction of a DnD-related topic he tries to give you "advice on where to start" with CR. His friends put up with it because he's their Forever DM and they love him, but he sure does do a lot more obnoxious sound effects now than he used to and they're planning an intervention about it.
Josephine is a Disney Adult. She seems normal and then bam, you get blindsided by something insane, like that she owns every single Disney character Funko Pop, or that she's gone to DisneyWorld for vacation every year for the last decade, or you go over to her house for dinner and find Hidden Mickeys in her bathroom, or she's really intense about pin collecting and limited edition mouse ear headbands. You wonder when she has the time and energy to collect all this. And there's more of it every time you see her. But the thing is that she's pretty quiet about it as long as you don't poke the bear. You know that she's seen every one of the new remakes in theaters, but you don't dare ask her opinion about them. Her favorite princess is Cinderella and she tells you "the original dress was silver" with exactly the same amount of excited did-you-know energy every time.
I hate to break this to you all, but Iron Bull is a Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan fanboy. Yep. Yes he is. His toxic trait is that he shuts his brain off and just enjoys the gritty action sequences. He liked Batman v Superman. He bought the Snyder Cut. He thinks Nolan's Batman is the absolute best that franchise has ever been and ever could be. I'm sorry, it's heartbreaking but it's true. I know, I'm sad, too, we can hold each other.
Vivienne has been in the Anne Rice fandom under the same pseudonym for ever. She was one of the original fans and was much more active in fandom when she was much younger, but she made her fannish activities more and more private as she became more established in her career. You would honestly never know it meeting her IRL; at most, people come over for dinner parties and might notice that she owns every single Anne Rice book, but they're part of her overall book collection and don't really stand out. Secretly, though, she's been keeping up with the Anne Rice fandom under a pseudonym this whole time and goes to the more modern in-person events using her fake name. She might kill you if you ever connected her fandom activities to her real life in any way. She's also just, like, she's really bad at letting people be wrong about these books. Really, really, really bad. There are epic-length threads on old forums that are just her and one other similarly deranged person fighting about obscure Vampire Chronicles lore.
And finally, Blackwall is a Game of Thrones girlie. The show, not the books. He's one of those "I don't like fantasy but I like Game of Thrones" guys, and he thinks GoT is mold-breaking and special and better and grittier and more realistic than other fantasy and that's why he likes it. His most irritating fan trait is that he thought season 8 was good and that the ending was good and he likes to get into heated debates with other fans about it. However, he does not know what Reddit is, he only talks with other GoT-watchers in Facebook, which is why he and Solas haven't had the fight to end all friendships yet. Yet.
BONUS! Krem is into Star Wars and Scout Harding is a die-hard Trekkie, and they go to big cons and cosplay together. They're not annoying at all, I just wanted to mention it because I feel like that's in-character for them.
**also if you like this and think "i'm gonna give this fine person a follow because they're so funny about dragon age", i made a new DA sideblog at @skyholdstarbucks where i'd post anything similar to this in the future
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aster-bluejay404 · 3 months
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“We could’ve been… u s.”
HI! I came back after being semi-inactive for practically 4 years sobshwhwhhw. This is the portrait of the Crowley cosplay I put together for my photography practical exam during November of last year and have been my pfp for a good while now 👀 I had so mcuh fun making this cosplay, and I have an Aziraphale one that will be coming soon 🥹🥹🥹 Will be cosplaying with one of my best friends as well 👀
Me and my good friend Mars had a sleepover together during the last week of October and binged the entirety of Good Omenns! The ending absolutely decimated us 😭😭😭 The fandom is also quite homey and fun— and has similar vibes as the moomin fandom 👀 WHICH IS FUNNY BC HHHH— THERE ARE TOO MANY PARALLELS WITH THE FANDOMS AND ITS TWO MAIN SHIPS AUGHHHH (the lines are blurring help me aaagh) /lh /pos
Anyways, I’ll be linking the full analysis of Crowley’s character that I made alongside this portrait~! I hope you enjoy it! 🥰🥹🫶
No Nightingales: A Crowley Inspired Photojournal
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