#nobody would come find her. because they dont think there is anything left to find.
mxdotpng · 7 months
sitting here twiddling my thumbs trying to decide how adaline's story ends. it isnt happy either way but its a matter of how.
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rvb-is-gay · 1 month
Final Thoughts on RVB Restoration
(note that i did not bother with proper punctuation here and additional thoughts may be added later)
wow. i have A LOT to say about this
first, lets start with the things i really liked about this finale:
red team fight scenes. simmons and grif fighting the meta was so good, especially simmons being SO BADASS. simmons stans were fed well. i always love seeing the reds and blues fighting, even if theyre not good, as opposed to freelancers fighting
caboose did a lot and i think had some solid development (as much as he could get in only an hour and 25 mins, at least) and it seems like they made him less dumb?? which is fine with me, it almost seemed like he matured. i also kinda liked seeing caboose being thrown around and beaten up cause it HURT ME SO MUCH but i love being hurt (i love caboose this isnt meant to be an insult to him). it was also just so surreal seeing caboose actually being hurt in an animation because he always managed to avoid major beatings like that before. him and tucker having a brief moment together was soul crushing and i wish we couldve had more of that
tucker being influenced by the meta has been a thing since the s13 finale and seeing it actually happen was really cool
tex being brought back was kind of a meh thing for me. i think everything tex related shouldve just been left in s10 because that season really wrapped it all up nicely. i did enjoy having her back, though, just for the sake of her as a character cuz i love her. and her and church together was so fucking cute and heartbreaking
sarge dying to save caboose was obviously fucking SADDENING but also sweet in a way cause i love caboose being the honorary red member. he loves his blue son
again, simmons being a badass was so fucking good
the grimmons scene with grif saying "come with me" was romantic as hell 😭😭😭
churchs gay little pose
chex scene with tex holding churchs hand was so gjfHDJSAFKGHSDJFSDFKAS GODDDDD THIS M/F SHIP HAS ME IN A CHOKEHOLD
now, the things i DIDNT like:
really unfortunate that the movie/season was only 1 hr 25 mins. it really limited what they could do with the plot and characters, but i understand if it wasnt possible for RT to do more due to warner bros for example
churchs whole youtube video thing was kinda funny but also dragged on for too long and was the perfect example of "show dont tell" NOT being implemented
a lot of stuff felt ooc, like how the reds didnt wanna help caboose at all. the beginning with epsilon showing up was understandable with how they didnt want to get involved, but later on the ship they just leave caboose to be choked out by the meta? THAT part didnt feel like the reds at all. grif also for some reason was so fucking mad and yelling a lot? idk where all that came from? it was so random like grif chill dude 😭
wash just being stuck in a mental hospital for something we dont even find out about until the end, which in a story sense isnt inherently bad obviously and can really add to the narrative, but in this case it just felt so confusing and like it didnt make sense. why would carolina and the reds and blues just let that happen to wash? not to say that getting help with mental health is bad or anything, just what i mean is they dont seem to care that hes gone or anything and dont visit him and hes treated like hes crazy the whole time hes in the hospital
479er being alive was really awesome, but it came out of nowhere (i understand that this is also probably due to the runtime restraint)
WHERE THE HELL WERE DONUT AND LOPEZ THE WHOLE TIME???? lopez showed up once and donut was in a 5 second thought bubble from simmons? the FINAL season of rvb and they dont even have the full crew of characters fighting together one last time? nobody talked about them at all? come on guys
the beginning with the convention was just really unnecessary and boring
why does nobody seem to care that TUCKER IS MISSING WITH MAINES ARMOR?? it feels like everyone just got brainwashed to forget about all the years they spent being friends
what was the deal with the covid jokes 💀
sarge wouldve never let himself die to a blue
doc just dies offscreen and its only vaguely mentioned at the very end and just happened out of nowhere, almost as an excuse for wash to not be present during everything with the meta?
where the hell has carolina been? she was never mentioned once until she showed up at the end
why why WHY did GRIF LEAVE??? i know season 15 was retconned, but the fact that he CARES ABOUT HIS FRIENDS and doesnt actually want to leave them unlike what he says shouldnt have just been forgotten about. AND SIMMONS JUST DOESNT WANNA GO TO EARTH TO VISIT? HELLO THIS IS NOT THE SAME GRIF AND SIMMONS WE'VE BEEN WITH ALL THESE YEARS. wheres that tweet saying "found family separating after the journey is bs" cause thats how i feel about that. 21 years spent building up these amazing relationships between these amazing characters just for them to seemingly not give a shit about each other?? is simmons just alone in blood gulch with tucker and caboose now?? 💀💀💀
i understand because he was the meta, tucker didnt have control, but it was still unfortunate to barely have any tucker this season
i understand that the meta was a threat to everybodys lives, but it feels like everyone was just ok with killing tucker to be able to kill the meta. it wouldve been so much better and angstier if they were having difficulties with it because thats their friend
why did one have to show up. i dont really have anything personal against her as a character or anything but i wouldve really preferred any and all things related to zero to just be wiped off the face of the planet
the music was just terrible. really unfortunate they wouldnt have trocadero return :( it felt so unnerving having this weird stock music playing whenever people were just standing and talking. throughout all of rvb, 99% of the standing talking scenes never had any music so this was so bizarre
some animated scenes looked really off, idk if it was just me
one personal gripe i have that doesnt actually really matter that much to the overall season, but it really bothered me, is that that IS NOT HOW THE BUBBLE SHIELD WORKS!!! i think technically we've never actually seen the bubble shield be entered or exited on screen so i guess you could argue that it works differently from how they work in halo? idk still bothered me
this season in general just felt like an AU?? even 15 through 17 felt more real as seasons of rvb than this did, and i HATED season 16, so thats saying something
and of course, grimmons. big congrats to RT for the longest queerbaited couple in i think tv show history. this one really pisses me off the most because just. how. theres a difference between a queer ship existing because people like it, and a queer ship existing because there was actual subtext and clues and their relationship is written so perfectly and its been around for so long that so many queer people came to really love and identify with it in spite of how shitty they were treated. idc, grimmons is canon in all of our hearts, fuck that
a great point from mod janae: the whole point of rvb, which aiden price even talks about, is that they come together as friends/family and even though they individually suck, together they can do anything, and a better ending wouldve been not to bring back tex carolina or even wash but to have gotten all the reds and blues back together to stop the meta. it was never about being the strongest but about working together
in general, i did not like the season. it had a few things i liked, but obviously the cons outweigh the pros here and so overall, i hated it. i mightve hated it even more than season 16 which is insane because ill fight tooth and nail for why season 16 is such a catastrophe. really disappointing that this is how rvb ends. i wouldve much preferred a cheesy "friendship defeats the bad guy and saves the day" ending because that IS what rvb is to a degree. anyways i understand how GOT fans feel now
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mad-zz · 11 months
One Shot-
Mike Wheeler x Fem Reader
Word Count:
Warnings: Cuss words and some parts where i dont clarify who is speaking
Reader , Mike , Dustin , Eddie
Can’t belive he did it
Mike Wheeler wasn’t known to have “rizz” as some might call it. The only girl he ever actually dated way Jane/Eleven but she moved away with his bestfriend in a whole other state so the relationship got a bit rocky and the had to break up. Mike didnt want it but Jane knew it was for the best.
So of course this left Mike in a mental state where he thought he would never find love again……Untilll he meet you. Co-Captain of the cheer team. Never afraid of speaking her mind. One of the most popular kids in school. So who would ever think a nobody like mike bagged someone like you?? His friend sure didn’t think so until you proved them wrong
Mike was walking to his next class until he saw you at your locker getting out your needed books. He thought you looked pretty doing anything. Walking, Talking, Eating. Anything you did you did it best to him. So it wasn’t much of a suprise to him that you were one of the captains for the cheer team. Mike walked up to you and right when you saw him you gave him a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around your waist and gave you a tight squeeze.
Gosh you had butterflies in your stomach right away. You found it werid that you still get butterflies even though y’all have been dating for 2 months already. You had asked him how his day was going and he said good as usual. As you and mike were talking you two were on your way to class when a particular friend of mike’s was watching. You had seen him before..What was it…?Uhhhh……DUSTIN! That was it you had seen Mike talking to him and he told you that Dustin was a close friend of his.
But Dustin was off. He was just staring at the two of you looked confused. And when he saw you staring at him, he had walked off in a hurry. You just minded your business and walked into class with Mike chatting about his new dnd board and how you should come over and see it. In the middle of him talking you had cut him off and said “ Hey why was Dustin looking so strange just now?” He has turned to you saying “Oh he was here i didn’t even notice?!” He looked kinda nervous when saying it. You thought something was up but you didn’t metiton it. So when you finally entered class you had taken a seat by Mike and had forgotten about it.
~Time Skip~
It was now lunch time and you were sitting with the jocks and cheerleaders while Mike was sitting with his friends. Every now and then you two will share glances with each other. It’s not like your relationship was a secret. Almost have the school knew you two were dating. Emphasis on almost. Because while you didn’t know it, Mike’s friends were that other half. So while Mike was staying at you a little bit and Dustin noticed he said. “Mike what we’re you and Y/n Y/l/n doing walking habe in hand with each other?” The guys immediately spit out there drink and in union yelled out a WHAT?!. Mike had turned his head right away and kinda just laughed it off with a “Whattttt pffff uh i mean i would never uhhh you knowww umm yeah”
Dustin replied with “You complete dodged the question” “I did not doged the question-” “You definitely just doged the question Wheeler” Eddie said. “Ok ok even if I did where is your proff of-” “Jason is hitting on Y/n” “WHAT” Mike right away turned his head to see you just talking with your friends. “Hey you tricked me!” “Why were you so worried about jason talking to y/n hmmm?” “Do you like her??” “And going back to the original question why were you two walking to together?!”
Mike looking completey embarssed with no excuses he had to fess up. “Ok ok i’ll tell you but yall have to promise to not freak out or something ok?” The whole table and nodded wanting to know what was happening between there friend and the most popular girl in school. “Ok here it goes…. Me and Y/n are dating and have been for about two months so far” Mike had looked back to stare at his friends for a moment until all his friends had staring laughing as Mike trew his head back in frustration.
“HAHAHA OK OK SO YOUR TELLING ME YOUR DATING Y/N Y/L/N THE MOST POPULAR GIRL IN SCHOOL ??!!!” “Yes 😐” “STOP JOKING WHEELER IF THAT WERE TRUE I WOULD BE DATING CHRISSY RIGHT NOW AGHHH HAHAHA” “Guys im telling the truth!!” “Then how about you go prove it” Dustin said fake wiping away a tear “FINE” Mike says getting up to walk to your table. “Oh shit he’s actually going to do it”
You see your boyfriend walking up to your table so you wave at him but right when he comes up to you he pulls you up from the table and just kisses you. You don’t know why he’s doing it but hey your not complaining. You wrap your hands around his neck as he holds your waste. The kiss is passionate but soft at the same time. And when you two stop you ask him quitely why he did that. He just said I had to prove something to my friends real quick and presses a quick kiss on your forehead.
And Mikes friends are still at there table jaws dropped to the floor, astonished by the fact that Mike was telling the truth. Just as Mike was walking back Eddie said “ Cant belive he did it, he actually bagged Y/l/n” And Mike sat down he asked “Any other questions?” {Spoiler Alert they did}
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Deity SoapGhost AU 🌬️ ( Heavily based on the tales from india my mother used to tell me 🫡 )
[ WARNING: Im not basing this off any gods, (like greek gods, roman gods, or anything) these deities are purely made by my autistic, imaginative brain so dont take them for real/serious! 😭 ]
[ 🫵 ALSO ANOTHER TW: Major Character Death (?), Suicide (please, give it a chance i promise 🥲) )
The Law.
A god can not walk in the world of man. In order for one to do so, the one must also take the form of man. The rules were set by the O’ Great One eons and eons ago, before even the first gods came to exist.
There was only one slight problem with this proposal, the god will not be able to return back to his or her place in the cosmos until his human life journey comes to a end. Without godly powers, or any memory of being one- they are left alone to face the impurities of man kind. Unless, someone can awaken them which is highly, HIGHLY, unlikely. It has only happened one other time. Since that was the case, many gods and goddesses tend to avoid any journeys down to earth unless it’s really necessary...
Yet.. two gods find themselves walking the face of this earth. And there would be no turning back until their human bodies perish.
Ghost was the God of Souls, War, and the Darkness Deep. He basically keeps track of all the dead people- to put it bluntly. Yknow.. eat the bad souls, let the good ones go to “heaven”. Souls were his source of food, and because of that, he was despised among the gods. But what could he do? He wont die from hunger of course, he was a god, but still.. the pain of hunger- nobody liked it.
That was actually the exact reason he was walking the earth, eating too many souls, reaped them too early, the others had said. This was his punishment. He had to suffer the weakness of man. And he hated it. He fucking hated it.
Soap.. (ridiculous name, but it was a nickname given by the other gods so he took it) was the God of Light, Fertility, and Healing. All the gods liked Soap in some way, he was ever so gentle, and made all minds at ease- so many gods were sad to see Soap go when Soap told them he had to travel the path of humankind.
He was on a mission though, to redeem a certain someone. He didn’t know who, but he knew he could count on Lady Fate, one of the highest goddesses. She promised she’d guide him to his person.
Lady Fate was kind to him. She places him in a small, sleepy little town in Scotland. With a pair of honest parents, who were blessed with a sweet, sweet, baby boy.
Ghost was a feared soldier in the 141, always respected- so when some idiot put the most urghh.. SUNSHINY sergeant under his command, he almost explodes. Ghost seriously couldn’t physically look at the man, or else he’d get blinded by those rays of light emitting from the sergeant’s big goofy smile. He hated him. He hated Soap.
Soap was kinda endearing in his own way. Ghost started to feel funny, and by funny, it was just another word for, “How the fuck am I letting this guy talk to me.”
Honestly, Soap was annoyingly chattery.. Ghost thinks. (Is he?)
Nevermind. Soap’s constant talking actually kinda puts Ghost at ease. Ghost wants to hear Soap’s voice more. He’s comfortable with Soap giving him light touches, he likes Soap’s warmth. Wait- what the fuck?
Ghost is trying not to fold in any way. He wont. He cant-
Oh boy. He fucking folded.
That was it. Around a month and Ghost already was falling for Soap’s charm. It was like hunger- it couldn’t be helped. Every day it became harder to deny those feelings. He started feeling worried for Soap when Soap had to go on solo missions, he missed Soap when Soap was away for several days, he felt safe around Soap.
Ghost couldn’t fathom what kind of fucking hex Soap had casted over him, but Ghost’ll have to do something about it. Soon.
Ghost finally did something about his little situation when he saw one of the men on base hand Soap flowers. Of course, Soap accepted them with no clue what that did to Ghost. It made Ghost feel jealousy, the kind that felt worse than hunger, because the next day the man that offered the flowers were nowhere to be seen.
Soap had wormed his way into Ghost’s life, and now Ghost can’t fathom a way to live without Soap. It’s not fair, Ghost didn’t ask for anyone else- and quickly he learned that kind of mindset was called “love”. Something foreign and insignificant to him before.
Before all of this- before Soap.
However Ghost feared that feeling, that emotion that left him so vulnerable. So he hides it, even when Soap finally confesses he loved Ghost- Ghost stayed silent. It wasn’t he didn’t want to be loved by Soap.. its his own body, his own body telling him he won’t be able to control that hunger for more- Ghost has no clue why. There was one option he was down for though; waiting. Waiting until he was ready, that was the only option left for him, so he’d take it.
He took it too late. He took it too late. Soap was a lucky man, having many close calls on the field but always eventually returning somewhat unscathed. So when Soap actually crawls to Ghost with his own guts in his hands, it terrified Ghost. Ghost hadn’t felt what true fear was until that moment. A bloodied and battered up Soap, slowly making his way to Ghost, his eyes a silent plead for Ghost to help in any possible way to make everything stop hurting.
When Ghost saw Soap he had let out a blood curdling scream.
He found himself immediately beside Soap, begging Soap not to die. Because life was so unfair to him- the gods were so mean. Ghost tries to stop fate, that Soap was destined to die. He told Soap he loved him too. That he was sorry, sorry for every hurtful word he’s ever said to Soap because of his own selfishness. Sorry for thinking Soap was annoying or loud. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
But you know how fate is, you’ll never get your way. Soap tried to stay awake for Ghost, he really did but his eyes had never felt so heavy before. Most concerningly though, he heard a voice. A voice congratulating him- a voice telling him it’s done. It’s time to come home again.
Home.. hm. Home.. a home in the cosmos. As a deity.. of.. Light, Fertility, and Healing? He had friends back there- he was pretty sure.. no, he was sure.
Memories flood in. His mission was finished, his life as a human on earth has come to a end. He’d broken down the pride and stubbornness Ghost had within himself. But he’d broken Ghost’s heart too.
Finally Soap shuts his eyes as Ghost screams for Soap to hang in there, he knows he’s going home again. He wished so badly he could bring Ghost with him. But he knows its not possible.
Ghost holds Soap’s lifeless body in his hands. The warmth he was so used to was gone. The very reason to indulge this cruel world was gone too. And for the first time Ghost had cried, not because he was sad something he valued was gone, like a child’s toy broken. But because he’d never felt so useless before, so guilty before, he’d never felt so much self-loathing before.
He was ready to die right here, right in the rain plastered mud with Soap. He was so, so, ready. He didn’t care if he would go to hell, fuck just anywhere but here. Anywhere.. anywhere.
He wanted to go home.
Home? What. This isn’t right.
He hears the voice of someone scolding him like he was a child who’d done something wrong, but that voice was gentle.. familiar.. something was happening. Something was happening to his body- his mind- his-
For a moment he wasn’t afraid of death. Because death sounded familiar, like a old friend. Were the voices telling him to let go of this body? To “die”? Well there was only one way to find out.
Either he was just absolutely mental, or he was really not just hearing things- he places the handgun to his head. No need to be scared now. He’d be alright. It was a feeling. That feeling was telling himself to set himself free from the shackles of the human body. To become something more than just walking flesh. To be a god again.
Ghost pulls the trigger, and all goes black.
There was no pain or afterlife. Ghost wakes up on the floor feeling different, and with those same worried eyes staring at him. Huh? Same eyes.
“Soap?” Ghost blurts out.
The figure smiles, “Welcome home Ghost, thought you’d come for a visit.”
“The fuck-? I live here, what in the blazes do you-“ Oh.
Soap looks different as a god, but radiates the same soothing aura as he did on earth. Well that was comforting… and awkward, considering how dramatically Ghost announces his love for mortal Soap.
Soap must’ve felt the same way because he just makes a strange face at Ghost. Nothing ill-intended though. “So..” Soap was first to break the silence, “Are we like.. a thing now..? Or..”
“Hm.” Ghost hums, giving some thought into it.
“I don’t wanna be forcing anything on you!” Soap quickly adds, hands waving, trying to backpedal, “Just.. I think I still like you..” Soap mumbles.
“What if I thought the same?” Ghost tries, brushing himself off as he stands up. “Would you give someone like me a chance?” He scoffs. No way someone like him would be worthy with probably one of the most friendly gods in the cosmos.
“Then I say we’re together.” Soap declares happily as he takes a step closer, “Back on earth I didn’t even get to kiss you.” Soap complains as he lets out a huff of annoyance, “I waited YEARS, I think I deserve one now.”
“I.. don’t know.. Im not really a-“ Ghost starts before Soap pulls him in for a kiss.
“You wait too much.” Soap says after the kiss. Grinning dopily, the exact same smile that captivated Ghost.
“I know I do. You’ll just have to wait for me, yeah?”
“Yeah, you know I will. For centuries and centuries.” Soap says as he peppers Ghost with kisses again.
And Ghost takes it, he takes the love Soap offers to him because he deserved it. After going through all that fuckery- he thought. He deserved it, it was the one thing he deserved.
And he did deserve it.
END. ❤️
(Haahah dont mind me and my silly brain. I dont know if I like this one or hated it, but hopefully you enjoyed it. Feel like I rushed it bc I was feeling so eepy. Too tired to edit so ignore the typos or mistakes ok ok gn yall 🥱)
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laugtherhyena · 21 days
If kinji successfully killed Kizuna. Just cuz i can. :3
This is the last ask-story for a while probably. I had scribbled down the idea for this fic after reading the new chapter and before work. So i am working on it now. :3
I also just need to finish a prologue concept for a project im helping on, so. Yeah.
Kanata hadn't slept much the night after the trial. The sight of Kizuna's lifeless body still haunted her, so much so that she couldn't even sleep for a few minutes without waking up screaming and gasping for air.
"I should've stayed by her side. I should've been more cautious..." she told herself, "it's all my fault."
The morning alarm went off, startling her out of her misery. Would she be allowed to talk with everyone again this morning? Why was she asking herself that... they probably didn't trust her, she had failed Kizuna, after all.
She forced herself out of bed. Each footstep felt heavy, each heartbeat felt like the last, and every sound was unbearably loud. Her stomach felt hollow, and yet she didn't want to fill it with food. She didn't want to do anything at all, for that matter.
Nobody knocked on her door. Not even Yamaguchi or Hatano, the two who had shown the most concern in the trial.
Maybe it was better that way. Maybe it'd be easier to grieve alone.
She turned on the lights to the room after feeling the walls a bit. She examined the room briefly, never having had paid close attention to it before. Nothing seemed too unordinary-- it was a room meant for the ultimate cheerleader, after all. however, what did end up catching her attention were a few spare yellow ribbons tied in bows around a hanger. Why they weren't by some sort of mirror was unknown to her.
Her fingertips brushed the satin fabric lightly, a hesitancy in her own movements that she didn't quite expect. At the same time, her thoughts were racing. Would Kizuna be fine with this? Shouldn't the ribbons be left untouched?
But the ribbons were all Kanata had left of the cheerleader. Maybe... maybe wearing them would help her cope.
May continue in comments if i ever feel like it/if i even can but. I got smacked with the "how the hell do i finish this" and got stuck.
Also the ribbons were in the closet because i dont remember the layout of Kizuna's room and i didnt want to have a super heavy investigation scene.
OUGH i love the idea of her keeping the yellow ribbons and wearing them, like how Teruya kept Haruhiko's glasses, what a nice touch.
I do feel like Kanata would blame herself a bunch over her death because Kizuna was her friend and her patient so she really would feel as if she's failed her after giving them girl so much hope for the future. Ayame would probably blame herself a little too just how she does over Kanata and Kakeru's deaths, i imagine she'd try to talk with Kanata during the investigation and apologize but Kanata really isn't in the mood to talk and just tells her to leave. She's not mad at Ayame she's just suffering and trying to focus on the awful task of performing an autopsy on the body of someone she cared for so much.
I never thought much about how Kinji's murder plan would have gone other than that he was bringing Kizuna back to the switchium and the spear was his weapon of choice. Unsure how exactly he was gonna kill her other than in a way that should kill people fast and then pose her body in a weird way (think like Chihiro in THH but not exactly like that you know?), but Kizuna is Kizuna and much like in canon she resists the killing blow long enough to leave a dying message.
Then once he's done (likely around the time Ayame, Yuki and Akane finished talking and are coming back to their rooms) he would approach them and tell them he hasn't found Kanata anywhere and that the door to the room was open, so they call the others to help search for her and the class scatters trying to find her, this leads to Kinji's leading a couple of them to where he hid Kanata and them getting her out of the locker just in time to hear the BDA announcement since another group of people found Kizuna in the switchium.
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exiledinparadise · 8 months
[WP] Chaos Magic is the hardest to learn
but the easiest to master. All it requires
is the abject belief that your ritual will
have an effect, despite all evidence to
the contrary, and then it will.
Somewhere at the corner of Mayhem and Pandemonium--and in less abstract terms, 34th Street and 7th Avenue:
"Are you popping pills right now?"
"Mmf, yeah. Libido enhancers. I couldn't find any legit sildenafil without a script."
"Artie, if we're doing this, I am not standing next to you while you're pitching a tent."
"Dont roll your eyes at me, Sasha. Considering how we look at the moment, it wouldn't be any weirder if I was sporting wood."
"Tch. Nobody ever wins around you, Artie. Not even you."
"We shall see," he said and closed his eyes, legs folded underneath him. He rubbed the bookmark that he carried with him, an icon of the fabled Ibn Talib employing Chaos Magic in the form of a golden woman. "You're free to assist me," he said.
"With what? A handy?" Sasha scoffed.
"I mean, maybe later, but I meant join me in meditation. Think of something sexual. It's easier to attach belief to something when you're in a state of arousal."
"Attach belief to what, Arthur?" she said, dropping her forehead in her palm.
"To Chaos magic. You know what--never mind. I've pestered you enough. Just give me a minute."
Sasha sat on the sidewalk, observing slacks, chinos, denim, and every sort of synthetic or organic fabric that clothed the legs that galloped across the sidewalk. Every gait, cadence, and sway told a story of urgency, of personality, of distraction in the endless maze of noise. Occasionally, a forearm would emerge from the stampede and almost defiantly drop a dollar in the overturned hat by Sasha, usually from a civilian who was dressed the least expensive and the most casual. It was strange for her to be on the receiving end, so much so that she nearly forgot to say thank you the first few times. She frequently twisted left and right to check her surroundings. Rats had overtaken the city, and the thought of even one climbing on her while she was sitting there made her stomach bubble. Feeling that the longer they stayed there, the less it was a possibilty and more an inevitability that one would jump her, she began to nudge Arthur. "Do we have an ETA on your performance, Houdini?"
"I'm trying. I'm feeling it the same way as last time, but it's just not--"
Artie opened his eyes. "You're not helping."
"Y'know, I'd like to get a move on before it starts raining again. I'm not swimming through the subways if we have another deluge in this godforsaken city. It'd be a miracle if we get away with just a Staph infection."
"I'm trying. It's there, I can feel it. But I can't draw it out into space-time.
"You know, now that I think about it, the whole concept of Chaos Magic seems a little weird to me." Sasha mused. "Like, all the roots of the word magic go back to priests and sorcerors and wise men--you know, folks who were very educated and the like."
"Right. So magic is basically an art, a skill. It's something that operates on rules and laws and order and all that. Chaos is the complete antithesis of that."
Artie's eyes narrowed. "You have a point."
"So, my theory is this: you don't really master Chaos magic. You master a medium through which you control chaos magic. The reason you were able to pull it off the first time was because you had zero expectations, so you let yourself go completely. Hell, the fact that you weren't torn apart by it was probably because as long as you retained some control of your wits, there's a limit as to how much power you can manifest. I mean, it does explain why every ancient icon and manuscript illumination always depicts Chaos Magic in human form, being controlled by a mage."
"I don't see how that explains it." Artie said, looking at his bookmark. "What does the human form of Chaos Magic signify?"
"It doesn't signify anything. It's an actual human. I think in order to wield Chaos Magic reliably, two people have to be present: one to relinquish control and be a medium, and the other to harness the Chaos that flows through them."
Artie straightened up. "Then it's not going to work. You don't know how to summon Chaos from the Aether. And even if you did, I'm not--"
"Yes I do know how to, Artie. I was able to sense it the first time you did it and I can sense it now. You just have to harness it--"
"And what if I can't? I'm not putting you at risk."
"Artie, our way of life is at risk. Our ability to survive is at risk. Our freakin' world is at risk! We have a chance at making a difference for everybody and you're worried about one per-"
Artie stormed off.
"Artie! Dammit...wait Artie! Would...you...stop running away and listen to me! I said stop!"
"Get off me."
"Artie, look at me. Look at me! I trust you. If I didn't believe you could pull it off, I wouldn't have said anything. But for this to work, you have to believe in yourself!"
Artie averted his eyes, turning his face every which way except towards Sasha. "Dammit, woman. Why d'ya gotta put me in these positions?"
Sasha smiled. "Because I know what you're capable of."
Artie sighed. "Yeah well you're expectations might be a lil' too high."
"We shall see." Sasha said.
Artie sat alongside Sasha on the sidewalk, legs folded, taking deep breaths with her synchronously. Instead of relaxing, however, he began to get tense. The overcoat and sweatshirt he bought at the thrift store made him sweat despite the chilly afternoon breeze. His damp feet writhed in his tattered tennis sneakers. He resisted the urge to remove his beanie so as to not disturb Sasha, who was deep in concentration. The disguise felt stifling. His saliva began to taste like copper.
"Give me a safe word."
"Wha--" Artie could sense the swelling of power rising from within her. "Oh. Oh! J-Juniper! When I say Juniper, get back in control!"
Sasha became resplendent. A fountain of light emerged from her, and all the passersby gasped and covered their eyes.
She did it. She really did it.
Arthur stretched his hands toward her and directed the luminous stream into a bow in the sky. Sasha's form became more transparent, and was taken up into the stream of light. Arthur jumped onto it, and was swept into the current, emerging atop the bow in the sky, like some cosmic rancher riding a luminescent glow worm. He could see the cars on the street below frozen, and the drivers coming out of the cars to get a better look. Others were recording on their smartphones what appeared to be a hobo peforming a light show.
Artie looked up at the buildings that obscured the sky. There were many corporate suites and boardrooms that had wreaked chaos on his world. It was time that he returned the favor.
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crochetotterblog · 2 years
Our little secret
Chapter 1: The Bare Fucking Minimum
Based off of the first part of "Of all people" @the-cooler-kira
Word count: 2,183 💕
This includes harrasment (boy slaps girl, Jason Carter (being the douchebag he is), slight fluff?
Dustin and Mike walk through the parking lot in search of a run down white van with no windows. "I don't know man" Mike said with a sigh, "he could be having a bad day. Why do you want to find out so bad?" He asked raising an eyebrow. Dustin kept walking in protest. "You really haven't noticed?" Dustin asked with obvious sass in his tone rolling his eyes. "Eddie, our DM hardly has a bad day, or week, or month. Which this 'bad day' of his you are trying to convince on me has gone on for more than a month" he spat. Mike didn't say anything, just rolled his eyes counting down the days he gets to go to California to see his be loved girlfriend.
The two freshmen continued walking slowly through the parking lot, or at least Dustin was walking slowly. Dustin considered Eddie as another babysitter; on the spectrum like Steve. Though Eddie was the carefree sitter. The one who would actually sit on the kids rather than do what Steve does, which is making sure they are out of trouble. Mike didn't want to leave Dustin in fear that Jason and his goons will come around asking for trouble. "Speak of the devil" Dustin said with a long exhale, that van he was waiting for squealed through the parking lot and parked by the theater building. Dustin isn't 'caught up' on Eddie's music to understand what he was listing to without asking Eddie. He assumed Metallica or Guns n Roses. The watched from a far to see Eddie rush out of the drivers side to the passengers. Opening the door, they couldn't see who came out. Only saw white converses, and white knee high socks. Assuming he had pick up someone or hoked up with them the night before the brushed it off; but still keeping this moment in mind. As they continued to walk they saw Eddie turn his head. Like he gotten slapped? (Eddie got a kiss on the cheek, dont freak out) Dustin scrunched his nose. "That must of hurt" he winced. Mike nodded as they quickly marched into the school meeting up with Lucas and Max. The rest of Hellfire club met up with them as well. Dustin explained what he and Mike just saw. Gareth raise his eyebrow at Dustin, "So you two stalk now?" He asked getting a chuckle out of Jeff. Mike shook his head and denied the allegations. Just on when Dustin was about to as another question Eddie walked through the doors holding his cheek, other than the kids nobody paid Eddie any attention. Walking to his locker, unlocking it to stuff the shit he didn't need only to have a bright bracelet slither from under his sleeve making Gareth laugh aggressively. Eddie closed his locker with a confused look on his face as he walked over. "What's his problem" he question only to have Gareth wheeze trying to explain himself, Max grabbed his wrist to pull up his sleeves and revealed the hot pink bracelet with the name 'Ed Bear' Max cooed at the bracelet. She and Dustin started jumping with join, "Who is the lucky girl" they said in unison. Eddie rolled his eyes and snatched his arm away. "Something my mom gave to me before she left" he said with a snarl making Max and Dustin stop jumping and looking down at the floor. "Oh.." Dustin said. "Is that why you were upset for the passed month?" He asked, Dustin assumed it was because he was rememeber his mother. Eddie thought for a second, opened his mouth to say something when 4 cheerleaders walked through the gym doors in uniform. One of them being you. You'd held your binder close to your chest smiling and laughing. "Y/n, I'm telling you. Jason really has a thing for you" the blonde said. You rolled your eyes; knowing Jason Carter was not your type. "He is a jerk, why would I want to date a jerk" you asked raising your eyebrow. She held her chin thinking about your response. You sighed softly looking up to see Eddie and the Hellfire club watching you. Gareth looked you up and down, not sure what he was thinking but you gave the group a soft smile, acknowledging their presents.
Dustin's cheeks grew red, Y/n L/n, second in head of the cheerleaders was looking and acknowledging them. Eddie shoved his hands in he pocket biting his lip, nodding his head towards the door. You knew that look, he was asking if you wanted to 'skip' but you shook your head slightly chuckling walking with your friends to your first class of the day. Jeff looked over at is DM with a confused face, "What was that about" he asked staring at Eddie watching the group walk down the hall. "H-huh? Nothing" he cleared his throat shaking his head out of his thoughts before walking through the group to his class. Dustin looked at everyone else with a 'I told you so' face. "See, something is up" he said stomping his foot.
—Timeskip to Lunch—
The freshmen sat at their table hoping for a normal day. Noisy as usual in this small ass cafeteria. Eddie plopped down with his bag of pretzels, Eddie normally ate a big breakfast; so he wasn't really hungry till around dinner time. Slipping a pretzel into his mouth looking around the table and around the caferteia looking for you to show up. "Here they come.." Dustin sighed shaking as the jocks and cheerleaders walked into the room. Jason is all over you, trying to get your attention. Ignoring him with a sour face, tempting to ruin his basketball career in two swift movements. After all your boyfriend gave you a pocket knife in case someone like Jason Carter tried something. Walking up to the lunch line to grab whatever you could, in hopes not to hurt someone. When someone slammed their hands on a table "As long as you're into band, or science" the brunette spoke "Or parrrrrties" he hissed. Everyone including you looking over at the 'freak' of Hawkins. "Or a game where you toss BALLS into LAUNDRY BASKETS" walking back to the cheer table with your pathetic school sandwich. Eddie 'the freak' Munson was starring at you with hungry eyes. Jason noticed this and stood up with anger. "Want something freak" he said. Eddie flung his hands to his head making devil horns, sticking his long tongue out making a devilish sound. You giggled to yourself, ready to make the Hellfire club's day a bit better. Jason turned to the rest of the group "Freak" he said, with Eddie's group still watching, you rolled your eyes kicking Jason in his hip to the floor. Everyone knew you were the nicest person in this school. You didn't put up with bullying or anyones bullshit. The room erupted in laugher as Jason got up, you looked at him with a pouty face, pushing your lips out "I'm sorry" you gave him the fakest of fake smile. He huffed at you, when you turned your head to chuckle with the the two friends who were in the hall with you that morning, and looked back in Jason's direction. Jason had fire in his eyes as he raised his hand, slamming it down on your left cheek. The room fell silent, your two friends along with Jason's girlfriend Chrissy covered their mouths as they gasped. Eddie watched as the man he hated with all his might hit, the one person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Hellfire looked at Jason and you from across the room then at Eddie, his hands turning into fists. They knew that Eddie didn't take to kindly to women hitters. Especially if they hit his girl.
You held your cheek in utter shock, your vision became blurry; filling with tears as your friends helped you up. Chrissy got up and slapped Jason back. Realizing what he had done, he felt everyone's eyes on him, including Eddie. Jason and Eddie made eye contact, Eddie mouthed the words 'I'm going to fucking kill you'. Jason rolled his eyes at Eddie's stupid comment. Chrissy and the other girls walked you out of the cafeteria to the nearest girls restroom. Once you had sat down away from everyone else's eyes, tears began to fall from your eyes. Chrissy grabbed a paper towel wetting it will cool water then removing your hand to place it gingerly against your cheek. Ryan and Andi hugged you as you friend into their shoulders. After all, you had just gotten slapped by your boyfriends bully, everyone knew what kind of person Jason was. But you were always kind to everyone until they did something like gossip about Eddie or Hellfire. Basic bully stuff you didn't like, which made you angry. No one wants to get to know anyone because of the games they play, or because they look a certain way. It makes you sick knowing that you are the only one in this school to be so close with the one person they tell you to worry about. Chrissy, Ryan and Andi believe you when you say he is nice, and not what others say he is. They don't bring it up knowing what it would cause. But they don't know that you and the schools freak have been seeing each other since the beginning of the school year.
—End of school—
The school day ended, your eyes still red and puffy like the first time you smoked a joint with Eddie, since Hellfire met today, you waited in the janitors closet. Your make out spot during the school day with Eddie. You would always meet there. If you had something to do that day you would tell him the morning of or give him a sign with your small hands. Holding your binder to your chest as you waited in the dark for Eddie. The door opened, what met you was a tall, brunette man. The man you fell in love with. Once he closed the door you ran up to him throwing your arms around his neck, smothering his face with kisses. "I missed you" you said each word with a kiss. He gripped your waist gently, pushing you away from him softly. Cupping your left cheek to feel the damage Jason had done to your lovely face. "I swear to-" you cut him off with a kiss, his softly pushing back against yours. He leaned into your kiss causing you to lean back, his right hand sliding up to the dimple in your back, holding you for support. He smiled into the kiss. He pulled away from your plump lips, a string of saliva following. He pressed his forehead against yours, smiling. "I know you can't really see me, but my place tonight?" He asked, kissed you jawline slowly moving to you neck. "Hm, I don't know" you replied, in response to your reply he bit your neck with a growl making you yelp quietly. You punched him playfully, he continued to leave bite marks on your neck before sealing it with a heart shaped hickey. "Okay okay, but only if I can get a cherry slushie" you said with a smile. "I think I can make it happen" he said into your neck. You bit your bottom lip, chills running up your body. He removed himself from your neck, grabbing your chin in his hand, "I love you" he said before slamming his lips against yours. You let a soft moan escape your lips. He poked your lip with his tongue asking for entry, in response to his plea you opened your mouth and slid your tongue on top of his. Growling in the kiss he pushed you against the wall, grunting into the kiss. Your hands run up into his hair, tangling yourself into his soft curls. His hand moved from your waist to your ass, he started to hike up your skirt, gripping your cheeks.
"Eddie~" you moaned, he bit your lip at the same time he spanked your ass. Gasping in pleasure. Eddie found that doing something semi public just made him want to bust. A mound of cloth growing between his legs, slipping one leg between yours; continuing to grip your ass continued making him twitch. His length throbbing for its warm home. He guided your hand down his chest to feel his heart racing, to his belt. He never ceases to amaze you, gasping softly as you could feel how bad he was twitching in his pants. You felt your face heat up, the tip of your ears became red hot. He snarled slightly, you smirked. An idea popped into your head, it was a nasty one. But it would make tonight even better.
a/n: description are hard for me, sorry if i used the wring words..lol. i speak english but sometimes i can barely speak it, if that makes sense?
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satorisoup · 3 months
i NEED to talk about what happened at work yesterday because it almost made me quit… teehee so here’s a fun lil story on how a coworker made me sob!
okay so keep in mind i work in a restaurant!!
i was at my host desk, and a guy comes in to pick up a to-go order and tells me the name. so i call it back for him, and as we are waiting he comes up to me again.
he goes “i didn’t know my little brother worked here, would you mind handing him my number? he probably wouldn’t want to talk to me though.” and hands me a slip with his number.
i was kind of confused, but nevertheless i said sure and went to find his little brother (my coworker, who is a grown man and engaged).
when i found him, i whispered to him kindly “hey, i don’t know if this is a sensitive subject but… your brother (?) is here and-“
my coworker interrupts me and goes “that is NOT my brother, and he better leave before things get ugly.”
so i was just like um alright… and i walked back to my host desk. then, in earshot i hear my coworker come UP TO THE GUY and say “you better get lost before things get ugly, leave” and the guy was like “im just picking up food, let me apologize” and my coworker walked away.
this is where things get pretty horrible!!! keep in mind, i NEVER mentioned the slip of paper to my coworker yet.
later on, quite a WHILE after the guy had left, i went up to the bartenders and was just asking if they needed anything, and then i turned around and saw my coworker.
i approached him, and LITERALLY WHISPERED SO SOFTLY “hey… are you okay? um… that guy gave me a slip of-“
when i tell you, i felt my body go into complete shock and i could feel the CHILLS and the DROP of my heart. i was so completely confused, i literally pointed at myself and said “…me?” and he walked away.
i walked back to my host desk in complete shock and i started shaking like crazy (reaction from men yelling AND that exact sentence he had just yelled at me…), and i was trying to help guests but i physically couldn’t think.
my manager found me at the desk and i genuinely couldn’t talk, and she took care of the guests for me and when she came back she had asked me if i was alright.
i was trying to tell her but i literally started crying on the spot and stuttering because i was so utterly shocked, and she was freaked out. me being the guilty person i am was telling her “i dont wanna get him in trouble”. anyway, i finally told her and she was completely shocked.
she ended up moving me into the back with one of my other coworkers to stay away from him. i was literally sobbing at this point because wtf just happened.
huge shoutout to my coworker for making me laugh and being very kind to me back there when he usually isn’t the nicest <3
anyhow, TWICE the coworker who had screamed at me tried to come in, ONLY WHEN I WAS ALONE!!! to apologize, and i couldn’t look him in the eye and would just be sobbing saying “it’s fine…”. he also asked me if i wanted to punch him or dump a plate on his head and all i could think was… get away from me? now? like what?
anywho, that’s what happened and i’d just like to say, if you are a GROWN MAN who can’t control his anger issues, dont work in a public environment.
he literally made me feel SO completely embarrassed to the point i wanted to literally quit, because it made me so uncomfortable. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?!?! WHAT!!!
and nobody else could hear what i had said, they just heard him yell so THEY DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!!!!! HOW EMBARRASSING IS THAT???
anyhow, my plan is to ignore him now because once you show that behavior towards me, you are absolutely not going to associate with me. yelling at a young girl at full force like that is absolutely terrible and i still feel so uncomfortable and upset.
end of story i hope they can move me to a different position so i don’t have to be near him anymore!!
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dead-not-done · 2 years
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purely self indulgent but,,,, i did a very quick thing in the sims
meet my fake evajacks kids! left to right starting on the top row they’re: ambrose (he/him), twins leander (they/them) & liana (she/her), dorian (he/him), merrick (he/him), and rosalina (she/her)!
im gonna be honest i dont really think they’d actually have six kids but consider: jacks corralling a bunch of little kids in the hollow is a fantastic image and evangeline would be such a good mom. also yes ambrose and merrick are nearly identical but i didn’t realize that until i was like mostly finished and i dont feel like going back lol
see below the cut for a couple sentences about what i came up for their personalities :) they also have outfits and i made evajacks in the sims, so if anybody wants to see either of those things just let me know lol
Ambrose is super energetic and a total people person. While Jacks and Evangeline raised their kids in the Hollow, he was always the most eager to get out into the world and meet new people. He’s incredibly confident, reading as cocky sometimes, and optimistic. Think golden retriever jock type.  
Leander is more of a loner, but they’re extremely loyal - particularly towards their twin, Liana. Leander is content to curl up in their father’s library and read for hours on end without even realizing the time had passed. Most of the time Liana is the one dragging them into public. They’re a total mama’s kid. 
Liana is a total romantic and incredibly affectionate. She’s somewhat insecure and seeks a lot of reassurance from those around her, despite her parents’ very attentive parenting style. She loves to bake and tends to just pass out treats to people when she sees them, she enjoys the fact that the person she’s given them to has tangible proof of how much she cares for them. She’s super sweet, the kind of person that nobody really dislikes. 
Dorian can come off as a bit standoffish because he is very anti-social. He’s the most like Jacks out of all the kids, doesn’t like to interact with a person unless it’s really necessary. He’ll hem and haw about spending time with his family (particularly Ambrose) but he loves them deeply, and his love language is acts of service so it’s not rare to find that he’s fixed some problem one of them may have had without ever saying anything. 
Merrick is an artist, and he’s sort of the stereotype of an eccentric artist. His brain moves at a million miles hours, constantly jumping from one subject to the next, total stream-of-consciousness style of speech so he’s just going, like, all the time. He’ll hole himself up in his own art studio for days at a time though, then come out with an absolute masterpiece. He loves his family but he’s usually the first to disappear from gatherings with everyone - he can tend to be a lot, and competing with everyone’s energy to be heard gets draining really quickly. 
Rosalina is the youngest and while she’s definitely spoiled, she’s not a brat or whiny or anything. She is really feminine, she never leaves the house without looking her best and her whole wardrobe is dresses and skirts. She’s sort of quiet, but she’s really friendly and has a small but close group of friends. She loves to be around her family but more as a passive observer, she enjoys people watching and there are a few big personalities in her family that she likes to watch.
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thetolkiengeek · 1 year
Okay so this is something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately and I’d like to talk about my dad and his inability to understand and respect transgenderism.
In theory, he should understand. He is highly educated, grew up very very low middle class (sometimes dipping into poverty, based on whether or not his dad was being financially supportive and not, say, fucking off and having a new family), and he was pretty darn left for most of his adult life, up until his late 40s. He’s a very smart guy—a super accomplished doctor who is excellent with his patients and has a cool head for emergencies. He understands incredibly complex medical conditions.
But this is key—he cannot conceive of transgenderism as anything other than a mental condition that requires fixing. He can’t wrap his brain around the fact that biological sex is not straightforward nor binary, or that some people may want to be referred to by a different name or a different set of pronouns than their supposed biology dictates. And I don’t think it’s from a lack of empathy—he’s incredibly empathetic. I think it actually has to do with him divorcing my mother.
I dont mean this in the way I think it comes off. My mother didn’t drag him to the left, just as I think my stepmom didn’t drag him to the right. My dad genuinely thinks he’s a centrist (and doesn’t really understand that politically these days that means conservative-lite). The thing is, when my parents divorced, my dad struggled HARD with his sense of masculinity.
My mother is an incredibly forceful personality and has largely, I think, used it for good. My sibling has not been so lucky with her parenting style, but she did teach us how to be feminists and stand up for ourselves. But it’s easy to see how my dad would construe the pain of divorce and the incredible conviction my mother has with a deliberate emasculation of him.
So my dad struggled trying to find a definition of masculinity that gave him back the agency he felt he lost during the divorce, because he used to be a very soft, gentle man. At his core, he has not changed. But for him, he took comfort in ideals of masculinity that are simply not achievable but that he thought would have saved his marriage if he’d only been more forceful or confident.
But the only definition of masculinity he had access to was the one created by society for him, and the one his dad displayed. And his dad was a piece of shit that my own father NEVER wants to emulate. So, again, he turned to people like Ben Shapiro and some controversial comedians.
As a result, he has tied masculinity and his own sense of self-worth to his own biology, and THAT’S why he can’t conceive of transgenderism. Because if someone can just choose to be a man, then what meaning does masculinity have? He’s so scared of having to make his own definition and losing the only anchors he has to keep himself grounded.
So it’s obvious to me why a lot of conservatives don’t want to give transgender folks rights—because if they do, they have to confront the fact that their bio-essentialist ways of thinking are fundamentally broken, and once those are broken, well then gender roles go out the window and then nobody knows who they are anymore and will just allow society to collapse. The heterosexual paradigm is a pillar of conservativism because it relies on the unpaid, unacknowledged labor of women who are supposed to be complacent in their own lives and their own reproductive capabilities. (There is the race aspect that I am choosing to leave unexplored here due to the nature of this argument, but it’s all connected to that bio-essentialism)
For conservatives, if transgender people are given rights and accepted, what is keeping unhappy people in the roles demanded of them? If anybody can be any gender, then gender has no meaning and nothing would ever get done.
And so my dad clings to a life raft that was never meant to float. And I watch him drown while he ignores the lifeline tossed to him.
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peakywitch · 2 years
Hi babes, what's one scenario you've thought a lot about, but haven't written yet?
omg hi @zablife ! i dont have one i've thought about, i have many, many, many. And many of these i wont write because they're wayyy too dramatic.
IN THIS ESSAY I WILL tw: okay so continue under your own responsability bc i talk about a lot of smut (wow. shocker.) and some kinks n stuff, so if you don't feel comfortable don't read :) <3 MANY SPELLING MISTAKES.
tommy having a very angsty period of time with his significantly younger partner.
michael not fully commiting to a relationship because he is settling for a SO he didn't initially wanted, so he is in a relationship because he is expected to and his SO is unaware of this and finds out in a fight or whatever, and he starts to realize that it wasn't a relationship as dreadful as he thought and he was just seeing the bad parts like her being concerned when he comes home way too late and she waited for him up, and she was just trying to make him happy and trying to get to know him better I I LIVE LAUGH LOVE ANGST
michael having sexual tension with a girl that is a family friend since the early days, so on polly's birthday she helps polly prepare everything for her bday party and because of something she ends up dirty, polly is like "oh, just go shower to michaels room since he moved out he hasnt been using it so just go ahead" and so she does, she showers and all, when she gets out of the shower and walks into the room (its a bathroom-inside-a-room- thing, you know what i mean, i forgot the name hehe) she is in her underware but michael is there too, getting undressed because he couldnt shower at his place so they're both in their underware with some "forced proximity" type of shit and since he has this massive crush on her but is too shy (yes, michael is shy in this one) he never thought he would see her like this, and she just smiles and says "hi" super nervous so he gets all horny without a second doubt because his biggest crush ever is there, basicaly naked, in her undies, and its all awkward, so he runs into the bathroom ignoring the whole situation. fast forward a few hours theyre cleaning everything from the party and they start making out in the kitchen and end up having couch sex bc the room is upstairs and they dont have the mental stability to think about anything else but sex with each other at that moment.
tommy being 100000% SOFT with his wife bc she saw how everyone who became someone after being a nobody left their old, normal wives and got stunning and trendy younger women, (pure smut and praise hehe)
Michael being a fake boyfriend for y/ns best friends wedding and he is just super possesive over her and she founds out he has a crush on her bc someone walks up to her and is like "he finally asked you out omg i am so excited !! he was SO nervous and likes you so much !!" and she confronts him but he denies it bc he gets anxious or whatever and the she's like oh okay
michael asking y/n for a baby and it's quite dirty n smutty (quite dirty is an understatement it's like 100% full smut and michael has a breeding kink)
modern!michael dating a girl that speaks many languages and tommy is like WE NEED HER IN THE GANG bc she can pretend to be cute lil n dumb but she can hear and understand what people talk about tommy at parties but then y/n doesnt introduce michael to her family and michael is like "hey wtf is it bc my family deals drugs n stuff?" and she says yes bc her family is "wayyyy to conservative and woud ask him to marry her and she knows he doesnt want to get married" and it's just her hating her family and michael being like ok so lets be eachother's family when he gets send to the usa and they start again only with each other (and polly sometimes) and happy
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inlovewithcharmers · 2 years
The Return P3
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Warings: Cheating, Hints of mom dieing and more cheating, sad, Cussing, sl*t shaming.
Jr stopped at his house.
We stopped by the door as he told me this story.
There is no way you did that I said.
If you think that wasn't me you should've seen the other guys face.
Jr opened the door for me as we both stopped, both of our faces in shock as we seen Nergal with a different woman and sis was gone.
Son! look honey now we have another couple with us. Mandy's eyes went wide woah there
Nergal you need to lay down Mandy said taking notice that Nergal was wobbling around the house.
Nergal just started saying random gibberish
as jr was running around the house shouting for his mother.
Mandy saw that nergal was controlling her, seeing that her eyes were completely green. The woman was also muttering gibberish.
Oh that sl*t nergal laughed, and laughed, and laughed. Shes far gone son-
DONT CALL ME THAT!!! jr yelled interrupting Nergal
Nergal continued. She may have been something to you but that h0re was nothing to me.
Jr still in shock ran out
holding back tears from loosing his mom.
JR!!! Mandy yelled as she tried calling after him but he never came back.
You're free to enjoy your stay Mandy Nergal laughed. Mandy looked at him, fu*k you! she said to Nergal as she ran off to find jr knowing exactly where he was. He was at the underworld version of his dads old pizza place.
A depressed Jr was laying on the roof strumming, his guitar to you get me so high by the neighborhood.
Mandy tried holding in a laugh because you gotta admit it, he was cute but she knew whatever she was thinking wouldn't happen
Paden would still love her the next day like always right?
Jr: Hope you don't regret it
I pushed a lot back but I can't forget it
we never got the credit
nobody seemed to hear us but we said it neither of us planned it and for a long time I took it all for granted I really thought we had it but at the time it was more than I could manage, so
If we can leave it all behind us
And meet in-between
It would get me so high all the time high all the time
I wanna be high all the time would you come with me?-
Jr looked down at me playfully looking annoyed.
You know If they had phone's in the underworld you wouldn't need to look at me so much like I'm a window? he joked.
Mandy rolled her eyes as jr slid down a pole walking towards her.
Mandy paused while sighing as she looked at jr.
Jr looking a tad upset almost knowing what she was about to bring up.
Jr I'm sorry you had to go through that-. Jr cut me off
Mandy it's not your fault there's always people with sh!tty parents. I'm completely fine I swea-
Mandy cut him off with a slow passionate kiss. She kissed him. Not on purpose just out of thought that came into reality.
Jr's eyes went wide. He didn't know what to do when the girl he had a crush on at the age of nine had her perfect lips on his.After the kiss ended both of there eyes went wide.
sh!t,sh!t,sh!t,sh!t, both of us said. It's not like you're a bad kisser or anything it's just me. Both of us gasped. I mean no you're not both of us said.
Well this is awkward we both muttered.
Jr rubbed the back of his neck nervously
as he saw something that could make this even worse. A bat cleaning up the place somehow got a hold of Irwins old valentine's card.
While Mandy was looking away I acted like I was fiddling with my hair incase she looked
. I shook my finger left and right signaling no to the bat as many times as I could.
That bloody b*s*ard ended up not listening
and dropped the damn card
that wouldn't let me take a f**king nap.
Mandy was shocked and completely speechless.
I decided to call it a night so I wouldn't see more things I regret randomly appearing infront of a girl.
You know what f**k it.
Ima get you home. She agreed.
I walked with her to the door. See ya around I half smiled as I waved. See ya she said shyly as she shut the door.
She still couldn't believe that all happened.
After controlling her breathing she walked up to her room while muttering I'm so screwed.
Outside jr didn't know how to feel.
He kicked his motorcycle and fell. He got up and was pacing back and fourth. Still in your driveway like an idiot forgetting what he said about windows. He finally snapped out of sh!t he said. He quickly sat on his motorcycle and drove off.
The next day
Grims Pov:
Something felt off last night.
It was my turn to sleep over at Mandy's and she came home late she never does this. Mandy would kill anyone in sight that woke her up. This is literally Mandy
and the only thought of why this could happen is a boy? I decided to confront her.
Mandy where the hell have you been?!!!
I startled her causing her to let out a shriek..
what the f*ck grim?!!!! Mandy whisper shouted.
You haven't answered my question I said.
Well first off bone head you just don't randomly. sneak up on someone that just had a rough morning now scram.
Before I could even let her walk away I asked was your little meet up with jr that embarrassing.
Mandy couldn't help but blush
so she ran upstairs to her room and shut the door.
Wow.... this is going to be a chaotic yet very interesting day tomorrow.
The next morning at school was completely calm and collected. No one said a word in the hallways.
Mandy looked upset trying to get a hold of Paden
that apparently ditched her for Mindy out of all little sh!ts it had to be the biggest one in school.
Many got confused because Mindy would usually be at cheer tryouts by now.
Paden was never into that stuff.
She walked up to me and whispered come on we got a cheerleader thing to crash.
I gave her a wicked boney smile let's do this!
Later that night we snook in.
Holloback girl was playing in the background as we cringed.
Mindy: uh huh, this my sh!t
all the girls stomp your feet like this a few times
I've been around that track so it's just not going to happen like that
cause I ain't no hollaback girl I ain't no hollaback girl
Paden: a few times I've been around that track so it's not going to happen like that cause I ain't no hollaback girl
Grim cut the wires to all of the lights off while the music was still playing.
Mindy let out a AGHHHHH in frustration. As she tried turning on the lights but nothing worked.
My turn b!tches Mandy said as everyone saw her shadow.
Mandy: I heard you were talking sh!t
and you didn't think I would hear it people hear you talking like that
getting everybody fired up so I'm ready to attack,
Mindy&Paden: gonna lead the pack gonna get a touchdown,
Mandy: gonna take you out
that's right put your pompoms down
getting everybody fired up
Mindy strutted up to Mandy. Do you always have to ruin everything?
Mandy responded do you always have to be a h0re?
Mindy gasped and had some of her friends catch her.
Mandy death glared Paden and said let's go grim.
Yall are done. Toasted. Threw. Finished. Kablooey. Grim shouted turning to Paden as they left.
Mandy's Pov:
I decided to go to see Jr cause I wasn't thinking of staying home so I took a portal over to there.
I knocked on the door, Jr answered.
Hey he said are you okay? he asked. Do I look okay? I responded. Ummm no you don't that's why I asked. Come in.
He opened the door for me.
what's wrong? Jr looked worried.
Paden.......moved on I said.
Damn what an idiot jr said. Look at you. Like who the hell would say no to you?-
jr realized what he said and blushed a bit.
Well you can sleep on my bed
there's an old cot outside anyways so I'll just take that-
before he could leave I grabbed the back of his shirt getting his attention.
I don't want to be by myself Mandy whispered.
Okay jr said
I'll stay.
He sat down by her side
and kissed her forehead.
Goodnight Mandy, night jr she mumbled
making jr laugh a little before she drifted asleep in his arms.
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henbeaka · 11 days
does anyone care I CARE
my cousin made me watch descendants w her again and those movies could have been sooo good if they cared at all
like the isle of the lost could have been a politically greedy landscape where malificent and jafar and other power hungry leaders led groups of villains with other deisres (mother gothel, evil queen, gaston etc). as their oldest children are nearing twenties, theres new players on the field.
how would evil queen who has sworn allegiance to maleficent have reacted to mother gothel providing her with the ability to stay young and beautiful forever? how would the two feel when their children became best friends?
and then the children, sent on missions for their parents. the seeds of allies, friends, rivals-- uma and mal, the enemies of the isle of the lost, and uma's best friend, harry dating mal??? oh give me a prequel of them before descendants PLEASE
not to mention how good that would make the payoff of descendants two??
(if you dont care about shipping scroll till you see HADES?? in really big bold text ok thanks)
and then when they get there, they don't throw the boys away as dumb plot devices but give them relationships and arcs and goals? i know, shocker, but tbf they represent women in every disney movie prior to 2009
kill off the fairy godmother's daughter dating carlos and mulan's daughter dating jay plotline i don't want it. let's bring in jay literally falling in love with gil BECAUSE IT IS REAL AND IT HAPPENS IN THE THIRD MOVIE I DONT KID
and carlos rip cameron boyce ❤️ i dont think he really had a personality but his fits were super solid
i dont want to talk about evie and the dwarf's son other than to say EVIE AND MAL WERE PERFECT
you can find me in the space between YEAH NOW DELETE THAT SPACE BETWEEN YOUR LIPS
and dont talk to me ab ben being left behind because he had uma and/or harry LIKE THATS THE LOVE TRIANGLE I WANT TO WATXH and i no longer feel weird ab wondering if that could have worked as a throuple vibe because riverdale did it w four people so i dont think anyone cares anymore. about anything
if youve never seen descendants and/or your very confused as to where these conclusions are coming from:
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dove cameron says she ships evie and mal btw so haters can sit down
and honestly mal and uma work too like truly every ship that wasnt what they did worked so perfectly. and im not even putting a photo for them you and i both know they work
okay i swear this whole thing isnt just ship bait THERE IS MORE
why are YOU here? you are the god of the underworld, you have duties! the physics of this doesn't make sense because if hades is real, all gods are real, which means, well i don't know, can't the gods help remove him from this random island? can you imagine the beast trying to bring hades down to the isle of the lost, power struggle, and then finding out mal is his daughter BOOM PLOTLINE
and the beast is not that powerful! which brings me to my next point
why would ben have the beast's superpowers? the superpowers of the beast were a curse and removed. and why would the beast be the king of auradon? he's kind of useless. i think it would be cool and show that the heroes aren't perfect if other people wanted to rule
like not mulan or tiana thats out of character but maybe jasmine and aladdin or elsa and anna??
and where are all of these people from?? how can there be so many students if its js heroes? are there just a bunch of nobodies? why do we never see them this is honestly classist
and your telling me theres a dog but hes not related to the tens of disney dog movies that exist??? hes just some dog?? how can there js be some dog but no some humans?
and last. this is js. jay's adopted. look at him. search him up. he's not south asian, that boy is not related to jafar thanks
GOD, if a single producer there wanted to not just feed children mind numbing gunk in the shape of mid to did i mention songs and toys with dyed hair and a blindindly signature color, descendants could have gone down in history or at least to me as not just the show that killed off my beloved ever after high but a worthy opponent of it
also harry and gil kiss was cut
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twdgs · 4 months
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i wrote some banger tr retrospection if that tickles anybody’s fancy :3
[text transcript reads as follows, these are three separate discord messages.
message one:
every day i think about how the tr trio are misfits and weirdos who feel like they have no place in the world other than with eachother. they’re weird and imperfect and not amazing people and they feel like they have no hope of getting better, but the irony is that they make eachother better, over time.
their lives are awful and difficult and the only way they can bear to face themselves and get through it is to join a criminal organization to try and push away their life and avoid having to go through the pain of fixing themselves. but they end up giving one another the strength and love to actually start that process. and they dont even know it. jesus
message two:
they think that they’re all irredeemable, but thats just not true, because basically nobody really is. they’ve done awful things, but so does everyone. in my vision, they only really start to break down those walls when they’re in their mid 30s, after they probably get fired for a last straw or something of that sort. they’ve used the job of team rocket as a shield instead of facing their own pain, and they cant have that shield forever, so they have to find who they are again, after never having known in the first place. i think theres so much potential here why did the writers forsake them so hard
i think that process would probably be a situation where it gets so much worse before it gets better, because they dont know who they are, not really. its always been team rocket, anything before that was shrouded by pain and time. the three probably argue a lot during that time, a lot of frustration back and forth because all of their separate issues come out to bite all at once yknow, it probably puts a heavy strain on their friendship for a while. i think eventually it would even itself out as they learn to ask for help and deal with the frustration of talking things out for once. in the show all three tend to avoid talking about their feelings, always taking a roundabout way or letting it build until it becomes far too much for the others to handle.. i think thats like a character building thing that should be explored
message three:
bc they are all best friends and partners, but even that cant break through how intense their problems are, and specifically jessie has an insanely hard time in that department. she has a lot of abandonment and anger issues and it causes her to snap and try to push people away before they can hurt her, because yknow. things. her mother left her even though she promised she wouldnt, past friends and partners, romantic and otherwise have all left her, and the fact that she has people that really wont ever leave, distresses her in a way she cant deal with. it makes her nervous. she’s become attached to james and meowth, way more than any other past friend or partner or lover to ever be apart of her life. it scares her, because she knows that if they leave, they’ll take a part of her away that she cant ever get back again, no matter how hard she could try. they wouldnt, not for any reason, but she cant accept that. jesesus
end transcript]
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lostacelonnie · 10 months
Definitely understandable i easily lose the energy to talk with people when i have to interact with family. So you're good. Ah yes the dont worry about it approach my favorite. Especially when what you do in regards to you is your business. Well between last message & now i forgot so thats a good indicator of how thats goin. Beaches over here are hit & miss but the closer ones to me arent as popular thankfully. Hm. What is a2 knowledge & how is it getting worse? I adore colder climates heat is not kind to me at all. Tents are. Well. Some are decently priced depending on how big of one you get. Oh i definitely recommend going with friends its a lot of fun. Ive been slacking a bit on the game but so far clara is workin for me. Probably wont have enough for kafka. Oooh good luck to you with all your pulls. Story spoilers aren't a major thing for me because the how is always still fun. Definitely understand some just dont want em at all. Every time i try minecraft im like. Never sure what i want to do. So kudos to you for stickin with the game & having fun. Smaller cities are nice love having close stuff without being in like. A big city. Ah dang i hope you find that dye again in the future. Makeup is hard it should be easier for those who wanna wear it. Ive been so busy i missed. So many events whoops. Problem of bein stuck level gaining to continue story. Motivation is hard to come by. I busy myself reading or looking up new science discoveries when i dont wanna leave my room.
thankies ahdhfjfj!!! and, once again, apologies for the late reply. my grandma fortunately left a while ago but i was feeling Cranky and didnt wanna sound Annoyed With Existing ahdjfh. still kinda dying inside since i return to school in 2 weeks but fuck it we ball we stay silly etc. COMING BACK. yeah like "nobodys gonna know-" "theyre gonna know." "how would they know". and understandable sjdkfgjk consider this your reminder then. and ahh fair i live pretty far away from the sea so i dont really know good Spots i guess. BUT i do like lake beaches since theyre way more quiet most of the time. and basically im not exactly sure in how many countries it applies, im thinking most of europe? but essentially language knowledge here is divided by levels, a1 -> a2 -> b1 -> b2 -> c1 -> c2 with c2 being the highest. and well i guess theres also a0 but thats just when you start. a2 is just speaking Basic English, so like enough to survive if you go to an english speaking country but not much more. for reference, by tests ive done, my level is like between b2 and c1 so very decent but i dont know most of the "fancier" and more specific words. and with it "getting worse" i mean that [at least from what our teacher told us] the textbooks are getting easier and easier so people are leaving school not actually knowing almost anything. yeah SAME its been so hot here recently so ive been Suffering. and yeah i know but me and my mother dont really know if its a good idea to buy one since we dont really go camping anyway. but maybe when im an adult im gonna get more into it, esp if i have ppl to do it with. and ah thats nice to hear!!! i DID manage to get kafka and her lightcone so ive been having fun with her recently. actually overpowered. tho i heard shes quite f2p friendly. and oh understandable!! i unfortunately used to be on tiktok where they spoil EVERYTHING and its impossible to avoid so ever since then ive been extra careful. tho i kinda feel that way ab fontaine rn [cos i ended up actually being kinda interested] since i cant download it rn but still am excited 4 the story despite knowing little unconnected bits. and fair, minecraft def isnt for everyone but its very good for chilling out at least to me. rn im procrastinating on beating the ender dragon so im just maxxing out my gear rn. and yeah but im still gonna see whether or not i wanna live a long way from my family. oh well i still have time. also thanks!!! i have not been successful yet but i bought another dye so im gonna keep you updated on that. and ahhhh understandable, ive been Grinding so i didnt have that problem sjfkg i should build my sampo but. ah. i hate grinding artifacts. pretty excited for the 1.3 simulated universe update tho!!! esp since im really curious about the aeons so seeing more of the propagation is sth im looking forward to. but good luck!!! and VERY real i like doing wikipedia deep dives esp about marine animals. im a fishpilled oceancel but i unfortunately suffer from Not Remembering Anything Ive Read Ever.
0 notes
wakeup-awg · 10 months
Meet me in the pouring rain | July 15th
[Sophie | Alex]
It had been hot as hell the last couple of days and when the AC in the house broke and staying in their van with three kids wasn't an option, Alex's parents had been nice enough to agree to take the kids for a few days until the AC would be fixed or at least the weather was gonna cool down a bit. Alex was spending most of the time barely dressed now, with really just his swimming trunks on and trying to spend loads of time in the pool or the basement where it was a few degrees colder than in the rest of the house. It was the weekend, so nobody was gonna come to check the AC until Monday and Alex was tossing and turning all night in an attempt to sleep while he felt like his body was burning hot. He wasn't sure how Sophie did it, or whether she was actually in bed sleeping because with how hot it was, there was no way he was actually gonna agree on cuddles.
When the heat wave hit it was roasting hot but they had had AC until they didn’t. Now it wasn’t like she hadn’t been without air before in the UK it wasn’t as common and really they had it because she paid extra for it when she had moved into apartments or lofts. So when the AC broke and it wasn’t helped by the few fans and mini ACs she had found to plug in his parents were gracious enough to take the kids because she couldn’t have them getting sick. Most of the night she slept directly in front of her little mini AC that was really just a fan that used water to help cool them down but it definitely didn’t cool down a room or anything. Finally as some point she slipped off the bed, she had taken to walking around in a bralette and tiny underwear to keep as cool as possible before going downstairs and without thinking turned on Taylor swifts newest re released album and started to sing and dance along not realizing the music was incredibly loud and blasting Taylor swift now through the house.
Alex groaned. He had been dozing on and off between feeling way too hot and the little sleep didn't help his general mood, it being so hot left him uncomfortable and a little grumpy. When he stirred now, he heard music blasting and frowned, rolling over to find the bed empty and deciding to try and get more sleep. Except now he couldn't because whatever break up song from Speak Now TV was blasting /loudly/ through the house. "God damn it," he muttered as he peeled himself out of bed and padded downstairs to find the source of the music. "The hell is going on here?" Alex had to almost yell over the music when he found Sophie dancing to the music.
At this point she needed distraction from the heat after she set up a fan and turned on the music. Of course she had been listening to the album since it’s release on repeat as if it was her life happening right in front of her. So she sang along to Haunted her voice loud with the music “he will try to take to take away my pain and he just might make me smile but the whole time I’m wishing he was you instead. Ohhh I’m holding my breath won’t see you again something keeps me holding onto nothing. Come come don’t leave me like this I thought I had you figured out…” her voice following the music and her body dancing around the kitchen r even though it was hot and dancing into the living room. “COME ON COME DONT LEAVE ME LIKE THIS I THOUGHT I HAD YOU FIGURED OUT CANT GO BACK IM HAUNTED” you would think she wasn’t happily engaged with the way she sang. Spinning around she brushed her face out of her face as the next song stopped. “Distracting myself from the heat” before starting to sing Timeless her song from the vault without thinking much.
He watched her with a frown on his face and folded his arms in front of his chest. "By dancing?" he asked, fully confused as she broke right out into the next song and he shook his head. "Are you trying to tell me anything?" he questioned. Of course he knew singing along to songs didn't necessarily mean you felt exactly that same way as said in the song, but he was sleep deprived, hot and grumpy and that clearly didn't help.
She knew Alex was grumpy, he always naturally warm as it was and add in the extra heat was making him miserable but she tried not to let that sway her to end up arguing with him. "I mean dancing is a distraction might not cool me down but still it distracts me." Plus Taylor Swift. A laugh left her lips, shaking her head, "Are you being paranoid now?" as she swayed her hips as Last Kiss came on and she sang along dancing to the slow beat. "I never thought we'd have a last kiss, never imagined we'd end like this....you name forever the name on my lips." Her hips swaying and dancing around the living room eye closed.
He let out a grunt when she questioned whether he was paranoid now. "No, but apparently we're in two very different stages of this relationship," he grumbled, unfolding his arms and reaching up to ruffle his hand through his hair. "You're gonna have to turn this down, people are trying to sleep here," he huffed, pointing to the speakers, not like she could see anyway because she was swaying with her eyes closed.
A laugh left her lips when he said they were in two very different stages in their relationship. They weren't, "I can't help that Taylor Swift has amazing songs." Of course he might be sensitive if he knew anything about who her songs were about and that Last Kiss was about Joe Jonas, but it had nothing to do with that. She just was a Taylor Swift fan, and he knew that. Moving towards him finally she took his arms. "Dance with me?" she asked, knowing he was grumpy but she didn't care really.
"Yeah, very depressing ones too. Would be better if there were any where she's happily engaged," he muttered as Sophie came towards him and took his arms. "You realize our AC broke, right? It's way too fucking hot to be dancing," he argued, but his tired body gave in too her demand all too easily and let her pull him along to sway together.
"They're super good songs, and like it's not like album you just released didn't have depressing songs." she pointed out. "Alexa play Enchanted by Taylor swift." she said as he grumbled about it being too hot. Placing his hands on her almost bare hips, "You're grumpy." she murmured pulling him into her body, her arms wrapping around him. "It was enchanting to meet you." she whispered against his ear. Singing along to the song as they danced in the dim living light.
"I'm not singing them at the top of my lungs in the middle of the night though," he murmured as she started a different song and pulled him in more, his hands easily resting against her hips like it was just where they were meant to be and he let out a soft sigh when he felt her body rest against his and her arms wrap around him. "I'm not," he argued even though he knew she was right, he was grumpy.. And very tired.
"It's not like you haven't before." she teased, or maybe more just verses but still, wasn't the point. "You are, very grumpy." she said as the song changed. "What would you do, if I went to touch you now, what would do..." before humming along a bit. "Cause I can see you waiting down the hall from me and I can see you up against the wall with me." she husked, into his ear, this one of Taylor’s songs playing to her advantage.
"It's because it's way too fucking hot," he almost whined. "Monday can't come soon enough so someone's gonna fix this temperature. You know it'd be so much easier if one of us had the knowledge to fix the AC," he kept on grumbling, but truth was she was easily starting to distract him now, from the heat and from the tiredness. "Too bad we're not actually pressed up against a wall," he mumbled with a soft sigh.
"It is hot but you have to distract yourself instead of just focusing on the heat." she said knowing that it was hard she was warm too. "Well unfortunately we don't have that knowledge, and we could have gone to a hotel, we have the staff for the animals." she pointed out. "I mean... we could be pressed up against the wall." she husked as she swayed her hips to the beat of the song.
"But I like it here," he grumbled with a sigh. He loved being on the road and being up on stage and with the boys, but he actually did enjoy being home on the farm in between, including taking care of their animals and not just let someone else do that for them.  His fingers gripped into her hips slightly at her words. "And yet you keep making me dance with you," he said, like it was simply her doing and he wasn't genuinely swaying with her.
"I know you do but if you're going to be absolutely miserable  then I can go stay in a hotel by myself because I'm not going to end up arguing with you." Her voice was soft, she wasn't arguing, she was just stating she wasn't going to let them get to that point where they were nitpicking over silly things, like her singing to music. "Well when have you ever been one to be afraid to take charge." she husked, "And I can see you up against the wall with me." she purred an almost throaty noise to it.
"Why would I want you in a hotel by yourself?" Alex questioned like it was a very far fetched idea. "We're not arguing, it's just way too warm," he sighed and really, the way they were swaying now was probably the closest they had been since the AC broke. He could feel the warmth of her skin under the palms of his hands and he was sure his own skin was radiating heat at this point, but he didn't pull away from her. A frustrated groan left his lips at her reply and he sighed, his hands shifting now to slide around her waist to the small of her back and pull her in a little bit. He kept swaying with her, but slowly made their way across the room, more towards a wall so that he could trap her between that and him moments later.
"I don't think you do but if you're going to be miserable and end up with us arguing it's not worth it babe, the heat is not worth our sanity." she murmured as much as she loved their home. They hadn't really touched much since the AC had broken, which probably added to the grumpiness since they were a very intimate couple, not even just sex but being close, touchy, everything like that. He swayed with her but at some point he had her back pressed against the wall and she let out a slow, drawn out, breathy moan.
"The heat is definitely melting away our sanity," he grunted slightly. But he really wasn't going to actually argue with her. They swayed together until they weren't because he had her pressed against the wall and he sucked in a breath at the moan she let out. His hands slid up her sides and to her arms until he found her hands and laced their fingers together, lifting their arms up above their heads and pressing them against the wall. He had her trapped between the cool wall and him now and leaned in to capture her lips in a long overdue, deep kiss.
"It is and it's not worth it, if we're going to end up biting each other's heads off." Which was true. Though they seemed to be a bit more distracted at the moment. Feeling his fingers trace down her arms before sliding them up against the wall and over her head, pinning them there, her body all too willing to allow him to do it. His lips met hers, warm and heavy in a deep kiss that was needed between the pair.
He couldn't exactly be bothered to reply any more to that, now that he had her pinned against the wall, his mind could really only focus on that. He still felt hot, but there was a difference to it now that he felt her warm skin against his and he wondered briefly if laying closely together would've made falling asleep easier after all. The kiss was rather slow, but heavy and deep and it felt like they just needed that. Alex smiled into their kiss as his body pressed a little more into her, the little bit of clothing they had opted to to help deal with the heat really not much fabric between them.
Their minds were obviously now distracted by the kiss they were sharing. Her skin was warm, actually it felt hot, between the cold wall and his warm body but she didn't care now that the fact that his hands were on her body again. Their mouths moved slow with each other, that kind of kiss where you could tell it was just needing to taste each other on their lips. His body pressed into hers, feeling his bare skin press against her bare belly, only her bra and skimpy underwear keeping her barely covered. Really luckily no one else was in the house.
After a long moment of just kiss, Alex let go of one of her hands to drop his hand to her neck, feeling the warm skin against his hand. He let his teeth grace over her lips before breaking the kiss and tugging on her lower lip a little bit, a smile spread on his lips as he kept their faces so close together. The music was still playing and it caused Alex to chuckle softly. "Didn't think this album would be one anyone could ever consider having sex to," he murmured before sliding his hand to the back of her neck and be able to pull her in a little to resume their kiss again. It wasn't like they were having sex right now, but it was surely on his mind.
Her hand fell gently as he released one of them to cup her neck. He tugged at her lip eliciting a low growl from her throat. When he said he didn’t think this was an album anyone could have sex to  she laughed, “oh I beg to differ you could definitely have sex to some of these songs. Anger sex, sad sex, passionate sex, just depends on the song.” She murmured her free hand tracing down his abdomen and against the line of his boxer briefs. “First time for everything don’t you think?” Grinning as they were very obviously illuding to sex as she heard the soft rolling rumble of thunder in the distance.
Their kiss was shorter this time, broken to talk before their lips pressed together again. "Well this would fall into neither of those categories," he murmured against her lips. "It'd rather be 'too hot to sleep' sex," he chuckled softly before kissing her again. A soft groan left his lips as he felt her hand sliding down his bare skin and to the hem of his boxer briefs. "I mean I can't be bothered to change the music now," he said with a smirk, "so we can just test it out now." He chuckled softly into their kiss.
"Mmm I don't know angry sex, grumpy sex, it's pretty close." she pointed out giggling softly as his mouth met hers in a heated kiss for a moment. Hearing his groan, her fingers continuing to trace against the line of his boxer brief, fingers dipping in ever so slightly but never moving past the waistband as it travelled against his hot skin. "I enjoy testing out theories."
He let out a fake, snorted laugh. "I don't know what you're talking about, who's grumpy?" Her fingers moved teasingly against his skin, dipping into the waistband of the little clothing he was wearing and it easily urged him to let go of her other hand too so he could bring his hands to her sides, sliding up the skin until he found the hem of her bra. He didn't really tease like Sophie did, even though her skin was so warm, he started to take the bra off, because it was clearly in his way right now.
“My handsome, sexy, fiancée is grumpy.” She said without hesitation a grin playing on her skin. Her fingers continued to tease at his skin wanting to just keep him fully distracted by her. If he was distracted with her it’d be less about the actual heat and the heat between them. His hands moved to release her bra and she allowed him to pull it free of her and toss it away from them leaving her bare breasts for his viewing as she finally dipped her hand further into his boxer briefs and wrapped her hand around him starting to gently stroke him.
He scrunched up his nose at that, but he couldn't really argue with her, not when he knew she was kind of right about the grumpy part, and he'd rather listen to the handsome, sexy part anyway. They hands were on each others body and for that moment, Alex didn't really care about the heat. The warmth of their skin was radiating from them for sure, but that just gave more reason to get rid of the little clothes they were wearing, right? He took off the bra she was wearing to toss it aside and his eyes momentarily wandered down, lingered on her breasts and causing him to grin slightly before he glanced at her lips and then her eyes again and leaned in to kiss her. He moaned against her lips as her fingers wrapped around his length and started to stroke him. His hands found her breasts, cupping them and fondling as he parted his lips to dip his tongue against hers, deepening their kiss a little more.
Once her bra was removed she let him linger his eyes on her, her hand moving slow against his length to stroke him hard. It was something she figured wouldn’t be bad to start slow to build him where she knew he’d be so wanton for her. His hands grasped her breasts and she moaned into his mouth when he kissed her again, hands playing at her breasts as she started stroking him faster and harder in her hand.
There was just something about them together that left Alex's body naturally react to Sophie and he knew she was aware of the effect she had on him. Her hand felt so good around him and his length easily hardened at her touch so eventually he broke the kiss to rest his forehead against hers. "Fuck, baby," he breathed out, one hand sliding up to her cheek and letting his thumb brush over her jawline, then up a little to brush her lower lip. "Why do we even bother to have clothes on when it's so hot?" he muttered, hips moving into her touch slightly. Despite the heat, he just wanted her close now and knew they'd find a way to cool down later. Dropping his hand to her neck, he pulled her in a little more again, dipping his head down to bury against the other side of her neck where his hand wasn't resting and peppered a few kisses against her skin.
Sophie would never tire of the way Alex’s body reacted to her. That he still was so aroused by her even on the day that was hot and made you feel grumpy but could then get caught up in each other. “I mean we could instill no clothes until the air is fixed but are you going to be able to keep your hands off of me or will you constantly end up on me.” Not that she’d have complaints. His mouth peppered her warm almost damp skin with kisses and she mewled happily. “Fuck me.” She whined not wanting sweet moments between them in the hot sticky mess they were in.
Of course her answer put pictures and ideas in his head and he couldn't help but grin and let out a soft laugh. "I can never keep my hands off of you," he murmured before dropping his head to pepper kisses against her skin. He shifted when she whined, almost rolling his hips into her touch before letting his hands fall down to find her underwear and her hand had to pull from around his length so he could take the last bit of clothing off of her. His own boxer briefs were on the floor a moment later and Alex caught Sophie pressed against the wall again. "You're so fucking hot," he cursed out and it was both the warmth of her skin pressed against his and the way he was so incredibly attracted to her. He used one of his hands to  reach for her leg and lift it up so she was standing on one leg but held up against the wall as he adjusted himself so he could slide his length into her.
“I know so what would me walking around naked accomplish other then you possibly bending over something suddenly in need to fuck me.” She grinned,  “Which hot, very hot.” She commented but didn’t divulged further. It didn’t take long before he rid himself and her of the last bits of their clothing, his hand yanking her leg up, her body pressing into the wall to steady herself as he sunk his cock fully into her and she cried out in obvious pleasure her head falling back with a thud against the wall. “Oh god fuck yes.”
"I could be bending you over something or pressing you against a wall, you know.. like this?" He said with a smirk at the way he was holding her against the wall. Their clothes were out of the way easily and Alex didn't really feel like wasting time before he was finally buried inside of her, so he picked her leg up to give himself more room to be able to slide into her. He took a moment to enjoy this connection as Sophie tipped her head back and he groaned softly at the sound of her head falling back against the wall. His movements started slow, his hand holding her leg up still until he guided it to wrap around his waist as best as she could.
“Mmm I’m not sure if we’re making arguments for or against no clothes anymore.” Her voice rasped obviously thick with arousal now that they were so close to each other in that way they obviously needed to forget about the heat. He connected with her sliding fully in till he filled her tight walls completely and she grasped her nails into his shoulders, her head pressing back against the wall. He shifted her leg up higher till it hooked his waist changing the angle of him inside of her and she dug her nails in harder as a slur of curse words fell from her lips.
He could feel her nails digging into his skin and he was sure she was going to leave some kind of mark against his shoulders, not that he really minded. His head tipped forward against, nuzzling in her neck to place nibbling kisses against the damp skin, tasting the saltiness of it. Alex made sure to take a moment to adjust, to the angle, to the way they were pressed together, before he started to pick up the pace of his thrusts and then let his hands start to caress and roam, the hand on her leg sliding up her thigh to her bump while the other caressed at her side and then around to her breast.
The way Alex touched her was something that always drove her crazy. He knew just what to do to drive her mind to insane places in the best ways possible. The ways his hand explored her body, grasping at her bottom and then cupping her breast. Her hips pushing forward to meet his with each time his hand brushed over her nipple hardening the bud and making their hips crash together when he buried himself deep inside of her with each faster thrust.
Alex loved the way Sophie's body reacted to him and when his hand found her breast and he brushed over the nipple, he could feel it hardening and causing him to groan softly. Her hips moved so easily with his and he settled for a quick pace of thrusting his hips. "Fuck," he cursed under his breath before nibbling on Sophie's skin again, trailing kisses to just below her ear and then back to settle on a spot where he suckled a little more, playfully biting against the skin and very aware he was likely to be leaving a mark.
The sound of him groaning, or really any noise that he made when being intimate in some way, she loved hearing. The more vocal he was the better in her eyes and it drove her all that more crazy. He nibbled behind her ear before feeling him stating to suckle and bite a bit lower and harder and she gasped. “Yes!” The feeling so enticing as She thrust her hips forward pinning hard to his. “Don’t stop, don’t stop.” Her more natural instincts taking over rather then the rational ones of him leaving a very visible mark. “Don’t stop Al. Oh god harder.” She wasn’t really sure if she was talking about his thrusts or his mouth.
They weren't constantly marking each other but sometimes Alex enjoyed to leave a mark on her to make sure everyone was aware she was off limits to anyone but him. Not that there was anyone around here who needed to know, but he did enjoy seeing what mark he left every now and again. When Sophie encouraged him to go harder, he opted to bite down a little harder, but not enough to actually hurt her before licking his tongue soothingly over the spot. The way Sophie's hips were thrusting into him more and more, it was easy to bury himself deep inside of her even though his own thrusts came faster now and harder.
She knew what marking represented, at least for Alex. It was a back off, Sophie was his, and only his. Not that he ever acted like he owned her but that feel of like him marking her made her his was erotic from time to time. The bite came harder and she cried out her hand sliding down between them to stroke at her clit as her lavished her skin her hips bucking, her wetness seeping against his cock and her thighs. “Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.” Her breathing was getting heavier, her hip movements sloppier and it was obvious she was close to her orgasm.
With how pressed together they were to keep Sophie up against the wall, Alex felt her hand sliding between them and he groaned softly, knowing she was going to get so close so soon. "Baby," he breathed out, finally pulling his head back from her neck and briefly glancing at the darkening spot. "I want to feel you around me, I want to feel you come undone. You feel so fucking good," he muttered out, his hand squeezing at her skin a little more before he shifted his hands to her thighs and fully picking her up now.
His hands gripped her and lifted her causing her to bump back into the wall and him to thrust harder into her for a second and she let her head fall back. His words echoed in her mind him wanting to feel her, to feel her come undone around him. It didn’t take much with the way he moved now pinning her to the wall to finally let her now wet hand fall back grasping the wall as she cried out loudly her legs shaking around his body as she felt her walls wrap around him tightly like a vice as she hit her release.
It didn't take much more thrusting once he had hoisted her up against the wall with her legs around his waist until he felt them shaking and her walls tighten around his cock, causing him to moan loudly. "Of fuck, shit.. Soph," he cursed out, thrusting his hips through her orgasm, though slowing a bit to focus on filling her up deeply. "I'm so close, baby.. yes, shit.." His own body was trembling a little as he got closer and closer to his own release.
Her head was fallen back on the wall her breathing heavy as she felt her body twitch and spasm from her release. Everything felt like it was on fire from how warm it was but it still made her crave it. Hearing his voice she gasped her nails digging into his skin a little more. “I wanna feel you.” She breathed. “I wanna feel you come inside of me.” She panted.
Where their skin had been damp before from the heat, it was now definitely coated in sweat. But that didn't bother either of them as they pressed and shifted together. His pace was slower now, but he still buried himself deep inside of her with each thrusts until he couldn't hold back anymore and he cursed out as he reached his own high, pausing briefly as he poured into her, before moving his hips again slowly to ease them both through the feeling. "Fuck... that was so hot," he muttered before bringing his face to hers and nudging her nose with his gently.
Their bodies were definitely damp with sweat, feeling it trickle down her back and between her breasts from the heat. When his hips rutted and then pinned inside of her she felt the spill of his release into her mixing with her own arousal and she whined out. His hips eventually moving gently almost tenderly because they were easing them through the feeling still. “So fucking hot.” She breathed. “See told you there was good distractions.”
He rested his forehead against hers and laughed softly. "I'm still too damn hot," he murmured, but a smile played on his lips now. He took a few moments to just stand with her, before he let out a breath and started to shift a little bit. "Mmh, hold onto me," he murmured as he pulled her off the wall, his arms wrapping around her to support her as he started to walk slowly, very evidently feeling her still snuck around his length as he tried to get them over to the couch so he could sit down with her in his lap.
“Yeah but this is worth being hot for.” She said her breath raspy and panting. Her arms came up and wrapped around him holding onto him before he started to walk away still inside of her causing her to giggle slightly at the feeling. Once they were to the couch she was now straddled his waist. “Mmm we should relax and try and lay as still as possible with the heat. A storm is coming.” Hearing the rumbling, “maybe that’ll make things less hot.”
They had to shift a little to settle on the couch and Alex sucked in a breath at the feeling. "I tried laying as still as possible earlier and I still couldn't sleep, or be comfortable," he said with a shrug. The music had subsided by now so the rumbling could very evidently be heard and Alex nodded. "Let's hope for the best," he murmured, his hands moving to rub along her legs. "The music's off now... does that still count as we had sex to Taylor Swift songs?" he asked with a smirk, "Or would we have to turn it back on and.. keep moving?"
"I know the heat is pretty bad so I am glad at the very least that the babies are at your parents." Without a doubt they would have been cranky and potentially gotten sick with this heat not something she wanted to see happen. His hands massaged her legs and she groaned softly at the feeling. "We definitely had sex to Taylor Swift." she grinned, "I mean we could turn it back on and keep moving but that is going to make us more sweaty." The sheen on her skin showing just how sweaty they already were.
He laughed softly as she grinned at him and he leaned forward a bit to steal a kiss from her lips. "I mean, we're already sweaty, so what's the harm right?" he said with a smirk and brought his hand up to brush a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "We're so gonna need a shower anyway, what difference would a little more moving gonna do?" he asked and licked his lips a little bit.
"We are already sweaty though you know we could go take a dip in the pool." she pointed out, even if it was rumbling a little it would cool them off. "A very cold shower." she chuckled watching him lick his lips. "Alexa play Taylor Swift." she said grinning before leaning in cupping in neck and kissing him.
"We should've just spent more time in the pool the last couple days," he murmured, but was soon distracted once again by the way Sophie looked at him and then leaned in to kiss him. He smirked slightly at the way she leaned in like that and a soft hum left his lips as his hand that had just tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear now moved more to the back of her head to tangle in her hair and then dropped down her back.
"We should have definitely and we are going to have to the next couple days. Skinny dipping in the pool sounds fun doesn't it?" she said grinning plus it'd be relaxing and it's not like anyone was around to see them. His hand cupped and tangled in her hair before dropping down her back. "Mmm." she hummed against his lips. "Do you want me to move my hips or would that be too much." she breathed against his lips not wanting to do anything if he was too sensitive or anything.
"We can't go in the pool if there's actually a storm coming," he murmured, "not when it's too dangerous." He wasn't going to want to risk their lives.. though skinny dipping sounded very appealing. He was caught up in their kiss for a moment and then smiled against her lips at her question. "I think you should move," he murmured before kissing her again deeply, his hand on her thigh squeezing into her skin lightly.
“We’ll maybe it won’t actually storm and then we can.” She pointed out or it’d be a quick storm and then just rain and being in the pool with rain could be relaxing. Or even laying on the lounge chairs in the rain not wearing anything with cold water splashing on them would be something. When he hummed against her lips she nodded taking his squeezing of her thigh as a sign and started rocking her hips in smooth steady motions back and forth against him as her hands travelled his body.
He wasn't opposed to that idea, though apparently they had to just wait out the actual weather to see what it was gonna be like. Sophie nodded, and he moaned softly as she started rocking her hips so smoothly. Not super fast, but also not painfully slow either and he happily closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling a little more. "Mmh, feels so good, baby."
"Yeah?" she licked her lips when he said it felt so good. "Tell me if it gets to be too much." she murmured not wanting him to be too comfortable. She knew it was warm and they had already had an intense moment but being intimate and just playing around by moving her hips was okay. At least until he didn't want her to keep going so she rolled her hips with ease back and forth as her hands took in his body.
He loved the feeling of her hands roaming his body, her fingertips dancing against his skin and that alone caused him to moan softly. Sophie was rolling her hips and he tipped his head back against the back of the couch, nodding slightly. "It's not gonna be too much," he murmured, his hands moving to her hips and caressing her skin lightly.
Her fingers dragged across his hot damp skin, tracing every inch her fingers could reach. Just like he could appreciate her body, she could do the same thing with his. His hands continued to caress her as she moved her hips a little more with him snug inside of her tilting her body back a bit so it was strictly their hips pushing against each other and he could see her naked body easily on top of him.
Alex loved how far from boring their sex life was even though they knew exactly the kind of positions the other liked and how to drive them crazy. Moments like this were some of his favourites, not because the angle in which he was buried inside of her was particularly tight or it was easy to go harder and faster, but because he could actually see Sophie moving, take her body while she arched it to roll her hips into his. "Oh yes," he murmured out, letting his eyes wander over her every part he could see. Eventually, he let his hands slide to the small of her back, then up along her spine, sitting up a little straighter and leaning forward, closer to her in the process. With his arms wrapped around her and his hand finding and gripping the back of her neck, he pulled her in the rest of the way so he could meet her lips in a kiss.
Alex was the only one she felt this comfortable with. To see her fully and not worry about a single thing. He looked at her like she was the single greatest thing in the universe to him and it could still bring her skin to goosebumps even after years. So she let him scan his eyes over her body, leaned back as her hips pressed down into his grinding shortly and then rolling again before he was sitting up and pressing back into her. The grip at her neck made her moan before her mouth was covered by his in a heated kiss her fingers coming up to grasp into the back of his hair.
Their upper bodies pressed together again, despite the heat and how obviously sweaty they already were, but Alex didn't want any more space between them right now. He had a firm grip on the back of her neck and groaned into their kiss when her fingers started to grasp the back of his hair. It was getting longer again, it was messy and damp, but Sophie didn't seem to care and he just loved the way her fingers felt tangling in the strands.
She could feel the damp strands in her fingers but she didn’t care. The mix of how hot it was and the sweat they were causing because they couldn’t keep their hands off each other was hot. She tugged at his hair that was getting quite long pulling his mouth away from hers, tilting his head back before she slammed him back into the couch and covering his mouth with hers in a heavier kiss.
Alex let out an unhappy grunt when she pulled him back from their kiss but a moment later that turned into more of a gasp as she pushed him back hard to fall back against the couch. "Oh," he breathed out before her lips were on his again and this kiss was heavier, harder, hungrier than before. His hands raked over her back, pressing her into him a little more and for the moment he was more caught up in the kiss than about what their hips were doing, moving or not because her lips had a way of making his head spin and leaving him breathless.
Typically Sophie wasn’t the more aggressive in sex, she tended to always let Alex take a more dominate side to things but it didn’t mean she didn’t have her moments where she’d sometimes flip the script. The kiss was heavy, hard, her tongue tangling with his before she broke away sometime later leaving them both gasping for breath. She continued to rock her hips her mouth trailing down to his neck before she pressed him back against the couch and lifted herself and pressed down hard against his length.
When their kiss eventually broke, Alex was breathing heavily, gasping for air but all too happy experiencing this side of Sophie. It just had a ring of her oozing confidence to it that he absolutely loved to see. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back a bit, enjoying the feeling of her mouth on his skin before she pressed him back a little more and started to bounce on his length, causing him to let out a moan and his hands reaching out to grip her thighs as if he needed something to hold onto and obviously he wanted his hands on Sophie.
The sound of his breathless pants, the way his hands were grasping at her body as she started to bounce against his length with ease given she was already incredibly wet from their earlier mix of the two of them together. Her hand tugged his hair back again even though he was flat against the back of the couch and bit into his shoulder as she pushed her hips hard into his. “Fuck.” The word came out sloppy when her mouth released from his shoulder the sound of saliva slurping against her lips as she positioned herself to really ride him now.
He was breathing heavily, letting her tug his head back as her teeth nibbled on his skin as if seeking out a spot. A low growl left Alex's lips when she bit at his shoulder and his hands squeezed hard into her legs. "Oh fuck, baby.." he let out as she shifted a little on top of him. "Yes.. oh god," he moaned, mildly aware that she would love him being vocal but also her actions just causing him to want get this out. "Shit, Soph…"
His hands gripped onto her legs as if he was holding on for dear life but she kind of loved it. The way he had to hold onto her and touch her. She knew he was being more vocal to encourage her and that she loved to hear him so she moved her hips with ease gliding up and down his shaft quick and hard as soft breathy whimpers started to fall from her parted lips.
With still being stimulated from their previous activity against the wall and the way Sophie was just now moving on top of him, Alex soon felt that wonderfully tingling feeling inside him bubbling up and causing him to let out another almost breathy groan. "Oh fuck, baby I'm so fucking close," he breathed out, licking his lips and sucking the lower one in briefly to bite on it. "So good," he repeated.
She knew it wouldn’t take much once she was really moving against him to get him close from their previous activity moments ago but didn’t mean she wasn’t going to put her all into pleasuring him. Her hips continued moving her own legs shaking so that he could probably feel them shaking around him as she tried to get them close together to find their release at the same time. It took another minute before she was nodding and whimpering her stomach tightening in obvious tension waiting for her release to match his
She was moving so expertly on him like she just knew how to move to get them both closer to that much wanted release. Alex opened his eyes again to see Sophie, nodding and whimpering and he nodded too, their eyes locking in a silent conversation to find that release together. He could feel his own muscles trembling slightly while Sophie shook against him and he finally let go of her legs to wrap his arms around her and pull her in, releasing deep inside of her while he felt like the mix of fluids would've easily pushed him out of her if they weren't in the position they were currently in. "Fucking hell," he muttered under her breath before reaching up to cup Sophie's cheek and pull her in for a kiss.
She could feel her release, her legs shaking and then they both reached their last release together him filling her as her walls wrapped tighter around her, her hips pinning down into his because the feeling was so intense her body was slightly spasming against him as she felt overly full at the moment. “Oh fuck. Oh fuck.” She panted coming down as he pulled her down for a kiss and her lips melted against his before pulling back. “Can’t breathe that was so..  wow.” Her body going limp against him.
Alex was panting hard, even though he was sitting down this felt more like work out with a very, very happy outcome. Their kiss wasn't long, but they both needed to breathe and he let out a laugh as he tipped his head back against the back of the couch. "Wow describes it pretty well," he murmured, his arms loosening around her a bit before he shifted, slightly not to be moving too much but so that he could move to the side enough to lay down against the couch with Sophie fully resting on top of him and against his chest.
“Mmm I think wow is a light statement you feel amazing.” She murmured her body still limp against him. He shifted and she whined a tiny bit feeling super sensitive as he positioned them to lay down. “We’re covered in sweat and once we move it’s going to be a mess.” She murmured tucking into his chest his heart beat fast that she could hear
"So double wow?" he questioned, a soft chuckle leaving his lips. "I don't know what you just did though, how'd you move like that?" he asked, a small grin curling onto his lips before he started to shift them so they could lay down against the couch. "Yeah I don't think I can move any time soon," he groaned softly. It was incredibly warm in the house, or in the room in general but the light sweat that covered them helped cool them down a little bit and honestly Alex rather wanted to just take a moment to lay with her before even thinking about moving.
“Double wow Yeah.” She laughed softly against him. “Mm guess I had a sudden spur of creativity with my moves for once.” She teased as they laid there happy that the light sweat and the fans at least gave a little cooling in the hot house. “You know this couch pulls out into a bed and we always end up laying like this.” She laughed. “Next time I ride you on the couch we’re opening it first.” She teased her breath raspy as she closed her eyes to steady her breathing.
"Oh there clearly wasn't a good time to pull the couch out," he pointed out with a smirk. "Not really sure we could've handled the task with me inside of you. And I kinda enjoyed that more than pulling the couch out." Alex shifted his head a little so he could look at her and a smile formed on his lips as he reached up to brush some of her sweaty hair from her face. They lay like that for a while until Alex felt like his skin was burning again and he groaned softly. "How's a cold shower sound to you?" he asked.
“Okay maybe you inside of me would have made it harder but like more room.” She pointed out before giggling softly knowing they hadn’t really been in the mood to stop or anything and if he had pulled out chances were they wouldn’t have had a second round. “Like it’s really far away.” She laughed. “Feel like we need a cold bath or something and then sleep in that.” She teased.
"We're not gonna sleep in the tub," he murmured. "That's just gonna get really uncomfortable and then tomorrow I'm gonna be hot and have backpain." He let his hand brush up and down over her back slightly and eventually, when he felt like he had regulated his breathing, he let out a soft sight. "Babe.. I love laying like this but I'm getting really, uncomfortably hot.."
“It’d be so much cooler then.” She chuckled softly. After a little bit she could feel their skin sticking together and she knew he’d be so warm. “Okay just roll me over first before you pull out or we’re gonna make a mess all over. Can you grab a towel quick when you get up.” She murmured softly since she really didn’t want to make a mess all over the couch.
He laughed softly when she asked him to roll over first, but part of his brain that didn't feel like it was melting away knew she had a point. He shifted, rolling them over before he pushed himself up and their skin made a funny noise when he pulled it off of the others. "I'll be right back," he murmured, getting off the couch and he was off to the downstairs bathroom, since it was just a shorter way, to grab a towel that he returned with. They ended up taking a relatively long cold shower before finally deciding to give sleep another try. "Just be warned, you are not getting cuddles," Alex warned as he put a pair of boxer briefs on and then climbed into their bed.
After she cleaned herself up enough to actually stand they had a long very cold shower that was much needed. By the time she got out leaving her hair damp down her back to keep her cooler longer she headed out to the bed and crawled onto the satin sheets that were there to keep things cooler. “Don’t worry I’m not asking for any cuddles and I’m also not putting clothes on so deal with it.” She said climbing into the bed and curling herself up to try and enjoy being as cool as possible in front of the little mini portable water ac that actually at this moment felt pretty good.
He turned and lifted his head a little to look at her, brow arched as she very nakedly climbed into bed. "You say that like I'd actually have a problem with having you naked in my bed," he said with a smirk. Maybe it was the cold shower, or maybe it was just exhaustion, but after leaning over to give Sophie a quick kiss, Alex relatively quickly dozed off and actually slept for a couple hours. When he woke, the first thing he could hear was heavy rain tapping on the windows before realizing that sound just made the urge to go pee even worse. So he crawled out of bed and disappeared in the bathroom. He felt less tired, less grumpy and generally more rested than before and since it was well into the morning at this point, he was just gonna stay up and get some coffee. He cracked a few windows open to be able to let the cooler air in before he padded downstairs and start some coffee. While he was waiting, he looked outside and something about the downpour caused him to get an idea and a grin formed on his lips. He ventured off to found one of the portable speakers he often took on tour with him and set it up out on the porch. The dogs seemed happy to venture out and lay out on the porch where they were secure from the rain but enjoying the slightly cooler air and Alex took a brief moment to pet them before headed inside again and towards the stairs. "BABE! COME DOWNSTAIRS," he called up, not even sure whether she was awake or not. He didn't wait for her to come though, just headed in the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee and take a large sip of it, then hurried outside to set his phone up with the speaker and find the song that had planted this idea in his mind.
“Oh your bed huh?” She commented chuckling as she made herself as comfortable as possible on the bed. It didn’t take long for them to doze off at all, they were asleep and between the fans and little mini ac it managed to help them sleep for a few hours. The bed moved when Alex got up but she just shifted more onto her belly and rested against the cool satin letting her body drift back off. She could hear the sound of the rain beating down on the windows and she hoped it would drop the temperature a little bit to be comfortable. When Alex yelled up for her she jumped slightly sitting up and running a hand over her face. “What?” She called back but no answer so she grabbed one of Alex’s basic white tee shirts that barely covered anything more than the top of her bottom and headed downstairs to look for him. She could see the dogs weren’t there so she was worried that the dogs had gotten out or something happened so she hurried to the door and pushed it open. Not really caring she basically had next to nothing on as she stepped out into the porch. “What happened?”
Thankfully, their property was spacious and there wasn't really any way for anyone who wasn't trespassing (and that would be a whole different problem) to see them. So Alex didn't bother to put on any more clothes than the underwear he had worn to bed and he was pleasantly surprised Sophie actually wore a short when she came hurrying outside. He had just found the song and was grinning at her as the first verse of Taylor Swift's Sparks Fly was playing on the speaker. He cranked the volume up a little more and then started backing towards the steps that led off the porch, walking down them backwards and into the downpour of rain. By the time the chorus started he was already drenched from the rain, but he held his hands out for Sophie and started to sing along. "Drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain..."
She knew no one was going to see her unless their help showed up early that day which with the rain she highly doubted it and people probably didn’t know they were back home in Baltimore which meant no attempted at trespassing. So when she came outside and saw that he had things set up and the music playing a grin tugged to her lips and a laugh followed shortly after. “What is this?” She asked before he was leading them off the porch the rain pelting down on them and in no time his white shirt on her was now see through and pretty much pointless as it looked like she was wearing nothing. So when he started to sing along she moved into him and “kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain.” Singing along with him as she half bounced in the rain now to the song.
He didn't bother to answer her question, because he was sure she'd figure out what he was doing moments later. The white shirt she was wearing, he was assuming was his, was drenched in seconds and she really wasn't wearing anything underneath, but he couldn't care less in that moment. He laughed as she reached him, her body moving into his as she sang along and he took her hand to twirl her before pulling her back in, not really dancing but more bouncing around to the song. By the second time the chorus played, Alex reached up to cup her face and pull her in to actually kiss her this time, grinning against her lips because he knew he had said kissing in the rain just wasn't for him - but he continued to learn all the sides of him that Sophie brought out.
She was glad that it was one of those days where it was just them because typically Alex would have been more freaked out about her outfit choices but instead he was doing something he knew she would love. Even if it wasn’t necessarily his favorite thing or something he explored because of her she appreciated it. He twirled her out in the rain and she came back into him giggling and obviously just happy as can be to be dancing and singing in the rain before he pulled her in at the exact timing of the music and kissed her, her arms threading around his neck as the water came pouring down onto them.
He hadn't once reconsidered this once the idea popped into his head, but the look on Sophie's face now as he twirled her in the rain was making everything so worth it. He just wanted her happy, and it was never just grand gestures with her to get that. It was the simple things, like dancing in the pouring rain right now and he laughed against her lips once he had pulled her in for a kiss and felt her arms wrapping around his neck. His fingers slid into her wet strands of hair slightly and he deepened the kiss before slowly pulling away and dropping his hands from her head to wrap his arms around her. He slid them down under her bottom, just below the hem of the shirt that was clinging to skin right now and he picked her up like that, lifting her up so she was half against him, her head  easily towering over him and he twirled them in the rain, laughing and giggling and really just having a good time.
It was one of the sweetest moments, after being miserable from the heat to intense sex shared between them now he was dancing with her in the pouring rain to Taylor Swift. It really was the small things like this that made her love Alex as much as she did, the small things that could just make her smile. He kissed her hard and the rain poured down on them and she felt like they were the only two people in the whole world at that moment. When he lifted her she kept her arms around him as she was now up over him and he twirled her around with him her hair spraying out causing her to laughing and squeal and she understood why she continually fell in love again and again with Alex for moments where they were like this.
He head to tip his head back to look up at her now, but even when the rain was pouring on his face that way, he still couldn't get enough of looking at Sophie  and seeing the pure joy on her face, in her laugh. He chimed in on the laughter as he let her slide down in his arms until her feat hit the floor again, his arms bunching up the shirt on her back and leaving her exposed before he let go enough to fix the fabric over her bottom again, shaking his head a little bit. "There's barely any point in even wearing this shirt," he teased.
He slowly let her down the shirt bunching up leaving her bare from the waist down outside before he fixed it. “I mean I didn’t know you were gonna take me out into the pouring rain.” She laughed looking down to see it was completely translucent and see through. “It is kind of pointless and it’s heavy with all the water in it.” Before she reached down and pulled off the very heavy water logged shirt and tossed it on the grass. “Now I’m naked outside.” She grinned.
Alex let out a soft groan when Sophie pulled off the shirt without even hesitating and once the fabric was off, he pulled her in against him and wrapped his arms low around her. "I don't like you running around naked outside," he reminded her, but he wasn't doing anything to make her go put something on this second. He was aware that not a lot of people would even be out in this weather, let alone anyone near them anyway.
His arms wrapped low around her pulling her in, she was sure to cover her bottom while his body covered her front. “It’s our backyard babe no one is going to see me.” She said giggling. “I think we’ll survive this once with me naked outside. Plus how am I going to sunbathe naked outside when the weather is nice? This is the first summer I’m not pregnant with a bump in the summer I want to enjoy it.” She murmured “relax okay? The rain feels soooooo nice”.
"How about you sunbathe not naked?" he questioned, holding her to him but kind of more relaxed than he'd usually be, maybe because of what he got to do with her earlier, or because of the rain he was sure would be keeping any and all people away. "You can just wear one of your tiny bikinis to sunbathe in?" he suggested since he knew he wasn't going to ever be able to stop her from wearing those anyway.
"Why can't I sunbathe naked I won't get any tan lines that way. No one is going to see me." she rolled her eyes at the man. "I mean those are already tiny and you say they cover nothing so what's the difference?" she hummed. "Come on lets grab the lounge mattresses and lay in the rain together.
"There's not even any sun right now," he said and grinned slightly. He turned his head to look over where they where and other than people, who weren't even there, nobody was able to see them. "Alright, alright," he chuckled softly and slowly let go of her so she could lead the way.
"No not right now but there will be sun other days." she pointed out. Taking his hand she got him to spin her around as they walked even being naked, which wasn't something she'd normally feel so comfortable doing. Though she did feel really good today. Grabbing the weather proof cushions she dragged them out onto the grass and flopped onto one while Alex pulled the other one next to her. "Mmm you know laying in the rain, it feels nice." she murmured.
Alex let her lead the way and he even lifted his arm so she could spin when she started to. He helped set up the cushions before flopping down on one and turning his head to look at Sophie. "Yeah I don't know if I'm a fan," he admitted with a soft chuckle, but he didn't get up and sprinted to get out of the rain, he rather decided to be doing this with Sophie.
They got everything set up and she had the rain hitting down and on them as she turned into her side to face him. "It's relaxing the rain dropping down onto you, plus it feels so nice and cool right now with the rain and everything." she murmured, the rain wasn't pouring as hard, but it was still definitely raining as she closed her eyes. "But if you want to go lay on the lounge and just ogle me from there." she teased.
He shifted and turned more onto his side towards her. "Ogle you from over there? Now that sounds a little creepy," he murmured before rolling all the way over to lay in his stomach. He folded his arms to make a pillow for his head before resting down a little more
"Are you saying you've never ogled me before?" she raised a brow now looking at him. When he turned over onto his stomach and rested his head so that it was covered a little bit. "Babe if you don't want to lay here you can go lay on the lounge on the patio with the dogs, I don't mind."
A grin spread on his lips. "Not while you were laying naked in the rain," he said truthfully, because that was a first. But clearly he had looked at her and watched her before. "Are you sending me off?" he asked, lifting his head a little and chuckling softly before shaking his head. "I'm okay right here," he murmured and lifted his head back down on his arms.
"Maybe not in the rain but you can't act like you haven't ogled me ever. Let alone while I'm naked." Because he had definitely checked her out naked before. "I'm not sending you off." she laughed softly, "You just don't seem very relaxed now, or at least not as relaxed as I am laying here." she said rolling over onto her back which left her completely exposed, her eyes closed and sighing happily at how cool her body now felt.
"You can't even blame me for that," he said with a grin and chuckled softly. He shrugged his shoulders at her comment. "That's because you're laying out here naked and I can't just cover you up from everyone but me," he murmured, though he was more calm about it then he would have been in the past. He shifted a little to get more comfortable. "Should've just laid down in the hammocks," he murmured.
"I don't blame you at all, but just saying that you have definitely ogled me and if it's creepy now it was creepy then babe." she pointed out chuckling softly. "There's no need to cover me up because no one is going to see anything." she murmured. "Okay would you feel better if we went and laid together in the hammocks?"
Alex scrunched up his nose a little but then shrugged and laughed a little. He lifted his head again to look at her, considering her suggestion momentarily before he nodded. "Actually yes, but that depends.. are we gonna share a hammock or do you rather want to leave in one by yourself?" he questioned, before pushing himself up and shaking his head in an attempt to get some of the water out of his hair.
"We can share the hammock together if you are okay with that." she murmured, "And with the trees it won't come down as hard on us so it'll keep us nice and cool, we can relax, and you can stop worrying someone is going to see my naked even though they still could have seen me the shirt didn't cover anything if that was the case." she pointed out.
Alex started to push himself up to get off the cushion and then walked over to stand by Sophie's side, holding his hands out so he could pull her up and back onto her feet. "I don't really believe anyone's as crazy as we are to be out in this rain," he chuckled softly. "But I'd appreciate hiding away a bit," he murmured and leaned in once she was standing in front of him to capture her lips in a soft kiss. He took her hand after that to lead her to where the hammocks were set up and he easily got into one to lay comfortably before tugging Sophie in so she'd lay with him.
Reaching up she took his hands and was pulled up to her feet. She could compromise and make it so that they were more comfortable for him. "I don't think anyone will be out in the rain either but I also think we have a lot of property like dozens upon dozens of acres that no one is going to see us." she said again. Her lips pressed softly against his as they moved towards the hammocks and crawled into with him and laid her naked body into his mostly naked body, their wet skin sliding against each other until she settled with her one leg over him. "There, the trees stop some of the rain but we still get some to keep us nice and cool." since they didn't need to rush for anything.
He was glad she easily agreed to move to the hammock and he smiled softly as they started to climb in together and settled so her body rested against his, mostly skin on skin contact with her leg draped over him and he hummed softly as his arm wrapped around her, his other hand resting against her knee. "Can't tell me this isn't more comfortable," he said with a soft chuckle, pressing a kiss to the top of her head and then closing his eyes.
They laid against each other and she sighed happily into his arms. “I don’t know it was pretty relaxing out there too so I would say both are comfortable and enjoyable. You just didn’t like me being so naked and exposed.” She said with a shrug as she snuggled up and tucked her head into his chest.
"I do like you being naked," he said, his hand sliding up from her knee over her leg and up over her bum and up her back, before trailing all the way back down again. "Just want to have that view all to myself," he murmured. He liked the way she was snuggled into him, he could feel her breath on his skin, sure she could hear and feel his heart beating.
"I know you do, and you do have that view all to yourself. No kids, no friends around, no people, so the view is strictly yours. Now you just get to enjoy it outside and inside for today." she murmured softly. "The rain feels so good doesn't it though so nice and cooling."
"I wouldn't be happy laying here if we had friends around," he admitted. He kept moving his hand, caressing up and down and also mindlessly taking in her skin. "I'm feeling more of you and less of the rain," he chuckled softly.
"I know you wouldn't be but I wouldn't have gotten all naked if friends were around babe." she pointed out because Sophie didn't exactly want people seeing her naked if it could be prevented. "Well I can move a little bit if you want to feel more of the rain."
"The white shirt really wasn't hiding much of you though," he grinned softly. "Was that my shirt? If it's gonna be stained from the grass now I'm totally blaming you," he teased. When she suggested moving, he shook his head. "No, no. I'm good."
"Well had people been over I would have put on more than a white shirt babe, I knew we were alone." she chuckled shaking her head. "It was your shirt and I promise that it will come clean and if it doesn't I'll buy you a new one even if you have other white shirts." she giggled as he said he was good. "Mmm thought so."
"I have other shirts but apparently I have to share them with you so if this one's ruined, a new one would probably be a good idea," he chuckled softly. They lay together for a little bit longer but a distant rumbling of thunder and far away view of lightning caused Alex to start to shift. "I think this may be our sign to get back inside.. "
"Oh so I'm ruining all your shirts is that what I'm doing?" she asked teasing him as she shook her head. Laying there with the raining water was so peaceful and then there was rolling thunder and she sighed. "How about can we go lay on the cushions under the porch? I'll put on a nightgown and we can still at least get the cool breeze but safe from the lightening."
"No, you're just stealing all my shirts is what I'm saying," he said with a smirk, but he really didn't mind at all, not with most of his shirts at least. He shifted so they would start to get up and shrugged his shoulders. "I guess we can do that, yeah. No fun going back inside where it's way too hot is it? We should grab food though, I'm starving."
“I am not stealing all your shirts.” She said rolling her eyes. “Gonna steal your favorites if you’re not careful.” Grinning up at Alex. “No I mean I’m hoping with the windows and door open that it’ll cool the house down but we can lay the cushions out, grab some food, grab some towels and just relax, still feel the nice cold breeze and not feel all hot.”
They climbed out of the hammock and while Sophie was going on about how they should spend this very welcome break from the heat, he almost tackled her by wrapping his arms around her and then pulling her into him. "Yeah, we can do that. As long as there's food, I'm in," he grinned, pressing a kiss to her temple and then starting to walk them back to the porch where the dogs were now perking up, apparently neither of them had wanted to be in the rain.
His arms wrapped around her and she almost slipped when he tackled her. A laugh left her lips as his arms now firmly around her. "Are you still trying to cover me up?" she teased. "We can definitely have food, there's a bunch of fruits and deli meats and cheeses, we can make like a charcuterie board for out here." she offered. Glancing back at the three dogs she smiled, "I love our little crazy brood." she chuckled. "Alright I'll go get a night gown if you go start grabbing the food."
"No," he laughed. "Just trying to get you back inside and shelter you from the storm." Once back on the porch, Alex greeted the dogs and scratched Peyton behind his ears. "You love the pack too, don't you old man?" he cooed and then smiled as he briefly petted the other two too before heading inside. "Don't forget to bring towels!" Alex called after Sophie as he wandered into the kitchen to start setting something to eat up for them.
“Oh keeping me safe from the storm huh?” She grinned because it was true probably at least he would always try. “He’s such a good big brother.” She murmured before heading upstairs. She dried herself off and pulled on a very thin nightgown and then grabbed extra towels and two extra sheets. Making her way back downstairs she found him. “Okay I’m gonna also grab an iPad we can set up a movie and just relax together.” A smile on her lips that showed how happy she was.
Alex knew they were lucky to have all these animals who got along so well, including this funny little pack of dogs that were so different and yet such good friends. "He is, and they're just always keeping him up and moving." He passed them and headed for the kitchen, starting to get the food ready until Sophie returned to join him. He turned his head, taking her in and matching the smile on her face. "As long as you pick a movie you're not gonna be mad if I fall asleep during," he teased with a soft chuckle and after a quick "catch" he threw a grape at her, grinning cheekily as he picked another one up to pop into his mouth this time.
"Well it's good that they are, after Baz..." she trailed off, knowing he could have been a lot more sad if it was only him but her dogs kept him busy even though she missed Willa's little buddy. "Oh are you going to fall asleep again, after you just slept a few hours." she teased because honestly falling asleep to the rain like that sounded wonderful. When he threw the grape she tried to catch it in her mouth but missed but thankfully her hands managed to catch it and popped it into her mouth. "Mmm so good." she nodded before settling things out on their large overhang porch in the back. She got the dry cushions and wiped down the little bit of rain that splashed onto them and set them up before heading in and grabbing some of the couch pillows and setting that up as well so they had essentially a large cushion bed and set up the around the edge and a sheet over the cushions and then a sheet at the bottom if they wanted to cover themselves up if they got a little cold before grabbing a table and setting up the iPad and hooking it to the bluetooth radio Alex had outside. "Alright look at this a little outside watching the rain date night." as the thunder rumbled.
"Yeah," Alex said softly and nodded. He could barely grasp that the little dog had been gone for almost a year now, and maybe just maybe he felt like while there was no way any dog could ever replace him, he'd love to have another little puppy around, one Willa would end up loving just as much as she had loved Baz. Sophie got busy setting up a comfortable spot for them and when Alex carried out a tray with all kinds of foods they could munch on, he had to agree this looked much like a date night they just whipped up. "Looks pretty comfortable to me," he agreed with a smile.
His voice was soft and she gave a sad smile. “I miss him too you know. I know Willa does too.” Sometimes she could hear he call for Baz randomly which was so sad but she didn’t dare bring up the topic of puppies. She never wanted him to think she wanted to replace the Baz. “It does I have the cushions extra thick to keep us comfy, and then towels around the outside if the breeze pushes any rain towards us. Then I have a sheet down on the cushion and another sheet if we get a little chilly and our theatre.” She gestured grinning. “Pretty great date night spur of the moment.” Which was true. “Now how about either some wine or mixed drinks to add in?”
"I know. I really miss him." He didn't really say it like that often but it was true, he missed the little pup he'd had for so many years. Alex grinned slightly and then let out a soft laugh. "Except it's nowhere near night.. Or barely even noon," he said with a smirk but then nodded. "It's what, Sunday though right? We can do what we want on Sundays. Including having some whine for our date set up," he told her. "Red wine?" he asked before he was off to find one that would go well with the food.
“I don’t want you to think he could ever be replaced but do you ever think about getting puppies? I mean Willa misses him and you always said you wanted Noah to grow up with a puppy.” She meant it more for a someday she didn’t mean today or this month even. “So we’ll have a long date day into night.” She said since it was true. “Red wine sounds perfect. Grab the bottle.” She called after him when he went to retrieve one.
"I have," he said without really thinking much or hesitating. "But I don't think I'm ready to actually look for one yet. We've got so many animals around here, I still have another tour coming up," he said. Alex wasn't gone long to get the wine and two glasses and he filled the but before settling down. "C'mere," Alex murmured with a smile.
"True a puppy or two on tour with three kids might be a lot." she said, "Unless you aren't planning for us to go with you." They hadn't discussed the second leg of the tour. "We don't have to rush but someday it might be nice, for the kids, for you." she said giving a small smile. Moving towards Alex she smiled, "I think this turned out to be pretty great, hot sex, date night in the rain, now laying watching the storm. You're a romantic more than you think baby."
"Of course I want you to come. If you're not busy with a project yourself, I always want you and the kids in the road with me," Alex said, like he had never even considered anything else. Sometimes he thought  things would be different if they didn't have the kids but then he also felt like he could never tire of having Sophie around, so maybe it wouldn't be so different except maybe she was gonna do more projects for herself. He shook his head and chuckled softly. "You set this up not me," he reminded her as they settled down comfortably.
She sometimes wondered if they hadn't had kids if he would want her on the road as much as he said he did but she didn't bring that up. it'd probably start problems for something that wasn't even possible, they had three kids. "I don't think I have any projects unless I have promotion which right now I think the show will go forward since that's part of the British acting union but no projects in the US with the actors guild strike." she said with a shrug. She didn't mind. They were standing up for the right things. "I set this part up, but it was a mixed effort all day."
"Then yeah, I was hoping you'd be coming with me," he said with a smile. "The van for us is being all set up too so we should be good to travel with three kids and the dogs," he told her. Settling down together it really wasn't long until their dogs came closer to see if they could get some food or at least a comfortable spot to lay down in. "Alright, so nothing right now and then maybe some things coming up in the near future," he said with a nod. "Do you wish you were doing more?" he then asked softly.
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