#nosotros dos
eiri3m-blackw3lls · 9 days
•| Y te ví...otra vez, y me pregunté; que habría sido de nosotros, si el universo no se nos hubiera puesto en contra.
— un dolido del corazón
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anes-tesia · 1 year
¿Destino o casualidad? Fue una casualidad conocernos, pero el destino nos hizo coincidir y es algo de lo que estaré agradecida siempre.
Misteriosa como el mar.
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ya-no-la-quiero · 3 months
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Virginia Woolf
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sublecturas · 9 months
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"Nosotros dos en la tormenta", de Eduardo Sacheri
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sweetsweethate · 24 days
el otro día mi papá tuvo el tupe de decirme 'ya se que no cobro mucho pero tampoco para que andes con esos trapos' por el jean que llevaba puesto y lo peor es que tiene razón AAAAAAA
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trabandovidas · 1 year
I love how Uruguayans are all like "ugh i can't understand shit in portuguese, i can't even form a proper sentence" and Brazilians are like "ugh i can't understand shit in spanish, i can't even form a proper sentence", and that is both said with frustration and the fucking deep desire to speak the other's language
But then you have this annual happening ?? where we go and take university level (!!!) classes in the other's language, and go to talks and academic conferences given entirely in the other's language and we go to the other's country and give them conferences in our language and we are all like, "ugh, ah, fuck, i can't speak shit in portuguese/ spanish, i'm so sorry i can't even form a proper sentence, I don't wish to inconvenience you, i just. can't :(" and the other one is all like "ye, ye, ye, don't worry, you just speak in your tongue, i can understand you, don't worry, i can't speak spanish/portuguese either, i don't even understand shit of it either. But i completely understand you giving me this university level class tho!, yeah no problem <3" like ???? sir???
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williammoll · 2 years
"Dime, ¿de verdad no volveremos a encontrarnos nunca más?"
Henri Michaux. Nosotros dos aún.
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
julián on the bench again. getting tiring now :/
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docpiplup · 1 year
Previous post: The sigil of House Tyrell
The following one is the sigil and motto of House Greyjoy, by Tomislav Tomić.
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(In the Asoiaf Spanish editions, We do not sow
is "Nosotros no sembramos")
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Above the Sea Tower snapped his father's banner. The Myraham was too far off for Theon to see more than the cloth itself, but he knew the device it bore: the golden kraken of House Greyjoy, arms writhing and reaching against a black field. The banner streamed from an iron mast, shivering and twisting as the wind gusted, like a bird struggling to take flight.
Theon I, A Clash of Kings
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eiri3m-blackw3lls · 4 months
| Se tropezaron unos recuerdos conmigo y caí en el alcohol por un rato. Se me desvendaron algunas heridas del pasado, algunas cosas bonitas y otras que no, nada serio ahora... Pero mientras pensaba en nosotros, mis emociones se estrangulaban unas con otras. Podía sentirlo en el nudo que tenia en la garganta, en la ira y la tristeza que ardían, que quemaban todas las decisiones que tomé y las que no.
Se tropezaron unos recuerdos conmigo, con mi roto y mal cocido corazón sin sanar, y aun te amo y te odio...pero...no te quiero conmigo.
— ya no.
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dickggansey · 9 months
el otro dia me habló un chico que era amigo mio hace unos 9 años y fue super raro pq no se si me habló como si el tiempo no hubiera pasado o cómo si hubieramos tenido contacto seguido en estos últimos 9 años o como si me estuviera hablando por primera vez en su vida. yo le hablé con el mismo tono que él me habló igual así queeeeee
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sudaca-swag · 2 years
idk which one is worse, europeans calling themselves latines, or usamericans joking that they are a third world country too
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rawrrkiyomi · 1 year
It’s a tad bittersweet seeing the person I like not know they have my heart in their hands, and see them next to you go on in their life. I  want to move on from this infatuation, I want to stop seeing your smile brighter than the winter sun, I want to stop looking at your figure when you walk, I want to stop searching for your gaze, but I also want to be the sun of your brightest smile, I want our figures to unite through our hands as we walk, and search for each others heart. 
Damn, J. 14 of January, 2023.
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sofipitch · 2 years
Been seeing a lot more poc fans since the show came out, I'm doing this with all of yall
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lareinadelplata · 2 years
is there any experience as strong as listening to a song you used to listen to ALL THE TIME when you were like 10?
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aricastmblr · 2 years
P: ¿Alguna vez SUGA ha visto una estrella fugaz?
Jimin: También vimos otro en Malta. Jungkook: ¿No lo vimos? Jikook: *señalándose el uno al otro* JK: Una estrella fugaz rota en dos pedazos como esta.
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