#not that iq says much about ones general intelligence lmao
chikoyama · 1 month
continued from this | @opalchoi
The corners of her mouth remained uplifted in her usual gentle smile once Chiyori observed Opal-chan reanimate after her display of affection. Chiyori was aware that Opal-chan had a tendency to disconnect from the world, so seeing her zap back to reality like that wasn’t exactly novel, but watching her become flustered was cute regardless. “Oh, I- okay..” she returned, smiling still, though couldn't help but feel a little rejected once the other turned down her offer to help.
When the pinkette proceeded to tumble down — clumsy as usual — Chiyori instinctively took a step backward to not get tangled in her friend’s fall. Her brows arched in half surprise, half concern, and she was about to extend her hand toward her friend, but Opal-chan seemed to be up on her feet again before Chiyori could actually offer her her assistance.
Luckily, though, Opal-chan didn’t seem to be badly hurt, and with a smile of relief, Chiyori mirrored the finger heart gesture. "You know, I'm always here to help you, Opal-chan," she returned before her hand fell back to its natural rest at her side.
Casting her eyes downward, Chiyori considered the question about her day for a moment. “It was… okay,” she shrugged, not sure if there was anything new to bring up. Her day had been as per usual — not really bad, but not amazing either. Studying to become a nurse wasn’t exactly a struggleless journey. Like most things in life, it had its own ups and downs.
Amber eyes landed back on the pinkette once Chiyori remembered why she’d come to visit her friend at the coffee bar today. “Ah, Opal-chan, I saw they offered a good deal on clothes at the mall this week." With both hands holding onto the strap of her bag, Chiyori tilted her head sideways. "Would you have time to go shopping with me one of the coming days?”
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jenny-from-the-bau · 4 months
ooh apologies for the super long ask but here's my controversial cm take (well maybe not controversial here, but in general) the longer i got into the show, the more i disliked reid. like i like the concept of him as a character, especially in the early seasons, but his fandom is so obnoxious and the writers played into that too much imo. like one of the things i like about cm is that there's a cast of characters and no real main character, but it really felt like they were giving reid main character syndrome in those last few seasons. also i feel like most of his fans only like him because he's hot (which imo is debatable but that might just be because i'm a lesbian) and they completely mischaracterize him because of it. wdym spencer reid is a domtop sex god he can't talk to women
also i feel like because reid is a supergenius with an iq of 187, the whole fandom discounts how smart the rest of the team is (except blake and maybe garcia, she gets her flowers). like derek went to college on a scholarship, worked as a cop in chicago, worked the bomb squad, and became an expert in obsessional crimes all before joining the bau and he was only in his early 30s in s1. or emily speaks like five languages, went to yale, worked in counterterrorism, went undercover with doyle, and was only 36 when she joined the team. don't even get me started on how the team underestimates jj's intelligence because she's pretty and she was "only" the media liaison and not a "real" profiler despite the fact that she helped profile them countless times before becoming a profiler. she was literally 27 in the first season and it's implied she had been working for the bau for a few years at that point. the bau is one of the most prestigious units in the entire fbi, and it's insanely impressive that she got such a position at such a young age, but people want to act like she's not smart.
also i commented on what it takes on ao3 (my user is repugaytion) and you asked me what my tumblr is, that was me, hiiii! i did in fact read that entire fic instead of studying for my midterm, but dw i had some time to study beforehand, and i aced the exam. no more prioritizing jemily over studying tho lmao
(1) I agree with you! I think he's a fine character, but the fanbase was really loud and the writers just leaned more and more into that without considering the other characters. I also think he's smart, but more so, he's good at memorizing and regurgitating information. He usually isn't the one to make actual connections. He gives facts and it's someone else who puts them together. Also Also other people are so so smart and it's over shadowed by his ability to say numbers quickly. It's so frustrating. Everyone is an expert in something, but the show pretends that he's the only smart one.
(2) I hate when people write Spencer as a sex god or like super hot man in bed because like he's a dweeb ass dweeb and that's what makes him so amazing! he's just this nerdy guy who's sweet because he has no interest in pretending to be something he's not. I think mot of his fandom doesn't actually like him. They think he's hot and then make up whatever they want about him.
(3) hellooooooo! I'm glad you aced your exam haha I was worried!
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dr3amofagame · 5 months
one of the things ive always found neat about c!dreams and c!wilburs dynamic is that c!wilbur is one of the few people on the server who view themselves as equal to dream in terms of strategy and schemes!
it's funny to me ... because i think as far as c!dream being perceived as someone specifically like plotting in nature, that was definitely something that evolved over time? like, a lot of c!dream's early reputation was rooted in two things: 1) he's intimidating and 2) he's hard to kill. which meant that people would kind of see antagonizing c!dream as a challenge, in a way, c!tommy being the most obvious example but characters such as c!tubbo, c!fundy, and c!sapnap also getting involved in the action--in general, besting dream was a sort of achievement, so like you say there was a degree of hmm putting him on a pedestal almost. or making him the pedestal might be the more accurate description, where c!dream was The Guy To Beat, Mr. 1000 IQ etc
at the same time tho, dsmp characters are nothing if not full of hubris (LOL) and i don't think c!dream's hmmm strategic genius in character and plotting is something necessarily highlighted that much early on, or at least as something that people couldn't measure up to. lmanburg directly undercuts the intelligence of the "americans" quite often in its creation, as part of the whole Spiel was that americans are idiots and a large part of why the revolution panned out the way it did was because of a relative overestimation by lmanburg of their own combatic and strategic abilities against dream smp. i think the list of people who have estimated themselves as smarter than c!dream and have tried (and failed) to outsmart him is very high tbh, gestures at c!quackity LOL but also like...idk, c!dream's intelligence in terms of the ways people view it on the server always felt ... kinda variable to me? c!dream-as-schemer was more heavily emphasized as "c!dream is someone that only every pursues anything for selfish self-interest" imo
as for the c!wilbur of it all...c!wilbur is undeniably intelligent as a character. and he doesn't particularly underestimate c!dream much, i would say--especially post-revolution, he is very aware that c!dream is an enemy that he doesn't want to have. but at the same time, c!wilbur has a pattern of making somewhat mocking comments particularly about c!dream's intelligence (and when not mocking, sometimes a little...condescending? very much emphasizing the whole "ohhh he's 1000 IQ dream he's so much above all of us" and such) (god. dont remind me of the trivia competition) and also quite fucking easily talks circles around c!dream and does use this to his benefit. then again, i wouldn't say c!wilbur is as strategically minded as c!dream, necessarily--his strengths tend to lie elsewhere. something similar can be said about his "scheming"--even the most successful of his arguable schemes, lmanburg, snowballs quite quickly into something beyond his original intentions and then kind of consumes him.
this is a whole lot of words for a whole lot of nothing, but ig my point is when talking abt characters and intelligence, there's a lot you can say in 1) pinpointing specific areas of intelligence 2) assessing their prowess in each individual area and 3) looking at their ability to assess their own skill in this area as well as the skill of others. in general, i would say that characters on the dream smp tend to underestimate c!dream's strategic skill (or else more people would probably be questioning the whole, staged finale of it all) and their assessment of his scheming tends to be pretty dependent on how much they can use said assessments on his schemes as a vehicle to blame him, lmao (gestures at the mexican lmanburg debates). so from this perspective id say that there are quite a few characters that do think themselves as quote-unquote "smarter" than c!dream and able to out-strategize, out-scheme him (whether or not they're actually capable of this fact) and that if we're talking abt specifically c!dreambur, id say that a post specifically on their perspectives of each other would be MUCH MUCH MUCH longer and much more complicated, on a whole c!wilbur does seem pretty cognizant of the fact that their strengths intellectually lie in different areas and utilizes this in interactions that involve the two. if this makes sense
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e-adlirez · 24 days
Hiiii I noticed you use a lot of DnD terminology for your posts (especially when you're talking about Vi's terrible luck in the Special Editions haha) What do they mean?
Hi ye haha so uh I'm not exactly a D&D player (tho I really wanna play a game at some point), but I have been dabbling into the fandom and picked up some of the terms in the process. Putting this out there because I could be totally wrong about them for all I know :D
skill check: these things happen very frequently, and it's just a check to see if your character is successful or unsuccessful at something. Sounds simple, but it's basically what allows D&D to function as a game.
d20: a 20-sided die. The most commonly used die in D&D, and is usually the one used in skill checks. (That's why Critical Role and a lot of D&D YouTube channels used the intricate hexagonal shape as a logo-- that's a d20 being implemented into a logo). Usually, the higher the number, the more successful you are in performing a task.
nat20/nat1: The "nat" means "natural", meaning no modifiers or additions were made to your roll to get that number. nat20 means you rolled a 20 on your die, which is normally the most successful a roll you can get-- if you rolled for your success in climbing a rock cliff, a nat20 means you're climbing like those pro rock climbers. In contrast, a nat1 is the lowest roll you can get (literally a 1), and thus your attempt at whatever task you're rolling for is a critical failure-- if we're using the rock climbing analogy, then either you're too weak/heavy to even push yourself off the ground, or you just.... slip and fall down and maybe break your back on the pavement. Depends on the DM, really.
DM or Dungeon Master/Game Master: Basically the role Matthew Mercer plays in Critical Role, if you know that show. Since D&D is a tabletop RPG, you need someone to lay out the scene for you, what world you're playing in, what's going on, what your characters are doing; and also supervise the players at the table so no one is up to any bullshnit. The DM is the one doing all that :D from the worldbuilding to the NPCs to asking for skill checks-- that's the DM's role in the game.
Campaign: the adventure the DM is running/making for the table of players :D technically TV shows could be campaigns if you squint.
Session: If an adventure is like a TV show, a session is like an episode. It's a moment where everyone involved in a certain campaign sits down and do D&D campaign stuff for as long as the session lasts. (I'm seeing in my research that 4 hours is the average time a session can last, but it could be longer.)
[insert thing] check: No skill check is made equal, and thus there are different skill checks with different names. No worries, you still roll them with a d20, the only difference is what you're rolling for. So if I say "X succeeds/fails at a [capitalized term] check", that's what that is.
(This next bit is basically a look into uh skill check things that I may or may not mention once or twice or maybe seven times in my rambles lmao)
Stats: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. (Disclaimer: Intelligence is not like IQ intelligence in D&D; it's more the pop culture interpretation of intelligence, aka how much of a nerd you are and how much of the Bee Movie script you've memorized /j)
Constitution: Constitution refers to your general health. How healthy is your body? How much health do you have? How good are you at holding your liquor? If you get sick, how long are you Peter-Griffined for? How far can you run without starting to wheeze like an asthmatic? That stuff is up to your Constitution.
Perception: How much information a character peeps from something at a first glance, aka how much of the things in a room (for example) do you notice subconsciously as you're maybe walking in and seeing it for the first time. Perception is a Wisdom-based check.
Investigation: If Perception is how much you peep at a first glance, Investigation is how much you gather from actually searching. This is the one the girls do the most basically-- it's pretty much their bread and butter :3 (it's an Intelligence-based check)
Dexterity: The stat Vi keeps flubbing for some reason /j In all seriousness, Dexterity as a stat means reaction time, hand-eye coordination, flexibility, balance, and stuff like that. Stuff like Acrobatics, Stealth, and Sleight of Hand are Dexterity-based checks.
Athletics: Exactly what it says on the tin. Athletics checks take a peek at your strength, speed, and other athletic thingies to see if you're sprinting like an Olympian track runner or tripping over your robes and faceplanting into the floor. The only Strength-based check iirc
Persuasion: A Charisma check, and is also exactly what it says on the tin, but it can be interpreted.... a lot of different ways. Whether it's putting that persuasive speaking lessons you had in high school, or uh bringing your horny fantasies to life-- as long as you're attempting to persuade someone, that's a Persuasion check.
Intimidation: When you t-pose on someone, how much do you assert dominance? Do you assert it so much that they're begging for their life and willing to do whatever you tell them? Depends on your Charisma and your d20.
I think those are the ones I typically use? Lemme know if I missed one haha
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evilwickedme · 1 year
if you're still doing that ship ask the game pop-off about any spidey ship (with any spider person) maybe do one that you do ship and one you don't if you're feeling up to it <3
yes please sorry for not answering until now I spent all day doing literally anything else out of pure procrastination
something I do ship - I could do spideypool but I feel like that's too easy so I'll do petergwen
What made you ship it?
tasm is the root of all my feelings about this ship. they're also fine in the comics - not endgame by any means, but I have a lot of strong feelings about gwen in the comics in general as you very well know - but like the way she's portrayed in the webb movies??? like holy shit
What are your favorite things about the ship?
the key to the ship for me is that she's smarter than peter. like yes peter is a genius and capable and you know he created his webs and he's so witty, but gwen may not have a higher iq than he does but she's more grounded in her ability to use her intelligence without losing focus, and she's also a great scientist. and I feel like that's a great dynamic like peter needs to be humbled and he's perfectly willing to be
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
even if gwen wasn't fridged the way she was, it still shouldn't have been endgame in the comics, but tasm!petergwen is by far the best relationship peter's had in a live action adaptation
for something I don't ship - honestly this is hard, even if I wouldn't write or read something I don't usually hate it, like I don't have very strong feelings about peter/eddie/venom or spider gwen/harry you know? anyway I guess I'll go with the former idk
Why don't you ship it?
idk it never clicked for me. like venom's got phenomenal tentacle porn potential which is a lot of smutty fun but I prefer straight up eddie/venom. also in general while I enjoy the venom movies immensely I don't really read fics for those characters
What would have made you like it?
can't say. maybe if the venom movies as they are had crossed over with an older tasm!peter or if I'd really vibed with the black suit era in the comics. or if I liked spider man 3 lmao
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
yeah absolutely! the little fic that I have read for it has been really creative and I do absolutely understand the impulse behind it. in general like I said just because something doesn't work for me that doesn't mean I hate it. I think there's something very compelling about monstrous!peter/venom specifically that could work for me, or if the relationship was portrayed as really unhealthy (I loveeee unhealthy relationships have y'all read my fics I mean)
thanks so much for asking babe!!! hope the writing's going good
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jpegjade · 4 years
The Blind Date - Spencer
Request: I'd love one where the reader has dated around with no success (terrible tindr dates, disappointing connections through work, etc). Somehow her and Spence cross ways and go out. He treats her really well and looks at her like she's his world. Shes been dying to have a good man look at her like she's precious and melts at it 🥰
hey hi hello! im working though my requests lists faster than i thought lmao. i do have some ideas that i’ll work through but if you have an idea, my asks are still open. 
Warnings: if you hate dad!spencer, then you will hate part of this. But this is fluffy tbh. 
“Hey babe, look what I found!” You said, flipping through a stack of polaroids hidden away in another pointless stack of papers and other items. 
It was time to clean out the attic since all those dusty boxes were really filling up the space. It had been your dream to build a cave up there just for yourself, away from both your husband and your three kids. 
Spencer climbed up the stairs, squinting to see where you were as his eyes adjusted to the terrible lighting.
 “What did you find? Aside from Asbestos and lung disease… Are you sure you want to build something in here? I can’t imagine it being comfortable considering the way the house is made. There’s nothing to cool you down in the summer months and who knows how winter will fare here.” Spencer looked deeply concerned. 
“Spence, honey, would you come and look at this?” You held up the first ever picture you took of him, your first date written on the back of it in metallic sharpie with the words “I really like him…” in your handwriting. 
“‘I really like him?’ What’s that supposed to mean?” Spencer asked, bending over to look over your shoulder at the photo. In the photo, Spencer was giving the most awkward smile, one hand in the air in a semi-wave motion. He looked like his mom asked him for a photo and he was just doing it to make her happy. 
“I wrote this on our first date… I wasn’t even sure about going on the date before that night…” 
**10 years ago**
“Just one date.” JJ said. “You don’t have to love him but I know you’ll like him.” 
Your friend was insistent that she could set you up on the perfect blind date but you weren’t convinced. You went on so many different Bumble dates, had Tinder hook-ups, and even accepted John from marketing’s proposition to take you on a date last week. It ended in you faking food poisoning and having JJ pick you up from the restaurant because you didn’t have the heart to tell him that you didn’t want to hear about his mom’s weird growth that she needed to get checked out. He was supposed to be showing you pictures when you got back to the table but you knew that was going to definitely give you food poisoning. 
“JJ, if this goes south, I’m just going to swear off dating for a while.” You said, agreeing over the phone. 
“Great. He’ll pick you up at 5 pm for dinner and a horror movie tonight.” JJ said, hanging up before you could protest. 
A horror movie for a first date? What did she expect from you? You knew this wasn’t going to go well but you promised her that you would try. 
He was 15 minutes late. He kept you waiting for 15 minutes and for what? He better have a good explanation. In a huff, you swung your front door open to see if his car was even outside and you came face to face with a messy haired brunette with his arm raised to knock. 
“Hi.” He said, arm still frozen in the air. “I’m Dr. Spencer Reid.”
“What kind of medical doctor shows up late to a first date?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Well, you see, I’m not that kind of doctor but that’s a common assumption. I have three Ph.Ds so you can say I’m more of a specialist in scholarly knowledge and I get to put it into practice with my job as a profiler at the FBI, which is how I got here. Not being in the FBI, per say, but being in the FBI with JJ. As to why I’m late, I was given information that I blindly followed from this other agent, Derek Morgan, which I probably should not have followed.” 
You noticed that Dr. Spencer Reid hadn’t taken a single breath until now. 
“Was that advice to piss me off before you even met me, Doctor not a doctor?” You said, still annoyed. 
You knew JJ had talked about Spencer before when you guys met for breakfast or girls’ night out. You didn’t think about what he looked like until now, though. He was pretty but not so pretty that he knew it. It was more like an understated thing. 
“He said that pissing you off in the beginning would give me a better chance of being able to woo you with my charm and charisma, to quote him exactly. I now realize the flaw in my thinking was that he would be correct and misunderstanding that he was kidding because JJ didn’t tell me you would be so beautiful and while I have a genius IQ, I’ve been told that I lack the social skills needed to accurately assess a situation where I have a beautiful woman staring at me like you want to punch me but also intrigued at the sight of me.” Spencer stopped and realized he still had his arm in the air and dropped it by his side. 
You stared at him quietly. You weren’t sure what to make of him but you did know that you were getting hungry. Your stomach growled loudly. 
“You’re a talker.” You said. “I appreciate that.” 
You turned to lock up the front door before dropping your keys in your bag. Walking to the car, he opened the door for you before you could put your arm out. You looked over at him, stunned. Other guys you “dated” didn’t do anything like that. Yeah, it was a simple thing but it was something that mattered at least a little bit to you.
“Wait.” You said, pulling a small Polaroid camera out of your bag. “Smile for the camera.” 
Spencer smiled, showing all of his teeth, and raised his hand in a wave. You hoped to god that wasn’t his real smile as you snapped the picture. The polaroid came out nicely, his face well lit, and you noticed that in the light, his purple shirt looked nice with the black skinny tie and black pants. 
“I like him” You wrote on the back of the polaroid in metallic marker before getting in the car.
The rest of the night was a breeze. Dinner was filled with intelligent conversation and responses beyond what any of your Tinder “Dates” could comprehend. He ordered the nicest wine on the menu and you nearly choked on your water. So he had money, check. That meant he wasn’t attempting to live off his friends’ couches like the last guy you went on a date with. He let you order whatever you wanted and didn’t care about how much or how little you ate. He didn’t make snide comments about how you should “slow down on the wine.” He didn’t want to make you run out of the building. He made you want more. Of him, of the night, of him. Oh and him. 
The movie was filled with jumpscares and things that were generally uncomfortable to watch but Spencer remained unphased. In fact, he nervously slipped his hand into yours about 20 minutes into the movie and you stayed like that the whole time. When you got particularly scared, he would talk to you in your ear and tell you about the inaccuracies of what was happening, straightening out the facts. As if any of the movie was logical, he kept talking to you like everything could make sense, and it calmed you down. You even found yourself leaning into him by the end of the night. 
When he took you home, that was a bittersweet ending to something you hoped would blossom. 
“Do you...” You started. 
“Can I...” He said at the same time. 
Mumbling a chorus of “you first,” you paused long enough for him to say it. 
“I enjoyed spending time with you tonight. When JJ said it was a blind date with her friend, I didn’t think I would enjoy it as much as I did. I don’t have the best luck with people so I thought I might mess this up too. I can only hope you had as much fun as I had...” He trailed off. 
“I did.” You said a little too quickly. “I mean... I enjoyed your company tonight.” 
There was a weird pause and you waited for him to do it but he kept staring at you. You had to do it, you decided. So you did. You kissed him. And at first he was tentative but then he really got into it. 
“Okay, wow.” You said, finally breaking away. “Do you want to come in? I don’t really want this to end...” You said. 
Spencer was sitting on the floor next to you as you recounted your thoughts on that night to him. Sure, he remembered it but he didn’t remember it like you remembered it and that was what kept him intrigued. 
“Y/n,” Spencer said, looking over at you. “I was 15 minutes late because I was standing at the door practicing my opening line.” 
You looked back at him and you knew the look he was giving you, the one he had given you every time you saw him since that first night. He was staring at you like you were the only thing that mattered. 
“What had you planned to say?” You asked, completely curious. 
“Baby, are you on fire? Because you’ve got me all hot.” He said, looking down at his hand, which you suddenly noticed was holding yours. You were so caught up in telling the story that you didn’t realize what was happening around you. 
You burst out laughing. “Spencer, that’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard you say.” 
He smiled and looked up at you through his glasses. When your laughter finally died down, you were able to concentrate on him again. He was staring at you in that weird way again. Ever since your first date, he always gave you that look. 
“What?” You said, still smiling. 
“Nothing in particular.” He said, looking over at the staircase. Your 7-year-old was climbing up the stairs. 
“Mommy? Daddy? What’s going on? Did daddy tell a funny joke?” She asked, walking over to sit in her father’s lap. 
You looked over at them as she got comfortable. He kissed the top of her head and went back to staring at you. 
“Yes but it’s a joke you won’t get until you’re much older. And one you won’t hear until you’re much older, if ever.” You said poking her belly. 
“Hey, why don’t we go fix lunch?” Spencer said, putting your daughter back on her feet and standing up. 
“That sounds good.” You said, thinking about how hungry you were. 
Standing up, Spencer stopped you for a second while your daughter climbed down. 
“Can we come back up here once the kids are asleep and go through more of those photos? I remember each one you’ve taken of me but I want to know why. You never explain, even now.” He pulled you into a tight hug. 
“Sure. I have enough stories to fill hours of dates.” 
“You know I loved you since that first photo, right?” He said, kissing your cheek. 
“Really? You’ll have to tell me about your version of some of the dates one day.”
Okay we had a flashback sequence for this one. i tried to keep it simple so there wasn’t a lot of flashing back and forth. I wanted to make that as long as possible bc idk if anyone wants more, honestly. 
ANYWAY HELLO im so sorry for my longass one-shots
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lvsamine · 3 years
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FULL NAME: Lusamine Aether PRONUNCIATION: Loo-suh-meen Ay-ther MEANING: Derived from ‘balsamine’ plant REASONING: ?? NICKNAME(S): Lusa, Lusy, Madam Prez PREFERRED NAME(S): Lusamine BIRTH DATE: May 28th AGE: 44 ZODIAC: Gemini GENDER: Cis Female PRONOUNS: She/Her ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Biromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual NATIONALITY: Kalosian ETHNICITY: White CURRENT LOCATION: Aether Paradise, Alola LIVING CONDITIONS: Great?? TITLE(S): Aether President
BIRTH PLACE: Lumiose City, Kalos HOMETOWN: Lumiose City, Kalos SOCIAL CLASS: She’s In The 1% Babey. EDUCATION LEVEL: Obtained GED. FATHER: Basile Aether MOTHER: Manette Aether (Deceased) SIBLING(S): Cynthia (half-sister) (@/hclloffcme) BIRTH ORDER: Lusamine > Cynthia CHILDREN: Gladion, Lillie PET(S): Clefable, Lilligant, Mismagius, Milotic, Bewear OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: N/A PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: Unnamed fiance, Mohn ARRESTS?: No, should have been though. PRISON TIME?: No.
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: Aether’s reservation center. SECONDARY SOURCE OF INCOME: Stock investments. TERTIARY SOURCE(S) OF INCOME: N/A APPROXIMATE AMOUNT PER YEAR: You Know. CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: Supposedly PAST JOB(S): N/A SPENDING HABITS: Doesn’t spend much, but can be impulsive when she sees something she wants. MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: Family photo of her, Mohn, and the kids.
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Very weak. OFFENSE: Poor, unless she uses her heels or teeth. DEFENSE: Also poor! She’s fragile!! SPEED: Walks fast, that’s about it. INTELLIGENCE: Very knowledgeable about Pokemon and manipulation tactics :) ACCURACY: Pretty good, if she’s aiming for you, she’ll probably hit you. AGILITY: Good in small bursts STAMINA: Low in most situations... high in sexual situations TEAMWORK: Doesn’t like it, but can do it. TALENTS: ...Being mean? SHORTCOMINGS: VERY short tempered, quick to go on the offensive, prone to total meltdowns if things go badly. LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, French DRIVE?: Nope! JUMP-STAR A CAR?: Absolutely not. CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: She wouldn’t even try. RIDE A BICYCLE?: Also no. SWIM?: Yes! Doesn’t do it as often as she’d like. PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: Nnnnope. PLAY CHESS?: yes, she loves chess. BRAID HAIR?: yep! TIE A TIE?: Sure can. PICK A LOCK?: LOL NO.
FACE CLAIM: ...Lusamine. EYE COLOR: Green HAIR COLOR: Blonde HAIR TYPE/STYLE: A long, geometric nightmare with a pointless ponytail. GLASSES/CONTACTS?: No, but she might need them sometime soon. DOMINANT HAND: Right handed. HEIGHT: 5′9 / 152cm WEIGHT: 120lbs / 54kg BUILD: Ruler-shaped, I guess? EXERCISE HABITS: Stretches in the morning, takes daily walks. SKIN TONE: Pale white. TATTOOS: Never, god. PEIRCINGS: Earrings, though she doesn’t wear them often. MARKS/SCARS: HUGE tendril scars from Nihilego all over her torso and back. NOTABLE FEATURES: The Scars Probably. USUAL EXPRESSION: Neutral positive or completely drained. CLOTHING STYLE: White and brown clothing, usually with leggings and long sleeves. JEWELRY: Earrings and necklaces sometimes, Big Fuckin Chest Gem. What is that. ALLERGIES: None. BODY TEMPERATURE: ...97 F? DIET: Coffee and protein bars, with the occasional salad. PHYSICAL AILMENTS: Permanent atrial fibrillation, fibromyalgia, functional dyspepsia.
JUNG TYPE: ESTJ JUNG SUBTYPE: ?? ENNEAGRAM TYPE: Type 3 (The Achiever) MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral TEMPERAMENT: Choleric ELEMENT: Fire PRIMARY INTELLIGENCE TYPE: Linguistic-Verbal APPROXIMATE IQ: bro iq is fake I’m not figuring it out LMAO. MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: Borderline Personality Disorder SOCIABILITY: Very sociable on most days. EMOTIONAL STABILITY: Never Heard of Her OBSESSION(S): Love, perfection, the past... COMPULSION(S): Digs nails into hands? PHOBIA(S): Abandonment and jellyfish. ADDICTION(S): :) DRUG USE: :^) ALCOHOL USE: yes, frequent (against doctor’s orders) PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: Not generally, but has been violent in the past.
SPEECH STYLE: Generally elegant and thought out. ACCENT: Alolan, slips into Kalosian when upset. QUIRKS: Drifts off in sentences when thinking? HOBBIES: Chess and various puzzle games. Not much free time. HABITS: Drinks, takes lots of baths, eats a protein bar and coffee every morning at least. NERVOUS TICKS: Avoids eye contact, gets defensive, raises voice. DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: Helping Pokemon and That’s It. FEARS: Isn’t this phobias again. Anyway. Abandonment and jellyfish. POSITIVE TRAITS: Confident, caring to Pokemon, intelligent, good leader. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Fucking everything else LMAO. Short tempered, impulsive, manipulative, has a horrible victim complex... SENSE OF HUMOR: Non-existent. What’s a joke. DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: VERY rarely, only using ‘damn’ and ‘hell’ when angry. CATCHPHRASE(S): Does she have one? I don’t know.
ACTIVITY: not to be nsfw on main but- ANIMAL: Nihilego Clefable or Bewear. BEVERAGE: Vodka. Bonus points if it’s a citrus drink. BOOK: Doesn’t have one, can’t remember the last time she read for pleasure. CELEBRITY: Well. She’s clearly interested in Lysandre. Otherwise she doesn’t care for celebrities.. COLOR: Mantis green. DESIGNER: Elesa...? She doesn’t have much interest in fashion. FOOD: Water chestnuts. FLOWER: Azaleas! GEM: Polished chrysoprase, maybe? HOLIDAY: no. MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: Being chauffeured is easiest. MOVIE: Probably something Notebook-adjacent. MUSICAL ARTIST: ...Bach? She likes classical music. QUOTE/SAYING: ““You’re beautiful,” Replied the fly, to the spider.” SCENERY: Green grass, lots of flowers in a garden, early morning sunrise. SCENT: Mohn’s old cologne. SPORT: Literally Who Cares. SPORTS TEAM: Certainly not Lusamine. TELEVISION SHOW: Nothing specific, but she likes dramas and crime shows. WEATHER: Sunny, around 70F. VACATION DESTINATION: She likes Johto.
GREATEST DREAM: ...Seeing Mohn again? Making a difference for Pokemon? GREATEST FEAR: Dying completely and totally alone. MOST AT EASE WHEN: Spending time with a partner. LEAST AT EASE WHEN: Discussing Mohn or Ultra Space. WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: Being abandoned by someone she trusts when she needs them most. BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Creating the largest reservation center in the world. BIGGEST REGRET: Allowing research on Ultra Beasts in the first place. Maybe Mohn would still be here. MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Being mocked for Ultra Space wasn’t exactly embarrassing but it was extremely shame-inducing and lowkey traumatizing. BIGGEST SECRET: To people that don’t know about it already, what she did in her past, and how deep that goes. TOP PRIORITIES: Helping and loving Pokemon.
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threeletterslife · 4 years
Chana! I was reading thru your about page and I saw that you like Harry Potter 😄😄 I'm a really big fan of HP too! Would you mind sorting the BTS members in their houses? And I know you said you're a Ravenclaw! Would you choose any other house if you could? -Hufflepuff reader
yes! i was literally obsessed with hp for five(?) years now, which isn’t a lot compared to others, but it’s a fandom i’ve been in the longest LOL so happy to see another potterhead!!
and I WOULD NOT MIND AT ALL!!!! I LOVE HP X BANGTAN OMG (i will eat any hp x bts crossover ff uP)
but to answer your questions,,, this might get a lil long lol
namjoon actually sorted the members in their respective houses a long time ago himself. (not sure if it’s still accurate now, but i think what he wrote back then was all true.) also as a side note, these are my opinions, so you don’t necessarily have to agree with them! and aLSO i think there’s a common misconception going around with new harry potter fans. your hp house is NOT what you are the most—it’s what you VALUE the most! i’ll explain more later
seokjin has always been a bit easy for me to categorize in terms of hp house
he just screams gryffindor to me
he tries to do what’s right
he’s the oldest in the group so he’s always taking care of his younger brother-like figures
he does his best to make sure the other members feel safe and comfortable in new environments (that’s why he cracks so many corny jokes—to break the ice!)
though he’s not the official leader of bangtan, he does a LOT of behind the scenes leadership work
i think seokjin can be mistaken as a hufflepuff (just because he’s so friendly and kind) BUT this is where the values come in. seokjin might have some hufflepuff-like traits, but he actually values the gryffindor traits even more. he values his passions, his confidence, his valiance
he doesn’t take himself too seriously, but he knows what’s right and wrong (great moral compass)
that puts him in gryffindor
i’ve literally seen so many pple put joon in ravenclaw just because he has an insanely high iq
but i mean,,, as a ravenclaw myself, i don’t see him in my house
yes, namjoon is creative, yes, he is intelligent, and YES! he is indeed insightful!! BUT,,, it all comes down to his values
namjoon uses his intelligence, his creativity and insight for the good of everyone! he’s a team player (not an individualist, as most ravenclaws tend to be)
and, not to mention, he’s bangtan’s official leader, and he does extremely well with that extra responsibility (gryffindors are great leaders)
namjoon tries so hard to do what’s right
he doesn’t try to cut corners to get to his goals. he’s very moral and fair
he likes peace and justice
gryffindors are drawn to good morals (they’re always trying to fix what’s wrong too)
namjoon is the staple gryffindor in my eyes
hoseok is so easy for me to categorize, but i’ve seen him be sorted into gryffindor sometimes
i don’t think he’d be in gryffindor, though. hoseok is someone who doesn’t exactly like the idea of *risks*
gryffindors are all about risks (stereotypically they don’t think about the consequences that much because all they want to do is wrong the right)
hoseok (though he is passionate and charismatic) is more fit for hufflepuff
he’s bright, kind and always has something nice to say
the persona he puts on in front of the camera is close to his real personality—he’s just a sunny person in general
what makes him such a hufflepuff is the fact that he’s so hardworking! hoseok just dOES NOT give up (he’s extremely loyal to the people in his life, and he’s loyal to his talents too)
he chased after his dancing talents and look where he is right now
he wasn’t originally a rapper but he practiced and practiced until it became one of his talents
he’s dependable, honest and values friendship
hufflepuffs are people’s persons. and hoseok is just that—A GIFT TO THE PEOPLE
taehyung’s the hardest one to put in a house in my opinion. he’s what you’d call *divergent* (and yes, in theory, everyone is divergent. we ALL have traits of ALL FOUR hp houses. BUT there are some people who exemplify all four traits more equally than others. so now, it all comes down to what taehyung values the most)
taehyung, in my eyes, is such a people’s person. that makes him a strong candidate for hufflepuff
the tae that i know has many friends—and he’s extremely good at reading people too (like his vibe check DO BE trustworthy)
hufflepuffs are often underestimated because they’re written canonnly as just being “nice”
hufflepuffs are much more than that. hufflepuffs are essentially gryffindors but with higher eq LOL (hufflepuffs would ONLY right the wrong if righting the wrong didn’t hurt anyone on the ‘wrong’ side—does that even make sense??)
tae is someone i see as extremely trustworthy—he’s someone who’d die WITH your secrets
he’s also very emotionally available to the people in his life
therefore,,, i sort tae into hufflepuff
ravenclaws are intelligent, insightful and most of all, they value creativity!!
jungkook is the staple ravenclaw
i can’t see him in any other house
like if i see jungkook, i see ravenclaw. they are literal synonyms
ravenclaws are stereotypically jack-of-all-trades because they genuinely enjoy learning new things
i mean,,, jungkook’s lowkey perfect right? he’s good at everything right? yeah it’s because he has the thirst to LEARN! he wants to be good at everything! that’s such a mf ravenclaw trait
sorry i get so excited explaining about my own house omf
jungkook’s naturally curious; he likes to poke at new things because he wonders what it’ll be like to learn about it and do it himself
ravenclaws are also stereotypically the “artsy” kids (and i mean, this man can DRAW)
ALSO! just because ravenclaws get called jack-of-all-trades often, it doesn’t mean they’re good at EVERYTHING. it means that they’re good at what they’re interested in!! (jungkook doesn’t exactly care too much about math, which is totally fine! he has his other interests)
ravenclaws are smart, yes, but just because you’re smart, doesn’t mean you’re necessarily a ravenclaw. (i.e. hermione isn’t open-minded enough to be ravenclaw.) being a ravenclaw doesn’t mean you just read a lot lol. it means you read a lot AND you take the adventures from the protagonist in the book and then apply it to yourself. hence, the *imagination*
idk man i can’t see jk in any other house
yoongi’s also really easy to sort
i mean, the man screams slytherin
a slytherin would do anything (maybe even cross a few rules) to get to his desired end result
some people call it evil (usually gryffindors and hufflepuffs), but i call it working smarter not harder (to slytherins, it’s not immoral to cut a few corners to get to their desired result—if they don’t get caught, that is)
if yoongi were not slytherin, he would not have cut corners in those bts run episode games LMAO (icon behavior)
slytherins also value individuality (like ravenclaws) but in a COMPLETELY different way. ravenclaws love to be unique because with their insight, they conclude that everyone has dealt with different experiences, making them their each, special person. slytherins like to be individualists because they like to feel special (sometimes paired with a superiority/god complex BUT i don’t think that’s necessarily bad. but slytherins do tend to be more close-minded than ravenclaws; slytherins value tradition)
in turn, slytherins find more success than ravenclaws. sometimes, ravenclaws step back when they find that their ideals will be replaced with success. slytherins would rather replace/reform their ideals to find success (i.e. yoongi became an extremely successful idol rapper when he could’ve actually just become a producer instead)
slytherins also tend to have trust issues. they don’t like to trust others except for themselves (smart, really)
yoongi is very self-driven and self-reliant, making him a perfect slytherin candidate
he’s the staple slytherin
i lowkey wanna copy paste what i wrote for yoongi into jimin’s explanation lmfao
personally, jimin was easy to place in slytherin, BUT i’ve seen a lot of pple put him in hufflepuff
so lemme just refute that for a sec
jimin is very self-orientated (and i’m saying that in the nicest way possible)
he wants to be unique! he wants to be special! he wants to shine!! 
jimin’s just a naturally giggly, bubbly person
but behind the scenes (behind the cameras), he beats himself up to be his very best self; slytherin behavior
slytherins are perfectionists, okay? they value what others think of them a lot OR they value the INFLUENCE they have on other people
remember? slytherins are about pOwEr! and power comes in many shapes and forms
jimin likes the idea of being well-liked! he likes the idea of being thought of as charismatic and talented
he may act like a hufflepuff to fit what people want to see in him, BUT the fact that he has to ACT like a hufflepuff to be in people’s favor makes him a slytherin lol (i mean,,, remember his whole FILTER song???)
anyways i wouldn’t call him a staple slytherin (that’s for yoongi) but he’s pretty close to being one
anyways, to answer your other question,,,
i’ve mentioned before that everyone is *divergent* 
of course i have all four traits of the hp houses, but the traits aren’t very equal for me. i have all the traits of ravenclaw, hufflepuff aNd slytherin. except i’m not very gryffindor. i have a few gryffindor traits, yes, but i don’t value them as much as my other traits. with that said, it’s hard for me to acclimate in environments where people value things that i don’t necessarily find as important
i think it’d be best for me to be in ravenclaw (just because every ravenclaw i know has been my best friend). i think i’d also do well in slytherin (but sometimes, i can’t handle their intense ambition lol). i’m also a good hufflepuff candidate, but i don’t think i could trade up being a ravenclaw for that
in the end, your house is your choice (it’s what you value the most)
i would like to say i’m friendly, ambitious and creative. but when it comes down to it, i’m picking my creativity and RUNNING. so no, i would not change my house. never! i’m a solid ravenclaw!!
i am so sorry this is so long wtf 😭😭
*also disclaimer* this was written in the pov of a ravenclaw,,, it may or may not be biased 😀😀😀😀😀😀
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elegiacmarquise · 5 years
More love for the pink damsel
This is a rant, the first and the only, that I wrote a while ago and which I posted previously on DeviantArt and reposted on the Mario Amino, few days after the release of Super Mario Odyssey, after a new wave of hatred towards Princess Peach...
Considering that, nevertheless, the princess' relationship with most fans has always been ambiguous, what may have seemed to be tolerable, now is no longer acceptable speaking from the prospective of Peach's admirer, and hoping to be a spokesman for who, like me, genuinely appreciates her.
But before starting with the proper rant, why do I post this writing, even if they passed almost two years when I did write it? A YouTube video made by the quite famous personality of RelaxAlax which I Iink below.
Quite shallow, huh?
But this will NOT be an hate speech towards Alax, the rest of his videos are actually enjoyable and sometimes funny, but despite what he says in the video is nothing more and nothing less than what most Peach's haters actually say, I'm fearing that even due to this video, people are convinced to hate the pink princess without even knowing the truth behind her character.
But I must've taken you a lot of time, let's begin this speech, which was inspired by an older one (now deleted) posted by a friend of mine on Deviantart.
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Let’s get started from the most recurring insults about the personality
"Peach is weak!!!"
While it’s true that for most of the games the Princess is kidnapped by Bowser or any enemy, it’s also the case that several times she has proved to be not so helpless, and even trying to escape to her kidnapper more than once indicates that Peach is not just staying there to patiently wait her hero; indeed, she was the only one along with Rosalina and Toadette who was been able to defend herself.
Some proofs? Super Princess Peach, Super Paper Mario, Super Mario 3D Land/ World, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Super Smash Bros series...
"So why is she always kidnapped?!"
Nintendo logic. Just joking, I think that the reason is due to the fact that Peach, like anyone else, is an human being, with her fears and anxieties, and so what can she do if suddenly there is a monster bigger at least the triple of her accompanied by an huge army? Not everyone is badass, and she obviously is not always, but is it a good reason to hate her? I don’t think so.
Also remember that even two stronger characters like Mario and Luigi often struggle during the battles with Bowser, how could a delicate princess?
So, in a more general view, how much it’s wrong to blame the victims and not the kidnappers? Why does everyone hate Peach for this and not BOWSER?
And there are Daisy, Pauline and Zelda, who were kidnapped as well, but still worshipped as goddesses...
"Peach is stupid!!1!"
If the Princess was actually that stupid,she wouldn't be on a throne ruling a whole kingdom peacefully nor even to try a time machine or even called to try to find a cure to a plague that affected the Mushroom Kingdom. She may not have an IQ of 300 like Dr Eggman,but that doesn't mean she's stupid.
Characters who are REALLY "stupid" on purpose, like Wario and Waluigi, loved because they are. Now, people, don't tell me you aren't uncoherent.
"Peach has no personality!1!"
So, a sweet and kind personality shouldn’t be a good character trait? Great, so we wasted years and years of characterization in a video game character.
Even a little development is always putted in while creating a characte and, as we are seeing, Miyamoto and Nintendo are generally developing the character of the princess, in the best, demonstrating that even the princess is not a fossilized archetype in Mario's existence for thirty years. She’s so sweet and kind, but also has values, friends and a dignity that defends strenuously.
Guys, Peach is human, so she has flaws, and that's right, but saying that she doesn’t have personality is an insult to both her and Nintendo in general.
Let's compare for a moment Peach and Rei Ayanami from Evangelion, and see who is not supposed to have personality. (although Rei also has a very strong, still not obvious, characterization that develops in the course of the series)
"Peach is a Mary Sue!!!1!"
A Mary Sue would theoretically is a character with too unnatural characteristics for their universe or species, overly powerful and often accompanied by a tragic backstory; in short, it's misleading in their context. By applying this description to Peach, how should she be a Mary Sue?
As explained in the previous paragraphs, the Princess, still mostly human, has a magical power that is always inferior to those of other characters, such as Rosalina; and comparing it with the Star Guardian, shouldn’t be her chararcter be more similar in the description of a Sue? Consistency, this unknown concept...
I see you already with the forks in your hands, but let me clarify one thing, even a character like Rosalina is not a Mary Sue, she still has her flaws, and we love her as she is, but if Peach is one, Rosalina fits the definition WAY more.
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Let’s talk about the character design
"Peach always wears pink!!1!"
Come on, guys, hating a character for a color is a such superficial thing that, would do kindergarten children the most.
Pink is a color like all the others, in the spectrum of colors, so anyone can wear it, even males.
(Trivia: up to a few decades ago, pink was more of a masculine color, given to boys since it’s a lighter version of red, a color considered manly)
Peach is looking good with pink and no one in Mario games seems to complain too much about that, and so, so why do we fans do?
"Peach is girly!!!!1!”
And so? A female character to be worthy of this name must be a tomboy or a badass with a gun on her hands? You have great prospects in mind, my dear ones, just like that.
Seriously, why does a character who likes to cure herself, should be banned from today's media?
However, almost all the girls in the Mario games are femminine, even Daisy, despite being described as a tomboy, so it doesn’t seem a good excuse for hating a character.
"Peach is blonde!!!1!"
Guys that stereotype that everyone who is blonde must be stupid it's not only extremely outdated, but there are a lot of people who consider it quite offensive. Open your minds! Go, go! The isn't any relations about the quantity of melaninine on the hair and the actual intelligence.
Even Rosalina and most of the Zeldas encountered in the games are blondes, but nobody seems to care.
"Peach has an annoying voice!!1!"
All the characters in the Mario games have their voices emphasized, guys, and Peach isn’t an exception.
There are characters with even more exaggerated voices, trust me, like Daisy, Toad or Rosalina's new dubbing, but for certain reasons, only Peach should be demonized for that by fans.
"Peach is a prostitute!!1!"
This is one of the most recurring insults that are ever placed against our hated Princess, and that's what I'm wondering where most haters have been losing their credibility.
Did Peach ever wear provocative clothes? NO. (unless you have a fetishism towards biker suits and similar outfits)
Has she ever tried to seduce anyone she saw? NEVER (what you see on Rule34 and other lewd sites is not canon, I'm sorry)
Let's be clear: Peach is just the opposite of the stereotype of the prostitute, as being a sweet, gentle, and that kind of girl who rarely makes sloppy thoughts; And yet Mario is not the kind of game that is suitable to show sensual girls often.
Another point: how do people define as that Peach and not Pauline or Valentina from Super Mario RPG, who are wearing much revealing clothes (and not even worthy to be called with those sick names)? Mystery of the Faith.
PS. Giving a prostitute to someone is not fashionable anymore :3
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Now, let’s analyse that kind of insults that relate with Peach’s relationships with other characters
"Peach isn’t grateful to Mario!!!!1!"
Ever since Peach has never been grateful to Mario? WHEN? She kisses him, and fills him with cakes. What should the Princess do more with him? having sex is not a good answer, and it doesn't even marrying him.
Mario is still a sweet and family friendly series, if you want NSFW art, go to rule34 or look good at deviantart, but don’t expect explicit scenes in similar games.
"Peach is a tyrant who abuses Toads!!!1!"
But since that is so, seriously, did I miss some details? And no, The Game Theorists, aren’t worth as a source of inspiration since theirs is only a mere SPECULATION (also badly made imho).
To me Peach has always seemed like the OPPOSITE of a tyrant! She’s a good sovereign who’s caring for her subjects, and most of the Toads are happy with her guide and willing whenever she needs help.
I guess you are thinking of the Toad used from the princess during Super Smash Bros: If we analyse well what our beloved mushroom does during the frames in which we can see him, we can notice that doesn’t acts as a shield for the princess, but is determined more than ever to attack with his spores, so for me this isn’t a point to demonise Peach at all.
Then do you think that in Smash bros Rosalina does something way more serious?! She fights with a Luma, one of her CHILDREN all the time. But since she is our beloved star waifu, Peach is not worth to be compared lmao.
Again this time implore the sacred goddess of the consistency for forgiving their vain words...
"Peach betrays Daisy!!!1!"
Peach and Daisy have proven themselves to be best friends since the first time they appeared together, and even now their idyllic relationship hasn’t stopped being shown in the games and even in that LINE stickers that came out a while ago!
How Peach Should betray Daisy? For Rosalina, for Pauline? I think all the girls in the world of Mario are friendly to each other, so I don’t see any reasons in a betray, since at worst they are in a friendly rivalry.
"Peach is much less sexy than Rosalina / Pauline!!!1!"
If I can understand why Pauline can be considered sensual, how should Rosalina be? She’s wearing just a turquoise dress, which does not reveals much, and which can only be sexualized in the most indecent fanarts drawn by FANS indeed, but we all know the new religion that places the guardian of the Lumas to a brand new god.
However, all of Mario girls have been designed to be beautiful, not sex objects, not even Pauline, and none of them will agree to be your beautiful waifus condescending to all your fantasies, deal with it!
"Peach is not tomboy like Daisy is!!!1!"
And this is what connects to the previous point where the Princess was insulted to be girly. Assuming that even Daisy, in her own way, is girly (if she was totally a tomboy, she wouldn’t certainly wear those long dresses with ease, nor she would have her notorious passion for flowers), it’s not nice to have a bit of variety in the characters personalities? Go on, Peach is a gentle and sweet girl, Daisy is exuberant and sporty, Rosalina, calm and majestic, Wendy spoiled yet powerful, Toadette cheerful and curious, and finally Pauline concrete and passionate. Everyone compensates their gaps with the others, and this balance between the girls is fine, so please do not compare all the girls, Peach first, to Daisy.
"Peach appears too much in the games, so she's overrated!!!1!"
Guys, our princess is one of the protagonists of Mario's videogames, along with the plumber, his brother, Bowser and Toad, so it's natural that she often appears in the games. After all, Peach (after Pauline, who belonged for long time to another series) is the first of the princesses to appear, so it's logical that Nintendo would value that in this way.
And another little thing: the word overrated does NOT mean popular in its own universe, it means overly popular among its FANS.
And Peach has relatively few fans compared to the other main characters.
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And, as the final cherry on the cake, let’s talk about Odyssey, who can have reassume prevous points, but what is equally needed, because of the following reasons
And here we come to the juice of the speech, and at this point I would like to ask: but have you seen the final cutscene of the game, or are you just knocking on your keyboards to don’t make feel the keys alone and misunderstood?
Let’s assume that after a long, tiring journey along the WHOLE world, with a monster bigger at least the triple of you who is doing everything to organize a NOT-wanted marriage with you; and  immediately soon after being rescued, at the end of an extravagant battle, you have not one, but TWO contenders for your hand, what are you doing? The doll who gives all of herself to her hero just because she saved you? But in which period are we, in the nineteenth century?
Guys, let's talk seriously, would you immediately answer to a such serious question, which can change the rest of your life, on the moon under such conditions? I really don’t think so.
So Peach did, showing her intelligence, and why not, joking over it. It wasn’t the place nor the time for Mario and Bowser to move such proposals, and I honestly think that Peach done right to refuse both of them, I believe, momentarily.
And so centuries of feminist struggles went cancelled because of a video game character...
Yeah, okay, Odyssey's final was what it was, but you can’t hate a character because she's not a puppet in Mario or Bowser's hand. Tell me, you first complained that Peach had no character and now that she has explicated it, in good, you hate her the same? Consistency, this unknown concept...
However, for this detail, have you noticed that Peach eventually called Mario on the Odyssey, even though it had already started to fly? Mario had all the time he needed to get on board with the Princess and her friends. Even if Mario couldn't make it to the Odyssey (which is also unlikely under a cautious analysis of the cutscene), I even highly doubt that not only Bowser but all the other wedding's guests (including PAULINE) were diying there, surely there was at least ONE other vehicle which could bring back them home.
Also think about Peach's dialogues in the post-game: she completely forgave Mario's misbehaving and she's still happy to see him to the point to give him all the moons she gets! So she’s not that ungrateful...
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And that's what I needed to say. Guys, please stop hating Peach, she didn’t do anything, and certainly she doesn’t deserve your insults.
In these times, the princess is among the main characters the most hated, even much more than Daisy or Zelda, who have their great slice of fans, who would do anything for them and even considering them "better" in Smash Bros.
I'm sorry to have written this rant but I'm sure this time is really needed...
Fandoms, Mario included, can be beautiful places where you can meet fantastic people but at the same time you can witness this free hate episodes even from famous personalities...
Thank you for reading, and see you soon.
P.S. Below I show you the main places where the princess is hated for the above reasons.
Gamefaqs, TheTopTens.com, Marioboards, DeviantArt and Youtube
P.P.S. Please, do not go to the video I've mentioned only to insult the youtuber: despite that entry is far from being well-crafted, he made enjoyable content as well. He deserves respect as well and if you really want to discuss in the comment section about the subject, please be polite
P.P.P.S. If you hate Peach and you feel to comment here, please write maturely, well-structured comments. If we can have a mature dialogue, it's best for both of us.
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florablume · 4 years
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FULL NAME: Flora Elizabeth Blume PRONUNCIATION: Flaw-ruh  MEANING: Latin origin, meaning “flower” NICKNAME(S): Flo, Blume, Sparky PREFERRED NAME(S): Flora BIRTH DATE: 4th April 1978 AGE: 41 ZODIAC: Aries GENDER: Cis female PRONOUNS: She/her/hers ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Heteroromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Heterosexual NATIONALITY: American ETHNICITY: Caucasian  CURRENT LOCATION: New York City LIVING CONDITIONS: Cohabiting TITLE(S): Miss/Ms
BIRTH PLACE: California HOMETOWN: San Francisco SOCIAL CLASS: Working EDUCATION LEVEL: College FATHER: Richard Blume MOTHER: Joanne Blume SIBLING(S): Pip & Sam BIRTH ORDER: Flora, Pip & then Sam CHILDREN: Finley Dunne PET(S): None OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: In-Laws PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: A few, but nothing significant other than with Henry ARRESTS?: None PRISON TIME?: None
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: Nurse Practitioner at New York Presbyterian Hospital APPROXIMATE AMOUNT PER YEAR: $106,554 CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: Definitely content PAST JOB(S): Office admin jobs & worked in a coffee shop SPENDING HABITS: Average MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: An engagement ring from Henry
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Probably a little above average for her size xD SPEED: Definitely average, if not a little below INTELLIGENCE: High AGILITY: Okay? Mostly because she’s small STAMINA: Better than it has been for the past few years lmao TEAMWORK: Good if other people will listen to her, bad if they don’t take her opinion into account TALENTS: Getting her own way lmao SHORTCOMINGS: Stubbornness, overprotective, sometimes acts/speaks without thinking. LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, basic French and Spanish DRIVE?: Yes JUMP-STAR A CAR?: Yes CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: With a little assistance RIDE A BICYCLE?: Yes SWIM?: Yes PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: No PLAY CHESS?: She knows how to but it’s not something she does often BRAID HAIR?: Yes TIE A TIE?: Yes PICK A LOCK?: No
FACE CLAIM: Holly Marie Combs/Zoey Deutch EYE COLOUR: Brown HAIR COLOUR: Brown HAIR TYPE/STYLE: Long & straight GLASSES/CONTACTS?: No DOMINANT HAND: Right HEIGHT: 5′1 WEIGHT: 133lbs BUILD: Short & curvy EXERCISE HABITS: She does pilates and yoga twice a week and she will go for the occasional swim, plus all the sex with Henry... SKIN TONE: Fair TATTOOS: None PIERCINGS: Ears & naval MARKS/SCARS: She has a few stretch marks on her stomach and thighs, and some scars on her back. Also a scar through her eyebrow. USUAL EXPRESSION: 
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CLOTHING STYLE: Comfortable but smart. She likes to wear skirts and dresses and anything with a floral print. JEWELLERY: She likes simple jewellery - earrings, necklace and a ring are all she’s usually wearing. ALLERGIES: None BODY TEMPERATURE: She’s always cold. DIET: Pretty good, she always tries to eat healthily. PHYSICAL AILMENTS: None
JUNG TYPE: ESTJ (Extrovert-Sensor-Thinker-Judger) ENNEAGRAM TYPE: Type 8 - the Challenger (also strong Type 2 - the Giver)  MORAL ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good TEMPERAMENT: Phlegmatic ELEMENT: Earth PRIMARY INTELLIGENCE TYPE: Interpersonal Intelligence APPROXIMATE IQ: 115 MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: None SOCIABILITY: Flora is pretty sociable. EMOTIONAL STABILITY: She’s fairly emotionally stable, but does fly off the handle about stupid things sometimes. On the whole though, she’s a good egg. OBSESSION(S): She gets very easily jealous, but I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s an obsession. COMPULSION(S): None PHOBIA(S): Clowns, creepy dolls, horror movies in general. ADDICTION(S): Probably caffeine lmao DRUG USE: None ALCOHOL USE: She drinks occasionally, but not to excess. PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: ....sometimes. More so when she was younger.
SPEECH STYLE: Fast and a little shrill lmao ACCENT: Californian QUIRKS: Very short, scar through her eyebrow, fiddles with her hair a lot.  HOBBIES: Gardening, walking, sewing, watching movies, dancing. HABITS: Fiddles with hair & tucks it behind her ears a lot, snores a little, chews her lip, doodles when she’s on the phone, over-eats when she’s stressed. NERVOUS TICKS: Rubs her hands together a lot/fiddles with her hands when she’s nervous. DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: Helping people, taking care of her family. FEARS: Losing the people she loves.  POSITIVE TRAITS: caring, protective, quick-witted and intelligent NEGATIVE TRAITS: volatile, smothering, sharp-tongued and stubborn SENSE OF HUMOUR: Pretty good, she can definitely take a joke, luckily for Henry because he’s always teasing her. DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: When Fin’s not around, yes. When he is around, absolutely not. CATCHPHRASE(S): She uses terms of endearment a lot like ‘sweetie’ and ‘honey’. ‘Be careful’ is probably another because she worries too much. And also ‘stop that’ because she’s bossy xD
ACTIVITY: Sex lmao ANIMAL: Bluejay BEVERAGE: Coffee BOOK: The Cactus by Sarah Haywood CELEBRITY: Hugh Jackman COLOUR: Pink DESIGNER: Lulu Guinness FOOD: Lemon Cheesecake FLOWER: Orchid GEM: Diamond HOLIDAY: Christmas obvs MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: Car MOVIE: Dirty Dancing MUSICAL ARTIST: Kate Bush QUOTE/SAYING: “But first...coffee!” SCENERY: The NYC skyline is pretty nice SCENT: Daisy by Marc Jacobs SPORT: None lmao SPORTS TEAM: She’s clueless about sport. TELEVISION SHOW: The Good Place WEATHER: Sunshine VACATION DESTINATION: She’d love to go to Paris.
GREATEST DREAM: Having a family of her own. GREATEST FEAR: Losing anyone that she loves. MOST AT EASE WHEN: She’s at home, feet up with a glass of wine. LEAST AT EASE WHEN: She’s rushed off her feet at work, or at one of Henry’s mom’s fancy dinner parties. WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: Jen swoops in and steals Henry from her? idk lmao BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Having Finley. Also getting herself through college with barely any money to her name when she first started. BIGGEST REGRET: Taking so long to have more kids? again idk. MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: lol too many for her to name bcos she’s the queen of embarrassing herself. Probably when she got too worked up the first time she laid eyes on Jen and had too much to drink before Henry had to take her home. TOP PRIORITIES: Fin & Henry (& bump)
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lilyxareum-blog · 5 years
( bae joohyun (irene), cisfemale, she / her ) — Welcome back, HAN AREUM. I’m surprised you’re still ( a ) Costume Specialist ! Congrats ! You’re TWENTY-EIGHT years old ? Our agents usually don’t last that long ! :O I see you’ve been given a BORDER COLLIE. Funny how it seems they work harder than you ! Can’t wait for another lovely day of you being KIND. Though, if we’re being honest, we really know you’re more ANXIOUS. Welp, have a good at work, Agent LILY. I really don’t care ! I’m a robot, I have no feelings.
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Hello, hello everyone!! Its Lina, your, classic, anxious and panicky mun of Areum that’s always active on discord and never got her pages done (*sobs* I’m sorry, Areum–) I don’t have a plots page nor a bio page for now (Which I SWEAR I’M WORKING ON), as well as a plots page, but I do have her profile up! Here’s some plot ideas, as well as information about Areum that you’d need to know!!
Areum was born Han Areum on 29th March 1991
Born to Seo Youngjin and Han Kang Hwan. She was born a few days early, and surprised her parents by being a girl, so they didn’t have a name ready for her.
A nurse named her–because the newborn was such a pretty baby, and so, lacking sorely in ideas for a great name that would fit their kid, they named her Areum (creative i know lmao–sorry my brain LACKED that creativity)
Han Kang Hwan was a Korean diplomat, and Seo Youngjin was a retired agent from Hwarang. The two had a classic love life that started after a shoulder throw, and Areum was the catalyst that caused her parents to get married.
She has a younger brother who’s 1 year younger than her and they were very close.
On the year she was 16, the family was tracked down and killed in the dead of night– the assassin was an old enemy of her mother’s employed by on of the disgruntled rivals of her father, whom disagreed with Han Kang Hwan upon certain political reforms.
Areum’s brother had grabbed her and shoved her under the bed to protect her, and so she watched the man that killed her family stab her younger brother to death.
Areum was then stabbed severely in the stomach and shoved out of the second storey and onto the lawn below. She ended up almost bleeding out, suffered a severe concussion from where the man had knocked her head into the wall, followed by a broken right arm and a broken left leg. The house was then burned down and she was left to die on the lawn of the mansion.
Because of the incident, Areum has a bumpy scar on her stomach from where the scarred tissue from the stab remains. 
Had to go through physical therapy for a year to regain her muscle strength, another year was spent working on her stamina and muscles to make her up to par with the recruitment test.
She was too old for adoption, and so Areum chose to follow the Hwarang agents that had rescued her and applied for Hwarang as a recruit.
Entered as a recruit aged 18, Spent 4 years as a recruit, graduated aged 22 as a field agent, worked as a field agent for 2 years before specialising in the costumes department and working there from then on.
Areum is highly talented in art and music, and has been drawing since she was 5. 
Areum debuted as an artist (painting) when she was 11, selling her art pieces under the pseudonym Raye Licht. She thought of making her handle “A Ray of Light” at first, but found it far too much of a mouthful to say easily
 Areum still sells paintings under that pseudonym, and hence is rich enough to purchase a mansion + live comfortably and luxuriously for the rest of her life. But she wanted to continue her work in Hwarang. 
Can play the piano, violin, flute, and is also great at singing
Technically if she was born in the Joseon era, she’d be a perfect wife + perfect daughter to marry off from a noble family
Areum’s ideal type is someone who’s not afraid to express himself, and is a little aggressive in confessing his feelings, because she’s more passive as well.
Areum has a minimalist tattoo on the middle of her lower back of a lily, which she got right after being given her agent name.
Areum also usually uses money out of her own budget to pay for pple’s expenses, or the expenses inflicted by the costume production, just give her the right reason and she’d fund you (because she’s hella nice)
Areum is sweet, generous and kind, apart from being lovely. 
Was class president and popular in her school back when she had a normal family.
A little naive, and airheaded, gentle, and a soft talker.
When with friends she’s slightly childish, more naive and exuberant
Usually the mood bringer, hypes people up as well as brightens up the room
But alone Areum is silent and melancholic, reflective and understanding.
A lot of people don’t she the dual side of her, because she only shows her bright and happy side to others, because she feels that its her responsibility to liven up the atmosphere since they’re doing such emotionally heavy and taxing work.
Thinks everyone, even grouches are adorable and that each have their own worth.
Is socially anxious and a bit of an overthinker
Highly romantic, swoons easily, easily manipulated esp if she trusts someone
Serial watcher of netflix, and cries as hard as possible when it comes to heartbreaking stories
Areum also doesn’t think that she’s pretty–in her mind, she believes that she’s just average,or less than average.
Areum is also physically affectionate with others, hugs are kind of her thing– she aims to make people feel welcome, so that they wouldn’t find it necessary to be interested to know more about herself.
Career History:
Because her mother was a retired Hwarang agent, she had an agreement with her old comrades that if anything happened to her and her husband, the children would be taken in, so Areum was taken in by Hwarang agents, but had to train herself up to the standards to a recruitment agent to pass.
Had to train really hard for the entire year that she recuperated and just barely made the cut for the team of recruits.
Entered recruitment at aged 18, her physicals were low, but Areum made up to the mark with her intelligence.
Areum holds an IQ of 143, is more of an observant person–and a practiced user of being able to put on a happy go lucky facade so that no one has a clue to what she really feels inside.
No one really knows about Areum’s background or heritage, except that she’s rich,  she paints, and that she’s hella good at costume disguise.
Graduated from recruitment at 22, and became a field agent, but unfortunately Areum was GREAT at disguising others, but not great at disguising herself. (Areum: hat, no lense glasses, fluffy sweaters, slippers)
After 2 years of field agent work, and more than one trip ups in disguises because Areum got recognised, Areum decided she was more cut out for costume specialisation rather than field work.
Areum became costume specialist at age 24, and has been working in that spot for 4 years.
Plot Ideas!!
[For her other costume specialist] You cannot believe the naivety of Areum thinking that she’s fine with disguising herself with just fluffy sweaters and a no lense glasses to not be recognised.
All physical, not emotional – Areum has needs just like everyone else, and you’re one of the special people who has seen the more solemn, contemplative side of her, which she doesn’t usually use outside of the bedroom or her own room [fwb connection ; 0/3 filled]
Classic Annoyance – You’re one of the colder friends of Areum. You can’t fathom why she’s so physically affectionate with people, but you’d comfortably say that you two are close with each other. [ friends ; 0/3 filled]
Walk my Dog – Areum has a habit of offering help to others even though she sucks at it, and with her small stature, its hilarious to see a 158cm tall tiny person trying to drag more than two large dogs away from their wayward tracks. You’re one of those individuals that take advantage of that and always ends up walking your dogs with her, because its just adorable watching Areum frazzle up over a bunch of too big dogs that she can’t control
You remind me of him – Areum’s connection and relationship with her younger brother has always been more than extraordinary, even in his death she feels somewhat connected to him. You are the one that reminds Areum of her deceased brother, and Areum does everything she can to protect you from what she perceives to be harm, even if sometimes its rather over the top. 
Why Are You Doing This To Me? – Being the overly romantic and sweet, naive person that Areum is, its no doubt to say that she’s been used and manipulated by people before. You’re the person that she has a crush on, and knowing that she has a crush on you, you’re intent on using her for your own needs. Its purely unemotional for you, but entirely emotional for Areum, and she just doesn’t know that you’re using her just yet. [ crush, fwb, angst angst heavy angst in the future]
Again? – One of Areum’s responsibilities is to patch up the costumes that have either been destroyed or ruined in the field work, and you’re one of the more reckless field agents/ recruits that always seem to mangle up your clothes to the point of nearly beyond repair. Its perplexing for Areum, and she’s up to the challenge to make a new piece that you can’t possibly rip, but you always seem to outdo yourself in ripping yourself a new piece of clothing. 
Exes, Crushes on Areum/ Romance – this can be plotted however you like it! Areum is pretty open and free when it comes to having either slept together with another agent, or dated another agent before, she’s mostly clueless when it comes to someone crushing on her, or perhaps the idea of something between them that blurs the lines of friendship but they never acted upon it etc. Feel free to hit me up!
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sirasanders · 6 years
Sanders Sides BNHA AU (Part 1/??)
EDIT: Added some stuff to Logan and Remy (mostly Logan tbh) because i did not give them as much attention and I regret that so here I am trying to make up for it. And bear with me y'all, I'm gonna explain the whole "who's the mom" situation soon
okay lmao so i got bored doing nothing, but then i thought of this au (which is actually partially inspired by @ironwoman359's marvel au) and i was like "why not" so i wasted my time doing this instead of doing my homework whshdb
i hope yall enjoy the read because it is kinda long
in this world, Thomas Sanders is the 97th hero, Actor
his quirk is called "The World's a Stage"
he's a shapeshifter, but he can only shapeshift into fictional characters
but he can get part of the power of that fictional character
(i.e. Superman - only gets the power of flight, Spiderman - only gets the spidey sense)
he can't shapeshift into a hybrid of fictional characters bc then he'd be too op
and the shapeshifting takes a lot of his stamina, so he can only shapeshift into two (2) people a day
his sons admire him a lot
speaking of sons, Thomas has quad sons and one adopted son
from youngest to oldest: Remy, Virgil, Roman, Logan, and Patton
(bear with me i dont know what to call their quirks cause i am Uncreative™️)
Roman's quirk is kinda like Yaoyorozu's quirk
but all the stuff he makes are actually half-illusions
basically he can make illusions, but only a number of people can actually touch them
if anyone else touches them, the illusion disappears
shh Roman's still working on that
Patton's quirk is that he can manipulate the emotions of people around him
but he can only manipulate them into what hes generally feeling atm
(i.e., if he's feeling sad, he can make someone else sad too, but more intense)
he doesn't like using his quirk unless its to help others feel better
he mostly uses it on Virgil and on his dad when Thomas has a bad work day
Logan has been thought to be quirkless kid, albeit an incredibly smart one, for almost three years, until Roman pointed out that Logan might have an intelligence quirk
for the longest time, Logan has been advancing not only academically, but also in language and music and art and literally anything he tries his hand at
Thomas thought it was just because Logan loved to learn, but Roman's remark made him think a bit deeper
Thomas immediately had Logan tested, and found out a few days later that Logan had an IQ way higher than a normal seven year old's IQ
but that didn't really say anything to Logan, to be honest
anyone can get a high score in an IQ test, what was the big deal?
so he just ignored the IQ results and just kept doing him
one day, their school had a field trip to a professional laboratory and met "real life scientists, Virgil, do you see that table what they're doing there is-"
"Yeah, that's nice Logan, now can we please catch up to the rest of the class becau- oh god they're leaving us behind let's gO-"
and at the end of the day they got to talk to one of the scientists that work there
the scientist showed the class his research paper about chemicals but no one really understood it
except Logan lol
and while Logan was reading about the results of the scientist's experiment, he noticed something funny
he then raised his hand and proceeded to tell the scientist about his concern
to humor Logan, the scientist took back his research paper and off Logan went about the Mistake In The Research Paper
"in the first chapter, you mentioned having *blah blah* and so in the results, *blah blah* should have happened instead of *blah blah* doing this, and-"
the scientist took what Logan said into consideration and after a few days, a letter from the scientist that Logan corrected was sent to the Sanders residence, which basically contained, "'kay so I did the experiment again and well heck what do you know I AM wrong"
the Sanders household was Shook™️ because Logan corrected a professional scientist's research within seconds of reading it
it was several months later that it was confirmed Logan had an intelligence quirk
Virgil's quirk is,, kinda like a boggart's ability
(yknow those dark floaty things from Harry Potter)
he can shapeshift into what the person is fearing at the moment
i.e., if a person is scared of their parents, Virgil can appear as their parents, but look completely normal to other people
many people say that he has a "villain's quirk" and that he doesnt deserve to be ""Actor's son"
Virgil doesnt think he deserves to be called Thomas's son either
(im so sorry again this is really uncreative im running out of ideas)
Remy is an adopted boi, but still very much loved by his famILY
Remy's quirk is like a kinda like the ability of a siren
basically his voice can make people fall asleep
so far, he can use his quirk on a maximum of two people, with the effects lasting up to 30 minutes
Remy had his quirk for only a year, but he's been having so much fun with it
he plays a lot of pranks on Roman and Patton
nothing too dangerous, just small things like making them fall asleep in the middle of a movie and cackling as they frantically lower the volume and rewind the movie to avoid being spoiled
like Patton, he uses his quirk on Thomas, Virgil, and occasionally Logan, when they're stressed or having a bad day
btw, the quad squad are all 7 years old at the moment, and Remy is 5 years old
their family is really really happy and they have the privilege to walk around with their dad and not get assaulted by fans
because their dad is almost always changing appearances, so barely anyone knows what Thomas really looks like lol
and thats it for now lmao hope yall liked my word vomit
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sugar-petals · 6 years
sis literally no one was saying anything about tae how old are you to feel offended by a simple post about someone's birthday like that lmao
Portraying Namjoon as the single smartest member by far margin as it is common not just in this one post implies — ever so jokingly — that on the other hand, BTS’ remaining members aren’t worth much in terms of brilliance: In that logic, zero brain cells. Taehyung being the prime example of being insulted and ridiculed all over the place for having a special type of intelligence. I see the problem, I am serious about it, I take the chance, and you can tell by the replies that it hit a nerve that has already been bare. Yes indeed, Tae was not mentioned in the OP, but it is the unspoken downside. Listen to the people crying “finally, I always said he’s not stupid, why didn’t others believe me?” I tell you why, they don’t like Taehyung which would be fine, but picking on him is not; ranging from “dumb blonde of the group” comments to “aloof” 4D memes to saying he’s only pretty and useless, or vice versa, ugly and then just goofy to the point where it affects his wellbeing as we’ve seen so many times because fans pick it up and legit tell him.
Age != maturity is not an appropriate argument or a good way to blanket a problem, nor is downplaying the post to a harmless birthday joke that cannot be second guessed: look at how the notes are banging, people agree to the one brain cell thing. Are you the one who wrote it, related to them, or the “please explain” person? Otherwise, I cannot imagine you show up in the middle of the devil’s den where I sit in my cauldron boiling at 208 degrees Fahrenheit, the nerve! 😂 With a message all defensive and suspiciously salty with your “sis” and “lmao”, conscious that more and more people come to explain what BH does to Taehyung via ploys like boosting the Namjoon IQ thing and Genius Yoongi to make him look stupid, myself being one of those people standing up for him (with a Yoongi bias, surprise surprise), you knowing full well you get a rise out of these people and me. Stakes are high to send this ask. You must be new here in general 😄
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livbennett · 6 years
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FULL NAME:  Olivia Rose Bennett PRONUNCIATION: oh-LIV-ee-uh NICKNAME(S):  Liv, Livvy PREFERRED NAME(S): Liv BIRTH DATE: March 10, 1988 AGE: 30 ZODIAC: Pisces GENDER: Female PRONOUNS: She/Her ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Heteromatic  SEXUAL ORIENTATION:  Heterosexual NATIONALITY: English ETHNICITY: White CURRENT LOCATION: Crownsville, Georgia  LIVING CONDITIONS: Lives in a recently renovated home, so her living conditions are great.  TITLE(S): Lady (ignored), Miss
BIRTH PLACE: Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire HOMETOWN: Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire SOCIAL CLASS: Aristocratic EDUCATION LEVEL: Master’s level (in English, and in Linguistic Anthropology)  FATHER: George Bennet MOTHER: Katherine Bennett (née Finch-Hatton) SIBLING(S): Daniel Bennett, Christopher Bennett, Lucas Bennett BIRTH ORDER: Daniel, Christopher, Lucas, Olivia  CHILDREN: None PET(S):  A 3 year old pug named Lucy OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS:  Formerly engaged to a man she knew since childhood, has an ex-boyfriend from when she was at Oxford ARRESTS?:  N/A PRISON TIME?: N/A
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: Teaching high school English  SECONDARY SOURCE OF INCOME: Tutoring, teaching summer school. TERTIARY SOURCE(S) OF INCOME: N/A APPROXIMATE AMOUNT PER YEAR: $62,450 CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: She loves it PAST JOB(S): Taught English abroad in Egypt, India, China, and Nepal.  SPENDING HABITS: Frugal MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: A diamond necklace she’s had since she was a child.
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Decent for someone her size. SPEED: Fast  INTELLIGENCE: High intelligence level STAMINA: Excellent  TEAMWORK: Great, loves working with others.  TALENTS: Speaks 5 languages, plays piano, surprisingly athletic SHORTCOMINGS: Perfectionism, wears her heart on her sleeve, LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, Spanish (fluent), French (Fluent), some Hindi and Chinese from living in regions where those languages are spoken. DRIVE?: Yes JUMP-STAR A CAR?:  No CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: No RIDE A BICYCLE?: Yes SWIM?: No PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: Yes PLAY CHESS?: Yes BRAID HAIR?: Yes TIE A TIE?: Yes PICK A LOCK?: No
EYE COLOR: Blue HAIR COLOR: Brown (dyed blonde) HAIR TYPE/STYLE:  Usually will wear her hair down, pulled back, or braided.  GLASSES/CONTACTS?: Both DOMINANT HAND: Right HEIGHT: 5′2″ WEIGHT: 105 lbs BUILD: Petite EXERCISE HABITS: Running, yoga, pilates, rock climbing SKIN TONE: Porcelian TATTOOS: None PEIRCINGS: Triple ear lobe piercings, right helix MARKS/SCARS: Two scars on left knee from ACL & PCL surgery NOTABLE FEATURES: Freckles all over her body, big blue eyes, petite frame USUAL EXPRESSION: Smiling  CLOTHING STYLE: Vintage, floral patterns, usually skirts or dresses JEWELRY: Earrings, tons of rings, a necklace ALLERGIES: None BODY TEMPERATURE: Cool, she gets cold easily DIET: Doesn’t have a specific one, but watches what she eats PHYSICAL AILMENTS: Her knee bothers her from time to time
SPEECH STYLE: Formal, very educated & polished ACCENT: British QUIRKS: Yelling at or physically abusing an inanimate object that she runs into lmao, has to have the TV or radio volume on even numbers. HOBBIES: Reading, traveling, hanging out with friends. HABITS: Drinking tea, makes tons of to do lists, cleaning, wakes up by 7 am every day. NERVOUS TICKS: Plays with her hair POSITIVE TRAITS:  Intelligent, plucky, generous, kind-hearted NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, impatient, naive SENSE OF HUMOR: Liv is actually really funny once someone gets to know her well DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: No CATCHPHRASE(S): Any kind of English slang 
ACTIVITY: Reading ANIMAL: Dogs BEVERAGE: A cup of English breakfast tea BOOK: To Kill a Mockingbird CELEBRITY: Doesn’t have one? COLOR: Pastel pink and yellow DESIGNER: Jenny Packham FOOD: Fish & chips (SHES A BASIC BRIT I KNOW) FLOWER: Rose GEM: Sapphire  HOLIDAY: Christmas MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: MOVIE: Gone With the Wind MUSICAL ARTIST: Queen QUOTE/SAYING: “And though she be but little, she is fierce” SCENERY: Anything green with lots of flowers SCENT: Marc Jacobs Daisy perfume  SPORT: Equestrian, golf, tennis SPORTS TEAM: Doesn’t have one TELEVISION SHOW: Doesn’t have one because she doesn’t watch TV much WEATHER: Sunny & warm  VACATION DESTINATION: Fiji
GREATEST DREAM: To have a family of her own some day, or get her PhD GREATEST FEAR: Rejection, being disliked  MOST AT EASE WHEN: She’s in control of things LEAST AT EASE WHEN:  She has NO control over things WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Getting two masters degrees BIGGEST REGRET: Currently her ex fiance  MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: The wind blowing her skirt up last year (yikes lmao) BIGGEST SECRET: (TW: sexual assault) Was sexually assaulted by one of her professors, but never said anything about it to anyone & probably never will.  TOP PRIORITIES: Making sure she’s living her life to the fullest and being kind to others. 
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2, 3, 8, 11 & 24 !!
2. What’s the thing you most love about your type?- The fact that people think I’m really really intelligent. I also always seem really confident in whatever I do, but in reality 90% of the time I’m winging it and they have no idea what kind of stress I’m under lmao.
3. What’s the thing you most hate about your type?- Hmm, probably that people assume that I’m really cold and never give a shit about anything. While true, I often lack empathy and don’t give a shit about many things an- Wait…
But yeah jokes aside (or is it), I do care most of the time, especially if it’s from people that are close to me. Sometimes I really pay attention to what people are doing/saying because I’m genuinely interested but they think I’m just doing it out of pity.
8. In your opinion, what are the best types for your personality type?                - This one is going to be slightly complicated to understand but. And I don’t mean this in any sexist sort of way buuutt:For male friends: INTx (basically the same as me)For female friends: INFx (or INTx !*)
Why different? I don’t know. I basically have never had any male friends that weren’t exactly like me. Never. Not even once. It just doesn’t happen. They don’t like me and I tend to not like them if they aren’t INTx’s.And for some reason, every female friend I’ve ever made (or I liked lol), has always been INFP, and honestly, this is entirely unintentional. Technically it doesn’t even make sense as from a logical standpoint.  Although to be fair, it’s probably because I just don’t get along with anyone that is E or S, in any combination. E mostly because I am just a really introverted person myself so we wouldn’t really have much in common for hobbies or something. S probably because of the different “view” on the world.*I also haven’t met ANY INTx’s females, ever. Which makes sense, I don’t really come outside at all either, so they probably wouldn’t either, so how would we meet, amirite.
11. If you had the chance to change your personality type, would you? If so, which type would you choose?Permanently: heck no.Temporary: Hell yeah, I’m naturally curious sooooo…-Probably either ENFP, INFP or INFJ.ENFP is gonna be the one I’m gonna explain why:E because I’d like to know what it feels like to GET energy from going out and spending time with lots of people, rather than it DRAINING it.N, still because I just really really don’t understand S people at all and can’t imagine ever being one. (no offense to anyone out there, y’all still cool but hecking confusing!)F, because empathy is something I lack, because imo it’s a “useless” emotion (is it even an emotion? idk, maybe a trait). While I can always determine why people are a certain way/how they feel, it’s more because of logic and reasoning than through emotional feelings. So I’d like to know how people do all that jazz.P, this is not so useful, I’m a 55% J, 45% P anyways according to tests. So idk, this is mostly just a filler for me.
24. What’s your position on personality? Do we born with a determined personality or we adquire our personality based on our life experiences and environment events? Or do you believe in a little mix of both?- Hmm, mostly believe in that we “grow” a personality over time and can slightly change through experiences. I don’t really believe in that people are born with it.ALTHOUGH, and this is going to sound contradicting and narcistic af BUT:I personally know that I was always an xNTx. Back when I was like 6 to 12, I was fucking weird. At the time I didn’t know any better but I was sure as fuck not like other kids. I was incredibly “wise” for my age and I always knew exactly what I wanted and how to achieve it. Also always knew how to act to certain people to get what I wanted (sociopath alert amirite), I’d like to say I wore “different masks” depending on who I was with, and would mix, match and create different masks for combinations of people.. I think this was due to the fact (here’s the narcistic part), I was stupidly smart when I was little. I could read/understand/speak English from the age of 6-8ish. As someone who’s supposedly only knows dutch from a geographical standpoint, that’s impressive in my books. And I always had high scores on these little (idk what they are called exactly) “pyramid exams?” (Idk they were these scores/tests/quizes schools would do, something like an IQ test).Although that didn’t last long, as my “genius” period ended when I reached high school. From there on it only went downhill and now I’m arguebly one of the least intelligent people in my school, woo!Boy did I ramble on, back to the proper question:Reason I think IN GENERAL you grow with it though, because I was pretty extroverted back in the days, But the more people I met the more I became introverted lmao. Also tonnes and tonnes of (mostly negative) experiences have led me to being INTJ. (I think I used to be a ENTP back in my childhood)
Welp that’s it, sorry it ended up being so long, I too didn’t expect to write an entire encyclopedia on this. Thanks a lot for the ask though!
Ask me something too!
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airanke · 6 years
Trigon tidbits
That no one asked for but let me just throw a bunch of Trigon deets under a cut
I’MMA JUST @nadiaofazeroth
Physical deets:
either 7′10 or 7′11 - his broad shoulders tend to give him the aspect of being physically imposing without him being incredibly tall.
roughly 38 years old.
the stripes on his body are NOT tattoos, they are scars, raised, and glint like onyxes in the sunlight. He hates talking about them, and hates being asked about them.
his eyes, though orange, are often described as being venomous / poisonous, filled with rage / anger / fury. Rarely ever are words like “soft”, “kind”, and “warm” used to describe him or any of his features (”harsh”, “cold”, and “rough” all work better, BUT like any rough character, Trigon of COURSE has his warmer moments. They’re just very few and very far between).
hair is dark chocolate brown, almost black, and his skin is on the tan side, with his back being darker than his stomach - also yes, the stripes are all over his body, and no, they are not sensitive to the touch. The feeling Trigon has in his scars is minimal at best (consider it a defence mechanism of sorts, but caressing his scars won’t get much of a reaction at him, much less turn him on).
When he gets angry, it shows most obviously between his eyes - as in, his skin starts turning red. He’s not necessarily prone to blushing, but in some situations it just happens (kinda like how sometimes when I’m blushing, I don’t REALIZE I’m blushing until someone points it out, but when I get angry, I actually FEEL my face getting hot. It works like that for Trigon too, he doesn’t entirely know when he’s blushing, but he’ll sure as hell know when he’s getting angry). Sometimes it goes down his neck, depending on how mad he is.
he has five fingers, or if you prefer, four fingers and a thumb. However, he has the typical two toes that trolls have.
His tusks are mid-length, and the points curve inward. He keeps them sharp so that he can use them as a weapon if need be. If someone grabs Trigon’s tusks suddenly or too tightly, he will immediately attack them, sometimes violently. The man does not appreciate his tusks being touched without his express permission.
face is set in a permanent scowl. He rarely smiles, and when he does, it’s always a smirk, or a half-smile, but never genuine, and never reaches his eyes (in general he’s not prone to expressing much emotion outside of anger).
The way he carries himself tends to demand respect - and Trigon will give his, but in the end it has to be fully earned (ie. he’ll be polite to a king because they’re a king, but that doesn’t mean he respects them. He will also tell them when he thinks they’re being stupid, usually by saying “you’re a fucking idiot” right to their face).
He cares a LOT about his appearance, and puts a lot of effort into presenting himself well visually. You won’t catch him dead in anything less than dress pants and a dress shirt (technically he can be described as metrosexual, minus the political views parts of that definition LMAO).
only his right earlobe is pierced.
Trigon is a nephilim (or a cambion - which appears to be the common term for half-human, half-demon - but in Ether / CHAMPIONS verse, nephilim is used to refer to both half-race and half-angel / half-demon), being part troll, and part Greater Demon. The latter fact is not known to anyone outside of Trigon’s immediate family, but can sometimes be picked up on when he’s concentrating on a specific task rather than putting any thought into masking his presence (warlocks will pick up on it first, and mages will generally pick it up as “ominous”. Warlocks, especially demonology warlocks, WILL recognize it as a demonic presence that flickers in and out). TRIGON WILL NOT INTRODUCE HIMSELF AS A NEPHILIM / CAMBION NOR EVER ADMIT TO HIS DEMONIC HERITAGE. His basic response to the question “what are you” is “I’m a fuckin’ troll, de fuck did you tink I was?” Pro Tip: don’t answer the “what did you think I was” question.
I wrote a thing, you can read it here, but it’s EH idk not my best work, but it’s Trigon, and it at least shows him interacting with Horde / Alliance leaders.
Speech / Romance deets:
So much cursing. Oh lawd, SO MUCH CURSING. Trigon has no filter - BUT he doesn’t always curse. More often than not, he uses curse words for emphasis, but if he’s in a meeting with important people, his cursing is much less. The most common phrases for him to use are “oh fuck me”, “fuck me side-ways”, “fuck”, and almost always these are in response to things that he can’t, let’s say, immediately control (ex. someone does something incredibly stupid, and Trigon reacts by pinching the bridge of his nose, and then snarling “oh fuck me” under his breath). He’s less inclined to use “fuck me” as an actual flirtatious expression, and most times anyone being replying to the statement with any sort of affirmative will earn them a sour look from him. He will curse around children, though if he becomes aware they’re within earshot, WOW he’ll actually catch himself and choose his words more carefully.
Speaking of flirting, Trigon is either incredibly subtle about it (to the point where a woman probably won’t even realize he’s flirting), or he’s straight to the point. He does, however, tend to make vulgar commentary, especially if he knows it might bother someone. Again, he has no filter. He can also be really nonchalant about it too, mostly when he’s turning someone’s comments on them though (ex. 
DO NOT BE DECEIVED, more often than not, he speaks intelligently, and can have an authoritative tone to his voice.
He has the typical troll accent, but will speak “proper Common” when he’s putting extra emphasis on certain words or phrases (ex. “dat” will become “that”, and any word ending in ing will be articulated fully, rather than Trigon just dropping the g sound at the end). This is also prone to happen when he’s angry (ex. “Do you be fuckin’ stupid?” becomes “Do you be fucking stupid” OR “Are you fucking stupid?”)
He tends to speak under his breath in Arachnedian, which is his native language. Can also fluently speak and understand demonic, and naturally, he can fluently speak and understand Common (he can speak various other Ether languages, but he’s unfamiliar with most Azeroth ones).
He’s not one to chase. If he’s interested in a woman, he’ll make it clear, but he’ll back off if she doesn’t return his interest. He’s drawn to intelligence, and anyone who can match wits with him - which hilariously means he’s more often than not drawn to mages (being that they’re stereotypically intelligent). He thinks all body types are beautiful and has no real preference (not even to race). Persistence can get his attention, as can being chased. Given his attractive features, there are rumors that he sleeps around - this is not the case. Trigon is pretty picky about who he sleeps with, and he won’t bed a woman that just spreads her legs for him, so to speak.
Magic and Skill and Personality deets:
Trained as an assassin, though a running theme in his story is that he would have made an excellent archer (the whole idea behind him and his brothers is that they are far FAR away from the paths they should have followed). He is an acrobatic master, can shift in and out of shadows at will, sprint for long periods of time (his skill set is a mix of parkour, martial arts, and gymnastics. He is very physically capable). Trigon is skilled with daggers, small knives, swords, and of course, a bow (and also a long bow).
He has a Beast Spirit, which is unusual for half-breed trolls, and it is classified as Mythical. It is an Ambush of Tigers, and he can activate it at will - he can also cancel it at will, which nullifies any negative side-effects he might otherwise have to using it (TL;DR, Air doesn’t know what the cost of him using his beast spirit is yet, so PLEASE DON’T ASK HER).
When he uses magic, the scars on his body flash and flicker the same bright orange hue as his eyes. Visual reference here. He isn’t one to use his magic, however, and prefers to rely on his physical skills. Trigon’s magic school is Conjuration, and he never carries arrows with him when he opts to use a bow; instead, he simply manifests the arrows from magic - but, as I said, he doesn’t rely on his magic.
He can transform into a large saber toothed tiger (think Xuen, but not exactly like Xuen, I still need to design it); he can also turn into a bi-pedal version. This is his demonic form, or “true form” rather, but he never uses it unless he’s literally backed into a corner and has no other option (this mostly being because then he definitely has to own up to the fact that he has demon blood).
Is called a mage killer, and is known to easily predict where a mage will blink to (usually due to them showing in some way physically where they’re going to go). This doesn’t mean he CAN’T be bypassed via Blink, it is simply more difficult than it should be. Currently Jaina is the only mage known to be able to give him a run for his money when it comes to using Blink to escape him.
In the Sunstaren Army, he is the Royal Advisor (often called The Advisor), and Strategist. He is also referred to as King’s Wisdom, but loathes the title (this is due to the fact that he does not believe he’s worthy of the title, as being wise, in his eyes, means you don’t have a mouth like he does, plus he knows his personality leaves a lot to be desired). His IQ is over 300 (which makes him IMPOSSIBLE FOR SOMEONE LIKE ME TO WRITE ACCURATELY BECAUSE I’M NOT THAT SMART), however, he will often declare that while he’s incredibly intelligent, he is creatively stupid (as in, he can’t draw a picture or paint to save his life).
Generally, if you ask, you will receive - however, Trigon won’t give out his name unless he’s given a name first. Any inquiries to his name will be met with “that depends, who’s asking?” usually spoken through his teeth, and accompanied by a fierce glare. Giving him respect will encourage him to return the respect as well, so despite his language and lack of filter, he’s not going to disrespect someone for the sake of disrespecting them, and again, will treat others the way they treat him. If pressed, he’ll introduce himself as “Trigon, Son of Matadox”.
Most of the time Trigon shows all of his emotions through anger, especially fear. He snarls at Warlocks when they get too close, but at least won’t outright attack them. He is not, as previously mentioned, prone to showing happiness, but sometimes one might catch him with an oddly gentle expression and the slightest hint of a smile on his lips when he is unaware that anyone is watching. Another emotion he shows primarily through anger is worry, which generally leads to him verbally chastising someone while simultaneously tending to their injuries personally, which can be rather contradictory behavior in and of itself. If he doesn’t understand something, he’ll ask questions.
Is so aware of his ego, OH SO AWARE OF HIS EGO. And so aware that he gets cocky around mages, and that one day it’ll bite him in the ass. Despite KNOWING THIS, it doesn’t stop him from getting cocky. Often likes to make the gesture of showing that his ego is getting bigger when his comrades sing his praises, and shaking his head at them like “yeah no, you see my ego? See how it’s expanding? Yeah you’re not helping”.
He can read so fast. Like so fast. And is a sponge. He absorbs information and retains it well.
Usually his strategies are flawless, and he can plan on the fly as well. However, just because he has flawless strategies doesn’t mean that the people who put those strategies into action can’t make mistakes. They do. Trigon quickly makes adjustments when those mistakes happen.
Is not against offering physical comfort when it’s needed, and is actually much better at comforting others than one might assume. He can both validate and dismiss emotions (ex. “yes your anger was justified, but your actions were not”), which makes him a pretty great person to talk to, on top of him being logical and practical in most instances.
He is aware that he often let’s his own anger get the better of him. And if he REALLY cares about you, he will threaten you with death (“I am going to kill you”). He’s gotten much better at controlling his temper over the years, and resorting to death threats is the easiest way for him to expel his anger without lashing out. If he feels that he’s going to lash out physically, he will remove himself from the presence of others and take his anger out on training dummies, or a tree. Whichever ends up being closest.
Enjoys forming bonds. This is especially because he knows his stand-offish personality makes him difficult to approach, and is part of the reason why he finds persistent women attractive. Again, given that he’s not open about expressing how he feels outside of anger, it is difficult for him to be vulnerable with anyone. He generally understands when someone might be concerned for his well-being, and despite his knee-jerk reaction to WANT to tell them to piss off, he’ll usually compose himself enough to politely tell them that he’ll be fine. If they persist, he’ll go the “piss off” route. If they KEEP PERSISTING DESPITE ANY HOSTILITY HE SHOWS, they will get him to crack.
He doesn’t always admit to his faults, but if he is glaringly wrong, he WILL admit to it - most likely through clenched teeth, but Trigon is cocky, not arrogant (at least not on most occasions. He can get pretty arrogant, but he wouldn’t be that way toward allies, if that makes sense. And in most cases, he’ll be deliberately arrogant if it means he can get under someone’s skin).
Going back to physical capabilities, Trigon is trained to fight and run with broken limbs. His armor is also self-repairing, and thus, keeps his limbs in place even if they get dislocated, allowing him the ability to keep moving. He can use magic to mask limps, and if in pain will have an unusually vacant expression. The extent of this is running with both arms and legs broken. Naturally, he can’t keep it up forever, but he damn will try, and this is especially the case if he has something to protect.
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