#verse: normal au
chikoyama · 23 hours
Maybe this won't be a waste of a weekend
The Devil in Me Prompts | Accepting | @opalchoi
“Of course it’s not, Opal-chan!” Chiyori exclaimed rather resolutely as she finished flattening out the mattress that they’d put out on the floor. It was going to serve as the base layer for their sleeping spot.
They’d just spent an hour setting up a small tent in Chiyori’s apartment, placing it so the opening was facing towards the TV. The structure was taking up nearly the whole space in her living room — but it was worth it! A few soft pillows laid scattered here and there.
“We’re doing a sleepover and watching Twilight!” She continued with the same adamant but enthusiastic tone of voice as she straigthened up her back and grabbed the DVD. Was Opal-chan really questioning the amount of fun this was going to be?
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lunarfleur · 11 months
Official request: Boxer Bf!Miles with his partner (bf if you could) watching as Miles punches a bag or something and makes sure to keep Miles on a strict break schedule so he doesn’t get too tired from working out. Break times include kisses <3
Into The Ring ~ Earth 42! Miles Morales (Boxer au)
Summary: There was something about working off all your energy that calmed him. Any and all tension faded away, left only with who he was and his love for you.
Tagging: @juneberrie @sluggmuffin @kombuuuu @hiyaitssans @ivys-graveyard
Warnings:Slight mention of fighting, mention of blood, slight nudity but not really (he’s shirtless)
A/N: Reader is also a boxer. I’m very glad I got this request. Also…3 pieces in one day?? Hello??
This is x male reader!
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You took a long swig of water, squeezing the bottle tightly. Sweat dripped down your skin. You watched the sight in front of you.
There was no one else around. Everyone else had already gone home for the night. But Miles? He was still going at it. He had been for an hour and a half.
The gym was how you met him, actually. When everyone else was tired and sweaty and getting ready to leave, he was always there. It was like he something to prove. Something kept him there for hours on end.
He used it as anger management. Miles had a lot to be angry about; his mother being overworked and not paid nearly enough, his father’s death, those jackass kids at school who think that, just because he seems tough, they can say whatever they want. It got to him. It really did.
It was a mesmerizing sight, though. The push and pull of his muscles, the was his smooth, bare skin glimmered under the light, the way his braids bounced as he moved. His mouth was parted slightly, dense and heavy breaths leaving with each punch. His ankles were taped. He was wearing his knee brace, too. Miles truly was beautiful.
You grabbed his shirt, which he had discarded the second people started to leave, and walked over. Your water bottle was still in your hand. Once you got close he stopped, taking out one Airpod to look at you. He panted and gasped.
You passed him the bottle. He took it quickly, taking a fast drink just to hand it back to you. You sighed. He never wanted to leave.
“Miles, honey, let’s go home.” You nodded at him.
“Couple more minutes, baby,” he replied, going back to the punching bag.
“Miles, if you don’t learn how to stop you’re gonna kill yourself.”
You tossed his shirt at his head. He brought his hand up, grabbing it. He stared at you. Miles knew you were right.
“‘Kay,” he sighed, slipping the shirt over his head.
“Don’t pout,” you groaned, grabbing him by the wrist to pull him closer to you. “You’re just gonna come back tomorrow.”
Miles wrapped his arm around your shoulder after slipping off his gloves. He kissed your temple. You didn’t mind the sweat, really. Or the smell.
“Guapo, you know I’d be fine if I kept going.”
“But you wouldn’t stop until you couldn’t move. That’s the problem.” It made you sad, really. He was just like his mother in that sense, always taking more than he has to. But Miles smiled nonetheless, chuckling.
“Mi hombre, always lookin’ out for me, huh?”
“If I didn’t, who would?”
This made Miles laugh. It was rare for it to happen in such a way-loud and comfortable. There was something about working off all your energy that calmed him. Any and all tension faded away, left only with who he was and his love for you.
You both walked over to the bench, packing up your things. You told him how attractive he was when he was beating the shit out of the bag. He told you everything you make him feel when you say such things. You told him what you wanted to do when you got back to his place-shower, change, and fall asleep to a movie after eating. He told you he wanted to same.
You two boys were the last to leave the building, walking hand-in-hand out the door. The first things you saw was the setting sun.
You stared at Miles while you walked. His skin, despite the fact that his sweat had dried, shined against the light of the sky. His face was relaxed. He looked at peace. He looked happy, and very pretty.
“Whatchu lookin’ at, baby?” He asked, smirking.
“You,” you responded, smirking right along with him.
“Oh yeah? See something you like?” His smirk grew with his words.
He let go of your hand and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
“Yeah, I do. You look so pretty like this.”
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styllwaters · 11 months
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Vivere 44 x spider verse AU featuring Sea Crawler Miguel. Yeah
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calling-smiles-asks · 2 months
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cryptidbait · 8 months
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Spiderdads Wrestling AU
Sorry I haven’t posted in a hot minute, irl is kicking my 🍑
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the-maximist-drawer · 20 days
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Foot Leonardo!
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xanyiaz · 4 months
me after deciding to listen to literally EVERYTHING ELSE as an excuse to continue putting off the imperium for as long as i physically can
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fiepige · 5 months
More Sea Serpent Hobie thoughts!
(been thinking about this au all day, it's completely consumed my mind!)
I was kinda toying with the idea of Hobie being able to take a human form. (In this version most people wouldn't know that sea serpents exist so he uses it as a way to interact with humans without revealing his true nature to them)
He visits a small local fishing village from time to time to hang out with the locals- mostly at the pub, but he also likes hanging around at the harbour
Cause he just gets lonely sometimes and humans make fun company- he finds tales about daring trips to sea entertaining, but he also loves to hear stories about places from far within the mainland as he's always stayed close to the ocean.
Nobody in the village knows what he really is- they all just think he's this odd but kind loner who visits from time to time.
He's well renowned by the people in the village, both for being a nice and helpful guy and because of his unique skills*
He never pays for anything in cash but instead in old trinkets and treasures he finds while out at sea - this resulted in a few arguments at first, but now people have come to accept it, some even look forward to seeing what he'll pull out as payment whenever he visits
if he doesn't have any treasure to pay with he'll offer to pay in favours- specifically favours that involve diving.
*If you need a diving job done he's your guy
He can stay underwater forever and go far deeper than any of the locals.
So if you need to retrieve something from, let's say a sunken ship, he's your guy!
He insists on going on missions alone- it's just easier to get it done if he can dive unseen in his serpent form.
The only people he doesn't get along with are authority figures and whalers!
There aren't any whalers residing in the village but sometimes a whaling boat will come by to restock. Every time they do Hobie terrorizes the crew as much as he can get away with. While also being very vocal about his opinion of them in general. He's gotten in fights with them more than once.
It's also not unusual for the whalers to find their ship vandalised if they stay overnight.
When he's in his human form he lives on a small island near the village, but far enough away that he can't be seen changing from serpent to human form and vice versa
He has a small hut where he keeps some fishing equipment (mostly for show in case a human comes by and wonders how he's able to feed himself on this tiny island) as well as a small garden where he grows different greens.
He'll trade his food for stuff with the villages, he mostly trades for clothes, sewing equipment or beer at the pub
Sometimes he'll disappear at sea for weeks at a time- if any of the villagers question him about it he'll just say he was out fishing- despite him only owning a small rowboat with a small engine, that doesn't work half the time. - He uses it to get to and from the island in human form as to not alert the villagers to his true form.
At some point he befriends Gwen**, who's a newcommer, when a local overhears her lamenting the loss of her mother's trinket at sea, and they suggest she asks Hobie for help- since the guy has a way of finding things lost at sea
Gwen doesn't really believe he can actually find it but seeks him out nonetheless cause it can't hurt to ask
Hobie accepts the job. In exchange he wants Gwen to tell him about the places she's been to before she moved to the village.
(** you can kinda replace Gwen with any character you want. I'm kinda considering making a small fic for this au where the reader takes Gwen's place, but I don't have the time nor energy to write it any time soon. Also I've never written a fic from the first person point of view so I'm not sure how it would turn out lol.)
Lemme know what you guys think! 💙Any input is welcome- it can be world building stuff, story stuff, ideas for hobie's serpent form or something else!
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First Big Gig, pt (unknown)
Wild doesn't realize that his breathing stops being even, as the crowd engulfs any tiny sound that his body is making. Even then, he tries to keep his body together, and twists his face, keeping it neutral. His stomach seems to churn uncontrollably, like one of those kneading machines he uses for making bread. But Wild was so sure he did not eat anything strange today. Maybe he did. He can't remember.
He thinks his heart is pounding way faster than it should, but the pounding of the massive speakers is making him question whether or not his brain made it up.
His brain is partly in protest, but luckily, for some reason Wild keeps walking forward. The room is so crowded and warm that Wild is sweating profusely. His knuckles turn white as he grips the trolley, but the AC makes his hand so cold that he's slowly losing his grip. A part of Wild wants to go back.
"Nervous?" Warriors asks both of them, though it's super hard to parse what he says. 
Wild couldn't even move enough to nod. He can only think, and his thoughts only have "stop, no, go back". His vocal chords, on the other hand, seem to have been stuck, but he didn't have to answer, as Warriors can't even hear what Four said through the massive echoes of the sea of people. 
"Let's show the other idiots what we're made of!" Warriors proudly says, and Wild tries his hardest to crack the widest smile.
Next thing he knows, the blinding lights are shining on him. He can't see anything but blobs, but that's okay, his hands are still playing. He can't ruin their first big gig like this. He just can't. Warriors have been waiting for this day since he met them.
He normally looks over to Four and Warriors, to wink at them to signal an improv, or do a little funny on the side, but if he looks anywhere but his guitar the world seems to just ever so slightly tilt. His hands start to slide off the strings, surely no one heard that he accidentally missed a few notes?
His stomach, on the other hand, is actively betraying him. It hurts so bad, a nagging, throbbing pain. But, that's okay, he just needs to focus on playing. He just needs to focus. He can't see anything but flashing colors. His head feels so light. He needs to focus. Focus. Focus. That is a lie. He can't focus.
— —-
"Missed?" Wind suddenly says.
"Their guitarist. He missed a beat." 
"No shit Sherlock, they play math rock. Of course it's going to 'miss a beat'. But yes, I notice the guy is playing worse and worse." Legend says. 
"I know yall guys don't like this type of music so...If you want to leave we can-"
"No! It's not that" Wind cuts Twilight off. "I mean, even for their music, their guitarist misses a beat. Multiple times!"
"There's a sudden… shakiness, that I can't put a finger on." Legend adds.
Now that he mentions it, Twilight notices that their guitarist isn't standing straight. "What do you make of it? Should we be worried?"
"Could be stress or stage fright? Who knows, it's their first time in front of such a large crowd. I was exactly the same."
Wind throws his hand. "So you DID lie that day!" 
Legend pretends he didn't say anything. "All I'm saying is, unless their guitarist collapses, it's nothing to worry about."
And just as he finished that sentence, a loud, distorted sound played and a massive THUD on the ground followed. 
Their guitarist actually collapses.
— — 
It took a while, but the moment Wild starts stirring on the equipment box, Warriors immediately rushes to him.
"Wild?" Warriors asks, and pulls his hair out to check his temperature again. At least he doesn't have a fever.
The guy tries to turn but Warriors holds him back before he falls off. "uummmmm….wh..where…"
"Don't worry, we're backstage. How are you feeling?" 
One of the staff backstage walks over and hands Warriors a bottle of water.  "Is he doing well?"
Warriors shrugged. "But, thank you for your concern… erm.."
"Oh, I also know an Impa. Thank you, Miss Impa. I will look for you if anything comes up."
As Impa walks away, Wild jolts upright. "The Concert!," he says, but quickly flinches then curls into a ball. "owwwww… no, no, no it's all my fault… Did they make us leave? Where is Four?"
"Hey, I told you not to worry!" Warriors pats Wild's back. The kid is soaked in sweat, and he is shaking. There's a slight hiccup, as if he's holding back a sob. He pulls down his scarf, making sure that Wild is seeing him smile. "No one is at fault, you hear me?"
"...you said you'd be so mad if anything goes wrong…"
Warriors' eyes widen. "Oh no, if I accidentally made you feel bad, I am so sorry."
A long sniff and tears start streaming from Wild's face. Warriors is not good with crying faces, so he just awkwardly opens the water bottle and hands it to Wild. He accepts, and starts inhaling it like a thirsty elephant.
"Eyes, Wars. So many. And I tried to ignore them, but then everything turned into blinding, staring lights, and-"
"Hey, if anything, I'd be more mad if something wrong happens to my friends. Besides, they haven't kicked us out, and Four is still out there.". 
The room echoes and next thing you know it, Four starts jamming the worst infamous grooves known to man. 
Man he is brave.
Wild lets out a chuckle. As the crowd boos, and Four keeps playing, the chuckle turns into a loud cackle.
The cackle quickly turns into a grimace as Wild suddenly pulls himself into a ball, gripping his abdomen. "I don't know what's worse, the pain or whatever Four is doing outside."
Warriors pats Wild's back. "I'll ask the staff if they have anything." Warriors says, but before he can stand, someone throws him a faux-fur bag.
"Oh, he's dead! " The Vet says once he has a good look at Wild, muffled by his face covering. 
"There's advil in there. And ibuprofen." Rancher gestures at the bag.
"And, I never asked you guys to be here." Warriors pulls up his scarf to cover his face, and throws the bag back at the Veteran. "Why are you guys here? If you want to mock us, I hope we can go outside so I can punch you properly."
"Wouldn't want to make a scene, too crowded out there." Their drummer says, as he stuffs the bag back into Warriors' hands. "If I wanted to mock, I would wait until you guys start playing."
"Alright, partner, not too far." Rancher says, as he pats the Vet's back. 
Warriors rolls his eyes, but makes no effort to return the bag. He sits back down next to Wild. 
"If it's a stomachache, and he really has no idea why, then it could just be stress. In which case he'll be fine in a few minutes." The Vet says, shooting a look at Wild. "Or hours. Depends on whether your guitarist wants to get back out on stage."
Sailor also jumps on the equipment box, putting himself right next to Wild. "It's okay to feel frightened, you know. And if you're not ready, it's okay to say so."
Man, these guys are way too wholesome than what I give them credit for, Warriors mumbles.
Wild stares at the Vet, then he turns his gaze back at Warriors. It's a "I don't want to do this, but what about you" kind of look.
"I still want to go back out there…" Warriors says, so Wild straightens himself, and starts to stand up. Warriors holds him back down. "But-"
"I can fill the empty spot if you want? Do you have the sheets?" The Vet asks.
"Why not the little guy over there? Also, I thought you hated our music? Can you even play guitar?" Warriors raises a brow, but the Vet just shrugs in response.
"I can play Never Meant." Legend shrugs. "Or that song by Tricot that you guys play. Just need the sheets. And don't do anything too weird."
"Well, then, Wi- I mean, Champ, can he borrow the sheets? Or, do you still want to play? Either option is fine."
— — 
"I should have used our guitar instead, this one is so greasy." The Vet says, then he seems to be throwing a friendly insult towards Wars and Four, but it was too far that Wild can't really make out what he said.
The moment he starts playing, Wild's eyes widen. 
"But for someone who has never listened to these songs…" Wild accidentally said his thoughts out loud.
"Impressive, right?" Rancher says as he walks up to Wild. He never stood so close to any of the band members, and Wild notices that his mask has hand sewn words in the Twili language. "We call him the Vet for a reason."
"To be fair, he actually hate-listens to you guys." Sailor chimes in. "Wait, don't tell anyone about that."
Wild spits a laugh. "Why does he hate-listen to our band?"
"He likes how your cymbals sound."
"Oh, thank you. Our drummer made them himself." Wild proudly says.
"Woah, cool!" Sailor exclaims, then he starts cackling. "OHHH! Smith! Cymbalsmith!"
"Mhm! Well then, if he ever needs any-" Wild was about to pull out his phone, but then remembers that he gave it to the Vet for music sheets. "Okay, I'll read out a number, and tell him if he needs cymbals just give us a call. If he wants, he can have some for free as well."
"I doubt he'd use cymbals made from the enemy band, however." Rancher says. 
"His grandpa runs it, so if we're talking technicality, it's not from 'the enemy band'."
"Thank you." 
"No, thank you. The meds help a lot."
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good-beanswrites · 6 months
🎬: Please do not remind me Kazui and Kotoko didn't get their songs covered by Es 😭 It was such a disservice. I'm gonna just chalk it up to Kazui's voice is so deep that Es couldn't sing it properly and by the time Kotoko's MV was shown to them, the first trial ended before they could even sing it.
Or, y'know. Your AU, so Es did cover their songs too.
Also another thing for post-MILGRAM hangout where Es joins in too...KARAOKE (didn't Milgram have some sort of karaoke-related event running earlier?) Or maybe they have their own karaoke party at someone's home (I know someone has a karaoke set at home!), so they sing their songs and encourage Es to sing too...and pleeeeease sing "half" and "harrow" too (this will lead to Es finding out they've been eavesdropping on their singing. Hey!). Bonus that Deco's song is such a bop in the AU that everyone sings the songs they covered.
...my train of thought is still running, but I just imagined this AU's Milgram allowed everyone to gradually accept their faults that almost led them to their crime. Soooo Mahiru is still just as sweet, BUT rocks it when she sings "Psychogram". Also Amane, I like to imagine at this point she can be a bit more of a kid (I can dream!), so she's sort of bouncing around when she sings "Positive Parade" and "Animal" while the girls dance with her.
But with that said, I hope we'll get more Es' song covers! Or at the very least make up for "half" and "harrow"...and c'mon, Es didn't get to sing at all this trial. What gives?!
RIP I know 😭 I'm hoping we'll get a bunch of covers to fill the trial hiatus, and that they'll start with those two!! I know some people were worried that they would never get covers because they didn't reach 1M before the trial closed, but I think that's an oddly unfair requirement for the later prisoners. So I'm confident we'll get them at some point!
Kotoko's does make a bit more sense -- it was right at the end of the trial, and there wasn't much too break down in the lyrics because she was very forthcoming with information/intention. And I like that explanation for Kazui's! Es was intimidated by his voice and didn't want to do it an injustice by singing it poorly. Maybe Kazui makes a snide comment that they would have actually understood his crime better if they'd studied/sang his lyrics like the others' 😅
And I love the post-Milgram thoughts! Given Yuno's mvs and her written response about liking karaoke, I can definitely see her taking everyone out to her favorite karaoke spot. I like that too because the covers were kind of an indulgent inclusion of mine -- I knew they didn't quite fit in during the trial hiatus but I really wanted it to happen asdfdsn. Like, I know Amane wouldn't do frivolous things, and Kotoko/Shidou/Kazui would try to take the situation seriously and not play around. But if it's all after the experiment... >:3
Thank you 🎬! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for those covers soon 😤🤞
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chikoyama · 27 days
20. Violence
& me giving you a [blanket] and asking "tell me about your day?"
(whether you admit/share violent deads to me is up to you >.<)
Bonus points if you include any of the following ;P
☆ Flip flops
☆ A pencil
☆ A convenience store
#OpalGangnamStyle #GoodLuck #Feelfreetogetmeback
They were young and bold. Two broke students trying to make it through each day, one stride at a time. In this economy it was rough, and with its inflated prices, Chiyori and Opal had little choice but to live the lives of cheapskates. So, it would only seem natural for the two friends to go check out the discount section in the local convenience store to save some coins.
As they casually dabbled along the aisles, Chiyori's attention piqued as she came to a halt in front of a container. It had a yellow sign above written with the words: ‘Prices heavily reduced’. Thinking there might be a steal to find, Chiyori decided to sort through the pile to see if there was anything of interest.
As she searched through the items and pulled out a single blue flip flop — yes, a single flip flop, not a pair — amber eyes couldn’t help but stare at it with the wicked curiosity of a child. Turning the flip-flop this and that way, she examined the material, plush digits pressing into soft, bendable plastic.
Although, a moment after, Chiyori heaved a sigh as she concluded within herself to not make it a purchase — the consumption of plastic products simply wouldn’t do their planet or environment any better. Besides, what would she need a single random flip flop for?
However, regardless of the decision, Chiyori still felt the impulse to share this peculiar discovery with her friend, and so she did by calling out: “Loooook, Opal-chan! A flip flop!” With a smile, she held it up in the air for the other to see before playfully tossing it in the direction of Opal-chan.
As it hit Opal-chan lightly on the arm, the pinkette laughed back. “Hey!” She returned before picking up the flip flop to claim her revenge. However, as Opal pulled back her arm and projected it forward, the flip flop — once she let go of it — slipped out of her grasp in a wrong angle, thus, causing it to fly towards some shelves instead.
As the flip flop smacked into a top shelf, the shelf — too loosely nailed to the wall for some reason — crashed down immediately, and like pins in a game of bowling, it violently knocked down the shelves underneath it in its fall.
Loud crashes and banging noises vibrated through the entire shop as shelves and products slammed to the floor, breaking and spilling, and causing other customers around them to stop up too to witness the spectacle.
As a whole disaster unfolded before the two, Chiyori’s eyes widened and her body flinched. And while everything seemed to happen within the span of only a few seconds in the eyes of onlookers, everything to her seemed to play out in a perfect slow motion.
Blinking in disbelief, her form had frozen into paralysation in the lingering after-effects of the incident. Only when Chiyori seemed to have partially regained herself from her initial state of shock, did she — sheepish as she was — turn to look at Opal-chan. However, that’s when Chiyori detected stomping behind them, and she was instead prompted to rotate entirely on her heel.
Met with the angry glare of someone whose hands were firmly planted on their hips, Chiyori could only assume it was the shop manager — the title on the keycard around their neck confirmed that too. Bracing herself for what was about to come, the dark-haired woman shrank back.
With heavy disapproval, the shop manager shook their head at the two. “This is considered property damage!” They informed with a stern gaze as they pointed toward the toppled shelves with the products strewn across the previously spotless floor.
As the two women took their berating with shame and humiliation, both had their heads bowed down. Then, with a scornful grunt, the manager promptly handed them a pen and piece of paper, demanding that they immediately sign their consent to replace the damages.
Of course, being the cowards law-abiding citizens that they were, Chiyori and Opal hastily scribbled their names onto the formulas as none of them were particularly keen on discovering what kinds of punishments they could potentially be facing if they didn’t. Once they exited the store — still embarrassed and deeply humbled by the accident — the friends agreed on splitting the bill for the replacements evenly.
Following this experience, it probably would be safe to assume that none of the two friends ever dared to show their faces in that particular convenience store again. They’d lost more money than they’d saved.
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fandomstuckportal · 9 months
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((its a game of acting, but a hard one to maintain.))
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aetherarf · 10 months
I have a very specific headcanon about Alhaitham- specifically relating to his gender.
He is AFAB. He does not care. He is not even inherently masculine. He is not feminine. He doesn't really consider himself androgynous, either. He doesn't care. Saying Agender or non-binary doesn't work either, because he's not those either. That's implying he has some kind of self-identification, when really he's completely opted out.
Alhaitham doesn't care about pronouns- He, She, They, there's no preference. Most people default to "He" as... well, it's an accident, really.
He wears binders as he finds his chest in the way and obnoxious, but not enough so to warrant surgery. They also serve some purpose in his comfort, so there's no reason to do away with them fully. He uses estrogen/hormone blockers to stop his period and other side effects of an AFAB body that are not exactly convenient. He cuts his hair short as it's a pain to handle- if it's more than a comb running through his hair it's more effort than he's willing to put in for something he cares little for. Just because many of these things make him appear masculine, none of it was intentional.
He also doesn't wish to have bottom surgery as, while 'wetness' and going to the bathroom might be a little more cumbersome [key word: might] than if he had opposing equipment, he finds the benefit of not having an additional part of his body to need to maintain and position and, god forbid, get hurt by a very precise kick.
Alhaitham doesn't care about gender, nor how he presents. They're just... a bother to him at best, a burden at worst.
[This is a great confusion to Kaveh, who experimented with being a transwoman in the past only to affirm his connection with masculinity and a renewed appreciation for feminine beauty, is incredibly confused by Alhaitham's complete lack either way. He respects it, even if he doesn't understand it.]
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 11 months
Pride and Prejudice is back on Netflix, time to think of sskk period piece au’s again
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
Alpha Midoriya x Omega Bakugo Ⅱ
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
Some contain mature content, read tags.
Credit to @capsulect for the fan art.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Courting & Coupons by s_the_queen
Summary: Izuku's stomach turned over. He had told himself a thousand times that this was it. That the next time Kacchan started nesting, he'd shoot his shot. They were third years, and Kacchan was easily his best friend. He was also the love of his life. Every time Kacchan hit pre-heat, courting gifts would flood the dorms and Izuku would watch in terror as Kacchan inspected each one and then crumple in relief when he turned them down.
He couldn't wait on the sidelines anymore and wonder if Kacchan would accept him. He had to try, or else he'd miss his chance and regret it for the rest of his life.
WIP | 18/? Chapters | Mature
Last Updated March 2024
Perfection by Sugardoriya
Summary: Katsuki Bakugo is getting closer to his heat. His Mate and Husband, Izuku Midoriya, is preparing for a good and safe time. Expect a lot of fluff and making love.
{One Shot}
Pro Hero AU | Contains Smut
Kacchan’s Life-Size Deku Plushie by jix_bee
Summary: In a world where ProHeros scent their merch to help Omega fans through their heats - specifically plushies - Omega Pro Hero Katsuki finds scented merch from his Alpha colleague Deku as his heat kicks in.If he locks the door nobody's gonna know he's humping the life-size Deku plushie like it's his last day on earth, right? RIGHT?
Unfortunately, Deku has an excellent nose.
{One Shot}
Contains Smut | Pro Hero AU
Crime or Punishment? by SpikyTeddy
Summary: Pro hero alpha Izuku is in a video call for work on his day off, bratty omega Katsuki tries to get his attention.
{One Shot}
Pro Hero AU | Contains Smut
hold out by babychaos
Summary: When Izuku comes back from years abroad being a hero in America, Katsuki is forced to face his most well-kept secret. But he isn't prepared for the way confidence has transformed the nerdy alpha nor the way it brings his deepest desires to the surface. There's one thing Katsuki only ever wanted from Izuku, he never knew he would come so close to getting it.
{One Shot}
Pro Hero AU | Contains Smut
告白 by heademptyjustsenku
Summary: Bakugou grapples with his emotions about a certain nerd after an enlightenment in the form of… said nerd.
One Shot | SFW
Liquid Gold by ResonantArchivist
Summary: “I fucking pumped that shit, Deku!” Katsuki sobbed, staring at the bottles of liquid gold spilled carelessly on the living room rug. “My fucking tits hate the pump so bad, I just wanted to take a fucking nap with no babies for the first time in two months! But no! That’s too much to fucking ask, isn’t it!”
After a stressful day, Izuku pampers his omega in the bath tub.
One Shot | Aged Up | Contains Smut
You're Unlike Anyone Else by PhoenixEnd
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki without a doubt fucking hated being an omega. His secondary gender was the cause of so much hardship and pain in his life, how could there possibly be any feeling but hate for it?
One Shot | Contains Smut
Pro Hero Baku x Quirkless Deku
Learning to Nest by O_oari
Summary: Katsuki was stressed. He knew exactly why he was stressed but he didn't know how to fix it. All week he has been trying to build a shitty nest just like any other Omega would do. Everyone told him it would come naturally and he would ‘just know’ but he didn't! Most Omegas learned how to nest from their parents but Katsuki had a Mother Alpha and a Beta Father. Neither of them knew how to nest so Katsuki was never taught.
Katsuki picked himself up and walked to the only person he knew might be able to help. He was an Alpha and probably knew Jack Shit about nest building but it couldn't be any worse than Katsukis attempts.
Izuku helps Katsuki build a nest.
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
Darling, I would do it again by mor (i6uooh_uiw)
Summary: Katsuki’s mad at him and he doesn’t know why—it’s not like he missed an anniversary, haha.
- or -
Izuku loves living with his totally platonic roommate Katsuki, who he is definitely not in love with; and Katsuki likes living with Izuku well enough too, considering they’re long term boyfriends set to mate soon. Right?
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
Series: court up in the moment by rejectimate
Summary: This is an ongoing dkbk ABO au featuring mostly soft/fluffy/sfw alpha deku x omega kacchan!!
3 Works
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cheswirls · 18 days
early op/dc au fic plot points
in honor of finding my notes finally after five months have passed since writing them and after i just wrote out a huge block of what happens during part one of the fic relying entirely on memory and wit alone, here are some freebie things-that-will-definitely-happen (and just random Things to throw in between) to think over while i'm trying to get back into writing this fic
also tagging @kiteou who created jason/sabo and 100% inspired this verse (please look at their ship art it's all so impeccably goooood)
sabo wears make-up to cover his scar when he goes crime fighting and chooses to hunt criminals in a distant district of gotham to avoid being recognized since he doesn't wear a mask
though he doesn't weak a mask, he does adorn a large tophat with a wide brim and uses the shade to conceal his face from view; when he runs into jason and snarls about a hero not posibly wearing a fucking full-face helmet mask, jason argues back about protecting his identity and accuses sabo of being a hypocrite since his hat also hides his face
jason quotes old literature sabo has never heard of when he's trying to make the most of a situation (so rarely) and sabo scribbles illegible-chicken-scratch words in tattered notebooks when he needs to vent about Life in general (it's maybe his goal at some point to create an autobiography of life in gotham and how much It Sucks, Bad™)
sabo using a metal pipe as his choice weapon reminds jason of damian (he's in his bo staff days) in kind of a fond but wary way - this does not last; at some point the pipe scraping against concrete or brick sets jason off, triggering something in his subconsciousness bad enough to make him lose focus in a fight, and it gets to the point where he tells sabo they can't fight together anymore if he's gonna continue to use the pipe as a weapon
ace and sabo are 19 in the beginning because it takes place in fall, and jason is newly 20 - because of this, sabo is 5'9 and ace 6'0 but sabo wears platform and heeled (the heel is inside so it's not visible) boots when he plays vigilante so he's taller than jason by a couple inches; at some point when ace meets jason he implicates sabo's true height and sabo shouts at him (shut the fuck up, ace!) before ace can finish; even later on, sabo ends up at jason's apartment and when his shoes come off, he stands shorter than jason, much to jason's surprise; sabo admits gruffly that being over six foot makes a person more intimidating, which is his goal at night when facing off with criminals, but also insists that he's still growing (which he is, and eventually he doesn't need the boots to stand at 6'2 properly); even though ace is (barely) taller than sabo (just like he's barely older than sabo), he's still shorter than jason, which rubs him the wrong way (and sets off the comment about sabo's alleged height)
while ace is just trying to survive in gotham, owing nothing to the city that's chewed them both up in childhood and spit them back out again in adolescence, sabo chooses vigilantism in a bid to 'just do what's right, or at least try to'
^ going with this, ace and sabo both have awakened meta-genes that grant them fire powers; ace got his first and is proficient in using his powers - in contrast, sabo develops his after his accident that leaves a portion of his upper body scarred, and refuses to train or even try and control/subdue his powers at all due to his intense fear of fire; this causes daily strife because ace should be able to coach sabo through developing (or at the very least, getting under control) his powers so they don't cause accidents all the time, being the more experienced and honed of the two, but because he's never willing to overstep and always afraid of reigniting sabo's trauma, he never pushes sabo toward what should be the reasonable solution
aaaaaaaa smth smth jason being more experienced in relationships but none of them ever going well, versus sabo who's never been in love and doesn't know how to act, doesn't know how to be vulnerable in front of another person (who's not ace, but even then) or what's considered normal for their relationship status, and eventually having to tell all of this to jason to dispel some worries threatening to make him sick; jason tries his best to insist that sabo doesn't need to act a specific or certain way and that they were going to figure this out together and find what worked for them; in the beginning their "romantic" relationship is super dysfunctional and not much different from their status before when they were just friends, but it slowly becomes more functional when they start to clue in to what they and each other want out of this
i CANNOT find my notes which makes me sick (< actually i did!!! not long after i wrote this which makes me SO mad in hindsight) but in this verse jason runs around with roy harper and artemis crock, who are roughly the same age as him and sabo but have the dynamic they do in earth-16 when they're (sibling) in-laws, meaning, they get along like a tight pair and often will team up to lovingly tease jason whenever the opportunity present itself; when they're introduced to sabo, the initial reaction is them recounting ('oh so this is the boy you're always mentioning') various things jason has said about him and then low-key embarrassing the both of them with their teasing, so it takes a bit for sabo to warm up to them
after sabo is burned by a lighter and his make-up runs, jason believes his old face scars to be part of the fresh injury and rushes sabo to leslie's clinic to get seen; sabo is bandaged up and none of the staff ask questions about the vigilantism that would (tie him w illegal activity) but in the beginning when someone asks sabo a basic question in regards to the injury, sabo clams up; jason has to snap at him that (leslie) was a doctor and not the fucking cops, so would sabo please put an ounce of trust in someone for once and let them take care of him; sabo relents and lets himself be treated
when he arrives home with his eye covered, ace is shocked because sabo never lets anyone but ace bandage him up; ace asks what (the fuck) happened and sabo clams up, flinches back when ace tries to reach for the wrap, and snaps at him to leave it because an actual medical professional treated him for once; ace says smth like 'but you always let me patch you up' and sabo appeases him by saying he can redress the wound later when it needed changing, but right now, he wants it left alone; later ace gets to see the damage and immediately realizes sabo got burned which terrifies him, putting sabo's shying away from him earlier into a new light, and ace takes on a new perspective when he helps sabo tend to the injury in order to frighten sabo as little as possible
sabo lives with ace and rouge until zero year, when their apartment floods and rouge gets sick and eventually dies in the hospital without proper medical care; without rouge, neither of them go back to the house in coventry and instead spend most of the remainder of zero year in a church - despite spending a good portion of their upbringing from that point on around clergymen, sabo refuses to believe in a god that would let him and ace to suffer through life to the extent that they had, and when ace curses 'god damn' or 'oh god' sabo isn't even willing to humor it, always blunting insisting 'there is no god' that ace in turn always counters with 'it's an expression, sabo, it doesn't have to mean anything'
aaaaaaaand since i've been sitting on this intro for a good six months now here's a small actual written pv :)
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