#oh doc tell me.. will i ever walk again? / *ooc*
betatesterjeremy · 2 months
Okay… Got it…
This is a transcript of my nightmare last night, written by me in haste this morning.
(OOC: VERY long writing up ahead. Like, 15 pages in Google Docs. Fighting, blood/gore, manipulative behaviors, death mentions and threats, and a very hateful tango are included in this writing.)
[Jeremy is pulled into a large room with extremely dramatic lighting, it feels a little unnecessary. The pillars between the windows are a pleasing white, and the ceiling of the room is fairly elaborate, with gold accents on some of the more intricate parts. A large chandelier sits in the very center. It appears to be around midnight, the stars visible in the sky out the windows.]
Jeremy: … Okay, this one is different than usual. That’s new. Uh… holy shit?
[Jeremy finds himself glued to the ground, his eyes wide as he tries to take in every detail at once. Heavily shaken, he begins to take a step further into the room, hesitant.]
Jeremy: Hello? This big of a room is not empty, I’m not stupid.
?: I was under the impression that you are, since it hasn’t been disproven yet.
[Someone’s footsteps are heard echoing throughout the room, Jeremy can’t tell if they’re approaching him or moving away.]
Jeremy: I was right! … That’s not… Wait, that’s a different voice…
[Jeremy begins spinning himself around, trying to find where the voice is coming from, but every time he turns one direction, he hears a step from the opposite way.]
?: You’re going to make yourself dizzy, Jeremy. This is ridiculous.
Jeremy: If it’s so ridiculous, show up already.
[A figure appears directly in front of Jeremy. The person grins. They have brown hair, and appear to be wearing a hoodie, a button up, and black jeans.]
?: Hey.
[Jeremy jumps back, despite him asking to see the figure. Karma.]
Jeremy: Holy shit- Okay. Alright. I’m fine. Which one are you?
[A small frown appears on the other’s face, as they motion to a nametag that definitely wasn’t there before. It has one letter on it. E.]
Jeremy: Oh. Fun. You’re here to traumatize me too?
E: I– No. Contrary to popular belief, I’m trying to help. And since the other method is the reason you all dislike me, I’m trying something new.
Jeremy: Lovely. I’m a guinea pig.
E: Precisely, do you know how to dance?
[Jeremy double takes.]
Jeremy: I– … No?? Why?
[E raises an eyebrow at Jeremy, looking him up and down.]
E: It’s a wonder you ever caught the attention of a woman.
Jeremy: Uh, fuck you?? I don’t have to know how to dance.
E: Yeah, sure, you don’t need to. But it’s a good skill. It would make up for that haircut.
Jeremy: Hey, Jenny cut that… Besides, we unprofessionally dance together anyway, how hard could it be?
[The other rolls his eyes, holding out a hand. Jeremy hesitates, just long enough to be noticeable, but takes E’s hand.]
Jeremy: This is going to be fucking weird for me.
E: And the past few weeks haven’t? Your life is weird now, just roll with it.
Jeremy: Not weird like this. I, again, have never danced. And never thought I would. Especially not with ghosts.
[E turns, and pulls him further into the large room.]
E: This generation is so frustrating, first, I find out that your phones are flimsy as fuck, and now none of you can dance? What next? You don’t know how to write in cursive?
Jeremy: … Well.
E: [Turning his head to Jeremy, an expression of disbelief on his face.] You’re kidding, right?
Jeremy: Well, Jenny knows, but most people don’t anymore, I don’t think… Some people can’t even read it.
E: Back when I was in school, it was mandatory.
Jeremy: Oddly enough, it was for us too. We just… never used it.
[E stops walking as they near the center. Fully turning to Jeremy.]
Jeremy: … Shit, now I actually have to think about what I’m doing. I’m supposed to be sleeping, y’know? Don’t make me think ever.
E: I don’t know if you’ve ever started, so it shouldn’t be hard to continue that trend. Either way, I’m leading. You just need to not step on my feet.
Jeremy: God… Wish me fucking luck, I don’t even know what leading is.
E: If I weren’t already dead, I think you would’ve just caused me to have a heart attack.
Jeremy: Oops, I guess. Never had to dance. Do I look like the kind of person who would?
E: I guess not, I could’ve assumed so. You don’t look like you get out often.
Jeremy: That was probably meant as an insult, but you’re right. You’re just actually right.
E: The fact that I, a dead man, have touched more grass than you have, is slightly upsetting.
Jeremy: God. You should meet Alexander. He’s worse than I am about going anywhere… I think.
E: Well, if that was an invitation, I’ll be sure to pay him a visit. What kind of music would you like?
Jeremy: God, I hope you’re nice to him. Uh… I honestly don’t know, dealer’s choice, I guess.
[E grins, much wider than he probably needed to, and snaps his fingers. Generic sounding ballroom music begins to play from… somewhere. And he takes a step to the side after grabbing Jeremy’s hands.]
Jeremy: Oh, shit-
[Jeremy almost immediately stumbles, but somehow stays upright.]
E: We’ve taken one step, and you’ve already– oh my god.
Jeremy: I didn’t know which way we were going!!
[Another step is taken, this time, E slows it down so Jeremy can see which direction they’re supposed to be moving in.]
Jeremy: Okay, okay, uh…
[Jeremy starts counting beats to himself almost silently, trying to follow along the best he can. Surprisingly enough, he’s keeping up.]
E: Okay, now that you’ve got it… somewhat down, we need to talk.
Jeremy: [Facing downwards.] You know, we could have talked standing! My brain is not going to keep up with both things, dude.
E: I think better on my feet. Movement helps me work things through. You wouldn’t get it, I’m not sure there’s anything larger than a peanut up there.
Jeremy: [Looking up again.] Hey, fuck y–
[Jeremy stumbles almost immediately after taking his eyes off of the ground. He corrects himself quickly.]
Jeremy: … Okay. Point proven.
E: Mhm. [Clearing his throat.] So, I just want to set one thing straight here. I’m not against you, or Jenny. Or anyone you’re close with. Got it?
Jeremy: I uh… I can try to believe that.
E: [Sighing.] Look, I know I haven’t been the most… helpful, or… nice. Or trustworthy. Or anything positive. But I swear I’m on your side.
Jeremy: … I want to believe you. Really, I do. But with… I have trouble. I want to trust you, though. Seriously.
E: I know, if it helps, though… we’ve got one thing in common.
Jeremy: Yeah?
[Jeremy tries looking at E again, and manages to make eye contact for about five seconds before having to look back down. Oddly enough, a decent improvement.]
E: We were conned by the same man.
[The lights in the room flicker.]
?: Who, me?
[Jeremy visibly tenses, and subconsciously moves closer to E.]
E: Oh, you’re fuckin’ kiddin’.
[Emerging from the dark corner of the room is a man. First seen are his eyes, shining a piercing, unnatural purple, almost pink around the edges, the light reflecting off of his glasses. His face is scarred, and he looks deprived of any sleep.]
[Once his form is more visible, the second most notable thing is how tall he is. He looks about 6’4. Unfortunately, he appears even taller with the large golden rabbit ears sprouting from his head, adding a good 6 inches to his already large frame, even when they’re flopped down like they are, resting oddly naturally in his hair. His hair, a dark brown, near black, is tied into a low, frizzy-looking ponytail.]
[The ponytail rests against his gray dress shirt collar, which he adjusts, as well as his black suit jacket, matching his pants. As a final touch, he tightens his bright, velvety-purple bow tie.]
[He begins approaching the two. He’s not quick about it, he walks up as if they had motioned for him to walk over when neither of them wanted him here, as evident by E’s sharpening teeth, slowly bloodying form, and the ticking. The abnormally loud ticking is heard by Jeremy, and despite his fear of both people in the vicinity, he finds himself clinging to E, his eyes as wide as saucers, color drained from his face.]
E: You just had to show me up in every way possible, eh? Looks like someone’s compensating.
A: Looks like someone’s jealous, more like.
E: Of you? Has your ego gotten bigger since we last met?
A: Of course it has. And for good reason. Not many people can say they’ve tricked someone into giving them a living form…
[Anomaly leans forward, a smug smile across his face.]
A: Really, I can only think of two.
Jeremy: … I’d say the circumstances were different–
A: Quiet.
[Jeremy flinches, dropping his gaze to the ground. It’s clear this isn’t the first time this has happened.]
[E lets out a low… growl? As he makes eye contact with Anomaly. He appears to be considering his options. Suddenly, a grin appears on his face.]
E: Big talk for a guy who died in the most pathetic way possible.
[He starts to laugh.]
E: The fact that you could’ve avoided it always gets me. And besides, I didn’t trick Mari. I told them exactly what I intended to do. You didn’t say jack shit.
[His head falls back, and Anomaly laughs. It’s loud and it echoes in Jeremy’s mind. Sharp and inhuman, more like some sort of animalistic noise than any sort of human laugh. Suddenly, his head snaps back into place, a smile across his face despite his barely noticeable annoyance. (Oh yeah, I saw that, you masquerading- I’m sorry. I don’t mean that.)]
A: All you could think of to try to bother me, hm?
[Anomaly’s head tilts to the side, almost robotically.]
A: You know, I find it interesting that you mention that my death was avoidable because, really, yours was too. Maybe if you actually did your job you would’ve made it further.
[The volume of the ticking spikes, and E tenses. His right eye twitches in time with the ticking. He takes a few breaths, and the ticking quiets down.]
E: Maybe, yes. But I really don’t see how getting torn in half by robots was the result of a night guard not doing his job correctly, and not the fault of the person who designed those robots in the first place. And I’ve got a lot more where that came from, I’m only scratching the surface.
A: Interesting, because I had the same experiences with them in hell and still got through it several times unscathed. I think that’s more on you.
[Jeremy opens his mouth to object, to defend E, but quickly closes it as Anomaly glances at him. He lowers his head again, his shoulders tense.]
E: Mhm, mhm, and how many attempts did it take to get it right? I only had one try. Honestly, it’s so crazy to me how you’re still this salty about everything. It’s not my fault none of your kids like you. God, the things Michael had to say about you… and I don’t doubt that the other two have the same shit to say.
[E chuckles, leaning backwards. His hand goes to his forehead and he stands back upright.]
E: Man, he hated you! Said he used to look up to you. He wanted you to love him so badly that it ended up taking over his life. He wanted to be you.
A: He should’ve been nicer to his brother.
[Anomaly smiles wider after a moment, as if he remembered something.]
A: “Salty”, well… You’re still here too, aren’t you, Edgar? I’d say we’re both a bit unhappy.
E: Yes, you’re right. I’m very unhappy. Only because I’m talking to you, Willi–
[Before E can finish his sentence, Anomaly grabs his wrist, swinging him into the beginning of a long and angry dance. As soon as the spin ends, Anomaly slips his hand from E’s wrist to his hand, pulling E close to him in some sort of strange tango pose.]
A: You want to talk for a while? Because, as it turns out, I also think better on my feet.
[Anomaly glances at E, a smug look on his face.]
A: Hope you don’t mind.
[E’s jaw clenches, and his hands curl tightly around Anomaly’s. He glances back at Jeremy, expression unreadable, before looking down at his clothes, and then glaring directly into Anomaly’s eyes.]
E: Oh, you son of a– I’m not doing this in my fuckin’ work clothes, fuck you.
[As Jeremy blinks, E’s outfit changes from his old white button up to a deep red one, with a black vest overtop. His black jeans now a more formal pair, with some chains clipped on. A black tie is loosely tied at the top. His hair appears tidier now, possibly brushed, as well as washed. His hands also have fingerless gloves on them. How all of this happened within a second, Jeremy will never know.]
A: Aw, you felt underdressed. I apologize… Well, if it makes you feel better, now I’m feeling a bit overdressed.
[Even if you were looking at him (I was), you wouldn’t be able to place how his outfit changes. He does nothing special. Suddenly, his outfit almost mirrors E’s, but his dress shirt is a bright white, and his vest a deep reflective purple.]
A: There we are, now we’re matching.
[Anomaly grins, implications clear.]
E: You look shitty, I definitely wore it better.
A: Good thing I’m not aiming to impress anyone.
[E scoffs, looking Anomaly up and down.]
E: That’s fairly obvious. If I had worse vision I’d easily mistake you for a rat.
A: And I’d mistake you for someone’s shit prom date.
[The lights in the room become tinted a rich purple. Distorted and slow music begins, getting clearer and more cohesive as Anomaly starts to move, but E wrenches one hand out of the other's grip, forcing Anomaly into a violent turn that ends with him leaning away from E, holding on to his hand. He's pulled back in, and he instinctively picks his outside leg up as E leans him back in a dip that brings Anomaly close to the ground, the ears closing the distance between his head and the floor. The lights above turn a stunning shade of red as E pulls Anomaly up and switches the way they were facing, two hands around Anomaly's back as he sticks a hip out to the left.]
E: Come on, let’s fucking dance, asshole.
A: If you insist.
[Anomaly forces E backwards, taking step after step across the room, the lights switch to purple after the 4th step, on the 6th, they both stop. Anomaly turns to face E, wrapping an arm around his neck and raising the other towards Jeremy, E slides his hand up his arm and grabs the hand, turning Anomaly away, the lights flicker to red for a moment. Anomaly takes his first arm away as the two bend down, sliding into a pose with one leg extended to the back with the other bent underneath them. As they stand, Anomaly places his arm on E’s shoulder before he starts to move around E. They take steps backwards in time with the music.]
[Things speed up and Anomaly forces their steps to become smaller and faster, before ultimately picking E up and swinging him through the air as the violin plays more intensely than before, his legs straightened behind him. He’s forced into a sort of lunge, before he’s flung out of it and slammed backwards into Anomaly’s arm as the lights explode with a violent purple hue, his head whips backwards with a loud crack, and Anomaly stares into his eyes as he steps over E’s extended back leg. Jeremy catches E… wincing? (That bastard hurt him.) But he stops within a second, standing right back up and dragging Anomaly across the ballroom floor, steps becoming more complicated, perhaps as a way to trip Anomaly up.]
[The lights turn red again, a blood colour, as the two make their way around the ballroom, the footwork becoming even more complex as they swirl this way and that, E pushes Anomaly into a spin before grabbing hold of his hands again. They begin a diagonal walk, with Anomaly pushing E across the room, bathing it in purple light, before E retaliates and forces them back to where they came. The crimson returns. They stop abruptly, and E raises his hand above his head, bringing Anomaly’s with it. He attempts to lower Anomaly into a second dip, but is spun into it by him instead. As he’s brought back up, Anomaly picks him up a second time for another whirling turn, and as he comes out of it, he immediately whips around to be behind him, grabbing on and leaning to the side.]
[As they come up, Anomaly wraps a leg around E’s torso, then, after a few seconds, he unwraps it. The two step back, and Anomaly grabs E’s head. Forcing eye contact as they cross the floor once more. The action bathes the ballroom in purple.]
E: [Through a clenched jaw.] Let go of me.
A: Oh, why? You’re enjoying yourself, aren’t you? You engaged the whole idea of dance in the first place.
E: It was never supposed to be with you, you flea ridden egotistical shitlord.
A: And yet you haven’t stopped yet. Interesting.
E: I am many things, but a coward isn’t one of them.
A: Could’ve fooled me.
[Instead of blurting out a witty reply, E bites Anomaly’s hand. Hard. Causing him to let go. Anomaly’s smug smile falters for a split second. The smile returns, but he speaks through gritted teeth.]
A: Gh–! … Dog.
E: [He grins, but not out of joy, but likely just to show his teeth.] Thank you! I’ll fucking do it again.
A: [He leans in, as if to prove he’s not afraid.] I’d like to see you try.
[E, now finally able to look away from Anomaly, only relaxes for a second before diving right back into the dance, turning the lights red once more. E leads Anomaly around the space, once again altering the footwork. He pauses and baits Anomaly into a high kick, before managing to get Anomaly to face the same way as he was. He quickly turns, and does a split leap, throwing E off balance slightly. As they continue to move about the space, E can be seen attempting to kick Anomaly in the shins.]
[They pause, and lean backwards in tandem, before Anomaly pulls E into an odd spin, allowing him to end up sitting on his leg. E immediately untangles himself and moves away, bringing Anomaly with him. Spinning with the other man under the red lights of the room. They stop. Anomaly forces E backwards, one step, two steps, three, four. The fourth is mixed with a sort of spin, which continues as the two dancers circle each other, illuminated by purple. They stop spinning, still moving. Their backs to Jeremy.]
[E twists around Anomaly, trying to gain the upper hand, steps gaining speed as they both attempt to keep control of the other. Twists and turns and jumps and steps are all part of their battle. E pulls Anomaly into a spin, Anomaly switches the direction of their movement. E steps back, throwing his arm up and grinning at Anomaly, taunting him.]
[The dance picks up immense speed as the two dash across the floor, shoes hitting the wood loudly as they move. E is picked up, and swivels his legs quickly in the air before being put back down. The two step quickly, the lights begin flashing. Red, purple, red, purple. Switching back and forth as they dance. Jeremy can barely keep up with the speed. E does a high kick, Anomaly retaliates by trying to knock him off balance. The flashing of the lights is beginning to make Jeremy woozy.]
[Anomaly picks E up in a lift, both his legs bent, he’s put down and they continue their war. Anomaly stops and holds E’s hand above him as he does a pirouette of some kind, kicking his leg to give him enough momentum to get him halfway around, then again. They leap into action once the turn is finished, Anomaly and E’s legs intertwine as they compete, kicking and weaving around the others like they’d practiced this for years in advance.]
[E grabs Anomaly the same way he did earlier, picking him up and swinging him in a circle, and then doing it again, the lights are so red the walls could’ve been covered in blood, and Jeremy would be none the wiser. Anomaly switches it on him and spins E around in a circle with his leg extended to the back, the switch to purple shows there is no blood on the walls. E jumps out of it, and Anomaly continues the previous action of the footwork, before picking up E in another lift and swinging him behind him, E kicks his legs and Anomaly places him back down. They end up leaning away from one another, and Anomaly pulls him in before violently dropping him into a dip, the same one from the beginning. E extends his lifted leg upwards, his supporting leg and head nearly creating a finished arch. He glares at Anomaly with such a deep and wild hatred you'd think he'd stolen his eyes from a sort of beast. The tango is finally done. And the lights stop changing. Anomaly is soaked in red, and E is only illuminated by purple.]
[Anomaly looks down at E, expression only able to be described as “lightly crazed”. He glances down at E’s position and, with no other thought, lets him drop to the floor.]
A: Lovely performance.
E: Thank you, yours was horrible. Off tempo for half of the fucking song, and the other half was just plain sloppy.
A: Wow, I try to be nice for once, and this is what I get. How rude.
E: Oh yeah, because telling me I did a good job makes up for everything. Mhm. All is forgiven. Yep.
A: Oh, no, I’m not trying for forgiveness. I’m just mature enough to know how to compliment people even when I don’t like them.
E: The hell do you want me to say? ‘Oh, thank you for interrupting me with your incredible dancing skills, this was totally better than what I was trying to do before.’?
A: You weren’t doing anything important—
E: Of course you wouldn’t consider it important, jackass. I—
[The two drop silent as a creaking is heard throughout the room. The chandelier is swinging.]
E: What the…?
[The chandelier seems to stutter in place, halfway catching itself. Anomaly begins backing away from it, eyes wide. As soon as he reaches a safe distance away, the chandelier shifts again, cracks forming in the ceiling. Jeremy finally musters up words to say. Or, well, a word.]
Jeremy: EDGAR!
[E, startled, turns to Jeremy, a confused expression on his face. Nothing happening seems to have registered yet.]
[The ceiling shatters, and through the debris and dust, Jeremy can only see a hand being placed on E’s shoulder. One that caused him just about as much concern, if not more, as the mental image of E being crushed by a chandelier.]
[When the dust clears, Jeremy can finally see the two on the ground, 90% unscathed. Anomaly, the closest to the broken glass, planks, metal and chain, is currently not paying attention to his cuts. It seems that glass shot past him and caught some of his skin. (I… thought he couldn’t get hurt.)]
Jeremy: Jesus christ, I-I’m sorry, I didn’t… God. I-I’m so sorry. Th-that was my fault… [Turning to E.] Are you okay?
[E, who was staring at… nothing at this point, blinks a few times before turning to Jeremy and nodding.]
[As Jeremy turns to look at Anomaly, he’s surprised to find him moving. Jeremy finds his eyebrows knit in concern and tries to force them down, as if that will stop him from feeling concerned too.]
Jeremy: … Are you—
[Anomaly shifts, pushing himself up off of the ground. Glass sticks to his palms, and he shakes his hands to remove it. The shards clink to the ground. As soon as he feels the big shards of glass are gone, he turns to look at E, his expression… blank…? (I’ve never seen him without a smile…).]
[After blinking a couple times, Anomaly looks at the palms of his hands, and his eyebrows furrow. He picks a few shards of glass from his hands, then dramatically wipes them off on his vest, like he was trying to scratch them against the fabric. When he’s done, he looks at his palms again, his expression finally settling on (what I think was) disgust.]
[After thoroughly examining his hands, he looks back at E. He looks at the chandelier. And then… he looks at Jeremy. His face morphs. From the corners of the mouth to below the outsides of his eyes, black stitching lines his face. Another line of stitches lay around his neck. Then, most notably considering his staring beforehand, stitching lining his hands and wrists, as if he’s being held together like Frankenstein’s monster. Around these stitches are more scars that weren’t seen before. Strange cuff-like scars around his wrists and elbows. Lines running down from his wrists to his knuckles. Most noticeable, however, are the strange crescent-moon shaped scars on his neck and down his forearms, and dots around his mouth, as if something stabbed through.]
[As if he were waiting for Jeremy to process what he was seeing, Anomaly stares at him for a moment. Then, his eyebrows furrow further, his mouth curls into a frown, and his eyes shine bright.]
A: [Quietly.] You…
[Anomaly starts to walk towards Jeremy, who begins to back away until he trips over a piece of debris and falls backwards, his back to the wall. Anomaly’s head twitches from one side to the other as he approaches, making painful clicking sounds, but his eyes never leave Jeremy.]
E: Oh, I don’t think so, you piece of shit.
[E, who was blankly staring off into the distance just moments ago, is now back on his feet, rolling up his sleeves. Blood begins to pool beneath him. There was a stream of red coming from his forehead, somewhat entering his mouth. There were now holes in his cheeks, showcasing teeth that are somehow sharper than before. He takes a step forward, then another. Each step, his gait changes ever so slightly. It isn’t until he gets closer that Jeremy realizes why. His legs’ very structure have morphed into something animalistic. They’re bent weirdly in the wrong places, kind of like a cat, or a wolf.]
[He untucks his shirt, likely just going to tuck it back in. As he does so, Jeremy notices some string sewn across his lower waist, where the blood is coming from. The stitches appear to be going the full way around his torso, tightly woven into his skin to keep his body from coming apart.]
[Anomaly’s shadow is cast in several directions by the dim light of the windows. The shadow over Jeremy almost looks darker than any of the others.]
[Jeremy’s back is fully against the wall, but he still keeps leaning further back, as if he’s trying to push himself through it. Unfortunately for him, the wall remains solid, and Anomaly continues towards him as if E had said nothing. His footsteps land heavily, heavier than would make sense for his build.]
[E closes the distance between him and Anomaly swiftly, a ticking sound accompanies his approach. As he reaches Anomaly, he clasps his hand around his shoulder tightly. His muscles tense up, as if just touching Anomaly is painful. And maybe it is. Even then, he keeps his grip on his shoulder.]
[As soon as Anomaly processes E’s hand on his shoulder, his eyes widen once again, and he turns all of his attention to him. His immediate instinct is to swing around and smack E’s arm away from him. His expression shows anger, but his eyes don’t seem to match that feeling (I can’t properly place what it was, but it wasn’t anger).]
E: [Smiling slightly, his head tilted to the side.] There we fucking go. What happened to maturity? Ignoring someone while they’re talkin’ to you is pretty rude, hm?
[Anomaly breaks eye contact, looking away and closing his eyes, seeming to take a deep breath before speaking again. As he speaks, the scars seem to disappear. The stitching goes away with them, as if fading to match the skin.]
A: Ahaha, I hadn’t heard you… What were you saying?
E: [Lowering the volume of his voice.] Well, I think actions speak louder than words.
[In a flash, E pulls his fist back and punches Anomaly square in the chest. A look of pure glee spreading across his face as Anomaly stumbles backwards, winded, and coughing. He shakes his hand out, glancing at Jeremy.]
[Anomaly coughs up blood. His hand goes to his chest, now bleeding (… from a punch?) through his vest.]
A: You little…
[Anomaly lunges at E, fire in his eyes, and knocks E’s animalistic legs out from under him. Before he can get up, Anomaly places a foot on E’s back, forcing his ribcage into the ground painfully. The force Anomaly’s exerting on E’s back doesn’t seem to fit his figure, nor how casually he seems to stand. A small grin appears on Anomaly’s face.]
A: Quite cocky for a doormat, aren’t we?
[E reaches a hand out in front of him, fingers flexing, one eye squeezed shut. He opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out except a strangled, pained cry. Jeremy doesn’t miss the tears forming in his eyes.]
[Anomaly chuckles. His smile widens, and he places more pressure on E’s back. He hears a choking noise, desperate, louder. Anomaly’s laugh raises in volume as well. It feels like his voice is coming from everywhere. A wild smile spreads across his face, as if he’s wanted this for a very long time. But, as soon as he goes to place all of his weight on E…]
[Anomaly is flung to one side of the ballroom, splinters of wood and cushioning follow. Jeremy throws the remains of the chair to the pile that once was the chandelier, and immediately is at E’s side, quickly lowering into a kneel and offering his hand to help him up. His face is lined with incredible concern.]
Jeremy: I’m sorry I couldn’t do that sooner. I’m gonna fucking pay for that… Are you okay, did he break anything? If he did, I’ll find another chair, I’m fucked as it is.
[E lays there for a bit, shaking, before reaching out and grabbing Jeremy’s hand. He misses twice, before finally getting it right the third time. He slowly pushes himself up using Jeremy’s help. He makes eye contact with him, his expression having lost the monstrous rage from before. He looks at Jeremy with a genuine, heartfelt smile on his face.]
E: [He coughs a little throughout his sentence, holding an arm to his torso.] I… I don’t think anything is– is broken.
[He stares at Jeremy for a small while, before opening his mouth to speak again.]
E: … Thank you.
Jeremy: No problem, I wanted to do that anyway, honestly… Glad I could help, seriously.
E: [He laughs, but it comes out as more of a breath outwards.] I get that, yeah…
[He nearly doubles over, wincing.]
E: Fuckin– Jesus, I’m going to be feeling that for days, aren’t I.
Jeremy: Yeah, jesus… That was horrific, I’m… I’m so sorry you had to—
[Jeremy is roughly tackled by Anomaly, shoulders hitting the ground hard as the two slide across the floor, glass shards that were once on the ground cutting into Jeremy’s back. Anomaly, stitched and scarred, sits on his knees on top of Jeremy, left hand pinning him to the ground, right hand raising a very sharp, very cared for knife. Anomaly’s joyful yet angered expression is that of a mad man, smile spread wide with excitement. His eyes swirl shades of purple, burning themselves into Jeremy’s retinas as he can do nothing but look at the terror directly above him.]
[A clock rings.]
[Anomaly’s rabbit ears perk up at the sound (so they are attached to him? They hadn’t moved before…). His expression drops slightly, and the knife he was holding clatters to the ground. He turns to glance out the window, seeing the sun begin to rise. Anomaly’s expression shifts in a blink as he looks down at Jeremy.]
A: Saved by the bell…
[Anomaly’s head slowly turns to E, a smug expression on his face. His head gently tilts to one side, his voice warm and music-like, a sharp contrast to what he’s had the entirety of the encounter. He taunts E quietly.]
A: Your shift’s over…
[E, realizing what that means, tries to run over, instead collapsing onto the ground. He scrambles to get up again.]
E: Nonono wait! Shit– No!
[His expression, instead of being filled with anger at Anomaly, or something along those lines, it’s worried. He’s not even looking at Anomaly. His full attention on Jeremy. In his rush to stand, he ends up missing the floor, falling down again. Unfortunately, he lands directly on his chest, causing him to violently cough.]
[Standing up, Anomaly forcefully pulls Jeremy up from the ground, causing Jeremy to yelp in pain from the sudden movement and… the absolutely scalding feeling of Anomaly’s touch. Anomaly swings him into a fast spin, confusing Jeremy and making him stumble more than he ever did with E, forcing him to hold onto Anomaly’s forearms, his grip tight from the pain of his hands burning and the fear of letting go. As his feet leave the ground, Anomaly’s eyes light up, and he yanks Jeremy towards him, catching him in a dip as Jeremy lets go of his arms, their faces uncomfortably close in the pose. Jeremy tries to lean away, to entirely break away from Anomaly, but Anomaly shifts his hold on him, holding onto his shoulder with an arm crossing his back, and Jeremy then realises that’s basically the only thing supporting him in his position. One of his legs is still suspended in the air, while the other is barely holding any of his weight.]
[Anomaly leans up from the position, removing one arm from Jeremy, making Jeremy panic and cling to Anomaly’s shoulders to avoid falling. Anomaly glances back at E, and slowly waves.]
[Once Anomaly is finished gloating, Jeremy is pulled against him entirely. Jeremy screams as he makes contact with the burning hot figure, his eyes squeezing shut as he tries to avoid the sight of himself burning, tries to focus on anything but the sound, the feeling, the smell. It’s an ineffective strategy.]
[When Jeremy opens his eyes again, he’s in his bed, completely unharmed. His alarm on his phone is going off. He sits up, and slaps himself to check if he’s awake. And he is. Finally.]
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mercss · 2 years
I wanted to start my replies, but I'm now stuck correcting my colleague's work on our assignment :))))))
Because they decided to not even put a minimum of effort in their own wording, and it feels like I'm reading something written by a 7th grader
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5ugarcan3 · 3 years
u said send some band of brothers requests, so here i am ! maybe some headcanons or a fic of like lipton trying to keep u when ur in Bastogne together in a foxhole? NWs if not! you're wonderful! Have a wonderful day!!
oh my gosh anon, you are so sweet and wonderful. thank you for the request and kind words! i’m sorry for such a late response. i hope i interpreted the ask right! if not, let me know and i’ll gladly do a few edits to the fic.
also this gif of him 😳😳😳
Together — Carwood Lipton x Reader
contains: inaccurate descriptions of the war because its fanfiction (sorry not sorry). blood, violence, allusions to death. gender-neutral reader. i’ve never written for lipton before, so i apologize if he’s ooc. also, major writer’s block, i despise my writing right now but i think i should keep taking requests so i can try to overcome it! thank you for the request again, kind anon. more a/n at the end.
word count: 1.8k
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You felt miserable. The freezing cold air versus your flimsy, dirt stained uniform made you curse out any god that may have been listening to your ridiculous rants fuelled by exhaustion. Your hair was greasy, your skin covered with bruises and grime, and for some reason you had the worst cramp in your left leg. It was probably from the position you had been sitting in for the past few hours.
The only light in your life had been the one and only Carwood Lipton.
He had been incredibly kind and patient with you, and always found something to do to keep your mind off of things.
However, you had no clue how you had landed in a foxhole with him. Typically, the medics would stick together, but your coworkers had decided to stick with other people. You weren’t complaining, of course - you had always had a little bit of a crush on Lipton, and any moment spent with him was cherished.
Unbeknownst to you, Lipton felt the same.
As Easy Company had arrived to the outskirts of Bastogne, Lipton immediately walked up to Winters and Nixon.
“Sir, we are outgunned and outmanned, there is no way we have enough supplies. Even with the car coming in with the extra ammo, there’s not nearly enough for us to hold out.” He tells the two men before them, who listened along.
“I know. But we have our orders.” Winters replies.
As insane as the situation was, Lipton nodded and was prepared to walk away to break the news to the others, but then an idea popped into his head.
“Sir, if I could just request one thing.” His cheeks are tinted a light pink, and his face feels warm. He hopes to god that Nixon won’t notice, because he knows it’ll end up with endless teasing.
“Yeah, what is it?” The redhead turns to face him properly, looking his friend up and down. Oh god, Lipton thinks to himself, he knows.
“If- if I may, I’d appreciate to, uh, share a foxhole with Doc L/N. I know most medics stick together, but I- I need them around my area in case anyone gets hurt.” It was the most bullshit excuse he had ever come up with, and he cringed while the words tumbled out of his mouth - but he knew that your presence would certainly calm the anxious storm that brewed in the back of his mind.
“Okay. Sure, why not?” Winters nods, before waving Lipton off.
As Lipton walks off, Nixon finally lets out a laugh.
“Holy shit, he’s head over heels for them.” He claps Winters on the back, who simply quirks his lips up in a subtle grin.
Lipton looks over to you, sitting across from him as you huff and puff warm air into your hands which cup around your mouth. It’s so cold out that he swears your cheeks have started forming icicles around them.
He shifts around, before taking the cheap canvas sheet that was on his lap, into his arms, and wrapping it around your trembling body.
“…Lip?” You mumble, surprised by his actions. He had never been bold enough to touch you, much less do something like this. Even if he never dared to touch you, the man always kept his eyes on you, however, constantly making sure you were within sight of him.
Speaking of which, you noticed that Lipton hadn’t responded to you yet, instead opting to stare into your soul. His warm, chocolate brown eyes were glazed over as they bore into yours, the intensity of his gaze making your face warm up. Maybe you would warm up enough to defrost your cheeks.
Looking at him, you saw the scar he sported on his right cheek, the bow of his lips, and the lines of laughter and age creasing the corners of his eyes. In that moment, you realized that you wanted to kiss him stupid.
Shaking out of your stupor, you cleared your throat before speaking.
“Thanks, Lip.”
Your words seemed to bring him back down to Earth.
“Yeah, yeah- of course.” He shoots you a small, nervous smile, before looking down at his hands.
The two of you sat in a quiet, albeit awkward, silence, hearing the distant laughter of the other men echoing in the snowy woods, the smell of cigarette smoke wafting through your nostrils.
Lipton breathes in deeply, before turning to look at you.
“Look, Y/N, I-“ he can’t finish his sentence, however, because the peace is broken.
An explosion too close to comfort goes off, and Lipton immediately shields your body from the dirt flying with his, covering the entirety of you.
For a split second, you let the warmth of his being envelop you, the comfort that he brings making you feel at home, even if it was just momentarily. His hands come up to cradle your face gently, and you immediately welcome his touch.
He opens his mouth to speak, thinking that it was just that the explosion was just an odd attack out, but he’s once again interrupted by multiple guns going off.
“Shit! Tell me later, sir!” You shout over the chaos, patting him on the cheek without a second thought. He nods before pushing himself off, his warmth being ripped away from you.
The scream of a soldier goes off a few hundred feet away from you, and your head pops out of the foxhole to assess where he may be.
“Get your head down, are you insane?!” Lipton yells at you, grabbing your head to pull you back down.
“I have to help him!” You bark back, glaring down at him. You loved him, you really did, but right now you had a job to do.
“No! Not now, the bullets are way too close. Dead bodies attract more dead bodies, wait until we’re not in their direct line of fire!”
You hear the same soldier screaming out for help, yelling about a lost leg. Oh fuck.
“Lip, please, he needs help.” You grit your teeth as you speak, knowing he’s right, but the doctor in you also knows that there isn’t much time left for the wounded man. “He’s not dead just yet.”
You try to get back up again, but Lipton literally wraps himself around you, making you topple over in the foxhole. You shout out in surprise, the warmth of his body once again surrounding you - but it was not the right time for this.
“Fuck!” Your voice is heart broken as you hit his chest in protest.
“I’m sorry, I can’t let you go out there and hurt yourself. I couldn’t live with myself.”
“I couldn’t live with myself if i knowingly let this man die. Now please, let me do my job. I’m begging you.” You look into his eyes, seeing his resolve crumbling underneath your gaze.
He reluctantly nods, strong arms slowly letting go of you. You begin to pick yourself back up, but his hand goes to the back of your neck, firmly holding your forehead against his. You freeze, thinking he’s going to hold you back again. Neither of you break eye contact as he finally opens his mouth to speak.
“You better come back to me.” Lipton whispers, his breath fanning over your cheeks.
“Yessir.” You tell him.
You tilt your helmet back slightly so you can give him a light kiss on his nose, before you finally drag yourself out of your safe haven.
Without looking back, you run towards the screaming, finally coming across the soldier who had been begging for a doctor.
“Hey, hey, I’m here.” You tell him, but you doubt he heard you over his cries of pain. You get your med pack, quickly assessing the damage as you unravel a roll of bandage and grab morphine, along with a tourniquet.
Expertly applying the tourniquet, you thank whoever could hear your inner monologue, as the Germans couldn’t see where you were through the debris and snow falling around you. You were relatively safe for now.
You apply the morphine before wrapping the man up, calling for a stretcher. Roe appears next to you and helps you grab your fellow soldier to lift him onto the stretcher, and he is promptly taken away from your hands.
“Looks like he’ll be okay,” Roe tries his best to reassure you. “You did a damn good job as always, Y/N.”
The puddle of blood surrounding you tells you otherwise.
The attack is over, and the dust and dirt finally settle underneath a thin layer of snow. You feel empty, the drying blood of the wounded man caked on your hands, stuck underneath your fingernails - impossible to remove until you get a proper shower. The constant reminder that life is fragile, and realistically, the soldier probably died of shock before he could’ve ever gotten the proper help he required.
You slowly trudge back to your foxhole, expecting to see Lipton, but it’s empty. Your heart sinks, you needed him, but you’re too exhausted to go looking for the man you love, so you plop yourself down in the hole and wrap his blanket around your body.
Tears sting at the back of your eyes, but crying seems too draining to even think about, so you take a deep breath and will the feeling away.
A moment later, you hear slow, heavy footsteps approaching you, and you lift your head up to come face-to-face to the man you desperately wanted to see.
“Hey.” Lipton softly speaks, almost as if he’s talking to a wild animal.
“You’re not hurt, are you?”
You huff a weak laugh out of your nose. “No. Are you?”
He sits down next to you, wrapping his arm around you and tugging you closer to him. You oblige, and once again welcome his warmth into your body. The two of you sit in silence once again, but this time there is no familiar laughter from the other men. It seems like the noise has simply died.
“Lip, I-“
“Y/N, there’s-“
The two of you finally let out a genuine laugh, smiling dumbly at each other.
“You go first.” He tells you.
“Fine, if you insist.” The small smile never leaves your face. “I, uh, I didn’t really think this through, so I hope I don’t sound like an idiot when I’m speaking.”
“You could never sound like an idiot to me.”
Your cheeks warmed up, something Lip had a talent of doing to you.
“Well… I really like you. I think I love you.” You looked at him as you spoke, your words nothing but honest and vulnerable.
Lipton breathes out, and gently grabs your face in his hands before firmly kissing you on your lips. The action smacks the air out of you, and your hands move to cradle the back of his neck in a desperate attempt to get him closer to you.
“I know I love you.” He says, after eventually pulling back.
And in that moment, you knew you’d be okay as long as you were together.
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hoping you enjoyed! anon, if there’s anything i misinterpreted or did wrong, let me know and i’ll gladly change it 💕 thank you for reading!
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red-riot-rat · 4 years
REQUEST: What if shiggi had a little sis (who’s like 14) that was staying with the doctor to learn how to make nomus and when the LOV goes to meet with the doctor for the first time she goes up to the league and just insults them, “wow you guys and smell like 💕🧚🏼‍♀️✨ass✨🧚🏼‍♀️💕” She’s probably extra rude to dabi because he’s cool and they have to same emo music taste 👁👄👁
HEY HEY!! HAHAHAH I LOVE THE IDEA OF JUST COLLECTIVLEY BULLYING THE OTHER MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE HAHAHA ahjskjf i made it gender neutral because i literally forgot to make it she/her?? Shoutout to my brain for that
WC: 976
ᴛɪᴍᴇ ꜱᴛᴀᴍᴘ ᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ: WED. 10:31 PM
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“Like this?” You asked the doctor, as you worked on a new Nomu for AFO to send for the League of Villains. Your music played behind you through an older radio and the doctor merely spared you a glance, nodding. But that's all you needed. 
You proceeded to work on two Nomu’s at once, one a basic carbon copy of the one All Might destroyed long ago, and a new one specifically requested by AFO himself.
You were lost in papers, tools, and honest sweat when the doctor walked away from your station you didn't notice, and really couldn’t give half a shit. There were voices in another room, and then footsteps began to get louder and louder as you finished one of the Nomu’s.
There were multiple sets of footsteps, and maybe it was just a visitor, or maybe a fallen victim.
“We have guests.” The doctor’s voice rang slightly through the room, and you simply nodded. You didn’t mind having guests, or even someone watch you make Nomu’s since you’ve been making them for years. But, seeing your brother is always a surprise.
“Hey loser.” The lanky man staggered over to you, smirking.
“Oh ew.” You put on a disgusted face, as you glanced around the room, searching the few faces of the League. 
A man you knew as Dabi, he was okay. He looked cool so you didn't mind him as much as the others. Although Himiko Toga wasn’t bad, she scared the shit out of you sometimes even though you had never met her before. Mr. Compress was too fancy for you, and you felt you had nothing in common. Spinner was okay, but you never saw yourself holding a conversation with him unless it was about video games. And last but not least, Twice. He was okay as well, but your vibes didn't seem to click.
The doctor waved you over to another Nomu, one another hero knocked down about a week ago. You walked over, flipping your gray haired brother off in the process.
“I’m going to get something for this. Something you can’t break. I’ll be back in a moment.” He scowled at you and you nodded again.
Shigaraki made his way over to you once again as you jumped up to sit onto an empty counter. He waltzed over to you, his hands stuffed in his pockets. The League hesitantly followed him to you, and you stared at them with a blank face.
Like your brother you had a few scars, but you were not, and in your words, As crusty as he is. In fact, you were not crusty at all, quite cute. 
They stood about a foot away from you, and Dabi’s ears seemed to perk up as the song on your radio changed.
“Wow. All of you guys smell like….” You locked eye contact with Dabi, and he stared right back at you.
“💕🧚🏼‍♀️✨ass✨🧚🏼‍♀️💕”  You snickered as Dabi’s eyebrows raised ever so slightly, and a few others scowled. 
You pointed your finger, and your hand traveled across the room.
“Especially... You.” your pointed finger landed on your brother, who was slouching around like a slug. He raised his eyebrow in protest to your finger pointing.
“You smell especially like… uhm whats is called?” You snapped your fingers and acted like you were thinking before exclaiming.
“AH! I know! Vomit.” you scowled at him, as he mocked you.
“Shut up, fucking NPC.” He snarled at you, and you stuck your tongue out at him.
“You’re nasty… And you fucking know it. WEIRDO.” You taunted him. You jumped to the floor and pranced around him, chanting.
“You smell like vomit! You smell like vomit!” Dabi slightly waved his hands around like he was conducting an orchestra, and Toga giggled. Kurogiri and the rest of the League just… stood there watching you dance around your brother, and taunt him. And live another day, while you’re doing it.
“OH MY GOD SHUT UP.” He reached his hand out to your face, and rested four fingers on it.
“You’re a literal fucking idiot.” He flicked your forehead, and smiled smugly at you.
“Hold up?” Toga questioned as you rubbed the spot on your forehead. You and your brother both looked at her with the same blank look, with one eyebrow raised.
“You’re his younger sibling?” She smiled wide, Dabi cocking his head slightly. 
“Yeah, duh. Quick question for all of you, and you in particular.” You pushed Toga’s question off and stared at Dabi once again. 
“Why do all of you smell so goddamn bad?” He groaned and Shigaraki rolled his eyes at your question.
“Listen kid I-” Dabi started, his eyes narrowed.
“Dude are you goth?” You interrupted him with a smug smile, knowing it might annoy him.
“No. Listen-”
“Are you sure? Like 100% sure?” Your smile was wide, your eyes narrowed. He grew more annoyed by the minute, your brother was right here and you just were gonna bully him instead?
“Yes i’m fucking sure. Can you listen to me-”
“No I’m quite busy at the moment.” You cut him off for one last time, and just sat there in silence.
He grew frustrated, and no longer responded or tried to ask more questions.
The man in the top hat, in an effort to break the odd silence, moved towards you.
“I go by Mr. Compress, what’s your name?” He reached his hand for you to shake, and you smiled wickedly at him. 
Shigaraki chuckled, knowing your quirk was a close copy to his. Much to his dismay, and yours as well, he pulled his hand back. He’s not stupid, and knowing youre a relative of Tomura Shigaraki, shaking your hand was a stretch anyway.
“Aw ya don't wanna shake my hand?” You reached your hand out quick, and smiled ear to ear again.
“Don't ya wanna?”
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staliasjeronica · 3 years
Riverdale S5 Ep11 Thoughts *Spoilers*
thoughts under cut to keep tag from being cluttered :)
- Oh yeah I forgot that Chad was blackmailing Veronica about the dirty dealings in her company even though it’s not her at all (unless it’s just been so long and I’ve forgotten but she’s my baby and I feel like I would’ve remembered but-
- Hiram and this dumb prison is one of the worst things for this show it’s a constant plot of people escaping and it’s so annoying like sure Hiram owns it and he was in the jail but no one has, like, taken him back to jail…??? Hiram is a fucking disease smh
- “back to remote learning” why didn’t you just stay that way though… like even right now in covid schools are opening back up and kids are complaining because it’s still not safe so like… just… go back to it??? I’m so not built for this world fasdhfkahf
- Veronica and Smithers 🥺🥺💞💞
- the way Veronica hugs Archie is so cute bc she’s so tiny but like she always gives her all and Archie is just 😐 never giving anything ahjfsdfsh it’s quite sad you can tell how done KJ is with Varchie lol
- “I really hate that I’m dragging you through this.” … what about constantly pulling him into your mob boss father mess that the writers refuse to allow you to escape from?
- “until you and Chad are officially done, I think we should keep our distance.” Varchie bones!!! you just KNOW that Archie has been looking forward to this because that man is whole heartedly in love with Betty and has been since forever and that while Chad prolongs the divorce papers, Archie will not be waiting for Veronica considering he doesn’t want her. Varchie = bones we love to see it!
- now who tf would join Penelope Blossom’s ministry… no one, realistically.
- can Cheryl stop being given the craziest and usually most boring plots ever please...
- Not someone holding a gun to Tabitha literally don’t hurt Riverdale’s best girl weirdo
- these bitches really haven’t aged huh…. poor Veronica though being robbed but like they stole some watches or something and the opal like that’s all you take..?? okay-
- Fangs 💞💞💞💞💞 also rip to him having to work with his ex tho
- You know considering the whole reason why Hiram is still here as the villain and ruining Veronica’s life/growth to keep her in his plots al because Mark is a big soap opera celeb and apparently brings in money, you’d assume they would give him GOOD shit instead of everything he’s gotten. If they hadn’t of hired Mark can you imagine how much better off the show would be if they didn’t have to keep him around bc of his status????? God why-
- Reggie’s always there for Veronica muah…. oh fuck me I guess fjasjkdf
- “I work for one Lodge and it’s not you.” lmao okay??? you acting like that’s a flex, and that you’re working for the better Lodge who literally left you to die after the Serpents thought you shot Fangs so-
- MARTY BEING WHY REGGIE IS WORKING FOR HIRAM…….. YOUR DAD IS ABUSIVE LET HIM HANDLE HIS OWN DEBT??? God both Veronica and Reggie are always fucked over when it comes to their parents huh
- don’t you just love when they make characters act ooc for a plot ahhhhhh it’s totally fun to watch and totally not frustratingly annoying
- “FOR OLD TIMES SAKE.” 💞💞💞 we love Veggie even though they made Veronica act ooc and hurt him back then and they weren’t given an actual chance.
- “don’t be such a Betty” now why is Betty so surprised she only ever had fun when she was with Archie, when she’s with Jughead all she did was do what she wanted and order him around so likeefjhakdfh
- “he shouldn’t really be my problem anymore.” BUGHEAD BONES YASSSSS
- I know it was just a sound they used but like that squish sound when Darla kicked Tom’s face… did she like smash his face in damn what is this The Walking Dead?
- see the problem with them randomly bringing characters/parents in when they need them is that they’re never around so like no one really cares… like they could have utilized the parents so much (and Skeet and Marisol never would have left) and it would have been so much better than random appearances that make them look incompetent and awful parents because they’re never there during all the other times their kids need them. but we have to see the two toxic parents that won’t go away constantly??? literally what the fuck
- Betty calling Jughead’s writing cringey wbk she’s never liked his writing she was just stroking his ego bc she was his gf and had to be supportive lmaoo
- why are these 60+ year old men beating up Jughead like for why???
- so they just forgot that Tom was checking in on the convict huh gotta love dumbing down characters for plot!
- Fangs with his switchblade muah
- jealous Tabitha muahhh over a password
- “wait THE BETTY?"
- Cheryl looks so good
- Find meaning in his death… girl didn’t you not care that your husband killed your son over the illegal maple stuff I forgot the plot but it was something illegal and dumb
- “drain the vein” …...
- Reggie helping muah
- Why is Archie acting like an ass? like sure he doesn’t know that Chad is abusive and toxic but c’mon fucker you cheated on her and never apologized and you don’t even wanna be with her in the first place so why are you acting like you’re personally hurt sit down
- God Archie really hates Veronica huh… I don’t even blame him considering the shit she’s brought him into time and time again.
- Jughead was kicked like maybe five times yet he was fine falling out of a two story window and the serpent imitation but now he needs antibiotics..? plot convenience!
- literally don’t remember anything about Doc tbh or him talking to Donna and Bret like—
- ever since Negan people are obsessed with bats with barbed wire.
- also! yes please kill Hiram <3 I know they end up saving him bc of the opal but c'mon
- they searched basically nothing for five seconds wow such great detective work you guys!
- we know you just want his manuscript Jessica
- Cheryl with her rainbow skirt how cute!
- “daddykins” girl you’re like 25
- Veronica acting like she cares about Hiram fjsadhkfhas these guys thinking that they’d kill Hiram even though they need him lol
- bad bitch Ronnie we love her even though she’s gonna have to save her father to save others and get her opal </3
- not Veronica calling Archie first and not Kevin considering Kevin’s dad is there…. this is the pandering va fan service bs we have bc it makes no sense and it’s so forced
- Fangs knowing Archie rides with tools in his truck mmhm that’s a little sus idk how but archiefangs agenda coming through!
- no one would actually believe that Jessica ashkjdfsj and they take this bait…??? you gotta be joking lmao
- Jug got to help doc this time 🥺😭
- …. tell me why when he said boyfriend I immediately thought of Reggie I hate myself for wishing fahsdjkfsafj
- okay as cheesy and corny and awful the fight scene is since they posted a clip of it, them working together is so refreshing and nice we love leader!Veronica bc she’s so good at it. but the show only cares for Betty which is funny since she’s an awful detective fbahsdjfj
- my god enough with Jason’s body!!!!!!!!! you burned his body please let him stay dead let his body rest
- okay but the back and forth from Betty and Jessica is so good like I wish we could get that kind of rivalry drama type stuff all the time. too bad they refuse to let Veronica act like a normal person and get angry at being cheated on and such :/ when will Veronica slap the fuck out of Betty
- he’s not a blameless victim but Betty take responsibility for how awful a person you are PLEASE
- THE VOICEMAILLLLLLL Jughead only speaks the truth! it’s weird that he only realized what we all knew about Betty after but whatever, finally he gets upset like damn. also jeronica crumb he’s the only one to ever include Veronica smh ALSO Cole acted the fuck outta this voice mail muah
- the way Betty just sits there uncaring… she really is a freak huh god when will someone punch her in the face and take her ego down a million notches she’s so annoying
- “that’s darkness.” …?? what?
- the way bh’s relationship parallels jughead’s with Jessica though. the unhealthy habits, the bad energy, etc. except Jessica left it and Betty didn’t and it turned Betty into whatever the fuck this is. I miss s1 Betty :/
- so when will they sue Jessica for drugging them? mmhm probably never
- poor Tabitha being the only one who cares about jughead tho
- oh no I forgot there was a random musical number…
- you’re gonna have Betty and Tabitha act like THAT and not put them together so rude
- when will Cheryl be free from her mom. is was like turned on by abuse or something sigh why do the toxic (and most boring!) parents get plots and screen time and everyone else doesn’t...
- Veronica would be able to do Moree than pepper spray but whatever only Betty is allowed be “badass"
- fangs being fangs ugh so sexy my babyyyyy
- Trevor Stines is so attractive it’s a shame they only bring him back for five seconds to traumatize Cheryl over and over again though </3
- wow varchie in a pop’s booth what season is this again??
- god it’s so upsetting how amazing varchie would have been as just friends…
- the way he smiled at Veronica was so contradicting to the blank, “please don’t” expression when she was telling him she was gonna get divorced as fast as possible. why can’t he just admit he doesn’t want to be with her!!!!!! my god they’ve put off barchie long enough just let them be together so their characters can finally act in character and stop being so awful and annoying
- “this cause” what cause you fucking weirdo
- not Hiram threatening the mayor he could literally be your downfall if we had good writers fjasdkjfasf
- jughead how would you have killed him with a small wooden basket
- I like doc so much but I know we’ll never see him again until we randomly need him seasons from noow
- Betty wasn’t hit by the drugs until after the message though… how would she not remember? it didn’t seem to be doing anything to Betty until the bunker
- hopefully since they’re friends now Tabitha can make Betty act like a decent human being <3
- the way Tabitha looked at Betty please stop doing this to me...
- maybe we can finish that dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jabitha rising bughead dying we love to see it!
wow that episode felt like it was two hours long but thankfully I finally finished it… don’t have many actual thoughts but anyways hope you enjoyed my live blog of my thoughts!
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Going Under Part Two
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: 13th Doctor x Reader
Summary: An accident during a routine adventure made your life spiraled out of control with only the Doctor as the anchor. Will you ever find your way back to your Doctor again?
Trigger Warning: ooc, angst, plot holes as usual, attempted suicide, dark!doctor, death, insanity, etc. You have been warned.
More warning: English is not my first language so beware of the headache you will receive upon reading this.
A/N: Yup, still a very disastrous story and I still have no idea how to wrap it up in a pretty bow. Hopefully, this story will be interesting enough to get a positive feedback? I guess I'm just going to be evil person and post it anyway regardless how cringe-worthy this is. But if you find this story interesting, kindly leave comment etc please.
 Part Three
"It's you..."
  I blinked at the young man before me.
  "It's Rory." He supplied when he realized I don't remember his name.
  "Right, you and your wife are with the Doctor."
  "You remembered me?"
  "Where did you go before?"
  "Honestly I have no control of where I'm going on. So, where is the Doctor?" I asked.
  If I'm going to be thrown away to every version of the Doctors, I might as well make them investigate the damn scientists so wherever I go next, maybe one of them could give me the answer or the cure.
  "Everyone teased me. They said you are my imaginary friend." Rory complained.
  "Well, now you can introduce your imaginary friend to them." I said with a small smile.
  He snorted at that. "I guess Amy is no longer the only one whose imaginary friend become real. What is your name again?"
  "(name)." I said.
  "Ook, (name), if you don't mind me asking, what happened to you?" He asked, gesturing to his own neck and mine.
  I realized I look like shit with the mark in my neck like I was some victim of a crime. I sighed and wonder if I could borrow some new clothing that can cover the mark.
  The mark serves well to gain their sympathy I suppose, makes them nicer to the victim in me but I'm not sure I want to play that card.
  "Had an accident." I replied.
  Rory stared at me in disbelief.
  I didn't expect to see Eleventh Doctor again. It seemed he was a different one from the one I met at Christmas because he didn't recognize me.
  There was two women with him. A red-haired young woman and an older curly-haired one. Amy and River, Rory said.
  "Everyone, meet (name)." Rory announced loudly.
  The Doctor, Amy and River stared in shock at me.
  "I told you she is real." Rory said a bit smug.
  I waved at them with a small smile as I braced myself for interrogation.
  "What? What? Who are you? How did you get into my Tardis?" The Doctor demanded.
  "Chill, bow tie, I came in peace...sort of." I said. "And I don't have much time before the next splinter...so listen up."
 I told them everything. Once I finished telling them, I sighed. "I really should start writing the explanation on a book to save more time for the next new Doctors I met." I said. "Could I borrow some notebook?" I asked and stopped to take a look at myself. "And some new clothes from the Tardis wardrobe?"
  The Doctor and River look intriqued with my predicament. He sonicked me and asked for blood sample which I gave.
  River pulled me and took me to the Tardis telepathic circuit for coordinates for the planet the scientists are. Hopefully, they did exist here. I need answers and I pray to God that someone give answers and the cure soon.
  Rory fetch me a blank notebook while Amy took me to change clothing. She is curious about the mark on my neck but I didn't say anything.
"So your doctor is a woman?" Amy asked as she waited outside the bathroom while I took a quick shower. 
  I was grateful that I wasn't ripped away from this reality during my quick shower, that would be embarrasing. I pick up a new set of comfortable clothing. I wore a hoodie jacket so I could hide the mark on my neck beneath it.
I grinned at Amy as I got out of the bathroom. "What do you want to know?"
  Amy grinned back at me. "What was she like? And what weird outfit she choose to wear this time?"
  I pulled out of my smartphone. "I can show you pictures."
  "Give me." She look so excited and it put a smile on my face.
  I showed her our group selfie. I told her about the Doctor and the fam. She led me to the kitchen for some snack.
  "Oh, I wish River is here to see this." Amy said with a laugh when she saw the pictures.
  I was surprised to learn that River is the Doctor's wife. If it was any normal day, I would be upset but after everything that happened to me, it just seemed beneath me to be upset about it. And it's not like the Doctor, my Doctor, is in relationship with me. So I have no right to be upset with her.
  Rory entered the room and gave me a blank notebook and a pen and a small bag to carry it. So very thoughtful of him.
  I smiled gratefully at him.
  "Are you really going to write it all in that book?" Amy asked.
  I stared at the notebook. If only the words I have in mind could magically appear on the pages that would be great.
"Err, do you mind if I take a look at your neck?" Rory asked. "I'm a nurse, you see, I might be able to help."
 I glanced at him and seeing the genuine concern in his eyes, I agreed. He gave me some balm for my neck. He also gave me some aspirin when I complained about having a headache from time to time. I was grateful as I kept the items on my pocket.
  "Thank you, Rory, Amy." I said as I grabbed the notebook and pen and put it inside the bag. "Tell everyone the same." I pulled the bag strap over my body as I stood up and smiled at them.
  Rory and Amy exchanged a confused look.
I blinked at the sudden change in my surrounding. I was not on board of the Tardis. I was in some kind of...meeting room?
"(name)..." A small hoarse voice greeted me out of nowhere.
I turned around and at first I didn't saw anyone and then I saw...it? There was a some kind of bird cage and inside there is some small creature in a suit? What?
"(name)..." The wide-eyed creature glanced up at me. "Run..." It said. "It's not safe...."
My jaw dropped. "What?" I took a step hesitantly toward it. "W-who are you? H-how do you know my name?"
"It's me..." It said. "Doc-tor."
"What?!" I yelled. "Did you...? W-what? Doctor?"
The Doctor nodded weakly.
"B-but what h-happened to you? Did you get cursed by a witch or something?"
The Doctor look annoyed. "Something like that. It isn't safe here, (name). You have to go."
"But what about you?"
"Leave before he come back."
"W-who? Who did this to you?"  I asked.
  "That would be me." Another voice said from behind me.
  I turned around and saw a man in a suit, staring at me curiously. 
  "Who are you? How did you get on board of the Valiant?" He asked.
  "Leave her alone, Master." The Doctor stood up weakly inside the cage.
  The Master smirked. "And why would I do that?"
  "You are the Master?!" I asked dumbly.
  "You know of me then?" The Master stared at me. "A companion of yours, Doctor?" He turned to glance at the Doctor. "A secret one, it seemed since I have no note about you at all from the investigation." He said as he smirked evilly at me.
  I gulped. I did met the Master before back when I was with my Doctor and the fam. I know he is evil. To think he would be so cruel to turn the Doctor into whatever creature he now is and put him on a cage for display? Despite my fear, I felt a surge of protectiveness. I wish I have a weapon of some kind now. I probably should have it from the beginning. I am really foolish, am I not? To keep leaving myself defenseless, how stupid I can be?
  "What have you done to the Doctor?" I demanded.
  The Master laughed at me. "Oh, him? That's just his age catching up on him. Isn't he look adorable though?" He asked with a mocking tone.
  I wanted to punch this bastard so much.
  "(name), don't." The Doctor reprimanded me. "Leave now."
  "Oh she's not going anywhere, Doctor." The Master said as he walked circling me like a predator. "I am getting bored and now we can have some more new fun with her."
  I shuddered at the chilling smile of the Master. I really do want to leave but where can I go? I have to wait for the splinter to happen. It was out of my control. 
  The Master suddenly grabbed one of my wrist firmly. "Now who are you then?"
  "Let go of me!" I screamed as I tried to get his hand off my wrist.
  "Leave her be, Master!" The Doctor demanded helplessly.
  The Master laughed at our demands. "Idiots the both of you!!" 
  "I'm nobody!" I yelled immediately.
  "You know the Doctor so you can't be just a nobody." The Master said. When he realized I would not tell him anything, he rolled his eyes. "Fine, the hard way it is." He suddenly grabbed both side of my head and smirked cruelly before he put his forehead over mine. 
  I could hear the Doctor yelled at the Master but all I could felt is pain, so much pain inside my head. I screamed as I struggled against his tight grip.
  "Interesting. Alternate universe, huh? Oh, you did have met me before...." The Master grinned as he pushed his way inside my mind.
  "Please, stop, it hurts..." I pleaded. My nose started bleeding.
  The Master ignored me and pushes some more. "Ooh, Doctor, it seemed your alternate future-self has gone insane. My kind of Doctor..."
  "Stop it!" The Doctor pleaded. "You are killing her, Master!"
  "Hmm, that is one interesting weapon. I think you just made my day, girlie, you will be my next project." He said.
  I could feel the tingling as I realized I was about to be ripped away from this reality so I kneed him in the groin in retaliation. 
  The Master definitely didn't expecting that as he release me and fell to the ground, clutching his groin. "Bitch..." he whispered in pain.
  I fell to the floor.
  "Doctor!! It's her! She's back!" I heard Yaz called out to the Doctor.
  I groaned as I clutched my bleeding nose.
  The Doctor bend her knees and sat beside me, clutching my chin in her hand. "It's nice to see you again, (name)." She said with a small smile. "What happened to you?" She is checking me for injuries.
  "The Master." I replied weakly. "I was in...Valiant?"
  The Doctor frowned. "The year that never was... So, you are still crossing all over the alternate universe then?"
  I gave her an annoyed look.
  "Right, silly question." The Doctor said. "The Master forced his way inside your mind then? Do you mind if I go inside your mind too? I need to fix the damage inside you."
  I groaned. "Will it be painful?"
  "I promise you won't feel a thing." She said with a small smile.
  I nodded my consent.
  The Doctor gently caress my messy hair before putting her forehead over mine. And I fell into a bliss full darkness.
  I woke up in the Tardis med-bay. I remembered meeting the Doctor and Yaz but I knew they weren't my Doctor and my Yaz. I could feel the loneliness come back with vengeance. I wanted to cry.
  "You are awake."
  I snapped out of my trance and glanced up as I saw the Doctor. My heart yearned for her. I bit my lips as I tried not to cry in front of this Doctor. After all, this Doctor never know me. She is not my friend. She is just a stranger who happened to share the same face as the one that I love. 
  I tried to smile but failed. I shook my head to try to get myself to focus. But the tears keep falling on my cheeks against my wish. 
  The Doctor glanced at me with pity. She tried to comfort me but she is being very awkward about it which make me laugh.
  After I get my bearing, she asked me to tell her what happened to me since last we met.
  "Have you get a warning about the cyberman from Jack?" I asked suddenly.
  The Doctor frowned but nodded. "What do you know about the cyberman?"
  "Nothing. But I need to warn you about the fam. Be careful. When the time come for you to meet the cyberman, do take care to make sure nothing bad happened to them."
  "Of course." The Doctor nodded. "I wouldn't want to put them in danger."
  I sighed. "You don't get it, Doctor, of course, they will put themselves in danger, for you. All I asked is for you to watch each other back."
  "You know something?"
  I was silent, debating whether to tell her and I decided to tell her about the future I saw of my Doctor. About my dying in her arms and her losing the fam to her being somewhat insane.
  The Doctor look troubled. She glanced at me. "I'm so sorry."
  "Not your fault." I said.
  We descended into uncomfortable silence before the Doctor finally revealed that she had gotten her hands on the prototype weapon from her version of the scientist. She has been studying it and found a disturbing information. In order for the weapon to work as it is, it need a target DNA. The fact that I got shot instead of the Doctor and ended up splintering all over the alternate universe with the Doctor as my anchor meant the weapon works but not quite as intended and also the weapon must have been infused with the Doctor DNA in the first place which is way the Doctor ended up as my anchor. The target must be my Doctor all along.
  I was worried for my Doctor now. What if she is still in danger? How am I meant to warn her? And I have to also warn her about the danger to my version of the fam. I do not want my Doctor to change into a darker version of the Doctor I saw before. Maybe If I could warn her and save the fam, then the Doctor will be fine even if she loses me in the end. I'm not trying to be a martyr. I just want the Doctor to be safe and sane.
  "Did you...find a cure?" I asked the Doctor.
  She shook her head sadly. "I'm still working on it."
 "Thank you." I said numbly.
  "Hey." She shook me out of my trance. "Get a grip. You will be okay." She said as she put her hands over my cheeks.
  I smiled weakly at her but nodded. "See you around, Doctor..." I said softly.
  The Doctor, realizing I was about to disappear again, smiled encouragingly. "Hang in there, (name) (last name)."
  I landed inside the Tardis but there is no one inside. Then I heard a very loud electric guitar sound from the outside. Curiously, I walked out of the Tardis and regretted it as my eardrum is hurting. 
  I looked around, found myself in some posh office. Then I saw him. The Twelfth Doctor. I recognized him despite the change in appearance.
  He turned and almost drop his guitar when he saw me. "Well it's about time. I thought you already keel over in one of the alternate universe since you never show your face again."
  I sighed in relief. "I guess you know me then." I said as I stepped toward him. "Where are we?"
  I was surprised to learn that he is teaching in some university now. 
  A young woman and a bald man came into the room and the Doctor introduced them as Bill and Nardole. 
  I wonder what happened to Clara but I know better than to ask about it. She must have left or he lost her. Seemed like a theme for the Doctor from what I've seen so far.
  The Doctor told me to follow her into the Tardis and he started rummaging on his stuff in one of the room. He pulled a vial containing many red pill. He gave it to me.
  "Is this...?"
  "It's just temporary cure...for your internal bleeding."
  "My what?"
  "You have been couching blood, have you not?"
  I nodded. "How did you...?"
  "I did tell you that you are dying, right?"
  "Right, something about splintering tearing my atoms..." I said before I realized it wasn't him who said that. It was my Doctor, the somewhat insane one.
  The Doctor glanced at me.
  "Sorry, I'm trying to keep up with which version said what." I pulled a note from my bag. "I have been writing every encounters. There is no pattern. I just keep randomly jumping all over the alternate timeline."
  He grabbed the book from me. I glared at him in annoyance.
  "What? You are dying?" Bill asked.
  Ah, I forgot his companion are here too. We talked for a bit.
  The Doctor snapped his fingers to gain my attention. "Drink your medicine."
  I obeyed and pulled a pill from the vial and swallowed it. Nardole, helpfully, giving me a bottle of water. The medicine did do wonder, I felt a bit refreshed.
  I smiled at the Doctor. Out of all the Doctors I met so far, he is the one that has been make himself useful to me. I was very grateful and I told him that.
  "It was nothing. Like I said, it was just temporary cure. It will not stop you from splintering but it will delay it for a few hours, enough for you to get some rest and get some answers. Just be sure not to take it if you find yourself stranded in a dangerous place with one of the alternate doctors." He replied. "You are still dying, unfortunately, so you need to take a better care of yourself."
  I sighed in resignation and asked if I could borrow a room to rest.
  The Doctor nodded as he glanced at me with a bit of fondness. I think I grew on him and I must say I feel the same. He asked Bill to show me a room.
  Bill and I started to get to know each other on the way of the room.  She left me so I could get some rest.
  I laid on the bed tiredly. I didn't discard my bag for fear of splintering while I sleep. The notebook is still with the Doctor, though. Oh, well. I closed my eyes and feel into a blissful sleep immediately.
  I woke up after enough sleeping, feeling refreshed. I realized with delight that I'm still in the same place as before I went to sleep. I got out of the room to seek the Doctor. I walked out of the Tardis and saw the same office from earlier.
  The Doctor sat behind his desk, writing something on my notebook?
  "What are you doing?" I asked.
  "Ah, you're still here. It worked then." He said without looking at me. "I'm writing the formula of the medicine I gave you. In case you won't find your way back to me again, you can ask the other Doctors for when your medicine run out."
  I hummed in pleasant. "That's very thoughtful of you."
  "Just doing my part." He said as he finished writing and gave the notebook to me.
  I opened the page on his writing. I didn't understand a thing of what he wrote though. "What language is this?"
  "The other Doctors will know it, don't worry your pudding brain about it."
  I glared at him, annoyed. "You're still rude." I said as I put the notebook back on my back.
  "Really? I didn't notice."
  I stick out my tongue at him petulantly.
  "Anyway, I would like to ask about your assumption that the future Doctor you met is your Doctor."
  "How do you mean?"
  "What makes you think that version is directly your future instead of alternate one?"
  I hummed thoughtfully. "Well, I suppose because she recognized me. The other version of...Thirteenth, was it? The other one didn't know me. I guess I jump into conclusion? It's just that I didn't meet any other version of my Doctor. Just those two."
  He started ranting about alternate universe being vast and so the alternate timeline with it. He also talk about alternate version of the Doctor and myself.
  I admitted I couldn't follow on his explanation which he noticed and being rude about it. It did give me a slight hope that it means my Doctor will be fine and won't lose her marble. I smiled in relief at the thought. My smile dropped immediately when I felt the tingling again. 
  I glanced up at the Doctor and quickly give him a hug much to his dismay. "Thank you and see you around."
  He look worried for me. "Good luck, (name)."
  I dropped unceremoniously on the floor. I was annoyed to keep finding myself on the floor every time.
  I glanced up at my surrounding and my jaw dropped when I saw the sight before me.
  The Doctors and companion from 9th-12th are there. They were trapped inside glass prisons, each doctor and their companion respectively had their own personal prison it seemed. And I was outside the glass prisons staring at them all.
  "About time." One of the Doctors said suddenly. "What do you want?"
  "W-what? Hold on, did you think I did this to you? I just arrived." I said, feeling a bit insulted.
  "So, you are not the one who imprison us?" One of the companion, I recognized as Rose asked.
  "I have no part in what happening to you guys. Where are we anyway?" I asked as I look around. "Where is your jailer?"
  "No idea. We just woke up a while ago." That was Jack.
  "Right, okay, how do I get you out then?" I asked them.
  "Who are you?" One of the Doctors asked again.
  "Not the bad guy, that's for sure." I replied. "Don't you think to save the question until after you got out of there?" I asked. "Don't know about you, but the prison is giving me a bad vibe." I said. "Oh shit is there a camera here watching us?"
  "Yeah, there is." One of the companion, Rory, pointed the camera on the wall behind me. 
  "Whoever watching know you're here. If you are not one the bad guys, you should really should do something soon." Jack said.
  "Oh hell, we have no time for interrogation then." I said sarcastically. "Now, which one of you boys gonna help me figure out the way out here?" I asked all the Doctors.
  All the Doctor spoke at the same time which giving me headache which reminded me I have to take my med. But I was hesitating remembering the Twelfth Doctor telling me not to take it if I ever find myself stuck in dangerous place with the alternate Doctors. I glanced at the Doctors, all alternate version of the Doctors, but no alternate Thirteenth Doctor in sight. I sighed. I know I can't just abandon them, can I? I pulled the vial and pop one pill. I guess I resigned myself to get stuck here for a few hours. Let's hope I didn't get killed or get them killed.
  I followed the Doctors' instruction to check the box on the wall and cut some wire. I pulled my hair pin and tried to use it as the Doctors instructed. One of the prison cracked open. Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory got out. Rory and Amy helped me with the other boxes while 11th Doctor pulled his sonic screwdriver and point it at the door to stop the jailers from coming in just as the alarm sounded very loudly.
  After all the Doctors got out, they introduced themselves to me. I already knew some of them technically from my meeting with their alternate version before but I didn't tell them that. Rose, Jack, Donna, Martha, Amy, Rory and Clara. The only one I haven't met is Donna. She is very interesting loud person. It was funny seeing her treating the 10th Doctor like she is the boss.
  "Are you ill?" Rory asked suddenly. "You look a bit pale."
  Martha also come to check on me. I remembered that she is a doctor or learning to be a doctor.
  "I'm fine." I said as I wiped the cold sweat that covered my forehead. What's happening to me now? Shouldn't the med make me feel better? Why now I felt like I'm about to keel over?
  I heard the sound of sonic screwdriver. "You're dying." Eleventh Doctor said as he read the result of his scan. 
  The companion showed some concern for me while the Doctors are wary of me but they also staring at me with pity now that they knew I am dying.
  "Don't worry I will get out of your hairs soon enough maybe in a few hours." I said. "Rather than focusing on me, we should deal with whoever took you lot here in the first place."
  I followed them, more like the Doctors allowed me to tag along but I could feel their distrusts toward me, feel like they are chocking me...or maybe that was the effect of illness.
  When they finally confronted their jailers, I fainted. I tried to stay awake but I lost the fight.
  I woke up in the Tardis med-bay. I sighed. I jumped when I saw the shadow across the room. The room lightened up and I saw it was Twelfth Doctor. He has my notebook in his hand. "Hello, (name)."
  I stared at him. "You have read it then. So you know I'm not a threat."
  "It seemed so." He said. "It has my handwriting inside."
  I nodded. "You, I mean, alternate version of you just wrote it actually...just before I landed here." I said.
  He nodded.
  "Where are the other Doctors?" I asked.
  "Gone back to their rightful timeline."
  "I guess you won the lottery to deal with me then?" I joked.
  The Doctor glanced at me with a look I can't decipher. "More like because i'm the oldest incarnation so you become my responsibility especially after I saw my handwriting." he said. "But according to this book, you are travelling with the one after me."
  I nodded. "Thirteenth Doctor." At his look, I shrugged. "Your alternate-self told me of the numbers."
  He didn't say anything.
  "So, what now?"
  "There is a coordinate written here." He said.
  I nodded. "Right, that's probably coordinate of the planet where we stumble upon the scientists and the weapon."
  He hummed. "I suppose I will have to help you to find some answer for your predicament then."
  "That would be great." I said.
  "The other me seemed to be fond of you. He wrote here to trust you and help you."
  "He did?" I asked, surprised. I smiled fondly. "I knew I grew on him." I said. Suddenly I wish to come back and see him again and give him more hugs. I blinked suddenly when I felt the tingling. "Oh no... has it been a few hours since we met?" I asked.
  He frowned at me. "What's...?" he trailed and glanced at me. "You have to go, don't you?" He quickly throw me the notebook. "I will get you answers or the cure when next you returned." he said.
 I barely able to catch the notebook and grabbed my bag before I vanished. I didn't even get to say thanks.
  "ow." I landed on my butt on the ground. I took a glance around my surrounding. I was inside the Tardis but the Tardis is poorly lit. And then I saw her. The Doctor.
  "Doctor? Doctor!!" I called out as I scrambled on my feet to get to her.
  It was her. Thirteenth Doctor. But something is wrong. She looked weak and dare I say, dying.
  "Doctor!! Doctor, are you okay? What happened to you?" I tried to shook her awake.
  She weakly opened her eyes and she smiled upon seeing me. "(name)...Am I dead already? How are you here...?" she asked as her hand weakly reaches out to me.
  I grabbed her hands. "Doctor, what's wrong with you?"
  "Dying...got shot..."
  "No. But you can't be..."
  She smiled at me. "...is good to see you again, (name)...been so long..."
  "Doctor, what do I do? What can I do?"
  She shook her head weakly and coughed blood. "Nothing you can do. Weapon disable regeneration. They got me...finally."
  Tears started falling on my cheeks. "Who? Who did this to you? Doctor!"
  She smiled weakly at me. "I'm sorry, (name)..." she said as she caresses my cheek, wiping my tears.
  "Doctor...please...don't leave me..." I begged her. "Please just tell me, who did this? I can change it! I will change it!"
   "My (name)...always so..." She closed her eyes and never open them again.
  "Doctor?" I called out. "Doctor, no, please, open your eyes. Don't do this to me." I begged her. "Doctor!!" I screamed as I tried to shake her awake but it was futile. I cried as I hugged her body close. I started coughing blood too. I wonder if I'm going to die here. It wouldn't be so bad, would it? I hold her hand and cried again. I laid beside her body, still holding her hand, wishing I could just die already.
  I don't know how long it has been before I finally feel the tingling. It was then I wonder if this Doctor is my future or some alternate one. I selfishly prayed it was an alternate one because I don't think I could accept the universe without my Doctor. I let myself being ripped away once more and hope to God the next destination won't tear my heart like this.
  "Please let me see her again..." I pleaded as I closed my eyes.
  I found myself on the ground, curled on myself like a wounded animal. I didn't bother to look where I ended up this time. My heart still in so much pain from witnessing the Doctor's death. 
  "(name)? (name)!! Are you alright?" That was Rory.
  "Doctor! River! It's (name)!! She has returned!!" Amy yelled.
  I could hear the Doctor and River moved toward me in concern.
  Someone pulled me from the floor. But I have no energy to stand up on my own. They let me sat on the floor then.
  "(name), what's wrong, dear? Are you injured anywhere?" That was River.
  I turned to look at her. "The Doctor is dead." I said as burst into tears again.
  River looked like she was being slapped. I remembered she is the Doctor's wife, of course, that news would trouble her. She exchanged a look with Eleventh Doctor.
  I started coughing blood much to their horror. I fainted.
  I woke up from a nightmare of the memory when she died. I cried again. Rory and River rushed toward the bed where I am laid when I nearly fell from the bed in my rush to reach out to nothing.
  "Hey, easy there." Rory said.
  River stroke my hair almost lovingly. "Take it easy, my dear."
  I grabbed her and I started rambling. "It was the weapon! It disable regeneration!" I yelled. I didn't even know if the Doctor spoke of the same weapon that shot me. I didn't get to ask. But I have a feeling it might be. I don't remember what I said next but River is hushing me, trying to calm me down. But there is no consoling me. I kept telling her over and over that the Doctor is in danger.
  From the corner of my eyes, I saw Eleventh Doctor and Amy standing on the doorway. He looked like someone shot his puppy. He seemed almost afraid to approach me. 
  "Promise me you will find it." I pleaded.
  "I promise." River said.
  But that won't solve anything, will it? The one I wanted to warn and save is my Doctor. But I never get to see her. I know I still have to warn the other Doctors of a potential dangerous weapon a threat to their well-being. But what I wanted is my Doctor and my friends. I want them to be safe. 
  I could feel the sign I was about to splinter again. I screamed in frustration.
  "(name)? (name)!!"
  I was still screaming.
  Someone is holding on my faces as they tried to snap me out of my hysterical. "Look at me, (name) (last name)." Those words suddenly sounded loudly inside my mind.
  I opened my eyes and I saw the Doctor. Thirteenth Doctor.
  Without thinking, I hugged her tight. She loses her balance and we both fell on the floor. I cried in her arms. I called her name over and over again. She was surprised but she stroke my back, trying to comfort me and pulled me to a seating position.
  "It's okay, (name). It's okay." She whispered. "I'm here."
  That made me cry more. I hugged her more, not willing to let go.
  I could hear the fam approaching us in confusion.
  "Doctor? (name)? What's wrong?" Yaz asked as she sat beside us.
  I turned toward Yaz before whispering, "Am I home? Do you...know me?"
  "Not this again." She replied. "Of course we all know you, (name)." She turned toward the Doctor. "Doctor, what happened?"
  The Doctor hummed as she continue to stroke my back. "We were talking and then she just suddenly scream."
  I am home! They know me! I was too busy feeling relieved of being back at home with my Doctor and my friends. And then I realized what she said. I released her. "We were talking...?"
  She nodded. "And then you just suddenly scream..."
  "But I wasn't here, was I?" I asked.
  "What do you mean?" She asked.
  "I was back in the other alternate universes. I met alternate version of your past incarnations, you know, bow tie, sandshoes, big ear and sandshoes."
  She looked alarmed at that. "I don't understand what you are talking about, you have been here with me all this time. But...how do you know about my past regeneration?"
  "I told you!" I was frustrated. I grabbed around for my bag only to realize I didn't have them. "W-what? Where is my bag?"
  "(name), calm down." Yaz pleaded.
  "NO!" I shouted as I pushes her away. I stood up and nearly fell but the Doctor caught me. I pushes her away too.
  Ryan and Graham stared at me with concern.
  "What's happening to me? I want it to stop!!" I shouted as I burst into tears.
  "(name), tell me what you think happened." The Doctor requested. She tried to placate me, approaching me like I was some sort of wounded animal, which in a way, I guess I am.
  "You think I'm going insane." I said accusingly.
  She shook her head. "I think you are confused."
  "Confused enough to suddenly have information on your past regeneration?!!" I shouted angrily.
  The fam exchanged a look with each other.
  "Let me help you, (name)." The Doctor said. "Please. Trust me."
  "Just trust the Doctor?" I asked. "That's what you said before."
  "I did say that." She said. She raised her hand toward me. "Trust me, (name)."
  "Then tell me what do you think is happening to me? I know you know something. You said not to worry. But I'm so tired, Doctor. I just watched you die. Are you telling me I've been dreaming all of that?"
  "Tell me! Was it the weapon? It did something to me, right? What? It drive me insane? Making me conjuring some form of nightmare and of my fear? Tell me!!"
  I blinked and I realized the Doctor and the fam is gone. "Nooo..." I broke down in tears. "What is happening to me?" I fell on my knees and that's when I noticed my bag is back strapped on my body again. I pulled out my notebook and opened to the last page of my writing. "No. No. No." I screamed and I tore the pages off the book in my rage. And then I cried.
  I finally glanced around my surrounding. I was in the Tardis but no one seemed to be around. I went to the kitchen and pulled a knife from the drawer and a wine from the Doctor's stash. I drank the wine, regardless of the taste, working up on the courage to do what I have to do. 
  "I have to wake up." I whispered. Then I slit my wrist, putting a cut so deep. I hissed in pain as more tears falling from my cheeks. I watched numbly at the blood flowing from the cut. I felt weak and passed out.
  I woke up in a med-bay. Someone has bandaged my wrist. I sighed in disappointment. "Why can't I wake up?" I whispered in desperation.
  "I must admit this is not the first time we have a stowaway but you are actually the first that tried to kill yourself on my Tardis." Someone said, jolting you out of your trance.
  I glanced up to see...Ruth clayton? My jaw dropped in shock. I remembered my Doctor telling me and the fam that Ruth actually is the Doctor but that she didn't remember being her.
  She raised my torn notebook at me. "Just read it all. Quite the days you've had it seemed."
   "You read it...? You believe it...?" I asked. I discreetly take a look at my bandaged wrist. She must have been the one who did it.  She saved my life. Don't know exactly what she did but I felt fine for someone who just survive attempted suicide. I wonder what she thought of me when she found me before. She looked so chill for someone who just find some random stranger. I guess the notebook did help. Can't believe she actually fix the notebook. But then again I should not be surprised that the Doctor did that. And as I look at her, I can almost believe that she is the Doctor but a slightly more mature one?
  She hummed. "I scanned you. The result is that you did indeed come from alternate universe."
   I snorted at that. "Well, we are all got it wrong it seemed. I am dreaming this. I am dreaming of you! Nothing here is real! I'm just having some elaborate hallucination!" Even as I said that, I knew I was wrong because I only knew Ruth Clayton, I never saw the appearance of Ruth!Doctor before. My mind should not be able to conjure any version of the Doctors but the one that I knew. But when I remembered what happened last, I just don't know anymore. I admitted it was stupid of me to try and off myself. But well, i guess I’m well on my way of being insane. Can you blame me?
"Dreaming of me? My, have we met before for you to dream of me like this?  Also I have been hallucination before, wasn't fun. I can tell you I am not a hallucination, dear."
"Of course you are! We've met! You told my Doctor that you are the Doctor but she said she didn't remember being you!" I said.
"A-ah, I know I have met you before, you are with that other Doctor then? Her companion, is it?"
 "You don't understand." I said petulantly.
  "You are right, I don't."
  I was annoyed with this Ruth!Doctor. She is being dismissive of me, like i'm some child throwing tantrum, which in a way I suppose I do. I coughed harsh and I covered my mouth, knowing full well I'm coughing up blood again.
  "Would you like your medicine?" She asked, showing me the vial the alternate Twelfth Doctor gave me.
  I shook my head. "No thanks. I don't want to intrude you any longer."
  She sighed. "You seemed to have give up on staying alive..."
  I snorted. "I'm not dying. I'm just going insane, it seemed." I said sarcastically. 
  Suddenly I heard the wheezing sound of a Tardis. I glanced up at her in confusion.
  "I called the other Doctor here." She said.
  I frowned. "You...you called her here?" I asked.
  "Well, you are an alternate version of her companion." She said.
  I stared at her blankly before I registered what she said. "There is another me here? With...the other Doctor?"
  "Would you like to see her?" She asked.
  I nodded. I was a bit curious of the other me.
  It was really weird seeing an alternate version of yourself, I have got to say. The Doctor and the other me stared at me in shock. I felt suddenly self-conscious. I did just tried to off myself. I tried to hide my bandaged wrist behind me.
  They invited me to their Tardis. Ruth!Doctor clearly wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible. I can't blame her. Who would want a damage good like me anyway? And I did dirtying her Tardis by trying to kill myself over there. She gave my torn notebook and medicine to the other Doctor. They talked for a bit.
  The other me is staring at me curiously. I was at first curious but now I just want the other me to go away. She made me felt like a strange alien.
  The Doctor smiled at me. "Hello, (name), it's good to meet you."
  I didn't smile back. 
  Her smile faltered. "I'm so sorry to hear what has been happening to you. I promise I will help you get home." She said as she grabbed one of my hands and it happened to be the bandaged one. She looked like someone kicked her puppy as she noticed the bandaged wrist. "Please don't give up, (name), your Doctor wouldn't want you to."
  I pulled my hand off her. I wanted to hurt her with words but I can't think of anything despite my sudden anger at her. "You don't know me." I finally lashes out. "I'm not her. And you are not the Doctor." 
  She looked hurt. I saw the other me bristled and about to shout at me but her Doctor stopped her. She whispered something to her and the other me left us behind.
  I scoffed. "Don't worry, I won't be here for long anyway."
  "Let me help you, (name)."
  I could felt myself about to cry again and I hated myself. "No one can help me. Not anymore. I just want to wake up from this nightmare." I whispered to myself.
  The Doctor looked so sad, I almost wanted to comfort her, but I didn't. She wasn't mine. 
  I was surprised when she suddenly hugged me close. "I know it's hard, (name), but you have to have some faith. Just trust the Doctor."
  I cried when she said that. I hugged her back. And then I could feel myself being ripped away again. But I already resigned to my fate so I let her go.
   tags : @thatsonezesty13 , @0castergirl0
(ok, first time someone ask to be tagged but i’m kinda worried that you will be disappointed with how this turn out.)
  A/N: Alright, so this is the end of part two. I still have no idea how to end this story. As you can probably tell, the plotline is messy and probably ended up repetitive. At the rate this is going, this story might not get a part three at all. Maybe the Reader truly lost in time after all. I tried to write a dark!doctor but I think I failed. I really wanted to write for dark!doctor. Maybe I would have better luck next time, whenever next time is and if there ever be another next time.
I would like to take this chance to say thank you for those who follow my blog and leaving likes/comment/reblog on my past stories. Thank you all and I hope you didn't finally come to your sense and realize how bad I truly am at writing. Stay cool, everyone!
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Two in the Afternoon
Aperçu: Reader wakes up after a wild night to a very sleepy (and probably still drunk) Vince. Fluff ensues.
Fic Type: Vince Neil x Reader, FLUFF, The Dirt // Mötley Crüe fanfic
Warnings: It’s Mötley fucking Crüe, dude.
Author’s Note: This is short, as I was not incredibly confident in my abilities to write Vince’s character correctly (apologies if he’s a bit lot ooc). @malibubarbievince offered some great tips though, which I greatly appreciated. As always, italics are flashbacks. Enjoy!
The night had started with “You can’t possibly drink all that!” And so, naturally, you just had to prove Nikki wrong, with your ever-supportive boyfriend-of-three-months by your side, ready and willing to tell you that you looked very hot with Jack Daniels spilled down the front of your white t-shirt. Well, his white t-shirt.
The night had ended somewhere around four in the morning, when you took one look at the clock in the bar and vaguely remembered Doc’s demand that the boys be in their hotel room and in bed before two in the morning. That promise had been broken about five beers, three shots, and many, many lines of cocaine ago. So when Vince made fun of your refusal to do a body shot off a stripper (wouldn’t be the first time he’d asked you; he though it’d be hot), you shot back with, “Isn’t it past your bedtime? Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”.
To which Vince replied, “In my bed with you? Yes.”
And that was how you ended up between the sheets with Vince Neil. Not like it would’ve ended any differently on any other night anyway.
A stretch of midday sunlight glowed golden across the rumpled sheets, and the smell of Vince invaded your senses. Yeah, he smelled like sweat and alcohol and cigarettes and cologne… but beneath that he had his own smell. It was warm and safe, and it was your favorite smell in the whole world.
Vince’s chest was warm against your back, and his arm was draped over your waist, calloused hands brushing your thigh. His legs were tangled with yours, and there was nothing more soothing than the comfort of his touch.
Across the room, you could see the clothes you’d scattered across the furniture in your alcohol-induced rush to make it to the bed. Vince’s leather pants were on the mini bar. Of course, it really wouldn’t of mattered. Vince would have been content to fuck on the couch, the table, the bathroom sink… You giggled to yourself when you saw your panties hanging from the top of the lamp by the desk.
Bits and pieces of last night came back, like a bunch of puzzle pieces that hadn’t clicked together yet.
Vince playfully nibbled at your neck. Being subtle was a skill that both of you lacked, so it was of no surprise to either of you when someone came pounding on the hotel room door.
“C’mere,” Vince stood, wearing nothing but boxers and dress tie wrapped around his head like a headband that he had gotten god-knows-where. You, were wearing slightly less. As in, you were wearing nothing.
“I wanna show off my beautiful girlfriend!” Vince laughed as person outside knocked louder.
You climbed onto his back, piggy-back style, and together you went to answer the door, Vince in his underwear, and you still butt-ass-naked.
When Motley Crue’s manager, Doc McGhee, stood in the doorway saw you two, he just sighed.  “Sad thing is, that’s not even the worst thing I’ve seen in the last ten minutes,” he said as you planted kisses up and down Vince’s neck. Cocky boy still had your lipstick smeared on his jaw.
You groaned internally. Well, there went all of Doc’s respect for you. Oh well. You snuggled closer to Vinny, enjoying the feeling of security. He could keep you safe from big, bad, no-fun managers like Doc. You sighed, breathing in the moment, and the silence and the comfort. Rarely was it this quiet with Vince Neil around.
If only it could be like this forever. Just you and him and this hotel room. No shows, no interviews, no groupies… Just an endless stretch of morning bliss.
And that fucking sunlight. God, it was so bright.
You sighed, rubbing your eyes, head pounding. Well, someone had to shut those damn curtains, and it sure as hell wasn’t gonna be Vince’s lazy ass.
With a huff, you wiggled out from under Vince’s arm and disentangled yourself from his legs and the sheets. Or, you tried to anyway.
“No! I’m not letting you… It’s too early to get out of bed…” Vince’s voice was a low growl, tired and a little bit grumpy about being woken up.
“Vinny, babe,” you glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand, “its two in the afternoon.”
You pulled yourself out of bed, bracing against the cool air that Vince’s body heat had protected you from. Bare skin exposed to the air, you shivered as you walked over to the window.
“Y/N, it’s too cold, come back!” He groaned, pulling the covers closer.
Vince cracked an eye open just in time to see your body silhouetted by the golden sunlight before you pulled the curtains tightly shut.  
“You’re so beautiful…” he murmured as you slid back under the warm covers.
“Yeah, I probably look like a raccoon,” you whispered back, imagining the eyeliner and mascara that HAD to of smeared under your eyes.
Vince nodded sleepily. “The hottest damn raccoon in this whole fuckin’ town.”
You just shook your head and curled against him again, burying your face in his chest, breathing in the smell of him. His arms wrapped around you again, his hand on your lower back, thumb moving back and forth over the soft skin of your waistline. Basking in the rare silence, you felt Vince’s heart beating gently beneath where your head was resting.
“Y/N… I think you’re my soulmate,” he muttered, voice still heavy with sleep.
“And I think you’re still drunk,” you teased. Vince rarely got lovey-dovey. Hot and heavy was more his style.
“Just shuddup an’ let me talk!” He yawned, shifting so that his lips brushed the shell of your ear.. “D’y’know what the hardest part about having a soulmate is? It’s not… all the time spent… spent tryin’ to fill the loneliness with all these other people, just hoping one of them will be the right one. Its- its the love. I’m not Tommy, y’know? Not a romantic- I just like girls. I didn’t believe in that shit- that two people were, like, meant to be together forever. Its the love, Y/N. It’s too strong, you can’t fight it. When I first met you… I tried to fight it. I was a fucking idiot for even trying,” He yawned again, pulling you closer against him. You could feel the warm breath from his words against your ear. “I’ve tried to fight it… but I’m always gonna love you, Y/N. And I need you to know that.”
Your heart felt like it was going to explode, so naturally you had to ruin to moment. “...you’re clearly still high.”
“Yeah, highly in love with you.”
Permanent Tag List:
@lunarmoonwolf @silver-starburst  @thatshiscigar @asteriabrimstone @midnightwritingrussiancoffee @mismatch-the-socks
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zelalecki · 5 years
Always: The Pilot
A/N: Hello everyone! It has been a long time. But you know, life happens and what not. I didn’t think I would ever finish this series. But I was looking through my old google docs and found the last part of this series. And then I re-read the other parts of Always, and fell in love with the story all over again and decided to post what I have with what was supposed to be the last installment.  It’s a little rough and kind of not finished but I liked how it ended. Anyway, I know it’s been a long time. But I hope you guys enjoy anyway. I’ll most likely reblog the other parts just so it’s updated. 
Links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Pairings: Sam Winchester x Original Female Character
Summary: Bobby finds a little girl during a hunt and didn’t have the heart to let her go, so he decides to raise her as his own. Sam is instantly enchanted by little Eva, and vice versa. The series follows the two as they grow up together in the hunting world.
Warnings: John might be a little OOC and some details of the show may have been altered to fit the story.
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"Dean? You scared the crap out of me!"
Dean let's out a laugh. "That's 'cause you're out of practice."
Sam grabs Dean's hand and yanks, slamming his heel into Dean's back and flips, making Sam on top of Dean.
"Or not." Dean groans.
Sam taps his brother twice where he's holding him.
"Get off of me."
Sam rolls to his feet and pulls Dean up.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"Well, I was looking for a beer." The older brother joked.
Dean puts his hands on Sam's shoulders, shakes once, and let's go.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Sam asks again.
"Okay. All right. We gotta talk."
"Uh, the phone?"
"If I'd'a called, would you have picked up?"
A blonde woman enters the room and flips the light on. "Sam?"
Sam and Dean turn their heads in unison.
"Jess. Hey. Dean, this is my girlfriend, Jessica."
Dean looks at her appreciatively.
Jess looks at Sam with a surprised look, "Wait, your brother Dean?"
Jess smiles as Sam nods. Dean grins at her and moves closer.
"Oh, I love the Smurfs." He starts as he takes in her clothing. Or Lack there of. "You know, I gotta tell you. You are completely out of my brother's league."
"Just let me put something on." She says shyly.
Jess turns to go. Deans' voice stops her. "No, no, no, I wouldn't dream of it. Seriously".
Dean goes back over to Sam without taking his eyes off Jess. Sam watches him, his expression stony.
"Anyway, I gotta borrow your boyfriend here, talk about some private family business. But, uh, nice meeting you."
"No." Sam goes over to Jess and puts an arm around her. "No, whatever you want to say, you can say it in front of her."
"Okay." Dean turns to look at them both straight on. "Um. Dad hasn't been home in a few days."
"So he's working overtime on a Miller Time shift. He'll stumble back in sooner or later."
Dean ducks his head and looks back up. And clears his throat. "Dad's on a hunting trip. And he hasn't been home in a few days."
Suddenly, a body steps out from the shadows of the dark apartment. Being distracted by Dean, Sam failed to notice that there was another person in the room.
Sam's breath is caught in his throat as he realizes who it is.
"Evie?!" He gasps.
Eva smiles and shyly puts a stray hair behind her ear. "Hiya, Mammy. It's been a while."
Sam swallows. Dean coming to him for help was a surprise, but more importantly, he knew that Eva wouldn't have come if it wasn't an emergency.
"Jess, excuse us. We have to go outside." Sam says, never taking his eyes off of Eva.
Eva, knowing that the brothers needed a moment to talk, tore her eyes off of Sam and to the blonde woman next to him. "Uhm, can you show me where the kitchen is? I'd like a glass of water."
Jess first looked at Sam, but his eyes were still fixed on Eva.
"Sure. Yeah. Follow me." She said with a smile.
Eva chewed at her lip as she studied the blonde who was currently fixing her a glass of water. Eva couldn't help but think that this woman, the woman that Sam has been with for the past 2 years, was the complete opposite of her. Jess was tall and slender, whereas, constant diner food and her genetics, left Eva on the curvier side and barely reached 5'4. Jess had cute hair that had a perfect natural curl, most likely from the extra time she had for it.  Eva, not only did she not have enough time to even shampoo her hair, couldn't even afford extra hair products, which left her with a frizzy mess of waves. The blood and guts of the supernatural probably didn't help either.
"You don't have to worry, ya know." The other woman said, interrupting her thoughts. "Sam's still in love with you." Jess told her as she handed over the glass of water.
Eva's eyes shot to Jess's. "What?" She asked shocked at what she said.
Jess smiled. "It's Evie? Right?"
Eva looked back down at the glass  "Eva, actually. Sam's the only one that calls me that."
"Right. Of course, Eva. I'm Jess. It's nice to finally meet you." Jess said as she stuck out her hand.
Eva looked at it confusingly. She figured Sam would have gotten a girlfriend eventually. It's not a thought that she particularly enjoyed thinking about. But Eva knew he wanted the full apple pie life. Wife, kids, and a white picket fence. The whole nine. What she didn't expect was to meet the girl, and she really didn't expect to be shaking hands with her.
Nonetheless, Eva took her hand.
"Finally?" Eva asked.
Jess let out a small giggle. "Sam talks about you all the time! It's nice to put a face to the name."
Jess noticed the peculiar look on Eva's face. "You look confused."
"I just- I didn't think Sam would’ve talked about me." In all honesty, Eva didn't know what to think. Of course, they didn't end in bad terms. It was the complete opposite. Their last night together was a bittersweet moment. It was obviously filled with the heaviness of goodbye, but it was more importantly filled with the love of their first time together and excitement of his new future, despite her not being able to be in it. Being a part of the past he was trying to escape from, she didn't think she would have been mentioned at all.
Jess gave her a pointed look. "You know, Sam and I were friends before we became what we are now. Actually, I was the one who asked him out." She laughed .."and he shot me down."
Jess continued with her story when Eva stayed silent.
"Throughout our friendship, I got to know him more, and of course, that just made me want him more. And I didn't exactly hide it. "
"I promise, there's a point to this." Jess added as she saw the scowl that appeared on Eva's face. Eva just took a deep breath and motioned for her to finish the story.
"One night, we went out drinking with our friends. I was able to get Sam alone, and with a lot of liquid courage running through my veins, I decided I would make a fool of myself one more time.
So I said, 'Look, Sam. I know, you know, I like you. I promise I won't bring this up again if you tell me why you won't go out with me’ .You know what he said to me?"
Eva shook her head.
"He said, it wouldn't be fair. When I asked him what that meant, it took a while for him to respond. I think he was debating about telling me about you or not. But eventually he explained. He said that, if we were to be anything, he wouldn't be able to give everything, and that isn't fair to me. He told me 'I gave my heart to someone long ago, so it isn't mine to give. Jess, you're a wonderful person, and you deserve someone who can give you what I can’t."
Eva let out a small laugh, "That sounds like Sam." Always thinking of the others before himself.
"Right?!" Jess agreed and laughed with her before she continued.
"Any normal girl probably would have taken his word for it, and would have fled for the hills. I mean, who would want to be with a guy who was in love with someone else. But for some reason, what he said made me fall for him more. Trusting me with that small truth about him, made me see how caring and how loyal this guy is. And I thought to myself, a part of Sam is better than no Sam.
So I told him, 'I am a grown woman. I get to decide what I deserve and don't deserve. And I'm okay with what you can give me. I bet, what I get from whatever relationship we have, is more than what some other people have in certain marriages. I understand what you're saying Sam and this my choice'. And so began our weird relationship."
"My point Eva," Jess paused until Eva locked eyes with her, "is that, Sam never looked at me the way he looked at you just now. And that is how I know he still loves you. Because I've waited 2 years to see that look on his face."
Eva took a deep breathe in and let it out slowly as she digested what Jess told her. "I think this would have been easier if you were a bitch."
Jess laughed and Eva laughed along with her.
All in all, she felt more confused because she no longer felt jealous toward Jess. If anything, all she felt was gratitude. Thankful that Sam was able to find someone to love him despite his baggage. So Eva said the only thing she could. "Thank you, Jess."
She smiled, "You're welcome."
Just then, Sam walked in. His eyes shot to Eva first but then to Jess. "Uh, Jess, we need to talk."
Eva looked back at Jess and gave her a hug. “It was nice meeting you, Jess.”
“Yeah. You too.” she replied, returning the hug.
Jess followed Sam into their bedroom. "So, how long will you be gone?" She asked sitting down on the bed as Sam placed one of his overnight bags on it.
Sam started to throw random articles of clothing in it. "I don't know."
"Will you be back for your interview?"
Sam sighed, “I don’t know.”
Jess stayed quiet as Sam finished packing his bag. Once he was done, he sat on the bed with his head in his hands. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He was out. He was doing great. He had friends, he was ace-ing his classes. Just when he let himself believe that this could work.
A hand on his shoulder made him jump, interrupting his thoughts. His eyes met Jess’s. What could he say to her? She sacrificed so much choosing to be with him, even when he couldn’t give in return. He opened his mouth to apologize, but she interrupted him with a shake of her head.
“It’s okay, Sam. I’ll be here if you decide to come back.” If, not when, Sam noted.
She grabbed his hand and placed something in it. Sam looked and recognized the small little stuffed dog. Evie had given it to him after their last night together, saying that he’s going to need protection. He smiled at the memory.
He looked at Jess again, and he could see the forgiveness in her eyes. He leaned forward and gave her a soft kiss, “Thank you. For everything.”
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This one is a long one but I really don't feel like making a full story out of it. So I just wrote it out here for keeping.
It's a long one. 11 word doc pages. But it's kind of neat in my mind. It's about The Miz being a secret pediatrician and how somehow he ends up having to deal with me and my mother.
NOTE: This dream involves COVID. So if you don't want to hear about that, look away. Also, cops being assholes, so that too.
Also Note: This is probably the most OOC Miz you will ever read. But then, that's literally a big part of the dream. So take from that what you will.
Dream under cut.
The dream starts with my parents pulling up to a bus stop. Mom gets out of the car (it’s her car) and hugs me.
She tells me she’s missed me and asked how I’ve been since she’s been gone. I tell her I still really don’t appreciate them taking an island vacation without me but whatever. I’m glad she’s back. I put my belongings in their trunk and notice a bag that has what looks like oranges in it. My mom tells me to mind the groceries and I do, putting my luggage beside it (along with my purse), My dad, meanwhile is being a complete asshole. We get into an argument and I shout that I wish the plane had crashed bringing them home. He gets super pissed and shuffles my mom back into the car and they drive off without me.
I’m now left alone in a strange town with no money, no ID, and no idea where the hell anything is. I break down crying softly before realizing that I do still have my phone. I contemplate calling for help but there’s nobody I know to help me.
So I just sit there crying for a few minutes as people walk by. Bizarre enough, one of the people that walks by is THE MIZ! I’m too stunned to say anything but, when he sees me, he smiles. He doesn’t stop walking though and I watch him go into a nearby office plaza.
I stay stunned for a bit before I start crying again. Eventually, a nice man sits down beside me. He says “What’s wrong, honey?” (Note in the dream this man was clearly someone my brain tried to render as a black trans man. But my brain was having problems with the imagery so he sort of kept shifting between a black man and a black woman.)
Anyway, for a moment, I hesitate, before I give up and just start blabbering my problems, from having covid to everything that followed, to my dad being an asshole, to finally blurting out “And the MIZ walked by and smiled at me and I’m so far out of reactions that I just STARED at him!”
“The Miz who?” the man asked.
I realize for a moment that the man might not know his ring name.
“Mike Mizanin. He’s a -”
“Oh, you mean Dr. M.!”
I’m confused.
“What!?” I ask, astonished.
“Dr. M. He’s, well he’s something of a mystery actually. He’s the best known pediatrician in town but he’s almost entirely run via his radio show. He has an office but not a whole lot of people know where it is.”
I’m stunned. “Do you know?”
The man shakes his head. “Fraid not. But you can call into his radio show if---”
He trails off, rethinking his remark before continuing. “I mean, you could call in if you want. But I don’t think he’d appreciate it if it wasn’t about pediatrics.”
I nod. The bus shows up and the man gets on.
I’m left alone again.
I sit there for awhile. The sun is getting low and I look at my watch. It’s about 4:30. I decide to look up Miz’s show. I do and, after a bit, I find it.
I wait another 10 minutes before deciding what the hell and calling it. I craft a statement in my brain and dial the number.
After a moment I get through.
“Hey, your on the air with Dr. M. What’s your question?”
It is very clearly the Miz on the line. I freeze for a moment before speaking.
‘Uh, yea. So I just wanted to thank you for all the work you’ve done for the community. Really. ALL your work. It’s pretty special actually.”
I hear him sign. I haven’t even come close to masking my intent.
He speaks up again. “I appreciate your gratitude, caller. If you need any more information, please download the Dr. M. app on google play or app store. Thanks for calling.”
The call disconnects.
I’m sad but, hey, at least I got to speak with him for 10 seconds!
I go back to sitting quietly before deciding “What the hell, check out the app.”
So I download the app. I sort through it for a bit, all pretty standard stuff. But after a bit longer, I decide I should probably try to call my mom. However, when I try to call her, the app (which is suddenly malfunctioning) causes me to call the last number dialed instead – Miz.
I get his radio show again.
“Hello! You’re on the air with Dr. M. What’s your -”
“Sorry,” I blurt out. “Wrong number!”
I hang up.
I fiddle with the phone and try again.
“Hey,’ he says, his voice tired and clearly annoyed. “You’re on the air with Dr. M. Is there anything I can help you with? Really? ANYTHING?”
“THIS STUPID PHONE ISN’T WORKING!” I shout and hang up again.
I fiddle with it some more and, after another 10 minutes, try to call my mom again.
“Look, caller,” he says sternly. “If you don’t have a -”
“I am TRYING!” I tell him, beginning to cry. “My phone keeps calling you no matter what I do.”
I can’t stop from crying. Annoying the Miz was never on my list of things to do that day.
“Ok, ok. Calm down.” he says, his voice suddenly and surprisingly kind. “Look. Leave the phone alone for a bit. I’ll have someone call you off the air and sort it out. Will that help?”
I make a choked sound of affirmation.
“Ok. Hang in there,” he says, “We’ll get it straightened out.”
“Thanks,” I tell him.
He hangs up.
I fight to keep it together and, after a bit longer, I do. But now I can’t use my phone at all, and not even to call my mom.
Luckily I don’t have to wait too long.
After about 20 minutes, a strange number rings through. I decide to answer it.
“OK,” the voice says. “Let’s get this straightened out.”
It’s the Miz again. He’s called me himself.
I start to get worked up again and he stops me.
“Your anxiety is pretty severe,” he says in the tone of voice that you would 100% expect from a doctor. “You seeing someone for that?”
“Yeah,” I admit, “But they’re pretty trash about it. My therapist is ok but, COVID and all, I’m lucky if I can get one appointment a month.”
“Yeah. It’s pretty bad out there. Have you gotten it?”
“I got Omicron at the start of the year but I’ve been cleared for a week. And that’s on top of me double quarantining.”
“You know,” he says, “The CDC keeps saying that you only need to isolate for 5 days. It’s such a lie. Any doctor will tell you otherwise. Good for you for sticking it out the full ten.”
I suddenly start to cry again. And again he tries to emotionally intercept.
“So, “ he says, “You know who I am. Who I really am. How did you figure that out?”
“Uhh... a nice man told me that Mike Mizanin was Dr. M. and that you ran a radio show in town.”
There’s a pause.
“What’s your name, miss?”
I chuckle.
“Got it in one,” I tell him.
“Huh?” he shoots back.
“No no. It’s - Call me Shanie. It’s what everyone else calls me.”
“Shanie, huh?”
“Do I want to know how you got that name?”
I sigh. “You really don’t.”
Miz chuckles. “That name wouldn’t have anything to do with why you called me would it?”
And just like that, I’m crying again. I can’t stop. I start to babble. I tell him about how, yes, I’m a WWE Fan and how I loved his program with Shane because seeing him bonded with Shane over their dads made me feel so strongly about the shit with my own dad. I also tell him about how my dad has treated me like shit my entire life and, seeing him hug his dad in the ring, it made me cry.
He tries to calm me down.
“Hey, Shanie. It’s ok. Just... it’s ok. Don’t feel bad. If it makes you feel any better, it made Shane cry too.”
“Yeah,” I sniffle, trying to calm down. “I noticed. I do have eyes.”
“Is that why you like him so much?” Miz asks.
“Oh don’t you dare,” I say, getting annoyed at his tactics. “Don’t you psych 101 me, Miz.”
He laughs. “Ok, sorry. Fine. But please, in this case, call me Dr. M.”
I look around at my very public surroundings on the bench.
“Uhh,” I reply, “I’m literally sitting at a bus stop. There are people going by every ten seconds. I’m not sure if that’s the best idea. People seem to know you here.”
“Ah. Then, I guess, call me Mike. I don’t normally... It’s fine. Just call me Mike.”
I get a heck of a warm fuzzy feeling over being granted that particular permission.
“Thanks, Mike.” I tell him. “You know, you’re a lot nicer than I expected.”
He chuckles. “I get that a lot. So, about your dad. Let me give you some advice. We choose who we spend our time with. Everyday. If you don’t want him in your life, remove him. If you think it’s worth fighting for, then do so. But please. Don’t spend your entire life trying to impress or appease someone who will never love you in return. Trust me, I’ve seen what it does to a person. It’s not pretty.”
I can’t help but comment on that one. “Yeah. You start doing stupid shit like jumping off the friggin hell in a cell.”
“Oh. So you do have eyes.”
“Ehhh, let’s just say that I recognize crippling daddy issues when I see them. Sort of comes with the territory of having them myself.”
“It’s ok. Everyone has problems. I mean, if they didn’t, I would have a day job.”
“True. How the hell did you end up a pediatrician anyway?”
“I’ve always liked kids. And besides, if Britt can be a dentist...”
I chuckle.
“You know,” I tell him, “I just bought one of your figures. The newest one, with the white coat.”
“The Summerslam one?”
“Yeah. Elite 86. It’s pretty nice. I still say that one early elite is the only one that got your face right though.”
“I know. Elite 13 or something? They made me look good there. Then they refused to ever use that head for me again. It’s annoying. Do you collect a lot of figures?”
I’m starting to feel much better. Talking about something other than my problems works wonders.
“I love figures. Not just WWE. I’ve got a decent AEW collection started too, plus Buffy, Doctor Who, and Marvel Legends. I just wish I could find a replacement for Kaiser doll stands. The Ringside stands only work with the WWE figures. Everything else I have to use Kaiser and Kenny Omega will NOT stay upright on his own.”
“Ah. Here’s a tip. Kalat stands. #715. You have to import them but they’re really cheap. The pegholes are perfectly sized for the AEW figures.”
“Wow, really? How do you know that?”
He sighs. “I... may have a Britt Baker Chase figure in my office.”
“Lucky guy. I want that one so bad. I’m from around her. Brittsburgh would look great on my shelf.”
Suddenly, my mom’s car pulls up nearby. She gets out and starts walking over to me.
“Hey, my mom is here,” I tell the Miz. “I got to go.”
“Are you going to be ok?” he asks.
“Yeah. I love my mom. She’s the best.”
I’m about to hang up before I remember my phone acting up.
“Hey, uh, Mike. About my phone....”
“Right. You have an older phone, right?” he asks.
“Yeah. IPhone 5.”
“Of course. The app gets glitchy on unsupported phones. Just uninstall it from the settings menu. You should be fine.”
A thought strikes me.
“Wait,” I say, “What number is this?”
His voice suddenly turns stern. “It’s my cell phone. So make sure you delete it from your call logs when we hang up. No really. You seem nice enough, but...”
“It’s fine. I’ll do that. And Mike? Thanks.”
“Sure thing. I wouldn’t be much of a doctor if I wasn’t here to help.”
“Bye Shanie.”
We hang up. I quicky uninstall the app and, once it’s done, my call settings are unlocked However, my mother has been standing next to me for a bit and looks impatient.
“Who were you on the phone with?” she asks.
“Mike,” I tell her, greatful that I actually have a friend named Mike to use as an alibi.
She goes to hug me.
“I hope it was a nice conversation,” she says. “Your dad is at the hotel. I figured we could go get dinner on our own. Leave him out of it.”
“Sounds like a plan,” I reply.
So my mom helps me up and I start for the car. Suddenly, I remember that my stuff is still in the trunk.
“Hey, mom. Pop the trunk will you? I want my purse.”
She heads around to the car to do so and I grab my purse. Suddenly, I hear a THUD noise. Without closing the trunk, I rush over to her.
She’s on the ground, unconsious.
I try to wake her but she’s passed out. Literally passed out on the street.
I freak out. My brain starts spinning. I want to call 911 but I know better. We’re in the city. The hospital is probably FULL of COVID patients. As in, she’d be lucky to get a bed. But I realize I don’t know the number of any other doctors...
I have no other choice.
I pull up the call log and call the Miz.
The phone rings for a moment before he answers.
“Look,” he says, “We had a nice chat, but I am already regretting-”
“My mom passed out. She’s on the street unconscious and I can’t get her to wake up.”
A beat.
“Where are you,” he asks, his voice very serious.
“Whatever building you went into earlier. I’m out front of there. At the bus stop.”
“Right. Can you get her in the car and to the south entrance?”
“I can try but it’s going to hurt.”
“Do it. I’ll meet you there.”
He hangs up and, finding it far less of a struggle than I expected, I pick my mom up and put her in the car before I turn the car on, driving it to what I’m guessing is the south entrance.
I realize I have completely neglected to close the trunk.
When I get to the south entrance, Miz comes out shortly. He’s wearing his doctor’s jacket and carrying a medical bag.
We get my mom out of the car and onto the ground. He starts to check her over and clearly doesn’t like what he sees.
“Has she been out of the country recently?” he asks.
“Yeah, she just got in today. She was on vacation.”
Miz stops his examination and, grabbing his own phone, steps away.
“I’m calling the ambulance. Pull your mask up.” he says, motioning to the mask that I had been wearing around my chin. I do, but I’m starting to get even more scared.
“Do you think - “ I begin, but he waves me off.
“Hello, Darla?” he says into his phone. “This is Mike. Yes, Mizanin. I got another one for you. According to her daughter she collapsed and has been unresponsive ever since.... yeah, my thoughts too. Can you get a bus over here? By my office. Great. Thanks, Darla.”
Mike hangs up the phone and returns to my mother. I’m fighting the need to scream my lungs out.
“You think it’s COVID, don’t you?” I ask.
“Don’t worry,” he tells me. “You’re still in the immunity period. You’ll be fine. We need to focus on her now.”
The panic is still rising. “Is she -”
Miz puts a hand on my arm. “Listen. Panicking won’t help at all. Is she vaccinated?”
“Double and boosted.”
“Does she smoke? Diabetes? Any major comorbidities?”
“No, she’s the healthiest person I know. I mean, she’s old, but...”
“Then she should survive. This is just the onset. We just need to get her somewhere that can help her through it.”
“Miz, I mean, Mike. There is no way the hospital here isn’t full.”
Miz shakes his head. “This is California, not Florida. People here actually give a shit. There’s still room left in the ER and I doubt she’ll need the ICU.”
Just then, a police car shows up, and two cops get out. One of them is holding my purse.
“Are you ________,” he asks.
“Yeah, why?”
“You are under arrest.”
“What the-”
Miz immediately steps in.
“Officer, wait,” he says, literally positioning himself between me and the cops. “This woman is under my care. You can’t take her. She’s had an exposure and isn’t safe to be transported.”
I decide to play along and nod.
The other cop is crouched by my mom.
“What about this one,” he asks coldly.
“That’s the one who exposed her,” Miz says angrily, “Get away from my patient.”
The cops, who prior to that point were NOT wearing masks, decide they probably should and pull them from their pockets to put on.
The first cop asks “Did you call an ambulance for this woman?”
“I’m a doctor,” Miz says, “not a moron. Of course I did.”
“Then once they are both cleared we will take them into custody.”
“HANG ON -” I start, shouting. “What is this even about? Why is anyone under arrest?!”
“Ask for a lawyer, Shanie,” I hear Miz whisper behind me. I’m not listening.
The cop holds up a photograph of the oranges that I had seen earlier.
“Do you recognize these oranges?” he asks.
Like an idiot, I reply “Yeah. My mom brought some home from vacation.”
Miz makes a strangled huff from behind me. “Really, Shanie,” he whispers again, “Keep quiet.”
I’m still not listening. I’m worked the fuck up at this point. It’s within my rights to remain silent but it is nowhere near within my ability.
“Officer,” I told him, “I don’t know what you are going on about, but that isn’t even my car!”
“Is that so?” he asks. “Because we have witnesses that say you drove it over here. And your purse fell from the trunk along with the bag of oranges. Also, these items were also in it.”
He shows me a second photo with other, more freaky-looking fruit in it.
“It’s a federal crime to bring foreign produce into this country,’ he tells me, “So tell me. Do you recognize these items?”
“Shanie. Lawyer.” Miz grumbles one final time. Still not listening.
“I have never seen... NO,” I say completely pissed by this point. I stand up straight and put my hand on my heart. “I will swear to you by the highest oath I can give. I swear to Shane Brandon FUCKING McMahon I have never seen those items in my life.”
The noise that Miz makes behind me is equal parts a choked scream and an utterly failed attempt at withholding laughter.
“Yeah...” the cop says, “That means nothing. You’re still under arrest.”
“Wait, wait wait,” Miz says, recovering. “Why don’t you check the registration for the car. You’ll find out immediately whose car that is.”
The officers share a look and the second officer gets into the glove compartment.
He brings back the registration and reads off my mom's name. He then points at my still unconscious mother.
“Is that _________?”
My heart sinks. My mom is going to take the fall for this now.
“Yes, officer.”
Suddenly, the ambulance that Miz called pulls up. The EMTs get out and start tending to my mother. Meanwhile, the cops are talking to them and being menaces.
Miz and I stand back watching. I’ve run out of emotions at this point and I’m just staring blankly.
Miz gets close enough behind me to say softly in my ear. “I really wish that had been your father’s car.”
I nod. “Me too.”
Eventually, the EMTs put my mom in the ambulance and the Cops come over.
“Your mother will be taken to the local hospital and treated. When she’s released, she will face charges of customs evasion.”
The cop chuckles sadistically.
“Is there anything else you’d love to share with us about this situation?
The most evil thought comes into my head.
“Yeah,” I tell him, “________. My father. He’s staying at the Raddison. He was also on that trip and there is nothing my mother does that isn’t his bidding. She’s a bit of a doormat actually. My father is the one you want. If there’s anyone responsible for bringing forbidden fruit into this country, it’s him. And you can quote me on that.”
The cop writes down my statement with a twisted grin.
“Thanks for the info, sweetie. We’ll see you in court.”
The cops leave and so does the ambulance. I watch them go.
Miz, from behind me once more says “Did that feel good?”
I nod. “Better than kicking his ass at Wrestlemania.”
I then grow quiet as I remember the place I’m in.
“Except,” I say, “Now I REALLY have nowhere to go. I’m broke, I have no access to food, a room, a car, anything. Oh great job Shanie, you somehow managed to make things worse!”
Miz is trying not to laugh again and failing. I turn around to glare at him
“Can you not?” I demand.
“No, sorry,” he says, his laughter stopping, “It’s just... ‘swear to Shane’? You really are named after him, aren’t you?”
I draw a pained, awkward breath between my teeth. “Yep,” I tell him. There’s really nothing I can say in my defense at this point so I decide to shut up.
“Come on inside,” Miz tells me. “We’ll find something to do with you.”
I’m a bit shocked but glad. Over his mask, I look into his eyes. They are almost foreign to me. I’ve watched Miz on tv long enough to know who he is but the person I’ve been talking to all night isn’t him. He’s completely different. He’s kind and caring and somehow a friggin PEDIATRICIAN.
“Wow,” I say softly, “You really are nothing like you are on TV.”
“Like I said,” he replies, “I get that a lot. Come on.”
He leads me inside, through a series of corridors and to a door that says “Private Entrance”. Unlocking it, he motions for me to stay inside. When I get there, I see Maryse sitting on the floor playing with their daughters.
“Oh hi, honey,” Maryse says, a bit concerned. “Who’s this?”
“Just a patient,” he tells her. “I’ll see you in a few minutes, I have to get changed.”
“Another exposure?” she asks.
“Yeah. Be back in a few.”
Miz motions for me to have a seat in a chair on the far side of the room. I oblige and take the seat. Miz disappears into the back and I’m left with Maryse and the kids.
She doesn’t even seem to notice me, she’s too busy with her own family. And as I watch the three of them, I can’t help but feel warm and fuzzy inside all over again. I know in my heart my mother will be fine. Moms are strong and awesome like that. And, if there’s any justice in the world, my father will take the fall for the fruit and will be out of my life forever.
There are good things in store for me, I can feel it.
I watch as one of the girls gives Maryse a kiss.
“Love you, Mommy,” she says. Maryse kisses her back saying “Love you too.”
Yep, I think.
Moms are awesome.
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mercss · 2 years
Been a whole ass day since I was able to write
I hate college sometimes
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mercss · 2 years
Been busy today with some Nondescript Winter Holiday preparations, tomorrow I can finally start writing again
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mercss · 2 years
tfw when you have an extreme urge to write but you also have a deadline t'ill thursday-
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mercss · 2 years
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mercss · 4 years
People: Are you ok?
Me: Yeah I'm ok :)
Also me with my earphones, thinking about Merc and Yang:
You're Special — NF
2:32 ━━━❍──────5:12
↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
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mercss · 4 years
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Like or reblog this for a starter with the asshole that is Mercury Black!
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mercss · 4 years
Thinking abou changing my url, some examples:
Tell me which one would you guys prefer! And if you a better make sure to tell me! I kinda suck at this 😅
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