#one more and I’ll have a hat trick
elluminis · 1 year
Can people stop having medical emergencies around me. Like that would be great.
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starryhyuck · 7 months
against all odds. (m)
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pairing: gryffindor!jaehyun x slytherin!afab!reader
words: 13.2k+
summary: jeong jaehyun has always had the biggest crush on you. that is, until he finds out you’re engaged to nakamoto yuta.
genre: fluff, angst, smut
warnings: jaehyun and reader are extremely horny, pregnancy, penetrative sex, rough sex, public sex, pussy eating, creampies, breeding kink, fingering, squirting, dick sucking, messy sex
Jaehyun feels like he’s on top of the world.
He’s managed to secure another Gryffindor win under his arm with his House praising his ability to spot the Golden Snitch so quickly. Many have speculated that Jaehyun’s the best Seeker the Gryffindor team has seen in years, and that he could easily go into the professional sport after graduating. Jaehyun tries not to let the whispers go straight to his head, even though playing Quidditch on a professional level is his ultimate dream.
The Gryffindor afterparties have gradually become more hectic as the season passes. The party planning committee has been attempting to outdo themselves every time the team bags another victory. The current one is surrounded by a monstrous amount of Firewhisky and dizzy students dressed head to toe in red and gold.
Jaehyun thinks he’s about to turn in for the night until he spots you.
It’s very unusual to see the Slytherin queen casually lounging around in the lion’s den, but you manage to blend in effortlessly. You’re giggling into Jihyo’s ear, prodding the Quidditch captain to take another sip of her drink.
Jaehyun’s always harbored a small crush on you ever since his first year at Hogwarts, but considering you were sorted into separate houses, he never got to spend much time with you. Once Jihyo spots him, however, he doesn’t have much time to flee.
She grabs his elbow and pulls him forward until he’s standing directly in front of you. Your eyes lock with his, and his heart beats so loudly that he’s sure you can hear it.
“This is our star player,” Jihyo says, stumbling a bit over her words. “He’s the greatest Gryffindor has ever seen!”
“Jihyo,” he grumbles in embarrassment, the tips of his ears turning bright red.
“Nice to meet you, Jaehyun,” you smile, extending your hand out. He awkwardly shakes it, trying not to focus on the fact that his palms are abnormally sweaty. You don’t seem to mind, taking another sip of your drink. “Does your captain here always follow the rules?”
“Annoyingly so,” he chuckles, familiar with Jihyo’s inability to relax most of the time.
As the captain of the most talked about Quidditch team of the decade, Jihyo didn’t have blocks of time in her schedule for fun. She was always planning the best strategy for the next match or conspiring with the team to see what tricks their opponents would pull. Jaehyun notes how you encourage Jihyo to take the edge off by pouring more Firewhisky into her glass.
“No no no,” Jihyo sighs, pushing you away. “I can’t keep drinking. The Quidditch Cup is still at play.”
“Please,” you roll your eyes. “If Jaehyun’s as good as you say he is, then it’s not something you should worry about.”
Jaehyun knows his ears are probably burning bright red by now. Your smile has to be the prettiest sight he’s ever seen, and he secretly wishes he could use a Time Turner to ask the Sorting Hat to place him in Slytherin instead.
“If you pour me another glass, I’ll expose your Slytherin ass right here, right now!”
You simply smirk at Jihyo’s empty threat. “Go ahead. I’m sure the lions would love to devour the head snake.”
There’s no way Jaehyun’s getting turned on right now. Not in the middle of this celebration party, where most of his friends can visibly see him. He abruptly coughs and adjusts the growing tent in his pants.
“I should go to bed,” he says awkwardly. “I’ll see you both later?”
Jihyo beams. “See? What a good Quidditch player! I’m going to bed too!”
“Not so fast,” you laugh, pulling her back. You throw Jaehyun one last look. “See you around, Jae.”
Jaehyun would never admit to anyone that he cast a silencing charm around himself that night to muffle his growing moans. He would never admit that he imagined you on your knees for him, your pretty eyes fluttering as you took him in your mouth. He would never admit he wanted to tangle his fingers through your hair as he pinned you down and fucked you until you cried.
No, this was something he had to carry to his grave.
“Today, we’ll be discussing the strongest love potion in the world, Amortentia.”
Johnny rolls his eyes, nudging Jaehyun’s side. “Here we go again,” Johnny whispers gruffly.
Amortentia was an assignment they covered last year, sending most of the classroom hormones ablaze as people tried to convince each other they smelled them in their potion. Johnny and Jaehyun received the brunt end of it, with love letters greeting them at breakfast nearly everyday.
A hand shoots up in the air. “Professor, we covered this topic already,” Mingyu complains. Jaehyun recalls Mingyu also received his fair share of letters the previous year.
“Good recall, Mingyu. However, we’ve never done a project with Amortentia that supports interhouse unity.”
Johnny coughs next to Jaehyun. “This has to be a joke.”
The professor claps his hands and grins, confirming Jaehyun’s worst fear. “Please find your partner for this assignment! The only requirement is that it has to be someone from a different house.”
“I’m grabbing Doyoung,” Johnny hisses before he vanishes from Jaehyun’s side.
Jaehyun’s mind works a little slower, trying to think about who he can partner up with before he feels someone poke his shoulder. He turns to see you behind him, your smile once again making his heart beat out of his chest. You take Johnny’s place and set your books down next to his.
“Nice to see you again, partner.”
“You want to be partners?” Jaehyun stutters.
You giggle. “Why? Is the star player taken already?”
“No! No, definitely not,” he says, wincing at how loud his voice rises.
You just laugh at him. “Good. I heard you’re just as good in your studies as you are on the field.”
Jaehyun opens his mouth to respond, thinking about other ways he can impress you off the field, but the professor claps his hands again.
“Wonderful! Looks like you all have found a partner. The assignment until the end of the term is to brew a batch of Amortentia and document what you smell at the end of each week.”
Doyoung raises his hand with a bored expression. “Professor, what we smell in the Amortentia potion is meant to reflect what we find the most attractive. I don’t believe this changes weekly.”
“I beg to differ! As you all are growing young adults, your taste and interests do, in fact, change everyday! I want to highlight this unique fact about students your age with this assignment.”
The professor dismisses the rumble of arguments that grow throughout the room, offering more details about the project before class ends. Once he’s finished talking, your head turns to face Jaehyun.
“How about we meet up later tonight and brew the first batch?”
“Y-Yeah! After Quidditch practice?”
You grin, gathering your books and standing. “See you there.”
Jaehyun’s eyes linger on the sway of your hips as you walk away. He’s totally fucked.
Jaehyun knows he’s terribly distracted at Quidditch practice.
Jihyo is reprimanding him for his carelessness as the Snitch zooms past him and he doesn’t even attempt to grab it. He takes all of her constructive criticism to heart, fingers gripping his broom tightly as he tries to focus.
His mind betrays him, nonetheless, wandering to the idea of you studying in the library. He imagines your knee high socks clinging to your skin, the bottom of your skirt barely covering the tops of your thighs. He wonders how high your skirt will rise if he asks you to grab him a book from the top shelf. Maybe your panties will peek out, showing him an eyeful of-
“Dude, what the hell is wrong with you today?” Jaehyun blinks, returning to reality. Johnny’s floating in front of him, eyebrows raised. “You missed the Snitch again. You’re lucky Jihyo didn’t see it.”
Jaehyun shakes his head. “Sorry. I’m just all over the place today.”
Johnny leans forward, eyes narrowing at him. Jaehyun would normally be disturbed if this was anyone else, but he recognizes that look on Johnny’s face. Almost as if he’s trying to solve a puzzle.
Johnny stares at him for a few more seconds before he starts laughing, clutching his stomach and almost falling off his broom.
“What?” Jaehyun frowns, not understanding the joke.
Johnny manages to calm himself down, brushing away his tears of joy.
“You’re pussydrunk!”
“What?” Jaehyun questions, eyebrows furrowed. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
Johnny chuckles and calls Jihyo over.
“I know what’s wrong with Jaehyun,” Johnny says confidently.
She’s far from amused. “Well, please enlighten us. I’d love to know why my star player is playing at the worst I’ve seen in years.”
“Jaehyun’s got a little crush.”
Jihyo’s pissed-off expression turns into one of happiness when she hears Johnny’s reply, and Jaehyun’s shocked to see the captain giggling into her palm.
“No way! For who?”
“He hasn’t said.”
“I don’t know what the fuck you two are on,” Jaehyun mutters in agitation. “But I don’t have a crush. I’m just distracted, that’s all.”
Jihyo snickers. “Now I really don’t believe you. Well, make sure that whoever it is doesn’t prevent you from playing at your best this weekend. Fuck in the locker rooms beforehand for all I care.”
“That’s not-“ Jaehyun tries to argue, growing more and more red by each passing second. He fails to find a comeback and zooms away, ignoring Johnny and Jihyo’s laughter at his predicament.
Jaehyun has to talk himself up before entering the Potions classroom.
He knows you’re already in there, waiting for him to begin your assignment. He’s conjured up a few conversation starters that he thinks will work well with you. He probably looks like such a loser, but he genuinely hasn’t been able to stop thinking about you and it’s starting to drive him insane.
He coughs quietly before opening the door, pausing at the sight of you leaned over the cauldron, the illumination of the potion casting a glow over your face. You look up and smile, and he swears his heart stops in his chest.
“Hey, there you are,” you laugh softly. “How was Quidditch practice?”
He manages to gather himself enough to join you at the Potions table, setting his bag down. “It was alright. I was a little in my head so Jihyo was a bit displeased.”
You waved him off. “I’m sure you were fine. Jihyo just needs to relax.”
He chuckles. “That’s an understatement.”
“Well, I actually brewed the potion while I was waiting for you. All we need to do is document what we smell for today and we’ll be set.”
Jaehyun frowns. “I’m sorry you had to brew it alone. I would’ve asked Jihyo to leave early if I-“
You giggle and shake your head. “Jae, you’re completely fine. I just didn’t want to keep you too long in case you needed to rest. I can’t imagine having to juggle Quidditch with these silly assignments everyday.”
His heart warms by the fact that you’re so considerate of him, but he’s also disappointed that he has less time to spend with you. In order to avoid looking like he’s lingering too long, he thanks you and leans over the cauldron. It’s no surprise that it smells exactly like you, and the tip of his ears bloom red. He rattles off random scents and avoids your gaze.
When you lean over, there’s a small hope in his chest that he is the object of your desire. Even the faintest touch of Quidditch grass in your Amortentia potion would have him jumping for joy.
You quickly withdraw from the cauldron, almost as if you immediately recognize the scent.
He clears his throat. “What did you smell?”
You shrug. “Iris and jasmine. Typical.”
And his heart falls straight to the ground.
“What do I smell like?”
Johnny jolts back in his seat at the sight of his best friend frantically pushing his neck towards Johnny’s face. Doyoung is also startled by Jaehyun’s presence, gasping and placing a hand over his chest.
“Merlin, Jaehyun. What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Jaehyun ignores the awkward stares from his other Gryffindor housemates. He slumps down in one of the common room chairs, facing Johnny and Doyoung from their spot on the sofa.
“Do you think I smell like iris and jasmine?”
Johnny exchanges a look with Doyoung, who shrugs at Jaehyun’s unnatural behavior.
Johnny sighs. “I mean, not really. You always just kind of smell like grass and amber.”
“But do you think I could?” Jaehyun asks, eyes a little more frantic. “Do you think I could smell like iris and jasmine? Especially to someone who doesn’t know me that well?”
Doyoung leans over to whisper to Johnny, even though Jaehyun can clearly still hear him.
“I think this is about the Amortentia assignment.”
Johnny’s eyes light up. “Oh, so this is about that girl you’re pussydrunk for!”
Jaehyun’s eyes widen at the volume of Johnny’s voice. He throws himself across the room to cover his best friend’s mouth.
Johnny just laughs and pries him off. “Listen, dude, I get you’re pussydrunk right now but this stupid assignment is the last thing you need to worry about. We have the qualifier game against Slytherin tomorrow, remember?”
And Jaehyun knows Johnny’s right. He tries not to think about you for the rest of the day and puts Quidditch at the forefront in his mind.
Jihyo holds a mandatory practice that night to run over the key plays, and it takes everything in Jaehyun to stop thinking about what you would look like in Gryffindor colors, cheering him on in the stands.
On the day of the match, he throws himself into the sport that he knows best. He doesn’t falter at the sight of the Slytherin seeker, Nakamoto Yuta, who mindlessly chews his gum on the field before the game starts. Yuta’s known for his carefree attitude, contrasting his sharp flying abilities and quick wit.
He smirks at the sight of Jaehyun, tilting his head slightly to challenge him. Jaehyun narrows his eyes and maintains his focus, immediately taking off once the whistle is blown to signal the start of the game.
The match is high with exhilaration from the two rival teams, with Gryffindor and Slytherin battling it out like no other. Jaehyun knows he and Yuta have to be the tie-breaker since the points from both sides aren’t adding up as quickly as anticipated, and he can see Jihyo’s frustration from across the field.
It’s an hour into the game when Jaehyun sees the fluttering wings.
He doesn’t hesitate, taking off and chasing the Snitch. Yuta spots it at the same exact time and quickly follows. The two are neck and neck until Jaehyun’s hand stretches a little farther than Yuta’s, securing the Snitch in his hand and effectively ending the game.
“Yes! Another game ending win from Jeong Jaehyun! Gryffindor advances to the finals of the Quidditch Cup!”
The audience breaks out in applause and cheers, and Jaehyun finally allows himself to take it in. Just like with every other game, Johnny rushes over to wrap him in a hug once they’re on the ground.
“That’s my boy! Only Jeong Jaehyun can do that!”
Jaehyun laughs when the whole team joins in on the hug, wrapping arms around one another in a sweaty pile of victory.
“Gryffindor! Gryffindor! Gryffindor!”
The stadium chants loudly and Jaehyun feels happiness spread all the way down to his toes. He chuckles when Jihyo embraces him, almost crying herself.
The team gets cleaned up in the locker rooms before heading out to celebrate their win. Jaehyun’s surprised to see a few Slytherins lingering around, and even more surprised when one of them happens to be you.
Was it possible that you were waiting for him? That would be ridiculous, right?
And just as he’s about to call out your name to confirm his suspicion, he stops in his tracks when Yuta approaches you. Freshly showered, Yuta swings an arm around your shoulder effortlessly.
Jaehyun’s heart stops in his chest.
Yuta spots him out of the corner of his eye and whispers something in your ear. Jaehyun feels frozen on the spot when the two of you grow closer and closer to him.
“Jeong, nice game out there. I guess it’s true when they say you’re the best Seeker in our year,” Yuta compliments, lips still twisted in a smirk.
Jaehyun’s eyes are hyper focused on Yuta’s arm dangling from your shoulder while you look like the picture perfect girlfriend.
You smile at him, not sensing his discomfort. “Yeah, great game, Jae. Gryffindor’s star player indeed.”
Yuta laughs and hums in agreement. Jaehyun can’t find any words to say, almost like they’re lodged in the middle of his throat, so he nods instead.
“Well, we won’t ruin your victory party,” Yuta winks, arm moving downwards to wrap around your waist. “See you around.”
You smile at him again as you and Yuta begin walking back to the castle. “Bye, Jae.”
Jaehyun remains rooted in his spot, heart breaking into a million little pieces.
The scent of iris and jasmine overwhelms him.
“Why didn’t you tell me she was with Yuta?”
“I didn’t know she was the one you were pussydrunk for!”
Jaehyun groans, collapsing in one of the big chairs in the Gryffindor common room. He roughly runs his fingers through his hair as Johnny stares at him worriedly.
After finally coming to his senses, Jaehyun had managed to locate his best friend and confront him about his knowledge of you and Yuta.
“And technically, they’re not actually together,” Johnny corrects, trying to mend Jaehyun’s heartbreak. “Their families are the old Slytherin type so they’ve been engaged since birth. I don’t think they’re willingly dating.”
“She smelled him,” Jaehyun whispers, wringing his hands together. “In her Amortentia potion. That’s why I was asking you and Doyoung what I smell like.”
Johnny winces. “Maybe you brewed the potion wrong?”
Jaehyun curses. Of course this had to happen to him. The one person he genuinely has feelings for, a person he will desperately beg for attention, is not only taken, but engaged to someone else.
Just his luck.
“How am I supposed to keep doing this project with her?” He mutters roughly to Johnny, like taking out his anger on the tall Gryffindor will help his situation. “She’s going to keep smelling Yuta every week and I know all I’ll smell is her.”
Johnny can sense his friend is mentally combusting and tries his best to help.
“Rumor is that they don’t romantically like one another. It’s more of a mutual transaction — if they don’t end up with each other, they’ll have to get married to a random stranger. Listen, you can win her over with that Jeong charm, I know you can. The whole arranged marriage tradition can’t keep lasting for generations. Someone has to break it, and maybe this is the time.”
“And the chances of her actually leaving him?”
The look on his friend’s face tells Jaehyun everything he needs to know.
Maybe this is a sign that he should move on. He’s had a crush on you for long enough, and it clearly will never go anywhere beyond his imagination. He knows that he shouldn’t bring it up or even mention his discovery of it, but the next time he meets you for the project, he can’t help himself. The sight of you looking so fucking breathtaking while you carefully mix peppermint flower is enough for his common sense to switch off.
“Are you engaged to Yuta?”
You pause at the question, an eyebrow raised at him in confusion. He doesn’t blame you since the past twenty minutes of brewing the potion have been spent in complete silence before his inquiry.
“Um, yeah, I am. Why do you ask?”
“Just wondering,” he murmurs under his breath. “When will you get married?”
“It’s customary to marry immediately after schooling. Our parents have been planning it since before we were born,” you share, sounding like you’ve already explained this thousands of times.
He coughs awkwardly. “Sorry for the interrogation, I’m not very familiar with Slytherin customs.”
“It’s okay,” you smile assuredly as you drop the peppermint flowers into the cauldron. “Many other houses are usually curious about our situation. I never realized how abnormal it looks from the outside until I came to Hogwarts.”
“You should get a choice, you know,” he replies, chewing his bottom lip nervously. “A choice to choose who you want to spend the rest of your life with.”
If you sense any underlying intentions in Jaehyun’s statement, you don’t show it. Instead, you plaster on another perfect smile and he realizes how rehearsed it looks.
“Yuta is my best friend. Even though we didn’t choose each other, it’s not a bad thing to end up with someone you can trust. If anything, it’s a wonderful gift.”
The words don’t even sound like yours. It sounds more like someone spoon fed it to you in the hopes that you would end up believing it yourself. He analyzes your body language, noticing how stiff your shoulders have become. You brush off the discomfort, focusing on stirring the Amortentia.
“Let’s finish the assignment for the week and call it a night, hm?”
He nods in agreement and leans over, not shocked in the slightest when he smells the citrus of your shampoo. He tells you the same scents as the week before, grasping at the hope that maybe you’ll smell something different.
But just like the week prior, you barely catch a whiff of the potion before you hum.
“Iris and jasmine.”
Jaehyun wishes someone would pierce his heart with the Sword of Gryffindor.
Jihyo furrows her eyebrows when she steps onto the field, registering the sight of her star player sulking on his broom, legs kicking the air like a small toddler having a tantrum.
She walks over to Johnny and gestures at Jaehyun’s floating figure.
“Pussy related?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe.”
Jihyo grimaces. She loves Jaehyun, she really does, but she can’t afford to have a heartbroken teenager on her team right now. The Quidditch Cup is just inches away from her fingers and if she wants to play the sport professionally after Hogwarts, she needs Jaehyun to be at the top of his game.
She takes her broom up to his brooding form. “Hey, champ. How’s it hanging?”
“Maybe I can die and reincarnate into who she wants me to be. Do you think there’s a spell for that?”
His eyes look sunken in. Jihyo sighs, placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort.
“Why don’t you take practice off today? I have no doubt you’ll bring your all to the finals but I need you to be in the right state of mind. Go fix your pussy problem and come back when you’re ready.”
Jaehyun leaves Quidditch practice with his tail tucked between his legs. He changes in the locker room, swapping out his uniform for his regular clothes, and heads back to the castle.
He thinks about you the whole way, wondering how he should move on. Should he play his part as a miserable bystander and watch you marry Yuta? It’s been your fate since before you were born, and who is he to come in and change it anyways?
His swirling thoughts are interrupted by a high-pitched giggle. Just as he turns the corner down the hallway leading to the Gryffindor dorms, he pauses when he catches a glimpse at the current thorn in his side.
Yuta has Seo Soojin cornered against a wall, lips brushing against her ear as his hand roughly grips her thigh to hook it around his hip. She’s laughing at whatever he says, fingers bunched up at his shoulders. Jaehyun stills when Yuta leans forward and captures her mouth with his. The two pay no mind that they are clearly in a hallway and can get caught at any time, whether it be by a classmate or teacher.
The only part that Jaehyun can focus on is the delirious rage taking over him.
How dare Yuta do this to you! He has the opportunity to be with you, to give you all the love that Jaehyun so desperately wants, yet he’s here making out with another girl.
His feet act before his mind does. His brain doesn’t completely register what he’s doing as he breezes past Yuta and Soojin, heading for the Great Hall with blazing fury. His eyes spot you as soon as the doors fling open, chatting with some of your friends at the Slytherin table.
You’re startled when you hear his voice behind you.
“Can I talk to you?”
The table falls silent at the sight of the Gryffindor prince confronting the Slytherin princess. Your classmates throw you confused glances and you offer them a smile of assurance in return. You excuse yourself and follow Jaehyun outside, where he pulls you to a nearby corner.
“Go out with me,” he starts, his body inches from yours. “This weekend at Hogsmeade. We can get sweets before it gets colder and have a few Butterbeers together.”
You blink at him, silent for a few moments before you carefully respond.
“Jae, I’m flattered by all means. You’re such a sweet guy but you know Yuta and I-“
“I just saw him making out with Soojin!”
You don’t look phased at all by the outburst. “Soojin and him are very close partners,” you say calmly. “We have a mutual understanding.”
He frowns. How could you have no reaction to your future husband kissing someone else?
You read the bewilderment on his face. “I told you Yuta’s my best friend. We’ve never had romantic feelings for one another. He’s free to be with as many people as he wants before we marry, it’s not an issue with me.”
“But what about you?”
Rejecting Jaehyun is like kicking a sick puppy. He was so unbelievably cute and hot at the same time, and you would be dumb not to notice how he stares at you like you invented magic.
However, you know how this story will tragically end and you don’t want Jaehyun to experience that fate.
“Jae, no matter what, I’m still marrying Yuta after leaving. The amount of flings he or I have is inconsequential, we’re going to end up together anyways. Nevertheless, the people who develop feelings for us will get hurt along the way. I don’t want that to happen to you.”
He feels more vulnerable than he ever has before, but he pushes through the discomfort of your possible dismissal.
“I don’t care if I get hurt. I mean, fuck it, my heart already broke in half when I found out you were engaged,” he sighs, scratching the back of his neck. “I just want one day with you. It’s completely selfish but I want to spend time with you — no assignment, no Quidditch, no Yuta. I know it’s not going to change anything but is it so pathetic of me to act on my desire before your fate is officially sealed?”
Your heart swells. You’ve never had anyone fight for you like this before. Normally, you had to witness a handful of girls bawl their eyes out after Yuta ends their situationship. You’ve always avoided being in the spot you’re in now, with someone’s heart in your hands and their hopes and dreams contingent on yours.
You exhale. “Fine, just one day. Pick me up at the Slytherin dorms on Saturday.”
You slowly talk yourself down when Saturday rolls around. As eager as you are, you couldn’t show it to Jaehyun. You didn’t want him to keep hanging on to this last shred of hope that you would end up together.
You stare at your reflection in the mirror, wondering if you look too dressed up for a day in Hogsmeade. An emerald green dress hugs your figure — a present from Yuta’s parents three years ago. You’ve grown a little since receiving it, so now the hem barely covers your thighs.
You give yourself a twirl, hoping it’s not too short for Jaehyun’s liking.
“Why are you taking so long? I’ve been waiting downstairs forever.”
You turn at the sound of the familiar voice and find Yuta standing at your doorway, eyebrows raised at the sight of you.
“Woah, you look nice. Feeling good today?” He asks.
“I actually promised to go to Hogsmeade with a friend today,” you say casually, hoping Yuta doesn’t prod too much. “Sorry I forgot to tell you.”
“Do I know this friend?”
“No, he’s in Gryffindor. I know you’re a Slytherin only club.”
“Oh, so it’s a he?”
You sigh. “It’s just a Hogsmeade outing, Yuta. You have nothing to worry about.”
He hums noncommittally and you know it’s his way of saying that this was a bad idea. Yuta’s possessive over you, but only because he knows if your lives do not go the way your parents have planned it, you both would be completely disowned from your families.
He takes a seat on your bed and gives you a look. “I heard Jeong Jaehyun’s been asking around about you.”
You shrug. “We’re partners in Potions.”
He doesn’t buy your half-assed explanation and you know it. As much as you could see right through Yuta, he could see right through you.
“I’ve never had an issue with Soojin,” you point out, hoping to end his line of questioning.
“Yes, and that’s because I’ve always drawn clear boundaries with her. She knows we’re a temporary item. Can you say the same for Jaehyun?”
“Yuta,” you beg, throwing him a defeated glance. “Please drop this.”
He purses his lips, pausing for a few moments before nodding. He leaves you to finish getting ready, mind swirling with a million thoughts. Since he’s known you, you’ve never given him a reason to believe you’re unhappy with your engagement. Raised traditionally, you were the type to never question what your parents decided for you. Yuta was always the more rebellious one in your relationship and you never cared what he did.
Although sometimes, Yuta wishes that you would show a tiny ounce of concern.
When he steps out of the Slytherin common room, he locks eyes with none other than Jeong Jaehyun. The Gryffindor freezes at the sight of him and Yuta smirks.
“She’s almost finished, if you’ve been waiting long,” Yuta says, eyes testing Jaehyun’s.
The Gryffindor smiles but Yuta can tell it’s forced. “That’s fine, I don’t mind being out here.”
Yuta nods. “You know, we usually go to Hogsmeade together. Every weekend we can.”
“Oh?” Jaehyun swallows, intimidated by Yuta’s glare. “I didn’t know. We’re partners in Potions so I just wanted to spend some time together outside of the classroom.”
“I’m sure you do,” Yuta smiles knowingly, sending a shiver down Jaehyun’s spine. “I guess I’ll leave you to it.”
Jaehyun watches Yuta’s figure disappear down the hallway, and he releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Ready to go?”
He nearly jumps five feet in the air when you approach him. You giggle into your hand at the sight of him looking so startled.
“What’s wrong? See a ghost down in the Slytherin dungeons?” You tease, eyes sparkling.
Jaehyun straightens himself before scoffing. “No, I just got so tired waiting out here for you.”
You smile at his flustered state and bump his hip with yours. “Let’s get going then. Wouldn’t want Gryffindor’s star player to die from waiting too long.”
He mutters quietly to himself when you start walking.
“If only you knew.”
The trek to Hogsmeade is filled with tentative smiles and shy gazes. Jaehyun has been stressing out all week on how to make this trip a life changing one for you. He somehow has to convince you that being chained to Yuta for the rest of your life is a living nightmare, and that you should be with Jaehyun instead.
The task feels too demanding, so he starts off simple.
“You look really pretty.”
You flush at the compliment, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself.”
He grins, dimples peeking out. You observe as he shrugs off his jacket in favor of placing it on your shoulders to protect you from the incoming wind. A few Hufflepuff girls pass, whispering to one another. You catch the tail-end of their questioning.
“Did they break off their engagement?”
“That’s impossible, there’s no way their parents would allow it.”
Jaehyun hears their gossip as well, not hesitating to throw them a heated glare. They scurry away from the both of you. You soothe him by setting your hand on his upper arm.
“It’s okay, Jae. Don’t worry about them.”
You make your way to Honeydukes, which is bustling with students trying to buy holiday gifts for their friends and family. You’re scanning the shelves of Chocolate Frogs when you feel Jaehyun’s presence inch closer to your back. A hand suddenly slinks around your waist, and you jolt at the contact.
“Sorry,” Jaehyun’s apology is spoken quietly in your ear. You shudder at the sudden proximity. “There’s so many people here.”
Although that may be true, you know the nearest person to you is at least six feet away, giving Jaehyun plenty of space. You indulge his lie, however, mainly for your own personal interest.
“That’s okay,” you reply quietly. “I don’t mind.”
The sexual tension from that point on increases tenfold. You’ve never been a very intimate person, especially considering you know where you’ll be at the end of your Hogwarts journey. There have been a few affairs here and there, but never someone you find yourself captivated by.
And fuck it if Jaehyun isn’t only captivating, but causes your panties to grow wetter and wetter in the winter breeze.
He somehow finds a reason to always be near you — “there’s so many people around,” “want to make sure you don’t trip and fall,” “think I saw some guy staring at your legs too long,” — you name it. You entertain him every single time, allowing his hand to secure its place on your hip and the warmth of his chest to be pressed against your back. You can’t recall what you even bought at Honeydukes or Zonko’s because Jaehyun’s thumb stroking your collarbone sent you into a frenzy.
As he escorts you into the Three Broomsticks, he mumbles a comment that nearly makes you moan. Out loud.
“Your dress would look even better if it was in red, don’t you think?”
You’d like to say you’ve never developed an affinity for the Slytherin house colors, but by your second year, your wardrobe had been filled with varying shades of green. The thought of donning red just for Jaehyun supplied your body with a warmth that was unexpected during this time of year.
He orders two Butterbeers, smirking the whole way while throwing side glances at you.
He planned to make this an incredibly difficult trip for you.
“Can I ask you a question?” He asks when the server leaves.
You’re seated in one of the booths in the corner, away from prying eyes. You nod at him, heart accelerating when he takes the opportunity to scoot closer to you until your thigh is touching his.
“This marriage contract — tell me what it entails.”
“Well, the terms are pretty simple. After graduating, Yuta and I will have a traditional wedding for friends and family to witness. We vow to spend the rest of our lives together in the hopes of producing children who also carry magical blood. Its purpose is to hopefully extend our bloodline for generations to come.”
The explanation of your relationship with Yuta has been memorized by now, but Jaehyun doesn’t look like he’s appeased by your answer.
“And what about those flings you were referring to? You said you have a mutual understanding of Yuta and Soojin. What about when it comes to you?”
You stutter. “W-What do you mean?”
He leans closer, lips ghosting the shell of your ear. His hand rests on your inner thigh, and you fear he’ll find evidence of your arousal dripping on the hardwood.
“If you were to have a little fun for yourself, would Yuta mutually understand? Even if it’s, per se, done in the public eye?”
You’re hyper aware of his fingers moving higher and higher. You’re about to beg for him to touch you when two glasses of Butterbeer slam down on the table, causing you to nearly jump out of your seat.
Your waitress, Suyeon, seems unfazed by your blatant public indecency.
“Two Butterbeers for the table,” she recites in a bored tone before quickly leaving.
You grab the handle of the glass and down your Butterbeer in one go. You wipe the remnants of the drink from the corner of your lips and glance over at Jaehyun, who is wearing an amused expression.
“That thirsty?”
“A little,” you reply nervously. You suddenly feel like your body is not your own, because there’s no way you’re dripping in a public setting right now.
Jaehyun doesn’t skip a beat, pushing your drink aside and cupping the back of your neck, pulling you to him. You gasp when you’re merely inches away from his face. You stare at each other for a good amount of time before you close the gap, sealing your mouth with his.
The kiss is hungry, and you feel like a rabid animal Jaehyun needs to tame. Your hand grabs his and forcefully moves it to cup your clothed cunt. He groans into your mouth, pulling away briefly to cast a silencing charm on your booth.
“You can be as loud as you want, but remember there’s people watching,” he murmurs, and your eyes dart around the pub.
There are some students gathered but it’s not as full as it usually is during this time. Most people aren’t even paying attention to the two of you secluded in your corner. However, at any point, you know they could look over and see Jaehyun fingering you in public.
And at a school sponsored outing, no less.
You throw all your dignity out the window regardless. “I’ll be good,” you promise breathily to him. “Just touch me, please.”
His fingers curl at the fabric of your underwear and you whine loudly, gripping the end of the table like it’s going to save you. His head is angled purposefully to make it seem like he’s just whispering in your ear to any onlooker, attempting to shield what he’s doing to you under the table. You try your best to control your facial expressions so that you don’t end up on some wizarding porn site.
He pushes your panties aside to play with your folds and you hear him chuckle.
“So wet already? I’ve barely even touched you.”
When two fingers slide inside your cunt, you whimper when you hear the squelch, leaking onto his palm. He curses to himself, stretching his digits as far as they can go in your tiny pussy.
“You’re making it so hard for me not to fuck you senseless right now.”
His confessions are driving you closer and closer to your orgasm. You’re thankful he cast a silencing charm because you could hear the gush of your pussy every time his fingers push in and out of your messy hole.
You don’t know if it’s because of Jaehyun or the fact that you’re in a public area or a combination of both, but this climax feels a lot different than the ones you’re used to. He picks up on the signs of your impending orgasm and swiftly casts a Disillusionment charm, temporarily making you both invisible.
“Wait-“ you say, gasping for breath. “I feel weird, Jae. This is different.”
“It’s okay,” he assures you, adding another finger for good measure. “I’m right here, just let go, baby.”
His thumb circling your clit is what drives you over the edge. You squirt everywhere, your orgasm painting the table and the floor. He groans into your ear, moving his fingers faster and faster while you ride out your high.
You can barely register the sweet nothings he continues to mumble.
“Such a good pussy for me. All mine. So fucking pretty when you squirt for me, baby. And doing it in public? Filthy girl.”
You push him away when the overstimulation becomes too much. Your chest is heaving and you feel completely spent, trying to catch your breath.
“I’m going to get some towels and clean us up before the spell wears off,” he says to you, even though you barely comprehend it. “Stay here, baby.”
You come to when Jaehyun returns with a handful of towels, wiping the inside of your thighs and clearing the table. The spell wears off shortly after, and you do your best to make yourself appear presentable and not like you just got finger fucked at the Three Broomsticks.
When Jaehyun finishes cleaning up, he brings your mouth to his again. You could stay like this for hours with him, and you’re about to ask him if you can suck him off before the sound of slow clapping interrupts you.
You yelp when you hear it, disconnecting yourself from Jaehyun.
Yuta stands in front of the both of you, eyes narrowed. “Get up,” he demands. “We’re heading back to the castle.”
Your lips twist angrily. “You have no right-“
“Don’t even start with that,” he hisses, slamming one hand on the table. “I can’t believe what you just did in front of everyone.”
You rise to your feet so that you’re on the same level as him. “Are you kidding me?” You say in frustration. “You make out with Soojin on the daily!”
“But I’ve never finger fucked her in a pub! Especially not when I know my father’s friends frequent the area.”
You ball your hands at your side, knowing he’s won the logical part of this argument. He throws you another stern look before leaving, expecting you to follow shortly.
You step over to Jaehyun, who was watching your argument unfold with a defeated expression. You press your lips to his again and sigh.
“Meet me in the library tomorrow night, okay? I’m sorry about him.”
He nods in understanding and you smile at him, giving him one last kiss before you depart. Once you encounter Yuta outside, he rolls his eyes at you and shoves a pair of gloves to your chest to keep your hands warm.
You both angrily stomp together back to the castle.
“You had no right.”
He scoffs. “I had no right? You were the one exposing yourself in front of almost all of Hogwarts. You’re lucky I was there to shoo off any unwanted glances.”
“Yes, I’m so lucky you came in and stopped me from having a good time,” you hiss, rage fueling at the pit of your stomach.
“You know if you were caught we would have our heads served on a silver platter to them,” he bites back at you, and you know he’s alluding to the wrath of your parents. “And I’m trying to save you from breaking that poor guy’s heart.”
You shake your head. “I already told Jaehyun about us. He knows it won’t go anywhere.”
“Do you think that will actually stop him? He was throwing fucking heart eyes at you whenever you weren’t looking.” He turns and stops you when you’re almost back at the Hogwarts entrance. “Listen, you know I’m not trying to be an asshole. With all things considered, we have to marry next summer even though the both of us don’t particularly want to. Developing feelings for him is only going to make it harder when we leave.”
You ignore the tears swelling in your eyes, burning from the harsh temperature.
“I told you that he knows. It’s not going anywhere.”
He doesn’t buy your reasoning and you both know it.
“You better hope it’s not. For both of our sakes.”
Jaehyun can feel your hands roaming the expanse of his body. He hears your voice whispering in his ear, teasing him.
“Want to suck you dry.” You’re smiling, lips tracing the shell of his ear. Your fingers are dancing on his chest, slowly moving downwards. “Maybe I’ll make a show for everyone. Make them see I’m yours.”
“Even Yuta?” He groans, unable to stop himself from asking.
“Especially Yuta.”
Your hand grips the base of his cock, pumping him slowly. Your thumb teases the tip and you squeeze him gently. He hisses, hips thrusting upwards in an attempt to get you to move faster.
You laugh and the melody sounds like bliss.
“Be patient, silly.”
Jaehyun jolts out of his sleep when a pillow lands square in his face. It has to be past midnight since his room is still completely dark. Johnny hovers over his bed, rubbing his eyes and yawning.
“Dude, either cast a silencing charm or have those dreams when we’re not all in the room with you.”
Jaehyun’s ears redden and Johnny slowly crawls back into his own bed, turning on his side and falling back to sleep. Jaehyun grabs his wand and quickly draws the curtains of his four poster bed, casting a silencing charm like Johnny advised. His hands wander to the band of his sweatpants, and he’s embarrassed to admit he’s already rock hard just from a vision of you.
He wraps a hand around himself, closing his eyes and imagining you on your knees, waiting for him. You’re wrapped in Gryffindor red as his present, the lace hugging your body in all the right places. You smell exactly like his Amortentia potion while your lips wrap slowly around his cock. Jaehyun guides you, grabbing a fistful of your hair and easing you down until his tip hits the back of your throat. He moans louder at the thought, moving his hand faster up and down his length. He wonders what you’ll look like when he cums — if your mouth will be wide open, waiting for his release, or if you’ll close your eyes, allowing him to paint your face as he pleases.
It’s the thought of you licking him clean that drives him over the edge. His eyes roll back as ropes of white cover his stomach, and he rides his high until the oversensitivity becomes too much.
As he regains his breath, the conscious part of him starts to nag in his ear. He shuts his eyes tightly, pushing away the picture of you in white, walking down to the end of an aisle to meet Yuta.
“I thought you were meeting the Slytherin queen?”
Jaehyun sighs, pushing the palm of his hands against his eyes. “I can’t. I saw her at the table and-“
A few moments pass in silence and Johnny raises an eyebrow.
“And I wanted to bend her over it.”
Johnny whistles. “It’s getting real bad for you, huh?”
“Johnny, I can’t keep doing this.”
He’s not looking, but he knows Johnny’s rolling his eyes. “Listen, horndog. Just go over there, have a nice talk with her, and then go back to bed and beat it to your heart’s desire.”
Jaehyun approaches you carefully. You’re sitting at a table near the back of the library, reading over the next assignment for your History of Magic class. He takes a deep breath before pulling out the chair across from you and taking a seat.
“Hi,” you brighten up when you see him, closing your History of Magic textbook and pushing it to the side.
“Hey,” he says, the corner of his lips turning up at the sight of your smile.
He’s down so bad for you.
“Sorry about yesterday,” you apologize. “I didn’t know Yuta would be there.”
“It’s okay,” he assures, not detailing how he went back to his dorm that night and had wet dreams about you sucking him off. “He was right, we should have been more careful.”
You nod, chewing on your lower lip nervously. Jaehyun imagines slipping his thumb between your lips, watching as you wrap your mouth around it while innocently staring up at him. He wonders how messy you would be with drool pooling out of your mouth and teary eyes begging for him to go deeper.
He shakes himself out of his trance and you giggle to yourself.
“We can’t. Not here. They put a sex ban charm on the library after the incident last year, remember?”
“Oh yeah,” he says sheepishly, embarrassed to be caught by you.
Last year, two students got a little handsy against one of the shelves and traumatized a bunch of first year students trying to locate a book for their first Charms class. Since then, any student who tries anything beyond kissing in the library is immediately sentenced to a week of cleaning up the Potions classroom.
“I wasn’t trying to initiate anything,” he promises. “Sometimes, I just can’t control myself when I’m with you.”
You flush, smiling to yourself at his honesty.
“Well, it’s been another week so we should check on our Amortentia assignment. I think the Potions room is empty by this time of night.”
That’s how you end up with Jaehyun’s cock in your mouth as he’s propped up against one of the Potions tables, hand tangled in your hair. He moans loudly when you take him until he hits the back of your throat.
“Shit, baby. You have no idea how many times I dreamt of seeing you like this.”
Jaehyun’s definitely bigger than you’re used to, but the thought of making him unravel encourages you to give him the best head of his life. Your hands find purchase on his thighs and you look up at him, catching his dark gaze.
You tap his thigh twice to give him the go ahead and he takes a firmer grip on your head before violently thrusting into your mouth. You try your best to control your gag reflex, the room being filled with garbled choking and Jaehyun’s continuous moans.
“So fucking messy,” he hisses at you. He turns even more feral when he realizes you’re fingering yourself while sucking his cock, hands disappearing underneath your skirt. “Fuck, baby. Are you playing with your cunt while you suck me off, hm? Too turned on from me using your mouth?”
You whine around him and he pulls out with a loud pop, watching you struggle to collect the drool dripping from your lips. His arms hoist you up and before you know it, his lips are on yours, pulling you in for a sloppy kiss. It’s a heavy mix of tongues and moans, and he even pulls away from you just to spit in your mouth.
He pushes your back against one of the tables and grips your ankles, folding your knees to your chest. He doesn’t bother stripping you of your underwear, simply pushing it to the side and running his tip through your folds.
“Please,” you beg, voice heady and desperate. You actually think you might pass out if Jaehyun doesn’t fuck you right now.
He leans down to kiss you again, hands digging into your hips. “I’ll take care of you, baby. No need to worry. This pussy has been crying for me since yesterday, hm?”
You nod, fat tears starting to roll down your face. You can’t imagine how fucked out you look right now — folded in half and sobbing when Jaehyun’s dick isn’t even inside of you yet.
The stretch of him nearly makes you delirious. He takes his time pressing inside of you until he bottoms out, moaning into your neck when he’s in all the way.
“You’re so wet,” he whispers, and you hear the familiar squelch of your pussy welcoming his cock. “It’s so easy for me to slide in, baby.”
Eyes rolled to the back of your head, you have zero thoughts swirling in your mind at this current moment. You never knew sex could be so mind numbing but your body is completely drunk on Jaehyun. He looks breathtaking above you, pressing his body weight to yours so he can take advantage of the best angle to drill into you.
His hands frantically paw at your buttoned up uniform until he rips open your top, exposing your lacy black bra. He’s quick to pull it down, mouth attaching to your right breast.
Lewd sounds fill the air of the classroom as his balls slap against your cunt with every thrust. One hand darts down to thumb at your clit and you moan even louder.
“Can you squirt again for me, baby?” He murmurs, tongue flicking your nipple. “Want to see you make a mess.”
“I d-didn’t even k-know I could,” you whimper. “That w-was my first t-time.”
“Yeah?” He growls and rails into you faster. “No one’s ever made you feel as good as me, isn’t that right?”
You nod, more tears starting to drift down your face. Pleasure fills you until you can’t possibly take any more of it.
“Jae, I’m gonna-“
“Go ahead, baby. I’m right here.”
Your release coats his upper half and he takes his cock out to flick it against your folds, spraying your orgasm across the floor. Your thighs are trembling, throat dry from your cries. He shushes you, pressing kisses to the side of your face as you come down from your high.
“J-Jae, cum inside,” you mumble, pushing back the strands of hair covering his face.
His head darts up so fast that you’re surprised he doesn’t get whiplash.
“We didn’t cast a contraceptive charm.”
You hum, your orgasm still singing in your veins. “That’s okay, I don’t mind.”
Jaehyun swallows, pushing out of the haze of being pussydrunk to try and form a coherent thought.
“We can’t- It’s too dangerous.”
You’ll probably regret saying this later but you bring him closer to you, sucking at the shell of his ear and whispering quietly.
“They won’t let me marry Yuta if I’m pregnant with your child, isn’t that right?”
That’s all he needs to shove his cock back inside your warm cunt. “Fucking filthy girl. Gonna let me breed you? Fill your dirty pussy until it’s leaking with my cum?”
“Ungh, ungh, ungh,” you blubber at the force of his thrusts. Your second climax creeps up on you, spurred on by the thought of carrying Jaehyun’s baby.
Ropes of his cum fill you just as you come undone. Jaehyun grunts and pushes into you as deep as possible, painting your walls white.
You both lay in a heap of limbs on the Potions table, completely spent from your orgasms.
“Do you realize what we just did?” He asks when he catches his breath.
You nod, running your fingers through his hair. “Don’t worry. I’ll handle it.”
He gently kisses you. “We need to finish brewing our Amortentia batch.”
You laugh. “Your cum is literally dripping down my legs and you want to finish our homework?”
He smiles. “I need to see something.”
You clean yourselves up as best as you can before getting to work. You fall into a peaceful harmony adding the ingredients together, and you find your notebook once the potion is complete.
“Raspberries and parchment.”
Now that you know Jaehyun a little better, you raise an eyebrow at him. He chuckles at your questioning look.
“I was waiting for you to realize I was making up shit,” he says. He circles his arms around you, breathing in your scent. He confesses to you calmly, lips ghosting the crown of your head. “I smell the citrus of your shampoo that drives me crazy. I smell the chocolate chip cookies you and Jihyo make every Valentine’s Day. I smell the peppermint flowers you mix every time we brew this potion.”
You giggle. “How do you know about all of that?”
“I’ve dreamed of you for years, you don’t think I know the scent of your shampoo?” He chuckles. “Or how you would give me a cookie every year on my birthday, Valentine’s Day? Every time you handed it to me, I always tried to get the courage to build a conversation with you.”
You just shake your head with a grin. He patiently waits for you to lean over the cauldron, holding his breath in anticipation.
Your eyes twinkle. “It smells different.”
“Yeah?” He hums, burying his face in your shoulder. “What does it smell like?”
“Like the Quidditch pitch after a Gryffindor win,” you reply with a laugh. “The scent of amber after you shower. The cinnamon you like to put in your hot chocolate. It smells just like you.”
You squeal when he pounces on you again, kissing you with as much love and adoration that he can express.
A week before the holidays roll around, you gather enough courage to finally have the conversation you’ve been dreading with Yuta.
It seems like he already knows what you’re going to ask when you approach him in the Slytherin common room. He’s resting on one of the dark leather couches as Soojin sits on his lap, playing with his hair while giggling.
“Soojin, could you give me and Yuta a moment?”
You’ve never actually spoken to Soojin in all the years she’s been with Yuta, so she’s shocked to hear you addressing her formally. She offers you a timid nod before disappearing up the stairs.
Yuta has a dejected look on his face, wringing his hands around uncomfortably.
“Don’t ruin this for us,” he sighs, staring at you. “Don’t ruin this for some guy you met a month ago.”
Your eyes well up with tears. “Can you be my best friend for a second, please? Not my fiancé, not the Slytherin king. Just my best friend.”
He pauses, and you swear you could hear a pin drop from the tension. He takes a glance around the room, where a few first years are studying together and some older students are trying to eavesdrop on your conversation.
“Everyone out. Now.”
The room is sent into a frenzy at Yuta’s stern tone, with the first years clumsily gathering their things and the older students attempting to act like they weren’t listening in. It isn’t long before it’s just the two of you, and you take a seat next to him.
“I like him, Yuta,” you admit, nails digging into the palms of your hands. “I know you’re going to say I told you so but I really like him.”
“Don’t do that,” he scolds, ripping your hands apart so that you stop injuring yourself. It was always a bad habit he tried to get you to break. He exhales before standing, starting to pace in front of you.
Yuta had seen you hanging with the Gryffindor star more lately as Jaehyun walked you to and from classes, and you both would disappear into empty classrooms almost every chance you got. He tried to brush it off to the best of his ability, but he knew he was losing you from the moment he caught you in Hogsmeade. And seeing you now, teary-eyed in front of him, confirms his suspicions.
“We’ll get shunned. Burned from the family tree,” he says, making you cry even more.
“I know, I know,” you whisper, trying to hide the croak in your voice. “Maybe they’ll let you marry Soojin — her bloodline is strong and she comes from generations of Slytherins.”
“And what about you? What do you think they’ll do to you when they find out you plan to run away with a Gryffindor?”
You swallow. “They will strip me of my birthright. I will no longer be allowed to attend any family dinners or be associated with the household name, and I’ll have to make due on my own in terms of fortune and stability. I know the protocol, Yuta.”
“And you think I’ll just let that happen to you? That I’ll leave you to die on your own when you don’t even know if there’s a future with Jaehyun?”
You fidget around in your seat, growing even more afraid to confess to Yuta about your tether to Jaehyun.
“I’ve- um, I’ve let Jae release in me multiple times now. I cast the childbearing charm every day and there’s no baby yet, but we’re hoping it will happen to us soon.”
You look up to see his reaction, and you’ve never seen him more heartbroken.
“So that’s it, then? You’ve already made the decision without me?”
“Yuta,” you plead, rising to your feet and gripping his hands. “Even if we did get married and followed everything according to plan, I don’t think I could put our children through this. I can’t stand to see them accept the same fate we did and carry it on to our grandchildren. Could you?”
He shakes his head. “Our morals are not what’s important. What’s important is the safety of the bloodline and ensuring that the future of wizardry-“
“You and I both know you don’t believe in any of that shit,” you interrupt his useless speech. “I see the way you look at Soojin. I know you won’t admit it to me but I can tell you want a different future too. Help me break this ridiculous curse together.”
He rests his forehead on yours and sighs, pulling you into his arms. You wrap your hands around his middle and cry into his shoulder.
“You know I’ll protect you no matter what it takes,” he hums, stroking your back softly. “If you want to be with him, I’m not going to stop you.”
You sniffle and hug him tighter. The pair of you stand there for a while, enjoying each other’s presence. It’s been a long time since you’ve been able to have a heart-to-heart with Yuta, and it reminds you of why you trust him.
He breaks the silence first.
“I think I know a way to make sure you don’t lose everything.”
You pull away from him, tilting your head in confusion.
“How fast can you get pregnant?”
Jihyo has a huge smirk on her face when Jaehyun finally returns to Quidditch practice. He narrows his eyes at her, expecting her to be completely on edge with the Quidditch Cup finals tomorrow.
“What’s with the look?”
She smiles from ear to ear, twirling her broom in her hand like a ditzy schoolgirl.
“A little birdie told me who you’ve been so pussydrunk for.”
His head snaps to the side. “Johnny!”
The man to blame throws his hands up in the air and claims his innocence.
“Look at you, sly dog!” Jihyo giggles. “Who knew you had the hots for the Slytherin queen?”
“Can we just start practice?”
She gives him one last hip bump before calling a huddle. “My gorgeous team, I first want to tell you how proud I am of you. I’ve seen firsthand how hard each and every one of you have worked this year, despite certain personal obstacles.” Jaehyun rolls his eyes when she throws him a wink. “But our fight is not finished! The ultimate battle is against us this weekend, but I have no doubt we’ll beat all odds. So let’s give everything into this practice and pretend there are hundreds of screaming fans in those seats, waiting for you to carry us to victory! And for my lovely seventh years, don’t forget that recruiters will actually be in those stands on game day. This is our last chance to prove that we will be the greatest Quidditch players of our generation! Let’s fucking go!”
With Jihyo’s hurrah, the Gryffindor team launches into one of the most intense practice games they’ve had all year. Jaehyun finally feels like himself again, especially after you let him eat you out right before he left. His body is tingling with excitement, and it’s only thirty minutes into practice when he spots the Snitch.
He manages to catch it in a new record time for him, thrusting his balled fist in the air to signal victory. The rest of the team laughs as they descend to the ground, joining together for one more hug.
“Now, I want everyone to get a good night’s sleep tonight. Tomorrow, we will take home the victory for Gryffindor!”
Jaehyun immediately runs to find you after practice, kissing you as soon as he locates you in the Potions room. You squeak when he suddenly grabs you, embracing you in his arms.
“J-Jae-“ you try to say while he mouths at your neck. Your eyes widen when he shifts down to his knees, pulling up your skirt. “Jae, you just ate me out two hours ago.”
“Mmm, it’s been too long, baby.”
You smile and run your fingers through his tousled locks. “I need to tell you something,” you murmur, watching him pull your panties down to your ankles.
He hums and licks a stripe up your cunt, causing you to moan. You can tell he’s barely listening to you, tongue slurping at your folds.
“Jaehyun,” you say his name again, hoping it will garner some sort of attention. “I told Yuta about us.”
That makes him pause. He pulls his head out from under your skirt.
“He has some sort of plan to help us,” you tell him, thumb swiping the corner of his lips that’s covered in your juices.
Since Jaehyun wants to actually listen to you now, he replaces his tongue with his fingers, easily sliding two into your cunt with no warning. You whine and throw your head back, his dark gaze drinking up your moans.
“What’s he going to do?”
You struggle to form a coherent sentence when his fingers curl inside of you. “I-I don’t k-know,” you stutter. “He just said I need to get pregnant.”
His fingers quickly withdraw from your pussy and you’re flipped around, hands landing on one of the desks to catch yourself. You hear the metal clink of his belt buckle and you cry when he lines himself up to your entrance, slowly pushing in.
“Why didn’t you say that earlier?”
“You didn’t give me a chance!”
He fucks you hard and rough, pulling at the strands of your hair until your scalp is burning. Your thighs ache from the force of his thrusts while Jaehyun goes wild at the sight of your creamy pussy forming a base around his cock. Your poor little cunt is begging for a break since he literally gave you three orgasms before he went to Quidditch practice.
He releases deep inside your pussy, his thick cum filling your womb.
“Always milk me dry, baby,” he says, hands moving to massage your hips.
You blink twice when you realize he’s still hard inside of you.
“Jae, those recruits will be at the Quidditch tournament tomorrow. You have to get a good night’s sleep.”
“Just a few more rounds and I’ll go to bed, baby. I promise.”
True to his word, he pounds you for another few hours before finally pulling out. You’re completely plugged full of his cum, some of it dripping out as soon as his cock leaves your pussy.
You stand with shaky legs and he pulls you in for a gentle kiss.
“Love you,” he whispers.
Jaehyun told you he loves you pretty quickly after you first got together. You insisted on him taking his time to think about it, unsure if he actually loved you or if he was just seeing you through rose-colored glasses.
Since then, he’s told you he loves you every single day. He hopes one day you’ll start believing him.
“You should get some rest. I’ll clean myself up, but you need to be prepared for tomorrow or else Jihyo will have your head.”
“Don’t be silly,” he chastises. “I’ll clean you up. Why don’t you come back with me to the Gryffindor dorms? I’ll sneak you in.”
You roll your eyes. “You just want to take me back there so we can go another round.”
He pouts. “Maybe two.”
“Fine,” he sighs like he’s been assigned the worst task in the world. “Let me clean you up and I’ll go to bed. One last thing though.”
He drags you to the cauldron, which is still filled with the latest Amortentia batch.
“What do you smell, baby?”
You laugh and kiss his cheek. “You know I smell you.”
He grins. “That’s all I needed to hear.”
You’re shaking on the morning of the Quidditch Cup tournament.
Since you started sleeping with Jaehyun, you’ve been casting a childbearing charm every morning to see if there are any signs of you being pregnant. Every time, the charm has shown you a red light over your stomach to signal that you are not with child.
This is the first day the red light has shifted to a warm orange color.
You gasp when you see it. The orange hue displays a little dot the size of a tiny bean, barely kicking in your stomach.
You stand in front of the mirror for several minutes, unable to take your eyes off of this new sign of life.
Your baby. Jaehyun’s baby.
Once you come to your senses, you hastily throw on one of Jaehyun’s spare Gryffindor jerseys and rush downstairs. You have a one track mind as you run to the Quidditch pitch, not stopping until you see the locker rooms in sight.
Jihyo is the first one to spot you, grabbing hold of your shoulders just as you’re about to enter.
“Woah, tiger! What’s got you in such a hurry?” Her mouth twists into a smirk. “In a rush to see Jaehyun?”
You huff. “I’m surprised you’re not shitting bricks right now.”
“Trust me, I am,” she sighs. “But if I think about it too much, I’ll combust in the middle of the field.”
“You’re going to do great,” you assure, embracing her. “Greatest captain Gryffindor’s ever seen.”
She exhales again as she hugs you. “I sure hope so.” You pull away and she’s back to wearing a smirk. “Now you wish our star player good luck. I’ll clear the room for you scoundrels.”
“You’re a menace.”
She does, in fact, scream at everyone to leave so that you can speak to Jaehyun. You find him in the back of the room near the showers, muttering to himself quietly.
“You got this. Just go out there and show them why you deserve to be on this team.”
You giggle into the palm of your hand. “Do you give this pep talk to yourself before every game?”
He spins around at the sound of your voice, lighting up like a Christmas tree at the sight of you. He hurries over to pull you into his arms, smacking your cheek with a big kiss.
“Hi, baby. Come to wish me good luck?”
You grin. “That, and a little something else.”
He nearly purrs. “We have five minutes if you want to go a round.”
“How are you always this horny?”
He whines into your neck. “You made me this way, baby.”
You carefully take his hand and ignore his confused gaze. You lift your Gryffindor jersey and gently place his hand on your stomach.
You wait for his brain to add two and two together, and when he finally realizes what you’re trying to tell him, his eyes well with tears.
“Are you-“
You nod, chewing on your lower lip nervously.
He kisses you hard, pulling you as close to him as he possibly can. “I love you,” he whispers. “Do you believe me now? I love you.”
You can’t wipe the smile off of your face if you try.
“I love you too. Now go win that game for us.”
You find Yuta in the stands shortly after you leave Jaehyun, hands intertwined with Soojin. He smiles at you when you approach, gesturing for you to take the seat next to him.
“Hi, you two,” you greet happily, ignoring the blatant stares from your classmates at the sight of you dressed head to toe in red and gold. Soojin is stunned by your acknowledgment, still getting used to you speaking to her.
“You’re a happy camper today,” he says amusedly, noting how your grin stays permanently etched on your face.
You lean closer and speak quietly. “I finished your first step of the plan.”
His head whips around, and he’s more shocked than you’ve ever seen him.
You nod.
He laughs loudly, enveloping you in a hug.
“You’re insane. I literally told you to get pregnant yesterday.”
“I told you Jaehyun’s crazy.”
Soojin watches the exchange unfold, not wanting to pry into your personal business. She’s startled when Yuta turns back to her and brings her hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles gently.
You’re delighted by watching them, thrilled to see Yuta letting his guard down.
Your focus shifts back to the game when the whistle is blown. You spot Jaehyun from his place high in the air, eyes darting around in an attempt to catch any glimpse of the Golden Snitch. You’re enamored by seeing him in his element, and you can’t deny he looks incredibly attractive from this angle.
Your mouth waters at the thought of swallowing his cock while he balances himself on his broom.
Maybe you were the horny one in this relationship.
Yuta would later tell you that the match was one of the best games he’s ever seen, with both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw battling it out to the death. You, however, were too focused on your Gryffindor Seeker floating higher than eye level. It wasn’t your fault he looked so pretty.
You eventually grow excited when you see Jaehyun finally zooming past you, eyes locked on the Snitch that was practically invisible to the students in the crowd. You scream when his hand tightly grasps it, ending the game and securing the Quidditch Cup win for Gryffindor.
You probably look like a lunatic in the stands, yelling and jumping for Jaehyun’s win despite being surrounded by the majority of Slytherin house, who were all rooting for Gryffindor to lose. A blushing Yuta even has to pull you down to save his embarrassment.
You push your way through the spectators to head to the pitch, body thrumming with excitement. Jaehyun opens his arms when he sees you, and you jump into them, almost knocking the both of you to the ground.
“My pretty girl,” he coos in your ear.
“You did amazing!” You praise him. “I’m so proud of you.”
He kisses you deeply, hands circled around your waist tightly. The sound of cheers and screams turn dull in your ears — the only thing you can focus on is the velvet of Jaehyun’s lips.
All you know is that you’re the happiest you’ve ever been, and you never want this feeling to slip away.
“There’s a clause in our contract. It’s been written up since the day we were born, and our parents signed it through an Unbreakable Vow. I’ve read that thing front and back since we turned eight years old. If there’s one piece I remember from that contract, it has a section that details what’s to happen if a pregnancy occurs.”
You furrow your eyebrows. Yuta looks smug from his spot across from you and Jaehyun, like a detective who has just cracked the case.
After Gryffindor’s win yesterday, Jaehyun was approached by a recruiter from the Montrose Magpies, offering him a full-time position as their new Seeker. You and Jaehyun celebrated with an extremely tiring night with lots of drinking, crying, and plenty of orgasms. Jihyo also cried with you, receiving her own commitment with the Holyhead Harpies.
When morning rolled around, you both decided to confront Yuta in the Great Hall about his big plan before you had to face your family for the holidays.
“A pregnancy clause? I don’t remember reading that.”
“That’s because it was always blacked out on your side of the contract,” Yuta points out. “Fucking sexists, of course, they never wanted you to find out.”
“Find out what, exactly?” Jaehyun asks, also deeply confused.
“The contract says in the event of you getting pregnant, all titles and birthrights would immediately be transferred to your heir. The part they never added in, though, was if the baby had to be mine.”
You straighten your spine. “So you’re saying-“
“I’m saying that your little bundle of joy just saved you from having to relinquish your household name. Under the Unbreakable Vow, whatever belongs to your parents has to pass on to your child, regardless of the baby having Nakamoto blood or not.”
You lock eyes with Jaehyun, both of you grinning widely.
“We get to be together,” he says incredulously, as if he can’t believe it himself.
“We get to be together,” you repeat, laughing to yourself out of pure joy.
“You get to be together,” Yuta smiles at the both of you. “And I’m not letting either of our parents take that away from you. You deserve to be happy.”
“Thank you, Yuta,” Jaehyun says genuinely. “We owe you our lives.”
“No need for dramatics,” Yuta waves him off. “We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for your girlfriend standing up for herself.”
You lean over to kiss Jaehyun and Yuta scratches the back of his head awkwardly.
“Please don’t finger her in front of me again.”
You giggle and Jaehyun swings an arm over your shoulder, lips pressing against your cheek.
“Don’t worry. That view is for my eyes only now.”
The last item on your to-do list before you have to face your parents is to turn in your Amortentia assignment. You walk hand-in-hand with Jaehyun into the Potions room, ignoring the curious whispers and the one holler of encouragement from Johnny.
You stand blissfully in front of your designated cauldron, trying to push back the fact that you and Jaehyun have defiled this room more times than you can count. As the professor goes around the room to grade your projects, you clutch Jaehyun’s arm and smile up at him.
“I love you.”
He kisses your forehead, staring at you with pure devotion written in his eyes.
“I love you too, baby. Thank you for taking a chance on me.”
“Thank you for waiting for me to realize that you’re worth it.”
Your professor finally lands in front of you, beaming at the sight of your close proximity.
“Now what do we have here?” He laughs. “I guess the potion worked the best for you two. Let’s hear your progress.”
“She had a great amount of development, professor,” Jaehyun shares. “My scents have stayed the same since the first week.”
“I see,” he chuckles. “And how has that worked out?”
“You gave us a dream we didn’t think was possible,” you murmur, orbs twinkling with glee. “So it’s safe to say this assignment was a success for us.”
“That’s precisely what I wanted to hear. Well done you two, and congrats on the new coupling.”
You squeeze Jaehyun’s arm again, pulling him down once more to press your lips to his. His hand darts out to rest on your stomach, and although your child is barely the size of a pea, you hope they know that you already love them unconditionally.
A new beginning awaits you both and you’re ready to face it against all odds.
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jar-of-maise · 9 months
"Lynette!" Lyney bursts into the living room with uncharacteristic clumsiness. Leaning against the door frame, Lyney looks like the perfect image of chaos. Little streamers erupt from his pockets and tiny fireworks explode, crackling from under hat and sleeve as he stumbles through the doorway. 
The ominous smell of smoke begins to taint the air. 
"Lyney, you know what the rules are about magic props inside the house," Lynette chides, blowing on her tea meticulously without looking at her brother. 
"Is something wrong...Lyney?" Freminet asks hesitantly, unsure of how to breach the topic. 
His older brother huffs dramatically, staggering over to the couch with comically elongated steps. Freminet has to remind himself that this is his older brother, Lyney the Magician, the responsible team leader they all look up to and admire. 
He takes another look at Lyney's frazzled expression and decides that now might not be one of those times. 
“Oh it’s horrid!” Lyney whines, “the show’s all falling to pieces now!” He exclaims, shoving his face into a cushion. Freminent glances at Lynette, who’s determinedly ignoring Lyney and eyeing a slice of cake on the table. 
“Leave him be,” she says when she notices Freminent’s silent cry of help, “he’s just being dramatic. Lyney pull yourself together,” she scolds, carefully slicing through the cake with a fork, “you’re making Freminent worry.” 
“Oh my dearest little brother! I had no idea, please forgive me for causing you grief!” Lyney monologues, in a manner not very different to how Lady Furina would deliver speeches, “but this is a matter of utmost importance, I’m really in a pickle.”
“Lynette, maybe…” Freminent begins, watching as his sister’s tail flicks, “hm? Oh alright,” she says in an exasperated voice, “Lyney, use your words. What. Is. It?” 
“I,” Lyney begins, delighted to have an audience, “have a problem!”
“I’m delighted to know that you have gained self-awareness,” Lynette replies dryly, reaching for another slice of cake, Freminent watches her and knows that a scolding from Lyney is imminent, but keeps his mouth shut.
“Oh Lynette, how could you be so cold to your dear brother?” Lyney continues to complain, he rests his cheek on the cushion and sighs. 
“Are you going to talk about your problem or not?” 
“All in due time, there’s no need to be impatient,” Lyney retorts, Freminent blinks, clutching Pers a little tighter as he gets comfortable.
“See, it goes a little like this,” Lyney begins wistfully, “I’ve been experiencing something quite phenomenal you see,” he says, eye turning round, “my hands have been sweating a lot, and it’s like my heart is about to go–” Lyney snaps his fingers and miraculously, a shower of blue coloured butterflies erupt from his fingertips. 
“Like that!” He waves his hands.
Freminet nods, “I see,” he says, absorbing himself in the storytelling. 
“Just get on with it,” Lynette says, delicately pouring herself another cup of tea, her ears pricked in a very satisfied manner. 
“Well!” Lyney continues unoffended, “my brain has also been going fuzzy and I’m finding it hard to focus…no matter what happens, I just keep thinking about the same thing. But sometimes I’m giddy and all mushy like–” 
“Please don’t,” Lynette interrupts, “it’ll be a hassle to clean up later.” 
“Oh just this once, please Lynette, please?” 
Lynette sighs, “fine.” She says, with unamused eyes. 
Lyney grins and melts himself onto the couch, “I’m melting like sugar, or one of those chocolates that dissolve in your mouth!” He proclaims, and throws a sweet at Freminet who catches it, “Caramel Melts; nothing like a melt to give you a little help,” he says slowly, reading the cursive print on the wrapper. 
“Where did you get this from?” Freminet asks curiously. 
“Unimportant,” Lyney says dismissively, “I’ll get you some more if you like them though, but anyways, all of the symptoms listed above,” Lyney unravels a scroll and unrolls it with a flourish. 
Freminet should be used to Lyney’s tricks by now, but he’s still amazed at the fountain pen that begins writing by itself, “sweaty hands, strange emotions; mushiness, unreasonable amounts of joy…” he stops reading. 
“All of these,” Lyney points at the scroll, “are what I believe are symptoms of…” he pauses for dramatic effect.
“That’s right! These are none other than…signs of heart stroke!” Lyney says proudly. 
There is a long, fat silence. 
The floor is very interesting, Freminet decides, and these shoes have a spectacular shine, I should really polish them some more, he thinks to himself.
“Lyney,” Lynette says, breaking the heavy silence, “you’re not going through heart stroke.” 
Thank archons, Lynette is here! Freminet doesn’t think he’d have the courage to say that to Lyney’s face, in a manner that wouldn’t make Lyney even more melodramatic. 
“What!? Then what is it?” Lyney asks, rising from the clutches of the plush couch for the first time. 
“My diagnosis is…” Lynette pauses for dramatic effect, and Freminet swears Pers is listening attentively too. 
They all hold their breaths. 
“You’re in love, Lyney.” Lynette announces, taking a long sip of her tea. Freminet’s eyes widen, but it doesn’t compare to the heavy thud he hears and the long, loud shriek of, “WHAT?!” That echoes well and truly wonderfully throughout Hotel Bouffes d'ete. From then on, the urban legends of Fontaine often speculated about a most inhuman ghoul or perhaps, troll that was being kept hidden in the Hotel basement. 
Not that such rumours could ever be proven. 
“Let them imagine,” Lynette would say, sipping her tea nonchalantly, “a little shock has never hurt anyone,” she glances at Lyney, who’s been sitting on his chair with a stunned expression on his face. Indeed, Lynette helps herself to a macaroon, perhaps the next step is to give Lyney a little push, after all, a gentle nudge has never hurt anyone either.
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p0ssywhippedcream · 1 year
Can u do a Percy Jackson x reader where he’s like trying to impress her by doing something and reader is just like “yeah ok pretty boy keep talkin”
babe idk but this reminds me of that one scene from ATLA where Aang is doing the rock spinny thing in his hands and NOBODY’S impressed. They’re like yeah airbender air bending wow so cool
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Percy feels like a magician being pulling out of a rabbits mouth by a hat. He impresses everyone else at camp, everyone, but not you. This is just wrong. He’s cool? He’s a child of the Big Three? He’s cool?
Okay fine, he thinks, I’ll just summon a mini hurricane.
And now half of the dryads at camp are pissed at him for messing up their hair and the lake is in semi-disarray.
You’re standing at the beach, sneakers kissing the water as you watch him attempt to juggle balls of seaweed and fail miserably. He’s got that cute charming smile on his face as usual and he totally thinks you’re into him until you shake your head and turn around.
He speeds towards you on his personal storm of H2O, plants and confusion.
“Percy.” You turn back towards him and shove a lock of hair out of you face.
Now, he doesn’t know what to say. He’s exhausted his vocabulary already. You save him the trouble.
“Need something?”
“What’s your issue?” Wow, great going Percy. Really awesome of you to start that way.
“I’m kind of hungry but otherwise, I don’t have any.”
“Well then why are you… why are you so-”
“So unimpressed with your circus act? Because, Percy, I don’t care.”
His heart dropped. His hurricane slowed and quieted down. He wanted to say he didn’t care either but you continued.
“I don’t care about seaweed juggling or completely-water squirt guns or manatee love triangles,” He was going to say that it was actually a love square but you cut him off, again. You were pretty good at that. “That’s superficial. And it’s not you. You, Perce, are more than water tricks and badly timed jokes. I’m not impressed with those things because I don’t care to know what makes other people laugh, I care to know what makes you happy.”
Percy’s heart regained its footing and found itself in his chest again, a little bit higher now but maybe that was from his puffed-out chest. At some point in your speech, you hands had landed on his cheeks. You pulled him out of the water and the hurricane died instantly, washing away without a trace.
He stood next to you on the beach, speechless.
You nudged his mouth close with an index finger on his chin. “You don’t have to say anything witty. I’m just happy you heard me.”
You almost closed his mouth another time as it hung open before it started speaking. “Yeah, me too.”
There was a pause, his hand found your nape.
“I like you.” He confessed.
“I know,” You agreed, “I like you too.”
He kissed you softly, you tasted like marshmallows and juice.
“So I guess this means I can tell the sea lions we don’t need to hear their cover of ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’?”
You laughed and it made his eyes crinkle. Maybe he couldn’t impress you, but at least he could make you smile.
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marlynnofmany · 4 months
Accidental Training
The animal cargo of the day was large and honking, but it seemed well-mannered enough. Picture a sea lion with tiny scales instead of fur, dark gray on top and speckled pale underneath. Bobbing its head in curiosity at the cargo bay and the people in it. The squid-shaped clients maneuvering the cage into place didn’t rate a second look, but they were probably familiar and boring.
Captain Sunlight, with her lemon-yellow scales and dignified lizardperson demeanor, got a lot of attention. She ignored the honks as she finished business with the clients.
Then I stepped up to see what kind of creature I’d be in charge of for this trip, and it exploded in excitement like a 500-pound puppy, dancing in place on its flippers and honking up a storm.
One of the clients said, “It does that sometimes. Have a good flight,” then waved a tentacle and left.
Captain Sunlight squinted at the cage like she would have liked to cover her earholes but wanted to put on a strong front. Instead she looked up at me and said, “Good thing this is a short journey. It seems to like you, though.”
“I see that,” I said, waggling my fingers at it, which just made it honk louder. “Did they tell us a name for it?”
She consulted the information on her tablet while the excitable creature continued to hop around. “Looks like his name is Freckles.”
“That’s adorable,” I said. “Hi, Freckles! Are you a good boy? Yes? Are you so excited that you could break a weaker travel cage than this? Yes you are!” I pressed my hands to my knees in classic talking-to-puppy fashion, which did nothing for the noise levels in the room.
“I’ll leave you two to get acquainted,” Captain Sunlight told me. “The hover setting for the cage is turned off; it’s clamped in place; the food and supplies are here; we’ll take off shortly.”
“Got it,” I said with a wave as she left. There was a chance that Freckles would calm down if I left too, but he seemed equally likely to make lonely wails if left alone, and anyways this was the reason I’d been hired in the first place. Nobody else on the courier ship knew the first thing about animals. “All right, Freckles, are you ready to travel through space? Is that new for you? You look like you’re in good shape. Let’s aim for no medical emergencies on this trip.”
Freckles honked once, which I took for a yes. He bobbed up and down like a dog inviting another to play.
I copied the move, and he did it again. I lifted one foot, and he did the same, honking happily.
“Good boy! I’ll bet you make your people proud by holding still for tooth-brushing, don’t you? Lemme see your teeth. Ahhh.” I opened my mouth as an example.
With a similar noise, the clever animal copied the motion. His teeth looked clean enough, with none discolored or missing, and he even stuck his tongue out for a good look when prompted. I found a nearly-empty container of treats among the supplies, and rewarded him for good behavior.
“Good job. What else should we check? Can you show me your flipper? And turn like this? Very good. And like that?”
He could and did, visibly happy with the praise and treats. He was a little calmer now that there was something specific to do.
The engines started up with a quiet rumble, which caused him a moment of anxiety, but he was happily distracted when I started echoing his honks back at him.
If this had been an inanimate cargo, I would have left the cargo bay already, but I had nothing more important to do. My job today was to keep an eye on this guy. So I prompted him to do more beneficial tricks, then when the treats ran out, I decided the container made a fine toy.
“Hey look, a hat,” I told him as I put the lid on my head. The container was a mostly-round thing that twisted apart into two equal halves. That meant Freckles got a hat too. And he was so happy about it when I stuck it between the bars.
Only one coworker walked past the door while I was entertaining the cargo: Mur the Strongarm, who looked much like the people who’d brought Freckles onboard. Mur paused, saying nothing. Freckles ignored him, dancing from side to side while wearing his jaunty new hat.
I held my own pose, one foot in the air, arms spread. “Yes?”
“Nothing,” Mur said. “Nothing at all.” He continued on his way.
“You’re welcome to join us!” I called after him.
“No thanks. I’m good.”
The short trip was pretty fun. Freckles was particularly taken by the discovery that his honks echoed when the container covered his snout. He could even balance it on his flipper like a hand, taking it on and off to test the difference in sounds. When I did the same and then gave him another treat from a fresh container, he pranced in place and slapped his flippers together.
As it turned out, he was good at repeating patterns too. We did some clapping games of the sort that human toddlers love, then I found a ball among the supplies and we were all set for the rest of the trip. It was even the squishy kind that glorped between the bars instead of bouncing off, which was perfect. We played an entertaining game of catch until the engine noises changed into landing sounds.
I was honestly surprised the trip was over. The captain came back in to meet the clients who were here for pickup, and I made sure to pack away everything into the supplies. Freckles made a sad honk when I took the container back, but I gave him one last treat, and that made up for it.
These two clients looked much like the last, though one was carrying a bag from the shopping trip they’d done on the way here. They were also more talkative than the other ones.
“…Had to stop by the battery shop for three different kinds of chargers, then the feed store for more of the special diet that our oldest animal takes, and there was so much traffic!” The one typing information into the payment screen didn’t stop for breath, waving several tentacles as she talked.
“I’m just glad there was a mask attachment of the right size in stock,” said the one with the bag. “Getting Freckles his air vitamins is going to be hard enough as it is.” He pulled something from the bag: a long tube with a concave shape at one end. “What do you think, Freckles? Can this be easy for once?”
Freckles honked, which could have meant anything.
I looked at the mask. “What does he usually do when you have to give him air vitamins?”
The Strongarm sighed like a deflating balloon. “He just doesn’t want it anywhere near his face. He seems to think it’s a game to avoid it, which is fun for him but incredibly tiresome for everyone else.”
“Have you tried making it a different game?” I asked, starting to smile.
“Like what?”
“Can I see that for a moment?” When he passed it over, I got the container of treats and rattled it for Freckles’ attention, then took a position in front of the cage. I held the mask in front of my own face. “Hey Freckles. Honk honk.”
He of course honked happily and shoved his nose through the bars, eager for his turn. I settled it against his snout — perfect fit — and he honked away. I pulled the mask back and gave him a treat, then turned to beam at the clients.
“What! He’s never done that!” said the one.
“How did you train him to do that?” demanded the other.
“Honestly, I wasn’t trying to,” I admitted. “But he’s very smart. He seems to like copying motions, and he’s definitely food-motivated.”
“Oh yes, those are the good treats,” said the client with the bag. “The new kind that my cousin’s book club host recommended.”
I handed back the mask. “Then you might keep these in reserve for important things, like rewarding him for taking his air vitamins. Though given how much he’s enjoying the new game, you might not even need to.”
The clients were overjoyed. They thanked me, thanked Captain Sunlight, and showered Freckles with praise as they unclamped the cage and started up its hover function. We helped them down the ramp, then they waved off any further assistance on the way to a flatbed skimmer with a loading arm. The guy with the bag of shopping struggled just a bit managing all the supplies too, but neither Captain Sunlight nor I were about to insult a Strongarm by suggesting they needed help carrying something. So we just waved our goodbyes and made sure they got everything loaded onto the skimmer before we closed the cargo bay door.
“Bye, Freckles!” I called as it closed. I heard one last honk, which I decided sounded excited about the skimmer ride to come.
“Well,” said Captain Sunlight. “That was fortunate. Good job.”
“Thanks,” I said. “I think they’ll all enjoy the vitamin process more now, especially Freckles.”
We walked through the empty cargo bay to the hall, where Paint met us, with confusion on her scaly orange face and a jar lid in her hands.
“Mur said to give this to you?” she said, holding it out to me.
I laughed. “Mur thinks he’s very funny.” I dutifully set it on my head. “Yes, the height of fashion. But I think it would look better on him. You can tell him I said so.”
“Okay,” Paint said, taking the lid back. “Why?”
Captain Sunlight huffed a laugh and headed off to the cockpit while I began the explanation of how I’d spent the recent flight.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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deardjarin · 1 year
save a horse (ride a cowboy)
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agent whiskey x f!reader
sometimes you get a little… jealous
words: 1.5k
warnings: smut, office sex, mentions of voyeurism
You know your partner.
You know how he flirts with most people he meets, but you also know how he would never be unfaithful to you. But, you can’t help but get a bit jealous when you hear him tease other girls.
You checked in two women for a meeting with the Agent: an older lady and a young college student who both work for a private investigation company. You can hear the younger girl giggling through the glass door- giggling. You’re sure Whiskey is pulling his usual tricks to strike a deal with the ladies.
You find yourself gripping your pen harder than usual.
The meeting ends at precisely 4:35.
The women kindly bid their goodbye, but the younger’s face is bright red.
Frustrated, you input the time into your system.
You smooth out your pencil skirt and fix your hair when you stand up. The room is awfully quiet; you need a certain Statesman agent to break the silence.
The automatic door opens with a quiet swish, revealing Whiskey sitting behind his desk. He’s staring intently at his computer, most likely sending off emails to his fellow agents.
“Jack Daniels.”
Whiskey beams, leaning back in his office chair.
“Well hell-o little miss,” He drawls, slightly tilting his head to the side. He beckons you with one hand, and pats his thigh twice. “C’mere, sugar.”
You keep your gaze firm, even though you want to stumble over to him like a newborn deer and collapse in his arms. Your heels click softly on the polished hardwood as you approach him, and instead of slipping into his lap, you stand behind him. Resting your hands on his shoulders, you give him a little squeeze.
“Did you have a productive meeting?” You ask, kissing his cheek. A bit of stubble pokes your lips, but you don’t mind.
“I sure did,” He replies, smoothing the fabric of his pants.
You twist a lock of his dark hair between your fingers, and trail more kisses down the sharp line of his jaw. He exhales a shaky breath, tightening his grip on the arms of the chair.
“Were those girls nice, Agent?” You continue. Whiskey shifts in his seat, noticeably aroused.
“They sure were- sweetheart, may I ask why you’re interrogatin’ me right now?”
You hum, running your fingers over the knot of his tie.
“I’m sure if you’d given them the chance, they’d be all over you,” You comment. “I mean, who wouldn’t? That’s what happened with us.”
The corner of Whiskey’s mouth turns upwards.
“Is that what this is all about?” He asks.
You maneuver yourself around and slip onto his lap, straddling his thick thighs with yours. His calloused hands immediately fly to your waist, steadying you.
“Maybe,” You breathe, cupping his face in both of your hands.
“You and I both know that I’d never touch another woman as long as you’re with me,” He says. His fingers find their way under the hem of your pencil skirt, and his touch burns.
“That so?” You ask, trying not to melt at his words. He hums, turning his head to the side and kissing your palm.
“You gonna let me show you how much you mean to me?”
You nod, breathless, and kiss him.
His kisses are always sloppy, a little messy, but they’re so full of passion that you don’t mind. Accidentally, you knock his cowboy hat off of his head.
“Are-“ You whine when his lips meet your neck, mustache rubbing against your sensitive skin. “Are you going to lock the door?’
“Maybe I’ll keep it open,” Whiskey drawls between kisses. “I’m sure those girls would love to see you, squirmin’ like a bug on my lap. Or maybe that shy little intern- what was his name? Frankie? I see the way he looks at you when he brings up papers.”
You moan, grinding your clothed cunt against his thighs.
You’ve given up on your original plan. Whenever his hands- oh, his hands, cup your ass, you lose any semblance of rational thought.
Whiskey pulls away, making sure you’re balanced, and fiddles with the top button of your blouse. You usually keep a few undone because Whiskey likes it, but it’s clear he wants to see a little more than what you’re showing.
“Just gorgeous,” He groans when he fiddles with the last button, leaving your stomach and bra exposed.
“C-Can you lock the door?” You ask bashfully, shivering when Whiskey’s fingers brush over the curves of your hips.
“‘Course,” He says. Wrapping his arm around your waist to keep you steady, he leans forward and logs on to his high tech computer. There’s a faint beeping sound from the keypad outside of the frosted glass door.
“Make me so fuckin’ hard, baby,” Whiskey groans, gripping your wrist and guiding your hand to his crotch. As expected, your hand brushes against the hard outline of his cock, trapped in the fabric of his jeans. “Feel that? S’all for you.”
A strangled moan falls from your lips, and you give him a gentle squeeze.
“Let me-“ You stop mid-thought and hastily undo the clasp of his belt. The metal clang interrupts the sound of your heavy breathing: the only sound in the office. Your hands shake as you fiddle with his zipper, and with a deep breath you pull out his cock from his boxers.
Whiskey moans deeply at your touch. He’s warm and hard and you want him inside you so bad.
“Stand up, baby, take off your skirt,” He orders. You can see him clench his jaw, most likely restraining himself from standing up and throwing you against the desk.
Your legs are shaky as you unzip the back of your skirt, pulling the black fabric downwards. Watching you with dark eyes, your partner slowly pumps his cock.
“Sit back down, princess,” He murmurs, patting his thigh with his free hand.
Damn straight, You think. I’m his princess.
“Jack, I- I want to feel you.”
You notice the way his dick has left a wet spot on his dress shirt- shit, now he’s going to have to go home and change, all because of you-
“Mm!” You exclaim when Whiskey’s rough fingers find themselves inside your panties, pressing against your swollen clit. You have to grip onto his broad shoulders while he massages your wet cunt.
You’re a little upset when he pulls his hand away.
You feel like the air gets knocked out of your chest when he brings his fingers to his lips, tasting you.
“So sweet,” He growls. “Sweet like a goddamn Georgia peach. Wish I could taste you all day.”
His words feel like they make your body temperature rise to a thousand.
“Whiskey,” You half scold, half moan.
“Fuckin’- wanna bend over the desk? Let me fuck you from behind?”
You shake your head, gripping onto the expensive fabric of his suit jacket.
“Let me ride you, Jack.”
Whiskey throws his head back and swears. You let out a breathy laugh; you, and only you, can have him wrapped around your finger.
“I’ll let you do whatever you want,” He blurts, cock twitching against his stomach. “You gonna ride this cowboy, sugar?”
“Yeah,” You breathe, and your thighs shake as you lift your core enough so he can slip inside you. Whiskey holds your panties to the side while he guides the tip of his cock to your entrance. The two of you moan as you drop downwards, your ass pressing against his thighs.
“Shit,” He grunts through his teeth.
You take a moment to catch your breath before moving.
Jack keeps his hands on your waist, but leans forward to chase your lips. You cup his face in your hands, mindlessly kissing him while you move your hips. He fills you up so well, stretching and stuffing you in a way no one else can. You’re no stranger to this, in fact you’re quite skilled, but your legs still burn from the effort. It’s nothing compared to the way Whiskey’s cock slides in and out of you, though.
“Just like that,” He mumbles in between kisses.
You clench around him every time your clit brushes against his jeans. You’re sure Whiskey can feel it too; he squeezes his eyes shut each time it happens.
“S’good, sweetheart,” He praises. “Ready to cum?”
You shout in pleasure, nodding vigorously. His fingers find their way back to your clit, rubbing quick circles against you.
Your whole body shakes from your release.
It’s embarrassingly quick, but Jack keeps mumbling “that’s a good girl” in your ear. He continues to thrust into you, his movements becoming sloppy and erratic.
You slump against his chest while he finishes deep inside you, hips stuttering against your skin.
“Ain’t never had a better girl than you,” He says softly, brushing the back of his hand against your cheek. You smile; he always gets soft after he’s with you.
Before you can respond, the computer lights up.
Incoming Video Call: Agent Champagne
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rninies · 4 months
✮ rainbow rose
౨ৎ lyney x reader. fluff, gn!reader, based off of his story quest iirc or the archon quest i cant remember, flirty lyney — wc: 1171
notes. live laugh love lyney
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“y/n, do you remember what rainbow roses meant in terms of magicians using them in their performances?” charlotte asks you on a relaxing stroll through the city of fontaine.
you looked at her and tilted your head, unsure of where she was going with this. “um, something about romantic… stuff?”
“passion and romantic encounters,” charlotte quickly corrects you before she suddenly stops, holding both of your hands in excitement. “lyney gave you one if i’m not mistaken?” you nodded slowly and charlotte squeals. “you know what that means don’t you? lyney definitely has a crush on you!”
you froze in your place, processing what charlotte just said. you let out a laugh. “don’t be silly, charlotte. he just gave me one to, um, express his gratitude for helping him in one of his magic shows.”
charlotte gives you an ‘are-you-serious?’ look, letting out a sigh. “y/n just because i’m a reporter doesn’t mean i’m oblivious to romance! look, i’ve covered a lot of romance articles and i can tell when someone’s in love with a person.”
“charlotte,” you let out an exasperated sigh. “lyney and i are just friends, nothing more. him giving me a rainbow rose doesn’t mean anything more! he just decided to change the flower he’d be using in his magic tricks to rainbow roses. besides, weren’t you the one who told him magicians usually use rainbow roses in their flower-related tricks?”
“okay, fine, i’ll drop it.” charlotte raises her hands up in surrender. “but if he does have a crush on you and you guys develop into something more, do let me know. i’d love to get news on the famous magician’s love life.”
you slapped charlotte playfully on her forearm, continuing your stroll with her.
it wasn’t just five minutes later that charlotte saw lyney walking just a few steps away. “lyney! what’re you doing here?” charlotte calls out to him, nudging your ribs to catch your attention. you let out a painful yelp, sending charlotte a quick glare before your gaze softens, seeing lyney walking towards you, an adorable smile plastered all over his handsome face.
“ah, charlotte and y/n, what a pleasure it is to meet you two here,” lyney greets. “what are you two doing here?”
charlotte looks at you expectantly, basically saying ‘come on, answer him!’. you quickly cleared your throat, fixing your posture. “oh, um we were just walking… around. how about you? what’re you doing?”
“oh me? i was just grabbing a few supplies for my magic show this afternoon,” lyney responded, showing you the bag he’s holding. “speaking of magic shows, do you guys want to come later? i can reserve two seats for you,” he says, a glint of hope flickering his eyes. “front row.” he quickly adds.
you and charlotte look at each other before nodding in agreement. “sure! we don’t have anything planned this afternoon so we’re free. plus, today’s charlotte free day so it’s great timing.”
lyney gives you a big smile. “great! i’ll-”
“lyney, come on. we have to go back and check on all the props,” lynette suddenly appears behind lyney, scaring all three of you. “hi charlotte, y/n.”
“lynette,” lyney says with a huge sigh. “you have to stop doing that. you’re going to give me a heart attack one of these days.”
“don’t be dramatic. we really have to go, lyney.” lynette says before she starts walking away, already expecting lyney to follow behind her.
“sorry, i really have to go,” lyney apologetically says. before he leaves, however, he takes off his hat, pulling out a rainbow rose from inside. “for you.” he hands you the flower and leaves, not giving you a chance to say anything.
you blankly stare at him until his figure was nowhere in sight.
“oh. my. god!” charlotte exclaimed, breaking the silence. “he gave you another rose! y/n come on, this can’t be a coincidence!”
you stared at the rose in your hands, a small smile appearing on your face. “i don’t- shut up, charlotte.”
charlotte gives you a knowing look, smirking slightly. she nudges your shoulder, quietly telling you to continue the shopping spree.
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four hours later
it was time for lyney and lynette’s magic show to start. you and charlotte arrived at the court of fontaine fifteen minutes earlier, so there were no audiences yet. lyney was talking to one of the staff members on stage before he noticed you. 
his face brightens up when he sees you. “you guys made it!” he says, jumping down from the stage. “these are your seats by the way. front row.” lyney points at the seats right behind you and charlotte.
“thank you for reserving these seats for us, lyney.” charlotte shows her gratitude. “oh, before the show starts, mind if i go buy us some snacks and drinks? it’ll just be a minute.” she gives you a wink and you know she’s up to something.
“oh do you-”
“i don’t need help! you just accompany lyney here before the show starts. you know how nervous he gets.” charlotte says before running off.
“hey- charlotte!” you exclaimed, watching her figure disappear. “um, sorry about that lyney… she can be quite a handful when she isn’t in her work mode.”
“oh, that’s fine. you seem really close with charlotte,” lyney says. “how’d you meet her in the first place anyway?”
“huh? oh it was in mondstadt. a pretty long time ago, actually, now that i think about it” you let out a chuckle, remembering the adventure you had with her. “um, so back to your show! are you prepared? are you nervous?” you asked him in a teasing tone.
lyney rubs the back of his neck. “is it that obvious? yes, i’m nervous. today’s show is… pretty important to me.”
“hm? isn’t every single one of your shows important to you?” you asked, confused. “what’s the difference between this show and the other shows?”
lyney’s face suddenly flushed red. “oh, um, you’ll- you’ll see later when the show starts. i’m not spoiling anything.”
instead of questioning him further, you let him be. he obviously won’t reply to any of your questions. charlotte eventually comes back with 2 garlic baguettes and 2 bottles of fonta.
“hey! the line wasn’t super long for the- what’s with the awkward silence?”
lyney clears his throat. “i have to go backstage now. i’ll see you guys when the show starts.” he gives you a quick wave, running off.
charlotte has one eyebrow raised when you look back at her. “what just happened?”
you shrugged. “i have no idea. i asked him about his show and he just suddenly got embarrassed. i mean, why is he so embarrassed?”
“hmm,” charlotte hums, placing down the snacks and drinks. “maybe he’s doing something new? i mean, everything he does is new but maybe this one is super special.”
“i guess…” you mumbled. people started entering the court, so you and charlotte sat down on your seats, patiently waiting for the show to start.
lyney’s show was amazing as per usual. he’s managed to awe the audience with just a few tricks, and you can’t help but feel proud of him.
it was the end of the show, and lyney had only one act left.
“alright, for this last act, i’m going to need an audience member to come up and technically help me with this trick,” lyney starts, and most of the audience began growing excited, hoping to be picked. “instead of using the number generator we used last time, i’ll be picking from this hat.”
“ah, all the numbers inside here are written by lynette so i did not make any cheats.” lyney makes sure to confirm, lynette silently waving behind the curtains. 
he pulls out a piece of paper from the hat and as soon as he sees the number written on it, a smile appears on his face. “row a, seat number 5.”
beside you, charlotte lets out an excited gasp, shaking your shoulder. “y/n it's your seat number!” before you could even process anything, the spotlight shines above you. charlotte pushes you to stand up, and seeing many eyes staring at you makes you feel nervous.
“y/n,” lyney whispers loud enough for you to hear. you turned your head to see him giving you a smile, his hand stretched out in front of him. “it’s okay. don’t be nervous. this trick isn’t dangerous at all, i promise.” you nodded, taking lyney’s hand as you walked up the stage.
“okay, this last trick is a simple hat trick,” lyney takes his hat off, placing it on a table that has a cloth covering it right in the middle of the stage. “as you can see, it is an empty hat, nothing inside of it. just a regular hat,” you looked inside of the hat and true to his words, it indeed was just a normal hat. “y/n, if you would please take out a piece of paper from inside the hat.”
you hesitantly placed your hand in the hat, searching for the paper. surprisingly, you found a small hidden compartment just on the inside of the hat. you took the paper out of the compartment, showing it to the audience, who were in awe with just a simple trick. the paper was folded into a small piece, but lyney stops you from opening it.
“next, please take a flower out of my hat.” lyney instructs, and you placed your hand back into the hat, searching for the flower. to your surprise, you find lynette under the table, opening the top part of the hat to hand you the flower (you honestly almost laughed at the face she was making but you kept it to yourself). 
it was another rainbow rose — three to be exact. when charlotte sees it her eyes lit up, taking out a notepad to write something down. as someone who doesn’t know much about flowers, you don’t understand why the audience started squealing in excitement. you looked at lyney in confusion but he doesn’t say anything to you. “and that is it for my last trick! thank you all for coming to my show!” confetti popped out of the machines in front of the stage, marking the end of the show. “y/n, open the paper.”
you did as he told, and when you read the note, you were immediately flustered.
3 rainbow roses = i love you <3
wanna go on a date with me? ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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starsandhughes · 8 months
Penalty Box Series— Trevor Zegras Edition (Two)
23-24 Season Masterlist
previous: one
next: three
a/n so i def posted this then deleted it bc i hated it bc i wrote it in the 1-3am range… and now i’m writing it again in that range… fingers crossed!
i’m sorry this is short!
OCTOBER 15, 2023
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liked by trevorzegras, jamie.drysdale, and 16,611 others
yourusername welcome back to my post game penalty box update show, céline dion fans and non-céline dion fans! tonight was the ducks home opener and it was a doozy!
first i want to address that my lil quackies have now won their home opener 8 years in a row and are now 20-9-1 in their 30 year history for home openers! and if you’re like me and ✨love✨ stats, then you’ll be thrilled to learn that mr. frank “the tank” vatrano is the FIRST DUCK EVER TO SCORE A HAT TRICK IN THE HOME OPENER! shoutout to mason, who passed frankie the puck so that he could score the empty netter for the hatty, and made me cry at how sweet he was! (yes, they got good job forehead kisses because i love them soooo much!)
now, on to the fun stuff that you’re all here for! my future husband and baby daddy got his first penalty tonight, and oooo lordy, he looked fine! seriously, like, you think you all were freaking out about how hot he was in the box? imagine how i feel! he’s coming home to me!
his penalty was for “holding the stick” against aho (queue the boos) he did not agree with the penalty and made sure to scoff at the refs so that they knew they made a ridiculous call (i legally have to be on his side)
but get this— the penalty was called 11 seconds into z’s shift, it was the 6th official power play for the canes! we love! (we don’t love that it resulted in a c*nes goal though)
what was my favorite part of the game, you ask? it was the scrum, of course! my mans tried his best in holding back pesce, but he really just clung onto him as he got dragged around the scrum because he… is pocket sized compared to pesce. the 9th photo is of z clinging onto him from behind. i imagine pesce’s inner monologue was like “if the child will not move off me, then i shall move with the child. i am undeterred by the diminutive boy.”
ANYHOOZLE, i’m so proud of my boys! especially jamie baby, who now has back to back assists! this is your reputation era, jd! i love you endlessly <3
and to my z-baby, i’m perpetually proud of you and i’m sure you’ll do something productive soon! i love you, always💜 (and you look hot as fuck in purple) (you should buy more purple)
(p.s. did you all really think i’d only post one pic of my mans in the box when he looked that hot in it tonight? guess again! post two coming soon!)
tagged trevorzegras
view all 277 comments
trevorzegras i can’t tell if i was attacked or loved more in the post but i love you, forever, my sweet girl! (i’ll buy more purple) (i’m not pocket sized! or diminutive! at all! that’s quinn!)
yourusername i’d like to think i had an even balance of love and bullying<3 (you are compared to a 6’4 man!) (quintin’s gonna kill you and i’m going to have to let him)
trevorzegras he wouldn’t dare kill his future brother-in-law! and i’m going to be a the dad to his nieces/newphews/both!
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras count your days, zegras
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras she has options
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes no? she doesn’t?
_quinnhughes @/jamie.drysdale would you be the dad to sissy’s kids if i kill trevor?
jamie.drysdale @_quinnhughes of course
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras see? options!
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale aw, jamie baby! i’m gonna cry!
trevorzegras @/yourusername HE IS NOT GOING TO BE THE DAD TO OUR TWINS
yourusername @/trevorzegras FINE
user76 you’re so real for knowing all of us were acting whoreish over him in the box
yourusername this house is pro whore!
user14 “mwah!” -z in the 5th pic
jamie.drysdale i love YOU endlessly! so happy to have my own professional cheerleader back this year
yourusername wym “back”??? i never stopped being your cheerleader! i’m offended at best
colecaufield @/yourusername i would never do that to you
jamie.drysdale @/colecaufield you’re just mad that quinn asked me to be the dad to the twins
trevorzegras @/colecaufield @.jamie.drysdale I’M THE DAD! I’M THE FATHER! I’M THE BABY DADDY!
yourusername @/trevorzegras wow… jealous much?
colecaufield @/trevorzegras it’s hypothetical! if quinn kills you, then it should be me! i’m best friend number two!
jamie.drysdale @/colecaufield but she wouldn’t have to move if it’s me!
yourusername @/matthew_tkachuk congrats! if quinn kills trevor, you get to raise the twins with me as their dad!
matthew_tkachuk @/yourusername do you want your own room? or just the nursery and you can sleep with me?
yourusername @/matthew_tkachuk we can share the bed!
trevorzegras @/yourusername @.matthew_tkachuk NO
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername NO FAIR
colecaufield @/yourusername RUDE!
yourusername @/matthew_tkachuk 10 minutes ago, i lost my dear fiancé, trevor
trevorzegras @/yourusername I’M NOT ACTUALLY DEAD
yourusername @/matthew_tkachuk sometimes i can still hear his voice
matthew_tkachuk @/yourusername i’m sorry for your loss
yourusername @/matthew_tkachuk i’m not
trevorzegras @/yourusername divorce.
yourusername @/trevorzegras we can’t get a divorce if i’m a widow
trevorzegras @/yourusername ghost divorce.
colecaufield @/trevorzegras wrong 22, bitch
trevorzegras @/colecaufield all’s fair in love and war
yourusername @/trevorzegras i don’t think you used that correctly
colecaufield @/trevorzegras so you admit to cheating?!
trevorzegras @/colecaufield no? there was a war i had to stop, and i love you! i didn’t “cheat”
yourusername @/trevorzegras you definitely didn’t use that correctly
user32 this game was everything to me
jackhughes @/trevorzegras i can’t believe the father of my future nieces/nephews/both is a criminal…
trevorzegras @/jackhughes you’re one to talk!
jackhughes @/trevorzegras that’s not the point!
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras @/jackhughes @.lhughes_06 i’m the only one of us that’s not a criminal! none of you should get to see the babies!
yourusername @_quinnhughes i love you so much but trevor is screaming and *i’m* about to kill you
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes you pissed off the princess
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes has she ever threatened your death?
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras i don’t think so
jackhughes @_quinnhughes you REALLY pissed off the princess
user47 “i legally have to be on his side” that’s true love baby!
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras the war begins
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes you're at 2 games?
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras 2 more than you
yourusername war! war! war! war!
_alexturcotte war! war! war! war!
yourusername @_alexturcotte you? you get me
_quinnhughes @_alexturcotte @/yourusername heathens
yourusername @_quinnhughes you quite literally started this war
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes heathen
_alexturcotte céline dion? are you 60?
yourusername i love her
trevorzegras @_alexturcotte what can i say? i love me an older woman
yourusername @/trevorzegras if you have a mommy kink, just say so
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername WHY
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale i just want to make my mans happy! i love him!
trevorzegras @/yourusername forever?
yourusername @/trevorzegras always💜
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liked by trevorzegras, jackhughes, and 11,341 others
yourusername soooo..... i couldn't just pick 8 pictures... and then i couldn't just pick 17 pictures... so here's 26 more pictures for a grand total of 34 (not including the penalty count)!
enjoy pictures of:
-z looking unreasonably hot in the penalty box
-z looking unreasonably hot in his plum carpet fit
-his many faces during games
-z attacking aho (#JusticeForJack)
-the scrum turn into a conga line
-jamie baby in his plum carpet fit (he also looks very good! both my boys were in blue <3)
-jamie baby's faces during the game
-jamie baby playing volleyball with the puck
with love,
tagged trevorzegras and jamie.drysdale
jamie.drysdale NO
_quinnhughes @/jamie.drysdale welcome to the club! i’m so sorry
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale it could be worse
yourusername no one is safe🫶 ever💜
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername i thought you loved me
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale this is how i show love
jackhughes @/jamie.drysdale you should've known this was coming
jamie.drysdale @/jackhughes i thought i’d be safe since i didn't get a penalty
colecaufield @/jamie.drysdale good thing you don't get paid for thinking
user46 oh i’m drooling
trevorzegras not all of these pictures are bad ones of me and i’m taking that as a win! i love you, forever💜
yourusername i know! aren't i the sweetest? (i love you, always)
trevorzegras i don't call you my sweet girl for nothing!
jackhughes @/yourusername he's lying to you
yourusername @/jackhughes die.
trevorzegras soooo sweet💜
lhughes_06 @/jamie.drysdale just wait til you get your own post
jamie.drysdale @/lhughes_06 you and jack didn't get one and you two got penalties!
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale i was mad at them at the time!
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername be mad at me
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale never.
yourusername @/lhughes_06 p.s. congratulations on losing your nhl penalty virginity!
lhughes_06 @/yourusername why are you like this?
yourusername @/lhughes_06 to make your life more interesting
lhughes_06 @/yourusername my life is interesting!
yourusername @/lhughes_06 you're welcome!
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ahockeywrites · 5 months
between the fog, i see you
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pairing: nico hischier x fem!reader requested? yes rating: 18+ warnings: smut, oral (f! receiving), mentions of the devils lettuce, alcohol consumption, smut under the influence, unprotected sex (please wrap it before you tap it) if you like it, please reblog :)
Sweat, alcohol and weed were all that you could smell as you made your way through the copious amounts of bodies who were in your way. Smoking may have been outlawed inside buildings, but it didn’t stop people from bringing their vapes into the club where you were trying your best to find your friends. Sophie said that she had found a booth where some of her brother’s friends were nursing beers after their game. You hadn’t watched it but were aware of the score. The Devils had won the game 8-4 and the captain had a hat trick.
You liked Nico, or at least you did before he ignored you the whole night when you went to one of the Devils’ charity nights with Sophie’s brother hanging off your arm. The pair of you were strictly platonic and you only agreed to tag along if you could bring her brother to your upcoming fashion show where you were showcasing designs to various sportswear companies and having an actual athlete there would help you out.
From that moment on, Nico did everything in his power to ignore you. You were buying a round of drinks? Suddenly he didn’t want one. You were hosting a party? Suddenly something came up and he was too busy to attend.
The crush you had on him when you first met had dwindled down but never disappeared. It was still there. You always found a way to watch the game when you weren’t in the studio and enjoyed when the social media team posted photos of their captain. The way he rallied the team to work in tandem with each other. His sweaty hair that you imagined running your hands through. The photos did something to you that you refused to admit, even to yourself.
Lights shone down over the table that Sophie was sat at and she was deep in conversation with Nico. His hair looked slightly more golden than usual, but you put that down to the lighting and haze at which you were looking at him with.
Jack was the first to notice you and jumped up to give you his seat before Sophie pushed a glass with some concoction in it towards you. It was a no-brainer for you to pick it up and down the rest of the glass.
The booth filled quickly with large hockey bodies and after a lot of pushing and shoving, you ended up three shots deep, sat next to Nico Hischier. The exact man you didn’t want to be near in any capacity, let alone slightly intoxicated.
Someone handed you another drink before Dawson brought you into a conversation about the new clothing you had designed. You loved talking about your work and it was your dream to continue designing clothes. It just so happened that your supervisor at college had a way to get you into working in sportswear manufacturing so following an internship at a manufacturing plant, you had started developing clothes for athletes. Having Sophie as a friend and her brother as an athlete, it made sense to start your research with him and then branch out.
It was after another round of drinks when you started becoming a little more loose lipped, talking about how your ex-boyfriend just wasn’t good enough for you and how you were considering going back into the dating pool. Just dipping your toes in, not looking for anything serious just yet. But you had Sophie to blame when she brought up, in front of everyone, that he had never given you an orgasm and that you’d never had one before.
Your cheeks flushed red, and you hid in whoever’s chest was beside you. You couldn’t be here for this discussion. When you resurfaced, you saw shocked faces.
Nico was the one who was sat next to you. Nico’s chest was the chest you had hidden in. Your eyes widened. You couldn’t be here anymore.
“I need to go to the bathroom,” you announced, still looking at all the shocked faces. “I’ll be right back.”
You didn’t even wait for the guys to move; you climbed over them and ran to the bathroom. Fuck. You looked at yourself in the mirror. To the average person, you looked fine, great even. To yourself, you had fucked up royally.
The man who you had a crush on, the man who hated you, now knew that your ex had never brought you to climax, and parts of your highlighter were now on his fitted, black t-shirt. The one that exaggerated his biceps and allowed you to see parts of his tattoo. The one that he sometimes used to wipe sweat off his forehead with and then a slither of his abs were on show.
You turned the faucet on, waiting for the cool water to come out so you could put some on the back of your neck. There was no way in hell that you were going to splash some on your face because then that would make it look like you had been crying. Only a few tears had come out and due to the waterproof mascara, you put on before coming out, it hadn’t run. Yet.
Bass thumped through the bathroom you found yourself in, but it was quieter in there. it gave you time to compose yourself, pull yourself together. You waited to catch your breath before standing up and checking that your outfit was clean. Who knew what had gone on in this bathroom before.
A knock on the door threw you off and you walked over to it to see if it was another patron waiting for it. You heard your name being shouted over and over through the hard wood.
“If you don’t open this fucking door, I’m going to kick it down,” the voice commanded. Fuck, whoever that was knew how to control with words.
“Alright fine,” you conceded, unlocking the door and allowing whoever it was to enter the bathroom.
You were shocked when you saw Nico on the other side and even more shocked when he closed the bathroom door behind the pair of you and locked it. His eyes were dark and if you looked closely, you would have seen the fire behind them.
He was infuriated. How did your ex have a woman like you but never made you feel how he could. He had been infatuated with you from the moment he met you but thought you were dating his team mate so were naturally off limits. But when it came out tonight that you were single and looking to start dating again, all the reigns had gone from him. You hiding in his shirt was the last straw. Your head being so close to his cock made him turn feral.
One of his hands made its way to your shoulder and the other to your hair, bringing a loose strand of it behind your ear. Nico’s body towered over yours and he brought his lip to the shell of your ear.
“That bastard of an ex-boyfriend,” he kissed your ear between words, “never got you to come.” His kisses moved from your ear to down your neck, sucking occasionally. “Speak princess,” Nico encouraged you.
“No,” your voice wobbled as you spoke back. “He didn’t.”
“It must be a shame,” his hands moved lower to rest on your ass which was accentuated by your leather skirt, slowly grabbing the cheeks. “To never have a man make you come, want to make you come. Want to make you scream for him. Want to make you see stars over and over and over again.”
Your eyes rolled back as Nico found the spot on your neck that no other man had found so quickly. He sucked hard as your head lulled to the side, the feeling of heat building between your legs was impossible to ignore. You had to refrain from asking him to move his hands because you couldn’t look needy in front of Nico, in a dark club bathroom. Could you?
“Please,” you whimpered, the words barely audible over the music pulsating through the room. His gaze pierced yours as he moved a hand up the curves of your body, coming to rest on your bra-less chest. A bra wouldn’t have worked with the outfit, and you hadn’t expected to end up in this position.
Nico’s thumb ghosted over your nipple and a whine escaped your lips, asking for more.
“Please what, princess?” He asked with a smirk on his face. Nico knew exactly what you wanted, you wanted him between your legs; hand, cock, or tongue. He wasn’t picky at all, anything you wanted, he would happily give.
“Want you,” you got out through deep breaths.
“You’re in luck,” the Swiss man smiled. “Want you too.”
His lip collided with yours, his tongue tasting of the whiskey he was sipping on earlier. Nico took no time in pulling down the front of your shirt as the kiss turned heated, exposing your breasts to the cool, bathroom air.
“Been thinking about these since we first met, fuck,” his mouth wrapped around one of your nipples, sucking again. A moan escaped from your lips, but you didn’t care. You were too caught up in the moment.
Your hands finally found a place to rest, in Nico’s hair pulling and tugging every last strand. This wasn’t going to be the sweetest hookup you’d had, but it certainly was going to be the hottest.
Nico’s kisses began to head south, over your shirt until he reached the waistband of your skirt. It was short and tight, and Nico could have come at the sight. It wasn’t until he swiped two of his fingers between your legs that he realised you had no underwear on.
“A skirt this short and no panties?” The captain questioned with a cock of his head. All you could muster up as a response was a nod. “Once I get started princess, I won’t be stopping unless you say Islanders.” The smirk on his face was back as he made you repeat the safe word. All because he got his hat trick past the Islanders tonight. If you had a little more sense in you, you’d have rolled your eyes and walked out. But there was something about this side of Nico that you wanted to see more of. Needed to.
Two fingers pushed into you and the feeling was beautiful, the callouses on Nico’s fingers, the way his palm found your clit. The everything. He kissed with the same rhythm as he worked you open with his fingers, only stopping once to take his fingers out and lick them, tasting you on him.
“You’re delicious,” he whispered before lowering his head to between your thighs. “Just a taste,” Nico winked before diving into your pussy.
Turns out that just a taste meant bringing you on the edge of orgasm three times before announcing that when you were going to come, it was going to be on his cock.
“Just fuck me already Nico,” you complained as he expertly undid his belt then yanked down his trousers and boxers, exposing his hardened cock.
“Turn round, hands on the wall,” Nico commanded, flicking up the skirt over your ass. You obliged, realising that the wall was actually a mirror and you’d be able to see everything he did. Fuck, he knew what he was doing.
Kisses were peppered up and down your neck as Nico’s hands started massaging the muscle of your ass. It felt relaxing and you leant into his touch, egging him on.
A slap to your butt brought you out of that state of relaxation and you felt Nico’s cock sitting between your legs, collecting your wetness to use as a lubricant. It took everything in his might to not slam himself into you but somehow, he refrained, teasing you.
Your ass moved back onto his lower abdomen and started grinding, you needed friction, something to make this feeling go. It felt like you needed to let go, to have something push you over the edge. It was unusual but your body started moving of its own accord.
“Does my girl want my cock?” Nico teased, lining himself up with you. You nodded in response and twisted your neck so that you could get the right angle to kiss him again.
Nico pushed his hips up towards yours, sinking himself fully into you as he continued to kiss the moans you made as he stretched you out inch by inch. He was longer and thicker than your ex and as he started moving in and out you could feel him reaching areas that no one else had.
The stretch burnt beautifully and all you could do was let Nico piston his hips into you, leaving no mercy. Expletives left your mouth as though it was a prayer as he continued to snap his hips up and down. A hand moved around from your ass to grasp a nipple and he rolled the pert bud between his fingers.
You cried out in pleasure, not knowing what the feeling in the bottom of your stomach was. Your body felt as though it was on fire, tingling throughout. Your breath became shallow and sped up and Nico knew exactly what to do.
Continuing to thrust into you was the easy part, the hard part for the captain was getting you to open your legs that little bit more so he could find your clit once more.
“Princess,” Nico groaned breathlessly. You moaned as he stilled inside you. “Put your foot up on the basin,” his free hand pointed in the direction he wanted. It took you a moment to respond but a hard slap on your ass brought you back to earth and when he told you what he wanted you to do again, all you could do was oblige because Nico had you wrapped around his little finger.
“Good girl,” he whispered in the shell of your ear before pulling your hair back to make you look into his eyes, and it sent shockwaves down your spine. No one had ever called you that before, but you liked it. You really liked it.
“Next time I’m fucking that ass,” Nico’s finger circled around your tight hole but moved it to your clit and started rubbing tight circles on the bud. When he started moving his hips again, that feeling of something building up started again.
“Fuck,” you moaned, head lulling to the side. “It feels like something is gonna break soon.”
He couldn’t come before you, not when he came into this bathroom to make you come. It wasn’t meant to be anything other than an orgasm but when he tasted you, he couldn’t help himself. Your walls tightened around him and he could feel himself teetering on the edge of release.
“Good,” Nico spoke with authority. “Relax and let go,” he commanded, and you listened. Your legs started to tremble, and you could feel your eyes start rolling into the back of your head. “That’s it, princess,” Nico coached. “Such a good girl.”
Something snapped inside of you, and everything went black for a split second. This feeling of euphoria was nothing you had felt like before. This was what cloud nine felt like, ultimate pleasure and relaxation. Everything and nothing at the same time. The pleasure continued in waves as you felt Nico continue to pound into you.
Deep grunts filled your ear, and you knew what was coming next. Your ex always reached orgasm but never got you there and Nico who had never even touched your arm had you coming on his cock at the first attempt.
Nico’s hips stuttered and you felt his warm release inside you.
Shit, you had come back to reality. Had you just fucked Nico Hischier in a club bathroom? Apparently so. Had the aforementioned man just given you your first orgasm? Yes.
You had to get out of there. Not just the bathroom, not just the club, potentially the city. You had to get back to your apartment.
The mirror showed a woman royally fucked and there was nothing you could do about it. Your hands moved to flick your skirt back down and you walked out of the bathroom leaving Nico speechless.
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tkachukz · 1 year
Meeting the Hughes -Quinn Hughes
-hope you all like it  :) 
-english is not my first language, if I have something written wrong I'm sorry (and let me know so I can fix it and learn)
-words: 1,3 K
summary: When your boyfriend introduces you to his family for the first time
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Quinn's fingers tap the steering wheel frantically, a sure sign of her anxiety.
That's because, after three months, you were driving to his house, not the one in Vancouver, but the one in his hometown, where he would introduce you to his family for the first time.
You were wearing nice pants and a sweater, the night was cold.
A playful smile spreads across your lips "If I didn't know you I would think you could hurt me"
"What??" he looks scared.
“You're nervous. In movies, killers often show a certain nervousness when they are taking their victims to the slaughterhouse”.
“You watch too many serial killer movies” he smiles a little “sorry, I never introduced anyone to my family”.
"I know. I promise I'll behave" you let out a sly smile as you cross your fingers.
Quinn now lets out a laugh, and you feel he's a little more relaxed.
As soon as he parks the car, he goes around to open the door, this is one of the niceties that are part of their relationship. He is a gentleman. Like, he always opens and closes doors, holds your hand on the stairs, keeps an arm around your waist when you're in a crowded place, and always has an extra coat in the car for you - but wouldn't mind taking his own if necessary.
He gives you a gentle kiss when you reach the door.
Your confidence drops a little when you looks into Quinn's eyes. He wasn't your first boyfriend but without a doubt he was the best, he meant the world to you and you knew how important family was to him and all you wanted was to impress them.
“They will love you,” he whispers in your ear as soon as he open the door.
Warm air of comfort invades your lungs. The house was big, but incredibly welcoming.
“Quinn! You came!! Jim! Guys!" the woman you already knew to be Quinn's mother yelled, reaching over smiling to hug her son, "I miss you!"
"Very good to see you mom!" Quinn says affectionately, letting go of the hug and extending his hand to you "this is Y/n"
“It is a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Hughes” you said with a genuine smile.
“Call me Ellen, please! Nice to meet you sweetihart!" she surprises you with a hug.
Quinn's father arrives to greet his son, and soon after offers you a handshake with a smile, much more discreet, maybe that's why Quinn was so shy.
Two boys arrive together, and Quinn joins you with a big smile.
“I told you she was real” his smile widens and you see the younger brother handing a paper to the older one.
"Did you guys bet I wasn't real?"
“Welcome to the Hughes family” Ellen lets out a laugh heading towards the kitchen with Jim.
“Just to clarify, I thought you were real” the one with the longest hair holds out his hand “I'm Jack, it's nice to meet the person Quinn can't stop talking about”
You see Quinn's cheeks redden and he lowers his head.
“I thought he was lying. I'm Luke”, greets the youngest.
"I'm Y/n, nice to meet you"
Quinn guides you into the kitchen, sitting next to you and serving you what looks like delicious pasta.
"How did you two meet?" Jack asks after a while, causing you and Quinn to exchange knowing glances.
“We met at a party” he clears his throat “I saw that she was the most beautiful girl in the place and I asked her to dance”
A delicate smile leaves your lips remembre the moment.
"Wow, I didn't know you were an attitude guy" Luke says, receiving a pinch from his mother.
“We danced all night, we talked, and I asked her to watch my game that weekend,” he continued.
“That's a classic,” Jack says in a lower tone.
“I gladly accepted the free invitation” you add to the story making Luke laugh.
"She did, and I scored her a hat trick" Quinn says this time looking at you, holding your hand under the table.
"Can't it be that easy?" Luke begins "I got a lot of hats and I never got a girlfriend!"
"Well, maybe you're not as much fun off the ice as you think." Jack shrugged, causing Luke to shoot him a death glare.
 After dinner, you all went into the living room, with Ellen showing Quinn's old photo albums - he wasn't too excited about it. Afterwards, you got together to play some board games and mimicry.
You were competitive, so you were dedicated to winning, whether you were on Quinn's team or not.
“Ok Jack, attention” you pointed to the younger before starting to mime.
You started running around the room like crazy.
"Running. Runner. Circle. Fast..."
You waved on the last word.
"Okay, okay. Fast!" he repeated.
Feeling a bit sorry for playing, you made the ugliest face you could imagine, making Jack's eyes shine.
"Furious!!! FAST AND FURIOUS!!! FAST AND FURIOUS!” He shouted in celebration and you joined he -cause this was the final round and you had won.
"Is not fair! It's not my fault Quinn never watched Percy Jackson. Huh Quinn!” Luke complains, trying to get the older's attention, but without success.
Quinn had his eyes on you.
When you readily and excitedly accepted to meet his family, he felt his heart warm. The way you charmed everyone made him even more emotional. 
You were nice and affectionate with his mother, listening to family stories and even sharing a cake recipe; you had shown interest in a book his father was reading, even though you was not a fan of astronauts; and you was even more committed to Jack and Luke because you knew how important they were to him.
You answered all of Jack's curious questions, even uncovered yours shared interest in superheroes, and entertained Luke with some of Quinn's stories — and even promised to help him find a girlfriend.
At the end of the night, everyone went to their rooms. You and Quinn would spend the night so you don't have to hit the road at night. You would sleep in Quinn's bed - while he would sleep on the floor in Jack's room.
“I love it when you wear my jersey” he says in a soft voice leaning against the door frame.
“Are you waiting for my invitation to enter your own room?” a smile leaves your lips.
He walks in slowly coming towards you. Your heart feels like it's going to leap out of your chest with the gentle kiss.
"Thank you for today. My mum already loves you, my dad thinks you're extremely smart, Jack is obsessed and Luke still can't believe you're my girlfriend” he whispers in your ear, while rubbing your back.
"They are amazing. Thank you for introducing me to them”
You hold each other for a while longer. Quinn is in fluffy pajamas, which makes you want to spend the night cuddling up to him.
“I think you better go, see you in the morning” you say with a soft kiss on the cheek, fighting your own instincts.
“I could stay. I hide under the bed” he says with a small smile.
"Quintin Hughes, I am committed to earning your mother's trust!!" you start pushing him to the door.
Considering your difference in size, weight, and strength, this would be an impossible mission if Quinn wasn't helping.
"Is my mother's love more important than mine?" he pretends to be offended.
"For sure. Goodnight baby” you close the door in his face, opening it seconds later for a quick kiss, then closing it again.
You can hear Quinn's laugh through the keyhole, making you go to sleep with the best feeling of butterflies in your stomach.
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Twisted Monsterland: Sleepy Birds
So…let’s talk harpies.
Without going into details about the overall species (I’ll save that for the baby monster bestiary I’m working on), I will say that harpies can be based on all species of birds. Falcons, eagles, and vultures? Sure, they’re more commonly known as the base foundation for the species, but they’re not the only ones! Crowley is a good example as a corvid harpy, and some of Rook’s siblings are based on birds of paradise like parrots and macaws! Some can even be based on delicate birds like the hummingbird~
Oof…just thinking about having to flap my arms that fast as a harpy makes me tired! 0.0
Now, you’re probably wondering, “That’s neat! But…where are you going with this?” And that’s a good question! Because we’re gonna talk about birbs~!
I’ve never owned a bird as a pet before, but my grandparents had one when we used to visit in my childhood. One thing I learned about birds (aside from the fact that we had to clap whenever their bird performed a trick on her own and someone saw it) is that one common thing bird owners do to calm down their feathery companions:
The “sleepy-time blanket”!
When the blanket goes over the cage, it’s supposed to mimic night time so the bird thinks it’s time to sleep. And when the cover is removed? It’s time to sing good morning~! Granted, it seems like this varies from bird-to-bird, but considering how often I’ve struggled to stay awake in school whenever the teachers used powerpoint slides in a dark room? Yeah, I get very sleepy in those cases. 😅
Now…imagine if Yuu discovered this by complete accident in the Monster!AU. >v>
Yuu: *hanging laundry out to dry on a bright, sunny day* “Hey, Grim? I need another clothes peg. The middle is sagging too much.”
Grim: “Yeah, yeah, here.” *flaps wings to hover next to Yuu, holding a bag in his paws* “Are we done yet? I’m bored…”
Yuu: “We’d be done sooner if someone hadn’t taken one of the bedsheets while the ghosts were collecting laundry and added one more load to wash and dry.” *unaware of a large shadow on the other side of the sheet, Yuu frowning as they go to take the sheet down and redo the arrangement*
???: “Bonjour, little Trickster~!”
Yuu/Grim: “Ack-!?!”
Crash!! Fwomp!
Grim: *pinned under Yuu* “Get…off! You’re heavy!”
Yuu: “Ow…sorry!” *climbs to their feet with a wince before turning to face the visitor now covered under the sheet* “Rook! You scared us half-to-death!”
*Rook doesn’t move, eerily silent as he stands there*
Grim: “Hm? Hey, wazza matter? You usually start talkin’ funny by now!” *huffs when he doesn’t get a response and goes to peek under the sheet* “Hey! Are you listenin’ to m…eh? Wait a minute…he’s asleep!?"
Yuu: “Huh??”
Grim: “He fell asleep standing! See?!” *yanks off blanket, pulling off Rook’s hat at the same time*
Rook: *straightens up with a blink, fluttering his wings before feathers settle down and he smiles* “Oh, there you are, Trickster. How are you faring this morning?”
Grim: “Mrah!? I thought you were asleep! What gives?”
Rook: “Hm? I was asleep? I don’t recall…”
Grim: “Yes you were! You were practically snorin’!”
Yuu: *picks up the sheet again, looking between it and Rook before slowly climbing back on the stepladder near Rook*
Rook: “Non, non, I promise you that I did not fall aslee-”
Yuu: *throws sheet over Rook’s head again*
Rook: “Mon di-!?” *freezes before slumping, standing in place in silence again*
Yuu: “…holy crap…I wonder if this’ll work on Ace or Cater?”
Grim: “What’s going on?!”
Needless to say, Rook was thoroughly confused by this until Yuu told him what happened. This also leads to a discussion on harpy parents using their wings to settle down rowdy chicks and restless hatchlings. Suffice to say, Yuu decided to run their own experiment on their fellow winged students. The results were…interesting to say the least.
Ace: Froze in place but was wide awake.
Cater: Fell asleep but collapsed on his side.
Leona: Blanket was torn to shreds from manticore quills. Hiding out in Diasomnia until he cools down.
Kalim: Normal blanket activates the zoomies. Introduced weighted blanket. Instant calm and Jamil is left baffled and grateful at the same time by this discovery!
Crowley: Fell asleep instantly. Sheets have been weaponized by the staff on occasion, so now he flies away at the sight of anyone carrying one towards him.
Seeing these results makes Yuu question what other animal reactions the students can possibly have. Meanwhile, their fellow students are warily watching the human scribble down notes in a notepad while carrying a jar of peanut butter.
Jack: “…why do you need me to be in beast form?”
Yuu: “I wanted to see something.”
Jack: “Okay…but what’s with the peanut butter?”
Yuu: “This? It’s just a tasty snack.” *opens it and scoops out a large spoonful* “See? Just regular peanut butter.”
Jack: “…alright.” *shifts into Fu dog form, nearly eye-to-eye with Yuu now* “Okay. What did you want to se—mfph!?!” *scrambles back after Yuu shoves the spoonful of peanut butter in his mouth, licking and trying to chew at the same time* “Blamph! Namf-nif-thaths?!”
Yuu: *scribbling notes* “Fu dogs react to peanut butter like dogs. Fascinating…I wonder if catnip affects manticore too?”
Ruggie: “Do you have some sort of death wish???”
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moonriseoverkyoto · 6 months
That’s Where I’m from, Sweetheart
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Synopsis So I’ve been tinkering with southern reader and everyone’s favorite Scot.
cw: none? Maybe one mention of blood, talk of strip poker, some playful but still threatening language (all is fair in love and war guys), just a teensy eeensy bit suggestive (if you don’t wanna see it, just scroll by it’s that easy.)
Pairing: southern(texas/Georgia fusion inspired)!medic!reader x John "Soap" MacTavish
Author’s note: literally doing this as a test but if nobody likes it I’ll still repost it. Anyways all inspo and motivation comes from @glossythor also banner credit goes to @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
©️moonriseoverkyoto 2023. please do not steal, copy, plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my works without my permission. do not steal any elements of my theme without permission.
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- Southern Medic!reader didn’t learn their tricks traditionally from med school, no in fact they aced their classes and almost graduated top of class.
- So when you were specifically invited to join the F1F in the field, you can imagine the look you received when you pulled up the flight deck in your low rise jeans, and a cowboy hat sitting on
- You can also imagine the peak curiosity you were going to withstand for the next few months on the mission
“Soap won’t be the only one with a tough accent around here anymore.” Announced Price as you walked into the room with a big smile only to be greeted by hardened eyes scanning you for your weaknesses and possible ulterior motives.
“hello everybody, I’ll be y’all’s medic for this trip. Believe me I’ve already heard all the western jokes, the hillbilly, and the redneck bullshit so can it for me okay everyone?” You spoke to the room with a gleaming grin that hid your boiling anxiety.
As the day proceeded on there was a tension stuck between your shoulders especially when you got placed between ghost and soap for the flight
“So what part are you from darlin?”
“The part where Mama doesn’t let you come home until the sun goes down and where you’re more likely to get kicked by a horse then learn the alphabet. That’s where I’m from sweetheart”.
- You never grow used to the look you receive from others as the team grows close to you. Nor do you ever live down the jokes and the constant harassment from the team to “get a room” with soap once your accents kick into high gear and his gaelish comes out.
- “dinnae be in any rush darlin, our captain isn’t bleeding out any faster than usual. I would hate to clipe to the rest of the group that you get slower when I come around.” The Scottish flirted with a wink as he dragged Price in one rainy day to base camp.
- “and I’d hate to hogtie you to a mustang and magically push my Nana’s spurs into it’s hide so you can eat shit for all the shit you talk, sweetheart.”
- “aye love if you did that, I’d let you just for the moment I’d be under you, even if it makes me boggin eejit being tied to the horse.”
Price’s grunt as you sprayed the wound stopped you both and the man spoke to you both with his look of surprise between you both.
- Soap definitely pulls you everywhere by your belt loops when you’re not in scrubs. Like I’m talking you’ll be doing something and just feel a tug before you’re face to face with your favorite (you don’t have favorites right :)? )
- the absolute one time you played strip poker, you whipped everyone’s asses and they’ve been begging to know your tricks since. You even had your cowboy hat on still by the end
- Soap who secretly goes weak at the knees hearing you say sweetheart but he would never admit how whipped you have him
-Soap who talks Ghost’s EAR off about you so much so that Ghost could win a jeopardy game about you
- Soap, the man who confesses by… well I’ll save that for another time
-Soap definitely is shitting bricks nervous to meet your family and actually makes your dad shit bricks instead when he sees your hunk of a boyfriend.
-Everyone turning their comms off once you say sweetheart because they know you’re just talking to Soap
-Soap sending everyone a video of you hogtying a pig, and winning first place at a rodeo held in your hometown over holiday one year
- now they actually get a little nervous when you start stomping around in your infirmary/makeshift medic tent talking about hogtying whoever who misplaced your special medical needle gifted to you from your nana/papa/mama/whoever you find special in your life
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authors note again: Anyways I’m just gonna yk slip on past here. Lmk if there’s anything that offends you or anything I should improve as I’m still super new to writing fanfiction (so much harder than literature analysis or film writing) I loved doing this and I hope I can do more!
My requests are open and I love writing these as a emotional release
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yurinaa-world · 6 months
Platonic Dan heng, jing Yuan, welt yang with a teen reader that's like lyney :3
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Characters: Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, and welt yang platonic! x Gender-neutral Reader
Synopsis: with reader that's like Lyney
Warnings: Fluff, spelling mistakes,
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𝒟𝒶𝓃 𝐻𝑒𝓃𝑔
Honestly, he’s blank about how he feels, but if you're happy, he’s chill; he’s read a lot of books about magic tricks, and they are just deceptions to his mind, but March and you insist on making an entire show about it. literally making a talent show with curtains and everything and taking everyone the express has to sit down and let curtains unveiled to see the new magic tricks that you've been working on for a couple of months (no wonder you’ve been stuck in your room for a while).
Only one to drag away because it’s getting dark. He knows you like to entertain kids and all, but since you’re a kid yourself (a technically teen), you should worry about your own bedtime (which is 10:30 PM, buddy).
“(Name)… What are you doing hanging the roof of my room..it’s 3 am?” “Pick a card~” “Get out.” Why are you so weird? he asks himself. If you want him to see your magic tricks, just ask like a normal person (no one is normal on the express).
He does your make-up for you since you don’t have a stable hand to do your magician look (have you seen his red eye makeup? He knows what he’s doing) and also tells you to stop moving around so much just because he might poke your eye out with the eyeliner.
𝒥𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝓊𝒶𝓃
Ha… Aren’t you such a trickster, playing the audience with suspense and making their hearts drop in a moment with your tricks? “Magic,” you say, but it’s just tricks; nothing can fool him, so go ahead and trick Yanqing; he’ll tease him about falling for it.
“The great magician is here to wow your world!” You smirk, appearing at the restaurant stage (where the band would be on), making this whole scene while he’s meeting people; he can’t get mad at you or anything since the restaurant owner asked you to be there!! “Keep your eyes on me since I’m the greatest magician, and no one else.” Well, you got to work on that personality, but good performance.
He gives you a little gift on your birthday that's magic-related, especially a new outfit for you to wear. He can’t have you looking shabby on the stage you've been waiting for so long (he’ll also get you on stage to perform).
Are you a dirty lair playing innocent, like he doesn’t see you cheating while playing chess together? You could fool anyone with those glitter magic tricks or birds coming out of your hat, but did you forget who you were against? Maybe you should’ve thought about it more thoroughly, hmm, don’t you think? A child is nothing against an adult in strength or brain.
𝒲𝑒𝓁𝓉 𝓎𝒶𝓃𝑔
Your biggest support, he always claps the hardest whenever one of your little magic shows is over, and! I’ll give you advice on what to change, like real advice to make your audience feel better suspense. No matter what you're doing, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats is something every magician should do.
“Mr. Yang! How do you do it? Would you like to see it??” You smile, dragging him away to your room (with magic trick tools all over the room), hyping up your show until it fails and you mess up, which makes you sulk. “How could it not work?!” He comforts you, telling you you could get to work next!
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if you liked this, consider tipping me on ko-fi! it'd mean a lot!
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babydollmarauders · 7 months
au masterlist
notes: i’ve been extremely busy and had no time to take screenshots, so all photos (except one) are from the actual photographers!
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liked by john.marino97, dawson1417, and 329,615 others
y/ndevils00 we are not beating the loser allegations
we lost 3-6 tonight against the airplanes and their brick wall!
i assume everyone was reacting the same way as babygirl, slut, and i… cussing at the tv
LOOK AT THAT PHOTO OF MY MARINARA SAUCE AND MY LUKEY POOKIE, HUGGING AND SHIT!! SO CUTE!!! (they miss me so bad) ((they were comforting each other))
anyways, good luck in pittsburgh on thursday! try not to lose this time!
p.s. that third photo is the outcome of my secret agent photo taker yelling “y/n says hi!” ! doesn’t Johnny look so happy to hear he can never escape me?!
p.p.s. nothing to do with this game, but congratulations to Sid the Kid on his 13th career hat trick! … i thought he had more tbh
tagged tmeier96, john.marino97, lhughes_06, dawson1417
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user25 did you just… go out of your way to subtly dig at Sidney Crosby? 😭
john.marino97 i thought i left you in Jersey and then i hear your name and look up to see you on facetime with a random person!
y/ndevils00 you love that you can never get rid of me 🥰 you’re stuck with me forever!
john.marino97 four years and counting… do i ever get a break?
y/ndevils00 nope!
user73 four years? but, John only joined the Devils last season?
tmeier96 i scored a goal too, you know?
y/ndevils00 yeah… you’re pictured aren’t you?
tmeier96 barely! and no congrats for me!
y/ndevils00 fine, attention whore! congratulations on your goal in a game in which we still did not win
tmeier96 i’m ignoring your sass and saying thank you anyways
y/ndevils00 asshole
tmeier96 bitch
jackhughes hey, that’s my girlfriend, Meier!
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes it’s okay baby, i can fight my own battles
jackhughes ah yes, you did so well, lovely Dove. so proud of you
user02 goddamn John looks FINE AS HELL
user81 fr! y/n has a hot ass boyfriend and some hot ass friends!
y/ndevils00 I’LL SEE YOU SO SOON, BFFL
lhughes_06 yes, we’re absolutely mentally falling apart without you. idk how we’re still alive
y/ndevils00 i was wondering the same thing tbh. who else is gonna tell you not to eat an expired protein bar?
lhughes_06 i would’ve been fine
y/ndevils00 you would’ve gotten your stomach pumped and missed the game
lhughes_06 i don’t believe you
y/ndevils00 how did you survive this long without me?
_quinnhughes our mom
lhughes_06 @/_quinnhughes shut up, huggy
nicohischier i think you cursed more than we did
y/ndevils00 can you blame me?! these fuckers suck!
nicohischier i- you can’t say that
y/ndevils00 sure, i can! i just did!
ehaula WE suck?! YOU suck!
y/ndevils00 @/ehaula yeah, and Jack loves it!
y/ndevils00 @/ehaula prudes
jackhughes Dove, what have we talked about?!
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes that i have to stop talking about our sex life on my instagram 🙁
jackhughes mhm and what did you just do?
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes talked about our sex life on my instagram 😔
jackhughes so what do you have to say to Haulzy and Cap?
y/ndevils00 @/ehaula i’m sorry for making you privy to Jack and i’s bedroom shenanigans 🫤
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xoxobluelock · 1 year
Itoshi Sae, Physical Contact, and the Exceptions: Rin and Shidou
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As of Chapter Ch 214, the only two people we see Sae allow to touch him are his little brother…and Shidou Ryusei.** Post (S)pain, it’s only been Shidou. 
**I’m going to argue that Sae allows Shidou to jump on his back. And I mean 'argue' in the lightest sense.
Quick preface: Just organizing and posting notes I took on the subject for characterization in a fic (they are, therefore, biased). I’m not claiming that no one has ever touched Sae, just that the manga only shows a select few occasions. We’ll go in chapter and not chronological order. For the most part.
The first time the manga shows us anyone trying to initiate contact with Sae is with these two clowns (JFU President and U-20 “coach”) in Ch 107. Hardly surprising that Sae wouldn’t shake the hands of people he so clearly doesn’t respect. 
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Every expression in this panel is priceless.
Next up, Ch 111:
Aiku and his proposal are plainly of more interest to Sae than the JFU bozos, yet Sae nopes right out of Aiku’s ‘gentlemen's agreement’ handshake. And then threatens to nope out of the whole match if the U-20 Team can’t meet his standards.
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We see Sae being rushed by celebratory teammates several times. Not once do we readers see any of them actually succeed in throwing an arm around him pre-Spain, in Spain, or post-Spain. Until Shidou.
Post Spain (Ch 116): 
Sae has just scored a goal crazy enough to have Isagi think, “The leading actor in this game is Itoshi Sae!!” The crowd is going wild, the U-20 Team is rushing Sae in joy, …and Sae literally slaps them off: “Hands off, chumps.” 
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Poor Fox Kid and Not-Bokuto. They seem so darn sweet. 
Now, a blast from the past. 
Pre-Spain (Ch 123): 
I don’t know about y’all, but I can so clearly see Little Sae ducking right out these guys’ arms—in a more humorously standoffish way. Like how we see Rin sidestep Isagi (coming right up!). An imagination is all we got here.
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Spain (Ch 125):
Now in the mysterious (S)pain… Hopefully we’ll get more than a glimpse of it one day! Would Sae have dodged the Real Madrid Youth Team guys? Would he have numbly endured it? Would he have slapped them off? Etc.? The manga, again, leaves us to wonder. (My money’s on the second one.)
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Once again, I’m definitely not saying Sae’s teammates have never succeeded in tackling him in celebration. Just that it’s notable we, the readers, don’t see it. Yet. 
I’ll conclude with some pre-Spain Itoshi Bros cuteness, but let’s talk some post-Spain Itoshi Bros parallels first.
Ch 121
Poor Isagi. 😂 Rin sees him coming with a little “!” and dodges his charge like the plague with a grumpy lil “Hmph.”
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Rin, now away from Isagi, goes right back to business in the next panel.
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Ten chapters later, we have a Sae parallel. 
Ch 131
Just like Rin, Sae sees a celebratory missile coming right at him with a “!” and a less than enthusiastic expression—yet Sae doesn’t dodge Shidou.
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Shidou definitely takes off like a bat out of hell (ha). But do we really think Itoshi Sae of the New Generation World XI couldn’t have even sidestepped—like his little brother—if he’d really wanted to?
I think Sae allows Shidou his moment of clingy celebration. Especially in light of the Rin and Isagi parallel. Remember, this was immediately following Shidou’s unbelievable Big Bang Drive—a goal that had even Sae showing open surprise on his face (Ch 130). Shidou becomes the first one shown to have jumped on Sae in celebration.
(Real talk, though: someone please give Kitsunezato and Neru a high five!)
The next page…
Both pursuers of the Itoshi Bros end up with a hard impact on the ground, and yet….
Sae doesn’t tell Shidou to f— off after throwing Shidou off him. Shidou doesn’t get an icy “Hands off, chump” like Fox Kid and Not-Bokuto. Sae doesn’t stalk off (he actually lingers and seems to chat while Shidou just chills on the ground and gives him a lil thumbs-up). Sae tells Shidou, “You have to get a hat trick, remember? Then you’d get my number. Hands off until then, you horny demon.” Untillll being the operative word (...one of them, anyway 😅). Not only does Sae let Shidou latch on, Sae banters with Shidou.
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This is outside the point of this post, but Sae looks…sad? nostalgic? when Shidou first jumps on him. It doesn’t last long, but it’s there. Perhaps relating to the panels I’m about to bring up. (Addressing what may have prompted Sae’s “Gross” and “horny demon” reactions + his punch/tackle is also outside the purview of this post 😅 Same with speculating on what the helllll these two were talking about below.)
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Concluding with some Pre-(S)pain Itoshi Bros
Ch 123:
We see Little RinRin as the original No Touchy exception. And it’s so wholesome.
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And Sae actually reaching out to Rin and being affectionate. Maybe we’ll see it again one day.
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Ch 124
Look, the Itoshi Bros are capable of high fives! Or, they were, anyway. 
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Unlike Sae, we actually see Rin's teammates grabbing him in celebration, pre-(Sae’s return from) Spain.
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In conclusion...
So far, the manga shows Sae breaking his general Kuzco Rule with only two people.
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Pre-Spain, Little Rin was a very obvious exception. Post-Spain / currently and more subtly, Shidou is the only exception we've seen. Is it a respect thing? A soft spot? Emphasizing Sae is an "untouchable" player? Some combination?
As for canon… I really hope we see Sae and Shidou become friends. They’re both so alone but seem to bring each other to life. I also really hope we’ll see Sae accepting his teammates’ celebration one day. Just imagine Sae pulling off a crazy pass or stealing a goal at the World Cup, both Rin and Shidou rushing him in joy, the rest of the team on their tails! Or maybe something smaller, like just celebrating a cool move in practice. I think we’ll see it eventually. Just like I think we could see Shidou act as a bridge between the estranged Itoshi Bros.
You’ll find what notes / “meta” I’ve already posted under #xoxoBlueLockNotes. Will probably organize and post more somewhere in here!
PS: Check out @bluelockhalloweek for spooky Blue Lock fun! 🎃 Halloween is just around the corner!
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faef43 · 1 year
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I’ve been lifting for awhile and have collected some good tips and tricks on how to not get caught or be put in a system
I mainly lift small things like makeup, jewelry, small skincare, rings, pins, if it’s a good day maybe small lotions, but lifting clothes tips are coming soon!! (fixing spelling/grammar errors <3)
First of all, wear a mask and if you can style your hair in a way you usually don’t or use a beanie, bucket hat, baseball cap, never a sun hat way too suspicious. Ex. for hair: braids, space buns, slicked back, etc. I wouldn’t suggest lifting if you have brightly colored hair unless you want to go as far as to wear a realistic enough looking natural wig. Never wear sunglasses with a mask or a hat on, very suspicious, they will catch on. While finding blind spots never just turn around to face the wall and start stuffing your pockets and bag(s), instead stand at a 3/4 angle and be slick, I suggest lifting things while walking through a crowed isle, section, or doing it while walking, this one usually works if you have something small you can make it look like you’re adjusting your sleeves. ALWAYS GRAB 2 OF THE ITEM U WANT 2 LIFT, make the second one less apparent you have it, but if you take two and always keep one apparently in your hand, the cameras will be fooled. You have to have some sort of fingernails to scratch off price tags/barcodes/stickers, trust me when lifting you don’t want those on there. Take them off, rip them up and stuff it in your pocket or stuff somewhere non apparent, never throw them on the ground, super obvious. Don’t wear all baggy clothing, it’s really suspicious, always do the half half trick, half of your outfit baggy, half tight. Ex. Really tight shirt, hella baggy pants, really baggy hoodie, tight ass jeans or leggings. That way they won’t suspect you. If doing the baggy hoodie, always wear a secure sports bra underneath if u wear bras, great for slipping stuff into when pretending to adjust your bra, make sure your double of the product you want to lift is visible. By all means do not steal from target, they have high trained LP, workers that dress up as normal shoppers that they send to areas where they seek suspicion to spy on you, they keep you in a data base and share info/pics of you with other targets, cameras are nearly always monitored, store security is present, they let you walk out with things but eventually will confront you. The decision to call the police has already been made, target is a scary place, if you are gonna lift do only a 3-6 dollar thing, only once. Their employees count clothes for dressing rooms often times, pretty scary place stay safe. Some cameras are smoke detectors/speakers,boxes on the ceiling ect. Usually they’ll have some sort of light that’s always on, they look a little chunky or too far away from the ceiling. Claire’s has a ton of these so be carful, but their earrings don’t have any censors on them so they’re a great store for beginners. Interact with this post and I’ll add more too this blog♡ . -CLOTHING TIPS- If a clothing store does not have fitting rooms, don’t even try, they’ll immediately catch on+security cameras are your number one snitch. You’re gonna want to pay attention to if store employees suspect you. Ex. Fixing up areas that you’re at or around u, constant asking if you’re finding everything ok, maybe they’ll offer a store basket or bag, asking if you need anything in specific, any constant attention really. If they are leave the store, come back like a week later and try again. Your gonna wanna bring a hook with you to remove ink tags/clothing alarms while in fitting room, keep it down and try to pick a fitting room away from others to avoid suspicion. Some stores have employees stand in empty stalls next to you and listen so be aware and careful. If there are price tags try stuffing them behind the mirror or on in the landings on the floor, they’re sometimes rubber, don’t leave shit on the floor, if they already suspect u, they’ll check the fitting room when you come out. As for the alarms/ink tags, put them in ur pocket and discreetly shove them in another piece of clothing, remember to ALWAYS CHECK POCKETS ON CLOTHING.im abt to max out, look at repost of this from me 4more
ALWAYS CHECK POCKETS/COMPARTMENTS ON CLOTHING. Other lifters could have stuffed clothing alarms or price tags in there, be safe and check before trying to lift. No as where to conceal these clothing items, if you have the baggy hoody, (I suggest wearing a baggy shirt underneath too, always wear that sports bra if u wear bras{binders can also work it’s just hella uncomfy I’ve tried it})put 1-3 tops on under ur baggy T then put ur hoodie back on. Make sure they don’t count items b4 going into changing rooms. If they do, try taking a hoodie on some sort of hanger, taking it off the hanger, putting 1-2 shirts on the hanger, then put the hoodie/zip up back on. Great for lifting, if they confront you say you didn’t know and you were just tossing things in the cart, get out of there fast afterwards. It’s suspicious if you come in with a ton of clothes then don’t buy anything, sometimes you gotta buy some to win some. (Ex. I’m wearing 3 shirts under my og shirt which would add up to about 35 bucks, I buy a cheap tank top for 15, they don’t suspect me and I get freebies)
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