#otp: cold sin
16 for the micro stories!💓 anyone you want boo🥰
we're gonna ignore that this took me forever to get out, I rewrote it like four times bc I kept having Ideas. anyways enjoy
16. In Dreams
CW: bombs, murder, canon typical violence but minimal description of it
Astra Age: 19 currently/16 in flashback
Sleeping in general was hard for her, sure some places were a bit easier to relax in but it was damn near impossible for Astra to get a good night's sleep. Whether it be because she couldn't fall asleep or stay asleep, it just never seemed to work out.
Like now, alone in a safe house on a mission, trying desperately to catch up on the days of sleep she missed before it started to affect her ability to not get shot or blow her cover.
It didn't take long for Astra's brain to begin protesting the basic need she was trying to fulfill. It didn't take long for her to go from feeling somewhat safe to completely on edge, back in the nauseatingly rundown building of her first safe house.
For all intents and purposes, Astra's first assignment went well, from an outside perspective. Astra has snuck into the hotel boiler room as instructed, planting the bomb before moving on to release the carbon monoxide tank into the vents.
Returning to her handler Astra found him by the window looking through the scope of his rifle. "You're late." "I was making sure to block as many exits as I could, giving you only one door to watch." "That wasn't part of your job." "I know, I added it. Is it time?" "Yes." Peering over his shoulder Astra was surprised when he grabbed her wrist, stopping her from trying to sneakily retrieve the phone from his pocket. "Hey-" "Quit it." "I didn't do-" "Valentina." "Winter." "I said don't call me that." "I want to make the call." "No." "I guess neither of us will get what we want." "Good, you're finally learning." "Asshole. So, what? I'm just supposed to sit in the corner now?" "Quit whining and maybe I will. You're my spotter." Giving her the binoculars from the table beside them seemed to calm her down a bit, letting the Soldier set off the bomb in peace.
For a few minutes after the explosion the two of them were quiet, Astra pressed against her Солдат back as she scanned the area around them. With the doors locked, there weren't many people escaping, and if they did it was through the main entrance. Like one man, flailing through the front doors with his body ablaze. Something about this didn't sit right with Astra. She had been around death countless times, been the cause, and seen it up close. She'd been tortured and interrogated, then asked to do the same and did so flawlessly without pause. She was no stranger to harm, but this felt wrong. That wasn't a target, he wasn't their assignment, nor were a majority of the people in that building, and yet they were suffering.
Feeling his student pull back from him broke the Soldier's concentration slightly. "What." When she didn't answer him he turned to her, softening a bit when he saw the horror in her eyes. "Astra." Winter grabbed her arm to get her attention. "Hey, look at me." "They-It's-" "Look at me, not them." "But the mission-" "Your part is over. You're done." Giving him a shakey nod she did as told. "Now are you gonna listen to me and go sit down?" "Да..." "Good. It's better if you don't look, easier to forget the sounds than the sights." Appreciating the kindness he showed her, though limited in its range, Astra went to curl up on the couch in the corner. "... Winter?" "What." "Thank you..."
As insignificant of a moment as that might be it was one of the greatest lessons Astra could learn in her line of work, it was the reason her nightmares were so tolerable. Even in her dreams, her Soldier protected her. Now it was time for her to return the favor.
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vuulpecula · 2 years
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PALM.  you give and give. you are a gentle heart, broken, but still standing. always lending a hand for those who need it, expecting nothing in return. you deserve someone taking your hand and kissing your open palm. the hands which have selflessly helped so many others.
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TAGGED BY: my hero <3 @jaigalorad TAGGING: @hcze | @deficd | @wildcxrds | @frogprinceus​ ( for jiraiya ) | & anyone else who would like to do this, tag me !
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oh-nostalgiaa · 4 months
Writing Prompt Masterlist, Part Five
Masterlist of Writing Prompt Masterlists
The Prompts
28 Days of Smut Prompts
50 Dialogue Prompts, Part Two
50 Vague Angsty + Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts
50 Ways to Say I Hate You Prompts
79 Dialogue Prompts
After the Kiss Response Prompts
And They Were Roommates Prompts
Angst Prompts for All Your Heartbreak Needs
Angsty Dialogue Prompts
Angsty Sentence Starter Prompts
Arranged Matrimony for Royalty Prompts
Baby, It's Cold Outside Prompts
Best Friends to Lovers Prompts
Bubbly + Reserved Romance Dialogue Prompts
Childhood Exes to Lovers Prompts
Childhood Friends to Lovers (Reuniting & Reigniting) Prompts
Chilly Winter Prompts
Christmas Pick-Up Lines Sentence Starter Prompts
Comforting Sentence Starter Prompts
Confrontation Prompts
Dancing in the Rain Prompts
Death Prompts That Tore My Heart Apart
December Prompts
Defending the Right to Not Say Prompts
Dire Situations Prompts
Emotional Hurt / Comfort Prompts
Emotional Starters to Kick You in the Feelings Prompts
Extremely Self-Indulgent Prompts
Fan x Celebrity Prompts
Fluffy Moments Prompts
Gestures to Get You on Your Knees Prompts
Hand Touching Prompts
Heartbreak Sentence Starter Prompts
Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts
Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts, Part II
Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts, Part III
Hurt and Comfort Dialogue Prompts
I Love You Prompts
Injured & Healers Prompts
January Prompts
Kiss Sentence Starter Prompts
Love Languages - Quality Time Prompts
Magic Fatigue / Exhaustion / Overuse Prompts
Meaningful Gestures Prompts
Modern Royalty AU Prompts
More Break-Up Dialogue Prompts
More Sick Prompts
More Teasing Dialogue Prompts
Mostly Angsty Drabble Prompts
Non-verbal Starter Prompts
Noticing / Being Noticed Prompts
One True Pairing Moments Prompts
Other Ways to Say I Love You Starter Prompts
Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body Prompts
Physical Contact Starter Prompts
Pillow Thoughts Prompts
Post-Breakup AU Prompts
Prompt List #1
Prompt List #2
Prompt List #3
Prompt Set 2
Prompt Set 3
Prompt Set 7
Prompt Set 8
Prompt Set 10
Prompt Set 18
Prompt Set 25
Prompts for Angsty Conversations
Prompts for Characters Who Are Slowly Falling in Love
Question Sentence Starter Prompts
Random Angsty Sentence Starter Prompts
Reunion After Physical Trauma Prompts
Romantic Date Dialogue Prompts
Roommates to Lovers (Who Are Scared to Confess) Prompts
Royal Arranged Marriage Dialogue Prompts
Royalty Dialogue Prompts
Royalty Forced Marriage to Actual Lovers Prompts
Scenarios with Undertones of Tension Prompts
Seduction Starter Prompts
Send a Number to Do X With Prompts
Set the Scene Prompts
Sexy / Suggestive Dialogue Prompts
Sinful Sentence Prompts
Six Word Sentence Starter Prompts
Softer Shippy Prompts
Spending Time Together Prompts
Super Soft Intimacy Prompts
Symbol Meme Starter Prompts
Tearful Goodbye Prompts
Teasing Prompts
Tired / Exhausted / Feeling Very Weak Starter Prompts
Tol & Smol Prompts
Valentine Interactions Prompts
Valentine's Day Prompts
Where to Land Prompts
Whump Dialogue Prompts
Words of Love Prompts
Worried Sentence Starter Prompts
Year of the OTP 2023 Prompts
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wafflerageface · 1 month
OC profile: Aria
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Thank you to @grilledcheesd for the tag! I'm going to tag @daemons-main and @thotofwaterdeep
Full name: Aria (nicknamed Button by her sister who raised her and Lark by the brother who also helped raise her)
Gender: Cis woman
Sexuality: Pan
Pronouns: She/Her
Father: Bhaal
Mother: Mariel, a wood elf later sacrificed as part of Bhaalspawn training
Siblings: Look I broke canon and I have made a slew of Bhaalspawn. Technically Aria isn't my canon Durge. I just like the idea of big found family that murders together. If y'all really want a full list and breakdown, just pop something in my inbox for it!
Birthplace: Born in the temple as part of the cult
Job: Formerly Enver Gortash's right hand and lover (it is a full time job and she would like her husband back)
Phobias: Losing control
Guilty Pleasures: Enver Gortash
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Sins: Uhh lust I guess? Is it a sin if she doesn't think it is?
Virtues: Patience
This or That
Introvert/Extrovert: Extrovert but like suspiciously so. She enjoys parties and the company of others, she likes being in the spotlight, but she treats everything with suspicion and caution. Comes with the territory of growing up with Orin
Organized/Disorganized: Incredibly organized and efficient. Part of why she and Enver hit it off so quickly
Close-Minded/Open-Minded: Open-minded
Calm/Anxious/Restless: Stays reasonably calm, but there are plenty of things that can set her off and have her go through periods of being really irritable and stab happy
Disagreeable/Agreeable/In-Between: In between. She's pretty go with the flow if it's a smart idea. She's also not one to just remain silent either if she thinks she can do it better
Cautious/Reckless: Cautious
Patient/Impatient/In between: Patient
Outspoken/Reserved/In between: Outspoken. She isn't shy about calling you stupid
Leader/Follower/Flexible: Flexible. She prefers to lead but she recognizes when it is and isn't appropriate
Empathetic/Unempethic/In between: Empathetic
Traditional/Modern/In between: in between. Needs context
Hard working/Lazy: Will work herself to the bone. Pulls all nighters until she's finished
OTP: Aria/Enver Gortash at every stage. She loved him before the tadpole, she loved him after the tadpole. You will have to pry this man from her cold dead fingers (looking at you Bane)
BrOTP: Gets along really well with her siblings, but of the tadpole crew, probably Wyll.
NOTP: Can't really think of anyone. She tries to get along with everybody as she can.
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elspethdekarios · 2 months
OC meme
Thank you @theletteraesc for tagging me in this a while back, and sorry it took me so long to get to it! Tagging @lolthslover @fantasyfictionfables @mumms-the-word @thebitchycloudpainter and literally anyone else who sees this and wants to do it lol
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Full name: Elspeth Vaidelark [now Elspeth Dekarios]
Gender: Female
Sexuality: straight but she can appreciate a pretty lady
Pronouns: she/her
Birthplace: Baldur's Gate, Upper City
Job: healer
Phobias: closed spaces/claustrophobia, spiders (the underdark was not a fun time for her lol)
Guilty pleasures: dropping a shit ton of money on nice clothes
Hobbies: reading, playing music (harp and piano), dancing
Alignment: chaotic good
Sins: pride
Virtues: charity
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible (mostly a loner)
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Gale/Elspeth aka Galspeth
Acceptable Ships: none, her and Gale are literally soulmates
OT3: none
Brotp: El and Karlach! They're super close
Notp: El/Astarion. They disagree A LOT and while they do grow to be close friends there is negative chemistry there
Elspeth is the youngest of two daughters born to Baron and Baronness Vaidelark of Baldur's Gate. She was always second fiddle to her older sister, Ariadne. The golden child, Ariadne could do no wrong--even when she was bullying Elspeth. El was always the black sheep, and never what her parents wanted her to be.
In her young adult years, she was definitely a party girl. Living on her own, she would go out with friends more nights than not. She was a bit of a socialite, known around the city as the "wild Vaidelark child." Her reputation was sealed when, in a drunken night with friends, she gambled away the family jewels, which she was foolishly wearing around her neck. Thanks to her family's noble status, they were able to track down the necklace and pay a pretty penny to reclaim them, but this was the final straw of their relationship with Elspeth. She was not officially disowned, but their disdain was made clear.
Elspeth avoided her family for several years, but when she started dating Leon, a rising paladin in the City Watch, he convinced her to try to make amends. She did, as best she could, but her parents were still cold and distant as always. Still, they seemed to like Leon and dating him patched up El's tempestuous reputation in the city. Leon had ulterior motives, however, which El only learned about six months after ending their relationship. During her father's birthday party, Ariadne announced her recent engagement.
To Leon.
Furious and desperately wounded, Elspeth ran out of the house and stumbled home as best she could while sobbing. She stopped for a moment to let herself calm down when the nautiloid took her.
(I have a fic about this here!!!)
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daemon-in-my-head · 1 month
OC profile: Ellifain
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Got tagged by @wafflerageface (ty 💕), @sakurainhellagain @asteriasfallingstarsandtears @kawareo have fun if y'all want, or those that want to do this feel tagged rn
Full name: Yeah, about that, do you want the alias, the name he went with mainly or the true name? I might've gone overboard here. Ellifain is an alias he uses cuz reasons, the name he's registered as a citizen with and the one his family gave him would be Fionnlagh Starym, there's a whole ass backstory about his name, why he isn't using it, if he ever uses it again etc but too much for here. Feel free to ask though. Oh but, Gortash kinda knows his name? Listen y'all it's complicated. I like it when they suffer.
Gender: Male but is too busy having an identity crisis to care for it
Sexuality: aspec
Pronouns: he/him/they, doesn't really care for the same reason as above though
Father: biological; Bhaal, adopted; Anfalen Starym
Mother: biological; Bhaal(?), adopted; Saelihn Starym
Siblings: biological; Sarevok Anchev, adopted; Elanil Starym. Orin is just a niece, she's not Bhaals kid (though he does treat her like a sister)
Birthplace: praise the vague canon, I suppose he was created in Gehenna before Bhaal dropped him like a hot stone in the Gate
Job: Cult leader
Phobias: being viewed as Faithless or False, the cold
Guilty Pleasures: 'artistic' worship, dancing, sitting in the sun like a lizard, playing with Cadis
Alignment: neutral evil with chaotic tendencies
Sins: vivisections, murder, extortion, blackmail, skipping the fine prints, skipping work, arrogance, do you need the whole list or does this suffice?
Virtues: protectiveness (he's really not a good guy)
This or That
Introvert/Extrovert: Extroverted introvert(?), prefers to keep to himself or his small group of people he does not hate, but can be charming and extroverted in a rather manipulative fashion if duties require
Organized/Disorganized: Organized, not thanks to Scels help
Close-Minded/Open-Minded: Very open-minded, for better or worse. Please stop eating people that's not a balanced diet.
Calm/Anxious/Restless: Restless, can't sit still for 5 minutes. Needs to fiddle with something if he's not occupied
Disagreeable/Agreeable/In-Between: In-Between, will hear you out but if he considers your idea to be foolish he will call you out and become incredibly stubborn about it
Cautious/Reckless: Reckless. Does not give a damn as long as only he's involved, if others could be put into unfortunate situations however he'll reconsider and be somewhat careful. If he likes them that is
Patient/Impatient/In between: Patient, he'll get what he wants eventually, one way or another
Outspoken/Reserved/In between: Reserved, he will not talk or say more than he has to in order to convey his point. Local tyrants hate this trick.
Leader/Follower/Flexible: Flexible but prefers to lead
Empathetic/Unempethic/In between: In between, tries his best to be empathic but some things he simply can't comprehend or refuses to cuz of his own past
Traditional/Modern/In between: In between, mainly traditional but isn't afraid of introducing new things to the cult or his life
Hard working/Lazy: Hard working, solely cuz he avoids sleep and can't sit still for 5 minutes. Lounging is his archenemy
OTP: Gortash. Duh. Though things happened with a certain Drow in between
BrOTP: Astarion, platonic murder worsties, finally an elf that doesn't look at his appearance with disdain cuz they're the same in that regard. Lae'zel is cool too, they could share beautiful moments of identity crisis together
NOTP: Shadowheart, she's a constant painful reminder of the memories he's lost, oddly enough something he'd rather forget (his whole stick is running from uncomfortable truths lol) edit; also he has that whole Sehanine and moon bit going on so Shart thought he's a selunite, didn't go well for either of them lmao
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himbos-hotline · 5 months
AO3 || Tumblr writing tag
It is totally fine to draw fanart of my fics [tag me if you post it. I will love you forever] and that stuff, it is not okay to reupload them or to post them on another website without my permission.
Reblogs and comments are the lifeblood of artists, reblog and comment on artwork [not just handdrawn ones] to keep an artist creating, its legit your only job...
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1). Very nice, very tired, very evil || Hookhausen || AU: What Baking can do || Prompt: ""you should sleep" "I am not human. I don't need sleep." || 2k words
2). How much time ya got? || Kingmox || Prompt: Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley sitting in an all night diner talking about the new "adoptees" of the BCC. || 6k words
3). Blood is as rare and as sweet as cherry wine || Hangkenny || Prompt: "have i not suffered enough? has my sacrifice been insufficient to entertain you?" || 4k words
4). BTE buddies || No ship || Prompt: “ that hurt more than a brazilian wax . ” ||OC: Jay Orton || 2k words
5). I love the way he looks at me || Bluejays and blowjobs || Prompt: "Waiting outside in the car after dropping the other off to ensure they at least get inside their homes safely before driving away." || OC: Jay Orton || AU: the highschool AU || 3k words
6). Hand in [un]Lovable hand || Southern Lovin' had me a blast || Prompt: “Do you trust me?” ||OC: Jay Orton || 6k words
7). Getting you off is my favourite hobby || Southern lovin' had me a blast || Prompt: I’m gonna stop if you don’t cum.” || OC: Jay Orton || 3k words
8). We'll bury these old ghosts here || Bluejays and Blowjobs || Prompt: “You literally don’t have to do anything to catch my attention because my eyes have never really been on anyone else other than you.” || OC: Jay Orton || 2k words
9). I need to purge my urges [I need someone to blame] || Prompt: CM Punk trained Jay turning on him to join BCC or The Elite || Welcome Home || OC: Jay Orton || 3k words
10). If I said you could never touch me || Hangkenny || Prompt: I wish you would write the conversation between Kenny and Hangman and Kenny on Kenny's return || 2k words
11). Would you love me more [If I killed someone for you?] || The Elite polycule || Prompt: "You're bleeding… You're bleeding bad…” || 2k words
12). Show me the method of your selfless tongue [give me a sermon] || Hangmatt || Prompt: “are you..are you blushing?” “NO physical activity just makes me red okay” || 3k words
13). Just Cole || Bluejays and blowjobs || Prompt: When the otp+ are not on a first name basis and it becomes more intimate than more technically familiar address || OC: Jay Orton || 1k words
14). Can we just lay here and forget the world || The Polycule || Prompt: "I just want to lay here, with you, for a little while longer." || OC: Jay Orton || 2k words
15). We made our peace with weariness and let it be. || Hangkenny || Prompt: "You were a good person once. I looked up to you" || 2k words
16). I find myself alone at night [Unless I'm having sex] || Hangkenny || Prompt: Person A gets cold during the night, and joins Person B in bed || 2k words
17). There's always some reason [to not feel good enough] || Hangkenny || Prompt: things learned in a nearly empty diner || 1k words
18). An open hand [for your other man] || Hangkenny/Golden lovers || Prompt: “How much did it hurt?” || 3k words
19). But lately, I've been worried youre losing yourself || Hangkenny || Part two of: IFMAAN [UIHS] || 2k words
20). It's fine, fine, fine [Who am I?] || Hangkenny || Prompt: "just tell me what you need. let me give it to you?" || 1k words
21). Angel to me [Watashi ni totte tenshi] || Hangkenny/ Golden Lovers || Prompt:'how long have you known?' || Part 1/2 || 2k words
22). You know the distance never made a difference to me || Golden lovers/ Hangkenny || Prompt: “i can't hide from you like i hide from myself” || part 2/2 || 2k words
23). I'll tell you my sins and [you can sharpen your knife] || Bluejays and blowjobs || Prompt: "I'm starting to feel jealous when I see you with other people." || OC: Jay Orton || 4k words
24). The dead man in the dream is you || No explicit ship || Prompt: "I've got a lot of bad shit that I'm taking to my grave." || Trans girl adam cole || 4k words
25). I picture it soft and I ache || Hangkenny || Prompt: Singing them a lullaby || 1k words
26). no lover leaves the rose garden without blood on their hands || Hangkenny || Prompt: “if I asked, would you stay?” || 1k words
27). Everything stays [but it still changes] || Hangkenny || Prompt: “Kisses that have them hiding their face in your shoulder” || 4k words
28). Look at you [how could I not be in love with you] || Hangkenny/The elite polycule || Prompt: "Leaning in without realizing and then stopping just before their lips are attached to look in the other’s eyes to see if they want this too" || 2k words
29). I could be a better [boy]friend than him || Adam squared || Prompt: "This is a bit weird, isn't it? Sharing a bed with a stranger." || 2k words
30). Did you kiss me so my lips would bleed? || Hangkenny || Prompt: Those soft gazes you can feel burning into the side of your head, and when you look back at them, they’d either hold their gaze or they’d quickly look away so you don’t catch them staring at you. || 1k words
31). I hate what youre doing, I hate that it feels so- || Hangkenny || Prompt: “How far is too far?” “I honestly don’t know at this point.” || 1k words
32). Your voice drives me insane || kenny Omega || Prompt: N/A || 400 words
33). Bite the hand that needs me || Hangkenny || Prompt: “You ever wonder if other people think we’re like… A thing?" || 2k words
34). The only one who’s hurt someone is me || Golden Lovers || Prompt: “I want you. I need you.” || 3k words
35). Being such a good boy for me now || Hangmatt || Prompt: sender spanks receiver hard enough to leave a mark || 4k words
36). Talk to me (talk to me, talk to me) || Hangkenny || Prompt: Lightly kissing on top of a freshly formed bruise || 4k words
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miradelletarot · 2 months
Thank you @waterdeepwhiskey for the tag!!
I tag @tavyliasin @morb-untamed @ex-textura and else who wants to join the fun! (so deeply sorry if you already did this though. Hard to keep up with who does these things anymore lol).
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Full name: Sagora Crefort (well, she's Sagora Dekarios now hehe).
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight (but she's definitely explored other options a bit in her youth).
Background: Outlander
Class: Circle of the Moon Druid
Birthplace: A small, matriarchal family grove about a tenday outside of Baldur's Gate
Profession: She was *supposed* to be First Druid of her grove after her mother died, but the ilithids took her first.
Phobias: Spiders. She HATES spiders. So much so, that she refuses to use her spider form unless she TRULY needs to use it.
Guilty pleasures: She mayyy or may not enjoy that Waterdhavian Whiskey Gale mentioned once a bit too much, and when she's good and tipsy she channels her inner stripper dancer. (This totally didn't happen in camp that one time when all they had for dinner was a bunch of alcohol.)
Hobbies: meditation, yoga (or whatever the Faerun version of that would be lol)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Sins: b/c of her past, she's got a lot of trust issues, and that tends to make her very cold towards ppl she doesn't care about. She also has a tendency to say what's on her heart a bit too bluntly if (again, someone she really cares about) is doing something stupid in her perspective (example: Gale feeling like he has to do what Mystra says about using the orb). She had some VERY BIG FEELINGS about that, and wasn't shy about it either. She also wasn't very nice. When she gets that angry she enters into the "act first, and apologize later" territory.
Virtues: Trying to live up to the standards of First Druid that her mother would have been proud of. She's also extremely thoughtful, and tries to do whatever she can to make those around her feel happy and safe as much as she possibly can. Her and Astarion didn't get along very well at first for that reason, but when she promised to help him with Cazador (and delivered on that promise,) he had a lot more respect and appreciation for her, and her desire to help those around her.
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Sagora/Gale (Vineweave!) <3
Acceptable Ships: Gale has her heart. No one else compares.
OT3: None. While Sagora is a half-elf (and rather accustomed to these sorts of relationships,) she respects Gale's monogamous preferences. She loves him so deeply that she would never want to disrespect his boundaries, and thus, the only one she will ever need/want/desire is him. =>
Brotp: Sagora and Karlach. K bae is her ride or die. Hands down!
Notp: Anything Mystra. Fuck that wish.com Barbie ass bitch!
The daughter of a Baldurian Merchant, and next in line to be First Druid in her family's grove, Sagora endured the separation of her family when her father was threatened by The Guild - with her, her sister, and mother as the targets. Sagora's strong-willed personality brought her defiantly back to Baldur's Gate to be with her father when she was violently assaulted. The attack left her unconscious for over a tenday, waking up back in her grove with orders to never return to Baldur's Gate. When her mother died, she set out to return to her childhood home to send word to her father when she was captured by the ilithids. Now, her task is to survive not only for the sake of the Sword Coast, but to return to her family's grove, and take her rightful place as the new First Druid.
...Or will she? my fic series was meant as not just a Gale x Sagora romance, but as a means to share/write out her backstory! You can read it here!
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serpentoflolth · 2 months
OC meme
Tagged: @elspethdekarios thank you sm!!! Tagging: @deaddovestellnotales , @devilhishoka , whoever wanna do it. I feel like I bother when I tag people, so steal it if you wanna do it.
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Full name: Elamszar Barrison Del'Armgo
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Birthplace: Menzoberranzan, Narbondellyn district
Job: Soldier
Phobias: He hates worms and centipedes, just the idea of feeling them crawl or slither on his skin gives him a shiver at the base of his back and sweat on his forehead.
Guilty pleasures: Sometimes he gets too engaged in gambling.
Hobbies: Walking around the city, especially when he needs to clear his mind, but also playing his cello. He also loves reading, especially historical books.
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
Sins: Lust
Virtues: Devotion to his family
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: I ship him mainly with another ocs of mine, the szarkai Franceska. If we want to follow the events of the game, then I ship him with Lae'zel.
Acceptable Ships: Karlach (she's currently his best friend)
OT3: None
Brotp: Wyll and Gale
Notp: Astarion
Elamszar was born into the Barrison Del'Armgo house, the illegitimate son of Mez'Barris' patron, Uthegentel, with her daughter Taayrul. His grandmother would have wanted to sacrifice him as soon as he was born, but Taayrul had other things in mind, wanting her child to live, snatching him from the hands of the Matron Mother. For most of his life, he was subjugated by his grandmother, who changed his character to the point of making him cold and detached, extremely merciless and unempathetic: after all, he was born for a reason, that was to become a weapon like the rest of the males of the house; a perfect soldier who could blindly obey Mez'Barris. Yet, the hatred this woman felt was so seething that she did nothing but vomit it all over her nephew, to the point that pushed him to do everything to make her happy, but also to find a way to be loved by her.
Has a strong and determined woman like the Matron Mother ever felt love? Certainly, Elamszar had found it in Franceska, the one who had given him her heart and soul. The only one who saw him as he really was, the only one who made him happy and made him smile, making him rediscover his sunny character. However, the city of intrigue led him to lose the love of his life when his grandmother bent to the will of the Baenre House. Unable to escape his grandmother's orders, he killed every member of the young woman's family, who escaped thanks to her mother, who had let her enter a secret passage of the mansion. Feeling guilty, he helped her escape, taking her to Waterdeep. However, he never revealed to her that in addition to the Baenre, there were also the Barrison Del'Armgo and Dilyrr Houses. Having found the courage to abandon his grandmother and Menzoberranzan, Elamszar traveled to Baldur's Gate to be reunited with Franceska, but also to confess his sins. As he approached the bard's apartment, he was kidnapped by the nautiloid. His bio is fully written here!
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phantasmacabre · 4 months
For the character ask - how about Reeve, and Yuna?
Anything for you my bb Vinja
Reeve Tuesti
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Sexuality Headcanon: Reeve is a gay man and a gay icon
Gender Headcanon: AMAB
A ship I have with said character: Tseng/Reeve, one sided Reeve/Vincent because Reeve is down bad for Vincent unfortunately Vincent is very much in love with Reilena ( @vinjaryou 's oc) and oblivious to any advanced Reeve might make towards him and thanks to @case-of-traxits Reeve/Genesis
A BROTP I have with said character: Reeve and Cid, as well as Vincent, though with Vincent it's a little different. Of course Reeve and Aerith too, since he was the one to give Elmyra the news of her death in the OG. He has a particular soft spot for Aerith, who is alive in almost every au I have.
A NOTP I have with said character: Hmmm can't really think of one? Not many hard NOTPS for Reeve here
A random headcanon: Reeve and Scarlett were married. They met in the Shinra Engineering program and Scarlett fell absolutely in love with Reeve who was still struggling with his own sexuality. Sometime during their marriage Reeve came to terms with being gay. He would have been fine with staying married to Scarlett had her personality not become so warped and sadistic, he served papers on her just before OG and their divorce was rather nasty.
General Opinion over said character: I love Reeve! One of the most interesting characters in the series and also a stone cold zaddy
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Sexuality Headcanon: Hetrosexual
Gender Headcanon: AFAB
A ship I have with said character: So I don't have many ships with Yuna and most are cross overs so I would have to say my otp for Yuna would be Yuna/Cloud and I have a massive WIP multichaper for this ship as it is one of my favorites. There's also a certain crackship that @roxxie-kun and I have that spawned from an old unfinished fic on AO3....
A BROTP I have with said character: Yuna and Lulu and Yuna and Rikku. Yuna's bond with Lulu is more older and younger sister like and I absolutely love it. My actual older sister was pregnant during my last replay of X-2 and we have a similar close bond which made that playthrough exceptionally special for me. Rikku and Yuna too because I love how Rikku's knack for getting her cousin into trouble as well as how distressed she was about losing her should she defeat Sin.
A NOTP I have with said character: Yuna/Brother, miss me with that shit
A random headcanon: I have way too many so I'll give you two. Yuna is an excellent markswoman even without the gunner dress sphere. whenever she is stressed out she goes off by herself and sets up targets for shooting practice. The other is that she was Leblanc 's maid of honor at her wedding to Nooj
General Opinion over said character: Yuna is tied with Yuffie and Sephiroth for my favorite FF character. I cannot tell you how much she means to me or how much inspiration she's given me. Her character arc is unimaginably important in my life. FFX is also my favorite game ever and in my opinion the Pinnacle of gaming. I love her so much.
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smellpelt · 2 months
ragna, hakumen, and susanoo for the ask meme?
I'm just gonna go with one of these soo Hakumen time favorite thing about them He is cool as fuck I mean look at that design Him being the like most serious character that he doesn't have any gag reels is funny to me
least favorite thing about them I don't think I have any?
favorite line "I am the white void. I am the cold steel. I am the just sword. With blade in hand I shall reap the sins of this world and cleanse it in the fires of destruction. I am Hakumen. The end has come!"
brOTP Him and Celica's friendship is sooo cute to me Him and Jubei are pretty fun too
OTP Hakumen x Susanoo of course Also Hakumen x Tsubaki is good too
nOTP I mean I'm only interested in the stuff I like so I don't think about this
random headcanon I don't think I have any
unpopular opinion I don't think I have any
song i associate with them SUSANOOH of course, its definitely up there as one of my favourite blazblue songs simply perfection, takes me right back to playing calamity trigger. Love the Alter Memory arrange of it too Honestly I don't really like many of his vs themes? God of War is pretty cool being his vs theme with Susanoo Black & White easily one of my least favourite blazblue songs
favorite picture of them I have sooo many okay I picked a few...
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goldenguillotines · 3 months
world build Kou? :3c
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full name: Koukoi Kikuchi - The Overseer
gender: Masc of some flavor
sexuality: Homosexual
pronouns: He/Him
family: Lady of the lake (Ancestor)
birthplace: Alternia
job: Detective chief superintendent / Photographer
phobias: N/A
guilty pleasures: Bubble baths..
morality alignment?: Lawful good
sins - lust/pride
virtues - diligence/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Ambivert
organized/disorganized: Organized
close minded/open-minded: Open-minded
calm/anxious: Calm
disagreeable/agreeable: Agreeable
cautious/reckless: Cautious
patient/impatient: Patient
outspoken/reserved: Reserved
leader/follower: Follower
empathetic/unemphatic: Empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: Optimistic
traditional/modern: Modern
hard-working/lazy: Hard-working
otp: Koukoi ❤️ Luxsol (Case 143)
ot3: N/A
brotp: Koukoi ♦️ Bablon (Pawprints)
notp: Koukoi ♠️ Omneil (Cold case)
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autumnslance · 1 year
Writer's Game: First Sentences
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven't written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
Tagged by @elveny! ♥️
Tagging: @driftward @mintibunny @yzeltia @scrollsfromarebornrealm @chysgoda @punchelf @gunbun @dragons-bones @theepicreboot @thebmatt @rinzukodas @phaedra-mero @eremiss @anomaliewrites @raelly-writing and whoever else would like to (also y'all should check these folks out).
Many of these are shippy nonsense, as my pairing sparks joy. I’ve been writing a lot of drabbles and microfics lately, though some things I’d only count as captions more than fics.
I seem to like shorter, snappy openers (especially compared to many of my longer sentences in a given fic), often with or entirely a little dialogue.
1 “Bearing Sins of the Past”, the current (as of 3/13/23) fic in progress on Ao3.
“You say Ser Alberic is missing?” the old lady knight asked as Aeryn warmed herself by the fire.
2 “A Little Lady’s Realization” a microfic about dresses and faith.
*Sigh* “I suppose my ‘princess’ must insist on keeping this new dress as well?”
3 “Linkpearls” a Year of the OTP prompt response.
When Aeryn answered the chiming linkpearl, Thancred’s familiar voice crackled on the other side of the line. “I received your letter.”
4 “Dual Perspectives” also a Year of the OTP prompt response. This line appears first in both sections.
Whenever I look at you, I see Light and Hope.
5 “Misunderstanding” a little pre-Endwalker culture clash.
“Everything all right?” Thancred asked, waiting a bit further along the trail as Estinien and Aeryn caught up.
6 An untitled blurb about languages I should clean up and move from Tumblr to Ao3.
Nanamo had a headache.
7 “Northern Lights” another drabble, about fashion in cold weather
“These northern lights are still impressive after everything.”
8 “This Home Wrested Forth” from the Dark Knight zine, Sidurgu’s 2nd person POV.
Your clan fled the Empire, crossing Ilsabard in search of homelike climes.
9 “Scholarly” a prompt response for Roevember 2022, Felina of the Night’s Blessed reminiscing.
While many important books had been taken to the Crystarium, or copied for inclusion to the Cabinet of Curiosity, a good number of tomes yet remained in the Bookman’s Shelves, a hidden and hard to reach library of history and magical theories.
10 “Mountain” also from Roevember 2022, Felina and Runar at the base of Mt Gulg.
The waiting was the worst part.
Bonus: Current first couple lines of that long promised Shadowbringers Thancred WIP...
“Let expanse contract—Eon become instant! Throw wide the gates that we may pass!”
One moment Thancred was presenting his proposal to the assembled Alliance leaders and his colleagues, the Admiral expressing her approval which was convincing the rest. The next moment, he was clutching his head in agony, hearing as if from a great distance his fellow Scions crying out, while the others called to them in confusion.
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ritz-writes · 1 year
Shadowpeach for 1 and Sandy for 2?
When I started shipping it if I did: Probably when I first joined the fandom? I think I started shipping it pretty early on, and I watched the entire series with @skittlescripts within two days. I think I thought about it during the Macaque episode (and according to a pic i took, I watched it on Oct 7, 2022) and it probably got solidified in Shadow Play (which I watched either the same day or the next day) or during the s3 specials. So I've been shipping it fully since the second week of October 2022. Bet you weren't expecting an exact date lmao
My thoughts: I LOVE IT. I know a lot of people don't really ship it, and that's fine. It's not for everyone. But I've always loved their dynamic. ESPECIALLY with their history. Maybe that's just the angst writer in me tho
What makes me happy about them: Their bickering. Idk why, but I love the fics that have them going back and forth with no real heat in their insults. It's their love language <3
What makes me sad about them: Their history with each other. How both of them lost each others trust. How Macaque wants Wukong to hurt the way he does. How Wukong regrets what he did but doesn't know how to say it. They are both so extremely sad, and I love them for it.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Uhhhh I honestly have no idea? I've been thinking about it through the days and I just can't think of one. Maybe Macaque being purely bad? But I think that ties more into me liking soft mac and hating hurt no comfort. But idk.
Things I look for in fanfic: TEARS. FLUFF. FORGIVENESS. ANGST AND PAIN, BOTH PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL. Give me Wukong protecting Macaque without a second thought. Give me Macaque taking a hit for Wukong out of habit but not regretting it. Give me one or both of them going to MK for advice cuz they don't know how to handle their feelings. GIVE ME THE GAY MONKEYS BEING GROSSLY IN LOVE.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:  Macaque - Tang. Inkypages is very cute to me and I love it Wukong - uhhh... I don't really know, actually. I don't think I ship him with anyone else? Maybe Tang as well? I'm also chill with him and Tripitaka, but only sometimes.
My happily ever after for them: They finally talk things out and move on. Macaque moves back to FFM, they both don't use their glamours anymore (at the very least not around each other) and they just live the retired life they deserve. Getting fat off fruit till the end of forever 🥺
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: I think they switch from time to time. Wukong likes being big spoon though. And I hc that Wukong runs hot and Macaque runs cold, so Mac is def little spoon during winter.
What is their favorite non-sexual activity: Honestly, I can see them really liking just sun bathing in the grass together. Just them, the sunshine, and a slight breeze.
How I feel about this character: I adore Sandy. I will protect him with my life. Sweet summer boy. Man? Sweet summer blue guy. I love him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:  Him and Hunstman are def my fav, but I also low-key ship Lunartides (him and Macaque) and Fishballnoodle (i think that's the name? Him, Pigsy, and Tang)
My non-romantic OTP for this character:  The Sandwich trio of course. Him, Pigsy, and Tang all went to college together and I love them.
My unpopular opinion about this character:  Uhhhh I'm not sure I have one? The only thing I can think of is that he's my last fav of the gang. Not least fav, just... if I could get merch of everyone in the gang, I'd probably end up getting his last. I DO love Sandy very very much, but I also like other character way more. (I feel like I'm committing a sin when I say that I'm sorry Sandy 😭
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: SHOW ME COLLEGE SANDY. I want to see his healing journey. I want to see him having a falling out with Tang and Pigsy. I want to see all the flashbacks!!
My OTP: SILKTEA SILKTEA SILKTEA. Huntsman is so down bad for this dude it's insane. I also think Sandly honestly didn't realize Huntsman's feelings for him at first. Idk why, but I feel like Huntsman kept trying to drop hints and Sandy was just like ":D You want more tea?" and Huntsman has to flat out say "No, I want YOU! >///<"
My cross over ship: Don't have one </3
A headcanon fact: I think there's one animal he's scared of. No idea what it is, but I feel like there is one single animal he will not go near. Probably something really obscure. Again, not a clue what it would be. But yeah. Oh, he also really likes scrap booking <3
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alexxmason · 1 year
OTP Ask 🐬🐕🐀 ^_^
Thank you 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 Gonna do Blackwall/Thom and Sin for this one!
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🐬 - Who made the first move? 
Sin was dropping hints, def flirting, and carefully touching his hands and face. Blackwall of course was very hesitant to engage but eventually succumbs to her.
🐕 - Who is the most affectionate? 
Sin. She is the most open about her feelings and her love for Blackwall. She isn't afraid of PDA, and I think he secretly likes it 🤧
🐀 - Who steals the covers? 
Blackwall. DO NOT LET HIM BEING BURLY AND WARM FOOL ANYONE, he gets cold. Which is fine w/ Sin, she just gets to snuggle into him more.
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himbos-hotline · 1 year
I wish you would write the conversation between Kenny and Hangman on Kenny's return.
If I said you could never touch me
Word count: 2287 words Ship: OTP: He could make me golden ["Hangman" Adam Page/Kenny Omega] Characters: Kenny Omega, "Hangman" Adam Page Triggers: Alcohol, Anxiety, Broken Glass, Unrequited love, Implied/Refrenced smut Authors note: Based on [I wish you would write a fic where…] Ask game. The idea wouldnt leave my head so here it is.
Failure. Adam knows the word well enough that he’s started to respond to it. In his own mind of course, late at night when it refuses to let him sleep. He tosses and turns in his empty hotel bed, letting the blankets wrap around his ankles like a spider web. He stares at the ceiling and lets the voice yell at him. “You’re nothing but a failure Adam.” The voice in his head whispers, the devil on his shoulder whispering so sweetly into his ear it feels like a lullaby. The devil kisses at the lobe of his ear, the nape of his neck and somewhere in the euphoria, Adam lets his eyes close. 
“I know.” He whispers back, letting darkness swirl behind his eyelids and like a drowning man. He takes a last death rattle of a breath as sleep wraps its hand around his throat. He awakens in a daze and for the first few moments, where he doesn't have to think, Adam almost remembers his name. He remembers how it sounded on Kenny’s early morning whispers and late night moans. And then the sun kisses his bare thighs and he’s shocked back into his own body. It's morning and Kenny isn't there to be the Devil on his shoulder, the angel in his memories. He’s somewhere off in Japan connected to a brightly coloured IV bag or connected to a brightly coloured man who held his heart like it was a precious gemstone. 
Adam rolls over in the blankets, buries his nose deep into the itchy hotel pillow cases and wonders just how long he can lay in bed until the Dark Order starts to worry. He loves them all, it's clear that he does. They’re softer. Kinder. They sit Adam down and Uno presses his hand gently into the curve of his shoulder and tells him about his problems. John pulls at his jacket, wrapping it tighter around Adam's frame, keeping him warm. And Adam appreciates it. But sometimes. Sometimes he wants to pretend that failure isn’t a part of him, not the part that his friends see. Not the part that people see when they look at him for just a fragment too long. 
He wishes he could bury his failure so deep inside his own soul that he almost forgets it exists. It festers and poisons his bloodstream until Adam’s entire being is a badly hidden collection of failed relationships that people look at and coo over like there's something glorious in his figure. 
He wishes that he didn’t reply to the word failure like it was his name. He’s sitting alone in the Dark Orders locker room, alone with a half-empty bottle of whiskey as company. There’s a singular glow of the ceiling above him and Adam follows the pattern of the shadows as he raises the glass to his lips and tips the burning liquor down his throat. It’s an ache that Adam has grown familiar with too, like a hug from a loved one. It scalds his tongue like a scorned lover's kiss and there’s something so familiar about him licking sin off his bottom lip. The door is half open and Adam listens to the distant sounds of the ring crew packing away. 
They’re stripping the mat off the ring canvas and with that, they strip away Adam’s failure. A misplaced Buckshot Lariat and he had cost the dark order everything. Everything that the dark order had worked up too, lost in three seconds and the cold spray smoke. The neck of the bottle knocks against the glass and Adam sighs, exhales invisible smoke and soon there's someone's hand resting on his shoulder. Heavy and calloused and fearfully familiar. 
The fallen angel on his shoulder, pressing down on the nerve that makes hair pull up on his neck and a blush build against the skin of his chest. He settles his eyes on the floor, watching the way his shadow looks on the floor. His darkened frame feels almost easier to look at. Because Kenny's shadow doesn’t have his blue eyes that are digging their way into the back of Adam’s neck or the desperate half smile that Adam can practically feel. It’s just dark shapes that the doggy euphoria of drunkenness can mutate into whatever Adam’s mind wants. He raises the glass to his lips. 
“What?” He asks the shadow on the floor, letting the word tumble into the amber liquid. 
There’s a sigh behind him, heavy and worn down. “I missed you.” 
Adam presses his lips together into a thin line, knocking the glass against his cupid's bow. Kenny’s hands marriage against his shoulders, thumbs working the pain deep from the marrow of Adam’s bones. Strong hands try to fix this broken man back together, it feels like water is falling from Adam’s shoulders, tracing the links of his spine and fogging up his brain. Kenny is molding him, manipulating him until Adam is something small and placid in his hands. Something burns deep in Adam’s stomach and his eyes flutter open. His spine straightens, clicking as each vertebrae slots together. The glass feels heavy in his hand all of a sudden, his white knuckled grip on it making his fingers feel numb. 
Adam downs the rest of the bitter amber liquid, lets it scald its way down his throat and places the glass onto the arm of the couch. There’s a crash distant and foggy just outside the perimeter of Adam’s brain. The ring crew are finishing up; tossing weapons and empty water bottles into large bins for collection or sorting. They have an hour. 
An hour to collect and find all the words that the two of them want to say. An hour that could end with Adam following Kenny back to his room, half-drunk and submissive under his strong hands. An hour that could end with Adam alone, watching his tears mix with the last of the whiskey that stays at the bottom of his glass. 
An hour. Sixty painfully long minutes for Adam to finally tap into the pain. To finally allow failure to stop being his name, to have failure be his anger. The familiar taste of pennies is on his tongue, copper and state blood and rusted gold. Kenny always comes down to gold; gold-tipped fingers, golden rings around his pupils, a perfect golden band around his heart, branding him to another lover. Adam always comes down to silver; the second best option for a last place man. He licks at his bottom lip and pushes himself off the couch, Kenny’s hands limp as they fall to grip at the back of the couch. 
“Don’t touch me.” Adam’s voice doesn't wobble like his stomach does. There's a flame of anger biting at the corner of his mind, making his skin feel tight and his stomach feel knotted. Kenny’s eyebrow quirks upwards and his lips flash into a small smile. He’s still wearing his shoulder sling under his shirt, the hem sagging slightly around the base of his throat. He looks tired, but happy. He smiles when Adam finally settles his eyes back on him and Kenny reaches out, taking Adam’s face in his hand. 
“Yeah?” He hums, voice barely above a mocking whisper and Adam balls a hand at his side into a fist. Some small part of his mind, lost and mournful, tells him to lean into Kneny’s calloused palm but he doesn’t, Adam squares his jaw, presses his teeth together so hard that he’s sure tomorrow his jaw will hurt. “Haven’t you missed me cowboy?” 
“No.” Adam lies through his teeth, his tongue feels heavy in his mouth but the fury of the last three years is rearing its ugly head like a sleepy dragon made of brown spilt blood and former love. “No.” He repeats. “I told you to stop touching me.” His voice is colder now, growing with the increasing pressure. 
There’s not enough air in the room and Adam gasps when Kenny finally pulls his hand away, tucking them into the pockets of his shorts. “Jealous we beat you and your little spooky cult friends hmm”? Kenny’s voice is bordering on patronizing and Adam wants to hit him. His fists tighten, ring-worn nails pressing deeper into the fleshy parts of his palms. “Get it together Hanger, I’m not here for the sad, lonely cowboy act.” 
“Why are you here then?” Adam stupidly asks. 
Kenny scoops the glass up in his hand, rolling it between his fingers. “For you.” 
The words hit Adam like a swift kick to the gut. His heart stutters and for a few seconds he blinks at Kenny as he sways on his feet, wandering around Adam;’s eyeline like a bee buzzing around a wilting flower. The fire dampers quickly and when Kenny lifts the bottle up towards the light, Adam spots that it’s half empty. The brown liquid coming up to kiss at Kenny’s fingertips like sea foam kissing a suicidal mans ankles as he walks into the sea. Kenny clicks his tongue against his teeth and lets the bottle scrape across the wooden coffee table. “That took the wind outta your sails huh?” and he giggles, soft and high-pitched as if he’s told a joke. 
Maybe Kenny had just made a joke. “I am here for you though Hanger.” He’s looking at him from under his eyelashes, the blue of Kenny's eyes burning brighter in the dimness of the locker room. “I thought we could celebrate me winning.” Kenny’s fingers tap against the belt, the sound bouncing off the walls. It’s the first time Adam’s registers that Keny’s wearing the trio's title and now, like someone pointing out a pimple, it’s all Adam can keep staring at. His face reflects back off the golden plates and he watches his face grow larger, bigger as Kenny steps closer and wraps a hand into his hair. “Remember just like when we won the tag titles.” Kenny’s fingers yank at his hair, pulling Adam forward into a kiss that’s all teeth and tongue. It's not pretty and Adam definitely doesn’t want to taste the secondhand victory off Kenny’s mouth. 
“Ya mean like when I won the tag titles” Adam bites back, pressing his fists into the middle of Kenny’s chest. He pushes with the strength of a man possessed and Kenny tumbles backwards, his feet tumble out from under him and he lands a pile on the floor, curls escaping around his face. “You did nothing that match!” Adam snaps, his lips raw and heart exposed. There’s pressure building behind his nose, pressing at the space under his eyes and Adam presses the curve of his knuckle against his skin, feeling it tacky and warm with alcohol and sweat. His scalp is tingling like a burn. 
Kenny always burns him. Never bad enough to leave visible scars, but enough that Adam has to develop a thicker skin. “I did everything to carry our tag team!” Kenny retorts. He’s not yelling but the words speak so loud that they make Adam’s ears hurt. He nods down to the half-empty bottle of whiskey and places the glass back into Adam’s hand. His fingers close around the crystalised texture, the pad of his thumb pressing into the sharp little points and Adam feels lost in his anger. 
“You always loved that more than us.” Kenny tells him. He twists open the lid and presses the mouth of the bottle against the glass. Adam watches him pour a glass, watches Kenny empty the bottle until whiskey is spilling over Adam’s fingers. Yet, Adam doesn’t let go. A part of his mind tells him to cling to the glass, listen to the dripping of whiskey onto his shoes. “Does it make you happy?” 
“I- '' Adam starts, alcohol is starting to poison his bloodstream, making it harder for him to think. The pressure just behind his eyes is burning now, overflowing. He feels a shaking building in his stomach and when his brain focuses back on the world around him, Adam can hear his heart pounding in his chest, ricocheting off his ribs like a stray bullet. “Sometimes.” He admits. Kenny nods, hand gesturing for Adam to drink up. But he doesn’t. His fingers release the sticky glass. 
It shatters between the two men. Broken glass splays everywhere and whiskey soaks into the Dark Order’s carpet. Kenny looks down at the floor and then back up at Adam. “my turn.” Adam quips, as if the two of them were playing twenty questions. 
“What Page?” Kenny snaps, fingers tapping against the golden plates of the title. It’s clear that he’s growing agitated, frustrated that Adam isn’t giving him what he wants. Kenny barely represses the urge to roll his eyes when Adam fixes his hair into a ponytail and takes a step back. He’s just out of arm's reach and by the line of water building in his green eyes, Adam wants to keep it that way. “Well. spit it out.” 
Adam represses the urge to laugh. Kenny has never once asked him to spit it out. He would always rub the hollow of Adam’s cheeks, coo-ing at him ever so sweetly to swallow every last drop of him. “Did you ever love me?” Adam asks, holding onto the arm of the couch. Kenny blinks at him. Once. Twice before he looks at the clock on the wall. 
Five minutes. Kenny takes another step back, hand resting on the door handle. He lets it click open. He stands on the threshold, looks at Adam in all his sullen, alcoholic Cowboy energy and for once, he tells him the truth. 
The door clicks closed. 
Adam is alone again.
Taglist: @allelitesmut @homoeroticgrappling @dustinslovehandles @paradoxunknown @katries @mrsmatt @echoxshxrx @malewifemoxley @kass-the-kitten @itsnoosetome @racerchix21 @jacedoe @chuckstaylors @old-no7 @thekadster @mandiableclaw @tahiri-veyla
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