#astra x bucky
16 for the micro stories!💓 anyone you want boo🥰
we're gonna ignore that this took me forever to get out, I rewrote it like four times bc I kept having Ideas. anyways enjoy
16. In Dreams
CW: bombs, murder, canon typical violence but minimal description of it
Astra Age: 19 currently/16 in flashback
Sleeping in general was hard for her, sure some places were a bit easier to relax in but it was damn near impossible for Astra to get a good night's sleep. Whether it be because she couldn't fall asleep or stay asleep, it just never seemed to work out.
Like now, alone in a safe house on a mission, trying desperately to catch up on the days of sleep she missed before it started to affect her ability to not get shot or blow her cover.
It didn't take long for Astra's brain to begin protesting the basic need she was trying to fulfill. It didn't take long for her to go from feeling somewhat safe to completely on edge, back in the nauseatingly rundown building of her first safe house.
For all intents and purposes, Astra's first assignment went well, from an outside perspective. Astra has snuck into the hotel boiler room as instructed, planting the bomb before moving on to release the carbon monoxide tank into the vents.
Returning to her handler Astra found him by the window looking through the scope of his rifle. "You're late." "I was making sure to block as many exits as I could, giving you only one door to watch." "That wasn't part of your job." "I know, I added it. Is it time?" "Yes." Peering over his shoulder Astra was surprised when he grabbed her wrist, stopping her from trying to sneakily retrieve the phone from his pocket. "Hey-" "Quit it." "I didn't do-" "Valentina." "Winter." "I said don't call me that." "I want to make the call." "No." "I guess neither of us will get what we want." "Good, you're finally learning." "Asshole. So, what? I'm just supposed to sit in the corner now?" "Quit whining and maybe I will. You're my spotter." Giving her the binoculars from the table beside them seemed to calm her down a bit, letting the Soldier set off the bomb in peace.
For a few minutes after the explosion the two of them were quiet, Astra pressed against her Солдат back as she scanned the area around them. With the doors locked, there weren't many people escaping, and if they did it was through the main entrance. Like one man, flailing through the front doors with his body ablaze. Something about this didn't sit right with Astra. She had been around death countless times, been the cause, and seen it up close. She'd been tortured and interrogated, then asked to do the same and did so flawlessly without pause. She was no stranger to harm, but this felt wrong. That wasn't a target, he wasn't their assignment, nor were a majority of the people in that building, and yet they were suffering.
Feeling his student pull back from him broke the Soldier's concentration slightly. "What." When she didn't answer him he turned to her, softening a bit when he saw the horror in her eyes. "Astra." Winter grabbed her arm to get her attention. "Hey, look at me." "They-It's-" "Look at me, not them." "But the mission-" "Your part is over. You're done." Giving him a shakey nod she did as told. "Now are you gonna listen to me and go sit down?" "Да..." "Good. It's better if you don't look, easier to forget the sounds than the sights." Appreciating the kindness he showed her, though limited in its range, Astra went to curl up on the couch in the corner. "... Winter?" "What." "Thank you..."
As insignificant of a moment as that might be it was one of the greatest lessons Astra could learn in her line of work, it was the reason her nightmares were so tolerable. Even in her dreams, her Soldier protected her. Now it was time for her to return the favor.
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sunnyie-eve · 8 months
10 | The Debate
Series: A Zombie's Serenity 
Paring: Zed Necrodopolis x OFC Buchanan!
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: Might be a few mistakes, and I'm using Brenna D'Amico as how the OC's looks
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"I so have this election and debate in the bag today. That Zombie is going to make a fool of himself." I hear Bucky talking to our parents as I walk downstairs. 
"You don't know that." I give him a look. 
"Yeah, I do. People like me more than him." He chuckles, "Plus he's a monster. Who wants a monster for president?" He looks at our parents. 
"People who agree with what he can bring to the school." My mom says making Bucky roll his eyes.
"People will see they don't need a monster." He leaves getting up and heads out the door first then I follow. 
When I get to school I see the Willa walking alone so I jog over to her. "Willa." I make her turn around. "This belong to you wolves." I hand the box over to her as the others so up. 
"What are you doing?" Wyatt's asks.
"I know I'm not a werewolf so the stone isn't necessary for me to have. I didn't want to take it last night but Wyatt handed it me and I didn't want to seem rude by not accepting it. The only reason any of you think I'm a werewolf is because of my hair. Maybe it has some reason behind it but I'm just me and I'm fine with it. I'm sorry for not even trying to put it on but you need it more than me. I respect you all as a pack but I can't be something I'm not. I hope you can respect that and understand." I walk away from them going to look for Zed. When I turn the down one of the halls Zed sees and rushes over to me.
"I just want you to think about everything with the were-," I cut him off leaning up to kiss him. Since he wasn't expecting it he froze in place making me laugh as I step back. "What was that for?" He looks at me confused. 
"The same reason why you kissed me." I say making him smile. 
"What about the wolves?" He makes me chuckle. 
"I gave the wolves their necklace back because that's not who I am. And I never thought I was one. I'm just plan old normal, Serenity Astra Buchanan. There's nothing special about me or my hair. Just me." I tell him with a smile. 
"You're special to me." He takes my hand into his. I step closer leaning up to kiss him again but as he leans down Eliza shows up. 
"What are you two doing?" She laughs. 
"Talking." Zed tells her. 
"Yeah, because that's what it looked like. Now we're gonna be late for the debate." She tells him so we leave.
"You're going to prove to everyone that we're more then just..." Eliza says as we enter the room but Zed and I see the banners Bucky put up. 
"Monsters." He says making her look. "Bucky made me look..." He starts. 
"Scary... I'm so sorry. I should have thought he was up to something when he said something this morning." I sigh as everyone looks at him as we walk through them. 
"You don't need to apologize." He lets out a big sigh. 
"I'm not surprised your brother would do something like this." Eliza tells me as Zed starts to pace. 
"I'm not either. He's such a pain." I huff. 
"You got your speech?" Eliza asks Zed and he pulls it out that had the moonstone necklace the wolves gave Addison.
"Why do you have that?" I ask him. 
"I took it. I can't let her become a werewolf. She's a good friend and being a monster isn't easy. I would've took yours too if I had to opportunity to if you were gonna do it because I want to protect you. All of this was for you." He tells us. 
"No, Zed. All of this is bigger than me. This is for you, for Eliza, for all zombies. It's more important to Zombies than to me." I tell him making Eliza smile at me. 
"Look, we'll deal with this later, okay? Just become president. That's what zombies need." Eliza puts Addison's necklace back in his jacket before giving him a pat. "
You got this and you will do great." I give him a smile then go over to Eliza. 
"I really appreciate you." She tells me. 
"For speaking the truth?" I ask and she nods her head.
Bucky get introduced first then Eliza introduces Zed, "Hear him roar!" She says making him tell her no. "Zed'll fight for you!" She shouts making him go over to her. 
"You know what, um, I'm not going to fight. Cause, no, this isn't a fight. This is just a nice lil' cordial debate we're having here today." He tells everyone making Principal Lee say that's good to hear and they high five making her happy. 
"Are you ready to battle?" She asks making everyone cheer.
"It is my mission." Bucky starts. 
"We got a goal in mind." The Acey's add. 
"Save our tradition." Bucky tries to get people to understand. 
"That is the bottom line." The three add again. 
"We're always winning." I try not to laugh at him. 
"Look how the trophies shine." I shake my head at them. 
"You're going down, bury you back underground." Bucky tells Zed. 
"I'm the one who stands up for the people. I embrace diversity, treat everyone as equal." Zed tells the crowd. 
"Zed is thoughtful." I add. 
"Thanks." He smiles. 
"He's a natural born leader." Eliza and I say together. 
"True." He agrees with us. 
"And if you think about it, Bucky is neither." Eliza says making me hold back a laugh.
"Yo, I will win this race. I'm a cheer rock star, mirrors love my face." Bucky says being himself.
"Your ego made your head so big, you can't see. You got no shot to beat me." Zed tells making the crowd oh. 
"I know you hear me, if you're with me stand up!" Bucky and the Acey's get some of the crowd to stand up. 
"No way you'll win if you go against us." The three of us say. 
"In pictures we're more glamorous." Bucky says making Eliza and I look at each other. 
"You want a battle with the best? Good luck, let's go!" Zed tells him.
{ Zed, Bucky, Both } You need a leader who looks out for the crowd (Then I'm winning!) Someone that'll make you proud (Then I'm winning!) There through the ups-and-downs (I'm winning!) Let me hear you scream it loud (I'm winning!)
"I challenge an old way of thinkin'." Zed tells Bucky. 
"Yo, I know I'll be a much better president." Bucky puts his hands in his hips. 
"Tell 'em your reasons!" The Acey's says making me look at them. 
"I'm a real human, there's no danger in that! They're real monsters, what if they turn back?" Bucky tells the crowd. 
"We aren't monsters, man, we win the football games. We join the cheer squad, monsters wouldn't do those things. We got a good attitude." Zed tries making a point. 
"Dude, you eat brains." Bucky looks at him. 
"If I did, you don't have one, So you'd be safe." Zed tells him and I laugh. 
"Ooh, zigna-doo, ding, badda-doo. Bidda-ba, didda-bo, deeda-za, ba-doo, a-doo-wop." Bonzo decides to join in.
"You're all weird and strange." Bucky makes me roll my eyes. 
"We are here for change! We need a president who will do whatever it takes." Zed makes a huge point to people. 
"Look, we can go back and forth, but in the end it's facts. You're a monster and you can't debate that." Bucky points at him. 
"I know you hear me, if you're with me stand up!" Zed, Eliza and me tell the crowd making Zombies stand up. 
"No way you'll win if you go against us!" Bucky makes his side stand up. 
"I know we'll be victorious!" We tell him. 
"You want a battle with the best? Good luck, let's go!" Bucky shouts making us all dance with who we were for.
{ Zed, Bucky, Both } You need a leader who looks out for the crowd! (Then I'm winning!) Someone that'll make you proud! (Then I'm winning!) There through the ups-and-downs! (I'm winning!) Let me hear you scream it loud! (I'm winning!)
"You wanna change Seabrook?" Bucky tells Zed. 
"Yeah, for the better." Zed says. 
"Aha, I knew it. How's it better to have zombies at Prawn?" Bucky asks. 
"Our dance game's strong!" Zed tells him and zombies stand up. 
"What?!" Bucky asks confused. 
"Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" We all shout doing a dance. 
"Zombie-tongue in Seabrook, zabba-dabba-zinga." Bucky mocks. 
"I think I'd make a fine president, too. Thanks for the compliment! I think you'd like Zombie as a second language, it's an easy A!" Zed tells him. 
"What's next, more Zombie days on calendars?" Bucky laughs. 
"More holidays." Zed makes zombies cheer. 
"Woah, woah!" Bucky sees his side taking Zed flyers. 
"And as an added perk. If I'm president, no more homework!" Zed shouts.
{ Zed, Bucky, Both } You need a leader that looks out for the crowd (Then I'm winning!) Someone that'll make you proud (Then I'm winning!) There through the ups-and-downs (I'm winning!) Let me hear you scream it loud (I'm winning!) You need a leader that looks out for the crowd (Then I'm winning!) Someone that'll make you proud (Then I'm winning!) There through the ups-and-downs (I'm winning!) Let me hear you scream it loud (I'm winning!)
Zed gets everyone to cheer for him making Bucky panic and whine. "Zed for prez! Vote for me, because I swear I'm no monster." Zed tells everyone before his Z-Band acts up making him zombie out. 
"Oh, no." We rush over to him. 
"Addison's necklace is shutting down your Z-band." Eliza tells him while everyone starts to scream and panic. 
"See! See! He's a monster!" Bucky goes up to him. 
"Knock it off, Bucky." I get up on the stage. 
"Can't let them see me as a monster." Zed tries to control himself. 
"Breathe. Focus, okay? You can control this. You don't have to hide, Zed. You did it before remember?" I try to get close to him but Bucky tugs me back hard. 
"I know you won't hurt me, big guy. But they don't." Bucky gets in Zeds face so I pull him back. "Come on, throw it!" Bucky tells him as he picks up the podium and he does. 
"You're ridiculous." I shove Bucky out of my way walking up to Zed to remove Addison's necklace but I need to get him to stop moving around. 
"Zed, look at me." I tell him so he does roaring and jerking his head around. "You can control this." He slowly starts to calm down enough looking at me to were I could pull the necklace off his band. He goes back to normal looking at everyone scared of him before running off while Bucky gets a sly smile. "Jerk." I punch his shoulder before running after Zed.
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tllgrrl · 1 year
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Quam Celerrime Ad Astra by @tllgrrl aka Nefertiri Jones
A SarahBucky AU | Rated: T | Pairing: Astronaut!Sarah Wilson x Astronaut!Bucky Barnes | Space Fluff
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They officially started dating during the 18 months of mission training.
9 months in, after grueling, intense, no holds barred physical and mental prep for the mission, good-natured ribbing became coffee breaks, and commiseration became lunches. Study sessions became deep conversations. Dinners with the team became dinners for two, and eventually dinner and the next morning, breakfast in bed.
Their last time to themselves before reporting to the Facility for the week-long preflight quarantine with the crew, they spent the night making love as if it was literally their last night on Earth because the mission was going to be a very long 6 months.
At one point, seeing the bite mark on his shoulder and the bruise on her hip, between kisses she teased, “Keep this up Lover Boy, they’re gonna give us our physicals and wonder if we’re in a Fight Cub.”
“No doubt,” he murmured, rolling the two of them over. “I’m not too heavy on you, am I?”
“Hold on…” she mused, then shifting her hip, her thigh relaxed open a little wider, which pulled an appreciative moan and a soft giggle from both of them. “There. Not heavy at all. This…is definitely one of the benefits of gravity.”
⋆ . ˚ ✩ ⋆ . ˚
4 months later, a little more than 2 months remaining of a hand held here, an arm brushed there, a couple of loopy, weightless, zero gravity make out sessions, and quick kisses GoodNight before climbing into their sleeping bags tucked into individual quarters that literally could hold only one person….
“…Barnes. Barnes, do you copy back there?”
“Copy, Commander. Sorry. Just kind of…taken by this view.”
“Yeah. I don’t blame you. Seeing the Earth out there like that. It’s really something.“
“You sure are…I mean, affirmative. Over.”
“Barnes, is your COMM to Crew and Ground live?”
“Negative. We’re presently on Intercom. We have the room to ourselves.”
“Copy. We don’t want another slip up like—“
“I know. Sorry about that. I blame that slip on the Overview Effect and you. Seeing both you and the Earth, floating in space in front of me. I guess I lost myself. Good thing the crew and everyone at Ground Control all know by now that we’re—“
“They do. But what people not us didn’t need to know, or hear, was how good you think my ass looks in this space suit. Granted, you’re not wrong, but—“
“Waitaminute, hold on. Okay. COMM’s off…now.”
“I’m kidding! It’s just…Sarah…from where I am right now, the beauty of Space has nothing on you, cerul meu înstelat.”
“Look at you getting your flirt on at 5 miles a second! Cerul meu înstelat, huh? That’s a new one you’re going to have to teach me later, but for now, Mission Specialist Barnes, mind on task. Clock’s ticking on this EVA. You need to deploy your experiments and gather the data, and I need to check the solar arrays and the thermal blanket on the MSS so we can get back inside and let the next team get out here.”
“Which would give us a little bit of alone time, Commander Wilson. You and I only have…let’s see…36 hours left to try and set a record for the Mile High Club.”
“Ha! I miss you too, and can’t wait ‘til we get back home because not only is there no real privacy to speak of up here, we both know that…things…don’t exactly work out here in space like they do back on Earth.”
“Don’t remind me! Doesn’t stop me from wanting to—hey…do you think I can get Ground Control to release us early? You know, send a—“
“What, a Shuttle to come get us so we can rush home and—?”
“I’m just sayin’! Quarters are really close on the Station, and us not being able to…baby…it’s hard.”
“Not way out here, it’s not!”
“You’re killin’ me, Wilson!”
“Wait’ll we get home. And bring that spacesuit with you, sweet cheeks. Copy?”
[Other mission crew members are heard snickering through their headsets.]
“Hey, you two lovebirds. The sooner you finish up out there, the sooner you two can—“
“What!? BARNES!!”
“Roger that request, Commander.”
⋆ . ˚ ✩ ✭ ⋆☆゚ ゚⋆☆゚✭ ✩ ˚ . ⋆
Cerul meu înstelat (Romanian): My starry sky.
Quam celerrime ad astra (Latin): “With greatest speed to the stars.”
Roger: “received and understood”
Copy: “Roger” + “I am retaining this info”
Copy: Also means “Did you receive the message?”
EVA: Extravehicular Activity aka “spacewalk”
MSS: Mobile Servicing System. Part of which are robotic arms used to transport equipment and support astronauts during EVA.
The Overview Effect is a cognitive shift reported by some astronauts. A profound state of awe caused by a particularly striking visual stimulus such as seeing the Earth from space.
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1) Also posted HERE on AO3.
2) Posted again for a SarahBucky Fic/Art Event, fan art by Yours Truly HERE.
2) There was no artist credited for this beautiful fantasy artwork. I even searched Google and can’t find anything. If you know who the artist is, please let me know so I can give them some proper credit. Until someone can tell me who made this, I’m going to say that it was a talented artist. And how often do we see Black women as astronauts in fantasy art? However many you say, it’s not enough.
Thank you for reading and indulging me.
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nakrobtee10 · 7 months
Team super wings's cars vehicles
29.TONY: G3
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My top 3 super wings ships
3 Astra x Paul (Astraul)
2 crystal x bucky (buckstal)
1 Kim x Astro (Askim)
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Tropes Tag Game!
Tagged by: @space-writes thanks!
Tagging: soft tagging | @witherednightmare | @nikkywrites | @zoya-writes | @ryns-ramblings | @enchanted-lightning-aes | @friendlyneighborhood-writer | @wherearetheplants | @oh-no-another-idea also Open Tag for whoever wants to play!
Bold the tropes that you write and italicize the ones you want to write in the future!
Found Family | The Chosen One | The Martyr | Surprise, Bitch! You thought I was dead | Enemies/Rivals put together for a project | Teen gets kidnapped; parent goes on killing spree to find them | Happy Ever After | Black and White Morality | Fight scene turns into a make-out session | Only one bed | The airport/train/bus station love confession | AUs | Amnesia story | Villain and hero fall in love | Love triangles | Bookworm falls for the bad guy | Killing off the audience’s fave characters | Smalltown falls for Big-City | Princess kisses a frog & gets Prince Charming | Villain redeemed | Protagonist beats “best in the world” | Enemies to friends to lovers | It was all a dream! | Coming of age story
Explanations under the cut!
Found family is a big one, it’s in all of my writing and I have families of all sizes and shapes (or at least I try to, 😅).
I italicized The Chosen One on the condition that it has a fun twist on it and said chosen one has to deal with all the trauma that comes with their destiny. I don’t like plain old boring and typical Chosen One trope lol.
Surprise, Bitch! You thought I was dead! is pretty much all of Fractured Stars Falling. That’s it, that’s the last three books of the series XD.
Enemies/Rivals put together for a project will be fun in TCIO and Galaxy Des especially with V x Nightmare and Nova x Astra. I’m a little excited for the comedy that will result. I haven’t planned any of it out yet, I just know it’s going to happen at some point
Teen gets kidnapped; parent goes on a killing spree to find them, not so much my original fiction, but this is all over in my fanfiction XD. This happens multiple times with Steve/Bucky and their daughter (my oc) Stacy, it’s a problem at this point XD.
Happy Ever After. I do like a not so happy ending, but I’m also a sucker for the happy endings. Especially if the characters had to work for it and do get it in the end.
Only One Bed I’ve only done once so far, I plan on writing a scene in Sleeping Beauty’s Bodyguard, but it is going to happen and I do have it panned out so I bolded it.
Villain redeemed, there’s quite a lot of that in TCIO, lots of villains and heroes crossing over to the other side, and even one arc that switches over but also switches back!
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bookbitch2457 · 11 months
The Last Adventure
Bucky x OC
29 Chapters
Summary: Bucky and Astra have been at ends for decades of lifetimes. Both wish to see the other fall. When a rumor makes its way through the kingdoms, Astra pushes to discover the truth. These stories of something so powerful that it can grant the desire of any person takes Astra, Bucky, a friend, and foe over the Wall to the Other Side. The dangers of this other world are unimaginable. Through chaos and heartbreak, Astra and Bucky are forced to face one another and what they fear the most; rejection
Tags: Fantasy setting, swords, magic, violence, angst, little smut, romance tension, blood, intentional injury/wounding, not really enemies anymore more just hatred, denial of feelings, lots of smut, kinky, Immortality in terms of aging, Bucky has wings and fangs, everyone’s a slut, shameless smut
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dreamerwithapen1 · 3 years
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Tatiana Volkov in The Falcon And The Winter Soldier
“So what’s our plan?” 
Sam smirked slyly, making his way toward the opening of the aircraft.
Bucky threw himself onto a seat. “So no plan.”
Goggles snapped into place, Sam turned and gave a two finger wave before dropping into the sky.
“He- great.” Bucky threw his hands in the air. Standing up, he spun toward the woman beside him. “You’re not even the least bit concerned about this?”
Tatiana’s dark eyes glanced his way, dancing with mirth, and she shrugged primly. 
“I was going to stop him, but what can I say? His ass looks fantastic in that suit. I got distracted.”
Bucky breathed in deeply, forcing himself to stay calm and collected, though it was no easy feat. 
One of them was bad enough. But put the couple together, and they were absolutely unbearable. He was going to have gray hair before long if they kept it up.
Forever Tag: @darknightfrombeyond @ocfairygodmother @foxesandmagic @bravelittleflower @darkwolf76 @darling-stories @randomfandoming1 @butcherofblackwater @peopleralunique @perfectlystiles @stareyedplanet @ocappreciationtag @ochub
(Want to be added to my taglist? Send me an ask or message!)
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sestra-inestro · 5 years
Gods Among Us
Notes: This literally came to me in a dream, but also has inspiration from Supernatural, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, and Game of Thrones. I’m also just a sucker for the Avengers needing help. Got the outfit idea from this series. Enjoy!
Summary: As the Avengers ready to fight against Thanos’ last alliance, Thor summons the help of an Asguardian Island Goddess, who had half her people wiped out a long time ago, by Thanos.
Character: as guardian!god!reader x Avengers
Warnings: none? Violence, fake people, shit writing. Not even a prediction of Endgame literally wrote this just because I dreamt of something like this happening. Also short.
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“This is our last chance to get to Thanos.” Steve said to the team. “If we mess this up, then it’s the end.”
The all stared out onto the battlefield. Thanos was ready and waiting, a whole new army in front him. Everyone was scared, but Thor had a new trick up his sleeve. They knew it would be a tough fight and by the looks of Thanos’ newest right hand woman, they would be needing his trick.
The battle started. Thanos’ army was trying against the Avengers but with Captain Marvel they were holding their own a lot better. The horrible looking woman stood off and watched. The alien woman had two massive dogs behind her, equally alien looking and just as horrible.
As the Avengers fought their way through, the woman saw that her army was failing. She scowled at the before walking forward. A big sword in her hand and the dogs following her, snarling and antsy for a fight. Steve turned to Thor with pleading eyes. They need the help.
Thor pulled out a coin for his armour. A gold coin that was decorated with figures of the dead. The battle raged in his ears as he placed it on the ground in front of him. The woman got closer as she watched Thor raise Stormbreaker, Thunder and lightning booming through the sky. She widened her eyes as she realised who he was summoning. She broke into a run and the dogs barked behind her but she was too late.
Thor brought Stormbreaker down onto the coin which causes percussions the ripple through the battle ground, sending everyone flying back. Everything became silent. Thor day up from where he had been flung back and looked at the coin. It was cracked in half, showing that what he had done should’ve worked, but nothing happened. The alien woman staggered slightly as she stood up again. She growled and her dogs snarled once again.
“Looks like she won’t be coming to your rescue today, God of Thunder.” Her voice sounded like a million bees humming. “You’re on your own.” She grew a wicked smile as she trudged forward towards the split coin. As she walked over the coin, fire erupted around her. Roaring flames seperate her and her dogs and formed a circle around her. The ground inside the circle started to break apart and more fire rose from the hole. A silhouette of a woman appeared as she walked out of the flames. A beautiful woman dressed in her battle armour waltz out of the flames and looked at the Avengers. Thor stood from the ground and kneeled before the woman. The rest of the Avengers watched him and went to follow, but she raised her hand.
“Thor.” Her voice echoed, causing him to raise his head and the alien woman’s dogs to bark. A low growl tumbled through the ground at the sound of the dogs. The woman from the flames turned her head. “Stay.” The growling ceased to a causal rumble.
“You can control them, Lady June?” Thor stood on his feet and peered at her through the flames.
She shook her head. “I brought my own.” A growl rumbled through the ground again. “Mines bigger.” She turned to face the dogs and the alien woman. The woman had a snarl on her face as she watched June. The dogs were trying desperately to get passed the flames that still surrounded their master and June.
“Nemocný chlapec!” June commanded. A thundering bark from next to her sounded before the ground bared scratches. An invisible force bounded after the alien woman’s dogs who were now being thrown around and panicking.
The alien woman watched in horror as her dogs shed their own blood.
“Astra.” Junes voice called out to her.
The alien woman whipped around to look at her. The mask of anger and fury clear on her face as she listened to her dogs yelp.
“You should’ve stayed in the ground.” Astra marched towards her.
“You should’ve stayed in the sky.” June said. Astra charged at June and swung her sword. June managed to dodge her sword and roll out of the way.
Steve stepped up to Thor as the watched the women fight.
“She can hold her own. We need to keep fighting.” Steve said. Thor turned to see more of Astra’s army were coming around the fire.
Astra threw June to the ground, holding her sword against her.
“You’re still so weak.” Astra snarled in June’s face. “Are you ready to join your people?”
June groaned as she shoved Astra off her and gripped her sword, pulling her back towards her.
“You will regret the day you ever went to war with my people.” June growled and threw a punch to Astra’s face.
Astra groaned and stumbled back. June charged and used her shoulder to push Astra back. The spikes on her armour stabbing Astra.
“Na mé straně.” June bellowed. A howling in the distance responded to her and she could hear the invisible hound bounding towards her.
June grasped Astra by the shoulders and ripped her sword from her.
“See you in hell.” June spat at Astra and threw her into the air.
Astra screamed as June hound jumped and caught her in his mouth. Finally showing himself to the army and the Avengers, the hound shook his head violently with Astra firmly held in his mouth.
Her green blood dropped from his mouth as her army watched on.
June jumped up onto his back and raised her hand. The circle of fire then separated and then spread to Astra’s army. The ground below them broke once again and her army stepped back. The Avengers quickly came behind June and watched as more people dressed in armour similar to her rose from the ground, baring swords, spears, and knives. The now visible hound spat Astra’s body out and let out a howl.
“Se mnou teď,” June yelled to her people. “Teď se mnou!”
Together June and her hound charged forward with her army.
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Translations in Czech:
Nemocný chlapec: Sick em boy
Na mé straně: To my side
Se mnou teď, Teď se mnou: With me now, Now with me.
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acourtofsnakes · 3 years
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Taglist form
Mythos - Steven Grant/Marc Spector x Reader chapter 6
Darkness At The Heart Of My Love - Kas!Eddie Munson x Reader series - chapter 3
Ad Astra - Anakin Skywalker x Reader dark arc series
Freefall - Hunter/TBB x Jedi!Reader Series (chapter 6 just posted)
Masterlist below the cut
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Stranger Things Masterlist
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The Sandman Masterlist
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Moon Knight Masterlist
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Anakin Skywalker Masterlist
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The Clones Masterlist
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Triple Frontier Masterlist
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The Mandalorian - Masterlist
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Pedro Pascal Collection Masterlist
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Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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Take The Day Off - Loki x Reader Smut **
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Let The Devil In Masterlist - Eddie Brock/Venom x F!Reader Masterlist
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givemea-dam-break · 3 years
some fic recs because we love supporting amazing writers on this blog <3 i also don't read too many fics atm so there isn't a whole load of these - sorry lol. these recs are just for star wars and marvel at the moment but it will expand in time :) please support these writers and their amazing work, they deserve it! *implications of smut (i personally don't read smut) ~~~ Star Wars That Time of the Month (Hunter X Reader) by @baroness-zemo New Look (Anakin Skywalker X Reader) by @certifiedskywalker Misconception (Anakin SKywalker X Reader) by @lillianofliterature One Night (Fives X Reader) by @aves6116 * "Hiding their face in the other's neck" (Obi-Wan X Reader) by @jd-loves-fiction Please, Don't Go (Obi-Wan X Reader) by @mrskenobi19 "I needed you and you weren't there" (Din Djarin X Reader) by @dameronology As the World Caves In (Crosshair X Reader) by @aves6116 Ad Astra (Din Djarin X Reader) by @second-stars-totheright Someone You Loved (Tech X Reader) by @baroness-zemo Marvel Let's Hurt Tonight (Wanda Maximoff X Reader) by @reminiscingtonight * Ghost of You (Wanda Maximoff X Reader) by @reminiscingtonight Mess is Mine (Bucky Barnes X Reader) by @luminousbarnes Firsts (Sam Wilson X Reader) by @lotsoffandomimagines Gut Feeling (Sam Wilson X Reader) by @shmaptainhotchner 2:00 AM (Bucky Barnes X Reader) by @thatfangirl42 Dog Tags and Photographs (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @ivybucky Preparations (Peter Parker X Reader) by @lyuboveviana
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evanstarff · 4 years
Stars and Sons
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 2700
Summary: Steve Rogers makes sense of the quiet night.
Warnings: A little angst, a little love, a little smut.
A/N: Hello. I've been away and I still don't proofread, but hey – it's Steve Rogers' 102nd birthday. This late AF submission is for the un-fucking-believably talented @heli0s-writes​​ for her 2K Writing Challenge and takes place during his nomad days. My prompt was "Astra inclinant, sed non obligant: the stars incline us, they do not bind us" – I absolutely did not do it justice, but I hope it offers a fraction of my gratitude for the fortune of meeting you on this hellsite all those months ago. Thank you for existing and being so utterly, indescribably you – don’t ever doubt that I adore your guts.
Links are stupid. Please see my bio for a Masterlist.
It was two in the morning and one in his heart when he woke up in your bed and wondered what it had ever meant to be Captain America.
Rain poured rivulets outside, and the space inside had gone soft, overgrown, full and adored, yet his chest was tight with worry, anxious – where was he, whose bed was this, how did he get here, where, who, how.
The bed was warm, too warm – too small, too large, too soft; always in all ways that he wanted to matter. He sat up, wondering, full of contemplation and the kind of overthinking that dithered and dragged, deep, deep into the night.
A clap of thunder followed the woeful whistle of wind, angry air tearing through slivers, spaces where the walls didn't quite meet. Cracks in the home you called yours and he a simple visitor who didn't quite know where else to go.
Steve mapped out the spaces of your room, senses heightened now despite the hum outside. You weren't in bed and that was odd – or was it? He'd never shared a bed with another person before – except Bucky once upon a time when things felt simpler and more forgiving despite of the weight of all things. Perhaps Nat during a mission when it got too old, too raw, a simple night, nothing more. Once when Sam took them in – Sam when a mission went a little sideways and there was just him and the whole world to worry and whittle away at their guilt.
He had his head in his hands before he knew what he was doing, rubbing at his scalp of brassy flint, then at the back of his neck in a way that felt familiar, repetitive, maybe a little stupid. Why was he doing, should he leave? He should. He should've left days ago, perhaps even before he'd moved in.
Someone pretending to be Grant Stevenson had moved in across the hall. His hair was the kind of golden brown, copper in the glow of the hallway light and curling a little behind the ears. The green in his eyes were soft and sweet and the tiny flecks of blue – like scars, like light, bright and as incandescent as the flame of recognition in your heart.
Five weeks, he told you, and he had to move back home. Something about helping a friend for a few weeks, he was saying as secrets lined the corners of his mouth, furrowed and almost hidden beneath that copper gold beard in that afternoon light, casting his weary head aglow against the doorframe. Secrets in the warm timbre in his voice, and the easy, guarded smile in his handsome, hardened face.
Don't be a stranger, you told him that morning, and you remembered his slow pause, the careful turn of his frame, equal parts intimidating and curious. He'd allowed a private smile, a short nod. Nothing more than a casual gesture of strangers passing through.
Five weeks.
Five days.
Five, five, five.
Finite, finite, finite – it was finite and he knew it. There was only so much time in these measured moments, trying not to get too close, too familiar and somehow, it was all too easy. Seeing you every so often, your mere presence and easy care that created this new familiarity, this new feeling he wasn't used to, never let himself dare to crave. It was much harder now to wall himself up in the small space of the apartment, venturing out only for supplies, half-smiles, small delights in the pockets of the neighbourhood. This made it much easier not to let someone in, let himself care too much. It was quieter having the walls separate his urges and untold wants.
Letting himself be cared for was something different altogether and was never quite on anyone's agenda except Bucky's – these days Nat, Sam. Slivers of warmth and care that he took solace in for the moments where things seemed to simmer beyond his control, but even then, he kept those parts of him deep in his soul where it grew darker, murkier most days than not.
Five weeks ago, he moved in with little more than a box or two for the sparsely furnished apartment and now he was in your bed trying to make sense of the quiet, the weight of decades, loss, memory, fear – always fear, each one seared into his mind, shoved into a box or two and walled up once, twice, and again, just so he could function to some sparing degree of humanity when he went outside.
Going outside made him realise he didn't like going to the pictures. He remembered liking them once, when the comforting rattle of the showreel was a lullaby to somewhere faraway. Romance, he liked those ones, but maybe that's because they were the only ones he ever saw back then, sitting beside Bucky and his girl, his date, trying to imagine what it might feel like to desire someone that much to touch them, this way and that.
He didn't like the pictures now. They were too loud, too much – too real.
Lightning flashed, illuminating the room as you watched him with a nervous hollow in your heart. You watched his shoulders, breathing heavily, broad, unforgiving yet unsure – always unsure beneath that shield of surety, conviction, and all things that made him the statue of liberty and justice and hate so many painted upon his golden crown.
Steve felt your eyes on him, watching him and your breath held, waiting, ever so slightly wanting and yet too afraid to try.
"I should go," he said, quiet and low, a different kind of depth in his voice you couldn't quite place, his back to you speaking volumes more than just three words. "I shouldn't have come."
You were sitting up, hands pressed like a prayer between your thighs, trying to keep still, trying not to reach out to him, trying not to scare him off and that was a funny thought – scaring off someone like him, his stature, his everything. Yet he kept himself so hidden, so private, that you knew just the mere thought, the mere crack in his facade was enough for him to retreat right back in where he kept himself safest.
The thought pressed through your body, a weight in your stomach that clawed its way through your heart to your throat and stayed there, growing, expanding from the months of wandering about the spaces around him, aching, a wretched thing of wanting, until you had to say something, anything to keep him–
"Stay," you managed, carefully unfolding yourself from your position, dared a hand on his shoulder and he caught it, spinning round, eyes narrowed, fullness just a flicker in the silver cast of the night behind his lashes. As if he was trying to compose himself, keep his breathing steady, his hand steadying, slow, stopped and yet it was hot on your own as he gently placed it back in your lap.
"I can't," he said, pretending not to notice how his thumb seemed to run over your skin, your palm, your wrist. "I shouldn't," he continued as if trying to convince himself that it was what he wanted. He wasn't looking at you and yet you could feel his gaze on your all the same, like a roaring flame that refused to be quieted and stamped out.
Steve turned the time over in his mind. Tomorrow would be the last day and then he would leave. The thought needled away as quickly as the hours of the night and his breath grew unsteady and he chanced a glance at your face, deciding here and now that perhaps he might be able to have this, a moment that belonged to him.
There was a cautious longing in your eyes and your face was measured. The air was weighted in silence, desire crystallising as he leaned towards you, a pull he allowed himself to fall toward, closing the space between, choosing not to think, blocking out any hesitation and he was kissing you.
A moment of astonishment, shock, and you were kissing him back as desire rushed through his chest, a salve on an ache that he had ignored too long. Your hands on his face, fingertips scratching through his beard, sliding through his hair, pulling him closer, wanting, wanting, wanting. He never let himself realise this is what he wanted, that this was what it could feel like to be wanted at all.
You were trying not to rush this, trying to savour this, slowly, carefully, agonised with knowing that this might not last, that he might not stay though his mouth, the scent of his skin, all warm and washed linen, comfort laced in a simmering heat that he kept tempered somewhere deep within his soul.
Your face was cradled in his hands, pulling you closer, skin hot against palms, lips hotter still against his own when he realised the rain had stopped.
The hanging cloud in his head was a smear wiped clean from the window of his mind when he laid you down on the warmest part of the bed. His body was a shield from the quiet, keeping the roar of desire pressed tight between your chests, warmth drawn like stoking a fire, burning hotter and hotter, cleansing everything its wake.
His kisses were greedy, bruising, almost possessive, as if every moment of the last few months had come down to his mouth on your own. Across your jaw, your throat, the edges of your shoulders, the sensation casting the slightest shiver through your skin as your hands slid through his hair, across his shoulders, peeling the clothes from his body, lifting them over his head and offering a half moment of respite before his mouth was on you again.
Steve knew he was a man starved, some entity deprived of meaning save for the ones bestowed on him over the years, shallow like a grave. This was his only method of showing that he was just a boy, at times a man, with wants and aspirations for little more than a simpler kind of creed.
Was this what it felt like?
Your hands sliding down his chest, thumbing a moan from his throat on their journey down as he kissed you harder, sliding your pants from your hips.
Was this?
Fingers pressed red crescent moons into his skin and he liked it, adored it, worshipped it in the small moments before his skin healed clean again. His head between your thighs, shivering and shaking as he took his time with his mouth, a low growl in his lungs. Fingers pushed between your thighs, in your cunt, watching your mouth lick them clean, face full of dark delight, pure utter magic.
Was this? Is this, is this?
Your lips around him, worshipping him, tongue wet, mouth warm and clever as you pushed him down and licked him clean, spread his thighs, and saw the mess he made for you.
Was this how it was supposed to feel when he touched you like this? Here? And here? Was it supposed to feel like his throat was closing up, chest tight, sound mute, time turning slow, then still?
No one told him it could feel like this.
No one told him it would be this way as he turned and folded himself into you, like he was made to all those years ago, just for you. It was easy to kiss you, lose all the parts of him that made sense and find them again in you, brighter, more beautiful, clean. Whole.
When he finally pushed inside you, the world seemed to hone and dwindle down to the feeling of him pressing into your very soul. It was all you could do to keep from shaking, splintering in slow motion as he took his time, burying his head into your neck, breathing in your scent as you clenched tight around his cock.
You were surely trembling wildly beneath him, chest tight, full and aching with affection, adoration, love – no, that word was too much, too much, too much.
He was lasciviously slow, tender, taking his time, even though time was precious and few.
Your hands were splayed across his back, the muscles all taut, all tendons, firm and ripe with effort as he moved as if trying to hold onto some semblance of control, dragging it out as he dragged his cock out and slowly, agonisingly as you drew it back in, legs wrapping tight around his waist.
He seized only a moment, tension loosening through his body to concentrate at a single point, and even through the motion, he had to be in control. He pulled your leg up, gripped it at a deeper angle that pushed a gasp from your throat, pushed you closer to the edge, so you were gasping with it. He drew your hands up, watched the motion materialise across your face with every thrust, every expression memorised because he wanted to, and because time was finite and few.
The smell of you was overwhelmingly, intoxicating, it made him dizzy and stupid and adored. Steve took, and took, and took, spread out this part of himself, laid it bare to be wholly encased and crushed and devoured by this night.
He wasn't bound by this moment, but the way he seemed to lose himself in the way you looked at him when you came seared it into his soul.
His voice was wrecked and so was yours and morning came slow with stars dimming time away.
"Steve," and it was the first time he heard his name like that. All longing and love and the shadow of something else he would never feel ready to admit, to accept, even if it was staring him down on the battlefield of the lost and newly taken.
He turned his back to the rising dawn as it crawled grey squares across your bedroom floor. He was watching you, the blue scars in his eyes brighter now, like a flame relit from somewhere deep inside and it made you feel seen in ways you never quite dared to want before, as if you'd waited your whole life just to be seen this way.
A moment, then a breath and you spoke again. "I know you have to leave soon," you replied, a knowing and acceptance clear in your tone. "And I've known for a while."
There was a flash of something akin to fear in his face and it was quickly masked again by that veil you'd come to know so well in so few months. He didn't say anything, so you continued.
"I know who you are," you said carefully, watching the expression in his face guard itself up again, his shoulders tenser than they were a few short hours ago. "And it's okay, I don't want anything more. This is enough. This was…"
That was the question, wasn't it? What was this? What could this ever be? What was the last night in your bed, taking apart the parts of him that made him, rearrange them in a way that was no longer familiar at first glance and yet–
Steve moved quickly, pressed his palm against the back of your neck as he seized your mouth with his own. A strange comfort of understanding washed through him, through you, his lips moving slowly, then desperately, hungrily, your tongue a salve against his own, your body a balm against the slow ache in his heart.
This was enough, this thing that was missing a long time and he only had to let himself taste it, want it, a temporary balm over the deepest parts of him, all mess and structure in equal measure.
This was enough.
Song inspiration from Broken Social Scene and Joji.
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sheepinawolfsfur · 3 years
10 Fandoms 10 Characters 10 Tags
Tagged by the lovely @sparklyslytherin
1. Marvel Cinematic Universe - Bucky Barnes
2. Artemis Fowl - Butler
3. Pirates of the Caribbean - Elizabeth Swan
4. White Collar - Neil Caffrey
5. Lord of the Rings - Aragorn
6. The Witcher - Geralt of Rivia
7. Black Butler - Undertaker
8. Winx Club - Flora (Netflix can catch these hands)
9. X-Men - Wolverine
10. Harry Potter - Sirius Black
Tags: @dementorsareshook @atgranger @idkmaybenotthatcool @ask-dromeda @transaurus @the-ginger-magician @lemon-astra @whatsupitsthatkai @nottomenotifitsyou @asktonks
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nctvnthebrain · 4 years
All K-pop songs for all character in Super Wings (SW Heroes)
1. Jett: 2ya2yao (Super Junior)
2. Dizzy: Forever Young (BlackPink)
3. Donnie: Burn It Up (Monsta X)
4. Crystal: Fancy (Twice)
5. Bucky: MIC Drop (BTS)
6. Paul: Not Today (BTS)
7. Storm: Valkyrie (Oneus)
8. Astra: Dun Dun (Evergrow)
9. Sky: Shoot Out (Monsta X)
10. Mira: Adios (Evergrow)
11. Astro: Love Me Right (EXO)
12. Zoey: Peek-ka-boo (Red Velvet)
13. Scoop: Love Me Now (NCT 127)
14. Kim: Feel Special (Twice)
15. Swampy: Kick It (NCT 127)
16. Sparky: Love Shot (EXO)
17. Remi: Baam (Momoland)
18. Rover: Dionysus (BTS)
19. Willy: Kill This Love (BlackPink)
20. Badge: Hard Carry (Got 7)
21. Jerome: Queen (Monsta X)
22. Bello: Blood Sweat and Tear (BTS)
23. Flip: I'm So Hot (Momoland)
24. Chase: Hide & Seek (Oneus)
25. Neo: Red Moon (KARD)
26. Todd: Home (Seventeen)
27. Grand Albert: Lullaby (Got 7)
28. Jimbo: Run Away (TXT)
29. Robert: Anpanman (BTS)
30. Leo: Miroh (Stray Kids)
31. Sunny: Energitic (Wanna One)
32. Super Wings: Hero (Monsta X)
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heli0s-writes · 5 years
writing challenge
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First, thank you SO much! I have a million words to say about how much I love you all... but moving on, I am posting this a little bit late, but it’s my first official writing challenge!
You don’t have to be following me, but please reblog or signal boost!
One request per person, first come first serve basis.
Any marvel character reader-insert is fine! 
Please use all proper warnings.
No underage/non-con. Everything else is g a m e.
Please use a read more cut for fics over 500 words.
Music prompts with lyrics only serve as inspiration. I listen to a LOT of music while I write and usually base the “feel” of my fics around them. I wanted to share some of my favorite emotional songs.
Please send an ASK with the prompts number and a character and I will update the list as soon as I’m able!
Tag @heli0s-writes or #heli0s2kwriting (with a zero!)
Due date February 14th for a sweet Valentines Day. 💕
Die Young - Sylvan Esso I was gonna die young, now I gotta wait for you, honey.  @whimsicalatbest (c.d.)
Every Other Freckle - alt J  Oh, devour me— if you think that you can handle me. @eyesfixedonthesun22
Emotion - Carly Rae Jepsen In your fantasy, dream about me and all that we could do with this emotion.  @trashmenofmarvel​
Feels Like We’re Only Going Backwards - Tame Impala I know you think it’s silly when you call my name, but I get it stuck inside my head all day. @wkemeup (b.b.)
The Limit to your Love - Feist I love this dream of going upstream. I love all the trouble that you give me. @allaboardthereadingrailroad​
Summer of ‘42 - Kishi Bashi The days have gone asunder, the chaos of the war. Made men of everybody but our memories I adore. @leagueofasses (b.b. & s.r.)
Dead Sea - The Lumineers You told me I was like the dead sea, you’ll never sink when you are with me. @pinknerdpanda​ (b.b.)
Joy - Iron and Wine Deep inside the heart of this broken man is a tiny little boy tugging hard at your hand. @cake-writes
River - Leon Bridges I wanna come near and give every part of me but there’s blood on my hands and my lips are unclean. @nacho-bucky​
Let’s be Still - The Head and the Heart If things don’t slow down we might not last. So just for the moment, let’s be still. @sugarfreecapsicle
Heart Beats Slow – Angus and Julia Stone You say I move so fast that you can hardly see. You say I move so fast; how can you be with me?  @moonstruckbucky
Ivy ��� Frank Ocean I thought that I was dreaming when you said you loved me. @slowly-drifting-again​
 Cosmonaut – The Bootleggers ft. Emmylou Harris Your eyes shine like swimming pools and I am just a stupid fool who can’t stop smiling. @buckysknifecollection (s.w.)
 Burning - Maggie Rogers I’m in love, I’m alive, oh I’m burning  @the-murder-strut-murdered-me​
Dum spiro spero – while I breathe, I hope @mermaidxatxheart (b.b.)
In Vino Veritas – in wine lies the truth @captain-kelli
Dulce periculum – danger is sweet @pastelshawns (b.b.)
amor et melle et felle est fecundissimus – love is rich with both honey and venom @until-we-fall-in-love​
astra inclinant, sed non obligant – the stars incline us, they do not bind us @evanstarff​ (s.r.)
carpe noctem – seize the night  @buchonians
“Guess who made the evening news?” @mypassionsarenysins​ (s.w.)
“We do things a little differently in the 21st century.” @panicfob​​ (b.b.)
“She’s evil, but she does have a point there.” @chloerinebarnes​ (b.b.)
“According to this, you owe them eighty thousand dollars.” @buckthegrump​​
“My chances of living to a ripe old age are unfortunately excellent.” @xetoilerouge​​
“Forgive me if I’m misreading things, but do you want to make out?” @stuckonjbbarnes​
tagging some mutuals in case you’re interested: @samingtonwilson @sugarfreecapsicle @buckyssoul @nacho-bucky @sovietghoststories @spacesnail3000​ @sunmoonandbucky @barnesrogersvstheworld​ @lecoindenox @eyesfixedonthesun22 @sophiria @buckysknifecollection
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superwingscentral · 4 years
Ship/BrOTP Names
im bored so (these aren't all of them btw, just my top tiers)
Dizzy x Mira (DizzyMira)
Neo x Astra (NeAstra?? AstNeo??)
Kim x Zoey (ZoeKim??)
Kim x Mira (Kimira)
Jerome x Donnie (Jeronnie)
Scoop x Astro (Scostro?? Astroop???)
Jett x Jerome (JeroJett)
Jett x Bello (Jetello?? [this sounded like a damn sweet name ckxlvkdkf] BelloJett??)
Jett x Flip (FliJett??? JetFlip??)
Chase x Astra (Chastra)
Jett x Dizzy (Jezzy)
Donnie x Astra (DonAstra?? Astronnie??)
Chase x Mira (ChaMira??)
Jerome x Dizzy (Jerizzy)
Crystal x Bucky (CryBuck?? IceInsect?)(I love IceInsect btw)
Write your ships' names in comments!
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