#pak cho
lurking-lilibeth · 10 months
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While her parents are out, Elissa also doesn't waste time and throws a party, inviting basically everyone she knows who's not on campus at the time.
Here we have: Claus Jocque, Paola Picaso, Pak Cho, Orlando Summerdream, Ophelia Capp, and of course, Robert Ottomas.
Orlando used to date Elissa's sister, but now he's kinda with Paola? Who doesn't like Elissa that much but comes anyway, presumably to make sure Orlando isn't stolen from her. To be honest, that fear wouldn't be unfounded.
Claus feels a bit awkward around the others. Ophelia tries to make a move on him, but he'd rather play with the dogs.
Pak is just chilling. He kissed Elissa once in the past, but they're just friends now, so it's cool.
[Save for Orlando, an adopted townie, these are all sims born in-game to premades, and I absolutely love this crowd.]
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atlasfoundation · 2 years
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Greg Pak Returns to 'Planet Hulk' in New Sequel Series
In 2006, writer Greg Pak, along with artists Carlo Pagulayan and Aaron Lopresti, crafted PLANET HULK, one of the most iconic stories to ever grace the pages of INCREDIBLE HULK, and this November, Pak will return to this storyline in PLANET HULK: WORLDBREAKER! This five-issue limited series will take place a thousand years into the future and present a shocking expansion and culmination of the mythos of Sakaar. Pak will be joined by visionary DEVIL'S REIGN artist Manuel Garcia.
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Me when I see someone else appreciating Amadeus Cho: 👁️👁️
Ah, I do. He's got a lot of my favourite character traits rolled into one package: he's got that whole guilt complex/if I don't save everyone I'm a bad person (much like Peter Parker), he's very loyal and takes that loyalty to the extremes, he really wants to be liked but has tendency to shoot himself in the foot in social interactions, he is suspicious of people but at the same time wants to see the best in them, he's good willed and sincere but also sneaky and clever. Oh, and he's super smart but reckless and impulsive - and is an antiauthoritarian who has no qualms with stealing from the rich or defying the will of the gods.
Unfortunately, I've noticed that his character does tend to get flattened a lot when Greg Pak is not the one writing him, and I'm swiftly running out of material to read.
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graphicpolicy · 1 year
Dawn of DC delivers three new superhero series, City Boy, The Vigil, and Spirit World, in May
Dawn of DC delivers three new superhero series, City Boy, The Vigil, and Spirit World, in May #comics #comicbooks #dccomics
“Dawn of DC” is this year’s initiative from DC Comics featuring new series, new creative teams, and new characters all-together! In May, the comic publisher will release three new six-issue limited series each featuring Asian superheroes. Check out the solicits below! Spirit World #1 (of 6) Story: Alyssa WongArt: HainingCover: HainingVariant Covers: Dustin Nguyen, Trung Le Nguyen, Zu OrzuOn…
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dsneybuf91 · 1 year
Agents of Atlas Reviews
Since it looks like Tumblr will replace Twitter as an outlet for me to shill my blog, I'll start by posting some excerpts from and links to articles from 2019-August 2022:
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May 2019 saw Marvel publish the first issue of the Asian/Asian-American superhero team-up series The War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas, to rather high sales figures.  As a Filipino-American Marvel fan, I subscribed to this series the month it began.  Before I reviewed the whole story, though, I revisited some featuring the original Agents of Atlas, consisting of characters created by Marvel Comics’ predecessor, Atlas Comics. While waiting for the second New Agents of Atlas issue, I decided that to help critique any character development of the New Agents best known stateside, I should read an older team-up story of theirs. So, in between New Agents issues three and four, I ventured for the first time into Amadeus Cho’s 2015-17 ongoing, The Totally Awesome Hulk. Ultimately, I reviewed three storylines featuring the New Agents of Atlas: The aforementioned War of the Realms tie-in, Agents of Atlas: Pandemonium, and Atlantis Attacks.
"What if the Avengers had fought evil during the 1950s?" (Reviewed on May 19, 2019)
Agents of Atlas (June 10, 2019)
The Totally Awesome Hulk: Big Apple Showdown (July 6, 2019)
The War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas (July 6, 2019)
Agents of Atlas: Pandemonium (March 15, 2020)
Atlantis Attacks (January 14, 2021)
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Young Tak "Pak Se-ri Giant Pacific Octopus Champon Eat and Par" mouthwatering (anhahaeng)
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dukethomas · 6 months
a few issues into an amadeus cho reading list rn and 16 year old amadeus is so charming to me. he's greg pak's gary sue character who is smarter and one step ahead of your white faves (and i say that with so much affection bc i think all comic writers of color deserve to have a character who is better than all the classic white faves). his family died in an explosion specifically targeting him but he's not unpacking all that right now. he has a coyote pup he keeps zipped up in his jacket and when he's underwater he has specially modified his deep sea diving suit to fit the coyote in the front. he's brash and cocky with the smarts to back it up, and he latches onto befriending the hulk because amadeus is an asian kid that sprouted up out of nowhere who is the 7th smartest person in the world, so all people see him as is a threat, or someone who could become a threat, so he identifies with the hulk. i'm like 5 issues into this reading list and he's already everything to me
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lamyaasfaraini · 5 months
Train.. Cho.. Cho..!
Ngayogyakarta Day 1, Part 1
Trip kali ini kita pake KA lodaya ekonomi premium 1, nyaman sekali. AC nya kenceng mesti pake sweater atau jaket. Selama perjalanan nyaman bgt, kitapun selalu bolak balik ke restorasi ya laper ya pgn aja melepas kebosanan wkwk. Kasian anakku ngga menikmati perjalanan yg dia tunggu2 bgt sebetulnya, Ya Allah nak.. Knp ya feeling ibu selalu benar kalo kamu terlalu kecapean asmanya kambuh. H-1 udah batuk2 semakin deg2an dan resah tp mau gmn lg pasrah aja udah semuanya di booking. Bismillah ya Allah jaga kami, sehatkan anak kami. Aamiin
Kereta brangkat jam 6.55, kita udah prepare jam 6 lebih udah di stasiun bdg, satset udah masuk lg ke dalem kereta. Mayanlah hampir 15 menitan kami nunggu sampe kereta bener2 melaju.
Nemo lemes bgt :(. Msh sepi penumpang
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Kereta melaju, sepanjang perjalanan mendung, kalo ngga salah pas nyampe Tasik hujan terussss sampe Jateng sebelum Jogja akulupa nama daerahnya pokonyamah merata, deras pula. Semakin dingin kan ya AC kenceng ya hujan. Tp tiap liat ke jendela syahdu bingits yaa view nya suka pgn ngehultar. Mood aku lg pengen dengerin lagu2nya Coldplay di album Parachutes. Inget dulu ngetrip sama geng SMA soalnya huhu.
Melepas kebosanan kami coba ke restorasi yg gapernah sepi, mas mbak petugasnya selalu wanti2 kalo gaboleh terlalu lama di tmpt restorasi hanya boleh selama makan krn harus gantian sm yg lain, kalo kelamaan nnti di tegur wkwk.
Nemo sm kakek nenek msh ngga semangat dia.. Suasana restorasi yg super dingin kalo kata adik aku sengaja AC nya dibikin dingin bgt supaya ngga ada yg betah jd ngga nongki lama wkwk. Masookk akal pak eko~
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Selfie sama suamiku yg sibuk zoom dari jam 9 pagi, semangat ya pak liburan jg tetep kerja kerja kerja.. Bismillah kaya raya! Wkwk. Oohh ya tentu order kopi, tp sayang ngga ada cafe latte, yodah cappuccino aja sama americano buat suami. Ini memang jam2 brunch sih.. Belom masuk jam maksi, sambil bawa cemilan jg dari rumah.
Oiya posisi duduk di kereta kita deketan ibu bapak, adik dan suami, aku dan nemo sementara suamiku sama org lain.. Kebetulan cewe itu sebelah suamiku, jutek bgt kata bapakku sinis liat adikku hahaha merhatiin aja. Memang kaya cewe2 anak muda yg gapeduli sekitar dan sopan santun. Ngambil makanan yg di order aja ngga ada basa basi tangannya melewati muka suami dgn dinginnya. Wkwk rupa2 memang nemuin org selama trip tuh, cukup disenyumin aja wlpn pas liat mah ngedumel juga. Pas turun bareng di Jogja dia kesulitan nurunin koper yg super gede itu, suamiku gercep bantuin. Nah kan u jgn so jutek gt, terbukti u makhluk sosial dan butuh bantuan org lain, be nice to others dong! Oiya kami berdua gantian duduknya sih kdg suami sama anak pas nyuapin makan ayahnya bisaan ngolo sambil nonton youtube. Kdg neneknya sama nemo buat ngemanjain krn lg sakit.
Masuk jam maksi, menunya agak pricey memang 35k up. Kalo yg instan kaya cuanki, baso instan, mie cup itu 25k. Nah pas saatnya maksi kami pgn yg instan krn cuaca semakin dingin pgn kuah2 panas. Eeh abis airnya katanya hiks.. Jadi order seadanya aja huhu
Ini nasgor kureng ena huft. Teh premium enak bgt!!
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Btw itu teh premium enak bgt, pake gula batu 2 guruntul pas manisnya haaa sempe berebutan sama suami ordernya cuma 1, mau beli lg kagok trus lagian udah mau sampe jg. Rencananya plg nanti mau beli lg aah~
Alhamdulillah sampe Jogja yeaaaay, i'm back with my whole fam! Yg tadinya kesini msh bocil umur 13 thn wkwk.
Stasiun Yogyakarta. Menunggu grab car
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Di day 1 ini kami pake kendaraan umum dulu. Day 2 dan baru sewa mobil. Let's goooow ke hotel dulu eh lebih ke guesthouse sih yaa. Omah bumi di jln. Golo dr stasiun sekitar 4-5km sebetulnya lebih dkt dr stasiun lempuyangan tp kretanya ngga berhenti disana. Next omah bumi, tempo gelato, golden geisha! Yeaaayy super excited!
Btw ini day 3, nulis di hotel the folk, kaliurang, Jogja. Sambil enjoy dkt jendela ada sofa kecil plus bantal2. Saat suami setelah solat subuh tidur lg dan anak msh nyenyak hihi
Tag @sagarmatha13
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arakawa-division · 6 months
"Sometimes a perceived obstacle is just an opportunity in disguise."
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Age 0:
She is born in an Asian country to her mother and father.
Age 4:
She starts taking ballet lessons learned from her mother, which she is a natural in.
Age 6:
She becomes a principal dancer, the highest ranking that one can achieve in ballet.
She begins performing professionally in front of crowds in Asia.
She wins her first gold medal.
Age 7:
During a performance in North Korea, an overhead war plane drops a bomb on the city she is performing in, killing thousands and wounding hundreds.
She miraculously survives, though not without injury. Her mother and father, however, are both killed.
She is found by North Korean soldiers who, after healing her, force her to enlist in the army as a child soldier.
She spends up to two years being trained as a soldier.
Age 9:
After completing her training, she is sent to actual combat.
Unfortunately, her unit is decimated by enemy forces and she is subsequently captured.
Having no use for her, she is sentenced to be a slave and is bought by a minor noble in China.
Upon being brought, she is branded with a slave mark on her back.
Age 10:
She learns early on to obey her master, less she gets punished.
Unfortunately, her master is a sadist and punishes her for seemingly no reason at all.
The trauma and abuse eventually causes her to lose her voice, making her mute.
She becomes nothing more than a doll or a puppet.
Age 11:
One day, her master kills one of the more popular servants in the house.
This proves to be his undoing, as the slaves, upset at this, rise up in revolt.
The girl, seeing her chance, escapes during the fighting, fleeing into the city.
She runs for days on end, eventually arriving in Hong Kong, where she collapses from exhaustion.
She is found by a middle-aged Chinese couple who takes her in.
In exchange for doing some chores, she is treated fairly and kindly by them.
Age 12:
She frequently helped her 'Auntie' out in her garden, due to the fact that she loves the lotus flowers that grow there.
Age 13:
After two years of being treated with kindness and charity, her voice returns.
She refers to the man and woman as 'Uncle' and 'Auntie', not wanting them to replace her parents.
Age 14:
One night, she spots some devious-looking men leaving the house.
She brings it up with her uncle, who reveals that he is a Pak Tsz Sin, or a 'White Paper Fan' of the Triad.
His wife, her aunt, is a Cho Hai, or a 'Straw Sandal'.
The girl's interest in the Triad grows.
Age 15:
She asks permission to join the group. Her uncle speaks to the Hung Kwan, or the 'Red Pole', in charge of one of Hong Kong's districts, who agrees to recruit the girl.
She begins training to become a Chai, or a foot soldier.
Because of her skills at ballet, she takes to the training easily.
Within half a year's time, she becomes a small-ranking member of the Triad.
Age 17:
She gradually takes on missions, building up rank and credibility.
Eventually, she is put in charge of seducing and assassinating a rival gang leader who oversteps his boundaries.
She performs her mission, flawlessly.
Age 18:
She obtains her high school diploma.
She receives word that her 'Uncle' has sadly been killed during a shoot-out between rival gangs.
Her 'Auntie' takes his place as the district's 'White Paper Fan'.
This opens a new position for the district's 'Red Pole', which the girl quickly takes.
She is unanimously voted into her new position, and takes to it with ease.
Age 21:
She starts to grow bored with her work as a 'Red Pole'.
She places another into the role, letting them be sworn into the position.
She begins to branch out, putting her skills for hire.
She refuses to reveal her name, only calling herself, "Lotus".
She is hired by a variety of people for a number of missions.
Age 22:
She gains a reputation as an efficient agent, willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill her mission.
Age 23:
She meets the legendary "Black Dalhia" during a mission, befriending her.
She betrays and uses the assassin as a distraction to steal something from an organization that she is providing security for.
The two fight, but the young woman makes a quick getaway, leaving the assassin for security to handle.
Age 24:
She is given a mission to steal information on the Mafia in Japan.
She makes contact with two of the Mafia's killers, Lola Takahashi and Kureha Koizumi.
She befriends them, but eventually leaves them both high and dry once she has obtained the information she was hired to get.
Age 25:
After being hired to steal some priceless artifacts in Africa, she begins to become interested in jewelry design.
She decides to go back to school in Hong Kong to learn how to.
Age 26:
She receives word that her 'Aunt' has been promoted to Fu Shan Chu, or the 'Deputy Mountain Master'.
Age 28:
She graduates from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor's in Fine Art and Gemology.
She starts up her own jewelry business called, Lotus Bloom Jewelry, which quickly becomes popular due to its lotus design.
Age 29:
She is hired by the Chinese government to infiltrate Japan and find out what Chuohku is up to.
She speaks with her 'Auntie' and the Triad about her mission; both allow her to accept it, also feeling ill at ease about the Japanese government.
She is told that she will make contact with two other foreign agents and join them to enter the D.R.B. as a team.
She is also given a mission by the government to ██████████████████. She accepts.
She takes the name of Hoàng Diệu as her alias.
She arrives in Arakawa in Tokyo, Japan and makes contact with the two other agents: Alexis Ward and Ivelisse Sofia Martinez.
Age 30:
She becomes the second member of the Arakawa Division rap battle team, Sounds of Silence, alongside Alexis Ward and Ivelisse Sofia Martinez.
12 a.m. - 1 a.m.: At a bar/night club
1 a.m. - 1:30 a.m.: Returns home
1:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.: Asleep
8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.: Freshens up and has late breakfast
10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.: Takes and fulfills orders for jewelry
2 p.m. - 3 p.m.: Late lunch
3 p.m. - 4 p.m.: Performs ballet at a nearby park
4 p.m. - 6 p.m.: Shopping
6 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.: Returns home
6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.: Freshens up
8 p.m. - 9 p.m.: Calls Auntie/Writes up report for government
9 p.m. - 10 p.m.: Prepares to go out
10 p.m. - 11 p.m.: Does surveillance on Chuohku
11 p.m. - 12 a.m.: At a bar/night club
Character Hashtags
Regular Hashtags
#All is fair in love and war
#Won't make excuses or apologize
#Will be silent no more
Trauma Hashtags
#A victim and child of war
#Must break free of these bonds
#Don't look at my back
Other Info
Hobby: Nail Care
Weakness: Betrays a lot
Trauma: "When people view the mark on my back, I know they are judging me."
Twitter: @LotusFlowerBlooms
Drinks: Yes
Smokes: Yes
Special Skill: "I'm extremely skilled at ballet. I've been performing since I was just a child."
Intro Quote: "I'm going to punish you all so hard. ♡"
Trauma Quote: "This cursed mark on my back... how I despise it! Don't look at it! ...Please..."
Ending Quote: "Love and fighting are the one and the same. You have to play your cards next to your chest."
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lurking-lilibeth · 1 year
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While Darren and Marissa are out, Isabel brings a work friend home. Pak Cho has been her fellow part-time journalist for a long time, and they know each other quite well at this point.
Meanwhile Cassandra accidentally destroys an antique grandfather's watch. Luckily, she is able to instantly replace it with a new antique watch from another grandfather with the power of old money and same day delivery. But still, how embarrasing!
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brw · 10 months
Do you feel that Reed launching the Hulk into space was in-character? Just to be clear I haven't read the comic that this incident came from.
no, i don't think so, mainly because reed and bruce have always relatively been good friends and reed has gone out of his way to help bruce before, and bruce is very trusted by reed as evidenced as reed referring to bruce for gamma research when sue fell ill in ff #226. but like, ultimately planet hulk was an event and they needed characters like reed, t'challa, charles, black bolt to act out of character to do that event and i'm a big enough fan of what was spawned from that event (amadeus cho & pak's incredible hercules run) that i don't mind too much that it happened, i guess i just wish certain people who want to read the worst into reed richards as possible wouldn't emphasise it so much as if most characters aren't handled poorly in big events like that.
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atlasfoundation · 2 years
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Bruce and Amadeus play minecraft together
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