#pandamonium and asks
ut-pan-girl-askblog · 5 months
hey pan, what's 9 + 10
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eyrie showing up to help deryk again and seeing G’raha and it’s definitely not like the two of them hadn’t seen each other two days ago in sharlayan w the Fussing between them
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lordjohnlander · 2 years
Hi! This podcast is changing my daily commute for the better but can I ask who tf is Daria?? Did you guys make her up in a fic or did I miss something from DG (which is more than probable tbh)?
I mean Daria's not NOT canon....
But yes, we completely made her up. Some of that crap we spoil that never happened.
We're so glad you're enjoying it! Thank you!
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arbor-et-um · 1 year
If you've been living in pandamonium
You may be a trash panda if you're waking up exhausted by your room and other things too probably (This is not a diagnosis, please seek medical advice if you experience symptoms such as lil Grabbies and a very soft tail.) If you're a trash panda, first, I'm so proud of you for continuing to be so punk rock in the face of your mental and physical illnesses, it's really important that you know I see you. (If you're not a trash panda I hope any of this is useful to you as well.)
Trash pandas usually do their snacking in bed or on the move, and they usually fall into a terrible cycle of not having the energy to deal with a situation that's constantly and actively draining their energy. Probably nocturnal by nature but forced by society to adhere to an unnatural "day person" schedule, and definitely overwhelmed, to the extent of possibly even feeling numb all the time due to sensory overload.
You've got a lot of garbage tho, and if you want, you can keep reading and I'll give you some coaching. If you're not in the mood but you're thinking about it just bookmark this or something ok?
Ok. What I want you to do is get a trash bag right now. It can be one you've already started on, or it can be an empty one. Put it up somewhere within arm's reach*, and plop your booty on the floor if you're able to.
*Use your reach extender if you have one and use it regularly. Don't go looking for yours if it isn't EASILY accessible to you, and if you don't have one, there's a good one right here for like fifteen bucks.
If I've just blown your mind and you hadn't even considered getting a reach aid (in the sense that perhaps you are disabled and it hadn't occurred to you that a reach aid would be helpful to you, and that it would be immensely so and you need time to process that), I love you so much, please order one, and gleefully use it as a tool to clean a few days to weeks later when it comes and you're not in unreasonable physical pain cleaning your room. As long as it helps you clean and it DOESN'T end up in your closet and never used and doesn't help you at all and becomes a part of the problem. Take what works and leave the rest, okay?
I love you, now say it back, but out loud, to yourself.
If for any reason you can't put yourself on the floor, easily reach the floor, ask for help, forget the floor for now. Fuck the floor. It didn't get messy overnight, it'll be there tomorrow. I want you to focus on your desk or your bed or your table instead as you've already started and are at risk of losing momentum and as long as you're detrashing any horizontal surface you can reach it will impact your eyes and brain a lot.
If you simply don't have floor space to sit on the floor because of Things In The Floor and that is your only limiting factor to getting down to tushie town, meet the others here by sitting where you normally do and just grab. Grab anything that food came out of. You're not dirty. You're not. Your room is dirty and you are not your room. You are not your actions, your actions are a reflection of your well-being and your state of mind. Put on some YouTube, listen to music, start a podcast or finish an audiobook.
Take frequent breaks for food, water, and hiding in the bathroom for as long as you need, but when you're in your room, you're probably going to be thinking about your trash anyway, so please promise me you'll stop enabling yourself to spend that entire time feeling ashamed of your trash.
If cleaning was used as a punishment for you at any point then you're allowed to feel resentful over your trash's existence, so please be compassionate about your resistance to cleaning. You deserve to walk or drive across your floor without hearing a crinkle or feeling dirt on your feet or having to worry about falling over, especially if it bothers you that you can't.
You might find or recover other things that you don't want to keep on the floor. Pick them up, dust them off, and ask yourself if you put it with the trash because it doesn't actually fill any void for you or if you lost it under the trash and already know where it belongs in your home, and put it where it goes - for now, in a "keep" pile behind you where you're sitting.
When the sphere of space around you is clean, take a moment to be FUCKIN PROUD and do some stretches, and congratulate yourself. Drink some water and decide to stop for now or carry on. Take a picture!!, Look at it for inspiration if that spot gets messy in the future again.
ANYTHING you do at this point is doing one thing and one thing only: giving you a win. Just feel the confidence of knowing you can do this, you really really can. You're allowed to do this in chunks instead of all at once if you allow yourself to. Your space is wherever you put your body and you can do whatever you need to do in that space and I mean that.
If youve been dragon your feet through your clothes
You're a dragon if you don't have a problem with trash in your room, but you do have a problem with clothes, stuffed animals, cords, complain of clutter and other items you really do value being piled on the ground or your bed. It's only really a problem if you're in danger of tripping and hurting yourself or if your treasures make it hard for you to sleep comfortably. (Trash pandas, if you've made it this far, can I hold your hand for 2 seconds so I can cheer with you by throwing our fists to the sky??, Fucking woohoo my guy)
These are your things and you're not bad to or discarding or disrespecting them when you let them end up on the floor and lost in your bedsheets, you're just tired. You're doing a good job and you probably just need more shelves and boxes or box shaped shelves or baskets, and you need to clean your bed off long enough to get one (1) good night of sleep before you start to tackle your room!!!! I don't care if you dump the contents of your bed on the floor just so it so you can starfish. In the morning, you're gonna put your things on the bed again and just get to work. Start with the dishes and step or drive over or around your piles without judgement on your way to and from the kitchen. These are your brain piles man, so let self love win against shame paralysis.
When the dishes are in the sink or dishwasher or on the kitchen counter and not in your bedroom, begin organizing your depressuon den piles into intentional piles. Give the piles mental labels, just a flash word.
Clean clothes
Dirty clothes
Hobby a
Hobby b
Hair ties
Cat toys
Make these piles working from left to right. Stop when you need to. Play on your phone for a few minutes or take a food break or a shower and when you come back to the cleaner semicircle of your bedroom, decide to either 1) continue or 2) be done for the day and whichever you choose, just be gentle with yourself. You are mighty and I am proud of you. Your life didn't get messy overnight. Choosing to clean your room when it's THIS hard to clean at all is a really good thing to do for yourself.
When you ARE actively working on your room, I want you to promise me you'll invest your time in making piles and then finding containers for those piles.
Your bedroom being cluttered is. Not. A. Moral. Falling. On your part. Being good or bad at cleaning doesn't make you a good or bad person.
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| The Witch, The Judge & the 3 Card Gamble | West! Fell! AU | ♠️ |
— Excerpt —
Spurs jingled once more and the Reaper crossed the boundary between the shadow of unclaimed wilderness and her island of campfire light. 
His black boot bit into the dust which easily surrendered to him. The black coal of his boots climbed up his body, flashes of gold glinting at her in the glow of the embers. 
The crimson stars, his eye lights, landed on her measly fire and he sniffed in quiet disapproval for its maintenance. She couldn’t disagree; she’d meant for the low embers to conceal her and yet here he was. 
She watched the Reaper with a dark gaze, waiting for him to claim her. 
Watched as he painstakingly unfolded a creased poster from out of his pocket and went through the effort of smoothing the lines with his clawed thumb. 
She assumed it was her bounty, and wondered how much her head was going for these days. Wondered if he’d take her in alive or if he’d stay true to his namesake.
He held up the poster to her, as if she’d be interested to see it; she wasn’t. Sure enough, her brooding face stared back at her like he was holding up a mirror and she’d been allowed vanity for one more night. 
The witch studied her poster. Her raven hair shorn to her chin. Her hair was a bit longer now… But, her dark eyes gave her away, didn’t they? Those eyes which she was sure were once filled with innocence, were now sketched as sullen and cast over with a permanent shadow. Her plump lips were twisted into a subtle snarl. Her cheekbones, sharp with malice. 
She’d been made to look evil. 
She twitched with bitterness. As if she’d asked to be thrust into Pandamonium. Her teeth bared but as soon as she’d winced with hate, her ribs flared up again and she seethed in pain. 
The Reaper pulled the poster back when it appeared he was satisfied. She mused that he was gloating over the fact he probably wouldn’t have to work very hard to finish the shrapnel’s job. 
A pang of spite shot through her heart. 
Was that to be her fate? Shrapnel rendering her too weak to fight back against her hunter? After everything she’d done in the name of vengeance, this was to be her end? Where was the honor in that? The justice? 
She gritted her teeth. 
Her thoughts jolted into silence when the Reaper dropped the poster into the embers. 
The paper caught instantly. Flames danced to life, sending sparks flying into the smokey air. 
She shot the Reaper a puzzled look. Was he mocking her?
He just chuckled and gestured at the flames. “It was dying. Thought I’d feed it,” he uttered finally. His voice purred like distant thunder. 
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What Love Says… Soul Fire
In this precious moment ask, is your soul on fire? Is there passion roaring in your heart inspiring a dance of love, are you creating love for all? Soul fires burn lovingly, knowingly and passionately as you nurture and nourish the true nature of love that you are.
When you choose love, even crazy love, this love fuels a passion to play, a love which makes you happy creates while assisting your soul fire to burn.
As you choose thoughts, words, actions, which are infused intentionally with love, brimming with excitement you create and others will feel the power of love you radiate.
Stir your soul fire with intentional love, observe the sparks as they ignite more love. When soul, heart and mind play in the harmony of love, you realize your truth becoming a co-creator in this precious life.
Your soul fire is the truth of you, your light, your guide, your love. Imagination, play, passion, each creating fires that burn lovingly forever.
You are a precious gift of love, do everything you to playfully stoke your soul fire! Create LOVE pandamonium!
Jennifer R. Cook @catsinthebagdesignposts invites you to embrace love in your life and enjoy What Love Says series.
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cosmolumine · 1 year
Mega Man Muses!
PiXEL (Rockman X DiVE)
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Gender: Female
Bio: PiXEL originated from a modded copy of Mega Man X8, where someone attempted to transfer the data of the game into the Deep Log. Which resulted into The models of Alia, Layer, and Palette fusing into one. Which became PiXEL. PiXEL decided to finish the deed of all of the modded copy of X8 into the deep log by spawning more than enough enemies from X8 to the point where she made the deep log crash on everyone. She used to be an antagonist to the point where she was convinced over by RiCO, iCO, and ViA that spawning more enemies than usual is not a good idea. Which she became another Navigator to assist the player.
PiXEL also jumped back into her old modded copy, and brought her “pet” with her. Her pet is a dark blue version of the Crabs-Y Mechanaloid, named Crabs-X.
Main Weapon: Saber light fans
Personality: PiXEL is normally very quiet and prefers talking only when she sees necessary. She has helped the player a few times during their missions, and she seems to be good friends with iCO. And they share cups of tea together.
(PiXEL drawing by @formerchaoslord)
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Name: Optic Sunflower
Gender/Pronouns: They/Them
Cause Of Death: Shot to the stomach by a bamboo missile by Maverick Hunter X.
Height: 5’11”
Personality: Sobbing tears of oil, Optic Sunflower is extremely vengeful and protective of the abandoned training facility, Troia Base. They’ll attack anyone and anything that crosses their path, and you can’t change their mind.
(Art by @ghiradellichan)
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Name: Dark Mantis
Gender: Male
Cause of Death: Blasted in the eyes and facial area by Maverick Hunter X.
Height: 6’1”
Personality: A blind loner, he is called. Those who dare invaded the abandoned Pitch Black Facility have encountered this spirit before. He behaves by moving erratically, asking if you know what a Maverick is, and what had happened to him. He screams that those who enter his facility will have the same fate as him. His high pitch shrill screams have scared those away. He is assisted by other ghosts to calm down his rage, and to help with his sight loss.
(Art by @ghiradellichan)
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Name: Bamboo Pandamonium
Gender: Male
Cause Of Death: Was burned until his circuits exploded by Maverick Hunter X.
Height: 15’9”
Personality: The ghost of Bamboo Pandamonium lives on in the afterlife, serene and peacefully wandering. He is vengeful of the Maverick Hunters, though. As some trainee hunters have claimed to see the ghost of this giant Panda Reploid with burnt circuitry wandering and staring them down from the woods as they rode on ride chasers to training arenas. Bamboo Pandamonium only rarely ever speaks, as his voice box was burnt alongside his internal pride. Which he speaks with a crackly microphone.
(Art by @ghiradellichan)
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bluedoodles · 2 years
Hi! (I'm @artistic-pandamonium, this is my main) I saw your rb and you said you'd like oc requests! Can I have a rundown of your oc's so I can send you some? 🥰
(Sorry for the late response, I kept forgetting I had this ask lol)
I need to work on my toyhouse and give my characters actual info sheets but for now if you just go to the #bluesoc tag, you’ll be able to see most characters I have! There obviously are some exceptions since some OCs have been sold/given away but feel free to ask away about anything you’re curious about ❤️
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ut-pan-girl-askblog · 9 months
Have you ever been to the Dark World?
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mrscorpio · 7 months
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Mixcloud: http://bit.ly/Mixcloud307
D/L: http://bit.ly/DL-HF307
Shows: http://bit.ly/ScorpioPodcasts
Just Us/CINTHIE/Milk & Sugar Pres. Stardust, Vol. 5
I Believe feat. Suzanne Palmer (Sophie Lloyd Extended Remix)/Mark Picchiotti, The Absolute/I Believe Remixes
Glory (feat. Waajeed) - Floorplan Extended Remix/Dames Brown/Waajeed/Floorplan/Glory (feat. Waajeed) [Floorplan Remix]
Never Thought [Printworks] (623 Again Vocal)/Kerri Chandler, Sunchilde/Spaces and Places Album Sampler 1
The Power (Original Mix)/Karizma/The Power EP
Daily Prayer (Original Mix)/Mr. G/Phoenix G #BeatportDecade House
Love Or Let Me Go (Original Mix)/Elli Mozz/Love Or Let Me Go
Touchin You (Original Mix)/Cosmos Funk/Touchin You
Ain't Nobody's Fool (Original Mix)/Block & Crown, Sean Finn/Ain't Nobody's Fool
Way Up 2.0 (Original Mix)/Jayson Brown/Way Up 2.0
Forbidden Fruit/J. Cole/Born Sinner (Deluxe Edition)
Be Solid feat. Buddy/ Smoke DZA & Huey Briss/Mike & Keys/The Paris Tapes
World Music/Jemini The Gifted One & Danger Mouse/Born Again
Street Chess (Feat. LaQuan & DJ Fastcut)/Snowgoons/1st Of Da Month Vol. 2
Showtime/Ly2Fly/The Epic
Relapse/Illa J/No Traffic
Fall Back Down feat. Planet Asia & Alonda Rich/Doctor Omega/Sunset Park
Nas Is Like (Clean No Cocaine)/Nas/Represent (Original Demo Mix)
Summertime feat. Skyzoo/ Jinxsta JX & Twizzy/Phro./Ambition 2
Mad Hatter feat. Mick Jenkins & Memnoc/NappyHIGH/Menace
Piper (Remix) feat. Pete Rock/Conway the Machine & Thelonious Coltrane/Sacred Price (Side B)
Smoke/C-Red & Agent M/Duty Hours
Buddha Chronicles/DamarTheEmcee & Marc Spano/Infinite Westside Buddha
Do You Love You Or Do You Love Money (Feat. Gawd 5)/Raz Fresco & Figub Brazlevic/777
List/Ausar & Deante' Hitchcock/I Now Know.
Drug Trade feat. Black Thought/Smoke DZA & Flying Lotus/Flying Objects
Asking To Break/James Blake/Playing Robots Into Heaven
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toadeyes-miqote · 1 year
One does not look a gift chocobo in the beak
"Umm. thanks Little Bird for flying me home. Would you like me to wait for the Mother Crystal and Hades for completion sake?"
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Conditions for return met by 6.3 whether through MSQ or Trial by random Roulette pops for main or both Cats
The Crystal Tower is still standing in The Source Coils have been uncoiled Elidibus's need to be helpful kept randomly popping Seat of Sacrifice Endsinger was really keen to sing for the both of them Zoidark popped by
Yes I can switch him over to be my's WoL's retainer now. Need to find a nice glam for him to stick to. It be a nice bonus if Hades or Hydealyn does pop by a random trial. But Hydealyn never pop in Roulette (taken as she no longer around). While Hades refuses to directly celebrate her aceptance of her new life, his was taken as a very indirect route.
Unlike certain NPCs, he isn't dead. Just caught up in some weird magical short circuit of so many clashing spells from the Battle of Carteneau.  .
He isn't the WoL but some random adventurer. She has but one motivation and I'm gonna chuck it down as having enough dynamis and various folks' wishes of happiness for her.
"Would you not wish for your hero to have her happy ending?"
May or may not write the semi-spectacular spell that brought him back. Various stuff looks good in my head or partially on paper. Unsure how much I would end up typing.
Don't ask me if they are gonna have kittens any time soon. I didn't plan that far. Jyak'a more likely to be stationed with her squadron or on expedition with his fellow retainer.
Whether or not this will have consequences would depend on what the game throw me. I will be very upset if he gets sacrificed in the name of the greater good.
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Extra note after doing Pandamonium and Void quest and pre 6.4 notes -
One does not look a gift chocobo in the beak. Take the shortcut and go back to her.
There is the fear that at the end of 6.X MSQ, the Crystal Tower might not be on the Source anymore,
Golbez is making me nervous, Pandamonium too on the off chance that Themis or Erich becomes time displaced.
The off chance that the Crystal Tower will seal another bad guy and lose all help from Elidibus who is rather benevolent at the moment.
As of doing 6.5 This keeps getting more and more ominous I'm glad I let him return when he did.
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dex100351 · 2 years
Bjergsen subs to poki
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/vg/ - Video Game Generals » Thread #81063669.
(S8) The Sorcerer of Stone: A Competitive Taliyah Guide - MOBAFire.
(Top 10) LOL Best ARAM Champs That Wreck Hard! | GAMERS DECIDE.
Who would win between Bjergsen and five level 4... - Quora.
Poki and Bjergsen Pokimane - reddit.
БЕЗПЛАТНИ ОНЛАЙН ИГРИ - Играйте на безплатни игри в Poki.
Pokimane – pokimane.
Poki and Bjergsen NewPokimanePics.
Height Pokelawls (01QUJO).
Hotline League - Anchor.
PokimaneFan333 labelled biggest Poki simp on the internet.
Kappa Emote T-Shirts | Redbubble.
BlackDreads - Summoner Stats - League of Legends.
Sub To Poki Silent Gaming (@pokisilentgaming) TikTok | Watch.
/vg/ - Video Game Generals » Thread #81063669.
00:00:00 Intro - Special guest Riot Sherman 00:08:30 Sherman explains Riot Scholastic Association 00:11:16 Siege asks Sherman about issues with schools' expectations for collegiate LoL 00:21:55 Parth N asks about crossover, if any, between collegiate & pro LoL 00:31:11 Synthetica asks about collegiate esports' (lack of) potential to funnel into pro play 00:37:50 Presto asks how Sherman. The fact that he's downgraded is outrageous. He carried Juventus, scored 29 goals in Serie A, won Euro 2020 golden boot, and etc. He is the same rating as Mbappe and lower than Lewa, Despite EA's stupid choice, he is still a beast in Fifa 22.
(S8) The Sorcerer of Stone: A Competitive Taliyah Guide - MOBAFire.
Painted. • All edits are an additional fee depending on effort. Holiday edits are each $20. • Emotes with text cost an additional $10. Redrawn sketches cost an additional $25. • $100 Merch rights fee available, covers every past + current + future emote made! I'll be working on a limit of emotes per month, first come first serve..
(Top 10) LOL Best ARAM Champs That Wreck Hard! | GAMERS DECIDE.
Answer: Either a) use them on cannon minions to give yourself early wave pressure against mid laners that can't clear waves fast early. This will give you an early cs lead. b) hold them for super minions. This will help stall the game until the inhibitor comes back up. I personally don't use t. Subway Surfers. Kiloo & SYBO 4.4 10,421,591 Suara. Subway Surfers adalah gim endless runner klasik. Anda bermain sebagai Jake, yang menjelajahi kereta bawah tanah dan mencoba melarikan diri dari Inspektur yang pemarah dan anjingnya. Kamu harus menghindari kereta api, trem, rintangan, dan banyak lagi untuk pergi sejauh mungkin di game lari tanpa. Notes. Abduct counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such as Spellblade and stacking Force Pulse.; Sylas will not dash to his target if the chains are blocked by spell shield.; The target will be revealed for 2 seconds if the dash is interrupted. Abduct will still apply the knock up if the target is untargetable by the end of the dash.
Who would win between Bjergsen and five level 4... - Quora.
By mommottix. $22.66. Clothing. T-Shirt. Kappa Emote. A range of t-shirts sold by independent artists featuring a huge variety of original designs in sizes XS-5XL; availability depending on style. Choose your favorite Kappa Emote-inspired shirt style: v-neck or crew neckline; short, baseball or long sleeve; slim or relaxed fit; light, mid, or. Welcome to Pandamonium! We are a Gaming Community! Looking for a great community of Gamers just like you!? Our discord server is very well organized with everything you will need to have a great experience! We are a new Discord server so start your l.
Poki and Bjergsen Pokimane - reddit.
Fandom's League of Legends Esports wiki covers tournaments, teams, players, and personalities in League of Legends. Pages that were modified between April 2014 and June 2016 are adapted from information taken from E Pages modified between June 2016 and September 2017 are adapted from information taken from EsportsW Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless. Regarding the next question, “Are Poki and Bjergsen dating?”, also, the answer to that is NO. The two have never even hinted at anything like that between each other. It’s just that Poki seems to have great respect for Bjergsen’s masterful League performances. The final question, “Are Poki and Valkyrae related?”, again the answer is a clear NO.
БЕЗПЛАТНИ ОНЛАЙН ИГРИ - Играйте на безплатни игри в Poki.
With everything on the line, Bjergsen reaches deep and pulls out the secret weapon, Xerath, and Dyrus gets his hands on the formidable Ryze. TSM come out ''strong'' this time, scoring early kills in a bloody level 1 jungle skirmish and crushing C9 with 15 kills to 3, including a late-game quadrakill on (=WildTurtle's=) Tristana...
Pokimane – pokimane.
Moite Igri е персонализирана платформа за откриване на безплатни онлайн игри. Всеки ден ние ще избираме нови игри за вас, така че ще ви бъдат гарантирани най-добрите заглавия и най-много забавление!.
Poki and Bjergsen NewPokimanePics.
Here are just a few reasons why Bjergsen would win as Katarina: Whatever player (s) decide to lane against Bjergsen won't punish him early game. They don't know the reset mechanics of Katarina so they would always underestimate his ability to dive safely. He would amass a huge level advantage due to split experience for the other team.
Height Pokelawls (01QUJO).
This is an article written by Deficio with the help from Perkz, Pr0lly, Bjergsen and Sencux. He sat down with them to cultivate some tips and tricks to help gather info on how to play mid on a professional level. He brings understanding to crucial keypoints in the mid lane like: Roaming. How to play with and against Teleport. I ended up in a game with Faker and didn't even realize it. I matched up against him mid lane, lux vs azir monkaS 😟 i got clapped. Expand me POKI VS FAKER.
Hotline League - Anchor.
PokimaneFan333 labelled biggest Poki simp on the internet.
Jan 20, 2014 · User Summary Future Projections Detailed Statistics Featured Box Similar Channels User Videos Live Subscriber Count Achievements. B-. Total Grade. 630,114th. Social Blade Rank. 1,811th. Subscriber. Rank. 119,964th.
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TSM is being deemed the dream team and how could they not with Bjergsen, Yellowstar, and Doublelift. All three of these players are top tier players in their respective roles. If this team has so many high caliber players then why are they 2-2, it's team cohesion, when you have three players with (slightly inflated) egos you have to have good.
BlackDreads - Summoner Stats - League of Legends.
Gumayusi, Teddy, Ruler, Deft are at worst top10 adcs in the world, China only has Viper and Gala and couple of adcs that are hella overrated by LPL fans. Guma is a mechanical god, in spite of his performance so far at MSI. Whatever is the reason for him not performing at the expected level, im sure he'll get back to his form and impress everyone.
Sub To Poki Silent Gaming (@pokisilentgaming) TikTok | Watch.
Briefly about me: I am a Diamond II scrub that enjoys playing fun, high skill mid laners such as Ahri, Azir, and Taliyah, though I can play most mid lane champions at a diamond level. I also play a mean Caitlyn if I get my secondary role. Not really. More relevant, however, is the fact that upon her release I spammed Taliyah in normals learning the ins and outs of the champion, achieved level. Here are 18 quick thoughts following the fourth week of the NA LCS 2015 Summer Split. All of the statistics referenced below are available at OraclesE Dignitas's 2-0 week, beating TL. Sep 09, 2016 · Tweet with a location. You can add location information to your Tweets, such as your city or precise location, from the web and via third-party applications.
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kingednerpa · 6 years
4, 5, 27 owo?
4. what do you wish you could tell your past self?
dont join scouts
5. what is your sexuality?
gay as FUCk
27. tell me a random fact about yourself?
i went to my first pride (not the parade unfortunately) like 3 days ago with one of my friends and and I’m am still shook and nothing feels real. seeing other gay people in real life was like seeing a unicorn, but like a lot of unicorns hhhhhhhhhh
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one-time-i-dreamttt · 3 years
world war three started. no one was really too phased, we just carried on as usual. there was a news broadcast about a line of houses that were about to be bombed and my friend got evacuated from his house. i went to see him a few days later and there were scorch marks on his ceiling from where it caught on fire. we watched the news asking for ‘any able bodied man’ to join the war where they were needed and they showed videos of men at war then women dressed as old nurses helping out and i went off on a tangent as to why they only wanted men to fight. obviously i don’t want anyone to fight in a war, but if it was needed, why only ask for men, we’re not living in the 1940′s anymore buddy
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