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Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralytic
1 And again He entered Capernaum after some days, and it was heard that He was in the house. 2 Immediately many gathered together, so that there was no longer room to receive them, not even near the door. And He preached the word to them. 3 Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. 4 And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying.
5 When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.”
6 And some of the scribes were sitting there and reasoning in their hearts, 7 “Why does this Man speak blasphemies like this? Who can forgive sins but God alone?”
8 But immediately, when Jesus perceived in His spirit that they reasoned thus within themselves, He said to them, “Why do you reason about these things in your hearts? 9 Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise, take up your bed and walk’? 10 But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins”—He said to the paralytic, 11 “I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.” 12 Immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went out in the presence of them all, so that all were amazed and glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!” — Mark 2:1-12 | New King James Version (NKJV) The Holy Bible; New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved. Cross References: Isaiah 43:25; Matthew 4:13; Matthew 4:24; Matthew 9:2-3; Matthew 9:5; Matthew 9:8; Matthew 9:33; Matthew 12:15; Matthew 16:7; Mark 1:45; Mark 2:13; Luke 5:19; Luke 7:48; John 5:8
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s-o-a-p-ing · 2 months
Tuesday, 2/27/24
Just then some men brought to Him a paralytic lying on a stretcher.  Seeing their faith, Jesus told the paralytic, “Have courage, son, your sins are forgiven.” ~ Matthew 9:2 
These guys literally - physically - brought the paralytic to Jesus...
...carried him to Jesus...
...and laid him at His feet...
...and seeing their faith...
...his sins were forgiven...
He may not have wanted to go... 
He may not have thought or even considered being healed...
...but he was... 
...and not by any action or effort of his own... 
...only through the grace and power of Jesus... 
I know I was brought to Jesus by the faith of others...
How many have I carried to Him?
Consider who I'm carrying - on my heart and in my mind...
Lay them at Jesus's feet...
Lay my own "paralyzed" sinful selfishness at His feet as well...
Pick up my mat and walk - follow - Him...
Heavenly, healing Father God - forgive my laziness that too often fails to lift others to Your Son, let alone lift my own paralyzed heart to Your saving grace... May I listen for Your Holy Spirit's leading and be one who gives You the glory for Your action in their and my own heart, giving You all the credit and praise for Your saving grace... In Jesus's Name, Father, and for Your praiseful worship...
Lifting y'all up...
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 7 months
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"My Mind Was Clear But Unable to Reveal My Name 4 Long Years'," Toronto Star. September 29, 1943. Page 1 & 2. --- By MARGARET ECKER The true story of John Patrick Murphy is stranger than the fiction he writes. It's a pulp writer's dream come true.
Four years ago - on July 26. 1939 - John Patrick Murphy was picked up by police from a Toronto street. A woman standing by muttered, "Aren't these drunks disgusting." and an ambulance took him, unidentified, to a hospital.
John Patrick Murphy wasn't drunk. He was completely stricken by paralysis. His brain was clear, but he couldn't move a finger. he couldn't even frame his own name with his lips. He did try, and from the results he was booked for twe years in that hospital as "John Murray" of Vancouver.
John Patrick Murphy of Timmins, telegrapher and radio announcer, vanished into air. A mystery man lay in a hospital. A wife and a nine-year-old son waited at home, dazed, incredulous that the father of the home should not return from a business trip to Toronto.
Missed This Pocket In a hospital safe was a wallet that could have cleared up the mystery - but no one discovered the secret pocket with the cards of identification.
As John Patrick tapped out on an alphabet board in Our Lady of Mercy Hospital for Incurables the other day: "Even from the first there was little pain-only shock. My mind was clear."
At first, he couldn't even swallow and he was kept alive by intravenous feeding. Later he was fed through a rubber tube. At the end of eight months he could swallow and a little feeling had seeped into his left side. He still couldn't grip a pen or pencil.
One day, his wife, in her search for him, passed within two blocks left hand is more convenient and although it of the hospital. She couldn't know takes time he writers that her husband might almost have seen her front his wheel chair by the window.
John Patrick Murphy still sits in that same chair. He's still paralytic. He still has no control over his body except for the fingers of his left hand, with which he can punch down on typewriter keys.
World is His Oyster But the world became his oyster when the meagre power came back to these fingers.
"I'm writing all right now," he tapped out on his alphabet board. "In a few years I'll be sitting pretty."
It was two years before John's large, capable hands hands showed signs of life, then only the left one responded to his ceaseless flexing. One day he found he could clutch a pencil - and John Murphy of Vancouver was a mystery man no longer.
"I spent days printing notes to my wife, my mother, my friends," he typed out.
His wife rushed down from Timmins.
"We decided there must be something I could still do. Then we hit on it - I'd write stories. The problem was solved - I thought."
This is the story of the birth of John Patrick Murphy - author, as he punched it out himself.
"Dad built a special table for me to fit a wheelchair. A tyре writer company rented me a type writer at a purely nominal sum, I thought I was made.
Story is Accepted "For seven months I ground out tripe only to have it fired back in my face with reason. Finally in March, 1942, came my first sale. Ten bucks for 2,300 words. My wife was jubilant. Me too. We were made. I war a writer.
"But I didn't have another sale until August. After that my writing paid off better. I've made several hundred since then - $500 since January of this year. Writing in a 13-bed hospital ward is rather hectic at times, but I spend from 8 a.m. to 8 pm. in my wheel chair, and I work eight hours every day. I'm still clawing at the fringes, but I'm improving.
He indicated a copy of the Farmer's Magazine. Inside was one of the tales he has dreamed up 'Tundra Detective,' a blood and thunder adventure yarn.
He took up his story again: "My wife and I play games. We pretend that I was interned in the first month of the war and that my exile will last only until hostilities cease. Could be.
"We are working for our own home again. She is a stout fella - plenty of courage and the biggest heart in the world. Our boy, 14, is worth working for he wants to be a doctor. The future looks very rosy for us."
"Don't Worry About It" "I will never get better but I don't worry about it because the world is a pretty sick place to live in now anyway. Laboriously spelled out on a board all the letters of the alphabet and the numerals from one to nine, this is Mr. Murphy's philosophy of life.
"I don't worry," he spelled out, "I keep busy at my work eight hours a day and have sold a story every week for the past several months." Inserted in his typewriter was the third sheet of the manuscript of his latest tale - another epic of crime.
He says his fondest hope is that his son can achieve his ambition to become a doctor. My wife he stated, "comes from a family of doctors and it is born in the boy."
He works in front of a large window in the 13-bed ward. His desk is piled high with dictionaries, best sellers and copies of magazines in which his stories have been printed.
"Life is not as dark as It would appear, he smiled. my work keeps me occupied and my mind off other things."
Writes Regularly Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Murphy, Sr. of Cobalt, are his parents.
"Pat has to write all correspondence with the index finger of his left hand,' said his mother. 'This is more convenient and although it takes time he writes us once a week. He also keeps in touch with three sisters and a brother so I know he's improving.
Each summer, usually in August, the parents visit their son for two days. He has shown progress in talking, they say. Soon, they hope he will walk.
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الحياة الجديدة - أحد المخلّع
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spiritsoulandbody · 2 years
#DailyDevotion What Is It That We Really Need?
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#DailyDevotion What Is It That We Really Need? Matt. 9:1-2 Jesus got into a boat, crossed over, and came to His own town. 2There people brought Him a paralyzed man, lying on a bed. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Cheer up, son! Your sins are forgiven.” There's nothing like having good friends. Here we have a man who was a paralytic. We don't know how long he was in such shape. But his friends brought him to Jesus to be healed by him. Then again, maybe I'm making an assumption these people were his friends. They could just be people who heard about Jesus' ability to heal people and they saw this laying around begging and so they bought him to Jesus to be healed by him. In either case, they believed Jesus was able to heal the man. But instead of healing the man, when Jesus sees their faith, he tells the paralytic, “Cheer up, son! Your sins are forgiven.” Well, that was unexpected. Why tell him his sins were forgiven? Couldn't he just go offer a sacrifice to get his sins forgiven? Well if you're a paralytic, you're probably not making it across country to the Temple to do that. Did the man commit some particular sin that caused his paralysis? We don't know, but probably not. So why tell the man his sins were forgiven instead of get up, take your mat and go home? Because man's primary need is not a physical one. Man's primary need is a spiritual one. Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Some may argue today, and they do, that before a man will sit and listen to God's Word you need to provide for their spiritual needs. Jesus apparently thinks otherwise. Based on my ministry to many people suffering all sorts of ailments, always in the back of their minds is this thought that haunts them, “I must have done something wrong that deserves this.” Well, on one hand they are correct, because of our sinful nature we deserve no good thing from God. If we weren't sinners to begin with we would be immortal and would get sick and die. Most of the time though, there is not a particular, individual sin that a person has done that has caused their malady. They are just sinners under the hand of an angry God (in their minds). This is why the righteous must live by faith. Jesus gives the man the Gospel so he can live by the faith given in this pronouncement by him. He no longer has to live thinking God is angry with him because if He wasn't, then he wouldn't be in this condition. In Jesus, we know we are called to each bear our own cross. The hardships we endure is not because God is angry with us but because He is disciplining us like sons. (Heb. 13) Through our trials and tribulations are purifying our faith. Everything in our lives may tells us God is angry with us and is punishing us. Faith hears Jesus' words, “Cheer up, son! Your sins are forgiven.” Then we can bear up underneath these crosses laid upon us with the joy we have in Christ knowing what we are suffering is participating in the sufferings of Christ. (2 Cor. 1) They are preparing us to bear the eternal weight of glory. (2 Cor. 4) God using them to progress our spirituality and for our good. (Rom. 5 & 8) But we forget this sometimes and that thought in our old flesh nags us, “What did I do wrong to bring this upon myself?” We need to hear the words of Jesus from our pastor's lips, “Your sins are forgiven. Go in peace.” Heavenly Father, may the words of Christ's forgiveness ever be upon the lips of your children and your pastors so we may live with cheer and good spirits despite our the conditions you bring upon us in life for our good. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
More art for @phoenixcatch7 Possessed Doll Au Someone gets to meet Black Bat for the first time- though lets be honest Cass probably spooked someone and then went running to Batdad when they started trying to figure out how she got onto the Watchtower and if she's allowed
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jessamine-rose · 9 months
Hello I’m back on my BS~
My Yandere! Miguel O'Hara fics for context::
The Spider and the Fly ๑ Sunset ๑ Moonrise
It's time for my seasonal shitposting, so here are some memes based on my Yandere! Miguel O'Hara fics. Made with lots of love (^з^)-♡
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For those who already read them, I hope these got a laugh out of you. And for potential new readers, may you cry over enjoy my version of Yandere! Miguel O'Hara and his darling =w=
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greenrockgal · 3 months
Against Me! Really went “let’s put the three saddest, most heartwrenching, depressing songs we’ve ever written right next to each other on the same album”
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skipitty-bop · 12 days
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aztralsea · 5 months
Paralytic States makes me wanna listen curl up in the bathroom and cry
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Jesus Heals a Paralytic
1 And he entered into a ship, and passed over, and came into his own city.
2 And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.
3 And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemeth.
4 And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?
5 For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk?
6 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.
7 And he arose, and departed to his house.
8 But when the multitudes saw it, they marvelled, and glorified God, which had given such power unto men.
The Call of Matthew
9 And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him.
10 And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.
11 And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners?
12 But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.
13 But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
The Question about Fasting
14 Then came to him the disciples of John, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not?
15 And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast.
16 No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse.
17 Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.
A Girl Restored to Life and a Woman Healed
18 While he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a certain ruler, and worshipped him, saying, My daughter is even now dead: but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live.
19 And Jesus arose, and followed him, and so did his disciples.
20 And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:
21 For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.
22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.
23 And when Jesus came into the ruler's house, and saw the minstrels and the people making a noise,
24 He said unto them, Give place: for the maid is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn.
25 But when the people were put forth, he went in, and took her by the hand, and the maid arose.
26 And the fame hereof went abroad into all that land.
27 And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou son of David, have mercy on us.
Jesus Heals Two Blind Men
28 And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord.
29 Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.
30 And their eyes were opened; and Jesus straitly charged them, saying, See that no man know it.
31 But they, when they were departed, spread abroad his fame in all that country.
Jesus Heals One Who Was Mute
32 As they went out, behold, they brought to him a dumb man possessed with a devil.
33 And when the devil was cast out, the dumb spake: and the multitudes marvelled, saying, It was never so seen in Israel.
34 But the Pharisees said, He casteth out devils through the prince of the devils.
The Harvest Is Great, the Laborers Few
35 And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.
36 But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.
37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;
38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. — Matthew 9 | King James Version (KJV) The King James Version Bible is in the public domain Cross References: Leviticus 15:25; Numbers 15:28; Numbers 15:30; Numbers 27:17; 1 Kings 22:17; 2 Chronicles 35:25; Ezra 4:13; Job 32:19; Psalm 139:2; Psalm 146:8; Isaiah 35:6; Isaiah 65:5; Jeremiah 8:22; Jeremiah 9:17; Hosea 6:6; Matthew 1:1; Matthew 4:13; Matthew 4:23-24; Matthew 5:16; Matthew 5:46; Matthew 8:2; Matthew 8:4; Matthew 8:10; Matthew 8:13; Matthew 8:25; Matthew 9:26; Matthew 10:1; Matthew 10:25; Matthew 11:18; Matthew 12:22-23; Matthew 13:1; Matthew 14:36; Mark 2:5; Mark 2:12; Mark 2:18-19; Mark 2:21-22; Mark 3:10; Mark 5:40; Mark 9:27; Luke 5:33-34; Luke 10:2; John 4:35; Acts 9:40; Acts 14:9; 2 Corinthians 9:12
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aroacesetitoff · 4 months
The OG Infinknights
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Back at it again ✌️
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helios-kirbs · 5 months
my name is brutus, but the people will call me rex
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my name is luz, but the people will call me paralyte
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profmadscientist · 6 months
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Paralyte and Brink discuss a nuisance (kyborg) during their Weekend Hangout, and realizations are made
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axiigotlost · 4 days
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How I be pulling up to the function
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spacemanarchives · 1 month
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Any character from either campaign as a fashion model.
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