#pentagon kino oneshot
blizzardfluffykpop · 8 months
By My Side
Summary: Your journey to the top and the man who supported you the whole way. 
Long Fic (Oneshot)
Fluff, Angst? (Mainly Racing Anxiety), Slight Suggestive Parts, Strangers to Lovers au, Opposites attract au?, Idol au
Word Count: 19,000
Idol!Hyunggu (Kino) X Racecar Driver!Reader
[Features: The rest of OT9]
[Long A/n: There is the barest of information about entries vs starting in Formula 1. The only information I was able to gain about it was researching women who’ve raced in the sport. Only two of the five ever got to race (vv sad news), so for entries vs starting it will be speculation but based off of the real races! Also Pentagon’s scheduling is going to be a little off, but it’s so it works for the story tbh.]
You’ve known since you were five that you wanted to be a Formula One racer. And when you were eight, your parents started taking you karting with them. It didn’t take long before you started taking karting lessons. You even taught classes to younger kids before gaining entry into Formula Three. As you practiced day in and day out, you knew there were no guarantees of getting into Formula One. But you never gave up, and maybe with some help from Kang Hyunggu, you finally obtained your FIA super license. 
You were twenty-three when you first met Kang Hyunggu by chance. And for some reason, the two of you hit it off instantly. It didn’t make sense because you were from two very different worlds. With him being an idol singer and you being a racecar driver, you were polar opposites. But you both shared the same love for coffee and flowers and had the same music taste. It started from there, with small meets at a coffee shop. At first, both of your managers managed your meetups. Something else you both had in common. But after a year of meeting each other and getting to know one another. Your managers had let up after they ensured you both knew the consequences if the public were to find out. But at the time, what would it matter to the world? You were just friends getting to know each other with what little time you had. 
You guys were lying on your bed in your apartment when he asked, “Do you think we’ll ever get our first win?” And you smiled, “Of course. Maybe it’s from a Universe's perspective at this point, but I feel that come this time next year, you’ll have gained one.” He smiled and thanked you, and you asked, “Do you think I’ll ever make it out of Formula Three?” He nodded, “With your talent, there’s no doubt.” You pouted, "How would you know?" And he continued, “What do you say if I come to one of your races, manager approved, of course, and I see for myself?” You smiled, “It’d be nice to have someone other than my crew cheering me on.”
After you both received approval, he was able to watch you race. It was slightly nerve-wracking having the guy you had a crush on watch one of your races, but you took it in stride. He walked you to your racecar, encouraging you the whole way. When you arrived at the garage, he said, “If you win, I have something important to tell you.” You raise your eyebrow at him, “And if I don’t?” He shrugs, “I guess you’ll never know.” 
For your past two seasons, your top place was fifth, and even that was an incredible feat for you. But with a good qualifying round, you gained pole position, earning you an advantage. You gulped as you watched the lights go and gunned it. Maybe it was because you wanted to know what he was going to tell you. Or perhaps it was sheer dumb luck. But somehow, you had not only won that race. You had also won it by a large margin, something you had been trying to do since you started racing.
You raced your victory lap and came back to the starting position. You gasped as you realized you only had one more criterion left to meet to gain a super license. You hopped out of your car to see your team readily congratulating you. And you cheered with them as they lifted you into the air. When you came down and hopped over the fence, you saw Hyunggu holding a flower bouquet. You blushed as he handed it to you, “What did you want to tell me?” You asked as you thanked him for the flowers and brought him into a hug. He smiled, “That you look cute in your outfit.” You shook your head as you blushed. Before you could ask him if that’s really what he wanted to tell you. They rushed you into an interview room, “Are you going to do your last requirement to gain your super license, Mx. (L/n)?” You nodded, “Yes, I’m going to go onwards and complete the safety regulations test at the end of this season.” They nod, satisfied with your answer. Before they could ask you more questions, your manager came in and took you out to treat everyone to a nice dinner. 
As you sat around the table, everyone chatting, the engineer turned to you. He smiled and announced to the table, “You’ve grown so much as a racer over the past two years I’ve gotten to know you. Are you ready for the big leagues, kid?” You looked at your plate, “I believe so.” The table laughed, “You’ll do fine!” And they were right. After years of studying up on the quiz, you passed it with flying colors. And Hyunggu was right there to congratulate you, holding another bouquet. 
You accepted the flowers as he pulled you into a hug. You held him tightly against you, your emotions getting to you as you shook with tears. And he went, “You did it. I knew you could.” You thanked him, and he said, “Let’s celebrate.” You nodded, and he took you both out to a little diner. After you order your meals, he tells you, “I think it’s time I tell you the important thing I wanted to tell you.” You pout, “So you didn’t think I was cute in my outfit.” He shook his head with a laugh, “I thought you were the cutest. But that wasn’t all I wanted to tell you.” You nodded for him to go on, “I like you a lot. And not just in a friendly type of way.” You pinched yourself as you said, “This has to be a dream.” And he shook his head, “No.” And you smiled as you grabbed his hand and interlocked your fingers, “I like you a lot, too. Do you want to consider this our first date?” He smiled, “I’d like that.” 
You finished up the racing season and relaxed a bit. But you didn’t know how much you were really up against. After all, no one ever mentions the people who don’t qualify for Formula One. It’s only about those who do. And when you put your name down and saw the list of other candidates. Who were just as hungry as you to be on the track.... It dawned on you that this may be harder than you believed. You told Hyunggu of your worries, and he held you close as he eased your mind. He assured you that you were just as capable as the other racers behind the wheel, if not more. It soothed your nerves and made you practice more for it. Whenever he wasn’t at practice, he was watching you in the stands, getting your time lower and lower. You just had to be a quarter of a second faster than your competitors. And you were doing everything to make that happen. 
You finished after eight hours of practice to see Hyunggu racing down the stands to greet you. His binoculars were hanging around his neck, and you giggled, “How long have you been watching?” He smiles, “A few hours.” You smiled as you pecked his cheek, “Thanks.” He shrugs, “You’re doing fantastic out there. You got this.” You shrugged, “I’m not so sure, but I’ll continue at it until I am.” He nods before asking, “Do you wanna watch me practice?” You agree, and he leads you by the hand to his car, “It’s weird to be in a slow-moving vehicle after eight hours.” He looks over at you with wide eyes, “You’ve been out here since six a.m.?” You nod, “I couldn’t stand to be away. You’re the same way when you practice.” He laughs, “Yeah, I guess we have that in common too.” You shake your head at him as he shifts out of park and drives to the company. 
He has you grab lunch in the cafeteria before leading you to the practice room. “(Y/n)! It’s so good to see you again!” Hongseok greets you cheerily, leading the rest of them into an uproar. You laugh as you greet them and walk over to the bench seat. “I’m just here to watch and eat my lunch~” Shinwon laughs, “You sure it’s not just to watch Kino?” You laugh, “You caught me.” Hyunggu winks at you through the mirror, and they start practicing some of their older songs. As you finish up your meal and throw away the trash, their choreographer comes in. “Hey guys! I’ve finalized some new moves for your new title and wanted to go over them with you guys.” You hold back your gasp as you realize you’re an outsider and fan getting to watch part of the demo for the first time. 
Hyunggu comes over to grab a drink of water before they start, and you ask, “Should I cover my eyes? I don’t want to offend or worry the choreographer.” He shakes his head, “Baby, I watch you practice new tricks on the track all the time. It’s okay.” You nod, and he kisses the top of your head before walking back. The choreographer reviews what they’ve learned and the new moves he is implementing. And you watch in awe as they move around the room. When they’ve finished the initial learning, they take a quick break. Then, the choreographer calls, “Let’s put this to music, guys!” 
He clicks a button on a remote, and they all start dancing as he oversees. As the music filters through the room, you can’t believe your ears. It sounds so delightful, and the dance seemed to encapsulate the melancholy feeling of letting someone go. As they started correcting things, you couldn’t help but wonder what inspired them to write it. When they finally finish up, you give a round of applause. The choreographer thanked you as he walked out of the room. 
Hyunggu slides down the wall beside your seat and asks, “So, what do you think?” “Well, the song is heartbreakingly beautiful, and the dance so far? It’s amazing! I can’t wait to see the finalized version.” The others laugh, and Hui lays on the floor and cheers, “You and me both!” You smile as you ask, “Who wrote it?” And he answers again, “Wooseok, Nathan, and me.” You nod and wish to ask him why, but feeling how heart-wrenching it was. You decide it was better to guess. You look at the clock to see it’s six and yawn, “Do you guys want to get dinner?” That seemed to bring their spirits up as they cheered and got ready. 
“Are you sure you’re not tired from your long day?” Hyunggu says, looking at the time. And you shake your head, “I gained my energy back while watching you dance.” You tell him, finishing off your sentence with a yawn. And he shakes his head, “Says the one who’s yawning. You can nap in my car.” You laugh and place your head on his shoulder, catching a few milliseconds of sleep as the rest rush around. You both walk out to his car, gaining a few passengers as you do. Knowing that if you weren’t fast from past experiences, you’d end up in the back, so you shout, “Shotgun!” And the other three groan, and you smirk, “I knew it.” And the tall ones groan as they file into his car. Yuto mumbles, “It’s always more cramped in the back!” And Wooseok grumbles in the middle, “My long legs have no room to go!” This causes Shinwon to whine, “Quit bumping into me!”  You laugh and tease, “I have so much legroom up here~” And the three roll their eyes as he takes off to the restaurant. 
You relax and enjoy your meal as they talk about their upcoming comeback that’ll happen in a few months. When the scheduler is about to drop, and how they’re excited to release another album. “It feels a little bittersweet to release one without Jinho.” You nod, and they talk about their worries and wonder if they’ll be able to gain a win off of this one or not. You cheer them up by telling them they’ve got their fans behind them every step of the way. And how Universes will do everything they can to make a win for them. They agree with you, and you finish up the meal happily. 
When Hyunggu told you he was an idol, it took you a long time to check out his stuff. Mostly because you were busy but partly because you knew you’d fall even deeper for him. It was about three months into your friendship when you listened to ‘Shine’ for the first time. And before you could even blink, you fell into the world of being a Universe. It felt so exciting. While you had been fans of groups and bands before. This time felt different. As you got to know them and their 'idol-like selves,' it was hard to spot the differences. Yes, there were times when they had worn fake smiles and done scripted things. But you found they were just as genuine on-screen as they were off. Knowing that your crush had a wonderful friend group and a sweeter fanbase endeared you even more. 
It didn’t take long for you to start collecting their things. Hyunggu shook his head as he visited your room after you started collecting to see their albums on your shelves. “I could have gotten these to you for free. You know?” But you shook your head at him, wanting to give him at least a cent for his hard work. When you finally started dating, you had just finished collecting their albums. You happily showed him, and he just smiled and kissed the top of your head, “You’re cute, you know that?” But this time, when this comeback goes up for sale. It’ll be the first Pentagon album you’ll get to pre-order, and you’re so excited. As he drives you home, you tell him how excited you are, and he smiles and tells you he’s excited too. He doesn’t elaborate further, considering you’ve already heard his hopes for it at dinner. 
You still had a few weeks until you had to compete to start. And with every practice run on the track, your confidence grew. You spent less time with Hyunggu and more time there. It was funny how your heart wished to be with him instead. Before meeting him, all your heart ever wanted was to race. To feel the engine roar and tires burn down the track. But when you’d spot Hyunggu in the stands, you almost wished to stop the car and run to him. So instead, you raced faster to see him quicker. It surprised you how quickly he grew in your heart, but it was delightful, nonetheless. 
On the big day, you wake up with a start. Rushing around and gathering up all the things that you had prepared the night before for today. You heard a knock on your door as you were throwing on your shoes. And there he was, standing waiting with a bag of donuts and a coffee for each of you. You wrapped your arms around him, thanking him, and took your coffee from him and sipped on it. He led you to your car, and you drove up to the track. “You nervous?” “A little.” He nodded and placed his hand over yours. “I know, whatever the outcome is, you’ll do your best. And that’s all that matters.” You nodded and pulled in to see the lot filling up fast. “Are these all the racers for today?” He hums and goes, “Maybe some of them are crews?” You let that ease your mind as you parked as close as possible. You pull out your donuts and eat them before exiting the car. You lock it up, and he places his hand in yours. You squeeze it tight and walk up, drinking your coffee. “You know, I knew there would be at least twenty racers… But I wasn’t expecting a whole army of them.” He nods and squeezes your hand, “It’ll be okay.” It takes a little while to meet up with your crew. He lets go of your hand so you can get coached and change into your suit. You look at him for as long as possible before entering race mode. 
This is going to be the hardest race of your life, while yes, there have been races that were hard to go through. But this one, you had to prove not only that you're an excellent racer. But that you are better than the other eighty-some racers out here today. And that thought alone made you nervous. You listened to each of your crew member's advice and how to navigate the turns and when best to get around others. You’d get two laps to train on this new track before they started qualifying. The track owner came up and started greeting everyone before the races began. He was polite and wished everyone well, as far as you could hear. You head to your car to see Hyunggu talking to a few of your members. He saw them all look over at you before he turned around with a big grin. “You ready?” You nodded, “As I’ll ever be.” He smiled, pulling you into his arms, “Go get ‘em, baby.” He ruffled your hair before you put your helmet on and waited for their final instructions. 
You lifted your helmet one last time and said, “I’ll do my best!” The crew nodded and wished you luck, and Hyunggu smiled, “You always do. You got this! I’ll be watching from the inside!” When it was your turn to practice, you pulled out of the pit before driving onto the track. You snaked across the pavement, getting your tires used to the new pavement. The first turn came fast, and you memorized how the straightaways met the curves as you sped around. Mentally marking all the spots your crew said were good to cut around others. And you made plans as you made it back from your first lap. You did your last lap and felt your confidence go up. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as you feared. But as you remembered, some racers here had been waiting for their big chance too. And some had done this track a hundred times compared to you. It made your nerves spike back up, but you shook them off as you pitted. 
You popped your helmet off, and your race engineer came over, “What do you think?” You gulped, “It’s way more than I’m used to.” He nodded, “You are racing the Grand Prix now.” You nodded as he asked, “Did you see the spots we mentioned?” “Yeah, I made the plans on how to maneuver too.” He smiled, “Good. Now, I’ll let you talk to your lover boy over there. He was sweetly cheering you on in front of the screens. He’s a good guy.” You smile, “He’s the sweetest. Thanks.” He exits, and Hyunggu swoops in, “So, whaddaya think?” You nodded and told him all about it. He listened and asked some quick questions, and you answered with ease. He tells you, “I was watching you from the screen. You always look like you're in your element out there.” You smiled, and he kissed your forehead. He backed up as they announced the final racer had finished their practice run. “I’ll be watching.” “Like a guardian angel or private eye?” He laughed, “The former.” And you smiled at him as you nodded. 
They had you set up by your best time. So you would be racing with the 40s-60s. You placed forty-three, making you third in your set. Somehow, you would have to make it into this year's top twenty-two. When the first twenty finish their races, some of their times seem unreal. You gulp as you remind yourself that you only have to beat out fifty-eight racers to secure spot twenty-two. You pull your vehicles out to race next, and you hear the race official cheer, “Alright, I want a nice clean race. Remember your FIA rules. This is a no-contact sport. You will be disqualified if you do something intentionally. Do your best out there, and racers, start your engines!!” Your heart comes to life as you hear everyone’s engine roar as you press your engine on. Each racer starts at their own time. You stay for a moment, wanting the track to clear out a bit so you can get your head in the game. You only need to set your personal best. And once you lay your foot on that pedal, you better hit the metal. 
And so you do. You slam it down, easily make it around the curves, and even pass two people as you drive. Your engineer calls out for you to avoid hitting the guy coming up fast behind you. And you agree, but still try to go quicker. But they're slick as they slip past you and race ahead of others. You make it past two more racers on your first lap, coming out at '2:32.80.' You swear you were getting better times on your home track. You were getting to the 1:00s with no problem. You gasp into the mic, and your engineer goes, “Don’t lose your head. Just do this lap faster.” You do as you're told, getting out of your head, you speed around even faster, trying to set a personal best. And when you make it around, your time reads '1:59.343'. Every millisecond counts, and you look at your name to see it at the very bottom of the top twenty-two. You could live with that. All you needed was to stay in that spot, and you’d be okay. 
You come back and pit after pitting twice, once for refueling and once for tires. You pull off your helmet and cross all your appendages. Hoping and praying that somehow that time would be able to make it in. You jump out of your car before joining everyone in the garage and watch on, keeping your fingers crossed. The last twenty were up, each racing at their own pace. All it would take was one good time to beat you out. You knew it, and it terrified you, and as you sat there shaking, you felt someone place their hand on your knee. And you looked up from your internal plunder to see Hyunggu. “At least you can say you made it to the billboard, even if you don’t stay there.” You nod, and it calms you down for a moment. 
You watch as the racers return from their first lap and see their times start showing up on the board. Three racers placed in the top ten, officially sealing the deal for them. That meant you were out of the race. You hold back your tears as the rest of the racers finish up their laps. You don’t even notice you're crying until you are being pulled into multiple arms. One hands you a handkerchief, and you hold it to your face as you cry into it. It breaks your heart worse as you feel the others around you shake with their own tears. 
After fifteen minutes, you guys learn who’s in pole position. And the owner comes around to congratulate the winners. You successfully wipe your eyes and head out to congratulate them as well. Hyunggu stays behind you the whole time. His tears still streaking as you finish talking to others who have lost this year's race. One goes, “Better luck next time, huh?” The group of you laugh, “Yeah! We’ll get ‘em next time! And if we don’t. Well, we’ll just keep trying!” You laugh and wipe your eyes with your wet handkerchief. 
You head back to the garage and see everyone cleaning up. “Are you guys mad at me?” They shake their heads, and your manager answers for them, “No, honey, we’re proud of you for making it this far. Hell, you even made it on the chart for a moment.” Your engineer goes, “We’ll just have to keep training.” You nod, and they pat your shoulder as they exit, “We’ll see you again in a few months to start training.” You agree, and you walk back to your everyday car. Hyunggu has you sit in the passenger seat. And you finally crumble. It wasn’t your proudest moment. But you became inconsolable with tears and muttering. You could only put on that brave facade for so long. 
He turns on the radio and puts on your favorite sad songs. He tells you softly, “Come here,” after moving his seat backward to accommodate you. He pulls you over the console as you shake with tears. He holds you against him, and he can’t help but cry himself. It hurts him to see you so upset. He pulls out some napkins and wipes your cheeks, telling you kind and soft words. He rocks you in his arms as you mumble incoherent words. And he hums to them all. 
It takes a while for your cries to become sniffles. And for your tears to completely dry out, even though you wish to cry more. Hyunggu keeps you close through it all as you whisper little fears. He runs his hands through your hair, matching your worries with assurances. Reminding you about how loved you were, not only by him but by so many others. He lifts your chin and goes, “You know, I’ve never seen someone look so beautiful when they cry.” You sniffle, “Really?” He nods, “You’re beautiful all the time. It’s unsurprising to me that now would be any different.” You laugh, and he places a kiss on your nose. And then he kisses your cheek, your forehead, your chin, your neck, and everywhere he can reach before finally kissing your lips, making you giggle. He brings you out of your pool of sadness before setting you back onto your seat and buckling you in. “What do you say to wine and movies?” You smile softly, “I’d like that.”
He drives you back to your apartment and pulls out the wine he stored in your larder. He lets it aerate as you talk about all that could have gone better. And he nods but counters it before you can get too far deep into the rabbit hole. You do your best to hear him out, and he scoops two bowl fulls of ice cream before leading you to the couch. He brings the wine over and pours it into two glasses. He has you swirl it as he hands it to you. 
He puts on your favorite movie, and as your favorite scene comes on. Your tears have replenished, and you sob, which causes him to wrap you up in his arms as he quickly puts everything in your guy's hands down. “It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay.” He keeps repeating to you as you watch on, and you cry, “How can they get a happy ending?” He puts his head into your collarbone, “Well, maybe this isn’t your ending?” That shocks you enough to cause a hiccup of tears, “Wh-What?” He smiles, “You’re in the middle of the movie. You have to have your Disney heartbreak before you get your Disney ending.” You blink at him, your tears slowing to stop, and he grins, “I know it doesn’t seem like it. But this isn’t the end. This is just the beginning.” He wipes your tears as he sheds a few himself. And you quickly wipe them from his eyes. He puts his forehead against yours, “I promise. You’re okay. You’ll reach the finish line and make a faster time. I’m sure of it.” You hum, and he pulls away, “Do you still wanna continue watching this movie?” You nod, and he rewinds the movie a bit.
He tucks you into bed before climbing in, “I thought you had to be at the dorms?” He shakes his head, “You’re more important. I already texted Hui that you need me more.” You blink at him, “But you can’t miss practice!” He shakes his head, “No need to worry! I’ll be doing a late practice and taking you with me.” “Oh.” He laughs, kisses your forehead, and turns off the light, “Have sweet dreams.” You whisper, “You too.” 
Your dreams remind you of your loss, and you wake up crying. You scooted over and pushed yourself into Hyunggu's arms. He opens an eye and wraps himself around you, “You okay?” You shake your head ‘no,’ and he puts his hand on your head, “Do you want to tell me about it?” You whisper, “It was about losing the race…” “Oh…” You nod, pushing your head deeper into his chest as he holds you closer. “It’s just a reflection of reality. You’ll get them next time, I promise.” You nod, and it doesn’t take long for you to drift back to sleep cuddled into him. You dream of laying next to Hyunggu in a field of daisies, with nothing to worry or wonder about, just the two of you laughing and talking about everything. 
You wake up later in the day to find him waiting for you to wake up, “Do you want to get lunch with me?” You gasp, “Is it that late?” “It’s one in the afternoon.” “Oh, that’s fine. Let’s go.” You both get dressed and during lunch, you two cheesily drink a milkshake together, “Isn’t it like... fifty percent backwash by now?” He laughs, “I guess, but I don’t mind yours.” You laugh, reach over the milkshake, and kiss him. “Ah yeah, it’s better that way.” He giggles, “I agree.” He kisses you again, and your food comes a moment later. After lunch, he takes you to practice with him. 
You cheer him and the rest of them on, and they head to the studio later, wanting to finalize a few more things on the album itself. Hyunggu sits on your lap as they all try to fit in the tiny little studio. You laugh as the boys cry about how he was never this affectionate with him, and you stick your tongue out at them. As Hyunggu turns into Kino in the recording area, Yanan and Hongseok surround you. Hongseok speaks up first, “Hey, we heard about yesterday. Are you okay?” You look down at your hands, “I suppose so? I’m definitely not as okay as I wish to be right now.” Yanan asks, “But you did your best, right?” You nod, the two smile, and he continues, “That just means your best will get better.” You smile, and Hongseok says, “You’ll get ‘em next time. And then, when you win, we’ll do our best to attend your races.” You laugh, “Okay.” Changgu comes over, “For free, right?” You laugh even harder, “Yeah, of course, you guys are practically my boyfriend’s family.” The whole group cheered, except Hyunggu, who couldn’t hear anything behind the glass. 
You listen to his stunning voice, and he finishes quickly, joining you again, “How did I sound?” You smile, “Beautiful as always.” He grins and kisses your nose, which causes Shinwon to whine, “Cooties.” You smirk and kiss Hyunggu, “What do you call that for cooties?” Shinwon cries, ‘gross’ louder, and both of you giggle at him. And as you wait, the one and only Jinho comes in, and you jokingly salute him. And he stands at attention to do so, and you both laugh, “Good to see the soldier. Is this your goodbye track?” He nods, “Yeah, the kids complained that they’ll miss me worse if I don’t.” You smile, “As a Universe, I would too.” He laughs, “Yeah,” he turns to Hui and says, “I only have a few lines to fix, then I have to go back to base.” Hui nods, and Yuto exits the studio and joins the rest of you on the cramped couch. 
The seven of you happily listen to Jinho’s voice. Hui smiles, “I never tire of hearing his voice.” And the rest of you hum in agreement, and you cry a little as the song continues to play. Hyunggu immediately wipes your eyes, “Oh, you haven’t heard it that much…” You shake your head, “I knew it would be a goodbye song, but…” They all coo at you, and as Jinho opens the door, “Oh, I didn’t mean to make you cry!” You shake your head, “I just um… Wow, I know we get to see you a bit. But Unis, in comparison, I just, wow.” He pats your head, “You’ll be okay, kid.” You nod, and he lets the boys hug him as he leaves for base camp. “How do you guys do this with no tears?” Hui shakes his head, “I know you saw Spring Snow + Shine, so…” You sigh, “Yeah… I guess it’s a little easier now?” They nod, and Yuto says, “But we can’t help but miss him even when he’s here.” They all agree, and Jinho returns, “I forgot my hat!” And the eight of you cry, “Jinho!” And he looks at all of you, “What?” He sighs as he realizes he’ll have to do a round of hugs again. You give him one before you all give him a group hug. He mutters, “I’m going to be so late,” as he hugs back just as tightly, “Only fourteen months before we’re all back together.” You all nod and let him go this time, and he rushes to his bus.
After a few more tweaks to the songs, you head out to your cars, and when you part from Hyunggu, he asks, “You’ll be okay, right?” You nod, “If I’m not, I’ll head to the dorms.” He nods, “Okay. I’ll miss you.” You give him a soft smile as you open your car door, “I’ll miss you too. I’ll see you in two days?” He agrees and hops into the van while you head home. 
From that day forward, you take your time off seriously, working out, researching, and watching all the races to see what they did differently than you had. But that didn’t mean you weren’t spending time with the boys. Rather, that was how you spent the majority of your time. If it wasn’t night or early morning, you were following their schedules with them. It was exciting to see the finishing touches make the dance and song come to life. It went from disarray to a perfect ensemble. And you couldn’t help but clap after each practice. And before you knew it, Daisy was coming out. And you couldn’t be more excited. 
You cheered as you looked at his painting for the first time and asked him how he did it, and he happily told you his whole process. Explaining what brush stroke created, you couldn’t help but admire him as he did. “You know, you’re more beautiful than your painting.” He pouts, “What are you saying?” And you kiss his temple, “I’m saying that you made the most beautiful painting of a daisy that I’ve ever seen. But you, handsome, are more beautiful when you explain something you’ve created or are passionate about.” He blushes, “Well, I guess when you put it that way…” You shake your head, cup his face in your hands, and bring him in for a kiss. He kisses back just as feverishly. You pull away and squish his cheeks, “Yeah, you’re the finest artwork out there.” He pouts, and you giggle, “It’s even cuter when your cheeks are squished.” He gently pulls your hand away and captures you into another kiss. He pulls back to whisper, “I can’t get enough of you.” You blush, “Did anyone ever tell you that you look hot with silver hair?” He hums, “Just you so far.” You smirk as you kiss him again and pull him into your arms. 
He pulls back, “Let me put this away before we continue.” You sigh, “You’re a great killer of the mood.” He laughs, “Maybe, but I’ll bring it back up.” You raise your eyebrow, “You sure?” He smirks as he finishes putting his painting back into its spot, “Oh, I’m positive, baby.” He whisks you into his arms and kisses you deeply again. “That work?” You smirk, “I don’t know yet. I’m not entirely convinced~” He grins, “Well, I guess I’ll just have to spend all night convincing you~”
While you had already heard the song a handful of times and saw how they prepared for and filmed the music video, to see the final cut and how it was compiled and edited would be different and magical. You stayed up the whole night, anticipating its release. Hyunggu stayed over at your place because it was closer to their first showcase. You had left the bed to watch it cause you didn’t want him to hear your reactions and wake up. As it drew to the last seconds and you refreshed the page, you grinned, it popped up, and clicked it. 
You smiled, seeing Kino first, and as the song faded in. You gasped. The music video made the song feel fuller, as though it were finally complete. It felt more like a tragic movie than a simple music video, and you were captivated entirely. Watching him fall back into the water as if he were drowning without his person broke your heart. And then the ending paragraph came, and you quickly scanned through it. But the line that stuck out most to you was, “Sorrow lasts a second, but what we share in our universe is eternal.” It resonated with you. It felt like your relationship with Hyunggu, how sorrow lasts a moment. While you may have lost that race a while ago, he stayed by your side. He shares all his highs and lows with you as you do with him. Because what the two of you share is forever.
You couldn’t help but hum the melody as you retired to bed. When you return, you see Hyunggu waiting for you to return. He patted your side of the bed as he told you, “I felt you leave and waited for you to come back.” You shook your head at him, “Come here, you amazing musical man.” He grinned as he scooted into your arms, “Did you like the music video?” You wrap your arms around him, “I think like is an understatement!” He laughs, “I’m glad. What was your favorite part?” You smile, “Other than your parts? Probably the ending. Especially the ending words, ‘Sorrow lasts a second, but what we share in our universe is eternal.’ Those stuck with me.” He nods, and you tell him, “Let’s get some rest. You have a big day tomorrow.” He agrees, and you shut off the lamp and settle in for the night. 
Hyunggu leaves for his rehearsals at the first stage, and you see your albums delivered. You happily opened the box and unboxed them, and to your luck, you pulled a ‘Kino’ bookmark and message card in one album. And a ‘Kino’ CD cover & photocard in the unseen version. Did you still find the Hongseok photocard and the Shinwon sticker cute? Yes, but would you be telling Hyunggu that? Not if you wanted to deal with a pouty baby. You sleeve the two cards, put the one in your binder, and replace your Universe: The Black Hall card with your newest We:th Kino card in the back of your phone. You smile and place the ‘old’ one into your Kino binder. You keep your unseen album out and head over to the showcase building. 
As you walk to the building, you spot a person selling bouquets. You grin as you pick out a beautiful one, “These have kind meanings?” The florist nods, “Yes! The pink gardenias and zinnias mixed with the red roses mean an everlasting romantic love.” You thank them as you pay for them and continue on your way. You show your badge to the security presiding outside, and the one leads you in and into the dressing room. You thank him and greet the rest of the staff on the inside. “It’s already started.” The hairstylist tells you, and you pout, “I didn’t mean to be late…” She pats your head, “It’s okay. I heard they were shipping out albums today, and seeing as you have yours, I see why you were late!” You laugh, “Yeah, I had to open them before coming!” She nods, “Did you pull a lot of Kino?” You smile, “Quite a bit! I’m just missing a sticker of his! I’ll probably have to collect a few of his preorder cards if they’re cute!” She shakes her head, “You have the real deal, though…” The makeup artist shakes his head, “If my husband were in an idol group, I’d be collecting everything of his and more!” You laugh, “He gets it perfectly!” Your conversation dies down as they start performing again. And you’re entranced as you squeeze the flowers close to you. 
When they finish the showcase and say their goodbyes, they come back to the dressing room. You greet them, and they smile, giving you small greetings, and when Hyunggu enters, you get up and present him flowers. “For you, my love.” He grins, “Thank you.” You smile and tell him, “You did well today. I’m so proud of you!” He grins and brings you in for a hug. From behind, you hear a cry of, “Where’s our hugs?!” You both laugh and part and hug them and congratulate each other for their performance. You sit back in your seat and wait for them all to collect themselves before asking, “Is there any way I can have you guys sign this lovely album?” They nod, taking turns signing it, and you thank each of them as they do. 
You come back to Hyunggu with your pen, “Mr. Kino, may I have the honors?” He laughs and teases, “But you’ve already had so many others sign your album~ Shouldn’t you only want mine?” You blink at him, “I’d only want yours on a marriage certificate.” And the other boys snicker at him, and you watch his cheeks turn red as he asks, “You want to marry me someday?” You laugh as if the answer is obvious. As he finishes signing, you tell him, “Of course I do.” He blushes, “Me too.” It was your turn to blush, and you kissed the top of his head. As you sit beside him and place the album onto your lap, Wooseok sits beside you, “Where are you going to put our signatures?” You smile, “I have this standee waiting at home on my shelf for it~” He smiles, “Oh, that’s sweet.” You nod and continue talking to Wooseok. And feel Hyunggu’s hand rub against your own, and you link your hand to his. 
When a break in the conversation happens, you sneak a smile at him. Yuto joins the conversation, and they talk about their upcoming promotions, and you listen intently and ask, “Are you guys up for an award?” They agree, “Every time we have a comeback, yeah.” You smile, “The Show, right?” They nod, and Changgu comes over, “We don’t expect anything, but we hope we gave Unis a good song.” You smile, “I think you guys did more than that.” He hums, “I guess only a universe would know~” You laugh and nod. At home, you put your album up on the shelf with pride, head to your phone, log into Star Pass, and vote continuously with the points you’ve garnered.
Time flies, and the day of ‘The Show’s’ showcase came faster than you expected. Maybe it was because of your constant voting and cheering that made time pass quicker. Or it was because you followed the same schedule as them. When they left to go somewhere, so did you, and with what little free time you had, you were voting. While, you would have voted for the beautiful song regardless if you weren’t dating a member. It felt more special because you thought you helped give him the gift he always wanted to achieve. Like how you could have gotten their albums for free, yet you still pre ordered them. You’d do anything to support him. It’s what made your guy’s relationship so special. Your endless support of each other’s dreams was unmatched. And you wouldn’t trade that devotion for the world. 
Jinho came to the pre recording of ‘The Show,’ hearing that they were up for an award. It was fun to watch them all chat and get ready to perform. The nine of them combine after some bickering. They put their hands together and cheer, “Just do it. YO!” And you grin and wish them well. While they head up to the stage, you wait in the back with Jinho. The two of you start hoping and praying that somehow they would win. “Do you think it’s possible?” He nods, “I believe in them. I know we’ve been through a lot. And we've come close before. But I’m sure this time will be different. I feel it in my bones.” You smile, “Yeah, I know I haven’t been here long with you guys or as a Universe. But I did my very best to vote and hopefully ensure one. But I think you’re right.” He smiles and nods, the two of you intently watching the eight of them perform their hearts out on stage. 
They return from the stage, and you two congratulate them on their performance. And Hyunggu rushes over, “Sweaty hug?!” You groan out, ‘No’ as he hugs you tightly. You sigh and hold him anyway, “You did well, baby.” He thanks you, and you ask, “Can I please get some Febreeze or something?” He whines but hands you some, and the staff moves around to fan and get them dry before they’re due on stage again. You hand the spray over to Jinho as he complains, “At least you only got one…” You laugh at him, “Eh, they’re happy, and that’s what matters.” He shakes his head and mumbles, “Kids…” 
They’re called up to the stage about thirty minutes later when they’re all fresh and dry to accept the award. As the last performing member exits and the door closes, you tell them, “I got flowers in my car. I’m going to run to grab them while they make announcements.” They nod, and you speed out and show your tag to each security officer. And rush to your car, pulling out a big bouquet, hoping this one would be a celebration bouquet rather than one to cheer them up. You finally make it back in time to see the announcers getting ready for them to tally up the points. 
You cross your fingers and all the appendages you can twist up in hope. You gasp as the views and preorder score pop up. Weki Meki’s and Weekly’s numbers don’t even come close to adding up to 5000. The pre-voting numbers make you slightly nervous. Weki Meki comes ahead of them by 890. But they’d have to pull off an impressive feat to beat Pentagon in the real-time voting category. You gasp as the last number and the totals come up: they won. Your eyes turn bleary as you cry, “They did it!” The two of you hug as you cheer them on from the inside. You smile as you watch them high-five and hug and listen to their speeches as tears run down your cheeks. You pat Jinho’s back, “I can’t believe they did it…” He nods, “Hyunggu told me to watch while I was away because they’d win, and they did.” You look to see his proud smile before returning your eyes to the TV screen. 
The two of you giggle as they lift Hui into the air, and their little ‘thank you’s cause you to cry more, and you give up and grab the tissue box. You wipe your eyes as you watch them. They did it, they really did it. You watch Shinwon hand Hyunggu the award and whisper, “Oh no, he’s crying…” Jinho takes his turn and pats you on the back as you cry harder. You were so thankful Shinwon and Hui were up there to hold and take care of him. You laugh through your tears as Changgu laughs at him but still helps him walk it out. They gather him and help him to the back. And you do your best to wipe your tears away and dispose of your used tissues. Jinho whispers, “I’m so proud of them.” You grin back at him as you both stand there waiting for them, “Me too.” 
When the door opens, you congratulate them all, and Hyunggu immediately wraps himself in your arms. He finally bursts into tears, and it breaks your heart into pieces. You whisper the phrases “You’ve made it,...” and “I’m so proud of you...” over and over into his ears. The boys come over to check on him every so often. And when Jinho comes over, you release him, and Jinho tells him, “You promised me, and look at you, you did it!” Which makes him start to hiccup as he finally regains his senses. 
You go over and grab the ‘large bouquet,’ which were small bouquets individually wrapped inside a large parcel as you had asked for. You hand them out, congratulating each of them on their success. In the end, you face them all except for the two in the corner and tell them, “You boys did so well. I’m so proud of you. And I know for a fact Universes have been trying to give you a win, and I’m so glad they accomplished that feat for you guys.” They thank you, and you shake your head as you tell them, “No, thank you for giving us such an amazing album.” They laugh, and you head over and hand Hyunggu and Jinho their flowers last. As you move your hand away from Hyunggu’s he grabs your pinky in his and holds it the whole time as you tell them you're proud of them. 
You leave to the couch so they can take photos, and once they change, they shout a vlive immediately, thanking all of Unis, and you couldn’t be happier as you watched both on screen and in person. The staff and you take the nine of them out on the company card and treat them to whatever they want. Hui clinks his glass and gives a huge cheer to his members, and you all clink your glasses and drink. You bring Hyunggu into you as he becomes soft and mushy about it again. And you can’t help but grin and kiss his forehead, “You’ve done wonderful, lovely. Eat the rest of your meal, okay?” He nods and does as you ask. You all have dessert and do one last hip-hip-hooray for the nine of them. 
Your training started after their promotions ended. You were on that track: rain, snow, or shine. Well, you were inside karting when it snowed or rained. But regardless, you trained as often as you could. It would get pretty tiring if you weren’t in love with the sport. That every day you woke up excited to race. But today would be different. You were acting like you were heading out to race as Hyunggu showed up. “Hey, baby, are you going out today?” You tell him you are as you tie your last shoe, “Wait for me!” You grin as you watch your boyfriend scuttle around and gather his things to head out with you. You were planning a little karting date for the past week, making sure no other drivers would be there and it would be clear outside on your date. 
You hold out your car keys to him, “Wanna drive?” He raises an eyebrow at you as you do and grins, “I wanna be the passenger this time.” He laughs and takes the car keys, “It’s not often you get to chauffeur a world-class driver.” You giggle and kiss his nose before heading to the car and opening the door, “My prince?” He grins and pops open your door as you get to the passenger's side, “Your ride awaits, your highness.” You laugh and get in, and he reaches over and clicks your seatbelt on around you. You grin as you thank him, and he pulls on his belt and takes you to the practice track. 
You both get out, and you hold back your grin as you ask, “Do you want to try karting with me?” He furrowed his eyebrows, “I can?” You laugh, “Yeah, the smaller building houses karting while the larger is for Formula cars.” He asks, “Really? You’d want to do that with me?” You laugh, “Why wouldn’t I?” He shrugs, “I thought it was only big leagues allowed here.” You shake your head, “Well, when others are here, yeah.” He raises his eyebrow, “Are we gonna get caught?” You shake your head, “They already know.” He gasps, “You planned this?” You nod, “Yeah… For about a month now.” He smiles, and you continue, “Also, it’s not illegal. Just would be a little dangerous since you’re new, and the people here would run circles around you.” He pouts at that, and you shake your head, “I just mean they’re trained professionals.” He agrees, and you capture his hand in yours, “And lastly, I think it’d be fun to show you the ropes and everything I do. Like how you’ve shown me.” He smiles, bringing your hands up, and places a kiss on top of yours, “I’d love that.”
You get him outfitted into a helmet and mic, “This part kind of reminds me of my career.” You nod, “Well, if we wish to talk on the track, it’s a lot easier this way. And I’m not allowing you to race without safety.” He raises an eyebrow, “Have you raced without safety?” You shrug, “By myself, yes, once or twice when I’ve forgotten. With others, no, I don’t want a head injury.” His eyes go wide at that, “You mean?” You nod, “Yeah, it’s possible karting, but we won’t be doing anything risky, so no need for concerns.” He lets out a sigh of relief, “Good.” You ruffle his hair before he puts on his helmet. You ask, “Alright, lift your visor for me.” You grin, “I just wanted to see your pretty eyes.” He smiles and lifts yours, “Yours are pretty, too.” You blush and shake your head, “Okay, I’ll explain the rules and how to drive it. But follow me the first time around the track, and I promise you’ll get the hang of it from there.” 
You explain it all to him before shutting your visors and showing him around the track, and he eventually gets the hang of the gas and brake. “You got it?” He holds his hand out and shakes it as if to say, ‘So-so’. You nod, “Wanna drive beside me?” He nods, “I’d like that.” You take him around the track with you. You whisper, “It’s kind of fun to be beside you like this.” And you hear him hum before he says, “I see why you love it. When I’m beside you, it’s a lot more fun.” You smile, “Karting with you is fun.” You go through the track together, and he has a better time handling it. You ask him if he wishes to race against you this time, and he agrees. 
You two race around for a few rounds, with you coming in first with ease. This track has become etched in the back of your mind with how many times you’ve raced it. You speed around and giggle as you hear his laughter as he’s managed to get in front of you. You smile to yourself. Doing this for fun always reminds you of your zest for it. You cackled as you bumped into him again, “Hey! No excessive bumping! This isn’t bumper cars!!” You make an ‘L’ with your fingers at him and jeer, “Loooooseerrr!” And zoom past him and cross the finish line again. You wait for him to return and see the pouty baby, and you giggle and pull him into a small hug, “Aw, come here, you’re my favorite loser.” He whines at that as you pull away, “You have years on me in this!” You giggle and make a cute gesture, “I know, just like how you have years on me as a singer.” Seeing his window of opportunity, he hits the gas, “Catch me if you can~” You shake your head and let him have his five-second head start. You decide on taking it slow behind him, maybe a turn away from where he is. And he gets this determined look on his face as you grow nearer. 
You grin, realizing he’s feeling the need for speed, and start to tail him, making him go around faster. He starts snaking so you can’t go around him, and you laugh. “You know that’s an illegal move~” “You didn’t say so until after we started, so it’s not a rule~” You shrug, “Fair enough.” You rev your kart behind him every time he slows down, which has him snake around faster. You slow down around a turn to see how quickly he’d make it to the finish line. And you grin as you see him speed to the checkered line. You speed up behind him, “You beat me!” You cheer, and he chuckles, “I did!” You ask, “You know what winners get?” “A kiss?” You nod, pull up next to him, and lift your helmet off to see he’s patiently waiting. You shake your head at him before pulling him in for a kiss. “One more round?” He nods, and you smile, “Let’s race together?” He nods, and you pull on your helmet again, and you make little vrooming noises in the mic, which causes him to laugh as the two of you take off again.
After finishing your last race together, you put your carts, helmets, and padding in their rightful spots. You head over to the lights and turn them off one by one. You whine, “I hate this part.” He laughs, “I can see why. It gives backroom vibes.” You groan, “Yeah, exactly.” You both rush to the big door, “Alright, time to lock up.” You turn off the last light and get out into the night air. You lock the door, and he wraps his arm around you, “This was a pleasant surprise.” 
You smile and wrap your arm around his waist, “I was hoping you’d like it.” He nods, “It’s just as fun as watching you race.” “You think so?” “Seeing you have fun and live your dream is thrilling to me. But karting with you today gave me a taste of the dream you follow. And it’s wonderful.” You smile, and the two of you walk back to your car. And you drive you both back home, “Do your legs feel like jelly?” He laughs, “Very much so. Is this normal?” You grin, “Yeah, but you get used to it, especially because it doesn’t compare to the speeds of the cars I usually drive.” He nods, “Makes sense.” 
You continue your practice racing, but every once in a while, when all the drivers have left. And Hyunggu was the only one in the stands. After practicing, you’d head and do a few rounds of karting together. The joy of seeing him get his first ‘real’ win felt unbelievable, and you couldn’t believe he had beaten you. You could have chalked it up as being distracted because of his charms. But really, he had just learned your tricks from watching you every day. “I’m proud of you, baby!” He boasted about it on his social media, and you took photos of him being so triumphant. You couldn’t help but feel proud as you had taught him everything. 
He asked while you were going home that day, “You know how you let me kart with you? Maybe someday I can get your vocals on an album?” You blushed, “You’d like my vocals on an album? But you’ve heard my voice…” He shakes his head, “I love your voice. I like hearing it when you sing softly along to our songs or the radio. It’s pleasant. Of course, you never have to if you don’t want to. But if you’d like and the opportunity comes, I’d love to have your voice on one of my tracks.” You nod and tell him, “Maybe someday… I’m glad we can share our careers with each other.” He smiles and places his hand over yours, “Me too.”
It felt unbelievable to believe you were back here on this track again. Hyunggu holds your hand the whole way up to the garage. You had practiced the entire night, only going home when Hyunggu phoned you through the mic to go home. You were so nervous that you barely slept. You didn’t want a repeat of last year and worried throughout the night, even with him beside you. He pats the top of your hand, “You got this baby. I know you do, you’ve trained harder, and you know this track this time.” You gulp, “Are you sure?” He stops you halfway to your team and puts his hands on your shoulders, “I’ve never been more sure of something or someone than I am of you right now.” You lock eyes with him, “You mean it?” He nods, “With every fiber of my being.” You wrap your arms around him, “Thank you. I’m gonna win today.” He chuckles, “I know you will, baby.” 
He was right. You knew the track, and you were more prepared. You spent your first practice run jogging your memory of each curve. And you felt more confident with each one you took. When your second practice run began, you did as if you were qualifying. As you return to the finish line, you see your clock, the time reads back ‘1:47.03’, and you hear your race engineer go, “You can shave that down. I know you can.” And you agree as you pull back into the pit. “You ready to show them who you are out there?” You nod at your race engineer, and he smiles, “I believe in you.” You smile, and Hyunggu comes over with a big grin, “You did so well, baby!!” You tease, “Maybe it’s because I had to finally challenge myself in karting~.” He laughs, “I don’t think so. But I love the thought, baby. Now, go out there and knock ‘em dead. Or drive faster than them, whatever works.” You laugh at that and blow him a kiss before he heads off. 
Unlike the last race, you were in spot twenty-five to start, an incredible placement as opposed to last time. When they call for the twenties to thirties to race, you strap in and wait for the signal. You exit the pit and stop at the line momentarily before barreling down the track. You took the turns more sharply but just as safely as your coach called out the shots. You listened to them as if they were second nature, “Coming up on your left!” You nod and see the car catching up to you, and you shake your head, “Do I have leverage up on the right?” “Yeah! Gun it!” You gas and spin the wheel quickly to make a faster turn, leaving the competitor in the dust. You let out a huff and make it back to the line. The numbers read back to you, “1:38.34”. You scoff, catch your breath, and see your competitor come up beside you and quickly start their second race. You hold back for another moment, wanting a clear track for at least two curves. 
“Ready, (Y/n)?” “As I’ll ever be.” And with that, you punch it, going faster than you last had, wanting desperately to make it and stay on the board. Unlike last year, there would only be twenty spots, and you were determined to be one of the twenty. You gulp as you reach the finish line and speed up even faster. “Come on, come on, come on!” You cry as you cross the finish line, and the numbers flash, “1:30.985.” You gasp. You shaved seventeen whole seconds off of your original time, and you can’t help but cheer as you pit. “I think I may have it this time!” The crew all cheers as you get out and wait. Hyunggu wraps you up in a hug and excitedly says, “Let’s watch!” You nod and watch the screens as everyone whizzes by. You hear, “Was it easier this time?” One of the members who changes tires asks. And you nod, “Yeah, knowing the track helped.” They pat your back, “I believe we’ll make it this time.” You smile and start silently praying that you will. 
You get booted from the top ten and let it roll off your shoulders. One day, you’d make it into the top ten with ease. When the last racer finishes their laps, you gasp, “I’m still in…” It stuns you as you look at the screen in shock and hear everyone erupt into cheers, “You’re in spot sixteen!” They pick you up and lift you into the air, “We’re going to the Grand Prix!!” You can’t believe your ears, your biggest dream since you were little, and you were about to live it. You didn’t even realize you were crying until you were put back onto the cement again. You hear cheers of ‘We’re so proud of you!’ ‘We made it!’ and ‘That’s our racer!’ but all you see is Hyunggu. He picks you up and spins, “You’re going to be a Grand Prix racer! I’m so proud of you! I knew you could do it!” You wipe the tears from your eyes as you thank him. 
You head and thank the other racers who didn’t make it to the Grand Prix for racing with you today. And some of them congratulate you because they met you last year. You head out to the racer’s circle, “You twenty are going to be racing the next twelve races together.” You gulp, and the track owner asks, “Is anyone new to the Grand Prix?” Although he wasn't trying to single anyone out. Alas, he does. And you wave your hand, “Our only newcomer this year! Well, you already know what it takes to get here. But please get to know your fellow racers and good luck!” You smile and get accustomed to the other nineteen. And they welcome you in, and the one goes, “I can’t guarantee we’ll be friendly out there to you. We’re all trying to win, after all. But we do fight fair.” “Welcome to the big leagues, kid!” You laugh, “Thanks, but isn’t that what they say in baseball?” He nods, “Yeah, but we say it here too.” You smile, get to know the racers, pose for the camera, and introduce your car. 
And go about the mini-press meetings. One of the racers, Carlos, says, “This will get easier by the second race.” You sigh, “I hope so, 'cause I have a lot of nerves right now.” He pats your back, “I promise, their questions will pertain more to your car and racing capabilities the longer the races go on.” You nod, “That’ll be easier.” He nods, heads to his car, and chats more to the presses. You find your way back, “I don’t know how you deal with that constantly.” Hyunggu looks over to the crowd of mics and cameras, “We’re trained on how to talk to them early on. So, it’s not as hard.” You laugh, “I wish. I just did my best out there.” He smiles, “That’s all anyone can ask.” He kisses your forehead, “So, do you want to go out and celebrate?” You grin, “I’d love to.” 
The crew was already out celebrating, seeing as they had more to prepare for the upcoming twelve races than you did. “When will you be back?” You look at the chart they sent you, “After March fifteenth... And to officially stay at home? Not until November.” He nods, “We’ll be away from each other for a long time…” You sigh, “But I’ll always be a phone call away, I promise.” He nods, “I’m going to miss your first race, aren’t I?…” You nod solemnly, “I know it’s okay… I think I’ll miss your performances, new album…” He sighs, “Yeah, that’s going to be hard.” You grasp his hands in yours, “It’s going to be okay. You can watch me on your TV race, and I can watch you on mine in the hotel perform your heart out.” He gives you a small smile, “I’ll try to make it to one of your races.” You squeeze his hands, “I’ll try to make it to one of your performances.” 
As you pack your last things to head out onto the plane, Hyunggu comes over, “I’m going to miss you.” You sigh, “I’m going to miss you too.” He nods and helps you sort the last few of your things. You zip up your suitcase as you sit in front of him. He grabs your hands, “What’s wrong?” You sigh, “We won’t be able to be there for each other this time around.” He nods, “I’ve been thinking about that too…” You nod, “I know we have our staff and friends, but I don’t know… It’s just not going to be the same.” He nods, “You’re a constant presence in my life. It’ll be weird to be apart.” You interlock your hands, “I know we’ll be fine on our own. And that being apart is good for a healthy relationship to flourish. But I really wish to be by your side.” He squeezes your hands in his, “I wish we could stay like this for longer.” You sigh and look at his candy-floss pink hair, “I can’t believe you’re pink, and I’ll get to miss a majority of it…” He laughs, “I’ll be missing you in that uniform.” “Kang…” He smirks, “How long before you need to be at the airport?” You look at the clock before smirking, “A few hours.” And he captures your lips in his, “Let’s make the most of it, shall we?” 
You arrived in Melbourne and settled in for the next two days, seeing sights and getting used to the climate. As you were on your way to Australia, Pentagon dropped their new album, and you listened to it. You loved the whole album and told Hyunggu happily about each track when you landed. When the race drew closer, they allowed all the racers to start practicing on the track. The songs were so catchy that even with the roar of your engine, you could hear them as you whipped around curves and learned the road. It was good enough fuel to keep you racing. 
Off the track, you spend the majority of your time watching their music videos, behind-the-scenes, and stages. Hyunggu texts you when he finishes his last interview of the day, and you call him up, “I miss you so much.” And he sighs out the same, “I feel like a piece of me is missing without you here.” You agree, and he asks you about your day, and you tell him about how the track feels and how fast your times were. He was proud of you for having good times, and you asked him to tell you about his day. And his day started at three in the morning and didn’t finish until six in the afternoon. “Shouldn’t you be sleeping?” He hums, “No, I’d rather talk to you.” You sigh, “I’d rather talk to you too… But baby, your sleep means more to me than that. So, go to bed, it’s okay. I’ll be here for you to talk to tomorrow.” You can almost hear the pout in his voice as he says, “Okay…” You smile, and you tell each other your goodbyes. 
You slept restlessly, tossing and turning, knowing that tomorrow was the big day. And not having Hyunggu to calm you down drove you insane. Even the teddy bear he gave you wasn’t enough. You were so thankful for the morning to come as you got ready. Hyunggu called you up, “Today’s the big day!” You gulped, “Yeah…” He reapproaches that subject, “You nervous for today?” You softly agree, and he says, “I know you have numerous reasons to be nervous, but I’ll cheer you on no matter what happens. I know you’re an amazing racer. You just need to show them.” You smile, “You think so?” He chuckles, “Think? I know you are, dear. Do you want me to talk to you all the way there?” “Yeah, if you could… It would take my mind off of it. Tell me about everything.” He fills you in on everything from the stage lights to the eating habits of Hui’s dog, Happy. It keeps you calm as you're driven to the event. 
“And then, because Wooseok was messing with Changgu, Yanan moved his chair slightly to the left!” “What?” “Yeah! And when he went to sit on the chair and slipped right out of it 'cause it wasn’t where it was!” You laugh, “You boys certainly get up to madness.” He laughs, “Oh, I have more stories if you have time!” You smile, “I have time for one more.” You leave the car and head to the garage where the rest of your crew is, politely greeting them while listening to Hyunggu tell you about everything happening in Dorm A. He finishes as you sit down, “I’m at the garage… I’ve loved listening to you…” “But you have to go?” You hum, and he says, “I love you, baby. Go get ‘em!” You smile, “I love you too, and I’ll do my best.” “That’s all I ask.” You say your last goodbyes and hang up. 
You get suited up and get good coaching from your crew members. “You’ll do just fine. Just listen to the car and your engineer, okay?” You agree, and they pat you on the back before helping you into the car. They have you do two practice rounds before they start qualifying. You make it through the first round and make spot eighteen. It made your nerves itch. It was close to the end. But your team still cheered you as you returned, “It’ll be okay. It’s your first race in the Grand Prix. Hell, it’s our first race, too. So just do your best.” You agree, wait for them to call the racers, and do your best to calm your nerves. You calm down after qualifying and get into spot eighteen. When the race portion starts, the first thirty minutes fly by. You did everything to stay in your original position, but once you lost that position, you quickly lost the nineteenth.
They ate you alive out there… They were kind people off the track, but they weren’t kidding when they said they weren’t going easy on you just because you were new. You did everything right. Your car was in mint condition, and you sped around the curves, even with those two practice rounds. But it wasn’t enough. You came up short. For the longest time, you couldn't even see number nineteen, let alone its bumper. But at the end of the last five laps, you could see their bumper. You couldn't get around them even if you wanted to, and your engineer calmed you down from above, “You’re doing as good as you can. This is all new to you. It’s okay to come in last. Someone always has to. This time it’s you. Maybe next time it won’t be.” You agreed, and in the end, you ended up beside the car in front of you. At least you accomplished that small feat. You could only hope to grow better. 
You call Shinwon up, knowing he’d be able to keep the secret of you being able to make it to one of their performances. “We’ll be performing on M Countdown on the first. You’d have to be in the back by 3 a.m. That’s when we’re going to be arriving.” You agree wholeheartedly, and he goes, “We watched you race, by the way.” “We?” He chuckles, “All of us did. We were cheering you on the whole time.” You don’t let any tears spill as you thank him, “You did well for your first race in the Grand Prix.” You sigh, “Last place?” He says, “Yeah, it means you got nowhere to go but up from here.” Your tears leave your eyes as you whisper, “I guess you’re right…” 
“You want me to transfer you to Hyunggu?” You mumble a ‘yes’, and he shuffles on the other end as you do your best not to cry, “Console your lover, man.” You let out a light laugh as Hyunggu’s voice rings through, “You okay?” You shake your head and remember he can’t see it as you whisper, ‘No’. “Oh, baby, why are you crying?” You whisper, “Shinwon has some kind words…” He laughs, “Yeah, he can probably make a building cry with his kindness.” You sigh out a laugh and say, “Yeah…” “What did he say?” “That I got nowhere to go but up.” He smiles, “Well, he’s right. We watched you race, and you were driving well, but the other racers had you because you were new to their racing styles. All you have to do is adjust, and I promise you, you’ll have it.” 
He was right, and at your next race in Sakhir, Bahrain, you proved you were a racer worthy of being up in the ranks of Formula One. You made it to seventeenth place. It took everything out of you. But you were so proud of yourself, and as you sat in a diner with the rest of the crew, Hyunggu congratulated you. And you heard the rest of the group in the background cheering for you, and it warmed your heart. Your handling was well. And you were getting used to the races, the racers, and everything. It’s exactly how you hoped. Maybe you weren’t winning, but you were driving in the Grand Prix, and that’s what you wanted. 
The next morning, as you were finishing packing to head home for at least a few days, your manager reminded you, “Remember, by the tenth, you have to be ready to fly out to Shanghai.” You nod and thank them, “I’ll see you then.” They laugh, “You’ll see me on the eleventh. I’ll be in Shenzhen until then.” You smile, “That sounds wonderful, enjoy your time!” “You too!” You head to the airport, excited to go home. You sleep the whole way there on the plane and take a cab home, not wanting Hyunggu to know you were back yet. You pick up your packages from the mailbox and cheer, “My albums!” And quickly rush up the stairs before unpacking some souvenirs and other little items you got along the way. 
You spend the next day resting and getting used to your apartment again. But when it strikes 2 a.m., you text Shinwon asking if he can ask their manager to sneak you in. And he texts back, “He said yeah.” And a half hour later, you were in the car, “So how’s your racing life?” You smile, “It’s getting better.” “I watched your recent race on and off again. You did well.” “Thank you.” “Where’s your closest race?” “Suzuka, Japan, on the seventeenth of September.” “Oh, that’s a long time from now.” You nod solemnly, “But my next race is Shanghai!” “Oh, where Yanan is from!” You smile, “Yeah!” He pulls into the parking space, “You got your badges, right?” You nod, “They’ll let you in with no problem. I already informed them.” “Thank you for everything.” He smiles, and you get out and wave goodbye. 
You walk in, scan your security tag, and talk to a few people as they lead you to Pentagon’s dressing room. You thank them and see a few of the stylists, “I didn’t expect to see you so soon!” You laugh, “Surprise!” She laughs, “Here to surprise Kino and them?” You nod, “Well, all except Shinwon, he helped me organize this.” She smiles, “It’ll be a lovely surprise then.” You smile and order breakfast for everyone while you wait. It arrived fast, considering it was from the inner cafe, which was currently bustling with orders. 
You wait for the door to open and wave to the incoming boys. When Hyungggu comes in, you open your arms wide for him, “(Y/n)?! What are you doing here?” Hyunggu rushes into your open arms. You giggle as you wrap your arms around him. “I wanted to surprise you.” He nuzzles his face into your collarbone, “Best surprise ever.” You smile as you reach up and run your hands through his pink hair. “I’m glad you like it.” You eventually pull away and thank Shinwon, who shrugs and says, “It’s the least I could do.” You smile and greet the rest of them. Ensuring they all have something on their stomach before getting their makeup applied. 
“You know the best thing about having at least seven other members…” “Hmm?” He smiles, “I get more time to spend with you while I wait for an empty spot.” You laugh, “It is nice.” He leans his cheek against your arm, and you pull out your phone to watch videos together while you wait. He kisses you as he’s called to put his makeup on, and you put your phone down to watch them pretty him up. You make faces at him as they put lipstick on him, and he scrunches his nose up, trying his best not to laugh. And you grin as you make one last face, and he lets out a slight giggle as they move the brush away from him.
Yanan comes over with a smile, “I heard your next race is supposed to be in Shanghai…” You smile, “Yeah, I’m very excited about it. Do you have any suggestions of where I should visit there?” He lights up as he tells you about his hometown. You hang onto his every word and make mental notes on places to visit. As they’re called up to the stage, you tell him, “Feel free to text me more if we don’t get time to talk after this!” And he grins, “I will!” While they’re still in your head, you write some of the things he talked about. While you wished you could spend it with them, you knew the reality. And while you and Hyunggu had made it public to the media that you were together not too long ago. It still wouldn’t make the timing any better. 
You cheered them on as you watched them perform, your heart enamored by the song, seeing it more in person than before. As you wait for them to return, you ask if they have anything after this. The staff shakes their heads, “Probably resting. They have to do this tomorrow, too.” You nod, and in come the boys. You grin as you tell them they all did a fantastic job as they wait around for the call-back to do the actual recording. 
You hand Hyunggu tissues as he talks to you about your career. You shrug and tell him since you’re still starting out in the big leagues, it’s a lot to wrap your head around. And he pats your knee, “But you’ve gotten better. You just placed 17th not too long ago. That’s better than before!” You smile, “Yeah, I hope by the last race of the season, I'll be able to pull off a win.” He nods, “I know you’ll work hard until you do.” You smile, and he kisses your cheek and giggles. “You got a glossy mark on you now.” You flip your phone camera to see that he’s right. “You have to reapply your lipstick and gloss now…” He laughs, “Already had to.” You shake your head and wear it happily as he bounds into the chair. 
When he finishes the live recording and changes into his regular clothes, you ask if he can go home with you. And the others agree you have the managers escort you back, dropping you two off first before they head to drop the rest of them off. Changgu asks as you get out, “When will we see you next?” You sadly smile, “As soon as I can make time, but the next few races are a little close for a break…” He nods, “We’ll take care of Hyunggu until you return.” You put your pinky out to him and ask, “Promise?” He smiles and wraps his pinky around yours as he promises to take care of Hyunggu. “You’ll take care of yourself out on that track too.” You nod as you promise to do that, too. And with that, the door closes, and the two of you head up to your apartment. 
You ask on your way up, “Do you want to open albums with me?” He asks, “Which artist’s album did you buy?” “Yours.” He blushes, “Why?” You roll your eyes and sarcastically say, “Well, I want to be able to giggle over Yuto’s handsome pictures to someone…” Which immediately causes him to pout, and you push his arm, “I can’t wait to see how handsome you look, and I can’t wait to kiss you every time I find you handsome.” He grins and squeezes your hand as you open your apartment door, “I like that idea.” And you do just that, hiding the inclusions from yourself as you look through the photobook. You kiss his cheek every time you find him good-looking, “I never understood the appeal of someone blowing bubblegum bubbles until today!” He hides his face in your shoulder, “Baby…” You shrug, “It’s the truth! Remind me to get some bubblegum for you.” He groans, and you smirk, “Huh? Are we getting shy now?” He whines even more, and you pull him to face you, “You’re so beautiful, my love.”
When you pull away, he goes, “Thanks for the reminder…” You smile, and he wraps his arm around your waist as you pull out the photocards. Not one Kino. Which causes you to pout, “I thought you were supposed to make all my album pulls…” And he goes, “Maybe you pulled me as the poster?” And you nod as you pull away the cover to reveal Hui. “My favorite version, and I can’t pull my man… What luck…” He runs his fingers through your hair, “But you have the real deal.” You glance at him and mumble, “I guess,” which causes him to pout right back at you. You put the album aside before opening the sporty version and have better luck. 
And you do! You pull his poster, and that’s it… You pout over at him again, and he kisses your pout away. Although you happily keep the ones you’ve pulled, at least until you can trade for Kino’s. With the mild version, you open it up full of hope. You groan, “You look good in suspenders…” He laughs, “I guess?” You nod, “You do.” He smiles, and you look to see your CD case, says Wooseok. And that your cover is Yeo One, but then you squeal as you check the photocards to see you pulled not one but two Kino’s! “I was hoping I’d pull one of your cards!” He grins, and you kiss him, “Now I got something new to put in my phone case!” He smiles as you switch out your we:th card for your favorite mild card. You give him one last kiss, “Thanks for packing this one at least!” He shrugs, “I didn’t, but I was hopeful you’d pull a card of me.” You smile, and he asks for you to take a photo with him as you start putting your albums back together. 
“Why?” He smiles, “I want a new lock screen.” You laugh and pose with him cutely, and he kisses your cheek as you smile, and he goes, “Perfect.” He quickly sets it as his new photo, and you get up and put your albums and photocards away. “What do you say to some takeout?” You grin, “Good enough for me!”
After a few days of relaxing, you were on the next flight out, but Hyunggu saw you off before you went. The media after you both like flies, but you didn’t bat an eye as you gave him a tight hug before checking into your flight. You saw as many sites as Yanan had listed and told him what you thought of each place. And he grinned as you sent him pictures, “It’s practically like being home.” You smiled and sent him some more before you were behind the wheel. You called Hyunggu on the way and talked to him about China and how lovely it was before strapping in and getting ready for the race. “You’ll only get better with time, I promise, my love.” You thank him for his advice as you hang up and hand your phone over. It was different not to have him walk you up and console you in person. But you supposed it would have to do. You put on your helmet and flicked it on before beginning the race and placing 18th, one placement lower than last. You sighed heavily as you got back to the pits, ashamed. They cheered you up, “You’re going to have good days and bad. Let’s pray that the next ones will be better.” And so you do. Even if it seemed silly, it still gave you some hope. 
It took several races to break the mold of being in the teens. At your race in Spielberg, Austria, you cried as you crossed the finish line. Your whole crew started cheering for you over the mic, happily congratulating you as you did. You made 10th place for the first time, and you all celebrated with a good drink. And from there, you only did better, gaining 8th at the next. And while a minor accident had led to you being in 4th at the next race, you still couldn’t believe your eyes. You did worse in Italy with 6th place, but considering it was in the tens, you couldn’t be more proud. You called Hyunggu after every race, and he celebrated every single one of your victories, and you encouraged him to continue working hard. While you couldn’t be together physically, knowing you always had each other’s support made the difference.
The next race is like a whirlwind, in the closest race you’ve raced the whole season. You placed third in Singapore. You get cheers from all of your crew. You get to be in the winner’s circle for the first time. And you laugh as you watch your fellow racer get sprayed with champagne, and you hope one day you'll experience that as you head off the pitch. You’re on the line with all of Pentagon as they cheer you on. Yuto goes, “Jinho and Hui wish for you to know they’re very proud of you too!” You grin and thank them as Hyunggu takes over and tells you how much he loves you. And how he thinks you're the 'coolest racer in the world.' And how he can’t wait to see how you’ll place in the next race if this is anything to go by. You grin as you thank him and head home, smiling the whole way to bed. 
It’s seven a.m. in Suzuka, and the birds are chirping. It looks as beautiful as it sounds out there. You wonder if today will be your lucky day as you wipe your eyes. Maybe a peaceful morning would be the perfect way to spend it. After all, you have three hours before you need to be at the track. That’s until you get the call from your race engineer, “Hey, can you be out here early?” You sigh, the idea of a relaxing morning ripped away from you immediately, “Can I get a shower in before then?” He agrees, “Yeah, of course, but before nine.” You agree, groaning as you get off the call and fight your way out of the comfy bed. After a vicious battle with the blankets, you get prepared for the day. 
You walk into the pit and see your race engineer who stops you, “I’m glad you could make it this early.” You nod, “What’s it all about?” He looks down at his shoes before looking at you, “Maybe you should head into the garage…” His face doesn’t give any clues, so you assume the worst. Your car’s engine has exploded, and they don’t have a spare, which sounds outlandish to your rational mind, but it’s the only idea popping up. So, when you walk through the side entrance to see it’s pitch black, you don't know what to think. You squint as you search for the light switch, “Why the hell did he turn it off…” You flick it on and see your boyfriend and friends all happily sitting there and waiting for you. You break out into sobs, and they immediately wrap you up into a group hug.
Hyunggu asks softly, “Oh, why are you crying?” Just for him to hiccup and cry, too, which causes the softer-hearted members to cry as they hold you closer. Well, the best that they can since it is seven people surrounding one. When they break away, your tears slowly stop. And they ruffle your hair. “I’m so happy to see you all…” They all say their various agreements, and Hyunggu kisses your forehead and wipes your cheeks of any remnants of tears. “How the hell did you guys get a day off…” Hongseok answers for them all, “We’re quite persuasive, and also, Hyunggu wouldn’t stop crying to them about you.” He pouts, “I was not crying.” The others laugh, “Yeah, sure... that’s not what you were doing.” You look into his eyes and ask, “You did this for me?” He nods, “Of course I would.” You push your head into his chest as you shake with more tears. 
When you finally collect yourself, they ask you to teach them about the car. And so you do. You have them get in and try sitting in it. They do their best to get a feel for it, and you laugh as they tell you it’s uncomfortable to sit in, and you shrug, “It’s made for me. It’s not supposed to be comfortable for anyone else.” They nod, and you show them some background things and how it’s supposed to work. Your manager comes in, “Oh when he said there were a lot of people back here, I didn’t think he meant your friends.” You all laugh, and they say, “We got thirty minutes until qualifying.” You pout, “Really?” They nod, “Sorry.” You sigh, “Well, where are you guys sitting?” They tell you about the VIP rooms they secured, and you go, “You could have just asked me?” Hyunggu shakes his head, “Wouldn’t have been quite a surprise then?” You laugh, “I guess not.” The others wish you well, and before Hyunggu leaves, he kisses you before saying, “Do your best out there?” “Always. I love you.” He grins, “I love you more.” He races off to follow the others, and you get suited up for the race with ten minutes to spare. 
As qualifying finishes, you place eleventh, which is a neutral position. Not giving you any indications of how it’ll end, but you don’t mind. You have your tires changed out for mediums as you return, “Yeah, I think for this track, it’d be better to get soft last.” You converse with them and see a colorful crew sitting in the back. You remember who’s there, and without a second thought, you fly out of the car, so excited to see them all again. “It’s wild to see you guys. I just can’t believe my eyes.” They laugh and sweep you up into another hug as you all converse. 
You spend your time with them until you both have to leave. You get into race mode while they get into cheerleader mode. You nearly cry as they give you a “Just do it. Yo!” send-off. You settle back into your car, and if you were Lighting Mcqueen, you’d be giving yourself the ‘I am speed’ chant as you place your helmet on again. Rather, you’re humming the lyrics to ‘Just Do It Yo’ as you strap yourself into the seat. You get taps onto your helmet as well wishes.
Everyone brings themselves onto the track in their positions, and you sigh as you wait for them to signal you to start your engine again. You hear your engineer’s gentle encouragement as you look around at the other cars. You look up as best you can to see the stand your favorite people are in, and while you can’t see them, you can only imagine them fogging up the windows and watching. Maybe even eating the food from the stands below. You start your engine on cue and hear over your mic, “On your mark, get set, go!” 
You waste no time snaking side to side, getting your tires into the feel of the road. It isn’t until you hit that first curve that everyone starts zooming, and you’re right alongside them. In no time, you make tenth, and you can’t help but pat yourself on the back. Each lap draws you closer to the next car you speed around and eventually end up in ninth. You don’t hold back, not that you did before, but now, you have a reason to win. Maybe it was an inner show-off thing. But with your friends and boyfriend watching. You couldn’t help wanting to win even more. “And when you make this turn, you’ll be able to secure spot seven.” You agree as you gas it even further and speed around the curve. If this were an average car, you’d flip over as both accelerations changed, but you don’t let it phase you as you spin around the curve and into seventh place.
You let out a sigh of relief. Still, another thirty laps to go, and you were making good timing. You can’t see the cars in front of you just yet, so you do your best to start catching up to them. You close the gap with twenty-three more laps to go. Behind sixth, with seventh place far behind you now. You listen to your engineer make moves for you and execute them without problems as you slip in between the sixth and the red-and-white striped line. It was a little daring, but if your engineer cleared it. It was fine. After that, you take your pit stop before returning to the track. Thankfully, in front of seventh.
You watch as the fifth is doing everything to keep in that spot as they cut the corners tighter and do their best to stay right in front of you. You glare, not seeing an opening. That opening doesn’t come for another four laps. And when your engineer sees it, he has you seize it. You have no thoughts except winning on your brain as you start gaining on fourth. It takes a whole lap to catch up with them, but when you do, you waste no time as you cross the line again and take the lead in front of them. The first three were close to encountering the twentieth car as you came up behind them. 
You gulp, wanting this to go easier, and eventually, the car in the twentieth position manages to escape their grip. Making one last obstacle you’d have to encounter to become first place. It takes forever to sneak in between the third and second, and even then, she’s right on your tail. You finally lose her on lap forty, but you still have to beat second to be head-to-head with first. This would be your first-place win if only you can manage it. 
Your engineer encourages you with every step before he goes, “Hey, (Y/n), you’re going to want to hear this, don’t worry if needed, I’ll transfer the lines back, but listen to this-” And you hear the line transfer over and hear Hyunggu cheering, “Look at them go! That’s my lover, that’s my everything!!” If your heart was a little bit more fragile, you’d cry. You make moves to pass the car in front of you as he cheers, “Yeah, cut around in front of them! You got this! I believe in you!” You grin and whisper, “I’ll see you at the finish line.” He gasps, “You could hear me?” You laugh and tell him you can, and he says, “I’ll see you when you win, baby.” And with that, it transfers to your race engineer, “One more car, and you’re in the lead!” You smirk, “I know. We’re going to win today.” You hear him chuckle, “Yes we are, now gas it, and give ‘em hell, kid.” And you follow along like it’s second nature, gaining on the Ferrari-Mercedes. 
They take a tight right turn, cutting you off from speeding below him. You scoff as you follow behind them, looking for an opening, willing to take any risk if it means the big reward. And with it drawing down to the last three laps, you had to make your move, and now… You gulp as you hear, “Now!” Without a second thought, you nail it, pushing your car harder than before as you speed around them. It was terrifying. More so than the last because now you’re in the lead. If this were Mario Kart, there would be shells and hellfire raining on you right now. You sigh as your race engineer cheers you on, “Okay, just keep this up for…” As you pass the finish line again, he goes, “Two laps!” You hold back your smile, knowing if you start feeling giddy now, you'll blow the whole race. 
You don’t hesitate gaping yourself from the rest of the racers. You end up behind the twentieth car again. Who’s told over their mic to let you pass, and you do, you feel a little bad about it. But if it meant another car between you and second, then you’d take it. You pass the line again, “Last lap!” you both cheer in unison as you race around the track, eventually seeing nineteenth as you take the final curve to the finish line. And you almost can’t believe your eyes as you see the checkered flag signaling your win. You fly through not believing your eyes. The rest of the cars finish the laps they’re on before you start your lap of victory. You engineer joining the boys in their air-conditioned room. You start hearing all their cheers. You grin as you finish your lap and park your car on the finish line, excitement riddling your bones. Today marks your first big win in Formula One. You get out of your racecar as a crowd of people starts gathering around you. You stand up on top of it, raise your arms above your head, and let out a victory cheer.
You pull off your helmet and place it on the roof, catching a puff of pink in the crowd. You grin as you see Hyunggu pushing through the crowd to get you. He makes the final push as you smile. He puts his arms out to catch you, and you hop right into them. When you’re at ear level, he whispers, “That’s my baby. I’m so proud of you!” You kiss his cheek, “You gave me that extra push to want to win.” He blushes, and the crowd starts absorbing the two of you, bombarding you with questions about the race. You thank them and answer as many as possible before your crew and staff pull you and Hyunggu away. 
They take you alone to the winner’s circle, and you find Hyunggu off to the side. Your crew spills champagne over you, and you laugh as you close your eyes. And do your interviews after wiping your face with a towel. “What’s it like to win?” “Better than I imagined.” “What was the journey like getting to this point?” “Long but worth it.” They keep bombarding you, and you wait for one of them to catch their breath before you sneak out of the light. Wanting nothing more than to be out of your sticky champagne-ridden clothes. 
When you escape the camera’s eye for the second time, you see Hyunggu being interviewed. And you listen in, “Oh, Mr. Kino! We heard you were dating the winner of today’s race, (Y/n).” He goes, “Yes?” And they ask, “What’s it like to date a racecar driver?” You can’t wipe the grin off your face as he goes, “The best feeling in the world.” You come over slowly, “I’d love to talk more about my feelings for (Y/n). But it’s their day, so please shine the light on them.” You grin, and they ask you a few questions before you’re on your way again. “Want a sticky hug?” He shakes his head, “I like these clothes.” You fakely pout, “Aw, okay,” before laughing and grabbing his hand, “I’m so excited to change.” He laughs and agrees.
And you make your way back to the pit and see your crew. They hand you fresh new clothes after you wash your hands off. You head to the bathroom and quickly shower, ridding yourself of all the sparkling wine residue. Once you're all cleaned up, you come out to big cheers, pizza, and a cake. You nearly cry as you watch them light it up all for you, “For (Y/n)’s a jolly good racer, for (Y/n)’s a jolly good racer, for (Y/n)’s a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny!” You laugh as you blow out the candles and thank them all. Your engineer says, “Sorry, it’s not up to par. We ordered it at the last minute when we realized you may win today.” You shake your head, tears brimming in your eyes, “It’s perfect.” He pats your head, “Good job out there, kid. Now, let’s celebrate and eat good!” You cheer as they have you sit in the middle of the two long tables they put out. 
All of you chat happily, celebrating your win. You cheer with your pop cans, “I owe it to all of you guys. If it wasn’t for you guys, I don’t know if I’d even be out on that track tonight!” They laugh, some disagree, and you take the time to thank every person seated with you. When you sit back down, Hyunggu wraps his arm around your waist as he eats his pizza happily. You finish your pizza before eventually cutting everyone a piece of cake, “A big slice for my engineer, who called all the shots.” “A big slice, for my loving boyfriend.” Your manager jokes, “It’s a big slice for everyone, isn’t it?” You smirk, “Yes, but I get the biggest!” They all laugh, and you finish cutting the cake and sit back down. And when the party ties down, you clean up after everyone, your crew leaving to enjoy the rest of the night. 
With the help of your friends, you’re able to clean up. Lastly, you put your car into neutral and push it back into the garage before parking and leaving. As everyone heads to their cars, you ask, “What hotel are you guys staying at?” “The APA” You grin, “Me too!” Hyunggu hops into your car immediately, “I can’t even begin to explain the joy I felt seeing you this morning.” He smiles, “I’m so glad I could surprise you.” “Best surprise ever.” He squeezes your hand, and you drive back to your hotel. You meet back up with the guys and talk for a while in the lobby before you let out a yawn, which causes a chain reaction. As you guys start heading for your rooms, Yuto asks, “We’re going to make the trip over to Nagano, my hometown, tomorrow if you want to come with us?” You smile, “I’d love to.” Hyunggu makes no effort to follow the boys, “You’re all mine tonight?” He smirks, and as the elevator door closes, he goes, “Yeah, and I have just the idea on how to celebrate your win~”
Your next races weren’t as successful as the Suzuka race, but you didn’t mind too much. After all, considering all the celebrating. The little trip you got to spend with the seven of them in Nagano while it wasn’t long. It made you feel refreshed, and nothing could change that. Your giddy feeling didn’t fade no matter your placement, even when you placed 11th in Brazil. You were proud you had made it either way. Maybe you weren’t winning a cup for your performance, but it was a wonderful feeling to say you won a race in the Grand Prix. Your last place in Abu Dhabi was 2nd, and you finished on a good note, too. And you couldn’t help but feel more accomplished as you returned home. 
You get off the plane, excited to be back home. You make your way to the exit when you see someone holding a sign with your name. “Welcome home, (Y/n)!” You get up closer and see it’s their manager. He smiles as you reach him, “The boys sent me to get you.” You grin, “Thanks,” He grabs your luggage and says, “Allow me to take that. The car is waiting for us.” You smile and thank him again as you make your way there. He opens the door for you, you get inside, and he quickly shuts it. You decide where to sit and look back to the backseat to see a grinning Hyunggu. You gasp, and he cheers, “Welcome home!” You waste no time getting into the furthest seat back and flinging your arms around him as the trunk pops and his manager puts away your luggage. Hyunggu giggles as the tailgate shuts, and you smile, “I’m so happy to be home.” He squints at you, “But you’re not at your apartment?” You smile and kiss his nose, “I’m in your arms. That’s home enough for me.” He laughs, “You cheese ball.” 
His manager pops into the driver's seat, shuts the door, and you separate enough to put your seatbelt on. Still holding his hand, he goes, “Do you want to celebrate with the guys today or tomorrow?” You think, “Tomorrow, I’m kind of tired.” He nods, “I figured you would be. Tomorrow it is then.” His manager starts driving you back to your apartment, “So, tell me all about your past racing experiences.” You smile and lean your head on his shoulder as you try to recount everything back to him. He listens well, making sure you know with little hums of agreement when necessary. You continue until you’re almost back, “And that’s pretty much everything you’ve missed. What about the guys?” He laughs as he tells you about their laser tag adventures and how you should come along next time. As you hop out of the car, he gets your luggage, and you both thank his manager, who tells you guys to be safe. You both laugh as you remind him you will. 
You walk up to your apartment hand in hand. And Hyunggu finishes his stories before you reach the door. He asks, “You wanted ramen when you came home, right?” You go, “Yeah,” He nods, “Great, 'cause I ordered some.” You smile as you unlock the door and head inside. You put away your stuff, clean your luggage case, and throw your clothes into the dryer. Hyunggu pulls out the takeout and heats it as you clean up. Lastly, you pull out your trophy and smile at it. You didn’t come home a world champion trophy holder, but you came home with a Grand Prix race trophy, and you couldn’t be more proud to display it. You place fake daisies inside and shine the outside up before putting it into a glass cabinet. 
Hyunggu comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, “I’m so proud of you, baby.” You smile and lean into his hug, “Thank you.” You turn your head to kiss him, and he grins as he kisses you back, “We’ve made it.” He smiles, “I think so.” You hold one of his hands in yours and squeeze it, and he does it back, “Yes?” You smile, “I’m so glad I have you.” He kisses your nape and says, “I’m grateful I have you too.” You smile, and the two of you stand in front of your display case. Inside, sitting side by side is his replica of their ‘Show!’ award and your Suzuka triumph. Through the trials and tribulations, you both came out victorious together. And the rewards were just a mere show of that. The love you held for each other through it all was the true testament of it all.
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anabsolutemyth · 2 years
Heyy, how're doing?? I cry with happiness when I see someone writing for Pentagon. Do you write individual members smut? If so, I couldn't find your limits on what you don't like to write about. ❤️
Hiya, thank you for sending in an ask, I've had a few folk say they're really happy to see someone writing for Pentagon! 😂
You can find my rules here and I've updated my pinned post to make the link more visible. Unfortunately at the moment I'm not taking requests for full fics/oneshots/etc. as I am the worlds slowest writer.
Honestly, I've got maybe 3 or 4 oneshots on the blog (one of which was a passion piece of my own, not a request) and they took months to write. I might land up writing something longer for PTG at some point but as far as requests go it's just the less... prose-ish things I'm doing at the moment.
As for limits (for any kind of requests I am doing), there isn't much detail in the rules because there's really not many limits on what I'll write. I've been in the fic writing game for far too many years to have lots of limits. Plus I'm a kinky soab 😂
Feel free to pop into my inbox at any time if you want to have a moment about any of the guys though! Especially Kino, that man has my heart and soul.
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key201303 · 3 years
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Pairing: boyfriend!Kino x fem!reader
Word count: 1820 words
Warnings: morning sex, hickeys, sex without protection (wrap it before using it kids!), use of the petnames babygirl and baby, some swearing, a bit of teasing, fingering
Genre: smut, fluff
Plot: You promised Kino you would go with him to work out in the early morning but when it comes the moment of the truth and he is your alarm ring tone to wake you up with kisses, things get heated up. Guess you ended up doing another kind of work out 👀🤭
A/N: So the other day I had this weird urge of writing some fluff smut with this kid because he has been living rent free on my mind lately 🥴 Hope you enjoy it ❤
Special thanks -> @earthtostory for always bearing with my hard hours and helping me plot this ❤ ily ❤
Taglist -> @ailoveyuta (let me know if you want to be added!)
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“Babe, come on, it's time to wake up.” Kino said for the nth time today. He has been trying to get you out of bed for the last 15 minutes without success. You’ve been wide awake ever since he kissed you the first good morning kiss a good 10 minutes ago though but your body felt too lazy to get out of bed in the early morning just because he was giving you a few kisses, he’d had to work a bit harder if he really wanted you to open your eyes and get out of bed. “You promised you would wake up early and come with me to do some work out together.” He said, a cute pout appearing on his lips that made you giggle a little bit even though you couldn’t see it. “Oh! You’re awake! Come on, open your eyes already!” He whined, shaking your body and pouting a bit more in an attempt to soften your hard to convince mind. “What do I have to do to wake you up?” He said, already forbidden thoughts clouding his mind. He wasn’t an idiot and even though he acted all innocent, he perfectly knew what his kisses did to you in the early morning. “Should I shake your body a bit more?” He asked, shaking your body and waiting for you to tell him to stop and what you actually wanted. Unfortunately the only answer he got was a growl from you as you moved your body to escape his embrace. “Oh? That isn’t what you want? Then should I kiss your cheeks?” He said, a playful yet impatient tone appearing in his charming voice. He leaned down with a wide smirk to place two soft kisses on your cheeks but once again, your answer was a growl. A loud giggle escaped his lips as he kissed once again your cheek, completely unable to hold it back at how childish you were acting. “Then should I kiss your forehead?” He said, cupping your cheek and placing a soft and caring kiss on your forehead. But once again, you answered with a growl and another giggle escaped his lips. “Oh! I know! Should I kiss your lips?” He said, smirking a bit wider if that was even possible as he slowly got close to your lips. He was finally giving what you wanted and he perfectly knew that. You have been teasing him way too long, now it was his turn.
The kiss was light, more of a lips brush actually, the kind of kiss he knew would tease you to the point of finally opening your eyes and pulling him into a proper kiss. But once again all you did was growl, the only difference was that now you were whining, begging for a longer and deeper kiss. “You don’t want that either? Should I kiss your neck then?” He said smirking, already moving to your exposed neck that felt so inviting to him. He knew you wanted him to kiss you on your lips more, he perfectly knew. But he also knew that acting all innocent and oblivious would turn you on more as well. If you didn’t tease him for so long, maybe he would have been good and gave you what you wanted since the very beginning but you did tease him so take it as a small punishment for not keeping your promise and teasing him.
He started to leave soft butterfly kisses on your neck but soon, they got deeper and longer to the point he started to suck on your soft skin. “Babe… Stop… You’re gonna leave a mark…” You finally said with a thread of voice as you tried to hold back your soft moans. It was useless, he wanted to punish you and his first step was marking you as his. After a few more seconds of him sucking on your skin and you already letting your soft moans escape your lips, he finished what he always loved to call his most precious masterpiece. “You look so fucking hot with that on your neck baby, specially if I’m the one making them.” He said before placing a few more soft kisses on your already sensitive skin because of the hickey he just made. “Are you wide awake now?” He said, a groan almost escaping his lips when your hand ‘accidentally’ touched his bulge. But, once again you just growled. “Then I’ll have to keep going on, you need to wake up to fix what you have done baby.” He whispered with a husky voice into your ear right before sucking your neck once again to create a new and beautiful hickey next to the first one.
As time went by, you wanted more and more from him and so did he. “If you don’t wake up and tell me what you want I can’t do anything baby girl.” He said, kissing your cheeks again to end up kissing your lips deeply and full of hanger. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of winning, at least not yet. So instead of giving up and opening your eyes to tell him what you wanted him to do, you took his hand and guided it to your dripping core. “You’re already this wet for me, baby girl? I haven’t even started.” He said as his fingers met your core and he slowly started to rub them against your clit, sending numerous chills down your spine. Soft moans started to leave your lips and your sleepy voice started to call out his name, making him struggle quite a lot to keep his manners and control his strong desires. “If you don’t wake up, then I can do whatever I want, right?” He said, curling his fingers and making you feel an undescriptible pleasure. He wanted to take you to your edge in no time so you were begging to be ruined. His fingers pace increased as seconds went by, his groans getting more repeatedly as he tried his best to control himself, your hands forming strong fists as you grabbed the bed sheets trying to hold back the loud sounds that were threatening to escape your lips and your eyes shut as you tried to keep acting sleepy. “Aren’t you going to open your eyes, babygirl?” He said. The smirk he has had all this time has disappeared to be replaced by the gorgeous image of him biting his lower lip as he tried to control himself from pushing his hand away from your pulsing core and start using his hard member. “Don’t complain later about hickeys then.” He added, leaning down to start kissing your neck once again, leaving some more love marks.
His kisses didn’t last for much longer as he started to get more and more impatient and as he felt you pushing himself closer to your body. With a single move, he fully removed your panties and his boxers, throwing them in some nook of the small room. “You better open your eyes now baby, I want to see those beautiful eyes while I fuck you.” Kino said, his voice reflecting a dark tone that never failed to drive you crazy. You have teased him enough and, honestly, you also missed seeing his face while he took you to Heaven. Slowly, you started to finally open your eyes, meeting the most beautiful frame you could ever think of. His dark hair was slightly covering his beautiful eyes, giving him a sexy yet cute vibe, a few sweat drops were falling from his forehead and his lips wore a beautiful pinkish tone due to the amount of hickeys he had left on your neck and collarbone. You couldn’t imagine any better image of him and you had to admit you have never seen him looking as sexy as he looked right then and right there. “Fuck, your eyes are so dam beautiful baby.” He said, leaning in to kiss you deeply as he pushed his hips against yours, making you gasp at the sudden feeling. He tried his best to keep kissing you, wanting to drown your moans on his but it was impossible. “Holy shit, you’re so fucking tight. I love it, baby.” He struggled to say, feeling like reaching his high already. You had no idea the effect you had on him. “I love you so fucking much.” He whispered into your ear without slowing down his fast pace, leaving a few butterfly kisses on the hickeys he made a few minutes ago. Those words really made your heart melt, especially when he pronounced them in such an intimate and special moment.
His thrusts started to get slower as he wanted the moment to last forever and as he wanted you to feel him as much as possible. His movements started to get more and more sensual as seconds went by, making you weaker and weaker. Soon, his name started to fall from your parted lips like a mantra, asking him for more, encouraging him to go faster. But his speed never changed, making you reach your high even sooner. “Cum for me baby.” He struggled to say when he felt your walls dangerously clenching around his hard member, grabbing your hand tightly above your head and kissing your lips messily to drown your loud moans. After all, it was early in the morning and none of you wanted the neighbors to knock on your door asking you to be a bit quieter next time you decided to have sex at 8am.
Before you could even warn him, your body released all your juices around his hard member, making him reach his high in no time as well. “Fuck baby, you’re amazing.” He said panting, trying to catch his breath as he laid down next to you. “Oh, good morning, love.” You said, acting like nothing happened and cuddling into his arms. “Now you tell me good morning?” He said laughing, leaving a soft peck on your forehead. You didn’t want your teasing to end and he would never hear the end of it. “I just woke up, when do you want me to say good morning then?” You giggled, acting all innocent and making him laugh a bit more. “Why are you laughing?? And why are you naked?” You added, giving him a devilish smirk that clearly let him know your intentions. “We just had the best sex ever, are you sure you don’t remember?” He said, smirking as well and looking down at you with curious eyes. “Wasn’t it a dream?” You said, giving him the best surprise face you could make. “Are you serious?” He said bursting into laughter, not believing you were really using that excuse to have a second round. “Okay you got me, can’t we forget about the working out thing and have round two?” You finally admitted, looking at him with those puppy eyes you knew he could never resist.
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tinyverse-writes · 3 years
simply romantic (kang hyunggu)
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pairing: non-idol!kino x fem reader
genre: fluff, implied smut
warnings: none (i guess?)
synopsis: it is a new chapter for the both of your lives for you and hyunggu and both of you had fun indeed but of course, after the event, you two got tired and decided to finally call it a day to get some sleep not until some certain noises coming from the room next to yours made the two of you unable to fall asleep but then again, your husband thinks of a way to help both of you to relax in a simple yet romantic way possible.
word count: 2.3k
grammatical errors and mistakes ahead
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hyunggu is a kind of boyfriend that he may not spoil you with everything, but he makes sure that you will find it romantic even in the most simple way. from that time when he sneakily gives you small gifts and letters when he was secretly admiring you during in highschool, when he finally confessed to you in college by bringing you to his secret place which is by a flower field and told you that he cannot hide it anymore that he likes you as you two watched the sun dips at the horizon, in each of your dates he makes sure it is romantic no matter what kind and where the date is, and until a couple of years later, he finally proposed to you. right at the very place where he confessed and where your first date was held; at the flower field which serves as a special place that both of you know ever since your relationship started. both of you decided to go to that flower field (actually he wanted to bring you there as a part of his plan for the proposal) and had a picnic there just like on your first date. the two of you made some flower crown and wore it until he went "you know what, i think flower crown is just not enough. hmmm.." he pretended to think for a moment. "ah! i know!" then he knelt on the grassy field and pulled out a small velvet box, revealing what's inside; a diamond ring that perfectly reflects the light coming from the sun that was setting. your eyes started to get watery uncontrollably the moment the ring was shown right before your sight and tears started to pour when he said those words, "y/n, will you be the reason why i want to see the sunset everyday, why i want to see the stars shine in the night sky" his eyes that stares at you lovingly began to get misty. "y/n" he took a pause. "will you marry me?" and with that, you wasted no time to say 'yes' right away without any speech or whatsoever and jumped into his arms the moment after he slips the ring to your finger and when he stood up. hyunggu squeezed you tight like you're about to disappear into the thin air then pulls away to cup your face, wiping your tears with his thumb then the both of you shared a kiss that was full of passion which never failed to make you feel butterflies in your stomach and so did he.
even though you admit it was cheesy, you found it romantic and he deserves a pat on the back (and maybe more than that) for doing a great job. all of those romantic things that he's done to you can't help you but to smile upon remembering them even right now where you are standing in the middle of a room, lower half feeling a bit heavy from your wedding dress that you're currently wearing which is being fixed by the designer for finishing touches before you come out from the room and walk down the aisle. the designer snaps you out from your little flashbacks that you had in mind, telling you that you're ready to come out any minute now then left the room. you took the time to check yourself in the mirror while holding a bouquet in your hands. if hyunggu sees you like this, he's probably gonna say "you look like a fairy sweetheart" just like what he said on your first date when you showed him the daisies that you picked on the field that matches well with your dress that has daisies embroidered around it. you were broken from your trance once again by a knock on the door followed by a voice coming from the wedding coordinator.
"the wedding is starting any minute now. are you ready for your bridal march?" the wedding coordinator asked then you hummed as you nodded as a response then accompanied you out from the room to the function hall of the hotel.
here you go. finally marrying the man that you had a small crush on during your last years in highschool, the man that never fails to amaze you in every simple romantic things that he do, the man that you love since day 1 and that man is kang hyunggu.
you feel your heart racing and palms slightly sweating as it's almost your queue to walk down the aisle. you were able to see hyunggu tiptoeing while peeking you from afar by how excited he is which made you giggle a bit especially when you saw him pout when he's unable to see you clearly. and there it goes. you took your first step before finally walking down the aisle, palchelbel's canon in d playing at the background by the orchestra as you do so. you're then joined by your father who linked your arm with his and walked you towards the end of the aisle where hyunggu is standing, fully dressed with his tux and everything and staring at you with those same loving eyes that he has ever since he laid his eyes on you. as soon as you and your dad are at the end of the aisle, he lend your hand to hyunggu, both literally and figuratively, as your dad gave you a proud look before he walks away and went to his seat. hyunggu held both of your hands and said "you look like a fairy sweetheart", just as what you thought. then he smiled before he guides you to the altar where you two shared your vows, wear each other your rings, said i do, then finally sealed your marriage with a kiss. the guests cheered as you two did and also chanting for another kiss which you two complied, earning another cheer from the guests.
after the wedding, it's time for the reception which is held at the same function hall where the ceremony was held. but before that, you turned your back while the ladies, mostly your bridesmaids, gathered right behind you, waiting for you to finally throw the bouquet at them which was luckily caught by your friend who was squealing and gave the guy, which is one of hyunggu's friends, a knowing look.
both the wedding and the reception was a blast and both of you had fun indeed. not just because your wedding was held at one of the most fanciest hotel but because all the preparation paid off. from the planning, the venue, the outfits, and everything.
the reception ended and honestly you two are tired from standing (and even sitting) for hours and walking from table-to-table just to accommodate the guests as well. after receiving a lot of congratulations from the guests who approached you and hyunggu one by one as soon as the reception ended, you two left the function hall and headed straight to the elevator, going to the floor where your room is. when the elevator door opened, instead of you walking towards the room, your husband slips his arm behind your knees that are covered by your dress then carries you bridal style towards the room, struggling a bit to open the door which caused you to laugh lightly. you two stepped inside the room, him kicking the door closed and locked it afterwards before he walked towards the bed, placing you on the mattress gently. he crawled on the bed, hovering above you as he loosened the tie of his suit before he leans closer and showers you with kisses. hooking your arms around his shoulders, you giggle at his touch which was then interrupted when he kisses you slowly, your hands cupping his face as you kissed him back in the same pace as his. he pressed his forehead against yours after he pulls away, staring straight at your eyes lovingly.
"hi there mrs. kang." he says, laughing lightly. "how are you feeling?"
"pretty tired.. and i think i like it when i am called as mrs. kang" you answered after a hum. "how about you?"
"same goes for me" he slumps down next to you on the mattress. "but of course you don't know how happy i am now that you're finally my wife. you better get used to be called mrs. kang baby." he booped your nose gently which caused you to giggle. you scooted closer to him, resting your head on his chest while he wraps an arm around you before you looked up at him and pecked his lips then giggled. both of you stayed there, feeling each other's warmth and presence to put yourselves to sleep until a noise from the room next door disturbs your little moment. moans that are getting louder coming from that room awakes both of your senses despite how you two want to sleep already. both you and hyunggu found the one of the voices familiar.
"wait, was that-"
"yep." hyunggu nodded, knowing that both of you referring to one person and it was one of his friends. "uhh whose room was that by the way?" he asked.
"it was y/f/n's room" you answered. "actually i saw the way she looked at him when she caught my bouquet"
"oh really?" he said with a little laugh. "it seems that they hooked up huh."
"hey! the newlyweds are trying to sleep here!" you yelled, hitting the wall by the headboard of the bed which made hyunggu laugh.
"i don't think they could hear us, they're too busy" hyunggu added.
you groaned in frustration as you slumped back down on the bed "now how are we going to sleep?" you asked.
you two remained on the bed but your husband had something in his mind.
"ah- wait right here sweetie" hyunggu said as he hops off from the bed and goes to the bathroom.
he turns on the faucet of the bathtub and fills it up, making sure that the water is at the right temperature before he poured some lavender scented body wash into the water, creating a bubble bath. knowing hyunggu, he'll probably think of something else to level up the bath so he searches the bathroom for anything that he could use. luckily he found a few candles and a lighter in one of the cabinets in the bathroom and places them on the rim of the bathtub which was rectangular and flat then he lights up each of the candle. he didn't just stop there. he sees some roses on a flower vase which was on top of the sink and picks them up, plucking it's petals one by one and scattering them in the bathtub. as soon as he deems that it's all ready and perfect, he left the bathroom.
"baby~" he called as he steps out from the bathroom then sees you that you're still laying down on the bed.
"ugh they're not done yet." you said referring to what's happening in the room next door.
"now come here baby" he stood next to the bed, waiting for you to rise up.
as soon as you hop off from the bed, he tells you to turn around and you did as he said so. he starts to untie the strings of the back of your wedding dress, trailing feather light kisses on your bare shoulder up to your neck and jaw which caused a small sigh of satisfaction leaving your lips. as the strings in your dress are all undone, hyunggu helps you slip off your dress before he starts to undress as well. after stripping off his clothes he guides you to the bathroom then shows you the rose-petal-scattered bubble bath that he made while he gradually dimmed the lights in the bathroom that gave emphasis to the light coming from the candles. and to be honest, you're amused by how he simply pulled that off.
"woah- you never really fail to amaze me darling" you said which made him chuckle.
"it's lavender." he gestures you to step in the tub first "it helps you reduce your stress and relaxes you even more." he added as you dip your toes first, inhaling the scent of what he used in the tub before dipping yourself completely. he joined you right after, him sitting right behind you and leaned himself at the tub while you lean on his bare chest. he scoops up some water with his hand and pours them over your shoulder, occasionally rubbing small circles against your soft skin which made you hum in satisfaction. you can't help but to let yourself relax in the bath and with how his tender touch feels against your skin. few moments later you turned around and started cleaning him up. as you do the same thing at him, you weren't able to notice how he stares at you lovingly for one to many times already. he then interrupted you by bringing your arms over his shoulders which made you to look up at him with the same sparkle in your eyes like he has.
if there is something that hyunggu had in mind for your first night together as husband and wife, that is to make it very special. he leans in, pecking your lips a few times before kissing you in a slow and passionate way. you kissed him back in the same manner, arms that are on his shoulders are now wrapped at the back of his neck. both of his arms fall down to your waist and he pulls you closer, tilting his head to the side as he deepens the kiss. you two pulled away after a minute or two, pressing forehead against each other.
"oh hyunggu, darling, you never fail to make simple things romantic." you coo, brushing your thumb against his cheek.
"of course. i am simply romantic just for you and only for you baby." both of you chuckled before you two kissed once again but this time, much deeper. and for once again, hyunggu never failed to be simply romantic just for you, especially now that both of your hearts became one.
- by tinyverse-writes
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gamerwoo · 3 years
Kino: Goodbye To A World
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Characters: Kino x reader (gender neutral) ((if i accidentally used any pronouns im sorry i didn’t edit this im lazy))
Genre/warnings: attack on titan au, angst, reader is ✨dead✨, just a lot of sadness tbh
Word count: 1,052
Summary: Thank you, I’ll say goodbye soon. Though it’s the end of the world, don’t blame yourself now. And if it’s true, I will surround you, and give life to a world that’s our own.
a/n: this was inspired by goodbye to a world by porter robinson!!! and since i just caught up on aot today i decided to make it an aot au hehe (but this would be more around like season 1 or 2 rather than season 4)
Pentagon Song Series Masterlist
Laying in bed, Hyunggu pressed the play button again. He clutched the tape recorder to his chest, staring at the ceiling as tears slid from his eyes and down his temples. He wasn’t sobbing anymore. It was just silent crying now.
“K-Kino...” your voice was soft and you were panting like you were struggling to breath. Hearing the nickname you’d given him since you were in the training corps made his heart flutter and also sink. He’d never hear you say it again -- not outside of this recording, “th-thank you... For...everything...”
Nobody wanted to tell him the shape you were in when they went to look for you and found the tape recording clutched in both hands, keeping it close to your chest. Nobody wanted to tell him, but after so much begging and pleading because he needed to know you weren’t in any pain when you died, Jinho finally broke.
“______ was a fucking mess, okay?!” he had shouted at the younger boy, tears spilling down his face. He stared your best friend dead in the eyes as he had to tell him how he, Hongseok, and Wooseok had found you. “We found them in some dirty alleyway with their legs bitten off! They died a slow, painful death as they lost blood, okay?! Is that what you wanted to hear, Hyunggu?!”
The rest of the squad later reprimanded Jinho for telling him, but he felt better knowing. He was glad he wasn’t lied to, either. He didn’t want to go his life thinking you had died painlessly and fast when you actually suffered. He didn’t know why he felt that way, he just did.
But it also made your last message to him that much sadder. It meant that much more to him. You weren’t out of breath from running to hide from titans. You were out of breath because you were breathing you last ones. You were using your final moments to record a message for him.
“I’ll...have to s-say goodbye soon,” you breathed before inhaling painfully and slowly. You coughed, making Hyunggu sniffle, “but...p-please, Kino...d-don’t blame yourself.”
He hoped that hearing you say that over and over again would help him not place the blame on himself. If only he was there. If only your squad didn’t split up. If only he was placed with you. Maybe he could’ve done something. Maybe it could’ve been instead. Anything to keep you alive.
“I know...--” you stopped to cough, and Hyunggu held the recorded tighter. “I know...shit’s bleak. Though it s-seems like...the end of the...f-fucking world...don’t blame yourself, es-specially...not...n-now.”
As you went into a coughing fit, he cleared his throat and closed his eyes.
“The commander... H-he always... He t-talked about our d-dead comrades w-watching over us,” you continued. “And...i-if it’s true...I will...a-always be w-with you...Kino. I’ll...surround y-you...and make you n-not sad a-any...m-more.”
His jaw clenched as his eyes squeezed shut, a loud sob wanting to escape his throat. But he didn’t want anyone coming to check on him. He wanted to just be alone.
He should’ve told you how he felt when he had the chance. Hell, he should’ve said something when you were in the training corps. But now you were gone, and all he had was this recording; this one-sided conversation.
“Y-you have to...keep...f-fighting...Kino,” you were almost gasping for breath at this point. 
His knuckles were white as he gripped the recorder as if it would somehow bring you back or keep whatever was left of you on this earth with him. Why did it have to be you? Why couldn’t you stay with him? Why was life so cruel? Why? Why? Why?
“Give life...to...a n-new world,” you coughed, “that’s...y-your own... For humanity...for...m-me.”
A soft whimper sounded in his chest.
“I...love you...Kino.”
The button popped back up, signaling the end of the recording. But like always, he pressed it again. He’d already pressed it maybe 100 or more times. He’d been laying in bed so long that he couldn’t keep track of the time anymore.
This time when it played, it was skipping. He wasn’t surprised -- he knew it would break eventually if he kept playing it. 
“Thank you...” your voice said. “I’ll-- say goodbye soon. Though-- it’s-- the end of the-- world...don’t blame yourself-- now.”
It was like the skips were calculated somehow, saying the most important parts of your message. It was cutting out the parts where you stuttered or were panting -- the parts that especially made you sound like you were in pain.
“And-- if it’s true-- i will-- surround you-- and-- give life to a-- world that’s --our own.”
The button popped back up.
Hyunggu pressed it back down.
“Thank you, I’ll say goodbye soon. Though it’s the end of the world, don’t blame yourself now.”
Now, the skipping somehow seemed more smooth. Maybe he was imagining it, just wanting to make himself feel better -- or from listening to it so many times -- but it made you sound less in pain. It was like he was hearing you speak to him from wherever you were now. You sounded...peaceful. It made him happy.
“And if it’s true, I will surround you, and give life to a world that’s our own.”
The button popped back up.
Hyunggu pressed it back down.
Now it sounded static-y. But you still sounded like those were your full sentences and not just skips from a broken tape recorder.
The button popped back up.
Hyunggu pressed it back down.
This time, it sounded fainter. It was more distorted now, too.
The button popped back up.
Hyunggu pressed it back down.
Had he not had the words of your message memorized by heart by now, he wouldn’t even know what you were saying. It was even choppier now, but even more distorted. It didn’t even sound like a person speaking, or like real words.
It got to the second half, and Hyunggu was choking back tears as he tried to hang onto every word he could until the stupid thing broke completely.
“I will surround you--”
The ‘you’ dipped down in tone before playing out a single sound that didn’t stop. After a few seconds, the tone dipped down again before the recording went silent.
The button popped back up.
Hunggu pressed it back down.
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huihuiheart · 4 years
Goretober D30: Gone - Pentagon
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Pentagon + Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: Disappearing themes (somewhat explained, not really), stalker themes, forgotten/abandonment themes, yandere themes? at the end kinda.
Word Count: 1,536
You bounded back into the circle of a group with a soft huff. The guys being boisterous as usual. Only to find that the group was one short of the right number, looking around with furrowed brows as you tried to place his face somewhere.
“Guys where’s Jinho? Is he not back yet? I thought he was right here when I left with Wooseok and Yuto?” You ask the carefree ones who turn to you between laughter looking just as confused as you did.
“Who? Y/N no one’s missing. Everyone’s here. Count again. You don’t have to make up some Jinho character just for laughs. You’re funny enough without doing that.” Hoetaek seems rather calm as he speaks as if he had no memory of the missing man. Just like they’d had no memory of Hyojong when you called him up a week ago only to find that he’d disappeared like Jinho now had. 
“I’m being serious you guys, something isn’t right. I-I just want to find our friends before anyone else can disappear.” You sigh softly shaking your head as Hongseok places a hand on your shoulder gently.
“Y/N are you okay? This is the second person you made up now? Are these friends of yours from somewhere else?” Wooseok looks at you with soft eyes and you frown softly.
“N-No they’re our friends....I-I just...I-I don’t know why none of you can remember them.” A sudden sharp pang shoots through your head making your vision spotty and you to wince away holding your head in your hands as you stumble back. Calls of your name from the boys as they rush over to keep you from hitting the ground. When you come back to reality you blink your eyes open to find the spot where Wooseok had been standing empty. Jolting you back with a surge of adrenaline as you look around with no luck as you can’t spot him anywhere.
“Woo? Woo, where are you?” You call out frantically looking around until Hongseok catches you in his arms trying to calm you down.
“Alright Y/N I think you’ve had a long day and it’s getting to you, so just rest up for now and let your head and body recover and in the morning we can maybe talk about this some alright?” Hoetaek doesn’t give you much choice after his reasoning words though having Hongseok and Shinwon escort you to your room to promptly get some rest, which after much tossing and turning finally came when you grew too exhausted to fight it any longer. Your fears confirmed when Shinwon woke you for breakfast the next morning only to find one less person than there was supposed to be at the table. Hoetaek’s spot empty of even a table setting. 
“Great! Now Hoetaek’s gone too?” Your voice is pressed and sarcastic, on the verge of tears as Yuto looks at you worried. 
“Y/N? Who is Hoetaek? What is going on with you? Please....please talk to us.” Concern bleeding into his voice as he steps over to you, looking over you to check if you were alright.
“People from our group keep disappearing and every time they do you all instantly forget who they are. One person and I thought I was losing my mind, but now four people are missing and I’m kind of really freaking out right now.” Your words quake with panic as you try not to entirely lose your mind especially when they already hadn’t been believing you as is.
“If we helped you look would it calm you some? Don’t know that we’ll find anything. Or if we’ll even believe you without finding anything, but we want to make sure you’re alright and if looking with you will help....then maybe we should just try to figure it out together, alright?” Hyunggu offers and you nod appreciative of the fact that even if they didn’t believe you they were still willing to help you in anyway that they can.
“It would. Why don’t we eat and maybe grab somethings that feel useful and we could start looking around for an explanation?” You suggest and no one argues though Changgu’s eyes are watching you closely, something you chalked up to the concern they all had over your condition especially after you nearly collapsed the night before. Gasping and clutching as it happened again, holding your head in pain and looking around. This time you could only watch as Shinwon disappeared between blinks before your very eyes.
“Y/N?” Yanan calls from your side gently rubbing your back, “Do you want any headache medicine or anything?” 
“N-No it’s just.....I-I just watched it happen. S-Shinwon is gone now....l-look his cereal is still there.” You point across the table where sure enough Shinwon no longer was, but a half touched bowl of cereal still sat all alone. That enough to get some of their attention at least.
“Okay, that is weird....maybe Y/N is realizing something the rest of us don’t.” Yuto agrees as Yanan moves to clean it up. Before any of you get a chance to go anywhere or do anything though Changgu clears his throat to get everyone’s attention onto him.
“I think the first thing we need to do is take Y/N to the hospital. At the very least Y/N is getting bad head pains and we need to see what is causing that.” Changgu firmly speaks as he stands from the table to come over and help you up just in case the pain early did anything to throw you off.
“Fine, but nothing is wrong with me you’ll see.” You insist with a soft huff, but don’t fight as they help you into the car. Noticing that there’s going to be one less as Yuto has joined the ranks of missing people somewhere along the way to the car. You’re feeling light headed as you get in though, resting your head against Yanan’s shoulder, but afraid to so much as blink in fear that another would be gone once you did at the rate they were vanishing. 
Hongseok helped you out upon arrival and as you sit there the pain comes again gaining the attention of the nurses and staff as you grasp Yanan’s hand tightly. Until you feel it fading away, along with the soft spoken man who had been to your left. Your nails soon digging into your palm as you tried to hold onto him, despite it being no use. You were stuck at the hospital with now just the three boys left when you could be out looking for clues as to what was happening to them and trying to get them back to you and that irritated you. Somehow though it was draining you, making it hard to stay up without help and the pain when it came was crippling in nature.  The nurses quick to get you into a bed and an iv with some pain medication in it for you, something that made you extremely drowsy, despite your fighting it.
“If you need to rest Y/N go ahead. It’s alright.” Hyunggu gives you a soft smile and that is enough to lull you to sleep, something you wouldn’t have done had you known he’d be gone by the time you woke again.
“Here drink some water Y/N it might help. We’re still waiting on some test results, but so far they think you’re just too stressed and it’s negatively affecting your body physically.” Hongseok speaks gently, helping you sit up to drink the water he’s offering. Treating you as if your made of glass, which after they say the effect of these head pains on you seemed rather reasonable. Glancing through the glass wall as you sip on the water to see Changgu speaking to the doctor before returning to you two.
“The doctor said you’re free to go for now. But you have to take it easy for a bit or the headaches get any worse then you need to come back.” Changgu tells you and the two are quick to help you as you practically try to leap from the bed unassisted. Hongseok scolding you under his breath for being reckless with your help you to the car and into a leaned back seat so you could rest.
“Oh wait Hongseok, I forgot to ask what...” Your words die as you turn to look where Hongseok had gotten into the car to see he wasn’t there anymore, “Changgu, everyone else is gone we have to figure out what happened to them before it happens to you too.”
“Oh I already know what happened to everyone else Y/N....after all someone had to be behind it didn’t they?” Changgu’s response is so calm and yet something about his tone of voice is eerie, concerning you and making you feel the need to run.
“W-What is that supposed to mean Changgu?” You stutter hoping this was just a residual of whatever meds they had given to you in the hospital.
“I mean I found a way to get rid of them Y/N. They took too much of your attention and now.....now you can give it all to me. It can be just us two, forever.”
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pocket-scenarios · 4 years
22 + 14 with kino!!!
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(Admin: Sxng Please read the 4th Anniversary/August update post)
14:  “Are you mad at me?”
22: Giving you their jacket.
Hyunggu is late, four hours late, to be exact. If it was someone else, you would have left after the first hour, but this is Hyunggu. Your best friend, someone who has never done something like this before. Of course, you were worried, but then he answered your text, he was caught in a meeting but promised to be there soon, two hours ago. You sigh, deciding to leave, even if he is finally on his way.
Nothing ever goes your way, of course, it is raining when you decide to leave, and of course, you did not bring an umbrella. Before your internal monologue of various swears directed at your friend can begin, the hood of his jacket is resting on your head.
"Y'N," he says breathily as if he as just run here, "I'm so sorry, I forgot about meeting you, and then the meeting got called."
"I should have texted you sooner."
"Are you mad at me?"
"Of course."
Hyunggu laughs: "I'll make it up to you tomorrow since it's late."
"Don't forget this time," you tease.
|| Masterlist || Submit A Request || Drabble Game ||
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soulangel · 4 years
Pentagon Masterlist
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Genre Key:
M-Mature // F-Fluff // A-Angst // S-Series // SM-Social Media
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br0ken-writes · 5 years
Word count: 348
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When he uttered those few words, your world shattered into piece likes it was made of glass.
“Could you stay just a little longer?” Hyunggu asked, voice quiet and trembling as silent tears ran down his face. It was the start of fall and it was raining at a steady pace since the late night into the next day and was starting to rain just a little harder when you told him the news of you moving on.
You and Hyunggu had been dating for years now but times were changing, his group was getting more popular which cause the media to become more focused on the members; this fact didn’t bother you but when you realized the two of you needed to be more careful about your relationship but that didn’t bother you much either. You were happy for Hyunggu and motivated him his entire career, you just didn’t know what had changed but you knew you needed to move on. You started applying to more jobs in your desired career and ask who you were currently working with about transferring and the window finally open where you were able to leave and move on.
“My company has an opening to transfer, I’m going to take it.” You told him, sitting next to him on the couch. He stayed silent for a moment before opening his mouth to speak but no words came out “I leave in two days, I’ve already got a place lined up to live and everything,” You went on when he didn’t reply “Does, does this mean?” He was finally able to speak and he asked in a hoarse voice, unable to finish his sentence. You nodded silently and he swallowed hard “I’m leaving, it’s over.” You said voice calm as you tried to keep it from shaking. You stood up to leave but he grabbed your hand lightly when you back turned to him, stopping you from leaving as tears started to prick behind your eyes as he said those words that made you break.
“Could you stay, just a little longer?”
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Can’t we be Together?
GENRE: Angst
PAIRING: Reader X Kino
AU: Maid!Reader X Prince!Kino
REQUESTED BY: @shining-universe ✨
As you stared at the tinted glass with a damp rag in your hands, you felt someone has their gaze set heavily on you. You gulped and then started to wipe the colored window, hoping the heavy gaze be lifted away from you. You hear a familiar chuckle, you took a deep breath and looked behind you.
It was none other than the dashing Prince Kino, his eyes glinted with happiness and his lips were curved into a charming smile. He walked to you and stared at your face, as it slowly turned red from being flustered seeing the prince.
Kino laughed at how adorable you were, and then smiled “You’ve been working so hard lately darling, I’ll let you have a break.” He said, his tone was covered in sweetness and care. He took the damp rag and placed it in the wooden bucket.
“Your highness, I should be working... The king ordered me to do so!” You squeaked out, making sure that your voice wasn’t raised at the Prince. You take the rag out off the bucket and started wiping the tinted window.
You felt two built hands pull you away from the tinted window, “Love, I want us to have a little time together...” Kino said softly, caressing your face. You laughed and kissed your lover, you two have been secretly been going on dates in late nights, you two pull away from the kiss and you two stared at each other lovingly
Then a loud bang from a door made you two flinch, you two turned to see the king was furious, anger was fuming through him.
“I CANNOT BELIVE MY TWO EYES. MY SON LOVING A COMMON WOMAN? MORE LIKELY A SLAVE!” He screamed, making you cower. Kino protected you, he stood over you, protecting you from his dad.
“Father. I lover her, she understands me more than you do!” Kino snapped, making his father more furious.
“I’m not royalty Prince K-Kino, I’m just a common person. You have to love someone who is royalty, the king is right.” You shakily said, he looked at you.
“But we can be together right?” Kino asked, with pitying hope that was in his voice. Kino approaches you, his hand wanting to hold yours.
“No you cannot, she is now going out of the castle.” The King pulled you away from Kino.
“You are never going to step foot on this castle, ever again.” The king growled, he threw the bucket at you, soaking you in dirty water.
“Guards. Get her out of here.” Kino looked at you with tears in his eyes, as guards pulled you away from him.
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shinwonsaysomething · 5 years
Drunken Text - Kim Hyojong
Words: 1.5K Genre: Angst(-ish) with a fluffy ending, OneShot
Summary: Your friend Hyojong calls and texts you late at night to tell you he is sorry for the fight you two had. Because he is drunk he says thinks that make you feel happy, confused and mad.  A/N: Nobody asked, but I really wanted to make a Hyojong story, because I never made one. I hope you all like it too. In the story Hyojong isn’t in a relationship with Hyuna. It story is just for fun and I fully support their relationship. 🌱🌸
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Your phone lights up in the darkness of your bedroom. The bright light wakes you up. You see multiple notifications of a unknown number calling you. You open your phone, struggling to read because you are still tired. Why would someone try to call you more than 10 times at 3 am? First you read the text message of the unknown caller. You mumble the text to yourself:
"Heey this is Yanan, You don't know me, but your friend Hyojong tried to call you with my phone multiple times. He is pretty drunk and I took away his phone, because he asked me to. Apparently he found my phone and decided to call you. I am very sorry for all the disturbance".
You thank Yanan for the clarification and asks him why Hyojong tried to call you. You and Hyojong were close friends but you two had a giant fight because Hyojong was being so distant and acted like a total asshole. Before Yanan can reply, you receive multiple text from Hyojong.
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You sigh. You are really not in the mood to talk to Hyojong, but still a side of you worries about him. He usually doesn't drink so much unless something is really bothering him. You never wanted to admit that you felt more towards Hyojong than just friendship. Maybe that is why you reacted extra emotional to him pushing away from you. You love it when he is near you and is just his clingy self. His words really hurt your feelings, but as much as you wanted to hate him you just couldn't. You decide to reply.
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 More texts pop up and before you know you decide to text him back. Why are you doing this, you are still mad at him. After you send the last text you want to throw your phone away. For some reason tears start to fill your eyes and you just feel confused. You phone lights up again. You try to ignore it, but the messages keep on coming. You open your phone again to read the messages.
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What the hell... You don't know how to feel. You feel mad. You are not okay with him being drunk and not okay with the fact that he just says stuff without thinking. You just stare at the phone while more messages pop up. Your heart hurts, because you really want to hear him say he loves you, but not as a lie because he is drunk. You sit with your back against the wall with your knees pulled up against your chest. Next to you lies the teddy bear Hyojong got you three years ago. You hug the teddy bear and smile through your tears. You decide to call Hyojong. The phone rings, but he doesn't pick up. You call him again. Still no answer. You text him to pick up, but he doesn't react. You start to get worried. You text Yanan instead.
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 You get dressed and hop in the car after you receive Yanan's messages. After a half hour drive you arrive at Yanan's home. Your heart drops as you knock on the door. Coming to a strangers house to pick up Hyojong isn't something you thought you would do at 5 in the morning. A tall man opens the door. It makes you feel very small right of the bat. He is so much taller than Hyojong. He greets you with a smile and introduces himself. "Heey Y/N, I am Yanan. I am so sorry you got to go all this way. We had some drinks, but Hyojong had a bit more than I thought he would. I sadly couldn't bring him myself" Yanan says and scratches the back of his head. "No worries, I wanted to pick him up anyway. We really need to talk. I should be sorry for interrupting your movie night". Some other boys also come to greet you. They tell you Hyojong has told a lot about you. You introduce yourself politely, but your mind still with Hyojong. "Where is the bathroom?" you say as you turn back to Yanan. Upstairs and at the end of the hallway. You make your way up the stairs and your heart starts to race some more.
You knock on the bathroom door. You can hear Hyojong sobbing. "Hyojong... It is me... Can you please open the door?" you say. The sobbing becomes softer. It sounds like he is trying to hide it. "Hyojong I know you are in there. Please let's just talk". The sound of the door unlocking is followed with cracking the door. Hyojong is now standing in from of you.  He isn't looking at you and quickly wiped away his tears. "Why did you come?" he asks. You can hear he is a bit less drunk than when he first texted you. "I want to talk with you" you say and sit down on the edge of the bathtub. Hyojong sits down next to you.
"First of I want you to know that I don't hate you, I never could. I was just mad and sad". Hyojong looks up and starts talking. "I really meant what I said Y/N. I seriously like you. That is why I called you annoying for being so clingy and that is why I said those things. I was afraid that if I gave in to my feelings I might lose you, but fighting with you wasn't what I wanted either. I just don't want to lose you. I can totally understand it if you don't like me and that you wan-". You smile at his rambling and decide to interrupt him with a kiss. "The reason why I was mad and sad was because I really like you and I was hurt by your words. I know you just say you like me because you are drunk, but I am not. I like you Hyojong". Hyojong looks at you confused. "Wow wait. Please tell me I am not imagining this because I am drunk, but did you just kiss me and told me you like me?". You smile and nod. Hyojong smiles. "Maybe this helps" You kiss him again.
"Y/N, I am seriously so sorry. Please believe me when I say, I really love you" Hyojong says. You laugh and take his hand. "Come on, I will take you home" you say. "You don't believe me do you?" Hyojong says. "Once you had some water, some good rest and you will tell me this again, I will believe you, but for now I think you are still too drunk". You say goodbye to Yanan and the other boys and bring Hyojong to your car. You see he immediately falls asleep in the car. You decide to bring him to your home, so you can take care of him. You put him in your bed and you decide to sleep on the couch. Well sleep...? It is more smiling and daydreaming. You wanted to kiss Hyojong for such a long time and you finally did. You know Hyojong very well. When he drinks he can't remember what happened the night before, so he probably forgot all about the kiss. It makes you slightly sad, but relieved. You can tell him you picked him up because he called you and that he wanted to stay over.
At 10 am you wake up by the smell of fresh coffee and toast. You lift yourself up to see Hyojong in the kitchen. You walk up to him and sit down on the counter. "Good morning, how are you feeling?" you ask him. "I am doing much better, thank you for letting me stay" Hyojong says. "No problem. But do you remember anything of last night?" you say teasing. Hyojong turns around and stands in front of you. Because you are sitting on the counter you are a bit taller than him. He is standing in between your legs and grabs your hands. "I like you, Y/N. When you got at Yanan's home I was already a lot more sober. I know you kissed me because you thought I would forget. I am so happy you did. I seriously love you and I hope you will finally believe me" he says and smirks.
Your cheeks are extremely red of embarrassment. You want to hide your face, but Hyojong doesn't let you. Instead he pulls you closer and kisses you. His hands are on your waist and you melt by his touch. The kiss is even better than less night, because this time you really know that he loves you. "I am sorry and I hope we can go back to the way we were". "Sorry I can't do that" you say smiling. Hyojong looks confused. "I can't be your friend, Hyojong, but I can something else" you say smirking. Hyojong finally gets it. "Y/N, will you be mine?". You smile and nod. Hyojong smiles and kisses you again. "Thank you, I am so happy you are finally mine".
 Let me know what you think and feel free to request a story you want to. 
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zuhos-nose · 6 years
Yuto - Kinks
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(Because there are not enough things written about this beautiful man in the world. And after much deliberation, I have decided that he is my bias.)
dOM (don’t deny it)
will let you top but he’s still in control
oral buddy, giving and receiving
will praise you
loves to kiss your neck
prefers missionary because he loves looking into your eyes
restraints (sometimes, he only gives it)
not into the hardcore stuff
but I wouldn’t complain if I got anything from him *wink wonk*
wants you to top occasionally
probably cause he wants a good look at the goods ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
do NOT
for the love of all things good
do NOT talk back
cause this bitch won’t hold back
but let’s get real
he’s a soft lil shit
so when he’s not pounding into you like the Hulk throwing Loki around
he’s placing soft kisses down your body
holding your hand while his other hand works at the goods ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
taking his time
loving each part of you equally
(god damnit, calm down)
after care is noice buddy
he’ll cuddle you
and be all stereotypical
but in all reality, every man falls asleep so expect his cuddles to be while he’s asleep.
Thank you and a good night
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key201303 · 4 years
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Genre: Angst, apocalypse AU!, a bit of fluff (One Shot)
Plot: A world without music and any kind of arts. That was the world you lived. Music has been replaced for sirens and bombs since you were born due to a massive war. The only way of surviving was staying in home praying for not receive a bomb in your house. But your 8 best friends had another plan. They were planning to escape to survive. Even though you knew it was a bad idea you still joined them and you all ended up becoming the new Basquiats.
Warnings: It’s an apocalypse au so there will be lot of mention of death, murders, blood, suicide and concentration camp.
We Wanna Hear Your Voice.
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kflirts · 6 years
thats right; kino (pentagon)
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summary: sometimes you crush on a friend, but it’s never supposed to lead to anything... right?
req: “tell me what you’re thinking right now” and 28 - love confession. maybe first kiss with kino that leads to something more?not necessarily smut haha but making out or something. Ugh I love him, tysm bby!
Kino was a friend.
He wasn’t your best friend. It would be an exaggeration to call him that. He was a friend, yes, but a best friend would be a stretch.
You’d known him since middle school, he was the boy who was taller and talked a bit less than the others. Somehow you’d ended up on the swings together, talking about how much of a mean teacher you had. You even talked to him in highschool, and you still kept in touch with him in college, especially since you attended the same university.
But he wasn’t a best friend. You’d shared some meals together, you’d studied once together, and you’d stop to ask how each other’s days went occasionally. Shoot, you even had his number. But that was all.
So when you started looking forward to your next conversation with him, you were confused. One day you noticed how cute he looks when he’s smiling, how his eyes close almost completely. Somehow you’d developed a crush on the damn boy.
That’s not right.
Your feelings for Kino seemed to be getting progressively worse. Before long you were mumbling and stuttering and blushing around him. You found yourself prolonging your conversations with him, trying to lick every glance he gave you in your heart to assess later on.
And it’s not like he didn’t notice. Of course he noticed, when his friend began staring at him in class and couldn’t form coherent sentences. And to be completely honest, he loved it. He’d always loved attention from you, even when you were two kids trading lunches because you didn’t like tuna and he hated noodles. He loved to hear about your day, even if you were just a friend. You were his friend. So when he began to notice your prolonged glances and tinted cheeks, he absolutely basked in it.
She likes me. She likes me!
And, being the absolute meanie he is, he used it to his advantage for a while. An occasional wink, a blown kiss.
“Y/N~” He’d slug his arm around your shoulders as you walked from class. Your cheeks burned but you tried to ignore it, humming. “I’m hungry~” He’d pout, leaning his head against yours. “And- and how is that my problem?” You’d manage, gripping your bags that much tighter. “Please! I’ll love you forever if you buy me something.” And of course, you scurried to the nearest restaurant and bought him a snack. Whipped culture.
This worked for Hyunggu for a good two months. And then it spiraled downhill. he started to look forward to seeing you for more than the food and free help with his schoolwork, he looked forward to talking to you.. He also started to look at your face a lot more, because, geez, it’s cute. And he was never going to say it out loud, but he was beginning to fall for you.
That’s definitely not right.
So the teasing stopped, much to your dismay, he stopped winking and, honestly, looking at you at all. You began barely talking to each other, not walking together and opting to go separate ways after classes.
Your relationship had been reduced to acquaintances. A few flustered nods and smiles, but heavy staring from both sides. You’d wonder every now and then what you did wrong. He’d wonder why he couldn’t talk to you anymore. Everytime he tried, his voice cracked and got dry and he couldn’t so he didn’t.
And you missed each other. You missed your friend. You missed Hyunggu, the smiley baby boy who made you feel safe. More than anything, you just missed him. And even if you couldn’t have him like you wanted him, you needed him as your friend. You missed him. as a friend.
And one day, you were missing him a lot. The classes you shared with him were on pause, because of several faculty errors, so you hadn’t seen him in 3 weeks. It was 7:30, and getting dark, but you were lonely. Your roommate had long since gone out to God knows where, you weren’t really listening when she told you where. The dorm was quiet, as it normally was on Saturday nights. You were bored out of your mind so you walked down in the freezing cold and decided to head to one of the university’s lounges. Yes, in your Elmo pajama pants and sweatshirt, with your favorite book. You just couldn’t stand being alone in that stupid room. Once there, you inhaled the scent of coffee and books. You saw some freshmen apparently cramming, eyes wide and confused. You chuckled. You’d been there. You walked to a corner, tucking your feet under you as you plopped down on a pale like green sofa, opening your book. You’d just began to lose yourself in the storyline when a familiar voice snapped you back to reality.
Your eyes widened as you stared up at Hyunggu. Your heartbeat increased rapidly and you almost choked on your words. He looked amazing, dressed in all black, from his hoodie, to his ripped jeans, down to his Converse. You hadn’t prepared for this, and instinctively used your book to cover your tummy.
“Ki...Kino. Hey.” You stood, meeting his warm smile with your own. You were awkward, not knowing if you should go for a hug. When he didn’t move, you decided not to. Too weird.
You stood there for a moment, just looking at each other, before you mentally sighed at the stars in his eyes. This wasn’t just a crush anymore. You were falling in love.
“You look comfortable.” He plopped down on the opposite side of the couch, so you sat back down, this time, stiffly like a plank. You chuckled.
“I am comfortable.”
Or I was.
You turned to him, noticing his brownhair color was a couple of shades darker than the last time you’d seen him.
“Your hair, I like it.” You nodded in approval.
He wasn’t going to tell you he dyed it because you’d said you liked it darker a while ago. He just smiled. “Thanks.”
And then there was silence. Just the steady pit-pat of the rain outside. The silence was uncomfortable, the both of you stealing glances every now and then. You’d never noticed how his eyes lingered on your lips. Could he....? Was he.....? There was no way Hyunggu was flirting with you.
That’s not right.
Both of your heads snapped up when a loud noise came from the other side of the lounge. You both looked for the source, but instead only saw a couple sharing a meal nearby. Tuna and noodles.
Hyunggu looked at you and you both snorted.
“Remember when we were little?” He chuckled. You’d nod.
“I hate tuna.”
“I’ll never understand it. It’s delicious.”
And you both laughed. Like, genuinely laughed. Like the old days, before you’d fallen in love with him. It wasn’t two people with crushes on each other, it was two friends. You and Kino.
Once the laughing subsided, you were left with this comfy warm feeling, and Kino moves closer to you, enough so your knees were touching. And you didn’t mind. As much as he made you googoo gaga, you didn’t mind.
“Hey.” Kino said, smiling at you as he pulled your hand into his. A gesture you hadn’t felt in a long while. “I’ve missed you.”
Your insides absolutely melted at those words, you wanted to pour your heart out to him, but you smiled, nodding.
“Me too.”
The lounge was almost empty now, only a few other people studying. It felt intimate, the warm flow from the various lit candles and the hum from the generator. Another silence, this time comfortable. His hands were warm as they cupped yours. You felt like you might scream, you wanted nothing more than to kiss him.
He seemed to sense your anguish, his eyes flickering from your hands to your eyes. You poked out your bottom lip, sighing.
“I’d better go.” You heard yourself mumble. What? No! Stay! Stay!
That’s not right!
To your pleasant surprise, Kino only gripped your hand tighter.
“Why? I miss talking to you.” His voice was low and even, but his tone held desperation. He had to tell you tonight or else he wouldn’t be able to do it. Your heart leaped. He wanted to talk. Like the old days.
“O-okay.” You said, startled in your tone. “I’m gonna go get some coffee real quick.” You stand, noticing the last few people leave. Now the large room only consisted of you, Kino, and a worker. You walk over to the coffee pot.
“Do you still but all of that stuff in it?” Hyunggu scared you, making you jump as he snuck up behind you.
“Yes! And you scared me!” You cry, turning around to push him.
“Ai, sorry, sweet pea.” He rests his head on your shoulder as you pour the coffee. Your heartbeat increases again. He knew exactly what he was doing.
“Your hair smells nice.” He commented. You hummed. “You smell nice.” Another hum. “You also look nice.” You almost cried out. He smiled into your hoodie, standing up straight now.
“Tell me what you’re thinking right now.” He says sweetly into your ear, his hands behind his back. You almost choke.
“I said, tell me what you’re thinking right now.” He chuckles, but his insides are going mad.
“Don’t play dumb, Y/N.”
“I’m not!” You say indignantly, spilling sugar onto the table accidentally in your flustered state. He chuckles,
“W-well right now, I’m thinking you’re an awful tease! You shouldn’t do that to me, especially when you know I like you so m-“
That’s noT RIGHT
If “jsjaSjejssjjdjee” was a facial expression, you’d be making it. Did you just accidentally confess. DID YOU JUST
Kino’s facial expression was a fuNNY one, as well. A mix of happiness, embarrassment and shock. Was his actually happening? You accidentally confessed? He spun you around, his hands on your hips as he looked into your eyes.
“Say that again.”
“Say what?” You blinked up at him.
“Aigh, don’t play dumb! You just confessed didn’t you!”
Your eyes dropped, your heart absolutely confused. Should you lie?
“I said, I like you, for heavens sakes. You’re cute and funny and I feel good when I’m around you and stuff.”
You couldn’t tell what Hyunggu was thinking. He looked disgruntled.
Before you had time to even make up your mind , you felt his hand gripping your jaw and making you look up at him, and he kissed you. You didn’t know it was possible for the world to stop and move so fast at the same time. You’re sure you got stuck in a time warp because it lasted for hours and a second at the same time.
You’re not sure how long passed, but eventually he pulled away, biting his lip and smiling. You looked anywhere but at him, attempting to hide your embarrassment.
“Hey, let’s not forget this moment! Our first kiss!” He announced loudly, much to your and the one worker’s disgust.
“Kino!” You whined, a shaking, mumbling mess.
“What! You’re cute! I like you! You like me! I want people to know!” He laughed, before looking serious. “No, really, Y/N. I like you a lot.”
Your heart melted at his sincere gaze, and you nodded fondly, now tipping up to peck his lips again. He smirked into the kiss, before pulling you out of the lounge swiftly, into the steady rain. You whined.
“Hyunggu! Be serious! I don’t want to get wet!”
“Ai, you’ll be wetter later, don’t worry.” He said in a low tone, making you instinctively close your legs together. You blushed heavily and cleared your theoat, already annoyed by the rain . You moved to go back inside before being pulled into Kino’s arms. His hands slid under your hoodie, groping your sides warmly as he kissed you again. This time he moved in closer, taking dominance as your lips played together. Hist tongue soon invaded your mouth, exploring and claiming every part of it. You eventually pulled away as his hands traveled up your body.
“Later!” You laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck as he swayed with you in his arms, in the rain.
The next morning you wake up in his bed, a cold soon approaching, but it didn’t matter. You were finally happy. You had your friend, and your lover.
That‘s right
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gamerwoo · 4 years
Pentagon: The Black Hall Masterlist (Coming Soon)
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a/n: this is a mini series of oneshots that are inspired by the lyrics/mv for Dr. Bebe that @neverknewgrey2016​ and I wrote. they’re in the order that each member has their first line if that makes sense.
Overall warning: this is more like a stereotypical insane asylum type thing (think like American Horror Story but tamer) and does not depict how current mental institutions care for patients currently. so it does get kind of dark, but each oneshot will have their own set of warnings.
1. Hyunggu [Star]
“Love, fall, hurt, and crazy. What should I do? Oh my, I’m in pain. Could die for you. Could go crazy for you. What should I do? Oh my. Oh, I awake when you call my name. Save me, bebe.”
2. Hui [Rocket]
“Shhh, yeah that’s right. Playing with my heart, your pretty eyes already catch me. Playing hard to get, baby, your gestures drive me crazy. Hey, Dr. Bebe. If I have only you, bebe. But can’t get away from the echo. Stuck inside your wall, struggle to escape, get hurt. Oh, I awake when you call my name.”
3. Yuto [Star]
“Please don’t fade away, don’t leave me. Night that moon falls apart, broken heart days after leaving me behind. Because of the wind. My nostalgia for you is getting stronger and I go crazy.”
4. Changgu [Rocket]
“You’ll move on and forget me just like that. Could die for you. Could go crazy for you. Save me, bebe.”
5. Hongseok [Star]
“Even though I’m in pain. You are the only one who can heal me, please come back to me. Please, with me. Stay with me. Melody for you, who is hiding in the dark.”
6. Jinho [Rocket]
“You’re the only one who can heal me, please come back to me. Stuck inside your wall, struggle to escape, get hurt. Hey, Dr. Bebe. If I only have you, Bebe. But can’t get away from the echo. Oh, I awake when you call my name.”
7. Shinwon [Star]
“Save me, bebe. I’m in pain. Clouds like a picture, calling of the blue dream. Melody for you, who is hiding in the dark.”
8. Wooseok [Rocket]
“Infinite dreams like the universe. I think I heard your calling but it’s not true. Why do I feel severely in pain? I need you, so please heal me, doctor. We adore and fight, love and hatred, go crazy and so on. Don’t make an excuse. My nostalgia for you is getting stronger and I go crazy.”
The Black Hall as a Netflix series
The Black Hall trailer
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huihuiheart · 4 years
Goretober D28: Changed - Kino
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Pairing: Hyunggu x Gender Neutral Reader
Probably gonna make a part 2 to this at some point.
Warnings: Pandemic, cure, side effects, body transformations, blood, gore, dystopian.
Word Count: 800
People had been so caught up in looking for a cure and the best way to distribute it, that no one stopped to even question in the slightest what the side effects could be to it. Not even wondering that perhaps it might have been better to suffer from some deadly disease to turn into something less than human. Sure there had been jokes as always, that the virus or cure would start a zombie apocalypses. These were no zombies though....he was no zombie. Hyunggu sighed softly he didn’t know if it was fate being cruel or simply the fact that the cure had been distributed through the local water source that led to the way things were. Even as it was getting warmer though he found himself wrapped in a scarf, hoping to cover the sprouting scales on his body. Sure there’d been a mix of side effects, some not viewed negatively at all. One thing stood out no matter what though....it messed with your head. Almost everyone affected getting a thirst for blood. Something Hyunggu had yet to develop, a side effect he hoped would never come. 
Also to note there seemed to be a ranking of sorts forming. The ones who sprouted wings seeming to reign over them all, though there was one creature whom even they feared. The very one Hyunggu found himself turning into. The sea faring kind, the ones who turned into the personification of sirens themselves and considered the strongest and most blood thirsty. The only reason they didn’t hold the power was the sheer fact that typically they were a little more isolated, sticking to areas with waterways. Likely what Hyunggu would have to find before long. Below the winged creatures sat the ones named devil spawn, sprouting a tail and short curled horns, sharp teeth and claws making them very dangerous. They were perhaps the post volatile of the changed, having a flaring temper and heightened physical abilities. 
Not everyone however was changed, those who didn’t experience any side effects remained at true humans. The ones who really seemed to be suffering now. The government had tried to protect them....until they were overthrown by the winged and devil spawn anyways. Now humans were often running and hiding, if they wanted a chance at survival anyways. Though there were a few small communities still, like the one Hyunggu found himself in. The very reason he was covering the scales forming. Though whether it was to protect others from fearing him or himself from the fear of being kicked out he wasn’t sure. Walking to the store though it seemed it might have some use as he saw a winged creature shoving a human into the alleyway and out of sight despite their protests. Hyunggu’s brows furrowing as he followed behind.
“What’s a tasty little thing like you doing walking all alone on these streets? You could be in my nest with me sweet thing, I promise you a good time and we’ll both get what we want.” The winged creature purrs, but as he reaches out to touch the human’s cheek it flinches away in fear causing Hyunggu to hiss. The sound was quiet, yet the creature heard with it’s heightened senses, shuddering and backing off instantly. Feathers bristling as the sudden need to run away filled his gut, turning to Hyunggu and a little surprised at the sight.
“Back off! Go away from this place!”Hyunggu demands and the winged creature is already moving to take off and get away from Hyunggu quickly. Not willing to risk taking on even a half changed sea creature.
“As you wish. Just know you won’t be able to hide here much longer! You can’t protect these humans forever!” The winged creature mutters before flying away before it could seem like he was challenging Hyunggu.
Hyunggu turning to the human looking at him with wide eyes, “Are you alright? He didn’t actually do any harm to you do he?” 
Even though they shake their head Hyunggu still looks over them just to be sure, “Very well, I’ll let you continue on with your day and I’ll see you around.....”
“Y/N. My name is Y/N.” Their voice shakes slightly, but Hyunggu smiles finding it kind of cute, “And thank you for what you did.”
“It’s no problem Y/N. I’m Hyunggu.” He responds and you smile a little in response. Though you stop him before you both make it out of the alleyway. The trembling in your hands causing Hyunggu to worry, until you reach up to cover the scales back up, having seen them slip out. A little intimidated by the half changed man before you, but not too much so as he seemed different. Before you fully scurry out of the alleyway.
“See you around Hyunggu.”
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