#phones almost dead
peapod20001 · 2 years
BrOO I feel fuckin WEIRDDDD
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neverevan · 2 months
on top of all the high blood pressure Oliver is causing me right now, I can't stop thinking about a platonic(ish) buddie slowdance in their ruined suits
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transfemselfship · 3 months
Transfem selfshippers on HRT, imagine your f/o reminding you to take your estrogen if you forget!
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crehador · 7 months
the huge cast in dead mount death play occasionally makes for such hilarious moments, like there are so many different teams and factions that when two people fight for the first time they often have no idea why they're fighting or have the completely wrong idea of why they're fighting
and they'll say seemingly clever things like "so you can turn parts of your body into a bat... ah, i know... you must be solitaire's apprentice" with complete certainty but like no babygirl. there are 50 other unaffiliated people in shinjuku who could've taught her to do that
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seo-changbinnies · 1 year
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gifs of my sunshine (127/∞)
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hillerskaroyals · 2 years
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wille not being able to say erik died is such an important showing of his grief
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followthebluebell · 1 year
So traffic was stopped on my way home today due to a loose pony.  There was just.  This little shetland pony prancing around from car to car, trying to make friends.  People were trying to help, but this was hugely complicated by the fact that none of them really knew how to corral a pony. 
It was also complicated because the pony tried to stick his nose into any open windows he found to beg for treats. 
there’s a horse farm just across the way, so i’m pretty sure that’s where he came from.
if not, well, they’ve got a free pony in their pasture now.  
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yumedoca · 5 months
And UY's third cour's final PV dropped.... which means it's time for me to share my thoughts!!
(And as usual. Ignore the shitty quality of the screenshots)
First up, I have to mention the fact that MAISONdes is doing the OP and ED again!! The new OP is 'Rock On*' feat. Hashimero, Meguru and the new ED is 'Raizakura' feat. 9Lana, SAKURAmoti. Here are the gorgeous album cover arts for both songs and oh my gosh, they are so precious!!
*It might either be 'Lock on' since the Japanese pronunciation for 'L' and 'R' sounds the same.
(Edit: Seems like it is 'Lock on' after all!!)
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As for my thoughts on the songs themselves, so far they sound great, but to form a proper opinion I need to hear the whole thing as well as see how it pairs with the visuals.
Now to the actual PV itself.. (Attention: Spoilers!!)
First up, as expected, there's a lot of new footage shown. Many of them are from the episodes shown in the previous PV which I've already discussed (go read it if you haven't, since this is technically a part 2) so I'm not going to talk about any episode shown previously unless it's new or specifically worth mentioning..
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First, I want to talk about the adaptation of the hilariously deceptive 'Lum becomes a cow' chapter. Let's be honest, this is hands down the funniest AtaLum chapter of all time and it looks like the remake is making the AtaLum moments in this one extra dramatic (they even added rain for more effect!) just so the final payoff would hit us in the most hilarious way possible (unless those bits are from something else but I doubt it). AtaLum enjoyers (me included) are being really well fed this cour, huh?
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I don't know where these and a few others come from (please tell me if you know!!). I'm guessing the fourth one might be from the chapter about Ryu's mom since it was already confirmed previously and the montage looks like a flashback with lot of beach vibes but I might be wrong. The Kotatsu Neko one might come from the Kitsune (fox) chapter with the photo and camera since I remember a similar scene which looks like that shot, but again I might be wrong. There are a few other scenes as well (Onsen-mark getting hit, Ten hanging from a tree and such). Maybe they're anime original scenes? Who knows, but we'll know sooner enough...
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That's really all I have to say anything new about the PV, everything else are chapters I've already pointed out. That aside I do have to give props to how absolutely gorgeous everything looks as well as the fluid animation. The above shot of Lum and Ten sleeping is so pretty!! There are others but there's too many to count and it's obvious which all they are. I also like how Inaba's bunny realm looks and I'm also in love with AtaLum's outfit colorings for their 'date' in the electric jungle arc, they're kinda caramel coded!! Speaking of AtaLum, the PV also showed a lot of their key moments which surprised me since I though they'd keep those a secret till the episode airs, but to be fair, it's only bits and it did end up making the PV a bit emotional.. :')
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(I had space for one more image till I hit Tumblr's limit so here, have an Inaba coming out of a trash can. He looks so proud of himself XD)
Anyways, that's all for now. This cour seems to be very AtaLum focused, to the point where the OP and ED album cover arts have both Lum and Ataru in it!! But it still has other fun storylines as well and I'm excited for all the episodes, may it be big or small. There's one week left and we'll probably get next weeks episode titles on Tuesday (as how it always is). One more week, here we go!!!
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black-cat-babe · 7 months
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Day 4: Then & Now
Total time: 5 hours
*yeets late sabezra art and vanishes *
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gingeredmink · 10 months
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/ᐠ - ˕ -マ -?
not pictured: Uro and Tats with the phone laughing like children [can ya blame em? would be a mess if partner was that cute too]
+ sou's Ta_Be_ score is 10 and his phones at 1%. great work sou, doing about as good as usual
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fraberry-stroobcake · 7 months
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so hhh… old mischief iap,, 👉👈 please,,
as always i’m offering a halfbody for the pumpkin hat and headshot for the other 2*
i’m not exactly sure how this works but if there’s a chance i can get em i would be happy
*EDIT: headshot and headshot taken, so thank you very much :))
please reblog, thank you!
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mugs-n-cans · 4 days
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Bunny Sniper can be friends with my bunny
Well, I’m not a bunny anymore but I reckon I can still be friends with that fuzzy little bugger.
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vampitz · 8 months
you are the shidou person to me do u have any idea what his deal is. like his murders. everytime i try and figure him out, everything makes less sense and things dont add up. what even is the flower person. please enlighten me on his crime 🙏🙏🙏😁
first, im so happy im the shidou person. everytime someone tells me this my heart lights up.
TLDR: we do not know the milgram writers intentionally are hiding shit because (they hate me) they want to do some sort of big reveal in t3
well shidou is very vague with a lot of the details so right now its a bit difficult to understand specific stuff regarding it. i think its intentional because at the moment what he did isnt as important as how hes reacting/what he can do in milgram (his want to die/medical skills) but UNFORTUNATELY this makes analyzing this annoying nerd really difficult
i think things "not adding up" is intentional. this does mean though theres probably gonna be a big reveal in t3 and i will be emotionally devastated.
we know he was convincing families of braindead patients to pull life support and give away organs, but thats the extent of the details. hes said some of it was for "selfish reasons", while some/the majority wasnt.
i think that he originally only pushed them for "the greater good", aka to give them to people waiting for donors. shidou's main issue is viewing one live other another, and this was the beginning of that.
now... what were these selfish reasons is probably what youre asking. why are his family so important to his murder?
the most popular theory is two of his family members died instantly, while one (probably the older son, w black hair) was left on life support. shidou harvested organs the same way he used to for "the greater good", but now for a selfish reason: saving someone.
the important part of shidou's story is that it doesnt make sense, any theory we give doesn't make sense at all when you think too hard because shidou is hiding parts of what happened, intentional or not.
and honestly, anything further i elaborate on will probably be confirmed false in t3 because shidou is reaaaaaally clearly supposed to be a character with a "big reveal".
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ruslangazizov · 4 months
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lynn-vdg · 8 days
I have a crippling addiction to taking random quizzes I find on tumblr.
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albino-parakeet · 2 months
Thinking about all the pictures and videos saved on my old phone, that is stuck in a boot up loop because of an error message. Maybe if I take it to a shop they could at least retrieve them.
Like there’s this one video back when Telltale Games was shutting down, in the middle of TWDG Final Season. So a bunch of the devs and such who were laid off or used to work on the series were like uploading funny animations they made and etc.
Anytime I think I find a reupload of this specific video, I see it’s been deleted or forced to be taken down.
Maybe because it had Seven Deadly Sins - MAN WITH A MISSION playing and it was copyright striked, or it was the dev who uploaded it that took it down.
All I know is that I have it on that phone, and I can’t look at it and it makes me sad.
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