#post abortion support
Thank you for this I needed to know I wasn't the only one I feel guilty and I can never forget what I have done I pray to god and ask him to forgive me and guide me through this harsh time I am seeking others who are like minded because it makes me feel uneasy when others will tell me they feel nothing at all I don't think that should be the case the proof that I am sad is proof of love and care for others including a baby inside you I don't want other women to feel this way I want to help pro lifers this is important foe women we can no longer can be lied too
Hello again! I made a post back in May asking those who were once pro-choice why they became pro-life, and there are responses in the notes from other women who have had abortions. You're not alone! We support all women, including those who have had abortions. If you need post-abortion support, there are resources available:
I don't want you to have to feel alone in your experiences. Thank you for sharing with us. I hope you find healing, and thank you for being a voice.
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orangelemonart · 3 months
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Tired of seeing this meme with dudes
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liquidstar · 7 months
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jimmyspades · 21 days
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"When did you have your last abortion? Until you know everything that goes with it, don't you dare lecture me or anybody about–" "I know what goes with it! Obviously I haven't experienced the physical part, but I know the overwhelming emotion that goes with it. I know the sense of loss, I know the doubt, the guilt, so please, don't–" BOSTON LEGAL 5.08 "Roe"
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gayvampyr · 2 years
i honestly don’t give a flying fuck if a fetus is alive or not, if it’s a human or not, if abortion is “technically murder” or not. i don’t owe anyone else acces to or authority over MY WOMB. even to save a life. it’s the same reason you can’t force someone to donate a kidney to a person in desperate need of a transplant, because it’s your body, so it’s your choice. what will it take to get that through y’all’s thick fuckin skulls
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
I don't think anything has shown media bias more strongly than the time a few years back when Women's March people got upset at the pro-lifers, because, "How dare you host your pro-life rally on the same day as our Women's March?" only to be told, "We've been doing this on this date since the '70s, with turnouts several times larger than your Women's March ever had, yet you've never heard of ours while yours dominates every cable news station for days."
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prettyboyscollection · 10 months
(draft from my main, disclaimer for anyone who sees this: this blog is primarily a porn blog and stupid debating will be ignored or laughed at, you can try it but i dont care)
ive seen a lot of people incorrectly thinking that the trans people wanting to be acknowledged in reproductive rights discussions are all trans women, and as a result a lot of backlash to more gender neutral language in those discussions is like “you’ll never be a woman” “you’ll never be pregnant, so this doesn’t concern you” “‘males’ will never know the weight of this sort of decision, we don’t have to include you in this” and/or claiming that trans women throw tantrums and whine about dysphoria when it comes to about female-exclusive language and discussions about pregnant people
(they do not btw. i have never seen or heard a trans women interrupt a cis women and say that someone talking about periods or reproduction or anything to say they’re making her dysphoric, that discussing periods is transphobic, etc. and even if this hypothetical trans woman exists…… trans people are not a monolith. a few trans people saying stuff like that does not mean all trans people believe it.)
in reality, the people pushing for more neutral language… are trans men and nonbinary people who can get pregnant. “pregnant people” or “people with uteruses” or “people who menstruate” are not terms that exclude cis women, nor are trans people claiming that this language is being used to include trans women who can’t get pregnant (which is all of them, in the current world)
gender-neutral language with respect to reproductive rights (like abortion) is not misogynistic or erasing women or anything like that. frankly, i think it’s really fucking telling that people think that defining womanhood and being female by reproductive capability is cool and woke and feminist. “if you can have children, you’re always going to be female” is an outdated belief that doesn’t serve anyone but cis women and instead harms anyone who’s not a woman but can get pregnant.
“pregnant people” does not erase women, it just includes non-women who can also get pregnant. that’s all. it’s acknowledging a fact. it’s not some long-con game to remove cis women from existence, it’s literally just acknowledging that not all people who can get pregnant are women
#transandrophobia#transphobia //#misogyny //#‘saying pregnant people ignores women’ women are included in the word people. dumbass#i remember just after roe v wade got overturned i saw several posts from radfem types saying that trans men who were asking to be#acknowledged and recognized as victims of that decision#were delusional and ‘not realizing they can’t identify out of oppression’#and a lot of them even suggested we should detransition as a result of that decision#because we’re ‘always going to be female’#which is an incredibly callous and cruel way to look at this.#if you really support trans men (which a lot of terfs specifically say they do) even just as dysphoric or confused women#how is telling them they’re trapped as victims forever like. a feminist statement to you??#‘uwu you’re going to be a victim of misogyny forever so you should detransition and accept being female’#and just……… accept misogyny thrown at us because of it#if you think that you are an incredibly cruel person with no sympathy for marginalized people. like full stop#women are not the only group affected by reproductive rights being fucked with and i will beat you over the head with this fact#until it sinks in. women. are. not. the. only. ones. who. can. be. pregnant.#cis women are not the only ones who need abortion access. they’re just not. and acting like trans men wanting to be included in these#discussions is erasing women#is transphobic and cruel#accepting that not all people who can get pregnant are women is quick and easy and free. trust me acknowledging trans men will not kill you
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Just because a woman has the ability to give birth, it doesn't automatically mean that she is gonna be a good mother, and the way I've seen a LOT of mothers act and what they say """""jOkiNgLy""""" online proves that point.
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aposteat · 1 hour
Tw for death and JW doomsday to be safe
Something I've been thinking about recently is the JW superiority about not believing in hellfire
Like for so long I didn't understand why I was so scared as a kid BC we didn't believe in that kind of punishment
But like JW believe that anyone who can't be converted gets horrifically murdered and it's worse for ppl who knew "the truth" and left. Like that's not better????????????
Like ofc I was afraid to do shit as a teenager I was constantly being threatened w death, and that has repercussions even now
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Alright, I have something to say here. I don't care what people will say, I'm getting sick and tired of Gen and her antics! She forces Jared to always promote nonsense to the fans! All she cares about is following the latest trends, making money and being famous. She does NOT care about Jared and the kids. I'm sorry, a true fan of Jared would realize he's in trouble. I know there's this facade that he's happier on the set of Walker instead of Supernatural, but at least then, he could escape his wife and go to Vancouver! Now she has watches over his every move! Do you see since he was forced to stay around her, he promotes a very expensive and fad like fitness supplement company? He shows his body off for the VERY FIRST TIME in a magazine to promote "health"? Don't get me started on forcing him to promote the wrong type of politics (even though politics is wrong as a whole) just so she can stay relevant?
Don't you fans see? She's turned Jared into a total sellout! And he's not fighting back! Do us a favor, Jared, and FIGHT BACK! Your freedom means everything!
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itsalla-blrrrr · 2 months
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orthopoogle · 2 years
Honestly, the liberal Christians who relentlessly throw their fellow Christians under the bus in order to look good for all their little secular friends are the most annoying people in the world to me. You know, the ones who conveniently only talk religion and politics when posting some essay about how “true Christians” shouldn’t let our religion get in the way of abortion or gay marriage being legal, the ones who always post about how they’re “not like OTHER Christians” and slyly share their secular friends’ posts dunking on Christians, the ones who co-sign all their secular friends’ stupid takes about how “the real Jesus” is actually, like, a super chill hippie who is totally okay with everyone doing whatever they want as long as they’re “nice.” I promise you guys your “friends” won’t like you half as much if they ever get the rest of us out of the way, lol.
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the-og-gay-cousin · 5 months
Making the annual "Merry Christmas"/"happy holidays" posts this year is just wild for me. There is a fucked up war in Ukraine and an outright genocide in Palestine. America, a major world power, is falling apart at the seams and is attempting to silence and remove its own people, along with its own democracy. Neonazis were allowed to roam the streets. North Korea is testing more and more missiles. It feels like the beginnings of world war 3, and meanwhile, all of us are expected to go about our daily lives. A lot has happened in my personal life on top of that, including leaving my job when management went to actual shit, so one can imagine what it's like living as a young woman in 2023.
Christmas hasn't felt like Christmas in a while. As a kid, I woke up to abuse every Christmas morning, but it still felt more like Christmas than it does now. It hasn't felt like Christmas since before COVID, to be honest, but this year takes the cake for an unexciting Christmas morning. There's no anticipation, there is only me going through the motions as innocents are killed in Palestine en masse. There isn't any buzzing anticipation, there's just a sense of time flying by with a side of dread regarding what will happen because America's politicians won't get their heads out of their asses so that they can have the sense to stop supporting genocidal actions. To be frank, I feel like the only thing stopping American politicians from supporting Russia's actions is the heavy anti-communist agenda America has always had in the name of freedom and democracy for cishet neurotypical white men. If America had any political agendas in Russia, I'm fairly certain that America would be supporting its invasion of Ukraine too, along with the bullshit Israel is pulling.
Christmas doesn't feel like Christmas. It hasn't in a while, but I'm really getting that this year.
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burger-goblin · 7 months
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kits-ghosts-corner · 2 years
hi everyone, not a ghosts/ofmd post but this is important and i want to make my stance clear to the people who follow me.
i am vehemently pro-choice. if someone wants an abortion, they can damn well get one. it doesn’t have to be a life-or-death matter - so many thoughts go into even just the process of getting an abortion.
i am not american, but i stand alongside my american siblings. it’s time for other countries to help in the fight against the christian theocracy that the united states is becoming, and has been in the process of being made for longer than anyone would want to admit. we need to talk about what is happening.
if you are pro-life, agree with the decision SCOTUS made, whatever you want to fucking call it, you can get the fuck off my blog. you can block me, i don’t give a shit, i don’t want you here.
fuck SCOTUS, fuck prolifers.
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protectbrowngirls · 2 years
Protect brown girls and their reproductive rights
Today is a bleak day in the US. I’m mourning. I’m angry and scared for every girl, woman, and sexually active American, particularly those of color, who now have to struggle even harder to exercise their own damn rights to have control over their own damn body.
And today more than ever, I am hurting for my brown sisters whose parents don’t believe in talking about sexual health and reproductive wellness. I am hurting for my brown sisters who are unable to gain access to contraception, and now have no recourse available should the unthinkable happen. I am hurting for my brown sisters who are living in states that don’t see them as human, states that do not believe they have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness on their own fucking terms.
If you live in a state where abortion is now, or will soon be, illegal, take some time to acquaint yourself with: ineedana.com; plancpills.org; Aid Access; the Brigid Alliance.
If you are not yet independent or don’t have the financial means to access contraceptives, Planned Parenthood can work with you to get access to contraceptives and low or no cost. Planned Parenthood can also help you avoid using your parents’ insurance to receive health care. 
If you have the means, please consider donating to organizations such as Planned Parenthood, the National Network of Abortion Funds, the Brigid Alliance, or your local nonprofits working to expand access to reproductive healthcare.
If you are old enough, vote. Vote in your local elections. Vote in November. Vote out the monstrous assholes who have no qualms with stripping away your civil rights. If it’s safe for you to do so, consider visiting 5calls.org and using their script to demand your representatives codify abortion rights. Keep an eye out for marches, demonstrations, and protests in your area. Reach out to your fellow women to provide and receive support.
If nothing else, know that I am here for you, and your feelings in this moment and in the coming days are valid. This fucking blows. But there is a way forward, and there is work to be done. So let’s get it fucking done.
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