#present for mel
blood-starved-beast · 18 days
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Everytime they've got an argument
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selfhealingmoments · 5 months
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gaytedlasso · 1 year
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He’s looking over at Dean falling on his ass again cuz he insisted on joining Cas this time
Happy birthday to Mel my beloved Mel @emeraldcas !!!!
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bluespiritshonour · 3 months
Broke: Mai is masculine, Ty Lee is feminine
Woke: Mai is dark feminine and Ty Lee is light feminine
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being-of-rain · 2 months
Jac Rayner finally putting some form of official Sixth Doctor timeline in Six's 40th anniversary story BUT making it deliberately convoluted and nonsensical for a joke is simultaneously the funniest and most infuriating thing.
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blujaydoodles · 7 months
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this isn't news or anything but it continues to be funny to me how much of any given character design is so often carried by things like hair styles or, like, a silly hat
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fullsixtyminutes · 25 days
i would love to see tessa and mo do battle of the blades together
i think mitch marner would have a great time doing botb too
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meliohy · 1 year
What if we organised an event where we made fake collectible cards based on our OCs?
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justplainmels · 2 years
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3.11 | Past and Present
“Don’t say it Carter.”
“Sir, we wouldn’t recognize her even if she walked in the front door.”
“Don’t, don’t…”
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dolokhoded · 6 months
mel c magdalene made me realize what was missing from my magdalene design and it's that she's not fucking jacked. it's crucial to her character
#🧅#literally my takeaway from jcs2012 was mary magdalene's arms. yeah those guys were there too i guess#i think hers might be my favorite portrayal of mary#like. not just because she's jacked i just really liked how jc2012 worked with magdalene#she felt more fleshed out. and i <3 yvonne elliman in this role i always will but lets be so for real in the 1973 movie mary was a sexy lam#character except instead of sexy she was like. sopping wet cat lamp character#i mean i think she was also sexy. but that's beside the point this post is not about how attractive i find yvonne elliman#or mel c#well it kind of is about how attractive i find mel c#whatever. my point is it was the 70s and she was a female character. so like. you get it !#and i feel like a lot of the time magdalene is very girlbossified in a way that makes her very one dimensional#without EVER her appearing masculine of course because god forbid the one female character does not appear to the male gaze#(well originally female character anyways. today genderbend casting is a thing and it fucks)#it's either she's a Girl Disciple (no further elaboration) or she's like. a girlboss stone hearted biker gang leader leather jacket queen#(no actual further elaboration but her one 'ooh i love this man and i dont know how to show it' solo tricks you into thinking there is)#while 2012 magdalene somehow seems much more well rounded to me.#they let her be herself more. idk. that's how i interpreted it at least. in my mind.#it's like. i feel many other marys i've seen are described by how they treat jesus (and sometimes judas)#but this one still feels present even when jesus is not around. or he is but she's not interacting with him.#again this is a very specific interpretation that clicked in my brain im not saying that jcs2012 like. did some groundbreaking feminist#portrayal of magdalene. but yknow !#she also didn't acknowledge judas' existence once while he had created some weird one sided beef with her which was. very funny to me#literally did not waste a glance at him.
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musical-chick-13 · 7 months
I know this may sound petty, but I think you're the one who will be able to understand this frustration: how come any post about special characters is always titled 'special little guy' can't girls be special?
No, I literally complain about this all the time (mostly to myself, but. you know).
First of all, there are so many posts that don't mean "guy" in the sense of "hey you guys" as a general catch-all term. They specify "boy" or "man" or "him" or you can very clearly infer from context that they are talking specifically about men. And I just...you know that women can be these types of characters too, right. Women can be sympathetic villains or have Problems™ that inspire the "I can fix them" impulse or any of the other things people usually say about men. It's not hard to say like. "Character" or "Person" or "Blorbo" or even "guy (gender neutral)."
As always, this wouldn't bug me so much if there was a similar level of popular posts circulating about the women, but. There very much is not. (And also plenty of the posts that are exclusively about the women get overtaken by discussions of male characters.)
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spirithunts · 7 months
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this lor interaction... the fact regardless of their reason to not be present ahri grew up alone and had to fend for herself from the start...
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iztopher · 11 months
on that note. a week or two ago i swapped out some info in my about to list my gender as genderqueer as a super low stakes way of feeling it out lol
ive spent pretty much my whole life w/ my gender on a sliding scale from "agender" to "gnc cis girl" and while i definitely still feel more connected to the former than the latter rn i like. really appreciate genderqueer as a term that captures every stage of that
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mellorine-dreams · 1 month
The Kendrick vs Drake rap beef is so funny bc people thought that Kendrick wouldn’t have been able to hit back harder than Drake did. When Kendrick is one of the most acclaimed and respected lyricists of this generation, and Drake is generally clowned on for being a generic pop-rap singer. Like what did ppl expect.
Also Kendrick releasing an even more scathing diss shortly after he released his first track is also so funny. Drake didn’t even respond yet but Kendrick had to diss him more. Like Drake was already bodied but Kendrick still had to beat on a dead body. So wonderfully excessive.
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magentagalaxies · 2 months
i have so much work to do for finals season which is frustrating bc on the one hand i'm very glad all my classes have project-based finals where i get to be creative instead of just doing an exam or a paper. however. i have a bad habit with every project-based final ever of accidentally getting an idea that's way too ambitious and creating more work for myself than i need to do
however this semester even tho i fell into that exact same trap my two most elaborate final projects each involve 1. editing a video essay which contains an interview i did with paul bellini and at least 45 seconds of it are bellini talking about why he thinks i have great potential as a comedian, and 2. editing a ten minute reel of the documentary footage i got on tour with scott. which of course involves rewatching various videos of me and scott being extremely chaotic together. so i stay winning ig
#my other finals include ''powerpoint presentation detailing the historical significance of mel brooks the producers''#and ''live sketch show that i actually don't have a significant role in but that's fine i have a different sketch class next semester''#(this sketch class was technically ''creating characters and solo performances'' and i really wish i could've done more)#(but also that whole interview-footage-debacle drained so much of my creative energy so sometimes doing the bare minimum is self care)#so i don't have a solo piece in the show. but i do get to say my favorite line in the whole show in a group sketch which is great#and i did sign up to perform an aubrey monologue in a sketch show in a suburb of boston next week#which is gonna be super interesting bc i've been looking to do more performing outside of my college#bc i've found that i don't think college kids are actually my target audience??? or at the very least i want to perform to a wider audience#it's frustrating bc for that show i have to trim the monologue down to 3 minutes but it's the tightest monologue i have and it's 5 minutes#so trimming it down feels like a game of jenga since it's so tight lmao#but honestly even if the performance bombs i'm mostly doing this so i can tell bellini about it lmao#he's so supportive of my comedy and he's been such a great help with my aubrey monologues i feel like this is bellini homework lmao#anyway i probably won't post the video essay publicly bc it's not the style of video essays i want to make#and it's too specific to the class it's for#but if people are interested in watching it i'll send you the vid when it's done#and for the tour video i'll probably post that or at least some version of it#bc that's just gonna be a fun teaser of ''here's the level of behind-the-scenes content you'll be getting from this doc!!''#and also a fun way to be like. audiences don't know me nearly as well as they know scott#but they will definitely know me by the end of this bc there are so many wild interactions i have on camera of me and scott being chaotic#anyway this post was mostly to organize my thoughts of what i still have to do this week#i am so ready to be done with school lmao i'm gonna be spending a full month in toronto this summer#and it's shaping up to be such an exciting time i can't wait
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danielpowell · 2 months
Every time I re-listen to Archive 81 Season 2 Episode 7 I feel like my brain is going to shatter because it's abundantly clear that Rat had no intentions of leaving with Dan and in saying he would 'if' Dan left, it nails the final nail in the coffin for me thinking Rat just wanted to convert Dan because he's clearly very lonely and misguided, but most importantly, actively detrimental to the point he was almost convinced that he could get Dan to leave his personhood behind
Rat took advantage of Dan and I struggle to see how this could be read any other way
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