#raizo mention
snowywolf1005 · 7 days
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Okay... I think this is the final one!
Previously, you and luffy use maximum power to defeat kaido, but kaido has an idea, covering himself a gaint fire of himself.
And you with your shadow monster form:
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And you use your ability called Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom:
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"Let's fight it out! Straw Hat!" Kaido yelled, he Flys toward Luffy metal hand by opening his jaw. "Are they going to destroy onigashima?!" Momonosake yelled.
"Create Flame Clouds! Or we'll all... be swept up!" Yamato yelled. "Take this!" Luffy yelled. "I haven't had enough fighting yet!" Kaido yelled.
I'm gonna skip kaido past cause I really fucking hate him so much.
"You'll be betrayed because you two are so weak. I'll form the strongest group in the world and turn this boring world into a world of violence. I'm the strongest!" Kaido yelled.
"The way you unified those samurai with the help of your crew was impressive. You're a star of hope that the cowards of the land of wano seized upon! They entrusted their future to you, but what's your goal? Straw Hat!" Said kaido
You and luffy try to push back kaido. "You two did great." Says kaido, then he blasted a fire ball at you two. Luffy is getting burned, and so are you!
"Well done fighting to this point! But..."
Luffy screamed in pain, and you screamed too (like mothra sound). "You can't change the world!" Kaido yelled, "luffy!" You scream.
Luffy smiles, "Of course, We're gonna win!" He yelled, making his hand bigger, and you making yourself much bigger! Onigashima began falling apart, "AAAAAHHHH!!" You and luffy scream.
"I don't know where they got it from," Kaido thought, and he remembered something.
'But Yamato mentioned joyboy and lunala name.' Said kaido.
'Oden wanted to open the borders to welcome lunala and joyboy... if he is the same guy you're waiting for, King, then I know exactly who joyboy, lunala is.' He said, King was surprised.
Luffy punch kaido really hard, that he almost so close to hit him. "Go luffy! (Y/N)!" Momonosake scream, "get the hell out of wano!" You yelled.
The onigashima is falling on the bottom. "Do not lose heart, Momonosake! They will win! Luffy (Y/N) will win! They will... surely defeat kaido! I can do it!" Said Momonosake. "That's the spirit! You'll save the people of the land of wano! Create them, Momonosake-kun!" Yamato yelled.
Momonosake tried to make the flame clouds, and he finally made it! "Come out, Flame Clouds! Heed my call!" Said Momonosake.
Then, a hole of full of water burst out inside the onigashima, Momonosake was surprised. "Hurry up! Onigashima's gonna fall at any minute! Please, luffy (Y/N)... finish this battle as soon as possible!" Said yamato.
"Don't give up! Fight until the very last minute!" Hyogoro yelled, "No, on in this world... can beat me!" Kaido yelled.
"What's this noise?" Kid asks, then a big rumble causing everybody to shake and almost losing their balance. "What is it this time?!" Nami ask.
"This doesn't look good!" Said Chooper, "Robin-san..." said brook, Robin is in the water not moving. Brook swims toward, "Don't give up, everyone! I'll make it reach you!" Said raizo.
"Bring the fire under control!" Jinbe yelled. Everyone is sucked into the water, and the fire is put out. "Save everyone!" Jinbe, raizo yell. And a huge wave burst out. Everyone was surprised and shocked, Law was surprised, too.
Nami, tama, and Chopper were scared, "Water," they scream. "Everyone's raining down!" Said tama, then Nami saw something, "look! Is that...".
"We'll make it back alive!" Usopp yelled. "-Usopp?! Kin'emon! Okiku-chan!" They yelled. The water wave towards Nami, tama, and Chopper, and they're pretty scared. "No!" They yelled.
More water came and made it to a flood. "I'm sorry, zoro... hey, don't get washed away, guys!" Said Franky. "Where did the water come from?!" Said sanji, the water started to push sanji away.
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" He screams, "sanji-san!" Osama screams, "Osama-chan!".
The onigashima began to flood, "What is happening on onigashima?!" Momonosake question. Then the onigashima started to titled, "the Flame Clouds are disappearing! Too late! Onigashima's gonna fall!" Yamato scream.
You and luffy try your best, but you're too tired, but you can't give up now! "Momonosake-kun! We gotta stop onigashima! You wanna save the Flower Capital, right?!" Yamato question.
"I will stop it! I will not allow people to suffer anymore! Come out, Flame Clouds!" Momonosake scream, he use all his strength to make the flame clouds. A huge line of flame clouds hoops.
Yamato was amazed, "That's amazing! That's great, Momonosake-kun! Stop onigashima!" Yamato yelled, "Got it! Count on me!" He yelled. Momonosake grab the flames clouds hoops.
And Momonosake Flys toward to onigashima, "go!" Yamato scream. Momonosake warp around the onigashima and pulled as best he can.
"Violence will dominate the world! You two are gonna fall victim to it!" Said kaido, "shut up!" Luffy yelled. Then luffy punch kaido cheeks, and you use all your strength to push kaido back, too.
And a bright light show inside the onigashima. Kid and Law saw the bright light of kaido, "Straw Hat! Shape girl! If you lose, you'll pay for it!" Kid yelled. "Go, Straw Hat-ya! (Y/N)-ya!" Said Law.
"The strong will live, and the weak will die! I'm gonna bury you along with your friends! And your girlfriend will be my pet!" Kaido yells, those words made you and luffy pissed. "Shut up! You're not taking (Y/N) away from me!" Luffy yelled.
"Starting with the land of wano, I'll take over the world! What kind of world can you create?! Straw Hat!" Kaido yelled, luffy scream, Flys back.
"Luffy!" You yelled, then kaido hand grabs your body, and you scream in pain. "(Scream like mothra) Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" You scream, luffy watches kaido grabs you and started screaming. "(Y/N)!" Luffy screamed, "Do you see this! Straw Hat! This is what happens when you can't protect someone who you care about!" Kaido yelled.
Then, a huge bright light shoots out, and everyone watches the light. And tama, remember something.
'Tama! Don't set the bar too low! I'll make it your everyday life!' Said luffy, tama was amazed his words.
'By the time we leave this country, we'll make it a place where you can eat as much as you want! And I'll teach you how to dance!" You said.
"Big sis! Big bro!" Said tama, luffy Hand, became larger, kaido was shocked, "let (Y/N) go!" Luffy commend. You try to get free from kaido Hand, and you have an idea. You transform your human self.
And free from kaido hand. Kaido tried to grab you, but he was too distracted from luffy large fist. "Luffy!" You cried, luffy see you free. "(Y/N)!" He yelled.
And you transform to legendary form. This is your form:
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Luffy loves it so much, like he wants to hold you, but he can't. "Now! Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom!" You yelled, and six laser been shoots out in different eagle and started to hit kaido.
Now, kaido thinks he's about to lose.
"We want..."
"(Y/N)! Luffy!" Momonosake yelled, "Charge!" Kin'emon yelled, all the samurai held their sword up and screamed for victory.
"...to create..."
Kaido fire form is starting to disappear, turning him back to his blue dragon form.
"... to create the world..."
Then, kaido fire form blown away.
"...where our friends can eat..."
"As much as they want!" You both scream. And use all your power to defeat kaido, you laser, hits kaido body every each. Luffy fist hit kaido face.
Kaido was wide eye to see your ture powers, remembering his past and remembering oden face screaming his name.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" You both stared screaming so hard, and kaido fell back, getting knocked out, falling down to the sky.
You and luffy sigh, catching your's breath, luffy smiles. You saw a bunch of sky boats with letters saying to defeat kaido, then luffy laughs.
'I know exactly who joyboy and lunala are.'
'Who is it?'
'The ones who will defeat me!'
'Then I don't think they'll appear.'
Momonosake falls down, stressed out, and finally placed onigashima safely. And luffy began falling down, you transform back your human self.
And flys down to reach luffy, you grab him. Luffy body transforms back his original self, yamato runs towards you both. You landed carefully, placing luffy in your arms, and you kissed his lips.
You saw Yamato. "(Y/N)?!" She asks, you nodded your head, "Yep that's me, but you have to quiet, luffy is sleeping," you said. "So it's really you, in the bats form," said yamato.
And you felt something, you turnaround to see luffy holding you, warping around you. You smile and you transform back your original self.
"I think he doesn't want to let go," you said, laughing. "Well done, Momonosake." You said, "Yamato...".
Yamato, look at you. "Can you hold me pls, I going to take a nap..." You said about to close your eyes. "Don't die! (Y/N)!" Yamato screamed, shaking your body.
"I'm not gonna die! I just said I'm going to take a nap!" You yelled, "and while you hold me, I'll hold luffy cause he starts getting worried about me." You said. "Luffy really in love you." Said yamato, smiling, you smile back.
You pat luffy head.
I'M DONE!!!!
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fallensnowfan · 6 months
Breezy post about Wano's three theatre mask wearers and the kids they are paired with in 1082.
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Hiyori and Toko jubilantly enjoying music at the festival. Maximum adorableness.
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Yama encouraging Momo and tending to his wounded pride after a tough fight. Nice display of loyalty.
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And Nami and Tama cutely enjoying a snack and, wait... Nami? Not Okiku? The first of three mask wearers we get to know throughout the arc and the one who is often paired up with Tama during Acts One and Two.
Why is Kiku not being paired again with Tama here? What is with this switch-a-roo? And what is with Kiku also not appearing at the fight along side Momo and the Scabbards, in spite of being with Raizo before it began? Then to also not mention a reason for her absence afterward, while Kin does, is quite odd at the 11th hour of the arc here and I'm still wondering why all this time later. It would be a pity for Kiku to linger in Wano when she seemingly isn't a retainer of Kozuki/Momo any more. At the least, I take it as potential foreshadowing that she is no longer a samurai. Which is good, that role was always a poor fit for her.
While we wait for an answer to that question, we have bonus scenes from 1082 of Nami, Chopper, and Tama with adorable sibling energy to oooh and awww over! Nami wanting to show off for the kids is peak Nami behavior, and Tama being unable to sit still and wanting to hurry to get shaved-ice is precious.
Love the funky perspective for one of the shots of Nami aiming the cork gun, and Usopp swooping in and saving the day with his sniping skills too.
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Robin being in awe when mentioning that there is just one more Road Poneglyph to find before they can reach Laugh Tale really resonated here, the journey has led us so far. It has me feeling all sentimental on this rainy night.
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mangekyuou · 2 years
Hi there, idk if you're taking requests atm, but I was curious if you could do some headcannons on Law and Zoro having a kunoichi S/O 🤭😶.
Thank you in advance if you do my request 😊.
✸  headcanons  %  with a kunoichi s/o.
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✸  characters ,  law & zoro.
✸  cw(s) ,  implied f!reader. not proofread.
✸  commentary ,  had to go back rewatch that episode where they met raizo. it was way funnier than i remembered. gotta be one of my favorite episodes as a naruto fan. ik they were direct naruto references but let me dream okay ?? :<
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you didn’t hear this from but law thinks you’re one of the coolest people ever
he’ll definitely be curious about your skills and talents
remember how he was with raizo ? he’ll definitely ask you to show him something cool like shadow clone jutsu or body replacement jutsu
only if you want to show him of course
if you do decide to show him, his eyes light up like christmas trees. seeing his childhood dreams come true right before him, he’s ecstatic !!
not to mention you are his partner !! which basically gives him bragging rights. not everyone can say they are dating a kunoichi.
but alas, he stays humble...most of the time
before you, law was a lone fighter. now that he has you, he enjoys fighting side by side with you
the both of you know and understand each other’s weaknesses and strengths and combines them to make the PERFECT team
plus there’s nothing better than seeing law smile after the two of you take down a group of enemies. he’s so utterly in love <3
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now zoro ? is NOT humble with his bragging rights. one thing about him is that he is going to make it known
he LOVES that you’re a kunoichi and is deeply interested in your techniques and fighting style
prepare to be asked to train frequently
your fights are great practice for the both of you. he always manages to fall in love with you all over again when you nearly take him out with a shuriken he didn’t see coming
now the two of you are likely always first to get into a battle. more like, zoro starts it and you begrudgingly run after him to cover him
the number of times the other straw hats have heard you say “zoro...baby not again” is astounding
he’ll definitely be up for meditating with you. it is his second favorite thing the two of you do together.
meditating next to a waterfall on an island that the crew is visiting, is his go-to date plans
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stellar-imagines · 2 years
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[ Fandom: One Piece ] [ Characters: Monkey D. Luffy ] 
「Headcanons of Luffy with S/O who's a ninja.」
♤ Have you seen this guy? Luffy will be thrilled and very intrigued when it comes to ninjas ― he gets excited over ninjas before he even got to Wano. When he met Raizo on Zou, he got all starry-eyed and excited over meeting him. Of course, he was mildly surprised because Raizo was nothing like he and everyone else had expected. This guy had asked a ton of questions and demanded a lot of things from the ninja and when it came to you, it wasn't any different.
♤ The first time Luffy met you, he was lucky to witness your skills as a ninja first hand. And in his mind, he was telling himself that this was how a kunoichi is supposed to be like! Ninjutsu, hand-to-hand combat, and stealth. It just seemed like you were good at everything. So after learning that you're an amazing fighter, Luffy instantly asks you to join his crew.
♤ The fact that you were aloof and sullen didn't stop Luffy from wanting to recruit you into the crew. You turned down his offers but he always looked for an opportunity to get you to join. Even though you rejected his offer, Luffy often treats you as if you were already a crew member, much to your annoyance. It was after the whole fiasco in Wano that you agreed to join his crew, mainly because you wanted to explore the world outside the closed country.
♤ After getting closer and finally getting into a relationship with Luffy, a lot of things changed. As a member of the strawhat pirates and one of the main fighters, you were always training on your free time. Most of the time, Luffy would be messing around with Usopp and Chopper but there are occassions where he would just stop to watch you. He would just sit and demand you to bust out an incredible skill or ninjutsu, clapping his hands excitedly like a child.
♤ In the beginning, you were always against PDA. And Luffy isn't the type to get embarrassed when it comes to showing any type of affection towards you. He loves holding hands with you, hugging you and cuddling while you're sleeping together. You were raised to be careful with people and it wasn't easy for you to get used to how touchy and clingy Luffy is. Telling Luffy this doesn't really help because he doesn't understand the logic and reasoning behind it ― more like, he doesn't really care.
♤ Will pester you to share your ninja tools with him. So don't be surprised when you're missing a kunai or shuriken but it's easy to look for it because the missing items would be with Luffy. Sometimes he would cling onto you while you try to go on with your daily activities until you agree to show him one of your cool moves. He loves to be near you, always making sure that you're sitting next to him during meal times. Out of instinct, he will grab food and place it on your plate whenever he can. This itself is a sign that Luffy really likes you and everyone knows that.
♤ As mentioned earlier, Luffy is very touchy. This guy doesn't particulalrly understand the concept of personal space and he unconsciously flaunts his relationship in front of everybody. Whenever you would reach an island, he would always drag you along, holding your hand the entire time. Even though it takes a while to get used to Luffy's behavior, he's very patient with you and never does anything if you're not comfortable with it. He could never be bored with someone like you, your relationship feels like an incredible and pleasant everlasting adventure.
Total: 621 words  Published: 09.10.2022
Thank you for requesting! 。٩(ˊᗜˋ)و*。 Luffy is just so precious :) ― author Lou
Thank you for requesting! Hope you enjoyed this! ― author Natsuki
Requests are open! Matchups are closed! Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year
The Red Thread of Fate
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This one’s been a long time coming. It was honestly a pretty early thing I noticed, before starting this little journey at least. The first part of Wano leans on bits of Romance Dawn to stir the association. Incidentally I love the anime slipping the alternate pilot special in the perfect spot of Bakura for an AU. One of those big core threads I was waiting to see a little more before pondering; Luffy was so impressed because Kiku sorta reminded him of Makino and Shanks. Don’t even get me started on Uta if you want to go into that grey area not to mention some of the little ways Tama parallels Luffy’s childhood role.
Remember, this first chapter came out in 1997. Eiichiro Oda is coming fresh off of his time on Rurouni Kenshin, which is still a juggernaut for WSJ in serialization. There’s not a huge gap here. One Piece is rolling out right as Honjo’s story is woven into the contemporary RK volume releases. It’d be smack dab around the time Oda and Watsuki both were learning that ended up being a very well-received side story. But first, the iconic protagonist. Shanks here in Chapter 1 is one of many nice homages, I coulda told you that when I first saw it almost 20 years ago. The iconic red-haired samurai, one of the main motifs was the humility for one of his rank to “debase” themselves with domestic chores. Who else does this concept remind you of? 
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It’s not just “Teehee there’s a little window of time these two could have met and I have a headcanon about how it could be cute.” Kiku’s a cutie supremo and funny as hell and happens to be really well done trans rep...but this is the kind of stuff that makes me obsessed with her. The thing is, Kiku never quite stops being a step ahead of the Shanks Luffy knew. Worth noting too, don’t forget this big Future Sight element. Luffy doesn’t just have to be impressed by what we see Kiku do or guess at say, a crewmate saying something offensive. He could be responding to what she would have done otherwise.
Shanks doesn’t mind cleaning up, Kiku was Okobore’s Makino. Shanks takes and brushes off ridicule, Kiku threads the needle of a way to put her foot down without escalating. Shanks doesn’t balk at a gang laughing at him when his crew’s there, Kiku the same standing alone with a jeering town at her back. Shanks stands up for a friend, Kiku the town & common folk who were insulting her. All tied up in getting one over on the dude without hurting anything but his reputation and still doing her part to save the child. Remember that’s Shanks at 27 and Kiku at 22, and then think about how Kiku ends up paralleling with 28yo Yamato in a very similar fashion. My whole point for over a year has been Wano constantly but subtly nudging you with the idea this girl’s a prodigy stifled by cultural baggage. “How high can your ceiling go?” 
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Now that context is in the hopper, let’s talk plot. This isn’t just happenstance. We know Raizo & Kin know Roger’s crew well enough to recognize the cabin boy. We know Kiku and Kawamatsu are there for the scene. We know Oden follows that up immediately by saying he was only in Wano for mere hours. Hours is a big enough window for a significant interaction. Landing on Wano through fighting Urashima was hours. The main story of Dressrosa or Thriller Bark weren’t much longer. We know now it’d be the travel time for someone to get to the Flower Capital and back plus the palace excursion. 
So Shanks was a teen here. What might catch his rambunctious eye? He was real buddy-buddy with Neko & Inu, we know at some point Neko told Kiku about Izo’s decision. Why not right away when Redtaro could presumably still be there? Don’t forget Buggyjiro as well. Stands to reason the Minks might have considered the need the few days before arrival, fretted about it even. Maybe Shanks did something like make a reckless promise to reunite them and it’s always eaten at him he could never fulfill it. It doesn’t have to be complex, even a simple faux pas could be very on brand for how this plays with the ongoing story. Be a really bad time for some tactless clod to stroll in and blurt out “Hey...I thought you said Izo had a little brother” or Buggy/Shanks having a classic argument about her gender a little too loudly.
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Always thought it was cool how the one proper YamaKiku panel is the former declining an invite the latter picks up. Remember how they trade places through the mask in 984-985? Oh hey...Luffy did reunite the siblings! Almost like that could be the first time he surpassed Shanks or something if we wanna do that. Kiku recognized the Nidai Kitetsu, Sukiyaki, & Big Mom without saying anything. What about the hat? Think both using -taro for their Wanoified nickname helped? Not like she’d be the only one. And it can be anything. Maybe Kiku was Shanks’s Kuina, a silly spat saw Redtaro get knocked tf out. Or she was just some girl he liked. Maybe had her in mind for when he broke off and started his own crew. The cool thing about something like that is how it could give Luffy the perfect leg up against a guy like Shanks...something like Mother Caramel’s portrait. A bit of unresolved personal baggage.
Time to talk later, it’s best not to get emotional before battle...you have all this sitting on a girl who we set up the perfect gap for the perfect timing. Egghead’s already doing the Rashomon thing of filling in the gaps. Law teases about looking at who’s missing right when you’d wonder about Kin/Kiku, by the end of it all we get our answer for Yamato and leave only one pair unaccounted for in that final turning point of the “play.” Marco & Kiku, who easily could have finally found that promised time to talk later. Luffy & Kiku crossing paths after everything including Yama is resolved. Luffy’s got Shanks and Fuushia on the brain and Kiku’s just had a nice long chance to let Marco tell her about Izo, Marineford, Ace, or whatever.
That’s what’s cool to me. You have this girl who unquestionably caught Luffy’s eye arguably because of traits she shares with Shanks and Makino. That girl has the right timing to have been a similar influence on Shanks himself...which means you gotta ask what attracted him to Fuushia and Party’s Bar in the first place. He used it as his base for a year, after all. Even if it’s nothing more than a fun story the two share one day, you gotta admit it’s a cool connection sitting on the table.
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condoriano-67890 · 2 years
Kin’emon’s little group just kept growing ever since his debut.
He was found dismembered in Punk Hazard, and kept saying something about his son he needed to save.
They found the son, and after the Strawhats beat and kidnapped Caesar, they took Kin’emon and Momonosuke to Dressrosa, and when they got there Kin’emon said something about rescuing his friend Kanjuro.
Kanjuro was rescued, and they all went to Zou, where Kin’emon mentioned his friend Raizo that they needed to save.
Raizo was saved, and after Whole Cake Island they all went to Wano, before Kin’emon mentioned his friend (I keep forgetting his name??) that they needed to save. During this arc, they meet Kin’emon’s old friend Kiku and his (wife?? Friend??? I can’t remember) in Okobore Town.
I find it funny how the friend group kept growing by 1 person with each and every arc up until Wano.
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megashadowdragon · 2 years
sanji will fight catarina devon after he is hit with the malady disease
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this is the perfect way for him to get around his no hitting women rule for if he does turn into a girl that rule wouldnt prohibit him from hitting catarina devon
catarina was recently revealed to have eaten the mythical nine tailed kitsune (kyuubi fruit )
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and  sanji
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sanji was originally going to be named naruto if it werent for the naruto manga 
oda and the writer of naruto are friends and oda had done shoutouts to naruto before with raizo along with this
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and naruto has the 9 tailed fox demon sealed inside of him 
so it would be a fitting reference for sanji to beat catarina devon  
and for why sanji would break his code  of not hitting a woman him getting hit with the malady illness is the perfect way for him to be able to hit a woman 
not to mention catarina likes hunting beautiful women and would try to hurt nami and robin
catarina devon  hunts for women she finds beautiful and decapitates their heads to add them to her personal collection she declares this a pursuit of beauty
and nami is a very beautiful woman
Oda drew King and Queen for the first time while also revealing Blackbeard 1 and 2 as well.
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oharas-demon · 1 year
The more I think about it, the more I realize how sudden Wano ended?
Like what happened to Big Mom and Kaido at the bottom of the mountain? The little map even showed cracks… Now that we know the Wano from 800 years ago, Pluton, and the Road Poneglyph is there, what could happen? 😳 Also we never got to see what became of Big Mom’s kids that she got separated from? I remember a few chapters ago her ship was mentioned but… Idk that’s like it… And the man marked my flames that Kid was talking about… Idk why but I suspect it might be Aokiji! I’m sure he’s burned after his fight with Akainu. Iirc, he’s working for Blackbeard so he might have some info.
Also they showed Shinobu turned young and thin again and she’s fine but what about Raizo? Is he young and thin too? 😳😳😳 And I wish we could’ve gotten to see like the people of Wano being free and happy and celebrating that now they have food and clean water and their towns are being rebuilt… I hope the anime shows that! I really hope they also pad out Kin’emon and Otsuru meeting again after 20 years. 🥺 I’m a little sad Yamato didn’t join the Straw Hats but I feel Yamato staying and doing their own thing makes the most sense… I can’t see them being a Straw Hat at least not yet!
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robinchan-hananomi · 2 years
Okay, so I just got to the beginning of Dressrosa in my reread and I noticed something that I brushed off the first go round. When Luffy said he would be the pirate king, Momo responded that was impossible and if Luffy would be the pirate king then he would be the shogun. I didn’t think of it at the time because Momo was still presented to be a random child and not actually in line for the throne. However what if it was because at that time, Momo didn’t actually see a future for himself as the shogun?
Like he and three retainers just arrived in a world 20 years in the future. They had no idea what was going on anymore, only the fact that Kaido and the man who murdered Mimi’s parents were still in power. They fled to Zou to find allies but got shipwrecked. With Raizo likely dead, three washed up on Dressrosa only for Momo to hide on a nearby ship in fear of Doflamingo and get shipped off to Punk Hazard. And in Kinmon’s efforts to follow get separated from the last retainer.
Then they meet this group of pirates, but they aren’t like the two pirate crews they have known from this time. They went out of their way to help them, complete strangers, and are even assisting them in looking for their lost comrades. But even then, they have only known Law and the Strawhats for less than 24 hours and despite knowing these people want to take down Kaido, it’s unclear if they would even have the ability to stand a chance. Not to mention Momo is still missing two retainers while having no clear path to actually make it to Zou. And even if he gets there, whose to say they are even still alive or willing to help?
I honestly think that in this moment, Momo can’t imagine a future of defeating Kaido and taking the seat of the shogun, so it’s just as impossible of a dream to him as he believes Luffy’s goal would be.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
One Piece Chapter 1055 - Initial Thoughts
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Oh it feels good to have it two weeks in a row
because now we're in for more One Piece, the reveals are coming quick and heavy with news of stuff happening on the outside
but there is still more to come as we build more to the final saga
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too
Our colour spread was to promote the Red movie this time, bit of a shame because they did the same bait and switch with Odyssey, but at the same time it shows how much One Piece has been cooking recently
But we jump straight back into the Admiral fight, where Yamato asks why Momo won't let him fight (last week's scanlations implied all the samurai but the official mentioned Yamato specifically)
Raizo tries to burn him, but Aramaki is prepared to overcome the weakness and sucks the energy out of Raizo
I know she's in the background but surely Shinobu could just, rot the plants right?
Cut back to Robin and now they're joined by Law who sensed that some Poneglyph activity was at play
Seems that they're going deep underground and underwater to get the Road Poneglyph, which the Kozuki had hidden but Kaido found thanks to Jack being a Fishman
How did he move though? He cannae swim
Law ROOMing to the window after making Robin crawl, dick move Law
Mother of Atlantis, Wano has an Underwater City!
They did the Futurama thing and built current Wano on top of old Wano
I may be bugging a little, but if you removed some mountains the Old Wano would look like God Valley a little doesn't it?
At some point at the beginning of the WG, Walls were erected either side of Wano and it became a rain dish, flooding the old Wano as the current Wano built above the tipping point
By the looks of the diagram, bits of land was added to be the foundations of part of the country, which isn't easy to do, plus it bodes the question of Onigashima
Near the bottom of the mountain (Mount Fuji apparently, real life blending with fiction) we find the Third Road Poneglyph
Sukiyaki says though that Pluton is a little further, of course it's underwater so he hasn't seen it but it's there
Key word he said was 'sleeping', it could be metaphorical but knowing One Piece it could also not...
This implies that Kaido may've found Pluton already right? Via Jack and all, It may explain his weapons factories, as well as the legend that Pluton could 'wipe out an island'
To Unleash Pluton though the walls would need to break down, therefore Opening Wano's Borders would mean releasing Pluton
Robin does bode the question that if this is the case, why did Oden want to unleash Pluton?
But we return to Aramaki and his Fascist is showing again, claiming that he wouldn't have been here if Kaido was still ruling, and that means Wano was safe from others despite being a cruel reign
Eventually we get the obvious explanation why Momo won't let Yamato fight: because he wants to prove that Wano can defend itself; Yamato wants to go out to sea after all and the Straw Hats and Minks can't stay forever, if they can't protect themselves then they'll only compel them to stay longer
And thanks to his resolve, Momo unleashes a flurry of Blast Breath at the Admiral, burning down his forest
Of course, the Admiral survives, because he can just grow from a sapling
But just as he's about to go for murder, the lightning of Conqueror's Haki strikes
The Haki scares Aramaki shitless, and it seems that somehow the Admiral is communicating with Shanks from afar
It's almost as if Shanks is doing something with his sword too, the questions are piling up
Probably an error though but it looked like Shanks' silhouette had both arms a bit, the way he was holding the sword was weird...
Shanks dishing out the intimidation factor though, scaring Aramaki away from Wano
So he'll attack new Yonko Luffy for Akainu but literally wilts to Shanks? Interesting
The party wages on but Jimbei, Luffy and Sanji were out watching, knew that their Haki would've sensed the Admiral. What happened with Kid and his murder attempt though?
The four (monster four? Luffy and the new Monster Trio? We gotta workshop on this) are proud of Momo holding his ground though, but even they sensed Shanks' haki
But of course, only Luffy has an idea of who it was as Shanks' ship looks to sail away again
There was also an extra few panels showing Uta getting inspired to write her magnum opus, to also promote the movie, it seems like she was ignoring the Den Den Mushi though telling her that people are in danger, hints towards perhaps the darker side of Uta...
So another mass info dump of a chapter, and still very awesome.
From reading the official I could understand why Momo didn't want Yamato to fight, it helped that I had observed his intervention as him stepping up for Wano as well anyway. It does feel like confirmation that he'll join the crew maybe probably, but we still haven't gotten Luffy's word, and I still feel like Carrot earned it too (admittedly it did annoy me that people were quick to fanart Yamato in the crew while during WCI Carrot didn't get barely any of the same kind, even though Luffy and Yamato have only really known each other for a day before he fell unconscious) but we'll have to wait on that still.
The Pluton stuff is perhaps the most exciting for me; Wano underwater holding the ship, when did they move it from Alabasta? Is Old Wano God Valley? Or was it the other 'City of Gold' mentioned way back when. What of Big Mom and Kaido? They were sent deep into Mt Fuji, they could easily come out somewhere around here, and they did weaken the front wall that could unleash Pluton anyway. Plus Jimbei could check on Pluton, as could Law and the crew in the Shark Submerge, so it feels like there's a lot more still to see with Wano itself.
Does this mean that Zunesha also knew about Pluton? Is Pluton a creature rather than a ship? There are questions piling up and I wants to know! I do feel a little unnerved by Law though, he is with Robin likely for the Will of D answers but still, he's also letting the Straw Hats collect the 3 Road Poneglyphs for him, so keeping an eye on him for now...
And Shanks, ah Shanks. Barely even in the Manga and yet he has us hooked every time he's on screen. His haki is immense to scare an Admiral like that, I'm still curious if the communication with Aramaki was via Shanks or via Aramaki's DF, but it shows that Luffy and Shanks' collision will not be a bunch of BDE power plays, testing both the individual and the cohesiveness of the crew (hopefully at least), but that is indeed one for the future.
Overall we got a lot of stuff, but the night is still young, and much much more still needs to be learned. No admiral will spoil the party at least, so we'll see what else Oda will throw at us
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ask-meatlover-luffy · 4 years
How's Wano jail Luffy?(in anime)
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Page Reads:
Luffy: ef off kid. Bruh. Only Dumplings. Hungry. I need meat. What a hippocrite. Gonna beat kaido. Waitin on the nin nin. Got to get back to work. I sense something. Raizo hurry. Also there's no meat.
Caribou: take me with u
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purplehairedwonder · 2 years
Chapter 1041: Spoilers, sweetie
First things first: I am here for Pudding punching Sanji’s brothers. Atta girl.
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I’m not typically one to theorize on the lore of the series, mostly because it’s still so vague that I’m satisfied with letting that part of the story play out, but I have to wonder if we’re getting some hints that Momo is Joyboy. He can talk to Zunesha and then we get this panel:
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That would be an interesting twist.
Also, it seems that Oden was anti-spoilers, tearing out the most important pages of his journal.
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I see on Reddit people thinking that the fact that these pages are gone from the journal are a point in favor of Yamato joining the Straw Hats since she wouldn’t be bringing those spoilers to the crew (and we know how Luffy feels about spoilers). However, Yamato’s reaction to Momo’s worry made me think the opposite:
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This expression Yamato makes me think that, along with having the Devil Fruit of the guardian deity of Wano, she might stay in Wano to help Momo rebuild and open the country.
Then we get Raizo being officially declared the victor in the ninja battle of the century. But what preparations is he talking about? 
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And could this be where Denjiro has been all this time? I assumed he was with Hiyori, but if that were the case, I would have expected to see him in this chapter.
My favorite part of the chapter is, of course, Hiyori, making her move on Orochi. Fuck him up, queen!
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It’s fitting that Hiyori wears her mask here because she spent twenty years wearing a mask as she hid behind the identity of Komurasaki, who, when we first met her, was portrayed as an aloof, greedy, and treacherous woman. But the one she was truly manipulating was Orochi. And she’s been biding her time for this moment.
Her finally revealing her identity is so satisfying.
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@ninhaoma-ya​​ has a great analysis of the lighting in this panel, noting the contrast of light on Hiyori and dark on Orochi. So good.
Then we’ve got Izo taking down one of the CP0 agents. 
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Whether this is Izo’s end or not remains to be seen, but his sacrifice fits one of the themes of this arc, which is the new generation taking the place of the old. The Whitebeard Pirates are remnants, their captain two years dead. They’re here to help the next generation rise.
And we have the shift of orders from capturing Robin to taking out Luffy. Does this mean Luffy’s fruit is the one the Elders were talking about previously? Honestly, I hope not. 
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I like Luffy having a silly fruit and being endlessly creative with a seemingly crappy power. The less “Chosen One” narrative the better in my view.
Also, Drake is back up. Is he going to take out the other CP0 agent? That would be good; we’ve seen Luffy, Law, and Kid all get knocked down and get back up. Now it may be Drake’s turn. This also seems likely to fit into Hawkins’ 1% prediction.
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Meanwhile, Big Mom’s defeat is being felt around the island. I raised an eyebrow at Nami only mentioning Law while Luffy only mentioned Kid.
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Speaking of those two, Law is no longer upright. He admits he’s got nothing left. I really like Kid in this moment, though. He went from a doomed alliance and resulting cynicism to
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“Should we brace ourselves?”
We saw some growth from him when he willingly went after Big Mom to keep the two Emperors separated despite having a vendetta against Kaido, and we see another one here; despite the bickering between the two captains during the fight, he’s not talking about himself only.
Law continues to show his unwavering faith in his alliance -- he did his part, now it’s up to his partner to do his -- and I think seeing the strength of that alliance has been important to Kid.
Speaking of alliances, Kaido is depressed that his seems to have crumbled.
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And we get a brief flashback to Kaido meeting Big Mom for the first time. It seems he was quite young at the time.
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This seems like a prelude to a longer Kaido/Rocks Pirates flashback. I’m pretty meh at the prospect at the moment. Kaido has been the weakest part of Wano for me (especially after two arcs with such good villains in Doffy and Big Mom), but maybe learning more about him will help. Doffy and Big Mom were good villains even before their flashbacks, though, and Kaido is just... not even remotely interesting to me.
Lastly, I was glad to see Luffy returning to his righteous anger. His enjoyment of the fight was rubbing me the wrong way considering how Kaido has hurt people he cares for -- something he finds unforgiveable. 
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So the question remains whether Luffy and Kaido get the chance to finish their fight or if the World Government interrupts it. Most of the other plotlines are being tied up, and this is the biggest one left.
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fallensnowfan · 8 months
Did a quick reread of chapters 1060-1067, focusing on scenes which Bonney appears in and what she knows/learns from the SHs about their time in Wano.
1061 - Luffy tells Bonney that he has white hair when he's "at his most free." She sees that Chopper has a Wano-style straw hat(which he mentions is a gift from Tama in 1060, though Bonney wasn't with them at the time.)
Bonney learns that Jinbei became part of his crew, or more generally, she spells it out that Luffy gained a crew member without the world outside of Wano knowing.
1062 - Not Wano related, though worth noting I feel. Bonney thinks to herself that she ran into Sabo at Mariejois, and that she will tell the SHs later.
1066 - Bonney hears Luffy dub the robot "Robonosuke," and say there is a "Kin'emon-like guy," half stuck to/in the robot.
1067 - Bonney hears Luffy comparing VP to a ninja, then passes out when the bugs are drawn to her light sword. Funny how blatantly Oda is keeping her from directly hearing that the SHs were in Wano because right after… Luffy reveals he was in Wano recently, and drops Momo's name, calling him the Guardian Deity of Wano.
Bonney is smart however, I think she has enough info to be curious about more than the defeats of Kaido and Big Mom, which was said in the newspaper.
To quickly recap - Bonney hears Luffy talking about or in reference to Kin'emon, Momo, and Raizo, sees Chopper's hat, and learns that Jinbei became one of Luffy's crew members. Then for us as readers, I think it stands out that each of our Act One or time traveling Wano allies get some sort of mention, except Kiku. I can't help but be interested in Bonney being on the Sunny as of 1091.
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dear-mrs-otome · 2 years
Before Kanetsun ends you on his route, can you fill us/me in on more (funny) surprising facts about this man? I read a translation the other day and I did not expect a trickster in him, for example. 😂😂😂 He really is an interesting character.
I'm just starting my first ending, so I still have a bit of a ways to go, but here are some random things about Kanetsugu - not all funny or surprising, and MASSIVE SPOILERS so beware!
Also I rarely if ever play Ikesen events or such so if any of this is repeated knowledge that's already been hinted at in Eng, forgive me <3
- Has a pet hamster, which I think we know in Eng, not sure if it's name has been said but it's Raizo cause it has widdle lightning markings. He claims it's not a pet he's just giving it a safe place but the hamster refuses to leave
- Exceedingly well-read, will quote various philosophers and tacticians at times, can wax quite poetic
- Has a school/library open to the public that he's set up at a nearby temple, and teaches there on occasion. Mentors some children
- Has written books himself intended to be used as textbooks basically, instructional
- His little brother Yoshichi (shoutout to my fellow also-SLBP-players!) is mentioned by name and in flashback
- On occasion is still referred to as 'Higuchi', his original surname
- Mitsunari is a huge fanboy of him
- a rotating list of members of the animal kingdom he's called MC: monkey, dog, caterpillar (I promise these ridiculous insults all have a good point in the moment XD)
- Wisteria everything, fam. WISTERIA EYES all the time. You're gonna be so done with the wisteria references HE EVEN SMELLS LIKE THEM
- frozen lake references too
- star metaphors later, on both sides
- Conceal Don't Feeeeeeel this man could teach Elsa a thing or two about keeping a lid on his emotions
- except when it all goes to shit
- because let me tell you this bastard is fucking feral inside and when he snaps....hoo boy
- the bloodiest route I've read in ikesen so far
- do not engage if you cannot vibe with an LI that has a body count/attempted body count I've lost track of
- killed a man when he was 8 years old. EIGHT.
- bonus to having a murder switch? also a literal and metaphorical fucking beast in bed
- the man legit proposes a SAFE WORD
- once he's deep in the feels, he's a blushing ball of horny pining
- absolute dipshit levels of 'noble idiocy' and convinced he doesn't deserve MC's love
- definitely gets jealous, definitely hates that he gets jealous
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imaeraser · 3 years
Can I request platonic Akazaya nine headcannons
(Takes place before 20-year time jump)
He’s goofy
He isn’t even trying, it’s just that he’s a little slow on the uptake
And by that, I mean very
You can be making a joke, and he’ll take it seriously. Then five minutes later start laughing hysterically
Which makes you laugh at how ridiculous he is— and that just leads to you two rolling on the ground. No longer sure about what was funny, but each time the other person laughs, you can’t help but do the same
He’s a perv, so you catch him leering at girls
So of course you tell the rest of the 9, and you guys endlessly tease him
Then he starts yelling about how he’s the leader, and how he can punish you guys
But no one takes him seriously
Even Oden joins in on the fun. That’s when Kin’emon give up trying to save his pride (he ends up making fun of himself)
He tries to act like a big brother, which most of the time doesn’t work. But when it does you wonder where all the wisdom came from
10/10 Expect nothing less from Kin’emon
He’s serious
But in a funny ironic way. Unlike Kin’emon he will get the joke, but not laugh and scold you for not taking work seriously
When he loosens up (aka, when Oden tells him to relax) then he might laugh at your corny jokes, but until then you can expect him to act like a mom
He may not have much of a sense of humor, but he is probably the best when it comes to advice
Tell him your woes, and he’ll have an eight-step plan to fix them
If you do something amazing on accident, he’ll have a newly gained respect for you
That’s because he’s kinda naive
So if you pull an Usopp on him, and start telling grand lies. He’ll believe you
Be careful though, that may mean he’ll give you way more than you can chew when fighting enemies
He will fanboy to you about something cool Oden did
If you don’t get as excited as he does, he will scold you
7/10 too much of a mom
They are like an older sister figure
Pretty calm
Until you do something stupid, then they’re giving you the worst side-eye. They don’t even have to speak for you to understand what they’re saying
They like to dress you up in clothes that are as feminine as possible
If that’s not your style, deal with it. If it is, then you two can choose outfits for each other
You low-key get creeped out when they put on the Oni mask
Their entire vibe changes, and it’s intimidating
They wouldn’t protect you in a fight, since they trust that you can handle yourself
But if anyone picks on you outside a fight, expect hands to be thrown
I can see you two making food for the others
When Oden isn’t making oden… which is all the time
9/10 the only downside is the shade that is (occasionally) thrown
You two mess around together
You guys can act out several plays and have tons of fun making the characters as outlandish as possible
He’ll draw something cute for you, and you two get to play with it for a while
If you’re extra hungry, he’ll draw out some lettuce. But when that gives you a stomach ache, he’ll just rub your back
I can see him trying to be a good wingman, but failing (I think the only good wingmen would be Kawamatsu, and Denjiro. But Denjiro would never do it)
He’ll just stick to doing your Kabuki makeup
I think he would be a good hype man
I can also see you two just drinking tea, while the rest of the group is running around, trying to find where Momonosuke ran off to
I can see you two taking a pottery class together (and probably failing)
Anything art related you and Kanjuro like to do together
I can also see you two having dance parties, and (most) of the group joins in
10/10 very fun times
Similar to Kin’emon
But the difference is that he tries to impress you with his ninja skills
If you compliment him, he’ll act humble
But he’s beaming with pride
He uses his ninja skills to prank you
This leads to a prank war that no one is safe from
Even Oden wants to join in on the fun. Which ends up with him crushing everyone
Not very good when it comes to emotions, he ends up getting awkward
Unless you’re getting emotion about Oden because he’ll start crying too
He’ll ask you to help him pick up girls
It never works. It ends up with the girl running and screams, and you two bolting and having to explain to Oden why he got a complaint
9/10 it’s all fun and games until Oden joins in
Ashura Doji
Acts kinda like an uncle/older brother
He acts seriously a lot of the time, but when he does let loose he is fun to be around
Why can’t he be like that all the time?
He may not always have the most fun, but he is always reliable
If you have any problems, you can go to talk to him and he’ll listen. And if you ask for advice, then he’ll give the best words of wisdom
And if he thinks it’s appropriate for him to step in, he will
He smells like alcohol though, so if that bothers you he’ll just laugh
I can see him teaching you how to use a sword/fight, or give extra practice
Ashura also treats you like an errand runner
He’ll give you a few coins and ask you to buy him sake, or a snack
If you say no, he’ll get salty
8/10 stop sending people on errands
Him, Neokmamushi, and Kawamatsu are the best trio
Add you in, and the castle is in shambles
In the best and most fun way, but it is still chaos
It doesn't help when Oden joins in. It only makes things crazier (see the trend?)
Then the rest of the 9 has two stop you four, and Toki scolds Oden
I can see him also giving really good advice
He’s loyal to a fault, like dude calm down. All that person did was look at you, he does not need to whip out his sword
I can also see him following you around (like a dog)
He likes to act as he hates it when you pet him, but he secretly loves it
I think that he would like to read books with you and drinking tea
Can be annoying though, since he’s clingy
9/10 not too much to complain about
I think it would take a while for him to warm up to you
Him being a cat, that makes sense
I think that when he does warm up though, you will never be able to get him off of you
You can be laying down, digesting food, and he’ll just start kneading you
If you tell him to stop, he’ll get salty, and leave you for an hour, and then come back and try to sit on your lap
Like stop, you’re way too big to be doing that
He’ll also start to randomly rub your faces together
Like Inuarashi, he will follow you everywhere
That leads to those two into fights (sometimes), but if you pet both of them they’ll shut up
He’d be good at killing bugs. So if you are disgusted/scared of them, then he is the perfect partner in (bug) homicide
If anyone is bothering you, he’ll team up with Inuarashi to beat them up
9/10 there is a lot of similarities between him and Inuarashi
He is so cute
If you give him food he will love you forever
Especially eggs, he loves the texture
So if you give him an egg, he’ll thank you and do anything you say for a day
This can be useful if you don’t want to do something yourself
I can see him getting you two matching hats and clothes
Unlike the cat and dog duo, he doesn’t feel the need to be around you all the time. Instead, he lets you come to him
He’s also really good at giving advice and learning an ear
And as I mentioned before, he is one of the best wingmen. If you have your eyes on someone, he will go up to them and start talking about all of your accomplishments. How you saved fifty kids in one day (or something)
With him as a wingman, you are guaranteed at least one date. If you screw it up, that's on you
I also can see him as a very honest person, so when you ask him if you’re idea is dumb (and it is), he’ll tell you— in the kindest way possible
10/10 I need a Kawamatsu in my life
He’s kinda a bully, but in the nicest way possible
He just likes messing with you. I can see him beating you and the rest of the crew up at a board game when you guys were little kids
Like dude, chill
Don’t worry though, if you think he’s being an unintentional bully (since he kinda acts immature), you can just tell his wife, and he’ll stop real quick
But when it comes down to it, you guys are what means the most to him
Aka: If he sees someone or something bothering you, he will demolish it
Unless it's another one of the nine, then he’ll make a family circle to talk it out
He likes it when he sees you and the rest of the group take care of his kids. It’s like seeing his kids, take care of his kids
Then his eyes start stinging and welling up with tears
But if you ask him, he’ll tell you that he is not crying
He’s kinda like a dad, but also like a little brother too
10/10 just stop beating everyone at uno
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 month
You've done a post about your favorite Kiku ships. Which ships do you like for the other Akazaya and friends?
So there's the two I've mentioned. Izo/Marco because look at how they interact with each other. Brilliant pothead and fussy diva, iconic pairing. Then Speed/Hamlet because yeah, makes sense. Hamlet is going to have to pursue his lady love flashily and she'll take a while to warm up to him but his dogged persistence will thaw her icy heart. Also call me crazy but you know Tsuru the teahouse owner? I think her and that doofus Kin would be cute together.
Solely because of TCG synergy, count me as a one-woman Team YamaOhm. I'm too classy for cracks about breeding and don't want to unpack that around Yamato's Oden-centric gender identity and I don't have to because sexual desire is desire therefore Ohm is above it.
I actually like Raizo & Shinobu as a pair. Like, through it all he's still into her, time & tide make her feel differently. But it's majorly off-brand for Raizo to ever get lucky so sorry buddy. Wouldn't be surprised to see Denjiro with say, some lady he took a fondness for and used his Kyoshiro connections to protect. Hiyori's got a Boa Hancock thing going on towards Zoro that will never be requited. Much like about 80% of the men and women of Wano towards Kiku.
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