#retail wow is pretty fun
smuffkinz · 3 months
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Wow character appreciation post ❤️❤️❤️
I mostly main a holy priest and ret pally :)
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copperbadge · 10 months
Every time, you guys. Every time I look into alternatives to Lulu.com for self-publishing I come up with “Wow Lulu really is the best of a bad set of options, huh?” 
Recently, Draft2Digital bought Smashwords in order to bring a print book company under their aegis; they’d formerly only done ebooks. I thought I might investigate them as an alternative to Lulu, which I’ve used for about twelve years now. For ebooks I would venture D2D is probably top of the line. For print books they are....not. 
I’m writing this out half so other folks can see it but half so that in the future I can look this up and remind myself of why I’m still with Lulu. 
TLDR: Not only does Draft2Digital want 60% of my print book royalties where Lulu takes 0%, and $30 for a proof that costs me $11 at Lulu, but I also appear to have solved the problem of why Lulu was making me price my books so goddamn artificially high. Which is like. Honestly the best anti-anxiety drug I’ve experienced this week. 
Basically there are a number of elements that go into self-publishing with a print-on-demand service. For some publishers, there’s a “setup fee” which doesn’t really set anything up, it’s just there to be a fee, everything is done by computer on the back end. Traditionally, Lulu has not charged a setup fee. Smashwords used to charge $50, but Draft2Digital currently waives it. I was heartened by that because the setup fee was keeping me from migrating, since I can afford $50 but I balk at knowing I’m paying them $50 for nothing. 
Next is the cost of printing -- what it costs the company in paper, ink, machinery, labor, etc, to just make a book with no profit. Lulu’s price calculus isn’t super clear and I’ve never bothered looking at what the breakdown is, because they’re pretty up-front -- they tell you in the process of setting the book up how much it’ll cost. In this case, a 140-page 6x9 trade paperback, no frills, which is how all my books are printed, is $5. Draft2Digital doesn’t tell you the flat price anywhere but they do offer the breakdown information; it costs $1.22 flat plus $0.0133 per page. So, for a 140 page book, the at-cost is $3.08. So far so good. 
Now, if you’re going to sell through Lulu, the “at cost” is the minimum price. You won’t make any money but you CAN charge just $5 for a $5 book. Any pricing above that is your cut. So -- let’s price this 140 page trade paperback at $13-$15. That’s a bit high to be honest but let’s just see. At Lulu, your take is roughly $6-$8 based on those prices, because you’re just dropping out the cost of printing from the retail price. 
At Draft2Digital, the same 140-page trade paperback, which remember is quoted as costing roughly $1.20 less to print than Lulu charges, gets you $2.75-$3.50 in royalties per book.
....wait, what? 
So now we need to sidetrack a little but I promise it’s for a reason. One of the motivations for looking into a change to Draft2Digital is that I didn’t like that Lulu was setting higher “minimum prices” than I was accustomed to -- they would tell me the book only cost $5 to print but require me to sell it for $12 or similar, and I couldn’t work out why. I’m an idiot but the penny did finally drop: it’s because when you distribute them outside of Lulu (say, on Amazon or Barnes & Noble or similar) your royalties drop like a stone. $7 in royalties purchased through Lulu comes out to like twenty-five cents purchased through Amazon. So Lulu forces you to price the book at a point where you even GET royalties and don’t end up weirdly owing Amazon money. The “global distribution” is what’s driving that minimum up. 
So in price-quoting a competitor I actually solved the problem with Lulu. 
Which is good, because the fun doesn’t stop there. If you want a proof copy of a book from Lulu, it’s the at-cost of the book, plus tax, plus postage. Buying a proof copy of this book from Lulu would cost me $11. Lulu makes you order a new proof copy every time you make a change, which is shady, but usually I only need to make 1-2 changes across the life of a book, so at most the cost will probably be $35 and for that I’ll get three copies of the book. Draft2Digital doesn’t give you an option. If you want a proof pre-publication, it’s $30 flat. If you want to publish and then buy a copy you can, but you can only make one change to the book every 90 days once it’s published. If you want to make more than one change, it’s $25 every time you upload a new version of the manuscript within that 90 day period.
So Draft2Digital’s books cost less to print but they take a massive cut of your royalties out of the retail cost of the book. If the book costs $3 to print, and I price it at $15, that’s $12 in profit on the book. Of that $12, however, I only receive $4. Draft2Digital literally wants 2/3 of my royalties per book. They want $20 more than Lulu to send me a proof copy. If I need to correct the proof, the correction is free, but I’m assuming the second proof will also cost me $30. Any changes after that, within 90 days, will cost $25 plus $30 for a new proof.
Which means my upfront costs at Lulu are about $35 per published book; to do the same thing at Draft2Digital is between $60 and $105 depending on whether I need to make changes after the second proof copy. And even after that, my royalties at Lulu are just about twice what they would be at Draft2Digital per purchase. 
So, well, Lulu it is. And the problem I was having with Lulu is solved if I decide to just retail through Lulu rather than selling globally. Which...selling globally has done two things that I’m aware of:
1. Fucked up my author page so badly on Amazon that one of my books is still attributed to Kathleen Starbuck, and one of her books is for sale on my author page. 
2. Raised the minimum price I’m allowed to set my books at by like, 40%. 
So I think probably what’s going to happen is going forward my books will be for sale only on Lulu. I can still assign them ISBNs and they still will ship worldwide, and the prices will fall significantly. My deepest apologies to those of you who have paid an artificially inflated price for the last few books; I’m going to fix that going forward, I’m going to go in and try to fix it retroactively in the books that are already on Lulu, and if it’s any consolation at least the cash came to me, and TWO THIRDS OF IT didn’t go to Lulu. 
It’s gonna take me a little time, untangling Lulu’s relationship to other retailers is tricky, but eventually the Shivadh Omnibus and Twelve Points should come down significantly in price, and there ought to be a dollar or two drop for the older books as well. 
This is why it always pays to do the math, even if like me you are dreadful at it. 
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hotluncheddie · 2 years
steve and robin are drunk. it’s about 6pm, they started at 3 and they’re having a blast! upside down shit is over! they’re best friends! young, dumb and having fun baby!!
'this was a great idea, its great, i love being drunk' steve's listening to robin's rambling, nodding and smiling. she's so funny and cool, god he loves her so much!
there's a knock at the door and steve rolls off of the couch, stumbling to his feet, very very elegantly thank you. 'steve steeeeeve no this is the best part, watch steve. watch look how hot she is!' robin is pointing at the screen but steve has no idea what film is on... the actress does look kind of hot tho. 'you're so right.' he tells her and she just nods over and over, eyes not leaving the screen.
steve rips the door open, ‘eddie!! hey robin eddies here how cool is that?’ god this is great! eddies here! steve loves eddie! well you know not like that... not yet...
‘let’s goooooo’ robin shouts from the lounge.
‘party time is it stevie?’ eddie smiles rocking back and forward a little on his heels, steve can't stop staring at him. wow. eddie!
'...can i come in or.. or is it steve and robin only time?' gasping steve processes what eddie is saying. reaching to grip him by the wrist, pulling him inside 'of course you can come in eddie! robin put some weird movie on i don't understand so you have to come save me'
steve doesn't spot the surprised smile that brightens eddies face at the contact. or the way his heart is squeezing at the free sort of happiness emanating from definitely wasted steve harrington. 'of course your highness'
steve giggles at that, dragging eddie to where robin is now sprawled over the recliner, her glass of wine back in hand. steve picks up his own glass and offers it to eddie. 'were drinking wine to be classy and because robin likes vampires now.'
'interview with a vampire read very gay steve' robin has her eyes on the movie still, lips staines red.
'i'm good, angel, i gotta drive back in a bit' eddie pushes the glass back towards steve who blushes and drops on the sofa. 'and i couldn't agree more buckley. now, not judging, but is there a reason you've gone on this very classy bender on a thursday?' eddie takes in the couple wine bottles on the table, sitting next to steve, close enough for their knees to brush.
'we work retail. this is basically saturday. we don't get weekends. time isn't real.' robin states pointing an accusing finger at eddie, her hair totally flat on one side and cheeks rosy.
they go on but steve has lost track of the conversation, he only knows it's happening because he can see eddies lips moving. they're nice lips, eddie likes to say nice things to steve. steve likes that. he likes eddie. he drains his glass, leaning forward to refill it and slumping back to look at eddie again. he's a little closer now, his brain points out. nice.
'you gonna be okay stevie? i gotta go have dinner with wayne, i only came by to drop you this.' eddie pulls a tape from inside his jacket and holds it up, tapping steve in the nose with it. steve giggles again.
'mmm yeah we'll be okay, off tomorrow, couch is comfy to sleep on.' steve wiggles his eyebrows and snuggles down more into the sofa, as if to prove his point. he beams as eddie laughs at him.
'metal?' steve asks, drinking more and holding the tape up close to his face. why are the words blurry? ah! wine! that's why. yes.
'some, not all. mostly just songs i think you'll like' eddie is looking at him and if steve was more sober he might see how nervous eddie is.
mostly steve just sees how pink his lips are as his tongue swipes over them and how big and sparkly his eyes are. always so sparkly, how does he do that?!
'you’re so pretty eddie' steve can't help it. eddie has to know, its, its important. so important that eddie munson knows just how pretty he is. how pretty steve thinks he is.
'pretty eddie. pretty hair, pretty eyes.' steve looks all over eddies face, trying to take it all in.
eddies eyes widen and his cheeks dust pink. there he goes again, steve thinks, being pretty! he can't take it!
'god, harrington you can't just say that' eddie looks at him incredulous, but smiling.
'ugh don't call me that, and i can say whatever i want. its my house and my wine party, thank you very much.' steve sips his drink, going for huffy but he's too drunk to really care, quickly going back to looking at eddie from his slumped position in the couch.
'apologies princess. how about this? call me tomorrow and if you still think I'm pretty we can talk about it then, kay?' eddie eyes are soft, if a little guarded not quite as sparkly.
'mkay, dunno why i'd stop just because it's tomorrow tho.' steve frowns a little, looking into his glass. eddies always been pretty.
'i see. well, i gotta go now stevie but i'll see you soon yeah? you'll look after robin and get some sleep?' eddie tucks some hair behind steves ear and oh. oh. that's nice. sleeve preens, blinking slowly, nodding.
he twists on the sofa, watching as eddie leaves with a little wave. listens as the rev of his engine grows faint into the distance. leaving the room quiet apart from robin's soft snores.
'tomorrow' steve whispers, before he goes to get glasses of water ready for them both and promptly passes out onto the sofa. face smushed into the pillow that smells most like eddie.
woken abruptly by the shrill ring of the phone, eddie stumbles into the living room, noting that the clock reads 9am. who the fuck would ring at 9 in the fucking morning?
he rips the phone away from the receiver. 'yes?'
'hey pretty boy.'
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occult-roommates · 6 months
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A new beginning to an old story
Around five days after their walk in the park, Athena felt ready to invite Akva to her new apartment. The reason it took so long is mostly because she needed to clean it first, and also for Akva to have some free time in between her retail job and flying lessons, but now it was time.
Athena: Tadah! Akva: Oh wow, congratulation on getting your own place. It's actually pretty decent. Athena: Why are you surprised by that? Akva: Cause like, have you seen my apartment? I live with six grown adults and one baby, but we only have two bedrooms but Charlie refuses to share hers except with the baby. We barely have enough space, privacy is like a foreign concept to me now after living like this for more than three years. Athena: I mean, I'm just saying, I only have one bedroom, but I think it's spacious enough I could get at least one roommates. Akva: Also, I was about to ask how you can afford it, but I mean, it's the spice district, most people in the area don't make that much money in the first place. Athena: That's because Paisley pays me good. Like I said, I could have a roommate to make it easier but I don't absolutely need one. Especially since in college I had one that must be from Hell. Like imagine a dude who refuses to shower more than once a week in spite of being a gym rat, would leave his dirty dishes everywhere to the point we had bugs infestation multiple times, and would punch holes into walls on a regular basis. Even had to bail him out of jail after a DUI with the money I needed to pay for a new computer. Oh and also he'd let his used condoms around the apartment as a way to assert dominance over my "beta" ass. Akva: Cause this guy was getting laid???!!!
Anyway, Athena kept showing Akva around the place. It wasn't that decorated to her personality yet, 50% because she couldn't afford it yet, 50% because the landlord wouldn't let her repaint that sickly green or move the furnitures around that much.
Then, the two women sat down on the couch to continue their little chat.
Athena: Fun fact, you can see by the window the exact place where that plane landed in the Myshun river a few years ago. Akva: Oh wow, that's cool. I remember recently, Ralf and I went to an aviation museum that's in southern New York in hope of seeing part of that plane, but turns out it's in North Carolina. We still had fun though, after the museum we went to eat at the shadiest roadside dinner known to man. Athena: Who are you talking about? Akva: Ralf is my new father figure, you should meet him, he is really nice.
Akva then leaned in for a hug. It felt good to finally have a close friend back in town. It felt even more special now that she knew Athena was actually happy and not just pretending. Though, it did messed her up that she literally had no idea what she was going through. Then again, in her defense, she was living on the other side of the country, even if Athena was visibly unhappy, she couldn't have known. Yeah, they did saw each other from time to time, like when they briefly dated which caused Akva to get pregnant, but still, she could have very well hid how she felt.
Akva: And you know, it would feel even more special if instead of introducing you to him as my friend...
Akva tapped her laps and told Athena to sit here, so she did. Now that they were in a more intimade position, step 2.
Akva: I'd introduce you as my girlfriend.
Athena looked at her all red and then, they made out on the couch, as the cameraman panned away as to not creep on them. Maybe their first attempt at dating did not ended up super well, and let's be real, ruined Akva's life for a year, but this time is the right time. Round 2 will be different, round 2 will have a happy ending.
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boeing747 · 3 months
its so strange. i find retail wow pretty fun but wow classic really is way more engaging and absorbing. i think cause it feels much lower fanatasy youre not some great hero/champion youre literally just some fucking guy. i hope if they ever make wow 2 they scale the epic fantasy stuff wayyyy down and make it way more nitty gritty
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felizusnavidad · 4 months
I am so close to putting my two weeks in without a job lined up.
I'm sorry but I honestly can't stand it here at this company anymore (it's retail); I like my coworkers and my manager when she's not micromanaging and being annoying, but it is very stagnant here and there is no growth beyond assistant manager. It's quite boring at times. I've come to hate talking to people too (mostly because we're forced to lol, and she is very on your a** about it.) I've been here since the fall of 2021. I've been applying to fashion and entertainment public relations agencies nonstop because creative marketing is what I want to do. I swear retail is the only industry that's hiring right now... I don't want to pursue retail management though, I want a 9-5 job that has the weekends + holidays off and where I can have fun and enjoy what I do, which is be creative. Teamwork, creative projects, collaborating... I want to marry my love for the fine arts and fashion industry together.
Sorry for the negativity, I just needed to let this out to someone, and that someone had to be you... :')
ok, wow, where do i start.
so first of all, i am actually flattered you chose me (although i am wondering why? i always thought i suck at giving advice but it's nice to know someone might have a different opinion). & second: i can't tell for sure but i feel like you wrote to me before, so we are basically friends at this point, no need to apologize 🤭
anon, quit your job. ok, that sounds scary & impulsive, but believe me or not, i was struggling with the same kind of thing last year. working in retail is probably the worst thing EVER, one customer can literally ruin your whole day, and, like you said, there is no growth in most places. once you quit your job, you are pretty much forced to look for something else (& that worked for me, cause i was too lazy before i quit but then i did so i had to), it's a risk but it's much better than suffering at your current place. it just makes you depressed... the only difference between us is that you actually know exactly what you want to do, i didn't (& i still don't, i'm just trying to find something that would be right for me lol), and this is already half the battle. and from what i can tell, you are working very hard to fulfill your dream & i'm sure everything is about to change for you pretty soon. i may know absolutely nothing about the industry you're talking about but if you can let yourself take a little break from working for a while to just breathe & maybe focus on what you really want to do & try a little bit more (and by that i mean: you're gonna have much more time to look for a job you want, so use it!), do it! this is what we need sometimes. and it has to work out eventually, right? i assume you are good at what you want to do & please don't you ever give up on that dream, it may take some time but someone will finally appreciate you, i'm sure of it.
be brave & you're gonna be fine. just breathe.
i don't know if any of this makes sense, i'm sorry, i'm pretty chaotic. but i believe in you & i wish you all the best, i truly hope you're gonna find what you're looking for.
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repressed-n-depressed · 4 months
i am once again asking where the queer WoW RP scene is nowadays. looking for a chill group of LGBT+ folks to be gay and do crimes with.
rambling a bit about who i am / what i like beneath the cut, so you can skip by if you're not interested~ <3
i'm a chill af thembo, Pacific timezone based (but trending nocturnal), who just wants to have a good time telling stories bopping characters together like action figures and seeing what happens. i'm more interested in character drama than sweeping adventure stories, but when one leads into the other that's pretty darn cool. I'm also not really into the tavern scene as a main draw, though it's fine as a sometimes food. I'm fine with mature (and adult/"spicy") content and dig darker themes like crime/cult stuff. While I'm pretty dang versed in Warcraft lore -- outside of whatever the hell happened in SL and beyond anyway -- I also think headcanons/riffing on things is cool and good, and definitely have a few of my own (mostly around religion and warlock stuff, having spent my full WoW career maining a priest and a warlock).
I'm primarily a horde kind of person, but I'm open to whatever if the vibes are right. I have a ton of fun characters I'd love to explore of all classes and backgrounds! Some of them might come with... a bit of history; I've had a few of these pals for nearly 20 years now (ouch i'm old), but my favorite part of roleplaying is seeing how my characters grow and change with every new interaction and scene. But I also have some new or less-loved characters I'd love to finally get a chance to play for the first time.
My RP style is "literate, but brief"; I can do multi-para if it's called for, but generally, I'm just not into florid language or words for the sake of words.
Currently playing on Wyrmrest Accord retail, but I'm open to other servers -- or even private servers like Epsilon, which I've poked around at in the past.
Tell me what your scene is like and I'll throw a couple of back-of-the-book blurbs at you for my guys to see if we're a good fit!
If you read, thanks for reading. <3
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wondrouswendy · 2 years
Maybe a weird thing to ask, but since you seem to thoroughly enjoy it I figured I'd ask you - is WoW something someone can still get into with no prior knowledge? I've always been somewhat intrigued (I play a lot of Wizard101 which google seems to relate to WoW). But it seems daunting. Not sure if you have an opinion maybe? 😅
Yes, because I technically brought my friend on board. @rangerzath always memed on WoW calling it a game for """nerds""" (said the nerd) and toward the tail end of the Legion expansion, I brought them on board. We played retail for a few expansions and then with the return of Wrath of the Lich King Classic this past October, I convinced them to try Classic as well in order to play the original version of the Death Knight class (their favorite class).
First of all, it depends on what version of WoW you want to play. Retail vs Classic.
Retail is pretty hand-holdy with leveling and some aspects of class introduction, but endgame might seem very daunting and isolating if you aren't familiar with the social systems in the game. Some people would say that Retail is very casual friendly and the content is arguably soloable outside of instances and raids, but the whole premise of a MMORPG is to do endgame content ultimately. Retail WoW falls into this category pretty hard because the leveling experience is so streamlined and quick.
Classic in its current expansion (Wrath) is IMO a solid hybrid between MMO and RPG. The leveling experience in Classic is drastically slower, which allows new players to really immerse into the world in which they are questing. You become much more familiar with your character, your character progression, the setting, the world, the stories (some are better than others). Not to mention, as someone who just did the full 1-80 leveling experience recently, you genuinely do find yourself "creating" your own narratives as you overcome leveling obstacles. Emergent gameplay. However, this experience is much more enjoyable with friends or a guild. It can feel very grindy and isolating alone (some people might enjoy that though).
For Classic's endgame, however, I think it's near mandatory to be part of a guild. This means you need to pick a good server. Unlike Retail, Classic servers are sequestered communities--there is no cross-server interaction outside of Player vs. Player experiences. This means that you as the player live and die by your reputation on the server. Guild leaders will ask you about your past guild experiences (if applicable) and if you make an ass of yourself (not saying you would) you could become infamous if the server is small enough. There are some servers that are "mega servers" where you probably could become invisible. Smaller servers like the one Zath and I play on are much more tight knit. You cannot be a one person band in Classic. You are dependent upon other players, and that can be a double edged sword. I haven't had negative experiences in that regard because we guild shopped and found a home that so far has been welcoming and positive.
Overall, the raids in Classic are easy. Don't let people fool you. They are fun on a social level, nostalgic level, and sometimes on a gameplay level. Character progression feels more meaningful.
In general, WoW needs addons in order to play ""optimally"" so if you're someone who isn't comfortable downloading third party mods then this may not be the game for you.
Unless you're talking about WoW's story, in which case good luck because it's about as bad as comic book lore--meaning it changes every few years and probably not for the best.
Overall, I am biased to Classic currently. Wrath was the best expansion, and I can say as someone who played Retail Wrath and now Classic Wrath, it's not rose colored glasses. Gameplay systems were fair and rewarding. The developers valued player time. In Retail, activities don't feel very rewarding because there is so much time-gating. There is FOMO in Retail. In Classic, I have two characters who are well geared for the "phase" we're in and all I did was raid for two weeks with my guild. I'm not finished with my classic characters by any stretch, but I feel like I can breathe and enjoy other games. When I played Retail seriously, it felt like a hamster wheel.
I could go on and on about what the pros and cons are. If this has helped in any way, great. If you're thinking about trying the game, it costs $15 a month. I could give you a refer-a-friend if you're serious about trying it as a trial.
My final answer though? I would tell people to play Classic over Retail currently.
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shaelyntracy · 1 year
I used to be a PVE nerd, unfortunately PVP got ruined for me way back in wow with stacked arena and weird expectations for BGs. 60 bucks is too much for a lot of games haha. Did you play classic?
I should really pick it up, but the buddy that wants me to usually flakes.
Aram and TFT are fun. Ranked is usually toxic, but I haven't played normals in awhile. Usually get people fighting over roles no matter what.
So fair, retail hasn’t been great in a long time imo. I haven’t played classic since Nostalrius was taken down, I was too salty about losing my priest hahaha
League is a cesspit!!!!!!!!! Regardless I’m pretty happy in any role, never opposed to a cheeky fill 👌🏻
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gyaruxqueer · 10 months
♡ Hello!! ♡
My name is Stars☆, and welcome to my gyaru blog! I'm a genderqueer man in my late 20s starting to explore the world of gyaru after a great deal of research and soul-searching to see if this is the right lifestyle for me--and as of right now, it is! I am for SURE still a baby gal but I feel very drawn to ganguro and feel so at home within myself when I dress in gal☆
My pronouns are it/its but he/him is also super. I have been a kandi kid for what feels like forever and in my heart, rave and gal r siblings♡ I live by PLUR and have always been intent on breaking the mold and refusing to conform to society's standards of beauty and normalcy, so when I discovered gyaru I was naturally very curious about it.
This tumblr will serve primarily as a place for me to compile images of other gals, style and makeup inspo, and occasionally fun little aesthetics and other miscellaneous posts that resonate with me and this particular aspect of my life. Its secondary purpose is for me to talk about my journey as a gal! In time I may start posting selfies but as I'm still starting out and figuring out how I want to style myself I may not do it very often.
This is a sideblog! I will like and follow from @drunkstarscreamofficial , and my personal blog is @mimikyubestie . I also have a Skyrim blog @boethiahsboytoy and a blog for OC posting @starscreams-drunk-oc-blog . If you need anything tagged, let me know! My ask box will (probably) always be open, so feel free to stop by to chat at any time!
Thanks for stopping by! If you've got any questions just shoot me an ask. Have a great day!! ☆Stars☆
Some fun facts about me (under the cut because wow do i love to ramble):
I've known I was queer since I was a wee little lad and I am still exploring my identity (and predict I will for a very long time!).
I am asexual and demiromantic with a preference for men--so I'm also a gay man!
I use a cane to help relieve chronic (undiagnosed) back pain! I REALLY want to save up for a plain black cane and TONS of cute things to decorate it with--stickers, jewels, etc.--to match the gyaru lifestyle. But my favorite one is my orange lava cane that my husband bought me♡♡
At the moment I'm super broke 😭 I work part time in retail but have to pay for my meds and hormones (and my doctors appointments and labs related to them) out of pocket, so my shift into the gyaru lifestyle will be slow as I lack the funds to add pieces to my wardrobe that I want. I will be focusing more on new makeup and accessories than clothes however, as I loooove altering my own clothes and have many ideas of how I can change up my wardrobe just by using what I already have.
I can't wear big dramatic falsies (for the most part) because I need glasses. I can't afford to see an optometrist to get contacts (and couldn't afford contacts anyway😭), so I make do by drawing on lower lashes and decorating under my eyebrows with cute eyeliner stamps or glitter!
My favorite color is orange, but ironically I don't style a lot my outfits with lots of orange! However some of my Signature Looks are ALL orange, so I think that makes up for it ;P
My favorite movies are Pride and Prejudice (the 2005 one), Pacific Rim, and The Bye Bye Man. My favorite movie genre is horror, and I REALLY like comedy and found footage horror especially.
My favorite genres of music are hardstyle, hardbass, happy hardcore, and eurobeat. My favorite musicians and bands are The Sounds, DJ S3rl, Headhunterz, Uamee, and Unleash the Archers.
I did drag for a bit, but after a while wearing a full face of makeup started giving me really bad sensory issues. Now I pretty much only do eye makeup and slap on some lip gloss (and occasionally lipstick if I feel up to it).
I am mixed white (specifically Welsh mostly) and Filipino, though unfortunately have no real significant ties to my cultures :( But I do love Filipino food !!
That's all for now! If you read this far you're a fucking champ 😭😭 Stay safe out there!!
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dogopower · 1 year
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Linus: Okay sorry, what is this called ? Scotty: "Huaqiangbei" *laughs* Linus: fantastic, alright so i'm here at Scotty: "Huaqiangbei" Linus: yeah perfect thank you, with Scotty From 'Strange Parts', so I'm "getting me some strange parts" In China Which is actually exactly what we're doing So, in this, like, gigantic tech mall-thing They have everything from components like switches To.. Computer parts, to drones, to cryptocurrency-crap Mobile phones.. Pretty much you name it, they got it here. So I don't really have any objective, other than go shopping and see exactly what it is That I can buy with my little stack of 'Canadian Rubles' here. So, uhh.. Wish me luck. And hopefully that's not for me. Scotty: No, I think we're good. [chuckles] [Intro music: Laszlo - Supernova] Linus: This video is brought to you by Corsair's Obsidian 500D It's a mid-tower gaming case, featuring: Premium tempered glass an aluminium construction Removable top fan trays and more! Check it out at the link below. Scotty: I think this is going to be an uphill battle, To get them to even recognize what those are, let alone know the value of them. Linus: They are gonna be like "what is this $H!T?!" Yeah, no, it's okay; there's an ATM. This is the world's most helpful error message: "Transaction is cancelled for some reason" "Operation Timeout" "Thank you!" Okay.. So like this is the kind of stuff that I wish we had a shop like this. We were trying to do a piece a little while ago Where we wanted lit.. Uhh.. Buttons! Or like.. Like.. Big fun buttons we could press And if we could have just walked into a mall and bought them That would have made my Christmas. Scotty: The cool thing about here, particularly for buttons, is you can actually come in and touch them, right. So, like, the button-feel is super important Linus: Oh my god, I already found something I need. Entire bags of like, motherboard standoffs. I was trying to buy just a bag of computer screws Only place I could find for it was eBay Pricing was just totally unreasonable. Scotty: Yeah and it will be very reasonable here. Linus: Smartwatches, totally 100% real Beats. Scotty: These are probably, like, semi-real Linus: Semi-real? Scotty: Yeah, like refurb-ed type. Linus: Right, okay. Wow. This place is enormous. Scotty: It's crazy, right? This is probably one of twenty buildings Linus: Honestly, it's overwhelming. Scotty: Yeah. Linus: Okay, so here's stuff I mostly recognize. Scotty: "Right!" Linus: There's like A bunch of mining gear.. Like Antminers and.. What else do they got? Mining Power supplies ROG.. Something something Looks like Very similar SKU's Linus: I'm just looking. Linus: just looking Linus: Uhh.. Linus: No, I don't.. Necessarily wanna get lead in here. Linus: Hi! Nah, I'm just looking around, it's okay. Linus: Thank you. [Sad Music] I mean this is the kind of thing you would never find in a retail store back home This is like, dual socket, like server boards and stuff like that. Can you ask how much this 1800W Xfurbish Vinay 2.O
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covenanthomemaking · 1 year
How to style a purple blazer for any occasion
Do you want to show off your sense of fashion? A purple blazer set is the perfect way to liven up any get together. With its combination of stylish elegance and comfort, a womens purple blazer and shorts set is sure to make a statement no matter the occasion. Whether you're out for an evening or just heading into work, wearing this ensemble will keep you in the spotlight. The plainest outfits can be elevated with ease when accessorized with a gorgeous purple blazer - allowing you to look spectacular all day long!
This season, we're all about women wearing their signature style in the form of chic purple blazers. They're no longer reserved for special occasions—be it an office-appropriate frock or a dressier causal look—but can be worn nearly everyday thanks to the ways you can style them. From standout monochromes to classic neutrals, get ready for spring and summer to bring several different styles of purple blazers for women into focus. Let's take a closer look at some of our favorites ahead!
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The purple blazer is a fashion staple that's so versatile, it can be worn for almost any occasion. Worn with shorts or trousers this season, the purple blazer set is designed to create an effortless elegant look that'll make you stand out from the crowd. With a womens purple blazer, you can take any outfit from everyday to extraordinary in no time at all. These sets are made for maximum comfort and style - ensuring you always look your best!
Everyone’s wardrobe could use an update. While it can sometimes be fun to dress in the same seasonal trends day after day when done right, your style will inevitably begin feeling stale. One way you can breathe new life into your look is by changing up the basics with some fresh pieces. Today I want to highlight five women's must-haves that will update any ensemble without adding too much bulk or complexity—more of the sleek and simple kind of additions every closet needs.
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Types of purple blazers
But there is one fashion trend that — year in and year out — never fails to impress. I’m talking about the power suit, of course. The universally flattering look has proven time and time again it can be styled any number of ways for both work and play with few exceptions (like the white shirt). As someone who tends to focus on more casual outfits when I'm not at work, there are only so many times I can maintain this level of dress code. But when December rolls around (and my office allows it)
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Outfit ideas for a purple blazer
Are you ready to test out all those pieces in your closet that have been sitting around gathering dust? A purple blazer can elevate a basic outfit and give it a professional feel. Here's how you can wear one: Find more ideas on fashion with our spring trend report here. I’ve been seeing this bag everywhere lately, so clearly it deserves an introduction along with plenty of recommendations for who should buy them. First up, let’s get acquainted with what they are exactly, shall we?
Where to shop for the latest purple blazer styles
To find the right purple blazer styles, you’re going to want to shop in the right place. At designer stores, specialty retailers, and department stores alike, there is a broad selection of available purple choices. Whether you’re into subtle femininity like a sleeveless top paired with trousers or are all about bold fashion statements with a jacket dress and sky-high heels, there are endless options to shop at these top spots. This has been one of my longest MeMe's ever—thank you so much! It's truly inspiring.
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Styling tips for a purple blazer
The 25 Summer Outfits Everyone Will Be Wearing This Year Are Incredibly Chic and Affordable. Yes, You Read That Right. We Searched for the Cheapest Items on Amazon and Ebay to Maximize Spending Power. Not only that, there are so many pretty styles off offer at all price-points too. Please keep scrolling as I listed them below and get ready to fill your cart with gems from Hopikas.com in less than 5 minutes time. Wow!
Glamorous ways to accessorize a purple blazer
Are you ready to update your wardrobe with a brand-new pair of denim? It’s time for fresh jeans! From satin touches to clean washes, our favorite denim trends are both fun and functional. With new season styles coming soon, we focused on extra comfy silhouettes and tried them out in style — scrolling through our Instagram feed after, of course. Keep reading for all of our favorite spring denim trends of 2019 so far. This piece is much more casual than what I usually wear on a daily basis but perfect for some brick & mortar shopping as I have done lately.
Benefits of wearing a purple blazer
Adding a purple blazer to an outfit is the ideal way to stand out. It provides an elegant, yet versatile look that can go from casual day wear to evening time. For women, teaming a purple blazer with shorts strikes the perfect blend of informal and office-approved attire. Or for a more professional look, try pairing them with dress pants for the best balance of stylish business-wear. Different styles of purple blazers are available as well.
The best purple blazers and shorts sets
With so many options to choose from, we chose these stunning pieces that are crafted with the all-important pockets. Pair them with jeans for a classic casual look or add sparkle in an evening ensemble. The outfits you can create are endless! Keep reading and discover our favorite fall blazer shorts sets, along with alternative styling from celebs who have also embraced the trend. Pinnable images included at the end of each slide below!
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balitonki · 2 years
Linemaze level 19
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Linemaze level 19 code#
I have added stop_robot() and delay at every turn for debugging purposes because I cannot keep my computer connected to the robot while I am running it.
Linemaze level 19 code#
I know its incomplete but this is what I have done till now and I am trying to test basic turns using this code first. Rest of the schematics is clear from the code. Vin and ground from arduino connect to the power supply pins of L298N. I mean make it harder people I think a kindergartner could play that game very easily without getting. It is connected to the arduino via the DC Jack. I got through 14 levels in like less than a minute. but if i'm right does anyone know if its even gonna be in phase 3 or if it'll be added later as well.I forgot to tell that I am using a 7.5 Volts 2 cell battery (contains to cells of 3.75 V each). Maybe i'm just completely wrong about this. had to be level 20 to do warsong as i recall. I'm pretty sure i remember 10-19 bracket not being in when pvp was added to the game. I would stay out of BG's until i was x8 or x9 level, mostly so I would have a chance in hell of being on a winning team. I was never good at twinking, mostly because I always ended up earning XP, and I honestly disdained those that were really good at it, but they were an integral part of the BG and the game. but also that lvl 19 would beat you down in every BG. Removed Comment by Greensmower1 on T08:23:04-05:00Īh, the good old days, when Twinking was an art form and only the best and most dedicated and aware players could make a really good lvl 19. Removed Comment by flydian on T23:01:03-05:00 It's either that or having the 110% Octane, M+ Bumrush style of play - but i'd rather have Classic, It makes you actually enjoy the game, and makes you feel like you I still enjoy BGs on Retail - but in Vanilla - to have that chanse to just kick backĪnd not feel the pressure of having to get funneled through some Forcefeed ingestion of the latest I just liked to do the ocassional Rogue PvP in the 29 Bracket. Didn't see much point in getting arcanums and what not. Twinking was pretty fun, back in the day - Though, as the post highlights - there were many different levels to it. I remember having a level 19 twink hunter, it was insanely fun. I mean, should they put the "pause" system in vanilla? Just in case.īattlegrounds didn't give xp back then so it wasn't an issue. Classic WoW Level 19 Warrior Twink BiS Guide.Classic WoW Level 19 Warlock Twink BiS Guide.Classic WoW Level 19 Shaman Twink BiS Guide.Classic WoW Level 19 Rogue Twink BiS Guide.Classic WoW Level 19 Priest Twink BiS Guide.Classic WoW Level 19 Paladin Twink BiS Guide.this is the worst part in the whole game. ughghgh HOW ANNOYING not only are you walking slow like a retard have to balance on a fricken red blood line, but theres a CRYING BABY TO GO WITH IT. Classic WoW Level 19 Mage Twink BiS Guide annoying blood line maze levels spoilers.Classic WoW Level 19 Hunter Twink BiS Guide.Classic WoW Level 19 Druid Twink BiS Guide.In these guides we'll go through the best gear for a level 19 character, the differences between Horde and Alliance, play style, key abilities, useful professions.as well as tell you how best to manage your experience so that you don't accidentally level up to 20. The more time and gold you invest in your 19 Twink will be reflected in the quality of your finished character. Twinks are best described as an in-game hobby, a hobby in which you can invest as much time and gold as you want. If you enjoy his written guides, be sure to follow him on his other pages for more Classic WoW content: Youtube, Twitch, and Twitter. These guides are written by Krug, a veteran member of both the Classic and Retail World of Warcraft communities. With the Honor System and Warsong Gulch open for WoW Classic beta testing, we wanted to highlight our level 19 Twink guides for those interested in Classic PvP!
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alteredphoenix · 3 years
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So the Season of Mastery beta is offline and I decided to park my nelf warrior, Galan, right beside Alleria’s statue just in case the server(s) never come(s) back and also because I’m a shameless Alleria fangirl, so this is really no surprise.
Would I play Season of Mastery again? Yes. But would I play a night elf warrior again? Unless I hit up Blacksmithing very early and spec into Arms over Protection (like I did at the beginning), I would absolutely not lol
Kind of a good thing I didn’t bother attempting a Soul of Iron run because with the way I was playing Galan I kept dropping every other half hour. I think playing warrior means to playing it very risky, which was a playstyle I grew to detest the longer I leveled. Then again, I think that fault lies on me for not playing more carefully, as I should have.
Shame the servers are down because I didn’t get far enough in Blacksmithing to make the Shining Silver Breastplate for him (which is far past the level he should be wearing a chest item at level 28, although I did get lucky with having Ring of Defense and Thorbia's Gauntlets dropping in Duskwood; I even had Darkweave Breeches looted from a Blackrock Summoner in Redridge, but obviously it’d be silly of me to wear cloth).
Maybe I’ll try a druid or a rogue next, or just stick with priest or hunter...
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heckyeahponyscans · 2 years
hi! i’m not very into MLP myself (i love the ponies/designs but haven’t been into it since i was a kid) but i love collection and toy based fandoms, especially older ones like MLP! i really enjoy reading your posts about being in the old web fandom and i was wondering if, besides finding old sites on the wayback machine, there are any “oral history” type write-ups on the history of the fandom? the fanlore page was only about friendship is magic and i am just itching to know more. thanks!!
Ahhh, the best repository of that was probably the old version of the MLP Trading Post, but unfortunately after they moved the old board eventually went under. (What happened was MLPTP.com + the board was run by a user named Jenn, but at some point she dropped out of communication. So the mods registered MLPTP.net, created a new board, and everything migrated over there.)
Probably the biggest early fandom event was the absolute chaos that followed the release of the G2 ponies in 1997.
Now keep in mind up to this point the G1 ponies were the only My Little Ponies to ever have existed. So when people heard MLP was coming back they assumed they would be in the same molds; what ELSE would a My Little Pony look like?
Well, the G2s looked radically different: smaller, skinnier, and with fox-like heads.
After the initial shock died down, MLP collectors split into two groups: people who liked the G2s and people who hated the G2s. (Full disclosure, I was 100% in the latter camp, I thought they were awful, lol. I do have a small collection of them now though.)
In theory liking or disliking a toy is unimportant, but in fandom EVERY little thing is important, so a pony civil war broke out. Groups were created to promote / protest "the new ponies", banners were displayed on websites, passionate arguments were made for either side, and flame wars broke out constantly.
Among the craziness I remember:
- someone saying not liking the new ponies "was a hate crime"
- HQT (High Queen Tiffany) starting a petition for Hasbro to bring back the old ponies and getting so much flak that she ended up taking down her whole site; this sent shockwaves through the community as she had the second- or third-largest MLP fan site at the time, including one of the most active message boards.
- and someone on the Pony People Mailing List saying people who didn't like the new ponies were Nazis, and getting lambasted for comparing genocide of real people to toys.
If you're thinking "Wow, that sounds dumb" . . . absolutely, lol!
But that's not to say the fandom wasn't any fun; there were also friendships formed, people chatting about who their favorite pony was, people trading ponies, the international ponies being discovered--it was a robust community, overall a blast, and the G2 civil wars were just a little sliver of all the activity.
Subsequent MLP generations, like G3, did not get a strong reaction because a) people had gotten used to the idea of different pony gens looking different and b) the community was no longer mainly hot-blooded teenagers eager for a fight. Now we were tired 20-somethings working retail jobs. (Also the G3s looked really close to G1s, soooo, yeah, pretty universally loved.)
I do think the Old Fandom instinct to go for the throat is much healthier than the brony "love and tolerance towards anyone who calls themself a brony" attitude; never assume someone is your friend just because of a shared hobby. Some fandom folk you meet will be nice, some will suck, that's just how it goes.
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its-ya-boi-autumn · 2 years
I wrote this on a whim, I'm sorry if it's really bad I'm just trying to get back into the groove of writing again along with reading. This is on God nothing like my writing used to be and it upsets me, so please forgive my bad detailing and hurried time lapsing.
Warnings: GN Reader
Word Count: 790
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"So you just stand around here all day?" he asked the question innocently, scanning the items around at the empty retail store. You gave a curt nod.
"Yup. that's about it." you replied, folding a shirt rather lazily though still putting in the effort to perfect it so when your manager opened in the morning you wouldn't get a text about how messy the store was. You gave a small grunt at your work, continuing to fold the pile until it was all perfect and straight before setting it back onto the table.
"Wow, that's pretty lame." Envy spoke softly, looking away from you. He had been interested in your lifestyle since the day he met you. Though he quickly came to find out that you were probably the most mundane, boring person he could of picked. You couldn't even tell why he had been so interested, it wasn't like you presented a show when you first met him.
All that happened was you had made an embarrassment of yourself at a local coffee shop, ordering the wrong thing, spilling it all over the floor, attempting to clean it up, getting scolded by the shop owner, and then leaving the shop and vowing to never return there again. A young man had followed you out, introducing himself as sin of Envy and laughing at what a mess you made out of yourself. He seemed to like you though and while that was nice, it was still sort of weird to have him follow you everywhere.
You'd told him countless times that you'd get in trouble if your boss seen you in the store with someone when you were supposed to be alone. Though he had no concept of trouble and didn't seem to care much.
"We should get outta here, go do something fun." he suggested, hopping onto the table and crossing his legs. You sighed, shaking your head and pinching the bridge of your nose.
"I can't, I work until close, Envy."
"So? I'm sure you can close the store for a little while and come back. It's not like anyone is gonna break in or anything."
"Yes but I'll once again get into trouble and I really need to keep this job."
"Do you?" he asked, leaving you flabbergasted. You knew he had no concept of human morality but was he really that stupid as to not see your situation? You'd been living paycheck to paycheck for months and he knew that considering he'd been staying at your apartment for the past 3 months. He loved to watch the struggle, so that would likely be why he even said something like that in the first place.
"Yes, I do."
"What if I took care of you? You know, took you under my wing and treated you to the finer things yeah?" he laughed, amusing himself with his own joke.
"Yeah right, like you'd even do that for me in the first place." you rolled your eyes at him, taking care to slightly move the pile of shirts out of his way so he wouldn't knock them over.
He did anyways.
He snatched your wrist up, pulling high so you were face to face with him.
"What do you mean by that? Of course I'd do that for you, I'm not all that cruel," he gave you a sly smirk, "I like you y/n." His sudden dominance over you made you blush. The strength in his grip had your wrist aching, though you kind of liked it. This whole time he'd known you he'd taken the back seat, but now it sounded like he wanted the wheel. You just weren't sure you wanted to give it to him.
Hardening your gaze, you ripped your hand away from his grasp, crossing your arms.
"Yeah right, as if I'd let you take the reigns of my life like that, I know exactly what you're doing." you huffed, turning your nose up to him.
"You think I wanna control you huh? I mean I could do that I guess, but that's not what I was thinking sweet pea." the nickname made your blood boil. It was true that you needed all the help you could get, but you had a feeling Envy was wanting more than just to help you. He was a homunculus after all. Envy was a huge liar and you knew that but something about his words seemed more genuine than that.
"Fine, but you have to prove it to me first. I'm not quitting my job just so you can take control of my life completely." you answered finally, just ready to be done with this stupid conversation. Envy smirked at your response.
"That's a good human."
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