#she’s the only one who calls me un ángel though
mebiselfandi · 1 year
🌶 you're a literal angel, un ángel, and your content is like air to me. I need it in order to live and function. You always bring a smile to my face and its hard to make it go away, my cheeks always end up hurting! How can I not smile when I'm in your radiant presence? You're so kind hearted and I think that's something special. You're special. You're special to me and you're special to many others! I hope happiness reigns in your life. You deserve it, angel 😇
Omg skipper🥹🥹
You’re such a sweetheart🥹🥹 this is so so nice of you to drop such a sweet message for me😭😭 you’re an absolute darling and you’re so so special to me! Seeing you active just lifts my mood up so high and I love interacting with you so much. You’re so cool and I hope you’re happy in your life too cause you deserve it all and more🥹🫂
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adamworu · 9 months
Hi, what do you think of the Anime!Kaworu (not manga or Rebuild) analysis called 'Kaworu Nagisa, Ángel del amor y el libre albedrío. Diseccionando a los Ángeles (última parte)' by MistralChronicles?, has English subtitles.
I finally gave it a look after being inundated with life stuff (forgive me for taking long on this) and wow! If you're a Kaworu fan looking for some really indepth analysis your cup will truly runneth over on this one.
Let me start by saying that this lengthy analysis works because it doesn't go deep into his characterization under the assumption that the viewer already knows. It's all conveniently wrapped in one video. For those that already do know, this video acts as an excellent refresher, given how expansive Evangelion's lore is.
(warning for abuse mention)
The first thing that stands out to me in this 2 hour analysis, aside from thoroughly research on Eva's production history is the noted rearranging of Kaworu's surname as Shisha. Shisha means messenger (You'll notice the term Saigo Shisha to refer to the angels in Eva) while also pertaining to death.
This also works well with MOVIC's assigning of Kaworu to the Death Tarot Card.
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One door closes and another opens. Kaworu dies and he understands that he is the Last Messenger. In so doing, he ensures humanity's welfare in the process.
I love loved that MC (I'll be abbreviated Mistral Chronicles as MC in this analysis) talked of Draftworu and the scars. I wouldn't call those suicide attempts but I would call those self-harm. That's not to say that Draft iteration Kaworu didn't hold ideas relating to suicide.
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MC notes that Kaworu and Shinji's excellent chemistry. Kaworu is more bright and outgoing whereas Shinji is more neutral. This manifests in their shirts: orange and blue, respectively, because they compliment each other.
I think my one pet peeve (even less, actually, just something pointed out) through this analysis however is that Kaworu is directly called Adam. Kaworu's existence as Adam is by proxy. Meaning that because Adam's soul is within him, he's Adam that way rather than being some physical iteration.
Kaworu was meant to be so good that his nature alone would be enough to give Shinji an inferiority complex. MC makes the excellent point that because Kaworu's appearance had to be truncated to one episode, we only ever see not the complex, but rather Shinji's idealization of Kaworu.
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I think about this fact a lot. How, even though Kaworu accepts Shinji for who he is, there's a pushback in parts of Eva communities that assumes bad faith on Kaworu's end. It drives me up a wall every so often due to exactly where the bad faith comes from. There's also a part of me that understands that total acceptance and unconditional love aren't impossible manifestations. Out there, there is someone who appreciates and is so in love with you in all ways. We're so used to being around people trying to change key aspects of us rather than trying to comprehend us at our very cores. It makes the words 'I love you' feel all the more surreal. Genuine, unrelenting love for who you are feels like a shock to the system.
(Also small sidebar before we move on: MC goes into how Kaworu can fenagle with Unit-02 despite the non-reconfigured soul. When she says 'he can control a body that is his own' she's referring to the fact that Kaworu, being an angel, is comprised of particle wave matter)
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Kaworu has Shinji's support. Anywhere can be paradise. Shinji is his home.
MC points out something that often goes missed by some groups: Kaworu's existence is ultimately integral to Evangelion. Not just to Shinji. Kaworu's status as the Angel of Free Will is an ironic one of sorts. Other angels which preceded him desired to understand more of their lilin 'neighbors', so why then, is Kaworu aligned with such a moniker?
Kaworu's kindness, or his sacrifice to humanity, allowed them that free will. Another reading that I have alongside the aforementioned is that Kaworu's action shows the unsettlingly paradoxical nature of free will; that your freedom exists because someone allowed it for you.
The video also goes on to point out that Kaworu doesn't overstep boundaries (i.e. the bath scene). He thinks that Shinji wants to go with him out of the bath. He doesn't really pry. He's not fully attuned to Shinji's culture to understand why there'd be aversion with acts of sudden closeness. That's not to say that Shinji was grossed out by Kaworu (which he wasn't), but that Shinji's aversion comes from a place of fear from being hurt again.
Now onto Netflix's translation.
MC transitions into the Netflix translation and how it danced around 'It means I love you.' Debates about translation are sometimes had pertaining to this scene. You'll often see people argue about how in the Japanese version 'koui/koi' is purely platonic in nature. Given the actual context with the scene as well as the symbolisms that carry later in in End of Evangelion, this is of course far from the truth. The word is a pun which is doesn't carry well outside the language. The words 'koi' and 'suki' are indeed romantic, and EOE doesn't stand as the only example. The drafts debunk any perception of Kaworu and Shinji's relationship being that of 'just friends.' MC also adds more: that Anno gave the drafts to someone who was versed in writing boys love.
The erasure in the translations was justified via 'Evangelion is an ambiguous work.' Correction: Evangelion's moral to the viewer is ambiguous. The characters have been talked about in supplementary material. That isn't ambiguous.
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This snippet here also debunks the platonic angle. When the characters are shown top-down in bed in certain parts of the series, there's some adversity or lack of communication. Shinji thinks of Asuka as only a child (something about glass houses and throwing stones). Asuka did share the sheets with Hikari, though faced away because she felt too vulnerable. But Shinji and Kaworu? They're clicking so much that Shinji divulges to Kaworu about his life prior to the events of Eva. Kaworu offers to sleep on the floor rather than Shinji but Shinji prefers the floor. Shinji catches himself being vulnerable but never backpedals or fronts about his life. At that moment, he was vulnerable with the right person.
Kaworu's such a surreal character in the world of Evangelion because he doesn't really ask anything. He's kind, but far from perfect. But he feels almost immaculate because Evangelion's world comes across to many viewers as cynical. People are often cold and get away with proverbial murder. None of us can understand each other fully because our boundaries not only protect us, but impede us. Fear drives us to be alive but also stunt current relationships while condemning future ones.
The lake scene is brought up in the video analysis in that it makes little to no sense. It's just...weird to think about.
Kaworu's donor is brought up here, though I wouldn't go so far as to say that they 'gave a body.' During the Director's Cut of episode 21, it's stated that Kaworu's conception came about as a Contact Experiment. DNA 'dove' into the flesh of Adam, awakening them. It could have been anything.
Since we're talking of enigmatic lore of Eva, 'clone' is a sort of loose term here. Both of the 'cloned' individuals may have the slight features of their donors, but not by much. Their complexions are pale, nearly calling to mind someone with albinism. Why is it that both of these experiments end in these features?
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Love that MC points this out.
Shinji's on the warpath with angels not because of his contempt, but he seeks validation. Then Kaworu comes along, gives him that validation without condition. There's no ulterior motive for his kindness. He loves Shinji for all his flaws.
Shinji's ire for Kaworu's reveal is a front. He's not angry at Kaworu for his status. His forced to fight between two sources of validation, those around him most or Kaworu. Shinji doesn't want to be forced with the troubling revelation that his fight against the angels isn't genuine. This is further reinforced in episode 25 in which he doubles down.
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Kaworu explains the AT field, how integral it is to understanding others (and outside to the viewer, important to the plot). The deployment of boundaries can protect you but in the same vein hurt others. MC points out that Unit-02 stabbing 01 is metaphorical, and a clever subtlety at that. The progression knife is inserted in the left side of the Evangelion, where the heart is.
He utters 'Human hope is made from sorrow.' From despair, joy arises. Kaworu realizes that his merging with Adam (biological desire, not moral) would spell annihilation for the whole of mankind and its hopes. As the last of his kind, the onus lies on him to cause a freedom of one species to inherit Earth while the other perishes.
It's also why Ode to Joy is synonymous with Kaworu.
It is why he is the Angel of Free Will.
Take the AT Field's usage into consideration. It can be used to protect, hurt, overstep, or even temporarily shut oneself off from the pains of the world. These are used to navigate the circumstances around you, and this truth implicates the angels, given they're as complex as humanity.
Thus, the larger deployment of Kaworu's AT Field is made clear. Blood stains his hands, regardless of outcome.
On this end, humans do have AT Fields but lack the physiology to deploy them physically. The Fields are instead metaphorical. They exist as veneers of a person, avoidance of an issue, among other things.
Kaworu's designation as the first and last angel is pointed out. This not only goes for the series but also the Rebuilds as well and it works thematically. Kaworu's the 13th angel in Rebuilds and this is juxtaposed in FINAL with Unit 01 as well as 13. 01 in FINAL is considered Hope whereas 13 is considered Despair. Before Kaworu's 'demotion' he was hopeful in that he would be able to save the world without mass death on his head. When realizing he was set up when Shinji retrieves the spears in Rebuilds, he becomes the 13th. In the original this manifests as Kaworu feeling hopeful that he found someone who finally understood him. Someone whom he could love and laugh with. 'Human hope is made of sorrow.' has even more depth, when the above is considered added with Kaworu's empathetic nature. He understands the needs of man, because he feels this way too.
Kaworu feels hope when being around Shinji (Also makes 'I may have been born to meet you' more wholesome) but a sense of sorrow knowing his mission.
He becomes desperate, understanding that if man were to live, he'd need to die.
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This is probably the only part I strongly disagree with. One of the biggest horrors of Evangelion is that people do take from others (and they often get away with murder). The cast heaps baggage on each other, or neglects them unless a situation comes in which benefits them. It's not a nihilist bent that Eva goes on, because it'd contradict that anywhere could be paradise. It highlights that humanity is ugly without going into a 'so get over it' angle. Eva highlights that realities are often ugly, but hardly defeatist or smugly pessimistic.
Kaworu's likened to Rei in their sad realities. He sets up to become something larger, but the reasons differ. Kaworu does humanity a kindness of his own accord. Rei? Becomes a mother figure simply because her whole existence of a man's unhealthy coping mechanisms. She is conditioned, start to finish to be a mother. Even though she understands more of her identity thanks to Kaworu, her tragedy is that she doesn't know how not to be anything maternal. Kaworu's kindness is his own and his tragedy derives in knowing the cycle but being a slave to it. His ultimate tragedy is that, for how powerful he is, he's still susceptible to unhealthy cycles, forced to play out that role until it is broken.
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It's pointed out that Shinji's depressive spiral goes deeper with Kaworu's death and not just because of the event itself. 'Death is the only freedom.' are chilling words from a boy who could not control his existence but could control his death. This makes the likening of Kaworu to Shinji all the more tragic. Much of Shinji's life was rife with neglect up until this point. Then he had to get rid of a genuine source of validation.
The love of Kaworu and Shinji is mutual. MC dives into misconceptions of how Kaworu and Shinji's relationship is platonic because it lacks the suggestive closeups of Misato, Rei, and Asuka (it's own can of worms). EOE debunks the platonic bent as well the Rebuilds with the numerous references. There's even a heart shaped tree where Shinji and Kaworu play Quatre Mains!
Anno even states Kaworu as an idealized other.
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Kaworu's proxy status as a father and mother is noted. While Anno uses chichi (father) as a designation for Adam, Kaworu uses hahataru sonzai for Our Mother. This explains why Kaworu stands as judge over Gendo alongside Rei and Yui. This latter of the designations makes sense, given Adam's status as the progenitor for angels.
Kaworu's status as integral to the plot of Eva is especially solidified during Instrumentality. Rei and Kaworu represent the desire to understand the world around and unconditional love, respectively. He, along with Rei, teaches Shinji that if he were to come back physically, AT Fields would exist once more. Pain would exist. People would not know each other fully. And Shinji allows that for mankind, even after knowing this revelation.'
People like Rei and Kaworu can exist, however. But in our lives, our sometimes unforgiving realities, people like that are rare. There are people that love you for being you. There are people that want to comprehend the complexities the world hands us. I hope that one day, you find both.
That we all find both. That too, is why anywhere can be paradise as long as you have that will to live.
All in all, I loved MC's meticulous dissection of Kaworu's character. It's a welcome addition and it was easy to follow along through all of it. I recommend watching it for anyone reading this who has the time. It's some of the most indepth Kaworu analysis i'd seen in the years I'd been in this fandom and I thank MC for the write-up. And I thank you, anon, for redirecting me to this video dissertation.
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sinsiriuslyemo · 4 months
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Dearest Anon,
I tried to answer this in the original ask box but apparently not only can they not be edited in drafts, they also cannot be edited once posted. This came out more as a drabble than anything else. I hope you like it, and I'm desperately sorry for the long wait.
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He could practically already hear her before he even picked up the phone, and to be perfectly honest, he was beyond not in the mood. Still, Rafael hadn’t spoken to his mother in weeks. Better to answer now and get it over with rather than not answer and run the risk of irritating her even more.
   “¿Rafael, cómo vas a aparecer en un programa sin el pelo peinado?”
   “Mami, what are you talking about?” he asked incredulously. “Do you have any idea how long I spend on my hair? Too much time.”
   “Bueno, Rafa, I don’t know what to tell you porque the angle wasn’t the best, pero parecía como una escoba. The light was behind you though, parecía un ángel.”
   He rolled his eyes at the blatant exaggeration that was quickly followed by a compliment that she regularly employed.
   “If you knew you were going to be on TV, why didn't you dress nicer?” she asked. “You know how many women watch this show?”
   “Mami, I’m a bit busy right now. I promise, I will call you later, but we’re sort of dealing with a crisis at the —”
   “Niño, pero, why do you think I’m calling?!” she asked.
   He let out a silent sigh as his eyes closed. 
   “Rafi. Rafi.”
   “Yes, I’m here, Mami,” he replied.
   “Why didn’t Benson do anything?”
   “Mami,” he said with a little more bite than he meant to use. Taking a breath, he said, “Listen to me, those producers, Jeffrey and Regina Prince, they’re lying. Not just that, they’re setting up their producer to take the fall when they were the ones who tried to cover this whole thing up.”
   “No me diga,” she replied. “Aye la pobrecita Melanie. She seems like a nice girl. Her mother must be so worried.”
   “We’re doing everything we can for Melanie, Mami, I promise.”
   “I know you are, mijo. I’m very proud of you, Rafi,” she replied. “Pero if you’re ever going to be on another reality show again, por favor, make sure that at least your tie is on straight.”
¿Rafael, cómo vas a aparecer en un programa sin el pelo peinado? - Rafael, how are you going to appear on a program without your hair brushed?
pero parecía como una escoba - it looked like a broom
parecía un ángel - you looked like an angel
No me diga - you don’t say
Aye la pobrecita Melanie - Oh poor Melanie
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naserina · 1 year
Ester Expósito revela durante una entrevista que es sobrina de un famoso periodista: "Esto es muy raro" (English translation)
Ester Expósito reveals during an interview that she’s the niece of a famous journalist: "This is very strange”
The actress has sat down with her uncle, Ángel Expósito, in order to present her new project in the radio space that he directs.
Ester Expósito has given her most personal and familiar interview. The actress is promoting her movie, ‘Venus’, a supernatural terror thriller that will hit movie screens on December 2, 2022. Meanwhile, the star of ‘Élite’ is doing a tour of various media outlets in order to present her new project. During one of those interviews, Expósito has lived a moment of the most surreal, and it’s that one of her interviewers has been none other than her own uncle, Ángel Expósito, director and presenter of COPE’s 'The Lantern'.
“This is a very strange interview”, Ángel Expósito begins saying while trying to be as formal as possible. The presenter can’t avoid smiling when introducing his niece, daughter of his brother, as he begins the interview between jokes and confidences. During the chat with her uncle, Ester Expósito has revealed more than just her kinship with one of the most established figures in Spanish radio. The young woman has also said that she lives with her parents, with whom she maintains a close relationship, despite the friction they may have at times. Ester Expósito's own mother, Cecilia, has called the program live to scold her daughter for not tidying her room before leaving.
“I'm going to kill you, but I admit it, I’m a disaster”, confesses the actress, who also explains how much her parents care for her and the affection she has for them: “They care so much for me and live it all very intensely, the good and the bad”. Ester Expósito rose to fame thanks to her role in the Netflix series ‘Élite’, which became an international success, but little by little she has managed to carve out her own niche, with various projects that go beyond, as is the case of ‘Venus’.
A very personal interview
The actress also has spoken about her career and of how, despite it having been her dream since childhood, she never imagined what the day-to-day of a famous actress would be like: “I didn’t imagine the day-to-day so much. I imaged the type of projects that I wanted to do, where I wanted to go, I imagined a mature and long-term career. I imagined working with my idols, that was my illusion”, she explains. Although she’s been very open and sincere with some topics, she hasn’t been as much with others, as is the case of her personal life, the one which she keeps very protected from the public eye. The actress has been in a romantic relationship with fellow actor Nico Furtado for almost a year and, even though they posed for the first time together this past September, she didn’t want to make any statement on the matter, keeping him in the most private sphere.
Without a doubt, Ángel Expósito’s interview with Ester Expósito will be one that both will remember for how special it’s been. In addition to her personal life and her career as an actress, uncle and niece have also taken the opportunity to look back and remember some of their moments together, like the first time in which the actress visited the Real Madrid stadium: “It was with you”, recounts Expósito to her uncle with a tender smile. Both have been shown to have a very close relationship and to be very intimate, which has not only been appreciated in their conversation, but also in how comfortable the two have been during the whole interview.
0 notes
thesolotomyhan · 4 years
Narcos México: Dating them would include: (4/7)
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I low key feel so insecure because my headcannons be hella long, I’m so sorry in advance because I may have gotten carried away on this one😅. Enjoy!
Let me know if you want to be added on the tag list! ❤️
Tags: @fandomnerd16 , @visintaes
Warnings: NSFW!
My ramoncito is such a hot head and filled with heated emotions, impulsive if you may
You were the wrecking ball that crashed into his life when he first met you,,, but in a good way
At first, when he would try to talk to you, he would stutter his words out to you, his palms were sweating, and it suddenly felt like the room was 200 degrees,,, he was getting BEYOND frustrated with himself
He honestly doesn’t even know how he asked you out or even why you agreed to go on a date with him but either way it was the best thing he’s ever done
Ramon rambles on to no end about you when you’re dating, te presuma el cabrón
“Te lo juro, mi mujer está bien pinche guapa, mi muñeca es un ángel de Dios”
Ramon’s kisses are the literal definition of passion and lust, like wow
I just know Ramon would sneak up behind you to pick you up when you come visit him at his house,
You’re just talking to Enedina or something and next thing you know, you feel someone excitedly pick you up and twirl you around
“Mi princesa, que haces aqui?” Wow
The other thing that comes to dating Ramon is the need of patience from you, he’s not one to openly talk about his worries even if he trusts you with his whole heart
Every time Benjamin is worried about Ramon’s attitude, he’s calling you to come talk to him
Because you’re always successful in talking him through his doubts and anger issues,
all you have to do is bring his eyes to focus on you and soothe him with words until he can actually think straight
The puppy eyes he gives you when you tell him you love him with your alma and that it’s going to be ok🥺
Jesus, the sheer amount of gifts this man will give you is just out of this world
Like it’s not even a surprise anymore to his family when a truck load of roses and other fancy shit arrives one day, they’re all like, oh yeah Ramon’s going on a date with his novia, right?
He does it because he can’t get over the way your face lights up, it makes him feel proud that he’s the only one able to do that
Ice cream and antojito dates are a must, ok 🥺👉👈. , don’t look at me
He loves taking you to club dates too, like he’s the definition of “live life to its fullest”
That and because he’s just embobado with the way you dance and how close y’all would dance together
Like can you imagine, dancing to the beat of the music with your ass grinding up against his hips as like your reaching behind you to grab hold of his hair,, and his hands are on your hips— lord, Ramon fucking lives for that
“Mira lo duro que me haces sentir, princessa” ok- Let me leave before I get carried away
I just know, all the dates he takes you on are always fun and it’s where you both lose track of time
Soft!Ramon is what I live for, I can see after your dates end, he’s leaning his forehead on yours and smiling at you🥺
He can’t let go of you
, it makes him so fucking happy when he wakes up in the morning with you cuddling into him, it’s how he always wants to start his mornings
Look, Ramoncito seems like the one not looking for marriage or that soft shit like Benjamin.
but when it comes to you, his heart just fucking ruptures with passion and el amor verdadero, he can’t help it
He can’t even begin to think about even losing you to some cabrón, and him not being the one enjoying your presence
your the only one who has truly captured his heart without even trying and he never wants that feeling to go away, I’m sobbing
So he definitely fiddles and secretly looks into engagement rings👀 with the help of Enedina’s advice because we all know she would be so excited that Ramon found someone that makes him sane and truly loves him
“No la quiero perder, Dina, no se que haria sin ella”
I can’t, you make him so SOFT that even everyone in his family pitches in to help convince him propose to you- they love seeing you two together-
Even if someone just looks at you the wrong way,; or for making a bad comment towards you,, he’s already 0-100 real quick and pulling his gun out
This man causes so much disruption because no hijo de la chingada is going to get away with disrespecting you
You know that once scene at Roxanne where Chapo and Cochi were bullying Francisco and then all hell broke loose,, yeah now imagine like Cochi trying to get a rise out of Ramon by “jokingly” catcalling you- oooop
“¿Cuándo vas a prestarme a tu vieja, Ramón? a lo mejor puedo chingarmela mejor que tú”
Oh no, no no no,, you’re already trying to grab Ramon’s arm as he does a full 180
Red, that’s all Ramon sees as he’s already swinging and hell breaks loose once again-
Even though Ramon would just love to kill Cochi right there for saying that, he can't, but he’ll get it one of these days 👀
Ramon loves to pick out outfits with you as well, he likes giving his opinion about which outfit would slap and would go along with his,
he wants to make people jealous about how hot Ramon’s mujer looks, like the fucking smug look he has on his face as he walks in with you
He has pride in how only he gets to touch you the way he can while others can only drool and watch from afar
Ramon is always having his hand resting on your waist or your ass, and you can’t tell me he would not give an occasional squeeze or slap to your ass, like this bastard would
Ramon would be one to have you sitting on his lap all the time with his arms wrapped around you, making you laugh as he lightly kisses your neck-
In the end, Y’all are just a fun af couple, attached to the hip and inseparable, I’m in love
Oooooohhhhh boy, does my man have SO many kinks, but we’ll get to that in a minute
He’s one to never turn down a blowjob from you, like the intense gaze he’ll give you as he sees you gagging on him
This man loves his pleasure, he’s desperately thrusting into your mouth as he lets out the loudest groans all the while tangling his hands in your hair- ok
Ramon fucking lives for seeing you in his bed
From the beginning where your smiling up at him, naked for him and pulling him down to get him to do something
To the end of the night when your whimpering and trembling after he’s done with you, like damn
The roughest sex happens with Ramon
I’m gonna say it…. Because it’s the truth
Ramon will eat you out until you can’t even speak right and your trying to weakly push him away
This mf will laugh into you as he forces your legs open and fingers you-
“Sé que puedes hacer uno más, solo uno más para mí bebé”
As he’s forcing you to look at him as he harshly rubs your sensitive clit-
Ramon has to see your facial expressions, he has them engraved into his memory and he also just loves seeing how he can make you feel, the way your soul leaves your body-
Jesus, this man is never fucking quiet, and that goes for you too, he hates seeing you trying to be quiet
“No te calles, no, dejen que nos escuchen”
He has a way of making you feel that he’s touching you everywhere and that, just by itself makes you lose control of yourself
At the beginning, Ramon is setting a pace where he’ll try to go slow and hard at first because you can’t tell me that this man also loves soft sex 🥺
but damn, he can’t hold himself back, nopeeee, not right now with the way you’re desperately groping him and saying his name
Ramon starts to tear off your bra and panties because he feels like he’s going to explode if he’s not inside you in the next 2 seconds
You’ll pull him down to kiss him as he pushes into you, wow
God, his thrust game, his hand game, everything,, is just over the top
He’s not letting you catch your breath after your orgasm before he’s changing positions and pounding you again, not losing momentum
You’re literally shaking and begging him to stop from all the pleasure but you just go back to moaning as he picks up the pace,,,,
You’ll have tears of pleasure rolling down your checks as you feel him spread your legs even more, the emotions, I’m here for it
Ahem* my next point ,, choking kink, you know my man has one,
He has you laid out onto his bed beneath him as he adds a bit of pressure to your neck as he grips your hip with the other hand
Like shit, his fucking hand is so big, it just easily latches onto your neck-
Possessive af alright, he wants you to be screaming his name so it’s the only thing on your mind
He just needs to feel you and claim you all over again as his mujer
“Puto Cochiloco, hijo de su reputa madre, piensa que te puede hacer gritar como yo puedo”
you know he’s taking his frustration out on you after that encounter, he needs reassurance that only he can make you cum the way he can
Angry/Frustrated sex would be the only time he’ll let you roll your head back, because like wow, you’re always screaming his name out as you grip onto the bed frame
Fuck- when he’s thrusting from behind you, doggy style
He’ll pull your hair as he growls into your ear about who you belong to as he sneaks his hand in between your thighs again-
“Quien es tu papi?”-
And unlike Benjamin, he’s not one to hide your night of passion
He’s marking you up in the most visible fucking areas and always laughs when you scold him in the morning when your trying to cover them up
The Soft Sex, yeah, he only does that when he’s celebrating something with you, like either it’s your anniversary your birthday or something like that
The eye contact is a must in this situation, alright
He’s never looking away, like he’s looking up at you as he just devours your core and he holds your hands near your hips
Fuck, the softest but hardest thrusts as he grips your hip and lifts your leg to wrap around him
And this man still manages to give you multiple orgasms, doesn’t matter if it’s rough or the softest sex, he’s still doing it
overdosed on sex is what happens with Ramoncito
But he would be one to pepper kisses everywhere and praise how good you were for him-
The best feeling in the world for him is waking up to you sleeping on his chest with your clothes scattered all over the room- aight imma just head out
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cranehusbands · 4 years
glory, to olympus
loba andrade/crypto | park tae joon; established relationship; hurt/comfort; post broken ghost; apex rarepair week; 1883 words
a/n: first thought is why the fuck did ao3 butcher crypto’s name so bad.. that’s not how his name is said. taejoon is one word. crypto im so sorry
secondly, this has been my agenda this whole time. welcome to cryptloba hell, population me. i absolutely adore these two with all my heart, i was so excited for finally write for them, and will be doing so later this week, as it’s apex rarepair week! the prompt i went for for this one was meet the parents and well... you get the idea. angst time baby
@apex-rarepairweek thank you for hosting this wonderful week!
likes < reblogs, any comments in the tags are appreciated
ao3 mirror in the reblogs!
Preview: The thief’s mouth hung open in her rambles, before she looked up to Crypto, still standing in the rain with his hands in his pockets, hair flat against his face. The shadow over her eyes fell now, mascara running down her cheeks as she wiped the nose with the back of her hand in an uncharacteristically sloppy way. “...Am I doing them wrong, Park? Have I done bad by them?”
The gentle sound of the radio was enough to not make the room sound so deafening in its silence, raindrops hitting the window like tears from the clouds, as if knowing the day to the date, and mourning on her behalf. The song was a lighthearted one, one about running away to the big city - an older one, from more than many years ago, somehow still prevalent on the radio stations that she tended to be drawn towards. Was it because this music was a comfort to her? Her father always cared a lot for songs like those, and he would whisk herself and her mother around the living room while some lovelorn fool sang about a Caroline or an Eileen. 
  Loba was gentle in the way she did her makeup, having mastered her technique in the past few years - her philosophy had always been to not get caught, but if she were to be, she had to look her best. She closed one eye, gently placing a synthetic eyelash over the smokey eye makeup she’d carefully painted on already, pulling away and staring at herself in the vanity mirror in her room, and hand running through one of the shorter braids, the ends of her hair no longer stark red and now simply a subdued blonde. Her eyes fell on a small polaroid in the corner of the vanity, moving to run two fingers of the faces of the two adults - a suited man and a smiling woman - staring at the young child with a wide smile and a small tooth gap. The thief smiled a little, at the way the girl was so oblivious to her future, her happiness at that moment forever caught, to be cherished and longed for. She stared for a moment or two more, hand pulling away to catch a glance of the two parents by the girl’s shoulders, just as happy as she, before she stood to her feet, grabbing the leather-gloved form the edge of the desk before she opened the door, and began heading out of the dropship, passing by the kitchen and listening to the clicking of her boots against the floor-
  “You’re awake early.”
She jumped at the sudden voice, shooting a glare over to the table in the dropship’s kitchen, where a pair of eyes stared back at her from over the back of a laptop. “For god's sake, Crypto, make yourself known. Don’t scare me like that.”
“Sorry.” He almost looked sheepish for a moment, pulling down his laptop screen so she could see his face, the clear bags under his eyes from behind his glasses and the weak smile he gave. “You’re looking very… monotone.”
Loba hummed, doing a little half-hearted spin. “I have places to be. Quite in demand, don’t you know?”
“Hm. Visiting death, are we?”
“I guess you could say that.”
He frowned at her for a moment, brow furrowing before he closed the lid of his laptop and stood to his feet.
“What are you doing?”
“Grabbing my coat.”
“What- no, you’re not coming with me.”
He didn’t respond, shoving his hands into his pockets as he made his way back to his room.
“Crypto!” The thief called out to him, but again he didn’t respond, not even so much with a turn. And though she gave an exasperated sigh and folded her arms across her chest, she didn’t try to leave him behind in this momentary blindspot. Deep down, she was almost glad for the company. Especially his.
  The hacker soon returned, now donning a fuzzy black coat, somewhat more professional and warmer than his normal attire, though still jarring to see him in something that wasn’t white or green… though, hints of his usual accent still came through, in the formal shirt and tie he still wore underneath. Hands were shoved into his pockets, clearly fiddling with the cube he always carried with him, more for comfort than out of function. Crypto shot her a small nod as she turned to look at him, quickening his pace a little to join her at her side. “So-”
Before he could finish, he was cut off as she ran a hand down his chest, feeling the soft material of his coat under her fingertips with a soft expression. It wasn’t often they shared moments like this - the two were discrete about their relationship, especially since their mission had led to both… complications and rifts in the group, but also new bonds being formed, including their own. Interactions between the two were kept strictly professional when eyes were on them… but now Loba fixed his coat collar, a sad smile on her face, perhaps getting a bit closer than what she would have normally. But it was the early morning, and the open kitchen was silent. It was just them. What did they have to hide?
Crypto’s smile was weak, and embarrassed, perhaps still not used to the shift between professionalism and PDA. His voice cracked a little as he continued with his train of thought. “S-so, where are we going?”
Loba pulled her hands away from him, tucking her arm into his with a solemn nod, as if to hype herself up. “The closest thing I remember being a home to me. ...To Olympus.”
  The ride was quiet, but they both were tense. Loba knew that Crypto never liked crowds, not much - it was bad enough that a handful of the legends knew who he really was, but being so visible was a threat, even if these people had never heard of Taejoon Park before. She reached a hand over to him without looking to make it obvious, feeling for his hand to hold onto for comfort, as she knew the way his eyes fell on her and his face softened in a way that only she knew. The thief gave him a glance, and a small smile, running a thumb over the back of his knuckles, to comfort him, but also perhaps to comfort herself, as through the window the overview of the city so foggy in her memories became clearer. It was so different, and yet... not at all. She tried to swallow the lump in her throat, but it kept coming back, enough to make it hard for her to breathe as they left the landing zone and headed down a familiar road, being dropped off at the front of an extravagant building, where pedestrians entered through lavish double doors. She exited the taxi they had shared, a hand holding onto the door for a moment before she quietly shut it.
“Damn rain,” she grumbled, though it was certainly half-hearted, pulling out her cane and extending it to lean against it, in the way she usually did, her other hand over her eyes to avoid damage to her makeup.
Behind her, the taxi started up again, driving away as the hacker now joined her at her side, hands in his pockets. He hummed. 
“You haven’t told me everything about yourself. If I knew any better, I would make a joke that this was your second home… the gaudiness is fitting. But…” He looked over to her, and the way she stared back at him.
Loba swallowed. “Yes, well I… the loss of my family to that… demon… meant I have lost my home, my heritage. I have no grave to return my good wishes to, so I…” With her cane, she gestured towards the building in front of them - to the restaurant where all but one little girl had lost her life over twenty years before.
  There was a long, drawn-out silence, the only sound being the sound of rain that his the pavement leading up to the glowing restaurant doors. 
“I feel my papa would have liked you.”
“Hm?” He glanced down to her, how the rain fell down the sides of her face and how the gloomy sunlight cast a dark shadow over her eyes.
“He would have liked you. From… what I remember, anyway. He was a kind man, a family man. ...Yes, he would have liked you.” Her voice quivered as she repeated herself.
“...Loba, I-”
“-And mama would have too. Oh, the things she would say, I can almost hear them, in a distant sort of way. ‘Mi yerno es un ángel.’, I think is the phrase she’d say… I-I’m sure she would call us married already, she was a housewife type despite her… her profession-”
The thief’s mouth hung open in her rambles, before she looked up to Crypto, still standing in the rain with his hands in his pockets, hair flat against his face. The shadow over her eyes fell now, mascara running down her cheeks as she wiped the nose with the back of her hand in an uncharacteristically sloppy way. “...Am I doing them wrong, Park? Have I done bad by them?”
He didn’t know what to say. He’d never had this issue before, not for himself - what was done with him was done, and he had no one to mourn… no parents, and no sister. He quickly swallowed before he could ride down that thought path. Reaching a hand out of his pocket, he took hers and gently squeezed. “You… are an amazing woman. They know that, surely, from where they reside. Regardless of what you have done, or will do, you are still theirs. Be proud.”
That’s when her face, that had tried so hard to remain like stone despite her tears, wrinkled, and her grip on his hand grew tighter with a squeeze, before she burst into sobs and practically threw herself onto him, burying her face into his shoulder, as if to hide her dignity, her hands moving to claw onto his back and hold it as if he would leave her at a moments notice.
  He didn’t move, unsure if she would shatter in his arms like fragile glasswork, so perfect and delicate as she shook in the cold and the pressure of containing herself, but soon Crypto held her back, and brought her close, the warmth still foreign to him, even after all the times that had done this behind closed doors. No… it was never like this. Loba was strong, she held her cards close to her chest, and only let herself be vulnerable when she knew she had nothing to lose - and to her, she still had everything to lose. Losing her legacy, her revenge on the simulacrum that took her life away from her. The hacker held her close, holding the back of her head with a hand, quietly shushing her muffled sobs as he ran a hand through her hair, now knotted and wavy with the rain.
“Te amo,” she whispered into his neck, before pulling away and looking up to him, smiling despite herself as she wiped her eye, now red, though not like her usual makeup attire, with the back of her finger, smiling despite herself as she moved a hand to brush at his shoulder.  “Sorry about the makeup all over your coat.”
He couldn’t help but laugh, moving to cup her face with one hand and brush his thumb under her other eye, still wet from tears.  “Don’t worry. It’ll be fine. You will be fine. Saranghae.”
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basementsushi · 4 years
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--^ from this prompt I wrote the short story below, entitled Nekyia. Enjoy!--
I did it! My EMT training is complete, I’m licensed and ready to go, and I officially start my new job on Monday, just over two weeks from now. I got this little notebook at the store today to write that down, to make it feel more real. I did it mom, I did it.
I feel like I should explain. I don’t know why, I can’t imagine anyone else will read this. Mom was an EMT too, a volunteer one in the rural town she grew up and lived in. That’s where she met dad too, after she saved his life after a gun accident. Dad always called her “Angel” after that, because at the hospital doctor’s were surprised he had survived, and he always credited mom’s care with his survival.
Mom passed away when I was really little. I don’t even remember her, aside from pictures and stories, I was only three at the time. From the time I was little I decided to become an EMT, just like her, to honor her memory I suppose, though over time I found myself just as passionate about it as she was (at least, according to my aunt). 
And now I’ve finally done it! I just wish mom and dad were still here with me to celebrate. Dad passed just a couple of years after mom, and I lived with my aunt Camille after that until I was 18. She took me out to dinner yesterday to celebrate, and gave me a necklace my mom apparently always wore, that my dad had wanted me to have one day. I don’t even know how to describe it, it’s a little metal charm almost, in an odd shape I’ve never seen before, strung on a dark, thin cord. I feel closer to her with it though, and have started keeping it in my wallet wherever I go.
Wow, that’s more than I’ve written in a journal than… well, I think ever. And chances are I won’t write here again. I’m going to try, but my track record with these things is pretty bad. I wanted to make sure I did at least something to remember finally reaching my goal.
Well, I’m surprised to be picking this thing up again. It’s been over a month since I wrote in it last, and I’ve been at my job about three weeks so far. Nothing too weird has happened, though it has been a bit of an adjustment, until today, and I just had to write about it.
We were responding to a call today, for an older man who had collapsed in the middle of a grocery store, of a suspected heart attack. By the time we got there he was unresponsive, wasn’t breathing, and we couldn’t find a pulse. I really didn’t think he was going to make it, it took us too long to get there I thought.
I started CPR anyway, as well as rescue breathing, while the ambulance was prepared, hoping he would start breathing. I could hardly believe it when he did! We seemed to have him almost stabilized before we even had him on the ambulance. 
That wasn’t even the weirdest part for me. The weirdest part was the first thing he said when we were getting him onto the ambulance. I suspected he was hispanic before, but when I recognized he was speaking Spanish that confirmed it. I didn’t understand what he said to me at the time, but a coworker translated it for me later. He looked right at me and said “eres un ángel”, which means “you are an angel”. 
It’s so weird. The same thing dad called mom after she miraculously saved him. It almost feels like a message from mom, like she’s letting me know I did a good job. I pulled her necklace out of my wallet to look at some today. I still have no idea if it means anything, but it makes me feel better to have around.
I guess I’m going to write in this little notebook a lot more than I thought. In the two weeks since I last wrote there was another case where the patient, from what we could tell, should have died, but after care (I administered some of it), miraculously survived. Especially after others heard about what the elderly hispanic gentleman said the nickname “Angel” has spread for me. 
I should feel glad, I’m helping people, just like mom. But instead I feel… uneasy. Especially this week, but starting around when I saved the hispanic man, I’ve been seeing this man around a lot. He’s the kind of person I don’t think I’d normally notice, a bit taller than average, brown eyes, dark hair. Nothing about him stands out. But the look in his eyes, the fact that I’ve seen him just looking at me, often when I’m arriving to help patients… I could swear he’s following me. And…
No, it’s too silly to write here. I think I just need more sleep, I’ve been so busy with my new job, studying on the side, and all the other things I’m doing. Maybe I need to drop a hobby or something so I can sleep more.
I keep seeing it. Him. The man I wrote about. It’s only been a few days since I last wrote here, but I’ve seen him almost every day. Sometimes looking at me, sometimes just passing by. And I swear I’ve seen wings on him. I’d seen it before, but I thought it was just a lack of sleep. Stress. I don’t know what to think anymore. 
Even Nina (my dog, I realize I haven’t written about her before) is acting like something is off. She’s normally very calm, but every time I get home from work she gets super agitated, and takes ages to calm down and come near me again. Maybe she doesn’t like the smell of the disinfectant from work? I don’t feel like that’s it though, she didn’t start doing this until recently.
Work is still going well at least. I really feel like I’m making a difference. We’ve had less fatalities than usual, which is always good news. I just hope the rest of this weirdness goes away soon.
I’m having Mark (my coworker) drive me home most days now, instead of taking the bus. He found it weird that I finally took him up on his offer, and I probably wouldn’t have, if not for yesterday.
The man, the strange one? I saw him on the bus yesterday on the way home. With nothing else to do on the trip I finally looked at him a bit more, especially all the random symbols on his jacket. I hadn’t looked directly at it before, I hadn’t realized…
On his right sleeve, on the arm, near the shoulder, is the symbol. The same one on mom’s necklace. I took it out of my wallet for the first time in a couple of weeks to hold, and I swear it felt cold. It freaked me out, I don’t want to run into him ever again, especially not alone.
It’s been a week since the bus incident. I’m shaking right now, after what happened today, but I have to write it down, to make it feel more, real? To record it? I don’t even know.
It’s my day off. I’d normally sleep in later, but Nina woke me up around seven barking like mad at the front door. I groggily got up, went to the door, and through the peephole saw the man, the one who had been following me.
I think I was tired, or in shock, or just done with it all, but I opened the door, and he quietly stepped inside. Just a step, not even enough that I could close the door behind him. When he started to speak, he just sounded… odd. Something about his voice, I can’t figure out how to describe it. 
Everything he said, it made no sense. He talked about ceasing the ancient arts? He made it sound like I was messing something up, but I have no idea what he meant. He even mentioned mom, saying she had done this too, and I didn’t want to keep going down her path, that the “arts passed down in your family lead to delayed grief, they don’t eliminate it”. 
Then he just left. I don’t know what to do. I eventually found Nina hiding in my room, and am just sitting here on the floor with her now, writing down what happened. Do I call the police? What would I even tell them? 
He’s giving me time to write, just before he takes me. I have to write quickly. He was able to show me memories - of my mother, of my family before her, our ancestors further back than I recognize. The necklace (rather, the talisman), it’s older than I thought, passed down for generations.
Angel. Ironic, isn’t it? My mom was no angel, neither was I. Just the latest in a long line of… I can’t even believe it. Necromancers. The miracles, the lives saved… they won’t even stay saved. We only delayed the inevitable, until this man could track them down again, to take them, just like he’s taking me now. 
Most have times they have to go. The hispanic man. My dad. It’s no wonder he died so shortly after mom, she wasn’t around to bring him back anymore. And because mom and I upset the balance of things, and didn’t stop when warned (I don’t think either of us understood the warning), we’re being taken too. And the people I saved, the miracles… soon they’ll be taken too.
He’s starting to nod at me, I know we’re going soon. He’s said he’ll make it quick, just like mom. He doesn’t want me to suffer, his job is just to guide us to where we go. He promises Nina’s time isn’t yet, apparently my aunt will find her very soon.
I almost can’t believe it. This all sounds so silly. I wouldn’t have even believed him, but… the wings I thought I saw. I see them clearly now. And I feel sleepy, I can’t write much longer. He said his brother’s blessing will make it not hurt, all I have to do is drift off to sleep. I tried mom, I hope I made you proud. It’s hard to hold my pen up, I think I’m coming to see you soo-
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hellcess-sketch · 4 years
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This is about a 25 years old lady who was stabbed, skinned, and roasted in front of her 15 years old autist step-son by her 46 years old Husband; who, then, threw her mutilated organs into the sewer system in Mexico. He called his ex-wife and confessed his crime, then she called the cops.
The neighbors said they heard Ingrid's screams, and it wasn't the first time, but then she stopped screaming and they didn't suspect anything. Violence is common on Mexico, but gender violence is even more. I'm Mexican too and I've seen violence every single day since I remember. And that's not right.
The text below is in Spanish, but I'll translate in italics:
• • • • •
En memoria de Ingrid Escamilla.
Im the memoir of Ingrid Escamilla.
Creo que no soy la única que ha llorado al saber lo que le sucedió a Ingrid; aunque no la conocí, creo que he conocido a muchas Ingrids a lo largo de mi vida.
I think I'm not the only one who has cried at finding out what happened to Ingrid; even though I didn't know her, I think I might have met a lot of Ingrids in my life.
Personas con parejas adictas, con parejas que las golpean; con vecinos y amigos que normalizan la violencia, que ignoran sus gritos; que parecen tener una larga y brillante vida por delante, pero esta es cortada súbitamente.
People with addict couples, with couples that thrashes them; with neighbors and friends that normalize violence, who ignore their screams; that seem to have a long and shining life ahead, but this one is cut down, suddenly.
Un amigo me dijo que deberíamos agradecer por la estupidez de su pareja, porque de no ser por toda la evidencia que hay en el caso de Ingrid, ella simplemente sería otro feminicidio más que es ignorado.
A friend told me we should be thankful for her couple's stupidity because, without all the evidence in Ingrid's case, she would be just some other ignored femicide.
Muchas personas mueren a diario como Ingrid, a manos de sus parejas o de completos extraños. Quisiera decir algo como que "hoy fue Ingrid y mañana podría ser cualquiera", pero la realidad es que todos los días le sucede a cualquiera, solo que el culpable se mantiene igual de anónimo.
Many people die daily like Ingrid, by the hands of their lovers or completely unknowns. I would like to say something like "today it was Ingrid and tomorrow could be anyone", but reality is everyday this happens to Anyone, but the culprit remains as anonymous as the victim.
Los gritos y reclamos de Ingrid fueron ignorados por no sé cuánto tiempo, pero hoy ella se ha vuelto el rostro que nos motiva a gritar en su lugar; de algún modo, con su muerte, su espíritu ha entrado en nosotros para abrir nuestros ojos.
Ingrid's screams and complains where ignored by I don't know how long, but today she has become the face that motivates us to scream in her place; somehow, with her death, her spirit has entered into us to open our eyes.
Estén siempre atentos a los signos de violencia; ya sea en su pareja o en aquel completo extraño. Que no te pase a ti no significa que debas desviar la mirada. Porque la violencia es como un incendio que se propaga. Si alguien hubiese interferido con verdadero interés antes: ahora Ingrid estaría con vida.
Be always aware to violence signs; even if these ones comes from your couple or that random unknown. If it doesn't happen to you, that doesn't mean you should turn around your gaze. Because violence is like a fire and it catches. If someone has interfered with truely interest before: Ingrid would be alive now.
Ingrid, te conocí con tu rostro y cuerpo deshechos, sin ojos ni órganos, en el suelo de un departamento triste; pero quiero tenerte en mi memoria como el hermoso ángel que eras antes de que aquellas manos te mancharan de sangre.
Ingrid, I met you with your face and body undone, without eyes nor organs, lying in a sad department's floor; but I want to keep you in my memory like the beautiful angel you were before those hands strained you with blood.
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aeoneri · 2 years
[What We Don't See] Chapter 5: Tuve el Presentimiento de Algo Fatal
Bruno and Gabriela meet for the first time. -- Written in Bruno's POV
I cross my fingers as I trek my way through the forest. It’s nice to be outside my tower sometimes, though I rarely go very far. I don’t particularly enjoy being seen in public, especially with the negative press I’ve been getting. I know that despite their distaste, people still respect me. I think it’s only because I’m a Madrigal. If I were any other than my name, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be welcome anywhere at all.
The forest feels alive in all its colors: the marmalade bushes, Flor de Mayo, and Jacarandas are in bloom, painting the scene in bright oranges, violets, and blues. The tall Encenillo and Tabebuia trees sway in the wind, with a few Palma de Cera trees providing shade from the harsh afternoon sun. I sigh, thinking about the vision that’s weighing heavily in my pocket. I knock on the tree trunks as I pass by. That vision was happy. Almost too happy.
I wonder if I deserve that kind of happiness?
I know I’m close to the river when I hear the trickle of running water.
When we were a whole lot younger, Julieta, Pepa, and I would sneak out to play in the forest. We stumbled upon the river by chance one day, back when we were ten, and called it our secret hideaway. I snort. I doubt they would remember this as it’s been years since they’ve last been here. We had to do so much more for the community as we got older, my sisters more so than I. I don’t feel too bad about it, given their gifts are a whole lot more useful than mine.
I make my way toward the bank. I still visit from time to time, especially on days when I need a breather. I spend my whole afternoons watching the water, letting my mind wander. In this secluded part of the mountains, I’m just myself, not Bruno Madrigal, the cursed seer.
I’m almost at the water’s edge when I notice a figure out of the corner of my eye. I quickly hide behind a boulder, holding my breath, anxiety kicking in. The place is so secluded that I doubt any townsfolk would wander here. I take another peek to see who the intruder is when they glance in my direction. My jaw drops.
I only catch a glimpse of her face before she turns her back to me. I know it looks wrong to stare at a stranger, but curiosity itches at me to try to get a better look. I sneak in a little closer, hiding this time behind a tree. She doesn’t see me. I’ve never seen her around town before. Is she maybe an outsider? I can’t imagine having someone new to Encanto, though. It’s almost close to impossible to get here as the surrounding mountains are very tall and not for the faint-hearted. There are a few travelers here and there, but they don’t stay very long. The only person I know that managed to get past that and decided to live here forever was Julieta’s husband, Agustín.
I watch her, my heart pounding. Her dark curls bounce around her shoulders, barely touching the water’s surface. The sunlight filtering through the canopy of leaves makes her look like she’s glowing. Un ángel. She looks like an angel.
I really shouldn’t be here. I decide to go back and leave her be when I accidentally step on a twig. The snap echoes and I turn around, hoping she didn’t hear it. Our eyes meet. We stare at each other for a fraction of a second before it registers on her that I’m there, and she screams. I jump in surprise, almost getting myself tangled in something…soft? I remove it from my face. It’s a dress that’s been hanging on a vine.
Hijo de puta. I’m done for. I quickly swipe the dress away from me. She goes a little lower into the water in an attempt to cover herself. My face burns red from embarrassment. I didn’t realize she was in her…underwear. I feel like I committed something heinous. I begin apologizing.
“¡Lo siento mucho, señorita! I didn’t mean to…I swear I didn’t…” Something hits me square on the forehead. I look at her, surprised. Her eyes are wide. I register a sharp sting as something warm trickles down over my eye. I spot the small, jagged rock she’s thrown at me on the ground.
Ay eso duele, she’s drawn blood. I immediately turn on my heels, pulling the hood of my ruana over my head to protect myself from the barrage of pebbles and small rocks she’s starting to throw at me. “¡Señorita! I’m so sorry I’ve intruded on you! I’m not that kind of man!” I try to apologize, backing myself out there and putting distance between us both.
She cusses. “¡Puta madre!” For such a pretty lady, she sure curses like a sailor. “¡Alejarse de mí, tu demonio!”
I can’t blame her. I would probably yell at myself too if I were her.
“I swear I didn’t see anything significant!” I yell out. Poor choice of words. She gasps loudly. She’s already out of the water, her hair and clothes sticking to…wait, is she holding a larger rock? I’m dead. I scramble to run away, not daring to take another look at her.
“¡Que te folle un pez, hijo de puta!” She practically screeches at me.
“I didn’t mean it that way, ¡Señorita! What I meant was…I didn’t see your dress hanging over there…” Silencio, Bruno! You’re making it worse. “I’m so sorry!” I trip over my feet, faceplanting first into the ground. I’m so embarrassed at this point I wish the earth would just swallow me whole.
She doesn’t stop her attack. “I don’t care! ¡Que de ten! Leave me alone, you…you…creep!”
I pick myself up and run as fast as my legs can carry me out of there, yelling my apologies until I’m sure she no longer hears me.
“Bruno? ¿Qué diablos te pasó?” Julieta rushes over to me as I enter the door of the casita, looking all kinds of messed up. Ay, what have I gotten myself into?
“I’m fine, it’s just a little scratch.” I wince as she inspects my wounds.
Julieta frowns at me. “I have no idea what’s going on, but it’s more than a scratch. Let’s get you inside.”
She escorts me into the dining room, where Pepa and Félix are talking about something. I turn to escape, but Julieta’s hand is quick and she grabs me by my ruana, forcing me to sit down. My sudden presence surprises Pepa and lightning strikes at my feet. I yelp.
“Brunito! What happened to you?” Pepa’s earlier annoyance dissipates when she notices I look like shit. I eye the cloud above her head.
“I asked him the same thing,” Julieta says as she hands me a carimañola. “Eat this.”
“Ay, Bruno. You look terriblé.” Félix eyes the cut on my forehead. I shrug. I didn’t expect that señorita by the river to throw something with such impressive accuracy to cause damage. “Did you get into a fight?”
“Where have you been all afternoon?” Pepa’s voice goes up an octave. The cloud looks a whole lot bigger.
“Eh…I was just…standing outside?” I hedge. I don’t want them to know about how I might’ve committed a shameful crime or embarrassed myself, so much so that I think it’ll keep me up at night till the end of time.
“You were just standing outside…and somehow got bruises, a cut on your forehead, and a black eye?” Julieta raises an eyebrow. “Right…”
“Was it the vecino that threatened to harm you for that vision you gave last week?” The cloud above Pepa’s head starts to rumble. “Oh, when I get my hands on whoever’s done this to you, Brunito…”
“Mi vida, you’re thundering…!” Félix tries to calm his wife down. It doesn’t work. “I’m sure Bruno here has a perfectly good explanation for why he looks like that, right?” He turns to look at me, practically begging. “Right?!”
I gulp. I don’t. “It’s quite hard to explain…”
I never got to finish my sentence.
Glossary of terms (in order of appearance in-text): Flor de Mayo - an epiphytic orchid endemic to Colombia. Flor de Mayo translates to "May flower". Jacaranda - a flowering plant native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas, including Colombia. Encenillo - a tree native of the highlands of the Andean region of Colombia. Tabebuia - a flowering plant that is mostly identified as trees, but can be a large shrub as well. Palma de Cera - a palm native to the humid montane forests of the Andes in Colombia and northern Peru. Un ángel - an angel Hijo de puta - Son of a b*tch Mucho - very Señorita - Miss (unmarried) Ay eso duele - Oh, that hurts Puta madre - Motherf*cker Alejarse de mí, tu demonio - Get away from me, you demon Que te folle un pez - I hope you get f*cked by a fish. A very unique and colorful swear word that's the equivalent of "screw you". Silencio - Be quiet Que de ten - Up yours. Could also mean "f*ck you" or "f*ck off". Qué diablos te pasó - What the hell happened to you Carimañola - a South American meat pie in a torpedo-shaped yuca fritter, stuffed with cheese, seasoned ground meat, or shredded chicken and fried. Commonly found in Colombia and Panama. Terriblé - terrible Vecino - neighbor
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