#sleep off nausea so I didnt have to throw up it really just is one of those things that gets me
eepyjay · 1 year
Currently experiencing the worst combo known to man, a headache with nausea
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maybe-its-micheal · 3 years
Ghostbur tapped his feet against the ground, creating a rhythmic sound that made him smile. His shoes made such a nice sound against the blackstone bricks, he thought. Wait... blackstone? Where was there blackstone?
He checked his surroundings. Oh! The nether hub! Why was he here again? He didn't remember. He walked over to the edge, thinking maybe if he saw whatever he was here for it would jog his memory, but all he saw was lots of lava.
He looked down. "You know, someone could fall down there. Maybe someone should build a fence," he said absent mindedly, before heading back through the portal. He had many books to read back home! And lots of people to speak with
The nights seemed to last longer every time Tommy tried to sleep. He turned over in bed, knocking against the white wool that made up the sides of his tent. This sent rainwater cascading down from the thin material, soaking him.
"MMMMMM, FUCK!" Tommy yelled, sitting up. If he couldn't sleep before, he certainly wouldn't be able to now. He got up out of bed and stepped outside the tent. This, of course, only served to expose him to more rain, but he hardly cared. He needed some fresh air.
He marched across the beach down to logstedshire, but paused at the enterence. What was the point in going in? It was empty anyway- Wilbur was back in L'manburg, he had been for days. He turned around to walk in the other direction, mud splashing against his shoes.
As he walked he thought of Tubbo. He was so impossibly angry about his banishment, and he knew it was Tubbo who gave the order, but he couldn't bring himself to hate them. He would have loved to point his finger at Dream, or George, or anyone else for that matter, but what would be the point in that? It's not like he could fight back, he had nothing, and so he was left with only one man to blame it on- himself.
He moved a lock of soaked hair away from his eyes. Burning down George's house was probably the thing he regretted most in all his time here. He wished more than anything that he could go back and just not do it- but what's the point in wishing? He's already been exiled. He may as well put up with it.
The splash of his shoes against the wet ground slowed to a stop. He may as well... put up with it. He sniffed, and moved his hands upward to his face. May as well put up with it. He looked at them through the darkness, they were shaking, and covered in small bruises and scratches he'd collected while scavenging. Put up with it. Rain blurred his vision, and his hands became two unidentifiable blobs that faded into the rest of the dark. Put up with it. The rain was so cold- why did he come out here? Put up with it. He shook his head, sending droplets flying off of his hair in every direction. Put up with it. He was shivering. Put up with it. Put up with it. Put. Up. With. It.
His knees buckled and he fell to the ground with a pained yell. His tears mixed with the rain as he cried out every name he could think of. He wanted them back! He wanted L'manburg back! He just wanted to go back- why was he here? Why did he have to be away from everyone?
"QUCKITY!" He sobbed. "Wilbur! FUNDY! Please! PLEASE! TUBBO! TUBBO PLEASE!" But he knew none of them could hear him. They were a thousand blocks away, sleeping soundly. They were all together- happy, and at home. "Tubbo... Tubbo please..."
But what was the point in yelling for people who couldn't hear him anyway? He put his head in his hands as his crying got quieter and quieter- he tried to wipe his face dry, but his hands were just as wet. "Fuck this rain."
He got up, and trudged over to his nether portal. As soon as he stepped in the rain evaporated off of him; he was warm and dry, at least, but still not ready to go back to his tent. His bed was covered in rain anyway, so what would be the point of going back?
He chose a random direction and walked some more, not really caring where he ended up. He couldn't stop thinking... Tubbo really did choose appeasing Dream over him. He really did say the discs were meaningless. How many days had it been? It didn't matter, he still couldn't believe it anyway. He hardly believed he was out here alone... how could that happen?
He had a secret world in his heart. A world where Wilbur never died, and Techno never fought against L'manburg. A world where he had all of his discs, and he listened to them with Tubbo at the end of every day while they watched the sunset. Sometimes he retreated to that world when the real one became too harsh... but he always had to come back.
He was standing in the middle of the nether hub, right outside the portal to the community house. He noticed that he was still shivering, which was odd. The nether is so hot.
He swished his hand through the purple smoke of the portal. On the other side... was a world he was no longer a part of. His brother who betrayed him, and his brother who died. His best friend, who stabbed him in the back. His discs, in the hands of people he didn't trust, and his nation so far alienated from its original purpose that he could hardly call it L'manburg.
He moved his hand back out, purple dust swirling around his fingers for a few moments. He thought for the first time... maybe he didn't want to be a part of that world anyway. He retreated back to the world in his heart... that was the world that was his true home.
He closed his eyes as he walked out of the main portal room, and down the suspended blackstone bridge. He could see Tubbo... no longer in a stuffy suit acting all important, but in his ussual green button down. They were laughing. Tommy smiled, still walking, eyes still closed, and began to laugh as well.
Wilbur was there. He was alive, and sane. Phil and Techno were there too... and Quckity, and Fundy, and Niki, and everyone. And they were all laughing. Tommy's feet stumbled about over the path, landing sloppily against the blackstone, laughing so hard he almost lost his balance. He laughed, and laughed, and-
His eyes shot open. As his weight shifted from one foot to the other, he realized there was nothing beneath it. He tipped backwards, body falling towards the lava put hundred of blocks below. He gasped, and just as quickly as the realization that he wouldn't survive set in, and hand wrapped around his wrist, and he was pulled back onto the bridge.
"Tommy! What are you doing? Its 4 am, and you just- are you ok? What are you laughing at?" His voice was higher than ussual, strained by panic.
Tommy caught his breath. "I didn't..." his eyes met Dream's. "Did I just..."
It was clear his mind was racing, and he had no idea what to say. Dream sighed. "You need to be more careful, this is the nether." He shut his eyes tight and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to recollect his thoughts. "Do you want me to walk you back home?"
Tommy looked up at him. Home.
For a moment- just a moment, less than a second- he thought he meant the home he'd imagined, but before he said yes it all came rushing back. He didnt mean home. He didnt mean L'manburg where everyone he cared about was- he meant the place he was exiled to. To the world he didn't want to live in.
His faced scrunched up with frustration as he faced the Green Man, hate burning in his eyes. He did want to go home. But he didn't have one anymore.
He looked at him- he symbolized every aspect of this world he hated. But then he closed his eyes, and he was back in his L'manburg. "Where did you go, Tommy?" His Wilbur asked him. "Let's all go back to the van- I'll play us a song!" He smiled again.
"Tommy?" Dream asked, but Tommy didn't hear. Tommy wasn't a part of his world anymore.
"There he is!" Tubbo called. "Hey big man! Come on, you're late!" He slowly picked up a foot, swinging it backwards ever so slowly. Dream didn't notice.
"I'm coming, Tubbo," Tommy whispered. "What?" Dream asked. "I'm coming home."
His foot was back, dangling over the lava again. He shifted his weight to it, and with a smile, he made his choice. He'd never have to leave his world again. He was finally home.
"TOMMY!" Dream shouted, lunging forward with arms outstretched. He missed, just barely, and the teen fell over the edge of the bridge, plummeting down, down, down... Dream wasted no time, biting into a god apple and throwing himself down after him, but as they both reached the bottom it was too late. He wasn't able to hold his body over the lava, and after a few minutes of struggling, there was nothing recognizable left- just blood that ran down both of Dream's arms and stained his white mask.
He couldn't breath- what had he just witnessed? How had he failed? Was it his fault? Guilt and nausea began to set in as he floated there- alone in the lava. A killer in a way he never could have imagined he would be. He felt sick.
Ghostbur returned to the nether the next morning- netherwart! That's what he needed! He stepped through the portal, only to find Dream waiting on the other side.
"Hello Dream!" He greeted with a smile. "I'm here for some netherwart so I can make more potions!"
Dream didn't answer him, he must be busy. Ghostbur's eyes danced around the hub- what would be the best direction to go?
"Wilbur..." Dream choked out.
"Yes?" The ghost replied.
"Tommy is dead..."
"Who?" He asked in his high, scratchy voice. He ambled care free down the path, dragging his hand across the walls that lined the edges. "Oh! They've added barriers! How handy!" He exclaimed to himself
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sicjimin · 3 years
omg !!!! your taekook fic was the best in the world !!! an idea if you accept suggestions hehe could be kook dealing with a very bad flu that does not let him eat or makes him nauseated and tae super worried as always
A.N : aaaaaa thank u somuch for liking it !! andd since we're still in jungkook's day here we go ~ short and sweet sick preg!jungkook with taehyung ... i hope u like it and does justice to ur expectations ! :D thank u for the idea as well its adorable TT
TW : emeto, mpreg
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At first, Taehyung thought it was usual morning sickness—when he woke up and his side was cold and not long after he heard someone retching from the bathroom. He stretches his body, trying to collect his soul before he slides into his slippers and walks to the bathroom. He could still hear Jungkook vomiting from inside. The sound of vomit filling the bowl is loud against the silent night.
He knocks on the door. "Kookie?”
When Jungkook doesn’t answer him, he pushes the door open slowly and finds the younger boy slumped over the toilet. His stomach seems empty but he didn't look like he'd stop anytime soon. Jungkook's face looks flushed and feverish while holding a wet towel. It looks like he's been sick for some time now.
Taehyung takes the towel away from Jungkook and wipes his face with it. It feels cold against his skin, which was hot just moments ago.
" Hyungie ..", Jungkook croakes out. Spitting thick saliva and wipes his lips before he let his body slumped against the younger.
Jungkook’s eyes are glassy and he is sweating profusely despite having just woken up.
"How long have you been here?"
"Dunno ...", Jungkook mumbles, voice shaky. " Hyung .. i feel dizzy"
Taehyung nods as he pulls Jungkook closer to him, rubbing his back softly, "Maybe it was because you just throwing up baby, are you done?"
Jungkook only mustered a low hum, too tired to open his mouth further without wanting to gag.
Taehyung flushed the toilet, and slides his hand on Jungkook's waist, securing it as he guides the younger back to bed. Jungkook was already out the moment his body touched the sheets. His expression scrunched, like he holding back pain. Taehyung tucked him and retreat to the kitchen, preparing his anti-emetic medicine from their doctor, crackers, and tea for his boyfriend when he wakes up.
"Hyungie ..", he heard Jungkook's weak voice from the bedroom when he returns to their room. Stretching his arms, waiting for the older to join him in the bed and snuggle close to him. Jungkook looks so small, drowning in Taehyung's hoodie.
" I'm here baby, let's sleep again", Taehyung whispers soothingly as he wraps an arm around the younger. And Jungkook nods, closes his eyes immediately.
Taehyung kissed the top of the younger’s head and places another kiss on his forehead. He watches him sleeping peacefully before pulling the blanket higher over Jungkook.
He didn't remember how long since they drifted off to sleep, but he wakes up with someone shaking his body urgently.
"Taehyung ... hyung!", Jungkook calls out frantically, tears glistening from his eyes, the result of him holding back the urge to vomiting again. " Hyung- hmmpph", his stomach lurch. He clamped his mouth, breathing heavily as one of his hands still trying to waking up the older.
"Kook? What is it?", Taehyung finally opens his eyes, confused.
His mind felt foggy, but its wide awake the moment he registered the younger's state in front of him.
" Kook? Are you okay? What's wrong?", Taehyung sits up straight.
The younger was hunched over and clutching his stomach with one hand and other to clamped his mouth.
"Want to puke..", Jungkook chokes out. " But i'm too dizzy to move—", he stutters before a wet gag wracking his body.
"Hyung ..", Jungkook cries out as he feels warm liquid shooting up to his throat. He didn't want to make a mess on the bed but the whole room is tilting in his vision. He's sure if he tried to run he would faint.
Taehyung hurriedly grabs the nearest bin and placed it in front of his boyfriend, that immediately hunched over it, gurgling up his stomach content.
Taehyung rubs the younger's back, trying to comfort the latter as much as possible while Jungkook heaved.
"Taeh-uuurrkk", Jungkook retched, brown liquid spurting from his mouth, coating tissue and stash of snacks inside the bin.
" Oh gosh, some of it got into your hair, baby", Taehyung murmurs, his hand moving to grab the latter hair back and hold it back. "Let it out, Kook-ah. You'll feel better soon", he adds, rubbing his boyfriend's back and shoulders with one hand.
" Uurrkk-", Jungkook continues to vomit, his body convulsing with nausea. "Hyunggg—" he moans, lifting his head from the bin to catch the fresh air. The smell of his stomach content didnt helps his nausea at all.
Taehyung can see the sweat running down Jungkook's neck and his cheeks flushed red with every passing second, contrasting with his pale face.
"I'm here baby ..", Taehyung murmurs, kissing the top of Jungkook's head. He runs his fingers through the other sweaty hair gently.
" I feel horrible", Jungkook whines, before he groans as his stomach twist once more, sending him back to the bin with a mouthful of vomit plopping from his lips.
He keeps vomiting until nothing comes out. Taehyung holds him tightly in his lap. He strokes the younger's hair and presses kisses on his temples, forehead and cheeks until he calmed down, exhausted and panting.
"You alright?", Taehyung asks, brushing off stray hairs from his face. "Better?"
Jungkook shakes his head no, "Everything hurts hyungie ..", he says, leaning his head forward and resting it on Taehyung's shoulder. His hand curling protectively over his bump, rubbing it lightly hoping that it would stop sloshing nausea.
"I know baby, i'm sorry you feel bad", Taehyung coos. "Can you take your medicine? The one that they gave you if you have bad morning sickness?", he asks, placing a hand behind the younger's head to pull him closer.
Jungkook nods, feeling lethargic and exhausted as well as nauseous.
Taehyung scoots away, placing the bin next to their bed for him to clean later, and grabs the tea along with medicine.
" Here" Taehyung holds them both out to him. Jungkook takes one medicine at the same time with the help of tea before lying back down, letting the pill settle in his stomach before Taehyung tucks him in again.
"Rest up baby, i hope you feel better once you wake up", he mutters. " Do you want anything to eat later?"
"Mhm .. pancake?" Jungkook mumbles out sleepily, blinking lazily at Taehyung.
"Okay babe, wait until your feeling better then". Taehyung kisses his temple and squeezes the younger's hand tightly between his own. The young boy smiles before he yawns loudly before closing his eyes.
To say Taehyung is panicking is an understatement. He was in a double panic, as he for the fourth time today rubbing Jungkook's back as his boyfriend hunched over the toilet and throwing his food up.
" Hyung .. this is not morning sickness", Jungkook mumbles weakly when his stomach gave him a break. He sniffles as he looks at the murky water below him, his half-digested pancake had morphed into a chunky mess.
"I know i know baby. I think you caught a bug. You're growing fever", Taehyung replies, combing through the younger's bangs, wiping his face clean of drool and spit. The boy shivers, feeling slightly sick, still a bit nauseous.
" Am i?", Jungkook questioned, letting his head rest against the cold porcelain. Ignoring how gross it might be. It's cold. It feels nice. He groans when Taehyung takes his head away, and letting it rest on the older chest. "You are burning up"
"Mhm", he hums tiredly, "That explains how horrible i felt ..", Jungkook mutters lowly as he nuzzled his nose onto Taehyung's shirt.
" But our baby will be alright .. right hyungie? i feel sorry because i can't keep anything down .. the baby must be hungry", Jungkook mumbles , squeezing Taehyung's shirt as tight as possible.
Taehyung's heart clenched at the sight. It's broken even more when he feels warm liquid seeping on Jungkook's cheeks. He didn't know if it's because of his feverish state or his pregnancy hormone messing things up, but he hates looking at his cheerful boyfriend as weak and vulnerable like this and he only can help much.
"They will be fine baby. Now lets get you rested again, okay? We can try to eat a little. Baby step. Are you done here?", Taehyung sighs softly, hugging Jungkook to his chest.
"No.. still want to puke—huuurghh-", Jungkook croaks out after gulping a few times, and propped himself up just in time as water and bile spraying from his pale lips.
He lets out another whimper, and throws up one last time before emptying what little remains in his stomach into the bowl.
Taehyung rubs the boy's back soothingly.
" Hyungiee .. i feel gross .. and sick ...", Jungkook whines.
"I know baby .. you will feel better soon", Taehyung answers as he tucked his boyfriend back in.
"If you're not getting any better tomorrow, we're going to the doctor, okay?", Taehyung whispers.
" Hmhmm.. okay hyungie", Jungkook mumbles. He closed his eyes and snuggled closer to Taehyung's chest. He feels really warm and sleepy, as a side effect of all that vomiting.
Taehyung sighs when Jungkook's breathing has become steady in and out. He fishes his phone up and walks outside slowly, before pacing around, waiting for the other line to pick his calls, "Jin hyung!!", he almost shouts, relief rushing through his blood when his hyung pick up, "Help me, Jungkook is sick he keeps vomiting and i dont know he seems so weak and cant keep anything down i dont—"
"Taehyung-ah .. breathe ..", Seokjin interrupts with worry laced in his tone.
"I just need something to help him!", Taehyung exclaims, holding the phone to his ear, desperate. " I dont know what to do hyung ... what should i do?"
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ma-skee · 3 years
Silently Calling You Home
Reposting from Ao3
One Direction (Band)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Harry Styles
Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags:
Larry Stylinson Is Real Sickfic Sick Character Sick Louis Tomlinson Established Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson Protective Harry Styles Fluff Cute Chronic Illness Chronic Pain
Silently Calling You Home
Harry is coming home from a trip and wants to take Louis out as a way to celebrate.
Louis falls ill and feels awful for ruining Harry's plans.
He woke up to the buzzing of his phone.
He didnt know where it was but he could hear it. It must be his alarm.
He had set an early one so he could fall back asleep, which he was grateful to his past self for thinking of because his head was filled with a stiff pressure that made it difficult to open his eyes.
The buzzing stopped and he took a deep breath, letting himself sit in a hazy, half asleep state, fighting the urge to completely fall back asleep.
He must not have done a good job because suddenly his phone was buzzing again. He groaned and pushed himself up. There was a present ache in his hip from laying on the hard tile floor of the bathroom, his face felt puffy and tight, and he couldn't find his phone.
He tugged his blanket into the air, hoping it was tangled up and would fall out. Sure enough, it clattered to the floor, still buzzing.
.. it wasn't an alarm, it was a phone call.
His eyes were too bleary to read to name, so he hit the green button and hoped for the best.
"Good morning Louis!"
"...morning Haz." His voice caught in his throat and he fought back a cough.
"Are you ready to adventure?"
Adventure? What was he talking- oh. Oh no.
Harry had called him late yesterday afternoon, asking if he wanted to 'go on an adventure'. Louis was nervous to comply because Harry wouldn't tell what an 'adventure' entailed.
"Cmon Lou. It'll just be me and you, doing some fun little things. I swear I'm not trying to drag you to the woods to murder you. It's just been a while since we've hung out and I want to see you."
"You really can't tell me what the 'fun little things' are?"
"It won't be a surprise if I do."
"You said it was an adventure, not a surprise."
"...it's a surprise adventure."
Louis couldn't help the smile, or the warm feeling in his chest. Harry really had a way around questions.
"It's nothing like skydiving, right?"
Harry's giggle made Louis bite his lip to keep from laughing back. He was trying to be serious here.
"No, no skydiving. I truly mean 'fun little things'. Like a date."
"Did you just ask me on a date?"
"I've been asking you on dates for years. Can you come tomorrow or not?"
"... yeah, I can come."
"Great! Oh, great. I haven't seen you in forever, I can't wait to see you."
"It's been 4 days."
"Says the man who called me two days ago because you saw an infomercial that reminded you of me."
"Says the man who called me an hour after you left."
"Touche. Anyway, I'll be back at 9am. I'll drop off my bags and then we can head out."
"Sounds good."
After that phone call, Louis had gone back to cleaning the house for Harry's arrival. He made himself some dinner, watched an episode of a show, and gone to bed.
He woke up a few hours later, shaking from a frightening dream that he had already forgotten. A few deep breaths calmed him quickly and he lay back down and closed his eyes.
But this time he couldn't fall alseep because of a headache that had suddenly become eminent, accompanied with a side of nausea. He continued to try and sleep though, with the hope that he would wake up feeling better. But the nausea grew heavy and eventually Louis found himself grabbing his phone off the nightstand and dragging a blanket and pillow to the bathroom to wait.
And wait he did. He wasn't exactly sure how long he sat on the bathroom floor, shivering from the cold tile, but the nausea was playing with him, coming in rolling waves. He'd be hunched over the toilet, feeling seconds away from throwing up, swearing he could feel bile rising is his throat, and then it would subside. It wouldn't leave, but he would feel safe enough to pull away from the toilet and lean against the wall behind him.
When the nausea dipped, the aching in his head would replace it. Eventually he pulled himself up to the counter and soaked his washcloth under the water to lay on his forehead, which definetly helped. At least until he found himself leaning over the toilet again, nauseous to the tenth degree, salty tears dripping off his chin and quiet moans of agony pulling from his tight throat. He couldn't decide if he was more glad that he was alone or upset that Harry wasn't there to comfort him.
Being alone ment that he wasn't going to be bothering anyone else, wouldn't be inconveniencing Harry because Harry would insist on taking care of him. On the other hand, Harry would be taking care of him, with his comforting voice, his gentle touch, his deep care and love for Louis. He wouldn't mind, or he would say he didn't, but at the very least they could cuddle together.
Thinking of Harry ended up making him cry harder, because he felt so miserable and as embarrassing as it would be if Harry was there, it would probably make it better in one way or another. Then the nausea tipped to a new level of awful and he finally threw up, leaving him with a burning throat and heaving for breath. Slowly he layed down until the tile floor was cooling his burning face, where it felt so good to lay until he accidentally fell alseep.
"Are you ready to adventure?"
"...no." He rubbed an eye with his free hand "I woke up 45 seconds ago."
Louis could hear the fond smile in Harry's response. "Precisely why I called you while I was still a half hour out."
A half hour? "I had an alarm set."
He had set two of them, to wake him up nearly 40 minutes ago. Somehow he slept through both of them, probably exhausted by his sudden bought of sickness last night.
"Did you? Sorry then. Just excited to see you."
"Me too..."
A comfortable silence fell on the line, small smiles on both of thier lips.
"Okay then, I'll let you get ready. See you in 30."
"See you in 30." Louis echoed.
"I love you."
"... love you too..." Louis mumbled around a yawn.
The line fell dead, and Louis dropped his hand into his lap, taking in his surroundings. He was still camped out on the bathroom floor, blanket laying in a tangled pile and pillow with the case askew, hardly even on the pillow anymore. He felt groggy and gross, like long dried sweat and his clothes twisted all wrong on his body.
Actually, he was glad Harry's call woke him. If he had found him laying on the floor like this, he definitely would have freaked out, understandably. But Louis was sure that no amount of persisting would make Harry believe he was fine, he didn't feel sick anymore.
Well, maybe he felt a little sick still, but it wasn't that bad and Harry had planned out a day trip that he was clearly excited about. More realistically it was something they had already done several times and Harry was just excited to see Louis and get to do something they often did and was hyping it up to make it seem more fun.
Honestly, Louis would prefer to do something they often did, like walk in the park at sunset (or even sunrise on the off occasion they were up that early) or wander through the local art gallery, pointing out their favorite parts in the pieces. Even making dinner to eat with a movie.
But Harry was excited, which Louis liked and he didn't want to spoil Harry's fun. So he pulled himself up to the counter, one hand still protectively over his stomach, where he got a good look at himself in the mirror.
His face was puffy, tear stained, and the edge of the tile had left a crease on his cheek. Half his hair stuck out at strange angles and the other half was plastered to his head and his shirt was wrinkled. Man, what a mess.
He turned on the shower, leaving it to warm up as he kicked the pillow and blanket to the far corner of the room where his shirt and sweats soon followed. The refreshing water helped marginally, washing away the sweat and grit. He scrubbed his hair and then his body, letting the warm water soothe the leftover aching. The steam cleared most of the pressure in his head and his throat no longer felt like sandpaper. Whatever had happened last night must have been a fluke.
He turned off the water and pulled a towel off of the rack, glad it was freshly washed. He quickly dried himself off and brushed his teeth, getting rid of the remnants of the sour taste in his mouth. He felt fine, great even.
He gatherd up the pile in the corner of the bathroom, dropping the blanket and pillow off at the bed on his way to the closet, where he dropped the clothes into the hamper, which he gripped tightly to as a slow wave of dizziness passed over him. He gathered clothes to get dressed, including one of his nicer pairs of sweatpants because jeans sounded too uncomfy right now. Hopefully Harry wasn't taking him anywhere fancy.
He wandered back into the bathroom to wash his face, ignoring the start of a headache behind his eyes. Then he slowly made the bed, straightening the blanket and fixing his pillowcase.
He didn't mean to, but the bed was comfortable, even though he was laying on top of the covers, and an ache was settling into his body, especially his stomach. The sun was shining through the window, warming and blinding him at the same time. He didn't mean to fall alseep, it just happened.
He had only been sleeping for ten minutes when Harry pulled into the driveway, opened the garage and parked his car.
Harry decided he could grab his bags later. Right now he just wanted to see Louis.
Louis, who wasn't in the kitchen drinking coffee like he expected. He wasn't anywhere on the ground floor. Harry stood still, listening for signs of life, but it was silent. Had he gone somewhere? No, his car was in the garage.
So Harry headed upstairs. Perhaps he was in the office, answering some early morning emails, wearing his red headphones, unable to hear Harry's arrival. But the office was empty, the computer off and cold, headphones still plugged into thier charger.
The bedroom then. The door was open a crack, so Harry gently pushed on it, causing it to squeak ever so slightly as it opened. Then he smiled and pulled out his phone to take a picture.
Louis was curled up on top of the bed, using his hands as a pillow. The sun was shining around him in a square, showing the dampness on the blanket from his still wet hair, and almost putting emphasis on his chest as it rose and fell with his breath, making him look like a cat that had sought out the perfect place to lay in the afternoon sun that was shining through a break in the rain. He could see dust particles floating in the air, which aside from how gross dust is, made the setting look angelic. He was wearing his "nice sweats" - Harry didn't understand how a pair of sweatpants could be "nice", but Louis had always valued comfort over style while Harry was more on the opposite side of that spectrum -, which meant he had been awake long enough to get dressed, but he was wearing mismatched patterned socks and one of Harry's old hoodies.
It was truly an old hoodie, one he'd had since he was in school. It had a few small holes and strange stains, but Harry couldn't bring himself to get rid of it. It wasn't like he had memories attached to it or it was given to him by a deceased family member. It was just a deep red hoodie with deep blue accents, and he just kept it, even after he outgrew it. But then he met Louis, which butterflied into them moving in with each other and Louis found the hoodie at the bottom of a box he was unpacking. Although it fit him perfectly, Louis didn't wear it very often.
Harry set his phone on the dresser and toed off his shoes before crawling onto the bed and laying in front of Louis, who stirred as the bed moved. Harry studied Louis' sleeping face. It was so sweet, so carefree. He leaned forward and kissed his nose, hoping to wake him. When he didn't stir, Harry resorted to gently blowing in his face.
Louis' eyes fluttered open, the blue shining brilliantly in the sun, but causing him to squint. Harry shifted so he was blocking the light. Louis blinked again, finally registering who was in front of him and softly smiling.
"Morning sleepyhead." Harry whisperd, not wanted to disturb the quiet.
"Morning." Louis whispered, not wanting to bother his throat by talking to loud.
"Did you miss me?"
" 'course." His eyes slowly slid closed again.
"You only pull out that sweater when you really miss me."
"Hm." Louis sighed, pulling in air to talk. "I really missed you then."
They lay together for a few minutes, just basking in the sun and each others presence. Then Louis sighed deeply and rolled onto his back.
"I'm falling back asleep." He murmured.
"Hm.." Harry propped himself up on his elbow, looking at the way the sun shone onto Louis' hair. Harry moved so that he was sitting over Louis, straddling his hips and looking down at him. "You look so pretty in this sunlight." He whispered.
Louis smiled, his eyes falling closed again. Harry leaned down to kiss him, first one cheek, then the other, then his lips, Louis tiredly kissing back, long and slow and warm.
... too warm.
He pulled away, watching Louis's face fold into a frown.
He didn't answer. Instead he placed a hand on Louis' forehead.
Louis sighed. Of course. Harry couldn't have been home for more than ten minutes and he had already figured out Louis was sick. Of course, of course, of course.
"Are you feeling okay, Lou? You feel warm."
He sighed again. His throat started to feel tight, his eyes stung with tears behind his still closed eyelids. Harry could tell Louis felt conflicted about something, by the way he sighed and then by the way he kept swallowing. His fingers began tracing along the seam in Harry's pants.
"I'm sorry." It sounded choked. He immediately swallowed.
"For what?" Harry slowly sat back, his arms growing tired from holding him up over Louis.
He swallowed again. "You were.... you were so excited-" he bit his lip, trying to keep his breath from hitching. "So excited about the a-adventure..."
"Oh, Lou.." Harry grabbed the hand on his knee and interlaced his fingers. "Don't worry about that. It can wait until you feel better."
Louis only nodded, still fighting tears. Harry kissed the hand he was holding before setting it down. He sat forward and stretched his legs out behind him, lacing his hands under Louis' arms, resting them on his shoulders and laying his head on his his chest. Louis responded by wrapping his own arms around Harry, one hand laying between his shoulder blades, the other slowly playing with his hair.
Harry could feel Louis' breathing hitch beneath him. "Louis, it's okay, I promise. I was only going to take you on a scenic drive to this little coffee shop." He lifted his head to see Louis now had his eyes open, staring at the ceiling, tears dripping down the sides of his face, into his ears.
"Finally got you to tell me." He whispered.
"Cheeky." Harry whispered back as he used his thumb to wipe the tears. Louis closed his eyes again, sighing. Harry could feel him relaxing, so he lay his head back down, listening to Louis' heartbeat.
Louis scratched an itch on his face before settling his hands where they had been before, sighing again. "... I love you Haz."
"I love you Lou."
" I'm glad you're home."
"Me too."
"Can't wait for the adventure."
"Once you feel better."
The sun was so warm and comforting, along with holding each other in their arms. Louis fell back asleep quickly, and it wasn't long before Harry followed in suit, sorry he had missed Lou feeling I'll earlier, but glad he was home now and could take care of him.
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Warped Tour Surprise
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Gif Credit @bloodrunluv-blog
Requested By Anon I hope you enjoy it
Hope you all enjoy.
Happy Reading Dollies 
@chriscrosscerulli @ryansitkowskiswifey  @ilovetaquitosmmmm
"Warped tour here we come". You cheered as you started loading your bag into the tour bus.
"This year is going to be great". Chris kissed your lips.
"And why is that"?
"Because you're here and we can have tons of sex".
"That's the only reason"?
"No, I'm glad you're here with me. We get to spend time together and go to concerts like normal couples".
"That sounds truly romantic, Chris. I love you".
"I love you too". He kissed you again, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder smacking your ass on the way to the door.
"Crazy goon, put me down". He threw you on the couch. You landed with a thud and your head landed in Ryan's lap.
"Hi there". You smiled looking up at him. Ryan was not impressed.
"Chris come get your girlfriend out of my lap and put her in yours".
"She's yours. I need a break she's been on my lap all night". Chris laughed as you gasped getting off Ryan.
"You liar. He's been in my lap the whole night".
"I really don't want to hear about your sex life. Please shut up".
"Oh Ryan, you love me".
"The jury is still out on that". Ryan chuckled as he went back to his phone.
"Babe, I'm going to lay down for a bit". You told Chris.
"You okay. Don't tell me you're getting sick we just started warped tour".
"No just tired. I didnt get much sleep last night". You winked at Chris as Ryan groaned.
"I'm still here hearing about your sex life".
"Good night". You kissed his lips and headed off to his bunk.
You must have slept for hours because when you woke up you were already there. The guys were walking around getting to know the band's that were playing.
Getting out of bed your head started to feel dizzy as you stood up. You quickly sat back down. Feeling nauseous and light headed you crawled back into bed and tried going back to sleep. You shrugged it off as the motion of the bus moving.
"Y/N"? Feeling a hand shake you a groan came from you.
"You're missing all the fun". It was Chris.
"I'm not in the mood for fun. I don't feel good".
"What's wrong"?
"I think the bus ride made me dizzy and nauseous".
"Yeah that can happen if you haven't been on a long bus ride before. It will get better. You need anything"?
"No I'm good. Going to try and sleep some more".
"Okay. Rest well". Chris kissed your temple and rubbed your leg before leaving.
The night came Chris and the band were back inside they were up front talking and laughing. A very awful taste came into your mouth as you were sleeping. You tried swallowing it down but the more you swallowed the stronger the urge got to throw up.
"Oh fuck". You covered your mouth throwing yourself off the bed and leaped over the piles of bags and clothes in the floor and bolted to the bus bathroom.
Blech blech. The sounds of your lunch hit the toilet. Your eyes were watering and you throat burned.
"What is that"? Ricky asked, quieting everyone down.
"Everyone's here". Balz looked around.
"Y/N". Chris yelled sprinting to the bathroom. He knocked on the door.
"Y/N, you okay"?
"No". You gagged as a piece of food got stuck in your throat.
"I get you a sprite and some crackers". You heard him walk away.
"What's happened"? Ricky questioned.
"She's sick. I think she has motion sickness from the bus". Chris grabbed a can of sprite and a sleeve of crackers heading back to you.
"Hope she feels better".
Chris knocked again then came in. You sat on the floor with a rag on your face.
"Here you go". Chris popped the top on the can and handed it to you.
"Thanks". You cleared your throat. It was hurting and you sounded terrible. You haven't thrown up this much since the last time you got food poisoning at the seafood restaurant that Chris took you for your birthday six months ago.
"I'm sorry". He crouched beside you. Removing the wash cloth you eyed him.
"It's not your fault. I'm just not use to it like you are. I'll be better tomorrow".
"Do you need anything like motion sickness medicine"?
"No. Just leave me the bathroom, keep me in sprite and just love me".
"I can do that". He chuckled.
"Oh and guess what"?
"Slipknot is playing one show here. They're the special guest".
"No f-ing way".
"So you need to get better. I want to take you to their concert".
"I'm already better. It's a date". You blew a kiss to him when he closed the door checking on you before he left.
Two days have past and you sickness hasn't stopped. Chris was getting worried but you just shrugged it off until you felt you threw up a lung. Your back hurt and you didn't feel like yourself.
"I'm taking you to the hospital". Chris grabbed your bag and started putting clothes in it.
"I'm not going to the hospital. I'm fine. This will pass".
"You haven't ate a proper meal in three days. You live on sprite and crackers. That's not healthy".
"Please go. For me"? He looked at you with those puppy dog eyes.
"Fine but under one condition".
"You can't go". Chris shook his head.
"No, I'm going to be there. What if something is wrong"?
"Then I will call you".
"What if you dont have time? They will take you to surgery and I will never know".
"I'm going alone or not at all".
"Okay you dont want me to go the you're going with Ryan".
"Ask him, he's going to say no".
"Ryan will you take Y/N to the hospital"? Chris asked Ryan who was sitting in his bunk playing a game.
"Ryan you're supposed to say no".
"You really need to go. I will wait out in the waiting room for you".
"Fine. Let's go". You groaned. Getting out of your nice warm bunk.
Ryan and you waited in the waiting room what seemed like forever but it was only twenties minutes. You had thrown up six times in that time. The nurse was afraid you would pass out.
"We are the only ones here what is taking so long"? Ryan bounced his leg.
"We might be the only ones you see but this hospital is probably filled with a lot of people. If you don't want to be here then you can go"?
"No, I told Chris I would take you and I am".
"I just hate hospitals".
"I know. Me too. Just relax and play on your phone".
"It dying". Ryan huffed.
"Here play on mine". You handed him your phone.
"Miss Y/L/N"? A nurse called you.
"Here". You smiled at Ryan and followed the nurse. Ryan sat there quietly playing on your phone, texting Chris every few minutes with up dates.
"So miss Y/L/N, what brings you in here today"? Your doctor asked as she looked at your chart.
"I'm on tour with my boyfriend and we ride in a tour bus so the day we got to the site I got this feeling of nausea and I was dizzy. I thought it was just motion sickness but this has been going on for three days now, it's gotten worse and it doesn't seem to be letting up any time soon".
"Okay, lets take a look at you and see what we can do". You laid down on the exam table. She lifted up your shirt and started touching your stomach.
"I'm guessing you are sexually active"?
"Yes but we always use condoms".
"Are you on birth control"?
"No, I have really bad side effects in using birth control so I don't take any".
"I'm going to run a few test and see maybe something will show up".
The nurse came and drew blood and she hooked you to a IV you were dehydrated from all the throwing up.
"Everything has came back normal except one".
"Oh god".
"You're pregnant. Congratulations".
"What? How? I mean I know how but woah".
"I'd say you're about six months".
"Six months"?
"Can you get morning sickness after you find out"?
"Some have morning sickness through out the pregnancy and others only get it some on and off". "Why do ask"?
"Six months again I got food poisoning or could I have been pregnant at the time and it was just telling me and I didn't listen"?
"You may have been. Did you go to the doctor"?
"No. It was over in twenty-four hours".
"Then you may have been. It's highly likely".
"This is insane, really". Your mind was blown.
"Do you want to keep it"?
"Yes. Yes. I'm happy its just very unexpected thats all". "I came in here thinking I'm dying and I'm just pregnant".
"How did I not know"?
"The baby was probably playing hide and seek with you coming out at night and hiding during the day. Has you appetite increased"?
"Yeah but I was under stress so I thought stress eating".
"Well you're pregnant and not dying so you're boyfriend is going to get a shock of his life". She said with a chuckle.
"Yeah he is".
After the doctors you went to get something to eat. She had given you motion sickness pills to help you eat. Ryan was asking all sorts of questions on the way there.
"Are you okay"?
"Ryan yes. I'm just hungry". You said taking a bite out of your burger. "Mmmmmm, so good".
"Did she drug you"?
"Then why all of the sudden can you eat"?
"She gave me motion sickness meds and I'm pregnant".
"I'm pregnant and if you tell Chris before I do you'll never be able to play a guitar again".
"What"?!!! He was stunned. It wasn't even his kid and he was shocked.
"I'm pregnant". You took the last bite of your burger.
"I didn't know you two were trying"?
"We weren't. It just happened. Can you get me another burger"?
"Here you can have mine". Ryan handed you his burger.
"You think its a bad idea that I keep the baby"?
"No, I just can't believe that Chris is the first one to have a kid. I thought it would be Ricky or Vinny".
"Vinny? He's still a kid". You giggled.
"Exactly, they can learn to grow up together".
"Seriously though, I'm happy for you". He gave you a shy smile.
"Thanks Ryan".
"Now let's get you back before Chris has my head".
"Do you know the stage manager for slipknot"?
"Can you give them a call? I need to talk to them".
"Okay"? Ryan took out his phone and handed it to you. The drive back to warped tour you were planning something for Chris.
"Y/N". Chris wrapped his long arms around your waist.
"How did it go"?
"I was dehydrated and she just gave me meds for the nausea".
"That's all"?
"Yeah". You looked at Ryan who was hiding his face. He really couldnt keep a secret as big as this from Chris.
"Yeah, everything's good. But...". You gulped when Ryan said but.
"She has her appetite back so we may need more food". Thank God he didn't say anything.
"I figured she would. Im glad you're fine". "Are you ready to party tonight"?
"Yeah, I'm waiting for that date".
"They're about to go on. You want to head over there"?
"Yeah". You wrapped your arm around his waist his arm around your shoulder and walked to the Slipknot stage.
"Come on". You pulled Chris to the back with the Slipknot crew.
"We can't be back here". Chris sneaked in as you giggled.
"Y/N"? The manager waved you over.
"Wait, you know him"? Chris was in aww.
"Hey there".
"After the last song you can go on there".
"Thank you so much".
"No problem". He said with a smile.
"You're fucking kidding me? We're going on stage with Slipknot"? Chris was acting like a kid in a candy store.
"I have connections". Chris kissed you hard and passionate.
It was the second to last song. You and Chris were rocking out to one of Chris's favorite songs. You're surprised Chris hasn't gotten whiplash but you'd worry about that later. He was is happy.
You could hear Corey tell the audience that the lead singer of Motionless in white is coming on stage with his girlfriend.
"That's your queue". The manager pointed to the front.
"Lets go". You grabbed Chris's sweaty hand and pulled him on stage. His face was frozen. He was nervous being there with a person he looked up to.
"Hi ya doing Chris"? Corey asked.
"Great". Chris mumbled into the mic.
"Wonderful, now this little lady has something to tell you". He handed you the mic.
"Chris, I'm having so much fun with you in this fairy tale and I think it's time we add a new chapter to it".
"I'm pregnant".
Chris starred at you with a blank expression. You understand that it was a shock but this was funny.
"You okay there pal"? Corey asked Chris who nodded and mumbled a few words.
"You sure, do we need a medic"?
"So, what do you think"?
"We're going to need a bigger tour bus". Chris ran his hand through his hair.
"Yeah but are you happy"?
"Yes. Fuck yes". He hugged you tightly swirling you around on stage.
"Give a round of applause for the new parents". Corey clapped. Chris quickly hugged him and squealed. You didn't know if he was happy about the baby or hugging Corey Taylor.
"I'm so fucking happy". Chris screamed, you giggled hugging him.
"I love you".
"I love you too". Chris kissed you sweetly with his hand on your belly.
Chris was truly happy until you told him that you were six months along then he fainted. He thought he had some time to get  things ready but the baby would be here in no time. The guys still couldnt believe that Chris was the first to knock a girl up and become a dad when you told them.
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ronancegayass · 4 years
Flower Asks: all of them >:3€ (forgive me)
(this is so many omg but I’ll allow it only bc i love u)
Alisons: Sexuality? 
     Gay af (ace lesbean)
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
     Waman (she/they)
Amaryllis: Birthday?
     November 2nd
Anemone: Favorite flower?
     Funnily enough anemones are one of my favs but i think my top favs are chrysanthemums and morning glories but I really love many flowers and flowers in general
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
     As of right now, stranger things duh
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
     Like favors or? I mean I really do try to be a kind and helpful person but if I don’t know somebody or haven’t at least seen them a couple times before I usually don’t do much bc of anxiety 
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
     "The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.” Lara Croft mostly bc I cant think of anything else right now and that stuck with me
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
     Like a really good cup of black tea with cream and sugar or sweet tea
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
     Never been kissed before but I definitely have someone in mind I would kiss ;3
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
     Hell yeah I am right now and I don’t think I ever have been before now
Baneberries: Favorite song?
     Oh hard question... currently really digging We Fell In Love in October by Girl in Red 
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
     My family is supportive (for the most part) and very loving, even if they express love in weird ways sometimes. We also like to joke around a lot and make fun of each other but in a good way? Like we all have a good time mostly and I get along better with everyone since I started college
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
     My girlfriend is my best friend uwu I also have a lot of good friends but yeah
Begonia: Favorite color?
     Purble but specifically like a pastel purple and purples that lean more towards blue than pink
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
     Lynx! I love so many animals tho and I also like many cats and domestic cats in general
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
     Probably would love to just be a loved house cat who gets to lay in front of the fire all day or a lynx bc i love them
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
     A veterinarian (or a special agent lmao)! I also still plan on being a vet tho even tho I get discouraged at least once a month 
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
     I mean I like kids and I was a camp counselor for a summer, but I dont really want any of my own
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
     Oh god so many things.. Biggest thing would maybe be death/dying? Like if i think about it too much like the possibility of there just being nothing after death freaks me out. That and throwing up/nausea 
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
     I played soccer and then I was a competitive swimmer so i was kind of an athlete? even tho i hated sports
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  
     I think I would like to go to waffle house, have the perfect cup of tea, spend lots of time with my loved ones and pet my kitties, play video games with my gf, and sit under a tree in the mountains preferably on a warmer day in the fall and watch the sunset 
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
     Very happily taken
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
     Always wanted to visit Norway
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
      Really big long hugs, good morning or goodnight messages, and I also really love cards 
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?  
     I have 6 
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?
     Yup! I have an industrial, orbital, and 3 earlobe piercings   
California Poppy: Height?  
     5′2 or maybe a little less
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
     Yeah I think so, but I do also get freaked out easily lmao
Carnation: What are you currently wearing? 
     Red flannel, jeans, fuzzy socks, and big dyke boots  
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
     Yeah I did for a long time and I still sometimes sleep with one or like a bathroom light on if Im sleeping by myself in a new place
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?  
     Either my mom or my dad I dont remember technically who was last bc my parents are visiting me at college
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
     Again, never kissed or been kissed! but maybe soon... :0
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
     Font? I like the font in Night in the Woods?
Columbine: Are you tired?
     Pretty much always either sleepy or tired lol
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
     Christmas, getting to see my gf again, and Magfest!
Coneflower: Dream job?
     Like a veterinarian but having my own practice and also being able to take in injured wildlife if possible
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
     Introvert for sure
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?
     Oh repeat question, hell yes
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
     Depends what it is but I would go pretty far for somebody I care about and Im also a crazy person and would drive/travel no matter what distance for someone I love
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
     Yup! I had a ballerina bunny, named Bunny because I was very creative and I still have her
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
     I think so? I did a lot of cool stuff with my GS troop like our bronze award project and going ziplining and to sliding rock. 
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
     My GS gold award for sure, that shit was hard work and stressful af
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?  
     Umm??? I would tell my dad to eat shit and die and I cant imagine my mom being anything but sweet and supportive so I dont even know
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
     You! This morning uwu
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
     uhh Im pretty good at making sense of stuff in my science labs and reasoning and im sometimes good at art? I feel like I do traditional better but Im getting better at digital
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
     bad at not being impulsive sometimes and bad at dead by daylight 
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
     a little over a month but officially got a girlfriend who i love very much, my gf came down to visit and we got to chill on the mountains together, and I had a pretty nice birthday 
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
     Good! Got breakfast at a diner with my parents and got coffee and a donut at my fav coffee shop so thats all i really need in life tbh 
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
     Yeah Im happy even tho Im stressed with school at times 
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
     Get a job after graduation and hopefully get into vet school on the first or second try
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
     My kitty, mom, wonderful gf, sister, dead by daylight, heated blanket, apartment, waffle house, my sisters kitty, and my dog
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?  
     Donuts, coffee or tea, blankets, video games, and loud music
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
     Hmm... I really like to draw art for those i love, tell them how much i love them even though i can be bad with words, and i just try to spend a lot of time with the people I care about no matter what we are doing
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
     uhhh trying to open up more? and Im really proud of my gf 
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
     Going to waffle house. Go to a mountain and hike a little, sit on the top with girlfriend. Admire beauty of mountain countryside. Admire beauty of girlfriend while they admire the beauty of the mountain. Then warm up together with hot chocolate and play video games
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?  
     I like to doodle and do the arts, play video games, and I like to bake sometimes
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
     uuuuuuh I have a good friend I’ve known since kindergarten or first grade when I first moved to where I currently live
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
     My gf uwu and my mem
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
     probably like less than 10 
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
     I think its really cute especially when you compliment my laugh
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
     ??? I think I am an okay person? And I try to be a good person and be kind and polite to people
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
     Umm... I mean I like that Im kind? and Im not fake and I try to be a good person     
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?  
      I hate that I procrastinate and that I can get frustrated easily at myself and at situations like crowds and traffic
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
     I liked to play ‘restaurant’ with my sister with our littlest pet shops
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
     I had a really great best friend named Rachel :c
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
     Losing a lot of friends and for being distant for a long time 
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?  
     Cutting off a friend that was bad for my mental health and who didnt treat me well even though we were best friends for a long time 
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
     My name is literally my parents ship name... like they even told me they chose my name by putting their names together lmao but I mean I like my name so i guess its okay..
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
     Small town in new jersey when I was really, it was nice and family was closer. Then we moved and that was difficult but I ended up adjusting and it was good, had a decent amount of friends and the schools i went to were good
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
     For a long time I shared a room with my sister and we had a bunkbed and I had the top bunk of course, when we moved out of the apartment and into a house I got my own room and it was baby blue only because I told my dad that no, I didnt want a fuckin pink room and that was a whole thing lmao
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  
    It was good? but also sucked a lot. I had a lot of issues with my mental health and struggled for a long while with something. I was bullied and stuff at home wasnt always that great. And i got outed so that was fun. Other than that I enjoyed swimming competitively and I got into art
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
I love my mom!! she is the most Mom mom and is so sweet and always there for me. She helps me out so much with so many things and I just love my mom so much
Onions: Tell about your dad.  
     I mean I love my dad? And hes better than he used to be, but he still doesnt help with shit and irritates me a lot. 
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
     I never got to know my grandfather on my moms side bc he passed away a few months before i was born and I sort of knew my grandmother but she lived far away and passed away 10 years ago. I usually see my gramma on my dads side the most and I try to visit often and help her out with stuff and I love her even though she can be a bit... racist and shit.. and I sometimes see my grandpa and step grandma but they can be strict about weird shit and always ask a lot of uncomfortable questions
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
     I dont really do much on my birthdays? Ive had a lot of nice birthdays and it usually involves going out to dinner or having a nice dinner at home and having birthday cake and playing games like jenga or yahtzee.
Peony: What was your first job?
     I did some petsitting for a while but my first real job was being a camp counselor/tower belayer/lifeguard at a girl scout camp
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)?
     Met online after following them for a long time and drawing some arts for them, but didnt really start chatting until stranger things 3 came out bc I saw they had just watched it. Didnt meet irl until fursonacon and I just remember seeing them walking up to my car when I got there and just being like .... oh no.  I had already had a crush but at that point I was just heart eyes      
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
     Its a little fucked up but depending on the type of physical pain I like it? Like getting tattoos and stuff.. emotional/mental I just curl up in blankets and listen to sad music lol
Pink: Where is home?
    I feel like I have many homes? I feel really at home in the mountains, at home with my family, and when Im with my girlfriend
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change?
     Every event no matter how shitty shaped me into who i am today and Im pretty content and lucky with what I have today so maybe nothing?
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
     My GS leader Miss Kristin. So incredibly kind and outgoing and just willing to do whatever she can to help others. Shes so adventurous and outgoing and made my gs troop so amazing. She is such a wonderful lady and shes basically like another mom to me.
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
     To be with my SO in a nice cabin in the mountains with a nice fireplace. Its cozy and we have pets (especially kitties but also maybe a dog and chickens and such) and life is okay and we’re happy
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
     God and Santa Claus (i was so heartbroken (over santa not God lmao))
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
     My girlfriend and my mom
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
    My gfs voice and their laugh c: and I also really like the sound of thunderstorms and rain
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?  
     To see my gf again and for winter break to just be here already I am so done with school lol
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
     Difficult? I try really hard to express how I feel but I usually mess up and I get anxious but I try my best lol
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
     Any of my loved ones and my cat 
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
     I wish I got more sleep but it was an okay amount
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
     Good morning texts from my gf and my gf in general
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
      I dont currently have a job but I occasionally do art commissions which is usually fun and gives me something to do 
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
     Any of my flannels and my leather jacket (also not mine but my gfs hoodie they gave to me to borrow)
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic. 
     mountains, cabins, flowers, fall, flannel, small coffee shops, pastels 
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
     Im not one to be picky about gifts? I just love anything that someone put some thought into and thought I would like or reminded them of me but i feel bad if it was something expensive or anything lol
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
     Final exams and graduation
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
     0 lmao I used to read a shit ton but Ive been picky about what books I want to read lately 
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
    Working towards applying to vet school and maybe thinking about moving out depending on a lot of things.
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
     I like collecting pins, pennies, and postcards which is funny to me
(So in conclusion,,, I love my gf)
(wow that was long as hell and took forever but done!)
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hi-its-namjin-anon · 5 years
Get Some Rest
    Jin woke up early in the morning to a pounding headache and nausea practically overwhelming him. He clambered out of his bed and hurried into the bathroom, every step making his head throb. He’d barely dropped to his knees in front of the toilet when a thick, foul-tasting wave of bile forced its way up his throat. He gagged and retched, cringing at the sound of vomit splashing into the water. It was all he could do to keep the sounds he made fairly quiet so he didn’t wake the other boys. He kept throwing up, unable to stop no matter how hard he tried to hold it back, and he desperately hoped nobody else was awake. He had to be strong for them. He couldn’t be sick.        Finally, after what felt like forever, it was over, and Jin drew a shaky breath and rested his forehead on the toilet seat. Tears were running down his face and his whole body was shaky and weak and his throat was burning and he just felt awful. After a moment, he pushed himself to his feet, nearly threw up again when he saw how utterly disgusting all the vomit looked, and then, after taking a moment to steady himself, he cleaned up and shuffled back to bed. His head still hurt, but he managed to fall asleep.         “Jin-hyung,” a voice said, dragging him out of his slumber a few hours later. Jin groaned and blinked his eyes open to see Yoongi standing over him. He still felt like shit, but at least his headache had gone away.         “Hi, Yoon,” Jin mumbled. “Go away. I wanna sleep more.”         “No, hyung, you have to get up,” Yoongi said. “Busy day today, remember? We have dance practice and then-”         “Oh, yeah.” Jin really didn’t want to do anything active, especially not first thing in the morning, but he didn’t have a choice. The group’s schedule was busy whether he liked it or not. He decided to just tough it out. He’d be okay.         “Yeah. Come on, time to get up.”         “Okay, okay.”         Yoongi left the room, and Jin tried to muster up the strength to get out of bed. He ended up closing his eyes again, and the next thing he knew Namjoon was there, shaking him awake.         “Jinnie,” the younger man said. “Come on, you need to get up. We’re gonna be late. Wake up.” He tugged Jin’s covers off and pulled him up into a sitting position. Jin groaned and wrapped his arms around Namjoon’s waist, burying his face in his boyfriend’s stomach.         “I don’t wanna do stuff,” he mumbled. “I didn’t sleep well last night. What time did I go to sleep? One? I’m not sure. And then I woke up again and-” He broke off, remembering that he didn’t want to mention that he was sick. “Yeah. I’m tired.”         “Aw, baby, were you practicing late again?”         “Yeah.”         “Well, there’s nothing you can do about it now, but tonight I’ll be sure to hold you and make sure you get enough sleep. You’ll feel better once you’re up and moving around, too. And then when we get home we can take a nap, alright?” He ruffled Jin’s hair affectionately. “For now you’ve gotta get up, though.”         “Alright. I’ll get up.”         And he actually did get up that time. The sick feeling in his stomach didn’t go away, and neither did the exhaustion that had settled itself over him like a weighted blanket. But he got ready and didn’t complain, even though the car ride was hell and he felt awful.         If Jin thought the car ride was bad, dance practice was even worse. Every motion made his stomach churn and he was still so exhausted. He had gotten away with skipping breakfast by just pretending he’d had something, but he still felt sick.         “Can we pause?” He asked after what felt like hours but was really only around thirty minutes. “I need to go to the bathroom.”         “Yeah,” the instructor replied. “Go ahead.”         Jin thanked him and left the room, and as soon as he was out he ran down the hall to the bathroom. He felt like he needed to throw up again. He collapsed halfway there, though, crumpling to the floor as his legs gave out. He stayed there for a minute, savoring the cool tile, and then he got up again and made his way - walking this time - into the bathroom. He locked the door and sat down in front of the toilet wanting to just get it over with, but nothing came up. He heaved a few times, but nothing happened. He just felt nauseous, he realized.         He splashed some water from the sink on his face and returned to the practice room, and they resumed their rigorous dancing. After an hour, they had another break, and not a moment too soon, because Jin could already feel the nausea rising again. He hurried off to the bathroom, but Yoongi beat him to it. Desperate, he raced off and found an empty room, where he threw up in a trash can. Then he leaned back, gasping for breath, and wiped away his tears. He couldn’t get rid of the horrible taste in his mouth, but at least he looked okay and wasn’t about to puke in the middle of whatever choreography they’d be going over next. With a sigh, he hauled himself to his feet and returned to the practice room.         “Jin,” Taehyung said. “Here, have some water. You look thirsty.” He held out a bottle of water, and Jin realized just how dehydrated he was, especially after vomiting twice. He hadn’t had anything to drink since the first round of sickness that morning. He gratefully accepted the water and downed it all at once. It made his stomach churn and gurgle unhappily, but he needed to stay hydrated.         He made it through another hour of dance practice, although he felt like his legs would give out at any moment and the headache from that night was starting to return alongside the ever-present queasiness. As soon as they had another break, he headed for the bathroom again, but as he approached the door of the practice room he started to feel even weaker than before. Dizziness took over, and it took all his strength to keep from stumbling too obviously as he left the room. Once he was out in the hall, though, the dizziness suddenly increased tenfold, and the next thing Jin knew he was laying facedown on the floor. His head was spinning and when he tried to push himself up into a sitting position his arms gave out. Behind him, the door to the practice room opened again and someone stepped out into the hall.         “Oh my god,” he heard Namjoon gasp. “Seokjin! Seokjinnie!” The rapper was suddenly kneeling by his side, looking horrified.         “Namjoon,” Jin replied weakly. Namjoon rested a hand on his forehead but then pulled it back when he realized that Jin was still hot and sweaty from dancing so it would be hard to see if he had a fever.         “Jinnie, sweetie, what happened? Are you okay? Why are you on the floor?”         “I was walking and then suddenly I was on the floor and now I don’t feel strong enough to get up. I’m not feeling so good today,” he admitted, swallowing his pride and ignoring his desire to not be a burden.         “Can you elaborate?” Namjoon asked desperately.         “Uh, yeah,” Jin replied. “It started really early this morning when I threw up the first time, and then I went to sleep and then when I woke up I still felt bad and I threw up again during our last break and I still felt bad and now here we are.”         “And you didn’t tell anyone?”         “I didn’t want to be a burden…”         “Jinnie, you gotta tell us when you’re not feeling good,” Namjoon said. “We’ve told you, you’re not a burden. Everyone gets sick. You just need to let us know.” He ran a hand through Jin’s sweat-drenched hair. “Here, let me get you some water. I’ll be right back.” He stood and hurried back into the practice room. “Guys, Jin’s sick,” Jin heard him say. “I found him in the hall on the floor.”         “Is he conscious?” Jimin asked.         “Yeah. He told me this started early this morning and he’s thrown up twice. I don’t know what’s wrong but it sounds like he fainted just now.”         Namjoon returned with a bottle of water in his hand. The other members and their dance instructor were following him, and they all knelt beside him.         “Jungkook-ah,” Namjoon said, “run and get him a damp paper towel or something for his face. Instructor-nim, can you grab a fan? Hoseok, go let someone else know, okay? Jimin and Tae, stay here. Yoongi, go grab some more water.”         Everyone hurried off to do as they were told, and Namjoon lifted the water he was holding to Jin’s lips. Jin gladly drank it, savoring the feeling of the cold liquid in his mouth. Taehyung ran a gentle hand through his hair and Jimin rubbed his back. Yoongi returned with two more bottles of water, and then he rested a cool hand on Jin’s forehead. The dance instructor came back with an electric fan. Tears started to roll down Jin’s cheeks, dripping onto the floor.         “Oh, Jinnie, don’t cry,” Namjoon murmured. He gently wiped the tears away with his thumbs. “You’ll be okay.”         “I’m just causing problems for y-” Jin cut himself off with a violent gag, and the next thing he knew he was coughing and practically choking on bile and water. Taehyung and Yoongi helped him prop himself up on his arms, holding him up as he heaved and retched and vomited on the floor. The dance instructor hurried off to grab a trash can, but by the time he returned Jin had already gotten everything out of his stomach. Jungkook returned with a handful of damp paper towels, and Namjoon took a couple and used them to wipe up Jin’s lips and chin.         “We should get him to a hospital,” Yoongi said. “He doesn’t look so good.”         “Yeah,” Namjoon agreed. “Let’s wait for Hoseok to get back and then we’ll figure everything out. Hey, hey, Jinnie, don’t cry. It’s okay. I’m here. I’ve got you.”         Hoseok returned, followed by Bang PD-nim and a pair of young women Jin recognized as some of the medical staff members. Namjoon explained the situation and they quickly looked over Jin. When they couldn’t find what was wrong, they advised the group to take him to the hospital. Jin ended up sitting in the back of PD-nim’s car, cradled in Namjoon’s arms. Namjoon had him drink a few sips of water periodically so he would stay hydrated, and eventually they made it to the hospital, where it was determined that Jin was just seriously overworked, that he was so exhausted his body couldn’t function right, and that he’d be okay as long as he got some rest as soon as possible. Namjoon texted the other boys, who had stayed at the studio on the orders of the staff, and told them that everything was fine and he’d be going home with Jin.         Thirty minutes later, Jin was curled up in his bed, cuddled up against Namjoon. The younger man’s arms were warm and comforting, making Jin realize just how tired he really was. His bones suddenly felt like lead, but Namjoon was there. Namjoon was helping him to feel better.         “You gonna be okay, baby?” Namjoon asked, running a hand down Jin’s spine.         “Yeah, I think so,” Jin replied. “I hope so.”         “Good. Get some sleep now, okay? And try to limit your late-night dance practice sessions in the future.” He pulled Jin closer and started humming, and despite the fact that Jin still felt sick and tired and all-around awful, he finally drifted off into blissful unconsciousness.
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magmasliveblogs · 5 years
ok looks like this time of posting is becoming a theme recently. i didnt want it to be this way but life gets in the way. anyway, we are at the 9th chapter! to recap: last chapter erin fed a drake named relc and an antinium (bug people) named klblch. they turned out to be guardsmen from a local city the bugman, klb, used a pretty high grade healing potion to cure erins hand, which turned out to be from the fish! 
Erin woke up with a big smile on her face.
Actually, she woke up and went back to sleep several times before the sunlight got too bright to ignore. But when she eventually got up and ate breakfast she got around to the big smile.
It came when she was eating more blue fruit and she realized she was using two hands. Erin had to stop and stare at her right palm for a while. She poked the clean, unscarred, uncut skin and grinned.
“Healing potions are awesome.”
She sat back in her chair, flexing her hands. It didn’t hurt. It was amazing how much it didn’t hurt. And she owed it all to a giant ant man and a lizard…Drake. What were their names again?
“Klbkch and…Drake Guy.”
Erin sighed as the memories returned and gave her a hard time.
the pleasure of waking up and going back to sleep a couple times is great 
“Seriously. They were so normal. But apparently I’m normal too. There are other humans around here at least. But leveling? Classes? Am I an Innkeeper? Do I innkeep? How does that work?”
Then she remembered something else.
“I leveled up again.”
Erin poked her chest. She felt there should be some sense of accomplishment from within, but all she felt was vaguely full. But she remembered.
“[Basic Crafting]. Might as well give it a shot. I’m out of fruit, anyways.”
i dont know what crafting has to do with fruit but im excited to find out what sort of fruit based things can be crafted
It was an uneventful trip to the blue fruit trees. As Erin gazed up at the blue fruits she wondered for the first time how many there were left to eat. She counted.
“…Looks like I’ve got a few weeks before I run out. But bleh, eating just blue fruit all the time would be disgusting. At least there’s some ingredients left for pasta if I can find more eggs.”
But what would happen when her small cupboard ran out? What then?
Erin touched the pocket of her jeans and heard the clink of coins. Right, she had some money. But how much was it? And more importantly, how could she spend it? It wasn’t as if she could eat metal.
Grumbling to herself, Erin loaded up with blue fruits. It was getting annoying carrying them all by hand. She dropped a lot of them which bruised the skin and made the fruit taste mushy. So why not try making something?
Erin stared at the ground. She had…grass. She stared at the trees. She had wood. But she had no way of cutting that wood, so it was no good. She stared at the grass. Something in her brain lit up.
“Let’s see. If I take this long grass and tie this knot here…”
Erin hunkered down and started picking the longer clumps of grass and testing their durability. She started tying knots and cutting with the knife. She found she had to focus on her task – she couldn’t just go on autopilot, but at the same time there was a certainty in what she was doing. And in less than twenty minutes she was looking at a basket made of grass.
Erin held up the basket and inspected it. It was lightweight, but durable. She experimentally tossed all the blue fruits she’d gathered into it and lifted it. The grass basket pulled downwards, but the woven handle didn’t tear. It was a real basket. Made of grass.
Was it tacky? Yes. Did she feel like she should be dancing with pom poms on a deserted island? Yes. Was that a terrible thought to have? Probably. And should she feel ashamed of herself? She already was. But she had a basket.
And more importantly, she had a plan.
good thing there is a city nearby, you dont have to rely on these food sources. also it seems [basic crafting] is very good 
What could you do with a basket? Well, you could eat and walk at the same time since you had a free hand. Erin cored a few blue fruits and hung on to the seed pods. Then she went looking for eggs.
It took her about an hour before she found another nest. When she spotted the telltale brown shape hunkering in the long grass, Erin stomped over making as much noise as possible.
This time the thing that erupted from the grass didn’t fly away immediately. Instead, the dino-bird screeched and dove at her. Erin stood her ground, reached into her basket and threw a seed core.
She missed.
But the flying object spooked the bird. The giant pterodactyl wavered, and then flew away as Erin hurled more seed cores at it. She laughed triumphantly and rushed to grab the eggs. That was when the bird turned around and flew at her, pecking and trying to bite her. It wasn’t afraid of the seed cores after all.
no the birds arent afraid like the crabs! 
Only when she was sure that the dino-bird had gone did Erin stop running. She stopped and covered one of the numerous bloody peck marks on her arms and back and tried not to shout.
“Stupid thing.”
At least it hadn’t been bigger. Erin had managed to smack it a few times until it stopped trying to bite her face off. But that didn’t mean she’d gotten away unscathed.
Erin hissed as she pressed on another bite. She wanted nothing more than to get some cold water on them. Too bad there were more suspicious rocks in the way. Actually, there were about six of them, spaced out across the grasslands. Well, her trick hadn’t worked on the birds but rock-crabs were a different matter.
On her way back Erin pasted two of the rock crabs with the slimy seed cores when they shuffled at her. They didn’t like the noxious liquid that splashed their shells and retreated with loud clicks. Erin wiped off the foul-smelling juice from her hands and walked past the herd triumphantly.
but its still good to know the seed cores work on the crabs 
It was just past midday when Erin got back to the inn. At least she’d stopped bleeding on her walk back. She made it halfway through the inn’s door, blinked, and threw up.
Erin stopped gagging and retching long enough to stare at the pool of liquefied blue fruit in horror. Then she was sick again. And again.
Somehow, Erin made it to the stream. It was combination of walking fast and pausing every few minutes to throw up that got her there. She didn’t so much as jump into the stream as fall into it and began shivering as whatever was hitting her really went to town.
The next hour saw her kneeling at the stream, gargling water, puking it up, and watching out for the crazy fish. Fortunately, they didn’t seem inclined to get near her. Actually, she saw one swim towards her and start nibbling at the contents of her stomach as it washed downstream. That was gross.
Erin washed her mouth and hands off for the tenth time and felt the shaking and nausea stop a bit.
“What—what was that?”
Erin could only mumble as she stared into the water. She moved her head—not so much out of desire for movement as to watch for the dangerous flat fish.
The fish that had been eating her vomit was floating belly-up in the water. Erin saw the other fish were avoiding it just like they were avoiding her.
“…Poison. Gotta be.”
But was it delicious food poisoning where you got to eat twice, or the other kind that kind made you turn green and die?
“Well, whatever. I feel better now so I’ll figure it out later.”
dont drink too much water, you will barf! also yeah, evil fish arent good 
Erin walked back to the inn as the last urges to puke left her. She’d gotten off lucky she supposed. It had only been an hour or so of feeling terrible. If it was actually serious—
Erin had to stop and smile. Serious? Back when she hadn’t been struggling to survive, oh, three days ago, being that sick would have ended up with her in bed for the next week.
“And I’d have a team of doctors feeding me pills by the pound too.”
She laughed softly. Then her smile vanished. Erin covered her face with her palm.
She trembled.
And then she walked on. It was getting dark. She couldn’t stop just now.
She was in too much danger.
yeah erins mind has probably gone back into panic mode 
The key to distracting oneself was motion. Erin moved around the inn and kept busy. She cleaned the vomit off the floor, washed the plates as best she could with some of the water, helped herself to a bit of pasta and brought out more plates and silverware to the common room. Then she stored the eggs and blue fruit away in one of the cupboards, went upstairs and cleaned a few rooms. She was moving, but really she was waiting.
“They said they’d visit. But did they mean that or are they busy? Either way, I can always make more pasta and save some for later, right?”
She had a pot full of hot pasta in the kitchen and she’d served and eaten her own plate of buttery noodles with blue fruit juice before she realized it was dark. Hopefully Erin stared out one of the windows, but the grasslands were empty. The sky was so amazingly vast, the stars so numerous. It was beautiful, frightening. Erin would have loved to stare at it if she were at home, but what she was really hoping to see were two figures. But she didn’t.
“They must be busy.”
Erin sighed to herself. But it wasn’t that early in the night after all. She could wait.
The young woman sat at the table, her stomach full, her clothes torn and dirty, her eyes drooping. But every few minutes her eyes flicked to the stout wooden door. She was waiting.
as ive said before, those noodles and blue juice sound delicious! 
Relc stretched in his chair in the Guard’s barracks. It wasn’t too crowded in the early evening, most guardsmen having checked out already or begun their evening patrols. Those who remained in the building were almost entirely Drakes, aside from a few tall, furry, humanoid [Guardsmen]. And they were all busy with their own tasks.
The Senior Guardsman cast an irritable eye over at the large, hunched insect hovering over a table next to him.
“Are you done logging out for the day yet?”
Klbkch made a precise notation with a quill on a sheet of parchment.
“There. I have signed us both out. Again.”
“Great. Thanks. Now, wanna go check on that Human? I hear—”
A female Drake shouted at Relc from across the room. She was nowhere as large as Relc, and she wore chainmail and a sword at her hip as she stomped up to him.
“There’s a brawl in the marketplace. Get over there and stop the fighting!”
“What? Some idiot had to start a fight now of all times? We were going to go back and—”
“Shut up and get moving!”
“A pity. Let’s be on our way.”
“What a pain. Let’s smack some scales-for-brains quick. Maybe we’ll still have time to go to the inn afterwards.”
“You know we will be called upon to go after those who got away. And there is damage assessment, guard detail, investigating any burglaries during the violence…”
“Do not fret. The Human will not be going anywhere.”
“I know, I know. But I was going to eat more pasta and—”
The angry shout made Relc wince and cover the two holes on the side of his head.
“Alright, let’s go. Man, I really hate the Captain.”
“Don’t insult her while we are within earshot.”
“She can eat my scales. Let’s go and get this over with.”
“After you.”
oh no 
Erin sat at the bar counter in the inn and waited. All was perfect.
Well, all was sorta perfect. It was at least acceptable. She had a basket of the blue fruits, more pasta in a large pot, and she’d even drawn a fresh bucket of water from the stream. She had very nearly spotless plates and silverware and all in all, she was ready for some guests.
If they’d ever arrive.
Eventually her eyes drooped. Her breathing slowed. She fell asleep while dreaming she was still waiting and awake.
she fell asleep before they could come back. they are late! 
Thump. Thump.
Erin woke up. She raised her head and looked around groggily. It was dark.
Thump. Thump.
Something was at the door. Erin wiped the drool off of her chin and got up from the table. She must have fallen asleep waiting. But here they were. She stumbled over to the door and shivered. It was cold. Actually, it wasn’t just cold. It was…frosty?
The door’s handle was covered in a thin layer of ice. From behind the door Erin sensed something chilling, and she could feel a cold draft blowing from beneath the crack. Or was that the shivering sensation running down her spine?
Erin jumped back from the door. That wasn’t knocking. Something was hitting the door. Hard.
“Hey. Who’s there?”
She wished her voice wasn’t so wobbly.
“A visitor.”
Was it a whisper? No. It was more like an echo. It sounded like a loud voice coming from thousands of miles away and it had an unearthly quality to it. No voice could be so deep, so spine-chilling.
“Um. We’re closed. S-sorry.”
The something on the other side of the door…chuckled. It was probably a chuckle. It was wet and gurgling.
“It matters not. I require sustenance. Food. Prove that to me and I shall be on my way.”
Food? As in the fleshy variety? Erin shuddered.
“I don’t have any. Go away!”
“I will not be denied. Open this door or face my wrath.”
That was enough for Erin. She backed away from the door.
“I’m warning you! Come in and I’ll, I’ll…”
dont mess with erin mysterious visitor, she has knives and shes only a little afraid to use them! 
“Do not anger me further. If you refuse my simple request I will—”
She didn’t wait to see what the voice would do. She could guess. Instead, Erin ran to the kitchen. She needed a weapon. A knife, a piece of wood, a spatula, anything.
Erin’s hand had found the handle of a pot when the scrape of wood made her breath stop. She’d forgotten. She’d been waiting for Klbkch and his friend. So that meant—
The door was still unlocked.
Something was pushing the door open. Erin sprinted back to the door and threw her weight against it. She knocked whatever it was back, but she couldn’t close the door fully. It was in the way.
“This is unwise. Your insolence will only bring about more punishment.”
The creature hissed at Erin. She could hear it right outside the door. It was pushing, trying to get the door open. But Erin was fueled by pure fear and she somehow managed to keep the door where it was.
“Mistress. All I ask for is a bit of food. Provide me that and I shall be on my way.”
The skeletal creature reached its hand through the doorway. Something dark dripped down out of its bones. It splashed against the wood and vanished.
“I do not wish to become angry.”
Her hand was on the cooking pot. Her heart was dead in her chest.
The skeletal monstrosity seemed to recoil. It pulled the door further open and something noxious wafted in.
“A pity. But I will have you provide me with sustenance nevertheless.”
Erin seized the door and tried to close it, but the creature hurled it open. She fell back and stared in horror.
A thing with too many bones and pieces of flesh gazed down at her. It gave off a ghastly smell and crimson light flashed from its eyes.
“Give me what I desire. Or I shall—”
Erin screamed and hurled the pot.
well now we know where the skeleton went. lets hope this goes well for erin! 
thats the end of the chapter btw. im tempted to do the next chapter today as well, but ill stay to the schedule! we shall both suffer for this cliffhanger! 
will erin survive this encounter? will the guards save her from this skeletal monstrosity? will erin beat it up before they get there? will they ever get there? 
see you tomorrow! 
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feverhalo · 6 years
So. Heres this old fic from uhhhhhhhhhhhhh I really don’t remember how long ago. Originally I had it split into 3 parts on the posts that inspired it- and it was my first attempt at writing anything along the lines of stuffing, but it kind of ended up more like he was already coming down with something. It was on my first attempt at a fic blog- way back when and it got deleted because I didnt know how sideblogs worked back then and goofed. Thought I lost everything, then I found an old disc with a whole whack of it on there.
At the moment I can only find 2 of the 3 posts of the art that inspired it here and here. I’ll link the missing post as soon as I find it.
so um, warnings for vomit, cussing, and over-eating-ish and mentions of drinking. and I also am not editing it because im super lazy so its in the same glory as it was when i posted it years ago (2012 apparently)
2,864 words, apparently.
“Come on people! When I say I want you all mobilized in fifteen I don’t mean in half a damn hour. I mean twenty minutes ago.” Fury fumed over the intercom from his station on scene. His voice bounced off the inside of the transport van and rung through each individual earpiece. “Rise and shine, ‘cause we are in a fucking war against some baddies if you haven’t all noticed. You are my agents and I am expecting you to do your damn jobs at my order.”
“Load of fucking shit,” the sniper agent to Clint’s left mumbled, “two a.m. wakeup call is horseshit. I just finished a mission and got back at ten last night.”
“Yeah, welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D brother, what did you think this was? Day camp?” Clint double checked his packet was still together. He’d read it once they got to their positions, it was too dark inside the van. He shook his head a bit when the other agent went back to fuming. Running on low sleep was nothing, sure the headaches and fuzziness were a pain in the ass sometimes but it’s not hard to get used to. You have to get used to it in this job. Same with messed up schedules on basically everything. They would get an hour tops to set up and get ready for a long haul on their stations.
What he managed to make sense of before climbing in the back of the vehicle through his sleep-fogged mind was that they needed to be ready for anything by three thirty, three forty five at the latest with the other crew up ahead of them set up. He rubbed his face trying to wake up more, must be all the time he’s spent on normal schedule lately, it was causing a real issue. He wasn’t looking forward to the no doubt shitty and militant type food they were all going to have for breakfast within the next hour either. He was getting soft on the new routine of near-normal sleep and actual tasteful food instead of vacuum packed crap made for boosting endurance.
He leaned back to try and get into the mindset for the day. It was going to be a very very long one. Someone mentioned they might be stuck out there until seven that night. By then they’d have relief agents come in to give them a break, but as Hawkeye, well he was probably expected to stay around. Most teams wouldn’t shelf their best shooter if they could help it. He’d probably get a nap in at some stationed area. Though the accidental nap he got on the way there wasn’t something he completely cursed even though he didn’t like the fact of it.
“Alright, come on move out you all got a lot to go over and not much time.” The voice crackling into his ear is what startled him awake, and the hatch of the van swinging open definitely helped make that happen faster. Keeping near silent, everyone filed out and headed into the building while Agent Hill took control of their transport and directed it to their station a little ways away hidden in a different building.
Everyone was handed a pack; filled with the shitty food and bottles of water for their posts, their weapons if they hadn’t brought any and extra ammo and pieces if they did, additional intel for their briefing packages according to pay grade, and some quick hushed instruction to where they were all to be.
Clint took his without a word and made his way to his post. Abandoned, or purposefully emptied, industrial building and the usual sort of interior. Too much moving about would give away his position on the metal catwalk. He had a few windows to observe through and a railing to his back. He dropped his pack as lightly and quietly as he could and set himself facing the railing to observe everyone being dispatched while he read over his briefing package.
Exact sort of thing he expected since they woke him up. Nothing too big, but big enough to require a lot of force if anything went bad. He was given another radio code with instructions to call the other Avengers if things turned too ugly. And it was going to be a long-ass day. No break in sight until afternoon if they were lucky. He ripped open the first package of… well. He opened the first nutritional packet and set to work on it mindlessly while he kept reading and rereading. This was coded, but memorizing it and burning it was always his procedure.
By the fourth read through he was nearly done the second pack. Best to eat as much as he could, as much as he hated it and was off-put by eating at such a strange time after the Avengers got together. Professional agent Clint Barton, code name Hawkeye, sharpest shooter as they came- but totally useless without a sugar rush to start him at this time of night, and hell to deal with if he crashes afterward. Carbs, protein, sugar. The three biggest and most annoying things to eat right now, low on time and rushing to compensate for his mental sluggishness at this hour.
He startled himself with a small belch and nearly dropped everything. He did a quick scan and everything seemed normal. Confused for a second longer as to the origin of the sound, he came to the realization when he hiccupped. Ah. Right. He was eating, and apparently at the speed he was reading if the blooming discomfort in his slightly distended abdomen was anything to go by. He took a swig of the only soda from his pack, no doubt put there as a favor from a very sneaky woman. He let it fizz up in his mouth before swallowing it.
New diet. That’s another thing he reminded himself to update S.H.I.E.L.D on before the next mission. He downed some more soda and let the carbonation work its way back out in a few more small burps. It was definitely a good feeling. He just had to work the rest of the air out before the mission started. No big deal.
“Relax Barton,” He shifted in his new ‘nest’, “nothing you haven’t had to do before. Good to know I can still get mission jitters, heh. Maybe this’ll be fun.” He wanted it to be. He definitely wasn’t expecting this call when he decided to turn in early last night. He tried to tell himself the slight trembling feeling, not that he’d let his hands shake at all if it could be helped, was from nerves. Big man in the world now, sure, but unexpected missions always had excitement to them. Sometimes it left you a little shaken in the best ways. Not that he was sure how good this sort of shaken felt yet, all he could say for certain was that it was strange.
He shrugged his shoulders and straightened out before packing away the left overs and digging out a lighter to burn the paper with. The wind howled a little outside, bringing to his mind the chill of the night.
An hour later had him leaning lazily at a windowsill; nothing happened yet that needed his attention or intervention. He kept flitting his eyes about in a restless sort of way, glancing about but never focusing too long and trying to keep that trembling, tingling feeling filling him up at bay. He thought back to the night before, and about being so tired.
“See anything?” Another agent’s voice crackled through his earpiece. He pressed down on his microphone button to reply.
“Not a damn thing,” he drawled, “Anything from your sights?”
“Nothing yet,”
He let up off the mic and sighed. He felt his body buzz again in a wave under his skin and couldn’t help but shake his shoulders trying to get it out. Part of his mind nagged at him with a reminder of feeling distinctly unwell last night.
Drinking. Stark roped us all into it. Thinks just because he has a miracle liver means we all do.
Though it was harder to remind himself of that when he had to shake his shoulders and head again to fight off a wave of fuzziness.
It wasn’t for another forty-five minutes, and three updates from Fury himself, until Barton had something to hold his attention. He was crouched low at his post and grabbed at the shirt over his stomach as another wave of pain and sudden nausea shot through him. Sure he’d started idly rubbing his stomach a little earlier; he was getting butterflies was all. Usually something happened by now when they got this many people out that fast. He was getting more nervous the entire time, who didn’t when it came to performance issues? He was still having trouble focusing on the vast nothingness happening today by the time the butterflies started. But now this was throwing him off.
“Any news yet? Getting real bored up here,” he clicked the mic off after and waited.
“Nothing. Should be another hour at most. Getting antsy there, a little flighty? Ha.”
“Ha. Leave the jokes to someone who can handle them, Keith.” He turned down the radio and double checked the microphone was off when he curled up tighter into himself and put his head against the sill as another wave of discomfort washed over him.
Eventually, he had to get back up and in proper position. He felt a bit better after some time elapsed and figured as long as he didn’t over do anything and stayed relatively well hydrated he’d be good enough. He turned the radio back up and opened his water bottle as he slid back into the favored hiding position he found where he could stand full height without being seen. Another hour tops and he’d have something in his sights…
Hawkeye swallowed hard and backed away from his post. This was getting a little ridiculous. He stepped back until the guard rail pressed into his back. He hazarded a quick glimpse over before having to go back to staring at part of the wall to calm his roiling stomach, but his eyes didn’t miss a thing. All S.H.I.E.L.D’s other snipers were still focused at their stations. No other agents or personnel were in the area. He figured it was safe enough to sit down for a little and wait this out. Again.
He dropped slowly and cautiously, trying not to upset anything further, and dropped his legs over the side. He pressed his forehead to the cool metal of the guard rail and tried to focus on breathing evenly. At least if it all went to hell, it would go right the hell off his platform. Damn, even some personal snark wasn’t helping anything.
He shut his eyes tight and willed himself not to moan out-loud. Getting seen and getting heard were two ways to royally fuck up in this job, and now were also two ways to grab unwanted attention and ridicule over his gastric distress. His snaked one arm around the bar running at chest level and pulled his head down to lean heavily on it, holding it for dear life if his whitened knuckles were anything to go by. Clint’s other hand rested lightly on his stomach, too nervous to even try and ease the nausea by rubbing or curling up this time. By how ragged his breathing sounded, even trying to call in now wouldn’t work. His jaw felt glued together anyway, he really didn’t trust opening his damn trap for anything. Static fizzled over his earpiece and some other agents gave short updates.
After a few minutes with no relief Clint resigned that he might just actually lose it here. He shoved the microphone back and double checked it was switched off. Still on the right channel so just in case they did need him it was easy to radio back, he couldn’t back out but like hell he could get up right now. His stomach lurched and gurgled, leaving him coughing a little into his hand to stifle the sound and hopefully to help keep everything down. He felt a rush of stifling heat and sweat beaded on his neck.
Did he mention this was going to be a long-ass night?
“Got someone moving.” Clint perked up as best he could in this situation. Not the best idea, he shuddered and folded forward a bit more. He groped blindly for the water bottle he had been taking sips from to help quell the nausea with until now. He popped it open with his teeth and waited for someone else to give up more information. Nobody would realize he wasn’t looking right now, they’d all be too busy searching their own areas and figuring he was either doing the same or trained on the target already.
“Can’t see them.” Clint groaned aloud, unable to help it. He took another sip from the bottle, but just ended up spitting it out.
“I swear I will never say anything bad about anyone ever again…” he started mumbling to himself disjointedly. Promising things to any deity he ever heard of, cursing them all out.
“It’s the Director. No worries, everyone,” Agent Hill came over the comms. “He and I are double checking parts of the perimeter. The targets shouldn’t be this far back at all.”
“Fuck. Fuck everything and the damn horse it rode in on,” he swallowed hard and tried to ignore the burning at the back of his throat.
“Confirmed. It is Director Fury and Agent Hill.”
Radio silence returned for another stretch of time. Felt like almost another hour. Clint spat down on to the floor below again. Finally giving in to the urge to wrap his arm tightly around his middle, he rocked himself slightly to see if it helped. It did for a small moment. He let out a shaky sigh and glanced back over at the windows where the sun was now creeping up through the clouds of dirt and grime on the glass. He considered moving back a bit and laying down before radioing in his distress, but not before he was sure it was something he could handle. After a few more intense seconds he decided that was the best plan of action.
After about four more seconds his stomach decided that was a stupid idea and he needed to keep his ass very still right the hell where it was. And less than a second after that, Barton was parting with a good portion of his stomach’s contents. There was no elegant or quiet and stealthy way to cover that. He retched. He shut his eyes and shook a little harder after the fact. Resting his head, defeated, on the railing again, he Clint tried to work up the strength and his voice well enough to call it in if someone wasn’t already beating him to it.
“Damnit Barton,” Fury’s voice vaulted up to where Hawkeye was slumped, “What the hell?!”
Clint opened his eyes slowly, he shook a little more in some vague form of terror that filtered through his sickened mind. He scooted back a bit, ignoring the wet dripping of his own vomit onto the floor below. He pulled the mic piece down and flicked it on.
“Sorry sir, Agent Hawkeye reporting,” his voice shook, wavered and cracked a little, but still carried over the radio and down from his nest, “I think I’m a little under the weather.”
“Well no fucking shit.” Agent Hill had retreated a number of steps from Fury and the mess surrounding him. She pulled her clipboard up and started flipping through pages while putting out a radio call for a med truck and a replacement. If he had felt any better, Clint would have laughed at the absurd sight, but unfortunately he was back to fighting to keep down what was left in his stomach. “If you’re gonna do that again I’d like some damn warning.”
All Hawkeye could manage for warning was a quick ‘move-aside’ hand motion before leaning through the gap in the rail again and vomiting once more. By now everyone in the building knew what was going on and were switching radio channels and trying to ignore the sounds of Clint losing it all over the cemented floor.
After a third bout of being sick, Clint was left dry-heaving and limp against the fever-warmed metal. Too shaky to even hold the water bottle that hadn’t left his side today, leaving it to fall below him too when he tried to grab it. Within minutes two medical technicians were helping him down from his nest. He felt so shaky and wrung out he didn’t even attempt to fight them over being taken out on a stretcher. He just laid on his side and curled in on himself as they pushed him past Hill and Fury, who was still cleaning himself up.
“Next time spare us the damn show and call it in before the firework finale, alright?”
“Got it.”
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sicjimin · 3 years
Hiii im so sorry if you are not taking requests, but i really love your writting style. I had this idea regarding this run (ep 4 i think) where the guys were doing like a circle of challenges and jk had to chug a little box of milk and then throw it in a bucket. When he failed, he had to do it again until making it. So i was thinking about him just chugging a lot of milk really fast and then when they finally finish the challenge and are all happy and giddy he just throws up
A.N : hello TT im sorry this request has been long overdue .. i hope this meets your expectations and you like it ! and i'm squeezing another request here as well, from this asks, as i think it fits into the story :] thank u for requesting and thank u for being patient with me TT im sorry once again this took a long time for me to work on (( and i cant find the gif from that ep TT))
TW : emeto
Jungkook knows that this game was a bad idea, like, drinking a carton of milk after spinning? They must have out of their minds.
But what can he do? right?
He is professional after all.
"Yah! Jungkook-ah! Let's switch", Seokjin's words from the other side of field making his eyes widen.
"What?", he asks in between catching his breath. His world still tilting after doing jegi and spinning for 2 times in a row.
" Let's switch, so we can win this fast", Seokjin says again as he walk over his spot.
He didnt get to mutters an argument as the PD-nim already asking them to start again, along with his members shout to start.
He gulps down faint taste of sick, as nausea start building up on the pit of his stomach. He feels dizzy.
Yet, he needs to spin again.
As the PD-nim yells start, and the stopwatch running, that's when his nightmare also starts.
Adrenaline start rushing in his blood, getting pumped while looking at the other members doing their own challenge until it comes to his turn.
"Jungkook!! come on you can do it"
"Jungkook! lets go!"
The members shout ringing on his head as he spins his body, stumbling over his feet as he finished, shakily open the milk, chugging it in one go and—
It missed.
They had to start again.
He pulled all of his remaining focus over his dizzy gaze as he start to spin after the other members finished their challenge, opened the carton of milk, chugging it again, and—
"YAAAA!", the members scream indicate that he succeeds. He yells in excitement as he began to cheers Jimin on the next challenge.
The scream got louder as Jimin managed to finish in one go.
They start running around the field, ending the torturous game and happily prepared the punishment for the staff.
Jungkook stand shyly on the end of the line, watching Jimin and Seokjin that grinning ear to ear as they put .. he doesn't know what kind of ingredients are there and is that even legal to blend together. The sight of the mixture makes him want to hurl.
He stands quietly, opening his mouth once or twice to give necessary comments as the camera still rolling on.
But he feels something is wrong with him, as everything starts kicking him—his too much spin, and his rapid consumption of milk...
He gulps.
The feeling of sickness slowly creeping into his chest.
He grimaced when it morph into a burp, leaving a sour gas that exactly smell and taste like milk, in his mouth.
He feels like throwing up.
"Yoongi hyung", he whispers, nudging the older beside him that still mesmerized with the staff drinking the weird mixture.
Yoongi didn't budge.
" Hyung", he tries again, louder this time, nudging the older with more force. His heart starting to race faster and his mouth start feeling sour. The milk is swirling in his stomach.
He's really going to be sick.
Yoongi finally turn his attention to him.
"What?" , he asks as he glance at him.
"Can we move out of camera for a while?", Jungkook asks, his legs tapping anxiously, trying hard not to throw up, which is not working since the smell of the milk keeps haunting him.
"Why?", Yoongi asked still looking straight at him. He could read the confusion in the elder's eyes.
" I don't feel well", Jungkook says, taking big breaths, and pressing his fingers to his lips, hoping that he won't accidentally gag as it has been sitting heavily on the back of his throat.
Yoongi frowns, but still grabbing his wrist without saying another words, signaling to the one of the staff that catch them, that they need to go.
They didnt go far, just to the other side of the field.
Jungkook quickly hunched over, breathing in and out deeply, trying to calm himself and ignore the churning in his gut.
"Are you going to be sick?", he heard Yoongi asking, but he didn't manage to mutter words as a harsh—and wet gag, erupted from his body, making him pitched forward, answering Yoongi's question.
He shuddered at the horrible sensation that engulf his body. It makes him more nauseous.
He hears his hyung sigh. And suddenly, arms are wrapping around his waist as he feels his shoulder press against his own, and hands rubbing soothing circles on his back.
" Just let it out, Kook-ah", Yoongi whisper.
He tries to listen—but the churning in his gut is more prominent, it makes him shut his eyes tight.
His hand clenched into fist, nails digging into his palm, as he feels warm liquid seeping on his throat.
And before he knows, he's gurgling out milk he just drank. Spraying messily into the grass below him, making a big puddle of white liquid.
He groan in agony, trying to swallow another round, but it keeps escaping through his throat.
"Uurrrkkk-", he retches again, bringing up a bigger stream of milk , making him gasp for air, coughing painfully.
"Shhh, Kookie", he hear Yoongi murmurs, massaging his nape gently, urging his body to let out everything that he wants.
Jungkook could hear mumbles behind him, maybe the members, or the staff, he didn't know. He was too busy fighting against the urge to throw up as his stomach seems to protest against everything he ate or drink—it keeps clenching and brings vomit up with each heave.
It felt like minutes later, or it might take more than minutes to make it go away, or for him to realize what is happening to him.
"Fuck..", he moans as he clutching his stomach and straighten his body when nausea finally subsided.
He sniffles as he watches the mess that he made.
"Hyung ..", he whimper as he look at Yoongi that return his gaze fondly.
He feels like crying.
He didn't want to look back and meet with the staff and members' expressions.
They must been disgusted with him.
" Yoongi hyung ..", he whimper once again.
"Come here", Yoongi says and opens his arms, beckoning for him, " Are you done?"
Jungkook stare for a second, blinking his tears away, and nods before burying his head on the older crooks.
"Want to go home..", he whispered as he clutch his fingers tightly on the older's shirt.
" Okay, Kook", Yoongi whispers, patted his back gently, rubbing comforting circles in his back, " We'll go now", he said as they walked away.
The rest of it went like a blur for him. He remembers a bunch of people asking him if he was feeling okay, what happened, etc, but Yoongi shut them up away, sternly asking the director to wrap up the shooting.
The next thing he know, he's already in the van, sandwiched between Jimin and Yoongi.
"We're going home, Kook-ah", he heard Jimin says softly.
"Yeah..", Jungkook answer. Feeling tired and sleepy.
It has been quite tiring today.
"Sleep now", Jimin said as he run his thumb over Jungkook's sweaty hands. Jungkook nods slowly, starting to doze off as Yoongi's fingers that carding his hair are lulling him off.
He closed his eyes as his mind started to drift off with darkness overtaking his sight, drifting off into sleep.
He didn't know how long he has been sleeping, but he knows that they were still in the van, and he's dizzier than ever.
He groans, blinking his eyes and lifting his head from where it laying against Yoongi's shoulder, that also fast asleep.
He feels dizzy, so much.
There was an odd taste in his mouth— maybe the remaining vomit— It makes everything worse for him.
He tries to shift in his seat—but blame his groggy body that responding to everything slowly— as he just realized how nauseous he actually is, and with the car moving, he suddenly moving his body, it feels like he's going to lose control and throws up right then and there.
As if on que.
He felt sick. So sick. Terribly sick.
A sharp pain on his stomach made Jungkook curl in his seat as he throw up.
A brown watery liquid spraying from his mouth and spurting messily in front of him, staining his pants, his seat, even Jimin's and Yoongi's side a little bit.
His eyes widen, and he could hear someone gasping, but his ears are ringing with adrenaline.
Before he could register anything, his body lurched again, bringing up more vomit.
He didn't even know if its food or drink. But it was a lot of it all at once. Like a wave, washing him with every drop of it.
" Eww .. what the fuck—", Jimin curses under his breath when he feels something wet splashing beside him. "Jungkook! Shit "
"Pull over!", Yoongi yells.
The engine immediately coming to halt.
Jungkook could feel Jimin pulling his body slowly from the car, guiding him out for him to continue his vomiting session, " Let it out here, Kook-ah", Jimin says as he crouch beside the younger, running his hand over his back.
Jungkook pant heavily and wipe his mouth as he gags. Again.
"Hyung—", he chokes out before he throws up once more. Expelling the remaining of what his stomach still has. Yoongi is helping him out, wiping his forehead with tissues that he brought along.
It took him few minutes, until he left gagging emptily.
He felt weak—as if all energy leave his body as soon as his stomach stop spewing his guts from all the things that was inside.
" Better?", he heard Jimin softly asks, handing him bottle of water that he gratefully takes a sip, rinsing his mouth to get rid of the foul taste.
After his organs calmed down, thats when everything dawned on him.
"Hyung ...", Jungkook chokes out as tears springing on his eyes.
He feels .. horrible? embarassed? exhausted? You name it.
" 'm sorry..", he continues, his voice cracking, "I make a mess..", he mumbles, looking down on his clothes—the fabric soaked from the liquid he vomited earlier, and he feels his heartbeat accelerating.
His cheeks flushed red, feeling guilt gnaw at his insides.
"It's okay, Kook", Yoongi chimed in, pulling his tired body against him as he hug him tight.
" I'm sorry hyungie ...", Jungkook cries, leaning against Yoongi who rubs his back soothingly.
" I didn't mean to, I'm really sorry ...", Jungkook continues to sobs. Yoongi's words fall empty on his ears, drowning between his guilt and embarrassment.
"Yah, Kook, its fine. You're sick. You can't help it", Jimin said.
Yoongi hummed in agreement. " Are you feeling better now? You think you can continue the ride?"
Jungkook nods, still not lifting his head from Yoongi's shoulder. His fingers unconsciously playing with his hyung shirt.
Yoongi chuckles, "Yah, stop crying!"
"Sorry..", Jungkook mutters quietly, and he feels Yoongi pat his head reassuringly.
"It's fine Kook-ah, the driver and the others has cleaned the seat up, let's go back to our dorm, okay?"
Jungkook nods silently as Jimin helps him stand up from where he's squatting.
He snuggles his head on Jimin's shoulder as they seated, grimaces lightly as the smell of vomit still lingering in the car.
He wants the seat to open and swallow him whole.
Jimin chuckles lightly, sensing Jungkook's distress and embarrassment at once. "Just sleep Kook", he whispers, squeezing his hand. " No one held a grudge after you"
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Maybe I need to take a step back and reevaluate my life as a whole. Maybe I shouldn't be with anyone. Maybe I need to distant myself from people completely. I do more harm than good. I don't want to exist anymore. I really don't, there's no benefit to having me around at all.
Neither of my dads want me
Other than my mom the rest of my family doesn't want me either
Friends don't stay long, I wonder why....
The man I lost my virginity to stopped speaking to me after, I thought I did the right thing, I waited, I waited til I was 18 and he and I were together and had been speaking everyday for almost a year, but then we did and dropped me like I was nothing. No contact there after. That shattered me.
Then we have my second serious boyfriend, who I started dating at 18, I had liked him for 5 years prior to this, I thought everything had fallen into place. I told him about my ex, he said we should wait and if we have sex it won't be for awhile
We had sex 4 days after our first date
And then that's all it was
But then again
That's all I'm good for
This went on for awhile, towards the end of it all, I was on the pill the whole time and we decided it'd be okay to go without condoms
I didn't get my period the next month
That's never happened while on the pill
I told him I feared that I was pregnant as I was having a lot of symptoms and didn't know what to do
He broke up with me
Because who in there right mind would want to have contact with me for 18 years
I couldn't breathe
Did I just get used for sex by the only two men I've ever had sex with?
I really thought I was pregnant, no period discharge, boobs were swelling, my nipples would get beat red for no reason, headaches, nausea, throwing up, heighten sense of smell, you name it
I didn't get my period for four months
It was so heavy I've never had clots and bleeding like that.
I always wondered if I had miscarried and that eats away at me almost everyday
I always wanted to children and if that was my only way to ever have one and I lost it
Maybe I am not deserving of it
After all that, I wanted a change, I needed a change. I dyed my hair, I got a bunch of piercings and tattoos, went out, dated a lot of guys (not sleep with) tried to find myself but even now I don't know if I ever have.
Then we have my ex of 3 years, I never had an attraction to him, never wanted to be with him. Somehow someway he got me to come over so we could hang out.
We had sex, that was the first time I had sex having met someone for the first time, I don't really remember much about the situation, he didn't hold me down or force me but I didn't want it, I went numb and he was just on top. I cried so hard on the way home, or well my cousins house because I couldn't be a lone after that. Someway or another, maybe it's because I'm not the one stand type, he and I still stayed in contact, he was a place for me to go, I wasn't happy at home, but I also wasn't happy with him either. The sex wasn't good, and his house was disgusting. His family was nice, I love them and always will even if his mother hates me for breaking his heart. I never said I love you to him he would say it and I would just say aww or smile and kiss him. I can't lie, especially not about love and whom I love. The 3 years we were together not once did I mention him at home nor did he meet any of my family. I cared about him because at one point it was just habit i was at his house more than my own. But this past year I felt as though even though I invested so much time with him, I didnt want my life to go to waste. I'm in deep but not that deep. I cannot build a life with this man, he has no goals to better himself. For months I tried to encourage him to do better, nothing. I left, and clearly it was because I was a whore fucking around. Not because he's a loser.
Then we have Mike, wasn't attracted to mike at all, he had been trying to get with me since I was 16 and he was 24 and then at the end of 22 and the end of my longest relationship, he and I started conversing and i iniated us hanging out, we had a lot in common and he made me happy, sort of, he made me feel not alone, I haven't been without male companionship since I was 15. So maybe I don't understand being alone, but anyways we hung out a few times and then he kissed me, and then we were a thing. I wasn't sure if that's what I wanted but again I'm not sure how to be alone either so I went with it. It progressed to him pretty much living with me and all his fucked up probelms fell on me, and much like my last ex, he couldn't get his shit together. A man in his 30s can't keep it together? Then he accused me of cheating , and broke it off, that hurt, then when I explained to him he felt stupid I forgave him we fucked a lot and then ended up breaking it off officially a couple weeks later.
Then we have this fatass douchebag who I also wasn't attracted to that I hooked up with at a bonfire and a bar.... he and I don't speak, it's for the best.
Then we have someone who I thought was my world, I was attracted to him physically and mentally. I thought the stars aligned and it was all meant to be. I was happy in his presence despite all the problems in my life. I wanted him more than anything. I've felt what I never felt, love. And it was all I wanted. I had planned everything in my head, everything was going to go right. Everything was going right. He was everything. A shock up spine with every kiss and his voice was the sweetest sound I ever heard. I never really was the kind of girl who liked sappy stuff, but, he made me want to experience it all
And now, I don't know
I just feel really lost and weak. I can drink, I can smoke, I can cut but never deep enough
I'm just not good enough, and I don't think I'll ever be
I think about leaving state but where would I go
And really what good is that gonna do, I'll just be bringing my probelms somewhere else and that isn't fair for anyone
I'll be in bed for a few days, I shouldn't be left alone with my thoughts but
I just want to disappear.
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sneezehq · 7 years
so first up, all your work is amazing! I love the writing you've done. I was reading "Rostellacon Cup Redux" and have a sort of Ep. 9 based idea. That was the episode Yurio pushed himself so damn hard, he retched on the ice. But as far as we know, he didnt throw up. But, what if at another competition he did the same thing, but actually puked on the ice. Like he wasn't feeling well prior and all the elements of skating (motions, uniform, etc.) got the better of him?I'd love to see that as a fic!
Omg thank you so much! You are so sweet! I love this scenario, and strangely enough, you and @feelingalittlesick both had similar ideas. I set this at Skate Canada, during the series. I hope you like it!
Yuri arrives in Canada determined to win at all costs. He’s trained until he can barely move for months. He’s going to win this, get the first gold of his senior debut, then move on to Russia and kick that katsudon back to Japan.
Winning this competition might be a little more difficult than he had originally planned, however. His first obstacle comes in the form of JJ Leroy, a Canadian skater whose ego might actually be larger than Georgi’s (Yuri didn’t think that was possible). They get off on the wrong foot early on.
Yuri had been making his way over to the ice to practice the day before the competition, when he was nearly flattened by JJ and his entourage. “Look out, pipsqueak, royalty is coming through!”
“Don’t call me pipsqueak!” Yuri had growled at his retreating back, along with a litany of curses. He’d made a vow to beat that jerk, but after watching JJ practice, he knew that this was going to be challenging. JJ has four quads in his program, twice as many as Yuri, and he can do them well. Yuri’s going to have to skate his heart out in order to win this.
The other obstacle to Yuri performing flawlessly is that he’s pretty sure that he’s getting sick. He’s felt exhausted and out of it since he got off the plane, and yesterday after his practice he felt so dizzy and nauseous that he almost passed out on the ice. He’d hurried to the locker room afterwards and had ended up falling asleep on a bench until Yakov came to find him take him back to the hotel. Yakov had been worried, but Yuri had just waved it off as jet lag.
Fortunately, Yuri feels slightly better the morning of the short program. He’s one of the first ones to go, and he forces himself to focus only on agape. He imagines his grandfather, watching him at home in Russia, cheering him on. His skate goes much better than the last time, and he scores a new personal best with a score of 106.73. Relieved and exhausted, Yuri spends the rest of the day napping on a bench in the locker room and trying to fight off the ever-increasing nausea.
It’s still not enough. By the end of the day, JJ is in first place with a personal best of 110.95, putting Yuri in second. He’s really going to have to nail the free skate if he wants to win this.
It’s Lilia’s shouting that wakes him the next morning, instead of his alarm. Yuri dazedly realizes that he must have forgotten to set it last night and overslept. He forces himself to sit up and get out of bed, and has to pause for a moment to breathe and pray that he won’t puke all over the hotel room floor. The nausea has increased tenfold from the day before, he feels dizzy and shaky, and his limbs are heavy with fatigue. He’s clearly unwell, but he forces himself to get ready for the day and eat a small breakfast. The last thing he wants to do is pass out from low blood sugar.
The day drags out endlessly. Every second feels like an eternity to Yuri: he’s feeling more nauseous by the minute, he’s shivering and sweating, and the room seems to swirl around him. He dozes fitfully backstage. By the time warmups roll around, Yuri is swallowing convulsively. He somehow makes it through the warmup without puking or tripping over his own feet.
Yakov and Lilia seem worried, but Yuri tunes them out as he goes to change into his costume. They’re making his headache even worse.
As soon as he puts on his costume for Allegro Apassionado, Yuri realizes that the tight fabric is going to be a problem. The material puts more pressure on his already aching stomach, and there’s no way to relieve it. Yuri forces himself to take deep breaths, determined not to throw up. He’s not about to lose because of a little stomach bug.
It seems like no time passes at all before it’s his turn, and Yuri belatedly realizes that he was sleeping again. He gets in his starting pose, blocking out the noise from the crowd, and focuses only on getting through this.
Yuri puts every bit of energy and determination he has into his routine. Each jump is higher than the one before, and each turn and step sequence is executed to perfection. He finishes his final spin and forces himself to hold the ending pose and not collapse from exhaustion.
As soon as he’s done the required amount of time, Yuri collapses to his knees and pants and gasps for air. When the gasps turn into retches, Yuri panics. It turns out that pushing himself like that when he was already sick, plus the tight costume, were too much for his already uneasy stomach. He’s going to throw up. In the middle of the rink. In front of everyone.
Horrified, Yuri tries to swallow back the hot liquid making its way up his throat, but it’s too late. His stomach gives one last lurch, and he’s doubling over, gagging.
He spews all over the ice in front of him, and he feels his knees getting soaked with vomit. There’s no time to think or get to privacy before he’s retching again, bringing up a thin stream of bile. When he hears someone making their way out onto the ice, Yuri is still dry-heaving, his throat scraped raw from throwing up.
Someone tugs at his arm and helps him to his feet; Yuri doesn’t dare open his eyes, knowing that if he does he’ll just puke again, and instead focuses on breathing through the intense pain in his stomach. Whoever it is guides him to the exit, where Yakov and Lilia are waiting. They immediately take over and get Yuri over to a bench.
“I hope you feel better!” calls a way too cheerful voice, belonging to none other than Emil Nikola. That must be who just helped him. Yuri would try to thank him, but opening his mouth is not an option right now.
“You really outdid yourself today,” scolds Yakov as he unlaces Yuri’s skates. “But I’ll wait until you’re feeling better to lecture you. Let’s get you back to the hotel to rest.” Yuri mumbles his assent, looking forward to sleeping for a week before he even considers doing anything else.
Skate Canada is over. He may have lost this round, but JJ will get what’s coming to him in Russia. He’s not about to lose on his home turf.
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My stomach hurts alot so im usually sick a lot, i never really feel good so its hard for me to meet people especially already being so nervous all the time and afraid of normal interaction.
I wonder what happened to me from the brazened fighter of my younger youth but i fear they are long gone now, along with a lot of me.
I know i changed and im not really myself anymore or if i even remembered who i was.
Its scary to imagine or think more about it and i just feel the pit of my stomach grow further with unease, i cant make it stop and its...very unpleasant...i dont want to alarm anyone after all.
Its a sick day for a while now so im probably being emotional but i feel so dizzy all the time and constantly, always so close to throwing up the anticipation is killing me as i just wish ill go already, my skins cold with goosebumps and every walk is followed by a sway and overwhelming sense of nausea.
I dont understand these feelings and i feel unnerved to the upmost degree, i hate it. I want to not care again, it feels like my old pills for depression when the pills gave me emotions but i just felt like crying all the time instead of just being dead. Blank faced....
My eyes keep hurting again im tired and couldn't sleep through the night.
I kept waking up and up and up 3 times because i kept talking to myself in my dreams.
One of me was distorted and glitching and they kept talking to a normal me and my second time it was reversed and reversed again.
I dont know why this happened or why i kept waking up from it but thats what happened and i couldn't sleep.
Im afraid cause usually i never have dreams and to have so many at once if i was a even weaker person ill quite literally piss my pants.
And today i woke up early for no reason when i never wake up early but as soon as i woke up i was tired but the first thing i noticed was something standing at the foot of my bed, i blinked a haze in my eye until i looked again it was a person hanged.
I was so terrified and woke up immediately.
I couldnt go to sleep after that and now my stomach keeps caving in on itself and i feel awfully terrible.
Im scared of my dreams and i havent said yet why.
Because sometimes my dreams come true.
Sure laugh at me its bullshit but i knew things that happened that really shouldn't have happened.
It makes me so scared since all the dreams i did have so far became true.
And im worried that this new one today might be true which really wants me to throw up because you see.
I dont predict my own future but others people future.
...its looked like its been a year or so their hair is longer and they look healthier than they did before.
Things were getting better for them and they thought they were feeling happy again but a sorta relapse happened.
I saw them not crying but looking so dead inside their eyes had the heaviest bags and worse than i ever seen had the most close to dead while alive look.
They looked like hell and then they looked in the mirror it was distorted.
Thet didnt find a rope but some makeshift thing and started tying the loose ends together they knew how somehow and then...they grabbed a chair and went limp.
They stared at one but the wall and they were frozen with their neck bloated and eyes gone they werent there anymore and i never knew.
I was a coward and as soon as they...left i did too leaving everyone behind i self isolated again and didnt want to talk to anyone ever again.
Im so pathetic and turned off everything and close everything.
This is why i dont get attached to people i start having dreams and my dreams are cursed im cursed im evil im disgusting im a freak a monster i basically killed them its my fault i hate myself what the hell did i do they're crying an blaming me its my fault they hate me theyre pointing and staring theyre staring theyre staring.
My...mind slipped a bit...
I should just pass quietly...
Ill start talking less and less in the group chat and then theyll notice me less.
Then i can stop talking at all some days just disappearing at that point because whos going to notice a loner? A drifter...
Then a while of that ill just disappear itll male me seem cold and careless maybe thinking im drifting away to better stuff or too busy doing my own things.
Ill leave them alone for their own safety and then just pass quietly i can do this 2 months tops probably no meaningful conversations or no more of me pestering them to sleep and eat what am i their mother?
Im just a annoying idiot in my mind they know how to care for themselves unlike me.
Yeah...ill just leave no one will notice in gone..they wont and ill be glad with that then they can be happier without me. A disease shouldn't infect more people than it should already.
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