#so it's implicitly wolfstar?
spikybanana · 2 years
@wolfstarmicrofic - prompt: found - set during PoA
“Professor Lupin?” Harry’s concerned voice snapped Remus out of his wide-eyed stare at a spot off the path in the undergrowth. 
He spun back to Harry, and it took long startled moments before he found his breath. He tried to calm his rapid heartbeat, and quickly led Harry away before he could follow the direction he’d stared in. Even though Harry wouldn’t understand. 
“Sorry about that, Harry, I do need to rest more.” Remus muttered, “And we’d better not come this close to the forest again.”
He glanced back behind, and with a pang to his chest confirmed what he’d seen. The unmistakable shape of a black dog, eyes glinting and still staring straight at him— this was to haunt him for weeks and weeks to come.
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metalomagnetic · 11 months
For the brutally honest ask, what's your opinion on Wolfstar? I saw elsewhere you don't like Lupin so I was curious.
I don't like Wolfstar at all. Of course, goes without saying, this is nothing against the many talented people that write Wolfstar, but it's just not for me. It's probably because I don't like Remus: not his canon self, and not his fandom self.
Regardless of my dislike, I don't think he's a good fit for Sirius, and I especially don't like the trope where Remus is this super wise man and Sirius is an idiot that needs to be held on a leash by Remus.
I think they work as friends, and I can and did read some Sirius/Remus but where no love was involved- I can see something painful and hurtful happening in that dynamic, I can see Remus having a thing for Sirius while Sirius is absolutely clueless etc, but not something meant to last.
I just can't get over the fact that Remus and Sirius both thought the other became a Death Eater in the last month of the first war. Which shows me the strongest bond in the Marauders was between Sirius and James, who trusted each other implicitly, until the end.
To wrap it up, I think Remus is surprisingly boring, considering he's a werewolf and should be very exciting just on account of that, and I think he's a bit too much of a coward for Sirius to fall in love with him. He never had the guts to stand up to Sirius and James at Hogwarts, even if it is implied Remus wasn't comfortable with those two bullying Snape.
Also, I think if Sirius found out Remus walked out on his pregnant cousin, he'd rise from the veil just to beat Remus up haha.
Thank you for the ask! ❤️
(Please, Wolfstar shippers, put your pitchforks and torches down, I like you all, I just don't like Remus 😂)
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sunfl0w3rmoon · 3 months
i’m so honoured you follow me 🥰
(btw just to warn you, i’m about to shower you with compliments) 
I loveeee Mastermind, it’s been getting me through the week and to Fridays, and even though it’s a shame it’s over, I have to say, it was one of the BEST fics i’ve ever read.
Firstly, I loveee your Sirius characterisation. He’s adorable. I also love how him and Remus’ relationship grew. It felt realistic, and they seemed like stable people.
Obviously time passed between filming (ie, chapters) and you showed how they’d spent a lot of time together and their relationship had grown and changed really well as the chapters progressed, without directly having to say it.
By the middle, I could tell how close they’d become and yet also I could feel their flirty vibes through my phone. 
Plus I was along the ride with Sirius the whole time, routing for him and Moony. I’m also proud of James and Regulus, they were very cute in the background.
Ugh and Remus was so sweet and unassuming the whole time. Probably half freaking out over his childhood crush acting with him (which was the perfect reveal btw) 
Also; it being the personification of a Taylor Swift song, one of my favourites too, definitely helped my adoration for this fic
Plus special credit to that line in like Chapter 4 I think. Remus going “I think i’ve seen this film before” about Jegulus and Dorlene (I love exile). 
And finally, I can’t explain it, but this line was so moving;
He trusts Remus Lupin implicitly, and he loves the man with his entire soul. They can last a few months apart. But it’s all the more lovely that Remus flies out to be with him on their anniversary, even though he’s supposed to be in LA filming his new movie.
I love it when fics end in a way that makes you feel like the relationship will last. And this does exactly that.
(Also, I know nothing about celebs or awards and when you wrote “And Sirius hugged Oscar” after winning his Oscar, I legit thought for a sec that he hugged the guy who invented the award… I missed the bit where it said Oscar Isaac, though that makes more sense.)
Anyway, all in all, amazing fic!!!!! Take the compliments!!!! 
You’re an amazing writer :)
hiiiiiiiiiiii thank you so much omggggg that is the first message I’ve gotten on tumblr and it brought me so much joy to read 🥰🥰 I’m so so so so glad you loved mastermind as much as I did. It was such a fun fic to write and I’m so sad it’s over, but that just means I can write other things !!!
I had planned to reveal that Remus liked Sirius for a long long time since the beginning but Hope and Lyall really took the cake with their little prank hehe. But I did love that both of them were so oblivious to the other’s feelings. I think that’s so foundational to wolfstar’s relationship.
Remus is such a swiftie I can’t 😩 like yeah he listens to Queen and ABBA and David Bowie but he’s SUCH a folklore/evermore girlie
I genuinely got the idea for this fic while listening to mastermind by Taylor Swift and I texted my friend and was like “WHAT IF ITS MASTERMIND BUT WOLFSTAR” and she was like “YOU HAVE TO WRITE IT” so I did :)
I LOVE THAT LINE TOO. I was like “I need this fic to have the most fluffy, adorable ending to ever end.” So I rewrote the epilogue SO many times to get it right.
Thank you so so so much again for your message ♥️ I love your girl in red pfp btw <3
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perfect-snaccccccc · 1 year
Thoughts of Pride and Prejudice Marauders AU
okay so I know I KNOW that it’s been done but I’m watching it right now and I have THOUGHTS
so SO Darcy and Eliza? i hear your cries for wolfstar but you are wrong it is in fact either Dorlene or Rosekiller - again you have the vivacious and out spoken character and the colder more prideful character who understands them implicitly like it just works someone pls do this I do not have the skill or attention span help
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My love! Please tell me more/snip me something about the northern Ireland marauders fic pretty please!
So… first of all, in case you are interested, most people here in Ireland (republic) and Nationalists in the region commonly refer to it as The North of Ireland or The North. This can be used to implicitly deny British sovereignty by placing it into the rest of Ireland, at least linguistically. Whereas unionists call it Northern Ireland. Did you know this? I find it very interesting.
Anyway… it’s in the just an idea realm (lmao why are we not surprised). This is all we have:
It’s set in the 80s
Sirius’ dad is a very influential, sectarian Unionist (not necessarily very rich here at all, just powerful) with connections to the UVF (a terrorist unionist organisation if you haven’t heard of it)
Reggie, Sirius’ little brother, joins the UVF
James is a distant English cousin whose parents die in a tragic accident and he has to move in with Sirius and his family
Lily and Remus’ dads are in the IRA, so is Vernon
Have no idea what Peter is up to atm (he may be my first good Peter 😱!!)
Jily and Wolfstar fall in love (the gay bit is just as unpalatable to the families as the sectarian part)
DRAMA, ANGST etc etc (you know the drill!
Rest to be decided- not sure yet what happens in the end 😬😬😬😬 but I’d like to give them a happy ending????
Not sure if that sounds interesting or not…🤷‍♀️
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I'm not trying to start shipping drama or anything, but was DE! James always a long-running trope in the Jily fandom? Or did it only start happening when Jegulus started to become a popular about a year ago? Tbh I feel really uncomfortable with Jegulus because it places a fevent anti-Death Eater/anti supremacist James in a relationship with someone who was obsessed and committed to the ideology. I think Jegulus implicitly hurts Lily, and it feels like fandom doesn't care about her feelings.
What I have recently learned from those who are speaking out (very bravely and articulately, I might add) is that DE! James became a thing last August. This much I know. Jegulus is something I've only learned about recently too because a friend of mine mentioned having seen it tagged on Tumblr somewhere, so honestly I have no idea if they are particularly related to one another. This ignorance is what I get for not following any tags, I guess (although in my defence the Jily tag has been nothing but Wolfstar content every time I HAVE checked it and I have absolutely nothing against anyone who ships Wolfstar but it's not for me)
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spiltscribbles · 3 years
aftermath of the war, James and lily dont die, but Remus can’t forgive Sirius and James for believing he was the spy (I adamantly believe lily never beloved such a thing and never knew they were swapping keepers). cause these were the friends who promised they wouldn’t see him any different because of his lycanthropy and when push came to shove they did :(
in responce to THIS FIC
 Oh God Nonny! I don’t deserve this abuse!!! This aching! But yes this is like my guilty pleasure FIC idea to write! I have so much to talk about for this AU!!
Like first of all, yes I completely agree that Lily never suspected Remus, I literally feel that with my entire chest!!  However, I don’t think his lycanthropy was the sole reason that allowed Peter to finagle his way into turning the tides and making James and Sirius suspicious of him. It had to do with his secrecy and all that as well, but his identity as a werewolf was definitely a huge part!!! No argument!
Like I need to stress that I don’t think James or Sirius ever fully thought that Remus was the spy, but the suspicion was enough to poison their bonds and enough to make them isolate Remus from their actual plans, and that’s almost just as bad to me.
And I know there are a bunch of R/S shippers who are going to hate this take, but it’s simply flat out true. The suspicion was awful and disgusting of them— I’ve experienced things like this simply being a brown female, like being told that my white boss at the clinic I was volunteering at thought I looked “intimidating” while I was laughing and chatting with my coworker who just so happened to be a black female with braids. Even though every patient who came up to me was saying it was “so nice to have a pleasant, smiling face in the front” which was also weird but lol life of a girl I guess XD And I experienced it with folks who I considered close friends who claimed things like I only got into their top university’s because of my skin color lol.
micro aggressions are real and painful and they can pop up even with your closest friends who are part of a privileged group of people. And they can snowball into really awful situations.
Taking this into the HP world, and the fact they were a bunch of teens and early somethings fighting a war, these stereotypes can so easily implode into something sickening. And Werewolves in this setting were displaced and ridiculed and discriminated against through the entirety of the series. So yes, of course a couple of pure bloods like Sirius and James, who were probably brought up with these lessons (even if they didn’t believe it themselves) would’ve been swayed by this. These ideas can always soak in and they can color their thoughts implicitly, if not purposefully. It’s simply the fact of institutionalized  discrimination that’s embedded into all folks who are not part of that minority group.
So yes, it makes me so mad— even though I’ve done it in one of my own one shots— when these kind of AUs have Remus forgiving Sirius and James almost immediately.
Like I understand he has a differential instinct, but it’s not enough for him to merely forget about it so quickly. I don’t think he could’ve ever forgotten. And I think it’s a pregnant weight that’s going to color his conversations and interactions with them for years to come. 
And I do always believe in Wolfstar endgame, and I love to pieces the bromance between James and Remus, but it’s going to take a lot of healing to have them back to how they were in Hogwarts IMHO, and Lily is definitely a bridge between them who’s trying to get James and Sirius to give him the proper space, and for Remus to not keep everything bottled up.
However, I do think that Remus realizing that Lily and James nearly died with Harry would play a huge part in speeding up the forgiveness process, and I don’t think that innate tugging towards Sirius will ever go away. 
All right I’m stepping off my soap box, but yes Nonny I nearly completely agree with you ioadmoakjireogjf and now I wanna write a sad but hopeful FIC all about this!!!
Chat With Me🌸
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aurielita · 3 years
Can we take a minute to think what the secret keeper plan actually meant for Sirius?
So the Potters needed a Secret Keeper. It must be someone they trusted implicitly. And everyone knows there's no one James Potter trusted more than Sirius Black, his found brother, his fellow marauder. They would ask him and he would say yes, without a doubt. But. Everyone knows how close they are. Everyone including the Death Eaters and Voldemort himself.
Sirius knew. The moment James and Lily activated the Fidelus Charm there would be a price on his head. Sirius would become the number one target of Voldemort's army. It doesn't matter that actually he's not the Secret Keeper. Sirius knows that and he says Fine. Good.
They ask someone else, it doesn't matter who. Peter is a good choice: he is trust worthy, being their friend for so long, and he is easily underestimated. No one would think of him, so all Peter has to do is lay low until the danger is gone.
They would get to Sirius, eventually. The Death Eaters would capture him and take him to Voldemort's feet. It's fine. They are going to mercilessly torture him (we all know how ruthless they can be, take a look at the Longbottoms) but he doesn't have the information they are looking for, so it's fine. Most importantly, he's confident enough that he won't spill the beans about the SK switch. (this is why I believe he is a skilled occlumens) (also, if he knew he could keep it from Lord Voldemort why he wasn't the SK himself? My Wolfstar obsessed ass says that: we know Sirius thinks Remus is the traitor, but he can't be sure he can keep a secret from his beloved Moony. He might be brave, brilliant and skilled but he is also deeply in love and he thinks he is not trust worthy when Remus is involved) But, being heavily tortured, Sirius ultimately dies. It's worth it. The Potters are worth it. That's what being James' brother means, that's what being Harry's godparent means, that's what being lily's friend means. He is going to die and it's going to be extremely painful, but it's ok because dying in order to protect his dear family (the one that taught him what being family actually was, that opened the doors for him when the people that birthed him hurted him deeply) is the highest honour he can have. He would do it any day, he would do it as many times as necessary.
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duskglass · 4 years
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when I saw the arc of lunar phases in the original composition my very first thought was to have Sirius positioned so that his face blocks out the full moon-- one of my favourite aspects of their relationship is how Sirius was willing to do absolutely anything to help make the transformations easier for Remus (no matter how dangerous/illegal it was) & I wanted to convey a bit of that with this illustration.
the symbol over Sirius is the alchemical sign for amalgamation (combining different elements/aspects together) because imo these two are strongest together & bring out the best in each other (and I love how they are just 100% ride or die & willing to trust each other implicitly even after over a decade apart, because at the end of the day their bond has always been unbreakable & Peter's Big Miscalculation was that he could ever truly turn them against each other and get away with it).
I also drew them older here (how i envision them in the timeline of the books) because post-Azkaban is and always has been my favourite era (but like... AU where they don't get needlessly killed off and/or shoved into creepy forced hetero romances ofc). not that I don't enjoy the Marauders era too, I'm just aaallll about that h/c & reconciliation & struggling to heal from their traumas together, so this pic is also sort of about that for me? wolfstar coming back together after everything they've been through and (finally) finding happiness/peace...!!
concerning tattoos-- on the one hand I do think Sirius would be into body modification like piercings & tattoos, and I could definitely see him inscribing things into his own skin while in prison just for something to do & in an effort to keep himself grounded, but on the other hand.... that doesn't really make sense given the extreme inhumane conditions of Azkaban (where tf would he get ink and needles while in a solitary confinement mind-prison?? like it's established that most prisoners are completely mad in the space of weeks so I really doubt there would be access to that sort of thing, or even the opportunity to request it) so I sort of split the difference and went with something more along the lines of scarification, as I find it a lot more plausible that he could have improvised something sharp without the need for ink or the level of precision required for tattoos.
+ the raw inks for comparison:
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I ended up doing quite a lot of overpainting on this piece (particularly at the top with the moons and cloud details) so I thought the contrast between the inks and final was especially interesting! I do a lot of my work with gouache but I rarely apply them opaquely over the top of brush inks & copics (except maybe as small highlights); I really like how that effect came out here.
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(my insta is @duskglass!!)
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th1syearsgirl · 6 years
Hi I have one question that I didn't really have the guts to ask since it's sort of 'delicate' but since you seem ok, I will. I noticed you said you really like wolfstar, but why? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for lgbt representation but sirius and remus seem kind of wrong together. It was said in third book that they distrusted each other which is never romantic. And not to mention the incident in fifth year thanks to sirius. I'm all for bi Remus and gay Sirius, but why with each other?
TBH? It’s how I went in reading the series. What little I knew about HP before I started reading it came from Internet osmosis, and Wolfstar was one of those things I’d heard about, so between PoA and HBP I was just kind of taking it for granted that Remus and Sirius were secretly, implicitly in a relationship up until Sirius’s death, and JKR couldn’t be explicit about it because this was a children’s series and shitty homophobia was a thing.
There is literally NOTHING that threw off my assumptions while reading — like, their first meeting (where they embrace after about 5 words exchanged, despite not having seen each other in 12 yrs and being wholly convinced of the other’s betrayal), and stuff like that. I’m sure you’ve already read screeds about Remus and Sirius’s holding each other’s gaze for like, 3 pages in OoTP and the joint Christmas gift and all, and not found it that convincing bc there’s perfectly logical “Just friends” explanations for all that shit, which is wholly true. But I mean, it also works as a long-used narrative tactic to implicitly convey a romantic relationship
…ETA: Sorry I wasn’t nearly done yet, pressed post too soon. The rest is coming in a mo
romantic relationship while still giving the author plausible deniability in the (frequent) event of their facing criticism for portraying such a controversial romance. So I figured that’s what JKR had pulled here. Not all friendships are the same ofc, but we never see Ron and Harry appear to have silent conversations just by speaking with their eyes alone, and they’re the epitome of best friends in this series. We HAVE seen Ron and Hermione do it though, and we all know the status of their relationship. 
And it just clicked to me, I guess, they were literally the only two parental figures Harry had from his actual birth family; kind of a pair-the-spares rationale, maybe, but added to all the other particular stuff about their relationship.
So I guess at first for me, it wasn’t about “are Remus and Sirius good for each other”, it was literally just “Remus and Sirius are with each other end of”, complaining about it would be like complaining about Molly/Arthur or Lily/James.  
It’s mostly on me, bc I binged all 7 books before even stepping into the (main) fandom, so didn’t get the news till much later that JKR HADN’T actually intended to imply Remus/Sirius in any way, so Wolfstar was always fanon. But it kinda offends me that now I’m in the position of always having to justify why I ship what I thought was a canon ship with the reasoning and justification for it laid right out in the books. And tbh yeah, I’m low-key always a little salty @ JKR for it, mainly whenever she calls herself a “Gryffindor” bc … like, if she apparently DIDN’T intend Wolfstar to come across as it did then her subconscious had literally done all the work for her, all she’d have to do was take credit for it…but I suppose it wasn’t worth the bother to her — much more important that Dumbledore be the single gay character in the HPverse (despite Grindelwald/Dumbledore having the exact same literary cues as Remus/Sirius).  
Anyway, that’s pm where it is for me. Finding out that Wolfstar was never intended hasn’t really changed my reading of it at all, and tbh I refuse to let it. Yeah, they’ve both done sketch stuff to each other: I find it interesting how the majority of Marauder-drama we see is always surrounding these two. Sirius broke Remus’s trust in their fifth year, which likely led to Sirius eventually getting tired enough of being perceived as the bad guy that he jumped on the chance to start suspecting Remus for something (he’s the only one we know of that actually thought Remus was the spy. Remus as of DH is convinced that James never suspected him). Then when Sirius is framed by Peter, Remus buys into the story as much as everyone else, likely due to the fifth year incident’s influence. It’s a lot of drama, an intense, fraught relationship, and I’ve read a ton of fic that deals with how their relationship survived through these issues: but it’s canon that it DID in fact survive. We see them at the point they reunite and in OoTP. It’s canon that even in his will Sirius was still looking out for Remus (see posts in my “Wolfstar” or “Marauder Family Feels” tags for the explanation).
Thanks for the ask! It was fun to actually think this thing out XD
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