#special ep was sooo cutee
lutawolf · 7 months
My Dear Gangster Oppa Commentary Ep 3
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I know this asshole did not really say, "you're with this guy again." Bestie's opinion matters more than anyone else's, but he hasn't even met the dude! He's acting more like a parent than a best friend. Hahaha! Tew remembers who Wahl is, and he appears to not be happy about meeting him.
I didn't want to dislike Wahl, but he is pissing me off. Talking to Guy like Guy isn't allowed to make his own decisions. Not cool. This isn't concern, this is controlling. I'm about to smack a bitch. I'm not happy with you Wahl and I don't know if you can redeem yourself.
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I have to hand it to Tew. He is being really calm and honestly respectful despite Wahl being a douche to him. Guy, pick the one actually giving you a choice!
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I love these bitches. Especially the one in the middle. Muffin is such a cutie too. An apparently lonely cutie. HAHAHA! Way to cock block Guy. I'm here for it. If you stop the time at 6:04 you can catch Guy smirking.
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Is anyone surprised that he has to go after making a scene? Suddenly he isn't so concerned he has to take Guy home. Tom is cute, I like him.
That's right Guy! Tell of Wahl!
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Did one of them really call him baby face??? I predict Tew showing up.
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Called it! OMG, I'm Dead. Guy works up the nerve to ask Tew about what he does for a living. That the gang members seemed scared of him. "Nah, I'm just scary looking." "No. You're pretty good-looking."
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This is Tew's reaction.
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This is my reaction.
Did dumbass really say he owned a shabu restaurant. He had to know that Guy would then say he'd want to go. Seriously, driver/underling is me. Between his cough, giggle and the way he looks at Guy sleeping on Tew's shoulder.
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Tew is so gone. These two dumbasses are so gone for each other. Really asking him if he wants him to wash the shirt. Yes, strip right now. I'll wait. They are adorkable.
Dude is going to buy a restaurant to cover the story he gave his crush. Boy is gone gone.
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My reaction to that.
Did home dude really take a nap on some chairs. Hell to the naw. That makes my back hurt just watching it.
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Oh! I think we have a secondary couple.
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I already like them.
Discount Lennon is at it again. So home chick is not dead, but might as well be. Lawd, how are they not dead with that much white powder. Though I'm not sure it's the same girl. Specially since there are two now.
Did Wahl really ask Guy how he got home??? Guy doesn't tell the full truth, but doesn't lie either. Damn Wahl. You got some nerve. One month anniversary. Why don't you pay more attention to your gf Wahl?
Yay for game friends!
I would punch someone if they talked in my ear like that. HAHAH the look Wahl is giving Guy. I really want to like Wahl, but he ruined it for me. Now I'm just amused.
Tew looking scary and sexy. Niiiiiiice. Villains do it better.
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What's this face? Is he shocked? Is he turned on? A bit of both?
So cute! He brought him a cake.
The elevator sequence was weird. Guy concerned because he sees blood. Tew giving crazy eyes. Guy completely forgetting about the blood and turning to mush because Tew is holding his hand. But honestly, some things are worth ignoring for cake and a doting boyfriend.
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I mean, these pictures say it all. 🤣🤣🤣 So he beats people up until he is covered in blood. Minor detail in comparison to how he treats you Guy.
You ever heard the quote that an evil queen is just a princess that didn't get rescued. Tew gives me that vibe. The wounded and just wanting love vibe.
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Hahaha Tew totally outing them. Oh! Tew was about to make his move. Too slow Tew. Tew, you know you are in love right. Guy is acting like a total dork and you are charmed. That is love.
Oh, the fall troupe again! Though with Guy being the way he is, it's totally believable. The slow mow lean forward like there will be a kiss, but instead he wipes off frosting from Guy's lip. Totally troupe and sooo good. And Guy runs away.
The guild is super cute. I like how frank Tew is. He just lays out his feelings about Wahl to Guy. Throwing down some valid facts, my friend. Ahhh Guy! Why did you let him leave like that? Oh, yay! He chased after him.
Oh, these two idiots are adorkable. So awkward and yet cute.
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Not gonna lie. It broke my heart when he didn't hug him back.
The restaurant kills me. Tew is like, it looks crappy. Underling is like, dude, it's not real. Oh lawd, sweet baby Jezebel. You are not normal about that boy, Tew. Not normal about him at all. And I'm okay with that.
Secondary couple. Not over shadowing but still cute.
Guy packing. Bet Wahl ditches him for his gf.
Guys, I'm in love with Tew. He gets it. Life is short, so important people are priority.
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How much is that puppy in the window.
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I love that Tew isn't shy to show his concern and affection. I adore that Guy didn't care about Wahl and turned around to wave at Tew. He even defends Tew. I mean, he is wrong, but that's not the point here.
Tew's excitement that Guy texted him is adorable.
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This is me again.
Ahhh… I'm dead. When he goes, "I'm down bad."
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Yes, hunny you are, but I, for one, appreciate that.
Oh, that went sideways fast. *We will talk when I get back.*
I really do enjoy Tul. He is really enjoying Tew and Guy. Me too my dude, me too. Willing to risk the wrath of his boss to tease. Love it.
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This face isn't making me feel secure.
In comparison, look at this puppy dog face. So excited for Guy to be back.
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OH no... They aren't going to leave us like this, are they?!?! Assholes!!! Nobody talk to me till next Thursday. I am not okay.
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🍋🍋🍋 can i see three of them?
send me a 🍋 and I'll tell you a character I crushed on that never became an f/o
ok one of them is this fella named lester parnell from a film called saltwater moose . i havent started shipping with him yet because i only saw the movie once and the plot was like.. baffling (in a silly way like a What Is Happening Hello) so nothing ended up happening because i was like.. so goofily dumbfounded by the movie itself . HES SOOOOOOOO CUTE THOUGH.
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and yes i did make that gif of him. (and yes hes played by dalton who is.. rassilon . among other blorbos of mine)
OK the other two will be from DW because youre you and you get it
my most recent DW crush is kazran...... thats the latest DW ep/special ive seen (besides fifteen's new eps and besides the later ones my friends have showed me individually like the mr clever ep) and i just..... its so unfair bc i already crush on a version of scrooge so u give me a scrooge-inspired guy AND make him from DW its just . not faiiiiiirrrr thats oscar baiiiiit !!! idk what the likelihood of me coming back to him and selfshipping with him is tho . bc i have sooo much DW to still watch.
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and one more ahhhhhh THE NEXT DOCTOR AHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!! (idk what else to call him...) i can hardly even think about him without nerding out . HES SO WONDERFUL !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i actually wish i did properly start selfshipping with him after i saw his episode but ah well . maybe ill make that day our anniversary when i do start selfshipping with him . AND ALSO HIS ACTOR PLAYS ANOTEHR ONE OF MY ROMANTIC F/OS SO THATS MORE OSCAR BAIT AAAHHH
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HES SOOOO CUUUUTE RAAAHHHHHHHHH runs circles around him really fast
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collarbjt · 24 days
SPN 1002
01 special ep
Sam is torturing an anonymous demon to find out where Dean is. Maybe he turned into a demon so ran away from his bro?😢
Cas said “I miss him”😭😭😭 Where are you Dean, your little brother and your angel are missing you
What……the…..it seemed that he enjoyed his demon life 100% now. Oh rolling Dean, shutup
Get a room you two, lol love this line. Anne Marie, I love her name. Also the famous musician’s name it is, isn’t it? Now Crowley and Dean are besties? What a nuts!🤣
I’m Sooooo proud of you guys live a rolling life, bravo(it‘s sarcasm, you idiots)
Seeing Dean through the cctv is quiet thrilled. And uh-oh… Sam recognized that Dean is Demon now
Saymyname! Saymaname!!! Lol that store clerk is soo cute
Sam is sooo mad about Crowley because he is jealous about Crowley and Dean’s relationship, and wow, Crowley is always a great provocateur! Oh, and his words makes sense in some part, that the Winchesters and himself are all demon-like
The first murderer’s mark, aka the Cain’s mark is really..strong! I’m impressive
You guys pub the flicker album together??? Amazing!!! Oh Crowley suggests Dean to rule the new hell together! 
Well, this Dean reminds me the s4’s Dean. Famine said that Dean is empty… I also thought even Crowley is being a longer as a demon, He has some purposes about his demonic life, but Dean seems he doesn’t have any of them.
Dean’s singing is awful🤣 and Demon Dean is not a badass, just a sucker
Oh…stop killing each other, you angels!!!!!
Now Sam is in danger, I wonder how the demon Dean acts. He seems calm compared to human Dean
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vestaclinicpod · 10 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 13th August ✨
Happy #AudioDramaSunday, lovely people! I’ve listened to so much audio drama this week and my house is so clean as a result 🫧 
🌲@hellofromthehallowoods Starcrossed Gods!! I felt so brave daring to listen to this again. My heart 💔 Marolmar is written so well! Every sentence contains something to flinch at, it makes me sick to hear it all again. I’d also repressed the memory of how gut-wrenching Nikignik’s shouting at the end was, and how much it hurts to hear people trying to sing with a closed up throat. ANYWAY, I’m fine, thank you for asking. I’m not sure if the live show was released early due to logistical reasons, but I am fearful that it’s to provide context for what’s about to happen in the regular episodes (AKA tears and tears and tears for me). 
🦀 What an absolute delight to hear from the @thesiltverses cast again! These season recaps are so funny and it’s so heart warming to hear it when the cast of a show are clearly also its biggest fans. I’m SO excited for S3!!
🦮 @malevolentcast (34) what an episode!! If I recall correctly, this is the first time we’ve had an episode entirely without Arthur & John’s perspective? The Butcher is a worthy character to hold that mantle. Do I feel like I understand him more? No. Did I love being along for the ride? Absolutely. It’s also so weird to hear Arthur talking to John out loud when he thinks no-one can hear. I hope he makes it out in time! 
📻 @monstrousagonies (107) So thrilled to have this show back and I hope Hero is feeling much better! The first letter was so cute!! I’m sure there are lots of us who can relate to choosing love and kindness when we’re used to the opposite! Whichever bridge that little one finds, I’m sure it’ll be the loveliest by far!! 
🌒 @monkeymanproductions gave us the low-down on just how incredibly talented the Moonbase Theta, Out cast are in their Cast Special. Spoiler: Very. It was very wholesome to hear DJ Sylvis hyping everyone up and the episode is full of great AD and other recommendations! 
🎙Welcome to Night Vale is back!! I felt particularly targeted by the ad copy in this episode, but I’m sure that was their intention! This ep’s weather was particularly up my street too! I loved the harmonies! 
🎞 Tiny Terrors OOF hey so I found out what was up with Angela… and I didn’t like it one bit! I also need to know what the hell was happening at the end there. Jess, girl, you’ve got to stop getting yourself in these situations. It’s too much (for me to listen to)! 
🌍 @lastechoespod (8) I can’t believe it’s the last episode! Ishani Kanetkar was wonderful as Trast. I wish we could hear the final decision, but I guess I’ll just have to relisten and try decide for myself . . . 
🧛‍♂️ @re-dracula Uhoh, someone’s arrived in Whitby . . . I love Mina so much and Isabel AdomakohYoung is doing amazing job as her VA. She captures the good-hearted intelligence I love so much about the character!
 💫 Wolf 359 (38-46 + Special!) Oh MAN this podcast has my entire heart. Isn’t Memoria one of the best episodes of anything ever? Oh, Hera, I love you sooo much!!!!! I also loved the Lovelace cliffhanger at the end of 46 and the special was so different but so good! (Although listening to 2 hours of anything is a challenge!! I need a 20-30 min ep or I can’t fit it into my life) 
🎩 @ethicstownpod (7) OH MY GOD. January fans are looking a little bit bloody silly right now! What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On???? Please, if you haven’t yet started listening to this show, now is your time! It’s SO good and has so many twists and turns!! 
🥾@doyoucopypod (5) oh my GOD, imagine how horrifying it would be to be out in the woods to grieve your partner, only to hear their voice in the middle of the night. Nope. Absolutely not. Get out of the dead zone!! Wilson remains the goodest boy, even if his growls give me goosebumps! 
🎧 In this week’s The First Episode Of, W Keith Tims talks to the creator of Untrue Stories! These interviews are always fantastic and this show sounds so interesting for fans of sci-fi!! 
Thanks for reading! I’m so excited for more Regina Prime and to catch up with happenings in the Hallowoods next week! Hope you all have a restful weekend ✨
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electricgaunt · 2 months
Live Blog of Interstitial Infinity #11 - The People At Home:
power plays are already happening in the introductions, we love to hear it
oh god, we just got Al's body back, and now he's totally missing hhhhhhhh
I'm appreciating everyone getting a chance to ask, "hey, what about this person's reaction to them being missing?", that's fun
hearing all the different "tension-building-music" from everyone's shows is good, I love that
I've got a really messy and disconnected word cloud going on in my head that's just, like:
The Mirror Figure at the Truth Gate
Lake/MJ/Chrome Car denizens
Shadow The Hedgehog/being a clone of Shadow The Hedgehog/Metal Sonic
Interstitial's The Other playbook
Kingdom Hearts and Nobodies
Bath & Butler (^& Borges) Works
and now I'm laughing at the idea of seeing this entire word cloud on a T-shirt lmao
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure... man... those adventures certainly are bizarre, huh?
does Trish just go to regular high school??? excuse me??????
interior...Cannolo...Murolo...I drive a Chevrolet...movie......rococo? (that doesn't quite work, ah well, gonna be tumbling that JoJo name around in my head like a nice rock, very cellar door quality name)
part of this ep is dedicated to me learning things about JoJo lol 😄
thinking about if mob and ritsu universe swapped or role swapped with ed and al...the brother vibes are just sooo different in certain ways
I think Tome asked akinator where mob is
suddenly getting flashbacks to reading a cute ot3 fancomic with reigen/mob's parents a long, long time ago
GOOD FOR HER!!! (Rouge-style Mephiles 🖤)
if there was a character ask meme for developing your interstitial infinity character, I feel like "what made you want to get on the train?" is great
"aS a PoDcAsTeR"
Ed annoying Ling again by doing the brother hair antenna telepathy, like he did in the gluttony dimension
special delivery to Ling!!! congratulations! it's a diplomatic incident!!! :D
I'm laughing at the difference between FMA and most of the other universes where in FMA it's just like, basically EVERYONE knows Al is gone!!! but! shhh!!! we can't tell!!! or else his brother (infamous for fighting SCIENCE & GOD to bring his brother back) will. Lose. His. Shit. (and even worse!!! he'll be sooo Annoying until his brother is back)
this episode was such a treat aaaaa, this show y'all 💚💚💚
and now: we shift to Not Worrying about this arc's name 🙂🙂🙂
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riacte · 3 months
rria . ria dont convert the timestamp of receiving this ask to est but i finished false episodes and i get it i understand the devotion and the homies and the protectiveness hoyljjy fuck save me 🦅🐕save me. beware of dog reapers watch out rendogss about false false false you won💥💥💥😺💥💥💥💥💥💥
When I was watching the first part I was like ohhh she sounds SO soggy when he’s not talking to her. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this soggy. And then it was slowly building and oh we’re really in it now.
BUT THE REUNION SCENE IS SO!!!!!! They’re so happy for each other 😭😭😭 False saying he deserves the win even though it’s her who won 😭😭 Ren coming in like YOU WON!! YOU WON!! :DDDDD
And I was already screaming and dying. But you can really tell how fond they are of each other. And False being more excited for the cool hat than the Demise prize and he literally promised to give it to her tomorrow when things had calmed down— and she won!! All the dots are connected.
And the end. MAN. “Watch out, Rendog is about” in all caps. Her putting his name and head on her build. And the giggle before the cut. And I’m left sitting here like OKAY THAT JUST HAPPENED. WOW.
I feel slightly insane because it’s like …??? It’s so obvious how core and special their friendship is to both of their contents on HC. Take a quick scroll through their thumbnails and they pop up every now and then. All the collabs. AND STANDING NEXT TO EACH OTHER IN GROUP RECORDINGS (this always happens). We even have major standout events like Blue9 and BRR and S6 neighbours. And now Demise because DUDE. THAT WAS CRAZY.
And still Tumblr (and both of their Twitch chats) seems to be the only site in which people majorly care about their bond? Does that make sense. Tumblrinas screaming and crying and filling up the main tags. Actually Twitch chat is the mvp here because I feel like every single stream of theirs has a mention of the other and chat is like :DDD we love you and the other person :DD. They’re invisible on blue bird site and THANK GOD and STAY AWAY. Orange app is a bit better bc at least the Mc Championship guys recognise them but you know when there was a post back in HC Reddit then asking for “underrated” duos and we had to post FalseRen because other people weren’t. Are they underrated? Do other people think they’re popular. Like Ren isn’t usually paired with False in fanon but I think most people have the awareness to include bits about their friendship? But still? I would’ve expected more… why aren’t they more popular like some other duos even after the five million obvious / dramatic / cute / wholesome stuff 😭 Ren’s favouritism gets worse every time I check in 😭
(I know. It’s because fandoms tend to like same gender pairs. But it does notttt explain why everyone happily pairs up Stress+Iskall and Joe+Cleo and it’s all recognised and these two are like …? oh yeah they’re friends. Right. They’re friends.)
Anyways this got long. That vid makes me soooo happy and it’s sooo good. I know Ren is probably going to make his next ep thumbnail his really cute hut but if False is also on there or it’s titled after something like “WE DID IT FALSE” I would further explode into millions of pieces. 🥺
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jjks-dodo · 9 months
no drawing/doodles just simple answers for the asks i've got
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these 2 questions answer each other out lmao but they'd be sooo cute... like while geto and cato just sitting at the couch doing their own thing, satoru and catoru having a chaotic moment would be so funny lol satoru yelling at catoru puking hairball (and it's all black because he's been grooming cato every so often) on his bed lol.. maybe i'll doodle them at some point...
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that'd be really cute but at the same time poor thing... geto will have to break the fence to save him..and give catoru a treat uwu...
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sorry anon, i didn't fully understand your question but thanks for loving my art <3
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thank you for loving the animal au <33 the last question really made me wanna draw something and i'm kinda working on it but we'll see if i finish it.. lol i like to think geto being venomous since he is still one of the strongest duo uwu.
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i knoww especially riko and satoru have such a strong sibling vibes... and the way they are treated similarly as special in jujutsu society is so (chef kiss).. if they were to stay together, geto and gojo prob had to ask riko's opinion before they leave okinawa...and just leave japan entirely instead of going back to the school. this means becoming curse users all together, but at least they might be still together :c..
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sorry anon, i couldn't control the wind blowing but you got his boob lol
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LOL i love 'make it everyone's problem' part lollol but for real tho... in jjk universe, it's basically, "there were THEM in the beginning." and it all started... lol i still remember when I first watched jjk 0 in the movie theater, a random audience laughed when gojo killed geto... i hope she now knew what it meant for gojo to do that now we got the past arc animated.... anyway the funny thing is even in the anime, we only got like....less than 3 ep that are actually them being happy, and it's been a cycle of suffering. but we all forget about it because op and ed always depicts how happy they are??? ugh.. idk... i don't want the op and ed to change tbh ;m;... Well GOOD JOB propagating them lol now we can all suffer together as a team..
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terrifique · 4 months
hiiii hello some questions :O 22, 7, 15, 32, 38?
hello my love <3 i'll start from the top and work my way down.
(ps: sorry this got so long love, sorry it took so long too<3)
7. If you read the book, what are your favorite changes from page to screen? 
Eeeeeeeasily, louis + claudia + armand! the changes made to these characters (at first louis + claudia and then armand as well once he is revealed) are the reason i started watching the show! also the depiction of louis' family/life before he was turned and the devolution of all of that once he became a vampire? that transforms the story imo, breathes so much life into it. though i'd never read the book before i started the show and had only seen a few clips from the film as a child, i truly believe that the characters became so much more compelling. i even went as far as to crack open the first book after my first watch through!
also the writers making leslou's age difference/power imbalance more pronounced? very sinister, monstrous and meaningful...very well done.
15. What were your favorite costumes? 
ugh this is soooo hard for me carol cutshall went craaaazy but um let me think for the main three...(please pardon the quality of the screenshots used)
louis is difficult because he's the main dresser in the show and has too many looks that i adore for various reasons.... but let me fight my nature and try not to be a sicko for a moment u.u
right now the one that comes to mind is the brown pinstriped three piece suite with tie pin from ep 1....he's in his human browns, so warm and looking full of life but still sharp and tailored to him so well. this is a charcater that has been stylish all his life, thoughtful about aesthetics, colour and composition, he knows how to accessorise! he wears the same suit in the family portrait..... did i mention the tie pin ((((:
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one of my favourite claudia looks is also featured in the photo. her long red cloak (with the embroidered edging) that she wears to florence's funeral, it's sooo dramatic and impactful. i'd imagine it would be jarring to see in a sea of the mourners dressed in black, especially because of the strange aura she has about her. also love her women's lib pussy bow blouse with the puffy sleeves from when she was laying the ground work for her patriarch assassination plot. love all her red looks really! (special mention for her date outfit with charlie. its not red it's just a cute little outfit. exactly what u wear on a first date ):)
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finally. and i know this is controversial but the black pinstriped suit with that mountain dew tie is one of the best lestat looks in the show imo (special mention to when he's in all white, covered in blood in the finale of course). he looks like the tall man, like a shadow you see in your room at night that your brain tricks you into thinking is a demon. but he also looks really sort of dashing in his coat when he invites louis up for a nightcap...
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22. Who's your favorite character? Why?
This one really depends on my mood. I tend to oscillate between Louis and Claudia. Right now it's louis though. I really think he is the character of all time. I could never claim to be the main louis understander, i know tooooo many intellectuals on here and louis is still so mysterious and unknowable to me in many ways, but at the same time she feels so real in a way that is almost uncanny? like i know this girl, kind of?? the aspect of the character where tragedy seems to hunt him down at every corner. the ultimate tragedy of how even in his desire to escape his current reality, when he is turned, he is still damned to a tormented existence by his maker. it's similar (and in so many ways more significant) for claudia. not only are they destined to endure hardship at the hands of society as a result of immutable factors (being black, and gay in louis' case and in claudia's case poor, young and female) but in their rebirth/forever death they are irrecoverably tied to a world of death and violence as well as to a maker whose grasp on humanity is suspect to say the very least, meanwhile that's their husband/father/uncle and louis isn't built for heartlessness...... how do they manage? how do they deal? what will they do to continue to endure? is there anything left to discover within yourself when you've lived for over a century? how distant/similar he is now to who he was back in new orleans? it seems to me that the tenderness that makes louis so compelling at the very beginning never leaves him. it shifts and evolves but never truly disappears. at the end of the day i guess i'm just really curious to know more about louis' inner workings, how does an immortal being decide to recount their life(?) when they're trapped in the depths of an inescapable grief??? he is endlessly fascinating to me and that's why i love him. also he is incredibly beautiful.
32. Is there a specific moment or plot point you’re hoping to see next season?
I have already typed too many words so i'm gonna try to keep the next few answers brief... Louis' lovers in paris moments with Armand. Claudia and Louis in eastern europe and with the theatre. I love the clip we saw of claudia with the vampire troupe, her on stage too(in the poster as well)! still haven't finished the book but that's not something that was in the source material if i remember correctly? I am terrified, horrified, trembling with fear and excitement to see how things pan out with all three of them in paris but also how things evolve with the interview in dubai! oooh also louis mentioned seeing jonah later on i think? in europe? really want to see what its like when characters from his old life pop up in the 40's.
38. If you read fanfiction, do you have any favorites? 
I do!!! not enough but i do there are honestly so many amazing writers in this fandom like it's actually crazy how talented people are, their command of their craft is outstanding! their ability to so beautifully expand upon and adapt these characters..... the genres explored, tiny characters as well as characters i don't even care about have been endeared to me so deeply.... i'm constantly in awe. this question is sooo difficult though....
but here are a few that come to mind
in the delta breeze [dare to breathe] by southernhummingbird
this literally had me in tears, i swear to god! so sweet and sentimental, truly moving. no one captures louis' voice the way they do. i don't think i've ever read the strange way guilt is tied to grief written like this in a fic before. southernhummingbird has my heart forever
House by baberainbow, disintegrations, gaypiratedivorce, kittyldpdl, nlbv, serpentskirts, weathermood
a tour de force, an magnificent undertaking, a maze of horror and fearful delights. all these writers are evil geniuses....i still can't believe this is real. if you see this and haven't read it yet please put yourself out of your misery and visit the house.
reformation by verseau
the first fic i ever read in this fandom. literally undefeatable. it opened my eyes to the transformative and reformative power of the au. such a tenderly written, thoughtful exploration of redemption and reconciliation. and it's tagged as crack??? i am forever changed
quizás by themasterletters
the second fic i ever read! this was a marvelous, tumultuous and vivid journey. not only for the characters but for me as a reader. what a gift that we all get to live in the same timeline, the same here and now as thee master letters (also partly responsible, along with weathermood, for the blessing that is twelve days. this work restored my faith in christmas miracles, yes)
Lunacy by The_Lame_Goat
just as the title suggests this work is insane. a monstrous take on an already monstrous dynamic, a transformative work that dives head first into the process of transformation (this horror genius is also responsible for THE hannibal au featuring another one of my favourite authors kittyldpdl)
Design; Intricate. by L(PastelLovelyBlue)
i've never felt so snatched up by a piece of work.... it is so intricately designed and mysterious, the prose is haunting. this writer is so measured and specific in how they've built their world and how they choose to reveal it's details. i leave every chapter feeling turned around, there is so much to uncover. they made me love sci-fi...
i have more favourites but this answer is already way too long and coming way too late. thank you for bearing with me dre 😭💗
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juzorei · 1 year
This Ep was soooo sooo good. Actually I admit that I was worried if we wont get any more PatPran. But P'Aof just slapped my face and said "surprise mf!"😭🤌🏼❤ Thats why I love that man. WE CANT EXPECT HIS MOVES I SWEAR!
This was so cute scene. Them making breakfast and all. PRAN MADE OMLETE FOR PAT. YOU GUYS GET IT?! JUST LIKE NON MADE OMLETE FOR OHM IN SAFE HOUSE. Oh my god I dont know if it's sound crazy of me but I AM NOT LEAVING THE TINIEST BIT OF SIMILARITY OF PATPRAN AND OHMNON.
Planting and naming it Pat and Pran's love sprout and fist bumbing. I LOVE THEM. THEY ARE SO AAAHHHHHHH!!!! PatPran is simple yet they are very special. They have this something that only they have. I dont even make sense now. GOD I even doubt my existence after this.
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I kinda had an idea that Pat and Pran will play themselves in the play as Tian and Chief. BUT HELL I HAD NO IDEA THEY WILL CHANGE THE ROLE. But common again!! ITS PATPRAN!!! Once again they just broke everything and said there is no top bottom in our relationship!! Sheesh I love that fucking so much!! AND MY BEST BOYS KORN AND WAI!! I am now sure that they are the biggest PatPran shippers. They volunteered to make sure that we are fed well with PatPran kiss.🤣❤ I love how Korn's and Wai's relationship got better to the point they became the besties🤣😂❤ Look at them giving a demo of kiss to PatPran😏😌❤
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Yes I miss them so much already and Im gonna miss them forever. But Im so happy. This journey of love has been the best thing happened in my life. Sometimes ill wonder what if I never came across this BL world. I can't imagine that cuz I cant imagine a life without PatPran. I was at my worst when I met PatPran. They became my comfort zone and still they are. They will always be my comfort zone. I am happy that we got to see PatPran story. Im happy and thankful that they allowed us to experience everything with them. We laughed, cried, smiled, screamed and did so many things with them. They gave us a whole lifetime memory. And im gonna hold that memory close to my heart, forever.
Now it's time to send PatPran back to their own world. It's a goodbye yet not a goodbye. Thank you P'Aof, Ohm, Nanon, Jimmy, Drake, Love, Milk, Mark and every single one that made Bad Buddy happen. Everyone!
Ohm and Nanon made PatPran come to life at its best. Like perfectly. The best version of PatPran. Im saying this again that only they can do PatPran. No one else.
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prisonguards · 1 year
FR!!! Like oh my GOD I didnt even ship smallidarity before likeeeee I was just your average flower husbands fan, and I wanted to stick hard to the whole boundary compliance thing because I was part of dsmp twt for a year and. Well. That should say enough, iykyk. But then Joel just kept obsessing over Jimmy, Jimmy kept simping for Joel, and then the entire thing with the "he's just sooo cuuuute" and "can we just compare the size difference again, its my favorite thing ever" and whatever the fuck fixating on the noise Jimmy made was and it was like. Well. Bro. BRO. THEEEEN the having a CHILD together thing happened and I just fell into shipping them immediately from E2 alone. And now I'm watching E1 and I'm gonna rewatch 100h hardcore because your blog has just made it Worse.
This has been an entire tangent but the tldr is I didn't ship smallidarity until Joel was absolutely unbearable and obvious over just how much the cuteness aggression he gets over Jimmy Gets To Him.
Also I see your tags and I bring you this: in watching E1, am I insane or is the whole "Katherine was his first ally but I am his BEST ally, I will call her a coward and get genuinely angry at her for not going to the lengths I will to protect Jimmy" give off possessiveness. Not possessiveness as in jealousy, ownership, or anything like that but more in the sense that he takes great pride in being the one who takes care of Jimmy best, so to speak and to be the one who protects him when he needs it. This isn't really related at all to what you said but I'm doing my best and it's 6 AM as I write this, I have not slept and I should cut myself off before I spout even more nonsense.
- life series anon
ANON I LUV YOU AUSGEUE. I hope you get some good sleep friend aaueghd
I think that happened to a lot of people :3 smallidarity like was ramping up all season thanks to enemies to lovers being such a popular trope/dynamic but its Exploded in popularity lately and Im so thankful for that!!! whether it be from Joels fawning or their. insanity inducing innuendoes. the more fans the merrier ^—^
IM SO GLAD MY MADNESS HAS GOTTEN U TO WANNA REWATCH 100 HOURS :3c !!! its a comfort series for me for sure. and the episodes with Jimmy in them are. absolutely the best. ep 4 is one of my favorite episodes of anything ever. and if you want more Joel fawning over Jimmys cuteness…
YESSSSSS YES.. I ADORE THEM IN EMP S1!!! their dynamic is so unique there because of how wholly and overwhelmingly soft/positive it is. theyre allies from the start and BEST allies… auuughh.. yesshh Joel gets sooo defensive over Jimmy in s1 its beautiful. how quick he is to go absolutely murder mode for Jimmy. but how quick he is to be soft for him too. SIGGHHHHH. its my dream fr. the possessiveness.. YES.. theyre just SO important to eachother and it drives me crazy. he treats Jimmy so special. the way that he has little rooms for just Jimmy and Lizzie in his palace… the special roles they both hold… his wife and his best friend… there is def such a special connection there. and the possessiveness, Jimmy has so many more allies and close allies than Joel does. Joel just enforcing and affirming his station and specialness to Jimmy every once and a while.. by insulting his other allies augshs.. augh.. I just love them
also, for anyone else mulling over boundaries still; if you want specifics he just said he finds it “a bit weird” and iirc he didnt really say you cant do it. he just doesnt get it cause hes such a wifeguy. if youre concerned you can still tag it properly/keep it out of main tags. but if he was Really upset by it he would Not be encouraging and escalating it, and making the jokes he does, and putting them in his videos, and liking comments people make about them, and the tweets he makes, and and and and… if people are harassing u on behalf of him, they dont really care about what hes comfortable with, they just wanna punch down at someone. I get wanting to be respectful, but Ive also seen it used for such cruelty 💔 so I think the most important thing to keeping everyone, including the creators themselves, happy is to keep things to the right tags and spaces and being kind to yourself and others and blocking what you need and keeping out of peoples business.
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carebearscomfort · 1 year
No spoilers
Loved that SOOO much more than the last one, by LEAPS!
Though it definitely takes place early on in the show, like REALLY early
Range to give? At LEAST before The Grumpy Effect, at the absolute latest it’s before that episode
Everyone’s development and dynamics with each other completely correlates with that point in the show, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Robbie and Bluster! But I’ll talk about them later
Togetherness was so cute!! She didn’t play a major role in the episode, but what time she did have was pretty fun and I liked her character! Her voice was also really nice!
Speaking of voices, I can hear Grumpy and Tendy’s voices definitely improving from the previous special, which I’m glad to see! Still not major on them, I like both of their old ones more still, but it’s improving. Which I’ll fully congratulate!
Despite seeming to be set early on in the show, the writing is on par with later episodes, which was VERY fun to see!! Again, especially with Bluster and Rob. But again again, I’ll get to them later
The bears were really fun in this one as well, I caught myself laughing at them a lot more this time. I thought Bedtime would take a bigger role than he did, him being on the poster and all, but his role didn’t last for too long in the episode. Which was somewhat disappointing, but I love the rest of it so much I can like, honestly forgive it tbh. Like he was still there and played his part, it just wasn’t the full ep, so the Bedtime food is still pretty good!
I liked Cheer’s character here, you can definitely tell she’s in that early on “I’m the leader I’ve gotta know what I’m doing and handle the issues on my own” phase in this ep! Which again, reminds me a lot of her earlier character back when the imposter syndrome she has kicks in!
The rest of the gang was also really funny, nothing major character wise there, just great to watch. Grumpy and Funshine’s lil hug bit was cute and Share thinking Bluster and Rob were funny and cool was a FEAST for me
Speaking of which I’m gonna finally talk about those two
ANYWAYS, they’re the biggest reason I believe so firmly that the episode takes place really early on in the show. ESPECIALLY because of Robbie herself, I assumed it pretty quickly after she started speaking at all.
Her character arc in the show starts pretty damn early on, like episode 14 early on, and was a pretty big part of style shows small narrative. Heck, I’d argue THE biggest part of it! Anyways, what I’m saying is her character was something the show really took care of and slowburned with, and by the last episode she’s changed a lot. Her motives and behavior changes, but so does her relationship with Bluster and the bears. Her dynamic with Bluster is horrifically strained to the point they almost hate each other, and she gets along with and likes the bears. She’s not like that at ALL here. And the bears? Don’t like her either
What I’m saying is, the show REALLY cares about Robbie’s character and growth,,,and I don’t think they’d actually throw that away for this special. Especially her development with the bears themselves
So it’s gonna be near impossible to convince me that this doesn’t take place after like, pffff,, I’d say close to A Yoorg Awakening perhaps
Cause her and Bluster get along, but they still bicker, which is very reminiscent of their characters in THAT period of the show
Hell I’d say this episode could be put like, RIGHT after Yoorg Awakening and it’d fit right in
So no I don’t believe they botched the character growth, it’s just early on in the show
Anyways, LOVED this episode so much, aaaand this is my favorite image ever now
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shownuxhyungwon · 1 year
N!!!!!! JOOOLO IS HERERE AHHHHH!! aoty right? what's your fave song? or pls rank the songs from fave to least fave
ERIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!! ah this album is so FUN! my ranking would be the following:
freedom - THIS SONG IS CRAZYYYYYYYY! I love how he gets to showcase ALL of his talents here from rapping to singing to dancing to his producing skills, the message is really special and reminds me of the mxray ep where he was hypnotized ah the growth since then ;-;!!! been watching reaction vids and being like YES! IKR! EXACTLY! when they say anything and ik he's probably doing the same hahaha it's been on repeat and stuck in my head since its release I absolutely love it plus the mv is incredible and this choreooooo cannot wait to see stages!
hype energy - SO FUN! deffo gets me hyped! his rap is so cool and the composing here is SICKKKKKKK the instrumentals are my fav and I can't wait to see it performed bc kmbb saying it's incredible… I NEED to see it and also him channeling his no.mercy outfit w the beanie *o*
독백 - needed a track like this sooo bad >v< and gsoul's voice? heaven. the jazzy elements here like the trumpet ugh love it! the lyrics are so *shakes fist in the air* powerful his monologue... speaking to himself... really emotional I love that he loves himself T____T
voice - loved hearing/seeing it on tour and now we get it on the album!!!!!!!!!!!!!! song goes absolutely insane
evolution - deffo get the anime opening/ending vibes here I’ve seen lots say it reminds them of hahaha can totally picture like a running/fighting scene or something it's super fun the jooruto agenda lives on! and he's right! he IS still evolving!!! what a self aware king
don't worry, be happy - cute so so cute :^( so true to him we can always count on jooheon to deliver the duality from hype energy to don't worry, be happy and ending on a v sincere note
overall I really liked how he gave us heavy rap, a sprinkle of drill, honey vocals, jazz, a joo “ballad” & even some rock!!!!!
gonna head over and ask you your rankings bc I NEED to hear your thoughts!!!!!
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dapg-otmebytheballs · 5 months
ts/dnp guy here!! i loved the ep more than i was expecting too (specially cause i havent watched any sanders sides in a like a year khekdj) it was so funnn. what was ur favorite gift? also lets go new sweaters !! i super cant buy them but they looked pretty from the 1/3 of them we saw on camera kdgmsb
Yayy hi!
Yes, sanders sides has been a bit like that recently, yk? Haven't had a proper sides episode in a long while, and I'm sure lot of it is because of stuff Thomas was going through and maybe with the hair changes and all they would have had to reshoot a bunch of stuff that they already had ready. The past couple of asides episodes had also been kinda lacklustre. I was fine with that though, like, I understood that it takes time to bounce back so it's quite alright, wasn't expecting much from another asides.
But this was proper stuff, this was good character progression, plot developing, high tension, really interesting dynamics and foreshadowing and allusions to a bunch of stuff that has been building up (like Logan's shouting) which I enjoyed sooo much omg.
My favourite gift, cannot decide between Virgil's and Janus' (the dark sides are good at this I suppose). It was so 'seems like shit on the surface but actually tailored exactly to the recipients' likes. Patton having a fun time unwrapping box after box and arriving at what he loves best - a handmade card ❤️❤️❤️ Love that. What was yours?
And yes the new sweaters are very cute!!
Also if you feel like talking at length about sanders sides ever feel free to DM, but we can also talk over asks about any future or past sanders sides I haven't had a rewatch in so long!!
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moeatsushi · 1 year
got to ep 22
he sure is there!
before i dive in i wanna say that i really like the performances of the dub cast! specially ray chase. i think he's a perfect fit for karamatsu, during ep 22 he hit a really smooth line during the interview part and it was amazing, he's really good at conveying kara's extra campy vibe. another highlight performance is the mahjong skit, i totally recommend you all to watch that ep with the dub solely because of his performance. i wasn't so sure about michael sinterniklaas's jyushi at first but it grew on me as i watched other episodes before this one, it's a quirky take on his character! it doesn't have the batshit insane energy ono provides, but it's still neat and serves it's purpose. max mittelman makes a decent totty, i'm a little ehh on the cutesy tone he puts on, but that may be because i'm too used to irino's performance since it strangely sounds very natural from him. still, his voicing during the self-awareness skit was great and i really liked his voice during the ranting part.
anyways that aside. the real meat of whatever i'm spitting here. the skit. it's wild, and one of my favorites! a little too out of pocket in some parts, but i still like a lot of the interactions nonetheless. and i can't believe that's the first time we see atsushi he looks sooo weird HAHA his appearance barely changed at all throughout the years but i noticed they did change the tip of his bangs to slightly bend upwards (cute), his suit looks slightly looser (cute) and i think they gave him a little wider frame (cute). hooray for minor character design tweaks! his voice is fine. his english voice is slightly more snobby and irritating which honestly i prefer that over feeling nothing about it. kinda crazy he caused such a visceral reaction on people that they kept bringing him back over and over. this random guy that appears for like 10 seconds had me and the 2015 girlies on a vice grip it was crazy. it still is! he's like tinkerbell we're only keeping him on screen as long as we believe in him
i'm almost out of things to say so i have 1 question and 1 request 1. why did todomatsu say he was too handsome? (i know the reason but he could've phrased that in so many other ways. what was he cooking) 2. please ososan staff give him another suit bro has been wearing the same suit for 8 years
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I Just Finished Reading Pride and Prejudice for the First Time and the Numbers Just So Happen to be 7 and 7, So I’m Assigning Each Host Member As a Member of the Bennet Family
Mrs. Bennet: Tamaki - Ya’ll this woman is wild and is known for her silliness and rollercoaster of emotions and behavior. She is quite silly and even though the family all lowkey makes fun of her, they bend a LOT to her every whim and to appease her. So Tamaki… you are deemed the matron of the family. If you need more explanation, you can @me with this one.
Mr. Bennet: Kyoya - The man canNOT be bothered by the silliness of his wife, but still vaguely supports her and looks after her. And that’s how Kyoya is for Tamaki. He looks after him, and even when Tamaki gets on his nerves, they still look after each other. I know the whole “mommy and daddy” thing is reversed here (as Tamaki claims HE’S the daddy… ha), but Kyoya is NOT Mrs. Bennet. 
Jane: HONEY - OKAY LOOK HEAR ME OUT!!! When you see who I have as Lizzie, it’ll make sense. ALSO PLEASE DON’T @ ME FOR ANOTHER MANGA REFERENCE, THE ANIME NEEDS MORE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT FOR MORE CHARACTERS OKAY AND HONEY WAS JIPPED IN THAT DEPARTMENT! Anyways, in the anime and the manga, Honey is seen as cute and lovely, well liked by everyone, and he generally gives most people the benefit of the doubt and also likes most people (similar to Jane). He hides his own true feelings very closely though. SPOILERS - when he meets the girl he ends up with, he toys around with her a bit, and she almost gives up. LIKE JANE AND BINGLEY! Not really that Jane toys around with Bingely, just that he thinks she is impartial to him because she keeps her own true feelings and heart so well guarded.
Elizabeth: HARUHI - Am I pairing the two main heroines up, absolutely, but they FIT! They are both headstrong, forward thinkers, very practical, do not put up with assholes, HAVE BOTH BEEN HARASSED BY OLD WOMEN WHO THINK THEY KNOW BEST FOR THEIR GRANDSON/NEPHEW, are caretakers for their family, etc. Also, like how Lizzie and Jane are close, Haruhi and Honey seem to have a special understanding and they look out for each other. Haruhi sometimes confides in Honey what she can’t to the others. Also, even though she and Kyoya are not as close as Lizzie and her father, Haruhi and her actual father ARE very close, and Kyoya does have a special fondness for Haruhi, and he does look after her in his own way. It *works*.
Mary: Mori lmao - look, this girl is silent, prone to embarrassing herself and making philosophical proclamations - sometimes embarrassing herself BECAUSE of those proclamations (lmao think Mori in that Chika’s Down with Honey declaration or whatever the ep is called where Mori is sooo sure that Honey will throw the match… and then he doesnt XD), and she’s very, very smart just kind of… awkward. And ya’ll, I know we love our silent king Mori, but I bet he’s silent because whenever he opens his mouth, he’s awkward as fuck. I adore him, and I adore Mary. They’re just a couple of weirdos judging you from the corner.
Lydia: Hikaru - It just so happens that Lydia and Kitty are close in age and likeness, like Hikaru  and Kaoru being twins. But beyond that, Lydia is the more wild. She’s more taken by passion and outbursts, like Hikaru is with wanting all of Haruhi’s affections and not liking to share. They can both be charming, crave attention and to be seen apart from their siblings, and are major flirts. This all being said, Hikaru does go on through the trials and tribulations of ~character development~, while Lydia stays wild, but I think they both could share some crazy stories. 
Kitty: Kaoru - Kitty, as described at the end of the book (spoilers if you haven’t read Pride and Prejudice… it’s old though so…), she stays a lot with her older sisters and is able to become a bit more tamed. Like in the manga (yes, once again, please read it so we can all chat :( ), Kaoru spends some time away from Hikaru so that they can grow separately. Even in the Halloween episode, Haruhi states that Kaoru is kinder and a bit more gentle on his own versus Hikaru who only gets worse. Like with Kitty on her own, she is able to be guided to being more “sensible” ~ thus ~ Kaoru.
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juyomiao · 1 year
NAURRR I FORGOT TO SCREENSHOT THE NOTIFICATION💔 but tumblr was being saur cute sisbissnks it was like
juyomiao has posted
we noticed they're one if your favorites❤️
or smthn along the lines of that and ACK IT WAS SAUR CUTE PLS JSBKSNSKSKA-
anyways idk if u can answer the first one but it's still cool hshshshs
✩ do you have/ can you give some not-so-spoiler spoilers for o.o? (hahajahs u made me obsessed w this and im not complaining)
★ your mtl biased member in cravity? (just ur preferences, u may put reasoning if u want :] )
✩ fav/recommended tbz songs? (im really planning on stanning they seem fun ajajasjs)
★ *IF* w1 is really pursuing with the greek mythology shit, which god/goddess (there's a possibility) do you think bin is going to be? (and state ur reasons hshs)
omg tumblr being cute (unexpected)
☆ uhhhh idk how to give spoilers without spoiling everything so all i can say is what i alr said : its getting more angsty bc i like being cruel n ruining things 🤭 BUT dw it will have a happy ending and the funny elements of the fic r not going anywhere bc thats still the most important part to me
★ okay omg this is hard wait
disclaimer ofc i love all the members
minhee : he was my bias in x1 too so even when i didnt rlly stan cravity i still considered him my cravity bias lmao hes also the proof i have a 'type' when biasing idols bc . the minhee - younghoon - sunghoon trinity explains a lot abt it
serim : he was the reason i got more interested in cravity bc i was watching a cravity park episode n realized how fine he was so ,, yeah . kind of surprising bc he was one of the two members i didnt rlly know abt before stanning (i knew minhee hyeongjun wonjin n jungmo bc of produce n knew seongmin taeyoung n allen bc ppl talk abt them a lot) but im so insane abt him to the point something i said after seeing one of his pics became an inside joke in my friend group
seongmin : my bbg hes so cute n pretty n soft n i love his voice so much . n lately i've been wanting to eat him too .
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hyeongjun : ofc knew him bc of x1/pdx n already loved him back then but now even more . in the nicest way possible hes insane hes not normal but thats exactly why i love him
this is where it gets more complicated bc i cant rlly rank them ? like probably woobin n then jungmo wonjin n allen more or less on the same level ?? like even i would expect jungmo n wonjin to be higher but . heres a fun fact‼️i watched produce without subtitles ! so i remember little to nothing abt it n had no idea what was going on ⅔ of the time !! bc i used to watch it when they livestreamed it on youtube n then was too lazy to go look for the subbed ep ,, then i got more attached to minhee n hyeongjun bc they were in x1 obviously
that was so long im sorry but u cant give me a perfect opportunity to infodump abt my special interest / hyperfixation n . expect me not to do it
☆ OHHHH OKAY so idk what music u like more so this list might be a bit questionable bc i like everything even noise music . but i'll focus on b-sides !!
walkin in time , only one (obviously , the queen who inspired my fic title) , melting heart , l.o.u , text me back , daydream , espionage , shake you down , scar , salty , goodbye , checkmate , shine shine , insanity , prism , kiss me if you can , hush , kingdom come (i'll never get tired of saying it , tbz were robbed on that bitchass show FUCK MNET) drink it , out of control , nightmares , merry bad ending , hypnotized , russian roulette , one dance , sweet , c.o.d.e , survive the night , levitating , awake , savior
tbz's entire discography is honestly perfect have fun stanning them u wont regret it‼️‼️
★ honestly idk😭😭 when i was younger (n we r talking abt 5yo until 14yo so it was . a while) i was sooo obsessed with greek mythology but my brain just . wiped all that information away😭 so i genuinely dont know
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