#species geranium
jillraggett · 3 months
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Plant of the Day
Friday 2 February 2024
The tuberous perennial Pelargonium 'Ardens' (species geranium) originated in the Nineteenth Century as a hybrid between Pelargonium lobatum x Pelargonium fulgidum. It flowers in the spring and early summer on tall stems, after which it becomes semi-dormant, shedding its silvery-green leaves when minimal watering is required to prevent dehydration.
Jill Raggett
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photozoi · 11 months
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Living in the Woods. In the summer we keep a fire break around the house, and I mow with a push mower so as to make sure not to just mow indiscriminately. Native, fire resistant plants are allowed to remain.
We are fighting several invasive plant species right now, and so the mowing is extended to keep them at bay while we figure out how to destroy them without destroying the habitats they are attacking. Ivy, Archangel, Shining Geranium, the Bedamned Buttercups...they and their friends have no place here in our part of the PNW.
We are trying not to put any more poisons into the environment, but may have to utilize some as a last resort, and are working with the Watershed Council in our preservation efforts. You will see tarps in my photos occasionally, covering what otherwise looks to be beautiful woodland. They are there to try and deal with the Shining Geranium that has exploded in our county. Look carefully and you can see some tarping on the right in the bottom photo.
The two side by side photos above that show the slide the beaver are using to come and go from the creek. The Archangel is also highly visible. I have walked up the creek, past our place and up into the Forest and the Archangel is everywhere. Crowding out the native species. I could just cry.
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museqmeg · 2 months
A little (a very long) Vash & Meryl Trigun Stampede thought:
Let's talk about these two and how they view humanity and plantness. ("Plantness" is the plant equivalent of "humanity," right?)
Vash's plant reveal to the gang is meant to be shocking, but there's more to this moment than meets the eye. If you're a new member of the Trigun audience, Meryl is your avatar into the world of No Man's Land and who/what Vash is... but she is also so much more.
Meryl is a reflection of Vash's own humanity. Meryl is one living, breathing human who embodies all that he wants to protect. She is what Rem sacrificed her life for, but also selfishly in the best way, for himself - Vash truly loves humanity. Meryl is the humanity Vash aspires to be. Vash and Meryl are mirrors.
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One of my favorite ways that Vash and Meryl demonstrate their mirror imagery, is through their views and treatment of plants. They both show so much care, compassion, and consideration for a being that is seen as less and to serve humanity. Offering these rights to another living creature puts plants and humans on equal ground. Coexisting.
Orange did a wonderful job of parallel imagery to highlight this. Let's take a look, shall we?
They ask a plant for help. Only when things are truly dire do they request the assistance of a plant. For Vash, it's his sister on the sand steamer. For Meryl, it's Vash in JuLai.
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Something very small, but very important to me... In the English dub, they both say "please" when asking for help. It's clearly a choice given to each plant (sister or Vash), but their agency is kept.
(This particular parallel imagery makes me perish. Well done Orange.)
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When both Vash and Meryl ask, both are willingly and freely answered.
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When we see Vash connect with his sister, it's mysterious and otherworldly. However, when we see Meryl connect with Vash, it's so human and heartbreaking. The tension we feel as she desperately calls for him while he reaches out with his violet geraniums makes us feel the stark difference between plants and humans. The connection isn't so easy between the two species.
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Poor tiny, human Meryl is trying so hard here. She's literally up against an interdimensional being while giving everything she has. But it's her voice. Her humanity. It calls out to Vash's own. It's the connection that comes easy.
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"Follow your heart."
In this moment, humanity/Rem/Meryl is Vash's heart.
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And Vash is Meryl's heart.
Two human hearts.
Dare I say it was actually Roberto who saved Vash and humanity? Roberto knew. He knew that Vash and Meryl were two sides of the same coin. Roberto had them pegged. His gentle nudge was the courage Meryl needed to act on her heart, creating a domino effect for Vash's courage.
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It was always inside him. Vash is human. He is so very lucky to have two very strong tethers: Rem & Meryl.
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I very much interpret this moment as a handoff of Vash from Rem to Meryl. His anchors pulling him out of his brother's gate and plant state. Letting him be his true self.
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Compassion. Respect. Love. They're integral to one's self-worth. Meryl giving all of that to Vash and seeing him as her equal, as human... gave him back his own identity and autonomy.
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Two hearts.
Maybe all it took for a human and plant to connect and coexist was just a little heart. A little love & peace, if you will.
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coyotefang1987 · 1 year
Flower Symbolism in Trigun
Okay so I've been going insane in the last few hours since the new episode of Stampede and I needed to share my very incoherent thoughts.
So here we go: (please excuse my grammar, I'm typing this up in an absolute craze)
Please note, there are major spoilers here
[Plant in context to Trigun will be capitalized btw]
I want to start off by pointing out the whole idea with calling the creatures that Vash and Knives are as 'Plants' and 'seeds' in the first place--that in itself is so much. Not to mention Noman's Land is a desert plant with little to no flora at all.
The idea and symbolism of life and rebirth presented with the idea of plants. Like how flora are usually the first type of lifeform to come back post mass extinction events. How plants are primary producers in the food chain, how life couldn't be sustained without plants giving up oxygen, food, and converting the sunlight into energy/sugar. Despite being giant moth flower humanoid creatures, the Plants in Trigun are doing essentially the same thing. Except they aren't renewable and they might also be sentient.
In addition to that, in media, seeds are usually a representation of hope. And in this case, a seed pod carrying the hope of humanity. I've been likening it to dandelion seeds. I don't think our group of guys were the only space-fairing fleet that was sent out from Earth.
I don't know how much of this symbolism is intentional and how much of it is completely accidental, but boy howdy is it there and am I going to eat it up.
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First off, the most obvious one is geraniums. The flower is very much thrown into our faces. What does it mean?
Okay so there's like 400 types of geraniums out there, they're not like a specific species- and when people say 'geraniums' it usually also includes pelargoniums which are a different genus. But you're not here for me to monologue about flower classification-
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Well, operating under the assumption they're using the most common type of red geranium, which, funnily enough is not a geranium but rather a pelargonium. Pelargonium x hortorum. Commonly known as zonal geraniums or garden geraniums. I don’t know if I even need to expand on the idea that Vash and his story (and the Plants in general) are represented by geraniums. If the red coat wasn’t already a giveaway, I think the newest episode definitely makes it very clear. Well, first off I think it's interesting that they’re not ‘true geraniums’ (different genus, same family). Like how Vash and Knives look human but aren’t ‘true humans’.  
(Did you know geraniums can reproduce asexually via their roots by just…sprouting a new plant? It’s called clonality. Anyways yeah, I’m too lazy to expand on it but there it is. You can probably see the connection I'm trying to draw here)
Furthermore, let’s look a little bit into what geraniums represent. So according to the vast knowledge of the interwebs (I will put the links I used at the bottom.) geraniums are “attributed the powers of love, peace, healing, elegance and spirituality. They mostly have desirable symbolizing meanings, including fertility, health, joy, protection, frustrations passing away, and true friendship.” Red geraniums in particular are attributed to protection and ward against evil., spiritual beings and saints. “The geranium flower was a symbol of prosperity in Egypt, longevity in Japan, and immortality in China”. *Stares at Vash and Knives*. Gods…immortality…saints. Alright Nightow, I see you.
Look, I’m not done here. DURING THE VICTORIAN ERA geranium took on a slightly more negative meaning. Envy, deceit, folly, foolishness and stupidity. Although they were also seen “as ‘horticultural bourgeoisie’ and a sign of ‘crudeness and thoughtlessness of taste’. Geranium became a symbol of industrial mass culture.” This was probably unintentional (and if it is intentional, holy fuck.) but the idea that Earth in Trigun was destroyed by the folly of humans because if mass industrialization? Hello???? OKAY.
There’s just so much history with geraniums. I’m STILL not done. Let’s talk a little about geraniums and Christianity, yeah? You know, the thing that Trigun is chock full of symbolism of.
So first off, tradition. (I am not Christian, nor do I know much about Christianity, I just did some research on the topic so feel free to correct me.) I do believe there is a tradition to buy and gift red geranium on Good Friday? (I can’t find a very credible source about this, just some blog posts so idk) And the red is to represent the blood that Jesus sacrificed for the people. How he was beaten and bloodied because of his love for the people. How…he was given a purple cloak that turned dark with blood while he was mocked. 
Sound familiar?
Do we want to talk about Vash’s red coat turning black in the latest episode? Or maybe how traditionally dying Plants are red and healthy ones are blue? But Vash keeps himself covered in red?
Now, here’s an interesting fact. Did you know, wild geraniums look very different from the ones people like to commonly grow in their gardens? This is the spotted cranesbill (Geranium maculatum), the most common wild geranium. Look, maybe I’m stretching it here, but cultivated Plants vs independent Plants, anybody?
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Anywho, not the point I was trying to make. Did you know another common wild geranium is called the Saint Robert’s Geranium? Robert’s? While no one really knows who the ‘Saint Robert’ the flower is named after, it has a very fun symbolism. Check this. The seed pod of this flower supposedly looks like the beak of a stork, which had people believe that they could help a couple who wish for children with fertility when used as an amulet and placed under the bed. cough Ep 11 pregnancy scene cough. Apparently, medicinally they’re also used to staunch blood flow from wounds. Despite that, in certain regions, it was seen as an ill-omen plant associated with death because snakes would often hide in its leaves. Snakes? Like…in Adam and Eve? Like as in temptation? As in Knives and Vash?
Okay last bit on geraniums. Just a little on the colors. In episode 11 of Stampede we see the giant plant root monster thing blooming flowers. I have assumed that they are black geraniums, aka Geranium Phaeum 
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aka mourning widows. Of course, I could be wildly wrong but the meaning of this is fun so hear me out. While there doesn’t seem to be a direct meaning for black geraniums, we can clearly draw some conclusions on the common name for this flower. Like seriously, mourning widow? They’re also known as dusky cranesbill and black widow. Obviously associated with death (and grief?) and apparently maybe marriage??? Doesn’t help that geraniums can be considered a traditional bridal flower too. I think they’re also associated with melancholy. Anyways, on the other hand, blue blooms usually symbolize calm and peace while purple blooms symbolize royalty, accomplishments and admiration. 
So in context to the blooms we see at the end of ep 11, grieving for the loss of someone (Rem, his memories), rising to his Plant roots (haha get it?) and being ‘at peace’. 
So I remember reading somewhere that he’s named after a singer or band or something but– His name is so close to dogwood that I could not pass it up.
Dogwood is a blooming tree that seems to have a representation in Christianity. There’s a legend about the tree and Easter. So apparently, the cross that Jesus was crucified on was made from Dogwood, because of such it was cursed and blessed. Cursed to be small so it can’t be used to make another cross but blessed to bloom beautiful flowers at Easter time.
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The flowers of the Dogwood trees always bloom with four petals, like a cross, the center like a crown of thorns. Each tip of the petal is indented like it's been pierced with a nail and discolored like it was stained with blood. So goes the story. 
I think it's interesting that Wolfwood’s name is so likened to this flower/plant and I don’t believe this is unintentional. LIke it’s right there. Cursed by the Eye of Michael to grow too fast, blessed to be strong and hard to kill. Is/bears the cross that brings Vash to Knives in the end. 
Lilies (and other Flowers)
So, I personally think the plants look a lot like lilies. And lilies are commonly attributed to the virgin Mary. They typically represent purity, innocence and rebirth. They are often gifted at mourning flowers as well and are one of the most popular flowers at funerals.
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Either that or the blue-eyed Mary flower, which has less meaning attributed to it other than its name.
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Anyways, that's all my thoughts for today. Thank you for reading all the way down here if you make it hehe
If people find more flower symbolism or have thoughts please let me know, I want to hear them!!!<3
Geranium history and meaning: https://www.pansymaiden.com/flowers/meaning/geranium/
Geranium and Christianity: http://www.whispersofhismovement.com/2012/04/05/geraniums/
Mourning Widows: https://gardenersapprentice.com/gardeningtips/mourning-widow/
Dogwood story: https://www.plantmegreen.com/blogs/news/easter-and-the-legend-of-the-dogwood-tree#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20story%2C%20it,cursed%20and%20blessed%20the%20tree.
Lily meaning: https://www.townandcountrymag.com/style/home-decor/a39982524/lily-flower-meaning/
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flowerishness · 11 months
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Geranium macrorrhizum (var: 'Ingwersen's Variety') and Geranium phaeum (mourning widow)
Two species of perennial geraniums host two species of local bumblebees. Different actors - same script.
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writing-fanics · 1 year
Hello there! I'm not used to making these, but I have a Vash x female plant reader request if it's not too much trouble, and should you ever have the time.
So, the female reader is also a plant, but she can purify water and grow vegetation, at the cost of her own energy. She has the tentacle things Knives does, but they are soft and not meant for attacks or defense.
She lives in a small paradise in the desert, one she has slowly grown and cultivated over the years, filling it with lush vegetation and flowing pure waters. Several people have moved there, and they ask a lot of her daily, but she just wants to help people, so she doesn't really mind, so long as visitors and people looking to live there don't cause trouble or harm.
I'd love to see Vash discovering this little paradise in the desert, meeting female plant readers, realizing she's a plant and seeing how she interacts with her precious humans, and maybe even protecting her from some cruel raiders who seek to capture her and use her abilities for their own selfish gain?
She's not very good at attacking or defending herself, unfortunately, as she lacks the biological combat-related advantages Vash and Knives possess, but she's sweet and soft-spoken and is immediately fond of Vash.
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Vash the Stampede x Fem!Reader
desert flower in paradise
Many people of the planet Gunsmoke, have heard of the little patch of paradise somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the desert. A place where vegetation is flourishing and bountiful. Flowers as far as the eye could see and trees that reached the sky. Small creeks and rivers flowed through the small oasis their waters so crystal clear, that you could see the bottom.
Many have tried and searched for the small paradise and failed. Or the few that went off to find such paradise. Never returned, being so enchanted by how such life could flourish without the help of a plant. they chose to stay among the few people who’ve settled.
Legend also speaks of a beautiful young lady, and some think of her as a goddess. Life blossomed where ever she walked wild flowers and grass blossomed, where ever she stepped. Patches of dead grass regained its bright color whenever she walked nearby.
[Y/n], an independent, had created this patch of paradise. What was once a small patch of grass and flourished and cultivated into a small community. She created allowing humans to move in whenever they wished, and only turning away the ones. Who she saw might cause harm or trouble. Two of the many things not allowed in the paradise.
“Ms. Y/n!” She turned towards the person calling out her name. She smiled, looking at the human before her he ran towards the woman.
“I’m sorry, but I need you miss. My crops they’re sick.” The farmer said, and she nodded smiling wanting to help. The farmer smiled, as he lead her towards his house.
She frowned, seeing the sick crops her heart ached for the plants. Closing her eyes and focusing her energy on the plants. A tentacle appeared on her back and it lunged towards the plants. Plunging itself into the dirt and pulsating, vines wrapped around her arm as she focused her energy on the plants.
Sweat ran down the side of her forehead, as she whispered faster as the plants regained their color. The tentacle disappeared and the vines as well, she fell to her knees bags forming underneath her eyes.
Catching her breath she smiled turning towards the farmer, “There, your crops are nice and health and will bring you and this community bountiful amounts of food.” He smiled, thanking her for her help and she grinned.
She loved helping the humans, and making sure they had everything they needed. She loved them with all her heart and would do anything for them.
[Y/n] closed her eyes, as she laid in a field filled with a plethora of different types of flowers, both species and colors. She laid in the very middle surrounded by red geraniums. Relaxing in the serene and peaceful environment she created for both her people and herself.
Despite herself being different her people loved her for what she’s done for them, giving them a second chance at life somewhere new and peaceful.
She hummed to herself; she remembered faintly a woman with black hair and brown eyes and everything else a blur. “Ms. Y/n,” Carlos said, panting running over towards on the stone path to avoid ruining the flowers.
She sat up immediately and turned her head towards him, “We have some visitors.” He said, and she smiled softly. “Bring them in.” She said, and Carlos but his lip.
“One of them is the Humanoid Typhoon,” he said, and she looked at him she’s heard of the humanoid typhoon. but has also heard how he’ tries to save people in harms way.
“bring them in, I want to give our guests the upmost hospitality.” she said, and he nodded and ran back towards the entrance.
a few moments passed, and the guest entered her private guardian. a woman with bluish black hair looked around in awe, a priest holding a big cross stared at it in awe. Everyone was in awe; the blonde couldn’t help but stare though at [Y/n]. Who stood on a small hill surrounded by red geranium, he could’ve sworn he saw Rem.
“Welcome, my name is Y/n, and where you are is a paradise that I’ve created for both humans and myself.” She said, smiling, everyone stared at her in awe. She was definitely beautiful for sure.
“Hungry?” She asked, looking at them. Fruits and Vegetables, popped out from the ground and she smiled at her guest. “Go ahead,” she said, and watched as the woman picked up one of the fruit taking a bite.
Her eyes lit up the fruit tasted different, almost sweet like candy but slightly bitter. “The fruit and vegetables here are none to be ver desirable amongst planet gunsmoke” she said, and crossed eyes with the blonde and smiled at him.
something about him was different, he looked human but didn’t feel it she sensed that in him somehow and he sensed it too in her. “Now, I’ll be showing you to your rooms. You’re welcomed to leave whenever you like. I’ll let you rest up before giving you the tour.” She said, and they followed her stuffing their faces with fruits and vegetables.
“This place is amazing!” Meryl said, in awe. [Y/n] smiled hearing this turning towards her, “Thank you,” she said, and took notice of Vash’s gun.
“But, we do have a rule here two actually. UnecessaryViolence and the causing of trouble is absolutely prohibited.” She said, and turned towards Vash.
“You have the right to bear arms, but on the condition of only using it if absolutely necessary.” She said, looking at both Wolfwood and Vash.
“Have, you had any trouble with raiders or bandits in the past?” Vash asked, and she looked at him.
“No, but have had our fair share of angry people being turned away.” She said, looking at him. “So, not many people own or have any weapons. Not seeing the point since our community is so secluded.” She said, continuing to lead them down the hallway towards their rooms.
“Sorry, if the rooms small and not to your liking.” She said, and Vash turned towards her shaking his head. “It’s perfect.” He said, and she smiled.
“I’ll come back later to give you guys the tour.” She said, before leaving them to themselves. She felt Vash’s eyes on her as she walked back down the hallway.
[ after tour ]
[Y/n], had showed them around the small community. Leaving them completely awestruck by how beautiful this place was, and after having their bellys filled. Her guest went back to their rooms to rest, and to leave in the morning.
Vash, had seen how kind and caring she was towards her people. From the moment that he laid eyes on her knee she was special. She wasn’t human, and maybe an independent like him.
She smiled, every second as she helped her community. Despite how much energy it drained from her each time she used her powers.
He watched, as the bags formed under her eyes as she struggled to walk and to focus on the task. Her people didn’t realize how much they were asking of her and depending on the task, the more energy it took from her. She doesn’t mind only wanting to help but it was an endless cycle. She’d rest for the rest of the day, and then do it all the next day.
She knelt down towards the dying flower, and closed her eyes focusing her energy. vash watched, as her skin glowed revealing her plant lines. She looked angelic as she healed the plant.
They placed their hands together, staring into each other’s eyes as their hand glowed. Revealing their plant selfs to each other, slowly intertwining their fingers. “I’ve never met another independent before,” she said, looking into his blue eyes, “I’ve never met another independent who shares the same morals as me.” He said, and she giggled in response looking up at him.
She didn’t know why her heart was pounding against her chest. Staring into his eyes made her feel some type of warmth she’d never felt before. She felt safe around him more safe than she ever felt in her small community.
Despite having only know each other for a short amount of time. A fondness for each other has blossomed between them. and now that fondness had developed into a bond, they leaned their foreheads against each other and chuckled. taking in the peaceful moment between the two, as they intertwined their fingers once again. their noses pressing against each other.
suddenly, screams were heard from outside causing them to pull away from each other. Vash immediately told her to get behind him which she obliged. Raiders barged in and saw the humanoid typhoon, and the girl that they were looking for standing behind him.
“well well well, seems todays my lucky day. i get the humanoid typhoon and the desert flower.” the raiders boss said, smiling holding his gun. [y/n] covered her ears hearing the screams and cries of her people, and of the plants being burned by the chaos that the raiders were causing.
Vash, stood in front of her protectively not letting the raiders get any close to her. “You are not having her.” Vash said, glaring at the raiders boss. Who laughed pointing his gun at the humanoid typhoon. She looked terrified looking between both, Vash and the raiders boss.
“We’ll see about that.” He said, firing gun. Vash raised, his gun and shot the bullets down with ease. [Y/n] gasped, looking up at him and smiled. Immediately, he commanded his entire crew to start shooting causing Vash to pick her up, bridal style and carry her away from harm. Dodging each and every single bullet shot at them.
Her eyes widened in horror, seeing trees being burned as well buildings. She nuzzled her head into Vash’s chest. After seeing charred remains, tears rolled down her cheeks as he carried her away to safety.
All this was because raiders were after her, wanting to use her for selfish reasons. To use her as a means to make their own lives easier and not the lives of others. They only cared for themselves and wanted to use her powers of making vegetation to do so.
After the raiders were defeated and left, the entire community gathered up those who sadly perished. Such unneeded violence she couldn’t help but not feel guilty, she underestimated the secludedness of the paradise. But now after that she made sure that some where keeping watch late at night.
Vash and [Y/n], smiled as they looked at each other. She handed him a sack full of food, herbs for healing, and other things. Telling them that they’re welcomed back anytime and for Vash to visit whenever he can which obviously he said yes too, and before he left. He planted a quick kiss on the side of her lips.
[a/n: I wrote the ending while slowly falling asleep I’ll go back and fix it later but I hope you enjoyed]
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ms-nesbit · 6 months
the crow
jason todd x reader
rating: 18+ (read at your own risk)
warnings: rape, sexual abuse, marital abuse, noncon, emotional abuse, explicit violence
summary: Jason Todd and y/n despise each other. Love? An unreachable destination. Not at first, at least.
note: this was my ex's name. this was what he did to me when we were together. im tired of being silent about it.
Dim in the distance, the headlight on Jason's motorcycle bounced from the puddles on the ground, illuminating a path for the vigilante to follow.
Not that he'd follow it - Jason often resisted orders and ignored pre-planned paths, typically resulting in his own demise; not with y/n, though.
It wasn't love at first sight, nor did y/n explain it that way: they despised each other, passion of vitriol permeating their relationship into a wildfire that spread into other areas of their lives.
So much so that their peers would comment on the supposed hatred. "Jesus, just kiss already." Tim muttered through clenched teeth.
Jason spat his remaining orange juice at him, apologizing to Alfred for the cacophony at the dinner table before insulting his younger brother. "The fuck , Timmy? Seriously?! I don't- I-I don't have any goddamn-"
"Yeah, you do." Dick chimed matter-of-factly. "Babs and Steph have an ongoing bet to see who would make the first move."
Jason's face reddened. "Are you joking ?" he looked at the pair of brothers, who simply nodded whilst consuming their breakfast. Even Alfred made a polite affirmative noise in his throat as he poured Dick a cup of coffee. "I mean, I guess she's kinda nice and all, but she's so stubborn, and it's so fucking-"
" Endearing?" Tim and Dick both answered.
Jason shook his head. "Frustrating!"
"So, lemme get this straight," Tim reclined in his seat, rubbing his patella. " you are upset at someone for being stubborn . You ?" He awaited Jason's confirmation, and replied, "So then it's a match made in heaven."
"Wh-wh-WHAT?! Are you deaf and stupid?" Jason pushed himself out from the seat, leaving the dining room as an erupting volcano, his loud ash and magma polluting Wayne Manor.
Yet the thought refused to shake from Jason's mind. They stirred in his head, every time y/n grinned or the streetlights shone on her face, and it clicked - he loves her.
Visual images of her appeared spontaneously as Jason completed otherwise mundane chores; while tossing his dirty, malodorous clothes into the washing machine (no matter how many times Alfred offered to handle the task, Jason insisted he be the one to handle it, given his fascination with a properly working device), Jason recalled a moment when y/n smirked at him after she out-squatted him; as he was grocery shopping (an exaggeration, obviously, as Jason conducted his routine shopping for protein bars and high-protein snacks at the corner convenience store), he passed the aisle of reasonably fresh flowers, the aroma of geranium sneaking her way to Jason as a reminder of y/n.
He was as hopeless as a runt in a pack of puppies, doomed from the beginning. He contemplated switching gyms altogether, in fear of confronting y/n and seeming too blatantly into her, but was acquainted with the rigid (and expensive) cancellation policy.
When they brushed shoulders at the gym the following week, Jason behaved standoffish, more aloof than hardheaded, and if y/n wasn't busy assembling her rack on the squat bar, she would have caught on (especially when Jason formed a lump in his throat when he spotted y/n on the bench press).
Sheepishly, Jason attempted to insult her authentically, but came across as frigid. Y/n quirked a brow and laughed. “Really, Jay? Strong women scare you that much?”
But they never did. From infancy, Jason was fascinated by powerful women, an unfortunately scarce species (due largely by the patriarchy, according to him). He wondered why he hadn’t felt this way sooner about y/n, and made a note to kick himself for it later.
When y/n wasn’t looking, Jason spent too long staring at her; in fact, even when she could notice, his stare would linger, and she’d comment on it.
As she was leaving, Jason insisted on accompanying her, something she sniffed as suspicious. "You never offered it before, Todd."
“Well, I heard the crime is getting worse,” Jason summed under his breath, irritation stiffening his tone, “plus you can only bench 120. Not brag worthy.”
She spared his life with a flat blink, pursing her lips to prevent even the most miniscule of insult to leave in a sharpened knife. They walked together in silence, until they approached y/n’s vehicle, a…police interceptor. Retired, Jason surmised, by the absence of bars dividing the pigs from civilians. He sucked on his teeth as he observed the vehicle burning into his eyes.
Y/n held up her water bottle in her hand, remaining liquid sloshing in it. “My ex told me to buy it. One of… many poor decisions I made.” she sighed at the statement, rolling her eyes lazily as she fumbled with her lanyard holding her keys. “Don’t get me wrong, I love the attention and fear when I’m driving, and it is a V8, but since it was used for chases, I have loose bullet holes under the chassis, and the transmission is starting to stutter when I’m shifting.” She said it without hesitation. Jason really was in love.
“Why do you still have it then?” his hands were fists in his pockets.
Y/n shrugged, finagling with the janky manual lock. “The thrill of it.”
“And the ex, he uh…” Jason tried to play it cool, “was he okay?”
The door unlocked with a hard click, and y/n cracked the driver’s side door. “Why do you wanna know?”
“Sorry if I’m overstepping boundaries, I just don’t think anybody willing to pressure their partner into supporting the police in any way is exactly a green flag.”
Y/n nodded, the streetlight illuminating her face enough for Jason to see a hint of a grin. “I’ll unlock the passenger side if you want.” She turned to face him, but didn’t quite look in his eyes.
Maybe he was another monster in the night to her. “S-sure.” Jason stammered, before pacing in front of the car to the passenger side, tossing his gym bag in the backseat before he sat down.
Y/n locked the doors. “He was okay.” she started, hands gripping the frayed vinyl of the steering wheel. “I mean, he was…he sucked.” Jason could hear in her voice more than he could see of her face.
“Was he just a douchebag?”
Y/n shook her head, hair following it. “He was so nice in the beginning, y’know? I mean, they always are.” They always are . Jason knew where it was headed, and his forehead thumped with frustration. “Buying me things, texting me these long things in the morning and evenings, as if he didn’t have a job.
Jason bit down on his bottom lip, drawing blood. It still failed to stifle his anger. “ But? ”
“He was like the sun. So many people around us were applauding him, telling him and me how good he was doing, how lucky I was, all that. My best friends started to see his texts change, and how I would sleep less. At first, y’know, they thought it was because I was just so in love-” y/n’s voice started to break. Jason’s heart did upon hearing it. “-but they found the texts. Love-bombing, they said it was. He was setting me up, gassing me, and then just throwing me down to the ground when I wasn’t compliant.” She shut her eyes and let her head fall to the steering wheel, impact broken by her hands. Jason’s fist clenched in his hoodie pocket. “He then told me to choose: them or him.” Still resting her head against the back of her hands, she turned to face Jason, exposing her teary eyes. “Wanna guess who I chose?”
Jason was sarcastic, expecting a different answer than the affirmation he received. His blood boiled as y/n spoke, fuming in the passenger seat of her interceptor. “Yeah. But he threatened to kill himself if I didn’t comply. I thought it would be my fault. I made myself just…believe that I didn’t deserve those friends, anyway, and that they were just jealous of our relationship.”
A grunt left Jason’s throat. Y/n dismissed it. “I just…he was like the sun. All of the people in his life, revolving around him, praised his devotion and love, and he wanted me to orbit him, too.
“But I got too close to him, and I got burned.” she hunched over her steering wheel, letting out hollow, agonizing breaths. Jason froze, hesitating to touch her in fear of scaring her, hurting her.
“Where did he hurt you?” his brows furrowed, practically kissing.
Y/n shook her head, sniffling and wiping the corners of her eyes away. She refused to allow herself to lose composure over him, and was breaking the promise that night, in front of the man she previously thought was more a frenemy than friend. “I thought that because we were engaged, it was okay. Because we were married, it was okay. I should be thankful.”
She was lost in her head, leaving Jason to frantically attempt to complete the puzzle. “He beat you? You married him? What happened, y/n?”
The car was off, engine as cold as the brisk dusk air, but the heat within the interior was thick and tense. “I said no, Jason. I tried to push him off, and he just-just held me down.” Crimson flooded Jason’s ears, heartbeat loud with turbulence. “I’m sorry.”
Why was she so sorry? The apology broke the threshold, Jason cursing loud enough for y/n to hear. She was trembling. Scared. In the year they’ve known each other, glaring teeth at one another, he hadn’t seen her so terrified, and hadn’t scratched the surface of her past. And as if she read his expression, as obnoxiously obvious as it was, “That’s why I lift weights.” y/n sharply inhaled through her nose, quietly tapping on her olive polyester legging-covered thigh. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to dump this on you.”
She was vulnerable, naked, and Jason was ashamed to walk in on her in such a state. “Is he in prison?” his fingers crossed, hoping her answer was simply Hell .
“No, he lives just outside of city limits. Couldn’t get a restraining order because his record is so clean.”
Jason screwed his eyes shut, utilizing the grounding tool Dick taught him in his tenure as Robin. “May I give you a hug?” The words were forced, jagged in delivery. But y/n managed a nod, and as soon as Jason registered the affirmation, he pulled her close to his chest, as much as the center console dividing them would allow, and guided her breathing to something steady, rhythmic.
After that night, y/n and Jason were inseparable, the friendship blooming beautifully. They accompanied each other during their respective workout sessions, throwing each other shady comments and snide jokes, but leaving the personas in the locker room as they attended dinner together shortly after.
Y/n loved…loose-fitting cotton pants; her closet was filled with oddly folded clothing, some buried in the back for formal events she’d eventually excuse herself out of attending; her left cheek had a dimple, something Jason failed to identify until he made her laugh one night. They were all idiosyncrasies y/n allowed him to explore, deepening their relationship past anything he previously experienced. The admiration he felt bubbled, rather than simmered (as he hoped), and it flourished into an agape infatuation, y/n’s life and entire being a novel he couldn’t (nor wanted to) complete.
His attitude improved at home, initiating constructive team-building activities, much to his family’s surprise.
“You…wait, you want to try the simulation?” Dick repeated back to Jason, who nodded with a benign smile.
“Sure.” his nose scrunched as he spoke, and if it wasn’t for the context provided, he would have considered that perhaps Jason was under the giggle gas that intoxicated thousands of Gothamites years prior.
By accident, Jason overwelcomed his stay at y/n’s apartment, falling asleep on the couch after a lengthy conversation about loafs. Y/n tiptoed to the closet, gingerly opening the sliding door to pull out a spare blanket, and lying it over Jason’s tall and muscular frame. She watched as his chest rose and fell, inspiring a desire for her head to be resting on it, the curiosity causing a whiplash that distracted her from the initial knock on her door.
The next group of knocks drew her attention away from the sudden discovery of romantic feelings she had for Jason, something she noted to explore later.
Distracted, she unlocked the door, opening it before checking the peephole.
There stood a disgruntled, soulless man, staring darkly at y/n. Her heart fell, and she instantly found fault in her negligence of safety. She was too vulnerable, it seemed, and it costed y/n her solace.
“Cheating.” he spat at her.
Y/n shook her head wildly, whispering timidly, “N-no, Matt, you don’t understand-”
“It seems very telling just exactly what transpired here.” he responded curtly, wasting no time in his conviction. He looked up at her with rage in his eyes and wrath in his spirit. He followed it with the words, “Nobody will ever have you like I did.”
Then, a bang.
One that was so familiar, Jason jolted from his sleep, torso snapping from the bed as his head failed to catch up with his heart. He stood on his feet, rushing over to…
Y/n’s body. Lifeless, frozen. A coldness in her eyes, as nothing was behind them. They were glossed over.
For the first time since his betrayal by the Joker, Jason screamed for help.
He didn’t tell her he loved her. Not once did he mention nor hint at it, and the thought of it made him feel dirty, and his stomach twisted in pain. He repudiated the gym, canceling over the phone and threatening the manager when reminded of the hefty cancellation fee.
Dick found his gym bag collecting dust in the back of the laundry room, hiding in a corner, punished for its association with y/n. It was the bag he wore to y/n’s flat that night, and Jason was quick to rid himself of the thought of it, sure that her blood spilled on it. After inspection, Dick was unable to find a trace of it, and instead deduced that Jason was flooded with grief, so much that the vigilante was beginning to hallucinate out of fear.
“We have to talk to him, Bruce.” Dick cornered his adoptive father in the Batcave, arms crossed. “He doesn’t drive his motorcycle, hasn’t left the house in a week, I-I’ve never seen him like this.”
Rather than engaging actively, Bruce remained in his seat before the bright screens, supervising his own search for Gotham’s antagonist. He didn’t even blink, let alone flinch, when replying flatly, “Dick, we all process grief differently. Don’t you remember-”
“What the hell are you even doing, Bruce?” Dick snapped, gripping the head cushion of Bruce’s seat and yanking it, pulling the seat further from the computer. He swiveled the seat and approached Bruce with heavy eyes, hands gripping the arm rests to prevent Bruce from fleeing. “This isn’t about you, and it isn’t about me. Your son saw his loved one get killed , and you’re not even showing a glimpse of sympathy for him? The hell is wrong with you?”
Bruce’s jaw clenched. “Dick, it is best not to interfere with the personal matters of others. You know more than anyone-”
“ Fuck that!” Dick pushed Bruce’s seat back into the computer, the back cushion hitting the keyboard with a thud. “You got yourself involved when my parents died, and had no problem moving on from Jason when he died. Now that he’s back, you not only dismiss what he went through, but you refuse to learn from your mistakes? You’re a fucking coward.” The insults reverberated through the cave, but Dick didn’t care, almost wanting the rest of the family to hear his response. “Your son needs your help. If you won’t do it, don’t you dare get pissed if he leaves town and goes on another rampage.”
Huffing, Dick marched off from the computer, headed toward the hidden staircase leading to the mansion. Behind him, he heard Bruce’s firm voice. “I know what I did. I learned from his death, mourned him, just as much as you did. Don’t you accuse me of anything.”
Without hesitation, Dick responded through his teeth, “You’re heartless.” and left the cave, slamming the door behind him.
Upstairs was quiet, air thick with tension as Tim’s eyes darted between a fuming Dick, and his college homework. He finally laid his pencil down on the table. “Do you need anything from me? I dunno how I can help, but I can try.”
Back against the grandfather clock, Dick buried his head in his hands. He breathed for a moment, collecting himself, before responding to Tim’s offer. “Have you seen Jay at all? Heard from him?” Tim shook his head, muttering a negation. “I haven’t, either. Try to see if Cass or Steph have heard from him. Assume he’s on suicide watch. I’ll contact Luke and Babs to see if he’s still in Gotham.” Dick began to walk away, unlocking his phone to dial Barbara’s number.
“What do you think Todd’s gonna do?”
Dick shrugged. "That time a bully beat you up, Jason got even by kidnapping the guy. I dunno what he might do now."
Rain pattered against the car window, washing away as the vehicle zipped through Gotham streets. Inside, Jason gripped the steering wheel with his life, with all control he could possibly have, and bit his bottom lip underneath his red hood. As unsure as he was, Jason brushed it aside with his insatiable urge for vengeance. Beside him, a ghost, a spirit he wished was real, and instead was an apparition conjured by his forlorn heart.
In the seat, his thoughts were loud, so loud he could hear them in his ears, and only then did he realize he was actually speaking. “My fault.” he overheard. “My fault.” he repeated, again and again, until the sting from the words hurt him as much as an actual bullet.
His phone rang in his pocket. He ignored it, and debated silencing it; Jason removed a hand from the steering wheel only to unlatch the glove compartment and shove his phone in it.
Struggling to maintain his stoic impression, Jason forgot he was wearing a mask, and allowed himself to exhale, before the tears followed, rushing down his cheeks to escape the suffocation they shared with him. His lip trembled, body riddled with a revolting concoction of emotions.
Following behind him was Cassandra, in an unmarked rental vehicle. Her phone was faced forward on her dash, to capture all evidence of Jason’s whereabouts, and she maintained a reasonable distance, dimming her headlights to draw attention away from herself. Eventually, at a traffic light right out of downtown, Cass lowered her window and secured a mobile tracking device below the passenger taillight. She grinned to herself cockily, applauding her ability to outsmart her big little brother (again).
“Thanks, Orphan. It seems like my fears were right - Jason’s headed toward Matt’s place.” Dick stated into Cass’ ear through the group communication line. “Red Robin, you’re my ears, what’s going on?”
“Looks like it.” Tim said, voice blinking from the wind atop the building where he perched. “Oracle, you got the geolocation for Matt, and backup in case something happens?”
“Affirmative.” Barbara replied.
Jason heard none of it, as his earpiece was left on his nightstand in his room, but felt eyes on him. He quickly made a detour, weaving through traffic and cutting through alleys until he was satisfied.
“He’s on to us. Batwing-”
 “At the building.” Luke replied abruptly, clothed back against the dilapidated brick of the townhouse. “Suspect is inside, having… relations.”
“Are you fucking serious ?” Tim spat into the comm line. “He fucking killed someone, and he still felt good enough in his conscience to sleep around? Dick, are you sure we’re doing Red Hood a favor by-”
“Yes, we are.” Dick interrupted. “Batwing, is Batwoman with you?”
Luke shook his head. “Nope.”
“Oracle, do you have eyes on Batwoman’s whereabouts?”
Barbara typed into her computer, before finally replying, “Negative. Tracker and microphone are offline.”
“Shit.” Dick sighed into the comm line. He was afraid of what it might entail, Kate’s disappearance, as she showed obvious support for Jason’s decision when brought to her attention earlier that evening. “Does anybody know where Batwoman is?”
Having shaken Cass from his trail earlier, Jason raced to the subdivision, fueled by anger. According to his GPS, he was only a quarter mile away, so he pulled into a street parking spot and shut off his engine. “I only have this chance.” he said to himself, setting up his pistols and placing one in his holster, and another under his pants belt. “This is it.”
Meanwhile, at the townhouse, Luke stood with crossed arms, awaiting the homicidal intruder. “Batwing, Orphan lost eyes on Hood, and Oracle informed us his car’s been parked on the 1100 block of Commonwealth. Any visual?”
“None.” Luke replied. “Just the same as-”
And the comm line disintegrated into static, all members reacting with the shrill sound of it in their earpiece.
Leaving his vehicle, Jason ensured to close the door slowly, entering into a brisk walk through the open backyards of the cookie cutter residential duplexes. He kept his head hung, in case of security cameras.
“Just you and me.” he muttered under his breath as he approached the address, matching a grainy photo of a brick-walled building with a tall wooden fence. He heard a faint sound of a beating heart, oddly drawn to it. Jason hopped the fence, bringing a hand to his knife before he stopped at the sight of Luke along the side of the townhouse. Grayson , Jason thought to himself.
Before he could back away into a secure hiding area, Luke snapped his head toward the faint footsteps Jason made, and called to him in a forced whisper. “Jason! What are you doing, man?”
“Stay out of this.” Jason snapped back.
“You should know better. There’s a warrant out for him. Let the goddamn system do its job.”
“Are you fucking naive?” Jason darted toward Luke, tricking him by sliding between his legs and using his weight to force Batwing onto the ground. Jason then knocked a rock onto Luke’s head, deeming him unconscious.
Jason waited for a sign of consciousness before standing on his feet again, mumbling angrily under his breath, “Justice system? Here? If there was one, I’d have stayed dead.”
As he approached the side door, he heard commotion, and one that triggered his gag reaction. He worked at the lock with a pick before gaining entry, gingerly opening the door before entering slowly. The noises were louder, mangled, obscene and desperate. Jason snarled under the mask, becoming a beast more than man.
He followed the sound, interested more in the crescendo of the heartbeat than the filthy noises that disgusted him, until he reached a bedroom with an open door. He slipped in, drawing a gun from his holster. “You. Out, now .” Jason sneered at the woman, throwing a piece of clothing to her as she scattered out of the room with a shriek.
The man, also unclothed, sat up on the bed, hands raised. “Jesus Christ, what the hell is your problem, man?”
“Matt, is it?” Jason cocked his gun, pointing it at the man.
He nodded. “Yeah, why?” his eyes were wide in fear.
“Remember y/n y/l/n?”
He blinked at Jason. Then, his face relaxed into a cheshire cat grin. “Ah. You’re her new boytoy she was cheating on me with. Jared? Justin?”
“Justice.” Jason answered, stepping forward and using his other hand to suckerpunch Matt on the nose. “She told me what you did.” He was growling now, feral instinct consuming his rational mind. He grappled the man; after pinning Matt down to the bed, Jason shot Matt’s right bicep, then left, rendering him useless. “You want this? Hmm? You want me to penetrate you again?”
Matt screamed in agony, blood oozing from his bullet wounds onto the dirty, disheveled mattress sheets. “No. No! Stop, please!”
Jason only cackled loudly, throwing his head back. He pressed more of his weight onto Matt before replacing his pistol into his holster and withdrawing his knife, scraping the sloppy skin of Matt’s abdomen open, inch by inch, deeper every time Matt let out the faintest of noise.
“Oooh. You feel so good. So tight.” At the last word, Jason twisted the knife in Matt’s abdomen, pressing it in deeper into his body. Spurts of blood splattered onto Jason’s costume, while the rest gushed from the blood wound onto the now-painted sheets below them. The smell of copper filled the air, and it only drove Jason’s cogence further away. “I’m gonna fuck you all night.”
Abruptly removing the knife from the gash, Jason dragged it against Matt’s now-mangled torso, stopping at his heart. He let out a low, deep groan. “What’s this? All this for me?”
“Please. Please have mercy. Please.” Matt was pathetic in his whines, heart pounding, and Jason found himself smiling sadistically through his hood.
He tsked Matt, mocking the pleas. “ Oooh ! Oooh, please !” Jason laughed. “I thought you didn’t understand the meaning of the word no.” Jason removed his hood from the base near his chin, bringing it over his head to stare Matt directly into his fear-stricken eyes. “Do you want me to feel the beating of your heart, Dear? Really?”
Jason watched Matt devolve into a bumbling mess, spurts of blood spilling from his mouth as he choked a faint plea. “N-no. N-no, no.” he repeated the word as if it were all he knew, and in that moment, it was.
“Oh.” Jason lifted his knife in faux contemplation. He brushed his hand through his skunk-patterned hair. “I’m really sorry, you’re gonna have to forgive me for this one, Matty, I completely forgot…” he leaned in to Matt’s ear, whispering, “Like you, I don’t believe when someone says no.” And without hesitation, Jason’s right hand holding the knife lifted higher, before lunging the blade into Matt’s chest, before repeating his action once, then twice, and again, and again.
And again.
He heard Matt took his final breath minutes ago, but the vigilante wasn’t satisfied, still hungry for vengeance. He stabbed and scraped until there was an untidy hole in Matt’s chest, skin flung through the air in the room from Jason’s reckless act. Ink of blood scattered across the room, now decorating the wall into a morbid, murderous mess. It wasn’t until Jason felt the scratch of a mattress spring did he stop, and sat back on his knees, still crouched over the dead man in a heaving mess.
The thumping of his heart ceased, and Jason could finally sleep in peace. Y/n could finally rest, free of shame, guilt, and worry.
Yet he felt no different. His eyes began to water, and quickly stood from the corpse, pacing out of the room and erupting into a cry with his bloody blade still in hand.
Running into the room, Dick examined the scene, pulling Jason into an embrace.
“What did you do?” he asked, apprehension in his voice.
“She’s not coming back, Dick.” Jason sobbed into Dick’s shoulder now, falling apart, “Y/n, she’s not coming back.”
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ruthbancroftgarden · 1 month
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Pelargonium echinatum
Pelargonium is a large genus in the Geranium Family, and many of the plants commonly grown as "geraniums" are actually pelargoniums. They are very abundant in southern Africa, occurring in both summer-rainfall and winter-rainfall areas. Pelargonium echinatum is one of the winter-rainfall species, coming from Namaqualand in the dry northwestern corner of South Africa. Its leaves, with scalloped edges and grayish undersides, hide the spiny stems during the winter growing season, and it flowers profusely toward the end of winter. The flowers are initially white with crimson spots, but they change to pale pink and then deeper pink as they age. Once dry conditions set in in late spring or early summer, it will stop flowering and shed its leaves, and at this time its spiny stems are on full display until the next rainy season.
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autumnslance · 7 months
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 19: Weal
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Vrtra looked at his golems, seeming for all the world like two brothers of differing ages sleeping on paired chaise lounges. The elder form was a boon for aiding his friends in combat in places it would be detrimental to show his true self, but for the day’s work, he still preferred the younger form, keeping the combat golem preserved for when it was truly needed.
And so Varshahn opened his eyes and sat up, not even sparing a glance at his greater self as the wyrm curled up, apparently napping, but Vrtra’s remaining eye watched all through his vessel.
The standard round of early morning meetings with ministers was done for the day; that he had taken to doing in his true form, though any individual meetings not done immediately after were better handled by Varshahn. Sometimes, appearing to them as a Raen youth was less intimidating, and they were more willing to honestly speak their minds, particularly when they disagreed with him.
Regrettable and frustrating, but he understood. His true self was rather intimidating to mortals, particularly when the conversations grew heated. Having his ministers’ opposing ideas and counterpoints were too valuable to fret over it.
But today there were no urgent meetings or ruffled feathers to soothe, and so he stepped out into the muggy late morning air and took in a deep breath, the scents of flowers—species of jasmine, geranium, and orchids tended by the gardeners—meeting his artificial nose.
What wonders in themselves, and what a wonder that this form could enjoy them in this way, and up close!
He greeted members of the Radiant Host, and was hailed in return, as he made his way from Meghaduta and into the city. At the hamsa farms, he inquired with the various keepers about the animals’ health, their feed supplies, prices for market and also for foreign trade, spending a good hour inquiring about the birds.
Once satisfied, he ambled over to the silks district. Ruveydah Fibers may have been one of the largest businesses, but it was not the only one, and Varshahn spent two hours speaking to a conglomerate of smaller businesses, sipping amra lassi to put them at ease, and discussing the uptick in trade now that the Final Days were behind them. They celebrated the good fortune of one of their number, who had recently made a lucrative deal with East Aldenard, joking that their comrade would soon be invited to sit with the larger companies.
Varshahn smiled to see how they laughed together, genuinely pleased for their fellow, the tensions of those dark days lifted and now experiencing pleasure in their successes as they rebuilt.
He meandered past the airship port, but had no need to check with the skymaster today, though watching the bustle of activity, of a ship preparing to leave while another arrived, carrying foreign visitors and returning locals, made him hum with joy as he passed through Alzadaal’s Peace.
He paused at his old friend’s memorial, as he often did, leaving a flower and a prayer, the list of names on his lips ever longer, all the past sons and daughters of Alzadaal still sharp pains of loss to his dragon heart. “Our nation thrives,” he whispered to their memories. “The darkness has passed; our people are safe. Thank you, my dear friends, and pray watch over us as we continue to enjoy this gift of life we have been given.”
By yet more dear friends, who even now aided him in his own personal matters—it was turning into a much larger and more dangerous endeavor than expected, but he had hope, finally, where before he had none, and so had only focused on his children and their prosperity.
The fruits of his centuries of labor blossomed around him, a hum of color and light and sweet scents and happy sounds, only requiring nudging here and there to remain on a steady course. And freeing him to pursue his heart’s desire, finally.
As he ambled toward the aetheryte plaza, he was distracted by the sounds of children, shrieking and laughing. He stopped as he always did to watch them. A mixture of Hyur, Auri, and Arkasodara children played a chaotic kickball game of some kind, the participants young enough that the rules constantly shifted and points were arbitrary, each little victory in itself a won game.
One Raen boy kicked hard and the ball went wide. Varshahn leaped to the side and caught it, grinning as the children cheered. Some paused, recognizing him and staring wide-eyed, but one young Hyur girl came running over, her brown hair falling out of her braids.
“Good catch!”
“Thank you,” he said, offering her the ball.
“Do you want to play, too?” she asked, not yet taking it.
“Tuli, that’s the satrap!” One of the Arkasodara children hissed.
“So? He’s played with us before!”
“Indeed, though it has been some time,” Varshahn said. “But since I have no other pressing business today…” he dropped the ball and kicked it into the fray, the children shouting in joy and chasing after.
Which team he was on seemed to shift at their whims, and they were delighted to find him jokingly bemoaning still being the slowest runner in this form—with some confidently saying the alchemists could fix that, leading to a rousing discussion of some things he was certain were not plausible even for alchemy, but he wouldn’t put it past Nidhana and her peers to consider or even attempt if they heard the children’s ideas.
Varshahn was not blind to the difficulties and darker spots of his island, that not all experienced prosperity, or happiness, nor even wished well for others, their pain and selfishness causing strife. Struggle was an inevitable part of life—even he had his share. But the faith and determination of his people despite their troubles filled his ancient heart, reminding him why he continued on this path.
So he played with the children, watching and listening, and learning about them, the future caretakers of his beloved Radz-at-Han, to help and guide them as needed, dreaming of the ways they would continue to work together to keep their home a happy one.
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vurrart · 1 year
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o' prince of the stars, o' master of herbs
watch over me as i tread through life and form my path
ave stolas!
fun fact! every species in this piece is native to where i live
plants: common harebell, wild geranium, winterberry
animals: northern cardinal, american robin
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lichenaday · 1 year
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Blastenia herbidella (syn. Caloplaca herbidella)
Geranium firedot lichen
Taxonomy is hard, OK? We have debates about taxonomy in my lab group on our key studies species, so it does not surprise me that lichens that get way less attention like B. herbidella have 2 names that haven't been resolved yet. This crustose lichen has a pale gray or yellowish-white thallus covered in gray, cylindrical or coral-like isidia. It has orange or red-orange apothecia with an incised or rounded, raised margin. Just as the name is unsettled, the distribution of B. herbidella is debatable as this and a lot of its cohorts are difficult to tell apart. It might be a strictly Mediterranean-European species, or a more evenly distributed species throughout Europe, or even northern hemispheric, but more study and surveys are needed. It grows on bark near the basal trunks of trees and shrubs, seeming to prefer older trees in unpolluted areas.
images: source | source
info: source | source | source
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jillraggett · 3 months
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Plant of the Day
Saturday 3 February 2024
The distinctive Pelargonium gibbosum (gouty geranium, knotted geranium, arthritic pelargonium) has long stems with swollen leaf nodes and somewhat fleshy, grey-green leaves. The yellow-green flowers of the tender, mound-forming subshrub are night scented.
Jill Raggett
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photozoi · 1 year
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Three days of sunlight down at the barn.
If you look closely you will see what looks like tarps on the ground... and you would be right. We have invasive species trying to enter our woods, and we are taking steps to eradicate them. The tarps are to kill off the shining geranium, which is beautiful, but not native to our woods and quite harmful to our native species. We are working with our local Watershed Council to return the woods to prime wildlife habitat.
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bonefall · 1 year
So uh I saw a post about ShadowClan have like mushroom related names and out of curiosity I decided to look up what kind of mushrooms can be found in England and like.
List of clan affixes that I think are made possible because of mushrooms found in England: Prince, Pavement, Medusa, Macro, Scaly, Inky, Blushing, Stainer, Spring, Fieldcap, Peel, Snake/skin, Grisette, Death/cap, Amanita, Agaric, Panther/cap, Blusher, Destroying, Angel, Funnel, Jelly, Smoky, Bracket, Bolete, Ascot, Hat, Ruby, Scarletina, Satan, Slippery, Jack, Sepia, Penny, Bun, Summer, Polypore, Bulgar, George, Amethyst, Winter, Dryad, Saddle, Shaggy, Parasol, Trooping, Aniseed, Miller, Inkcap, Club, Webcap, Alfred, Cake, Dapperling, Beef/steak, Velvet, Funeral, Bell, Rust/gill, Cinnamon, Pie, Elfin, Terracotta, Lion (if it's like an au where the cats don't know about lions tigers and leapords), Mane, Parrot, Wax/cap, Jubilee, Hood, Sulphur, Fibre/cap, Widow, Curry, Milk/cap, Fenugreek, Blewit, Dome/cap, Pestle, Mosaic, Fairy, Champignon, Morel, Porcelain, Egg/head, Mottle/gill, Dyers, Maze/gill, Stink/horn, Oyster, Shield, Goblet, Liberty/cap, Butter/cap, Russula, Charcoal, Geranium, Brittle/gill, Earth/ball, Cauliflower, Turkey, Knight, Custard, Truffle, Rose/gill
Would the cats have that many names for all of these species of mushrooms so that all of these names can work? Probably not. Are all of these mushrooms capable of being found in the same general area that the Clans live in? Probably not. But do we really care? Especially when you can have names like Beefsteakpaw or Georgestar?
Honestly I LOVE the idea of breaking up Mush/shroom into a prefix and a suffix, and I've considered using -cap as a suffix. I also have actually used Morel, Button, and Truffle for OCs (Plus Reishi, which I've found growing where I live so I allowed it for a FanClan set locally)
Personally I just filter out plants/fungi that have human names and stories attached to them, because I LOVE warriors-ifying stuff like that. Queen Anne's Lace, for example? I'd adapt the story into being about the first Warrior to discover weaving. They who worked their pads to cracks, leaving a little drop of blood in the center of the flower.
So there wouldn't be a Queenpaw or an Annepaw, but the plant would be called Snowheart's Lace and any cat named Lacepaw would know the story by heart.
Plus, I just have a softness for ShadowClan. I'd love for them to have all these amazing stories for their apprentices. I wonder what they'd think of Rusty, if he joined ShadowClan? They could have named him Rustpaw after rustgill mushrooms! It could have been taken as a good sign.
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museqmeg · 1 year
Reporter’s Notes - Chapter Fourteen: Geranium
A vashmeryl fic
Vash walked over to the picnic, doing his best to get himself acclimated to the merriment before him. If there was one thing he learned in his sesquicentennial life, it was that anyone’s existence truly only amounted to present moments. The mortality and loss of all of the humans he loved before him reminded him of that. If these were going to be the last, truly happy hours he had with Meryl, he was going to make sure he made the most of it. For her. He knew she was going to be angry and upset with what he planned to say, and he deserved every bit of it of her disappointment and hurt that she would no doubt direct at him. He owed her whatever happiness he had left and was allowed to give.
She locked eyes with him, waving him over to come sit with her. Her face aplomb in delight that was no doubt caused by the geodome. Vash made a note to burn that image of her into his memory. He thought how happy it would make Rem to see a human that lived and existed because of her sacrifice, appreciate this little bit of Project SEEDS that thrived and grew. It wasn’t lost on Vash how much Meryl was the embodiment of Rem’s legacy, her hopes and dreams for humanity.
He sat down next to her, nudging his shoulder against hers as they both listened to Brad go over some of the latest developments with the trees. Meryl beamed up at Vash, eyes sparkling in excitement over those details and he smiled softly back to her.
“…Over time, and taking care not to overload any of the geoplants, we can slowly introduce newer species of flora into the dome,” Brad explained as he sat stretched out, one arm propping his body up as he gestured around himself, “But the good news being that, the more flora we have, the less we have to rely on those plants.”
Meryl nodded and eagerly asked, “There are more flora than what’s in this room?!” Her eyes got bigger and Vash chuckled, knowing that the next bit of information Brad shared would send her in a frenzy.
“Well… yeah. There’s thousands of species. What you see here in this geodome is a subset of flora that can survive in a more temperate climate. There are different flora that can live in hotter or colder environments than this. Hell, there are even species that live underwater.” He smiled at her, before giving a look to Vash to convey how much he enjoyed that he befriended someone that not only acknowledged their hard work, but also appreciated it. Vash smiled back, reminding himself to tell Brad how much she admired his prosthesis work too.
Meryl wiggled in delight next to Vash, making his smile widen. “Seriously? I’d love to see that.” She sighed, trying to imagine underwater flora and how different it would look to the living things around her.
Brad cocked his head, frowning slightly, “I don’t know if we’ll get that far in your lifetime, but I can show you some pictures in our species catalog later.”
Vash’s chest tightened, realizing he might live to see it, while Meryl would be long gone. It wasn’t fair. She deserved it far more than he did… He quickly snapped himself from the thought, he needed to be happy and positive for her right now. He would have all the time in the world to wallow later.
Meryl nodded to Brad, completely unaware of the internal battle Vash qualmed in a micro moment while seated next to her, “I’d like that very much!” Her gaze shifted over Brad’s shoulder, waving, “Roberto! Brad’s going to show us underwater flora!”
“Underwater what, now?” Her mentor asked as he came over to the group and grunted as he plopped himself down next to Brad.
“Underwater flora!” Meryl answered, her brows coming together at Roberto’s lack of interest.
“Ehh… it’s all the same to me, newbie.” He said, crossing his legs and pulling out his flask.”
She frowned at him, then noticed Wolfwood and Luida coming up behind Roberto, containers in tow.
“Is that lunch?” She asked, standing up to go over and help unload. Vash watched, a slight pang going through him at the loss of her body heat next to him. ‘How many little touches were left? No… stop. Just enjoy what you have now and remember all you had before, you’re being selfish and greedy.’ He didn’t realize how hard this was going to be…
“Yeah, shortie,” Wolfwood answered, standing over her and Luida as they unpacked and served everyone, “You all came running in here and left me and grandma here to haul everything.”
Luida gave him an unamused look as Brad laughed alongside her, “If you should be calling anyone old here, it’s this big baby pouting right in front of me.” He cast a hand at Vash who looked caught off guard. He had let his emotions physically manifest on his face and it wasn’t missed by Roberto and Wolfwood. Roberto gave him a quick, knowing look, but Wolfwood looked confused. As if he was trying to figure out why his needle-noggined charge had any reason to look like that in a place like this. Wolfwood’ s eyes followed the track of Vash’s teal orbs to Meryl, who was still passing around food. ‘What had changed between them for him to look like that?’
Wolfwood needed a cigarette, but instead reached into his pocket for one his lollipops before pupping in his mouth. He grabbed another one, noticing the older reporter’s tense shoulder in front of him as he faced Vash. He squatted down as he said, “Here gramps, since we can’t smoke in the damned spaceship.”
Roberto took it and placed it in his mouth, crunching it down rather than let it dissolve on his tongue over time. Wolfwood shook his head, sitting next to him.
They ate lunch, their conversations casual and light. Meryl was by Vash’s side again as they ate. He sat there, eating and relishing in her company, doing his best to ingrain the sound of her laughter and voice as she interacted with everyone.
When they finished eating and their dishes were put away, she grabbed Vash’s hand. Meryl stood, giving it a little tug as she said, “Come on, Luida said you could tell me about those flowers over there.” She pointed to the violet blue geraniums a ways off.
Vash smiled, still holding her hand. As he stood, he caught Roberto’s glance and gave him a small nod. He would make good on his word to her mentor. It looked like now was the time to do so.
Meryl led Vash to the patch of flowers, kneeling down to admire them. He crouched alongside her, but was admiring her instead. Meryl spoke, “Luida told me you had requested these when you were young,” her hand reached out to touch one lightly with her forefinger, “Why?”
Vash watched her small hands on the delicate flower and something locked in place in his head, a puzzle piece of sorts. He answered, “My mother, Rem, used to plant this type of flower. They’re called geraniums.”
Meryl turned to him, her eyes imploring, “You never told me her name before.”
Vash shrugged, “It can be hard to talk about her, even after all these years.”
Meryl nodded, understanding, “Was violet her favorite color?”
Vash held his breath looking at Meryl’s hair and eyes as he said, “No, it was red. Geraniums come in a variety of colors, but the geoplant generated this shade.To be honest, I was a little disappointed when they bloomed into their violet blue. But now…” His right hand reached out, plucking a geranium, “I really like their color.” He lightly placed the geranium that matched her hair and eyes by her ear, smiling.
“V-Vash!” Meryl was blushing and alarmed at the gesture. He just took that little flower! And the gesture! That was so bold of him to do out in public!
“Ahem…” Came a soft voice. Meryl whipped around, Luida was standing behind them.
Vash also blushed, a little ashamed at being caught in the act of taking one of Luida’s precious specimens. “S-sorry Luida!” His palms up in front of his chest.
She just looked at him slightly annoyed with her hands on her hands on her hips. Luida sighed, “Brad is looking for you. He said he still has some work to do on your arm and to head back to your room while he gathers his tools.”
Vash stood and nodded to Luida before turning to Meryl, “See you in a bit?”
She nodded back, cheeks still rosy as Luida said, “Meryl, would you like me to show you how we take care of the flora?”
“Y-yes!” She answered, watching Vash walk away and leave the geodome.
Vash walked on the gravel path of the geodome, heading for the exit. He was a coward. He had the opportunity to talk to Meryl about what Roberto was absolutely correct in requesting and he crumbled. He was just delaying the inevitable. He scuffed his boots angrily into the gravel as he walked, stones skittering.
“Whoa now, blondie. Don’t take it out on the rocks.” Wolfwood said as he joined him on the path.
Vash’s head snapped to him, “What do you want?”
“Geez… snippy today, aren’t we? And after we had that beautiful picnic? Did shortie not put out or something?” His tone was light and jeering, but no real malice lay there. He wanted to disarm Vash, get him out of whatever funk he was in. It was just a little joke.
Vash’s hand came out quick and hard, fisting Wolfwood’s blazer and shirt as he said, “Don’t talk about her like that.” His voice low and slow, eyes piercing, but sad.
The look on Vash’s face told Wolfwood what he needed to know, along with his reaction. Growing up in an orphanage, he would pick up when someone was truly pissed, upset, or downright broken. Vash was the latter and there was clearly something going on between him and the little reporter. “Hey, easy. I was just teasing. No need to get so wound up. I know she’s too sweet for anything like that.”
Something flickered in Vash’s eyes before he let go and walked on.
Wolfwood came into step with him as he asked, “It is shortie though, yeah? I saw the way gramps has been around you since we got here. I also didn’t forget how you tried to brush me off on the steamer about them, specifically her, not having anything special.”
Vash looked at him, brows furrowed.
Wolfwood shrugged, “Answer enough.” He put his hands in his pockets as he said, “I’m guessing gramps told you to back off, yeah?”
Vash stared ahead as he walked, “Not in those words, but yes.”
Wolfwood blinked, a little shocked at what Vash admitted by answering his question. They passed Roberto dozing under a tree. The Undertaker asked, “So you’re gonna do the right thing and let her go, yeah?”
Vash only nodded and hummed. His throat was tight at the thought and he didn’t trust himself to use any words.
“Got it,” Wolfwood said, “You know… right before Livio…” he paused, not wanting to say ‘killed himself’, “I had resigned myself to being the one to end him. That is, until you convinced me with your bullshit to try and save him.”
Vash kept walking, the crunch of the gravel under their feet the only sound as Wolfwood continued, “You and Meryl though, would both try to save each other… and I can’t think of a scenario where that ends with her still alive.”
Vash stopped breathing, hearing Wolfwood say that with formed words caused a wave of guilt and sorrow to immobilize him. Wolfwood was right. It had happened to Vash before, with Rem.
“If I had been smarter, and acted earlier… Livio wouldn’t be dead. He was my brother and I failed to try and save him until it was too late,” he sighed, continuing, “You have a golden opportunity here… you can save her now by letting her go.”
Vash blinked, a tear escaping his eye from moisture he didn’t know was welling.
“Aww shit… you really are a big baby, needle nog-“
“I’ll do it,” Vash interrrupted, “I’ll let her go.” He steeled himself, he couldn’t cry. It was his own fault to begin with. He didn’t deserve any tears. He walked on, exiting the geodome with Wolfwood.
Brad finished working on Vash’s arm in his room. Wolfwood was a standing, a silent sentinel during that time. He wanted to keep an eye on Vash after their heavy discussion about Meryl and there was something else that needed to be discussed… Knives.
Wolfwood wasn’t surprised to hear that he wanted to save his brother and everyone. Vash was greedy that way. Not wanting anyone to die. Wolfwood had been in the Eye of Michael long enough to know that trying to convince and save Knives was a tall order. He let Vash know as much. Brad’s words were on par with what Wolfwood had seen from Vash in their time together. He could be so easy to read but still didn’t make it any easier to believe that someone as long-lived as he was could be so naive.
That sat in brief silence when that conversation dissolved before Luida came through the door, limping.
Panic and fear seized Vash as he looked around the geodome before Luida directed them to the projected images on the dome. There she was, being taken away by Zazie. He knew where they were taking her, his brother clearly getting impatient with his slow arrival to July.
Vash turned and briskly walked back to the exit, passing the geraniums he and Meryl had looked at earlier when his eyes spotted the one he picked for her on ground, its violet a stark contrast to the green of the grass. He scooped it up quickly as he walked, Wolfwood hot on his heels, as he opened the inner breast pocket of his coat to pull out her notes he took from her journal. He kept up his fast pace, opening the piece of paper, to place the geranium inside. He folded and pressed it flat before putting them both back in his breast pocket.
Brad was waiting for them as Vash and Wolfwood came to the exit, “We have the rover ready and the thomas trailer loaded.”
Vash nodded, face set in determination.
“We can get you most of the way there quickly, but that depends on the rover’s battery capacity. After that you two will need to ride the thomases the rest of the way into July.”
“Wha-?” Wolfwood started, but Vash interrupted.
“You paid attention during Meryl’s riding lesson, right?” He asked, teal eyes meeting his brown as they jogged.
“Yeah… but-“ Wolfwood’s face furrowed.
“Good. Then just remember to follow with your hips and hang on,” He gaze pierced into Wolfwood.
The Undertaker nodded, saying, “Got it.” He’d make it work.
Brad drove with urgency, but the ride in the rover felt too slow for Vash. Each passing minute was torture. It was too much time. Time not knowing what was happening to Meryl and Roberto. He needed to get on the thomas, simply for something to do but sit there in the rover. His mind was taking him to dark places that would do neither reporter any good. He spent the entire rover ride internally battling with himself to keep it together. He needed to focus.
The battery gave out on the rover and it slowed, Vash jumping out before it stopped to unload the trailer. Brad and his family had the thomases tacked up before loading them. Vash pulled a thomas out, bringing it to Wolfwood and helped him mount. He handed Wolfwood the reins to his one available hand, the other holding the Punisher as he said, “Remember, fluid hips.” He gave Wolfwood’s thomas a smack on its haunches, sending it into a two beat gallop.
“Goddammit blondie!” Wolfwood yelled.
Vash took out his thomas, trotting alongside it while mounting in motion, his legs squeezing it into a gallop as he pulled out his headphones and tuned his radio to the July station, hoping to learn any information he could that would help them save Meryl and Roberto.
He easily caught up and passed Wolfwood, gritting his teeth as he saw the lights of July on the horizon. He waited too long and it was all his fault. He missed his golden opportunity and now they were in danger. He had to save them. It was all his fault…
I know I said there would be one fluffy chapter left, but… at least there was one small moment before we get into the tragedy that is Trigun?
That little moment was inspired by @redundantz ‘s art
Guys, we’re on the angst train now…
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flowerishness · 9 months
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Geranium robertianum (herb-Robert)
The stems and foliage of this geranium turn red at the end of the flowering season. As you can see, there's only a few of its small flowers left and the seed pods have that typical 'cranesbill' appearance that many species of geranium share. This plant is not native to Western North America but it's an inoffensive little thing with nice pink flowers, and it's welcome to grow in a little corner of our back garden.
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