#spoilers episode 106
jivderz · 11 months
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David :)
(Haha what episode 106??? Idk what you’re talking about, nothing even happened /s)
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
This is such a rollercoaster of an episode. We've got The Vast going full "in space, no one can hear you scream", then we get both official confirmation that John is asexual and that Martin has it bad for him, but then we have Elias first revealing the horrifying extent of his powers. Poor Melanie...
Yeah so many reveals each one shadowed by the next until we have no idea what to focus on xD
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arsenicinfinity · 5 days
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I’m looking forward to the next episode look at them doing Damu things also Yuhi if you think three is too much oh boy he’s not ready for the army (I’m hopeful will happen as it would be funny and adorable) thats being built up
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immortal-tale · 2 years
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lost-in-frog-land · 2 years
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Episode 209 sure was a thing!
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chaos-lioness · 1 year
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOF Percy. I can’t believe its scanlan??? I mean it makes sense!! It’s very very cool!!! but also two in a row’s gotta hurt.
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srslybusiness · 2 years
OK Some thoughts bc I just finished ep 171 and I feel like ep 33, 106, and 171 might be related to each other? 171 feels like another different perspective of 33 just like that scene in 106. This ended up being long so I apologize in advance but my brain is Full right now 🤡
My first gut feeling is that 171 Cecil is talking to 106 and 33 Cecil. Like maybe not directly and more to...question-narrating??? I’m not sure yet about the... being he’s talking about here bc at first I thought like “third the size? like a child?” but then the description goes on and it became less human and I’m not sure? Though to keep in mind Cecil is an unreliable narrative and this might not mean literally
EP 171 Do you still see the flickering creature climbing up your back? Is the little hand reaching up again? Do you notice it wears black rings? Are those talons? And what is it opening its mouth to say? Do you see how it rises up behind you? How long is its torso? Is it some kind of snake but with human skin? Why does it have so many teeth? How long can a tongue be? What is it doing? Why is it crying? Is it a child? What unholy monster cries like a child? What does it want? Why won’t it stop?
The last part esp makes me think about how 33 Cecil getting more and more scared by the flickering he sees? It makes me think if this scene in 33 happened at the same time as 106. The figure 33 Cecil sees is actually 106 Cecil. In that scene 33 Cecil is recapping his first internship day but I don’t think it’s clear whether he’s still in the radio station or at home? Or if these 2 perspectives happening at 2 different location depending whose POV we’re listening to.
Ep 33 Hello? Hello? I am Cecil. Cecil Gershwin Palmer. And you cannot scare me. You cannot. You cannot!
EP 106 So I just sent my new intern to go pick up some lunch...
...He didn't say yes, nor did he ever seem to see or hear me. But he did look really frightened and ran from the room crying... ...Dresses kind of weird though, so early 80s with his double-windsor striped tie, polyester coat, and aviator goggles, just like we all wore back in the day.
NOW all above are just incoherent speculations (33 Cecil that 106 Cecil sees wearing 80s fashion seems in line with the 1983 reality split) but I can’t help but think they’re relevant to each other. The scene below though is literally the same scene from a different perspectives.
Ep 33 Leonard said if I work hard, maybe I’ll be a radio presenter myself some day. Leonard said he once was smaller too...
...That flickering movement is everywhere now. Especially looking in this mirror. I see the flickering movement and I know. I know it.
I think the radio station is fun. I think the radio station is hidden. I think the radio station is like a dark planet, lit by no sun. I think, therefore I soon won’t be.
I’m looking in a mirror. The mirror is not covered. The flickering movement is just behind me. I-
[He screams. There is gurgling. A body falls to the floor. Tape hiss continues. The tape shuts off. End teenage voice]
Ep 106 I found him in the restroom. The door was cracked slightly, and the light was on. I heard a voice. A familiar, young voice.
"Leonard said if I work hard, maybe I’ll be a radio presenter myself some day" said the voice.
I was so frightened, but still I looked into the washroom. He was standing in front of a mirror, looking right at himself. I never look into those things. Or at least I haven't in a long long time.
"I think the radio station is fun," he said. "I think the radio station is hidden. I think the radio station is like a dark planet, lit by no sun. I think, therefore I soon won’t be," he said.
I wanted to cry out to warn him. My mother told me to stay away from mirrors. And I knew he was in danger. I opened my mouth and tried to step into the room, but I could not speak, could not move forward.
"I’m looking in a mirror," he said.
"The mirror is not covered," he said.
"Stop. Don't look into the mirror," I tried to say. But nothing came out of my mouth, only spit and inaudible wheeze. Tears stung my eyes. I waved frantically, trying to catch his attention.
"The flickering movement is just behind me," he said. And then he looked right at me in the mirror. His eyes grew wide and wet. He said "I-.
He said again "I-" and then he choked. Then he screamed. Then I screamed, only again no sound came out. He fell to the floor, and for a moment I remembered. I remembered blue lights and blood in my throat and a dark planet lit by no sun. And then I forgot it, or at least what it looked like, only that it was. Or never was. Or still is.
The way 33 Cecil say “The flickering movement is just behind me” AND 106 Cecil giving more context with “And then he looked right at me in the mirror. His eyes grew wide and wet.” Makes me think of 2 possibilities: 1) It’s 106 Cecil he sees in the background which possible but there’s also possibility 2) That the flickering is 171 Cecil. And 33 Cecil looking at 106 Cecil is by chance. Another possibility is the flickering is a whole different being or it can both be 171 and 106 Cecil depending on the where 33 Cecil sees it.
Ep 106 ...My familiar teenage intern was no longer lying on the ground. The mirror he was looking into is now shattered into thousands of intersecting cracks like parched desert dirt. I approached the mirror, hoping to see a face I knew. A young man's face I just barely remember. But I only saw a multiplicity of me, a man divided, unrecognizably, under razor sharp lines. And behind me a glowing slash in the bathroom wall.
When I turned, the hole in reality was gone, only plain gray subway tiles.
Ep 171 Are you willing to break something? Are you willing to break the mirror, yes, but so much more? Are you willing to go to a place from which you cannot return? Are you willing to learn things you cannot unlearn?
Do you have a hammer? Or if not, can you find something heavy that you can lift? Will you smash the mirror? Will you do it quickly? Why are you hesitating?
Have you let your comfortability lapse into carelessness? Why did you take your eyes off the creature on your neck? Did you see the blood or feel the pain first? Is it tearing into your flesh? Is that why you’re screaming? Can you still break the mirror? Are you losing consciousness? Are you? Are you? Are you?
Now I think the relation of 106 and 171 especially is strong in the later part of above scene; after 33 Cecil was (most likely) strangled. While the first half it seems like 171 Cecil is taunting? or just possibly narrating and questioning 33 Cecil.
“Have you let your comfortability lapse into carelessness?” Feels like 171 Cecil questioning 33 Cecil for looking at the mirror esp after the countless of time he’s asking the “you” in this story if they remember their(his) mother and her warning (tale?) about mirrors. And referencing Ep 106, we know that the mirror is broken but it’s not clear which one of them broke it. We only know that it shattered.
“Are you willing to go to a place from which you cannot return? Are you willing to learn things you cannot unlearn?“ Is also interesting considering 106 Cecil saw a hole in reality for a moment on the bathroom wall. Did one of them jumped through realities via the mirror? Cecil’s mother said that his death will involved mirror, is it this one? Did one of the Cecils killed a version of himself?
Ep 171 If you look into the mirror you just smashed do you see that the creature is gone?
Cool, right?
Could the creature he talk about here himself (33 Cecil)? Or the flickering creature that could possibly a whole different thing?
But isn’t it strange that all about you on the floor are shards of the mirror you shattered, yet in front of you, the mirror remains, fully intact?
Strange? Or scary?
Wouldn’t you think that the mirror being simultaneously broken and unbroken is strange, while the fact that you have no reflection is scary?
Is that true though? Do you have a reflection? Do you see yourself? On the floor of the mirror’s world? Is your body crumpled on the floor like a wet towel? Is your lower jaw hanging open because you died screaming, or because of gravity?
And this last part seems like he’s narrating 106 Cecil who’s looking at the broken mirror glass. Which then seems like fixed when the hole in reality disappear? “Do you have a reflection? Do you see yourself? On the floor of the mirror’s world?“ This seems to be directly calling this scene back too “ I approached the mirror, hoping to see a face I knew. A young man's face I just barely remember. But I only saw a multiplicity of me, a man divided, unrecognizably, under razor sharp lines.“
And of course there’s also the whole the body of his younger self (33 Cecil) is no longer there thing.
This last feels also like, 171 Cecil is referencing 33 Adult Cecil’s action after he finished listening to the tape
Ep 171 Now what? Will you cover the mirrors and sweep the floor and pretend it never happened? Will this prevent it from happening again? Are awareness and manifestation one and the same?
Ep 33 I’ll just double check that the mirror in the station bathroom is covered as usual and then that will be that. Done. Forgotten.
I guess TL;DR in my head it goes like this?? Mirrors are often depicted as a door to a different world/reality in stories so why the heck not right
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ANYWAY hope this is coherent enough I’m honestly just the “I’m connecting the two dots” meme right now 🥴
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thecosmiccrow · 1 month
character textpost again
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i legit spent 2 hours taking screenshots of this episode. i have 106 which, admittedly, isnt a lot. art soon maybe if i string my consciousness back together enough
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081314 · 2 months
Book 7: The Ruler of the Abyss – Chapter 7 (Part 1)
Following is part 1 of my translation of Chapter 7 of Book 7: The Ruler of the Abyss. This part contains Episode 7-101 to 7-106
Main storyline spoilers after the cut.
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Episode 7-101
Silver: Y-You’re…!
Idia: Can’t start a boss raid without a tank, and now we’re all set to go. The opening act’s DONEZO. Time for the main event! Heehee!
Sebek: J-Just what on earth is going on here!? Have we awakened from the dream?
Idia: Nah, we're still in the dream, sorry. Well, it's not really a dream. It's just a magic domain that Malleus-Shi created. I mean, just look at that armor you're wearing, dude. No way you can take that into the real world with you. 'Cause it's not really real, it's just, like, "info".
Silver: W-Wait, how do you know all this? Do you remember what happened before we fell asleep?
Idia: Uhh, it's not that I remembered everything. It's just I got a good handle on what's going on, I guess you could say.
Yuu: What do you mean?
Idia: H-Hold your horses, I'll explain later. But first… uhmm.. Ahh… I haven't really ever talked to you guys, right? Name's Idia Shroud, I'm the dormwarden over at Ignihyde.
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Sebek: Ah, that's it! I was wondering why you seemed so familiar. Now I remember, you are indeed Ignihyde's warden! You appeared in that strange, plank-like form at my orientation, and I dare say this is the first time we've ever properly met.
Idia: R-Right. I just remoted into your guys' orientation on my tablet.
Sebek: And I am Sebek Zigvolt of Diasomnia! A first year of Class D, student number 33! This dullard here is my dormmate, Silver! He is a second year!
Idia: G-geez he sounds like a friggin' air horn!! Feels like my eardrums are about to explode. Hard to believe Malleus-shi's ears aren't totally busted from having to listen to that all the time...
Silver: My apologies, Idia Senpai. We'll try to keep it down. Anyways, I don't think you have to worry about your eardrums, since we're inside a dream and all, but… Ah, that's right! Everyone, stay alert!! Idia Senpai, Grim, Yuu, get behind us!
Idia: Wait, wot? Why? AUGH! Ow ow ow! I'm getting squeezed to death in a meathead-and-armor sandwich!!
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Grim: Huh? What's goin' on, Silver?
Silver: Now that Idia Senpai's awake, it's only a matter of time before the Darkness appears and tries to lull him into a deeper sleep.
Grim: Crap, yer right! An' ya know what else… I bet Malleus is gonna pop up any second now and go into his stupid "HaVe yOu aWaKeNeD!?" spiel!
Sebek: The Darkness aside, I fear without Sir Lilia's aide our odds against Lord Malleus are… Nay, that matters not! Be it the Darkness or the Young Lord, we shall defeat whatever stands in our path!
Idia: Ohmigod I'm gonna die… I can't… breathe…!
???: So sorry to rain on your guys' parade, but… There's no need to worry about Malleus Draconia-san or that wiggly black stuff right now. It's likely Malleus-san is currently engaged with pouring his "resources" into keeping Lilia Vanrouge-san asleep.
Grim: Hey, that sounds like Ortho! Boy am I glad you're here, I thought we mighta lost ya back in the dream corridor. Where are you, anyway?
Ortho: Teehee, sorry for all the worry. Unfortunately, I'm unable to join you guys in big brother's dream without it causing some major problems, so we'll just have to talk through this monitor feed for now. Sorry. Anyways… My big brother appears to be suffering from oxygen deficiency judging by the pallor of his face, so could you please give him some space?
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Silver: Ack, I'm so sorry!
Idia: *gasps for breathe* Uwaaaah!!! A-Another second and I was about to get yeeted into the Underworld… T-Thanks, Ortho.
Sebek: Oi, what was all that gibberish about Lord Malleus pouring "resources" into Sir Lilia?
Idia: Yeah, yeah, we're getting there. Ortho, could ya give 'em a recap?
Ortho: Roger that, big brother! I guess I'll start with how me and big brother know this is all just a dream… So on the day of Lilia-san's going away party, Malleus-san cast a spell that put all of Sage's Island to sleep… Or better said, he froze all of spacetime here. But by transforming into data and utilizing a connection I established with a communication satellite, I was able to escape.
Everyone: Communication satellite!?
Grim: The heck were ya able to do that!?
Ortho: Hehehe, it's because I'm unique! I may not be able to develop a Unique Magic, since I'm not a mage… But I was able to transmit my consciousness and my soul to a communication satellite using radio waves, and I then transferred myself into a different body. And that's something only I can do, ya know?
Sebek: I am loathe to admit it… But the technical advances that humans have brought forth truly are astounding.
Silver: Right. You and me could train and train, but we'll never be able to do what Ortho just did. He truly is unique.
Ortho: Hehheh, I'd love to hear you guys compliment me some more… But I'll get back to the story. Once I made it to Styx, I got my hands on a brand new gear.
Sebek: Styx…. 'Tis the organization that administrates the Isle of Lament, as I recall Sir Lilia explaining to us before.
Ortho: Correct. And then I worked together with Styx to infiltrate the island, so we could analyze Malleus-san's Unique Magic… Fae of Maleficence.
Episode 7-102
(A little while after Ortho and the KB-RS units departed for Sage's Island)
Ortho: This is Ortho reporting. I have reached the aerial perimeter of Sage's Island together with KB-RS01 and 02. We are now en route to the penetration point. The island's still pretty far away, but my magical energy and blot concentration sensors are going crazy. This is just like when the gates to the Underworld opened up… No, it'll be okay. I've got this new gear mom made for me, and the KB-RS units are here with me, too.
KB-RS01 / 02: Grrrr…. Woof woof!!
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Ortho: This is Ortho reporting. We have reached the penetration point. Now making final preparations for descent.
Chief: Roger that. Good luck!
Ortho: Now deploying magical barrier infiltration mode. Activating counter-spell barrier. KB-RS units, deploy slicer modules and activate your ethereal slicers! Now initiating operation "Infiltrate Sage's Island"!
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Ortho: Dammit, looks like this isn't going to be easy… KB-RS units! Keep on the attack!
Chief: We need to cover for Ortho. All battleships, aim your magical cannons at the barrier!
Operator A: All magical cannons are at full output! Firing in five seconds…. 3…2…1!
Chief: Fire!!
Ortho: The vines are all gathering together in that one spot to protect the island!! Looks like we should be able to get in over there, where the vines aren't so concentrated. Let's go, KB-RS units! Ethereal slicers at maximum output! We're gonna cut our way in!!
Operator A: Ortho has successfully infiltrated the barrier.
Head Engineer: …That takes care of the first hurdle. The next problem will be getting him out of there. He's only got twenty minutes before that gear loses power.
Chief: Right. Let's make sure we're prepared for whatever happens. Hurry up and get those cannons reloaded!
Staff Members: Yes, Sir!
Head Engineer: Come back safe and sound, you hear… Or-kun!!!
Episode 7-103
Ortho: ….We did it! We're inside the domain! And thanks to my counter-spell barrier, the spacetime aberrations here aren't affecting me at all.
(Time until loss of power: 20:00)
Ortho: Deploying analysis anchors!! Now running analysis! Woah, this magic is super complex… It'll take a good 17 minutes just to analyze the spell's formulation and save all this data. We'll be cutting it close, but we can make it. Just have to keep the anchors safe until the analysis is done….
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(Purple lightning strikes)
???: My, my… And I was wondering just what slipped into my domain.
(Malleus appears in a column of green fire)
Malleus: Let's see here, you're… You look awfully different, but you're Little Shroud, correct?
Ortho: Malleus Draconia-san…!!! You're… So you really did overblot.
KB-RS01: Grrrr!!!
Malleus: Shouldn't you be fast asleep back at Diasomnia?
Ortho: Heh, sorry about that. But that body in the dorm lounge is nothing but a tin can now. I was able to use the wireless network to escape. Thing is, I'm an autonomous AI constructed from data, so I-… Actually, you probably won't understand even if I explain it, huh.
Malleus: In other words, you slipped out of your body, like a ghost, and found yourself a new vessel… Is that right?
Ortho: Oh, wow! That's a very fae-ish way of interpreting data transfer! But yeah, you got it. As long as there's radio waves available, I can go pretty much anywhere. …Even to the furthest reaches of space! I saw you used your magic to block off the submarine cables, but you never even thought about the satellites, didja? Magic is the power of imagination. And you can't bring to life or fight against something you don't understand. And that's exactly what I am - I'm not made out of quantum particles our spiritual energy or anything like that, I'm data. You seriously need to consider upping your security protocols! Personally, I recommend implementing UTM within your barrier.
Malleus: You-tee-em? What in the world is that supposed to stand for, I wonder.
Ortho: What the- You don't even know what that is, either? Geez. See, this is exactly why you got outwitted by your Kouhai like this. Doesn't matter if you're one of the top give mages in the world, or how ancient this spell is… You're no big deal. You'll never be able to put me to sleep with your magic!
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Malleus: Heh, I see… In that case… I'll just have to smash you to pieces then, you little automaton.
Ortho: Go ahead and try! You'll see just how strong Styx… Just how strong the most advanced human technology in the world is!
Ortho (thinking): Malleus-san doesn't appear to view the analysis anchors as a threat. There's thirteen minutes left until they'll be ready… I need to buy us some time!
Malleus: My sincerest apologies, but uninvited guests really aren't welcome here. I'll be escorting you out now.
Episode 7-104
Malleus: You have my praise, it's quite astounding you've been able to maintain your sanity within my domain for this long. However… Is this really supposed to be the pinnacle of human invention? How pathetic! You haven't managed to lay even a finger on me this whole time. Fufufu…. Ahahhaha!
Ortho (thinking): Damnit! It's like everything in the domain is bending to Malleus-san's will. I don't think our attacks are even hitting him, let alone having any effect. It's like he's got this whole place in the palm of his hand…!
Malleus: Now then, let us cease with these childish games.
(Malleus explodes one of the KB-RS units)
Ortho: 01!!
Ortho (thinking): There's only 30 seconds left until the analysis is complete… Come on, we're almost there!!
Malleus: My, you look awfully pale. Do even machines feel fear? It's alright, I'll ensure you won't feel a thing when I shatter you.
Ortho (thinking): 20 seconds left… Please, hurry up, anchors! Hurry!!
Malleus: Sweet dreams, Little Shroud.
Ortho (thinking): I failed… I'm so sorry, mom and dad!
(Malleus freezes for a second and then looks confused)
Malleus: !!!
Ortho: !?
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Malleus: Tsch, I missed.
Ortho (thinking): What… just happened? It's like he froze for a second there. Kind of like when a CPU overloads and gets a processing failure.
(an alarm beeps)
Analysis Anchor: Analysis complete. Data has been saved to the crypto memory core.
Ortho: 02! Get all the anchors and retreat! NOW!!
KB-RS02: Grrrr!!
Malleus: How bothersome. You're nothing more than a fly buzzing around my face…Away with you!
(Malleus explodes the other unit)
Ortho: 02! Argh… But thanks to 02 distracting him, the anchors are safe. All I have to do now is get them out of here…!
(The ground starts to shake)
Malleus: …What is it now? You fools just don't know when to stop!
Ortho: This is…!
Episode 7-105
Operator B: KB-RS01 and 02 are down! 45 seconds until Ortho loses power!
Head Engineer: …He still has enough time and power to escape the domain. Don't give up!! All autopilot Charon units, activate Termination Mode! Do whatever it takes to get Ortho out of there!
Chief: All battle ships, concentrate power into the magical cannons! Raise the output and don't stop firing!!
Technician: W-We've already reached maximum output! If we go any higher, the generators are going to get fried!
Chief: I don't care! As long as we can give him some time, even ten seconds or three seconds, it doesn't matter. We just need to have Malleus concentrate on defending the barrier! Now take aim and fiiiiiire! Fire, fire fire!
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Ortho: It's Styx! They're giving me backup! Now's my chance! Magical slicer, full buuurst!
Malleus: …What!?
Ortho: Uooooooo!!
Chief: Cease cannon fire! All ships, prepare for Malleus's counterstrike and activate your invisible shields!
Operator A: …Ortho has now exceeded his power limit. System down, we don't have a signal!
Chief: …No!!
Head Engineer: Or-kun…!
(An alarm blares)
Operator A: We're receiving a transmission from the Charon Tetra Unit!
Charon: This is Tetra Unit reporting! We've discovered Ortho's body floating in the water around the domain! His body is very badly damaged, but his core is unharmed. We've also recovered all the analysis anchors from the water. We're now en route back to HQ.
Everyone: We did it!! Hooraaaaay!!
(Mr. and Mrs. Shroud hug and fall to the floor in relief)
Chief / Head Engineer: Haaaahhh….
Head Engineer: Good grief... I've said this before and I'll say it again, but even if I had a hundred hearts those boys would still leave me frazzled at the end of the day….
Chief: You know what? I gotta agree with you there, sweetheart….
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Malleus: …Tsch. Damn those cunning little humans… No, it matters not. They can come back as many times as they like, be it a hundred times, a thousand times, and it will always end the same… I will remove any and all uninvited guests.
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Episode 7-106
Ortho: Huh? Where am I…?
Head Engineer: You awake, Or-kun?
Ortho: Mom… Dad… I…
Head Engineer: Your Cerberus Gear was heavily damaged. All we managed to recover was your core and some of the surrounding parts around it. We lost both KB-RS units in the domain.
Ortho: I see… I wanted the three of us to make it back home together…
Head Engineer: They were good boys, huh. Listen, once we get rid of that domain, I'm sure we'll be able to recover their parts. And then mama will fix them up good as new.
Ortho: I'm so sorry, I know how hard you worked on them…
Head Engineer: What are you apologizing for!! All that matters is you're safe and sound. Welcome home, Or-kun.
Chief: Welcome home, Ortho. I'm so glad you made it back safely.
Ortho: Yeah, I'm glad to be home, too.
(The Shroud family hugs each other)
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Ortho: Wait, I almost forgot! What about the anchors!?
Chief: They've all been recovered safely, you guys did an excellent job. Sytx's data processing department is firing all cylinders trying to analyze everything. There's multiple, complex layers of magic comprising Malleu's domain. The way it's interwoven, it reminds me of Test Subject F… Sorry, of the ancient spell that Grim has on him. Thanks to Briar Valley's assistance, we've at least been able to ascertain how the domain is constructed.
Ortho: Already!? That's great news!
Chief: Unfortunately, it's just the opposite.
Ortho: Wait, what do you mean?
Chief: We've determined that if Malleus Draconia himself does not break his spell voluntary, or if he is not eliminated, then we only have a 0.2% chance of destroying the domain from the outside.
Ortho: No…!
Head Engineer: Everything in that domain, even the laws of reality, is under Malleus's control. We could fire the most powerful magical cannons in the world at that barrier and fight our way inside, but as soon as you're in, you're powerless. We could maybe beat him if we take about 100,000 Cerberus Gear units with us…
Ortho: We probably wouldn't even need to fight him if we had that many units. He'd be too stunned to even move…
Head Engineer: Sounds like a good idea, right? But by the time I finish making that many auto-pilot units, his domain will have likely enveloped the whole world by then.
Chief: We have a couple of other concerns, as well. The minds of all those people asleep on Sage's Island, they're all trapped within Malleus's magical barrier. And according to our analyses, we've discovered they're all currently "dreaming".
Ortho: Dreaming…? You mean the illusionary phenomenon humans experience when in REM sleep?
Head Engineer: Correct. His magic is tricking them into believing that what they're seeing in those dreams is real. It almost works like the Lethe River system, in a way. So if we go in guns a-blazing and try to destroy the barrier, we just might end up destroying everyone's minds along with it.
Ortho: I get it… It's like the domain is one huge server. And that means… Pretty much our only option is to try and convince Malleus-san to bring down the domain himself and let everybody go.
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Part 2
Part 3
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okthatsgreat · 2 months
did anybody see the newest episode of danganronpa 52 lollllllll
#there is something deeply wrong with team dr im afraid #A DEATH SO SOON JESUSSSSSS where was the ult cardiologist at......... #dr52 liveblog #dr52 spoilers #lee chat
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🐻 dangronper Follow
Gonna try getting into the new season lol, I stopped watching at season 37. No spoilers please
🐻 dangronper Follow
Okay wow a lot has changed! Everything is so high tech now??? I kinda miss when they just kept it more simple and had them all locked in a school ngl but maybe thats just me liking season 1 lol. Im really liking Jiro so far Im hoping he at least makes it to chapter 3 because I really wanna know more about that guy
🐻 dangronper Follow
You've gotta be kidding.
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💀 youvegotthatrite Following
12,433 notes
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🫖 nagitosleftleg Follow
just a reminder that wishing death on any of the danganronpa writers makes you a terrible person and all of your favorite danganronpa characters hate you if you do that! 🤗 this is danganronpa so a lot of them will die 🤗 that doesnt mean you get to be a dickhead to team dr 🤗 get over it! 🤗
🍳 naeggieggin Follow
oh my god can anybody in this fandom just be normal and not use this weird passive aggressive tone for every single post. the writers do not give less of a fuck and neither do the actors theyre all dealing with their own shit
#i hate this fandom istg. and stop calling them characters the flashback light doesnt make them entirely fake #theyre still actual people #with feelings #danganronpa 52
769 notes
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🍀luckyguy Follow
this is NOT what ultimate hope makoto naegi would have wanted
#dr52 spoilers #lucky student killed first chapter <;/3 #shut up you [txt]
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🔧 sorryiwasbornstupid Follow
kazuichi sighted in the new post-season promo video he looks so g.ood .... . id let him do anything to me
🌸 neverminded Following
@kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial @kazuichisodaofficial
🔧 sorryiwasbornstupid Follow
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🔪 danganronpa Following
Puhuhu! New episode of DANGANRONPA 52 out TODAY at 1pm JST! Make sure to bring your popcorn and your bagels, this episode sure gets.... despairful 👀You won't wanna miss it!
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🍀luckyguy Follow
🔱 ultscubafan Follow
🎆 chickencoopexplosion Follow
🫖 nagitosleftleg Follow
🎸 lightmusicplayer Following
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🍳 naeggieggin Follow
can early season purists please get their heads out of nagito komaedas ass. he does not want to fuck you
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🎞️ kirigiririririri Follow
Waiittttt Jiro is so cute actually XD He keeps tripping over his shoelaces in the background of scenes LOL he's so smol ..............
🎞️ kirigiririririri Follow
#he's DEAD?????????????????????????????????
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🍳 naeggieggin Follow
keep in mind the danganronpa actors are still real people and they can see all of you thirsting over them ok. please be normal. just because they went through the effects of the flashback light doesnt mean its ok to be a fucking weirdo to hajime whenever he walks outside
🧊 kokoroicebox Follow
They're celebrities. People are going to find celebrities attractive, especially if these are people they see on screens and billboards every day. If you pick up the nearest magazine you find you're probably going to find Junko Enoshima in it. And maybe you should consider that those "weirdos" who are walking up to Hajime are simply fans that want to greet him. We've watched these people fight through hell, cry, laugh, and find hope along the way. Of course we are going to get attached to them, especially to those of us who have been keeping up with them for a long time now. You're basically asking a bunch of teenagers to close their eyes and pretend their favorite media doesn't exist.
🍳 naeggieggin Follow
i literally did not say that
🌀 cageofdeath Follow
have you maybe ever considered that maybe some people get hyperfixations??
🍳 naeggieggin Follow
oh my fucking god.
🎸 lightmusicplayer Following
anybody in this thread smoke weed
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🍊 hinataorangejuice Follow
#the way he got so serious while investigating.............. #wasnt a huge fan of him at the start but he's growing on me lowkey #dr52 #danganronpa 52 #dr52 #orange speaks!
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💀 youvegotthatrite Following
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🍧minimarruuuu Follow
no chapter 1 death is ever gonna beat sayaka imo #girl
#it just really started the series off so well and no other chapter 1 victim has impressed me tbh #ugh but idk shes kinda annoying now with all of her interviewssss like girl its ok to not smile sometimes lmfao #sayaka maizono #dr52 critical #maru.txt
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🎸 lightmusicplayer Following
guy ists ok hes not actually dead hes just sleeping guys
#guys #danganronpa 52 #danganronpa 52 spoilers #<- ??? just in case
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🔍 kirigiri Following
🍊 hinataorangejuice Follow
ok queen speak your truth i guess
🌸 neverminded Following
🎆 chickencoopexplosion Follow
i think she might have just accidentally posted a draft lol
🌸 neverminded Following
I dont know............. team dr has done this before where they leave littel clues in places and this seems a little TOO coincidental
🔍 kirigiri Following
I hit the post button too early.
🌸 neverminded Following
43,033 notes
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🐰monomini Follow
okkkkk im kinda over rantaro already lmao. heres hoping we dont get another season of him
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winxwiki · 14 days
On the Winx reboot leaks
Long post, leaks analisis, spoilers if you don't want to see it under Read More. Seeing the Rainbow artist names attached onto these pictures and the development renders, these are 100% real. On top of that, It's not the first time Rainbow got something leaked, received feedback and acted accordingly. Remember the negative feedback on the 2023 easter eggs designs? Poof, gone. Remember the positive feedback on the 2023 leaked group design? Suddenly, Rainbow started using that Bloom at press events.
I genuinely believe that Rainbow "leaks" stuff now on purpose to receive feedback without actually needing to announce anything final to broadcasters.
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Let's see.
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From the Lorem Ipsum we can tell this isn't remotely final, but a group test. We're back to Bloom with a ponytail (they really like it!) and Tecna does have robotic limbs. Each girl's design seems to reflect their elements:
Stella has stars, the sun, wings at her feet and light, even light rays on her wings and top
Bloom seems to have scales of some sort and patterns on her leggings. Maybe to indicate that she's an artist? Or meant to represent the breath of life?
Musa, the smallest, got some musical sheet onto her. Overall not the most musical inspired design. Everybody kinda looks like an ice skating ballerina.
Flora got flowers. Really most obvious one there.
Aisha's hair is a bit too much, I prefer her civilian braids more. I like how her dress has wavy patterns of sorts and sparkles that look like shining waters on her shorts and skirt. They can do better on her though. Wings look like they got splashes of water. It's still cool that Rainbow is experimenting more with black textured hair than any american animation studio, so kudos for that.
Tecna looks like she's wearing a circuit but looks the most generic. Probably because she has too much going on with a full bodysuit with patterns. I don't like the accessory on her head.
Proof that these are real: these obvious dev documents
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They even got an alt with their "civilian" hairstyles, but it says "transform". Which means no hairstyle or design is final so far.
It seems Musa and Tecna share skintones, Bloom has her own, Stella and Flora share it too, Aisha has her own and is the darkest. I think we can make Stella and Flora a little darker each in varying degrees, to show that Stella is tanned and Flora is a dark skinned latina.
There is a lot of focus on the designs we saw leaked that got positive reception. It's likely they will be finalized, since they went as far as making a test animation with that Bloom design.
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A lot going on here in this room already giving Bloom so much personality. Her own shelf with the name with a heart-shaped B. A guitar? A sketchbook and school supplies. Bloom is back to drawing again, we last saw that in World of Winx but in the main series it was always just left implied by her earth room's belongings and her huge drawing desk, yet it was never expanded upon. Hopefully her being an artist can finally shine through her personality.
Most importantly, she's back to being silly, goofy and expressive again. Of course, the reboot is back to square one with the story and characterizations. I hope more quirks that were not explored in the main series get more attention in the reboot (again, like Bloom being an artist!)
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The Trix now got a symbol and individual faces while sharing the same body. Icy's design is nearly identical to the original, I actually like the small cuts showing skin on her chest, so she doesn't feel too covered up. Midriffs are back and so is 2000s fashion.
Important detail, Icy is taller than Bloom. Is it her heels? Regardless, we got some more body diversity.
Some more notes:
Artist is credited as Pasqualino Masciulli, a real 3d artist at Rainbow
Date is 17 April 2024, for some reason they're using the wrong format. This is VERY recent. They're NOWHERE near done!
It says episode 106. It must be a reference to the reboot itself, Season 1, episode 6, as the old series episodes in total were 208. This means the series has at least finished writing and storyboarding, but they haven't finished with the character designs yet!
Further proof that fucking nothing is done yet, the leaker said this. From what I just noted above, I believe it. They're not remotely done.
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This "Damien" motherfucker looks ai generated, doesn't fit the style in the slightest with his weirdly realistic face and the belts details and clothing folds are all over the place. Shame to whoever did this.
Who even is this guy? Is he the new character Iginio was warning us about? He doesn't look bad but they can do even better. Definitely a fascinating choice for the sexy bad boy, because I know that's who he's gonna be.
Don't fucking use AI for your art, though. It looks like shit.
Interesting, no specialists in the leaks. No Roxy or Terra either though.
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This outfit is a mix of 2 outfits from season 2. Which means they're studying their own old designs. The same goes for another Bloom render and concept.
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Fascinating detail: they're using 2000s dress up pixel dolls as reference. Learn from the masters! This dress doesn't resemble anything and doesn't seem to be a civilian dress but a transformation one, with all the glitters and stars around.
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Last but not least, absolutely atrocious 2000s fashion is back (this is a good thing). We can hope a little but it's surprising how in 5 years they haven't done shit yet. That's some development hell. Either Iginio is really passionate about making this the second coming of Christ or they don't know what the fuck they're doing.
Free hopium tanks!
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jrwi-autistic-swag · 7 months
Round 5/Final Poll!
Pictures and propaganda are under the cut!
Spoiler warnings for Riptide episodes 106/107 in the propaganda!
Gillion Tidestrider (Riptide)
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Dude do I really need to say anything and ALSO ITS NOT JUST AN UNDERSEA THING WE SAW CASPIAN AND EDYN he didn’t want to tell his crew he’s autistic because he was scared and the elders were TOTALLY ableist Ty
he is autism
Lack of understanding of social cues, special interest in birds, trouble communicating and understanding emotions
he is so autistic to me. he loves birds. he doesn’t know how to process 90% of his emotions. he’s just. so autistic to me ok he’s awesome
I'm too tired for coherentness but. Fish man. Autism. Thank you.
He's literally the POSTER child for autism!! Literal fish out of water. He literally gets so excited on Loffinlot because he finally understands social cues. He has a high sense of honor, and a pretty much black and white perception of right and wrong, but with SOME actual gray areas, which is much more realistic to actual autistic people. I hate it here.
Literally look at him Just look at him
He gives of the vibe, also he reacts the same way as I do in most social situations. Also he is literally a fish out of water, and at least in the beginning had practically 0 knowledge of "proper social cues" and that lead to people misunderstanding what he thought would be the correct reaction. This is an example from a rather recent episode so SPOILER WARNING!! But when he heard crying in the dungeon his immediate thought was that someone was scared or hurt not that someone could be luring him into a trap
Peter Sqloint (Apotheosis)
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His special interest is rocks, he named his pet lizard lizard, he pulled quite possibly THE BADDEST bitch…like?!
I mean just look at him, he’s just a little goober and like yippee as hell
listen. listen. listen. there is no other character more autistic than peter sqloint. his special interest is rocks and lizards. he used unfathomable otherworldly power to duplicate his lizard. half the campaign was spent talking about rocks and trying to find a good log for his lizard. he is the most autistic autist and i’ve ever seen in my life. he canonically has trouble maintaining eye contact and making eye contact in general. listen to me. he is autism incarnate. i would die for him
have you seen his rock collection? or his missing of social cues and norms? and also the fact he is a charlie slimecicle character? literally nobody more autism than him
Have you seen him? He is the definition of the meme “me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic”
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
the most interesting thing I got on this relisten is that Elias can put knowledge into people's minds but it's not clear if he can *invent* knowledge? like can he only put TRUE knowledge into people's minds or can he just make things up?
I believe it was said in a q&a that Elias can’t fabricate information but he can kind of hide part of the truth to change how people view it.
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vestaclinicpod · 10 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 23rd July ✨
This week has been such an amazing week of listening! I’ve found three new shows that I absolutely adore and I can’t wait to tell you all about them ✨
Spoilers ahead!
🌲@hellofromthehallowoods (126) FIRST OF ALL 🚗🚗🚗 BEEP BEEP GET IN LOSER, WE’RE GOING TO GET MOTH 🚗🚗🚗 So glad to hear from you again, Ray!! This line: “the devil’s a better man than I am” had my eyebrows disappearing into my hairline and that’s all I’m going to say at this time. It’s always a risk listening in public, because the scene on the beach made me want to cry a little. I hope in my heart that they’re all going to make it out of there but I have no idea how right now! 
📻 @monstrousagonies (106) the first letter this week made me laugh so much! I was fully expecting the ‘moocher’ to be a brownie or someone like that, so it was a fun surprise to hear of a demonic midnight snacker! I may have to use that excuse when my baked goods don’t turn out so baked or good . . .  
🎞  Tiny Terrors (021) What a welcome VA jumpscare from Mx Wellman!! I loved the story (I, too, would feed the mega-toad to make it happy) but the surrounding footage was really creepy... I sure hope the gang goes to investigate the Riverside Institute. What’s the worst that could happen?? 👀
🌍 OOH the most recent episode of @lastechoespod was genuinely empowering! The political pressure the Archivist is under seems to have ramped up this ep, and reading @skyfullofpods’s thoughts on it last week makes me want to listen to it all again with fresh ears! 
🧛‍♂️ @re-dracula What a great week! Alasdair Stuart nails it as the Captain of the Demeter. His voice in the first ep is the calm surface of the sea, hiding the teeming mass of life and death below. The Renfield arc honestly unsettles me so much, but I, too, would love a kitten if there’s one going spare … 
🧬 Regina Prime (ep 4) The revelations!! I loved the sound design of the getting ready montage in this ep but I loved the lore drop even more! 300 clones?! And cloning is something that’s happening commercially? Damn. The last line actually made me grin, Epsilon is quick-witted and brave (or stupid!) and I like her a lot. Every episode I get more enthralled by this show and everyone needs to be listening! 
 💫 Wolf 359 (20-22) Hot damn. The tension aboard the Hephaestus is something else… the paranoia is written so well, you’re listening with your most suspicious face trying to unpick it and getting nowhere. I love how I have no idea where this is going but I know the ride is going to be BUMPY. 
🎩 I started @ethicstownpod this week and it deserves ALL the hype. The show uses a well-loved audio drama trope to bring us a very interesting new story. The writing and voice acting are spot on from the get-go, and the sound design choices feel fresh despite the radio format. Most podcasts make me feel, but this one makes me think as well! I really love it!! I’ve been following the development of the show on Tumblr for a while and I remember the creator being so excited about January’s VA and yeah, I totally get it. Amazing. Hard to believe the role wasn’t written for him. 
SPOILERS: I love how the main ethical issues are presented while January currently seems oblivious to the ethical quandary of keeping important information from someone and who has the right to make that decision . . . ALSO Artemis and Grace are very close in age . . . imagine if they became friends . . . and then Artemis found out . . . . HOO BOY. 
🥾@doyoucopypod The first two episodes are very promising! In the first ep, the pod-within-a-pod recording leads to some fun & cheesy dialogue which contrasts well with the jaded but wary interludes from [REDACTED]. I love a spooky woodland mystery and I’m really hoping for a Blair Witch style descent into terrifying found-footage chaos! The second episode really tugged on the old heart strings. I need a Does The Dog Die for this show bc I’ve had Wilson for 8 minutes but if anything happened to him I’d make that Dead Zone REALLY much more dead-er. 
🏴‍☠️ @levianpod This show has dropped its anchor right into my heart!!! DAMN. I’ve listened twice this week. I can’t recall the last time I was so immediately ALL-IN for an audio drama. I mean, firstly, that cover art is GORGEOUS. I genuinely think this show has it all, there’s LORE, there’s spiciness, there are sea captains who are also sea monsters (a GIFT for the wlw, thank you 🙏), there’s a teenage romance gone WRONG. Then there’s the voice acting!! Incredible performances right out of the gate. It’s safe to say that I am OBSESSED. Why are you still here? Go fucking listen to Levian. 
🎧 In the most recent ep of The First Episode Of, W Keith Tims talks to Packhowl - a creator I greatly admire. I love these interviews! It’s so fascinating to hear how other creators came to audio drama and it’s shed some of the brilliant The Madness of Chartrulean in new light for me. I miss grumpy space Jesus. 
That's it from me! PLEASE go listen to Ethics Town, Do You Copy and Levian!!
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immortal-tale · 2 years
I don't think I'm the only one who can feel the heat from those flames!!! 🤩🤩 SO COOL!!!
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meocartdis · 5 months
Ok, text post time!
For about a year now I’ve been working on my own Rottmnt fan comic called Time Outta Place. It’s inspired by the Tmnt 2003 show episode: Same as it Never Was (if you know you know), except instead of Donnie it’s Leo and instead of Shredder it’s Draxum.
To summarize (without spoilers), basically Leo (Post movie) somehow gets sent to an alternate future timeline where he had disappeared and his family lost to Draxum and his league of evil mutants. Draxum is much more evil in this fan comic.
In this timeline, April is 31, Raph is 30, Donnie is 29, and Mikey is 28. Leo is only 17.
Because he is from a different timeline, Leo knows things his family and friends don't (any information post the Evil League of Mutants episode). Of course things aren't the way he remembers.
Right now I have been sketching the comic in my 5.5 by 8 inch sketchbook and my handwriting is not the cleanest so it might take some time to draw and convert the drawings in a more comic book layout. Also some of the drawings have been smudged and faded over the months of working on it.
Currently I have drawn 841 panels and 106 pages and still not done telling the story. I'm like a third of the way through XD.
I can't wait to finish it but also want it to be good. (I already have another fan comic idea I want to do)
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