campurri · 1 year
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siancore · 2 months
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lilac-den · 4 months
F!Dionysus Portrait!
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F!Dionysus, made by none other than the fabulous @owletowo! :D
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You see her standing outside the café before you see anything else. While it was you who chose the meet-up spot, it still leaves you astounded how Dionysus could look so glorious under the morning sunlight. Then her eyes catches you, warm chocolate browns casually glancing. Then they brighten up as she turns her face to you, a smile stretching upon her supple-looking lips. "[Name]!" She waves at you energetically, an action that has you mentally clutching onto your heart in an attempt to calm the urge to hug this adorable beauty.
Male Portraits: Zeus | Hermes | Dionysus | Ares | ???
Female Portraits: Zeus | Hermes | Dionysus | Ares | ???
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box4brains · 5 months
Headcanons incoming!
Mostly concerning Trafalgar Law, but also the world of One Piece as a whole and the Heart Pirates, so…. Spoiler warning?
Law has perfected the art of being both simple and easy to understand while being so complicated and complex about it he’s almost incomprehensible and impossible to figure out. Mostly due to the fact that he gets insanely impacted and influenced by his past. Example;
His favorite food is rice and fried fish, because rice was his favorite food as a kid and his mom would always make a new, delicious rice dish on his birthday (he would request this instead of cake).
Which while it makes sense that rice is a favorite food, grilled/fried fish is less so, because it became a favorite of Laws while Cora-san was dragging him from hospital to hospital. They would often fish and eat it, often slightly burnt and without any seasoning. Still Law loves it, and if he had a sappy bone in his body, he’d probably say “it tastes like love” or something.
Basically, both rice and fish is his favorite food because they are his comfort foods. He’s not aware of that however and would probably never eat it again if he figured it out.
Laws love for comic books heroes (specifically Sora) and his love for medicine stems from the same place. An admiration for people who saves the lives of others. He no longer remembers, but he used to look at his parents with pride and love because in his eyes “they (were) superheroes”.
Flevance was extremely rich and flourishing, and healthcare was free, the notion that someone could die because they couldn’t afford healthcare was a terrible chock for Law and further cemented the idea that the world was a terrible place and didn’t deserve to exist once he escaped after the purge of his homeland.
In fact, a lot of Laws revulsion towards the marines and the government stems from the fact that they “pretend to be Sora but they are Germa”. In other words, he hates any and all pretenses (which is hilarious considering he often plays up how much of a bad guy he is) and will not sugarcoat anything even if his life depended on it.
The creation and sustaining of false fate is the worst crime in his eyes. And while he loves a bunch of people who have done this to him, he doesn’t fully forgive them for it, though he understands. (The nun, his parents and Cora-san are people who hurt him irreparably with their actions and he can’t forgive them for it, but he loves them and understands regardless)
Submarines are forbidden by the world government, that’s why you see so few of them in the one piece world. They were originally made for transport across the calm belt but because they could only be made so big before they became a liability, they are/were extremely expensive to make, they were eventually deemed “not profitable”. And with the discovery of how to build ships that could safely cross the calm belt, submarines were eventually scrapped as a profitable venture by the government, but they are still heavily scrutinized and outlawed in the world as a whole.
It’s ban is so complete that in the original, first copy of “SORA - warrior of the sea”, Sora originally had a yellow submarine, but the copy was later re-released where the sub had been replaced with a yacht-looking ship because the government got their panties in a twist because the “hero” was using an illegal vessel and they didn’t want the public to have any idea about submarines, least of all a favorable impression on them.
Yes, Law painting the Polar Tang yellow is a wink and a nod to the submarine Sora had, and a middle finger to the government. Because the man can not help himself. XD
Law still reads the Sora comic, it releases a new chapter once a month and Law will read it with/to the crew. Think of it as a miniature comic-con, only with your favorite comic and closest friends. They make a whole day out of it, with reenactment of favorite sence and general tomfoolery and partying.
Any member of the crew who isn’t a Sora (or comic)-fan, will become one, it’s inevitable. The entire crew are not all as diehard fans as Law, but they all love and look forward to their monthly little geek-out regardless.
If or when someone on the crew gets seriously hurt, to the point where they are bedridden and passed out in the med bay, Law will generally refuse to leave their side (only exceptions are if they’re still fighting and he’s needed elsewhere, because they won’t make it otherwise).
If Law is tired enough, and nobody else is around, Law will start humming or singing softly to a patient (as long as they aren’t awake at the time). It’s also a subconscious thing that he picked up from his mother, who would sing softly to him and Lami and stoke their hair when they were sick.
The birth of Lami is what made Law decide that he wanted to be a doctor. Nothing traumatic happened, he just thought it was neat.
Law’s father was a genius surgeon, he practically revolutionized the field of heart surgery and more or less invented a surgical technique that saved the lives of hundreds yearly. Law makes sure to keep track of just how many lives it saves, he doesn’t let his crew know why he’s interested in that for specifically this one surgery but they indulge him nonetheless.
White/Amber lead disease kinda makes no sense to me, so I HC it so it makes more sense to me, it’s possibly a bit different from canon, but I figure you can hand wave it away with faulty information because of the limitations of most of the op world not being terribly advanced scientifically.
Basically, what do we know? Flevance got extremely rich from mining a rare metal. Specifically by exporting (selling) it to other countries. The metal was used in practically everything; makeup, jewelry, food. So why did only the people in Flevance get sick? Why didn’t they rest of the world realize it was a case of poisoning and not an actual illness? Why did it take so long for it to take effect? How was it genetic?
Basically, (and I’m not a expert) I HC it as the metal, the ore, is slightly radioactive or something similar. It breaks down the dna of people who come in (prolonged) contact with it and mutates it and from then on, exposure to the metal itself is highly toxic, and someone who has been mutated in this way (or who has at least one biological parent that is at the time of conception) the metal itself stay in their body permanently.
So the metal is not showing any signs of being dangerous to the outside world, the government knows but has given the statement that it’s safe to mine, and people believe that and swallow the propaganda that it’s a dangerous disease wholeheartedly.
It’s why the government helped in the cleanup and destruction of the bodies, because they were only one autopsy away from being exposed.
Law is probably one of the very few people who understands perfectly how the ‘disease’ works and that’s because his devil fruit gives him the information. He knows he’s muted and the only way for him to stay healthy is to make sure that he has little to no contact with the metal and in case he gets it in him, remove it immediately.
There’s no real cure, short of df intervention, and it’s why Law has no interest in fathering children. (As far as Laws concerned, he already has his crew xD)
Law lives vicariously through his crew, in the sense that seeing them happy and healthy is what makes him feel all happy inside. That doesn’t stop him from moaning about them like an angsty teenager with embarrassing parents.
Break, doggo demands walk 😅
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darthkvznblogs · 14 hours
If Steven were to fused with a Ramnant inhabitant, would the resulting fusion still retain they aura and appearance, or would they develop their own as they consider themselves a "new identity"?
Because I'm imagining a Weiss-Steven fusion with elemental bubbles.
Good question! Rule of thumb, you can expect any Steven fusion with non-Gem individuals to retain the powers of the other component(s) in most situations, on top of any new abilities they would gain as a combined entity, the same way it works for regular Gem fusions.
In this particular instance, Aura is specific to an individual and must be awakened before it can manifest externally as a protective shield or be used to fuel a Semblance. Unless Steven's or Weiss-Steven's Aura were awakened, the fusion would only be able to rely on Weiss' Aura and use her particular Semblance (though that is not to say Weiss would bring nothing to the fusion, of course)
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barid-bel-medar · 1 year
It's 1:31am and I have had a glorious realization in terms of the Sticks and Stones verse
Namely that Shigaraki would be *very* interested in the kid who used lethal force against another student, and view them as a perfect recruit.
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flovey-dovey · 1 year
Bowser learning to play the piano as a creative outlet to deal with his anger or other emotions, or just in general to help himself think and process and plan or relax and unwind or just when he stinkin wants to aaaaa
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anoonzee · 1 year
After seeing the 2nd trailer for Across the Spider Verse, I hope Peter B. Parker goes to Miles' universe and introduce Mayday to Aunt May.
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chordsykat · 1 year
I see the "Herald" descriptions for Baen-she and I was wondering how you came up with that?
It's uh... aliens. No, it's not. And it's not substance abuse or secret access to unreleased Metalocalypse lore or secretly being Brendon Small or even having a space helicopter that can fly to the future (all are excellent and very popular guesses, however).
If I told you the secret is having a lot of time to think about it all, that'd probably be the real answer. But I realize it's a huge cop-out, too. So what if I told you that character development that goes beyond the surface-level and ascends into metaphorical and symbolic territory is something you can learn to do? Or maybe, better yet, it's something you can train yourself to do? Like flexing a muscle you didn't know you had..?
But to give this question its proper due, I'm going to have to delve into both Dethkomic and (very speculative) Metalocalypse fan-theory. Therefore, spoiler alert if you follow me below the cut :)
One of the nice things about working with an entire cast of OCs, as opposed to just one, is the built-in ability to play each one off the other, and build intricate thematic relationships that seem a lot harder to pull off than they actually are. The other nice thing Dethkomic specifically has going for it, is that I get to borrow off of themes already found in the canon.
Finding good ways to connect your characters to the world you put them in on an abstract level takes one thing above all else, and that's listening to who they really are. So, whether I'm writing fanfic or my own fic, I ask myself "Why are we writing these people in the first place?"
Sometimes this will lead you to answers like "They're just here to hang out with X," and I think the majority of fanfiction has that component to it. Mine sure does. But that's not always the totality of any character's purpose in the story by a long shot. If you're looking to throw symbolism, metaphor, and themes into your work, you're probably not writing one-shot hookup fics where that actually is the final answer (and if you do want to put that stuff into one-shot hookup fics, you should send me your WIPs because that sounds amazing).
It should be said -- None of the stuff I'm talking about here is necessary to tell a good story. Working with layers of metaphor is tricky, but if you successfully pull it off, even a little bit, it can add to the "wow, cool!" factor. That's not just something for the audience, either. As a writer, your overall satisfaction will see an uptick as well.
Symbols and character themes come about in two ways -- one is intentional, and one is incidental. You look at a character's personality and you might say, "This is Bob. Bob's spirit animal is a naked mole rat and his guardian celestial body is a black hole and his guiding natural element is ragweed." These themes are intentional and you can and should have fun putting little tidbits of them into your writing, straight out of the gate. Bob goes to a zoo and he gravitates to the naked mole rats? That's so Bob!
Incidental themes are a bit trickier. They appear as side-quests in your writing journey, and it's up to you to notice them. Here's a pointer -- if you get good at spotting symbolism in others' writing, you are "training your writing muscle" to be better at spotting it in your own. The bad guys escaped into a cave and the good guys are all afraid of the dark? Well holy shit! What about using Bob to go in and get them? Maybe Bob's not afraid of the dark? Maybe Bob is a natural spelunker? Bob's spirit animal is a naked mole rat, after all! This is so Bob!
So how do you "train" to spot symbolism? As I said above, the best way is to look at the media you enjoy, and see if you can spot any themes the authors have snuck in. Don't be afraid to "cheat" by interacting with your fandom and looking up some connections other people have made. Metalocalypse is full of this stuff, and we get into what I think are some of our liveliest discussions when we go back and forth about the prophecy. Go look at the wikis. Go peruse fan-theories (even "debunked" ones) on message boards, Discords and... *sigh*... Reddit (no offense to all my Klokateers on Reddit out there -- ilu but not the platform). Join in on the discussions right here on hellsite when they come about. Prophecy-speculating one of my favorite things about this fandom, personally.
So that brings us back to me and why my characters are here in the first place. Most of you know this, but Baen-Shee is in the Dethkomic story to explore the supernatural side of things. Not every MTL OC out there (or every character in the show for that matter) is going to be involved in the Prophecy, but I enjoy torturing myself with difficult and incomplete lore puzzles, so mine are players in it. All that said, here's probably what you came for in the first place -- a breakdown of some of the things I'm thinking about with my own characters as I examine the canon and my own stories, and little tidbits about how some of it came about:
Nita: We know she's head of the group, muscially, but I liked the idea of her being the last one anybody expected to be the most powerful character, supernaturally. I saw a lot of opportunities to play up her kind and unthreatening nature while simultaneously giving her character arcs that emphasize personal growth and strength of character. Nathan's a character who is giving off every indication that he's in charge and capable of managing his band and becoming a leader when the end of the world goes down -- but we all know he's incredibly insecure about all of it. I wanted Nita's purpose to not only be the usual finding herself stuff, but also helping others to find themselves. She's the Holy Unifier, and her "great appointed eternal task" is to keep everyone together. Too, I feel Nathan as the Chosen One is representative of the power of an individual, whereas Nita's on the flip side of that coin as the power one gets from others around them (she's totally Twilight Sparkle is what I'm trying to say, here).
Caj: She's a study in duality and surprises. Guardian of life, but also an assassin. The Holy Mother and (wo)man-at-arms. She's a girl who presets as a boy. Her eyes are two different colors. Her totem is a chameleon. And lest we forget, it's funny as hell that her Chosen One is also her greatest rival on the planet... etc, etc... Some of you guys already picked up on this, but watch closely, every mention of angels and devils in our current Dethkomic arc. This is a good example of a theme that sticks around for one story, only -- which is a thing that happens often in fictional serials and something you can totally employ if you only have one story to tell.
Cherry: The Holy Messenger -- and the Metalocalypse's first sacrificial player. Unlike Charles who follows her into the great hereafter a few weeks later, she doesn't get to escape death and become the Dead Man. I am so utterly stoked to show you her part in the continued Dethkomic stories, and that starts happening in just over a week from now, so I am going to try containing my excitement and keep from spoiling too much, but... Cherry's spirit animal is a phoenix for a reason. Also, I've said before the reason Cherry dies is not just a matter of emotionally torturing my readers, nor is it angst-porn: She dies because you need to get comfortable with the idea of major characters dying in my stories. ...and now I've probably said too much.
Sparkles: I've said before how Sparkles is my favorite character to write for, and how it's not just because I don't have to think up any dialogue for her beyond the occasional grunt and growl. Sparkles is a spirit of purity, nature, and all that's good and right in the world. It's definitely more an abstract concept than it is an "element" and I get to really stretch my imagination when coming up with the kind of things she's capable of. One symbol, one idea, one theme can mean several different things, and you might find as a writer (and especially if you're only just beginning to dip your toe into this stuff), it's easiest to loosely define your connections so as not to write yourself into a corner. You'll see Sparkles' powers finally come to the fore in Issue #7 of Dethkomic, and they suit her on several different fronts. I really surprised myself when I came up with it, in fact.
Eden: Her element is "the void" -- whatever that is -- and it's more than just a connection to her position as herald of death. Here again, keeping things kinda vague and loose, but the mirror-effect of a character whose history is (currently) a big question mark, having powers that come from something as obscure as a "concept" of an element is a connection one might make. Too, we throw that extra element of the moon in there, as a sort of guardian celestial force (calling to mind other visions too -- like space in general, the stars, the afterlife, the heavens...) and you can make further connections with Toki's association with rabbits on a mythological level. It's kind of all over the place, but tight enough to work, I think. Oh -- and speaking of mythology and bunnies in the moon... brush up on your world mythologies every chance you get. They'll do nothing but serve you in this endeavor, because at the end of the day, it's all about connecting the dots... or the stars in the sky, as it were!
SO. That was more of a tutorial than it was an answer. I hope you got to read through this and are still interested in this question, Claudia. It was a lot of fun to ponder and equally enjoyable to throw in some pointers for all my writers out there.
Also, I haven't gotten into it yet, but this is a good time to remind anyone reading this far that I'm doing a how-to-make-comics thing over on @dethkomic, and I release a tutorial every update over there. I totally will be covering more about metaphors and the like, very soon.
Great question! Thanks for reading!
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lilac-den · 18 days
A little update!
Honestly, I've been hitting a slump with Silverking, mainly because this section I'm left on with Silverking is leaving me with the sense of 'repetition'? But this is mainly cuz of needing to branch it the scene. Thinking of letting it settle till I can muster the proper mindset to write it. (The weather in Malaysia lately had not been helping either - hot as fuck that even the rain is just hot wind with water).
Instead, TSR has been occupying my mind and Chapter 2 is giving me a lot to think about. 💀It's giving me an addictive euphoria, ngl.
Here's a sneak peek for chapter 2 below the 'Keep Reading'! :D
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I managed to finish the intro flashback of the chapter, so you'll be able to see a bit more of MC's life back in the previous world! With that section done, it's time for MC to wake up... 👀 Kekekekekekeke...
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gonnanaedaethat · 11 months
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Just stumbled upon this drama Eternal Yesterday binged it and it was excellent in every way but heartbreaking at the same time 😭
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faithandfairies · 2 years
All the spoilers for the midnight club
I watched The Midnight Club and loved it. I like pretty much everything within this show-verse Flanagan has created so I’m not surprised I liked this. It’s a bit open ended and aside from the reality of terminal illness less scary than his other stuff. I read he made it with a series renewal in mind and it’s aimed at a younger audience so that makes sense.
He still managed to give us short answers to things though. Like letting us know that the old lady and man were the original owners of the place. And the old lady probably was an eater of years. And Stanton is most likely Athena.
But I think there’s more to all of it. Like the old lady probably lived in that level below the basement at one point. And the question is who put her there? Her husband? And if so, why? And what more is there to the husband?
Someone mentioned that they thought the old man and woman were actually supernatural beings, some type of deities before they died, who built the place knowing the properties of the grounds, and that they might have marketed the place as somewhere for cults to worship, but then probably absorbed the worship or something. I thought that was an interesting theory. It’s true that often when people call on beings what they call on isn’t always the thing to answer so...
If Stanton is Athena, is she dangerous? I would say less so than Julia. Since she saved those children back in the day and seemed to want to help these children too. She might have reclaimed the house to keep it out of bad people’s hands.
Also did Julia kill people when she did the ritual or were meaningful trinkets enough?
Amesh and Spence’s stories were my favorites.
I love time travel stories so that’s not surprising.
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Oh ho ho!! I've been reading Thistledown for awhile and I'm quite impressed and intrigued by how you're going about it! Question, what gave you the idea to send Fire Heart down the path of a medicine cat (at least, that's what I assume is going to happen)?
thank you for reading!
Now that Fire and Ice is concluded on AO3 (will be posting on Tumblr as i work on Forest of Secrets), I shall answer this question... Under the cut!
Thistledown is an union of a couple AUs i had that seemed a little too barren on their own.
I remember once looking through Alderheart and Firestar's wiki pages and wondering if maybe Alder just had as much of a StarClan connection to his grandfather, and was never meant to actually be a medcat.
But then I thought, alternatively: what if Fire was meant to be a medcat all along?
I just knew for a fact he wouldn't start out as such. ThunderClan needed warriors, that was how Blue justified it. Plus I didn't find the idea of Spottedleaf mentoring him to be at all appealing when we know how good of a chemistry he has with Yellowfang.
Anyhow. I like the idea that one choice made years ago affected the future more and more, since we already know how canon goes down.
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kkkkkkkkkkkkkk y'all what even was this kkk . An hour of life I lost that's what 😭😭😭
I'm back to my pretty world where the tvdu only exists up to the finale of tvd lmao.
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dandylion240 · 2 years
For Arion. How do you feel about your mother? And what would it take to ammend your relationship?
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"I don't really know her. She dumped me in my father's arms the day she was released from the hospital and she left the island soon afterwards. Other than the few summers Halia and I spent with her in Brindleton Bay I hardly know her." Shaking his head a bit "she blames me for this scar on her stomach. Said she got it because they had to cut me out of her. She says I made her ugly." Sighing a little "Halia tells me not to listen to her. That I didn't make her ugly but it's hard not to when she tells me this every time she sees me. But it doesn't seem to stop her from dating and having men over. She has a revolving door of gentleman callers as she likes to say." Slumping back in his chair "I hated going to her house. She never wanted us there, me especially. She only ever called me 'the boy' never used my name. I used to wonder why she hated me so much. I wanted her to love me. To like me. I don't think there is a way to get over that kind of rejection," shrugging a little "besides even if I wanted to she has to want to and she has yet to learn my name."
Thanks for asking! As you can see he doesn't have much of a relationship wih his mother. Not sure if that'll ever change.
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saint-starflicker · 2 years
Chapter 1, page 5 (ebook)
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