#sr. latino
punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
"We need more male protagonists who aren't traditionally masculine!"You guys couldn't even handle Percy Jackson
(Oh btw since this is gaining traction,when i say 'traditionally masculine',i'm referring to y'all's backwards ass 'Gentlemen perfer blondes' bullshit)
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
When someone simps for Jason Todd AND Miguel O'hara...like oh my gods we get it you have a daddy kink
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If Daddy yankee wins: Secos e Molhados enter the competition into round 4
If 4teto and Los prisioneros wins: they fight Spinetta in round 4
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antimnemonic · 2 years
i think tbh that the idea of neon genesis evangelion being a deconstruction of mecha or whatever is an english speaker perception. dark themes are not alien to the genre at all. but for several decades, mecha was mostly released in english was by chopping it up and changing the story, making it more kid friendly to english-speaking audiences. and while the colorful gaudy iconic super robots were originally designed to just look cool, ppl drew parallels between them and mainstream superheroes, and decided that super robots must also be upstanding heroic citizens. so the perception of super robots became this archetype of like, shallow ridiculousness with no complex plots and everything wrapped up in a neat moral at the end. tbh i think there was also an element of xenophobia wherein media of foreign origin is just perceived as lesser. fast forward to the 90s anime boom, and NGE seems completely original and of an unheard complexity — sparking endless arguments about the meaning of elements that were, by the creators admission, put in for shits n giggles
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Various references and Easter eggs in Spooky Month 5: Tender Treats
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The photo of Bob where he has his thumbs up is meant to reference the real-life cannibal Ed Gein. Behind Bob is the corpse of his victim hanging upside down with a badly made cut.
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Captain and Shotgun Man from Sr Pelo's 'Every StoryTime Animation' video.
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Flashback scene with the old Spooky Month style
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Sr Pelo's old YouTube username (123pendejos), Latino American joke (common in SM) about smelling like obo, and another Latino joke, if you read it you are cursed.
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The book from episode 3 based on the song El Gran Varon/The Great Man by Willie Colón.
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Skid and Pump JoJo posing (with Skid doing DIO's 'Wryyy' pose and Pump doing Jonathan Joestar's pose)
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Skid and Pump doing the walk cycle from 'Every Fuckin' FPS Game' video.
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Plants vs. Zombies reference
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Día de Muertos/Day of the Dead themed Candy Club, with Pelo cookies and Among Us stickers.
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Right: A lollipop of Sr Pelo's character Verwirrung, AntonM's character Lucy, Invincible Candy from Kirby, a reference to a character from the ENA: Dream BBQ game trailer, a skull from Zombicool on the Spooky Month team and Katz and Uno from Monster Lab by MeatCanyon.
Left: 2 of Sr Pelo's candy characters, Salad Fingers, strawberry candy, a reference to the scene in Beetlejuice (1988) where he gives a fly a candy and Top Hat from Villainous.
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The Panvaso is a joke from a Mexican TV comedy called 'La Familia P. Luche'
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she-is-ovarit · 1 year
Listen to sex workers, except for the ones who criticize prostitution and the sex trade and openly describe the trauma caused by their exploitation - they just weren't a right fit for the job.
Listen to the biologists, psychologists, and neurologists, except for the ones who publish credible studies against the idea of brain sex and remark that, actually, a person cannot change their sex - there still exists alternative facts.
Listen to gay and lesbian people, except for the ones who refuse to have sex with trans people, dislike being amorphously referred to as "queer" or find it retraumatizing, and argue that sexual orientation pertains to sex and not gender identity - they're just genital fetishists and sexual predators.
Listen to trans people and gender dysphoric people, except for the ones who don't believe that identifying as something really makes someone something, that sex can't be changed, and that pronoun use determines identity - they have internalized transphobia.
Listen to women, except for the ones who don't believe that "woman" is just a social category and that oppression and discrimination on the axis of biological sex exists - they're just terfs and similar to Nazis.
Listen to intersex people, except for the ones who prefer the term "person with a disorder of sex development", are bothered by dyadic trans people co-opting terminology such as AFAB/AMAB, and speak out against trans surgeries and HRT being done to kids - they're just extremists.
Listen to gender nonconforming people, except for the ones who maintain that their style, nonconforming mannerisms, and/or same-sex attraction does not mean they're not their sex. They're just eggs, they'll turn into trans people soon.
Listen to Latino people, except for the ones who speak out against "Latinx" being coined as a term and a reflection of Euro-American colonialism - they're just traditionalists.
Listen to black people, except for the ones who take issue with "blacklivesmatter" being consistently refocused to "black trans lives matter", consider the argument that female sex-segregated spaces are akin to Jim Crow Laws as racist, and point out that trans murder rates - in which most of these murdered people are people of color - are being used by mostly white trans-identifying male people in arguments for self-serving intentions. They're just transphobic.
Listen to Native people, except for the ones who indicate that "two spirit" doesn't mean what white trans people think it means and worry about Euro-American colonialism further appropriating their culture and language - they're just a minority and are behind the times.
Listen to Jewish people, except the ones who continuously stress that comparing the disagreement with gender ideology to Naziism and genocide is deeply disrespectful, often anti-semitic, and minimizes the experiences of victims of genocide and their families. They're probably not even Jewish.
Listen to Marxists and feminists, except for the ones who point out that female people are treated as a reproductive and sexual resource based upon sex. They're transphobic.
Listen to intersectional feminists, except for the ones who point out that intersectionality that isn't female-focused isn't feminism. They're just terfs.
Don't listen to desisters/detransitioners, except for the ones who maintain the narrative that receiving SRS or HRT did no harm to them or that they're desisting due to 'gender affirming care' working for them. The rest were just cis people in denial of their own gender identity.
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geniousbh · 23 days
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⸻ 𝒍𝒔𝒅𝒍𝒏 𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒔 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔 📖✒️
(parte 1)
parte 2: enzo vogrincic e esteban kukuriczka
obs.: oii bebitas fiufiuu🎀 gostaria de dizer que, SE for do interesse coletivo, eu estou aberta para dar continuidade nessas prompts como fanfics (principalmente a do simón e do enzo hihihi). enfim, meu processo criativo depende muito de duas coisas meu emocional e minha foryou do tiktok (sou cronicamente online e tenho insights vendo videos de 15s)!!! no mais espero que gostem!
tw.: menção à hematomas/injúria física, espanhol ruim porco fajuto que estou tentando aprender no duolingo. mdni
𝒆𝒏𝒛𝒐: age difference + single parent
arrumar dinheiro sendo universitária e imigrante (ainda que fosse em um país latino e não tão distante do seu) estava sendo incrivelmente desafiador e você não teve muitas escolhas quando um dos professores do seu curso de pedagogia disse que um colega que era pai solteiro estava precisando de uma babá para cuidar de sua filha.
maria não era uma criança encrenqueira, pelo contrário, ela era uma linda garotinha de cabelos castanhos e olhinhos que mais pareciam duas jaboticabas, tinha muito zelo com suas bonecas e adorava brincar de cozinheira e professora ("igual a você", palavras da menina), e lógico que a experiência de observar uma criança tão de perto nos principais anos de desenvolvimento estava sendo enriquecedora. isso e... o pai de maria também.
você não queria ser uma intrometida, muito menos inconveniente, por este motivo, só conversava com o sr. vogrincic quando este iniciava o assunto, mas modéstia a parte, ele era um dos homens mais lindos que você já tinha conhecido. não era nada demais pra quem visse passando, talvez por não ser tão alto e musculoso, mas suas proporções, na sua opinião, eram apenas... certas.
ombros largos, onde você incansavelmente tinha visto ele ninar maria depois que chegava do serviço, boca carnuda que ele sempre mordia quando pensava ou quando via que você tinha feito algum bolo ou brownie de tarde e guardado um pedaço para ele, e a voz... porra! de qualquer forma, todas essas percepções ficavam bem guardadinhas, apenas por detrás dos seus olhos que, diferente da língua, não tinham pudor nenhum em olhá-lo.
sexta-feira, mais um dia normal, onde você ia cedo para o prédio onde os vogrincic moravam, dava bom dia para antônio, o porteiro, e pegava o elevador subindo até o décimo primeiro andar. geralmente, enzo já estava na porta, de traje social e checando o relógio de meio em meio segundo para não se atrasar e quando a via, abria um sorriso terno e tocava sua cabeça, bagunçando seus fios de levinho antes de soltar um "cuida bien de maria e cuidate también". isso era uma das coisas que mais te frustravam, ter quase certeza de que enzo não a enxergava como mulher, e sim como outra garotinha, apesar de estar completando seus vinte e poucos anos naquele mesmo dia.
suspirou, saindo do elevador e franzindo o cenho quando não viu o moreno ali, mas sacou as chaves reservas que tinham sido lhe dadas meses atrás e abriu a porta, sobressaltando quando confetes estouraram acima de sua cabeça. maria no colo do pai, segurando um pequeno bolinho que tinha uma velinha. "feliz cumpleee!", em uníssono antes de te abraçarem.
nada podia reproduzir sua expressão que misturava encanto e surpresa ao mesmo tempo, e enzo logo se certificou de que você apagasse a velinha para darem continuidade nas felicitações. você agradecia sem parar, dizendo para a pequena que havia adorado e que ela estava linda com o macacão rosa e suas pig tails "papá hecho", esta explicou e logo se distraiu com algo que passava na tv, brecha perfeita que o mais velho encontrou para te puxar até a cozinha.
a forma como o torso largo de seu patrão lhe prensou contra a bancada e a delicadeza com que sua mão calejada lhe acariciava a bochecha contrastavam-se, era tão rápido e você só se dava conta que segurava a respiração quando ele lhe tomava os lábios num beijo profundo.
"podría darte muchas cosas, pero esta es una que ambos queremos desde hace tiempo, chiquita" disse antes de dar um selinho final e voltar para a sala. minutos depois você descobriria que enzo, na verdade, estava de folga e havia preparado todo um cronograma para vocês três curtirem o dia.
➵ (talvez essa história de enzo pai solteiro e pai de menina ainda por cima seja uma das que mais mexem comigo!) ele é tão compreensível e toda vez que ela tem alguma apresentação no daycare ele faz questão de comparecer, fica lá no fundo, de pé, com a mão sobre o peito e os olhos cheios de orgulho (tal qual o meme do ratinho coitadolandio)! o outro lado da moeda é que este papai é um homem touch starved, e depois desse primeiro beijo seria muito difícil pra ele não pensar em nada quando chegasse em casa e te pegasse toda empinada colocando algumas roupas para lavar, ou então discretamente não checar o seu decote, ele olharia para cima, sussurando "díos mio" e contaria até dez pra que as duas cabeças dele se acalmassem🥺
𝒌𝒖𝒌𝒖: romance de época + slow burn (eu facilmente vejo ele sendo prot de um major character death tb e nos fazendo sofrer horrores)
normalmente a enfermaria da marinha não ficava tão agitada, tirando algumas emergências isoladas ou quando os rapazes iam apenas para conversar ou cochilar nas macas sem que nenhum colega pudesse perturbar, então fora uma surpresa quando, assim que você chegava no serviço, encontrava o tenente kukuriczka sentado segurando o próprio ombro. este estava de costas e parecia divagar até que você o tocasse o braço docilmente.
um acidente envolvendo um treinamento de oficiais, é? deixou que ele contasse como acontecera enquanto preparava uma compressa de água quente para colocar sobre o ombro deslocado. ele deveria saber já que aquilo seria doloroso para voltar no lugar, e já devia ter notado também que você o faria sozinha já que era seu turno.
esteban era bem conhecido pelo seu temperamento inabalável e capacidade de comunicação entre os cadetes, aquilo também te surpreendia, ainda mais vendo-o suportar tanta agonia sem fazer quaisquer caretas.
depois que a compressa esfriava você o encarava, pedindo permissão para que pudesse fazer seu trabalho, ele assentia, mas antes você o guiava a pousar a mão livre em seu quadril, pedindo que ele apertasse para poder aliviar um pouco da tensão e não atrapalhar nos movimentos do outro lado.
assim que você começava a puxar e empurrar para o lugar certo os dedos do loiro se afundavam em sua carne. esteban rangia os dentes, soltando algo parecido com um rosnado baixo quando o ombro finalmente voltava. ambos com os olhos lacrimejando e se encarando, não haviam comemorações extravagantes, no entanto, apenas a sensação de dever cumprido.
porém a mão do kukuriczka permaneceu mais alguns segundos em seu quadril, até subir para sua cintura num afago breve "gracias, pequeña". e ele tão logo deixou o local.
a presença física indo, mas a mental bem viva ainda em seus pensamentos. aquele encontro e o aperto forte dele martelavam em sua cabeça dia e noite, nem mesmo os rádios e as revistas estavam lhe distraindo o suficiente, apesar de você dizer a si mesma que se interessar por oficiais era maluquice e muito arriscado, as histórias que ouvia constantemente apenas comprovavam o que você decidira antes de aceitar o emprego como enfermeira lá.
dias depois, ele aparecia novamente. quando a imagem do homem de fios claros e olhos castanhos preenchia a moldura da porta seu coração errava o compasso e você gaguejava ao perguntar se ele precisava de algo. "estuve en lánus hace poco", te estendia um pequeno potinho com uma pomada dentro, parecia caseira, "gostaría que lo usaras en caso que te dejé un moreton..."
você mordia o lábio, sensibilizada por alguém como ele ter sido atencioso suficiente para lembrar e considerar algo tão corriqueiro. olhou para os próprios pés antes de segurar na manga do uniforme de outrem, o puxando para dentro da salinha. em silêncio, você o levava até a maca dos fundos puxando a cortininha para tampar a visão do resto da sala. subitamente, fazendo com que o mundo se reduzisse a vocês dois apenas.
ele se apoiou, observando atento, te assistindo desabotoar as vestes brancas e descer o suficiente para que sua cintura ficasse exposta (junto da peça íntima rendada que cobria seus seios), virando-se e o mostrando a marca nítida dos dedos dele cravados na sua curva.
esteban entreabriu a boca e puxou o ar como se quisesse dizer algo, mas pela primeira vez em muito tempo, ele achava que se comunicar verbalmente não faria diferença, então este pegava o pote com o unguento e se ajoelhava à sua frente, sua estatura fazendo com que ele daquele jeito ficasse no ângulo perfeito.
besuntou os dedos na pomada e passou, suavemente, espalhando pelo local, se segurando em uma de suas coxas para fazê-lo. quando a região toda estava coberta com o remédio, ele se levantava, ia até o pequeno carrinho com curativos pegando gases e esparadrapos para tampar. era um cuidado palpável, te fazia querer trocar de papéis com ele, e ser você a arranjar um arranhão novo todos os dias para que ele lhe cuidasse.
"lo siento", ele se aproximava deixando um selar no canto de sua boca, a fitando por alguns segundos de pertinho antes de se afastar mais uma vez, talvez esperando que você dissesse para que ele não se afastasse. "volveré en unos días para ver si has mejorado, hm?", deu as costas e se foi, te deixando atônita demais para sequer fofocar quando a outra enfermeira chegava para a troca de turnos pela tarde.
➵ quando outras enfermeiras e alguns cadetes reparassem não ia ter outro assunto na marinha argentina, mas nenhum de vcs notaria nada de incomum, ambos completos estranhos ao sentimento de amor, até que depois de tomarem umas no baile beneficente, ele se oferecesse pra te levar em casa e você o convidasse para entrar. poucos minutos depois, um esteban completamente pussy drunk estaria entre as suas coxas motivado pra te fazer gozar pela segunda vez só com a língua no sofazinho da sua sala. p.s: o fato de ele sequer ser musculoso, mas ter uma força absurda e > não < se dar conta disso awnn owwn
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irishskeptic · 9 days
Hi! I'm kinda new to your account, I love your & others headcanons for pjo characters. So I wanna share some of mine!
Sally to me is Malaysian her birth name is Suleika Jusoh, her parents [Mom-Esah/Estelle Jusoh nee Tey, Dad-Bintang/Benjamin Jusoh] had gone to take care of her grandparents [Granpa-Haissam, Granma-Kasih] funeral rites in Malaysia, the plane back unfortunately crashed & they where killed in crash
From then on she was raised by her Uncle Reehab Jusoh, Ruben in America, who'd somehow gotten a house on Montauk beach, when Suleika was seventeen her Uncle Reehab died from a chronic illness [honestly I'm thinking an std], leaving everything he had in Sally's name, the house on the beach isn't fully livable, no running water & the electricity is kinda shoddy, so she moves into NYC proper
Percy is actually named after his grandfather, Perseus Benjamin Jackson [PB&J cause i think im funny like that], Percy of course is Malaysian & I wanna say his Greek side is from the region of Pylos but I can't remember why I chose it
Estelle is also named after her Grannies, Estelle Janet Blofis
Sally's always been protective of using their actual names in legal things, her parents wrote her down as Sally to give a better chance at getting bye in the US & she did the same for Percy in both the real & mythical world
Paul Blofis to me was very dad/uncle coded so he looked like the guys on the mom's side of my family, so he's Afro-Latino, he specifically trace himself to Panama & Mexico, from his mom [Janet nee Yarrow, Afro-Latina] who moved from Panama to the US, & his dad's [Oscar Sr.] side who is Mexican, he's got two older siblings [Janice & Oscar Jr.], an older cousin [Garfield], a cousin his age [Raymond], a little sister [Caroline], & a younger cousin [Lilia]
He's always been the black sheep of the family, not from their own trying & his own, things would just fall out of step & once he graduated & started working in NYC he just didn't call & talk much anymore, the advent of his marrige to Sally & Estelle's birth kinda forced him to get his shit together & actually talk about his life
[I like to think Percy's mortal cousins call him PB for short]
So those are all my Jackson-Blofis family headcanons! Hope that wasn't to many & I hope you like it!
Meant to reply to this sooner than I did, so apologies on that, but this is really good! I seem to be collecting AUs/Headcanons like mythomagic cards lmao
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seraphtrevs · 1 year
In a post that I'm sure will generate no controversy, here are the political affiliations of the BrBa/BCS characters, in my opinion. Keep in mind that the American political scene was different in the aughts, and I'm not assigning political affiliations based on how much I like a character. This is just how I think they would be most likely to vote.
Better Call Saul
Chuck and Jimmy - As middle class Irish Catholics in the mid-20th century, their parents would almost certainly be Kennedy supporters. And given their age, I think there's also a strong probability that they supported FDR and the New Deal. Ruth and Charles Sr would have been young adults during FDR's rise to power, a moment in history with high political engagement, which might have led to a lifelong commitment to the Democratic party
So, given this, Chuck and Jimmy are probably also Democrats. I imagine Chuck is pretty passionate about politics, especially if his parents were political. Even though Chuck is not always fair to people in his personal life, he cares a lot about fairness in the abstract and the law, and politics is a part of the law. He doesn't care about religion or money, so conservatives don't really have a lot to offer him. I think that before his illness, he was pretty engaged and donated to candidates he believed in, and he's always up for a good debate, especially with his friend and partner George Hamlin, who was more than likely a neocon
When Jimmy remembers to vote, he'll vote Democrat, but I don't think he cares about politics. As Saul Goodman, he's apolitical - he wouldn't want to alienate clients, and again, he just doesn't really care that much
Howard - Sorry to say, but if George was a neocon, Howard is, too. He's rich, he's white, he's pro-business and anti-tax. But I don't think he was especially passionate about politics. He definitely would have been a Never Trumper if he were still around
Kim - a true blue liberal. She cares a lot about the underprivileged, so no way is she voting conservative. She doesn't have a lot of time to be involved, but she donates generously to candidates on the local and national level, and she makes sure to stay well-informed. (She drags Jimmy to the polls too lol)
Nacho - I think Manuel is very proud of his American citizenship and takes his civic duty seriously. Latinos are not a monolith, but I'd say he almost certainly votes Democrat
I don't think Nacho votes - maybe once when his dad nagged him, but I can't see Nacho really caring much about politics. He's not a civic minded person
Mike - he's a white cop, which makes him a Republican (sorry, but it's true). But to be honest, I don't think he cares about politics, either
Gus - I think he's also not very political, but he rubs elbows with a lot of people in the business community who are. He might say he's Republican if someone asks, but it's part of the act
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Luke/gods stans often say Percy would have a daddy kink and want a dom because of his 'd*ddy issues'(hate that phrase but bare with me)but i feel like you guys are forgetting they can manifest in the opposite direction.I mean we are talking about the guy who acts more like Nico and Hazel's dad than Hades ever has so y'know i'm just saying,it's not like it's baseless
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jasontoddssuper · 2 years
No actually y'know what there needs to be a piece of canon DC media where Jason Todd is afrolatino not just because i want him as my rep more than i want almost anything else dc related but also because then all the white gringos who are tasteless weirdos about him,erase Duke and Cass and thrist for Damian and Tim even though they're whole entire children will ignore it so i can finally enjoy my man in PEACE
@kyojurolover @peachyblkdemonslayer
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androdetective · 8 months
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Tulio Triviño Sr would be the average latino, issues-ridden dad if he also had undiagnosed autism
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streamgrandson · 5 months
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You find yourself waking in a dark, desolate room. It reeks of death and the walls have the blood of others woven into them, seemingly permanently, for eternity. Where are you?
TOC (Table Of Contents) ; - Welcome! - Who am I? - What is this blog? - What can I request? - What tags do you use? - Where else can you find me?
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➤ Welcome to my blog, @streamgrandson ! ♡
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[ WHO AM I? ]
➤ I go by the names Kai or Kennith online, but you are always free to refer to me by my handle (streamgrandson) or my most common username, Byzantinne! (You may also know me as Adanna's #1 Fan, Defender of Adanna, Adanna's wife, or many other titles dealing with Adanna. this adanna lover shit gets srs!!! i love her so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I am a minor and I am also a (very pale) afro-latino (Mexican). I am a proud agender lesbian who uses he/she pronouns. I have liked Flicker for around a good 4 years now! It's a huge special interest of mine. Extra: Surprisingly, Adanna has not always been my favourite flicker character! However, when she was released, she quickly did become my favourite. :) Love her! <3
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➤ This blog is one meant for me to post about the Roblox game, Flicker! I post my own things most of the time, but I am also often found reblogging other people's Flicker content! Anything Flicker related can be most likely found on this blog! I am working on being able to post here way more often like I used to.
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➤ As many of you know, I take requests for the posts I make! I am actually not a stimboard-only blog, although, that is what I make the most. I can do other things, too! YOU CAN REQUEST; - (NEW) Transparent Characters - Stimboards - Moodboards - Headcanons - Incorrect Quotes (Maybe) When requesting a stimboard/moodboard, I need a bit of info to continue with making it the best I can for you! A prompt you can follow is:
"Hi! May I please request a(n) [character] stimboard/moodboard with themes of [x]?" How this would be used: "Hi! May I please request an Adanna stimboard with themes of makeup, cherries, drawing, and fashion?"
You can also ask for a stimboard/moodboard for themes of the Flicker game itself, ships, flicker fanfictions, as long as it relates to Flicker! When requesting a headcanon dump, follow this prompt: "Hi! May I request some [scenario] headcanons for [character]?" How this would be used: "Hi! May I request some marching band headcanons for Aren?" You can also ask for headcanons about the game itself, or general headcanons for a certain character (or ship)!
(NEW) When requesting a transparent image of a character, follow this prompt:
"Hi! May I request a transparent image of [character]?"
If it is a character that has multiple versions (Ex: Ally), specify what version you'd like for me to make a transparent of!
How this would be used: "Hi! May I request a transparent image of Austin's original design?"
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[ WHAT TAGS DO YOU USE? ] ➤ You may notice I use quite a few tags in my posts! If you want to filter out some or always be on the lookout for some, here's the main ones I use! I may also add some in the near future. #flicker blog #flicker stimboard #not flicker related #kai's reblogs🌠 #🏹; kai's moodboards #🧵; talking I also tag ships and characters. Ex: #dashmar / dashawn flicker , flicker dashawn , omar flicker, flicker omar . [[[i hope this section made sense HELPPP
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[ WHERE ELSE CAN YOU FIND ME? ] ➤ I have other social medias, too! Here are some of them. :D INSTAGRAM (MOST ACTIVE): requestdirty DISCORD: spectroscope TWITTER: complexplanes AO3: dreamsweetinseamajor ROBLOX: Byzantinne (residentsimon) TIKTOK (LEAST ACTIVE): Byzantinne
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You've made it out, congratulations on winning Flicker! Sorry we took your humanity from you. Lol.
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Various references and Easter eggs in Spooky Month 5: Tender Treats
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Graffiti in the public restroom
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Newgrounds logo
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An old joke between Sr Pelo and his friends, One Piece reference (text that says 'the One Piece is real!'), that hole, Team Fortress 2 reference (delete Sniper), the Spooky Month team complaining about how they wouldn't finish animating the episode in October, and a reference to Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff ('I told you about the stairs bro')
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El Gran Varón lyrics (En la sala de un hospital, A las 9:43), Tweek x Craig (South Park), Portal reference (the cake is a lie)
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Stickers on the dumpster referencing Among Us, Neko Arc, My Girlfriend is a Zombie!? (by AnaPijamas) and CONNECTION (by Ao Clover)
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Posters used in backgrounds of scenes.
(Top, left to right) Sr Pelo's ghost OCs, El Robaregalos (The Gift Thief), Sr Pelo's 'COMEDY' video, El Obo ( Latino American joke), Box Cutter, and a 'spoiler' for Spooky Month 6: Hollow Sorrows
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Kids dressed as Sans (Undertale) and Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin')
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More people in costumes referencing various characters
Kenny, Stan, Kyle and Cartman (South Park)
Edd, Matt and Tom (Eddsworld)
Snailchan (Snail's House)
Bojji and Kage (Ranking of Kings)
Anya (Spy × Family)
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A character from Helltaker on the poster in the trash can (not specified, possibly Lucifer).
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Papel picado hanging on the cables.
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Touhou characters (from left to right):
Reisen Udongein Inaba
Marisa Kirisame
Alice Margatroid
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The Wii
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pianocat939 · 11 months
Latino Naga Leo real and canon now frfr/j
It’s not /j it’s /srs.
We’re not changing it-
He gives Peru idk why
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¿Quienes son los nominados a latino Sexyman? Parte #3
Está no es una explicación. Solo pondre un gif (o foto). 
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Núm 21. Joaquín Mondragon
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Núm 22. Carlitox
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Núm 23. Lobo/La muerte
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Núm 24. Speedy Gonzales (Sr. Pussycat. Que onda gringos!!!??)
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Núm 25. Don Armando
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Núm 26. Adrian Siedelman
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Núm 27. Lucas Amato
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Núm 28. Hector Rivera
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Núm 29. Condorito
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Núm 30. Isidoro Cañones
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