psychedelic-charm · 3 months
If You Don't See It, Be It!
I just watched yesterday's new episode of Blue's Clues & You, and I'm impressed with its story and message. Josh, Blue and their friends are making their own Super Wonder Team movie, but Slippery Soap questions if Periwinkle can really play Rocket Blast, a role that's usually played by a dog. Hearing this, Periwinkle doesn't know what to do.
To cheer him up, Josh shows him a handmade comic book about how Josh wanted to play a superhero, but his friends doubt that he can because he had brown skin, and every superhero they saw were white. Josh's Lola tells him that just because he didn't see any Filipino superheroes, it didn't mean that he couldn't be one. With these words of encouragement, Josh decides that he will be Song Man. The next day, Josh's friends apologized for hurting his feelings, realizing that what they thought before wasn't true.
I won't spoil the ending for those who haven't seen it, but I will say that it reinforces the message that anybody can be a hero regardless of their race/gender/sexuality/disability/etc.
If you don't see it, be it!
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acepolls · 1 year
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kamenstrikerace · 24 days
One of the biggest steryotypes in the YGO community that grinds my gears has to be this whole ''respect and love'' bullcrap that they keep shouting on while people act like morons, but they get mad and try to insult any series. I don't care much about Zexal fans anymore since I stopped supporting that community a while back. Them shilling Zexal and mocking 5D's is just ironic when their own show was the target of hate and cancel culture in the past.
Yu-Gi-Oh fans need to grow up. There is a reason why culture doesn't affect most of them. They just complain and whine like spoiled brats.
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khr-guilded-cage · 1 year
The whole Flame types and Guardians Bonds is such a good source of bashing
From forced bonds and political Guardians.
To some people begin considered 'lesser' because of their flames, steryotypes, even to arranged marriage to produce powerful children (or with both the certain blood and flame type).
To press down your Sky Flames to force them obedience (looking at you, Timmy).
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mrswarnerxo · 1 month
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denerturee · 6 months
I so appreciate singers who don't change their style because of a stupid stereotype.
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bleakqblake · 2 years
I want a character that dresses like a stereotypical “Y/N” messy bun and all, that just… acts like a normal person.
Maybe a little more tired, maybe likes cheesy romance movies and CANNOT stop listening to Taylor’s version anything
One that knows they’re “like other girls” and is totally cool with it and loves themselves and copes with any insecurities they might have
And every time someone sees them and makes like a comment or joke, they just have no clue on what they mean, like they have no idea what a “Y/N” is
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crypt-of-crows · 2 years
I feel that stereotypes are harmful to people that do and don’t fit them. I feel we talk a lot about how harmful they are to those who don’t fit into a percived stereotype and how reducing a group down to a singular mold is insanely harmful to people who break it; but I don’t think we talk enough about how they harm the people who do fit the mold, the guilt of unwillingly matching aspects of a stereotype.
For me this is to do with my transness, I am a skinny, white, neurodiverget, ace, afab, teenager with dyed hair who’s transmasc. Which falls into the stereotype of what trans masculine people are in my experience.
My mother thinks my gender identity and sexuality is a phase that I’ll grow out of when I’m older, that it’s just a side effect of being autistic, that I’m just confused, that I’m just woman lite.
I know this post isn’t very articulate and a bit rambling but I needed to get it off my chest as it’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot, how stereotypes are just as harmful to people who fit them as those who don’t
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ho-ho-homosxual · 11 days
Southern people / people with pets hearing a strange noise in
Creepypastas / scary stories: *immediately go to investigate, are really scared, and do dumb shit*
IRL pet owners:"-Pet name here- I LOVE YOU BUT SHUT THE FUCK UP"
IRL southerners: Ignore it, because we've seen weirder shit
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sweetpotato-art · 5 months
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little doodles of me and my bf
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kamenstrikerace · 23 days
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Okay guys now look at this drama. How do i describe it as you may ask? Hypocrisy and Surgarcoating. Why? Because two comments are doing it to promote Zexal propaganda while the other two are correct.
''Zexal in terms of writing was dog shit, but Yoshida in terms of writing girls was shit. If you defend Zexal's writing you sir, are defeding sexim I loath this show either way you look at it. I prefer 5D's in terms writing and quality.''
Correct and well said. We know how it feels to defend a show that is 100% sexist like Zexal. It's hard to imagine that YGO fans can't think straight in the head and all they do is whine and complain. Take from a guy who loves 5D's.
''it is ridiculous. It isn't a War where defenders of Zexal are sexists. Kotori was not character of century but it wasn't a big problem. Rio was good.Kaito was in the best rivals , Yuma had good evolution , Tron 's family was excellent. Barians arc was in the best arcs in licence , révélation on Nash and his final Duel were stratospheric.''
Zexal fans are being 100% dumb again. This dude first off with defending Kotori leading into this bias counter claim with a side of hypocrisy and sugarcoating as the cherry on top over a cartoon show like a fool.How much do you think these dumbasses can't be honest than defend a show all because they can't be HONEST. I will say it again. This dude is either a fake fan to promote his own agenda or only does it because someone else roasted his favorite show. You say 5D's fans can't accept criticism, but Zexal fans are worst - they can't accept proper criticism over a dumb cartoon. 5D's fans grew up and stop caring about Zexal fans who can't accept criticism because let me explaine. What is the most mature thing on the planet. Being honest. That's why 5D's fans stop caring about Zexaltards in the place over the fact Zexal fans became toxic after shit like this. Zexal fans I know them since the early days. They can't handle any negative backlash over a cartoon because they afraid of being mature for a lously moment. So, they use Japan that the show was susscesfull enough to promote their own agenda. Nope. Zexal wasn't well received enough to be called a masterpiece. This dude has been listing to Dylan or those Reddit YGO fanboys again for the 100th time. Get a life moron. Steryotype or not he can't think straight with out getting mad. Bruh you mad? XD
''You do realize half of 5ds was written by Yoshida, right?''
You do relaize that most of what you said is pure hypocrisy. Yoshida was infact the writer of 5d's since it's inception and was the writer of DM and GX. This is the most common problem with YGO fans i can't stand. They just can't addmit that Yoshida is polarizing instead of using someone other series he wrote. Fans actually hate/love the guy so you can't accept that don't bother commeting.
''he must've lost his edge once 5Ds was over''
Exactly. Fans saying that Zexal was what saved YGO is incorrect. Zexal fans can't handle the fact that what made 5D's so special was him. Zexal was nothing more than a bad fanfiction. So, yeah writers do stop being good after a spesific series they worked on and later on get worst if they get overworked like how he was in the 2010s past 5D's onwards. He also wrote for OCG Stories as and got his mojo back. So anything in between 5D's and OCG Stories he wrote wasn't good in the fact because he sucked. Let's be honest. Doma was good, Gx Season 3 was better than Season 4. 5D's beyond Dark Signer had more concept than early 5D's.
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ann-whispers · 1 year
Papers Out!
The thriller/comedy series I'm writing featuring character stereotypes that I either change completely or improve/expand details on. It focuses on a newspaper club filled with some of the main stereotypes you see in teen movies as they get dragged into a mystery involving human experimentation and the paranormal going on within their up tight private boarding school. My main cast includes an anxious nerd with a strange obsession with perfection, his sheltered catholic best friend who also embodies the gay best friend troupe, a mute theater kid who has definitely got arrested for arson at some point, a jock who acts as the groups overprotective older brother who is a bit far too caring, and the school's popular girl who definitely does not have a strange obsession with her image and has crippling insecurities.
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denerturee · 2 years
People say that Shadow is aromantic and asexual just because he has a villain stereotype and is serious and shows his feelings very rarely.
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addyhurtig · 2 years
How Howl’s Moving Castle Addresses Vanity
Howl’s Moving Castle is a story about Sophie, a bored hat shop owner, who suddenly befriends the popular wizard Howl. Howl is known for his magical moving castle and how handsome he is. Issues arise when the evil Witch of the Waste sees this new relationship and becomes jealous since she is in love with Howl. The Witch of the Waste thinks that since Howl is so vain himself, he wouldn’t want to fall in love with someone uglier than him. Therefore, she curses Sophie, and she ages prematurely. Howl learns through Sophie that it is what is on the inside that matters, and we see him fall in love with Sophie no matter what she looks like. 
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Howl’s Moving Castle is an excellent example of how vanity is integrated into our society, it discusses the major issue of female vanity and how it is projected onto women. Mariana Delgado in her article How ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’ Subverts Expectations of Female Vanity summarizes this issue perfectly: “By connecting his expectations of himself to his soul, the film sets up this dichotomy of exterior and interior. By the end, when Howl cuts that tie between the physical and the metaphysical by rejecting an idealized version of himself, he’s also breaking away from the social constructs of beauty in general. Throughout the film, Howl’s journey is about managing expectations of physical and emotional beauty. He slowly detaches the idea that his worth is strongly linked to how his magic makes him look instead of what he can do with it.” Howl is an excellent example of an individual feeling pressured by society’s standards. He is so blocked up in this dichotomy of his true self and the one that society has put onto him, that he is split. It is also very notable because in Howl’s Moving Castle the one being vain is Howl, not Sophie. Interestingly, it is Howl who is considered vain in this movie and not Sophie. This is a different take than what we are used to in films since in Hollywood it is a common stereotype for the woman to be the vain one, not the man. Because of this difference, I think that it makes it more clear and helps us pay more attention to the signs of vanity within Howl.
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kathyorihara · 2 years
Can the Latino/Hispanic community stop assuming that just because someone is quiet that it means their conceded.
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bhavikas-stuff · 2 years
India 🇮🇳
What community think of India:-
India is impoverished. Every Indian is Hindu. These are hardly some of the stuff I beget heeded. And these are merely two of the numerous inferences about Indian nations and India.
Gaze these gratifying stuff some think of 🇮🇳( source Quora)-
1. English or not, the terminology does not impede India!
2. You just can't have enough of India in one visit! You have to keep coming back.
3. India proposes EVERYTHING to its visitors!
4.Indians love to help!
5. And many more....
Being a resident of India, I suggest you all stay once here...
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