#teddie answers
teddiemush · 2 months
eat some fruit NOW
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o kay……………..:(
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tvstarkuma · 4 days
" well, i figure if you're gonna work at junes, y'need your own name tag, right? but y'know, a name tag has a last name, too. " he's presenting the little object in hand, reaching to pin it onto teddie's junes apron, smiling to himself as he pulls back, name all in capital letters. " so, you're a hanamura. welcome to the family, bear. "
A name wasn't anything important to him back then. At the start, there was a bear alone in a world created by humanity's deepest desires. Neither had a name and he was fine that way. He barely counted as a person. A being parading an empty smile for an audience that would never come.
Until, one day, the people he was born to please finally came. And the bear was given something he never had on his own: a name and an identity. To this day he held those things in great pride. He embraced them and made them fully his own. From that day forward he finally began to enjoy being himself.
Teddie never paid any mind to Junes' nametag rule. To be fair, there were many rules he ignored so the rose he had in place of a nametag was very low on the other staff's priority list. Even now he looked down at the nametag curiously as Yosuke began to pin it on Teddie's apron. The weight of the situation didn't begin to fall on the blonde's shoulders until he read the name on the tag. "Teddie" alone wasn't written there. As Yosuke stated, he needed a last name, something he never had since the dawn of his existence. He was born from nothing, among no one, with no name or title. Now, here, he at last had a full name.
On the nametag his new full name was written: "TEDDIE HANAMURA".
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Teddie's hand grabbed the nametag. He held on to that entire area on his apron with a tight grip that could not be ripped apart by anything as if his entire life depended on it. Tears filled his big, blue eyes faster than he could blink. Already he began to sniffle.
"R...Really...? You mean it?!" He stammered as his throat tightened and his tears began to drip down his face.
Yosuke didn't just write down his last name, he also invited the bear to this family. Teddie's never had a family before. There wasn't anyone in his world besides himself and the shadows. He has his friends now but never a family like they all did. A family was a mom, dad, brother, and sister, right? Then uncles and cousins, too. He heard about those two from his Sensei. If he was a Hanamura then that made Yosuke and him family. He wanted Teddie to stay with him not just as a friend but as an official member of his family. Family lived together, loved each other, and were always at each other's side no matter what. Teddie would love that!
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"YOSUKEE!" Teddie couldn't hold his tears any longer and began to sob as he at last let go of his apron to pull the brunette into a tight hug "I'm keeping this nametag forever! No matter what! I'll tell everyone my name is Teddie Hanamura! I want to be your family, and go on trips, and take photos, and have breakfast, and live together because I love you!" Yosuke's apron and shirt were officially wet from all of Teddie's tears and snot bubbles. And Teddie didn't show any signs of wanting to let go.
"Years and years from now, I'll always be Teddie Hanamura!"
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tvstarkuma-a · 2 years
Hi, this is Junes calling. Someone called in today so we're asking you to come in for a long shift. Apologies but we're short staffed right now and it's busy right now. Please come in ASAP.
His arm lunged forward to reach the phone on time. Still in his pajamas, he wasn’t holding on to his phone on his person. All of his friends being in school right now also gave him no reason to keep it close. When he ran to answer he didn’t even have time to read the caller ID in his fit of panic that he’d miss the call. Who knows? Maybe one of his friends did have something urgent to say?
“Good morning! This is Teddie speaking!” A greeting as bright as ever.
He heard subdued laughter for a short second, but not from one of his friends. It was one of the managers at Junes. A voice he’d heard enough to recognize from all the times he’d come speak to Yosuke about important matters only later passed on to him.
Even while not face to face with the caller, the blonde nodded periodically. Only as the information finally hit him did he stop most of his movement besides looking at the post-breakfast snacks he had already procured for later.
“But I’m…” He was cut off by the manager reiterating how understaffed they were, even for the holidays.
It was a morning on a school day so the young part-timers wouldn’t be available. Not that he minded that, the older staff were always super nice, especially the free samples ladies. The problem was that he already had a shift later today. If he took this one too, then he’d be at Junes all day. But the manager probably wouldn’t take a decline very well after the silence the bear was currently giving him to think. Junes must be seriously understaffed if Teddie was his last hope to take more shifts. With a sigh, the bear spoke up again.
“OK, I’ll be right over.”
So much for his easy morning…After getting dressed and letting Mrs. Hanamura know about the situation, he was out the door. And he probably won’t see that same door again for a while…
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pixlokita · 1 year
🗣️🗣️🗣️This Gregory & Cassie Twin Propaganda🗣️🗣️🗣️
tell me your hc’s about theeeeeeeeeeem
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This ?
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wait it's mentioned that Tilde's first word was fuck. Imagine that mama bear and Jason are saying her first words are either mama or dada, wanna know what their reaction was when it was neither
Jason heard the sippy cup fall off the high chair and sighed, "Baby girl," he said, "It's gonna fall the same no matter where you drop it fro-"
Clear as a bell. There it was. And all he could do was laugh. "You're your mommy's daughter aren't you?", he chuckled, picking her up and kissing her cheeks.
"Okay now wait until I can get it on video for mommy," he said pulling out his phone. "This is why we can't take you to lives anymore," he said. "Grandpa is gonna have a stroke."
"Right?" he said. "Alfred is gonna think it's very funny though. That's what I care about."
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adventureswithteddy · 5 months
I think I've seen photos of Teddy underwater on this blog before, so I was just wondering - what do you do to keep him clean and sturdy throughout all these adventures? Do you give him regular baths yourself or use stuffed animal hospitals? He seems to be in really good shape considering how far he's traveled :^)
You sure have! On the occasions that he has gone under water I have taken a long time to rinse him out afterwards, salt water would not be a fun thing to have for extended periods of time on your body. Then when I can I have given him some baths to help keep his fur clean and looking fresh. I have taken special care to baby him through our adventures but he's a rambunctious guy so there will definitely come a point when he has some sort of medical problem. I know there are some people out there that do stuffed animal care and refreshing but I haven't had to seek out any yet. Honestly I am looking forward to a story of some fantastic injury in the future, while scary I think Teddy will pull through. That said I'm not in any rush to have to go into surgery. I will likely put a needle and thread to use and repair whatever pops up if a sad future event should arise. But for now... I'm going to try to continue to keep him safe and injury free.
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disaster-j · 1 month
It's so funny to me that bitches were cribbing about Tommy not wearing a costume to a party that clearly wasn't a costume party bc literally only buddie wore a costume and only bc they're being buddie like the idiots were sharing their little braincell while everyone else was looking from a distance like wow can they chill
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hypogryffin · 10 months
i cant believe i wasn't following u b4,,,,,ive just been silently scrolling through your blog for like a solid YEAR and just haven't even noticed????? n e ways what are tha thoughts on literally anyone in p4 being trans bc i live for that 🎤
the way my brain decided that this was asking for pronoun headcanons and did not reread to make sure that was what you were asking before drawing all of this…... well anyways
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swampstew · 2 months
boops the captain
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saintsenara · 3 months
Any thoughts on Teddy/Victoire?
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
i don't massively care about next-gen fics of any kind, because - while i really enjoy "everyone's learning how to live again after the war" things set following the conclusion of deathly hallows, i don't really find things set in the time where all is well attention-grabbing in the same way. laundry and taxes is all well and good as a trope, but there's also only so much that can be said about a couple who has a normal life falling in love in a normal fashion.
what i will say, though, is that tedoire do have a good chance of being more interesting than that in the right hands. teddy has the same "orphan seeking to understand how much of themselves is inherited vibe" as harry does, which stands nicely in contrast to victoire's enormous extended family and secure sense of her place in that history and which also has a lovely bit of conflict lurking below the surface in that the parent he will primarily be looking to understand is his father. we know that, canonically, andromeda is not best pleased about remadora's marriage, and i am extremely taken with the idea that she spends her life looking for tonks in teddy's face and ignoring any of the lupin she finds there. i am even more taken with the idea that harry - to his great anguish - also struggles to provide teddy with any meaningful insight into lupin's character - as we see in canon, the two aren't actually particularly close, and lupin obscures so much of his true self when around harry as a way of suppressing his own grief for james. anyone else who could tell teddy about his dad is dead.
except - as it turns out - for molly weasley, whose relationship with lupin is set out quite beautifully here by @whinlatter. i think you could do something genuinely lovely with teddy lurking round the burrow hoping to catch a glimpse of victoire just because she's a hottie, and instead finding the secrets to his life simmering gently in the kitchen, waiting for him to pop the question and officially join the family he always belonged to anyway.
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musette22 · 10 days
Do you remember that video of Sebastian having that giant Teddy bear delivered to the kid who played his son in a movie (I believe)? It's honestly so sweet that he did that and then he's using the tiniest scissors to cut the wrapping of a gigantic bear...adorable 🤩 do you think of what Chris' reaction would have been to someone showing him that video?
Oh honey, do I remember that video 😭 It's just about the sweetest thing I've ever seen in my life, I think about it so often it's a little embarrassing 🥺🧸 I'd never noticed how tiny the scissors were though, that just makes it extra cute 😭😭 And I also just noticed that he's still holding the scissors when the kid runs up to hug him, which is why he hugs him a little awkwardly because he's trying so hard not to accidentally hurt him 🥺 I'm sorry, but this is just in a whole new league of adorableness aaahhhh.
Oh, and Chris would've absolutely died at seeing this video, I have no doubt! Just like the rest of us poor, smitten mooks. Yet more proof that Sebastian is just the sweetest kid on the planet 🥹 (though the actual kid gives him a run for his money here 💗)
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teddiemush · 2 months
do you know about the giraffe parasites
the What
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tvstarkuma · 20 days
i'm supposed to get a toy with this. // >:( adachi vc: this is BULLSHIT!
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“Beary sorry about that! I thought your meal had one.” Teddie reaches back and gives the detective the toy he craves so dearly. It’s a handmade mini-Teddie! Available at the Junes food court for a limited time!
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“Who’s the kids meal for, Adachi? I’ve never seen you with a kid before.” He asked with a genuine curiosity. There was zero malice behind that smile. Only in the back of his mind was the consideration that this adult man bought a kids meal for himself because he wanted a bear-tastic toy. If so, he couldn't blame him. The toy was amazing!
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tvstarkuma-a · 2 years
Biting contest! Biting contest!
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"A biting contest? No, that won't do. There still needs to be a reason to bite someone." It just so happened that those reasons were rather flexible.
Sometimes the feeling of biting something was a bit soothing, though. Darn, now he kind of wants to...
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daily-hanamura · 6 months
I would gladly read an essay about how Teddie and Yosuke compliment and are parallels of each other!! (I just love reading essays about P4 analysis let's be honest)
Ooooh okay oh god let's see if I can be coherent about this
So I think for me one of the big parallels about Teddie and Yosuke is really in the way they interact or communicate with others, and I think Teddie tends to imitate Yosuke but also in a way that also exaggerates Yosuke's traits, for better or for worse.
For example the way Yosuke hits on people especially earlier on - I feel like it starts to taper off a bit as the game continues, and especially after Teddie joins the team. I'm kind of of the attitude that Teddie doesn't really know what he's talking about, so he's just kind of innocently mimicking what Yosuke says or reads in his books, and whether that's Yosuke overcompensating with performance to hide his queerness or him just being a hot blooded teenage boy with a lot of influence from other dumb hot blooded teenage boys from his hometown, I think that him seeing Teddie with that behaviour makes him 1. Reflect more on himself and realise that that's actually quite unpleasant 2. Take responsibility as Teddie's older brother to "teach" him properly. And I actually think that's super cute, so even though I roll my eyes whenever Teddie makes a comment like that I'm also like. This is a reflection of Teddie's status as Yosuke's younger brother and just being very impressionable as younger brothers are when they have an older sibling they look up to.
It's also in the behaviour that Teddie has in Yosuke's house
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I thought this was so funny because when Yosuke was at Yu's house the first time he sort of barged in and started investigating Yu's futon for Yu's dirty mags, so it's really similar behaviour??
But I also think Teddie takes after Yosuke in all his best ways as well. Look at how Teddie expresses worry for others even though he struggles with his words, just like Yosuke - when Yosuke was upset and Teddie asks him if he had a tummy ache, because he understands that Yosuke is in pain but doesn't know best how to ask after him. It reminds me a lot of that scene in p4au where Yosuke tried to assuage a worried Chie by teasing her with a distraction by pinching her nose (and it works!?)
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Like. I think yosuke has definitely gotten better with it over time in being the reliable one that the IT trusts and look to for emotional support, but he was way clumsier before. And I think the point is not so much that they're bad with it, but that neither of them let it stop them from trying to express their concern for their friends anyway even though they don't know how to tackle it head on, and I love that so much.
Ultimately I think Teddie really brings out the best in Yosuke by making him more responsible? And idk I think a lot about this comment from Yosuke a lot
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And I think with Teddie especially, it really shows, especially with how Teddie really does listen to him or look up to him. I love that Yosuke didn't really need to take Teddie home at the get go, but no one else knew what to do with him so Yosuke just stepped up. Teddie talks about how he crawls into Yosuke's bed for cuddles and Yosuke complains a lot about how much he hates it but he's also SO SOFT FOR TEDDIE and it makes me weak ngl, so idk, I think with the way Yosuke deflects a lot of makes me think he lets Teddie do whatever as long as it doesn't inconvenience other people. And the way Yosuke takes charge of Teddie in trying to teach him. Him giving Teddie a phone so he can stay in touch with everyone else. This is not a parallel anymore but THEM....
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OoOooOoo so how does reader react to Jason scaling back Red hood? I’m sure she’s happy to not having to worry about him being shot nightly, but I’d imagine emotions are mixed. Did he decide and then talk to her? Just slowly stop going on patrol and not mention it until she brought it up? How did that conversation play out?
"Jay it's fine I can- you don't have to-"
"Mama bear," Jayson said gently, cutting you off with a kiss and taking his sleeping daughter out of your arms, "You need me at home. You need help."
"No buts," he said honestly. "It's gonna be hard. But. I can't risk you. Or the kids. And I want-" He exhaled slowly, "All I've ever known is surviving. And Dying. And now- I don't have to do that anymore. I can come home and... none of that matters. There's something worth protecting." He kissed you again and rested his forehead against yours.
"But I can-"
"You could," he said. "I know you'd walk away from it all tomorrow. Be a housewife and a full time mommy but- You'd hate it, baby. You don't WANT to stay home. You don't WANT to give up your company. And you need to create stuff. It's who you are."
"And you want to be a stay-at-home daddy?" you ask, carding fingers through his hair.
"If it means my mama bear and my kids are safe," he said earnestly.
"And this isn't a ploy to sweet talk me into having another baby?" you tease, kissing his jaw.
"Maybe a little," he chuckled. "You're just so cute when you can't get off the couch-"
"It's too squishy," you pout, cheeks heating.
"It's the perfect amount of squishy," he said unrepentantly, grinning at you as he cuddled Tilde. "Comfy enough that you get a nice nap and a big enough pain in the ass to get off of that you're not moving unless you gotta-"
"Lemme knock you up again and I'll prove it," he teased, "You got your best naps stretched out on the couch."
"If we have any more babies before we get married your dad is gonna have a stroke-"
"Fine," Jason snorted, "But if we come back from the honeymoon-"
"Are you telling me you're just gonna keep me in the hotel room the whole time?" you challenge, taking your daughter back when she fussed to be fed.
"No," he snorted, mildly offended. "The room, the pool, the car, on the beach... Mama Bear, if you think we're not going to have a whole vacation you're crazy."
"You're my children's mother," he said. "Love of my life... Not just a baby mama." He handed you a burp rag for Tilde and bent to kiss the top of your head. "If we're going on a honeymoon, we're gonna have the time of our lives- and if I get my way, well- all your panties are gonna go missing."
"Can't help it Mama bear," he called over his shoulder. "You're just my type."
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