#thank you for this expansion
mewcharm · 3 months
i have exactly zero memory of following you, but your arts neat and you seem cool, so i guess i'm staying
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starrymarii · 1 year
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Side order 🐙
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brotherconstant · 2 months
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THE EXPANSE ➤ Timestamp Roulette 2x01 Safe 🧡 @diasdelfuego 🧡
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yabakuboi · 17 days
you ask for ficlet prompts, and a prompt you shall receive:
merman Steve please and thank you 🙏
blows you a kiss, i would do anything for you also im mixing a lot of lore here im so sorry
He grew up lonely. Nereides live solitary lives mostly, only gathering when called, when there is need. He spent many years roaming and exploring deep oceans, only seeing his kind in passing moments of trade and exchange. It is a very lonely life, and he never understands why he was so different from the resst, when all of his kind are perfectly happy in their solitude.
The ocean is vast, and there aren't many nereides in this part of the world. But there are a lot of humans—humans who are never alone, he finds, always accompanied by others in their boats and their swims.
He loves to watch them. They are fascinating, these land people who throw themselves into the ocean with excitement and joy and curiosity. He watches from a distance, filled with longing and envy, as these creatures leave the safety of their home to touch the sea.
It's how he finds Dustin, as its little body struggles as a rip tide pulls it from the shores. He knows he shouldn't, knows how dangerous humans are, but still, he rushes to it as the tiny thing wanes, stills, and brings it to the surface.
They float there together, the human and the nereid, just above the water, the human gasping for breath, trembling against him, until finally it speaks. Or screeches really. "HOLY SHIT!"
He doesn't understand the words, but he understands the meaning. "Holy shit," he says back to the human, because he's kind of feeling the same way.
The human begins to babble a whole lot of other things, and he has no idea what any of it means. He knows a little of human speech, things overheard, but he knows none of these words. This goes on for a long time, the two of them floating in the water alone, until finally the human points at itself and says, "Dustin."
"Dustin," he repeats.
"Dustin!" the human says again, gesturing at itself.
Ah, this is a Dustin. "Dustin," he says, agreeing, and uses his free hand to pat the human's head. Dustin then points, its little finger wagging in his face.
The Dustin says something again, but he doesn't understand it, distracted by a human boat shooting across the water towards them now. The Dustin is saying a lot of things still, but it's quickly approaching.
"Good-bye," he says to the Dustin, hoping that's the correct word. He ducks under the water and releases it, waiting a moment to make sure it floats, before darting back into the depths—only so far as to not be seen from the surface, even when the little human sticks its head underwater and looks around. Soon, the boat is beside it, and the Dustin is pulled from the sea.
He tries not to be sad about it. Dustin was wiggly and warm, and it was nice to hear it talk so loudly and so much. Nereides rarely speak like humans do, and he wishes that Dustin could teach him a few more of his words.
"Holy shit," he says, alone in the water, and decides to come back again tomorrow. Maybe he can see Dustin again.
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splat-details · 4 months
hi i love the photos you take, can i request the interior of the deep sea metro train please?
deepsea metro train save me.. save me deepsea metro train....
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mikimeiko · 3 months
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Jared Harris as Anderson Dawes in The Expanse s01e06
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pseudowho · 3 months
Nanami Kento's Domain Expansion
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I have some thoughts on this. I've been ruminating over what I think his DE would be for a while.
So I view his 7:3 ratio critical hit method as a sort of two-dimensional (2D) method. He can only create one line at a time, and usually "flat" against what's in front of him.
I think his DE would thrust his opponent into a 3D grid, whereby Kento could make lines of critical weakness through his opponent in at least 3 different directions (front to back, top to bottom, and side to side), in one hit.
By making the points of critical weakness on these lines intersect each other, meeting up at a singular point, the power behind Kento's strike would be increased to the power of the amount of lines intersecting (if two intersect, the power is squared; if three intersect, the power is cubed).
Bonus info: I think this Black Flash King can BF into, out of and within his own domain, making it insanely fast for Kento to be able to step himself and opponents in and out of his domain, and strengthening the critical hits within even further.
I've been mathematic today. Sorry.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
-- Haitch xxx
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commandershepards · 2 years
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[FANCAST] Frankie Adams as Commander Shepard in a hypothetical live action Mass Effect series
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An analysis of Alhaitham's egoism in relation to Kaveh
(Update: The essay this is taken from is now uploaded! It can be accessed here and here as as a pdf <3)
Max Stirner's anarchist egoism is speculated to be the basis of Alhaitham's personal egoism, therefore I will be drawing upon Stirner's 'The Unique and Its Property' for this analysis.
Property and power are key principles within this philosophy. The egoist recognises himself as an individual, separate from the general collective of “humanity”, in which concepts such as freedom and property are governed to and over the people, for then the individual is not considered as such, rather they are a part of “humanity”, rather than a whole individual (Stirner, 170). This thinking is demonstrated within Alhaitham’s Story Quest, where he dismantles Siraj’s Hivemind by targeting individuals that compromised the Hive and reminding them of their own beliefs and preferences – the individual in themselves is a whole, and is not a “part” of a system (Stirner, 170).
In this, the egoist governs himself by what he owns and what he wants to own: “ownness is my whole essence and existence, it is myself. I am free from what I am rid of, owner of what I have in my power, what I control. I am at all times and under every circumstance my own”(Stirner, 106). This relates to the concept of freedom, which, for an egoist exists according to having the power to be free of something, for example, being freed of hunger, thirst, or societal expectations (Stirner, 105). This is reflected within Alhaitham’s description: “He lives free – free from the searching eyes of ordinary people,” but also extends to the power to own.
As power is considered something which the egoist owns, property then becomes something which the egoist exerts power over, and in this, can property be made use of by the egoist – all the while, the property remains an independent vessel (Stirner, 162). This is seen within Alhaitham’s view on his vision, in that it is “no more than a useful tool”, as it can be used to serve his own needs, and that since it in his possession, he has obtained it with his own power, it makes no difference to check on it as he continues to retain that power.
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In this sense then, Alhaitham has constructed his life around this form of egoism, in that anything he wants, he has, such as his job as the Scribe, his house, the interests he pursues, the people he enjoys. In order to maintain this way of life, he will deal with, or be rid of, anything he deems as "harmful".
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With this, the egoist seeks satisfaction in themselves through the satisfaction of another. Ownership, in relation to another person, can become love, which like all things the egoist has power over, is ultimately theirs – as in their love for a person (Stirner, 187), which is given willingly by the egoist, for loving a person is done for the satisfaction that love brings: “But I love them with the awareness of egoism; I love them because love makes me happy, I love because love is natural to me, it pleases me,” (186).
In loving another comes sacrifice, which the egoist can give into without compromising himself, as he himself sets the “purchase price of [his love]” (187) according to the happiness attributed to the loved one, as in return, the egoist shall also receive happiness (186). To enjoy someone, in an egoist fashion, is to be able to sacrifice all possessions and ownerships without foregoing the sense of an individual, of “ownness”, as the egoist would then lose his objectivity:
“I can deny myself countless things to heighten his pleasure, and I can risk for him what would be dearest to me without him, my life, my welfare, my freedom. Indeed, it forms my pleasure and happiness to feast on his pleasure and happiness. But me, myself I do not sacrifice to him, but rather remain an egoist and—enjoy him. If I sacrifice to him everything I would keep without my love for him, that is very easy… But if I sacrifice others to one passion, I still do not…  sacrifice my particular worth, my ownness. Where this nasty incident occurs, love looks no better than any other passion that I blindly obey.” – The Unique and Its Property, 185
It is relevant to note that just as the egoist receives happiness from a loved one’s pleasure, so does an egoist suffer from a loved one’s despair. Just as the egoist would sacrifice something of their own to provide happiness for a loved one in order to exact their own happiness, so too would an egoist sacrifice something, or act, to eradicate the root problem of a loved one’s misery, as this, in turn, would then resolve their own misery:
“If I see the beloved suffering, I suffer with him, and I find no rest until I’ve tried everything to comfort and cheer him…. It doesn’t follow from this that the same thing causes suffering… his tooth gives him pain, but his pain gives me pain. But because I cannot bear the sorrowful crease on the beloved forehead, therefore, then for my sake, I kiss it away. If I didn’t love this person, he could go right on creasing his forehead, that wouldn’t trouble me; I’m only driving away my troubles. – The Unique and Its Property, 186
The phrasing of “driving away… troubles” is particular to note here, due to similar usages of language used within Alhaitham’s Character Stories, in relation to him acting in accordance with his self-governed rules and serving his own self-interest by: “[acting] on his own will and deals with anything that appears harmful in his eyes”.
Kaveh, however, interprets Alhaitham’s egoism as a detached, pragmatic view of humanity, in which the individual isolates themselves not only as a means of prioritisation, but by elevating oneself over others by refusal to intermingle and to cooperate for the benefit of others. Not only is this a harmful opposition to Kaveh’s view of individuals sharing their knowledge and talent in order to pursue a better society, but due to Kaveh’s experience of Alhaitham’s personal egoism, it is harmful to Kaveh personally. Kaveh refuses to prioritise himself over others because he has seen a negative consequence of egoism, in which he has been “cut to the quick” and it has ended one of the few stable relationships in his life.
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By Kaveh seeing Alhaitham’s comment about his altruism as malicious, Alhaitham has elevated himself over Kaveh, since Alhaitham does not have the same struggles as him, and has trivialised Kaveh’s trauma. To Kaveh, Alhaitham’s prioritisation of the self actively harms others as it desensitises the self to the emotions of others. Therefore, Kaveh opposes the egoism which Alhaitham advocates for, since he interprets it through his own lived experience. Hence, by Alhaitham asserting egoism over Kaveh as a means of Kaveh prioritising himself, it only reinforces Kaveh to strive to consider the feelings of others, as well as to not prioritise his own way of thinking if it undermines someone else’s.
In actuality, Alhaitham’s frustrations with Kaveh lie in his belief that Kaveh’s talents are incongruous with his values, and that if Kaveh were to prioritise himself, he would save himself suffering and enable himself to discover his “true self”, unrestricted by others placing labels onto him.
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This is a personal frustration which Alhaitham would not compromise himself to assert onto a person he was indifferent to, due to his belief of not getting involved with other’s fates. However, he has been observed to ‘subvert’ his own rules to accommodate Kaveh. Through egoism, it can be seen that rather than ‘subverting’ these rules, Alhaitham adheres to them as an egoist, since he sees Kaveh as his mirror, they offer each other a contrasting perspective he believes they need to have a complete, objective vision of the world.
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This is necessary for Alhaitham to consider within his own life, and therefore has extended his house to Kaveh, in order to expand his scope of thinking, and to consider perspectives he otherwise would not entertain. Kaveh’s ideals, his beliefs, and his philosophies explicitly interest Alhaitham, in contradiction with Kaveh believing that Alhaitham is disdainful of his perspectives.
In this way, Alhaitham enjoys Kaveh. He willingly pays for some of Kaveh’s tabs; pays for crates of wine for the two of them; and goes out of his way to pursue interactions with Kaveh. Just as Alhaitham is to Kaveh, Kaveh is an old friend, as unchanged in his beliefs as he was in the past and thus is a constant: “the most unshakable part of one's past is a friend that will never change”’.
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Alhaitham strives to act in accordance to his own egoism and therefore assesses what “appears harmful” to him, in relation to these rules, so as to be rid of them. This can be extended to Kaveh, as Kaveh falls under what ‘belongs’ to Alhaitham, in the sense that ownership equates to Alhaitham’s enjoyment.
Alhaitham wants to have Kaveh in his life due to the alternate perspective which Kaveh offers him, thus expanding his horizons and granting him knowledge he otherwise would not obtain. As well as this, Kaveh is seen to be considered part of Alhaitham’s way of life that he wants to protect. In line with Stirner’s egoism, it follows that as Alhaitham enjoys Kaveh, as in, ‘owns’ the contentment Kaveh elicits, he therefore is affected by Kaveh’s self-inflicted grievances. Therefore, Alhaitham sees Kaveh’s altruism at the expense of his own wellbeing as something “harmful” to be dealt with, as this not only causes Kaveh inward misery, but also detriments Kaveh finding his “true self” (Alhaitham Character Story 3), which the egoist pursues above all else.
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ghostsessioned · 3 months
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reworking my agent eight a little. for funsies
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moonilit · 8 months
Clive head pats
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Clive head pats 🤍
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charmac · 5 months
Bit of a (late) long-ass personal post, but this past year has been insanely monumental for me and a lot of it, if not almost all of it, was centered around this silly comedy show.
Starting the year adopting the most perfect cat in the world purely because he looked like Agent Jack Bauer, I've ended up meeting amazing people and making great friendships, both online and in person, I met Glenn and Charlie and MEE and Meg (and Humphrey) and Danny?? got my first tattoo, bought way too much whiskey, and I've just really, genuinely enjoyed my time posting on Tumblr, making shit, and writing fic more than I have in half a decade. It's stupid, and sappy, and probably pretty parasocial, but I owe so many of my best experiences this past year not only to the show, but to joining this community. Because I wouldn't have experienced much of any of this if I hadn't jumped the casual fan on r/IASIP ship and washed up ashore here. And being here has improved my life and my mental health in ways I can't even begin to properly express.
So here's a photo dump of what I have to dub "A Very Sunny 2023":
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To everyone here, thank you for being a part of my 2023. I'm not sure what 2024 has in store, but I'm happy I'll be here, creating and experiencing whatever it is, through and beyond.
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brotherconstant · 3 months
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THE EXPANSE ➤ Timestamp Roulette 5x04 Gaugamela 🧡 @mrsdulac 🧡
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takami-takami · 7 months
This page is not politics free, but what I am about to talk about is not political. It is humanitarian.
I think everyone NEEDS to be educated on what is going in in Palestine now, as an active genocide of our time. Right here is a good link for information on the Palestinian plight, please feel free to peruse it.
Please, please consider donating to Palestine Red Crescent Society (a part of the Red Cross, which I'm sure you've all heard of), The Palestine Children's Relief Fund (to aid suffering children), and/or ANERA (the American Near East Refugee Aid, for humanitarian relief to refugees).
Given the blackout and subsequent indiscriminate bombings in Gaza today, everyone needs to spread information like this. There's a media blackout right now in the area (a deliberate cut off), and Palestinians are completely unable to communicate with the outside world.
If you're from the United States (or EU, I'm not entirely sure how representatives work over there) call your representatives as these two places are among the largest conglomerates of pro-Israel, pro-settler state allies. Voice your support for ceasefire. Boycott until the Israeli occupation is no longer profitable.
The only way out is an end to the Apartheid state and occupation of Palestinian people. But in the meantime, do what you can to help the civilians currently suffering and spread awareness (that being said, awareness is not enough. Awareness alone will not help material conditions. Do what you can to protest, boycott, donate, and combat propaganda, to the best of your ability).
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kstnt · 11 months
satoko hojo
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whatudottu · 3 months
Honestly Ben 10 is probably one of the most based science fiction series out there by sheer virtue of it having the balls to showcase any alien concept it wanted to no matter how ridiculous, and whenever someone is like “there’s no way in Hell that could ever be scientifically feasible”, it dared to look them in the eyes and go “Yeah, well, this is a world where magic and superpowered mutants also exist. What are you gonna do? Cry about it? You grown ass adult who’s expecting scientific feasibility out of a cartoon meant to sell toys to preteen boys that has lore so inconsistent it’s almost impossible to tell what’s canon and what’s non-canon? LMAO loser.”
I mean OS had it all- obviously aliens but not only that, at minimum 10 of them; mutants in daily life across at least America, no doubt in other places too; magic, albeit one without a system beyond ‘there’s a spellbook and some charms’. The shift to purely alien in AF makes the wonderful nonsense sci-fi stuff into frustrating logic trees of ‘how does xenobiology get this powerful’ which I had definitely fallen into. Ben 10 is unabashedly science fantasy, so why not go the full fantasy and bring back mutants and magic, haha!
Admittedly a good implementation of magic in a series tends to follow a magic system, which I’m not especially great at coming up with, especially in comparison to speculative biology which come with pre-established rules. But hey, I don’t exactly expect it to be fleshed out, at least not as well as the alien aspect of Ben 10; even then, there’s only so much fleshed out, it’s to tease us into making lore for it lmao-
To be fair though, Ben 10 itself had to whack itself on the cheek in order to be reminded of its magic and especially mutant parts, which unfortunately in the latter case was central to major retcons so…
#ask#anonymous#ben 10#my favourite mutant characters that come to mind when i say ‘mutants in daily life’ in os#are gatorboy and porcupine- from ready to rumble#you can see a lot of mutants there and how fourarms- visibly an alien- doesn’t look out of place#the lore implications alone- a mutant wrestling ring with monetary winnings- are enough to entice fan expansions#then that mutant rep- even if only in the background- was lost to the tides of af making everything exclusively alien#magic being taken away because 1) anodites but also 2) charmcaster and hex and others came from ledgerdomain#and thus are technically alien to this dimension- or whatever plain of existence ledgerdomain exists on#the only ones who canonically use magic are those connect to- reside within- or holding something from ledgerdomain#which kind of makes it exclusively alien in a way that’s kinda i guess radioactive? not the word#sorry i shouldn’t say only- the others are mr jingles santa’s elf- sir george holding an apparent galvan crafted magic sword (no thanks)-#or ben 10000 who learnt magic from gwen but is also technically part anodite in the same way gwen is#to note on ascalon- sure maybe azmuth’s creation of it and the subsequent destruction of the incursean homeworld got him motivated to#make and save life rather than destroy and warp it#but come on a sword? a magic sword? like seriously azmuth your ass did not make that#i bet the omnitrix was actually made for the intent to fix malware but azmuth’s isolation and general grievances with the universe#ultimately made it appear he was abandoning his suffering (son) creation to fuck off and mope#he’s already an asshole that fits more than him making a bloody magic sword for ascalon’s sake#it could simply be a magic sword from the incurseans that had been used to destroy their planeg#i mean milleous seemed to think the annihilarrgh was a viable persuasion technique despite the fact if activated it would destroy everything#including the very fleets he would clearly be much more interested in expanding rather than erasinb#it fits the INCERSEANS to destroy their planet with a powerful magic sword- let aliens have magic
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