#the cops are gonna find my rotting corpse
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biggerbetterbat · 8 months
Daryl Dixon x OC!Charlie Reed
Summary: The group finds a shelter in the CDC. Charlie makes Daryl to play drunk game with her.
Warnings: language, rotten bodies, fluff
Song: Ever Since New York Harry Styles
A/N: Hi :) New chapter, I like it. I feel that maybe Daryl opened up to Charlie too fast...but still it's a good chapter. I can't wait when you will finally see my chapters for season 9!!!!!!! But for now...Please leave a comment and like if you like my work. ENJOY!
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It was bad. If she thought that bad was what happened in the camp, then she didn't know how she could name that.
The smell of rotting corpses was almost impossible to bear. With every breath, she was closer to vomiting whatever she had- and she couldn't let little KitKats leave her body that quickly. It was clear that the city tried to fight back as there were barricades and military cars here and there, but it wasn't the scariest part. There were bodies everywhere. Some of them didn't have body parts, and some were covered in blood. And blood was everywhere.
As the flies. Their buzzing was the only thing piercing through the silence.
"All right, everybody. Keep moving. Go on." Shane rushed everyone in a whisper and demanded them to be quiet.
When they reached the door, Rick and Shane tried to open them, but it wasn't working. All they did was make the metal echo through the silence. T-Dog looked around and then looked straight at Rick. "There's nobody here."
"Then why are the shutters down?" Rick asked.
"Baby, come on." Lori pulled Carl to her body in a caring gesture.
"You led us into a graveyard!" Daryl insulted Rick and stepped forward ready to fight. Charlie caught his arm quickly as she stood closest to him.
Shane held up his arms trying to calm hunter. "He made a call."
"It was the wrong damn call!" Daryl tried to get to Rick. "You hear me?"
"Just shut up," yelled Shane and stepped between his best friend and Dixon. "Shut up. Shut up!"
"Rick, this is the dead end," Lori said.
"Where are we gonna go?" asked panicked Carol, pulling her daughter closer.
"Do you hear me?" Shane turned to Rick. "No blame."
"She's right." interrupted Lori. "We can't be here, this close to the city after dark."
"Fort Benning, Rick, still an option." a cop said.
"On what?!" Charlie snapped. "No food, no fuel. That's a hundred miles."
"One hundred twenty-five. I checked the map." Glenn corrected her friend.
"Forget Fort Benning," she said again to Shane. "Rick. We need answers tonight, now."
"We'll think of something." he looked at her.
"Come on, let's go," said Daryl and pushed Charlie a little to make her walk towards the cars. "Let's get out of here."
"Let's go please," Lori said to Rick.
"Alright, everybody back to the cars! Let's move!" Shane commanded, ushering everyone to move.
"The camera!" Rick suddenly screamed. "It moved!"
Dale looked at Rick and then at the camera. "You imagined it."
"It moved. It moved." Rick argued, trying to convince everyone.
"Rick, it's dead, man." Shane came back to Rick and tried to pull him to the car. "It's an automated device, man. It's gears, okay? They're just winding down. Now come on. Man, just listen to me. Look around this place. It's dead, okay? It's dead. You need to let it go, Rick!"
When Rick pushed Shane away and hit the shutters again, Lori jogged to him and made him look at her. "Rick, there's nobody here!"
"I know you're in there!" Grimes yelled. "I know you can hear me!"
"Everybody get back to the cars now! Go!" Shane yelled at everyone again as he saw that they were still standing and waiting.
"Please, we're desperate. Please help us. We have women, children, no food, hardly any gas left." Rick begged the camera.
It was chaos. Walkers were snarling, Rick was yelling, Shane was trying to get them to move, and Lori was begging her husband to go. And Charlie was just clenching to Daryl's shirt.
"If you don't let us in, you're killing us!" Rick yelled.
"Come on, buddy, let's go!" Shane tried to help Lori and move his friend.
But Rick was standing still as a rock, looking into the camera. "Please! You're killing us."
Shutters opened suddenly and bright light shone from behind the glass doors.
Rick was right.
Dr.Jenner invited him to his safe zone on the condition that they all go through blood tests, so obviously they all agreed- even though Charlie was sure she would faint because she hated blood tests. The group was careful around Dr.Jenner, who was leading them somewhere and soon they found each other in a big room with machines and huge screens, which they could see in a dim light from the corridor.
"Vi, bring up the lights in the big room," he said and the big room got lit up. "Welcome to Zone 5."
Rick followed him. "Where is everybody? The other doctors, the staff?"
"I'm it," Jenner answered. "It's just me here."
Lori looked around the room, her eyes opened wider than ever before. "What about the person you were speaking with? Vi?"
"Vi, say hello to our guests. Tell them...Welcome."
Hello, guests. Welcome. They heard the computer's voice from heaven.
"I'm all that's left. I'm sorry." Jenner said.
After the blood test that she did everything to avoid, she was rather content with what happened next. When Jenner found out that they hadn't eaten in days, he prepared the biggest dinner she had seen in weeks.
The atmosphere was the same as the night Amy and the others died. They were laughing, and talking and they were old friends again, not strangers who just had to survive again.
"You know in Italy, children have a little bit of wine with dinner. And in France." Dale said while pouring wine into the glasses.
"Well, when Carl is in Italy or France, he can have some then," Lori said.
Since the last argument with Lori at the camp, Charlie came up with her own method. Before expressing her opinion about anything at this point, she was asking herself a question: would it be better if I bit my tongue. If the answer was yes, then she was just fisting her hands so her nails were digging into her skin.
It was like that this time. Because Carl probably would never be in Italy or France. He will probably never even live up to the legal drinking age.
But once again. She remained silent.
"What's it gonna hurt?" Rick looked at his wife. "Come on."
He nodded to Lori and she moved away her hand that was covering her son's cup. Dale poured Carl some wine and smiled. "There you are, young lad."
"Ugh." Carl stuck his tongue out, which made everyone laugh.
"That's my boy." Lori nodded. "Good boy," she added while pouring Carl's wine into her glass.
"That tastes nasty."
"Well, just stick to soda pop there, bud." Shane smiled at the kid.
"Not you, Glenn." Daryl pointed at the Asian boy next to her.
Glenn looked at Charlie and then towards Daryl with a dumbfounded expression."What?"
"Keep drinking, little man," Daryl said. "I want to see how red your face can get."
Sophia sat quietly, her small frame barely filling the chair next to Charlie, who was watching Glenn's interaction with Daryl with an amused smile. "They're being silly."
"They are," Charlie nodded.
"It's probably the first time I see Daryl talking so much," the girl said. The woman looked at her with a smile. "Do you ever miss being a kid?"
Charlie considered the question for a moment before responding. "Being an adult has its challenges, that's for sure. So, I guess yes."
"What do you miss the most?"
"My brothers," Charlie answered immediately without giving it much of a thought. "We were very close, when we were young."
"I always wanted a brother," Sophia confessed. "I wish your brothers would be here with us."
"Me, too."
"And I hope they're safe somewhere," she said.
Charlie tried to smile at her reassuring smile and words, but it was hard as emotions cumulated in her. Her face probably looked as if she ate a lemon, but in a warm gesture, Charlie caressed hair of the little girl. Sophia looked up at Charlie with a grateful smile, her eyes shining with emotion. Without a word, she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Charlie in a tight hug. Charlie was taken aback for a moment before returning the embrace, her own arms encircling Sophia protectively.
Rick hit his glass a couple times to make everyone quiet. Then he stood up and looked at Dr.Jenner."It seems to me we haven't thanked our host properly.
"He's more than just our host!" called T-Dog.
"Here's to you, Doc. Booyah!" Daryl yelled lifting the bottle up.
And then everyone called after him: "Booyah!"
"So when are you gonna tell us what the hell happened here, Doc?" Shane asked, looking at the doctor. " All the...the other doctors that were supposed to be figuring out what happened, where are they?"
"We're celebrating, Shane." Rick looked at his best friend. "Don't need to do this now."
"Woah, wait a second. This is why we're here, right? This was your move." Shane snapped at him, clearly annoyed. "Supposed to, you know, find all the answers. Instead we...we found him. Found one man. Why?"
Jenner looked down at first as if thinking about the answer- how to tell them a traumatizing story in the most approachable way.
"Well, when things got bad, a lot of people just...left." he shrugged. "Went off to be with their families. And when things got worse, when the military cordon got overrun, the rest bolted."
"Every last one?" Shane asked.
"No." he shook his head. "Many couldn't face walking out the door. They...opted out. There was a rash of suicides. That was a bad time."
Walsh looked at Jenner and narrowed his eyes. That must be his face when he was interrogating people in the past. "You didn't leave. Why?"
"I just kept working, hoping to do some good."
"I'm gonna throw up," said Glenn. Her eyes widened and she was up on her legs, helping him stand up. "Dude, you are such a buzzkill, man." said an Asian boy, facing Shane.
With that, the dinner was over and Jenner offered to show them where they could crash. Charlie took her bag with one hand and with the other, she held Glenn as he was swaying a little. They were following him down yet another hallway.
"Most facilities power down, including housing," said Jenner. "So you'll have to make do here. Couches are comfortable, but there are cots in storage if you'd like. There's a rec room down the hall that your kids might enjoy. Just don't plug in any video games, okay?" he leaned in to look at the kids. "Or anything that draws power. Same applies," he turned to face the group. "If you shower, go easy on the hot water."
"Hot water?" Glenn gasped.
She smiled at him as he shook her body slightly.
Charlie frowned as she wanted to step into a room after Glenn. He blocked her entrance explaining that he was sharing it with T-Dog, as Daryl didn't want to let him in.
"Come on, dude." she stomped her foot.
"Next time, Charls," Glenn said and patted her shoulder. "Know it's hard, but you can make it through the night." he teased her.
"Hey, Charlie!" Shane called her name. "You want to share a room?"
"Say, since we're both staying here tonight, how about we share a room? It'll be more fun than going solo."
Charlie's expression shifted from amusement to mild surprise. "Uh, thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass. I prefer my own space."
Shane shrugged nonchalantly. "Can't blame a guy for trying, right? The offer's always open if you change your mind."
As he sauntered away, Charlie shook her head with a smile, amused by Shane's persistence and relieved that it went so smoothly.
Daryl knew he made a mistake as soon as she entered the room and left her bag, so she could shower. Charlie knocked on his door, asking if she could share a room with him because the only one left was with Shane. He didn't really get the issue, so he just agreed.
And now he was realizing it even more, as she was sitting in her extremely short pajama bottoms and drinking whiskey from her glass. While he was drinking from his glass.
"Let's play questions," she said.
"It seems to me that we've playing that game since you entered that damn car with me."
Charlie rolled her eyes and finished her drink, just to pour herself some more.
"Come on, Daryl."
"But why?"
"Why not?" she chuckled.
He sighed and also bottomed his drink, pouring even more than before, because he knew that he wouldn't get through the night completely sober.
"So you didn't have a wife. So girlfriend?"
"Boyfriend?" she asked, but when she saw his death stare she didn't need an answer. "Okay, sorry. Just asking. So...how many people have you kissed?"
"Does it matter?"
"No. Like any of those questions." she shrugged.
"So how many have you kissed?" he asked.
"I don't know. Two?" she looked at him. "What? I'm not that easy. I was working, I was busy."
Daryl really didn't want to answer that question and was even more scared of what else she wanted to ask.
"Was it like the love of your life?" she asked.
Daryl bit his lip, embarrassment going up on his cheeks. "Nah."
"Okay." she shrugged as if nothing happened. "On a scale from one to ten, how good kisser are you?"
"I'm not gonna answer that question."
"Why?" she gasped. "It's a normal question. I think I'm like...eight," she said and looked at him. "No. I'm a nine."
Dixon scoffed. "You are vain."
"I prefer the term confident." she corrected. "So?"
He really didn't want to answer the question, because he felt ashamed. How could he tell her that his first, last, and only kiss was with a girl that Merle paid to kiss him? It was humiliating. Also, it was impossible to rate himself like that.
"Were you an adult films actress before?"
"Because of your questions. You have no shame. Those are private things." he answered. "'Sides your face seem familiar."
Before Daryl realized his words his face already turned bright red. He watched her cheeks puff with the air as she held her breath in. But soon the liquid came through the nose as she started laughing out loud. Avoiding one humiliation he pushed himself in even bigger humiliation.
"Oh, God." she inhaled, whipping tears away. "Daryl, you're the man one of a kind. I was a TV presenter before, that's why my face...seems familiar." she chuckled. "What you were doing before?"
"Hangin' around with Merle and his friends. Doing stupid shit," he answered.
"You were close," she stated more than asked, but Daryl just shrugged. "I was pretty close with my brothers...once."
"My older brother Luke," she said. "He's four years older than me, but we used to tell people who didn't know us that we're twins, because of how inseparable we were," she said, looking in the distance with a smile. "Once we wrote a Valentine to a girl and we signed it with the name of our other brother, Will. The girl was older than him, extremely popular, she was classmates with Luke. She laughed at in front of the whole school, everyone was teasing him for that and he knew it was us. He didn't speak to us for six months and when we all went to the summer camp, he put mud in our clothes so it was extra messy." she smiled. "It was the first time we went on this camp alone, without our oldest brother Finn. Our dad was furious. He grounded us all and the biggest victim was little Pete, who didn't know about anything, but was punished anyway."
She chuckled.
"I miss them," Charlie whispered.
"Your dad seems a tough guy," he said.
"He was. We were never too young for something. He treated us all equally." she said. "What was your biggest dream when you were...seven?"
"Bike," he answered without thinking.
"Mine was a pony. Or at least lessons on how to ride a pony. I asked for it every Christmas and birthday, but all I got was a plastic gun." she said. "When I was older he replaced it with shooting classes."
"Now you can thank him," Daryl answered. "My dad was an asshole, too."
Daryl didn't like to think about it and even more he hated talking about it. Merle didn't give a flying damn about what was happening at home, so he just kept quiet. His childhood wasn't so sweet and his relationship with his brother wasn't so perfect, but he felt the urge to share with her the smallest piece of his nightmare.
"I was running away from home. From my father," he said. "I spent days away in the woods, that's how I learned what to do. If not my asshole father I would be dead already."
She nodded her head. "Did you and Merle have any traditions?"
"Yeah," he said. "First we were getting wasted and then stoned, never the other way," he answered, but she knew he was teasing her, so she kicked him. "Did you?"
"Not really." she shrugged. "I just remember that Billy was singing this one song all the time since he was little. When he was stressed or scared or when he needed to focus, it was this one song over and over again. When we were all living together I was sick from hearing it." she shook her body in disgust. "But we all picked it up and we were all singing it. See now? I can't even remember the song."
He looked at her and nodded. Daryl for the first time saw a human in her, a real person with real feelings. It was also the first time she was sharing her personal stories or memories from before. Daryl was even more curious about her now, he wanted to know more about her.
"Have you ever skinny-dipped?" she asked after a moment.
"Go to sleep," he said as he placed his glass on a nightstand. "You're too drunk."
She rolled her eyes and mumbled something that sounded like you're no fun but did as she was told. Then she looked at him from her place on the bed and looked him in the eye because he actually asked her a serious question."Why you didn't want to share a room with Shane?"
"Have you seen the guy?" she asked. "I don't trust him after the amount of alcohol he drank tonight. And I don't trust him when he's trying to find comfort after losing Lori."
"And you trust me?"
"You're a good man, Daryl," she whispered.
He knew that he was everything, but good. However, he wasn't in a state to argue with that.
"Go to sleep."
"Mmm. Night night, Mr. FunKiller," she said, and in a second she was out.
In his dreams, all he saw that night, was her smiling face, and all he could hear was her laugh. That was a really good damn night.
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daandyli0n · 2 months
so. started watching a few Animatronic Restoration videos, and got a fun idea for a Fnaf au:
someone decides to try and fix up the Freddy's animatronics, and documents the full thing. ends up making paranormal content alongside their restorations because Ghosts™
they somehow even get into contact with Henry to get blueprints to figure out how to fix these guys. Henry decides "fuck it, why not?"
hell, Springtrap gets involved at some point. the second he gets involved with this, all the animatronics lose their shit, especially Fredbear. but this still happens pre-Ghost Realization.
the restorer is babysitting a bunch of ghost kids + keeping Springtrap from doing his Shenanigans™, and Henry is called repeatedly for help.
for the sake of this, we're calling the restorer "Ollie"
the progression:
"Hey, I'm fixing up these old animatronics from this old pizzeria! :D I've even gotten blueprints from the co-founder and creator!! We even have an old springlock suit from the mid-70's! It's the bear one, I think Mr. Emily called him Fredbear? Also this weird puppet thing Mr. Emily said was called Marionn. Boy, I have a lot of work to do to fix these guys up."
*finds dried blood on the inside* "Oh. Oh right, these were The Child Murder Robots™"
(very detailed, but respectful, True Crime episode where Ollie explains the MCI as they work. they try to pay their respects to the victims and their families in the video)
"Hey, Why Are The Robots Moving On Their Own"
"Oh, They're. Pretty Chill, Actually? Kinda. Fredbear is kinda iffy, but. I think he's warming up."
"Wow, Mr. Emily! How'd you make the robots so lifelike? *Henry stays silent on the other end of the line* ...Mr. Emily?"
"So. Big yellow robot bunny showed up randomly on my doorstep. Looks rotted and uh. Bloody as fuck. And the animatronics immediately became tense. Fredbear immediately tried to kill him though. So they're being kept in separate rooms for now."
"So, I've called Mr. Emily and asked him what the fuck to do, and he said to get rid of it like immediately. Alright, easy enough, I can do that-" *video cuts to Ollie sitting in a different room, blood leaking out of cuts on their face and shoulder, while there is the sounds of mechanical screeching and roaring are heard from another room in the background. they are holding their phone to their ear, breathing heavily and with a thousand yard stare* "OKAY MR. EMILY IT DIDN'T WORK, THE FUCK DO I DO NOW"
"Okay. For now we're just gonna leave the rabbit be for now. I'm gonna have to fix Fredbear's fur because apparently those two tried to kill each other while I went to call Mr. Emily."
"Hold Up, Are These Guys Haunted?" *two days later in the next video* "Oh, These Guys Are Fucking Haunted. BY CHILDREN."
*just an ENTIRE video of Ollie trying to talk to the kids. eventually learns that these are the MCI kids + Charlie and Adrian (CC)*
"Oh, the two kids inside Fredbear explains the "mood swings." Ah, that makes sense now."
*also figures out that Springtrap is possessed. By A Murderer. they have a fun time with this information /s*
*starts a video with a red mark around their neck, looking utterly exhausted, and with the sound of something clawing at a nearby door* "GUESS WHO WOKE UP TO THE ✨MURDER RABBIT✨ TRYING TO CHOKE THEM TO DEATH IN THEIR SLEEP AT 2:17 IN THE MORNING!! GUESS WHO HAS TO BE LOCKED IN THE BASEMENT AT NIGHT NOW!!"
*videos that are basically just them talking to the ghosts. sometimes they talk to Springtrap*
"So, I get a lot of comments asking me what it's like, why I keep the Corpse Rabbit around despite there being the Literal Corpse Of A Murderer in there And him trying to kill me, and about my knowledge of the Fazbear Lore™, let me answer it in this order for ya:
First, stop bringing up the "William Afton", "Bunch of dead Afton kids", and "Bite of '87" shit. I dunno what y'all mean by a lot of that, and I haven't had the time or the energy to ask Mr. Emily what any of that is supposed to mean.
Second, I explained in a previous video that I tried to bring up the corpse thing to the authorities and they didn't really do anything about it despite me reporting a Literal Corpse, so there's that.
*camera pans. Chica (Susie) is gently trying to pet Ollie's dog. Bonnie (Jeremy) is trying to play Guitar Hero, but the massive fingers are making it hard. Foxy (Fritz) is watching some sort of YouTube video on pirate facts, tail wagging. Freddy (Gabriel) is just lying on the floor and playing Toreador March as he stares at the ceiling. Fredbear (Adrian) is surrounded by plushies, and generally looks content. Marionn (Charlie) is sitting next to Freddy and fiddling with some of Ollies tools and spare parts. the camera pans back.*
*in the most affectionate voice possible* "I'm Running A Fucking Daycare Now."
that's all i've got for now :]
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
Beyond Evil Live Blogging
 Starting this instead of uhh doing some homework between my uni classes. I actually probably shouldn’t start this and should just watch something short like She Makes My Heart Flutter instead bc I won’t have the opportunity to watch any eps tmrw and it seems like this show might be difficult to wait to watch but oh well whelp the plans got cancelled due to weather so i suppose i do have time tomorrow
Ep 1: It Appears - 나타나다 (Feb 2)
a rotting corpse (?) in the first minute ah fuck i’m guessing they’re gonna show how we got here
oh 2000? i thought it was present day or is it showing old time after showing future
Dongshik is an older twin of Yoo Yeon by a minute. Is Dongshik a main character ir someone who’s boutta die? it seems like a familiar name in this show’s context
a flip phone
wait is that Lee Do Hyun or just looks like him? okay I checked MDL and it indeed is Do Hyun! ayyy he only seems to appear in like 4 eps but still cool because after being introduced to him in 18 Again, I haven’t wanted to watch anything else he’s been in
damn Dongshik really just called the older girl by name, somehow I’m also irritated on behalf of her lol If my sister calls me by my name during an argument I acc would be flabbergasted
oh Dongshik kinda scary
oh is Yoo Yeon gonna die instead of Dongshik? also they really keep focusing on her red stone ring
girl these viki ads are killing me on my ipad like wtf is 40 second diaper ad and then a 15 sec bedwetting ad
oh the Bang Joo Seon noona that Dongshik was angry at irl also dead and her hands are clutched in the same way as the corpse that we saw at the beginning umm also are her hands missing fingers? i did see a spoiler about there being severed fingers in this show
yep severed fingers akhdjajabs - I realize that was Yeo Yoon’s mother
20 years later October 2020 ah
missing college female student from Munju hmm so not all the bodies were found, is this what they find later on from the beginning scene?
oh omg Yeo Yoon’s family got the fingers but she’s missing whereas we saw Bang Joo Seon’s body with missing fingers and I’m assuming her body was found? and so Yeo Yoon’s brother has been searching for her - if that old man shaving is Dongshik
please not these old ladies fighting and Dongshik in the crossfire
plsss okay I wasn’t expecting it to suddenly become funny but “Dongshik’s gauge has boiled over” so he’s tryna make a case against the women while all the other cops are like let it goooooo and tryna get him to back down and calm the women lmfao
oh lol one of the women did mention that another is married to a sergeant
Lieutenant Han Joo Won - 27 years oldgainst 
Dongshik have something against Joo Won’s dad
Jae Yi so pretty
who is Officier Oh actor he’s cute I like his dimples also he looks slightly familiar
ah it’s hard to remember everyone’s names. the crime squad woman’s name is Ji Hwa or something and the other guy in the room i forgot his name
wait so Dongshik did the case thing so that the women don’t get in trouble with the money or something bc the owner was doing something with him outsiders as well or something idk i only kinda really get it
man this Oh Jihoon character so endearing
did Joo Won do something bad and get sent here as punishment?
lol their first proper encounter and Joo Won very standoffish
(Bromance) lmfao I already get why people are into Dongshik/Joo Won because 1) Dongshik was previously like Joo Won’s not my type 2) Joo Won’s rude to Dongshik and 3) to get over their hatred for each other, they’re forcibly made to team up
fuck I forgot - Dongshik is a sergeant or lietenant? 
so it’s like Dongshik’s “thing” that he has a really good memory, about the law and situations and people
nooooo Joo Seon’s dad is 79 and old and has dementia and is still waiting for her in the reed fields T.T 
It’s interesting to see all the young cops kinda do favours for and want Joo Won’s attention while the two oldest (the Chief and Dongshik) are unimpressed by his status and arrogancy
Ji Hwa’s just got such a cool vibe to her
Dongshik playing a “joke” on Joo Won saying he killed that family’s daughter the maknae but he probably really does feel that?
ohh Joo Won’s got some history of discoveering the dead bodies similar to Joo Seon’s body and also some knowledge of Dongshik
So Joo Won knows: Dongshik was a Lieutenant in Regional Investigation, then got demoted to sergeant after his partner died and he couldn’t explain it, and also was a suspect of  the 2 murders 2 decades ago. So I guess Joo Won took Dongshik’s joke of killing Joo Seon more seriously than he would’ve otherwise - is Joo Won suspicious of Dongshik?
ah Dongshik still has the posters of missing Yoo Yeon put up, though she’d look 2 decades older than her photos now lol
became morning to night in a few minutes drive heh
oh damn we’re getting the very first scene at the end of the first ep; i was wondering if it’d be like Strangers From Hell where we get the first scene in the last ep
Dongshik looking at the hands (with Yoo Yeon’s ring?) and Joo Won looking at Dongshik - gauging his reaction?
oh it’s a different ring that Joo Won knows the owner of
damn Dongshik’s creepy smile - I don’t think Yoo Yeon actually killed her based on his reaction to the corpse and wondering if it’s his sister and also just cuz he’s the main character
Also I avoided nearly all spoilers so far before starting the show except that people love the bromance and it’s about tracking down some serial killer and it’s pretty dark but two mins before I started watching I found out that apparently a father kills his own daughter - that’s scary. also hopefully not too much of a spoiler that gives something away?
Ep 2: To Disappear - 사라지다 (Feb 2)
The bodies have their feet wrapped
There was proof that it was Dongshik who killed Joo Seon at the crime scene? a guitar pick?
(Bromance) “Do you like me that much? You even did a background check on me.”
oh interesting, the Chief’s like Dongshik’s doing all this and giving his testimony now so that later on, when/if they ask him about anything again, he’ll just say he already did it and ask if they have a warrant 
insane scene at the beef broth restaurant - so I guess the general public continue to think Yoo Yeon was killed by her brother? 
when I was reading the ep 1 thoughts on reddit’s on-air thread of ep 1 and 2, someone mentioned they think the supermarket owner did it and had a ton of upvotes - which makes me think it’s true and people upvoted it after it was revealed. but if so, then they made the character who stutters a murderer?
Min Jeong the supermarket owner’s daughter isn’t coming home. based on the spoiler that a father kills his daughter + the theory that the supermarket owner is the murderer... 
Is she the mayor or something? also she reminds me of the mom from Midnight (After looking up on MDL, yes she is. 2 actors I didn’t know were in here but I managed to recognize; her and Lee Do Hyun)
Park Jeong Je - is the this guy from Jae Yi’s restaurant that I couldn’t remember the name or face of? Oh I see, yes it’s him. the chief said he was part of the Munju police and the son of the Munju City councilwoman - so I guess she’s his mom
(Bromance) lmfao wtf this scene where they help the guy in the rain and Joo Won starts being nicer after seeing Dongshik be kind and then this slow-mo of Joo Won staring at smiling Dongshik
I should start tagging things like (Bromance) to find these things again
So Joo Won’s dad was the chief at Manyang 20 years ago and closed this case. lol Joo Won tryna do what idk throw off his dad or something but instead gave him an idea about how to close this case too with the mentions of a copycat. Although, he did know the dead girl, I wonder if some of what he said was true like with the bait and stuff
“The day her identity is revealed, you and I both die” wtf did Joo Won and his dad do/hide? 
(Confusion) Wait, what were the timelines? Bang Joo Seon was killed a year before Yoo Yeon’s disappearance? They seemed from the same night?
The Nam Sang Bae chief currently was the detective of Yoo Yeon’s disappearance case back then
ah yeah, Dongshik’s really feels for people who go ‘missing’ like Joo Seon’s father with dementia and the lost in the rain guy. +Min Jeong who runs away/goes missing occasionally
damn, Dongshik’s father froze to death while waiting for Yoo Yeon to come home
Dongshik’s right upper leg hurts sometimes, is it from when his partner at the Regional Investigation Unit died?
Joo Won was investigating ‘an illegal immigrant who only killed women.’
Wild that Joo Won just knows the identity of the recently found dead body but won’t say so
okay whew Kang Min Jeong isn’t dead (yet?)
omg I recognize 3 people. Min Jeong is True Beauty Im Jugyeong’s short haired friend whose name I can’t remember - not Kang Soo jin. Oh it’s Choi Soo Ah/Sua
ah so the supermarket’s owner was an orphan raised by Dongshik’s parents and also helped him open the supermarket - so that’s why he spoke like that at the hospital calling her Eomma and stuff. Min Jeong is like Dongshik’s niece kinda
wait a minute... okay if the supermarket owner is the killer and his daughter’s mother/woman he loved left 20 years ago... well did he make her disappear?
Dongshik knows Joo Won suspects him of the murder(s) and loves working him up about it and acting as if he did it 
ah fuck okay Min Jeong seemed happy when she saw who it was, so possibly it’s her supermarket owner father? how long ago was she captured and when did everybody gather around for the meat? would there have been enough time/would the show even care about that
insane shot from Min Jeong to the meat cutting
did Dongshik see something? or like what happened? Why is he acting so shaken? Does he just have some instinct that Min Jeong got fucked up?
So did Dongshik take the files of Yoo Yeon/Soo Jeon?
Joo Won isn’t here while they’re having dinner. Min Jeong’s father is though
(Bromance) Joo Won wants to move to the street and neighbourhood as Dongshik because he suspects him lol they keep asking “What is it about me that you like so much?”
wait what, Dongshik placed Min Jeong’s fingers on the stone? Is this his imagination? Also, was he wearing leather shoes when showing this ending scene the way Jeong Je mentioned when he’d gone to his house?
Someone on the on-air thread linked to their twitter thread that Dongshik found the fingers elsewhere and brought them there because he’d be the suspect otherwise - this seems plausible. Another person said he wasn’t the killer 20 years ago but maybe is the copycat killer now to get the attention back on this cast - not impossible but hmm. Someone mentioned the Joo Won might actually be trying to uncover something his father did here rather than only being here for Dongshik, which would make sense because that seems like their dynamic and they allude to them both or the father having done something bad.
Ep 3: Smile (lit: to laugh) - 웃다 (Feb 3)
Ah everybody in the town sad for Min Jeong
Dongshik doing something to the documents hmmm what and why shouldn’t Jeong Je be there when he does it? Also, Jeong Je also questioning Dongshik - despite the family vibes full of trust, there’s still suspicion from some people
Joo Won’s right that it’s interesting that people cope for Dongshik so hard when he used to be a suspect and is a running thread among many of the murder/disappearances - acting as if they’re a “family” instead of witnesses/suspects/whatever. There’s something fishy about the current chief (past detective on the case) as well
Joo Won a dumbass if he didn’t see Dongshik turning around and providing the same doubts about Joo Won; such as where are his alibis during the time Min Jeong disappeared? He also came around the time the body was found. He’s also a cop and knows things outsiders wouldn’t know. Just like Dongshik, he was there when both the body skeleton (who he knows the identity of) and the fingers were discovered
“Han Joo Won, you act rational and practical yet so emotional and thoughtless. Can’t you tell that psycho is a hundred times more rational than you?” - his dad
Joo Won wants CCTV from in front of the archives basement 
Dongshik putting up a camera in his basement and cleaning it + there being some blood uh
scene at 20mins where 
i’m gonna fucking die why the fucking fuck did my comments of the next 10 mins disappear
(Fave) scene at 20mins where Dongshik’s talking about mistaking someone for Yoo Yeon, her being dead for sure, the fucker not letting anybody find Min Jeong’s body, etc
Jeong Je is a bit suspicious of Dongshik now and Ji Hwa’s wondering if he was suspicious of Dongshik back then. she’s saying she’s never been suspicious of Dongshik
Woman with the ring who was killed was doing something for Joo Won (’go for a massage’) and texted him 1s the the day she died, meaning she met Dongshik 
ah Dongshik did return the two girls’ case files
Jeong Je being accused of being an accomplice of Dongshik - brining back memories of back then when he was Dongshik’s alibi. oh did Jeong Je come forward as the alibi way later after people were convinced Dongshik was the prime suspect? That’s why the detective reacted like that + Ji Hwa asked why it took Jeong Je so long to come
oh damn the detective didn’t have enough evidence back then but literally beat Dongshik to get a confession? Did dongshik confess or was it an attempt?
ah they found the burner phone that the woman with the ring used to text Joo Won 1s but why did it have Min Jeong’s scent
the assistant Kwon guy who hangs off of Joo Won’s father and gave Joo Won some files in ep 1 seems so smarmy
4th person I recognize: Squid Game gangster mans
the DNA of the woman came out in that phone, as expected
I don’t even get what the solo sting that Joo Won was doing is and why the suspect for that was also Dongshik. 
Joo Won’s team was investigating illegal immigrants of massage parlours - ah so it was literally ‘send 1 if dongshik is a customer of a massage’
Also what exactly is the issue with Joo Won’s investigation that he wanted to find something from this solo sting operation and triumph vs why him now apparently knowing her would be such a problem. like is it because he knew she was an illegal immigrant massage giver but didn’t make anybody else aware or whatever?
Joo Won’s seemingly becoming more unstable and losing control of his emotions
so the phone wasn't in the reed fields where her body was found?
on the day that the woman with the ring died and sent 1s after seeing Dongshik, he was seen on the dashcam where near where said phone was found
damn, Joo Won fr just searching Dongshik’s basement and Dongshik can see it because he has a camera there
bruv, what even happened - Ji Hwa’s here to arrest Dongshik for kidnapping and murdering Min Jeong
also lol funny that Joo Won was just breaking into Dongshik’s house but can just get out all casually and leave without raising suspicion among all the cops there (or was he the one who called them in? like how’d they find out?)
I see on reddit that there’s the theory that someone had actually left the fingers on Dongshik’s basement table with the blood and so he set up the cameras etc and other stuff to get people to actually investigate the murder, even if he’s the one who’s seemingly at fault at first? 
I don’t know what exactly is going on but it seems like Dongshik knows something that other people don’t and also that he’s planning something like he literally put up the camera, cleaned but left that specific drop of blood untouched, didn’t stop joo won from investigating his basement, etc
Ep 4: To Cry - 울다 (Feb 3)
Dongshik throwing off his blanket was expected, I’d half expected him to just make a run for it when just one guy was transferring him from the car lol
so it wasn’t blood on Dongshik’s table? or was it that there’s only that speck of blood and absolutely nothing else?
my goodness this ramen talk is killing me
oh so Dongshik went to the mountain just the other day, not around the day of when the woman with the ring was killed - I didn’t catch the date of the video but I certainly should have
Jae Yi’s flashbacks to this butchershop and something about her mother running away? while the cops search and investigate that place currently
bro I hope no Joo Won/Jae Yi romance plot appears - I’m just nervous whenever a woman and man of similar age interact in these shows even though this interaction was full of anger and it didn’t lean towards any romantic angle 
Joo Won funny as hell for acting all “oh you must be living an easy life” with Jae Yi, so it was satisfying to see Joo Won get that thrown back to him with both her and the chief
actually i’m not super against Jae Yi and Oh Jihoon though, they’re cute
damn Jihoon’s “you provoked them” with the harsh expression no smile
Han Jeong Im hmm 52, missing would that be Jae Yi’s mom I don’t know their surnames though
Kwon’s really gonna come to fuck up Joo Won at some crucial time isn’t e lol not that Joo Won really needs help fucking up thus far. He’s got gusto and he’s got connections, so he can get his dad to push for an arrest without his dad, and get Kwon to grant the confiscation warrant; he’s decided the culprit without enough proof and instead of gathering proof himself slowly, he’s escalating everything
(Bromance) lmfao at 28 mins when Joo won goes to Dongshik’s cell and he’s like “왜 이렇게 늦었어? 파트넌데.” straight up reminded me of “Hong Dae Young, 왜 이제 왔어? 기다렸잖아” from 18 Again
ah okay they heavily hinted at this before but I was like hmm what’s he planning but I guess when they said bait, they really did mean Joo Won really did sent the woman with the ring as a bait/trap to see if he’d be killed; specifically whether Dongshik would kill her
Okay if we’re assuming based on spoilers that it really is the supermarket owner Jin Mook who is Min Jeong’s father and adopted brother of Dongshik: does Dongshik suspect him? Know that it’s him? latter probably not but maybe former? He seems suspicious of Jin Mook when he’s around their mother though but he seems touched by the beef now? with Jin Mook visiting him?
Did Park Jeong Je really confess to doing the same thing now as he did 20 years ago? Back then, he’d said he had drunk with Dongshik till dawn and now he’s also saying Dongshik was with him the night Min Jeong went missing 
but this could count for like 20 mins when he was at Dongshik’s home right? so he’s lying this time that he slept at Dongshik’s home... but the next morning Joo Won was there to see Dongshik leave his house, won’t he be like hmm I didn’t see Jeong Je there
So does that mean Jeong Je also lied when he said that he and Dongshik were drinking together that night? And he in fact hadn’t been with Dongshik? these small towns where everybody’s so involved with each other is just wild
why’s all this happening just a few hours before 48, just hold Dongshik for 48 hours and continue on tf - cover the bases in case he’s the culprit but also don’t twist things to keep him after 48 hours
construction company CEO: development might be halted like 20 years ago with these murder cases and he’ll face huge loss; council woman: wants to become mayor and these crimes and possible cancellation of redevelopment hurts her chances; Joo Won’s father: Joo Won’s wrapped up in this murder case with the phone
Joo Won seeing Dongshik and Jeong Je walk off, who he suspected were accomplices; did he hear Dongshik say that Jeong Je lied or was he too far away?
was that Seventeen on Knowing Bros on the TV?
ah the construction ceo really is smearing min jeong on the TV. sucks that people’s sympathy and well wishes for a missing and likely murdered girl goes down if they find out she parties and was possibly a sex worker and that this defamation is a tactic that they can use
Joo Won really isn’t thinking or what? why’d you go in and accuse Dongshik again and also pull out your gun
damn mans is having a panic attack
oh why did Oh Jihoon release the info about the arrest without warrant; is he with or against Dongshik; what did he see the night Min Jeong disappeared because he saw her walking but toward what we can’t see
bro Joo Won is king of escalating things fr - he’s talking to reporters but I guess that’s good? now people will be forced to connect these and less likely to be swayed by “oh the missing girl was a slut and a whore so who cares if she’s dead” and the cops will be forced to investigate rather than just shut them down like they did 20 years ago?
Dongshik is probably glad that the connections of the murders and the case is all known to the public now, right? If his plan had been to draw attention to the whole thing so that it’s forced to be investigated?
“Who killed them? Who are you protecting?” so Joo Won’s suspicion has gone down from Dongshik being the killer to thinking Dongshik knows who did it? 
Ep 5: To Be Deceived - 속다 (Feb 4)
Lee Geum Hwa - name of the woman with the ring that Joo Won sent
I actually hate that Joo Min supermarket owner is most likely the killer because hearing Dongshik’s say “Park Jeong Je” as the person he’s protecting would’ve had my heart racing
Dongshik didn’t say the supermarket owner’s name out of the people he listed to possibly be protecting
lol Joo Won’s father throwing him under the bus during a conference for Joo Won’s hasty/inaccurate but important reveal of the serial killer
Jeong Je’s really obsessed with that deer
aw Jae Yi :<
scene of the supermarket owner watching the news about Joo Won’s interview then his father’s conference and lying down, ignoring the call from the councilwoman
omg 5th person I’ve recognized: the Im Gyu Seok from JSB reporter is the same person as Shinwoo from Light On Me - a BL actor appearance! He’s the one who looks the most different and I was the least certain about recognizing
“It’s because they’re Manyang people. When they’re together, they want to eat each other alive. When an enemy comes from the outside, they band together to work against him”
So Joo Won now thinks it wasn’t Dongshik but rather somebody else from that photo at the dinner that he showed Geum Hwa - the supermarket owner isn’t there though I don’t think
damn they really had the supermarket owner giving a conference in favour of the redevelopment
okay i don’t get why there can’t be redevelopment? like what does this case have to do with building buildings and installing CCTV
“do you want me to kill her?” dongshik my guy you’re giving me a headache
ohh Dongshik told Jeong Je’s mother that it’s not me who’s holding onto Jeong Je but Jeong Je childing to me
this public might kinda dumb lmfao so silly let’s be serious
damn Joo Won’s father is cold toward Joo Won but also so dumb to let Kwon have that much effect over his son “push joo won down so he won’t be able to return for a while” dumbassery
(Bromance) lmfao sorry it kills me that when Joo Won saw Min Jeong and Dongshik interact he was like is she his gf and now that Dongshik’s telling Ji Hwa to not meet her ex-husband construction CEO, Joo Won’s like “are you being jealous?” lmfao and then Ji Hwa being like “you guys are a comedian couple. You should move in together”
Joo Won understanding now that Dongshik doesn’t just lose control and do dumb wild things but rather makes it seem that way to achieve his goals. While Dongshik’s pushing to see if Joo Won would throw away his principles and laws to get to the bottom of this murder case
damn flashbacks to Dongshik’s previous partner who died
is Kwon’s advice right now for Joo Won to fess up about having contact with the woman a bad advice that’s supposed to “keep him down” or whatever
Jeong Je walked Min Jeong home (where her killer supermarket owner father is? oof) that night - as seen by Jihoon... and Jeong Je is also Joo Won’s next target. I wonder what we’ll uncover about him, even if it’s that he killed Min Jeong
plsss seeing Joo Won standing like that beside Dongshik’s house and watching Jihoon leave reminded me so much of Moonjo watching Jongwoo and the new kid while leaning against the wall
damn, someone on reddit was talking about the book where some guy (nearly?) ran over a kid who was wearing deer antlers and this reveal that Jeong Je was an alcoholic (thus why Dongshik was worried about his drinking recently) and was at a psychiatric hospital for 4 years and that he claimed a deer/a human who looked like a deer
(Bromance) Joo Won talking next to Dongshik’s ear - Dongshik says “Dang. I was going to let it go since you’re cute but I guess I can’t”
Joo Won’s running on hunches and keeps accusing Dongshik and Dongshik keeps reminding Joo Won of Geum Hwa and Joo Won’s role in her death
damn, okay so they’re showing us that the supermarket owner father saw Jeong Je meet Min Jeong that night
I saw like 1 second of the next ep preview but it seems like maybe they’ll actually reveal that it was the supermarket owner who killed Min Jeong :0 I hope it’s true, because then I’ll know a spoiler revealed in ep 6 rather than ep 15 or something
Ep 6: To Deceive - 속이다 (Feb 4)
I’m supposed to be studying and doing homework right now but this ep is my reward for going driving I guess 
lol this intense music while the supermarket owner’s preparing kimchi 
Jin Mook going around giving the cops kimchi ah I don’t think I saw the cannibalism tag otherwise I would’ve been like hm is he feeding them his daughter
oh okay so they really do have him just speaking without stuttering and calling people dumbasses and saying “Min Jeong, you’ll have to live with me forever” - so I guess we do know that he killed Min Jeong but we don’t know if he killed the other people or not
Oh we’re gonna see day of Min Jeong’s disappearence - Oct 23
damn Min Jeong really said that her dad gives her the creeps
they showed him faking his shyness and stuttering and his face when Min Jeong’s captured hm ah 
Once again the question remains: does Dongshik know Jin Mook did it? Does he suspect but not know? Is the reason he’s not telling Joo Won because he wants him to be able to figure it out on his own? Because he thinks Joo Won won’t believe him? tbh it could be that Dongshik doesn’t know but just continues making Joo Won think that he does
Also I wanna know when the timeline of everything happens; when did Jin Mook capture Min Jeong? Before or after dinner? Was Dongshik so frazzled because he’d already found the fingers or cuz of his leg pain flaring up again? 
Timeline from Jin Mook’s perspective at 25mins
Jae Yi is so fucking beautiful it’s unbelievable. I don’t really care for her and Joo Won’s future romance maybe that I’ve been kinda sensing since the egg incident but oh well
damn Joo Won’s dad’s threats and comments toward Kwon were insane, compared to how he’d been behaving toward Kwon so far especially
ah I think I need to just watch the show without playing Solitaire on the side because I’ve been doing that this episode and getting confused.
What dashcam footage was the councilwoman talking about 
(Confusion) Girl I’m confused as to what happened with the Chief deleting the footage of Dongshik going to the archives - why’d he do it? did he do something else and use this deletion as an excuse as well? what’s happening like Dongshik was like I didn’t ask you to delete it and then said something about asking him to delete it like huh?
lmfaooo this is actually wild the councilwoman really was like okay lemme do this dashcam footage of Oh Jihoon being seen near Min Jeong’s house but literally his own son was seen with Min Jeong with that dashcam footage (now deleted I suppose) but also Jihoon has seen Jeong Je with her straight up
It’s interesting how entangled all these people are and Joo Won is correct to be worried that they’re protecting each other. like Ji Hwa full on knew that Jihoon saw Min Jeong and also saw her with Jeong Je but since one’s her brother and the other’s her trusted friend, she didn’t tell anybody else even though they’re investigating her murder/disappearence
ahh Ji Hwa being shaky, being upset that she hopes that Jeong Je’s the culprit so that it’s not her brother who is
bruvvvvvvv what the fuck is “appa, let me out” getting texted to Jin Mook’s phone. did he send that to himself? People on reddit pointed out it seems like Dongshik sent that and so after rewatching that part, it does seem like it. Dongshik checks that drawer in the alleyway - Min Jeong’s phone is on - Dongshik returns and Jin Mook checks his phone text - Min Jeong’s phone has been turned off
Ep 7: To Catch - 낚다 (Feb 5)
Can’t quite remember when I finished up ep 6 last night but I think it was 6-8pm and now it’s 4pm so it’s been like 20 hours :0 I lasted not watching this ep longer than expected but I think last ep’s cliffhangers wasn’t too bad for me
Dongshik and his old partner Sang Yeob were staking out on a guy suspected to have killed 3 women and Sang Yeob died after chasing that guy and getting shot
woahh Dongshik getting revenge for Sang Yeob by capturing the guy, almost shooting him, going for the handcuffs instead, fucker gets cocky and says “heh it was self defense” and that’s how he’ll get out of being responsible for Sang Yeob’s death, so Dongshik just bashes the guy’s skull against the concrete over and over till he dies I’m guessing
ah I did notice Dongshik looking at Min Jeong putting in her password 
Day of Min Jeong’s disappearance again - this time I think we’ll get more of Dongshik’s involvement I guess? how he had the fingers and the phone
so at around 8pm - people are at the meat shop, Jin Mook’s subducing Min Jeong, Jihoon is boutta come to the supermarket but Dongshik is there before him to return Min Jeong’s keychain
hmmm Dongshik puts on his hoodie and runs away when seeing that the supermarket was closed hm - oh I see he actually went on a run I guess?
oh fucking fuck okay so Jin Mook had already cut off her fingers (why does he hate those nails so bad - even was like “Wench. and look at those nails”) /probably killed her and hid her body in the time it took for Jihoon to get to the supermarket
 it makes sense that Dongshik was soooo out of it when he went to go get barbeque. he really found Min Jeong’s fingers and found out Jin Mook had done it and also mans was saying that Min Jeong was sleeping like a corpse
also that table... did Dongshik somehow drag it to his house or what
Dongshik found the burner phone Geum Hwa that used to text Joo Won - so Jin Mook def killed more than just Min Jeong - but did he also kill the girls from 20 years ago and was there anybody other than him
ah this compilation of all the missing girls and their family’s suffering because they’re just gone, no trace of them left and so by korea’s law there’s no prosecution because there’s no corpse
Jin Mook must know that somebody fully knows that he’s killed Min Jeong, what with the missing fingers and Dongshik fucking up that whole room while searching for Min Jeong’s body - I assume he has a strong guess that it’s Dongshik?
It’s November 4, so 12 days after Oct 23 Min Jeong’s death
oh Dongshik’s visiting his mother’s room?
no way Jin Mook just was like oh Jae Yi wasn’t there for an hour the night Min Jeong disappeared
...does Jae Yi know it’s Jin Mook 
girl Jeong Je turned himself in?! oh just for seeing Min Jeong last, I see
please why does this show become funny sometimes like the “Fine, thank you다 이 새끼야. Didn’t go to America, what’s with the English?” "If you knew you could’ve told me. It was tiring to me to mix English into my vocabulary.” lol also I though Dongshik knew about the hospitalization from Jeong Je but I guess he knew in a different way or Joo Won really did expose Jeong Je’s hospitalization 
damn Dongshik’s just telling Jeong Je that he sent the text
did Jin Mook find the phone and send a new text to himself? Why does he want the cops to search the reed fields now?
oh, Jae Yi’s the one who got the phone
damn, so Jae Yi had a strong suspicion that it was Jin Mook doing that to everybody... so Jin Mook did make Dongshik’s sister disappear and he knew it this whole time?
nooo I’ll become a villain if anything at all happens to Jae Yi by the way
oof rip Jihoon if he’s saying “Family can’t suspect each other” like you’re correct Jae Yi didn’t kill Min Jeong... but if you’re saying family can’t, then whelp gl when you find out
oof Joo Won just found out that it took a while before Dongshik came to the restaurant the night Min Jeong died
please the construction CEO right when he’s like smh this is why you shouldn’t have kids cuz his partner councilwoman’s son Jeong Je walked into the cell and his partner deputy chief’s son Joo Won is causing a ruckus in general
are these fuckers gonna frame someone as the murderer?
ohhhh confusion clear up. so the CCTV caught Dongshik putting the fingers there but he got the Chief to delete that footage - and when the Chief was talking about ‘covering up’ something by deleting the archive footage, this deletion footage is what he was referring to. but ummm so does the Chief know that Dongshik put the fingers there?
(Confusion) Actually, I still don’t know when exactly Dongshik put the fingers on the supermarket porch. after jeong je left? bc apparently he came to his home wearing leather shoes but he was wearing sneakers when he put the fingers there?
...T.T wtf is that meat and what did Jin Mook put in there/find
oh? is the object Jin Moon found the clip that Jae Yi’s mother is wearing in that photo?
oh my fucking god I was dying that he was gonna try to do something to Jae Yi but Jin Mook fucker left her mom’s clip and also the location of her grave?! Why’s he doing that? Is it because he suspects that she suspects him/knows it’s him? He used the same wording for “please let mom out” as Dongshik used to text him as Min Jeong - does Jin Mook think that Jae Yi did that as well and that’s also why he told Joo Won that Jae Yi wasn’t there for an hour?
anyway pls pls pls I hope Jae Yi takes Dongshik or someone there when she goes to find the body
Dongshik’s breaking expression as Joo Won’s talking about the CCTV and him being the finger returner
brooo Dongshik just tell Joo Won that Jae Yi’s in danger and that he can come too instead of yelling you’re wasting precious seconds!!
pls let those car lights toward Jae Yi be Dongshik
okayyyyy whewww okay so Dongshik took Joo Won to arrest Jin Mook and they caught him redhanded so it’s not like he’s being framed (also I didn’t realize that the room where he’s storing the kimchi and also the bodies was open roof - can see from outside
and Dongshik sent Jeong Je and the cops to find Jae Yi
(Fave) How the last few minutes played out: from the moment Jiin Mook finds something in the meat and Jae Yi’s going through the photo album to Jin Mook came to Jae Yi’s shop to the interweaving of her story of her mom with Joo Won and Dongshik till the end. also the background music here ahh epic
Suchh a good episode but we’re like 44% into the show... 9 eps left... what’s gonna happen omg You know in romance shows, when the couple is together and happy in like ep 9 out of 12, it’s like oh fucking fuck agh something’s gonna go wrong and that’s how it feels for this show. Catching the killer red handed in ep 7 why the fuck? What’s gonna happen for the other 56% of the show?
I hope it reaches new heights and murders my brain and doesn’t become repetitive because unlike Strangers From Hell where the repetitiveness was part of the horror, it’ll just become bland here
Ep 8: To Be Caught - 낚이다 (Feb 5)
pls Not Me ep 12 flashbacks of Sean and Black when Joo Won handcuffs Dongshik and himself together and Dongshik punches him lol
“Nobody’s going to die... from today” well considering we’re on episode 8, I wonder how true that’ll be
ah there are still mysteries such as why did Guem Hwa send those 1s that day. did she really see Dongshik or did she just send that in a panic 
lol Kwon and the audience both grumbling that Joo Won’s father only wants Han Joo Won’s name to be out and public and get special treatment about the arrest (1 joo won name revealed 2 details of case and suspect not revealed 3 lee dongshik’s name not revealed)
bro i’m gonna throw up, Min Jeong was alive when the fucker cut her fingers and put her in the pot
oh my godddd she was alive while Dongshik searched for her above that’s so fucked up that’s so fucked up he dug up the cabbage but not her
oh i’ve never seen a Korean funeral other than like the cremating in Squid Game I guess. I didn’t know this is how their cremation took place; I’m used to seeing Hindu cremations on TV as a child
ah fuck 25 mins getting to see that fucker kill the 4 of them T.T
ah he cut off their fingers because they pointed at him? the first girl, Yoo Yeon. did Min Jeong point her finger?
(Bromance) lol Dongshik disappeared and Joo Won’s on a vacation cut to Dongshik having followed Joo Won as he searches the passage parlours for someone who knows Geum Hwa I’m guessing. And Dongshik figuring out and teasing that Joo Won now has emotions for the people, including Dongshik (that’s why he’s letting Dongshik walk around free with a promise of turning himself in for crimes such as not telling about Jin Mook earlier - even though why would you trust a criminal to turn themselves in etc)
ohhh Joo Won’s looking for Yoon Hye Mi/Mi Hye - Min Jeong’s mother, who Jin Mook was possibly searching for in Busan parlours
ohhhh?! this motherfucker really went through all the women who got caught in the massage parlour bust and killed them all? because he didn’t want them to tell her than he was looking for her because he wanted to kill her my god
oh Hye Mi was going by Cherry and died last year by traffic but I’m assuming that’s not gonna be true?
oh yeah they didn’t talk about finding Jae Yi’s mom so I guess Jin Mook told her to go there and knew that cops would probably go there and not find him digging up Min Jeong’s body or something? 
it’s sooo fucked up that Jin Mook buried the bodies in other people’s backyards and stuff when they got him to do stuff around their house. Jae Yi looking everywhere for her mother but she’s buried right there in the butcher shop backyard
wtf Jin Mook escaped and said “Dongshik-ah, not Yoo Yeon” ? oh just kidding my bad he hung himself I think okay fucker really killed himself tf 
Someone on reddit said Yoo Yeon was the only one who we didn’t see get actually killed - so somebody else killed Yoo Yeon? and did the finger thing? but Jin Mook specifically had the finger thing hm maybe he cut her fingers and kept her alive the same way he did to Min Jeong but she escaped and then was killed like hit by Jeong Je or something or other
omgggggg I nearly spoiled myself very big again because I searched up Beyond Evil on pannchoa and one of the comments had a spoilered comment like “the reveal of where yoo yeon’s body was hidden blah blah” and I nearly read it but thankfully I didn’t. TODO there are two posts’ comments I wanna read on pannchoa after I’ve finished watching
Ep 9: To Float - 떠오르다 (Feb 6)
oh Joo Won confessed his sting with Geum Hwa
damn Dongshik watching videos of his mom and Jin Mook 20 years ago where she mentioned Jin Mook renovating his house and trying to break apart his floor to see if he hid Yoo Yeon there ah
ah ep 9, starting the second half of the story in a callback to the first ep where Dongshik catches the aunties and grandmas gambling
Joo Won looked quite cute and pretty as he appeared for duty again heh
ohh Around the time Kang Jin Mook was discovered to be dead in his cell by suicide, Jae Yi was trying to get to the cell to kill him but couldn’t - she voluntarily tells this to the Munju police because she received an email that a dashcam video will be sent to the cops otherwise
wait omg Joo Won just referred to Jae Yi as noona when talking to his father - I didn’t realize she was his noona but heh that’s nice if they do go in a romantic direction
Joo Won really just went to smile and piss off his father
someone from the cops is working as an informant for councilwoman? agh. is it the chief?
Jae Yi saying nobody knew that she was at the station that night Jin Mook died but the chief seems suspicious... as if he knew... and he’d previously deleted CCTV footage, so did he do the same now about the CCTV near Jin Mook’s cell
heh Ji Hwa, Dongshik, Jeong Je are a fun trio 
ah and so the cops and the councilwoman, construction CEO etc become more entangled. 
also does this mean Dongshik and Jeong Je really were together that night when Yoo Yeon died? I thought there was a strong suggestion that he’d lied
and that place is right beside the deer farm that Jeong Je’s family owns ah
Joo Won looks pretty with his pretty coat and pretty smile
ah Joo Won’s desperate “you promised me that you’d turn yourself in”
ah, I feel like they’d be the roots of a tree or a different corpse? damn Oh Jihoon keeps finding corpses, first Geum Hwa and now this
in the ep 7-8 reddit on-air thread, people mentioned Jeong Je’s family owning a deer farm so I thought maybe Yoo Yeon’d be hidden there but turns out literally wayyyy too many dead bodies are buried there but likely not Yoo Yeon
(Bromance) okay listen, Joo Won and Dongshik had really good interactions and dynamics before this ep but now that the killer had been found and has died, I’m noticing things like oh Joo Won very beautiful and oh the Joo Won/Dongshik dynamics even more delicious than the haha bromance before. like Dongshik coming to Jin Mook’s house and hearing a video of Jin Mook’s voice to Dongshik is eerie and it’s so good to reveal that Joo Won has been listening to those. Joo Won’s arrogance not as pointed toward finding Dongshik suspicious even if it is to annoy Dongshik. Them calling each other cute wtf
jk Joo Won still suspicious of Dongshik - now for killing Jin Mook and not actually trying to find Yoo Yeon
ah so Jin Mook got the autopsy report of Hye Mi’s death so he had no more reason to live 
Jin Mook really fuckin meant it when he said I returned Yoo Yeon to you - she was in the fucking basement furnace walls that Jin Mook put up even though Dongshik’s mom said not to do construction there
right so the chief ha been hiding something because why did he help with Jin Mook’s suicide - what does that fucker know that the chief doesn’t want to get out? did he kill Yoo Yeon? and try to pin it on Dongshik 20 years ago? what is his arrest going to unconver, ah
I don’t get Joo Won (?) inside the office or what’s happening
This is the first episode where I started actually shipping Dongshik and Joo Won beyond just “oh I like these two characters’ dynamic” and more as a “fuck I wish they had a romantic storyline” I even read 2 fics on AO3 released before ep 10 so that I don’t get spoiled oof  kilmer by SerpentineJ is mindboggling i liked the fuckedupness 
Ep 10: To Sink - 가라앉다 (Feb 6)
December 2020 ooh we’re going 2 months back from present - it’s 1 month after Kang Jin Mook’s death
What does it mean that Kwon is using unnie to refer to Jae Yi
Kwon talking about booksmart Joo Won getting used by crazy Dongshik - this was mentioned in the fic kilmer where Joo Won knew he was being used by Dongshik
ohhh that was cool because I’ve been like oh so far it’s like ep 9′s Joo Won who is smiley hasn’t started existing yet because it’s 2 months before ep 9 and it’s true, seems like this is when he decided to be reborn after the convo with Kwon
oh lol there really was an almost reunion of Jae Yi, Chief, and Joo Won at Busan
ah Joo Won found the dashcam footage using a PI
oh did Joo Won not request the arrest without a warrant for Chief? so somebody else knows?
"how many times have people from manyang station been arrested?” no like fr lmfao 
Dongshik’s breakdown as he talks about how he imagined finding Yoo Yeon alive to her body to her skeleton to her ashes and yet not imaging her in his fucking basement and crying 
Chief’s office had the autopsy report and fishing line? damn, that’d just make me think that it’s not him and somebody’s setting him up wtf
naurr Dongshik to Chief “Do I have to see something bad happen to you?”
oh lmfao Joo Won learned from Dongshik to fabricate evidence and even smiled at the CCTV - unlike Dongshik who had the footage deleted with Chief’s help
oh please Joo Won is sooo annoying with his smile and teasing hehe “ah that reminds me! ‘is that it? did you come all the way here because of that?’” throwing Dongshik’s words back at him. oh he’s memorized every fucking thing Dongshik had said to him or what?
Jeong Je’s going through it oof he was the last person to see Yoo Yeon that night and he was also the last person to see Min Jeong that night rip him fr
so Jeong Je’s deers look like people right? Who did that last deer look like? Yoo Yeon?
Dongshik knows Jae Yi saw Chief the night Jin Mook killed himself. ah Chief also knows it’s Joo Won who put him in that cell and Joo Won’s tryna what? bug the Chief’s wallet to be able to overhead convo? track him?
lol the photo taking with the Chief in a cell with a peace sign
bro too much is happening so Dongshik was in front of the what? deer farm thing or what idk and Chief was going there too but saw him and left. Joo Wonwas tailing him there and then to the main office where 2 other people from the substation were there too for some reason and then intercepted by his father and we learn his mother died
Joo Won was at the city as a child and was sent to the Uk at either, I wonder when his mother died? Was it while they were in Manyang? killed by Jin Mook? and then his father sent him away? or is that a coincidence
damn councilwoman wants to tranquilize Jeong Je 
ah so Yoo Yeon really wasn’t killed by Jin Mook but somebody ran her over Multiple times <- Jeong Je? idk
somebody with black gloves killed the chief (the chief also wanted to kill them bc he came here with a gun) - is this the person who helped Jin Mook die?
Joo Won followed the Chief and realized somebody hit him, Dongshik realized something happened by calling the Chief and him finally picking up but just breathing
 oh noooo Joo Won saying the same stuff that Dongshik’s old partner said but he dieddd
my god Dongshik repeatedly telling Joo Won to be careful and Joo Won saying he’ll be waiting. him telling the cops to track joo won and saying he’s his partner
damn bruv okay so Jeong Je and Dongshik got to the scene too late and the chief for sure dead and oof rip
dongshik in joo won’s arms hm
I feel like alksdfj because for multiple eps, since the ep where we saw Jin Mook at the end scene (ep 5) onwards, we’ve been getting answers - whether it be who is the murder, why, how, where the bodies of other victims are, where’s Yoo Yeon, etc. but this ep, we found out a bit like Yoo Yeon wasn’t killed by Jin Mook but by being run over and had a billion questions raised like who killed Yoo Yeon, why? how did Jin Mook get hold of her body? What did Chief know? Who helped Jin Mook die? Who killed Chief? etc
Ep 11: To Tighten - 조이다 (Feb 7)
It’s the break between my Tuesday classes and I’m spending that time starting another episode. I’m not even watching Never Let Me Go episode from today (read a few spoilers about it though) and instead watching this ah, I’m a bad student
Also, I’ve started listening to the OSTs since last night and it’s so good TODO listen to the songs and add some like The Night (+ instrumental) to my spotify
This show really does show everything rather than tell. People have been saying so on the reddit on-air threads for a while but we’re at the 2003 flashback with Chief and yeah, this show is big on just showing what happened and less exposition
Lee Dohyun my loveeee
ah parallels of Chief and Dongshik attending his father’s funeral vs Dongshik and Joo Won attending Chief’s funeral ah
naurr this grief is fucking me up fr like Dongshik going through the chief’s house, the flashback to Chief bringing the jjigae and their chant
Joo Won even drinking from the shared utensils
Joo Won and Jae Yi convo with his apologizing and thanking her hm
okay so i guess Jo Gil Goo and Hwang Gwang Yeong are starting to play more of a role since last ep after having not been there much for the first half of the show. would it really be one of them who killed Chief? they did say Gil Goo knew Chief for 21 years hm that’s when the original deaths happened
It’s curious that Joo Won and Dongshik are telling literally everybody that he saw those two at the Seoul agency - that makes it seem like there’s less weight to the suspicions
please I wish Jae Yi and Jihoon were a thing, her driving with him in the back of the motorcycle <3 i love het couples who are gay4gay
lol I too was thinking Hwang Gwang Yeong would be here to try for some job opportunity, makes sense
Gil Goo called Han Joo Won’s father deputy whatever that night hm
oh Jeong Je throwing away his medication <- the one councilwoman was using tranquilizer in or whatever? so that his visions/flashbacks continue
Gil Goo did something during the Yoo Yeong missing case 21 years ago that he thoughts was the order of the chief back then (ie. current Deputy whatever Joo Won’s father) ahh
and then the Chief came in to see the deputy chief? asking about Jo Gil Goo? omg and analysis report? wtf is happening girl 
anyway i don’t believe for a second that Deputy Chief doesn’t have any idea about what’s going on. he’s the one who closed the case after 4 months back in 2000 after all and he’s shady throughout this whole show. doesn’t know about the analysis report and doesn’t know about what he ordered Gil Goo hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 
Gil Goo visited the chief in the holding cell
ohhh wtf wtf okay so there was a guitar pick beside the body in 2000, Gil Goo gave it to the forensics team and got the analysis report, that report had nothing that there were no prints on the analysis report oof - so it wasn’t actually Dongshik’s guitar pick the way I originally thought it was. I’d thought maybe he left it there when he was visiting her restaurant or whatever
oh the pick was Dongshik’s but there were no fingerprints on it - so I’m guessing there were Dongshik’s and somebody else’s? 
man i should think of guesses right now ig because the reveals might be coming soon but idek like somebody pretended to give orders based on being Chief Han, who could do that? Am I supposed to be suspicious of Ji Hwa’s partner? would it be councilwoman because Jeong Je’s fingerprints would also be on the pick?
ah it’s true i guess that one person really did kill 3 people: yoo yeon, jin mook, chief name sang bae. a serial killer based on hiding yoo yeon’s killer
okay who is this guy again? chief of some other substation? of the violent crimes thing? he’s been at some of the interrogations
oh his name Cheol Moon - didn’t Gil Goo call him too? before calling the deputy chief? i guess it’s because cheol moon had been acting as if chief Han had ordered for the faking and disappearance of the analysis report
ah so Cheol Moon and Chief had gone to Jin Mook’s cell
bruv Jin Mook had ripped off his fingers to write on the wall w blood
ah it’s the construction CEO - somebody had mentioned that in the reddit on-air threads. someone sent him the CCTV from jin mook’s cells hmm also he owns the deer farm where the bodies are found <- will we get to hear more about this? were they killed like Jin Mook’s victims choking? like car accidents?
is CEO construction also faking his physical disability that’s so annoying of this fucking show
is councilwoman’s number the burner phone number than gil goo called?
my goodness 
last 15 min rewatched: still so </3
I feel feral; it’s been a few hours since I watched this (I had to watch the last few minutes on such a time crunch cuz I had to get to my next class and time was running out but I was too close to the end to just stop and watch the rest later lol) and I’m just klajdsf about the ending. so Jeong Je ran over Yoo Yeon (poor girl, she was so happy to see the car lights), then councilwoman and the constructor CEO were also there and probably helped cover it up. does Jeong Je actually know he ran her over or is he so drugged up by his mom that he doesn’t know or that his visions/hallucinations make him think that was not real and he instead hit a deer? poor dongshik who somehow learned jeong je ran over yoo yeon. Also, did Yoo Yeon have her fingers or no? How did she escape Jin Mook? also how is Cheol Moon involved hmm and was it joo won who sent CEO the CCTV clip or someone else? ah fuck i’m mad that I have like 4 more hours of stuff to do before I can watch the next ep
Ep 12: To Loosen - 풀다 (Feb 8)
I'm so fucking stupid and only watched 1 ep yesterday because last night i was supposed to do some homework then watch ep 12 of beyond evil but i kept procrastinating for hours upon hours, so i only just finished the work at 12:30 and couldn’t watch another ep. ahh it’s even more annoying that i didn’t even procrastinate by watching an episode because i kept thinking i can’t start an 1h ep, i’ll be starting my work in like 5 minutes! 3 hours later i hadn’t started work nor watched an ep
Also I kept having to leave the G/T rated fics I tried reading because I was afraid that I’d get spoiled so I was like well if I read an explicit fic how much can porn really spoil? Well turns out Dongshik goes to prison for a year in the end maybe, it can spoil that
Who is Secretary Jang that Construction CEO Jin Lee is calling
ohhhh so Dongshik didn’t know that Jeong Je hit his sister but that Jeong Je must have recognized councilwoman’s burner phone from Gil Goo’s call log but didn’t mention it
and Jeong Je can’t remember that he actually hit Yoo Yeon that night or what happened that night; though he does know that the number what the burner phone his mom used 20 years ago
As I was about to start the ep, I was like oh it’d be fun if this ep’s title is 풀다 cuz I know that word already and it was :)
(Bromance) “Are you worried about me right now, Lieutenant Han Joo Won?” “Do you think I’m crazy?” lmfaoo
i wish i knew everybody’s names cuz who tf is HKH is this Deputy Chief Han
how much does Deputy Chief CEO Han know ah like he’s been in cahoots with councilwoman and Jin LEe CEO but he claims to not know wtf is going on and also he wasn’t seen in the flashback to the night of Yoo Yeong’s death
pls why are Joo Won and Dongshik so cute >.< Dongshik once again being like “ooh was i there?” and joo won instead of taking it as a confession, he’s like don’t joke about it >:((
okay they quickly learned that Jin Lee was at the restaurant last night
so who sent Jin Lee the CCTV vid hmm it doesn’t seem like Joo Won Dongshik etc I wonder if it could be Gil Goo trying to right his wrongs from before or Park Jeong Je in a similar vein
fuck did I forget something? What was in Chief Nam Sang Bae’s safe? the guitar pick analysis report? did Joo Won take that? or somebody else? also interesting that Gil Goo just straight up knows that councilwoman had a hand in killing Chief and just isn’t saying anything
what did councilwoman use that burner hone for 21 years ago? 
also okay so Yoo Yeon’s body, catatonic Park Jeong Je, his mother councilwoman, and Jin Lee Construction CEO were all gathered there that night and Jin Lee was supposed to take care of Yoo Yeon’s body (he got Jin Mook to cover it up I suppose (in exchange for what? getting to bury people in the deer farm that Jin Lee bought from councilwoman?) and councilwoman tried to cover up everything Jeong Je was involved in (the guitar pick that was found and used for Dongshik’s capture whad Jeong Je’s fingerprints - I feel like that was guessable based on the fact that Jeong and Dongshik were friends and since finding out about councilwoman’s involvement, it’d make sense that she’d get rid of the paper because Jeong Je was her son and she’s protecting him ofc ofc but we still don’t know why the guitar pick was there that day. ig we’ll learn once Jeong Je’s memory comes back) 
ooh Joo Won character growth of not just arresting Jeong Je without a warrant for having killed Yoo Yeon because he learned after doing that stuff to Dongshik 
who is So Nyeo again? this pregnant lady ah her name is familiar but who are you? the forsenics department person? oh she’s telling them how Yoo Yeon probably was hit by the car 
damn girl, Jo Gil Goo’s wife also involved with the councilwoman, Cheol Moon, and construction CEO?
so now Dongshik knows that Do Hae Won has been paying Gil Goo for 20 years because he switched out the guitar pick analysis report and the original fingerprints were Jeong Je’s
no like why are we also being like yesh Jeong Je’s meds hm like just 1 person takes meds and it’s seen as bad thing to cover up bad thing they did like pls this showwwwwww let’s spread a little less ableist ideas
ohh I’d assumed Dongshik had texted Yoo Yeon that night but it was Jeong Je - which makes sense now if we think that that’s her boyfriend
ah fuck was i supposed to fucking remember the burner phone numbers? did jeong je use the same phone to text yoo yeon that his mother later has used as her burner phone number
wait hold on wtf so Yoo Yeon was already fallen on the ground by the time Jeong Je ran over her? but also whoooo are these people like the outfit isn’t the same? or is it? or what’s happening? it wasn’t the outfit of the other girl whose body was near the guitar pick either
oh just kidding Yoo Yeon was indeed wearing that outfit but her yellow jacket was not to be found when Jeong Je ran her over
oh insane I was like Dongshik for sure not killing Jeong Je with that hammer lol but I also didn’t expect him to tell Joo Won of the confession but to aslo let Jeong Je just go home and kinda use him as bait to find out more about his mother councilwoman and also about who’s behind Chief’s murder etc and also I wonder if he realizes that something’s weird about Jeong Je saying Yoo Yeon was already on the ground when he ran over her, because a car hit her on the knees first
oh is this a hint that Han Joo Won’s deputy chief/commisioner father did indeed do something bad all thought years ago - this show keeps making him suspicious and then be like hm no he doesn’t know anything but then suspicious again
ah of course Han Joo Won’s father hit Yoo Yeon first and then just left her there I guess and then drunk out of his mind ran over Jeong Je her fallen body. did dongshik somehow already know of the father’s involvement bc why did he speak to joo won like that about his loyalty to family and whether dongshik can trust him if his father does something bad
Poor Yoo Yeon for real; she escaped the car while Jin Mook was dragging the other girl’s body and still got run over so many times and left for dead
we got a glimpse last episode of Yoo Yeong’s death so I thought we know most of the things but they seem to have endless tricks up their sleeves
When did Jeong’s mother and Jin Lee appear? did he call her? Jeong Je’s guitar pick fell when he went to Yoo Yeon, how come it was near the other girl? 
Ep 13: To Ask - 묻다 (Feb 8)
Oof, no wonder all 3 of the councilwoman, Jin Lee, and Han Chief all ended up seeing Yoo Yeon’s body, they were all together and drinkingright before that. Makes more sense than them all stumbling upon her on their own
so Dongshik did catch the fact that Yoo Yeon can’t have been lying down
ya going back to how Han Gi Hwan closed the case just 4 months after Yoo Yeon’s disappearence
Oh I just realized person and deer are similar in Korean  사슴 사람
Did Jeong Je tell Dongshik abut Jin Lee also being there at the crime site or no because he seems to remember that. oh he did, okay
dang his mother breaking down like you’re not remembering it right because you’re the one who killed Yoo Yeon! when Jeong Je was asking who killed Yoo Yeon
no it’s like crazy that Han Gi Hwan ran over Yoo Yeon and left and then so many people worked to cover up Yoo Yeon’s death cuz of Jeong Je that Han Gi Hwan didn’t even have to do anything except close the case 4 months later and not worry about it for 20 years
lol but also this coverup meant the case been unsolved for 2 decades when, if Jeong Je had been arrested, everybody would’ve thought he killed her by himself and Han Gi Hwan wouldn’t have had to worry at all despite having run her over first 
ohh Han Gi Hwan gave Jin Lee the orders to kill Kang Jin Mook and pulled the CCTV strings (which reminds me - who send Jin Lee the CCTV footage? that’s why he’s been hounding Han Gi Hwan no?) - that was the secret they were hiding (presumably because the two more aboutthe Yoo Yeon incident than councilwoman who only knows about Jeong Je and Jin Lee’s cleanup)
damn Han Gi Hwan and Cheol Moon really just decided to frame Nam Sang Bae “if something goes wrong” but also why did Jin Lee then kill Nam Sang Bae? Han Gi Hwan knew that Nam Sang Bae would visit
“Catch all the rotten bastards” girl Han Gi Hwan talking bout himself or what
ah somebody on reddit on-air said that Jae Yi’s talk about how Jeong Je must receive punishment is also about how he shouldn’t kill himself to escape like Kang Jin Mook
Han Gi Hwan foiling Han Joo Won’s plan about him knowing about bribe-taker Cheol Moon because Joo Won already told his father he’d do something about it if he didn’t deal with Cheol Moon but Cheol Moon has blackmail material on Han Gi Hwan such as him being involved with Kang Jin Mook’s death
girl what the fuck is happeningggggg  okay is this Joo Won and Dongshik’s plan  and that’s why Joo Won decided to come here to this commissioner thing (Kwon saying oh Joo Won you came here for this little thing? talking about the bribery scandal but he’s here to cause an even bigger scandal?) or is Dongshik going fucking balls to the wall wild again ahhhhhhhh scream 
ohh Joo Won didn’t knowwww fuckkkkk what’s going on fucking hell 
Girl I have immense amount of work to do because I’ve been procrastinating too much but... should I just procastinate for another 1.5 hours and watch the next ep wtf
This show has ended up so different from the first half where we had a loose serial killer but now it’s like laws and corrupt officials and bribery but it still keeps my attention and curiosity
Ep 14: To Answer - 답하다 (Feb 8)
nooooooo my poor Joo Won T.T his mom tried to kill herself and his dad sent his mom to a psych ward 
they’re showing the arrest again and now that i’m not sooo focused on the ‘wtf is happening’ i’m like yknow what they both look hot 
ohhh okay good it was in fact Joo Won’s idea whewwwwww 
plsss Dongshik’s faceeee as Joo Won is confessing during the questioning even though Dongshik made him promise that he’ll use his right to remain silent
oh yeah i totally forgot that Han Joo Won had previously confessed and then they’d done nothing about it and he hadn’t been punished despite being wanting it 
ohhh Joo Won being like fuck you for breaking your promise to turn yourself in for not calling as soon as you found out Jin Mook was guilty and we might’ve saved Min Jeong. I’ll thus break my proise to not take the punishment and instead admit my crimes
oh the punishment is just a suspension? or it says ‘until disciplinary meeting’ so maybe something more will come
damn not Kwan getting slapped by Han Gi Hwan and spoken to lowly. i kept thinking he’s gonna betray Joo Won in order to do something for his father but hmmmm I mean he could betray them both lol there’s 3 more hours left
pls not Joo Won appearing to a) lie to his father about not knowing about getting arrested (thus the show about what are you doing rn? during the arrest ig) and b) annoying his father
naur Joo Won’s father telling him to get out and him actually taking it to heart fr this time. it’s okay my guy your father will hopefully be in prison for hit and run soon
oh Kang Jin Mook just found Yoo Yeon, he and Jin Lee weren’t working together. that’s good i don’t think it would’ve made sense if Jin Lee just knew of a serial killer running around lowering their chance of redevelopment and didn’t do anything to stop it
Councilwoman’s secret girl there are so many things it could be about so idek
why is Jin Lee so funny just “if everybody knows it, would it be a secret?” and his heart eyes for Jihwa
aw Jihwa telling Jeong Je “good work” T.T
i love Jae Yi <3 also idk I like when Jae Yi treats Joo Won with the lightest layer of disdain but still is cordial towards him and I’d like it if they were friends but not romantically involved 
ohoho all this talks about not being on the same team, alright guys
yaas Jae Yi chasing Han Gi Hwan
oh i’m a dumbass obviously Cheol Moon sent Jin Lee the CCTV footage
girl i keep getting confused and being like ohh dongshik joo won kiss <3 like wtf do you mean by ‘i promise i’ll contact you’ ‘i’ll be waiting, Han Joo Won’
ah so Han Gi Hwan did get caught by Jin Lee and that’s why it’s so interesting that he was called about the same girl again by the councilwoman 
 oof Joo Won bugged his dad’s car and gets to hear about how his father ordered Jin Lee to kill Jin Mook
I hope Joo Won is recording this he’s getting confessions of Jin Mook and Nam Sang BAe’s murders almost and kinda planning of Cheol Moon’s
not Joo Won’s brain and heart fucking breaking as he gets confirmation that his dad caused the accident that killed Yoo Yeon
naurrr not Dongshik checking his phone like a lover waiting for a text wtf 
ah poor Joo Won at the end, just like the beginning. what’s he gonna do with that golf club in the rain
Ep 15: To Let Go - 놓다 (Feb 9)
noo poor Joo Won learning that not only did his father kill Yoo Yeon but he’s badmouthing Joo Won and didn’t even clearly say he won’t kill his own son
oh yeah it’s interesting how Joo Won came to the town convinved Dongshik killed Geum Hwa and Yoo Yeon but indeed it comes back to Joo Woon and his family
ooh Kang Jin Mook and chairwoman Do Hae Won know the secret mentioned in the last ep but Jin Lee doesn’t know. does Han Gi Hwan?
damn Joo Won being like i’ll set a trap, be the bait, become a monster, and drag Han Gi Hwan into hell with me and that’s how i’ll apologize to you Dongshik
(Fave) D: not the kneeling in front of Dongshik. My bad for reading that post-canon explicit fic that slightly mentioned Dongshik thinking of this moment because now I’m looking at it with that in mind 
(Fave) but kneeling in front of someone and saying “I will go to hell” as you beg them to let you drag your father down for killing their sister is actually such aklsfjalksdfj (Edit: I’m reblogging every single gifset with this scene or with Joo Won/Dongshik hands gifsets where they talk about Joo Won atoning by going to hell ah)
 damn the interaction between Jeong Je and his mom where she’s like... outwardly evil is wild
not them going on a meal date right now 
pls Joo Won being like “sniveling? i never cried” like okay my guy
damn Han Gi Hwan knuckle bloody from punching the phone
ahhh Joo Won being like stop getting stabbed in the back by bastards you need to get rid of and hold my hand, thus using han gi hwan’s own words to point the accomplices as enemies and showing him that joo won can hold out his hand first
 lmfao councilwoman’s approval rating for becoming mayor is last place? girl at least han gi hwan is literally nominated to become commissioner but she’s doing all these insane things for what? esp if she doesn’t even gaf about her son for real
damn Dongshik coming in at the perfect moment to stop Jin Lee from murdering Jeong Cheol Moon in broad daylight 
I love it when I don’t know anything like for the past several episodes, we’ve known more than Dongshik or Joo Won have known but now, I don’t know what they’re planning exactly beyond just taking down Han Gi Hwan, so this is fun
you know Dongshik and Joo Won give me perfect ‘pretend enemies while lovers’ like Pat/Pran
pls Jin Lee being like okay I enjoyed the show, you’re trying to show me that your relationship is pretty bad right now. Am I close? like plssss maybe he’s my favourite character, who knows
ah Jin Lee said that night Han Gi Hwan came just to ask him to reject his wife’s construction company’s bid (a lie bc they were supposed to work together)
oof Jin Lee pointedly brining up the part when commissioner Han Gi Hwan was like a murderer shouldn’t get a mic into his mic
ah Jin Lee working to make it seem like Do Hae Won ran over Yoo Yeon + talking about how the bodies found in the Deer Farm killed by Kang Jin Mook was on his property but it was still Do Hae Won who had access to it and is suggesting she worked with Kan Jin Mook 
tbh we still don’t know why Jeong Je’s guitar pick thing appeared beside the other girl
Park Jeong Je in a mental hospital
Joo Won was expecting his father to do something about Cheol Moon but instead he promoted him right hm
girl what’s happening agh fuck 50m in i can’t rn i have class soon, guess i’ll just have to watch this later T.T
okay time to finish watching the last 15 mins or so
does Prosecutor Kwan now know Lee Dongshik’s number even though he technically doesn’t know whose number it is he can probably guess
Joo Won seeing Jeong Cheol Moon text Dongshik about meeting alone and so taking his phone...
Did Joo Won’s behaviors seem weird to Dongshik - ah he’s realized Joo Won took his phone
girl what the fuckkkkk Joo Won what?!
Is this what Joo Won meant by “I will become a monster” like what’s happening what did Joo Won do? Why did Cheol Moon wanna meet Dongshik? girl there’s 1 ep left wtf???
Ah okay I will have a guess that: Jeong Cheol Moon turning off his lights immediately after going home was strange. Maybe he was waiting for Dongshik in the darkness or maybe somebody else was there and turned it off? acc idek what guess I have beyond I doubt Joo Won actually killed him, thus the ‘it seems like... i killed him’ so either somebody else killed Cheol Moon and was trying to frame Dongshik perhaps. or maybe Joo Won is gonna have Cheol Moon in hiding not dead - that’ll get him out of Han Gi Hwan’s hair for the time being. idkidk Also Joo Won and Dongshik stared at each other for sooo long in that last scene, what were you communicating?! tell meeee
Ep 16: To Catch/Hold - 잡다 (Feb 9)
Badmouthing somebody and then calling them and having the phone ringing from your shower is so horrific lmfao
Whose phones is Jin Lee trying to frame
Okay, I was confused about the timeline of the text but it makes more sense now. Jin Lee texted Dongshik with an unknown number (JCM is used by Jin Lee or the father and that was in the text) before Cheol Moon arrived home and that’s he was killed and Jin Lee put the phone that texted Dongshik on the sink to show that Dongshik was brought there and then killed him. Wonder what the other phone is for though
Dongshik talking about Joo Won like that’s his lover
naurrrr Joo Won’s Lady Macbeth type washing the blood from his hands
“I don’t like other people in my home” “You don’t like other people in your home but you entered mine so boldly?”
So Jin Lee left his cellphone that he used to text Nam Sang Bae, which he also used to text Dongshik to come to JCM’s house, along with Nam Sang Bae’s phone.
ah they’re framing it as Cheol Moon killing Nam Sang Bae and committing suicide and also previously tried to frame it like Dongshik killed Cheol Moon, they’re really tryna get as many birds with one stone huh
6179 was the number of Han Gi Hwan’s cellphone after speaking with Jin Lee, are we supposed to remember it?
girl Jin Lee had a whole wife and kid when he married Ji Hwa?!
Dongshik telling Do Hae Won about Jeong Je not really being the culprit
no what was councilwoman tryna say about Kang Jin Mook D: 
bruh Dongshik and Joo Won really bet on the fact that Jeong Je would be moved and swooped in to take him away. my cool Jae Yi
okay finally we’re gonna learn bout the location of the guitar pick around Bang Joo Seon
ah Jin Mook put the guitar pick there on purpose to make them think Jeong Je killed both Yoo Yeon and Joo Seon
damn this whole time Ho Dae Won knew that the serial killer was Jin Mook and gave him the deer farm to store his victims ah
damn the Jin Mook and Ho Dae Won convo is wild
oof they left Do HaE Won out and tried to make it seem like she killed Yoo Yeon Jin Mook etc but she came out and said it was the other two oof
damn okay Prosecuter Kwon has been giving sleezy vibes this whole time (budget Kang Jin Mook who just evades some laws instead of a serial murderer) but I guess he listened to what Joo Won said
“Do you only entertain Lee Dongshik’s calls? Are you two dating?” Bro I should drop the (Bromance) and just do (Romance) like wtf
ah so I guess Dongshik got the confession that it was Han Gi Hwan from Jin Lee’s mouth
oh no Joo Won’s mother committed suicide at the hospital and his rascal father said that’s the worst escape a weak person can choose
damn Joo Won learned from Dongshik to do this ‘face the gun’ and taunt type thing but Dongshik knew you wouldn’t fucking kill him Joo Won. your father however...
the way Joo Won went to block Dongshik with his body and keep his eyes lowered is killing me so bad, my beautiful boy I wanna read about you getting [redacted]
I love Dongshik’s face every time Joo Won surprises him, like the gun shooting at the roof
About being arrested by Joo Won for messing with Min Jeong’s murder scene, Dongshik’s like “If you don’t do it, I won’t turn myself in.” like broooo why are they so special to each other ah
Joo Won’s arrest of Dongshik being so different now than previously
Linguistics: The handholding and “Joo Won-ah” and Joo Won’s tears I’m gonna crawl into a hole 
(Fave) Joo Won’s crying on Dongshik’s hands that are in handcuffs while Dongshik smiles on what if I cried and died what would this show do then
yknow I’m used to looking into things like ah yes these girl besties are definitely in love and these guys are litteraly soulmates etc but now... are they tryna tell me these two are in love like idek
girl Feb 5 2021 for a second my heart skipped a beat like oh this is Feb 3 2021 I’m watching it close to the date but like uhhh it’s 2023 get your head on straight miss boy
Joo Won coming to his mother’s grave ah
if this was a BL, the choahamnida by Joo Won after the jjigae would’ve been a moment of “oh? what does he choa? could it be Lee Dongshik?”
the “Joo Won ah” instead of “Liutenant Joo Won” or “Han Joo W on-ssi” from Dongshik kills me so bad. but then Joo Won being like don’t use banmal with me lee dongshik-ssi
Joo Won going around finding people who are lost in mountains and stuff, the way Dongshik did to that girl’s father ah. that’s good but why are you guys walking awayyyyy what do you mean Joo Won didn’t visit him in prison 
I wonder how I would’ve felt if I didn’t know from 2 different Explicit fics that Dongshik was in prison for a year at the end lol
I wish the ending was juuust a bit more drawn out or not given us an ‘1 year later’ because I need either a bit more of all of them together and Dongshik/Joo Won or I need none of it so that I am solely responsible for my imagination. Like to go from such such such deep emotions during Joo Won arresting Dongshik to this casual, almost detached feeling even though they clearly still care for one another is too much for me. 
Ah, 17-ish hours passed with this story and characters. 
Interesting how I started the show for one reason (serial killer, who-dun-it) but after Kang Jin Mook’s capture and death, the show seemed to be like a new season but with the same overarching Yoo Yeon plot and became more about politicians and legalities. Yet, it kept me engaged.
The writing of this show was really good, I thought the unravelling was quite good and even when we were a few steps ahead of the main characters as the audience, it didn’t lose the edge and also the characters caught up quickly enough. There may be plot holes but nothing sticks out to me and that’s what’s important. The characters were also really well written and given depth. The acting is great, the directing was soooo good in some places like congrats on this cinematography and directing choices, and the music was good too. 
Also, it’s director and scriptwriter are both women, which is great, especially for this type of series that focuses so much on female victims
I’ve not been feeling romance for the past few weeks but Dongshik/Joo Won did manage to give me intense brain worms. Especially because in the first half, I was more worried about the girls and catching the killer etc and they had an interesting enough dynamic then with the antagonizing but after there wasn’t An Imminent Threat in the 2nd half is when we started getting more of their dynamics and such. They seemed so fucking gay in the text, not subtext, in the last few eps, esp the last episode. I will often look at same gendered friends and be like ah they are madly in love but did this show specifically want me to think of them that way because it sure seemed like it at the end, though I will choose to believe that they will continue to be very close after the show ends and not see each other’s face once a year or something.
Very good, I think I’ll rewatch this sometime and also gonna go read fics. Rewatching will for sure be interesting as I get to see more things, like even at the very first scene, young Kang Jin Mook is seen being asked to move things
Rating: 8/10 
Joo Won holding Dongshik at Chielf Nam Sang Bae’s body (bg: Chandelier - Sia)
Dongshik Edit (bg: hey mickey you’re so fine)
Min Jeong T.T (bg: Yellow - Coldplay)
Jae Yi <333 
Joo Won “i don’t like touching people’s hands” vs clutching at Dongshik 
Juwoon Dongshik parallels (twt: bfufilm)
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Heart of Steel - Part I
DBH Connor x Male Reader
Word Count: 2.5K+
Content warning: Minor injury detail, PTSD, language
Original game dialogue I got from this video:
Tumblr media
We were attacked in the night.
After returning from a mission back to an outpost several miles from the red zone, we removed our gear save for a few pouches on our belts we could bother with later. Our team leader set up a fire while the SQ800s, CyberLife commissioned combat androids, began loading up the trucks with extra artillery and resources. A job that could have waited until morning, but Alpha always gave the androids something to do. He said that they creeped him out when they would just stand there in a dormant state, waiting for their next mission to be given to them.
"You know what I'm going to do when I get home?"
"Here we go again."
"I'm going to get me a WR400," Foxtrot; not everyone's favourite but he certainly kept us entertained when there was nothing to do.
"Uh-huh and with what money are you going to be using to pay for this WR400? A military salary definitely ain't gonna cut it." Echo always called out Foxtrot's bullshit, he was the only one that had the patience to deal with him.
"Fine, my birthday is comin' up, if you put towards two-thirds of what it costs we can share. How does that sound?"
"I am not sharing anything with you, I don't know what diseases you carry." Their constant back forth sent chuckles through the group.
"Alright, that's enough you two. It's getting late and past everyone's bedtime, I want you all awake by O-five-hundred at the latest," Alpha would often stop them before Foxtrot would take it too far, but he could never hide the twitching smile on his face.
"Yes sir," Foxtrot mock saluted as he stood from his seat around the campfire. "Hey Echo, that offer is still-"
One moment Foxtrot had a wide grin on his face, the next there was a hole in his head between his eyes, the sound of gunshot ringing in everyone's ears.
It was dark, we couldn't see where they were firing from. The android was the only one still standing, firing off in random directions as they were gunned down. The next was Delta, shot in the left shoulder, then the throat. My gun was back in my tent and there was no chance of me getting it. Stupid.
I heard the thump by my feet before I saw it. You would think it would be terrifying, to know you're staring death in the face, but for a second it was peaceful. My body was cold and I already felt like a corpse, the Rigour Mortis freezing me in place, just softly gazing at what would kill me.
Something grabbed me before the grenade exploded, saving my life but destroying the android.
The bedsheets were crumpled and soaked in sweat again when my eyes shot open. It was hard to breathe, the panic was still running through me and closing up my throat at the memory.
In; one, two, three, four. Hold; one, two, three, four. Out; one, two, three, four. Hold; one, two, three, four.
It took a few minutes for me to remember where I was. That I was home and that I was safe. Out of nervous habit, I gripped my dog tags, they were wet from the sweat that had soaked through my shirt in the night.
"Shit." It was four in the morning, there was no chance of getting any more sleep and the station wouldn't be open for another two more hours at the least. Saying that; Fowler wanted to speak to me first thing, which never meant anything good for anyone.
It was aching again at the joint. The biomechanical component always felt itchy where it joined at the elbow. Anytime I would have that dream I would scratch at it in my sleep, it was like my subconscious knew it didn't belong. It knew my rotting left arm was still in the desert somewhere being picked apart by vultures.
It's almost ironic; to be saved by an android and then to have part of one attached to me. I hated it.
"Morning Cyborg, you look like shit." Gavin was forever pleasant to talk to.
"Fuck off, Reed." He constantly hovered around the coffee machine, hogging it like it was his newborn baby. "Is Fowler in yet?"
"Not yet, you in trouble?" He took his time making his coffee, exceeding in being the department's resident asshat. "Did he catch you looking at porn on your work terminal again?"
"I'm pretty sure that's only ever happened to you." Not wanting to be reminded of his previous escapades I got no response. Gavin let out a small huff before moving to the side with his fresh cup of coffee, freeing up the machine.
"Officer (L/N)." Oh for fuck's sake.
"Sir?" Captain Fowler stood outside his office, his coat half soaked from the rain.
"My office, I need to speak to you." He didn't give a second glance to me before turning and letting the glass door shut behind him.
"Ha, good luck cyborg." Shooting Gavin the middle finger, I followed Captian Fowler into his office.
"What was it you wished to talk about, sir?" Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight and hands behind my back; habits from the army were destined to die hard. Often I would find myself moving my hand up to salute before leaving the presence of a superior, something else for Gavin to make fun of.
"You're aware of the deviant cases I've assigned to Lieutenant Anderson, correct?" Fowler sat at his desk, wet coat now hung on its rack, but there was slight dampness to his suit blazer where his coat had been left open.
"Yes sir. I believe he's being accompanied by a prototype RK800 from Cyberlife."
"That's correct. I'm sure you're aware that these deviancy cases are on the more..."
"...Unpredictable side. Now, I can't exactly issue a gun to a prototype android if it's going to be in the field and, while I value Hank as a police officer, his record is on the rougher side."
"Captain Fowler, with all due respect, I don't believe-"
"Office (L/N), with all due respect, you don't have an opinion in this matter. I want you to accompany Lieutenant Anderson in these assignments just in case a deviant becomes too much for him or this android to handle. You've certainly got the skillset for it and you're not unfamiliar with working alongside androids, unlike quite a few officers in this department."
"I understand that, but-"
"Whatever you're gonna say I don't want to hear it." Captain Fowler didn't give me a chance to argue as he stood and walked to his office door, the annoyed look on his face worsening. "Hank, in my office!"
I let out a sigh before Captain Fowler turned back to his desk. Through the office wall made of glass Hank reluctantly made his way towards us grumbling something under his breath at the request, the RK800 model obediently following behind him like a little, lost puppy. Hank sat in the chair opposite Fowler while the android stood next to me, giving a small smile as a greeting.
Captain Fowler was the first to talk, "I've got ten new cases involving androids on my desk every day. We've always had isolated incidents, old ladies losing their android maids and that kind of crap... But now, we're getting reports of assaults and even homicides, like that guy last night. This isn't just cyberlife's problem anymore, it's now a criminal investigation and we've gotta deal with it before the shit hits the fan. I want you to investigate these cases, alongside officer (L/N) and see if there's any link."
"Why me? And why do I need a god damned partner? A stupid android is already too much. Why do I gotta be the one to deal with this shit?" Props to Hank for trying, but arguing with Fowler was like talking to a brick wall. "I am the least qualified cop in the country to handle this case! I know jack shit about androids, Jeffery. I can barely change the settings on my own phone."
"Everybody's overloaded. I think you're perfectly qualified for this type of investigation," They were already starting to blow up at each other.
"Bullshit! The truth is nobody wants to investigate these fuckin' androids and you left me holdin' the bag!"
"CyberLife sent over this android to help with this investigation and I've given you (L/N) as well. You've got a state of the art prototype and a leading police officer to act as your partners."
"No fuckin' way! I don't need partners, and certainly not this plastic prick and some action hero fucker."
"Nice working with you too, Lieutenant Anderson," I said under my breath, not intending for the others to hear. Connor turned his head slightly in my direction, I could see his LED blink yellow for a moment before going back to its bright blue.
"Hank, you are seriously starting to piss me off! You are a police lieutenant, you are supposed to do what I say and shut your goddamn mouth!"
"You know what my goddamn mouth has to say to you, huh?"
"I'll pretend like I didn't hear that, so I don't have to add any more pages to your disciplinary folder 'cause it already looks like a fuckin' novel! This conversation is over."
"Jeffrey, Jesus Christ! Why are you doin' this to me? You know how much I hate these fuckin' things. Why are you doin' this to me?" Most of the department knew why he had such a distaste towards androids, no one could necessarily blame him. Ever since losing his son Hank had become completely different as both a person and an officer. Admittedly, Fowler was harsh on him, but if he wasn't then Hank would drift.
"I've had just enough of your bitching. Either you do your job or you hand in your badge. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got work to do." Hank left in a strop, letting out his frustration on Fowler's office door.
"Well then..." Connor was quick to break the tense silence. His voice caught me off guard, it was smoother, more human than any android's I had heard before. The SQ800's voices had always been more robotic than other models so it had been a shock when the androids back home had sounded so normal, it felt like that all over again. It was jarring. "I won't keep you any longer. Have a nice day captain."
Connor left and I followed behind, giving a small nod of dismissal to Fowler despite him still looking at his terminal screen.
The android went straight to Hank either oblivious or ignoring the lieutenant's current bad mood, granted there was never a time the bastard was in a good mood. Heaven itself could rain down on Detroit and he'd huff at it like a hair in his food.
"I got the impression my presence causes you some inconvenience, Lieutenant. I'd like you to know I'm very sorry about that. In any case, I'd like you to know I'm very to be working with you." Ever the enthusiast.
"I'd give in now. You're talking to a toddler in a fifty-year old's body and the toddler is having a hissy fit." I half sat and half leant against Hank's desk, using my arms to support my weight.
"Apologies, I don't believe I've introduced myself. My name is Connor, I am the android sent by CyberLife." He turned to me, a gentle and manufactured smile on his face. "It's a pleasure to be working with you too, officer (L/N). I'm sure we'll make a great team."
"Er... (Y/N) is just fine."
"Is there a desk anywhere I could use?"
"No one's using that one." Hank points to the desk opposite him, while still sulking like a child.
"Gasp, it speaks," I said in a sarcastic tone while turning to Hank.
"Fuck off. I've already got an android on my ass, I don't need you on it too."
I grabbed a terminal pad before perching myself back at the edge of Hank's desk while Connor got comfortable at the empty one. The light at the side of his head flashing yellow for a moment like he was hesitant to speak."You have a dog, right?"
"How do you know that?"
"The dog hairs on your chair. I like dogs. What's your dog's name?"
"What's it to you?" Hank shifted in his seat, "...Sumo... I call him Sumo."
"Under all those shitty shirts and questionable stains there's a warm, beating heart," I say more to myself than the other two, skimming over the recent case files sent in by Fowler.
"Officer (L/N)... (Y/N), knowing that we'd be working together I read your academy and field records. You have quite an interesting background."
"Oh yeah, then you understand that I may be a little driven to get these cases over with. I can't say I'm a fan of you terminators."
"I understand you have a... warped view of androids due to what you've experienced, but I hope you understand that I am your partner and not your enemy."
"Connor, you're not my partner, you're cyberlife's latest gizmo for us kick around." I sigh, turning to sit at my desk adjacent to hanks, taking the terminal pad with me. "Just look through the deviant case files. Terminals on your desk, knock yourself out."
They're nothing but machines. They are not your friends.
"Two-hundred and forty-three files, the first date back nine months. It all started in Detroit... And quickly spread across the country." Connor had only connected the terminal moments before.
"Don't work your CPU too hard," I mutter under my breath, catching a quick huff of amusement from Hank.
"An AX400 is reported to have murdered a man last night. That could be a good starting point for our investigation." Hank was doing his best to pretend Connor didn't exist, but the android was persistent. Connor stood from his chair and made his way into Hank's personal space.
"Uh, Jesus..." Hank turned his chair away.
"I understand you're facing personal issues, Lieutenant, but you need to move past them and-" For an android, Connor has some balls on him.
"Hey! Don't talk to me like you know me. I'm not your friend and I don't need your advice, okay?" Hank's mood had soured like milk, it wouldn't be long until Fowler was adding another page to Hank's disciplinary folder.
"I've been assigned this mission Lieutenant, I didn't come here to wait until you feel like working."
"Connor, you're just gonna-" I had wasted my breath, Hank had already stood and was grabbing onto Connor by the collar of his Cyberlife jacket and slamming against the screen next to his desk. "Hank!"
"Listen asshole. If it were up to me, I'd rather throw the lot of you in a dumpster and set a match to it. So, stop pissing me off... or things are gonna get nasty."
"Hank," I placed a hand on his shoulder to try and lightly pull him away from Connor but only earned a nasty side-eye. "Leave off him, you don't get paid enough to replace him."
"Lieutenant... Officer (L/N), uh... sorry to disturb you," Looks like the tin can was saved before Hank could knock the light out of him, "I have some information on the AX400 that killed that guy last night. It's been sighted in the Ravendale district."
"I'm on it." Hank didn't glance back when he dropped Connor's collar. The puppy dog look on his face almost made me feel bad for him... almost.
"Come on, WALL-E. Don't want to keep the old man waiting."
319 notes · View notes
keilemlucent · 4 years
long days for bad people
hawks | takami keigo x reader
word count: ~6k
Being a prized, adored possession was far better than you thought it would be.
warnings: light daddy kink (no age play, just the name in mostly jest), spit kink, crying kink, degradation, brief descriptions of blood + violence, kidnapping (consensual?? read a/n), brat taming, light sadomasochism, mind break, praise kink
here it is, mafia au, villain hawks, dom, brat tamer, soft(?!) hawks. what more could you want? 
there’s briefly described kidnapping at the beginning of the fic but it is reiterated throughout that this is consensual! no yandere/stockholm stuff in this fic. 
i’ve been working on this one for a while and i’m happy to finally share it. hope y’all enjoy!!
You shouldn’t have fucked around with the League.
God, it was common knowledge in the parts of town and circles you inhabited. Of all criminal syndicates, mobs, to fuck with, the League wasn’t one of them. They were known for their complete cruelty and violent delights. The League had such a reputation due to the fact that they openly left bodies carved up and burnt as they pleased.
But, you were a fucking idiot and got involved anyways.
It was a small loan, Giran almost seemed to scoff when he gave you the cash. You and your almost-stranger of a roommate were just very late on some bills and were going to lose a lot of material items if you didn’t scrounge up at least two paychecks in about three days. 
You swallowed your pride and took the first and easiest loan you could get. That just happened to be with gap-toothed, wide-grinning Giran of the League. He, you knew from what you’d heard, was somewhat fair in matters like yours. 
You had two weeks to pay him back.
You didn’t make it in time.
You were close to the amount, notably. You scrounged and clawed your way into getting the cash back. You weren’t much of a pickpocket, but you snagged some odd jobs around the apartment building that you and your roommate were still fortunate enough to keep a room in.
After one particular job, a nasty carpentry gig that you weren’t qualified for, you returned home tired and worn.
Sure, you were a day late on payment. But with this last gig, you were so close. The League would have to pity two, stupid, stupid young girls?
They didn’t, you realized, as you stepped into your apartment.
Your roommate's slain corpse was laying over the arm of your cheap couch, eyes vacant and mouth dripping blood onto the old beige carpet.
You dropped to your knees, horrified and completely stunned.
“You should’ve known better,” it was a hum from across the room, from a figure you didn’t even know was in the room until then. “Really, you’d expect folks to be smarter.”
Your mouth dried as the figure moved from the nighttime shadows, flashing a dazzling smile and ruffling crimson wings.
You’d heard of him, everyone had. Terrifying, fast, precise, and cutthroat. He took orders and didn’t ask questions other than snark. He talked too much, fucked too much. 
“W-wait,” You didn't know why you were pleading, but you had to try, right? “I’m so close, wait—”
Hawks sauntered up to you wielding one of his feather blades, the red of blood mixing with the filaments of his feathers.
He crouched down in front of you, tsking, “I don’t like begging, angel. I’ll make this quick for you. Your friend there?”
Hawks jerked his finger behind to your dead roommate.
“She fought, pleaded, begged, all that normal shit I don’t like hearing when shitheads like you two don’t make payday,” his voice was slow, talking about death like some casual thing. “I’ll make this nice and fast if you don’t run your mouth anymore, how about that?”
You swallowed, nodding.
The small percentage of your brain that was fully functioning figured dying quickly was a much better way to go than whatever the hell had happened to your roommate. There was far too much blood for that to be quick.
Hawks hummed, the tip of his feather blade tipping up your chin so you were forced to meet his gaze. You vaguely heard the pitter-patter of your tears hitting the carpet below. Blood rushed in your ears as you stared death in the face.
Hawks appraised you.
You watched the metaphorical cogs and wheels turning in Hawks’ skull as he looked you up and down before flashing forward, gathering you in his arms and flying from the apartment. 
Your first thought was obvious as you clung to him in the open air:
He’s going to drop you and kill you.
When you screamed, tears growing thicker, he slapped a gloved hand over your mouth, “I’m giving you an out, kid. Trust me. You’ll prefer this over death.”
 Your new existence was certainly better than death.
If you were ever caught and convicted of any of the illegal things you participated in, you’d be fucked, thrown into prison until you rotted, until you were just dust and bone.
But, until then, you worked for the League.
You had groveled at the feet of their leader, Shigaraki, hands clasped on your lap, claiming your worth, or maybe lack thereof. Not many attachments, not many people who’d miss you, a semi-useful quirk. 
With a boot shoved into your skull, he sneered that you’d be the League’s new errand dog. 
The real reason they accepted you was due to the threatening air Hawks was exuding and the fact that their old ‘errand bitch’ had died the week prior. They needed a new body to act as a civilian and do things that only an unsuspecting-looking ‘civilian’ could. You fit the bill, and Hawks had taken a liking to you.
 Oddly, working for the League was actually pretty okay.
You got your own room. It was small, but you only had to share a bathroom with the somewhat unhinged Himiko, but she was fairly nice once she warmed up to you. Everyone lived in the League’s HQ and went about their business, getting drunk at their bar front each night.
Most of the mess happened at night, but it was important to put on a nice veneer and keep spirits high. Not to mention that no one would dared to fuck with the League, anyways. The cops and federal government had long been paid off due to the resources that the League had acquired for them. 
You felt somewhat untouchable.
A lot of this confidence was due to the fact that you had become Hawks’s... Keigo’s...
As he liked to call you, anyway. 
Keigo was the general, loveable annoyance of the League, but his connections were invaluable and his skills were unmatched. Despite how he could grate on people (read: Dabi and Shigaraki), he was respected and feared just as much as everyone else was, if not more so. And being his metaphorical and literal pet had its perks.
Sure, the first time he had you come to his ‘office’ and he fucked you against the window until it was smeared with cum and blood was a bit surprising, but god, if you didn’t fucking love it. Being Keigo’s personal fucktoy came with protection, pleasure, and a surprising amount of genuine attention. The dude was lonely, and so were you. The two of you made a good ‘couple’, if you could even call yourselves that. The sadism he doled out was always counterpointed by affections that did seem genuine. 
Keigo was fond of you, and you of him. Maybe your brush with death had twisted something in your head, to even allow yourself to get close to a man like Keigo, but you couldn’t make yourself care. 
You were comfortable and content. 
[bird boss]: hey babe ;^) get to my office in the next thirty minutes 
[you]: what if i don’t
[bird boss]: do u really want to find out
[you]: ...
[you]: im just curious 
[bird boss]: don’t get cheeky songbird 
[you]: u make me wanna u know
[you]: i know it gets you riled up
[bird boss]: tread lightly kid
[you]: oooo i gave you some guff over text
[you]: what’re you gonna do about it?
[bird boss]: use your imagination
[bird boss]: 25 minutes now, songbird
[bird boss]: don’t make this worse for yourself <3
 You set your phone on your cheap duvet, quickly primped yourself to see Keigo. He wasn’t too strict about your appearance but wearing dark clothes and some of the more expensive gifts he’d gotten you over the months he’d been screwing you never hurt. Something about ownership with him always got him hot and bothered. 
You tried to remind yourself frequently that Keigo saw you as some sort of possession, but a possession with feelings.
Meandering through HQ was always a bit daunting, despite your protections. Your skimpy outfit choice and hardly-hidden lingerie made you feel a bit more like an object than you liked too. 
There were hardly hungry mouths around the League, they kept you all fed, but god, were there starving eyes. 
Dabi wolf-whistled as you walked past him through a common room, shouting something about how Keigo was collecting his pound of flesh for the day. Maybe a line or two about being a whore, but that was all flavor at that point. Keigo called you far meaner, more sinful things. And hell, it wasn’t like Keigo hadn’t... shared you on more than one occasion. 
Maybe you were a little fucked up for enjoying your lifestyle to the degree you did, but why not indulge where you could? Life was far shittier scraping paint off old fences and picking up cans to just scrape by. 
Opulence was a breath of fresh air. And if you were Keigo’s fuck toy? Then, god, you were Keigo’s fuck toy.
When you arrived at Keigo’s office, you knocked gently on the door, quickly adjusting your skirt and blouse. 
The door opened, though no one was behind it. Only a single one of Keigo’s feathers allowed you entrance. 
His office seemed daunting and extravagant for a man who did most of his ‘work’ in far-shadier, far-bloodier places. The walls were covered in mirrors and old paintings, something out of vanity and pride, knowing how Keigo saw himself. There were several black leather couches scattered around against walls, some stained by your various... activities. There was a broad desk parallel to a back wall made entirely of windows. 
Night had fallen, leaving the room lit by a few lamps and warm fixtures. 
“Hey, boss,” You hummed as you stepped in, shutting the door behind you just before the lingering scarlet feather flicked the lock on the door.
And the other one.
And the deadbolt.
You swallowed thickly. 
As much as you enjoyed a lot of the perks of your... position, it was also daunting.
Keigo was daunting, all bloody colors, vanity, and hunger. 
He sat behind his desk, wings puffed up, and partially extended over the back of his chair. The desk chair was massive, specifically acquired so that you would have enough room to properly straddle his lap for hours on end if he so wished. 
Keigo idly clicked around on his desktop computer. He leaned slack and back into the chair, legs spread wide and exuding casual confidence that reeked of his own ego. 
Keigo normally wore a mix of black and red, as edgy as it was. He liked to seem clean, hide the stains of sanguine that undoubtedly lingered on him no matter how he tried to cleanse himself. His black slacks were pressed, the seams pristine. The black shirt he wore was rolled up to his elbows, the buttons of his red vest undone as well. His black tie hung half-undone and limp around his neck. His tousled gold hair was mussed as normal, ruffled by his flights. His feathers might’ve needed preening, but you doubted that that was the reason he called you to his office. 
And based on the deep set of his brow and the sickly smile on his lips, he was already on edge and in a mood. 
“Songbird, come over here, will you?” Keigo sat back from his typing, watching you from across the room. He took you in the same way a parched man sucks down red wine, greedily and soon to be fucked. “On my lap.”
You complied, despite your earlier attitude. You padded across the room, going around his desk. 
As you moved to straddle his lap, worn hands gripped your waist. His amber eyes gave you a warning, crinkling at the edges, “Not like that, sweetheart. Do daddy right.”
Oh, so it was one of those moods. 
Maybe you were Keigo’s sexual punching bag so he could exert control on something he could later kiss better and patch up. 
Sure, he was going to fucking ruin you, but part of the fun with him was that the more it hurt, the nicer he was after. And, all things considered, with some of the... other folks the League brought in to satiate its member’s desires, you fared far better. Keigo cared about you, in his own particular way. 
You tried to lean over his lap yourself, but his hands and feathers positioned you perfectly as he wanted. With the tight grip he had on your waist and shoulders, dragging you just as he liked, it was easy to see his need for control. 
Your head hung off of one of his thighs as you squirmed in his lap. His bulge already pressed into your ribs, a wonderful reminder of the reward you’d reap later on. Keigo’s hands gathered your hand to the small of your back, a feather replacing their grip a moment later.
“Sit with me while I finish this shit,” Keigo grumbled, going back to clicking the desktop. His leg bobbed absentmindedly, his free hand rubbing over the curve of your barely-covered ass. “Be a good girl, (Y/N). If you can stand that.”
He laughed under his breath. 
You let your head dangle limply downwards, blood rushing to your cheeks. 
You’d thought you’d be in for more of an ass-kicking, but it appeared Keigo was taking things unusually slow. You knew better than to complain, but kicking up a bit of metaphorical sand couldn’t be that bad, right?
“I dunno,” You hummed, kicking your legs lightly. “I don’t think you like it when I’m a ‘good girl’, daddy.”
“Watch it.” A single, sharp smack to your butt was hardly enough to shut you up, but Keigo did so all the same, rubbing over the covered flesh a moment later, “I’m not in the mood.”
“Are you sure about that?” You wriggled, intentionally pushing up against his growing erection.
His breath stuttered, a smirk pulling at the corners of your lips. The hand on your ass didn’t rear again, rather Keigo kept thumbing smooth circles as he continued to click around on the computer. He might have been actually doing work. Or, he was ignoring you, egging your sass on. 
“If you didn’t want anything, why’d you call me in here?” You asked, way too cheeky for the way Keigo’s body was practically vibrating underneath you. Pissing him off had consequences, of course, but you weren’t in the mood to play ‘good girl’ that day.
“I told you, I want you to sit with me,” Keigo pinched your ass. “But, you’re too mouthy to do just that one thing. You’re usually better than this.”
“Am I?” You played innocent, craning to give him a wide smile. “Hadn’t noticed. What I am noticing, is your already-hard cock, dear.”
“Oh, ‘dear’?!” Keigo paused on the computer. “Cheeky. Cute.” 
Keigo would just dig in more, lean in, before ‘snapping’, if you could call it that.
You gulped as his hand swatted at upper thighs, his nails almost knicking your skin.
“Up and don’t get smart about it.”
Oh, you were going to be remarkably smart about it.
You rose but hardly stayed upright for long. Sliding down to your knees, you pushed at Keigo’s legs, “Wouldn’t you prefer me down here? Just for a treat while you finish your work?”
Keigo clicked his tongue, gaze flickering down to you, “Fine. Behave yourself.”
Yeah, right. You both knew that that wasn’t going to happen. 
You were already tucked underneath his desk, undoing the fly of his pants. 
You pulled his cock from his trousers, pumping his cock to full hardness. Smearing around preek for a bit of extra flare before inching forward.
Wrapping your mouth around Keigo’s dick was somewhat of a feat— he had a decent girth to him, so you usually took the opportunity to warm him (and yourself) up with a bit of tip-kissing and kitten licks.
But, you were feeling bold.
You spit on his dick, a move that normally would have earned you plenty of verbal snark, but anything Keigo could’ve said to you was swallowed as you took his cock down to the back of your throat.
You sucked around it, massaging the vein on the bottom with the flat of your tongue. Drool began to pool at the side of your lips as you let the head bump your throat, gag reflex be damned.
All the while, Keigo had stopped moving above you. The fabric of his trouser balled up in his ringed-fingers as he gazed half-lidded down at you. 
You smiled around his dick, looking up at him innocently as you began to slowly bob your head. His wings fluttered, twitches and air stirring around you. 
Keigo stifled a laugh, a hand tangling in your hair, “All that talk earlier and now you’re treating me to a blowjob without even me having to tell you to? Dove, you’re too much.”
You pulled off of him to reply, “I can only try.”
Before he could reply, you spit on his dick again, and went back to slurping around him.
You held the base of his cock in your hands, twisting and spreading spittle. It almost felt like your actions were for show, but Keigo’s eyes were rolling back in his head all the same.
You smirked.
A drool pool from your mouth, puddling in your lap and soaking your skirt. Not like you weren’t already dripping from the sinful sounds Keigo stopped trying to hold.
“A-ah, that’s it, angel,” Keigo fucked into your mouth with his hold on your hair. “Just like that.”
Your hand rose to play with Keigo’s balls, teasing at the sack as he cried out a high moan above you. 
Considering the performance you were giving, it was unsurprising to feel him tensing above you. You’d been on your knees for him hundreds of times; you’d learned to see the little twitches and puffs of breath he’d give when he’d get close to coming. 
You pulled off his cock with a pop, detangling the hand from your hair in the motion. It was all fast enough that Keigo couldn’t have stopped you in his hazy, pleasure-filled state. 
Based on the look of rapid disbelief he was giving you, your trick had worked well. Knowing Keigo’s... tendencies made you hesitant to push him too much in the past, but for whatever reason, you were feeling stupidly bold. 
“Sorry, daddy,” You wiped at your mouth with the back of your hand. “Didn’t feel like swallowing today.”
Keigo’s disheveled appearance was more than gratifying. Knowing how easily you made him come undone by that point was one of the perks of your position.
His hair was more than ruffled, strands and tufts chaotically curled around his cheeks and ears. There was a bright blush on his face, spreading from his nose to the apples of his cheeks, down his deck. At some point, he’d popped the buttons at the top of his shirt. He was covered in a sheen of sweat, half-panting and based on the darkness in his brow and the far-too peachy smile on his face, Keigo was fucking pissed.
His wings stood on end.
You gulped from below him.
Maybe you pushed your luck too far.
“You’re playing real cute today, aren’t you songbird?” Keigo didn’t move, but his feathers twitched above him, wings flaring out even farther. “Real fucking cute.”
You were fucked.
A few feathers flew from Keigo, one snagging at your wrist, wrapping around it, and pulling you up from the desk.
You wobbled as you stood, dragged across the room as Keigo leisurely followed behind you. When you tried to set your own pace, Keigo swatted your ass with a huff, “You never learn, huh? I thought I’d trained you better than this.”
You opened your mouth to spit some dickish retort, but you were cut off as Keigo’s shoved you onto one of the leather couches.
“Don’t.” Keigo’s tone was acidic as he stood over your, wings still flared out. “I told you I wasn’t in the mood for your cute bullshit, dove, and you still decided to test your luck, huh?”
You kneeled on the cushions, sucking down air, shaking with anticipation.
“You don’t feel like swallowing today? That’s fine, I can work with that,” Keigo shrugged easily from above you.
Keigo had an... active sexual imagination, and you could tell by the crook in his lips that he had something devilish planned as retribution.
A sharp slap came down on your cheek, Keigo catching the opposite jaw and keeping you from recoiling too far. You blinked as the pain spread around your skull like licking flames against a frostbitten body. 
You wanted more.
A little grin stretched against your mouth as Keigo rubbed at your cheeks with his thumbs, “Aw, you always get so sweet like this, dove. You can be a good girl if you try, can’t you?” 
His actions carried candor and his words absolute torment. 
Despite how Keigo was trying to goad you into submission, you had a bit of spark left in you. 
Plainly, you spit on him.
The glob of saliva landed on Keigo’s cheek, under his eye.
He blinked at you. 
You continued to smile.
His own expression grew strained.
“Oh, songbird,” Keigo damn near lamented, wiping away the kind gift you’d given him. His voice was smooth without any bit of waver, all of the sexually-charged anger rolling just beneath the veneer. “You’re just being pain slut today, aren’t you?”
You were, absolutely. You could feel your arousal wetting your panties, the heat of the strike from your cheek beginning to boil something in your gut. 
“You just need a bit of special attention today, right? That’s all.” Keigo tsked, fully removing the tie from around his neck. “You just need a little reminder.”
“Reminder of what?” You asked, tilting your head quizzically. 
Keigo flipped you, feathers pushing and bracing you as needed while nimble hands tore off your clothes without reverie.
“Plenty of things, especially with this attitude you’ve got today,” Keigo’s tie looped around your wrists, binding them together at the center of your back. 
“You definitely need a reminder of who’s the boss around here,” Keigo shoved you forward, stomach flush with the back of the couch.
You reeled from the pace of it all, shifting your knees for any bit of stimulation you could get. Keigo’s feathers were slicing and pulling your clothes from your body faster than you could keep track of. It was overwhelming, making your mind swim in the best possible way. You throbbed. 
“Maybe a reminder about who fucking provides for you,” Keigo’s own clothes were shaken off, dropped to the floor and forgotten.
It was true. Keigo always made sure than you were taken care of, in more ways than one. Despite how fast-paced and laid back he could seem, he was always on top of making sure you had more than enough material and immaterial pleasure whether than be in the form of food, fucking, or otherwise.
You yelped as a smack fell across your ass. A feather caught the elastic of your panties, snapping a moment later, leaving you fully bare before him. 
Keigo’s worn hand came to press at your throat and jaw, tilting your head back as he climbed behind you, “Maybe, you need a reminder about who keeps you safe.”
This phrase was softer than the others, a sweet kiss pressing to your cheek and his voice a bit more gentle. It was jarring at the skin still stung from his earlier strike, but you cherished the heat besides. 
Once again, true. The folks in and outside of the League were greedy. There were plenty of unwanted souls that stole glances at Hawks’s prized songbird. There were starved eyes that tore into you whether you were dolled up for Keigo or not. There had been some... close calls, one could say, but Keigo always was there, in the end, unafraid to get his hands dirty. 
“You know what the most important reminder is, dove?” Keigo rolled his hips against you, cock wedging between your thighs.
“N-no,” You stuttered, brain turning gooey as Keigo’s arms snaked around your waist, sharpened nails leaving indents in your hips.
He nosed at your neck, leaving a few love bites in his wake.“‘N-no’, what?” 
“I don’t know,” You leaned back into Keigo’s chest, rubbing your thighs around his cock. 
 “Oh, songbird, you sweet thing,” He chuckled, all teasing and self-indulgent. “I’m the one who makes you feel good.” 
He was so right, wasn’t he?
With the way he’d learned your body over the last few months, he’d had some undeniable pursuit to make you feel the best. 
Keigo was inquisitive by nature. He had kept you on your back for hours while he finger-fucked you, watching every twitch and roll of your hips to figure out just the right ways to break you. He’d kissed and sucked and slapped every inch of you, sussing out the perfect ways to make you writhe and cry for him. 
Sure, you were an absolute terror to him sometimes. Not to mention that Keigo jumping you covered in the blood of that day's targets was as macabre and horrifying as it sounded. 
But, fuck, if he didn’t know how to bring you to ecstasy that fucking ruined you in the best way. 
Keigo got off on watching you shatter for him. It was the reason he’d torn you from that cheap, bloodied apartment in the first place. A kind, naive little morsel that he could play with as he wanted. You didn’t complain. Fuck, you reveled in his attention. You gave it back to him, like the fucked up, semi-divine being could be any more debauched than he already was.
Corruption spreads, but you’d never complain. If being plucked from struggling for pennies to being fucked stupid by a man who could kill you at a moments notice, a man who would kill for you, somehow poisoned you?
You’d die with a bitter taste on your tongue and a smile on your face.
 Keigo rubbed at your clit, nipping at your neck, and rolled his hips greedily. His cock was covered in a mix of your slick and his own preek, easily sliding between plushness of your thighs.
“You love pushing me, acting all tough,” Keigo chastised, clicking his tongue. “I mean it when I say it's cute.”
You don’t have any more quick retorts in you, not when his fingers are down your throat, gagging you as spittle dribbles down your chin onto the leather below. It was sure to leave a mark.
“Behind all that bark and snark, you’re just a good girl, aren’t you?” Keigo punctuated his words with a bite and nip to your neck. “Just needed a reminder, right, dove?”
You whimpered against his fingers at the praise, grinding against Keigo’s touch needily. 
His fingers pushed pinched your tongue, breath curling over the shell of your ear, “What are you?”
You mumbled against his fingers, “A g-good g-girl.”
It was humiliating in the best way. Keigo’s light laugh at your attempt. The way he nuzzled his nose into the sweat at the crook of your shoulder was just aloe on the burn.
“I misspoke, if you can believe that,” Keigo’s cock pulled out from your thighs. “Songbird, you know what I meant to call you?”
You squirmed at the loss, but he was quick to hush you. His fingers left your mouth with a thick trail of spit. 
“You’re my good girl.” 
You melted in his arms.
Falling back against Keigo’s chest, you craned your neck to lock your lips to his. 
Maybe that was it, why all the filth didn’t bother you. Because you had worth. Maybe it was insecurity, or maybe it was self-aware in the face of your lived experience. Before being taken, the life you’d lived made you just a rusty cog in a dying machine. You wouldn’t have amounted to anything, probably. 
But with the League?
You were the prized, beloved consort of an angry god. 
Keigo owned you, body, mind and soul, and you let him. That’s not even to mention how you had him wrapped around your finger. He adored you, under all of it.
Fighting with him was for sport, not blood.
Keigo licked past your lips, pressing his cock to your cunt teasingly. You whined against him, wriggling in his arms.
“What does my good girl want?” Keigo loved making you beg for him, claw for any bit of stimulation. He liked it even better when you were already soft for him.
Stray tears pricked at your eyes, “Y-your cock.”
He pinched the meat of your thigh, shaking his head, “Not good enough. Speak properly, dove. Clear and correctly.”
You swallowed, searching for the words in your own haze.
Your words were willed to be solid.
“I want your cock, daddy.” 
It was just enough.
Keigo pushed forward, the head of his cock already stretching your cunt. Consider the girth of it, the lack of preparation stung and burned more than you would’ve liked, as good as it felt to finally be filled.
Keigo cooed at your soft tears, keeping your face to his with a firm hand on your jaw. He shushed you, far too sweetly while licking the salt from your cheeks, “Relax, angel. Big breaths.”
You nodded, sputtering as he speared into you. Keigo’s free hand went back to toying with your clit, encouraging the tension to drain from your body.
As he bottomed out, you shuddered, falling back into his chest. Keigo’s wings fluttered, twitching in wait. Hot breath fanned over your face, Keigo groaning and locking his jaw. 
The stimulation was overwhelming. You had expected Keigo to be meaner, considering how mouthy you’d been. 
Yet, it made sense. Keigo had figured out one of the better ways to make you break was softness. 
(Truthfully, it made him crack in the same way, but he’d never tell.)
“Feel that?” He asked, just barely rolling his hips. 
Keigo released your jaw in favor of wrapping a hand around the front of your throat, tugging you as close he could manage.
“Uh-huh,” You panted. 
You could, the kiss of his cock head against your cervix was almost uncomfortable. The delicious pressure and sensitivity already had you reeling in his arms, unsteady and wanting.
“I fill you up so good, don’t I?” Keigo praised his own ego, his cock, but he wasn’t wrong. The curve of his cock rubbed against all the right spots. He stretched you just right, the burn ebbing away into a need for more, more—
“Please, Keigo—” You gasped. Your legs shook as Keigo slammed into you, shoving you forward and into the wall.
His pace was brutal. Hands and feathers kept your back in a harsh arch as he rearranged your insides to his liking. He was kind enough to keep stroking at your clit, bruising your hips and babbling filthy nothings. 
“I’m the one who makes you feel this good, only me, right, dove?” Keigo growled into your ear with a particularly hard thrust.
You nodded against the wall, aware of the drool slipping down your chin as your mouth lolled open. Your insides were hot like white flames, searing any ability to use coherent speech. 
Keigo snickered at your state. Slowing, he gripped your ass cheeks. You yelped, inside jumping as he pried them apart. You flinched, hole twitching as he spat down, the liquid cool against the flushed skin.
It was little moves like that, Keigo just subtly making your shudder and feel dirty that got you the most fucked up and fucked out.
You pressed back on his cock, panting against the wall and keening. You would’ve spoke, if you could, but anything that you had the ability to say would’ve been torn apart by Keigo’s sharpened, silver tongue. 
“My filthy little dove, huh?” Keigo sneered, watching you try to bounce on his cock the best you could. “Such a glutton when you get broken down like this, needy whore.”
The pleasure of Keigo’s cock tearing up your insides was all you could focus on through the fog of your mind, desperate and wanting and greedy.
“Y-your,” You corrected, the words bubbling from your lips, disjointed and messy. “Yours.”
Keigo may have been avian, but he purred like a damn cat at your admission. He held you like a possession, cock throbbing as he fucked you just right. 
“God, you’re sweet, angel,” He nipped at your jaw before wrapping his hand around your throat. “Even all fucked up, you know who you belong to so well, don’t you?”
You nodded, rolling your hips back. 
Keigo must’ve taken pity on you, squeezing at the sides of your neck. Cruel as he could be, he must’ve noticed the way your thighs and knees trembled against the leather. Keigo knew the cloud in your eyes well— how to get you hazy and how to fuck you perfectly through the fog.
He fucked back into your dripping cunt, pace harder and faster than before. You were helpless to do anything other than fall forward into the wall, cheek squished against the scarlet. 
“Who’s brat are you?” Keigo squeezed a bit harder at your neck as you swallowed against his palm.
“Y-yours—!” You squeaked out, mind going numb from the stimulation and pressure.
A wicked sneer curled against your ear as Keigo’s movements grew sloppier. His tongue lolled over your shoulder, messy kisses and slobbery bites and marks left in his wake. He was close, but you weren’t far off easier.
“Little bird,” It was sweeter, closer and hotter. “Can you come for me? Come all over my cock?”
You nodded.
“Not good enough.” Keigo bit down, nearly breaking the fragile skin of your neck. “You know I like words, angel.”
You gave him words, plenty of them. 
Nearly incoherent pleads and cries poured from your bruised lips as Keigo pounded into you. Each blabbering wail was met with Keigo groans and grunts, condescending little phrases spitting over you without release.
Your lack of leverage and use of your arms made you thumping against the couch and wall, vision darkening on the edges as the pressure in your gut and the hold on your throat remained. 
You were breaking in his arms, tears rolling down your cheeks as you held yourself from cresting. The exertion of it all was taking its toll, legs jellied and chest beading with sweat. 
Keigo sensed it, shifting his hips to hit the spongy spot in your cunt, “Come, dove.”
You let go.
A sob shattered in your throat as your climax crashed through you. Keigo released your throat, holding you by your bound arms as he bottomed out. His own harsh cry panged against yours as he stuffed you full.��
Surprisingly gently, he rocked his hips against your own, letting the ambient throb of your cunt milk him dry.
You came down, rolling and spinning as you sucked down air a bit too fast. Keigo panted behind you, though the sound seemed dull.
The pressure from your wrists released, soft thumbs rubbing at where the fabric had bitten into your forearms, “Hey, angel, you with me?”
You could only nod weakly, exhaustion and aches creeping in. 
Keigo repositioned the two of you, setting himself against the arm of the couch, wings up free to drape and splay over the floor. He dragged you with him, pulling you to lay on his chest. The stickiness of his spunk, your slick, and general sweatiness might’ve been uncomfortable, but you weren’t quite lucid enough to care.
“How are you feeling? Still feeling a little mouthy?” Keigo teased, already knowing your answer. 
You muffled a groan against his chest, shaking your head against the sweat of his chest. 
“Awww,” Keigo chuckled, fingers brushing over your cheeks, “Is my dove a little fucked out?”
“Keeeigo, b-be nice.”
Your voice broke, parched.
Keigo snorted, pressing a kiss to the side of your forehead, “I guess I can manage that. Just for you, though. Can’t let the others see me get all soft.”
You wouldn’t; seeing Keigo warm and gooey, both of you mutually fucked-out, was a pleasure only you got to indulge in. And you loved every moment of it. 
taglist: @sinclairsamess (msg me if you’d like to be on it!)
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nuclearnerves · 3 years
Don't mind me I'm finally getting the ideas I had on this shit out so I can actually go forward with developing it as an AU. It's my usual mixup of fps protags, Gordon Guy and John, but I'm starting with Gordon as the Vampire and Guy as the Vampire Hunter.
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absolute beast of a wall of text under the cut
What If Being A Vampire Literally Sucks All The Time Forever like chronic pain sucks. like THAT level of sucks. Like Here's what I was thinking of. Being a vampire isn't just "being alive forever but you need to drink human blood" It's like Oh man I have some lore you look at vampires and their main thing is that they're blood suckers right so lets start with a corpse dead body. cadaver. no longer with us. just some rotting meat. The brain needs oxygen as fuel. The blood supplies the oxygen through blood. The blood is pumped through the heart. The blood is made by your bone marrow. You die. Your heart stops beating Blood stops pumping Brain no longer has oxygen to think marrow stops making blood thats standard! Now, becoming undead, as a vampire, is a little more complicated. The long and short of it is: your body is FIGHTING ACTIVELY to be alive against all odds and wins every time (immortality), but it hurts the whole way
I have the gist of it. It's like. Your heart stops. By all means, you should be dead. but the magic kicks in, and you're still thinking. Your brain is still sending signals to your muscles to move. But using what oxygen to move? whats burning in you? You don't know but you know it's just enough to get to your next meal. So you ferociously eat something, and then find you can't swallow. You can't make saliva. You barely have the energy to chew, and once you DO get something in your stomach, it immediately comes back up. Why can't you feel your pulse? What's going on? You're out of options so you figure you might as well just lie down and die. You're too tired to keep going anyway. So you do, you lie down, and you close your eyes, and you quietly hope that death is as peaceful as sleep. You realize you've actually been moving around without breathing, which makes sense because you can barely flex your diaphragm for more than a shaky wheeze. How are you thinking with such little oxygen? But as you fade from consciousness, you can feel something in you, and it's so upset, it's crying, it's filled with grief, and you instantly can tell it's your skeleton. It's your bones. You're distraught down to your marrow. You're dying. You're dying! Your heart stopped and you have no more blood! You need blood! You need blood to move! To breathe! To think! You try to breath deep again for the voices in your bones, trying to comfort them, to sooth them with the repetitive motion in your lungs, trying to fill yourself with anything but grief, but they keep wailing. We make the blood, our creation, our child, what we put all of our work into is gone! gone! gone! We need it back! Anything! All of it! Find it! Bring it back to us! We're hungry! WE'RE HUNGRY!
and once you find yourself too exhausted to listen, to think, how badly you wish just to die already to cease hearing this wailing, you find your body moving without you. And it's hungry and it's searching and it's crawling on all fours and it misses its beautiful red life that made it feel so full before and it needs it back, and the next thing you know you're desperately grabbing anything with blood in it and shoving it in your mouth in a desperate attempt to sooth this cry for life, you don't want to die, you don't want to die, you worked so hard to keep up this body and craft it and LIVE with it and you're not going to go, and even when you try, even when you try to lay down and die, your body refuses, it takes the reigns, and it keeps up the work itself with or without your help. And it's not until your stomach is full and your teeth are stained and you feel a pulsating burning in your bones that you snap back awake, completely conscious, just fine. You're lucid, you don't feel any more pain. Everything around you is dead and drained and messy and your heart still isn't beating. but you can breathe now and holy shit you guess you literally need to kill to survive and the less you eat and the more you starve yourself the worse it gets when your body finally decides to take recourse.
my idea was like. "the vampires curse is actually stored in the bones, thats why the teeth get so sharp and also theres a connection between blood and bones with the creation via bone marrow" its literally like i was sitting there thinking "no no no, whats it like to be a vampire. what neurosis would you develop. How would you panic? What are common mistakes beginner vampires make" which, by the way, gordon is a beginner vampire
so now you gotta factor, what blood lasts for how long? how long can you go between meals? not only that, but what creatures satisfy the urge? How long can you go avoiding human blood? Does it work like drugs where you develop a resistance to the high, or is it like food where it will keep you moving until you eat again? How the fuck are you gonna get your hands on blood? Can you just eat raw meat? Does that count? and thats where im at lol
OKAY now. now thoughts on beginning scenes of vampire au
So my idea was this Doomguy is a vampire hunter independent and one of his buds says that some freak scared and almost attacked his daughter when she got too close to his old abandoned laboratory up the hill and hes like “he might be… you know… a problem. if you needed a lead” and guys like yeah i fuckin hate the undead ill kill this dude so he busts into old lab space and sees so many dead animals its actually mostly Bones and pelt that hes seeing piles of feathers etc so hes like yeah this is all telltale signs of vampire uhhh hes introduced to gordon SOMEHOW im not totally sure of the details but the working idea i have is guy falls into a trap gordon devised that restrains him suspended in wire or something and gordon like. limps/stumbles into the room and this dude looks haggard he’s breathing heavy, his cheeks are hollow, he’s bug-eyed and shaking while looking at this massive wall of meat in his trap and he bares a bunch of hideous teeth and grits them and looks like hes really struggling with somethin... Like if these dudes don't know each other then Gordon might give in and try to drain Guy, and Guy would absolutely do anything in his power to turn this new vampire into ash, im thinking the inclusion if g-man as a coven leader can fix both issues.
i like the idea of guy falling into gordons trap and gordon thinking about what to do with him before gman shows up and whisks gordon away for a “meeting” while complimenting him on his good work catching the most feared vampire hunter in the country and gman just leaving guy suspended in wires that he has to fight his way out of. Instant situation defuser.
Guy ends up needing to take care of other monsters before going back to Gordon, and he DOES plan to go back to gordon, because no vampire is a good one, especially not one associated with the fucking head of a coven, but next time he sees Gordon, Gordon helps him out of a scrape by attacking and draining a combine who was going to take Guy out or something and escaping before Guy can catch him, or otherwise seeing Gordon do something good with his insane undead powers and like, the third time he meets up with him is when they can actually talk, and Gordons fuckin SO haggard, he’s not even fighting back and he’s even going as far as to say “just make sure theres nothing of me left when you’re done, I don’t want anyone else getting hurt”
Side Note: Guy has a bunch of scarring on his body from dealing with vampires, cops, ghosts, werewolves, anything violent that kills people. I'm playing with the inkling of an idea that he has Divine Blood in him, so that any time something undead bites him or tries to drink his blood, it burns. We'll see.
Side Note 2: now i really like the idea of the combine actually being an organized faction of vampire hunters that are WICKED crooked and exploit people for all their worth in exchange for their “safety” when they kill a vampire They’re essentially loansharks and Guy fucking hates them and hates the name theyve given to vampire hunting
Side Note 3: You've probably noticed that I haven't said anything about John yet! He's in this too. His species is a surprise but I need to get to him later I have an idea for where he came from (Cortana too)
I still need a good reason for Guy to not instantly kill this vampire, if not it's just gonna be "Gordon Freeman escapes the countrys best vampire hunter like a seventh time" every time they meet and they end up being rivals. And it gives Guy enough time to look past the whole "undead monster" thing and start looking at the "Oh this dude figured out how to fight his ridiculous craving for blood in a way more humane than most and is actually staying out of peoples way and keeping to himself. Guess he's not that big of a threat but I still need to keep an eye on him in case he loses it. Turns out he's got a family (Probably Alyx, Eli, Issac and Barney) who's been lookin for him and cares about him as well, don't wanna hurt them". I like the idea of them ending up needing to team up to take out undead together.
And that's what I got so far!!!
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thewhumperinwhite · 3 years
And Then You Kill Me, Part 1
hey, it’s been a hot minute, huh?
been sorta Going Through It, so uh... Vampire Time, featuring Art and Karim from FBI AU. (Though, for the record: this is their original incarnation, hence why fbi au is Called That.)
I’m gonna tag @whumpitywhumpwhump and also @sweetheartblue bc Karim is... her oc once removed, basically, so if you like this, Thank Sweetheart
Blanket Warning For This Story: this story heavily features suicide, including multiple suicide attempts.
TW for: attempted suicide; mentioned/”threatened” murder; slight foot whump; implied vampirism; referenced parental abuse; referenced captivity; prescription drug abuse; drowning mention.
Art doesn’t know how far he runs, or for how long, but by the time he stops the air smells like salt water, and also his feet feel like they’re filled with glass.
He hasn’t been out of his room for a full month. Or his father’s house for longer than that. There’s a sharp ache in the center of each of his calves, and muscles jumping in his thighs; he hasn’t used his legs for much of anything in weeks. He hasn’t even paced back and forth within the confines of his room like he did at first. Didn’t even stay on his feet for the entirety of his last few too-long showers.
The maid who let him out is new, at least to his wing of the house. She’s been bringing his meals for three weeks at the most, and collecting the trays after he refuses to eat it with increasingly visible discomfort.
She’s the only member of staff who broke his father’s injunction that no one should speak to him; said “You must eat something” in a soft, accented voice, looking around furtively.
He wasn’t been sure his father had actually given specific orders—thought maybe they all just hated him, or had decided among themselves that he was too much trouble to bother with—but this new girl was so clearly afraid of being caught, just speaking one sentence to him, that he knew his father must have said their jobs were on the line. For a little while he wondered why his father would bother. And then he felt stupid, for still wanting the old man to need a reason for things.
The new maid’s name is Noa. It took her a week to talk to him, and two more after before she felt brave or sympathetic enough to sneak him out.
Which means she probably didn’t know that this was always what he was going to do, the second he was out. Last time he didn’t do it fast enough, and the cops found him before he had the chance; this time he isn’t taking any chances.
Noa might feel guilty when they find his body. He thought about leaving a note—to tell her thanks, and that it wasn’t her fault—but he didn’t want to risk getting her in trouble, if she somehow managed to help him without getting caught.
Anyway, she hasn’t known him very long at all. She’ll get over it before too long.
He hasn’t been to this part of the city before. In fact he’s not sure what part of the city this is; he’s been running through a thick mental fog since he first left his father’s manicured lawn. He makes himself really look, now, blinking in the dim yellow light of the streetlamps.
He’s made it to the edge of the city, near where the river that runs through the center meets the ocean. It’s hard to believe this is the same river where his mother sips martinis and watches races between indistinguishable blinding-white boats (largely captained by indistinguishable blinding-white men, though Art doesn’t have much room to talk on that score, obviously).
Art steps out onto the dock. The wood is damp and rough, ice-cold on his bare feet, but it’s solid, and not very slippery. There’s an old railing along the edge, and he leans against it, wrapping already-numb fingers around the rough metal. The river’s wider here, the city lights on the other side further away than he’s used to. This must be where it starts to open out, stops being the river and starts being the bay.
The railing’s sturdy, but only as high as his waist. It’d be easy to climb over. The water must be freezing, maybe even cold enough to kill him on its own, before he has time to drown.
But he doesn’t know what the tides are like, here. His corpse might wash right out to sea, and then what will have been the point of any of this?
Art pries one hand off the railing—it’s already stiff with cold, and it takes more effort than it should—and puts it in his pocket, wraps his stinging pins-and-needles fingers around the reassuring shape of the pill bottle.
Art closes his eyes, and breathes in. The water smells worse, here—like industrial waste, mainly, with a hint of rotting seaweed. But it doesn’t smell like too-fancy cologne, or any of his mother’s preferred cocktails.
Art figures there are worse places to die.
He’s turning his head, looking around to see if there’s any place to sit or if he should just sit on the ground and lean against the railing—and then he spins wildly on his heel, stumbling back against the railing, his heart stuttering in his chest.
There’s a man standing at the edge of the dock, under the nearest streetlight, watching him.
The man is wearing a full suit, and Art can tell immediately that it’s been professionally tailored and that it’s at least partly silk and for a moment that’s all he can see—neatly pressed trousers and shiny black shoes, with patterns on the soles that leave bruises anyone could recognize if they wanted to, if they looked at Art’s face and throat and hands for even a second—
“—to startle you,” the man is saying, in a blessedly unfamiliar voice, and Art shakes his head, hard, to force his eyes back into focus.
The man is holding his hands up in surrender and looking slightly alarmed, presumably worried that Art is about to swoon at his feet. There’s a red silk ribbon hanging untied around the collar of the man’s shirt, and Art’s father only wears plain black ties.
The adrenaline runs out of Art’s veins in a rush, and this time his knees actually do give out on him, and he slithers down against the railing until he’s sitting on the damp wood, which is very cold through the thin fabric of his jeans.
The man blinks at him. He has big, long-lashed eyes, over-bright against his light-brown skin. His hair is bleach-blonde, glowing white-gold under the streetlamp; it’s mostly slicked back, with a few curls flopping loose over sculpted black eyebrows.
He isn’t standing on the docks themselves, but his suit—now that Art can really see, it’s pretty ostentatious, satin-shiny in the yellow glow, not something his father would wear at all—looks very out of place above the dirty concrete sidewalk, between two dingy, abandoned-looking buildings.
“You’re wearing a suit,” Art says, before he knows he’s going to say anything.
The man blinks his glow-in-the-dark eyes at him. His lashes are so long they cast visible shadows on his cheeks. He looks at Art, and then down at the suit; touches his own lapel gently with black-gloved fingers, like he’s just remembering that it’s there.
Then the man looks back up at Art, and says, “It’s Boglioli,” in a surprised sort of voice, like it’s a conditioned response.
“Ugh,” Art says, with perfect sincerity.
The man laughs, his full lips parting in a startled grin, and—
There’s something wrong with his teeth.
Art is still on the ground. There’s no sound except the river, behind him, water lapping quietly against wood. Art hasn’t slept properly in days. He’s prepared to believe he imagined it, except.
Except that the smile immediately drops off the man’s face, and his gloved hand twitches up as though in an aborted attempt to reach up and cover his mouth.
Art stares.
It was only for a second. But the man’s eyeteeth were too long, surely, poked down over his bottom lip, like they barely fit in his pretty red mouth.
Art’s ears are ringing. He feels cold, and then too warm.
The man takes a half-step back, his eyes not leaving Art’s face.
Art doesn’t move. He’s been out here in the cold for—an hour. Most of him is freezing, is almost painfully cold, but suddenly there’s heat in his cheeks and his ribcage and the palm of his hands.
He’s feeling something too big to identify. It doesn’t feel like fear.
The man is watching his face very closely.
“What’s your name?” he asks, finally. His voice is low and velvet-soft.
That does sent fear up into Art’s stomach like a knife. He shakes his head once, sharply, reaching up for the railing, ready to haul himself to his feet.
The man holds his gloved hands up again, in surrender. This time when he smiles he keeps his lips firmly together.
“No, alright, my mistake,” he says, smirking. It’s much worse than the grin; more controlled, less real. Art liked the grin better.
He liked the man’s smile better with teeth.
“I just, uh,” the man says, and he gestures toward Art’s feet, folded awkwardly underneath him. “That wood’s so dirty. Your cuts’ll get infected.”
Art’s feet do hurt. He’s run half the city with no shoes, they must be cut to shit. But he hasn’t left a trail of bloody footprints, or anything. Maybe the man can see that his feet are bare, but surely not more than that, not from where he’s standing.
When he leans over, a little, to see if his foot is a horrible bloody mess and he’s just missed it somehow, Art wobbles, and takes his hand out of his pocket to steady himself.
The bottle of pills clatters out of his pocket.
Art’s heart clenches painfully in his chest, and his head swims, and the bottle rolls easily across the wooden planks in front of him. The man takes one step forward, and it taps casually into the toe of his shiny black shoe.
The man picks the bottle up, frowning down at the label.
Art stumbles forward, onto his knees. “Give that back.”
“What is it?” the man says, voice nothing but curious. He’s reading the label. Art wants to tackle him and rip it out of his hands.
“It’s mine,” he says, and now he’s almost yelling. “Give it back!”
The man takes a step back, startled. “Huh,” he says, blinking down at Art, who is now kneeling practically at his feet. Art has no idea what kind of face he’s making.
“Really,” the man says slowly, and makes a show of squinting back down at the label. “This says… Honoria Lange, is what it says.” He raises a perfectly-sculpted brow at Art. “That’s you, is it?”
Art wants to rip this guy’s head off. “Maybe it is,” he says savagely, and reaches for the man’s hand; the man laughs and dances easily out of the way. “Give me my fucking pills back—"
“Oh, relax,” the man says, smirking again. “Seriously, what are you so desperate to—” He trails off, frowning down at the bottle. “…Huh.”
The man looks down at Art, thoughtfully.
“These are—what, sleeping pills,” he says slowly, and tips his head, like a curious dog.
Art’s stomach clenches painfully.
“Hey,” the man says. “Are you—”
Art throws himself to his feet.
This isn’t as good, Art thinks, while he swings his foot onto the lowest bar of the metal railing; they might not find his body for weeks, might not find it at all, he might die for nothing, but he won’t go back, he won’t go back to his father’s—
“Hey—Don’t!” the man yells, and he grabs Art by the hood of his sweatshirt, and yanks him backwards, off the railing.
Art gasps in a painful panicked breath and kicks out at the man with his bare, bleeding feet, aiming straight for the testicles; the man moves easily out of the way, not letting go of Art’s hoodie; Art overbalances and falls backward, just catching himself my scraping his hand bloody on the concrete at the bottom of the railing.
“Shit,” the man says, reaching for Art, and Art flails at him, wants to push him away, or to scratch out his shiny glass-marble eyes, or—
The man catches Art’s wrist easily. He’s leaning over Art, now, with one arm braced beside him, and holding Art’s arm; Art’s hand, his wrist in the man’s glove fist, is very close to the man’s face.
The heel of Art’s hand is cut open; a drop of blood trails down over his pulse point, and disappears into the fabric of the man’s glove.
The man’s pupils visibly dilate. When his lips part, his fangs are even more visible than before, like they barely fit inside his mouth.
Art feels his own lips part in response. Feels his fear—he’ll stop me he’ll call the police he’ll drag me back please no please please I’ll do anything—shift, pool lower in his belly.
The man is watching Art’s face—their faces are very close together now. He looks Art in the eye and—parts his lips slightly, so there can be no mistaking what they both know Art sees. Then he wets his lips, delicately, with an almost obscenely red tongue.
“Hey,” the man says, and his voice has gone slightly hoarse.
“No,” Art says—and his voice is hoarse, too, an embarrassing croak. His face is hot; he knows it must be red, now. “I don’t want it. Whatever you’re offering, I don’t—uh—”
Art tries to pull his arm back, as hard as he can. The man’s grip doesn’t budge a single inch. Like he could—like he could snap Art’s wrist, just by tightening his fist. Art swallows, his heart fluttering in his chest. His ribcage feels too tight. And now his pants are starting to feel that way, too.
The man studies Art’s face, very seriously. “I think,” he says, and his voice is softer, almost hesitant.
“I think,” the man says, watching closely for Art’s reaction, “that I am offering to kill you.”
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 4 "Haunted House" (Note: Offensive content, use at own discretion)
A girl died in this tub.
There's no record of any of these names except for one.
Oh, my god, there's two of them!
I own Halloween. It's my jam.
Halloween is the most important day of the year. It's the one day on the Gregorian calendar where you're allowed to go around terrifying children and not be branded a psychopath.
I am a future network news anchor who's super classy and has almost no fat on her body.
A lot of my fans are, like, friendless dumpy coeds at this or that nursing school in one of this country's various national armpits.
They put down their hot pockets and bask in the warm glow of what it feels like to love me.
I went shopping with my comatose grandmother's credit card and bought presents.
Oh, my god, it says my name!
I hope the severed leg brightens up your trailer park.
You're a bright light in my life, and I wanted you to know how much you impress me with your frumpy spirit.
You are so devastatingly mediocre and adorable!
I can't wait to see you in person, but before that, I'd like to see you post this all over social media, to exploit it for my own gain.
Aah! It's a rotting jack-o'-lantern!
Aah! This box is just filled with blood!
She got me a razor apple!
I stole this cadaver head from an ophthalmology student just for you.
You're the most important person in the world.
So you didn't see anyone in a red devil costume entering or leaving the house?
Are you coming to the precinct pig roast this year?
Come on, she's obviously the killer!
Do you mean to suggest I changed out of my nightgown, strapped myself into a skintight pleather red devil costume, climbed out a second-story dormer, and shimmied to the ground with a chain saw before entering a window I had left open, tried to kill you, then leapt out the window, climbed back up the wall, changed back into my nightgown,
and raced downstairs, all in the course of about 90 seconds?
Clearly that's got you a little freaked out.
I'm not gonna hold any of this against you, and I'm gonna let you be my date for the faculty Halloween party.
Attempted murder!
A guy was almost killed tonight, okay?
Now, no, I'm not a detective, hell, I ain't even a cop, but what I am is somebody who watched every one of those Cosby mysteries, okay?
See? Dismemberment!
I am so sorry that I pushed you out of my car and drove off real scared.
I just can't believe that How To Lose A Guy In 10 days is your favorite movie, too.
In precisely two and half minutes when we go in there, you let me do all the talking.
What are you dressed as?
Oh, you have a squirrel. Don't see that much anymore.
Breakfast is almost ready, we got meat today.
What can you tell us about that night?
Now, we will keep your name out of it, of course.
'm a vault,
And to get in this vault you need a key. Now, you may ask, a key to what? It's a key to meaning. Once you've found the meaning, you don't need the words. You know what I'm saying?
Please, continue with your story.
Have any of you ever heard of "negligent homicide"?
We need to dispose of this body on our own. Now, I've got everything we need in the kitchen to make sausages out of her.
I'm gonna go downstairs, shut this party down, and then we'll get the body out of here.
Somebody has to watch after the baby.
Can you at least turn on the radio?
Just leave the details to me.
We can't just act like this never happened.
She's the devil, that one.
I looked at that baby up close. I know my peas and carrots. That baby was a girl.
Your support doesn't matter.
My campaign needs a theme?
My pumpkin's drunk.
I'm hosting a haunted house to raise money for sickle cell anemia.
Why are you holding a fund-raiser, though?
I don't think you understand the magnitude of the miscalculation you just made.
I can assure you you will not be winning an election anytime soon. And when you lose, I am gonna make it my lifelong passion to destroy your reputation.
You're a stuck-up little sociopath, and everybody in this room knows it.
It might behoove you to recall that everyone here witnessed you actually murder someone
Just sharpening knives.
Put the knives down.
I don't know what came over me.
How very adolescent of you to think of this.
It vaguely smacks of something my six-year-old sister would be excited about.
It's the most disgusting disease in the history of mankind.
You get it when you don't even understand the most basic tenets of oral hygiene.
Just give the dang thing its pot of gold already!
I ain't got no candy!
Bet you're a sexy dirt-covered girl. That's what I bet you are.
Sometimes I come out here and I just rub my hands on the gravestones.
I get you more than anyone.
I also find the thought of dead bodies extremely arousing.
I just don't understand why I have all these dark feelings.
You know, I just think our generation's had it too easy, you know? We haven't seen enough horrible stuff. There's no awesome diseases randomly killing people. There's not really any awesome wars to go off to and witness horrific things you can't unsee. We, like, pulled out of all of 'em.
Sometimes I just don't even feel like I'm living, you know?
The only time I feel anything is when I'm thinking about chopping up a body.
And here you are, saddled up with an uptight girlfriend who freaked out for no other reason than the fact that you just wanted to fantasize about having sex with her lifeless corpse.
Oh, my god, I got a total chub right now.
Not scary enough.
She'll let you in the back door.
What could be scarier for an adult than a child coming to murder them?
Isn't that all of our greatest fear? That the pain, the regrets, the mistakes of our youth will destroy us in our adulthood? That we can't escape our inner child. One we would rather forget, but who, at the end of the day has all the power.
Why are you lying to me?
Something does not make sense.
You got to give me more here, okay?
I don't understand what you're getting at.
Are you on bath salts?
Why are we even here?
This house is haunted.
There's a legend in this neighborhood about a woman who wailed about her dead children. And this was the house she lived in.
These dumb ol' kids are smoking crack.
I think it's incredible what you can find out with just a quick trip down to your local library.
This can be one of the rooms for the haunted house.
What exactly do you plan on doing at this haunted house?
I was thinking we could blindfold folks and make 'em put their hands in a bowl full of grapes we peeled, so it'll feel like eyeballs.
I think the reason you want to have a haunted house party is 'cause a haunted party is like a buffet for murderers.
Yeah, yeah, you can just go around killing anybody you want and ain't nobody even gonna even notice.
Just like you chopped the arms off that dumb-ass golf guy.
Why do you have it out for me?
So now you look at me and see everything you could've been.
I hope you have a good time at you haunted party and get to murder lots of folks.
You have this way too thought out.
Isn't this kind of nice?
My sense of personal identity is completely external.
I really don't have much to offer.
I've found that my particular style of speaking and gesticulation is extremely off-putting to most boys. And girls. And anyone.
I need to eat. My blood sugar is crashing.
I'm tired of depriving myself of joy and sustenance.
I may die at the end of a serial killer's blade, but I refuse to die hungry.
Which one of you ladies would like to be my costume for Halloween? I'm going as "dude having awesome sex with you."
I mean, what in the hell's wrong with the world where a guy can't even whistle at a chick just to tell her she looks hot?
I recently took a women's studies class. Yes, because it was a requirement, but I learned a lot anyways. Like the culture that says it's okay for a man to objectify a woman for her appearance is the same culture that pressures girls as young as ten to have eating disorders.
So you're basically saying I'm the one responsible for making you look hot?
When you treat us like meat, you're no better than him!
I'm not really sure how you got my number, but I like how you took the initiative and texted me where you wanted us to meet.
Do you think you're man enough to take me inside that house and attack my crack?
I'll sure this house has an amazingly romantic basement.
Hey, so, uh, a little awkward since we're about to bone down and everything, but, um, what's your name?
Smells like roadkill.
I've never been so scared in my whole life.
All right, if we go to the police, they're gonna see I'm still rocking a mad sidepipe, and they're gonna think I had something to do with it.
We have to warn people.
All right, everybody listen up! All of your lives are in danger!
There are dead bodies! Dead bodies. Real-life dead bodies.
Did you say dead bodies?
Those are like the most lifelike dead bodies I've ever seen.
Is that a real dead body?
There are five dead bodies in that house. Laid out in horrible and deliberate macabre poses.
You are not leaving this house tonight.
You make it harder and harder to believe that you're not the killer.
I found out something really interesting, and now I have a theory.
Everything is weird about that story.
I mean, it's too big a coincidence.
We have to figure out who that woman was.
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sappho-official · 4 years
okay so YES I know the year is 2020 and I’m suddenly really into a rarepair for a dead fandom but I NEED to talk about valencock from fallout 4. which is a helluva ship name lmfao. I just love the idea that they knew each other when Hancock was in his 20s.
spoilers btw, for both of their approval conversations/The Long Winter. also this is kinda dark lol
I just. I’m losing my shit at the realization that Hancock took a one-of-a-kind-drug to turn himself into a ghoul. you know who else took a drug to turn into a ghoul, perhaps the only other character in the series? Eddie Winter.
so, headcanon that Nick was working on the Winter case, not because he thinks there’s anything to solve but because he needs some goddamn closure on his fiance’s death. and he finds out that Winter was taking a drug around the time that the bombs fell, and he starts looking into it. maybe he finds a dose, maybe just a recipe that he gets someone to replicate for him.
and John...John’s not in the best place right now. Nick confides in John that he’s not sure what the drug does, hopes it just killed Winter, but...maybe turned him into a ghoul? Nick isn’t sure, and he’d use the drug on himself but, well, that’s not an option. so John volunteers.
and Nick’s like, what the fuck, no?? i’m not letting you have this, you might die! so John shrugs, leaves town for a while. Nick doesn’t realize until a few days later that the drug is missing.
he makes the trip to goodneighbor, to the hole-in-the-wall place that john’s been living in since mayor mcdonough was elected.
Nick quietly lets himself into John’s pad. There’s a soft noise, a grumble, from the bed.
“You awake?” he asks, half expecting silence.
“Unfortunately,” rasps a voice from under the blankets. Nick’s heart sinks. It’s not how John sounded just a week ago.
“You knew what you were getting into,” Nick murmurs, taking the desk chair and dragging it over. He sits down next to him. “Did you want this?”
There’s a gravelly chuckle, and John’s head peeks up above the blankets. Nick can’t help but gasp when he sees him: skin bloody and raw, blond hair falling out in patches. His irises have expanded, color peeled away to become cloudy and grey. His nose is practically rotting, one nostril entirely gone.
“Heh,” John smirks, “the look on your face.”
“You didn’t have to do this for me,” Nick pleads, “we can bring you to the doctor, you can stop taking the injections—“
John pulls his hand from under the blankets, dried blood pilling on the sheets as he moves. He holds it up to stop him, raw skin shining in the lamplight. “This ain’t for you,” he rumbles. “I’m doing this ‘cause I want to.”
Nick’s face goes stern. “So you’re not done with it yet. Listen, you might not be past the point of no return—“
“You don’t get it, do you,” John cuts him off. “I did this for me.”
Nick blinks.
“You thought it might kill you.”
John shrugs.
“Figured it was a win-win.” He stares up at the bare bulb above his bed. “You’d get your answer and I wouldn’t have to look at the same bastard in the mirror.”
“Christ,” Nick mutters, laying his head down on the blanket. He wants a cigarette, but there’s no damn point in smoking one.
He nearly jumps when John’s hand settles on the back of his head. He strokes at the base of his neck, and it’s almost comforting. Like Nick’s the one whose skin is peeling off.
“How,” Nick mutters into the blanket, “how are you feeling?”
John laughs, and, oh, that’s going to take some getting used to. “Well, I’m ‘bout high on Med-X as a vertibird, so I’d say I feel pretty good.”
“Alright,” Nick murmurs. Decides not to call the lie.
They stay like that for a while, John’s hand on the back of Nick’s neck, only the ringing of faulty wiring to keep them company. Somewhere outside a firefight breaks out. He feels John tense in the bed.
“I’m gonna kill Vic,” he grumbles.
John raises an eyebrow. Half of it’s gone. “Pretty sure murder’s a crime, mister cop.”
“From what I’ve heard,” Nick sits up, “he’d deserve it three times over.”
He expects John to make a joke, but instead he looks contemplative. “Yeah. He does.”
They’re quiet again for a moment; there’s an explosion, screams. Then, nothing.
Nick sighs. “I shouldn’t have to say this,” he says, straightening his hat. “If you go after him, don’t get yourself killed.”
“Made it this far,” John grumbles, pulling the blanket higher above his face. “What’s another couple centuries?”
Nick stands, looks down at the living corpse of his best friend.
“Do you want me to try to fix this?” Nick asks. “I won’t if you don’t want it, because this is your choice. You’re an adult. You can make choices.”
John chuckles again. “Not somethin’ I ever thought I’d hear you say, brother. But nah. I’ll tough it out. I’m a big boy.” He grins and Nick wishes it wasn’t so weak.
“If you’re sure…”
“I’m sure,” John says, face falling into something more serious. “I wouldn’t complain ‘bout some more painkillers, though.”
Nick nods. “I’ll see what I can do,” he says softly. He leans down, brushing his lips against John’s forehead. His sensors tell him that John’s skin is 102° fahrenheit. He turns to leave but something catches on the bottom of his coat.
“Don’t go.” John is staring up at him, eyes a dark August storm.
Nick stares down at him helplessly, feels like his heart is somewhere on the floor. “I have a case.”
John flops back onto the bed. “Fuck.”
“I’ll bring some water by later,” he says, “and I’ll see if I can bring a doctor with me. Just to help with the pain.”
“Thanks,” John croaks as Nick closes the door behind him.
so. anyways now i guess im gonna see if can pull together a fic that can provide the full context for this scene? i posted like the first two chapters of it, we’ll see how this goes.
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giraffeseatingcake · 3 years
Wanna hear about my vaguely coherent dream?
I just had a dream where I had and was with other people who had cool powers. My powers were telekinetic, and I was super new at them and in my dream I had just successfully used them and was practicing them. We were all in a pool together, and there was a Gatorade bottle cap in the water that I could pull using my hands, almost like an invisible string was attached to them. I struggled w heavy things bc my powers were new, so everything floating in water gave me the perfect environment to practice. Then I saw an empty pudding cup floating (why was there so much trash in this water?) and pulled it towards myself from the other end, and some friends noticed and were excited for me and had me play with these powers, including moving around a decorative satin cloth sack of gunpowder that I guess was related to someone's powers. Except I was moving it around in water and submerging it so uh I don't think its gonna work anymore. I remember trying to lift it out of the water but it was too heavy for me.
There was another girl there who had some kind of necromancy powers and there was some windows that looked outside from the pool and it looked exactly like my highschool outside, and there was a small pool literally full of corpses and rotting water. And that was fine. They were for her, it was okay. I was asking her if she knew how to detect where a corpse was, and she said if she used her powers somewhere, you'd know bc it was explode or come to life or whatever. And I was like no, could you like detect where they were so you could maybe find missing people and she'd literally never thought of that before lol. Idk what the conversation served but I had some plan, and that plan followed with my Uncle being there, the one who was recently in real life arrested for some horrible things, and my goal was to make him MISERABLE until the cops showed up and arrested him. I was harassing him, he didn't know what I knew and was confused and upset, and I remember taking some of that gunpowder that was more like mud (probably bc it was soaking wet lol) and throwing at him, then threw the rest (which was dry somehow) out the window by the corpse pond and it burst into flames, presumably from corpse explosion girl. He ran outside and I think we were trying to light him on fire, idk, but slowly the dream changed to dealing with him and we were in a house while he was being arrested and I was making sure my animals didn't get outside, there was a lot of weird things going on like a bunch of chain link fence separating the yard into sections and my dad and aunt sitting at computers outside? Doing something? It looked like a receptionist desk. Idk, but the beginning was cool and fun and I wish I had telekinesis.
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currycurrie · 4 years
Okay. Let's talk Ancient Rome.
First off, every bit as horrible as it was made out to be. No embellishment at all. Rome is the worst.
Next, world building thoughts. So my understanding thus far is such that the Romans had imprisoned these dragons and were exploiting them. The Cult of Mars decided to stage a coup and release them. And then the dragons went absolutely berserk. A repeat of Paris and Damascus but on an unfathomable scale. The Meritocrats can, and I cannot stress this enough, go fuck themselves. I sympathize with them being imprisoned I really do, but once again mass murder on that scale. Never acceptable.
But regardless, this certainly explains a couple things about the Cult of Mars. My corrupt cops metaphor from a while back? Incredibly apt. Their name being the only one still Roman? Wasn't just a weird detail I picked up on, was definitely a signal of special treatment. The way they interrogated the party? Suggested to me they have Cart Blanche permission to act in whatever manner they see fit. And when you literally worship the concept of war? Well. It's not gonna turn out great.
So an interesting little detail, Apophis was the dragon equivalent of a child when things in Rome went down. I feel like this might signal some sort of potential schism between Apophis and the other dragons. Also muddies my general EAT THE MERITOCRATS opinion on things a little bit. We'll see if I'm right. Opinion still on the extremely distrustful and seething with rage side of things.
So the half of the gang that didn't get a blast from the past (ahahahaowithurts) totally pulled an Interstellar and were gone about a year and a half. And in that time, the world has gone absolutely flipping bonkers. And the Meritocrats are doing nothing. I think I need to hear about what's going on from someone other than Einstein before I write out my thoughts on everything. But Einstein is literally the best ever and I love him so much. He's so kind and compassionate and just yes. Einstein forever. Viva la Einstein.
Another thought. Despite everything. Despite it all. I feel like they were able to get the hostages out too easily. There was no one in there guarding them. There wasn't a single locked door. It was just the one guy in there with the crystal ball who went down so easily. There's more bad coming, I can feel it in my bones.
And finally, let's talk about the massive elephant in the room. Because it's dead. And it's corpse is starting to rot. And it's making the children cry.
Was there a plan to get Grizzop and Sasha back? A convenient delorean parked in an alley, an anachronistic blue box, and absolutely wild looking bicycle gizmo? I'm desperate to know what Alex's plan here was. The plan wasn't to just write out those characters from the start, right? RIGHT?
And Grizzop. Really, genuinely one of the most tragic characters I've ever come across. He was so afraid of death. So afraid. And yet he was constantly running head first into life or death situations. Sacrificing himself for others. Getting so very very mad when those around him did the same. And there's so much I don't know about him. I wish I knew more. And I genuinely have no idea who Ben plays next. Good lord. Also he ripped up his flipping character sheet like immediately!! I totally get it. When I play ttrpgs I'm the one who finds it hilarious when my character goes down or dares the GM to hit me etc. I get it. But give me a chance to breathe Ben please! Anyway, Grizzop's epilogue was just beautiful. And after it ended I just laid in bed and stared at the ceiling for like a good ten minutes and had a nice long cry.
Sasha. She made the best of an utterly shit situation. I am surprised though that she just gave up? I guess? Maybe she didn't. There was probably some conversations the audience wasn't privy to. But in a way, I'm happy for her. I don't think she would have ever felt that she was truly free in a world where Barrett and his gang existed. But here she can know without a shadow of a doubt that, at the very least, she is free of him and all his plans and manipulation. And she can give so many kids the happiness she never got a chance at. Do some real good in the world. I am happy for her. I will miss her so much.
And I guess now we grit out teeth, put our heads down, get back to the present, and get on with things. On to season 4.
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monochromemedic · 4 years
Writing oc exercise context it’s a murder mystery game that actually turns out to be real
Dominic paced around the room, unbuttoning a few of the buttons of his shirt and pulling his shirt away, and throwing it across the room. He slicked his hair back, sweat rolling down his face as he tried to think. That was a body. A real body. No jokes, no fake blood, no special effects. And now this little game was real, and there was a murderer among them.  The door he had closed behind him opened, and in walked the other two, finely dressed but looking stressed as all hell. “Hey uh... that was a fucking body yeah? Or am I just doing the thing again?” Silas asked as he shut the door again, leaving the three of them secluded from the other guests. “Because that was really convincing! That’s really good special effects I could really smell the... insides.” Fallon shook his head as he dry heaved, putting a hand to his mouth as he moved to a potted plant and crouched over it. “No that was ... real. That was really... real, and if you talk about smell one more fucking time i’ll blow up chunks so PLEASE. STOP.” He begged, before gagging again and pushing his face into the carpet to try to stop his heaving. “Yeah that was a real body and we should all go to the cops and LEAVE THIS PLACE. As much as I hate the both of you at times, and for the love of GOD can’t understand why I hang out with you two children. But I KNOW, you wouldn’t KILL a man. Least not on purpose.” Dom hissed, going to grab his phone out of his pocket to find nothing. He closed his eyes in frustration, fist closing as he slapped his thigh. “Damn... game. All of the phones are in that damn... confiscated box that’s god knows where! If we make it out of here I am... NEVER doing anything like this again.” “I mean the chances of this happening again is VERY slim you have to admit Dom, I mean how many people get their brains blown out at a public game? Very slim. I mean you only hear about that stuff in movies and stories.” Silas noted only to have Fallon yell from the corner “YEAH AND LOOK AT US RIGHT NOW.” Silas paused, rubbed the sides of his nose and looked away, nodding his head a little as he began to mutter something softly under his breath as he took a seat on the bed. The young man slowly got up from the floor as he rubbed a few tears away, holding back the bile in his stomach. He leaned against the wall, pushing the hair from his face as he looked at his two friends. “Ok so... horror movie tropes. We stay together uh... we fucked that up so lets just stay as a group just... us. And- and we hear a noise we-” “Fallon you shut your mouth. This is not a horror movie, there is no tropes, this is REAL LIFE. And if you say any of your idiotic little babble I swear to GOD I will choke you out and lock you in a CLOSET UNTIL THE COPS COME.” Dom began to scream, hair falling back in front of his face as he desperately tried to push it back only to just give up in any chance to look slightly put together. “Oh and what’s your idea for this. PLEASE LET ME KNOW. Because obviously, big boss man knows what the hell to do when someone gets shot in the head. Oh they cover that in ... fucking.... company meetings I see. What’s you idea?” “I... I suppose we either stay in this room until the police come or... we try to leave. But going outside the room where he others are is idiotic at best if the murderer is willing to kill at a place like this with people around knew that people didn’t have their phones they probably would want  a whole massacre. And even if that’s not the case everyone going mad and wanting to place blames on others could just start another murder. So... stay away from others. and get out. That’s our best bet.”   “Yeah i’m sure that the others are gonna really love the idea of 3 guys alone in a room as there’s a rotting corpse that’s not suspicious at all.”  “Look unless they come banging on the door, we’ll be ok. I mean for all we know they won’t even know we’re gone.” Silas chimed in with a smile. Dom glared at him before giving a sweeping gesture over at Fallon with his bright mint hair that was half gelled back, a pair of sunglasses that was his ‘fancy pair’ but really looked more like cheap gimmicky shit. Not to mention his ‘outfit’ which clashed with everyone else there, with it’s odd pattern  jacket and not even properly tied tie that hanged around his neck as if he were a 10 year old trying on his dad’s clothes. Silas just stared back at Dom, eyebrows raised. “Are you pointing to the plant... the table or... that gesture was pretty ...vague.” Dom opened his mouth yell at Silas only to be interrupted by another loud gunshot that rang throughout the house, causing all of the men to shutter and scramble to the far sides of the room, fear on all of their faces. Silas was panting, hand on his chest as he fell off the side of the bed. Dom was reaching for the closet door, already half in it as he searched the room for any bullet holes. Fallon was under the table on the side of the room, hands over his ears as he pushed his face into his knees. “OK OK LET’S JUST BAIL. FUCK THE OTHERS. SELF PRESERVATION IS ALL THAT MATTERS.” He screamed, his voice shrill as Dom raced over and slapped his hand over his mouth. Dom looked over to the window in the room, breath shaky as he slowly pulled the younger man over, checking the height. 3 floors.  Even if they jumped they could be seriously hurt. And if they were seriously hurt they’d make noise, be even more suspicious if they were found out. It’s entirely possible to make a blanket rope with the sheets in the room- Dom’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Silas’s exiting the room, causing Fallon and him both to turn. “What is he doing, what is that fucking dumb ass doing what is that fucking asshole doing I can’t have a corpse on my hands...” Fallon began to blather as he too ran after Silas, leaving Dom alone. He pondered for a moment, the other two were pretty spry, maybe they could leave faster then he could. I mean they were fucking idiots but...  “God... damn it.” He whimpered under his breath as he followed after the two, only to see Silas pressed against the wall outside of the hallway, shotgun pressed against his chest by a well dressed woman.  Fallon wasn’t fairing much better, as a man bashed his elbow against his face, causing a sickening splatter of blood to erupt from his nose as he fell against the wall, beginning to cough. The man then turned to Dom, taking out a knife and pointing it towards him. “Everyone in the lobby. No one... hiding or plotting, we’re figuring this shit out.”  Dom sighed, watching his friends struggle and squirm as he raised his hands nervously in the air and closing his eyes. “Alright... just point the weapons down and we’ll follow. We only wanted to get away from the others. I’m sure you’d understand with a... killer in the group.” “Yeah that’s what they all say just get into the lobby or we will assume the worst from your little group.” The woman barked, moving her gun down and pushing Silas along, towards the main lobby, where a few of the others stood, the body of the dead man covered in a white sheet stained red.
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wahbegan · 4 years
Oh Wait Now I Can Do a Proper Candyman Trailer Breakdown
I can analyze everything in the first trailer much better now, I think with the supplementary material provided by the puppet show and the other TV spot oh right i guess i should put this under a cut like I do cause i just know it’s gonna get long as balls all right
Opens with yeah recap of Candyman legend nothing really to see here
Not much in the bathroom scene either apart from it first introduces this Candyman’s shtick of only being visible in mirrors and shadows which is really neat...oh yeah also no the one Asian girl def chickens out after the 4th Candyman repetition so he literally only kills the white girls which i find personally hilarious. Speaking of hilarious....the girl with the buzz cut? Her character’s name is Boof. Ah, to be young again...anyway
There’s a lot of like...ochre and seafoam in this trailer, have you noticed? Like the bathroom, Candyman’s pants and coat idk i doubt it’s thematic it’s probably just an aesthetic choice but it’s interesting colors for a horror movie
“I feel really connected to this neighborhood” yeah as i mean everyone knows by now but Anthony was kidnapped by Candyman as a baby so it’s hard to tell how much of his fascination with the dark history of prettied-up Cabrini Green is just pretentious artsiness and how much is Candyman’s influence
Okay so the local ominous old kook here says something I find very fascinating when he tells him where he lives. Anthony said I just moved in around the corner, and OOK says “The old candy factory...” not next to the old candy factory or anything, just “the old candy factory”
Now we know from the puppet trailer that there’s a new character they’re introducing who is a black worker at a candy factory with a hook, but y’know like a real person hook that actual amputees get, maybe cause of a factory accident, i do not know, who was good natured and gave free candy to kids on his way home because y’know he works at a candy factory and some white cops saw, assumed he was a paedophile, chased him down to the bottom of the stairwell of presumably the building he lived in, and beat him to death
This character actually seems p important, in the new TV spot there’s a shot of a guy in a trenchcoat and seafoam pants in front of a building i THINK MIGHT be him, and a shot of some cops descending a stairwell, so I think we’re actually gonna see what happened to him, and I think he is going to be introduced as y’know a competing story to Daniel Robitaille’s, he’s MY BEST GUESS going to serve the function in the plot of revealing to the audience the idea presented in the puppet show trailer, that Candyman is more of an abstract entity or a floating moniker, it’s not necessarily bound by the identity of Daniel Robitaille
Anyway, i’m pretty sure by OOK’s comment here that the condos Anthony and Brianna live in are literally built on top of where the candy factory where that guy worked used to stand
Oh yeah just neat little shot of the graffiti of Candyman more as Clive Barker designed him fun reference
Bee stinging Anthony, more on that later, also notice he’s not just a painter, he’s a photographer as well because that becomes important
Oh yeah “he’s the monster that’s part of this neighborhood” is in all probability part of the same speech from the TV spot “Candyman ain’t a HE, he’s the whole damn hive. He’s the way we deal with the fact that these things happened. That they’re still happening.” Candyman I’m prob gonna make a whole post about this but his transformation from urban legend used to cope with random violence and urban decay in Clive Barker’s story to urban legend used to cope with racial violence seems complete in this movie, and I believe thematically the idea is the gentrified Cabrini and Anthony are under the delusion that this is a monster, a story of the past, and Candyman appears to...disabuse them of that notion. With a big fuck-off hook
We know from the TV spot the all-black portrait he’s working on in his apartment is Daniel Robitaille, and a damn good likeness of Tony Todd can I just say who the hell did these paintings they’re amazing anyway the one we see at the gallery of the man with the swollen face is I think the candy factory worker who was beaten to death. That guy i think is also the one who introduces the concept of the seafoam pants and ochre coat btw to Candyman’s wardrobe. Cause of that, he might be how Candyman appears when he kills the High School girls i do not know but that’s interesting, ain’t it? Candyman appearing in different ways to different people depending on the story they’ve heard
Oh the mirror opening to the space behind it must be a reference to the hole through Candyman’s mouth graffiti in the og i just got that that’s pretty sweet cool exhibition
When bearded guy in that god-awful Overlook Hotel carpet-looking button up shirt is saying Candyman, that movie that’s being projected in the background...I’m not sure which, but based on what little more we saw of it in the TV spot, pretty sure that’s footage of the lead-up to/possibly the actual act of the arrest or murder of one of Anthony’s Candyman subjects which is ahh....dark. I mean hell, he’s black, if anyone can do it he can but that feels a little tasteless Tony buddy
Anne-Marie is still obvs shaken up about Candyman, based on their two brief interactions in this trailer I’m assuming...well, cause he was a baby when it happened, he wouldn’t remember, i’m assuming she never told him about what happened to him and this is the first he’s hearing of it.
Candyman agrees with me that the movie was tasteless
Related to that Candyman becoming a monster of racial violence rather than urban blight thing, unlike the original movie, almost ALL of his victims in this are white, which is i mean yeah more on brand considering his origin story(ies)
Candyman appearing in the mirror and Anthony’s hand rotting from the bee sting yeah may as well talk about it here, it becomes obvious at several points through the trailer that the Candyman entity if you want to call it that is taking hold of Anthony
For a split second when he throws the glass, I think you can see his James Byrd, Jr. portrait in the background (with the exposed skull)
Yeah, I’m not exactly sure what’s happening to him as he paints but it SEEMS like he’s somehow experiencing the pain of his subjects
When he’s in his painting clothes covered in black paint seems to be mid-late in the movie when he’s kinda losing his shit yeah we see later the hook come out of a sleeve in the coat he’s wearing when he gets his hand sawed off (more on that in a sec) and the paint-splattered jeans so i’m pretty sure the painting clothes with the old fur-lined coat over it is gonna be HIS Candyman Transformation Chic
“He had a purpose for you, to be another one of his terrible stories.” This is completely shooting in the dark and it came to me late at night as I was falling asleep so I have no idea how stupid or crazy it may or may not sound, BUT if we accept Candyman as a recurring entity and his “terrible stories” as victims of racially motivated hate crimes, okay, hear me out. Remember how in the OG Candyman just kept framing Helen for everything? I wonder if Anthony’s story via Candyman was supposed to be “white woman harrassing Cabrini Green residents chops up woman’s dog, steals her baby, and puts him in a bonfire to be burned alive.” Like Anthony was supposed to be a what’s the word they use in the puppet trailer’s blurb “unwilling martyr”, a black baby boy burned alive by a white woman to keep the faith of his congregation going
I feel like that might be the old candy factory worker sawing Anthony’s hand off, anyway yeah he’s in a very Candyman coat, his hand infected presumably via bee sting is being sawed off, what I really love is that you can see that not only is his right hand getting amputated, he’s been blinded in his right eye. Now remember in Candyman’s original story, Daniel Robitaille had his hand sawed off not just so he could replace it with a sick-ass hook, but because that was his painting hand, that was the source of his talent and pride and wealth. Anthony, like I said, is a painter and a photographer. So Candyman takes his hand and his eye i just love that lil detail
I think that woman in the burned church with SWEETS TO THE SWEET on the wall might be Helen, who we know is in the movie and probably has a conversation with Brianna for plot purposes cause there’s a reaction shot of Brianna in the same church saying “this isn’t real”
Yeah that is absolutely definitely 100% Anthony killing that guy in the alley so yeah i guess there’s no question Candyman gets his ass but i feel like there’s more to it because well y’know they’re very open about it in the trailer number one in a way they’re usually not about the struggle the movie revolves around and as evidenced by him killing people the movie still clearly keeps going after he becomes Candyman so ???? i wonder what’s going on
There’s a brief shot of a little girl watching what looks like her dad jump out the window, I assume that’s Brianna seeing as how y’know a kid is credited as young Brianna and i think there was a character blurb mentioning her having a troubled past, so i feel like her dad’s suicide is obliquely related to Candyman in some way. It is worth noting he seems to jump out of some kind of painting studio
This little kid finding a corpse covered in blood and bees in the bathroom is, first of all, that’s only black person we see killed by Candyman, but also it just seems so disconnected from the rest of the plot and i can’t figure it out at all that I feel like this scene must be either a cold open or a stinger at the very end
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defleurtradingco · 5 years
Epoch- Honesty
(Previous: Book, Next: Outcome)
“Y’know this whole thing kin’a reminds me of th’ final couple’a episodes of uh...what’s that show wit’ th’ kids and that other dimension fulla monsters,”
“This is not the time for this.” “Well I KNOW but I just couldn’ help but think’a it was all.”
As predicted, they’d both been tied back to back and sat onto uncomfortable metal chairs, left alone in a sealed room to await whatever was to come.
Solaina let her shoulders drop slightly as she inhaled sharply again to try and maneuver her hands and arms however much the metal bindings would allow. “What, IS this,” She strained, but it didn’t help. “Not really sure, lemme just turn my head backwards n’ I’ll take a looksey-” She paused. “You cannot do that.” “Yer right, I can’t.”
Footsteps sounded from the hallway, growing louder and louder. Heel-steps rather.
The door opened and the first thing they saw was the huge alligator from before that carried them in. In front of them however was a skinny and almost clammy, freckled woman. Her red hair was tied back in a hurry, and glasses sat upon her pointed nose.
The steely gaze she held was off putting, however.
“So this is Solaina DeFleur, THE DeFleur, the famous mafia with their fingers on the pulse of every single business under the sun from coast to coast.” She had a bitter and mocking tone in her voice.
Solaina furrowed her brows in confusion. “Are you Wollenburg??” She asked as she pulled forward again uselessly. “ANJA, Wollenburg.” The woman corrected her quickly, pushing her glasses further up her nose. “But of course it would be too much trouble for you to find out even that much, despite the numerous amount of resources you have accessible, and at a moment’s notice no less… Seems even the mafia has gotten lazy these days.
Everyone grew up hearing all kinds of horror stories about your kind. How they had their eyes everywhere, how they were in every shadow. How if you so much as cross one, then you’d be taken away.”
“Why are you doing this? You are turning people into Weres aren’t you?” Solaina ignored her. She just wanted to know why.
Anja sighed, rolling her eyes before touching the tips of her fingers together impatiently. She began to pace back and forth. “You seem barely capable of putting things together so I’ll make this as simple for you as possible.
We are not turning people into ANIMALS. We’re giving them a gift. A chance.” “Uh,” Monte cleared his throat briefly. “What,” Anja sighed again and shook her head as she gave Monte a quick once-over, lifting his chin and turning his head from side to side. “There’s so much more to this world than most people realize. All right under their noses. People who can… who can turn into animals, the undead, the Fae, aliens, other interdimensional beings- all allowed to roam around wherever they’d like freely without fear of any sort of repercussion for what they may do.” She stopped and glared at Solaina when she came in front of her again. “That sounds...dangerous, doesn’t it?” Solaina scowled. “The company keeps the law entact and everything under control as much as possible. We work together with law enforcemen-” “Yes yes yes I know the whole thing. You have the cops in your pockets. Everyone with a brain knows that. It’s been that way for decades. The cops, the government, the politicians and the business owners- you have it ALL in your pocket, don’t you??” Anja smirked and shrugged lightly. “How in the world is anybody supposed to have a chance out there? I don’t exactly recall being told that becoming the mafia’s hit man was a viable career path back in elementary school. And yet it IS is what’s astounding.” “Get to the point lady my arm’s ‘r fallin’ asleep. An’ I’m dead.”
Anja sucked her teeth. “Rude. Regardless, how is anyone supposed to have a snowball’s chance in hell against someone like you? Or something like you.” The last bit was pointed at Monte. “That was the question my grandfather asked when he was under DeFleur employment, until the big cobra himself fired him and destroyed all his research.
My grandfather was working on our salvation. On the ability to choose whether or not we would defend ourselves from the Other Side.”
“He was turning them into ANIMALS,” Solaina hissed.
“He was giving them a fighting CHANCE to protect themselves.” Anja retorted. “How long until all of it goes to hell- until the DeFleurs lose control? You won’t be in power forever- everyone saw the main company building blow sky high, and what a mess of a cover up it was.
You LOST control. You! The immortal DeFleurs with the world in their hands, LOST control.” She took in a slow breath to calm down again before taking a few steps towards the alligator man and patting his shoulder. “This is a result of years of research- the ability to infuse Were traits into the human genome without the necessary pain of being nearly mangled to death and violently and uncontrollably shifting. Here it’s a gradual, less painful change to undero-” “You were KIDNAPPING people and EXPERIMENTING on them-” Solaina had to pause in her struggling to catch her breath. “Kidnapping people- like prisoners and those left to rot in jail. They were given the option to choose whether or not they wanted to participate in the experiments. And many did.
And they grew faster, stronger, with a chance to finally fend for themselves against the oddities and the unseen.” The alligator began to snarl, but a few pats on the shoulder again was enough to get it to stop. “I don’t think you realize how many people actually despise your name. And you, personally. Quite a lot to be honest.” “As soon as we are out of here, this is coming to an end- you cannot be DOING this- it’s-” “Inhumane? You’re right. That’s the point. Mankind needs to become more and evolve in order to keep up with tomorrow. And I offer a grand solution that will benefit everyone on the whole!”
“Ya know I was gonna say you were kin’a cute lady but ta be honest yer just nuts. ‘Specially if ya think havin’ a whole country fulla fake Weres isn’t gonna pose any problems.” “Oh, I know it won’t.” Anja looked back towards the door again, tilting her head in a way that she was motioning for someone to come in.
Solaina almost felt the wind being metaphorically punched out of her as another familiar head of red hair appeared from the doorway and stood next to the woman.
“Should’a known.” Monte muttered, mostly to themselves.
Grayson almost winced at the sight of them, but managed to keep a stoney gaze on them.
“There are so many people out there with so very little- we help them. We give them what they need to thrive. And they understand to be grateful for it. Don’t they Mr. Randal? He’s a fine specimen he is. The most unsuspecting looking one of the lot. No tremendous amount of extra hair growth, no disfigurement, no detrimental health issues, enhanced vision-” Gray’s lip curled back as he looked about ready to snap at her.
“Controlled temper. Good.” Anja smiled, satisfied. “As with anything however, experiments must be done, until we hone in on the perfect result.
There’s not much I can do with the corpse, but it would be fascinating to pick through him while he’s giving his...endearing… commentary, I suppose. As for you,” The doctor put a hand to her chin, eyeing Solaina critically. “What’s your least favorite animal?? I could always turn you into what you DeFleurs actually are, a swine of some sort, or maybe a salamander. They’re far more slippery. Really if you have any ideas feel free to chime in any time.” “You won’t get away with this-” Solaina began to struggle again.
“So said you and every single Scooby-Doo rip off ever to grace the earth. I’ll keep it in mind.”
As she began to walk out of the room, Gray reached out to stop her, only to be growled at by the alligator. “I did what you wanted already, now you uphold your end of the bargain.” He hissed.
“Yes, I know, I haven’t forgotten. What do you think I am?? A goldfish?” Anja snapped her fingers at him in the same way one would a misbehaving dog. “Follow. We need to have a little discussion first about your child.”
Gray paused only briefly to glance at Solaina and Monte before following Anja away into the facility. The alligator bared its teeth at them and closed the door, locking it.
“He musta fuckin’ called her when we were out doin’ our research, or maybe even b’fore that...Man she likes ta talk a lot.” Solaina stared at the floor for a few moments, swallowing the lump forming in her throat. “...Now isn’t the time to think about that. We need to find a way out of this...And find Leddy.” “I think we should leave th’ kid an’ try n’ save our OWN hides first.”
“We can’t leave him,” “Ok, fine, ya got me there, but what do ya suggest we do? Ain’t got no phones. Can’t move, much.” “I don’t know,” Solaina had a sinking feeling that she refused to give into. Not yet. “...We will think of something, look around for … for anything.”
“Ya know I feel like a chump fer believin’ him. Shouldn’a taken a dude with cat eyes ta be th’ honest sort. Fool me once shame on me.”
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thugnan · 5 years
Secret of the Scarlet Hand (PC 2002)
Story: 4/10
Characters: 3/10
Puzzles: 3/10
Chores: 4/10
Final Rating: 5/10
I’ve only played this one once and I honestly can’t remember parts of it or the plot. I love that this was the first appearance of Soony Joon, but other than that all the characters fell flat for me. This one took the educational aspects of Treasure in a Royal Tower and multiplied them by 100, in a bad way. This game played more like a Broderbund game, the puzzles were obnoxious and the play through was erratic (not as linear as its predecessors). Some of the chores involved bouncing back and forth a bunch (like the quizzes). I don’t remember there being any glitches though.  
Plot (spoilers obviously)
Thug Nan gets an internship at Beech Hill, a museum hosting a super big exhibit on the Maya. From the get go you get the impression that maybe this museum can’t afford to do this? Thug Nan is like “wait a minute this internship is paid right?” 
They hand you a list of chores and tell you to get on it. They’re preparing for the exhibition of a giant rock monolith. While doing these chores you meet:
Joanna: Your boss as the museum’s curator. She appears a little young to be running the place and slightly desperate to get income into the museum. Low key she cute tho.
Henrik Vander Hoop: He’s fancy and has an accent. He’s a researcher and knows things about glyphs. Not v social for the most part. 
Ale-ale-jandro: I don’t think I was supposed to like this guy tbh, judging from the responses Nancy had for some of his SJW rants, but yo he’s not wrong. I might be biased as we are basically the same person tho. He works with the consulate and appears to have a close relationship with the museum. He hates Johana and Taylor because they’re pirates. 
Taylor Sinclair: I thought he was a lawyer for some reason? He’s an art dealer, and tbh I’m suspicious of him immediately. I think it’s the mustache. Idk what it is about it but I don’t like it. He calls you into his office because he’s concerned that someone is gonna steal from Beech Hill, which heightens my suspicion of him but whatever. 
As we continue to do errands, we get more of a feel for the museum’s financial situation. When you try to order supplies, the distributor tells you that he sent you to collections and to gtfo.
The next morning, you’re in your office when the alarm goes off, someone has stolen a jade relic of King Pacal’s. The cops come and go, you ask Joanna about it and she gives you the a-ok to snoop up in there. She appears to care more about collecting that insurance monies. Suspicious but ok. 
Henrik is apparently also nowhere to be seen? Suspicious but ok. 
Alejandro and Taylor subtly mention that they were both in the building at the time of the robbery. Idk why either of them would incriminate themselves like that? Suspicious but ok. 
You get a call from Franklin Rose, your dad’s friend that hooked you up with the internship. He’s like legally speaking I need u to investigate this. So Thug Nan is like “aw yee, I’ma do it because you told me to, and not because suspicious Taylor told me to.” 
The robbers left a calling card, because you know, all the smart robbers do that right? Also idk how the cops dropped the ball on this one because the culprit’s calling card is A HAND PRINT. I’da been running the show I would just hand printed everyone in the building, and called it a day. 
So you gotta do some more tedious chores, which you only are able to pull of because the wack who had your internship before you left a bunch of drawings as hints. Soony Joon, I’ma tell u now that I think you’re a mad lad, but also thank you for ur service. 
You get in contact with some other folks that were also struck by the thieves who hit Beech Hill. They send you some more clues. 
THEN HENRIK IS YEETED DOWN THE STAIRS (seriously, what is the deal with this series and stair yeeting?) I’m going to say now that the stairs that Henrik fell down were a lot taller than those of El Paso High School, I’m just saying, idk how Henrik didn’t die but ok. 
Homeboy has amnesia. Johana was booted out of the building for mismanaging the museum and being overall suspicious. You and I know what this means right? Time to trespass go thru everyone’s shit. 
Johana was not happy about being booted out, and begs you to prove that she didn’t steal the pacal relic so the cops will let her go and the board will let her back into the building. I don’t really want to do that but I guess.
I made zero effort to talk Franklin into letting her back in whoops 8D. But she can’t say I didn’t call him. 
Meanwhile Henrik’s nurse/therapist hits you up like “yo he kept saying ur name in his sleep so we think it’s a good idea for you to visit. You can help him get his memory back” Yeah? Well remember that I said that he wasn’t v social? I legit know NOTHING about him, especially since his desk is all locked up. Idk why he was saying my name in his delirium but I hope that he knows that I am completely loyal to Frank Hardy  Ned, and if I were to cheat on him it woulda been with my sweet Maddie in Stay Tuned for Danger. I guess I don’t blame Henrik tho, erryone wants a piece of this Thug Nan. What can I say? I live dangerously. (Altho for once I haven’t been attempted murdered) 
While trying to jog Henrik’s memory you find out:
Henrik probably maybe stole the Pacal, but it sounds like he had Taylor logic. He stole it so the real thieves wouldn’t steal it?
He’s in cahoots with smugglers
Alejandro called the cops on Johana, and needs Thug Nan to “borrow” some papers from her. I don’t like the way he went about it but I respect the balls on this man. 
You gotta find like 5 other relics to open the dumb monolith… great. I still don't know why would want to?
Pacal (the real dood not the relic) built the monolith to suffocate a scribe/reporter that was too nosy for her own good. My dood was harsh.
Thug Nan finds the Pacal because well… she had to. And slowly but surely it begins to come together. Tbh the plot to this game was so convoluted, that I wouldn’t have figured out what I had to do without calling Frank and Joe every other second. 
Somehow I gather all the relics I needed to open the damn box, and you know I’m starting to think. If this Pacal guy didn’t want this scribe lady to ever be found why the eff would he make a key to the tomb in the first place? Whatever. I open the box and T A Y L O R  S I N C L A I R LOCKS ME IN THERE WITH A THOUSAND YEAR OLD ROTTING CORPSE.  THIS MAN IS ABOUT TO FEEL THE WRATH OF THUG NAN. 
Anyway, getting out of there was not that hard, my girl the scribe shoulda made more of an effort, but hey she didn’t have a handy dandy glowstick like moi. When I got out Johana, Alejandro, and a recovered Henry were on the other side waiting? Instead of helping me? They were v creepily like “YOU DID IT NANCY WE KNEW YOU WOULD.” Except they used Dr. Seuss rhymes to tell me this which only made it creepier. Also they knew it was Sinclair without me telling them? Which is like cool but WhY DiDnT U StOp hIm. They play it off as “well he stole the fake stuff” THEY LITERALLY HAD NO WAY OF KNOWING THAT.  
Um, the end?
They left a couple of plot holes unresolved I think? Like Henrik having connections with smugglers. Why did he steal the pacal in the first place? What did he know about Taylor? Who pushed him off the pyramid? Or did he really fall? Alejandro seemed to be peachy with Beech Hill after he found out that the Pacal’s papers were legit? And Johana never asked me about the missing papers, she was also let off with a warning? Okie dokes. 
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