#the gang edit... i haven't quite decided yet
emodennis · 1 year
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harrysmimi · 2 years
Do You Also Remember?
Synopsis: Harry and YN have mutual friends and they decide to meet after years.
More of my work
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It was three years later that Harry and his friends were finally going to be able to see each other.
After graduation, everyone have either got married or moved to different countries. Harry have done neither of those. He stayed in London. He was going to get married but he found out his partner was cheating on him the day after he proposed which was a stinger. All his friends were finally back in London with their kids and partners for Christmas.
Three years doesn't sound like a long time, nor it felt like it has been very long but the change in everything and everyone made it feel and look like a very long time. Mainly because their Friend Group Chat was still alive like it was made yesterday. They all managed to keep it alive and still be in touch with eachother.
Harry have already met up with Niall and Louis, it was just Liam, amd Brielle left who were yet to get to London. Those were not all of his friends, there was another friend, YN.
She was youngest out of all of them but she was the one who introduced Brielle to Liam and from there everyone got into a big group. YN used to be very out going and bubbly. She knew her seniors and was friends with them actually that should say a lot about her. Plus she was very sweet and kind. But now she hardly ever talks in the group chat. It is weird to see her like that but she occasionally engages herself in conversations which no one caught on but Harry always did.
They dated for almost a year after all. But they broke up when he graduated and had to go live in Japan for half a year. None of them wanted to break up but situations were making it more and more miserable so both of them decided to call it quits on their romantic relationship. He haven't talked to her much since, or anyone from the group really.
But anyway, rest of the gang was in town and they crashed at Harry's his house was the closest to the airport and he lived alone in a huge ass house all by himself. What better way to celebrate Christmas?
Their little kids were having a great time tearing down his Christmas tree. Harry did not mind at all. He loved his tiny godchildren, he can sacrifice not one but many Christmas trees for them. Just two little lads, Bear and Freddie were enough to make a huge ruckus.
"Hey," it was Niall whining when one of the kids jumped up on him using him as their personal trampoline. Harry laughed as he helped his friends in kitchen.
"Did YN call?" Brielle enquired.
"I don't know," Harry shrugged.
"Yeah, ow—" Niall whined again but he continued talking, "she said she's got some last minute work to do so she wouldn't be able to make it tonight."
"What, she's got work during holiday?" Liam sounded surprised.
"Yeah, I think she works freelance." Maya shared, "I was talking to her the other day and she said she could like edit my pictures and stuff for me."
"Yup, and definitely makes more money than any of us." Louis laughed.
"How do you know?" Harry asked.
"She's got a huge ass house, bigger than yours, she lives in with her two cats." Louis explained.
"How do you all know so much about her and I don't?" Niall gasped, "I though her and I were best friends."
"Like she ever talks to anyone of us as much as she does to you," Amelia rolled her eyes as she helped setting up the table.
"Harry why don't you call her and ask her to come over, we can wait for her." Maya suggested.
"I—you want me to call her?" He stuttered.
"Whoa Mr. Attitude, call her," Louis commented. "And didn't you two had a lovie-dovie thing back then?"
"I just— there is no point in arguing here," he sighed and grabbed his phone heading out to the living room. He called YN.
"Hello?" Her voice rang through his phone as soon as she answered his call. Honestly, Harry thought he have forgotten her voice but it was like he just talked to her yesterday.
"Hey," he started, "aren't you going to come to dinner today?"
"I, I, Uhhh— I've got some work so I really can't make it. I'm sorry but next time..." Her voice trailed off as she was done stuttering through jer guilt of turning down his dinner invite with other friends.
"Can't you like take a small break? I'm sure your boss will understand." He suggested.
"I work for myself," she chuckled, "that's why I've been putting off this, this uhhhh— project. You know how much I procrastinate."
Yeah, she never procrastinated of all he knew. All of her work in college was done two days before due date and she was one of those top students academically. She was straight up lying there and Harry caught it. He didn't wanted to push her though, if she doesn't want to come she doesn't have to.
"Oh it's okay then," he said, "but we'll be going to get breakfast tomorrow as well if you'd like to join. I'll send you the address, yeah?"
"Yeah," she agreed, "see you tomorrow then."
"Yeah," he repeated before he hang up. He texted her the place they all have decided for breakfast next day immediately.
Harry honestly was not expecting her to show up for breakfast. She was first one to reach there before Harry, everyone else were busy getting their kids ready so Harry left early.
"Hello, goodmorning." Harry greeted her.
"Mornin'!" She chirped. He noticed a stroller with the blinds on to shade whoever was sleeping in there from sun.
"Who do we got here?" He asked sitting right in front of her.
"Oh that's, that's Tara my daughter." YN shared. "She just fell asleep."
And that made his heart shatter into tiny little pieces.
"That's an adorable name," he still smiled, "can I get a peek if you don't mind?"
"Yeah!" YN nodded and removed the blinds from the stroller. She looks just like YN as she's fast asleep, now he remembers when YN had showed him her childhood pictures and it was the same person!
"She's very adorable." Harry looked back YN.
"Thanks!" She smiled an awkward smile.
"I didn't know you had boyfriend."
"Oh no, I don't. I got married and then divorced." She shared, "what about you? I know we haven't talked in a long while."
"Yeah, pretty much the same, didn't got to get married though nor do I have a kid yet." He said.
"Oh no I'm sorry, what happened?"
"She was cheating on me, thanks to Brie she caught her on time." Harry sighed.
"Oh," was YN's awkward reaction but Harry didn't find it awkward at all. That's the truth why be awkward about it.
"What does her name mean?" He asked.
"Star. It means star." YN smiled glancing over the stroller as she noticed slightest flinch from her baby, she moved the stroller back and forth for a moment.
"She looks just like you," he complimented earning a smile sheepish from her. "What happened with you and your ex-husband?"
Just as YN was about to go on with her story she was interrupted by the rest of them arriving. Luckily both the kids were very tame today, also luckily the place wasn't crowded and they got the table big enough for all of them. They all met YN and Tara, she was up by all the ruckus everyone was making, especially Louis and Niall. They all ordered together.
"She is so adorable YN, I wanna steal her!" Brielle gushed over the little baby in YN's lap with still sleepy eyes trying to comprehend where she exactly is.
"How old is she?" Maya asked.
"She'll be one on first of February." YN shared.
"Oh, Harry you found a birthday twin!" Niall announced.
"Yeah," Harry cooed looking at the little girl now staring back at him with doe eyes. Seeing Harry smile she shied away behind her hands making everyone coo.
"We should all go to London eye I haven't been there before and then go for shopping?" Brielle suggested.
"You've been to London eye before? Did you even lived here for three years?" Liam looked very surprised.
"I was architect student Liam, I hardly got time to sleep!" Brielle rolled her eyes.
When food was served, Tara did not wanted to get off of her Mummy's lap. She was not trying to be subtle at all, stealing the strawberries from Harry's plate of pancakes. Even stealing bits of waffles from her mum's plate.
YN didn't notice Tara was actually taking from Harry's plate until he moved the dish closer to her so it is easier for her to take whatever she wanted.
"Oh Tara no," YN stopped her, "I am sorry."
"No it's alright, she's nust taking the strawberries." Harry waved her apology off offering Tara a small of strawberry himself.
"Awh! Tara hou can eat all of my food," Brielle suggested still gushing over the chunky baby in her friend's lap.
Tara was too busy stealing berries from her new friend's plate to pay mind to anyone in the room. By the end of the meal she had made a big mess of her cardigan, hands and her mouth. She looked adorable though now that she is fully awake. YN had to change her up in the car so she told everyone to go ahead and not wait for her but Harry did. Well, he had to as Niall took his car.
"Nice car by the way," Harry leaned by the closed door of passenger seat, open back door acted like a barrier.
Now Harry got the gist of how rich she actually is, with a custom Range Rover with a custom wrap on it. It would cost him a fortune but he's happy for her. He's definitely sure she has turned her dream to be an editor into her full time job. Plus she's been working since she was in college. He's very proud of her.
"Thank you," YN smiled.
"So what happened?" He asked bringing up the conversation from earlier.
"It's awkward and dumb." She shrugged.
"No it's not, I dunno what happened but it wouldn't be dumb. Awkward? Maybe yes, but mot dumb." He assured her.
"After we broke up I went back home for a week. My dumbass forgot I had fading hickeys my mother noticed." She started explaining, "they got to that I'm obviously you know, yeah, so their first instinct was to get me married before they sent me back to complete my studies. He didn't wanted me to be pregnant and have Tara, accused me that she is not his child even before she was born. So I filed for divorce which my parents did not approve of either so I ditched everyone and everything and moved back here. Had her and now we live happily here."
"I'm sorry," Harry crooned sadly, "but did you not tell your parents about me?"
"I wanted to," she glanced him for a brief moment which enough for him to know what she was implying on. She was done changing up Tara and she was now all bundled up in another cardigan, and a puffer with a frog beanie. New pair of tiny sock-shoes on her tiny feet to keep them warm. She was strapped into her car seat.
"Get in. Or are you going to walk?" YN asked.
"Oh yeah," Harry rushed and got into the passenger seat. YN caught on sudden shift in his mood and overall vibe.
"You okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, just, just—" he sighed, "I'm sorry this all happened because of me." Harry felt guilty as he was definitely the cause of those hickeys on her as they were still sleeping together a week before they called it quits for real.
"You've got nothing to be sorry about. Do you remember we ended things on good terms? So it's all fine." She assured him.
"You had to go through so much, you didn't deserve that." He looked down at his lap fiddling with his fingers.
"I got the most wonderful daughter though, that's what I like to focus on now." She smiled looking over at him once she stopped at a red light.
"Why did you stopped talking to all of us out of nowhere?" He asked, "no wait, that was a dumb question."
"I really did not get the time to. My ex-husband and in-laws were absolute assholes plus I wanted to keep working." She still explained, "and I moved back to India immediately after I graduated so the time difference was crazy."
"Mhmm I see." He nodded.
The whole ride, Tara was babbling and cooing, Harry made up random conversations with her as if they're sharing secret tea which YM was obviously not a part of.
Entire day, Tara was being way to cute and interacting with everyone, especially with Harry. He's a charmer obviously, even little babies swoon over him. For the longest she was clung to him like a koala everywhere they went. The best part for her was that Harey wasn't tired of carrying her around, as if he have four kids at home.
She was of course spoiled by her uncles and aunties everyone got her little presents and toys. Even Harry did. It was going to a pain for YN as she's definitely going to litter the house with those toys. But allas everyone went back to Harry's, cooked together and had a massive feast.
YN was last to stay with Brielle to help Harry around. But Brielle ended up leaving as her long distance boyfriend was in town. YN was just leaving too.
Harry walked her out to her car waited for her until she was done strapping a sleeping Tara into her car seat. She was definitely going to sleep tight tonight with how much she got to enjoy and crawl around and play.
"Will see you on Christmas then?" He asked.
"Yeah," YN nodded, "I take a week off so yes."
Harry nodded as he was at lost of things to say until YN closed the back door, "YN?"
"Do you also remember that we broke things off saying if we get a chance we'd get back together?" He asked.
Now this has been on his mind ever since everyone made plans to get together for Christmas. He missed her all of a sudden.
When he broke his phone and had to go back to his old one until he got a new, he found all their pictures together. Some very private, some with friends and many of them just cuddling and random videos of them fooling around all alone, especially cycling around the neighborhood late at night like maniacs.
It was probably stupid, but he had hold onto the change of them getting back together for his life. He did tried to move on but what he do when she had his whole heart with her? He was actually grateful that he never got to marry the girl he was with after her. It felt really juvenile to not be able to move on when all he used to do before he met YN was sleep around with random people, never gave committing to someone a chance. But when he did, he did not wanted to back off. Not even for his life.
"Yes, I, I do." She nodded and he looked at her with hopeful patient eyes, "but Harry I don't know if we could. I, I've got a daughter now and she's my first priority right now."
"I never wanted to be your first priority love." He shook his head, "but it's okay. At least I can make peace with myself that I made an effort to ask you."
"You're making me feel bad now." She sighed, her eyes brimmed with tears.
"You don't have to. Remember we ended on good terms," he smiled, "but my offer still stands," at this point he's just messing with her in attempt to not make her cry.
"You're hilarious?" It was more of a question than a statement.
"Am I?" He smirked, "at least you still find me funny."
"God you're annoying." She groaned sniffling on her tears. "But you know Harry on a serious note, I have a baby now."
"I know, and she's as adorable as you if not." He smiled leaning on his side on YN's car, he still stood half a feet taller than her and she literally always had to look up at him when talking. "I'm not asking us to pick up where we left. Just a little date maybe? We can go get coffee or something." He casually pushed YN's hair behind her shoulder like he was used to doing all the time as he spoke, she stared at him as she thought about what he said. And to Harry she looked even more gorgeous with red tones under the skin of her cheeks and nose due to cold weather, beige beanie with a white pompom on top of her head. He gave her glasses a slight push over the bridge of her nose as he waited patiently for her answer.
"You sure you're fine with this? I come with a child now." She shrugged giving sheepish look by the choice of her own words.
"I don't mind having her in my life, she's a part of you why would I mind having her." He said casually.
"Okay, as in I've got a date?" He asked getting excited.
"Yeah." She nodded.
"Oh god," he sighed happily and next thing she new his lips were on hers, but he was quick to pull away, "I'm sorry—" but he was cut off with YN pulling him in for another kiss slotting their lips together for longer than a kiss should last. Harry pulled away chuckled softly as he rested his forehead on hers, "I'll pick you up tomorrow by five?"
"Mhmm." YN of course agreed and was rewarded with yet another kiss from him.
Harry's got a date with YN!
N O T E :
I died a little writing this 🥺 and I kinda wanna turn into a small blurb series if y'all want me to write anything based on similar context.
You can let me know in the comments or DM me anytime. ❤️
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Grandpuff or crankybugs.
Oooh, what an interesting pair you've come up with (are these both favorites of yours?)
I guess I'll dive into the first one. I was tempted to go for "Crankybugs" (I'll always think of it as one word now, that's really cute) just to get a chance to dissect Season 5... which I think is currently way overrated.
But "Crankybugs" is in the top tier of S5—not too much to criticize without sounding nitpicky—if we can get over the head-scratchiness of Thomas being in it at all, it's a decent story. And the aesthetics of the stormy night harbor are very striking!
So let's all re-watch "Granpuff."
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"One winter's night, when the cold wind blew, the engines found it hard to sleep."
I used to hate this framing device... but I'm starting to soften up.
For one thing, I saw how well it succeeded in its job of "bring the Thomas kids into the new set/characters" by watching it work its magic on one of my own kids. Walked away from Granpuff et. al. again and again, but also kept giving this a chance because Thomas. Eventually, it worked. Now she's a huge fan of all the narrow-gauge stories... but I don't think she would have gotten into them without the Thomas angle.
So, I'm biased. However, it is also cosy to see the standard-gauge gang tucked away in the sheds and deciding to have story night—I like that. The dialogue is all solid, too (the only clunker is James's "but please remind us of the story so far," which doesn't sound like him, but that's also next episode, so I won't take off points for this one). And I'm really getting into Thomas the Elder Statesengine. Do I think the big engines would take his moralizing seriously? No. Do I think they might listen to a good yarn? Yes. Do I think Thoms might actually have a few of them under his boiler bands? Yes.
'Course, there are a few things here that still grate. The "storm" itself is not filmed especially well—it all looks/sounds like a retread of the storm in "Henry's Forest." Also, while I don't mind this story by itself, that's because I can imagine Thomas telling it before Duke was found. Not after—by that point I imagine on Sodor it's big enough news that they would have all heard? (I like to imagine Thomas telling this all to post-1970 newbies, actually.) And then when subsequent episodes get into all that "Duke was the hero of all the engines" stuff? Yeah, Duke waves his cane and bitches at Gordon, James, and Henry every time they stop at Crovan's Gate and so all the rest think he's funny... maybe.
However. Again, I have some complaints about Season 4, but if you're asking me to talk about just this episode by, itself? It's all pretty fair, really. I can sit back and enjoy.
Which is good for me, because now we proceed to...
"Once upon a time, there were three little engines who lived in their own little shed on their own little railway."
(sidenote—more about RWS than TVS, but—for those who haven't realized yet, this is the line with which Duke the Lost Engine begins and it's a callback to the first line of the series: "Once upon a time there was a little engine called Edward." and it makes me pretty emotional from the creative PoV, because back in Three Railway Engines Awdry had originally wanted to make his stories take place over two railways and also have it be much darker than it wound up—his publishers told him to tie it all together and quite rightly, he barely had one setting, and didn't yet have the skill nor even the legwork to manage two—and now look! look how far he's come! in this book, he ties together four railways, eighty years of fictional world-building, and indeed leaves a naughty engine punished forever, but he has the chops to do all of this and so much more now, gah i'm such a sucker for people's creative development and Awdry came so far here, i have no choice but to love it!)
Starting here, and lasting through the entire flashback, the cinematography is flawless. The sets, the narration, the pacing, the edits made to the RWS text, the aesthetic, every single shot.
alafsdivicjakafkd;l sadfk;lasdfk; asd;kfl
This is the best 3 and a half minutes in the series.
(Even the night-time Rusty scene, which is at a similar high level of cinematic perfection, clocks in at less than 2 minutes. The original "Flying Kipper" scene is also in this tier, but, again, it did not last nearly so long. 'Course, this is just splitting hairs—all of these sequences are Allcroft-Mitton triumphs. But there's something uniquely compelling about this three and a half minutes of storytelling in "Granpuff." You just get completely swept away by it...)
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If there's any complaint to be made about "the flashback," it's that afterwards the old standard-gauge boys and set look downright stupid, in contrast.
A pretty good problem to have, all in all. But damn I do kinda hate when we cut back to Tidmouth sheds. Well, except for one classic bit...
"That's... not a happy ending!"
"Ah, it will be," murmured Thomas, utterly indifferent to his earlier promise. OMG Thomas you had one job. "But that will have to wait until next time..."
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Anyway, I am so freakin delighted by how this episode ends on the "unhappy" note. This is what I'm always saying! Don't rush your story! Give your audience time to sit with it! Break it up! Don't be afraid to occasionally end on these downer notes—it makes the happy endings all the happier!
This episode is a be-a-u-ti-ful example of how to do it. <3
Six out of six tenders, even if I don't agree with the "framing device" strategy for S4 this opener is still a masterpiece
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“You better stop struggling in my lap like that, Angel. You’ll start something you don’t want me to finish~” with a deadlock mccree? in the company of the rest of the gang too- just for the added dash of humiliation
I edited the prompt sentence a bit so it fits him a little better. Hope you don’t mind!
Content Warnings: yandere behavior, the reader takes three gulps of alcohol, alcohol consumption, intimidation, pet names, flirting, suggestive content, sexual/NSFW implications, and vague descriptions of sexual acts.
This is a yandere work. Proceed at your own risk and please be mindful of your triggers.
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Stop your teasing
You had always known that McCree was dangerous, but you hadn't quite understood exactly how dangerous he was until you were brought with him to a meeting with his gang down in a basement refashioned to a bar.
The Deadlock gang was something everyone had heard of, and when you'd understood that McCree was a part of it, no, not just a part of it -- leading it, you'd felt your heart sink. Just how would you be able to run away now?
Judging from the smirk on McCree's lips when he guided you into the room, this must have been exactly what he wanted, and the reason for bringing you here. He wanted you to know how utterly hopeless your situation was.
Your eyes wandered around the room. Ashe (you shuddered inwardly when you saw her) was pouring a glass of some dark alcoholic liquid for herself, sitting on the edge of the bar. P.T, Terran and Zeke were all sitting around one of the two tables, playing cards and cursing at each other.
In the middle of the table lay what you could only assume were stolen goods they were gambling for. Weapons, jewelry, and --  was that an organ!? Quickly, you looked away, only to catch B.O.B's gaze from where he was sitting at the other table next to someone you didn't recognize. He grinned at you, and you looked down.
"Bringing the 'babe' today McCree?" He said, looking you up and down. McCree grinned widely at him before sitting down on one of the empty chairs at the table, dragging you down onto his lap with a surprised yelp.
The other guy at the table chuckled. "She's sweet. No wonder you haven't brought her here yet." You could see on him that he was considering flirting with you, and you shifted uncomfortably in McCree's lap, trying to stand up.
"Babe sit still," he said, using the arm wrapped around your waist to pull you flusher against him "you don't wanna rile me up here now do you?" The implications of his words made you freeze, and Ashe, whom you hadn't noticed joined you, chuckle.
"I don't think any of the boys would mind if you bent her over the table. They haven't gotten, mind you even seen, any action for months." The triplets by the other table let out a clamor of complaints, and Zeke took the moment of distraction to steal cards from his opponents.
You felt yourself instinctively lean back towards McCree, wanting to escape Ashe's crimson gaze and lazy smile. You didn't say anything and decided to stare down at your lap and the muscular arm holding you in place. "Aw she's shy," Ashe teased before taking a swig of her liquor. "We won't bite, hun. Not unless you want us to."
McCree's grip around you hardened, and you could feel him tense up under you. Seems like he wasn't as unaffected by the jests of his teammates as he tried to seem like he was.
However, he just laughed heartily. "Don't scare her too much ya hear? Get me something to drink. Something strong." He shooed her off with his trademark grin and rested his chin on your shoulder, taking a deep breath of your scent. The hand that wasn’t holding you snug to his chest traveled down to fiddle with the hem of your dress, teasingly “slipping” down to your inner thigh every now and then.
When Ashe returned with a glass filled with something brown, you snatched it before McCree could and took three heavy gulps, shuddering and grimacing at the strong taste. He burst into laughter at once, chuckles making your entire body vibrate. Ashe looked amused and approving. “Well she ain't scared that’s for sure.” 
“If I need to endure you feeling me up all evening I might as well get more comfortable with it,” you said. It took a few moments for you to realize just what you said, and horrified, you slapped your hands over your mouth. McCree wore the cockiest grin you have ever seen and leaned close, hot breath ghosting over the shell of your ear.
“Well if you want me to feel you up more you should have told me, darling,” he purred, hands resuming their travel. The drink stood half-empty and forgotten on the table.
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eskalations · 3 years
"I've always known that I was a big target for them - almost as big as Erwin himself - but I never thought they would go after my own daughter." Levi released a dark chuckle at this, closing his eyes in disbelief. 'I can't believe my stupidity. The Titans have cut down families before, I don't know what made me think that mine would be any different."
(Rivetra AU where Petra is a pediatric nurse and Levi is a single father)
Hello! Wow oh wow! I haven't written since August and this oneshot definitely made it more obvious. Originally it was only supposed to be about 5,000 words but it soon grew into the monster that it is now. Will it stay a oneshot forever? I don't know...but for now, it is what it is! Editing this was a nightmare, so I apologize for any missed mistakes, as well as my poor writing skills that have been underutilized for quite some time.
I hope regardless of that, you will still enjoy this! I just finished AOT and this couple's story absolutely gripped my heart. Here you go, Rivetra fandom!
As always, reviews are MUCH appreciated. So please be sure to tell me what you think!
Petra Ral was NOT having a good day.
While she had been a night nurse for several years now, her penchant for making rookie mistakes was almost as bad as it had been when she started. Upon crashing into bed at seven this morning, she had completely forgotten to set her alarm for later in the day. Hence, why she was running through the streets of Paradis like a madwoman.
Her co-workers were less than impressed with her dramatic entry onto the ward. Nanaba was glaring at her over the top of the counter, while Nifa bristled from beside the employee water tower.
"Really, Petra?" The spunky redhead commented in a low, disapproving tone - watching as the other ginger woman threw her bag down onto the floor beneath the desk and hurriedly began to punch in her time. "This oversleeping thing is getting pretty old, considering it's six in the afternoon, not six in the morning."
Petra held back a growl as she fumbled with her card, sticking it into the machine but not getting any response due to the shakiness of insertion. Finally, she heard a click and withdrew the parchment. With her heart still racing like mad after her dash up the stairs, she dropped in exhaustion into a vacant chair.
“You say that - “ Petra spoke for the first time since entering Paradis Hospital, her usual chipper voice hoarse from her ragged breathing. “ - but you’re not the one who worked a 12-hour shift yesterday. You were too busy working on that boyfriend of yours to even - "
“Shhhhhh!” Nifa’s face glowed scarlet as she shushed the young woman, her pale skin heating at the vulgar comment. Nanaba just laughed quietly at her friend’s embarrassment, turning her attention back to the file in front of her. All the nurses and doctors bustling about around the counter paid the girls no mind, used to the familiar banter between the three.
"Say what you want about Nifa's love life," Nanaba bristled, pulling out another form from the file in front of her for closer observation. The blonde's eyes cut towards Petra, disapproval evident in her tone. "But your the one who's late today. We had a pretty intense case come into the ward too from emergency."
“What?!” Petra yelped, her nurse’s instincts kicking in instantly at Nananba’s words. Despite her still heaving chest, the young woman sat up straighter to observe the report that was being handed over to her. “Is the child okay?”
"She's stable." Nanaba offered, turning back to the folder on her desk to grab a few more forms. "However, she's going to need to be watched closely throughout the night. The poor thing was stabbed and the blade had poison on it."
Petra wished she could act shocked, but she wasn’t. Paradis Hospital received several stab cases a day due to the gang violence in the area. The Titans certainly weren’t pulling any of their punches when it came to looting. Regardless of whether their victim was eight or eighty, they would steal from anyone with a bit of coin in their pocket.
Stabbings weren't super common on the pediatric ward, but common enough that all the staff who bustled about barely batted an eye at the thought of such an injury being treated on the floor.
"She's already been stitched up and the antidote for the poison has been administered - but, the emergency department sent her up here for monitoring, just in case she relapses," Nifa explained, now leaning over the counter to read the forms Nanaba still held in her hands. The blonde threw her an exasperated look.
“She’s not your patient, so stop being so damn nosy.”
"Well, I've never - " Nifa scoffed at the blonde's scathing tone, though Petra could hear the amusement behind it. "Sorry, for wanting to dedicate my life for the next 12-hours to a hot man with a nice - oh, I mean to a sweet little girl with a -"
"Nifa!" Petra exclaimed, catching on to what the young woman was implying. "Don't tell me you're trying to hit on a little girl's father while she's bedridden in the hospital! Have you no shame?"
“Not really!”
Even Nanaba laughed at Nifa's answer.
"Well, too bad for you, since you have a boyfriend." The blonde reminded her, to which the red-headed nurse simply stuck out her tongue. " - and  Petra has been assigned to be her nurse."
“Me?” Petra had the gall to act surprised, but her friends simply rolled their eyes at her modest response.
“Oh please!" Nifa sighed, crossing her arms over the counter to once again lean closer to the girls on the other side. One of the older doctors, a man with grey hair and spectacles, eyed her disapprovingly as he passed. Nifa didn't even spare him a glance. "While you may be a notorious flake when it comes to arriving on time, it's no secret that they entrust you with the higher priority cases on the ward."
Nifa was right - it wasn't a secret. Since graduating at the top of her class in nursing school, she had always been highly respected for not only her knowledge but bedside manner, as well. Just last year, she had received an award for having the highest satisfaction rate on her floor. Now, if only she could show up to work on time…
“- he’s really short, but his eyes - wow!" Petra was brought back from her thoughts by Nifa's words. Nanaba was shaking her head as she wrote a note down in one of her patient files, trying to tune out the girl's excessive praise. "He's got that rough around the edges look, yet is put together and clean and - "
"I hate to cut you off in the middle of your fantasy - " Petra commented before standing and collecting the patient papers from the desk. "- but I have patients to take care of."
Nifa's mouth popped open in shock, her expression quickly turning to one of disbelief at the sight of Petra's teasing look.
“Says the girl who was LATE!”
Petra chuckled, shrugging her shoulders as she rushed off to her first patient's room, ready to begin her shift with newfound energy. Despite her exhaustion from the night before and the soreness in her limbs, she couldn't approach the job she loved with anything less than excitement and positivity.
Maybe it would be a good day after all.
Upon entering Heidi Ackerman's room twenty minutes later though, Petra was once again lamenting the horrible luck that seemed to be plaguing her during the past twenty-four hours.
It wasn't the child who was causing her such discomfort, but her father.
After having checked on and familiarizing herself with the low-risk patients she had been assigned, Petra finally decided to introduce herself to the latest Titan's stab victim that was residing on her ward. Checking the young girl's forms before entering the room, the nurse noticed that the child was due for a round of medication soon anyways.
‘Perfect,' Petra thought to herself while turning the knob of the door. 'If I take care of her medications now, I won’t have to return for another hour and then I can go check on - ‘
Petra's thoughts were interrupted by the sight that met her upon entry to the room.
Nifa wasn’t kidding - the guy was short. Like, really short.
Petra rarely met a male anywhere close to her height - so, the short stature of the figure that stood by the lone window of the room, instantly caught her attention.
The second thing that caught her attention? His looks.
While the man was certainly not attractive by societal standards, his piercing gaze was enough to stop any woman in her path. His eyes were grey and heavily hooded by pale white lids and beneath his stare, lay two dark bags that spoke of a restless nature. Despite the blatant signs of exhaustion, his dark hair lay near perfect across his forehead, the shaved lower half of it buzzed in an undercut fashion.
He was captivating and terrifying all at once.
“Oi, are you just going to stand there?”
His gravelly, low voice broke her from her analysis, jolting her back to reality as he shifted his posture to a more casual stance. Whereas he once stood rigid, he now placed a hand on his hip and schooled his features to resemble something more akin to indifference.
Realizing she had never responded, Petra suddenly jumped into action.
"Oh!" She smiled awkwardly, not quite feeling like her usual self. Typically, talking to patients and their families wasn't so difficult for her, but this guy was unlike her usual clientele. He practically exuded indifference and didn't look very interested in receiving an answer to what she had to assume was a rhetorical question - but Petra did not care. "Hello, my name's Petra Ral, I'll be the night nurse for Miss Heidi."
As if saying her name had reminded her of exactly why she was standing there in the first place, Petra turned her smiling face towards the bed, trying not to show her concern as her gaze fell on the small child.
Heidi Ackerman at five years old had experienced more pain in the past several hours than some adults would face in their entire lifetime. While the child's sweet features could still be seen over the top of the crisp white blankets, the pained lines of her forehead spoke of a quiet distress that had taken a hold of her and refused to let go.
Petra ached to go towards her - however, a snide remark from the man on the other side of the room had her pausing.
“You’re going to attend my child looking like that?” Disgust was evident in the man’s tone as he gave her a once over from top to bottom. “Ever heard of an iron?”
The young woman could feel her face go red at his comment, her eyes glancing down at the outfit she typically wore during her shift - a white nurses uniform, tights, and white slip-ons. The front of her outfit was pristine white - however, the bottom of her skirt had a set of small wrinkles. Petra went redder as she realized that in her confusion to get dressed after having slept in, she had picked up her uniform from the previous night that had been lying atop of the hamper.
Most people wouldn't even have noticed her slightly used uniform, but somehow this man had called her out on it, despite it only having had a few wrinkles of use embedded in the fabric.
Petra was furious. Of course, she wasn't going to show it, since she was a professional - but she couldn’t help but bite back, even if it was just a little.
“Yeah - well you aren’t looking too good either, so I guess we're even.”
The man cocked an eyebrow at her comment, before looking down at himself to see what she was talking about.
In Petra's defense, she hadn't actually looked at the man's clothes. When she had entered the room, she had been so distracted by his face, that she hadn't even gotten the opportunity. But, as he looked down at himself in search of the reason for her comment, Petra was able to give him a once over too. After examining his outfit of choice, Petra had to bite back a groan from the error of her comment.
He was dressed immaculately, wearing a dark brown leather jacket with a white shirt underneath and a pair of slender black jeans on the bottom. On his feet, were a pair of shiny, black combat boots that looked as though they had been polished that very morning.
However, the state of his clothes was not the reason Petra wanted the Earth to swallow her whole. It was the substance on the front of his shirt.
“Tch," The man clicked his tongue, having caught sight of the dried, red blood covering his otherwise pristine white shirt. "I guess my child's blood isn't the best accessory to wear, huh?"
Fully embarrassed by her comment, Petra immediately stuck out her hands in defense, forms and all.
“Sir, I’m sorry. I truly didn’t mean - “
“I’m sure.” The words were said with such a quiet finality, that the woman felt her tongue grow heavy in her mouth. Not knowing what else to say, the room fell into an awkward silence that even Petra’s vivacious personality couldn’t conquer.
Perhaps, she had officially met her match.
The man continued to stare at her with his slate-gray eyes as the silence drug on - however, they were both interrupted from their thoughts by a quiet cough coming from the bed.
‘That’s right!’ Petra thought, a newfound energy taking hold of her as she returned her attention to the small patient residing in the bed. ‘She’s the reason I’m here.’
"Sorry, Miss Heidi!" Petra adopted her usual, chipper tone as she approached the child, already glancing at the chart that had been left on the wall at her side. While the form should have match the one she had been given, she wasn't one to cut corners, so she began to read over it to check for any additional information that could have been missed. "Your father and I are rudely neglecting you. Are you in any pain at the moment?"
While most children instantly brightened at the ginger's easygoing bedside manner - Heidi, much like her father, was not acting like a typical patient. Instead of answering, the small, dark-haired girl remained silent, glancing over at the woman with the same hooded gray eyes as her father.
Petra found the whole thing incredibly unnerving. To keep herself busy, she began to check the young girl's vitals. As she glanced over the numbers, she snuck a peek at her charge who still lay silent in the hospital bed.
Despite her lack of response to Petra's earlier question, the woman could see from the lines of distress on the girl's forehead that something was bothering her. She knew from the child's file that she had been slashed with a knife across the stomach and had been on the receiving end of an incredibly deadly poison. There probably wasn't much on her body that didn't hurt at this point.
Although she knew that the young girl must be in pain, the silence continued to grow as the two females in the room kept their gazes locked on the other.
Finally, Heidi turned to her father, who had been watching the scene unfold from his designated spot by the window. The girl's eyes shone with nothing short of fear as she appeared to silently communicate with her father. While the look on the poor child's features caused Petra's heart to clench, the man by the window merely bristled at his daughter's behavior.
"Stop trying to be tough, brat." His voice was rough, the edge in his tone similar to what it had been a minute ago. However, Petra was relieved to note a slight gentleness to his words that hadn't been present in their earlier conversation. "There's no reason to hide your pain if you're feeling any."
While the young nurse imagined any normal child would flinch at such words being thrown at them after having experienced such trauma - Heidi just blinked at her father's comment, almost as if pondering the meaning behind it.
Petra was about to jump in, having seen quite enough of the man's crass attitude towards his daughter, when the little girl finally spoke. Feebly, but with conviction.
“My stomach burns.”
Unlike her father's voice, Heidi had a sweet, slightly high-pitched voice, that would have had Petra cooing, had it not been for the current predicament the child was in.
“That’s to be expected.” The ginger responded understandingly, wanting the girl to know that she was someone she could trust over the next twelve hours. “What if I told you that I have some medicine that could make it feel better? Would you like that, Miss Heidi?”
Heidi hesitated for a moment, pulling the crisp white blanket up to her chin, almost acting like she was ashamed for having to take medicine. However, only a few beats passed before she nodded in response to the young woman's question.
"Perfect!" Petra's smile grew, the genuine kindness that typically radiated from her, shining from the depths of her chestnut eyes. "You're going to need a drink to help you wash down your pills - and I know they may taste a little nasty - so, how about I get you a juice to make it just a little bit better?"
As though a switch had been flipped, Heidi’s pale hands dropped the sheet covering the lower half of her face, revealing a tiny, rosebud mouth opened in shock. The dull gray of her eyes that had been so flat just a few moments ago, sparkled at the prospect of such a treat.
It made Petra’s heart clench once again.
The nurse was about to ask what flavor the girl wanted when her attention was drawn back to the man standing on the other side of the room. He had made a disapproving noise with his tongue as his daughter's face lit up at the thought of the sweet drink.
"Now you've done it." The man chuckled, though there was no real humor behind it. "This girl's favorite thing in the world is sweets. Now she's going to say she's in pain, just so she can get some juice."
“Sir,” Petra responded firmly, her once shining brown eyes hardening at such a careless statement. “I’m sorry, but after what she’s been through today, I think the least we could do is allow her to have some juice.”
The man shrugged his shoulders, raising his brows as though to tell her ‘do what you want’.
Which she would - gladly, in fact.
Turning back towards Heidi, who was now watching her father with a concerned expression, Petra attempted to redirect the girl’s attention.
"What flavor do you want?" That got Heidi's head swiveling back towards her. "I have cherry, grape, apple, orange, or watermelon."
“Uhhhh - “ Heidi pondered over her choices, looking up at the ceiling as though the answer would be there. After a few moments of thinking it over, the girl finally glanced back at the nurse waiting anxiously by her bedside. “I guess...cherry?”
“Excellent choice!” Petra agreed, readying herself to leave the room, but stopping dead in her tracks when hearing Heidi’s little voice again.
“Is that okay, Daddy?”
Petra watched as the little girl turned to her father, gauging his reaction for some kind of approval. The nurse waited with bated breath as the man simply stared back at the child, giving no indication of his approval either way.
Just when he was opening his mouth to give Heidi an answer - Petra jumped in, tired of witnessing the power dynamic in front of her.
“Your Daddy’s not the one drinking the juice, Heidi - so, I’m sure your choice is of no real consequence to him. Isn’t that right, Mr. Ackerman?”
There was a challenge in her tone, the words laced with borderline rudeness as she stared down the man across the room from her. Never in her life had she been so sharp with a patient nor a patient's family - however, she guessed there was no day like today. If she was going to get fired due to bad conduct, at least let it be because she stood up for a child who seemed to be in want of an advocate.
What reaction she was expecting to get from the man, she did not know - but it certainly wasn't a smirk.
He was smirking at her.
The silence stretched on for a few more seconds, the man's thin lips holding that frustrating smirk in place. He watched her as though waiting for what she was going to do next, but instead of shrinking under his gaze, she simply crossed her arms over her chest, ready to stand her ground.
Once the older Ackerman noticed Heidi’s head swiveling from side to side, watching their reactions, he released another tired, breathy chuckle.
“That’s right, Miss Ral.”
Petra hated to admit it - but, even after exiting the room, her legs continued to shake as she made her way down the hall. The trembles soon transferred into her hands as she poured the little girl a glass of cherry juice.
Upon re-entering the room, the first thing Petra noticed was that Mr. Ackerman had moved from what she thought was going to be his permanent spot in the room. He now stood by his daughter where she lay in her hospital bed, speaking quietly to her about something that the nurse couldn’t hear.
The second he saw her walk through the door, he quickly quieted - his lips returning to the thin line of indifference that she had become acquainted with, not too long ago. Choosing to ignore the strange atmosphere that settled over the room at such a blatant display of secrecy, Petra smiled brightly towards the child lying in the bed.
She was her priority.
“Alright, Miss Heidi!” Petra chirped happily, trying her best to return to the usual persona that she emulated while within the walls of the hospital. “Time for your medicine! If you could just sit up for me - “
The girl began to shift higher up in the bed, struggling to prop herself up against the pillows that lay behind her. Petra rushed to find somewhere to set the glass of juice down so that she could help her patient - however, she was beaten to it.
The girl's father placed his hands underneath her armpits, slowly pulling her back towards the head of the bed. After she was situated a little bit higher, he released his grip on her before tugging at the pillows to arrange them in a fashion that was more comfortable for her. Though he moved with purpose, his actions held a tenderness that Petra was surprised to see. If this was an unusual occurrence for Heidi, she certainly didn't show it on her tired, yet grateful features.
“Thank you, Daddy.”
The man grunted in response, patting his hand on the pillow behind her head one more time before moving his hands back to his pockets.
Petra’s brow rose in response to the uncharacteristic helpfulness she had just witnessed, but she tried to school her features in a way that didn’t show her surprise.
“Well - “ The woman cleared her throat, before handing the glass of juice over to the girl, to give herself time to retrieve the pills she had placed in the pocket at the front of her dress. “Hopefully, your pain will lessen after you take these.”
Heidi gave a shy nod at the woman’s words, looking warily at the pills. Noticing the child’s hesitance, the older Ackerman reached for the cup of juice in her shaking hands. With the movement of his arm, Petra watched as the cuff of his jacket slid up and over the skin of his wrist.
She couldn’t hide her surprise at what she saw branded there.
It was a ‘Wings of Freedom’ tattoo.
This man was a part of the Survey Corps.
It wasn’t that Petra had never interacted with an SC member before, it was just that they normally didn’t frequent this side of the hospital. Most of them didn’t have children and, even if they did, most of them wouldn’t have the opportunity to care for them properly.
It was no secret that of all the cities in Marley, Paradis was the one that had the biggest gang violence problem. Paradis was deemed as the headquarters for the infamous Titans gang, a group of thugs who were well-versed in politics and typically well-educated. One could never know that someone was a Titan, since they blended in so well to society.
There were rumors floating around that several larger corporations had Titans at the helm, working their way through the ranks in an attempt to have a better chance at being elected into political office. Their end goal was unclear - however, their violent acts and shady business dealings had escalated over the recent years.
Suddenly, businessmen who were in perfectly good health one day were turning up dead in a river the next. The same went for major political figures. Several big-name military men had been cut down in the streets and in their homes, to the point where the implications couldn't be ignored.
This was an all-out war.
Though Petra had been busy in nursing school at the time, she still vividly remembered Commander Erwin Smith’s case - since it had eventually led to the creation of the Survey Corps.
Erwin Smith had walked into his home one day after a long day of work, only to be attacked by a group of four masked Titans brandishing knives. While the Commander had lost an arm as a result of the poison on the blades that had come in contact with his arm, he was able to fight off all four assailants and come through the accident with a clear vision of what needed to be done.
This incident prompted the formation of the Survey Corps.
The Survey Corps was a group of former criminals who would have otherwise faced jail time or execution if they chose not to serve their government. The Commander's idea was that when it came to the Titans - one had to fight fire with fire. For him, the Survey Corps was his fire.
The men would be given a meager compensation in exchange for their loyalty, as well as a full pardon for the crimes they had committed in the past. All they had to do was promise their hearts to the cause.
Petra had always thought the venture sounded like a risky one. How could someone trust a criminal? If someone was willing to commit a crime once, wouldn’t they be willing to do it again? From what she had seen of the SC members who had been wheeled into the Emergency Room over the past few years, they looked more like thugs than the actual Titans themselves.
However, it appeared that that was the whole point.
The Survey Corps were used to obtain information about the Titans from the inside. To learn about the Titans, it seemed you had to act like one. Once inside, their goal was to negotiate deals with the underlings, who would then pass on the information to the SC in exchange for compensation. No surprise, though - these exchanges could turn deadly pretty quickly.
The young nurse couldn’t imagine how anyone could trust a criminal to infiltrate the enemy without the fear of them turning themselves - but from what she had heard, Commander Erwin Smith was a very good leader who kept a tight hold on all the men who worked under him.
Petra guessed as much since a good majority of them had small government-issued tracking devices located somewhere on their person - somewhere that they were unaware of, of course.
The woman had only ever seen an actual 'Wings of Freedom' tattoo once, and it was on the wrist of a body that was being rolled to the morgue past her in the hallway one day. The symbol was a sign of rank. Much like how the military operated, the Survey Corps themselves had a set of ranks that signaled a separation of powers within the group.
Only captains and the Commander himself were given the ‘honor’ of bearing the SC tattoo. The placement was purposeful, too - right on the wrist, where an opponent’s eyes would be drawn as they wielded their signature blades.
Suddenly, the behavior of the man made a lot more sense. He was a former thug - now, turned Captain of the Survey Corps.
The nature of Heidi’s injury also made a lot more sense now. She wasn’t victim to a few Titan pick-pockets on the street of Paradis. She was a victim to her father’s line of work.
She had been caught up in the crossfire.
"Miss Ral?" At the sound of the man's deep, gravelly voice, Petra looked up only to be met by a steely gray gaze. He had noticed where her eyes had fallen and had also deduced where her train of thought was drifting. "Are you ready to hand over the medicine?"
His tone was polite enough, not to alert Heidi to the mounting tension that seemed to build with every interaction the two adults had - but there was certainly an edge to it. He was pretty much daring her to ask questions.
Petra certainly was not taking the bait.
“Yes,” The woman responded, slowly. The smile that had fallen from her face at the sight of the man’s tattoo, returned as she warmly regarded her waiting patient. “Let’s get this over with!”
Neither father nor daughter caught the double meaning behind her words.
This shift could not go by fast enough.
After what she could only describe as ‘the longest 12-hour shift ever,’ Petra was ready to hit the sack and enjoy the next two days off.
It seemed like fate, though - had other plans.
"What?" The woman groaned as she pulled her time card out of the slot, her whine catching the attention of a few doctors passing by. Petra couldn't care less what they thought of her right now, she was exhausted - and the news Nanaba had given her was definitely less than welcome "There expediting Krista's maternity leave? Isn't she still like - I don't know - four months away from giving birth?!"
Nifa shook her head from her usual spot by the water tower, looking just about ready to fall over herself.
“Two months,” She reminded the frazzled ginger, chuckling at the groan her answer received. “It was bound to happen sooner or later with how faint she’s been - it just so happens that they made the call during a hospital-wide nursing shortage.”
Petra didn’t want to seem inconsiderate, but this news had really put a wrench in her plans - plans which had included nothing but cleaning and sleeping - but plans nonetheless! There were about a million other things she'd rather do than continue to cross paths with her patient's reticent father.
She had really thought that as the hours passed, his mood would perhaps lift and become a bit more pleasant - but no, things had only seemed to get worse.
While Heidi had slept most of the night, it was almost as if the dark-haired man was reluctant to close his eyes. No matter how many times Petra had walked in there over the past twelve hours, he never moved from his spot near the window. Even when Petra offered to help move the chair over closer to the wall so that he could see, he had glared at her as though she had outright insulted him.
Never had Petra felt so uncomfortable while tending to a patient and she had been doing this for years!
The worst instance of this was when she had gone to change Heidi's bandages over where her injury was. While she had tended to many injured patients before, she could feel a cold sweat breaking out along her hairline as she gently removed the bandages from the young girl's pale skin.
Every movement she made was subject to his intimidating glare - almost as though he was waiting to snap at her the second she made a wrong move. Though he was trying to hide it behind a wall of indifference, Petra could tell that he was on edge as she began to work on Heidi’s wound.
If one thing could be said, it was that Petra had never met a five-year-old quite like Heidi before. Though she remained silent for most of the night, the young woman could tell that she was highly intelligent and aware. Never before had she had a patient who was able to grit their teeth and fight their pain so well. Not even when her bandage got stuck on a small area of irritated skin did Heidi release a whimper.
Petra knew the whole process must have caused her a great deal of pain - however, like her father said, she was hellbent on acting tough.
It wasn’t until she got to the part of the cut that appeared to be the most severe that the child even happened to make a sound.
“Is that tender?” She had asked, but it was more of a formality. The lines of distress on the girl’s forehead told her all she needed to know. “I’ll try to make it quick.”
Heidi said nothing in response, but at her obvious signs of discomfort, her father shifted forward - hands still in his pockets, but his rigid posture showing that he wasn't nearly as indifferent as he tried to act.
Petra was suddenly aware of the man's eyes following the movements of her hands and - though she had done this in front of an audience many times - his attention made her more nervous than she had ever been before. Not only were his eyes watching her like a hawk's - but his body was also tilting forward , closer to her, to see exactly what she was doing.
Under such pressure, she panicked - something that was highly unlike her on a normal day.
With the man's eyes boring holes into her hands, her sweaty palms lost their grip on the bandage she had been trying to pull gently from the skin.  Heidi's reaction was instantaneous.
While she had made little more than a whimper up to that point, when the bandage slipped from Petra's hand and the skin of her palm made contact with the stitches that lay over the girl's abdomen - a short, little whelp escaped from her lips at the pain.
If that didn’t have the nurse feeling bad enough, Heidi’s dad’s reaction almost had her crying.
While most parents would be understanding of such a small mistake - many not even realizing she had made one - because he had been watching her so closely, he had borne witness to her error. The shock on his face, expressed only by the raise of his brows and the slight opening of his mouth, soon morphed into something much more threatening - anger.
"Don't you know how to do your job?" The man seethed, glaring at her with the same eyes that had been watching her so closely moments before. While his voice was not loud, the quiet tone almost made it that much scarier. "Can't you see that your mistake has caused her pain?"
Petra didn’t know what else to do besides look at him like a gaping fish.
"Well - are you competent enough to continue your work, or should I request another nurse?"
“No sir,” The woman answered, quietly - in a sort of daze from the man’s unusual reaction. Though she thought he was going to argue some more with her - he instead leaned back against the wall next to Heidi’s bed and continued to watch her in silence, as though he hadn’t questioned her skill at all.
Petra rolled her shoulders back, steeling herself to do the same thing she had done a million times. She would not let this man get to her twice.
After apologizing to the small girl, who merely gave a meek nod in response, Petra finished removing the old bandage from her cut. Once the wound had been cleaned and rebandaged - the nurse hurriedly made herself scarce, barely giving the girl's father a second glance.
When she had left the room, her face had been flushed and she had felt as though she was going to cry - but after hearing the taunts from her friends at the desk, thinking she had had some kind of flirtation with her patient's father, she instead turned to the next room and prepared herself to tend to her other patients.
“Earth to Petra?” Nifa’s voice brought her back to the present, something she was grateful for. Though it had been a long shift, at least it was finally over. “So, are you going to cover Krista for the rest of the week?”
Petra groaned once again. She had forgotten why she had spaced out for so long in the first place - they wanted her to take on the night shift for an additional two days.
"Hey!" Nifa chirped, crossing the small distance that separated her from Petra, throwing an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. "The good thing is you'll get almost a full week off if you finish all your hours now!"
"Yeah - " Petra agreed reluctantly, though her voice held little excitement. "But what good are hours off if I'm too exhausted to enjoy them?"
"All you do is clean, you neat freak! Don't act like it's going to spoil a hot date or something!"
Nanaba chuckled at Nifa's words, also reaching to pick up her card and clock out. "You know, she's not wrong."
Petra blushed at their goading. “How would you know?”
Both girls looked at her dubiously,  their reaction causing Petra to blush an even deeper shade of red. Nifa shook her head, clucking her tongue in disappointment.
“I rest my case.”
“Oh, shove it!” Petra grabbed her bag from the floor, ready to leave the past 12-hour shift behind. “I’ll cover Krista’s damn shifts if it means I’ll get some time away from you weirdos next week.”
Nanaba rolled her eyes at Petra's dramatics, while Nifa simply laughed in response, also retrieving her bag from under the counter. Though both busied themselves by getting their stuff together to take home, neither missed the shameless smirk Petra sent over her shoulder.
“I guess this is the price one has to pay when they’ve been named the most satisfactory nurse on the ward.”
Now, this comment had both Nifa and Nanaba groaning, the girls rushing to catch up with Petra as she made her way to the stairwell.
The second day Petra was assigned to the Ackerman’s was just as strange as the first.
After getting a good 8-hour rest, the nurse entered the hospital with a renewed bounce in her step. The reason? She had pressed her uniform to perfection and had even pushed back her shoulder-length hair with a headband with not a hair out of place.
‘Let’s see what that man can find wrong with me now,’ Petra thought to herself as she clocked in for the day, only to be shocked by what she saw going on at Room 325 - Heidi Ackerman's room.
She could recognize the dark blue suits of the Military Police from a mile away.
Two men, one with long blonde hair and the other with a dark, crew cut, stood outside the girl's room, talking with Heidi's father. The men were speaking quietly to each other, the blonde one jotting down some notes onto a form he held in his hand.
It looked like a statement.
Not wanting to intrude, Petra double-checked Heidi's folder to make sure that she wasn't due for another dose of medication for another half an hour still. The day nurse had left several notes for the night nurse, describing the girl's progress. While she was still in a considerable amount of pain, her vitals had remained stable throughout the day. Now, the only thing they needed to worry about was the possibility of infection setting in at the sight of her would.
Petra made a mental note to remain extremely vigilant when it came to caring for the girl’s wound. The faster she healed, the faster she would be out of the ward.
'...and the faster her father could get the hell off of my floor.'  Petra thought to herself, jotting down a few quick notes of her own, before closing the file and picking up the next.
By the time Petra arrived at Heidi's room, the MP's were long gone and the girl was sleeping peacefully in bed.
Upon entering the room with a glass of cherry juice already in hand, Petra braced herself for a rude comment or a deadly stare - but was surprised when she found that she was not on the receiving end of one.
Mr. Ackerman was still dressed in the same clothes he had worn the day before, his hair styled still to perfection, yet a bit greasier from the lack of a good washing. While his gaze was cold as ever as it moved from his daughter's slumbering form to the nurse as she entered the room, it wasn't nearly as intimidating as it had been before.
The man just looked tired.
Still, he stood by the lone window in the room, leaning against the ledge as if it was the only thing keeping him on his feet. Petra spared a glance towards the only chair in the room by Heidi's bedside and noticed that the pillow and blanket that she had left for him last night were still neatly folded and waiting to be used.
He had never slept. He had never even sat.
Petra's mouth popped open in surprise as she stood in the doorway, glass in hand. She wanted to say something but found that every time she tried to get the words out, they got stuck in her throat.
"Don't wake her up." It was the first words she had heard out of his mouth since entering, his tone as deep as it had been the day before, but weaker from lack of rest. He almost didn't look so much annoyed, as he did exasperated. "She's had a long few hours and was just now able to fall asleep."
At his request, Petra felt conflicted.
"It's time for her medicine." The woman insisted, talking quietly as she approached the girl's bedside, placing the glass of cherry red liquid onto the side table. "I'm worried that if she doesn't take it soon, she may wake up in pain."
The man considered her words, staring at her for a few moments before letting his gaze drop to the sleeping five-year-old in the hospital bed. The fact that he was even chewing over her statement had Petra reeling. While the day before, he had been questioning her methods - now he was actually taking her seriously.
The man sighed, pushing himself off from the wall he was leaning against.
“Could you wait twenty minutes?”
The words were spoken quietly, yet for the first time, they held no underlying rudeness. He seemed genuine in his request, his gray eyes boring into her's as he waited for an answer.
Petra was beginning to feel as though she was experiencing whiplash on the receiving end of his mood swings.
It was only in that moment, when he was making such direct eye contact with her, that she began to notice the slight shake of his stature, almost as though a short burst of chills were beginning to overcome his body. The sight was so strange, that Petra felt herself nodding at the man's request before she had even had a chance to think it over.
"Uh - " The young woman stuttered, trying desperately to find her voice. "I guess that would be alright?"
The man gave her a short nod of appreciation, his lips pressed in a thin line as he seemed to consider whether to say something else. Instead of asking any more questions though, he breezed past the young nurse and began to make his way to the door - something that caught Petra's attention, considering he had not left his daughter's room the entire time during her shift before.
"Wait!" She called out in surprise, though the volume of her voice surprised her. The man gave her a sharp look as he glanced over at the still slumbering child. After watching the rise and fall of her chest for a few long moments - he switched his gaze back to her, annoyance evident in the twist of his features.
And just like that, the same man from the day before was back.
"What?" He asked, as though it wasn't unusual for him to leave his daughter's room. In most cases, it wouldn't be strange for her patient's parents to leave their child unattended while they went to find some food or refreshments in the hospital, but this man had never done that before.
‘Maybe that’s why he wants her to stay asleep…’ Petra thought to herself, as she tried to think of what else she could say without sounding too nosy.
“Where are you going?”
Nice one, Ral.
The man scoffed, as though he believed her question didn't deserve an answer. Without responding, he turned back to the door and placed his shaking hand on the knob.
But Petra was surprised when, before leaving the room, he quietly called back over his shoulder.
“Would you mind keeping an eye on her for me, real quick? There’s something I need to do.”
Not waiting for her answer, the man was out the door before Petra's brain could even catch up to what he had been asking. However, when she realized what he had done, she found herself seething.
What did she look like - a babysitter?! She had other patients to be taking care of!
Though she knew that she had no real obligation to stay in Heidi’s room, there was something that had her sitting in the chair beside the bed, scooting the pillow and blankets out of the way to make herself more comfortable. She didn’t know what it was that kept her rooted in that spot, but she truly felt like she couldn’t leave the little girl.
A vision of the MP's quickly flashed through her mind.
It was that feeling of guilt that had her planted in the chair for the next twenty minutes - even though she had other patients to check on.
‘Oh well,’ Petra picked a piece of lint off the top sheet of the bed, watching the steady rise and fall of Heidi’s small chest. ‘What are they gonna do? Fire me?’
Just as Petra was fantasizing about all the things she could do if her boss truly did fire her - Mr. Ackerman returned to the room.
The first thing the young ginger noticed about the man was that he held a large white bag in his hand - one that seemed to be from the hospital's gift shop. The second thing she noticed was that he held a mug of what looked like some kind of tea in his other hand.
The third thing she noticed was that he reeked of smoke. With this knowledge, Petra could feel her face heat up in annoyance.
Now the shaking of his body and hands made sense - he had been going through withdrawals.
“You left me in here to tend to your daughter while you went and had a smoke?” The nurse stood from her spot in the chair, quietly chastising the man as he walked through the door. “Don’t you know those things can kill you?”
After having gotten his fix of nicotine, the man was back to his usual pleasant self. Before Petra could even think of what else to say, his eyes flashed towards her in contempt.
"Don't you know how to mind your own business?"
At such a rude response, Petra threw caution to the wind, sick of the man's attitude. Not caring whether Heidi woke up at this point or not, she stormed over to the dark-haired man, pointing a single finger into his chest. At least the man had the nerve to look surprised.
“Listen here - “ Petra dug her finger further into his hard chest, the fabric of his white shirt wrinkling as she tapped him once more for good measure. “Your daughter is currently my patient, Mr. Ackerman. So yes, your health is a part of my business now. What I’d like to know is how you think you're going to take care of your child on nothing but cigarettes and tea? Did you even eat while you were gone?”
The man raised a brow at her tirade, still shocked at the fact that the small redhead had had the nerve to speak to him like that. He definitely wasn’t used to it.
"Well, did you?" She asked again, demanding an answer, sticking him in the chest with a finely manicured finger once more.
What the man did next, nearly floored the poor girl for what felt like the millionth time in the past twenty-four hours. He smirked.
That damn infuriating smirk again!
Before she could repeat her question, the Survey Corps member grabbed the finger that was currently poking his chest, pushing her hand down while the infuriating smirk on his face only grew bigger.
"No," He said simply, as though he had not a care in the world. Petra could tell by the challenge in his eyes that he was eagerly waiting to see how she would respond.
Almost as though it was a game to him. Well, Petra was perfectly ready to play.
Pulling her hand out of his hold, the woman crossed her arms over her chest, looking up at him as he continued to smirk down at her. While he had shaken her the day before, she had become familiar enough with him to know that he only seemed to respond positively to her when she was actively challenging him.
What was he - a masochist?
“Lucky for you I have a wide array of crackers to offer you.” Petra smiled sweetly, watching as the man’s brows rose at the sound of her tone. “What would your flavor of choice be - cheese or peanut butter?”
“Neither, I - ,”
“Oh!” She cut him off, tapping him once again on the chest, knowing that this seemed to annoy him greatly just a few moments ago. “I’m sorry but ‘neither’ doesn’t seem to be a flavor - try again!”
The man's brows rose even higher at her continued teasing. "What if I'm allergic to peanut butter and cheese?"
Petra was anticipating such an answer, her arms once again crossing over her chest as she puffed it out with pride, knowing that this was an argument she had already won. "Then I guess I get to pick your poison."
They stared at each other in silence, neither intending to back down. Finally, the older Ackerman broke.
The man chuckled. Not a pity chuckle, either - but a real, amused chuckle. Though it may have been quiet, Petra couldn't conceal the pride that swelled up in her chest at having broken through at least one of the man's self-made barriers.
They didn't call her the best nurse for nothing!
"Alright, alright…" He finally conceded, no longer chuckling - but still keeping that mysterious smirk on his face. "I'll eat something, but no crackers."
Petra’s brow rose at this. “Why not? Isn’t that the most universal snack there is?”
“They’re too messy.”
The woman had to stop herself from giggling at the look of annoyance that passed over the man’s face. It seemed they at least had one thing in common - Petra absolutely hated a mess.
“An apple?”
The man shrugged noncommittally. Petra took this as confirmation that the fruit would do.
The feeble call from the bed had both of the adults turning, their eyes falling on the once slumbering girl who still lay propped up against the pillows. Though she had only said one word, Petra could tell from the look on her face that she had been woken from her sleep by some kind of pain.
The girl’s father hummed in response, acknowledging that he had heard her. Not wasting a moment and with a new pep in his step from his smoke break, the Survey Corps member approached his daughter’s bedside, placing his tea down by the glass of juice that still lay on the bedside table.
It was when the girl glanced over at the juice and then at the door, that she noticed the short nurse who was also now standing in her room. Petra liked to imagine that the girl’s face had lit up a bit at the sight of her, but she wasn’t foolish enough to think that it was anything other than the prospect of juice that had her glowing.
Heidi, much like her father though, surprised her.
"Hi, Miss Petra," The girl said in that sweet tone of her, her words still shy, but definitely more confident than from the night before. "Is it time for my medicine?"
Petra smiled in encouragement, joining the girl’s father at the side of her bed. “Yes, it is. Are you in any pain?”
Once again, the child looked up at her father - but, instead of waiting for some kind of input from him, she turned back to the nurse and answered for herself.
“Just a little.”
While her answer was not nearly as descriptive as Petra would have liked, the woman knew that this was probably the best she was going to get out of the child. With a tough-as-nails father by her side, the little girl was never going to give a true indication of how she was truly feeling. To do so would be to admit defeat in her eyes.
It was sad to an extent, but having grown up with a single dad herself - something she was assuming based on the fact that Petra had yet to see a mother stop by for a visit to Heidi's room - she knew how important it was to show them that their little girls were strong enough to handle themselves.
Petra’s respect for the precocious five-year-old just continued to grow as she spent more time with her.
After the nurse had given the girl her pills and had made sure that they went down easily, she reviewed Heidi’s vitals one more time before promising to return in the next hour.
Before she could make it out the door though, she turned to face the girl’s father one last time.
“I’ll be bringing you an apple, Mr. Ackerman,” She called back to him, watching as his gaze drifted upwards to meet her’s. “- and I’ll be expecting you to eat it.”
The response was so quick and unexpected that it had Petra quieting immediately. Seeing the look of confusion written across her face, one side of the man's mouth quirked up in a half-smile. He sighed, shaking his head before closing his eyes in exasperation.
When he opened them again, there was a softer look there than there had been before.
“My name’s Levi. Stop it with that Mr. Ackerman stuff.”
Even Heidi chuckled from her place in the bed at the sound of such a formal name for her father. Once Petra had collected her wits, she gave a short nod in response.
"Levi, then."
Without wasting another second, the woman turned from the room - shutting the door close with more force than what she had intended to.
Her face was burning as she walked away from the room - and for the first time since she had been assigned to the patient in Room 325 - it wasn't from shame.
It was nearly an hour and a half later that she was finally able to return to Heidi’s room to check on the girl. With an apple in hand, the woman pushed open the door quietly, just in case the little girl had happened to fall back asleep.
The scene that lay before her, had her pausing in the open doorway in wonder.
Levi Ackerman was sitting. Not only was he sitting, but he was reading - and from a children’s book, nonetheless!
The white bag from earlier lay at his feet, the contents of it having been removed. While it had been puffed up quite large only an hour before, it now sat deflated on the cold tile of the hospital floor. Petra couldn't imagine that a few children's books from the gift shop would make a bag look that full, and she was right to assume that.
The reason the bag had looked so full was currently resting in the happy little hands of one Miss Heidi Ackerman in the form of a very large, stuffed teddy bear.
"Then Mr. Owl asked Mr. Bear if he could borrow a few - ," Petra listened to the smooth voice of the man who had nearly made her cry the day before, no rudeness left in his tone as he read to a very captive audience.
"Daddy, why would he ask to borrow something that he could never give back?' Heidi asked from her hospital bed, fully engaged in the story. Whether it was consciously or not, she hugged her bear a little tighter to herself as she turned onto her side to regard her father.
The man gave her a small, patient smile. "It's an expression, Heidi. Mr. Owl is going to eat the carrots, of course - so I'm sure hoping he's not planning on regurgitating them and giving them back to Mr. Bear. Mr. Bear is letting Mr. Owl have something without the guarantee of ever receiving it back or something in return."
“Then it’s not borrowing.”
Her father shrugged, his eyes turning back to the page in front of him. "Not really, I guess."
Before the man could pick up where he'd left off - Heidi cut him off once more.
“Daddy, I don’t think owls actually eat carrots.”
“Are you going to let me finish the story, brat?” The man gazed at her over the top of the book, annoyance creeping into his tone after having been interrupted for the second time. “Or do I need to read from the dictionary in order to please you?”
While Petra had been shocked when he had referred to his daughter as "brat" the night before, she would have to be deaf to not hear the endearment that lay hidden in his tone. He said it so gently - as though it was meant as an affectionate tease more than an insult.
Heidi certainly wasn’t offended by it if her sweet little laugh was any indication of how she was feeling.
“Daddy!” She whined, hugging her bear even tighter. “No dictionary! I want animal stories!”
“Then sit back and enjoy the damn book, instead of overanalyzing everything.”
Heidi’s eyes widened in shock, her small mouth forming an ‘o’ at her father’s choice of words. “Daddy, you swore.”
The man twisted his lips, trying his best to hide his face behind the children's book that he held in his hands.
“I heard you! You’re going to have to put change in the swear jar at home!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Heidi smiled brightly at her father. "Nuh-uh, it's a deal! I'm going to be rich!"
“Heidi,” Levi raised one dark brow towards the girl, his tone darkening with warning as she continued to get louder. “You need to be quiet.”
At her father’s admonishment, the child’s face fell, her bright smile falling swiftly off her features. Petra made a movement to jump in - anything to bring that sweet expression back to the darling girl’s face - but was stopped by the man’s voice chiming in once again.
“ - and besides, you only have two dollars. That’s barely enough to call yourself rich.”
While most children would have balked at Levi's use of blunt humor, Heidi - who must have been used to it by now -  began to giggle once more, the bright smile from just moments before, returning to her face. Petra was even surprised to find that the man was wearing one of his own now.
"It's almost enough to buy a chocolate bar." Heidi insisted as if the candy was the most precious thing in the world.
Petra had to clamp her mouth shut to keep from laughing out loud. From her spot in the doorway, the nurse's shoulders trembled in quiet amusement. This little girl was something else - and, from what she had seen over the past few minutes, so was her father.
"Now you see, Miss Ral?" The question had her pausing mid-shake, her amusement slowly fading now that she had been caught. "I told you sweets would be her downfall."
Petra could feel her cheeks heating up. She had just been caught eavesdropping - how unprofessional could she be?
Opening the door all the way, the woman stepped fully into the room, apple still in hand. While Heidi certainly seemed to quiet as the woman entered the room, the smile on her face did not fade.
While she had thought the older Ackerman would look at her in contempt for having the gall to eavesdrop on him, during what she would call a very intimate family moment, he instead looked over at her with a slight quirk in his brow.
“ - and eavesdropping will be yours.”
Without saying another word, the man placed the children’s book on top of the bedside table, where Petra could now see an entire stack had been laid. Next to it, a small cat plush sat, almost as though watching over the mountain of books that now stood beside it. Before the nurse could make any comments in regards to his gift shop purchases, the man stuck out his hand.
Petra just stared at him in confusion.
Levi gave her a less than impressed look. “My apple, Miss Ral?”
If Petra had thought her face had been burning before, it was nothing compared to now.
A few hours passed uneventfully in the pediatric ward. That was one thing Petra had always enjoyed about the night shift - there was a certain calm in the air that seemed to hang over the 3rd floor of the hospital. A child would cry out in pain, only to be shushed a few moments later by comfort or medicine - or a buzzer would go off, signaling that someone needed assistance.
Other than that, the ward pretty much always stayed quiet in the late night to early morning hours of the day and Room 325 was no exception to this.
Heidi was snoozing peacefully as Petra made her rounds once again to check on the girl. After having received her last dose of medication until morning, the girl had lost her battle against sleep. She had fought valiantly - wanting to stay up and continue listening to the stories being told by her father - but after several hours and retellings of the same stories over and over, she was finally out for the night.
While Petra hated to disturb the girl's sleep, it was pertinent that she clean her wound every few hours to keep the infection from setting in. Though the girl was already taking oral antibiotics, the nurse knew that it was better to be safe than sorry when it came to wounds.
In an attempt to be as stealthy as possible, Petra quietly entered the dimly lit room of Heidi Ackerman, careful not to make any noise as she closed the door behind her.
Giving her eyes time to adjust to the lack of lighting in the room, Petra squinted while looking over at the chair.
There sat Levi, bloody clothes and all, by his daughter's bed and still wide awake despite his obvious exhaustion. Petra had given up hours ago on telling him to get some sleep, learning quickly that even without an injured child the man was a terrible insomniac.
However, she couldn't help but be concerned when it came to the man's state of mind. How on earth was he supposed to tend to his child when he wasn't willing to rest himself?
"Oi, stop lurking in the doorway." A ragged voice called from the chair, his eyes never drifting from Heidi's face. Even without looking, he seemed to just know she was there. it must have been a Survey Corps thing. “She’s out for the night, so there’s no need to sneak around as if the smallest noise is going to wake her up.”
Petra blushed at the call-out, stepping fully into the dim light of the room, her expression apologetic. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to change her bandages."
The man grunted in acknowledgment, shrugging his shoulders. "It can't be helped. Several more hours of reading from 'Mr. Owl's Adventures' sounds like a decent penance to me."
Though Petra found herself chuckling at the man's dry wit, she couldn't help but notice the strain in his voice that spoke of some underlying guilt she was not privy to. Trying to lighten the mood, she moved closer to Heidi's bedside, bandages already in hand and a soft smile on her features.
"Count yourself lucky," The woman bristled, reaching into her pocket for a disinfectant wipe. "You could be changing dirty bandages and bedpans for the rest of the night. I think I would choose Mr. Owl over that, any day."
While she hadn't expected the man to laugh at her remark, she wasn't expecting him to sober so quickly either.
He watched as she placed the packet of disinfectant wipes down on the table, her hands moving to the bandages to ready them for placement. The night before, she had found his gaze unnerving - now, however, he seemed to be pondering her actions more than looking for something that she was doing wrong.
“Could you show me how to change her bandages?”
Petra couldn't hide the shock that flooded her features at the quiet request. The words were spoken so softly that she questioned whether she had even heard them.
“Huh?” She heard herself ask, pausing mid-action.
Levi's face held its usual passive expression - but, when Petra looked closely, she could see the skin of his neck turning red underneath the hairs of his undercut.
The man was blushing.
Petra had little time to be amazed before he was speaking again.
"I tried watching you last night and when the nurse did it this morning," The man confessed, his voice tight as though he felt ashamed for admitting it. "But I want to make sure I know how to do it right since I'm the one who's going to be doing it at home."
Suddenly, his attentiveness to her actions during her prior shift made a lot more sense.
While she had thought he had been watching her closely to see if she made any mistakes while changing Heidi's bandages, he was really just trying to learn how to do it himself. So the reason he must have been so grouchy when she had made that one mistake, was because he was frustrated not only with her but with himself for having to seek out someone's help.
Man, she had misjudged him terribly in that moment.
Knowing that it was hard for the man to admit he needed guidance - Petra gave him a small but encouraging smile.
"I can show you," The woman gestured for him to come closer to the bed so that he could see better. "This is the perfect time, actually since I'm going to be doing it really slow, so that we don't wake her."
Petra tried to calm the furious beating of her heart as the man rose from his chair and made his way over to her side. This was the closest she had ever been to him, even closer than when she had gotten up in his face earlier. From this vantage point, she could see the dark stubble that now lined his cheeks and the puffy bags that seemed to permanently reside under his eyes.
The man was starting to look a bit ragged. However, no amount of exhaustion could dull the look of determination in his eyes.
Petra took her time, carefully peeling back the bandages that sat across Heidi's abdomen. Levi watched closely as she worked her finger under the sticky material at a particularly irritated patch of skin. While Heidi mumbled a few incoherent words in her sleep and turned her head to the side in agitation, she remained unconscious as Petra continued to work on her wound.
The nurse quietly explained proper wound care, as she cleaned around the stitches that lay on the girl's stomach. Levi nodded in acknowledgment to each of her points, his steely gaze never leaving her hands.
The whole process took about ten minutes, much longer than usual, but Petra felt like it had taken a hundred years.
The man was just so close and it was distracting.
Despite being flustered by his proximity and rapt attention, Petra was able to successfully clean and re-bandage the wound.
She ripped the end of the last piece of tape needed for the girl's skin, gently patting it down with soft pressing motions. "So, that's all there is to it."
Levi nodded, the wheels in his head turning as he tried to internalize everything he had just seen.
It struck Petra as odd that he needed such guidance from her when his line of work surely included some bumps and nicks over time. Almost as if he could guess her train of thought, the man answered her unspoken question.
"I've had to treat my own wounds before," He admitted quietly, eyes glued to the area of Heidi's stomach where her injury lay. " - but I've never had to treat a child's. I just want to make sure I do it right."
Petra gave him a sympathetic smile, placing the roll of tape back on the table. "It really isn't that much different from dressing your own wounds."
Levi's eyes darkened at her words, his tone shifting. "It is different."
The young woman watched as the man's eyes drifted back up to Heidi's peaceful face, her small pink lips opened in an 'o' as little breaths escaped between them. From a hardened gaze, the Survey Corps member's eyes softened at the sight of his slumbering daughter.
“What happened?”
Petra didn't know what had come over her, but at the man's words and expression, she couldn't help but speak out of curiosity. While the girl's file had said she had been cut by a blade that had been laced with poison, it hadn't said any more than that. She figured that Heidi had been caught up in a crossfire, but she couldn't be too sure.
She wanted to know what had caused her patient so much pain - and she also wanted to know what it was that was causing the girl's father so much guilt.
Petra had not expected much in ways of a response, figuring that the man would tell her to mind her own business. She was surprised when, instead of snapping at her in anger, Levi sighed and crossed his arms over his chest in defeat. She could see his reluctance to share in the rigid way he stood, but could also see in the way he rolled his lips inwards, that there was a part of him that wanted to tell someone what happened.
"They broke into my home when it wasn't there." The man admitted quietly, a quick rush of breath leaving him as he resigned himself to share with Petra the details behind the incident. "Heidi knows not to open the door to strangers, so when they came knocking, she hid - but they knew she was there. They had been watching."
"The Titans?" Petra asked in a whisper. Levi nodded.
"I've always known that I was a big target for them - almost as big as Erwin himself - but I never thought they would go after my own daughter." Levi released a dark chuckle at this, closing his eyes in disbelief. 'I can't believe my stupidity. The Titans have cut down families before, I don't know what made me think that mine would be any different."
The man sighed, his eyes cutting back to his daughter’s face. “One of my men had heard through our line of communication that The Titans were planning on laying siege to my house - however, it had been kept under wraps for as long as possible to keep the plan from getting back to me.”
Levi's face darkened, his thin lips pressing together as his eyes took on a faraway look - like he was being transported back in time.
"Unlucky for them," The man continued, his tone growing terser as time went on. "I found out and was able to intercept the attack."
Petra watched as the man’s focus drew back to the present, his steely gaze never leaving his daughter. “But not before Heidi could get hurt.”
Levi ran a single hand through his hair, the action causing the arm of his jacket to rise and the ‘Wings of Freedom’ tattoo to be exposed.
"There were six of them at the house," Levi admitted, not even pausing when this information called forth a gasp from Petra. "I cut down every single one of them."
At the dark look on his face, the nurse could feel herself gulp in fear. The same intimidating man whom she had encountered the night before during her first shift was suddenly making an appearance once again. His behavior - however, made more sense now. He had been reticent and ready to snap, not just because his daughter had been injured, but because he had just murdered six men.
Petra also realized that the blood that lay splattered across the man’s white shirt was, more than likely, not just Heidi's. While the news had Petra suppressing a shiver, she didn't interrupt him as he continued with his story.
"When I realized the blade had been laced with poison, I rushed Heidi here." He glanced over at her now, his gaze watching her carefully as he analyzed her reaction. "Then a few hours later, we met you."
Petra didn't know what to say - half of her had expected the story to be something like that, but also half of her wishing it hadn't. She was outright conflicted.
"She had been alone?" She heard herself ask through the whooshing in her ears. Her head was spinning from all the new information.
Levi nodded. "I can't afford to send her anywhere. She's always alone."
Though Petra tried to hide her surprise, she couldn't conceal it quick enough for his all-seeing eyes.
"She has no mother." Levi admitted though Petra had deduced as much. "The woman dropped her off on my doorstep years ago without so much as a word - so I'm all she has."
"That's horrible." While it was an understatement, to be sure, it was all Petra could think of in response. At least it was able to draw a dry chuckle from the man.
“I guess you could say that.”
Not knowing how to dispel the tension that currently lay in the air, Petra turned to continue cleaning up the used bandages from the side table, disposing of them in the trash while she continued to think of what to say.
Noticing her unease, Levi sighed. "I didn't tell you all of this to make you feel awkward. You did ask, you know?"
"I don't feel awkward!" Petra insisted although she knew it was a fib. She rolled up the gauze that she had neglected to use while trying to choose her words carefully. "I'm just not sure what to say."
"You don't have to say anything,"  The man said, walking back around to the other side of the bed. His eyes drifted to the children's books that lay stacked on the side of the bed. "It's the ways things are and the way they will always be. All I can do is ensure that none of my decisions from here on out will infringe on her safety.'
Petra nodded. “I guess you're right.”
The room was quiet as Petra continued to bustle about. She fluffed Heidi's pillows a few more times, before reviewing the young girl's vitals. She didn't know what it was, but despite the tense atmosphere that lay heavy over the room, she really didn't want to leave.
No matter what she wanted though, she knew she had other patients to see.
Before she left, a thought came to her as she reached for the handle on the door. She remembered at the start of her shift that Levi had only taken leave of his daughter's room when Petra was guaranteed to be there and keep watch. The circumstance had Petra pausing.
Was that why he hadn’t bothered to go home and change yet?
Petra could see that the man needed a good shower and a fresh pair of clothes - but, after hearing about what happened, she highly doubted he was willing to leave the hospital while his daughter was still in such a vulnerable state.
She didn’t know what came over her, but suddenly she was speaking.
“I get off in a few hours. Do you want me to sit with Heidi while you go home and change?”
Her offer caused the man to turn his head, his eyes gazing at her warily. “I couldn’t ask you to do that. I know you probably need your rest.”
Petra shook her head. “I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t willing.”
"I couldn't -,"
"No offense," Petra finally said, her arms crossing over her chest in an act of defiance. " - but you are starting to look rough.”
This caused one side of the man’s mouth to quirk up. “I’m just now starting to? I thought surely when I walked in covered in blood yesterday that I looked about as rough as I could.”
“Well, then I guess you’ve been proven wrong.”
Levi shook his head. “I’m not leaving. Besides, I have nowhere to go. My home is a crime scene, remember?”
"You can use my apartment." The words had left Petra's mouth before she even had time to think. At the suggestion, she could feel her face heating up, but she continued speaking anyway. "Go at least take a shower - please."
This had the man's brows raising to his hairline.
"You would let a man who just murdered six people take a shower in your home?"
Petra shrugged. “Yeah, I mean as long as you promise not to mess with anything.”
“You’re damned crazy.”
"Yeah, maybe," Petra conceded, but her arms still crossed tightly over her chest. "But it's better than being stinky. I'm going to get a shirt from the lost and found for you to take. My shift is over in three hours, so try to at least get some rest before it's my turn to watch Heidi."
Without waiting for a response, Petra exited the room in a flurry of white fabric and frazzled nerves, missing the smirk that followed her actions as she hurriedly exited through the door.
- True to her word, Petra had returned to Heidi's room after clocking out. The woman handed the older Ackerman a piece of paper with her address, a key, and a plain white t-shirt - before practically pushing him out of the room.
Not allowing any chance of negotiation, Petra slammed the door behind him, fighting the urge to actually lock it.
Now fully awake, Heidi giggled at the sight of the young woman bossing her otherwise intimidating father around. The sound had Petra smiling, too. Though she was tired, she was looking forward to spending a bit of downtime with the girl.
During the hour and a half that Levi was gone, Petra learned many things about Miss Heidi Ackerman.
She was born in late September and couldn't wait for the Summer to be over so that she could finally be six. Her favorite thing to learn about was animals - hence, why her father always bought her stories with animal characters rather than humans. She had named the big teddy bear her father had gotten her, Felix, after a cat character with the same name that existed in one of the storybooks her dad had once read to her.
While it wasn’t new information, Petra was struck once again by how intelligent the little girl was.
Heidi shared with her the process of her daily routine - how she woke up in the morning to find a bowl of cereal already sitting ready for her at the table. Though her father was usually gone by this time, he always left a note telling her what time he would be home and reminded her to never open the door to strangers. After reading the note, she would do a few chores around the house - she loved sweeping - and even had her own little broom that matched her father's so that on the weekends they could clean the floors together.
While Petra imagined such an existence would be a sad one - being all alone in a house all day, especially, at such a young age - Heidi didn't seem particularly bothered by it.
"When Daddy gets home in the afternoon, he always cooks me something yummy for dinner," Heidi's voice held all the wonderment of a child, who was properly spoiled by her father. "Uncle Erwin even sometimes comes over and eats with us. He can toss me up in the air really high! Higher than Daddy!"
Petra found herself chuckling at this. “Oh, really?”
Heidi nodded excitedly, her cheeks flushed from the conversation and probably what was still a bit of residual pain. Despite this, she continued chatting as though she couldn't be bothered.
Petra felt her heart warm as the girl slowly began to open up more and more to her - remembering how quiet she had been during the first time she had attended to her.
It was as though the child that sat before her now was a completely different person from the one before. While she could probably blame some of that on the young girl's injury - a bigger portion of it was just that it probably took the girl time to warm up to people.
‘Much like her father,’ Petra supposed.
By the time Levi returned, both his daughter and the nurse were sat up in the hospital bed, the scene causing him to pause in the doorway.
Petra had sat herself behind Heidi, allowing the girl to lean back on her legs and chest in a reclining position. The nurse’s hands were working through the girl’s hair, her deft fingers twirling the long dark strands into a simple braid.
“I’ve always wanted a braid!” Heidi shared, squeezing her bear close to her chest. “I’m so excited! I hope it looks pretty.”
“Oh, it looks very pretty," Petra insisted, her light, chestnut eyes finally drifting towards the man that stood in the door. Her lips quirked up in a small smirk. "Doesn't it, Mr. Levi?"
Fighting the urge to groan at the use of mister before his name, the man closed the door to the hallway behind him before stepping fully into the room. "Oh yes - very pretty."
At his insistence, Heidi giggled - her little cheeks flushed now from the compliments.
Once the girl was situated back on her pillows - chatting with her bear about all the hairstyles she'd like to try to learn to do in the future - Petra turned to Heidi's dad, giving him a smile of appreciation.
Instead of wearing the t-shirt she had retrieved from him, he was wearing a dark blue one with the hospital logo that they sold in the gift shop. The woman had to smirk when she saw that.
"What are you -  a germaphobe?" She couldn't help but ask, remembering the wary look he had had on his face when she had handed the used t-shirt over. Though she couldn't blame him, being very particular about things like that herself, she couldn't hold back a laugh.
Levi shrugged. “Sure, let’s go with that.”
They stood there for a few silent beats, the only sound between them being that of Heidi's quiet voice as she chatted to Felix, the teddy bear. Finally, Levi pulled his hand out of his pocket, her key shining in his hand.
Petra held out her hand to receive it.
"Thank you for your hospitality." The man drawled, placing the object in the middle of her palm, a smirk teasing the corner of his lips. "Your lodgings were adequate enough, I guess."
After having heard from Heidi herself in the past hour of how her dad was a self-proclaimed 'clean freak' - the woman was not surprised at such a comment. In fact, knowing what she did now, it made her quietly chuckle.
“I’m glad.”
Petra called over her shoulder to Heidi that she would be back on the night shift in just a few hours, the girl happily waved at her as the woman made her way to the door. Knowing that she only had one more 12-hour shift for the week, the young nurse moved with a slight bounce in her step.
The realization that she probably only had one more night to spend with Heidi and her father had her pausing though.
Shaking her head, she attempted to rid her mind of the thought. She wasn't one to get attached to her patients and she definitely wouldn't start now.
Still, there was something in her heart that tugged every time she thought of Heidi’s sweet little face. Not only that, but the tug worsened every time she thought of Levi’s.
‘I need some sleep,’ She lamented to herself as she continued her way down the stairs.
Yes, sleep was all she needed.
Upon arriving on the 3rd floor for her fourth shift of the week, but third with Heidi, Petra was surprised to see the one and only, Erwin Smith exiting the room of her favorite patient.
She guessed she shouldn't be surprised by the appearance of the blonde man - given how much Heidi talked about him - however, what did surprise her was the grave expression present on his features. While not one to fear the worst, the furrow between his brows and the thin line of his lips had her heart sinking, just a bit.
After confirming with the day nurse that nothing had changed in Heidi's condition, Petra was able to breathe easier. Apparently, in the last hour, Dr. Shadis had even cleared the girl to return home whenever she pleased - however, both the Commander and Levi had convinced the doctor to extend her hospital stay by one day.
The day nurse said she had no idea what the reasoning was behind it but Petra had a good idea.
‘My home is a crime scene.’ Levi had said earlier in response to her pressures for him to go home and shower. The truth of the matter was, Petra feared that neither Levi nor Heidi had anywhere to go.
With that in mind, she entered the girl's room for her first round of medication with a slight hesitance in her gait.
Whatever nerves she had been feeling though dissipated at the sight of Heidi's joyful face.
"Miss Petra!" The girl exclaimed from her place in bed, arms wrapped around her teddy bear and now a large monkey plushie too. "Look what Uncle Erwin brought me!"
The woman was about to respond when a sort of grumbling coming from the direction of the chair caught her attention. Levi had his chin in his hand, his eyes glaring at the plush kitty that still sat on the bedside table untouched. Petra could see a hint of jealousy in his actions.
Dare she call it - adorable?
Though his mutterings weren't all that caught the woman's attention. The man had a whole new change of clothes on, the hospital t-shirt now stuffed away in the white bag that lay by his feet.
The commander must have brought him an extra pair of clothes.
Realizing that she hadn't ever answered Heidi's cheer, Petra smiled at the child who lay in the hospital bed. "Well isn't that a lovely surprise?"
Heidi nodded excitedly, hugging her plushies closer to her. “I think I’m going to name him Beast.”
"That's a lovely name," The nurse agreed, laughing quietly as she watched the girl's father roll his eyes. Despite the current levity in the atmosphere, the woman knew she wasn't going to be able to keep her mouth shut much longer.
Placing the cup of juice she had brought with her down on the bedside table, she busied herself preparing Heidi’s medication as she thought of how to brooch the topic.
“So, I heard Heidi’s been cleared to return home?”
Levi was silent for a moment, but she soon heard a grunt behind her. “It would appear that way.”
“I heard Dr. Shadis approved her for one more night in our care?”
Levi hummed in response, not saying anything more as the woman continued to arrange the pills. Her hands paused as she got to Heidi’s sleep medication.
“Will you be staying with Commander Erwin?”
At her question, the man remained silent - watching as Petra assisted Heidi with taking her pills. Always a brave patient, the girl barely grimaced as the nasty medication tumbled down her throat. When it was all over, the five-year-old simply laid back on her pillows, picking up right where she left off with her two stuffed animals.
It took Levi so long to respond that Petra figured he wouldn't say anything more on the subject - however, his quiet answer came soon enough, a sort of bitterness in his tone.
"No, we can't," He spat out, a rare show of his old reticence shining through. Petra could tell that it wasn't directed at her, though - it was more so in response to the situation. "Erwin thinks it's a bad idea for us to stay with anyone who's a part of the Survey Corps. If they had my address, who's to say they don't have any others?"
Petra had guessed this was the case by the way Commander Erwin had looked upon leaving the room. It was the look of a man who was used to solving problems, who just couldn't seem to solve this one.
Levi continued, missing the pensive look that settled across Petra's features. "He's trying to find somewhere cheap that we could stay, but at the end of the day, the Corps don't receive much funding. I barely make enough to pay for the place we have now and I'm still going to have to pay for it until my lease is up."
“You don’t think you’ll be able to go back after everything is cleaned up?” Petra asked, the wheels still turning in her head. Levi released a dry chuckle at the suggestion.
"I'm not going to make the brat stay in a home where she was almost killed. I may be a monster, but even I have more compassion than that." He spoke quietly, aware that Heidi was still very much awake and able to hear their conversation.
"There's no one you could reach out to and stay with?"
Levi laughed bitterly, once again. "The only people I know are either a part of the Survey Corps or thugs themselves, my options are pretty slim."
Petra nodded, quietly mulling over his words.
After a few moments, she made the offer she had entered the room willing to make.
“Why don’t you stay with me?”
Levi's brows rose, a look of mild shock commanding his features. Feeling uneasy from his reaction, Petra began to ramble in order to fill the awkward silence.
“I mean -,” She cleared her throat, hating how the words had come out as a mere squeak. “You said my lodgings were adequate, right?”
"Well, yes. But -,"
"I certainly wouldn't mind it - and you wouldn't have to pay me rent or anything! All I would need is maybe a little bit of money for groceries since I barely have any - and - uh - and I'm barely home anyway since I work so much, so it would probably be just like living alone!" The words left Petra in a rush, her brain working faster than her mouth as she tried to convince him that this option wouldn't be so bad. "I'm a pretty clean person, so you wouldn't have to worry about -,"
“Could you shut your damn mouth for a second?!”
The low growl of his voice had Petra pausing mid-ramble, her mouth hanging open as the man in the chair cleared his throat, in an attempt to get emotions back under control.
When he spoke again, his tone was even, incredulity evident in his words. "You really expect me to accept such charity?"
Petra closed her mouth, shrugging meekly. “I mean, do you have any other options?”
"Yeah, the street." The nurse found herself rolling her eyes at his words.
"What happened to not allowing any danger to fall upon your daughter again?" Petra asked, remembering their conversation from before. While the man's eyes flashed in anger at her implication, the woman didn't stop there. "Do you really think the safest place for your daughter currently is on the streets?”
The man was silent again.
“I can’t pay you.”
“I’m not asking you to.”
“I hate charity.”
"This isn't charity." Petra insisted, meeting his steely gaze with one of her own. "I'm honestly being selfish. I don't think I could sleep at night knowing that the two of you ended up on the streets when I could have helped.'
“Why would you do that for people you barely know?”
"I don't know," Petra answered, honestly - her eyes drifting to where Heidi lay still unaware of the serious conversation taking place next to her. "But something inside of me is telling me that it's the right thing to do."
Levi stared at her, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.
"So you would offer up your home to two strangers just because your heart is telling you to?”
While his comment was snide, Petra refused to back down. "And you would offer up your life to a cause that will most likely get you killed in the end? It seems like neither of us is very responsible when it comes to where our hearts lie."
The man couldn’t argue with that.
The room descended into a suffocating silence for a few moments, before Levi spoke again.
"What about Heidi?" He asked. "She stays home alone all day. Are you okay with a child residing by themselves in your apartment?"
"Not really," Petra admitted, though she had already thought about this. "But my friend who lives down the hall runs a daycare out of her home. I'm sure if I explained the circumstances, she would be willing to make an exception and let Heidi stay with her when you or I can't be at home."
Levi sighed, realizing she had thought this out a lot more than he had expected. “You’re not going to take no for an answer, are you?”
“Nope.” Petra smiled brightly, knowing that he was close to admitting defeat.
The man looked once more towards his daughter, who was now rubbing her tired eyes as she tried to win the battle against sleep.
“Fine.” He begrudgingly agreed, refusing to make eye contact with the now ecstatic ginger.
"Perfect!" The woman nearly exclaimed with glee - however, she kept her reaction quiet, aware of the presence of Heidi who was almost in the throes of sleep. "Leave all the planning to me. Heidi was cleared to stay one more night - so, once I finish my shift, I'll go home and get everything prepared for her discharge tomorrow afternoon."
Levi nodded, still not exactly happy about the situation.
"Don't think you're going to be able to stand around and mope, either," Petra warned, pulling the blanket up higher on Heidi's chest, the girl finally losing the battle against her eyelids. "I'm doing this because I want to, so I won't have you feeling guilty.
Levi shook his head, a smirk appearing on his features. "You're crazy."
"Maybe," Petra shrugged.
After picking up the empty glass of juice from the girl's bedside, Petra decided to take her leave, ready to attend to her other patients.
Before leaving the room, she turned back towards Levi, still sat in the chair with his arms crossed over his chest.
"We're going to figure this out," Petra assured him as she exited the room, smiling as he turned his face towards her - a look of apprehension on his features. "You, me, and Heidi - it'll work, I promise."
Though his answering smirk was tired, Petra could see that maybe - just maybe - he was starting to believe her.
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himboratking · 4 years
Aight so, these guys right. Lets go from left to right
Marshall, the triggered guy or as I like to call him emo rainbow. He's the brother of Eddie boi, in fact he is probably the most mature out of him and Eddie boy's family, being the oldest of three other brothers. (Alucard and Aaric (26), Edwin). He often gay panics and beats up Egon but don't worry it isn't personal. It's just that Marshall is sometimes sadistic or has sadistic tendencies.. mostly directed at Egon. Egon still probably loves him because he's gay af and a masochist only for Marshall. Marshall is usually quite timid and calculated. He has high emotional intelligence and served as a therapist for Aaric and Edwin when Alucard decided to come back into their lives as a huge machiavellian jerk. Most people he knows or knew sees him as a big brother figure all except for Egon. To Egon he is just the same sadistic and cute dork (Boi he whipped-). He once lived in a different multiverse (Can't explain cuz dont wanna) where he attended a school specialized for exploration and exploitation of multiversal travel with Edwin, Aaric, Alucard, Egon, And Derchiel. He was a highly powerful and intelligent student on the outside. Deep down he had no self esteem nor motivation for himself. To put it in other words he displayed himself as a puppet for everyone else whom he cared for.
Derchiel AKA Disney hades as that one sassy gay friend except they're all actually gay.
Derchiel right, well to tell you the truth I haven't developed his character much yet 😅. Well anyways, this was just the most I could say but Derchiel is like a mafia or gang guy, I haven't quite decided yet. When Edwin was coping when he lost his gender fluid spouse (As in literally physically gender fluid, like the genitals and everything) Beatrice/Rizalino/Ahsa (Aka a former multiverse's gaurdian of the history of life, knowledge, Biology, development, consequence, evolution, planets, light speed) he met Derchiel who turned out to be one of his old classmates and also the twin of his friend Diana. Derchiel is incredibly playful and convincing, he has the same marking (Marks that identify what type of corruption infected you.) as Diana and Egon. It was known as the Tahtien hole, which was the ability to alter realities or reality warp, manipulate the flow of time, and particle accelerate. It was known as the one of the more slightly common corruptions. Derchiel himself has barely ever used this marking as he mostly deals in melee combat. He is a swift and silent fighter, and is known as the silent death in some places. It is quite ironic since most of the time he is actually slightly obnoxious and very loud.
Im posting this now because I've already made 10 edits and descs for Egon and Edwin but they're not saving so I'm either gonna wanna beat my phone up or take a break.
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