#the mindset module
Gimme the Loot!
Welp, it's been one thousand years (almost 5 months) since I planned to restart my fitness journey and it has not occurred as well as I had wanted, but that's okay. Time to get back at it. The next step in the mindset module is all about assigning rewards to your goals in order to incentivize completing them. I've assigned one reward to each pair of goals I came up with in "The Art of Goal Setting" and will be keeping track of these goals in a spreadsheet because spreadsheets are the best.
If I can record what I eat every day and consume two or less sodas per day for an entire month, I will buy myself a new cookbook or cocktail book, or perhaps ingredients for a very fancy recipe.
If I can walk at least 5 minutes per day and work out three times a week for an entire month, I will buy myself a monthly membership to the local rock climbing gym.
If I can set aside at least 20 minutes for reading and 20 minutes for creative projects per day for an entire month, I will commission an art piece for my current TTRPG project.
If I can not make any impulse purchases and back one or less Kickstarter projects for an entire month, I will buy myself something from my list of "Things I'd Like to Buy."
If I can call my parents and grandparents at least once per month and set aside one night per week for a date night with my partner for 3 months straight, I will plan a small out of state trip for myself and my partner.
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giffingthingsss · 2 years
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xhanisai · 2 years
controversial opinion
I actually like and have no problems with Ladybug’s original design and suit. It’s very easy to draw and makes the process stress free. It’s also practical and works universally as a design that makes you go “Ah! she is supposed to be a ladybird!”
Don’t get me wrong. I love seeing redesigns and variations and concepts of her suit (and even I like redesigning for fun) but her OG suit is good!
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dieschwartzman · 1 year
i know it's the 'typical uni experience' to joke about not doing required readings but some people on my english module are lowkey bragging about how they only read 1-2 books a year and write about the same book in every essay
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not-quitenormal · 2 years
I had to be sent home on my third day. :)
I hadn't had anything to eat or drink besides coffee the previous morning, so when the executive director treated me to coffee for a casual get-to-know-you chat... Yeah. Migraine Trigger Central.
I tried to hold out until my lunch break. During lunch I could have gone home, taken medicine, and gone back with time to spare. (One of the perks of working 15 minutes from where you live - and being a government employee.) But when the clock struck 12:30, I ran to the bathroom and essentially ruined the white blouse I was wearing.
The HR Director was notified; she gave me a library-branded t-shirt to change into and said that I could leave for the day if I needed. I wouldn't get paid, of course, but she was worried about me pushing myself too soon.
I think I need to scale things down a bit and actually start taking care of myself. I've needed to have to be at-the-ready for so long, whether to learn a new procedure or handle an emergency. My hour-long commute made it impossible to prepare meals, so I often went without food until dinner just to get through the day. Stress + hunger + chronic conditions = misery.
Now I have a government job, in which everything seems to be working at a snail's pace. I literally asked how often I needed to check on the status of purchase orders, and my supervisor blinked and said, "The sixth-month mark, maybe? And then the nine-month mark?" And my executive director said everyone in the library was in survival mode due to changes in the system - but you could hear a pin drop in the offices upstairs. Like...there is no reason for me to bend over backwards to memorize an entire budget formula that hadn't even been explained to me. There is no reason for me to push myself past limitations when I'm only on Day 3.
So here I am, Day 4, making breakfast and preparing for a day of simply taking notes and doing things at half-capacity. I'll talk to my HR Director to see if she can provide feedback for how to adjust from Retail Horror to a relatively calm work environment. But I have got to figure out how to stop the self-torture cycle - and fast - or else I'm going to burn myself out worse than before.
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How To Be Pro In Studying For Hours To Cross-Nighting Smartly
To break the wisdom ice, it is of value to study with purpose motivated. For, no study Session can occur without motivation. Hence, it will be like pour water on the Stone, instead of on the rich Soil with a seed. Or either, herding a Goat, then showing it the Well of Water-Bank, but not interested in drinking water though thirsty. Nevertheless, become like a Sheep and humbly obey all the…
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Schloss Einstein Folge 1062
Und los geht's wieder mit der großen Schloss Einstein Achterbahn! Werden wir nach dieser Folge bei "It's so over" bleiben oder sind wir wieder bei "We're so back"? Keine Ahnung, aber wenigstens kriegen wir Noah/Joel/Ava Trio Content!
Marlon macht sich bereit über das Waldlauf-Modul zu berichten. Da wollte er letztes Jahr zwar auf keinen Fall mitmachen, aber dieses Mal ist Nesrin dabei. Und los geht's mit Nesbrotlon!
Noah und Ava brainstormen, was sie für das Mindset-Modul machen sollen, können sich aber einfach nicht einigen. Joel ist genervt, weil er bei dieser schlechten Stimmung unmöglich sein neues Pastinade-Logo designen kann. Er diagnostiziert: Das Problem der beiden ist, dass sie kein Team sind. Aber weil das kein Problem für einen guten Manager ist, nimmt er es einfach selbst in die Hand. Joel Lucas, CEO, Paartherapeut und praktisch Profi im Bauen von Trennwänden, stets zu Diensten!
Annika merkt, dass Marlon nen Crush auf Nesrin hat. Er hat nämlich fast nur Fotos von ihr gemacht. Annika: "Badu hat immer gesagt: 8 von 10 Mädchen wissen am Anfang nicht, dass sie verliebt sind. Gilt bestimmt auch für Jungs."
Marlon dagegen kapiert gar nichts? Herzklopfen? Schwitzige Hände? Muss am Waldlauf liegen!
Joel hat für Noah und Ava eine Teambuilding Übung vorbereitet: Sich nach hinten in die Arme einer anderen Person fallen lassen. Er will es vormachen, knallt dabei aber voll auf den Boden, weil Noah ihn nicht auffängt. Ich muss zugeben, ich habe gelacht.
"Es gibt keine hoffnungslosen Fälle. Es gibt nur Herausforderungen." DIE MOTIVATIONSSPRÜCHE SIND BACK!
Marlon hat kapiert, dass er verliebt ist, ist aber komplett überfordert mit der neuen Situation. Er will erstmal gar nichts machen und hoffen, dass es vielleicht von selbst wieder weggeht. Annika dagegen shippt die zwei. Auch weil sie hofft, dass Nesrin so wieder mehr wie früher wird.
Tahmina kriegt mit, dass das Share Space keine Förderung bewilligt bekommen hat und deswegen vielleicht schließen muss. Sie will helfen und Dr Berger davon überzeugen, das Share Space zu retten.
Joel hat sich den Klassiker Schloss Einstein Move überlegt: Er sperrt Ava und Noah im Keller ein. Das sollte er eigentlich mit Noah und Colin tun, aber wir nehmen, was wir kriegen können.
Oh, ihr dachtet Joel sperrt sie einfach ein und hofft auf das Beste? Oh nein. Joel wäre nicht Joel, wenn er nicht nen ganzen Escape Room draus gemacht hätte!
Marlon fragt Nesrin, ob sie mit ihm ein Eis essen gehen möchte, doch die hat leider keine Zeit, weil sie mit Simon das Chemiereferat machen muss.
Tahmina passt Dr Berger vor dem Imbissstand ab. Der will zwar anfangs nicht helfen, lässt sich dann aber dazu breitschlagen, nachdem sie ihm droht, einen Artikel darüber zu schreiben. Wenn Tahmina bis zum nächsten Tag 200 Unterschriften sammelt, redet er mit der Bürgermeisterin.
Ava und Noah müssen jeweils 10 Dinge sagen, die ihnen zum Thema "Vertrauen" einfallen, ansonsten lässt Joel sie nicht aus dem Keller raus. Ich glaub nicht, das eine anerkannte Therapiemethode ist.
Fast hätte Marlon Ava und Noah befreit, aber Joel schafft es geschickt, sich rauszureden in dem er behauptet, er würde mit Geistern kommunizieren.
LIMON MOMENT! Sie waren zusammen "Trampolin springen".
Joel hat ein paar Gesprächskarten vorbereitet: Familie, Freunde, Ängste und Geschäftsideen. Ohohoho! OHOHO!! HERE WE GO!
Noah erzählt, dass seine Eltern vor der Scheidung immer behauptet haben, dass sie sich noch lieben und es wieder besser werden wird. Dann ist sein Vater ausgezogen, seine Mutter hat das Haus verkauft und er musste aufs Internat.
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Ava: "Deine Eltern haben was kaputt gemacht. Muss bei dir nicht genauso sein."
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Ich brauch kurz ne Plastiktüte zum Reinatmen AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Annika erzählt Nesrin, dass Simon mit seinem Crush Kumpel Leon im Trampolin-Park war, währen sie am Referat gearbeitet hat. Nesrin ist das aber egal und Annika merkt, dass Nesrin in Simon verknallt ist. Arme Annika, jetzt auch unfreiwillig Paartherapeutin. Hey, Joel, ich hab ne Geschäftsidee für dich!
Nesrin braucht aber keine Hilfe, denn Simon ist "cool und gechillt. Im Gegensatz zu dir."
Nach Noah Backstory kommt jetzt Ava Backstory: Sie und ihr Bruder haben früher zusammen getanzt. Patrick wollte aber berühmt werden, sie dagegen nicht. Er hat sie bei einem Wettbewerb angemeldet, Ava war null bei der Sache und hat es verpatzt. Tanzen ist etwas persönliches für sie und sie will dabei von niemandem bewertet werden außer von sich selbst - auch, weil Patrick ihretwegen sauer war. Als sie das nächste Mal zum Training gekommen ist, hatte er eine neue Tanzpartnerin. Hallo, wo war dieses Writing in den letzten beiden Folgen?
Nachdem sich die beiden endlich ausgesprochen haben, lässt Joel sie auch wieder aus dem Keller raus. Bzw. will er das, aber das Schloss klemmt.
Noah und Ava haben sich für das Mindset-Modul ein paar Vertrauensübungen überlegt und dieses Mal fängt Noah Ava auch auf.
Dr Berger muss eine schlechte Nachricht überbringen: Es gibt immer noch kein Geld, da die Budgets der Stadt schon alle vergeben sind. Tahmina will sich trotzdem nicht aufhalten lassen: Weder vom Unterricht, noch von Budgets, noch von Emilia.
Nesrin ist sich sicher, dass sie nicht in Simon verknallt ist. Okay, momentaner Love Quadrat Status ist also:
Marlon ist in Nesrin verknallt
Nesrin ist nicht in Simon verknallt
Simon ist in jemanden verknallt
Annika weiß, dass Marlon in Nesrin verknallt ist und denkt, Nesrin wäre in Simon verknallt
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warmuse · 8 months
Firstly, this post isn't aimed at people who don't rly have an opinion about BALTEUS nerf, or is disappointed that it isn't as hard but it won't affect their opinion of the game in general. If you are these people, it's not aimed at you I promise
Possibly petty and unpopular but I'm mid annoyed by people (mostly in social media and comments so maybe I shouldn't pay attention to them anyway 😅) who claim Balteus is super easy now and how Fromsoft "ruined a good game because gaming journalists, now *casuals* wouldn't get filtered out like it was intended, I want immediate rollback, gonna uninstall" and base their claim at them defeating it easily with chapter1 gears and OS tunes off
1. Yeah, you downgraded your AC, but your game knowledge didn't. You played multiple playthrough of ac6, your gameplay knowledge is miles above than at the point where you faced it first, if you want to claim you as a player learnt nothing while playing ~NG++ of ac6 and your muscle memory didn't adapt at all, congrats, your gamer learning ability is abysmal
2. I am pretty sure fromsoft didn't do this because of a few gaming journalists who complain that it's too hard lmao, if they actually give into whatever western fringe reviewers say we'd had easy mode in ER (easy mode is another discourse in video gaming that's its own can of worms esp. in Fromsoft games, I don't want to deride the convo so I won't go into it) Hardcore gamers may be a bit too absorbed in their clique of fellow aficionados, they don't realize that there are a lot of casuals who got stuck at Balteus, or, more importantly, didn't even try to purchase the game because they saw a streamer struggling or heard the general gamer gossips that Balteus is some Great Filter, maybe the gamedevs want more people to try their games?
Because I assure you, for people who didn't play any FS games at all, or maybe just played ER, it'd not be easy. If you think only high skilled players are allowed to enjoy this game...well, I disagree.
Maybe WE want more people to play this game because this game offers a lot more experience than that mindset? This is a mecha genre game that doesn't get such outputs as actions of other fantastical settings.
3. The perceived difficulty level suddenly dropping after Balteus and not really escalating into the realm of filter-like until you reach CEL (because let's face it Sea Spider wasn't as much bemoaned as BALTEUS) suggests that maybe release patch BALTEUS was a bit harder than their intention. Fromsoft producer's tweet about the patch specifically says they intended to modulate the difficulty level in early to mid game.
4. This is a specific gripe to people who act dramatically that less missile barrage means the boss is giganerfed: if you're so ignorant of the boss mechanics to think missiles make Baltie hard how did u even got past it
It was similar when Radahn in ER was nerfed too, lol, Fromsoft in recent years gave us pretty enjoyable games, but the maturity level of some people in the fandom is disappointing even for a video game fandom
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mikrokosmos · 4 months
Franck - String Quartet in D Major (1890)
It's been a long time since I updated this blog with a new post. Too long. And to be honest it's been a tough year for me personally. I've gone through different kinds of losses and had lost enthusiasm for this hobby of writing about music. Today was a pretty rough day emotionally and, if I'm allowed to use cliches, music "saved" me. At least this quartet brought me back into a music mindset, and I don't write about Franck that often here. Main reason is that, despite his esteem as a major or great composer of the later 19th century, his reputation relies on a handful of works from much later in his life. This String Quartet was his last completed work and it shows the hallmarks of his self-realized style; very lyrical and melancholic, constantly modulating and flowing through a stream of tonality. He had completed this after studying quartets by Beethoven, Schubert, and Brahms. Especially from Schubert is where we get unexpected modulations. Ironically this last work was the first to get him praise during his lifetime. And as with his other major works, the quartet is cyclical, with themes from each movement returning in the finale. And I hope this music lifts your spirits as well to end off 2023
Poco Lento, Allegro
Scherzo: Vivace
Finale: Allegro molto
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ros3ybabe · 7 months
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Daily Check-in: October 12th, 2023 🎀
Today has been a lazy yet somewhat decent day? There's not much to complain about. Besides the fact that I didn't do a single homework assignment, I'm exhausted, so that's alright. I did do a decent amount of Japanese studying today though I didn't open up my Genki Textbook like I had wanted to but oh well, there's always tomorrow!
🩷 What I Ate Today -
Brunch - Spaghetti with ground Turkey and meat sauce
Dinner - Taco bowl with ground beef, black beans, shredded cheese, shredded lettuce, sour cream, a small dollop of avocado, and red salsa with 1.5 low carb tortillas
Snack - bunny tracks ice cream, 16oz bottle of Dr pepper
Extra - 4? cups of coffee (or 5, I can't remember)
I was not very productive today in terms of academic progress, but I still feel like I did what I could given my energy levels. (and caffiene intake). Did not eat the healthiest, but I listened to my body, and honestly, not every day will be perfect, and that's okay!
🩷 Personal Achievements, Oct 12th -
cooked ground beef (leftovers woooo!!)
washed dirty laundry
put away all clean clothes
did my therapy phone call
video called my boyfriend
morning + night skincare
completed 2 duolingo lessons
completed 1 busuu lesson
completed 3 kanji lessons
typed up one draft for upcoming blog post
I had heard about an app called Kanji that teaches you kanji based on JLPT Levels, and I actually really like it, so I bought access to all levels for 11$ USD!! feel like that's a fair price for over 2000 kanji, and I'm excited to start expanding my Japanese knowledge. Also, I am trying out the LingQ app. It's pretty interesting and seems useful for reading practice! I don't know why I got such a kick to study japanese but I am not complaining!!
No Academic Achievements for Today
🩷 Personal ToDo, Oct 13th -
Review previous 3 kanji lessons
Complete 1 duolingo lesson
Complete 1 busuu lesson
Continue Genki I Lesson one (?)
morning + night skincare
morning + night journal
morning workout (at home)
make bed
read 1 chapter of atomic habits or other self help book
🩷 Academic ToDo, Oct 13th -
Culinary Chapter 10 Quiz
Consumer Debt Inventory Assignment
Chapter 9 Notes Psyc
Chapter 9 Quiz Psyc
Attend Psyc Lab
Attend Anatomy Lab
Using Credit Personal Finance assignment
module notes fitness health and sport
module quiz fitness health and sport
work on component 2 for psyc paper
Giving myself a lot of school work to complete tomorrow but that's okay because I have the day off from work so I know I'll be able to get a lot of it done, if not all of it! I'm hoping I sleep decently tonight so I can wake up ready to rule the world tomorrow. My goal is to wake up early, workout, shower, do some makeup and get ready, and be on campus early to get back into the school mindset because I know I've been slacking these last two days. I work a double shift on Saturday, so tomorrow is really the ideal time to finish everything as much as possible.
🩷 Song of the Day: Fearless, Jp Version - Le Sserafim
This has been my anthem lately. It's catchy, and I kind of prefer this to the original version in Korean, but that's a bit biased on my end as I am studying Japanese at the moment.
🩷 Tomorrow Morning Workout - Pilates
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Even if I only finish the first video, I will be proud of myself. It's the effort that counts, and it's definitely gonna be a start! I will be posting an updated current workout schedule with routines soon!!
That's all for now! I will update tomorrow night!
Til next time, lovelies 🩷
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The Epic Quest
The next step in the mindset module is called Start Your Epic Quest. It involves taking the goals and steps created in the previous step (The Art of Goal Setting) and building a larger and more expansive path to completing them and becoming the idealized version of yourself, and then sharing that Epic Quest with others.
My epic quest is broken down into several categories each with a set of incremental goals. Eating and Drinking is all about maintaining a food diary and hitting calorie and sugar goals, as set by the MyFitnessPal app. Unlike my last go around, I specifically avoided setting goals to not consume fast food or soda, because I love my stupid novelty Mountain Dew flavors too much.
The Fitness category is mostly about creating consistent fitness habits. Walking every day, working out three times per week, and going to the rock climbing gym at least once per week. After all, consistency is key. The second half of the Fitness category is rock climbing and bouldering milestones because I want rock climbing to be the cornerstone of my fitness journey.
The next category is Finance, which is primarily about digging myself out of the debt hole I've put myself in. One of my new identities is someone who considers his spending habits and makes smart financial decisions, and these quests will mark my progress on that front.
The Creative Endeavors category is mostly about reading and writing. There are steps to build consistency with dedicating at least 20 minutes per day each on reading and writing. Then there are more specific goals, like writing and selling a novel or a screenplay. The most specific goals are about TTRPG projects I'd like to finish and put on Kickstarter eventually. As I work on more projects, I'll update the quest list to add them too.
Travel is full of places I want to visit and things I want to do while there, in no particular order, and certainly not comprehensive. My ability to do this is, unfortunately, tied intrinsically with my success in the Finances category so hopefully I can get my shit together and start crossing things off of my travel list.
The final category is Becoming Jack Danger, which is a miscellaneous category of adventurous actions and skills that the fictionalized version of Jack Danger is capable of, and that I think would bring me excitement and joy to learn to do myself. I've been debating putting "Get a degree in History/Archaeology/Museum Studies" on the quest list as well. Perhaps it will make its way into this category, or perhaps I'll create a separate category for Education.
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newtsnaturethings · 2 months
Okay so I’m taking an environmental ethics and policy class and the most recent module was about Natural Asset Companies (NACs) as a means of environmental conservation and it’s giving me some Thoughts TM.
ecology flavored rant incoming:
The idea of assigning a monetary or capital value to “ecosystem services” feels viscerally wrong to me. It goes against the very nature of ecology and ecosystems. The science of ecology is about the connection of all these moving parts at various temporal and spatial scales. Trying to add capitalism to that sets up this…hierarchy of what “services” are the “most useful”. This makes zero sense in an ecocentric context. How do you assign what “service” is more important? Is it based on how much money it makes? The cultural significance? And who or what is making the final decision on how to rank these services in order of importance? This is a very capitalist mindset to apply to something that exists WAY outside that narrow framework. A piece of an ecosystem doesn’t have to “earn its keep” for the right to exist. It simply does. And that in itself is worthy of respect. Ecosystems don’t function based on the way one species wants them too, and trying to exert that level of control over them does not work. Humans are just as much a part of the ecosystem as the rest of the planet. We are participants along for the ride; we don’t call the shots.
And that doesn’t even begin to cover the societal implications in all this! NACs will be motivated by interest groups with the most financial influence and power. So…do marginalized groups like POC and Indigenous People get a say in this? Even though they’ve been historically left out of or outright screwed over in a lot of “going green” initiatives? How intersectional will this component of the conservation movement really be if it’s motivated almost exclusively by profit and benefitting those who are able to invest heavily from the get go? If the conservation movement is leaving groups of people behind, then it’s to start over and build it up again with everyone at the table for input.
And yes I’m aware that “this is how society works etc etc” it doesn’t have to. It really doesn’t have to. And hey, maybe financially motivated entities like NACs have their part to play in the conservation movement, but they sure as heck should NOT be the most powerful or influential ones leading the charge.
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annichaos95 · 2 months
Teil 2: Gedanken zu den ersten drei neuen SE Folgen, immer noch ohne Nolin:
Ich glaube, abgesehen von der Nolin Geschichte, wird die Nesrika Geschichte für mich am spannendsten. Die beiden haben echt schon einiges zusammen durch und ich glaube dies Schuljahr wird nochmal ne krasse Herausforderung für die Freundschaft.
Kein Modul zusammen zu haben, bedeutet aber auch, dass man keine / wenig gemeinsamen Interessen hat und da frag ich mich: Hat die Freundschaft der beiden bisher nur darauf beruht, dass sie andere Leute geprangt haben?
Ich verstehe, dass sie traurig sind, dass sie nicht den Vortrag gemeinsam halten, aber es ist so schlimm nun auch wider nicht, immerhin Wohnen sie jetzt zusammen. Sie können auch in ihrer Freizeit Zeit miteinander verbringen, gerade jetzt, wo sie gemeinsam im Zimmer sind.
Ich glaube die Sache mit Simon und Marlon kann doch spannender werden als wir annehmen.
Wie ich Herrn Hausers Mindset Modul finde, muss ich mir noch überlegen.🤔
Reena, Mikka, Leon und der Schulgarten.
Ich mag die drei zusammen und ich finde es erstaunlich, wie toll sich Reena in der ganzen Zeit entwickelt hat. Gerade wenn jemand schon so lange dabei ist, wächst sie einem ans Herz.
Ich vermisse Sirius. Aber wenigstens wurde sein Ausstieg kurz erklärt.
Reena trägt auch echt nicht die richtigen Klamotten um im Dreck zu Buddeln.
Ich vermisse auch Chiara und ich freu mich sehr, dass sie zum Glück noch wiederkommt.
Wenn der Club Club der geteilten Herzen heißt, darf Noah dann in zwei Folgen auch mitmachen?
Ich freu mich auf alles, was noch von Ava kommt, weil sie einfach megacool ist. Bisher haben wir von ihr leider ja noch nicht so viel gesehen. Aber in Kombination mit Noah und Joel wird das ganz toll glaub ich.
Massuda hab ich schon in Staffel 26 geliebt! Und mit Elly zusammen find ich sie richtig gut! Aber viel passiert ist in der Story ja noch nicht, deswegen ich da noch nicht viel zu sagen kann.
Edit: warum sind eigentlich so viele Erwachsene Kompars:innen im ShareSpace ?
Meine Gedanken zu Noah, Colin und Joel poste ich wahrscheinlich morgen, wenn ich sie nochmal für mich zusammen gefasst habe.
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sharpestasp · 2 months
Star Trek TNG, Guinan
So I am going to preface this with the fact I have no idea if any other actress at that point in my history could have made that role work for me. I went from thinking Whoopi = Oda Mae Brown to Whoopi = Guinan.
(For the curious, the other role I tend to think of is a cameo, when she played Buckwheat's mom in the Little Rascals remake.)
She was a COMEDIENNE who did not give a fuck. She did not water herself down for white people consumption. And I adored her for that. (I tended to think of her as a less raunchy Richard Pryor in her stand up.) So from the word go, I was very curious WHAT/HOW/WHY about the character that they wanted HER.
To this date, I have not seen all of the original The Color Purple, so I did not know her as a serious/dramatic person at all, outside of the fervor she brought to her skits.
AND BOY were they on the money. See, the great comedic talents aren't truly about making you laugh. They are about UNDERSTANDING you and then breaking you out of the pain. The laughter is secondary, in my personal opinion. And Whoopi Goldberg applied that mindset to this intergalactic barkeep, doing as barkeeps are meant to do… be an extra set of ears.
Therapists are great. But sometimes the atmosphere of a less formal setting, a kind look or word, and the problems untie themselves easier than on the couch. So I never saw a conflict between that part of her role and Deanna's job.
Add in mysterious alien, Q being afraid of her, that badass rifle she pulled out once… Yeah. Guinan is one of my favorite TNG people of all time. (No, I did not watch Picard's show.)
Her interpersonal dynamics with EVERYONE shifted and adjusted for the differences in people themselves. This is MOST telling in her handling Alt!Yar and Ro Laren, in my personal opinion. She sees a possibility in Yar, and courage, and determination, and Guinan just lays down the framework to help Yar make the choice she would have gone to all that much quicker. (Still crying in 2024 that Alt!Yar had that fate.)
And Ro Laren? Chip on her shoulder, honestly angry at the universe, justifiably in my opinion (while still having some military related issues, NGL; Bajorans are hard for me even when I love them), and certain no one would ever listen to her, to her side.
Guinan, with all her experiences, did. She saw the need for nuance, the yearning for connection even in what Laren saw as a hostile environment. And that helped Ro Laren modulate into someone fantastic (even if I am shaky on her ultimate arc).
I love her, you're honor!
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chronotsr · 20 days
Pre-G1 Modules, part 4B - The Judge's Guild Roundup Completed
Oh. Oh we're still doing this? It won't end? Gods. At least we made it to 1978. Anyway, happy eclipse to every. Reminder: the people who run Judge's Guild now are full-on nazis, do not buy their books. Go hug your loved ones instead.
The Thieves of Fortress Badabaskor (1978)
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Maybe I was too hard on the Prince Valiant-ass artstyle. It looks very proud for a bandit fortress, don't you think? The full color version that comes out later is even nicer -- it's the one you find on google images first. Anyway. Fort Badboybaskaur was founded by ''The Emperor of Glorious Doomfire''. It truly was the era of so-bad-its-good naming! The fort was built so that if raiding happened, the many small villages could congregate there for safety. Only, it turns out there was a red dragon underneath. And then that got resealed. And then an evil demigod took over. And then bandits took that over.
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I read this section like five times and for the life of me I cannot find a prophesy here. They just kind of say it because it sounds cool. The prose in this hand out is, really really rough, it's a lot of proper nouns and moral history tropes -- empire becoming successful and spawning evil religion yada yada yada. The proper noun addiction is strong with this one, we get quite a few undefined proper nouns here. He's another classic: "Zanaaphic the All-King of the Spirit Universe". I have so many questions! None of which will be answered. "Angall of the Perpetual Void" Wow! Those are some neat nouns! The net effect, however, is there was a really skilled evil wizard who got confronted by a god, beat him, and by defeating him became a four-armed dragon-skinned bat-winged magical null. He does up to 16 pips of damage with his silly flails!
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So the cover image is lying a little bit about the fortress. In both of the presented maps, there is no cool rampart that you have to slowly siege, there are mountains both in front and behind the fortress, and there are way more than three turrets. I am actually a little fond of this keep layout-wise, it's less cramped than the Keep on the Borderlands is. Naturally, it sits at the foot of Mount Deception.
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It's a nice little fortress, no? I would recommend getting a modern copy of the map if it wasn't for the ownership sucking ass in an extreme way. Plus, having dungeons under your keep on the borderlands seems like a great idea, actually. Or, shit, having a rival keep on a rival borderlands sounds kinda rad. Anyway, the room by room is pretty rote. The exterior rooms are mostly just services you'd give to anyone walking in, but the real juicy stuff is all kept inside the mountain walls. We've got your usual suspects. Guard captain, bossman, bossman's terrible wife (and the wife is legally required to be evil because male writers), pawnbroker, human trafficker, tavernsssssss, gemcutter, blacksmith, et c. Some of the names are okay, "Hole in the Hill Inn" run by ogres was really funny to me, I would change them to hill giants to complete the joke.
The dungeon has an interesting conceit where there are some generic "alternate rooms" in the back of the book that come with a blank room number that you can swap if you dislike the default room contents. I'm really in favor of this mindset. I have thought for a while that it'd be kind of nice for adventure books to be shipped in some sort of editable capacity? Like if I wanna do open heart surgery on a floor of a dungeon, but I like the other 4 floors, it'd be nice to keep it in the original format instead of having the adventure book and then some loose-leaf with the changes penciled in. Tragically, the alt rooms are overwhelmingly just monsters in a room, with the outlier being a wererats with a little kidnapping scheme.
Underneath the fortress there are five levels, one is actually above ground level and in the cliff face behind the keep, and the third level leads to the surface via caves. Neat! I'm kind of imagining Gerudo Fortress here on a lot of levels. Here's a quick skim of the best contents:
There appears to be a little rat treasure hoard where the rats have to pay their dues to their little rat kings? What's going on here is kind of unclear to me, but I can't help but imagine one of the guards trained the rats to hide money in the walls for him and the ten rats with silver formation are a kind of animal-passcode.
A chest trapped with some sort of reverse truth serum -- it removes your ability to speak, see, or hear for a week if you open it without permission. Naturally, the chest is decorated with the three wise monkeys 🙈🙉🙊 (and a mysterious fourth monkey the text implies nothing about, maybe it's Sezaru? Curse of erectile dysfunction!)
The alarm system seems to be gong-based
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Oh, I don't like this beholder at all. Ewwww! But also, why is this drawing here? There's no beholders in here? Is this some kind of silly trap for snooping players? In fact, most of the monster illustrations are…kind of just random monsters.
The treasury is booby-trapped to hell and back. We have a standard guillotine trap disarmed with a tile puzzle on the wall, a hell-hound guard dog, and the most prominent magical item is a necklace of strangulation. Rough break! Just go ahead and put all of the treasure on pressure plates with flame jets at that point.
A reverse gravity pit-trap -- you pull a book, you fall through a hole in the ceiling and then it traps you in the ceiling. It's just a pit trap at the end of the day, but way vivid!
A chair made of a dragon's arms and horn that will animate and attack you if you try to pry gems off it or attack anyone
Two wizards are having a battle over who gets to own a trained lizard that can sing and carry heavy loads. I understand guys. That lizard is worth it.
Under a sarcophagus is written "If you can read this, you're too close", as well as some explosive runes
The treasure hoard of a lost king, if you attempt to steal it, will turn into a treasure construct shaped like the king. Awesome!
"A similar cabinet on the north wall is labeled "For Future Imperialists". In the top drawer is a Gem of Brightness, the second is a pair of Bracers of Defenselessness, and in the bottom drawer is a pouch of Dust of Sneezing and Choking." I would fully lean in, make it a Cursed Gem of Brightness that you can't turn off, and put the Bracers in the top drawer if the goal is to prank an evil character into hurting themselves.
A reverse-vampire giant lizardfolk that consumes the unlife from undead. So, Tomb of the Lizard King got beat to the vampire-lizardfolk punch, I guess?
Large swaths of this dungeon genuinely feel randomly generated. The worst parts are about half of floor 2, 3, and about half of floors 4 and 5. It just feels like padding to me. And in true Judge's Guild fashion, there are treasure stores in the temple that are "instantly max your character" amounts of loot. Now I get that shares are a thing and you gotta pay your hirelings, but still, 1.5M gold represents like, even if you're a party of 10 you're still looking at instantly maxing a thief, shooting a fighter to level 8, and shooting a wizard to level 9. And there's no way you were at 0xp when you smuggled that statue out, that's going to be an instant max for just about anyone. The big reveal that I…guess you could conceivably puzzle out? Is that the dragons were nearby because they were minions of a dragon-king entombed under this fortress before it was built. A cool idea, that desperately needs more foreshadowing. The love clearly went into making those tombs cool, so if I was going to rip anything off from this module that'd probably be my second port of call.
Gen Con IX Dungeons (1978)
What a name, right? How come Tsojconth got a name and these dungeons didn't? Blatant favoritism. Well actually one of the two dungeons may as well be called the Halls of Grsk. And, wow, everything about the design notes are ominous. "Simplicity would be the prime requisite". So….does that mean this adventure is boring on purpose, Bob?
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The adventure is split into two bits, the player-side info and the gm-side info, which…okay. Sure. The titular dungeon is set in the "Celtic mythos", whatever the fuck that means (Bob, the Celtic cultures covered almost all of Europe and parts of Asia. That phrase is meaningless!). TL;DR the old king's wizard went evil and killed the king, left no one to rule, and then went nuts and much later summoned a bunch of demons to protect his loot now that he's old and dying. The local wizard, Framschamsnaggle (seriously?) bullies you into raiding his tomb to get a staff back. There's a dragon in there and you were handed a teleportation amulet that will zip you out as soon as you get your hands on the staff.
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Oh. Oh that's not good. That's a very not good dungeon layout. That's a very bad dungeon layout. And the contents are, as bad. I wonder if it was considered bad at the con itself? I couldn't find a single remarkable thing in this whole dungeon. It is neither weird, nor funny, nor clever, nor interesting. It's 30 random dungeon rooms in a row, with a rare trap that is practically randomized also.
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The sole joy I can find in this module is this illustration, which looks like a shitpost.
The second round of the tournament (1st round eliminates) is set in a completely different place, which is more properly called the Halls of Grsk. Almost all of this area is also just, save or suck traps and monsters. There is one trap that's kind of classic and okay -- picking up the giant ruby locks all exits, many red herrings, room starts heating up like an oven. The solution is to smash the ruby, which instantly kills the heating element. It's not amazing (how are you supposed to guess it's a ruby? It behaves like a pressure plate trap but the ruby itself is contact-activated) but it's the least bad thing in here. The portal-that-eats-you prank in particular grinds my gears, the game communicates every possible thing to say it kills you, and by blind faith you go through and is the best solution. Picking up the fake secret item instantly kills you, because fuck you. The fakeout trap's sole hint is "why are there two normal doors on the north wall?" which, it's a points-based dungeon, they're going to assume it's for extra points. Also, the whole dungeon is a massive straight line in disguise. It's a wreck.
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Actually, the whole scenario feels like a worse "Tomb of the Lizard King" in a lot of ways, down to the silly rhyme on the last page that gives you a critical clue about how to kill the undead baddie. In a sense it's also like Tomb of Horrors in that way, I guess, but the vibes are a lot more like Tomb of the Lizard King.
Damn it Bob, you made it boring on purpose.
Citadel of Fire (1978)
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This is truly one of the dungeon covers of all time.
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Is… is that The Golem? I hope Rabbi Loew is available. Or, maybe it's good that he's not in the module, because obviously this construct's creator is going to be evil in this module.
This is the least least imaginative of the Judge's Guild modules in this series. It is, simply a wizard's tower. If you have ever in your life read a wizard's tower module, you've read this one. The JG staples of constant slavery mentions continues with slave girls being in every single damn room of the towers. There's, not really much plot to go on either. There are wizards, the hill is good for magic, they are aligned with the goblins, go chop 'em up.
Sigh. Here's the memorable bits.
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Nearly out the gate, we get one of those paragraphs that you would hope would be so obviously bad to the writers that they would second guess the decision. Why the actual hell did you stat out some 200 nearly identical goblins manually?
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What is that and when do I get a bestiary entry for them? That's not a joke, the module never mentions what this is and now I want this Weresalazzle in my adventures.
The vague allusion to "Shabast", which are apparently a species of people who are intelligent clouds? But only sometimes.
A variety of pens for animals the wizards are working on, which include an Irish deer, a jackalwere, a baby lammasu, a giant slug named Skippy, some orcs, man-eating apes, an elephant, and a hydra
For…some reason there's a tavern on the 2nd floor of a dungeon. In the lightest defense of the module, at least the 2F has a surface access and no pre-programmed encounters between here and the tavern (random monsters thoooo). The owner sleeps with a new person every night, highly critical detail.
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OK so many rooms later there's a pyrohydra with a toothache. Mystery solved, that's why there's a magical dentist!
I hesitate to complain, but after multiple dungeons with 100k+ gold rewards, this dungeon's treasury having roughly 11,000 gold in it feels like an anticlimax. The fact that it's protected by that pyrohydra and electrified locks adds insult to injury.
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This is a joke, right? That's your final floor? Anyway, this is just The Demon Floor. There is more treasure here than upstairs, which is a little strange given that the demon serves the wizard and not the other way around.
So on the whole, deeply shit. In conclusion, Early Judge's Guild leaves a lot to be desired. Next time we will -- wait, am I free? There's no more pre-G1 modules? I get to finally do TSR shit and leave this mire?
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lizzy-frizzle · 1 year
Ok, so, to explain my logic behind my new squad:
Flagpipe(myrtle and bagpipe) - deployment point generation, bagpipe on skill 3 could be used instead of skill 2 (I'm on the fence)
Mudrock - her job is to block enemies and stay alive, skill 2 or 3 are being considered with a lean towards skill 2
Saria - slows movement and increases arts damage taken by the enemy by +55%, while healing all allies in range for 35% (sarias attack) per second
Ptilopsis - charges auto recovery skills faster (an increase of 0.3/s - 0.35/s if they're in range of ptilopsis)
*considering ptilopsis, perfumer, or shining for this slot, ptilopsis for skill charge, perfumer for global heal, or shining for defense boost and solid healing*
Warfarin - increases the attack of an allied operator by 60% for 15 seconds
Ch'en - deals 410% arts damage for her skill 2, also gives offensive/defensive recovery skills 1 SP/5s (with module can be 1sp per 3 seconds)
Lappland - silences enemies, wolf spirit increases her attack by 120% and deals arts damage
Angelina - global heal (heals mudrock), slows enemies down during her skill while dealing arts damage
Goldenglow - attack range goes global during skill, attack +80% hits enemies with 3 drones, slows enemies hit, drones have 10% chance to explode dealing 300% aoe arts damage
Dorothy - on her bind skill, lets me put traps next to each other, deals arts damage, binds solo targets for 6s, binds aoe for 3.5s (still on the fence between this and her slow skill, but I think bind is better for this team)
Amiya - arts damage dealer, 7% attack and defense buff (doubled during skill)
So, the whole theme of the squad is dealing a shit ton of arts damage, with several operators being able to shift to a less arts focused mindset if needed
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