#they probably are. Purple wouldn't take care of their own wings
neon-catarina · 14 days
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purple doodle thing because boredom
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ofstarsandskies · 23 days
Nowhere Xillia AU Drabble -- Victor's Worries
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OutOfCanonShips;; Nowhere Xillia was on the brain, and I wanted to do cute Victor/Zig stuff, so enjoy Victor being Zig's nagging not-wife.
"Curse you..." The forest guardian said between shaky breaths, her wings and body dropping close to the ground. "You and that outsider will regret your meddling...!" Her form dissipated into a purple shimmer. No doubt she'd return eventually, but Powell only asked they stall her until he returned. Mission accomplished.
"Seems we--" Zig's sword hit the grass, followed shortly by its owner. In all the commotion, he only now noticed a patch of Zig's coat near his hip was sliced off, the skin dyed an unpleasant red. Damn, can't ever trust this man to self-report injuries before it killed him.
"Zig, we discussed this!" Victor lectured him as he knelt down to his side, "You're not allowed to die unless I say so!"
"No need to yell. I'm fine," Lifting his shirt and wiping the blood away, Zig's body lacked any wounds. "See? I just had a dizzy spell; Chakring works gradually."
And what if this skill of yours acted too slow and you bled out? Victor knew debating this idiot was a waste of time, so he'd let that thought go in favor of offering a hand to prop Zig back on his feet. Once he steadied himself, he didn't wince or stumble. Good enough, for now.
"Okay, let's catch up with Powell," But of course, Zig's first instinct was to seek another avenue for a quick death. "He can't be too far--"
Before Zig could even take the first step, Victor grabbed his arm. Zig gave it a small tug, though his grip didn't budge. "What?"
'What'? That's all you have to say? The better question is what's wrong with you? Don't you have a sense for your limits? "You're going back home."
"Why? Powell might need backup."
He wished Zig wouldn't question his decisions; the answers, while true, pained him to say out loud. But if it'd drill the point into Zig's thick skull, he'd speak his mind just this once.
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"You promised you wouldn't die on me again. I don't trust you'll uphold it today. We fulfilled our end; rest at home before you worry me further."
What Victor wouldn't give for a swig of bleach to clean his mouth out. Zig wouldn't stop staring at him either, likely questioning if he actually heard his filthy, disgusting speech. Though once reality hit him, his smirk of certain defeat
"Alright, I'll head back. Tell Powell I'll make it up to him another day."
Satisfied, Victor let Zig go, watching his every step to make sure he didn't fake him out and run deeper into the forest. At this point, Victor should consider the matter concluded and back up Powell. Zig could walk back on his own. It's not that far. He's not bleeding out.
It's fine. It's fine. It's perfectly fine.
--But just in case it wasn't fine, he ought to keep watch.
Against his better judgment, he didn't run after Zig. He walked. He wasn't concerned. No one with dignity would care if Zig Kraft found himself in another mess created by his own hubris, especially not himself.
The man wasn't much farther ahead, his attention split between where he was walking and inspecting his weapons. A nagging something spiked in Victor when Zig checked his revolver's cylinder, all too aware he could rub a bare finger on those idiotic poisoned rounds he concocted and end his life if he didn't wash his hand clean enough.
Although he'd also deserve it for turning his kitchen into a makeshift chem lab without his consent. All the precautions in the world mattered not when he involved his beloved kitchen.
His footsteps must've been too careless, Zig stopping to check behind him and spotting Victor. The lecture or odd look he expected didn't come; rather, he perked up a bit.
"Walking back with me?"
"Would you trust yourself not to chase the first sight of danger?"
The idiot laughed, "Probably not," He waited for Victor to catch up before continuing further, "It's nice seeing you care about me."
Damn Zig's insistence on speaking his mind. "I don't care about you," Victor spat. "You dying is an inconvenience and a betrayal of my trust."
"So you care about me betraying your trust."
"Don't make me kill you, Kraft."
"You say that but never act on it."
If Zig's smart alack routine said one more word, Victor'd follow through in a few seconds, "By all means, dig your grave. Replacing you wouldn't take longer than an hour."
Zig didn't apologize, but he at least zipped his trap and let him enjoy some peace and quiet. From there, the only moronic thing he did the rest of the way home is side eye each and every weed growing along the road and in the unkempt yards of the abandoned houses.
He swore, if those weeds disappeared overnight, he'd move Zig's bed to a miniature barn outside so he'd live entirely like the farm animal he is.
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pale-eastern-star · 1 year
Cutting Corners
Kurenai's thick fingerless gloves aren't enough to completely cover the purple-red glow of Ushu's aether from her tattoos. The best she could do with the glow at the top of her sternum was a tunic that didn't quite manage to cover it all. Thankfully the remaining three were easy enough.
Considering how she felt though it didn't even register as a nuisance.
…flying over the thick jungles of your home, a favorable wind beneath your wings like a warm embrace. In the distance, Bashmu runs circles around the broken vehicle of mortalkind, her azure scales bright in the noonday sun. It is metal and smells of death…
Kurenai shook away the memory that wasn't hers. Even though it stood out so vividly, as if had just happened rather than been shared with her by way of Ushu's quality aether. She'd dreamed about it overnight in the infirmary, more than once.
Flying feels amazing.
She found herself outside. It was early enough still that the others were unlike to be around. Her heart told her to climb the chocobo stable, so she jumped onto the wall and then again to the edge of the roof where she hauled herself with ease to the top, startling the poor animals that had been dozing inside.
There she stood, hands on her hips, the early morning sun already threatening to burn her face, though the breeze at the height that the Goblet sat kept things wonderfully cool during the day and freezing at night. She loved it.
I'm not even winded. How long is it going to last?
A pang of fear went through her. What if Ushu decided that it wasn't wise to continue? What if Stari had second thoughts about the memories and talked everyone into talking her out of it?
She sat with her legs dangling off the side of the stable roof, a chocobo within bumped her foot curiously with a beak, then chirruped quietly as it returned to dozing. She giggled.
The way he held me, like I was so precious… she covered her face with her hands, embarrassed, dangling legs kicking.
Ushu wouldn't take it away without a very good reason… I think. What have I done? Ashmennon interjected, "you've charmed a dragon is what you've done, I would counsel you against it but I know that you will not listen. So instead I will say that your feeling of closeness is… rushed. You know the expression 'cutting-corners' don't you? Careful that you don't treat this nascent bond as if it's stronger than it really is."
"You're no fun old man," she groused aloud, frowning.
He is far older than I, Ashmennon's tone dripped with mirth.
"Shutup," she hissed into the early morning, then she huffed and flopped backward on the roof, legs dangling, arm thrown across her eyes.
Despite her attitude Ashmennon knew that she appreciated his interjections, she'd told him more than once than even if she was cranky about it in the moment she would later think about what he said and found wisdom in it despite her rarely changing her plans or stifling her own feelings about things.
"…cutting corners huh? Mm… I'll be careful."
She knew she was probably lying to herself there.
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stellocchia · 3 years
Thinking about how I would interpret the various people from the Dream smp winning the elytra contest:
Tubbo: Built the wings himself. They have a certain steampunk vibe to them. Really bulky, but also really cool looking.
Tommy: Moth wings. Screw everyone who says otherwise, man is a moth hybrid. But, well, insect wings are very fragile and he’s never felt safe enough to use them until now.
Ranboo: Recently received a gift from the council. It's a rare item that can be found only in the end. They hope it'll help him remember, it probably won't.
Georgenotfound: Got gifted some wings from DreamXD. He is not sure why or when, and he's not even entirely certain they're real. He may simply still be dreaming...
Sapnap: Lava wings. They're very droopy. He hasn't been maintaining them too well, and only recently got back into taking the lava baths he needs for them regularly.
Sam: He also built his own wings. They're lava-powered and look as if they were made of obsidian. They were initially meant to be part of the guard's uniform for the prison but... well. He's the only one working there, isn't he?
Ponk: Stitched them onto themselves as a medical experiment. They don't know how to take them off now, but they seem to work?
Bad: Huge af demon wings. He's 9'6 so his wings actually have to be enormous. Only reason why he hasn't used them before is that he was afraid to hit someone with them. Turns out he does that anyway even without using them, so there's really no reason anymore.
Fundy: The bird genes from his grandpa are finally manifesting. Perhaps biology does make some sense on the smp finally!
Wilbur: Pretty sure that's just a piece of the void sticking to him. Straight up ripped a piece of Limbo and brought it with him when he came back. Just another thing he hates about himself.
Punz: He knew someone high up who owed him a favor. Don't ask.
Purpled: Alien tech! He couldn't repair his ufo entirely, and those are his best bet to get off-server while he's working on his new one. They're meant to be a temporary solution, but they're pretty cool.
Eret: Flamingo wings. Ngl, they sort of forgot they had them.
Jack Manifold: similar to Wilbur's situation, but Jack's wings are very glitched. He was too afraid to die again to try and use them, but he's got to a point now where he doesn't care too much if that actually happens.
Niki: Hand-sewn wings that she made herself. It took ages for her to find a way to make them work, but having something like that to busy herself turned out to be really rewarding.
Quackity: He's a shapeshifter. He decided to change up his features a bit. Maybe he's getting ready for a fight he's certain will happen soon, who knows...
Karl Jacobs: Acquired them at some point during his travels. Much like George he's not sure how, when, or why that happened, but he's not complaining
HBomb: The power of anime bestowed them upon him. He did a full magical girl transformation and now they're there
Techno: Crafted them himself. They're not a marvel of engineering like they would be if Tubbo or Sam created them, but more so the result of months of him studying magic and alchemy for it. They were initially meant for Phil, but he screwed up the incantation.
Phil: They're prosthetics. He had to wait a long time for them because wing prosthetics are quite an expensive and complicated thing to obtain, but finally, he has them.
Ant: There's a whole lot of myths about cats with bird wings, so I'd say Ant finally ascended to his ultimate form of big ass cat with bog ass eagle wings.
Puffy: Went on an adventure after years of not sailing the sea and found an incredible treasure. She's pirating again and it's paying off, good for her honestly.
Foolish: Totems naturally have wings. He only stopped using them as a sign of respect for the rules of the server, but he's been shackled long enough now, wouldn't you say?
Hannah: Wings of thorny vines sprouted from her back as she started healing from the Egg's influence and reconnecting with nature.
Eryn: They just had them. They're probably an avian and we just didn't know yet.
Michael: Similarly to Eryn, he's just a winged hybrid.
Slimecicle: Well, once upon a time a little slime evolved in the course of thousands of years to become a human... what do you mean humans don't have wings? Oh well... he likes them now... maybe we can make an exception for him?
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divinegrey · 2 years
The divinegrey Q&A!
firstly, thank you to all of you who submitted questions! it means a lot to me that you guys cared enough to ask :) so without further ado, let's begin!
Q) hello, love! For the Q&A, what’s your favorite dinosaur? Or, if you don’t have one, favorite color? Make sure you eat, drink, and rest darling <3
A) Favorite dinosaur? That’s a hard one. Probably any of the ones that had wings. Those funky boys are cool as hell. My favorite color is either dark purple or dark green! And thank you :)
Q) hee hoo peanut
A) Cashews are better than peanuts. Almonds are the worst. Don’t @ me
Q) Since euphoria is coming back January 9th can you do a rue x fem reader or something, maybe like a mini series?
A) Good question! I like euphoria a lot as a show, but I definitely don’t think I would ever write for it, personally.
Q) Do you practice cartomancy?
A) I’m trying to! Between Uni and my other hobbies, I haven’t had a lot of time to actually sit down and learn it.
Q) How do you come up with such complex backstories? I find myself kinda sticking to the same handful of traumas, but what you write is so original and unique. Like your character building is off the charts awesome
A) Thank you for the compliment! Trust me, it takes a while to get good at character building. One of the funniest things about that question is that playing D&D helps a lot with character building. When you’re playing a character you actively have to roleplay, you have to go more than just making a backstory. You have to think about mannerisms, traits, likes and dislikes, their habits. Ever since I started playing D&D I’ve gotten way better at character building for my stories :)
vanisher series spoilers ahead. proceed with caution!
Q) I would like to know more about the cards actually / I actually would like to learn more details about the cards, if you wouldn't mind nerding out about that
A) Alright, so let me clarify first that I'm in no way an expert with cartomancy. I’m only just starting to learn it! Let’s take a look at the cards Van drew during part 10:
the seven of hearts— the suit of hearts ties to emotional feelings. The seven of hearts specifically reads as broken promises, which is fitting as this card was drawn when Vi and Jinx were talking.
The six of hearts— this one was picked when Vanny was trying to analyze the relationship between Vi and Caitlyn. The six of hearts represents a surprise new love interest. Fitting right?
The eight of spades— I already detailed what this one meant in the chapter itself, but it means deceit, danger, and that caution is advised. Van drew this one when Caitlyn had the machine gun aimed at Jinx. For who the caution was advised for, I think we can all collectively agree it was for Caitlyn. Hope this answers your cartomancy questions!
Q) Is Van shorter than Jinx?
A) Nope. Van’s canonical height is 5’8 whereas Jinx is 5’3
Q) Does Van have a tattoo?
A) Nope. She’s free of any tattoos. She didn’t have the time to get any, nor the need to. She loves Jinx’s tattoos, though.
Q) Would Jinx and Van get matching tattoos?
A) Down the line, they probably would. Jinx would likely get the hidden blades crossed over her heart as a tattoo (like over her sternum) because of Van doing that during the table scene, and Van would go really simple and get a tattoo of Pow-Pow breaking a chain, somewhere easy to hide. She’s still a paid assassin.
Q) What’s your writing process for the series?
A) I’m a pantser, meaning I tend to write by the seat of my pants and go with no plans at all. When I started writing the Vanisher Series, I didn’t even know how I was going to end it. In terms of characterization, I just tried to identify their baseline emotions and go from there. For grammar, I have grammarly checking my writing because frankly I do not care to proofread my own work (this post is not sponsored by grammarly. they suck sometimes).
Q) Who was the hardest to write?
A) Jinx, for sure. I wanted to get it across that she still has manic and psychotic tendencies, so I had to do a lot of research into that. Being in a psychology class helped a lot, actually. Everyone else had consistent characterization, but Jinx is the wild card. She changes on the daily, but she still has one or two emotions she always comes back to.
Q) What made you think of writing the Vanisher Series?
A) I’m a lesbian in love with Jinx. That’s pretty much it.
Q) Do you listen to any songs while writing / What are your song inspirations?
A) I made a playlist detailing every song I listened to consistently while writing the Vanisher Series! If I wasn’t working on it with my hearing implants turned off (I focus better when I work in silence) then I was listening to the playlist. Primarily the biggest inspiration was Halsey.
Q) Where would Jinx and Van end up after the Vanisher series? Do they still stay in Zaun? Or do they travel and do their own things there?
A) After the events of the Series, they spend some time laying low and keeping their heads down because of the explosion on the Hexgates. Van is, quite frankly, filthy rich from all of the money she has socked away from her jobs, so they just hang around until everything calms down. I imagine neither of them haven’t traveled much outside of Piltover and Zaun at all, so they might do that. I’ve heard Demacia is nice at this time of year.
Q) What would you have named the Vanisher? Before she had forgotten the name?
A) There are two answers here. The first one is that, if it had ever actually been brought up, it would’ve been “Y/N” because Van is you, by all technicality. If you’re asking me what I would’ve named my interpretation of Vanny before she got mind-whacked into being an assassin, my answer is Phoenix. I would’ve named her Phoenix, because my interpretation of Van has dark red hair. Again, that’s my interpretation, not what the canon Van actually is. Part of the reason why I gave Van the name Vanny, Vanisher, anything like that is so I could avoid using Y/N. I hate using that. It feels weird, clunky, and out of place when I write it so I try to avoid using it at all costs.
Q) Does Vanny know about the workshop explosion in ep 1? I think it would be kinda cool if she did, seeing as she lived in Piltover. Or was she already under Yeloras training even then?
A) I actually had to check my timeline to see what the answer for this would’ve been. Van started her training with her mentor when she was nine, and she was twelve (same age as Jinx) when the explosion happened. Van remembers it, but she was really far into the memory-wiping stage of her training that it’s a little hazy.
Q) Will we be able to see any Vanny/Jinx oneshots or smaller prompts after your break?
A) Not sure. I like where I’ve left them, and I don’t feel any need to write any more about them. I guess if the demand for more of them is overwhelming I could try and write something!
Q) Are we going to get more of Vanny and Jinx in different Aus? or something explicit for Jinx?
A) Refer to the answer above. As for explicit content, I wouldn’t be counting on it. I used to be a somewhat prolific smut writer for some other fandoms but it’s been so long since I’ve written it that I doubt it would be good at all LOL
alright, everybody, that's the end of the Q&A! Thank you to everybody who submitted questions. this was a lot of fun to do! But for now, I'll catch you guys later. My inbox will be open to anons, but I'm officially on break :)
thanks for tuning in!
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Divided I Fall
IT'S FINALLY DONE! I am so sorry this took so fucking long, it took me like a year to write because my art brain forcibly took over my body for a stupid amount of time but now it is DONE and you can SEE it with your EYEBALLS. Anyway... This, This is a project I have been planning for YEARS but took some stuff lining up just right for it to sift to the top of my oneshot backlog. It is, to keep it simple and not spoil too much, an origin story for a character that's shown up in my stuff before.
As one important note before I begin... This fic stars a character of a fakemon species known as Vahirom, created by @kynimdraws on Tumblr/kyleenim on Twitter, used with permission. If you steal it I will be offended on her behalf and personally boil your toes. Got it?
Divided I Fall
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Zygarde had a dilemma.
Unova had too many humans and they had it too good. But there was nothing they could do to thwart them without letting the other Legends in on his game. What to do?
As they stewed on this, lurking on the edge of civilization, they looked up, and there they saw it.
A meteor, careening down toward the nearby hills. It crashed, sending out sparks of light and a shockwave, which Zygarde weathered easily. They were a god, after all.
"Lots of those since AZ broke the sky," they muttered.
They slithered through the earth until they got to the impact crater, emerging in its center to find, surprise surprise, a meteor. However, it was one they could tell was a Metionite, a kind made of an extremely rare, alien ore.
It was then they got an idea.
An awful idea.
Zygarde got a wonderful, awful idea.
They started burrowing their own cells into the Metionite, pumping it full of energy. Godly energy. Draconic energy. The Meteonite contracted and curved until it turned into a small gray orb.
Zygarde tapped it.
And it burst to life.
What am I?
What is this place?
Those were my first thoughts as I gazed around, wide-eyed, until my eyes fell on a strange green and black titan.
"Who are you? Who am I?"
"I am Zygarde, the guardian of order, and you are my creation!" the titan said in a booming voice.
"You created me?"
"Yes! For one purpose!"
The titan pointred a claw to the southwest. "There's an infestation of these pests called humans around thataway. Deal with them for me."
I looked in that direction. Seemed simple enough.... But something didn't feel right.
"...Very well."
Tubes extended from my shoulders and attached to my tail as my wings flared. I took off.
I arrived to find strange structures,domes, blocks and pyramids, and walking among them strange creatures. Were these the humans Zygarde mentioned? "Deal with them." What did that even mean?
I got closer and as I did they started acting strangely. They seemed... Afraid?
"You creatures! What are you?"
They were making loud screams now. They didn't seem less afraid. Maybe they couldn't understand me? How DO I talk to them then? Come on, think think think-
Thehumans stopped, gazed up. I had communicated by... Thinking really hard?
~Uh... Humans! I mean you no harm! I just wish to... Deal with you!~
The humans started murmuring among each other before a more elaborate-looking human came forth.
"You, great dragon! What do you propose as a deal?"
Oh, I can understand THEM fine. But good question...
~Let me think.~
What do I even tell this person? I guess... If they were afraid of me, they had other things to be afraid of. That wasn't good. Maybe...
"If you give me shelter and a home, I will aid you however I can. Is that a satisfactory deal?"
The elaborate human slowly blinked several times slowly before rapidly nodding.
":We will accept your offer... B=but my warriors will keep an eye on you."
I looked to the "warrior" humans he spoke of. They were trembling. Everyone was looking at me with unease,
This would take some adjusting.
I was in my own corner of the city, surrounded by more of these warriors. They were taking shifts watching me, but they all seemed scared. Almost as if they felt if I tried anything they couldn't stop me.
I didn't feel like doing anything that needed stopping... but then I wasn't sure WHAT to do. I had made the deal with the humans but I wasn't sure how to enact i-
Just then I heard a roar, in the distance. The warriors looked to me, then to the source of the sound. They seemed confused that it wasn't me. Soon another warrior rushed up to them.
"T-there's a Scolipede trying to take over the farmland!"
"O-one of those? Why?"
"They're immensely territorial! It claimed the farms as its own!"
What was this beast? The humans needed help. But they wouldn't let me help...
...Then again they couldn't stop me.
I activated my tail turbine and lifted off as the warriors panicked, and I jetted off to where the other warrior had came from.
When I arrived there was indeed a large, purple, insectoid Pokémon rampaging about. Several warriors and their Pokémon were trying to pierce its chitinous armor, to no avail. It was much bigger than the humans, that's for sure.
...But it was much smaller than me.
I flew ove4r to and landed right in front of it. It looked up but seemed unphased.
"What do YOU want?"
"I want you to stop bothering these humans."
"Why should I? This is MY turf." "No it's not. As far as I can tell the humans were here first." "Well it's mine now."
I narrowed my eyes. "Leave. Now."
The Scolipede scoffed. "Make me."
"If you insist."
I flicked him with a claw.
He went sailing back into a tree with a very loud thud and collapsed, unconscious.
Humans started gathering around, looking on in awe. Then they started cheering. It was only then I realized the magnitude of what I'd done.
Things changed after that rather quickly. Or, they did from my perspective anyway.
The humans, after that, regarded me as a protector. Not only that, they gave me authority. It wasn't much at first, I started as captain of the warrior, but as time went on and I helped the humans more and more I ascended to the right-hand mon of their rulers.
They called me Vahirom, or more commonly, the Iron Arbiter.
They adored me. And I grew to adore them. They cared for me and I cared for them back. And after time things changed. I learned how to alter my form to be like them.
It started simply, firsty with mimicking their speech, but then I started to learn how to alter my physical form, this way and that way, until I had come to resemble them in my own way. It was at that point the Iron Arbiter was both a dragon Pokémon and a human.
And someone didn't like that at all.
One day they returned, while I was alone, sitting on the throne the humans built for me. I looked up into their glowing green eyes as they glared down into mine.
"What is THIS? This isn't what you were supposed to be doing! And why do you LOOK like them?" They stomped a foot on the ground.
I sighed. "It is less intimidating to them than my natural draconic form. And why do YOU look like them? Don't you have forms that are oh so superior?" They winced, and in an instant cells swirled around them to return them to a more traditional serpentine form. "Only to subvert them, manipulate them. You do it for sick kicks! You were supposed to DESTROY them, not help them!"
"There is no need to destroy them. They are flawed yes, but have kindness and charity in their hearts if you know where to find it. I seek to bring that out in them. "You're wrong! All humans are a sin against the natural order! MY order! They need to be purged!"
"Your view is dangerous. And I will not have you threaten my people."
I grew and stretched and bent into my true, draconic form.
"You may have given me life, but I am not yours. They are not yours. Leave, or I will force you to."
Zygarde hesitated, then let out a long, pronounced hisss before disintegrating into cells and vanishing.
I sighed again, then resumed my post.
Decades passed, that turned into centuries. I saw many humans and their Pokémon come and go, and cherished them all dearly while they lasted.
But then one day two were born that would change my life forever, for better and for worse.
They were twins, born to the current queen and king. They were shown to me soon after they were born. They were lumpy and chubby as human babies were but they had fire and lightning in their eyes from the start.
And thus their parents named them Tentay and Pethakhon, Ancient Unova's words for fire and lightning. As usual, I was assigned to be their guardian. I did not realize then how special they would be to me - and how that would be my downfall.
The children grew quickly. Their tiny grasping hands grew inquisitive, groping for anything they could reach. At first, I let them pull and tug at my human form, but as they grew older and nimbler I allowed them to play on my dragon form as well.
Eventually they started to talk.
"Say mama!" "Say dada!" their parents clamored. But every time they both pointed at me and said "va va!"
They didn't care. They just laughed.
When they got old enough to learn, I was their teacher. I taught them.... Well, not everything I knew, I was too ancient and powerful for that, but I tried to teach them a good amount. And I definitely tried to answer their many questions.
"How old are you?" asked Tentay. "Older than you can comprehend."
"What's your favorite food?" asked Pethakhon.
"I do love corn cakes."
"Do your parents let you stay up past bedtime?" asked Tentay.
I had to pause and think about that one. My only "parents" were Zygarde and the stars, so...
"I don't listen to my parents. I do what I want."
The twins gasped and looked at each other eagerly. "You can DO that?" they said. I chuckled. "I can. You probably shouldn't until you get older."
The two visibly deflated.
"Not fair..." said Pethakhon.
"I guess we have to listen..." said Tentay.
"No way! We can't!" said Pethakhon. "But we gotta! Or we'll get in trouble!"
"Nuh-uh! We can do it!
I chuckled. By all means this was amusing.
And yet. Something deep inside felt off.
It came suddenly, swiftly.
The king and queen fell ill, from a terrible disease. They were isolated, only taken care of by a select few.
It was too little, too late.
A grand funeral was held, several ceremonies, a feast, a fitting sendoff. But none of it filled the hole in all our hearts.
Especially not the twins'.
I visited their room afterwards., They were huddled in a corner together, curled up, sitting only a few inches apart. In human form to fit in the room, I pulled them into an embrace.
"I know better than to say it's all right, but... I am here for you."
"But... Mom and dad... They're gone forever," said Tentay.
"They're never coming back... What's gonna happen to us?" said Pethakhon.
I sighed. "I have seen many leave forever just as they did. I can escape it, it is both a gift and a curse, but for your kind it is inevitable. But it is not truly the end. You two will grow to be great, and your children, and your children's children, and so on. I assure you of this. You can pick up the pieces and carry on in their stead. They would want you to."
"...Okay, Va." said Pethakon.
"...I guess so, Va," said Tentay.
They nestled into my arms further. I patted their heads.
We stayed that way a while.
The two started to near adulthood for their kind, and thus I started teaching them how to rule. . ~Now, you two, I have a question.~
They both shifted in their seats in the courtyard we were in. Teenagers were antsy about being taught. Especially when their teacher was an ancient and powerful dragon.
~Say that there is a famine. What are your main options for dealing with such a thing?~
"Simple," said Tentay. "You spend the royal budget on improving the crops."
~Ah, but such a solution would be expensive... And could be unsustainable."~
"Then we improve the harvest infrastructure over time!" said Pethakhon enthusiastically.
~Yet that could take a long time. Too long. People could starve.~
"Well my method is clearly better!" said Tentay. "It gets more immediate results!"
"You're wrong!" said Pethakhon. "MY plan won't doom us all later!" "It MIGHT not. It will definitely make people starve."
"We have to consider the future!" "The future is NOW, Pethakhon."
The two continued arguing like this until they finally noticed me waggling a claw mockingly.
~Now now now. Have you considered these solutions aren't mutually exclusive?"
The two of them stared at me. Then started sheepishly rubbing their heads.
"You have a point..." said Tentay. "That could work.." said Pethakhon.
~See?" I said. "If you work against each other nothing gets done. But if you work together...~
"Yes, we understand the moral, well done," said Pethakhon. "Why must we learn things we know already?" said Tentay.
~Because with you two it bears repeating.~
The two blinked and staredbefore rubbing their heads sheepishly again.
"...You have a point," said Tentay.
"We'll. We'll work on it.." said Pethakhon.
I simply smirked.
They quickly became adults, true kings of Unova, and soon their first test was upon them. The ruler of a desert kingdom smack dab in the middle of Unova was a Volcarona by the name of Heliana. Shee was called before them for a diplomatic meeting, and we all assembled on the border between the desert and greener land.
"Why hello there!" said Heliana, floating before us.
Tentay and Pethakhon stared then turned to me, each whispering.
"She, uh, is a little hard to--" Pethakhon started to say.
"She's a Pokémon, but she can't speak telepathically, so we can't understand her," said Tentay.
"...That." said Pethakhon.
I chuckled. ~Don't worry, I can translate. She just says hi.~
The two nodded and turned back to Heliana.
"Right, hello," said Pethakhon.
"Shall we get down to business?" said Tentay.
"Oh, yes, yes!" said Heliana. "There was a matter of grave importance I wished to speak of with you! It was... Oh, hm, what was it..."
"She isn't very professional," Tentay whispered.
"Shhh!" said Pethakhon, nudging him.
"Oh! I remember now! It was wood!" said Heliana.
"Wood?" said Pethakhon. "My kingdom doesn't exactly have many trees," said Heliana. "I want cedar in particular! I'll offer you our finest textiles and minerals in return!":
"Hmmm. But we need the cedar for-"
"Shhh!" said Pethakhon. "She's making us a great offer!"
"More like a ridiculous one. We can't give her all that cedar!" "But we need the minerals and textiles!"
"She hasn't even specified WHAT minerals and textiles! Think before you leap!" "Well ask her!"
Tentay took a deep breath and looked Heliana straight in the compound eyes. "You're being awfully vague about what those "minerals" and "textiles" are... Could you be more specific?"
"Oh! Lots of iron, copper... and Silk! Me and my babies spun the silk ourselves!"
"Wait, the silk comes from-" Tentay started to say.
"Sounds great!" said Pethakhon. We'll-"
"No. We need that cedar."
~Now now you two.~ I said. ~Put your heads together. Your wants and needs aren't mutually exclusive.~
They stared. And blinked. And... Well they didn't literally put their heads together but they did start mutually putting their hands to their chins thinking.
"There's some places we could grow... Cedar groves?" said Tentay.
"Yes! And we could loan those groves out to you!" said Pethakhon.
"They would take a while to grow normally but our Grass-types can make them grow faster!" said Tentay.
"Excellent!" said Heliana. "It's a deal! And Hekla and Katla will get started on the silk straight away!"
"Hekla and Katla?" said Pethakhon.
"Who?" said Tentay.
It was then two Larvesta emerged from Heliana's fuzz and divetackled Tentay and Pethakhon each with cries of "Friend! Friend! Friend!"
"My children!" said Heliana. "They spin the finest silk in all the land!"
"Well they sure are cute," said Pethakhon, holding up Hekla to get a good look at her.
"Easy little one," said Tentay, cradling Katla.
I just smiled.
I was in my throne room, and human again. I was alone, and it was quiet... until I heard a telltale slithering again.
"...Hello Zygarde."
The serpent congeals in a flash from their cells before me.
"You're still doing this. Why are you still doing this."
"They appreciate my help. And they are clearly better in my hands than yours."
The snake withed, their form rippling.
"Look, if you can't stop yourself from messing MY order up, I WILL."
I scoffed. "How?"
"You're awfully fond of those two humans, aren't you?"
My eyes widened. I clenched my fingers on my seat. "...Petty threats will get you nowhere."
"Oooh, I struck a nerve, didn't I? Don't worry, I won't do anything to them... Physically anyway. Unless you try to warn them that is, in which case I can always arrange an accident...."
I shifted to dragon form, knocking several things over in the process. "What are you planning, Zygarde?"
"How does the saying go, something something for me to know and you to find out?"
I roared and slashed at them with a claw, but before I made contact they scattered into cells and disappeared from whence they came. Guards rushed into the room shortly after. "Arbiter! Is everything all right?"
I panted heavily, looking at where Zygarde had gone, before turning to the guard.
~It's... It's fine. Just spooked by a shadow.~
From there it became apparent something was very quickly going wrong.
It started small at first. The brothers being more snippy with each other than they were before. But it soon blew up into full-on arguments, and everything I had raised them to do was falling apart before my eyes.
I knew exactly why.
I stalked the halls of the castle until I found a hound, ducking and weaving through the corridors.
The hound stopped, looking smug. "What is it?"
"What are you doing to them?"
"Oh nothing much. A lie about one here, a rumor about the other there, did you realize exactly how easy it is to turn them against each other?"
"How... How dare you!"
I fired a metallic burst, a small-scale version of my Origin Flare, but they were already gone, and the brilliant beams of light only sank into the corridor, reducing chunks of it to rubble.
It was then I panicked. As long as Zygarde could keep spreading their lies...
...There was nothing I could do.
Soon enough came a day that would come down in history as a fateful one.
The two of them were having a particularly heated, particularly philosophical argument about the future of the kingdom. Said argument was happening in the throne room, right in front of me, a dragon silently watching as their two human charges escalated to potential civil war right before their eyes.
"Do you really think your deluded visions would ever lead this kingdom to greatness?" said Tentay, "Your ideals will only bring ruin!"
"Your plan is built on a flawed foundation," said Pethakhon, "and faulty delusions of truth!"
It was becoming all too clear for me.
They would not reconcile this time.
I would have to choose one.
...But I couldn't.
I couldn't possibly-
One side of me wanted one. Another wanted the other.
But I couldn't choose.
I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't I couldn-
When I awoke, I could not move. I had reverted to the God Stone I use to sleep and could not get out.
But I could see everything. I could see Tentay and Pethakhon beholding two dragons that I quickly realized had split off from me, by sheer will to leave neither one behind. I could also see I had rolled off to the side, where no one could see me.
But if those two pieces of me were out there... What was the rest of me doing in here?
As I wondered this I witnessed the argument between the two brothers escalate further, and eventually they stormed out of the room.
Time passed. Day turned into night. Then the serpent came.
"Well well well, that was an entertaining show. I knew your powers were unstable but I never expected them to do THAT. Oh well, it works out for me plenty - those two idiots you were so protective of will decimate humanity by their actions, and those bits of you that spawned for them will only help.
I wriggled in my prison, trying desperately to escape and put Zygarde in their place. They noticed and chuckled.
"Oh how foolish. Don't try too hard to escape dear. You don't know what schisming off so much of your power has done to you."
Their form rippled.
"And besides. It's too late for you. I've already won."
He gave a hearty, echoing laugh as he dissipated into cells and disappeared.
Throughout the night, I continued to wriggle and squirm. I HAD to fix this, I HAD to prove Zygarde wrong, I HAD to-
And then I broke free.
And then I felt it.
I could tell I was not the being I used to be. I felt weak. I felt empty. There was a gnawing hunger and emptiness at the bottom of my soul that I could not overcome.
I staggered through the hallways of the castle, in confusion and pain, when I came upon two guards, who recoiled at my approach.
"H-Halt! What monstrous kind of P-Pokémon are you?" said one.
I looked at that guard. And I hungered. The emptiness gnawed at me as I yearned for something to fill it.
I lunged.
The other guard screamed as my fangs sunk into his compatriot. I started devouring him, purely by instinct, rending flesh from bones.
"M-Monster! Monster!"
It is then I snapped back to my senses and realized exactly what I was doing.
I tried to say, "Wait, no, you don't understand!" but all it came out as was staticky buzzing. Then the guard fled.
Overwhelmed with grief, shock, and horror, it was then I did the same, leaving the tall pyramid castle I had called my home for centuries and never turning back.
I holed up in the crater I had first crash-landed in from thereon out, never emerging. Still, I saw many things.
I saw Unova burnt by a deluge of fire and electricity.
I saw Unova rebuild, become more technologically advanced, more close totheir Pokémon, then further away, then closer again.
I saw people settle the area where I lived, and grow to fear me as others had.
I saw one bit of kindness from a boy from those people.
I saw the white dragon that split from me return, join with me once more, filling my emptiness but causing her unbearable pain that racked me with guilt.
I saw all this, but one thing remained the same, for the most part.
I was alone. And I was unsure if that would ever truly change.
So all I could do was mourn all I had lost.
Bit of a downer, huh. But I hope you enjoyed it! WILL Kyurem's situation get better? We'll have to find out later - I've got other shit I've really got to get to writing.
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blueangelicrose · 5 years
A New Beginning: Chapter 9 (part 1): The Sister Arrives
It was a bright and sunny day outside. Flowers blooming and birds singing, it was the perfect day for having a picnic or just having a good time in general. Unfortunately that wasn't the case for Josephine. It had only been a week or two since the convention and had gotten back to work, and she was already in a bind. She was trying to retrieve an ancient relic that had been stolen from a sacred church that laid hidden deep in Inkwell Isle's forests. The church was once Inkwell's most powerful influence of Christianity since way before the Devil made his presence known on the Isle. It was referred to as, "God's doorstep", for it was believed that once you took one step in the church, you would immediately feel as if you were almost in Heaven itself! The church was so highly revered and spiritual that even the atheists paid their respects to the congregation of the church. They even donated money and items just to get on the church's good side. Back then, the church was God's most divine house and was not to be disrespected. But as the years went by and the Devil had set up shop in the city, the church goers became less and less. Eventually, all the citizens either gave up hope of ever being freed from the Devil's grasp or had just forgotten that the church was there in the first place. And of course it didn't help when the Devil placed several of his minions to lead the church goers astray from attending the church. The church then faded away from Inkwell Isle's history books and the citizens memories. But God wouldn't let the precious place that His people worshipped and loved him in to go to ruin. He sent his angels to guard and keep up the place in order to keep His spiritual powers flowing throughout the building in order to protect all the living creatures that lived in the surrounding forests. God also decided to use the church as a place to store some heavenly relics for the angels to use just in case of an attack on them, the church, or some of the other priceless treasures from Heaven. Unfortunately, just a few hours ago, one of the imps from the casino somehow managed to sneak into the church and stole a sacred dagger that was used in one of the wars between Heaven and Hell. It was said that it could cut through even the most thickest of armours, weapons, shields, and even spells. This weapon was called, "The Dagger of God's Wrath." And only the good Lord knows how such a low level demon managed to sneak inside the church and steal such a priceless treasure. But now it was up to Josephine, who, by the way, volunteered to take the mission for personal reasons, to retrieve the weapon, interrogate the suspect, destroy the suspect, and then put the weapon back to where it belongs.
But, from what should've been a simple task, is turning out to be a major pain in the butt! She chased, hunted down, searched high and low, and chased again the little imp until she came upon the city limits. She knew that if she were to continue chasing down the little imp into the city with her wings on full display, she would definitely cause a ruckus. So she shape shifted herself into that of a humanoid cheetah woman to keep herself on low profile. She then charged after the imp at full speed. The imp looked back, and was frighteningly surprised that instead of a pretty angel chasing it, it was a menacing but attractive looking cheetah lady! It continued running for it's life until it reached an alley corner and hid behind it. As it nervously peeked out of the corner to see if she was there, it sweated profusely and swallowed hard, fearing that she was right there. But as it looked back, she was nowhere to be found. It raised a brow and looked back and forth to see if the coast was clear. All seemed calm and clear. It breathed a sigh of relief and wiped its nervous sweat and without a care in the world walked away hoping to get to the casino before Josephine caught up to it. Unfortunately for the creature, it was not so lucky, kinda funny and ironic since it worked for a casino and had supernatural powers. As soon as it turned the corner of the block, it literally bumped into a pair of slender feminine legs. He nervously looked up, and saw a very ticked off cheetah lady with arms crossed and giving it a look that said, "Really? You think I'm THAT dumb?" Responding to this development, it slowly backed away, turned away, started to walk away, then made a break for it. Josephine sighed, continued to chase it until she was in front of the imp.
The imp then tried to run in the opposite direction, but was inevitably caught. She picked up the imp by its scruff and had it look her in the face. Without saying a word, she held out her other hand for the imp to give back the blade. The imp looked back and forth between her eyes and her open hand, until it finally got the message. (Not very sharp, is it?) It smiled nervously and held up one if its hands up to tell her to hold on for a minute while it used its other hand to, what seemed like it was going to hand her the blade. But really it was digging around its bag to grab something else. And she wasn't able to find out until it was too late. The imp flung a dark purple colored powder at her face, literally BLINDING her! As she screamed in pain, she had no choice but to drop the imp and try to wash the stuff off. The imp took this chance and made its escape. Unfortunately for the imp, it accidentally ran into a gang of werewolves, who by the way, owed a great deal of debt to the Devil's Casino. They recognized the little imp and decided to take away the bag to see if there was anything valuable in it to trade in for some cash to pay for their debt. Although stealing from the Devil just to pay back their debts that they owe to the Devil, is probably not the smartest idea in the world. They pretty much took everything that looked valuable in the bag and LITERALLY threw the imp away from them. And when the imp tried to get the bag back, one of the werewolves gave a menacing glare and snarl basically telling it to back off and for it to scram. The imp got the message and swore to them that the boss will hear about this and that they were going to regret it. Most of them didn't pay much heed into it, but the somewhat smarter and paranoid ones were a little more cautious to the little demon's warning. They decided to change to another one of their secret hangouts until they were in the clear. Then trade the stuff that were in the bag to various pawn shops to earn enough money to pay off their debt.
While on the other side of this perplexing situation, Josephine was writhing in agony as the powder in her eyes was starting to burn like fire. It was so intense that it felt like Hellfire had been thrown at her face by the Devil himself. She didn't want to make this situation any more worse than it already was and attract any unwanted company. So using her teleportation abilities, she moved to somewhere more private and secluded to remove the powder from her eyes. There was only one place that she could think up on the spot that matched those descriptions. And in an instant, she teleported to the creek in the woods where she and her sister first met the Cup Brothers. Ever since her childhood days, she always wanted to go back to the woods where she and her sister spent that wonderful year with their Earth family. Those were happier and simpler times. Where she and her sister could relax and be actual normal kids without the fear of their lives being at risk at every single corner that they turned. And she could never forget the day where her sister fell in love for the first time. She never felt so happy for her sister before in her entire life when that happened. Josephine dubbed the creek where it all started as, "First Love Creek." So when times got tough for her and her sister, she would remember her favorite memories to make herself happy. And her sister falling in love on that day was definitely in the top five of her most favorite memories. As she was wrapping up from traveling down memory lane, she carefully inched close to the rushing water. When she reached the waters edge, she fell to her knees and started scooping the water with her hands and started to wash her eyes out. She managed to get the powder out from her eyes, but the magic effects from the powder wasn't so easy to get rid of. She finally recognized what the powder was and was immediately infuriated. The imp had thrown at her, "Blinding Powder", and just like the name suggests, when thrown in someone's face, it blinds them for 24 hours, if the victim doesn't get killed while doing something stupid. Josephine knew that she was going to have her work cut out for her for the next 24 hours. The first thing she needed to do was to find a temporary home to live in until she could find that imp, or somehow break into its boss's headquarters and retrieve the dagger. But most of the money that she had was spent on sea fair, necessities for hunting down demons, and of course, fashionable clothing and such. She had no choice but to earn some quick cash for her to be able to afford living anywhere.
About an hour or so later, she had reverted to her human form, she decided to wear more or less showy but still fashionable clothes, and painfully reported back her situation to her superiors. They were a little shocked and a little irritated that something like this happened. But they digressed, and told her to do what needed to be done in order to bring back the relic. But not to harm any civilians and not to get discovered at any cost. She agreed and promised that she would do her absolute best to abide by those rules. As soon as she signed out, she grabbed her guitar, a fold out chair, and a pair of sunglasses that she had stashed away in her own angelic inventory. She then headed towards Inkwell's most busiest and populated place for people to go and relax; Inkwell Isle's Central Square. She figured if she could use her angelic voice to get her enough money to get to a decent place to stay, then she was willing to give it her all. She placed her little setup right in front of a beautiful water fountain. With her guitar at hand and the guitar case open wide on the ground for people to put money in, and of course with her brilliant disguise as a normal human woman on, (sunglasses included), she was ready to sing! She sang for hours and hours, and even though she was blind, she could still see the gray blurry figures going to and froe not even stopping to listen to her sing. And even though she was blind, she could tell that not a single person had thrown any money in the case. Frustrated at the harsh treatment, she decided to just sing to herself some songs that her mother taught her from all the travels that she spent going back and forth between dimensions. She figured that it could relieve her from the harsh critisim and a chance to reminisce about the happy parts of her childhood. She started to quietly play a sad but sweet lullaby that was written and played by an up and coming Mexican mariachi musician. As she played quietly, figuring that no one wanted to hear her sing, she started to wonder how her sister was doing, and if she met up with their mother at the convention yet. As she was lost in her thoughts and was playing the last music notes of the song, she suddenly heard clapping and then a charming southern like male voice. "Well, well, well~ ...... I heard a lot of things in my day, but I never heard such a sweet and soothing sound as your voice my dear. And that's coming from me! Do you mind if you could play that song again for me, but a bit louder this time?" She wasn't sure what to make of this strangers compliment and request. She was about to ask him who he was, but she was cut off. "Oh dear! You're blind? But you can still play the guitar! That's quite something! And I see that no one has had the courage to give you payment on your wonderful services! If I may, would you please play that song again and teach me the lyrics? But of course you will be rewarded most generously." He gently grabbed one of her hands and put a couple thousand dollars in the palm of her hand then closed it to tell her that it was her money to keep. She couldn't read how much there was but could tell that it was a lot judging by the thickness of the bundle of cash in her hand. She was about to refuse and say that it was too much. But the man cut her off again saying that he just wanted to hear her sing. She couldn't help but be flattered by his words and agreed to his strange song and teaching request. She sang a song that you can find on You Tube under the singer that my character sounds like: Song: Remember Me from the movie Coco
Singer: Anna
YouTube name: annapantsu
"Remember me~
though I have to say goodbye,
Remember me~
don't let it make you cry,
for even though I'm far away I'll
hold you in my heart,
I'll sing a secret song to you each
night we are apart,
Remember me~
though I have to travel far,
Remember me~
each time you hear a sad guitar,
know that I'm with you the only way
that I can be~,
until you're in my arms again~,
Re~mem~ber~ Me~!!!!"
To Be Continued....
End of chapter 9 (part 1).
To be continued in chapter 9 (part 2).
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forkanna · 6 years
"Whew! Holy cats, I thought I'd never get through that Rubik's Cube…"
My hand came up to push into my face. Not that it really mattered; I could barely feel it. "At least I could kinda help with that one. The other two gates were… yeah, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Kniv-"
"Enough," Knives panted as she wiped the sweat from her brow on her striped scarf. It was pretty weird that she was wearing it in the middle of summer, but I had a feeling it was kind of part of her 'battle outfit' or something. "Didn't I… tell you that I'm… doing this for both of us? Not just you?"
"But watching you stare into the mirror… man, I thought you were gonna turn into that other reflection of you with all the purple buffalo in the background…"
The sweet smile made my pulse race. Somewhere. Not in the body I was in within my body, but the body outside of my… body… this is really annoying to explain, as I have just realised while trying to do so. Point is, seeing her smile makes me smile, too. "Anything for you, Kim Pine. Serious and mysterious."
"Alright, alright. Just try not to get killed or then I'll be really hacked off."
The thing I still couldn't figure out was how I guessed all of this so accurately. Probably something subliminal about it; there's no way it was a coincidence. But everything, the three gates, the rhino and warthog, the high-walled chambers we had to fight our way through, came to pass exactly as I snarked in a would-be joking tone. If I made it a reality by saying it… man did I fuck myself royally.
At this point, Knives and I were at the top of a ledge that ran the entire circumference of a round room, closer to the ceiling. It was over a dozen meters to the ground, and another three or four up to the ceiling from where the walkway was positioned. Once she flipped down into that pit, it would be her against the sixteen-eyed monster that stood between us and the final chamber. Maybe we would luck out and it wouldn't really have a laser cannon in its chest, but after everything I'd seen, that felt like a pretty horrible bet to take.
"We don't even know that getting past this thing will be worth the effort," I whispered. "What are we going to find in the sub-chamber? How is it gonna help me at all?"
"Dunno. Just… okay, should I use the save point? Because the room already locked behind us, and if I need some kind of item that we didn't find on our way here…"
"Right, I know. Like, do we really wanna have to go through the gates all over again if we don't use it?"
"Yeah." Glancing back at the closed-and-shut door, then over at the spinning, glowing book that floated above a magic circle on the floor, she flashed me a huge shrug. "I think I can take him, but like, you're right; do we lock down how far we've come, or give ourselves a way to double back for power-ups?"
Facepalming, which didn't do much since I could see through my hand, I sighed, "Whatever. Just please be careful?"
"Okay. Here goes nothing…"
Knives walked over and touched the save point. Now we were committed. Once the glow faded from her skin, she gave me a thumb's up before leaping down to land in front of the beast.
Watching her at work is like watching Russian ballet, only with green blood spraying everywhere. Darting back and forth, hiding behind pillars to dodge the worst of its needle attacks, and then hopping out to slice it up as much as she could. It smacked her around a few times, but she was doing some pretty decent damage… until it got her with the laser cannon. Then she was fried to ash, and there as nothing I could do…
But wait for her to respawn at the save point. I was a ghost; I didn't affect anything, other than to talk to her and give her ideas.
"Whoa, did… that really happen just now?"
"Man, I'm glad that worked," I told her, feeling like years had been shaved off my afterlife. "I… oh Knives…"
That definitely didn't sound like me, and she noticed, turning back from where she had been approaching the edge of the catwalk. "Are you feeling alright?"
"Yeah. Just… just not ready to see you get hurt. Even if you pop right back in, that was still…"
"But you saw me get beaten up by Gideon before, right? So what's the difference?"
I scoffed. "Didn't have much of a personal investment in you then. And that was scary, too."
"He wasn't a real threat."
"He seemed to beat up Scott pretty thoroughly!"
"Yeah." Her smile was pretty confident, yet somehow still adorable, like she was about to break out into the world's cutest maniacal laughter. "But he's got nothing on me. Be right back."
And she was. I could tell it was almost done for, but then it did a stomp move that knocked her onto her butt. The next stomp squished her flat. But she popped back in thanks to our handy checkpoint and jumped straight back down there again. And again. And again. Eventually, I had to stop watching the moment she bit it or I would have been screaming and sobbing, despite having no physical tears to shed. But each time, she got a little better.
"Dude, give it up. Maybe they can figure out a way to pull you out of here from this save point. Do you have a Wing Bottle, maybe?"
"No… way!" she panted, leaning back against the wall as she caught her breath. Apparently, even though the save point respawned her, it wasn't respawning her stamina entirely. She still needed a break before trying again. "I got this! And… I'm not giving up on you!"
"You should! I'm not worth this! God, I know you want to win, and I think you can, but watching you die over and over is… I hate it!"
Frowning, she pushed off and came over to hug me very briefly. By which I mean she put her arms around my ghostly form and kinda held them there, giving the impression of a hug, which was close enough. "Sorry. I'd hate watching you do that, too… but we gotta win this. And I will; I think I've about got his pattern down. I just have to remember not to tuck-and-roll at that moment when I think I need to again, and I'll be good."
"Did you notice what he does before he fires off the canon? The way his top two eyes blink?"
"What? No, I didn't! Okay, that'll really help, because like, I was just waiting to see the chest open and then it's almost too late to duck…" Nodding a couple off times, she then smiled over at me. "Yeah, I'll watch for it. Thanks!"
"What 'thanks'? I'm basically helping you help me. Go on."
The final attempt was a thing of beauty to watch. Knives had that chump on the ropes the whole time, snapping at his tentacles with her blades and ducking out of their reach, away from the needles that shot out of them, and then dodging the laser cannon because of me pointing out the blinking thing. She had a pretty good dodge ratio even before that, but seeing her get out of the way every time was a lot more satisfying. Then, once he did the duck-down halfway through the fight, getting ready to slam, she sliced his stupid wings off and he got pissed the way he does, firing the laser in an up-down pattern that she had to dodge by ducking and then jumping up to grab the ledge. Didn't take much of that for her to wear him down so she could dart in and poke out the last remaining eyes. Once he was blind, all she had to do was stab the crystal on his back and he was down for good.
"YES!" she cheered, falling to her knees. "I… I did it! I did it!"
We both shouted our celebrations for a few seconds as I drifted down, wishing I could hug her. After a few minutes of that I said, "Oh man… what a jerk! If my fist wasn't invisible I would punch him."
"Yeah, now! He messed with my girl!"
Knives's flush took on a different meaning. "Awww, you called me your girl. I'm gonna give you so many kisses when you have a face again!"
"I… just… o-okay," I managed to stammer, ignoring her giggle as she started walking. "Wait, shouldn't you go back to the save point?"
"Nah, it's too far up to get to it without timing wall jumps for hours. And anyway, now that I have the pattern down, I can blow through that boss pretty easy if I have to again. Muscle memory, right?"
So I followed her forward into the next chamber. The innermost one, where the "real me" was supposed to be, if this was all coming true as we went. Crazy, but it was hard to argue with the proof when it was right in front of us like that.
This chamber really did look like the inside of a heart. The walls were a dark red, slick and nasty, and in the center was a cage made of stone. We took a quick look around, hoping to spot any crazy vampires or fire-breathing lizard-turtles that would want to kill Knives — and by extension, my chances of being able to move ever again — and saw nothing. So instead, we rushed to see what was in the cage.
It was me. Or at least, it was some weird version of me that I could only describe as a princess. Her hair was about half a meter longer and done in some kind of gentle wavy curls that I could never pull off in a million hours of crimping, and she was wearing a white dress that showed off the rack that I don't really have. Her upper arms weren't nearly as jacked as mine are from drumming, but they were still toned. Basically, this was what I would look like if I dieted perfectly, had my own stylist and was also on my way to a debutante ball or whatever.
"Oh!" Princess Pine gasped when she spotted Knives. "You have come for me, Prince Chau!"
"Prince?" Knives muttered with a frown.
"Yes! You are the prince and I am the princess, waiting f-"
"She's not a dude!" I shouted in my best heckling voice. What the hell was this supposed to be? I was instantly offended by her very existence.
"I'll not hear a word from you, pretender!" she said, voice somewhere between angry and frightened. "The NegaKim must be vanquished!"
For a few seconds, we just blinked at her. It was me who asked, "The what?"
"NegaKim! 'Tis you who has been in charge of my body, stealing everything I could have done for night a decade of years! A shame and a disgrace to my face!"
"Wait," Knives put in, holding up a hand. The other one was still holding a dagger; she wanted to be at least semi-prepared for a sudden attack. "What are you talking about, 'NegaKim'?"
"She is NegaKim! I am the real Kim Pine, of course! Forced into this Gorgon Maiden by nefarious means, kept prisoner by the evil twin-spirit who took over my physical form! While my prince wasted her efforts on her, when I would have been much more appreciative!" She was still talking with all that righteous fire, but saying that last part I could see her blush a lot worse than I usually did. And it looked better on her. Goddamn it, I couldn't even be the hottest version of Kim Pine, which really rankled.
Knives had a different observation. "Well, at least she's getting the pronouns right…"
"Listen, you," I growled angrily. "Fuck the hell off. It's my body, I've had it for twenty-five years, and I'm not handing it over to some… frilly, froofy cunt!"
That gave her one of those affronted faces you only see in movies set in the 1800s. After she recovered, she hissed, "You'll regret this! I don't know how, but you will, I'll…" There were tears in her eyes. This was pretty legit for a fake-ass bitch trying to steal my spot in life. Her fists were trying to rattle the bars of her little cage as she shouted, "I'm going to get out of here, I swear it!"
"Okay, okay," Knives hissed, raising her hand again to encourage her to calm down. "What if we get you out, and you can go away somewhere else? Isn't that a good, like… compromise? OH! What if we got a robot-Kim, and you could go live in there?"
"My prince… can't you see that I am your intended?" she pleaded with her, leaning so far against the bars that her face was trying to push between them. "Not her, me! She will hurt you, but I would cradle your heart as if a baby bird! I… all I want is to make you happy!"
Everyone was quiet for a few seconds. I turned back to Knives and shrugged. "Well? She's the girl of your dreams. All the freckles, and none of the acid-tongue. Plus she's way cuter."
"Nah," Knives said without any hesitation. "I know who I love, and it's you. This is some other test and I'm gonna pass this one, too. And the next one, and the next, until I break you out and we can both go get sushi or something."
As I was grinning at her, beyond any level of love for her that I had previously thought possible, I dimly noticed Princess Pine collapsing on the floor in a flurry of sobs. Oh well, too bad. Better luck next time. As we were sharing that moment, someone came along to interrupt it…
"How dare you thwart my plans! I've been waiting for this to come to fruition for seven years!"
If my face could have paled any further than ghostly white, it would have.
"Simon Lee."
To Be Continued…
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kyokyo866 · 7 years
Yo! This is the Tea and I would first like to thank you for your Youtube channel and your stories. I probably wouldn't have gotten interested in writing if it wasn't for you.
This au is called The Mansion of Night. This au originally started as a random fanfiction/game idea where I wanted a similar goal and setting to Hentaoni. I found my inspiration from a lot of places. Like one of the races I put in this world spawned from dreamtalia (Not the same race as Reve, which I never knew at the time). I love thinking about it and developing it, and yet I barely have a muse to write it. This au has been in reworks since April of last year. I’m proud of the culture, relationships, climates, and drama. The only thing I’m having a hard time dealing with is the money and Wing(Kingdom-ish) relationships.
The mansion of Night is a closed off, large mansion with a main building and four other wings. It’s suspended in a weird void dimension which none of the characters will ever know in their lifetimes. Since the mansion is closed off in some other world, people have to get into it somehow. There are only four requirements to get into the mansion: They have to be asleep, they had to of been scared of something at the time of sleeping, the void dimension has to closely pass by their dimension, and there needs to be a blank room available. Who it takes is random because people get scared all the time. Elaborating on the rooms, there are three kinds: Blank, Damaged, and Marked. Blanks are working rooms. Basically, important things other than people can spawn from these rooms. Food is the most common item to spawn, but it normally comes down to one kind. Getting a variety of things from one room is rare. Then there are Damaged rooms which loses their blank room abilities. They’re generally useless since most of them have missing or heavily damaged doors. These rooms are fixed by installing a new door when they come around. Lastly are the marked rooms. These rooms are inhabited by the people that live there. The doors are damaged, but not to the heavy extent of a damaged door. At most it has a deep caving, which is a group’s emblem. Group emblems are a way of distinguishing groups/packs and clans. They’re like family units.
When a person spawns in a room they’re forcibly turned into one of four races. Whether you were originally a dog, god, or human being, it doesn't matter. First, I want to be extremely brief. There are only vampires, werewolves, humans, and demons. They all have a place in this food chain. Vampires are meant to keep populations in check, werewolves are supposed to eat the corpses, humans are supposed to be like livestock, and the demons are supposed to keep people from going mad. But of course, people are still people and eventually they start doing more than intended. The new people who come into the world often come from different eras with different technology. When the resources are around they could show off an invention or make life easier. Over time people start identifying themselves as being apart of a Wing or the Main Building. A Wing has come to be a sort of identity to most people. Wings A and C accept this view while B would rather identify as their own groups/packs. Wing D only has a few stubborn people living there, mostly self exiled due to law and such. The Main Building has a similar view to B in a more controlled manner. I’ll also keep the relationships brief. Wing A and C are neutral, but are competing for Wing D. They’re also in agreement on vampire stuff which keeps them neutral. Wing A and the Main Building are friends in a sense as they trade freely. Wing C is an isolated little shit that want’s people to stay away. Wing B also wants people to go away, but only because it’s going through it’s own power crisis. The Main Building gives no shits as long as they have their Libraries.
The next things I want to go over is whether and how money works. The year is separated by three different seasons: Summer, Winter, and Transition. There’s a Transition between Summer and Winter and vice versa. A year in this world is the equivalent of two years in our own. Each season is about 180 days. The weather mostly manifests as fog, wind storms, and temperature snaps. Most weather is predictable at specific times of the year, like the intense temperature snaps of the Winter and Summer. The least predictable are the wind storms. The Summers tend to be humid at most. The same can’t be said for the Winter. To combat the sub zero temperatures of Winter, I did a weird thing with the currency. The money is a heat and magic source. I’m overly proud of this creation. Magic wise it’s required to use magic. For the Winter, it’s like a lifeline. They’re small crystals of either yellow, blue, green, or purple. The most abundant crystals are blue and in second place green. Rubbing two of the same color will make a colored fire that makes warmth. People who make their own magic are the only ones that can hold lit crystals. Due to their small size people have to collect a ton for the cold snaps. People in the wings use crystals for cooking, magic, and weapons. During Harmn’s stay there is a near  shortage of crystals. The largest crystal deposits are deep within Wing D. Since there’s a monster killing people in there the wings can’t mine enough to support everyone. It also leads to one of the struggles of Wing A and C.
Lastly, I have to talk about the main characters of this au. When I started out I wanted to do things a little differently. I wanted the original group characters to come from their own unique universes. I have only recently gotten to their personalities and pasts. They’re developed enough to serve their purposes as intended. I’m going to keep explanations quick. Harmn starts out with the nickname Prussia and is the main protagonist. Japan is the antagonist that starts as a friend that slowly becomes paranoid. Canada is a whiny king that has to get used to things. Ludwig is a very unhappy character due to his recent marriage problems. Romano came out of a world of sickness. Feliciano is a teenager with lying issues. Francis came from a world where he’s just bored and lonely. Russia comes from a very warm world. Britain comes from a fantasy world where he belongs to a race of immortal seers. And then there’s Antonio who’s just trying to keep his anger issues in check. Many of these main characters are supporting main characters that meet at the start of this au story I have. I have more characters, but I don’t want to list them in this. This au does include oc’s that have an effect on the protagonist and antagonist. I have only one main storyline for this au which leads to the Harmn I rp with.
I would love to hear your ideas if this appeals to you. Please, nitpick the shit out of it. I have no one to talk to about this and harsh constructive criticism sounds welcoming. I want to make it better and have someone to bounce ideas with. If you want more information, like my main story line or characters, I’m happy to talk. You don’t have to do that, but I’m glad to get this off my chest. Have a good day Kyo.
*really hard slow blink. tents fingers*
goodness gracious
*taps fingers*
aight lemme ask you a couple questions to think of.
first off, why is there a mansion there in a void, was it put there, was it original human, or was it just kinda.. built. and is it a mansion or a manor. How is there weather if its a manor, or is it inside the mansion unless theres a reason to go outside? theres been no indication theres anything outside of this mansion so are they just there. 
second, whats the purpose? Like yes you told us characters and such but there’s not really much reason for us to care? Or seem fitting for the Hetalia universe at that? Like when you mentioned dragging in people from other eras I figured the oh yea okay theyre immortal so they can be dragged in from different moments in time, but then its brought up that a good chunk are from other worlds, period?? that seems kinda off. And Im guessing since you mentioned it was based on hetaoni that the goal is just escape from this void. But especially of there is no one home for any of them itd just be more of harmns story to gtfo id reckon so theyre not used as livestock but eh.
third, is a lot of the details necessary? I read this alongside dig and lubo and constantly we had to go back and reread a lot of it because we were just so confused. Like yea its sectioned off pieces with different creatures and the sectioned off pieces dont like each other and blahblah but.. is the extra details needed?? I mean i get it its an involved world but just a lot of the added details here and there, at least for us, seemed a little much and we got confused by it and it got to the ‘okay i guess there’s this now’
forth and thisll be the last question i leave you with, why should we care? Of like, a lot of the time our reaction was ‘okay thats a thing i guess’ like i meantioned in the last paragraph but we felt no pressing need to know about these characters or their plights, or wanting to know more about how these details worked despite it being spelled out for us. Our overall reaction was “okay then.” and even when there is hetalia characters they seem so far removed from their original characters (even if theyre intended to be 2ps like how harmn is) that we dont really have any relatable feelings or anything to them. It doesn’t feel like a hetalia project, that if you just changed the names of all the characters itd look like its own thing. So what makes it fully connect to the Hetalia universe, and why should we even care about them?
Thats about what i can think of on the top of my head. As before, if anyone has anything to add feel free to
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