#this is how my wips look. no line drawings or any real in between stages
kungfuslipper · 2 years
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Master Chief WIP
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thoughtsaboutshows · 3 years
A Different WIP Wednesday: Behind Closed Doors
This isn’t exactly a WIP but it is a completed scene from an abandoned (for now) collection of Nabrina missing/extended scenes from the show.  This one is from the end of Part 2! 
The dress was uncomfortable.  It was beautiful and while she didn’t mind a collar or a plunging neckline, the gold threaded dress she was currently wearing was itchy.  And the fact that Lucifer had picked it out for her made her want to rip it off even more.  She knew she couldn’t though, the literal world was depending on her to pull this off. 
So she slipped on the gold shoes as well and played with the mask, contemplating waiting to put it on until she got there.   They were all waiting for her downstairs and she knew Lucifer was waiting for her too at the Academy.  She could picture his smug smile while sitting atop his throne of skulls, believing he’d won.  But he hadn’t, not yet at least.  
She’d attempted a Hail Malphus pass in trying to stop her Aunt’s wedding.  She and Nick had worn another glamour and it had gotten them both expelled.  But this was even more of a risk, more of a last ditch effort to keep Satan himself from destroying the Earth.  From keeping herself from becoming the Queen at his side, and his child bride?  Her stomach churned at the thought.  His face had been dripping with victory when she’d tried to defeat him at the stone altar.  Heaven, his bragging eyes had even been present when she showed up at Dorian’s and he revealed his master plan.  He’d nearly jumped with glee when Nick appeared from behind the curtain, finding joy in the tears that were running down both their cheeks and enjoying that their relationship was in ruins.  In Lucifer’s mind, it was one less tie his daughter had to the world she loved so much.
Nick hadn’t given up there though, showing up in her room hours later begging for forgiveness, for her to see his love for her had been true despite what the Dark Lord had tasked him to do.  
Fix the Acheron and maybe I won’t hate you for the rest of my life. 
That’s what she had said to him.  But it couldn’t have been farther from the truth.  Hate him?  She couldn’t.  That’s why his betrayal had hurt so much.  It had cut a deep gash in her heart that he had mended after her breakup with Harvey.  It had made her question everything since he’d sat with her at lunch, which Nick claimed he’d done out of his own volition and sheer awestruck reaction to seeing her for the first time.  She wanted to believe that, and she guessed a part of her did or she wouldn’t have let him help.  Her trust in him was shaky at best.  She was unwilling to allow him to be the one to help her zip up that uncomfortable dress or clasp her shoes.  But she could trust that he was smart, and a damn good warlock.  So she handed over the Acheron and sent him away to work on it.  
He’d taken it in stride, accepted it as the tiniest of olive branches.  If he couldn’t hold her hand at least he could work on something to hold the Dark Lord.  He found a quiet room in the Mortuary and went to work immediately, putting all he had into it.  His heart had plummeted into his stomach, making him nearly lose his lunch when the Dark Lord told Sabrina of his plans.  It was nothing he’d expected, and thought his devotion had to do with guiding a wayward witch to sign the book of the beast.  Now he knew he played a role in the end of the world.  He didn’t care much about that, meaning what he said to Sabrina in her kitchen.  He only cared about her and it was Lucifer’s statements about her ruling by his side that had Nick fuming the most.  That’s what had kept him working furiously on the Acheron, hands shaking and mind racing as he said all of his spells.  
As the time drew nearer, and really it wasn’t enough time but it had to do, they all met in the Mortuary foyer before walking over to the Academy.  Sabrina was in her gold dress and everyone else wore their demon glamours; it would be quite the show.  Nick kept his distance from her, his entire focus trained on the Acheron still in his hands as he continued to mutter spells despite the fact that they were nearly leaving.  She took note of how he looked at it, eyes almost begging for it to work.  His entire face was furrowed in concentration, but it wasn’t the cute kind she’d admired when he’d perch on her bed studying or they’d research in the Sanctum.  Back then she could swoop in and kiss his lips or his jaw and it’d draw a chuckle from him and he’d be willing to take a break.  This concentration was desperate, and Sabrina knew without a doubt that desperation was for her.  
She also knew that she could try and kiss him all she wanted, and he’d still be working on that damn Acheron.  Because that is what would save them all.
Save her.
Still her feet that wore the uncomfortable heels couldn’t move in her uncomfortable dress to go to him.  It seemed too big a task in that moment, like facing down Nick was scarier than facing down the Dark Lord.  
Yet when they finally started the journey to the Academy, her mask in hand because she couldn’t bring herself to add another uncomfortable gold item to her outfit just yet.  She found her gazes darting to him and her footfalls falling into step with his.  Even when it seemed they were miles apart, they were in sync.  He caught her looking nearly every time, having stolen some looks of his own.  He could sense she was a little scared, his fearless girl.  
Except she wasn’t his anymore, he’d lost her.  She didn’t lose him though, she never would.  He’d tied himself to her long before Lucifer came calling.  She didn’t believe that right now but that didn’t really matter.  All that mattered to Nick was that she got through this, that she wasn’t forced into a role she didn’t want and that she survived.  And if his tie to her tethered him to a sinking ship or disaster, he’d hold on tight because it’d be worth it.  Because she’d be above the surface breathing another day.  
Her heart tugged to walk by him, take the Acheron out of his shaking hand and so it could hold hers instead.  But her head kept her in between her Aunts with her eyes forward, avoiding his dark eyes for the rest of the trip.  She knew how easily she got lost in them.  
Her eyes stayed ahead but her thoughts continued to drift to him.  She kicked herself for using the time she should be preparing to dwell on her boyfriend, her ex-boyfriend?  She wasn’t sure what they were anymore, but what she did know was that the story of them wouldn’t stop replaying in her mind.  She begged and prayed anyone left out there that it wasn’t all a lie.  She didn’t think it was even possible to fake the glint he’d had in his eye when he asked her to the Valentine’s Dance.  Or how his smile emphasized the curl of his tongue against hers when he’d kissed her properly for the first time.  Not that their stage kiss hadn’t felt real all on its own.  She hoped that he’d meant it when he toasted to her future as a High Priestess of the Church of Night.  And they hadn’t spoken of it, but what business would he have had lying to his familiar when he yelled out that he loved her, trying to get Amalia to spare Sabrina.  The same broken pleading was in his voice when he kneeled in front of her and told her he really did fall in love with her.  
And in return she spat in his face.  
It seemed deserved at the time, and it might have been.  But as her footsteps brought her closer to the Academy, she’d wished she’d have told him she loved him too, thrown the Dark Lord’s devotion right back in his face with a grab of Nick’s hand.  
Because she was pretty sure she had fallen in love with him right back.  
Nobody wasted any time when they climbed the steps to the Academy.  Zelda led the charge in search of Lilith and next steps.  Nick passed the Acheron to Ambrose as he walked by, shooting it one last inspecting look.  
Nick and Sabrina somehow found themselves alone on the steps in the back of the line, and he stopped her from going in with two gentle fingers on her arm.  If she was surprised she didn’t show it.  In fact, she looked almost relieved he had done it.  
“Sabrina.”  Nick started.  His voice sounded like gravel, rough and painful.  He reached out and his fingertips grazed the gold fabric of her dress.  She let him do it, which surprised both of them.  “I know this is all messed up and I hate the reason we’re all here...but you look beautiful.”  
“Thank you, Nick.”  She answered him, using his shortened name.  It made him visibly calmer, though being alone with her right now still made him nervous.  He couldn’t help commenting on her beauty.  He should have told her more just how stunning he found her, more exquisite than anyone else he’d ever seen.  So just in case, he’d told her now.    
“I’m so sorry, Sabrina.”  Nick apologized as he changed the subject.  He couldn’t help apologizing one last time either.  He hadn’t known what he was going to say when he stopped her, and the pressure of it all had obviously turned his brain to mush.  In reality there was nothing to say, he just wanted to be by her one last time.
She squeezed her eyes shut to try to keep the tears at bay.  She didn’t think they could really haven’t this conversation now, despite not wanting to go into this with things left unsaid.  She took a deep breath when he struggled to find more words.  She grabbed the hand that was playing with her dress and intertwined their fingers.  His hands were warm and soft, just as she’d remembered.  
“Nick…”. She said his name again and took a step closer.  They were outside in the open but somehow it had felt like the air had been sucked away.  The only life giving source left was each other and it seemed nothing could tear their eyes apart.  She saw the worry in his, muddled with something else she could only describe as love.  She figured hers looked the same and she cursed Lucifer all over again for playing with both of their hearts.  She leaned in a little bit more, and he memorized the scent of her, just in case.  As she breathed him in she thought she might have kissed him, might have folded herself in his arms, or at least told him she’d forgiven him.  
But she didn’t do any of those things because Lilith slammed the door open and demanded Sabrina come with her.  They couldn’t keep the Dark Lord waiting any longer.  
With one more lingering and longing look Nick gave a supportive nod.
“We’ll talk after?”  He asked with hope and lifted his and to gently graze her cheek.  She leaned into it slightly and nodded quickly in response.  With a deep breath he went inside the door and looked back at her once before disappearing down a hallway in search of the others.  
Lilith rolled her eyes and dragged Sabrina inside, giving her one last recap as to the plan as Sabrina out on her mask.  Sabrina had the plan down and was filled with a hopefully well placed confidence that this would all work.  The sooner they started the ruse the sooner the dress could come off and her comfy PJ’s could go on.  The sooner she could she have a real conversation with Nick.  One without the end of the world looming or hiding behind curtains.  
She couldn’t wait until she could. 
Because she wasn’t pretty sure anymore.
She loved him.
And when this was all over, when the Dark Lord was trapped in the Acheron, she’d tell him.
But she’d be too late. 
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Main Story Chapter 1-3: 命运的拐点 Destiny’s Turning Point Translation [3rd Beta Test]
*Light and Night Master-list is under WIP *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Game is slated for release this summer! (Estimated to be 8/8/21) *Beta Test’s main story tag will be #Dreams of Light and Night
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Police: Name?
Cindy: My name's Cindy. My earrings are gone! I've spent an entire week on them. Please, you must help me find them!
The girl who was desperate to the brink of tears was none other than Cindy, the oldest contestant amongst us all.
Half an hour ago, Cindy had suggested reporting this to the police seeing as how many of the designers had their accessories go missing. Now, she was the first one to undergo questioning by the police.
Police: Earrings, you say? Alright, I've noted it down. Has anyone else lost anything?
Designer A: Me. I lost an Emerald hairpin.
Designer B: My pearl necklace is gone too.
MC: I'm (Y/n), my brooch has also gone missing.
Police: I've gotten the gist of the situation here. All of your items were found lost after less than half an hour after having been left here.
Police: My colleague went to check the surveillance tapes. There was no one suspicious who entered and left the room during that time frame.
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Cindy: How can that be...
Police: But there are blind spots where the surveillance cameras cannot reach. Plus, things don't simply disappear for no reason at all.
Police: So, I'm asking everyone to think carefully about it again. Did any of you see anyone who was acting suspicious?
MC: A suspicious looking person…
The image of the figure dressed in black and wearing a mask flashed into my mind along with his skull pendant and flickering silver chains.
MC: I saw someone that I didn't recognize walk out of the room, but I thought that he was a model…
MC: But now that I think about it, no model would come here.
Police: What did this person look like?
MC: He’s very tall and looks to be around 185cm. He wasn’t wearing a staff uniform. 
Police: Can you give me a detailed description of his appearance and how he was dressed?
I nodded, trying my hardest to remember what I’d seen in that split-second.
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MC: I couldn’t make out his features since he wore a black mask, but I remember his clothes…!
MC: He wore a black leather jacket paired with light grey jeans and a pair of studded boots.
MC: He had a long silver necklace with a skull pendant hanging from it along with a few silver chains hanging from his waist.
MC: His countenance is hard to describe. He appears to give off a very mysterious vibe, but honestly, the design of the pants he wore needs to be optimized...
I continued prattling on, unaware of how the policeman who’d been recording my descriptions down stopped short.
Police: Optimized?
Suddenly realizing what I'd just said, my face flushed in embarrassment.
MC: Sorry, but that's pretty much all I saw…
Police: Alright. We'll look further into the matter with this information.
Police: However, considering the large number of people here, the vastness of the venue and the small number of missing items, it’ll be quite difficult to find them.
Police: You'd best be prepared.
Everyone lapsed into collective silence after the police left. The solemness of the atmosphere in here was tangible, like a heavy cloud that hung over all of our heads.
Cindy had already succumbed to despair. She silently squatted down; head buried into the crook of her arm.
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★Night Choice: Settle your own problems (Didn't select)
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☆Light Choice: Comfort Her
I walked up to her, gently patting her back.
MC: Don't worry, I'm sure the police will be able to help us all find our missing accessories.
Cindy: You guys are all young and talented… you'll have other ways to spring back if you fail here, so of course you wouldn't be too worried about it… but such a thing doesn't exist for me…
Her soft voice was distorted by her sniffling, so much that I could barely distinguish what she was trying to say between sobs.
I'd overheard the others talking about her before. Cindy was originally a white-collar worker who'd eventually resigned and got a loan to study design overseas. It was a do-or-die situation for her, in a way.
I didn't know what I should say to comfort her, for everything I say right now would only pale in comparison to what she was going through. All I could do was to gently pat her back.
Cindy: Why did this have to happen now…? It took me such painstaking efforts to get this far…
All the doom and gloom that she exuded was contagious, and I soon felt my heart drop along with her worsening mood.
???: What are you crying about?
No one actually expected Wu Yue, of all people, to be saying something this harsh. She strode out of the crowd under everyone's surprised gazes, walking in front of Cindy and pulling her back upright. Her expression was a tad savage.
Wu Yue: If you don't want to let all your previous effort go to waste, then you'd jolly well shut your trap and redo it. Do you really think it was all so easy for everyone to get this far!
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Wu Yue: Those who whinge and always feel sorry for themselves but do nothing to fix it will never succeed.
This was the first time I've ever heard her speak off-stage.
I couldn't help but to be surprised at the look of dead seriousness on her face.
MC: There's still another 3 days before the competition, so let's hurry and start re-doing what we've lost.
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Gao Cheng: I... I can help everyone fetch the materials they need. You can also ask me for help if any of you need an extra hand...
Designer A: I've already long since wanted to change my hairpin design! I'm sure the new one this time will turn out a hundred times better! You guys better watch out!
More contestants started inputting, and the gloomy atmosphere soon dissipated. Cindy had also stopped crying, vigorously rubbing at her eyes.
Cindy: You guys are right. I cannot give up here…
Despite all of us not knowing what results awaited us 3 days later, and despite all of us being fellow competitors, we were all teammates now, working hard with the same goal in mind.
After getting our moods in check, everyone returned to their own working space, making the best out of the remaining time left to continue with their respective creations.
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The hands on the clock had already moved past the 8 PM mark by the time if gotten up for a good stretch.
MC: The gown's pretty much good to go, and I've also finished drawing out the new brooch design. Everything's turning out pretty well~
Gao Cheng: Your design's inspired by the starry skies, right? It's really pretty…
Gao Cheng's faze lingered on the draft of my design for a while before he seemingly snapped out of it. He raised his head, frantically waving his hands in front of him with a flustered look on his face.
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Gao Cheng: S-Sorry, it wasn't my intention to peek at your design. I just happened to get attracted to it when I walked past…
MC: Don't worry about it, you came at a great time. Could you tell me what you think about it?
Gao Cheng: Is the brooch meant to represent the brightest star in the sky?
MC: Yup, it represents the north star.
Gao Cheng: But Polaris isn't actually all that bright. It shines at 2nd magnitude, so you can use a darker gemstone to represent it.
It was as if he were an entirely different person when it came to the topic of stars. He gushed enthusiastically about it with unrivalled passion and seriousness.
Gao Cheng: Ah, I just like astronomy, so I know about it a little more than others. Please don't get mad at me... 
MC: Why would I be mad? I'm actually extremely thankful for your input!
I'd previously searched up pictures of the starry sky up on the internet to use as reference pictures, but what Gao Cheng said reminded me once again that even though the pictures captured by a camera's lens turn out beautiful, it still isn't as real as the real thing.
Nothing beats seeing it with your own eyes and ascertaining it for yourself after all.
MC: Maybe I should go up to the rooftop and check the stars out.
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The cold air of the night greets me as I push open the doors to the rooftop. The vast night sky was spread out before my eyes, the many little red dots beneath it denoting lights of the thousands of households below.
I held onto the railing with both hands raising my head to inhale deeply.
It was then that my phone rang to life as messages from An'an came pouring in one line after another.
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An'an (SMS): I've gotten my hands on the guest list!
An'an (SMS): You won't believe how elaborate this guest line-up is! Osborn's actually coming, you know!? His club's going to be collaborating with the Warson Group!
MC: ...Osborn?
An'an (SMS): Please tell me you still remember him. I've shown you a picture of him before! He's my favourite R1 racer who has won 4 consecutive championships!
I hadn't yet had the chance to truly think back on it when I suddenly heard a faint noise. It was the familiar sound of metallic chains clinking against each other.
There had been no one here when I came up to the rooftop.
My heart leapt to my throat as I unwittingly headed towards the direction of the sound.
There was someone hidden within the shadows, standing silently in one of the corners where the moonlight never reached.
Seemingly having noticed my gaze, the person moved forwards, stepping out of the shadows.
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I finally managed to vaguely make out his appearance. He was tall and intimidating even from a distance away. He wore a black jacket across his shoulders, the moonlight glinting off the skull necklace that rested upon his chest.
MC: That's the guy I saw back in the corridor!
I hadn't yet recovered from the initial surprise of seeing him here when I suddenly noticed that he was holding a red earring between his fingers.
Cindy's Earrings! So, he really WAS the thief!
The clouds blocked off the moonlight, darkening the skies as my heart raced, pounding loudly in my ears. Did I interrupt him in the middle of something? Am I going to be "silenced"?
All hesitation flew out the window the moment my thoughts stopped there. I immediately turned and made a dash for the exit.
However, just as I was about to pull the door open and make my escape, a well-defined hand pressed against the door, blocking off my escape.
??: And just where are you running off to now?
❖☆————— ⊹ Dreams of Light & Night⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Chapter 1-1) | Next Part: (Chapter 1-5)
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ghoste-catte · 3 years
multiples of 3 ✌🏼-sgmdrcklee
@sagemoderocklee you’re really trying to kill me lol
This got long as heck so I’m throwing it behind a cut. Read on for answers and fic recs! (Mostly the fic recs)
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
This is a tough one to answer for me generally because I tend to spit words onto the page and once I have written them I no longer remember writing them. And 2020 has stretched on so long that as I’m looking at some of the stuff I wrote in the beginning of this year, I hardly remember what’s even in it. I think at one point someone (@goblin-draws maybe?) mentioned a line in Sleeptalk with Me where the innkeeper calls Kankuro “chubby boy”, and I was like “Oh ... did I write that? Yeah, sounds like something I’d have someone say to Kankuro ...” 
It might be easier to talk about this in other terms. One of the scenes I worked the hardest on this year was the fight scene in Chapter 3 of Skeleton Key. The original draft of the scene was a lot shorter, and a lot of the backstory for Misaki’s revenge quest was elided. The scene as originally written was clunky, confusing, and as my lovely wife/beta put it sounded “like a Naruto villain” was doing the dialogue, when previously she’d found Misaki sinister and intriguing. Which wasn’t what I wanted. I basically entirely overhauled the scene and re-wrote it several times. I wouldn’t call it a ‘favorite’ scene (I hate writing fight scenes generally; having chosen to immerse myself in a fandom about ninja where much of the drama comes from battle is my eternal regret), but it is a scene that I put a lot of effort into, and I’m moderately satisfied with the improved product that resulted.  
6. least popular fic this year
By far my least popular fic by kudos ever is Pitch Perfect. Which makes complete sense to me. It’s a fic where I’ve written 2 characters who are men in canon as cis women, which pushes a lot of uncomfortable buttons for a lot of people. It contains F/F smut, which is something that a lot of people who choose to read GaaLee probably aren’t out there looking for. And people comment and kudos less on smutfics, I assume because they don’t want their username attached to porn or because they’re embarrassed (which I totally get, no shame there). It’s a modern AU with a sports twist, and AUs are often less popular than canonverse in my experience. I will say though that it has a surprisingly high number of private bookmarks compared to other fics with comparable hit and kudos counts. So I assume people are just a bit more shy because the premise is so ‘out there’. I will say as far as my fics go, it’s one of my personal favorites and probably one of the most intimate and true-to-life things I’ve written? So it actually is a little comforting to know that something so vulnerable has relatively little attention. 
9. longest wip of the year
If we’re going based on stuff that’s partially published but not complete, my Gaara-adopts-Shinki fic On My Way Home is my longest in-progress fic at just over 20k words, although technically I started it in 2019. It will probably end up being right around 40-50k when it’s complete, which might end up situating it as my longest fic ever? 
12. favorite character to write about this year
Okay, this is an easy one. I love writing Kankuro. I think he is hilarious. He is the devil on my shoulder and a creature of pure id, and every time I write a line of dialogue for him it’s the summation of my rudest thoughts about a situation put in the crudest possible terms. If there were a megaphone directly from my unfiltered brain giving running commentary, that would be Kankuro.
15. something you learned this year
I have learned SO much this year! This is only my 2nd year properly ‘focusing’ on writing fic and investing any substantial time into it. I think the biggest thing I have learned, though, is how to overcome a lot of my self-consciousness about writing stories with NSFW elements in them. Starting out, I was so extremely shy and mortified about writing fic at all, much less things like hugging or (god forbid!) kissing. So taking on the smut prompts I took this year and really buckling down on learning to write the mechanics and emotions of sex has been a massive learning experience. (And sorry, by the way, if I haven’t gotten to a prompt you sent me in January yet. I do intend to write all of them eventually!) 
18. current number of WIPs
Ah. The call-out question. My general fic process is idea -> outline -> wip -> edit -> ready to post (where the final draft sits in my docs until I gin up the courage to actually post it). So skipping fics that are just “ideas” on the big mega-list, I have 3 fics in the “outline” stage, 13 fics in the partially written “wip” stage, 1 fic in the “editing” stage, and 2 that are complete but yet-to-be-posted. So, like, 19 total in the offing. (The “ideas” list is even worse lol.)
21. most memorable comment/review
This is such a difficult question because every single comment I get makes me do a little dance for joy. That’s not an exaggeration btw I really sit there and like bounce around in my seat for a moment before I open the Ao3 email. I am not an especially emotive person irl, but there have been times I’ve been brought near tears by comments. I’ll also occasionally show them to my wife like !! look at this nice thing this person said !! and she’s indulgent enough to actually read them. There have been a couple comments that have really stuck with me, that I starred in my inbox and return to frequently, but I don’t want to bring attention to someone else without their permission. I will say there was one person recently who mentioned (not in the comments on one of my fics) that they had found someone who does physical binding of fanfiction and they were about to ask my permission to do that, but then the person who does the binding only does certain ships that she likes ... so that, just, absolutely floored me. The idea that someone might actual want a physical copy of my stupid little ninja fanfictions is, like, so truly immense and completely overwhelming?
24. favorite fic you read this year
You can’t make me pick just one!! (For reference, I have bookmarked right around 180 fics in the past year, and that’s not including fics that I just read, really enjoyed, but didn’t think I could ‘handle’ a second time around.) So, skipping over the ones that AREN’T Naruto ... here is a brief sampling of some faves:
Silica by deepestbluest (rated E, GaaLee, ShikaTema, and Kankiba) - An absolute emotional powerhouse of a fic that manages to skillfully interweave three complex relationship dynamics, satisfactorily resolve them, and give you ALL the sandsibs feels in just over 10k words. 
Childhood Not-Friends (series) by MegaWallflower (rated G, KakaGai) - @megawallflower is a KakaGai god for good reason. Absolutely adorable relationship development fics (five of them!) with the premise that Kakashi thinks he and Gai have been dating since they were kids ... Gai just hasn’t been clued into it yet. These stories will give you heart-eyes.
The Bright Side by gidget_goes (rated T, GaaLee) - This is the Buffy AU I never knew I needed, because I’ve never seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But truly you don’t need any Buffy knowledge to enjoy this fic. @gidget-goes command of imagery is masterful, and the way they manage to snap from snark to tugging at your heartstrings is awe-inspiring. Gaara breaks my heart in this. And did I mention Kankuro wears a 10-gallon hat? Because Kankuro wears a 10-gallon hat. 
Nature vs. Nurture by Bidiza (rated T, GaaLee) - So introspective and so poetic. This looks like a WIP but it’s actually multiple oneshots, although by the end of the second one you’ll be dying for the rest of the promised series. 
I’m a Fool to Want You by BeelieveRosemarie (rated M, GaaLee) - Turns out @tuttiefruttiegaalee isn’t just an amazing artist, they’re a writer, too! Slow-dancing that will break your heart. Listen to the Frank Sinatra song while you read this for extra tear-jerking effect.
Let Love be Known (series) by TenTomatoes (rated G, GaaLee) - This is the twist on the arranged marriage trope and Beauty and the Beast that I didn’t realize this fandom was missing. I’m absolutely obsessed with their concept of Gaara as the Beast
I Could Be by LilacNoctua (rated T, GaaLee) - I know I big up @lilac-writes Worthwhile series a lot (deservedly so, because it’s so good it makes you look at the series and go “Why the fuck didn’t Kishimoto make this canon exactly like this?”), but this story made me absolutely die between the butterflies in my stomach and how hard I was laughing. There’s one line--you’ll know it when you read it--that absolutely bowls me over every time I re-read this. 
And Then Continue by EgregiousDerp (rated E, GaaLee) - Obviously I’m biased because this was a gift, but @egregiousderp writes some of the the best characterized porn I’ve ever read. You will read this and go “Wow! This is exactly how it would happen!” It’s such a tender, beautiful exploration of Gaara’s insecurities and a very real feeling first time, for all its soft edges. 
Cake by citronelle (rated E, KanKiba) - I don’t even know what to say about this one other than ... phew, this is extremely well written, extremely hot, and extremely in character. Just read it. I promise it’s worth it. 
Saudade by YumKiwiDelicious (rated M, GaaLee) - I’ve run around reccing this to just about every person on the face of the earth at this point. If you’re in the GaaLee Discord you probably saw everyone salivating over every new update of this fic and with good reason. The twists and turns of this fic will have you on the edge of your seat, second guessing every single moment. And it will break your heart in the meantime. What more could you want?
the love potion commotion by floating_cats (rated T, NejiSasu with background GaaLee) - One of those fics where you wish the author’s sense of humor was your own. So many hilarious moments in this story, and it brought me a new appreciation for a ship I never would have even considered. 
Finger Lickin’ Good by whazzername (rated E, GaaLee) - Whazz is another one of those authors where I literally want to rec every single thing she’s ever written, she’s just that good. (Speaking of which, if you haven’t read Fools Rush In and its sequel Degrees of Separation, you’re missing out on the best possible Metal origin story of all time. Don’t deprive yourself of this.) But this story is just ... so incredibly in character for a situation that reads like crack. It’s handled with the utmost straight-facedness and it’s so. freakin’. good. 
heart lines by winterberry_holly (rated M, NejiTen and GaaLee) - I don’t even have the words to describe how perfect this fic is. It’s a truly beautiful exploration of Tenten’s relationship with her palmistry hobby and with the people in her life. My heart ached with every single line. 
Standing on Ceremony by kuroashi (rated E, GaaLee) - This is just ... such a beautiful wedding story. So lovely, like getting the best possible warm hug from someone you love. If that love one was slightly strange and socially inept, because, well. It’s still Gaara doing Gaara-things. @baphometsss is another one of those authors whose handling of smut scenes is so stupendous it makes me wildly jealous. 
Thrall by RokiRiot (rated T, GaaLee) - Idiots-to-lovers with a magic AU twist! This is such a wonderful story, and Gaara’s internal monologue is absolutely amazing. And Lee is Deaf in this fic, which I never ever get to see and which absolutely made my entire day/week/month/life. 
Make-Out Consequences by LuxaLucifer (rated M, KakaGai with background canon Boruto ships) - I laughed so hard reading this that I had to take a breather to stop crying. That’s not an exaggeration. The characterization in this fic is impeccable and the humor is to die for. Naruto’s buffoonery truly shines here, and the author’s wit is just beyond anything I could even properly summarize. Hysterical. A++. 
Thirteen Strokes by Luna_Lee (rated T, GaaLee) - Again, like, if you aren’t reading literally everything @sagemoderocklee writes, are you even really a GaaLee fan? But this fic is beyond even for one of Eeri’s incredibly excellent writings. The worldbuilding in this, the cultural notes, the imagery ... it’s all so lush and so fulfilling and so beautiful. It’s a story about love and it’s a story that you can tell has love poured into every single line. I can’t recommend it enough. 
Checkmate by shadowstrangle (rated G, GaaLee) - The pettiness vibes ... this is so funny. Such a cute story and I love Gaara’s sense of humor here. Not a lot of writers give him a sense of humor, but I love how @shadowstrangle gives him a slightly odd, slightly left-of-center take on humor that still manages to be so funny. 
To Court a Village by FanFictionEngineer (rated G, GaaLee) - Another one where my bias is perhaps slightly obvious, but the premise of this fic is amazing. I love cultural misunderstandings, and the idea of Lee trying his hardest to court Gaara ineptly is just so perfect. 
affliction of feeling by theformerone (rated E, SakuHina) - One of those ships that it would never have occurred to me to seek out but that absolutely works with how the author’s set it up. The dynamics here are delicious. It’s so rare to find good F/F porn but this is one of them for sure. 
Tried and Tested by twentysomething (Rated M, KakaIru with background canon Boruto ships and GaaLee) - Iruka’s narration in this story is just incredible. I haven’t laughed this hard reading a fic in ages. And the concept alone (that Naruto can’t be promoted to Hokage until he passes his chuunin exams ... as an adult ... and Sasuke gets dragged along for the ride) is just brilliant. Amazing concept, amazingly executed. 
a fireside waltz by winterberry_holly (rated M, GaaLee) - I really tried not to rec a single author more than once here but for this one I had to. I got about halfway through this fic and immediately started running around ringing the town crier bell like READ THIS FIC! READ THIS FIC! An absolutely smoldering Regency AU with such beautiful, intimate dance scenes. My heart was racing every single time their fingers brushed. If you don’t read anything else on this list, at the very least read this. 
27. favorite fanfic author of the year
I really can’t pick just one. I am lucky enough that @egregiousderp passes me her drafts under the table before (or without) publishing, and getting to read those is a private treat of unparalleled proportions. Some of my favorite things I’ve read this year I can’t even rec because they’re her unpublished stuff. 
30. favorite fandom to read fic from this year
This is gonna come off strange because I just wrote such a long Naruto reclist, but I recently watched What We Do in the Shadows, and found an incredibly talented group of authors in that fandom with really amazingly good dialogue and narrative voice. I also read a lot of fic for the new It movies (even though I couldn’t watch the 2nd one for ~reasons~), and damn if there isn’t a talented crop of authors in that fandom, too. And finally with ATLA making its way onto Netflix, I had the chance to start watching that for the first time and found a ton of really good fic there as well! 
fanfic end of the year asks!
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toastedbuckwheat · 5 years
Hello! May I ask how you draw? I'm currently learning how to myself and would be highly interested into a step to step process by you! Like from sketch to the done thing (no color necessary)
Hello there!
I dunno how I feel about showing how I work/giving advice to someone who’s learning (and I say it as a pro artist who went through years of traditional art education) because when I do the illustrations you see here on my tumblr I BREAK THE RULES you’d learn though life drawing routine, and give in to bad habits, and my methods are rather unplanned and chaotic which makes it difficult to pinpoint significant stages. But I used my portable potato to take some photos during working on my last piece, so I’ll throw it here with a bit of an explanation of what’s going on.
Before I begin - and because you’re about to look at a mess of a WIP - I’d like to give you some general advice that generally makes life easier when you draw (again, things that I learned in traditional arts education - another artist might advise you the complete opposite, dunno!)
Work holistically. Forget them satisfying-to-look-at clips on instagram showing someone produce a hyperrealistic portrait starting from an eye, with each and every element emerging being finished before they proceed to another part. It takes a lot of talent, yes, but these are ppl redrawing a photo in a kind of a mechanical manner. Most artists don’t work this way. Especially if you’re working without a reference, or if you’re doing a life drawing - your process will be layering and changing and finding what works best to give an impression of what you’re drawing rather than reproduce the exact image, and your artwork is likely to look messy most of the time.That said: don’t start with the details. Don’t spend too much time on a particular part while neglecting others. Your goal is to keep the whole piece at the same level of ‘finished’ (even though it’s unfinished - do I make sense?) before you’re confident that everything is where it should be and proceed to the details. So sketch out the composition first. See how things fit, what’s the dynamics. You’ll save yourself from limbs sticking out from the frame, odd proportions etc etc.
Because it’s a game of relationships between different parts of the picture/scene. I ask you not to worry about finishing a single element before laying out the rest because you’ll find that said element will look different once the other part appears! For instance - you might think that the colour you picked for a character’s hair is already very dark. But once you’re done with the night sky background, you’ll find that it’s in fact too light, and doesn’t work well with the cold palette. You’ll have to revisit different parts of the image as you go to balance these relationships and make the picture work as a whole.
Give an impression of something being there without actually drawing it ‘properly’- because details are hard, mate. You’ll see that my lineart usually has hardly any, and my colouring is large unrefined stains, but the finished thing looks convincing. Like, fuck, I can never focus on how Crowley’s eyes are really shaped. So I just turn them into large glowing yellow ellipses crossed by a line, and heard no protests so far.
Don’t panic if you messed up (you probably didn’t anyway). It might turn out to be a completely unnoticeable mistake - because, remember, things work together to balance each other, so another finished off prominent element will probably drown that badly placed line that looked so visible and out of place a second ago. 
It might not look good before it’s finished. I’m mostly immune to it after years of drawing, and my recent illustrations all follow a specific method (ykno, my sunset glow effects and all that) so I can kinda predict the next stage. But I do my linearts on a specially picked crap paper, I don’t bother erasing the smudged graphite, and it looks messy af until I make the background white in Photoshop. Conclusion: you might have a moment of doubt as you work through a piece, but try to break through it - I often suddenly start to like what I cursed a minute before! - and try to finish it even if it’s meant to be bad. This way, looking through your past pieces, you’ll see the progress. And trust me, I can’t even look at my art from literally three months ago. It’s normal.
Now, pics! The sketches are paler in real life, but I increased the contrast a little so you can see something.
1. Laying out the composition! 
I wanted to just show them kissing, but I got carried away due to some Art Nouveau inspiration. As you might have noticed, most of my illustrations are quite self-contained (ykno - they look like a sticker on a plain background). So I wanted a tight swirl bordered by Aziraphale’s wings creating a sort of rounded, yin-yang like bubble around them. Consequently I made the whole composition revolve around their heads. 
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2. Adding more details to the sketch. It’s messy af. It will be messy until I’m done. It’s fine.
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3. These are the fineliners I use for the linearts! They are made by Uni-ball and come in light and dark grey. I also sometimes use the guy on the left - ‘Touch’ sign pen by Pentel, when I want more brush-like, wider strokes. I work in grey because when I scan it and do my usual boring trick with sunlight highlights - which is an Overlay mode layer in Photoshop - the highlights ‘burn out’ the lines too and make them vanish a little, and the lighting effect gets more striking. I also like to use the light grey ones to make something look pencil-y without actually using pencil, because pencil fucking smudges.
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4. It smudges! So because I am right handed, I start inking from the right hand side, no matter how tempted I am to do their faces first.
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5. You can see the composition directions here. I made it intuitively, but ofc some ppl actually use grids etc to lay out their drawings.
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6. See how pale ans thin the lineart was at first? I kept adjusting it as new inked parts were appearing. It starts to look nice and consistent now! 
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7. Finished lineart? There are some mistakes which I later corrected in PS. Notice that Aziraphale’s face has hardly any details on it - I tried to make the drawing suggest his expression rather than risk overdoing it. 
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8. Photoshop time!! You can totally do what I did here even if you don’t have a graphic tablet. I used Curves tool to enhance the lineart, then Quick Selection Tool to select the background around around my sticker-like piece and filled it white (on a new layer ofc). I keep this white layer on top of the layer order so it works as a mask as I colour. I decided I did not like the hatching shading underneath Aziraphale’s halo, so I erased it with a Stamp tool (because I wanna keep the textured grey fill my crap paper naturally gives me!). It’s done roughly but won’t be visible once the thing is coloured. 
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9. And the reason why I keep the grey shade instead of easily getting rid of it by using Curves/Levels is because when I set this layer to Multiply mode and colour underneath, it gives me this nice desaturated look like from an old cheap paper comic page. It works as a natural filter! But of course I can’t do bright colours this way, so all my glowing highlights happen ABOVE the lineart layer - on a separate layer in Overlay mode! 
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Finished thing here!
Commission infoBuy Me a Coffee - help me with my transitioning expenses!Prints and stickers and things on my Redbubble!
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zmwrites · 4 years
Novel Prep Tag Game: Just Jane
Hello everyone! I was tagged in this game by the always delightful @nistrada! Thank you, friend!! (I’m sorry, I know you tagged me two months ago.)
I’ve been putting it off as I haven’t had a new WIP that’s made it past the basic idea stage. But now that I’m working on Just Jane more, I figure it’s a good time to fill this out finally!
First Look
1.) Describe your novel in 1-2 sentences:
Jane, a scrawny street rat who’s made it to adulthood by the skin of her teeth, is taken in by Percival Greystone, a freshly returned war hero, after she’s caught trying to rob his house. They soon find themselves wrapped up in complex political machinations, as Percy is called upon to advise their young ruler, Duchess Anwen, who is being threatened with war by a former ally, and Jane is enlisted for help by the eccentric wizard trying to track down ancient artifacts said to be imbued with magic to protect the Duchy’s sovereignty. 
2.) How long do you plan for the novel to be?
I’m aiming for somewhere between 80k-100k? It might go over that if I go hard on the world building. It’s definitely an adult novel so I’m okay with it being a bit over the 100k marker.
3.) What’s your novel’s aesthetic?
Glowing runes, stone grinding against stone, massive gears opening doors that make the ground rumble, thorns, a river of golden blood, cryptic riddles, impossible trees, swords and shields and suits of armour, pale blue dresses, letters sealed with wax, faces hidden behind fans, regret that clings like burrs.
4.) What other stories have inspired your novel?
Definitely taking from Robin LaFevers’ His Fair Assassins series again, as well as the video game Skyrim and every book where the orphaned nobody turns out to be the chosen one.
5.) 3 images that get the feel of my novel:
Have this Pinterest board I’m still working on. I’m not happy with it, but it should give a general idea.
Main Characters
6.) Who is your protagonist?
Jane, 23. A street rat who steals to survive. She can pick pockets and locks with ease, can find a safe spot to sleep in any district, knows which merchants pay if she makes their deliveries, and knows which taverns are likely to take pity on her and give her a free meal. She’s also adept at climbing just about anything. She’s blunt and often says whatever comes to her mind, a fact that doesn’t earn her many friends once she enters the world of politics and fashionable society.
7.) Who is their closest ally?
At the beginning of the story, either Isaac or Wilamin. Isaac is a fellow thief who brings her jobs and has taught her a thing or two over the years, and is also the only person Jane is willing to try flirting with as she knows he doesn’t see her like that. Wilamin is a childhood friend who is now the top courtesan at the Temple of Saint Syra, the patron saint of pleasure, and allows Jane to sleep in her bed when she’s working in the Temple.
8.) Who is their enemy?
At the start, her only real enemies are hunger and the cold. As she moves into Percy’s world, she quickly makes new and varied enemies with her blunt nature and lack of manners.
9.) What do they want more than anything?
Security and somewhere to call home.
10.) Why can’t they have it?
She’s been on her own for as long as she can remember. She has friends, but when things are tough it’s every person for themselves. As much as she craves a home and security, she also rejects anyone who tries to get close to her who might be able to give her these things. She doesn’t trust that anyone (other than Wilamin) can see her as anything other than what she can do for them. This continuously keeps both things she so desperately wants out of her grasp.
11.) What do they wrongly believe about themselves?
There are a few things! That she’ll never amount to anything more than a scrawny street rat, that she’s not worth noticing, that most people only like her for what she can do for them... the list goes on. She hits a lot of the beliefs one would expect to be held by a young woman who’s had to fight for every scrap she’s ever gotten.
12.) Draw your protagonist!
As anyone who follows me probably knows, I have zero drawing skills. Instead, I offer you this creation from the well-known but now-defunct picrew:
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Plot Points
13.) What is the worst thing that could happen to your protag?
To be stripped of her independence.
14.) What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?
It has something to do with Isaac that will make Jane have to choose where her loyalties truly lie.
15.) Do you know how it ends?
Nope! I have some vague ideas, but that’s all. I’m on the first chapter and making most of it up as I go along.
16.) What is the theme?
Friendship, family, and what constitutes a home. Because I’m so early in the drafting process, I’m still figuring it out!
17.) What is a recurring symbol?
Again, I’m still figuring a lot of it out. I definitely want some symbols and imagery around locks and keys, but I don’t know the specifics yet.
18.) Where is the story set?
In the Duchy of Chalan. It was founded by Galverel Valynore but is currently ruled by the Keriell family, though they still carry the Valynore blood. The current capital city is called Summerlight, where the Dukes and Duchesses live in Bellsover Citadel. It has a moderate climate, with only a few weeks of extreme temperatures each year. The current Duchess is twenty-four year old Anwen.
19.) Do you have images and scenes in mind already?
A few! Most of my ideas are fairly abstract still bc I’m working with only a very vague outline, but there are a few visuals I’m really excited for along the “quest” plot line.
20.) What excited you about this story?
I’ve wanted to write a story centred around a thief for a while now, so that was the main reason I wanted to write this now. I’ve also been very into subverting tropes and the idea of people stepping up to save the world bc it’s the right thing to do. The opportunity to play with a character who might not always have the best morals (see: thief) but who gets dragged into this conflict where she’s gotta do something or let her country crumble was too good to pass up.
21.) What is your usual writing method?
I’ve discovered I work best when I do a “zero draft” or a “discovery draft” to start off with, then make an outline based on that, then write the story as I’d want to read it. It lets me explore the world and characters before settling on a final plot.
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Oh boy, I forgot how dang long these things are!! But it’s done, and if you’ve read all of this, I applaud you.
I’m going to tag @leah-yasmin-writes​, @theouterdark​, @letswritestories101​, @the-orangeauthor​, and @solarflare-ink​! As always, no pressure. :)
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wausdraws · 4 years
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Howdy! Commissions are now open! As this is my first time doing anything of the sort, I'm keeping it to five slots so I'm not overwhelmed, on the chance I am commissioned. Also of note: I am open to discussion! If you're unsure about anything, please contact me via Discord, at Awauspic#3154. I will answer you as soon as I can, so feel free to ask!
A Few Things First
          A few things you'll want to know before even considering commissioning me.
All In One Place.  Since I'll be having a limited number of slots, I'll be leaving these available for checking. You can track these on my Trello if you want to see what I'm doing, though I will also state whether my commissions are open or closed on my dA profile & art Tumblr.
Full Payment Beforehand.  I require full payment upfront for commissions. Pricing and Payments below will cover how I'll handle refunds and anything extra that may come up.
Communication is key! I will check with you for every stage of the commission, and request that you stay reasonably responsive; I want to make sure it looks as good as can be, but to do that, I need to know your thoughts!
On Uncertainties: If you think you might want to commission me but aren't sure where anything falls - contact me! I want to give you the best possible experience, which includes before you commission me. I'm perfectly willing to discuss what you want with you, regardless of whether or not you decide to commission a piece from me.
Referring to references... As a general, I will want a flat-color reference, with no or minimal shading, or an available color palette. If there isn't one available, I'll work with you to get the appropriate colors down and provide a swatch with the completed piece for future reference.
Cleaning up afterward. Post completion, you have one week to point out anything minor or easy to fix within the piece that bothers you; as long as it's within that week, and reasonable, I'll fix it. Past that, however, it's done and dusted, and I will not be altering it.
What Can I Do For You?
          You're okay with the above? Great! Here's what will be accepted, what will be rejected, and a few things I'm a little iffy about. This isn't exhaustive, so if you're hesitant at all, contact me! I'm more than happy to clarify for you!
I will draw:
Furries! As visible in my commission post above, I will draw fursonas and general furry creatures, feral, to anthro, to 'taur.
Animals! In-line with furries, I'll also do general animals.
I might draw:
Fandom content!  This is more so because I need to know where it's from, and have references available. Though by no means an exhaustive list, some fandoms that I'll cover are:
Since this is AU heavy, please specify if Classic for standard, or give me the AU. I try to keep up but dear god.
Warriors, including OCs.
Light Gore. I am willing to draw bleeding/injuries/fights. See below for what classifies as too much. Again, this is case-by-case.
Body horror. I'm much more tolerant when missing chunks, extra mouths, broken shapes, and general weirdness is just part of the design. However, it is still case-by-case, and we'll need to talk it out.
Innuendo or Suggestive. Tasteful relative nudity, suggestive posing or behavior, and visual innuendo. Nothing too obvious, but I’m game to work with you on figuring something out.
I will not draw:
Actual Human People. Those who are real people. I’m not drawing a celebrity, I’m not drawing your cousin.
Humans, in general. This will change as I improve, but for now, humans are a firm no go.
Bugs. I am terrible with them. I will improve, but for now, these are no-go.
NSFW Gore is anything excessive; pieces being ripped off, clear abuse or painful deaths are hard no's.
NSFW Sexual is with visible genitalia, actual sex, etc.
Pricing and Payments
       Having chosen what you want and the piece in question confirmed to be alright, here comes the rest of it; paying the artist. As a heads up, everything listed is in US Dollars.
Details, Extras, and Deadlines, Oh My.
Group Shots: I will do multiple characters for full-body pieces of any level, but not for sketches or mugshots. Each character will add seven dollars onto the original price, for up to five characters total.
Complications In The Making: Characters come in varying levels of complexity. However, if one is exceptionally intricate - either in having heavy, detail-orientated patterns or a lot going on, that will be ten dollars per intricate character, alongside the original pricing.
Backgrounds: With all pieces, I’ll include a simple mono-color background, as well as one without. In fully rendered, I’ll add an effect on top to make it special. However:
Funky Background on Non-Rendered: I'm happy to add background effects on a non-rendered piece. However, it'll cost you another two dollars.
Simple Scenery: Scenes are another beast entirely. For simple scenes, that's seven dollars.
Detailed Scene: Fifteen dollars flat for anything detailed; more requested features drive the price up by two dollars every two features.
Deadlines.  If you want a piece done by a certain time, it may drive up the price depending on how quickly you want it, and if there is anything I will have to set aside to get it done. Naturally, I will reject deadlines that I know I will not have time for, or are otherwise unreasonable.
Start to Finish: For a single fully rendered body piece, it takes me approximately three days to complete, while balancing it between the rest of my workload, while sketches often only take minutes.
Sets: You can commission multiple works at once, and I'll bundle them together to be done along the same timeline, or at least with each other; excluding a deadline or real-life problems, I'll have them done and sent to you at the same time. Individual prices still apply.
Up-Front, And Returned
       After alerting me to your intent to commission and getting the details worked out, so comes the green.
A Cuppa! Feel free to pay me through Ko-Fi! It takes in 3$ increments, so anything divisible by three is an option, and with less processing fees.
Paypal! After we've got everything settled, I'll hand over my Paypal.
Patreon! Still a WIP, my Patreon is available if you're feeling like you want regular doses of art, or just want to support me. I appreciate it no less. <3
In the event of a refund... I will refund for work not completed. If, for example, you commission a full render, but request a refund after I have completed the sketch, I'll keep the sketch costs, but return the rest to you; you also, of course, get to keep what work was done before the refund.
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maiji · 6 years
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Process and wip images for A House That Holds Long Limbs
You can read the pages for part 1 here (full complete version will be linked from YYH North Bound master post whenever it’s done.)
Every so often I get questions about how I work, and I also enjoy reading about how other creators make things, so perhaps this might be interesting and useful to somebody out there too. I’ve talked about my process before but never really documented and shared it WHILE working on a project, so here you can see some of my thinking and decision-making (and poor habits lol) a bit more immediately, alongside screenshots, photos and scans.
Very long, everything is below the cut, and apologies to people on mobile and anywhere else this goofs up.
One question I get a lot is “do you start with words or pictures when creating a comic?” I jump between both a lot. That said, I tend to lean more heavily on words when documenting ideas in the early stages of a project. This is because, for me:
Words pack a lot of punch in conveying detail quickly. They work better when I need to quickly communicate something extremely specific to future me. I’m a sloppy drawer, so my sketches tend to make future me squint and go, “What the hell was this supposed to be?!”
A great deal of my thinking and planning is done during crowded commutes. It’s more convenient to jot notes on my phone than to whip out my sketchbook and a pen.
(For a while I thought it’d be awesome to have some sort of app where I can type notes AND have an accompanying thumbnail sketch, and be able to drag them around or break them out into more or fewer pages. At one point years ago I thought about creating a custom app... but ultimately too lazy/busy and my current process works well enough. If anyone wants to take this idea and run with it, please feel free to do so and just let me know about it so I can try it haha.)
I usually start with a few lines summarizing the gist of the idea, enough that’s recognizable and I don’t forget the important things to build off from. From there, I start point-form outlining the stuff that needs to happen, structuring them into key scenes/parts. These scenes are not always fleshed out in order - I just add to them whenever I have ideas for that part. 
Long Limbs, for example, had a progression like this:
Overall story idea: “horror story with rokurokubi, key plot point(s) happens, the end.” (There was a bit more detail than this, obviously, but we’re avoiding spoilers here.)
Initial description for Part 1 of the story: “Hokushin lured to go to somewhere. Separated from Raizen. HOW??????”
After letting it simmer for while, a solution: “Hokushin annoyed at Raizen. Opportunity for him to get away and go do his own thing.”
Gradually more detail: “Stranger invites him to go to this place to look into something/maybe has a paid job that needs to be done and Raizen is busy goofing off or whatever.”
Problem. I couldn’t resolve this chain of thought to my satisfaction. What kind of task/job can someone convince Hokushin to do on his own when he doesn’t know this person/it seems questionable? And how long will the conversation need to run to establish this as believable?
This was starting to get convoluted and I was getting annoyed because it was turning into a burden in being able to continue the story AND IT WASN’T EVEN THAT IMPORTANT. I decided to abandon this path of thinking, and left the entire story for a while.
Much later (like months?), I had an idea: “Mysterious person drops something, piques Hokushin’s curiosity.” Aha! Hokushin’s own initiative. Simple and plausible enough. HOORAY NO MORE THINKING. LET’S DRAW.
Then I realized, oh shoot, I need to figure out who this mysterious person is and what they dropped. More time passes. And so on… in between I’m always working on other things, so there’s no real creator’s block - at some point I start thinking about this comic again, and ideas work themselves out to some decent level of satisfaction and link together. Thanks subconscious!
Eventually, enough key scenes are fleshed out that I feel confident enough to turn this into a real thing. At present, for example, not all scenes in Long Limbs are totally worked out, but I’ve got enough that I ran ahead with Part 1.
Screenshot of the Google Docs notes/script for Part 1: 
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This is a close-to-final version. The === on top is just to separate this from notes on other stories or ideas. This is the beginning of the document, but this document actually includes many other notes and stories for North Bound. I delete them as I finish and post the pages. Every so often I wonder if I should bother keeping them, but they’ve been refined throughout the process and usually don’t bear much resemblance to the original jotted notes anymore. Long Limbs was originally planned to be a later story in North Bound, but I got especially excited about it and fleshed it out further than the others. When I reviewed the earlier stories, I didn’t think there’d be a big continuity or reader experience issue if this was finished and posted first. So I moved the messy notes for this story to the top of the document. 
The page breakdown for the script is done by me generally picturing in my head how I might want the scene to go and how much action I might be able to fit on the page for good effect. I’ll sometimes start paginating without thumbnails, and sometimes will do both side by side (thumbnail and update pagination in tandem).
As you might imagine, pagination frequently changes. For example, you’ll see the script above is 9 pages instead of 10.
The original script for this section was broken up into maybe 4-6 pages, with 5-7 being more condensed.
When I started thumbnailing, I found it felt too cluttered and moved too fast.
So I stretched out the part of Hokushin and the mystery girl exchanging glances, and added pages to be able to create a (hopefully) more cinematic feel and really focus on the reason they catch each other’s eye - the bandages on their necks.
I then went back to the Google Doc and updated the script to line it up better.
I was also tweaking the dialogue at the same time and didn’t want to forget any key phrasing I liked. Dialogue is another thing I get really hung up over, often changing words up to the last second. (Sometimes this is because I messed up the size of the speech bubble, if I’m lettering on the computer...)
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Pretty close to the final in this case - mainly because the sequence is pretty simple and straightforward and not many people are involved. I keep my thumbnails very crappy and rough so that I don’t get upset later when I can’t redraw something as good as the thumbnail. Bottom right was a quick attempt at designing the mystery girl.
Once I think the thumbnails are good enough - translation: I get impatient and just want to start drawing - I proceed to pencils for the actual page.
Throughout all this, I’m repeatedly reviewing script and thumbnail and playing sequences out in my head and then trying to figure out how to better direct the “camera” and the action. I may go back to the script and the thumbnails even as I’m finetuning the actual page if I encounter issues. You can see in both the script and the thumbnails that there are still deviations in the dialogue and the art from the final. Here are a few examples:
Page 3: The panels were originally 1) the setting, 2) Hokushin with his arms folded, 3) Raizen laughing, 4) we see that Hokushin is watching Raizen. After reviewing the thumbnail, I felt it’d be a better setup to flow into the scene if I switched panels 2 and 3. That’s closer to how you’d experience it in real life, or how it might be directed in a shot sequence: you enter an area/place, you hear the sound of some guy’s loud laughter filling the air, then the camera zooms up to the annoyed expression of this one particular dude and you see he’s staring at the laughing guy. Moving from bigger ambience to smaller details around the room.
Page 7: The girl was originally turning in the other direction (hard to tell because I redrew it right on top of the original sketch lol). However, this meant all the directional action would be pointing to the right - Hokushin is facing the right, and when he leaves the bar he’s angling towards the right side of the page. Facing the direction that readers will read in gives a sense of driving the action forward, while facing the opposite direction provides a bit of a mental stop. (This is something from Scott McCloud that always stuck with me.) So, I flipped the girl around.
Page 8: Script has Hokushin going “What’s this?”. When thumbnailing, I thought, “obviously it’s self-evident he’s wondering what this is when he picks it up”. It added nothing to the panel, and the speech or thought bubble would have interrupted the smooth action of him picking up the paper. So, axed.
The damn friggin’ bar and gambling: You’ll see the script mention this, and at one point I actually had the guy standing across from Raizen saying “Is this guy drunk?” I’m actually not sure if they’re in a bar or if Raizen is drinking, but neither were important to the actual story because I just needed Raizen and Hokushin to be in a place where Raizen could hang out with humans and be stupid. So I dropped these details. This is mainly because I ran into historical research problems about bars and alcohol during the Kamakura period (more on that near the end of this post), and this was the only way to stop myself from getting hung up on trying to make it “perfect” and “correct” and just get it done. 
Drawing the actual pages. This part is fun!
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Inking the actual pages. THIS PART IS NOT FUN :( 
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I don’t have very steady hands and I get very anxious about messing things up, so inking always takes me the longest. (I also get distracted easily, e.g., ink two lines and then surf tumblr for ten minutes lol). I’ve improved a lot since I started drawing comics much more frequently a couple years ago, and my choice of tools and style has helped a lot (I lean to variable lines and sketchy style, which is more forgiving than, say, a very precise art style with fixed-width pens) but I still get nervous at this stage.
I’m very lazy so I usually stick with one tool for inking. For Long Limbs I tried to effort more and actually used three. Right to left: Sailor fude de mannen for panel borders and text, Muji pen for artwork (0.4 because that was the only size available at the store when I went to get my refill), Pentel pocket brush for filling in blacks. I refill the fude de mannen and the pocket brush with fountain pen inks.
I usually ink panel borders first, then speech bubbles, then everything else. I hop all over the place and pages are generally in varying stages of completion. I also sometimes add in some more text lines because it seems like a good idea at the time - Hokushin’s complaint on page 3 about how he should have left Raizen when he got into a fight with a fish-seller in a previous story, for example. Sometimes these work, sometimes I regret it later and edit it on the computer.
Cover thumbnails and pencil sketch:
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The one in the page thumbnails was the original idea, but then I thought, “seems kinda cliched. Can I get a more interesting angle where he’s not looking straight at the viewer?” (OK, his eyes are covered, but you know what I mean.) I quickly tried a few other angles and compositions, didn’t like them and ended up going with pretty much the original idea, but more zoomed in.
In the thumbnails, you can see all my little x’s indicating “ehhhh I don’t like this”. I wanted something with a particular mood/atmosphere especially with all the hands and arms, and I was conflicted between zooming out (for more environment and more arms, and the focus on the “long limbs” part of the title) or having a tighter, more close up shot. Ultimately I think the latter works better as it conveys a sense of claustrophobia, and it’s more intimate which supports the idea of psychological horror. ALSO IT’S SEXY (maybe???). The end.
Other random thoughts:
I took a lot of heart/inspiration/motivation from Togashi’s last few volumes of Yu Yu Hakusho to keep the backgrounds as lazy - I mean sparse - as possible and also speech bubbles over plain backgrounds lmao. I think it takes a lot of confidence (or maybe laziness) to be so minimalist and restrained, and it’s an impressive and economical way of working. I was always impressed that when reading those pages of his for the first time, the lack of detail never really bothered me - you had everything you needed for your brain to comfortably fill in the gaps and complete the sense of narrative and story progression, and there are still visual flourishes when the situation calls for it. So I’m trying to bring a bit of that tighter philosophy in.
Research. I struggle a LOT with not getting bogged down by details, especially when it’s something “just” for fun or “just” a fancomic. I have very lovely and helpful friends and family who every so often patiently allow me to whine and bounce things off of them, help me look things up, and/or tell me when I’m getting myopic about stuff. For all the North Bound comics, finding quick and useful historical references for the time period has been a challenge. There’s a ton about aristocracy and warriors but very little about the ordinary/common people, not surprisingly. I frequently question my instincts about what makes sense because I tend to automatically draw on similar/equivalent Chinese culture (there was certainly lots of cross-over, but not always appropriate/relevant) or Edo period references (wrong time frame! Too far in the future). I often end up losing a ton of time trying to find something with roundabout searches, and then give up and look at other comics I have close enough to the time period. And then referencing those and compounding whatever historical errors they have in them. (e.g., “Well if it was good enough for Osamu Tezuka’s Phoenix it’s good enough for this rando fancomic!”) I just would like historical/subject matter experts to know I did try...
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First Lines Meme
I was tagged by the crazypants talented @sunbeamsandmoonrays . 
Rules: List the first five lines of your last 20 stories (or however many you have altogether. WIPs count). See if there are any patterns. Then, tag your favorite authors.
(The real lesson here is I can’t come up with titles worth a darn)
1) I Want You So Much (But I Hate Your Guts)
A hand touches her elbow and she turns. Her smile becomes more strained when she sees who has drawn her attention.
Sansa thought Jon had left for the evening with Robb and the others. It was the knowledge that the visiting Targaryen prince was occupied in Robb’s study that had allowed Sansa to relax for the first time all night.
2) The Beard Ficlet
Aemon let out a hearty wail, his face pinched red with distress. Jon tried to soothe his son, drawing him to his chest and rocking him the way that always seemed to work in the past, but Aemon would not be calmed. He squirmed desperately in Jon’s arms and seemed to cry louder at Jon’s attempts to hold him close.
“There, there now my sweet boy. Come here. Shh. It’s alright,” Sansa cooed, rising from where her maid was finishing her hair for the feast and taking Aemon from Jon. “It’s alright, sweetling. Mama has you.”
3) SUPER Random Lyanna/Stannis Salty Teens Au
Stannis has learned there are some things about marriage no one bothered to tell him (not that he was told anything of use to begin with).
Perhaps if his father had lived, he might have imparted some fatherly counsel on these…intimacies between a lord and his lady wife that have left Stannis so very perplexed. Or even Robert, had he been a different sort of brother.
But no, Stannis thinks with a grimace. Had Robert lived, Stannis would have no bride to torment and confuse him in the first place.
4) Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered
Sansa can feel it. The familiar push of resistance. The haziness. Like a heavy drape being pulled across a window.
Arya’s skill with Occlumency had been a boon when it came to impressing the big cheeses back in her department, but in moments like this, Sansa can’t help but wish her sister was a little less ‘gifted’ when it came to shutting her out.
Sansa glances across the gin joint’s dimly lit floor to where Arya is nursing her drink at their table.
5) A Lesson In Courtesy
Jon is in the rookery when word reaches him.
“The king has been injured.”
He does not wait to hear more from the skinny lad that has been sent to find him, and all but sprints down the tower stairs into the keep proper, roughly jostling past servants and guardsman in his way.
A coldness grips at his heart, far worse than anything he faced at the Wall.
This is what he has feared since the moment Wyman Manderly had produced Rickon from out of nowhere, hale and whole, after the dust had settled from the siege on the Boltons.
6) How Does Your Garden Grow
She is a child of seven when Mother gives her a spade.
Though it is finely made, with a polished rosewood handle engraved with the sigil of their house, it is far from the most enticing of her nameday gifts. Margaery is more drawn to the doll from Father, with it’s pretty porcelain face and real golden curls or even the heavy book on constellations Willas gives her along with his promise of helping her find them in the night sky.
Still, Margaery knows Mother owns a spade of it’s like. She has spied it tucked into the basket Mother carries when she takes to the gardens in the afternoon.
7) Rose Colored Glasses
There is a minute shift in Snow’s posture that sets every nerve in Margaery’s body on alert.
She takes a drag from her cigarette, her other hand inching discretely under her hem towards the piece strapped to her thigh. She does a quick scan of casino floor.
The front entrance? Clear. The mark? Still seated at his table. And Sansa…
Margaery’s finger drifts away from the trigger when she spots the source of Snow’s agitation.
8) Only Make Believe
A peck. That’s all Sansa intends when she surges forward, arms thrown about Jon’s neck. But as she presses her lips to his, she lingers.
Sansa has known her share of kisses, on and off the stage, but as she feels Jon respond to the gentle pull of her mouth, his stubble rough under her palms, his chest warm and firm and close, she begins to wonder if she has ever been properly kissed before.
Jon has always been a such a steadying presence for her (for all of them), but there is nothing steady about the way she feels in his arms.
9) First Date/Last Night
“You ok?” she asks when he goes quiet for too long.
Rickon is walking slower than usual. He wants to drag whatever this is out as long as he possibly can. He smiles when he notices Shireen seems to have no problem with the pace he’s set, ambling beside him, every other step swaying her so close their shoulders almost brush.
“Yeah,” Rickon answers, before adding teasingly, “Only my jaw’s a little sore. Got clocked by some girl tonight.”
10) You’ve Consumed My Waking Days
Sansa feels the mattress dip as her lord husband climbs under the furs beside her. She keeps her back turned to him and her eyes screwed shut, feinting sleep. She thinks she has nearly succeeded in fooling him, when the weight of a gentle hand presses on her shoulder.
“Sansa? Sansa, are you awake?”
She can smell the ale on his breath. He’s been drinking with Robb and Theon.
11) Random Show!Verse Drabble
Jon makes his way up the familiar stairs to his boyhood chamber. He is bone tired and every muscle in his body seems to call out for a bed. All thoughts of sleep disappear when he rounds the landing and find a half dozen serving men and women scurrying busily about. He is soon spotted and all pause in their work long enough to duck their heads with a murmured ‘your grace’. Jon nods stiffly.
12) Dreams Unwind
“You look like shite.“
Arya is watching him from across the table, those sharp grey eyes too perceptive for their own good. As a girl, she could always read him so easily. It seems their years apart haven’t changed much.
"Didn’t sleep,” Jon offers as explanation.
13) Take Me Home Part 2
Rickon wants to stay nestled in Mother’s arms forever.
She is soft and her cloak smells of salt and the sea. It reminds him of the cave, of Skaagos, and he wonders if Mother would take him there if he asked. He could protect her there. Protect them both. They could be happy.
14) I’m With The Band
Jon unlocks his phone and begins to thumb through his unread texts.
There’s one from the band’s publicist, Satin, reminding him about the radio interview he has scheduled tomorrow afternoon before their show. Jon types out a quick ‘ok’ before closing the message out and scrolling through the rest.
He chuckles under his breath when he sees the one from Jeyne. It’s a picture of Ghost seated on the couch beside to her, his belly exposed for scratching.
15) Then Comes Marriage
“That’ll be a match someday. Mark my words.”
Catelyn followed the direction of Leona Manderly’s nod to where Sansa and Jon Snow stood idling by the hedgerow.
“They’re children,” Catelyn protested, not liking what Mrs. Manderly was implying. Sansa was far too young to entertain such notions.
Mrs. Manderly scoffed, shooting Catelyn a knowing look over the rim of her teacup.
16) We’d Up And Fly If We Had Wings For Flying
Before they set out from the Gates of the Moon, father gifts her with a fine new cloak.
It is a pretty thing, lined thick with sable, and fastened together with a silver broach inlaid with moonstones. She thinks it too fine for a bastard girl, no matter how beloved, but Alayne accepts it with a smile and an obedient kiss to father’s whiskered cheek.
She dons it over her riding clothes the morning they are to leave, desperately trying to quiet the secret part of her heart that calls for another cloak, the one that was promised to her.
“They will love their Young Falcon…and when they come together for his wedding, and you come out with your long auburn hair, clad in a maiden’s cloak of white and grey with a direwolf emblazoned on the back” father had said. “Why, every knight in the Vale will pledge his sword to win you back your birthright.”
17) Stranger Things Have Happened
It’s weird. The sight of Hardyng on his couch.
Nearly as weird as setting out bear traps and gasoline to catch a monster.
Jon slumps against the paneling in the living room. The fire extinguisher is still clutched tightly in his bandaged hand.
18) How Long Has This Been Going On?
“I’m so sorry, Jon.”
Sansa glances at him, a chagrinned sort of smile twisting her lips. Her camera equipment lies forgotten on a low table near the front of the shop, set aside as she begins to scoop up armfuls of the books that are scattered on the floor.
“Margaery got it into her head that a drab setting might suit the collection. Something about contrasts. I didn’t think she’d make such pig of herself or else I’d never have suggested we shoot here.”
19) No Hero In Her Sky
Margaery is upon him from the moment Willas dismounts his horse. She rains kisses on his cheeks and nearly topples them both onto the cobbles of the courtyard before a servant can hand him his cane.
“I’m so glad you are here!”
Willas smiles at her fondly as she clasps his free hand in both of hers.
She is his queen now.
20) Her Province
Quentyn wakes shivering, his teeth clenched tight within his head. He cracks open one sleep-crusted eye and sees the cause: Dany has pulled the bedclothes entirely to her side.
Quentyn smiles.
She is as much a conqueror in sleep as she is in her waking hours, claiming every inch, every fur, every bolster she can.
Tagging: I don’t know who’s already done the thing...so, if you want to do thing DO IT (and then tag me so I can bask in your awesome!)
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