#tina e answers
perilus · 10 months
Hi Tina it’s ’s bluecat again,
I wanted to ask about more on authenticity,or how to be more authentic,you truly seem like a raw and real person ,ever since I’ve been more of the girl who tries to be authentic with out being so afraid to do so but I don’t know how to,I’ve tried and I always end up trying to copy off or reciprocate another persons personality(which I think is a really bad habit)
(Also I’m sorry this is like my 2nd question in the span of two days)😭.
Thanks Tina.
Hey bluecat :)
It’s okay to adopt characteristics of people who inspire you! Think of it like adding to your collection of attributes that you already embody. We aren’t born knowing who we are; we’re constantly adding attributes with every piece of knowledge & every experience that we collect.
I think when you feel inspired by someone, it’s usually because you see something in them that you already have in you. Maybe they just wear that characteristic more openly than you have so far.
Sometimes it’s difficult to let people see who you really are, because maybe you’ve been scolded for being the real you in the past. Or you’ve been made fun of for it, picked on in school, for being yourself. Or you’ve been called cringe or weird. Truth is, cringe is cool & weird is cool! I wish I learned that sooner! It’s a freeing thought to realize.
If it’s easier to conceptualize things visually, you could write down a list of characteristics you like about yourself, or those you like about people who inspire you. Write down what stories or music you see yourself in, and why. Write down the sort of clothing you feel the most *you* in. The most confident you. What activity are you most confident in your ability to do? Are you confident in your art? your writing? your music? Do you like to embody stories on stage as an actor maybe? What topic could you ramble on about for hours? Why’s that?
I hope this helps!
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farewellnevrland · 9 months
“ please say something… anything. even if it’s telling me to shut up and leave you alone… just say something. “ - donghae & hoseok
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Hoseok ergueu o rosto, arrependendo-se no mesmo instante ao observar o olhar de Donghae, que demonstrava o mais puro desespero diante da situação em que ele próprio se encontrava. Ele quis rir consigo mesmo, passando a destra nos fios escuros em uma tentativa falha de controlar as ações do próprio corpo; ainda que doesse em cada parte de seu corpo, ele sabia que aquilo era apenas uma farsa. O inspetor não estava arrependido, por mais que sua intenção fosse fazê-lo acreditar nisso em um primeiro momento. Entretanto, Hoseok não era ingênuo e não cairia nos charmes do rapaz bonito mais uma vez. Ele sentia-se um perdedor fodido por acreditar que, de alguma forma, a relação que eles tinham havia melhorado em algum momento.
Portanto, preferiu se calar. Diante da situação em que ele estava, era o melhor a se fazer. Um segundo policial se aproximou, receoso; era compreensível por serem amigos de longa data, afinal. Ele não queria vê-lo por trás das grades e muito menos gostaria de ser um dos responsáveis por isso, e Hoseok percebeu que, no fundo, ele era um dos poucos que acreditavam que ele realmente era inocente. O pequeno sorriso no canto dos lábios durou poucos segundos, quase imperceptível aos olhos de quem estava ao seu redor, mas ainda estendeu os braços na direção do rapaz mais novo, indicando que estava tudo bem. No fundo, não estava, mas não gostaria de demonstrar qualquer fragilidade para o inspetor. Não após ser o responsável pela sua prisão.
Ao andar em direção à viatura que o esperava, Hoseok deixou Donghae para trás. Não olhou novamente em seus olhos bonitos, tampouco lhe dirigiu a palavra. Por mais que não fosse admitir, muito menos para seu irmão mais novo, estava magoado o suficiente para não desejar vê-lo novamente. O desejo de Hoseok, a partir daquele momento, era nunca mais ver o rosto do inspetor que o fez cair como um tolo. Não havia outra palavra para descrevê-lo naquele momento.
Entretanto, seu corpo tensionou mais uma vez ao ouvir suas lamúrias, não contendo a risada que tanto tentou segurar desde o momento em que o viu com o revólver apontado em sua direção, quase como se ele fosse realmente um criminoso. Donghae pensava que ele era um, desde o princípio. E Hoseok foi idiota o suficiente para acreditar que ele, realmente, havia abandonado esse pensamento. — Não há nada para ser dito, Donghae — Suas palavras eram amargas e não combinavam com a personalidade que ele tanto gostava de mostrar para outras pessoas. Ainda de costas para o inspetor, ele continuou: — Acho que devo te dar os parabéns por conseguir aquilo que tanto queria desde o princípio. — E como se toda aquela situação não fosse de grande importância para ele, continuou andando calmamente até estar dentro da viatura, que seguiria em direção à delegacia que, em outro momento, era seu local de trabalho.
Era. Ele riu mais uma vez com a triste realidade que pesava sobre seus ombros. Em uma única noite, Hoseok havia perdido o que era de mais importante para ele: seu emprego e, mais que isso, o homem que amava.
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genevawren38 · 2 months
Fit & Bagi's conversation transcript about Philza and what ails him today (02/28/2024);
[/rp from 2 hours and 32 minutes in FitMC's VOD (2:32-2:42)]
FitMC : So have you heard any fofoca recently? Got any gossip, tea, drama? Anything?
Bagi : I haven't heard fofoca recently at least about me because I am waiting for y'know Tina to check her room, so we can have some new fofoca?
F : I see, I see, okay.
B : But um, do you know what's happening to Phil?
F : All I know, with Phil, ever since that stuff appeared on his shoulders he has been acting strange. His kids were both really worried about him. When I brought up a sensitive topic he seemed to get really upset with Tallulah, so I'm just—I don't think he is himself recently. Something is definitely bothering him or something's up.
Empanada : It's bad.
F : I don't know, what do you think? *Both read Em's sign.*
B : I agree with Empanada, it's really bad. Because Chayanne and Tallulah were really upset, like it didn't look like Phil. He seemed different, like maybe possessed?
F : Yeah, maybe, maybe.
B : With some disease, I don't know. And they ran away from him.
F : Which is definitely not normal.
B : That's really sad because Chayanne and Tallulah really really love Phil. And Phil looked like he was trying to get away from them. Going inside of dungeons alone and leaving them in the house. I don't know all weird, the weird thing about his shoulders, the purple thing on his shoulders, it looks like that crying obsidian you know?
F : Oh, wait a min—cause it's got like the purple in it?
B : Yeah, that glows a little bit?
F : Ramon do you have a crying obsidian on you? Put it on the ground, I just want to look at it real quick.
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B : And I think they had one of those inside the lake, the little lake they have next to their house.
F : Oh interesting. It's like the same colour of purple.
B : Yeah. Do you think its a type of corruption or something? Like what happened to Slime when he was being—well I don't know...transformed by codes?
F : Oh, yeah. Mhm, I remember that. That seems to happen on this island, doesn't it?
B : Yea. Like a contamination or something.
F : Yea it could be a disease, yeah definitely he wasn't himself. *Looks at the obsidian again* But yeah, it looks the colour purple is almost identical to what was on him.
E : Crying obsidian sucks.
Ramon : So crying obsidian is toxic?
B : I don't think so. But maybe a piece of crying obsidian appearing at his place could mean something?
F : Hmmm, maybe.
B : It's not normal to have crying obsidian inside of lakes.
F : It's an unusual place for it to spawn.
B : Yeah, exactly. So it was put in there but, why? Just for decoration or different purposes? I mean it could be just decoration.
F : It's—it's a weird decoration if that's true.
E : I asked him on our birthday and he said its nothin'. I asked him why there was one in his pond it was there on our birthday.
B : Wait, Empanada, did he answer you?
F : He said it's nothing...hmmmm.
E : He said not to worry about it an its nothing :(
F : It must have some significance then it has too.
B : He said not to worry about, maybe it really...I don't know the meaning of this because I never went to the nether. Everyone talks about the nether but I was never there.
F : Yeah but crying obsidian is also useful for making weapons cause it can make respawn anchors which can be used as explosives.
B : Oh you remind me of something. Okay, okay let me try to remember this...Phil had a diamond backpack that the 'Federation' gave to him?
F : Yeah, yeah must be nice.
B : No but it's really weird because the Federation isn't giving anyone anything because they want us to buy stuff.
E : Chay burned it.
B : That was really weird because the backpack came with a letter from the Federation, but not sure if its from the Federation. And a really weird backpack, a diamond backpack and the bunnies are trying to sell us everything so it doesn't even make sense for them to give Phil a diamond backpack. They would at least charge something, like, give me at least a thousand coins for the backpack, I don't know.
F : So you are saying that Phil didn't get it from the Federation?
B : I think maybe its something else, not the Federation.
F : I didn't even think of that.
B : He got a backpack from someone because think about it, the bunnies they don't even give us free food. Every time we need food they aren't even giving us food. Why would they give us diamond backpacks, that doesn't even make sense?
F : You are absolutely right. Like, I didn't even think of that.
B : If you stop to think about it, the shoulders and the back was exactly the place he was contaminated. So maybe it's related to the backpack?
F : You are right, it was all over his back, I didn't even think of that.
E : I listened to Phil's and Lulah's convo and he said he did it to protect them from HIM
[Fit mutes and tells chat : You ever talk to someone and just be like 'I'm fucking stupid?' That's how I feel right now.]
B : Oh yeah, I remember that Phil said that he was trying to protect the kids from 'him'. And he said a couple times the word him but no one in specific that we know, I think. It was always 'him'.
F : But he specifically said 'him', right?
B : Yeah, don't know who 'him' is but he was talking about 'him'.
R : Tio Phil was being a little harsh on Chay and Lulah.
E : He got really mad at Tallulah.
F : You might be onto something Bagi, maybe it is some sort of like he is being possessed or something.
B : Here Fit, check this *gestures to Em's sign*
E : Called her a stupid egg HE WOULD NEVER
F : *Reads aloud the sign* Oh you are absolutely right, Phil would never call any of his children stupid. Something is up, yup.
B : So if you see Phil and he's kinda weird, that's probably what's happening.
F : Well I am glad we had this chit chat so we are both on the same page. Okay we need to be really careful.
B : If he needs anything, oh yeah, and we need to be careful that's right. Because we don't know what he is up to.
F : Cause yeah if he's berating his own eggs, insulting his own eggs, it could turn south very quickly.
*Ramon nods*
F : I'm worried, Ramon.
E : Don't ask him questions, he will think they told us more.
F : Never a dull moment on this island.
B : We should keep the kids safe. Chay and Tallulah can stay here if they need, they already know that but if they need anything they can come to us.
F : That's a good idea yeah, as long as they have somewhere to go.
B : I mean for now I really don't know if I can help Phil, so I am just trying to keep the kids safe.
F : That's the most important.
B : The real Philza would appreciate it.
F : Yeah, keeping the kids safe that is the first priority. That's good stuff, isn't that right you two? *Addressing Em and Ramon who nod.*
B : I think Phil needs to deal with it.
F : It's always something on this island, Bagi, it's always something.
B : There's always something.
[Bonus transcript between Fit and Ramon 3:09-3:12 relating to Philza's affliction]
Fit : Ramon.
*Ramon nods after they both teleport home from BBH's place*
F : When we were talking with Bagi about Philza it made me realise something. I remember, a long time ago, this was a few months ago, remember when I was dealing with all the black concrete? Like all the dark matter that was on the island?
I specifically remember Philza mentioning a thing. If I recall correctly, he mentioned something called the 'Ender King'. And I am starting to wonder if maybe that's what's been messing with him. Cause think about it; the crying obsidian, the obsidian, that's what you find in the End Dimension, right?
*Ramon nods*
F : This things called the Ender King...he thought he was seeing things and we thought maybe he was just imagining them—but now we can see there is something on him. Something we can see with our own eyes. I just wonder if it's related.
Ramon : So now it's not only in his mind?
F : Exactly cause at first we thought maybe he was just imagining these things but it's clear this is actually some sort of outside force. And that's why I am a little bit more concerned now. That's why I am way more concerned.
R : That sounds dangerous. Not only for him but everyone.
F : Yeah, cause if his behaviour towards Tallulah and Chayanne yesterday, or the other day, is any indication then this could be a problem for a lot of us. So we really gotta keep our eye on him and support him anyway we can.
F : *sighs* But, man, when it rains it pours. Cause we have our own problems to deal with, Ramon. Especially tomorrow, I mean Friday. I can't ever remember what day it was, I am so frazzled. So much going on at all times on this island. When it rains it pours.
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keirawantstocry · 3 months
Hi hi, tis I, 💋anon, yet again back with another Thought. Your writing continues to be Fantastic AHHHHH. All the kisses for you.
I have no real premise for this other than p l e a s e but- someone mentioned when fit and pac were Cricling Tubbo and complimenting him. And then The Suit happened and I just- if they reacted that way to him changing a Shirt what would they do seeing him in a Suit (either the black or white one they were both Good mans is too attractive). Did they get him in the suit? did one of them? did someone else??? is there an event???
Hope you're having a good day (that you get un-sick soon, sounds like it fuckin sucks) :>
still sick but im chugging vitamin water and gatorade like its nobodys business :) also i have history in a fandom with 1800's and 1900's fashion so i leaned a bit into my past with TLH to come up with this outfit idea. i doubt many mcyters know it but google matthew fairchild and thats the inspo for the outfit!
Tubbo felt out of place to say the least. He wouldn't go as far to say he was uncomfortable but the suit on his body felt strange. It was the women’s idea. Niki was the one who decided to host the get-together, Bagi and Tina the ones who decided everyone had to dress up. The children loved the idea, absolutely loved it. Tubbo spent an hour with Sunny dressing her in the finest dress he could possibly get for her. She was a sight. Dressed in a beautiful moss green dress with golden detailing. Her hair was piled on top of her head with lovely golden flowers threading through her curls. “You look beautiful, poppet.” 
Sunny grinned at him before grabbing at his hands. She dragged him over to his closet and started digging through the suits. 
“Oh no, princess. I don’t want to wear something complicated.” 
She gave him a look that warranted absolutely no arguing and now here he was, dressed up. The undershirt was crisp white and the waistcoat on top a deep swirling green that matched Sunny’s dress, a simple black jacket topping it all. She had insisted. He would do anything for his princess and she damn well knew it. 
The party was beautiful. Fairy lights strung up all over the walls with tables of food in every corner of the large room. Mouse greeted them when they walked in. “Tubbo! Sunny! Hey, guys.” 
“Hey, Mouse,” Tubbo greeted back as Sunny waved happily. 
“Awww,” came Niki’s voice from behind them. “Sunny, you look absolutely gorgeous.” 
“Thank you!” she signed. 
Tubbo felt a strange type of pressure on him all of a sudden, like someone was watching him very closely. Peering around the room at all the guests he tried to figure out who it was. His answer came only a moment later as he saw Pac and Fit making a beeline for him. 
“Oi!” Pac said cheerily, his eyes glued on Tubbo’s suit. 
Tubbo had to resist the urge to squirm. “Hey, Pac.” 
Fit was utterly silent, eyeing him up and down as Pac smiled at Sunny. “Oi, Sunny, there’s uh a chocolate fountain over there.” He looked up pointedly at Niki who’s eyebrows shot up. “Niki, why don’t you show her the fountain?” 
Niki and Mouse quickly glanced between the three of them before at each other with knowing expressions. “Yeah, of course,” Mouse said, taking one of Sunny’s hands as Niki took the other. “Let’s get you some sweets, princess.” 
Tubbo rubbed his thumb repeatedly into the palm of his other hand in a nervous stim as he looked at the both of them. “Um, what’s up guys?” 
Neither of them were looking him in the eyes and every place their eyes dipped to felt like it was on fire. “You look really good,” Fit said in a low voice, finally looking him in the eye. His eyes were dark. “Really good.” 
Tubbo flushed. “Uh, thanks?” 
Pac nodded and nodded, absentmindedly before he took a step forward and grabbed Tubbo by the waist, running his hands over the expensive material of the waistcoat. His eyes got even wider as soon as he got his hands on the other man and Tubbo had to admit something in his chest was very pleased about this whole interaction. “So good,” he said softly. Pac's eyes were giving the impression he wanted to eat him alive and it made Tubbo shudder, suddenly feeling very warm in the suit. “You should uh come home with us later yeah?” 
Tubbo stared at him, jaw agape. “Uh, uh.” He glanced quickly over at Fit who was still blatantly checking him out. “Yeah? Yeah um sure.” 
“Good,” Pac said smoothly, running his hands down his sides once before finally pulling them away. He winked. “Meet us after the party.” 
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gerrystamour · 1 year
i could be honest, i could be human [Chapter 3]
Rated E | Steddie
Summary: “God actually hates me, He has to,” Steve muttered darkly, tipping his head back to look up at the sky. “Kinda rich, coming from God’s favourite Golden Child,” Eddie said, coming around in front of Steve. Seeing his tears, Eddie’s grin faltered. “Shit, who hurt you, Harrington?”
Chapter Three: October 1984
If it didn’t suck so much, Steve would probably laugh about his situation.
Once again, he felt sorry. Not for himself at the moment, even if it felt like he had been gutted, his chest hollowed out with a dull knife. Mostly, he felt sorry for hurting Nancy all over again. The first time he hurt her, it was him being cruel because he was hurt. This time, it was him trying so hard to make things normal for both of them again.
Maybe he felt a little sorry for himself, he thought sadly, his heart heavy with hurt.
He sat at the far side of Tina’s backyard on a bench that faced the forest, smoking a cigarette and trying really hard not to actually cry.
“Hey, Steve?”
Looking up at the sky, Steve blinked rapidly to compose himself before he glanced over his shoulder. “Hey Jonathan, what’s up?” he greeted, his voice only a little shaky.
“Is everything—I saw you come out here, and Nancy is—?” Jonathan stopped abruptly when Steve blinked a tear loose and it streaked down the cheek he could see.
“Shit,” Steve hissed as another tear fell and he scrubbed at his face roughly. “Fuck!”
“Is there some way I can help?” Jonathan asked, soft and genuine, and Steve wished he could be mad at him. If this happened a year ago, he definitely would have snapped at him, maybe even hit him just for seeing him cry.
Blowing out a gusty breath, Steve nodded. “Can you get Nancy home? She’s had a lot to drink and she doesn’t want me—my help,” he said quietly.
“Hey, don’t say that, she loves—” Jonathan started, and Steve cut him off with a sharp sound.
“Jonathan, please. I don’t—just… Make sure Nancy gets home okay?” Steve nearly begged, pinching the bridge of his nose as another stupid wave of tears welled up.
“Yeah, man, totally,” Jonathan said and he grabbed Steve’s shoulder with a gentle firmness that went a long way toward comforting him. “You okay to get home too?”
“I live down the street, man, I’m fine,” Steve chuckled, his voice still wavering and a bit watery.
“Oh, right, I guess I forgot,” Jonathan laughed, and that actually brought a bit of a real smile to Steve’s face. He must have been doing something right over the past year for Jonathan to forget that his parents were rich. “See you at school?”
“Yeah, see you at school,” Steve replied with a nod, patting Jonathan’s hand where it still held his shoulder before the other boy let go.
With a heavy sigh, Steve leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, hanging his head while his forgotten cigarette slowly burned down. He had been quitting that stupid habit, which he’d only picked up in the first place because Tommy smoked. Nancy always made a face when he would lean in to kiss her, even hours after he had smoked, so he gradually just stopped entirely. Of course, now that he was apparently cut loose from that relationship, he was back to his old habits. Would he go back to being King Steve, supreme asshole of Hawkins High? Reclaim his throne from that piece of shit Billy Hargrove?
Was he only a good person because he thought Nancy Wheeler was in love with him?
A new wave of tears welled up and he choked around a sob that stuck in his throat like shards of glass. He let the tears happen this time, staring listlessly down at the ground between his feet, miserably trying to figure out where his performance for Nancy ended and his actual personality began.
When he couldn’t immediately determine that answer, he let out a sighing sob.
He was probably too drunk to be thinking about it.
A shoe scuffed the ground just behind Steve and he tensed, screwing his eyes shut and pinching the bridge of his nose. Of course Jonathan didn’t actually walk away, too soft to leave his former-bully and sort-of-friend crying on Halloween.
“Byers, I swear to God, if you don’t go take care of Nance like I asked, I’m going to barge into the dark room every time you’re in there until I graduate,” Steve threatened half-heartedly. He somehow already did that more often than he cared to admit, but that was neither here nor there.
“Not Byers, Your Majesty.”
“Jesus Christ,” Steve hissed, sitting up to take a long drag from his cigarette.
Eddie chuckled behind him. “Damn, you’re bad at this, Harrington. Guess again.”
“God actually hates me, He has to,” Steve muttered darkly, tipping his head back to look up at the sky.
“Kinda rich, coming from God’s favourite Golden Child,” Eddie said, coming around in front of Steve. Seeing his tears, Eddie’s grin faltered. “Shit, who hurt you, Harrington?”
Steve bristled, and the thought of telling Eddie anything about what happened in that bathroom… he would legitimately rather take on a Demogorgon again.
“Can we just get this over with, Munson?” Steve asked tiredly, wiping the tears off of his cheeks. To his frustration, they were immediately replaced with fresh ones.
“Get what over—?”
“Y’know, where you laugh at me, call me a bitch or a pussy, and then leave me alone,” Steve said, trying for angry, but he was apparently too sad to muster it and just sounded depressingly resigned.
When Eddie didn’t immediately say anything, Steve met his gaze. The other man’s expression was startling, honestly. It wasn’t the gleeful, delighted expression Eddie had worn outside The Hawk, or any variation of the smiles that seemed to be a permanent feature on his face. He looked… afraid?
At least that would be how Steve would normally identify the wide-eyed, slack-jawed expression. Then again, Steve had determined over the past year of casually noticing Eddie that wide-eyed was more like his default setting.
Eddie finally shut his mouth to clear his throat before shaking his head. “Nah, man. It’s only funny when you’re bleeding,” he said, shoving his hands into the pockets of his worn leather jacket.
“What?” Steve scoffed, sneering up at Eddie.
“I don’t like laughing at people who’re crying,” he elaborated with a shrug. “It feels like punching down, even if they probably deserve it.”
“Gee, how fucking kind of you,” Steve grumbled, tossing his cigarette to the ground and snuffing it with his shoe.
“Seriously, Harrington, what’s this all about?” Eddie asked, and Steve hated how genuine he somehow made his voice. Like he actually cared. “Did Byers do this too?”
“Jonathan?” Steve laughed, shaking his head and chewing the inside of his cheek. “Nah, he was just checking on me. I was like this before he showed up.”
After a few moments of silence between them, Eddie sat down next to him and leaned back, spreading his long arms across the back of the bench. “If it wasn’t Byers, who was it?” he asked before affecting a knowing look. “Was it that dick, Billy? Did losing your title as King Douche of the Keg do this?”
Steve laughed and something fluttered in his chest at Eddie’s pleased expression. “For the record, no, this has nothing to do with that bullshit—” Steve cut himself off, sighing heavily and tipping his head back to look up at the sky again. Nancy’s words came back to him in a rush, about the party being bullshit, him being bullshit, their love being bullshit. Steve shook his head and said, “it doesn’t matter. I did this to myself.”
“You… made yourself cry?”
“Yeah, because I’m just… bullshit, y’know?” Steve said, frowning as he idly tried to identify whatever constellations he could remember.
“Well shit, Harrington. I could’ve told you that years ago and saved you the drunken epiphany,” Eddie teased, lifting a hand to shove Steve’s shoulder lightly and knocking another proper laugh out of him.
“You’re not wrong, Munson,” he murmured with a little smile. Despite that, more tears spilled down his cheeks and he hissed, “fuck, I hate this. I just want to go home.”
“How about you just go home then?” Eddie asked as he draped his arm around the back of the bench again.
Steve sighed, rolling his eyes. “Can’t go home like this,” he replied.
Eddie tilted his head. “And… why not?” he pressed, and Steve jumped when he felt Eddie’s thumb begin to idly stroke the cap of his shoulder. 
It was a motion that seemed thoughtless, like it was just what you did when your hand was resting near someone else. It was weird for a guy to be doing that with him, and Steve knew he should probably pull away, but it felt… nice, especially with how upset he was.
“Hello? Earth to Harrington?” Eddie crooned in his ear, waving a hand in front of his face.
“Sorry, what?” Steve said, shaking his head a bit.
“I asked why you can’t go home like this,” Eddie reminded him, an eyebrow raised.
‘Because my dad might still be up.’ “I just can’t, Munson, drop it,” he finally replied, fear and shame twisting in his gut along with his heartbreak. When he returned his gaze to Eddie’s, the expression on his face was a mixture of skepticism and understanding.
Silence stretched between them, Eddie’s thumb switching from rubbing Steve’s shoulder to lightly tapping out a beat. “Want a joint?” Eddie asked suddenly, and Steve blinked at him in confusion.
“I don’t have cash on me, man,” Steve managed to say after a moment when his tipsy brain caught up. “I wasn’t planning on—”
“I’m not trying to sell you anything,” Eddie interrupted, shaking his head. “I was going to smoke one anyway. We can share.”
Steve glared suspiciously. “What’s the catch? There has to be some kind of catch,” he accused. Finally, Eddie’s mean smirk rose to his face.
“Why? Because there’d be one if you were offering?” he asked and Steve reared back a bit at that, properly angry.
“What? No! People who don’t like me generally don’t offer me free shit, Munson,” Steve bit out as he stood up to glare down at him.
Eddie glowered right back up at him, his mean smirk slipping. “I just felt bad for you. Was trying to be nice,” he said sullenly, and Steve felt a little bad for snapping at him. Only a little, though, because pity? From Eddie “The Freak” Munson? That was enough to fire him back up, even if he withered at his own unkind thoughts.
“I don’t need or want your pity, Munson,” he practically growled, hands balling into tight fists at his sides.
“Then why’re you out here crying?” Eddie snapped, his face twisted in a mean scowl.
“In here feeling sorry for yourself, Stephen?” The sound of belt snapping. “I’ll give you a real reason to cry.”
Steve swatted at an imaginary bug to disguise his flinch. Eddie was watching him with those stupid, wide brown eyes that seemed to notice and understand too much. He didn’t want to give him more ammo, more ways to get under his skin.
“Yeah, I was crying out here alone for pity,” Steve spat sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he turned around to leave. He would take his chances calming down in the forest, maybe get eaten by a Demogorgon or something. That would definitely spare him any more embarrassment.
“Harrington, wait.” A hand closed around Steve’s wrist, the grip firm enough to stop him but immediately gentled so Steve could pull away if he wanted. The cool, slender fingers and cold metal of Eddie’s rings against his wrist were grounding, kind of comforting, so Steve didn’t immediately pull away. Again, it struck Steve as something that was probably weird for two guys to be doing, but the physical touch did wonders to settle his head a bit.
“What?” Steve asked, his anger and embarrassment slowly bleeding out of him.
“I offered because I figured it might help you calm down, that’s it,” Eddie said, his big brown eyes looking up at Steve earnestly. “I do actually feel bad about you crying, because I mean it, I don’t like seeing anyone crying. And feeling bad isn’t always pity, y’know?”
Steve thought back to all the times he had insisted Jonathan share his lunches with him over the past year, always making excuses about not liking half of it or lying about eating too much breakfast. It was never out of pity that he did that. He had genuinely cared and wanted to share because he had enough to do so.
All of the anger left Steve at once, leaving him feeling hollow and exhausted. Numb. “I can’t just accept free shit from you, Munson, even if you want to pretend to share it with me,” he said after a few moments with a tired smile, then he shrugged. “That, and I can’t go home high either.”
Eddie watched him unblinkingly for several moments before he nodded slowly. “Yeah, okay. Makes sense,” he conceded, his thumb idly stroking the inside of Steve’s wrist.
The gentle touch sent goosebumps up Steve’s arm, right up the side of his neck and onto his scalp. His eyes flickered down to watch the movement, getting lost in it. There was a weird, warm weight that settled in his gut as he watched that thumb shift, each sweep making that feeling crawl up into his chest. Heat rose to his cheeks and that embarrassed fluttering returned to his chest.
Pulling his wrist away suddenly, Steve cleared his throat. “Thanks, though. For the offer,” he said, the words a bit stilted. “And I guess for getting me to stop crying after all.”
“Oh yeah, I guess I did,” Eddie laughed, and Steve was taken aback by how big his true smile was up close. How bright Eddie’s eyes lit up with it, and how deep the dimples formed in his cheeks. Steve had only ever seen that smile from across the cafeteria, and he had never had it directed at him. “How’d I manage that?”
“Being a dick, mostly,” Steve retorted, his tone teasing. The joke landed just the way he had hoped, keeping that huge grin on Eddie’s face as he laughed. The embarrassed fluttering got stronger in his gut.
“I’ll be a dick to you any day of the week, Harrington. Whenever you need it,” Eddie said, winking up at Steve when he scoffed.
“How generous of you, Munson,” Steve chuckled, rolling his eyes before taking a step backward. “See you around?”
Eddie’s grin settled into a smile. “You know it, Harrington,” he replied, spreading his arms wide along the back of the bench and tilting his head.
Steve glanced down the long line of Eddie’s body before clearing his throat. Waving awkwardly, Steve turned around and quickly left, practically jogging home.
When he got there, the house was dark and silent, his parents already in bed. No doubt he would have to deal with a lecture the next morning, but he would just get up early for a run and hopefully avoid them before he went to school. He paused in his plan, trying to do the mental math to figure out how early he would have to wake up to have time for a run and have enough time to pick Nancy up before school.
Steve abruptly stopped that train of thought; did he even have to pick her up? Should he?
The thought of showing up at her house in the morning to give her a ride to school after what she said was nauseating. He knew he wouldn’t be able to keep his composure if he had to be alone with her in his car which would be humiliating at best.
And what if she didn’t even remember what she said?
No, he wouldn’t be able to handle that first thing in the morning. He shouldn’t be expected to handle that first thing in the morning.
A spark of anger finally ignited inside him at that thought. 
Steve was fucked up from everything that happened last year, too. Maybe not the same way Nancy was, but his pain mattered, too, didn’t it? And yeah, maybe the way he had been dealing with it wasn’t great, but it wasn’t any worse than how Nancy was, right? It was completely reasonable to try to find some normalcy, to move on, to try to stop seeing a dead girl every time he looked at his pool, or glanced at the woods behind his house. It was reasonable and sane to just try to survive his senior year.
Steve didn’t have to feel bad for not mourning Barb or carrying the guilt of her death the same way as Nancy. He didn’t have to feel bad for being scared of the people who made them sign confidentiality paperwork while armed guards stood over them. He didn’t have to feel bad for just wanting to keep his head down, graduate high school, and get the hell out of that town.
Despite all of those self-righteous thoughts, Steve went to bed feeling sick to his stomach with his guilt and shame, thinking of all the ways he could have done better by Nancy, no matter the cost to his peace of mind.
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daisyychainssj · 8 months
Something about foolish and bad being two immortal beings who’ve had skewed morals since the beginning of their time on the island. One being able to hide it pretty well and the other always open about the fact that he sees actions and consequences differently. Everyone knows foolish is open to playing multiple sides and doesn’t really grasp the repercussions of certain things like mortals do (he didn’t really understand why people reacted the way they did to him arresting Pac e Mike) he’s always been pretty open about the fact that the only people he cares about being hurt, either directly or indirectly, by what he does is Leo and Vegetta. Then you have bad who is pretty much universally trusted on the island, it’s bbh like yeah sure he pulls silly pranks and stuff but he’d never really hurt them, right? BBH and Foolish are so similar in so many ways. At the end of the day the only people that bad has trusted without a shadow of a doubt is dapper and Pomme, he would die for his kids in a heartbeat. He also does not care if others have to die for them either and I don’t think anyone but Foolish really knows or understands that about him. Pomme and Dapper were in a certain sense, bad’s moral compass. He wouldn’t allow himself or others to do certain things because it could hurt them. Mines? Absolutely not, are you crazy that could kill an egg? The eggs are gone? Bad is blowing everyone and everything up. Leaving boxes with invisible and strong magmas that can pretty much two shot you, what if one of the eggs was to open them? No way, he could never? No eggs around? Everyone gets a killer magma cube whilst he laughs at seeing people downed by them repeatedly. Here’s the thing, bad and foolish obviously love and care for people on the island but I just don’t think they truly grasp it the way everyone else does, the only time they’ve come close is when they’ve loved something that was fragile. They’re kids. It gave them a taste of mortality and so they had to change. Now that they’ve had that love and lost it? I truly don’t think they give a fuck about the consequences of their actions anymore. Foolish literally asked bad last night “Does your family trump all other families?” And after bad told foolish that he was in his family (because they can understand eachother in a way no one else can and I think that brings a lot of comfort) he replied “to answer your question by the way, yeah I think it does” like bad is just openly admitting he will do ANYTHING to get dapper and Pomme back and it doesn’t matter to him what it costs and who gets in the way. I really think that if this does lead to BBH capturing Fred for info no matter how devastated tubbo is BBH Will. Not. Care. Fred is just another obstacle he has to get through to get his family back. And foolish understands that and is encouraging him to do so. Foolish understand because that’s the exact way he operates too. Tina said she would’ve died for Leo and Foolish immediate reaction was to be like “just to be clear I would take you up on that offer and trade your life for hers” and just the other day when Bad was being his usual self and saying he wanted to live at Foolish’s place and the moment he started messing with Leo’s room foolish lost his mind, wanted to arrest bad for even daring to touch such a sacred place and when asked about what the order would think he said if they didn’t understand how serious it was that bad tried to mess with Leo’s room that he Did. Not. Give. A. Fuck. I just think they’re both very willing to be ruthless no matter the consequence and the only person who really understands that is each other.
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pettydollie · 7 months
I Was Made For Lovin' You, Baby (Billy Hargrove x wheeler!reader) ♡.。.:*
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a/n: so happy it's finally out!! i did the first chapter AGES ago but i never knew where i wanted to go with this story. still kinda figuring it out but i already have some ideas tehe. the first chapter is the only chapter that will be in first person. there were some things that Everleigh (the reader) does that i think would be weird if it were written in her pov. so the rest of the chapters will be in third person :) hope u enjoy!!
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C H A P T E R  O N E
“Okay, okay next one! Hurry up already!” My sister Nancy giggled as we sat on her bed. I was helping (definitely not forcing) her study for her upcoming test. Pop music lightly played from the radio while I shuffled through her flashcards. “Alright, alright!” I smiled. I repositioned myself sitting cross legged on her bed. “Which polymers occur naturally?” I asked, looking up from the card. Nancy was looking up towards the ceiling, chewing on her bottom lip which was a habit we’d both had since we were little.
“Starch and cellulose.” She answered somewhat confidently. “Mhm.” I hummed, picking another card. “In a molecule of CH4, the hydrogen atoms are spatially oriented towards the centers of--” Nancy sat up straighter, interrupting me. “Tetrahedrons.” I smiled again. “Way to go, Nance. I think you’ll ace that test.” I concluded, handing her back her flashcards. She grinned happily. Nancy and I got along quite well as sisters, surprisingly. We didn’t argue that much and when we did, it was over something silly. I’m the eldest child in the family, so I mostly take care of my siblings considering my dad is always asleep or watching the television and my mother is only really interested in Holly. Don’t get me wrong, they love us a lot. We just feel like strangers sometimes.
I was going to ask Nance about her luck with Steve Harrington, but her door suddenly slammed open, revealing Holly with syrup all over her face. “Mommy says breakfast is ready.” She announced and quickly took off back downstairs. I wasn’t even dressed yet, so I quickly exited Nancy’s room into my own where I changed into a cute but basic outfit. I added jewelry and my signature perfume and ran downstairs. Everyone was sitting at the table eating Eggos. I sat down, fixing my skirt. I grabbed a plate and started cutting my waffles. Mike was already about to finish, on the other hand. We all looked at him grossly. “Slow down, Mike. That’s disgusting.” Nancy mumbled, looking away. Mike rolled his eyes at her and continued to eat. 
I grabbed my backpack once we had all finished eating. I walked over to grab mom’s car keys which I borrowed while Nancy and Mike said goodbye to mom and Holly. I hugged mom and kissed her cheek softly. “Have a good day, guys!” She waved as we walked out the door. I drive all three of us to school every day since I was allowed to legally drive last year. Once we were all sat, Nancy pulled out her flashcards from her backpack and began studying quickly. I pulled into the parking lot in my usual spot, and we all got out, grabbing our stuff. Mike walked the other way to the middle school, greeting his friends while me and Nance walked to the high school. “Everleigh, what if I fail?” Nancy whined, gripping her books as we walked in. I rolled my eyes.
“You’ll do fine, Nance.” I waved goodbye and walked over to my locker, putting stuff away. “Hey, Ev!” I didn’t even need to turn around to know who it was. I turned my head, looking at one of my best friends. “Hi, T!” I smiled, giving her a small hug. Tina was the life of every party, her outgoing personality and beaming smile made people adore her. Many boys threw themselves at her, but who wouldn’t? She’s drop dead gorgeous. I loved gossiping with her, it’s always fun. But don’t get it twisted, we have a very deep and understanding relationship. I shut my locker and slung my bag back over my shoulder. “There’s a new boy coming tomorrow. I hope he’s cute.” We walked to our first period which we shared together. First period was always loud and fun to be in, which I loved. It’s all fun and games until Mr. Mundy calls the deans. “You want a piece of gum?” I offered, changing the subject. Tina grinned and nodded. I gave her a large strip of bubblegum and I opened mine. We blew bubbles and gossiped, the both of us strutting through the halls. It’s not that I didn’t like boys. Of course, there weren’t any boys that peaked my interest. I’ve had two boyfriends before and they both used me for popularity and my looks. I don’t mean to sound full of myself, but that’s just what happened. “Are you coming to practice today?” I questioned. Me and Tina were cheerleaders, which I forced her to do. I was a cheer captain along with the ginger Chrissy Cunningham. “Not today, sorry babes. My mom needs an extra pair of hands for the bake sale. She said if I help her, I can get a few bucks.” She boasted. I nodded in understanding, also smiling at a girl who waved. Everleigh Wheeler was one of the most well known names in Hawkins High School, much unlike Nancy who’s quiet and to herself. Within a month of joining the cheerleading squad, I was at the top of the pyramid and by the end of freshman year, I’d been promoted to captain. “Oh my god, did you hear about Brian cheating on Samantha?!” My face changed into a disgusted one. “Yes!! And with Tiff? She’s such a skank. I heard she’s slept with half of the soccer team.” Tina spat. We pushed open the classroom, smiling at others. We walked to our seats, getting settled in. Tina and I sat next to each other, thankfully. I sat next to the window so I wouldn’t really have to interact with anyone but her. Math was nowhere near the top of my list of subjects I enjoyed, but I tolerated it enough for an easy pass. The class’ attention was pulled by Mr. Mundy’s booming voice who took attendance while me and Tina continued talking, not really caring, only ever stopping to say “Here”. Mr. Mundy cleared his throat. “Valentina and Everleigh. Please quiet down.” We looked up and muttered “sorry”. And we did stop talking- for about five minutes. As soon as attendance finished, we continued talking again. We turned our bodies to face each other and chuckled loudly. Mr. Mundy’s attention turned back to us. “That’s it. Tina, your new seat is there.” He pointed to the seat on the right of the one she was seated in. “Wait no, we’ll stop talking! For real this time.” She pleaded. We stared at him with sad eyes. “I’ve had enough. Move NOW.” He scowled. Tina pouted and grabbed her stuff. She stood up, heads turned to face her and walked to the seat next to her. She sat down and folded her arms, angrily. I frowned. Now I’m alone. I changed my mind, math is my absolute LEAST favorite class.
C H A P T E R  T W O
The bell finally rang after what felt like years. Everleigh grabbed her stuff and walked out the door, happy to leave. Annoyed that she no longer had anyone to talk to in first period, she stomped through the halls; her happy demeanor slipping. Her soft glossy lips fell into a pout, and she pushed a strand of gorgeous silky hair out of her face with a manicured finger. Life was just so hard.
As soon as the bell rang for the end of the last class, Everleigh strutted to her locker to put stuff away. Sure, she had some homework, but most of it wasn’t due until Friday so she’d just put that on hold for now. One of her other best friends, Melanie, was leaning against the locker next to Everleigh’s, holding two books in her arms. “Carl’s picking me up tonight for a date. I’m so excited! I need you to help me pick out an outfit.” She squealed. Everleigh didn’t like her boyfriend, Carl. He was always weird whenever she was around. He also didn’t treat her right, which made Everleigh furious. But there wasn’t much she could do because Melanie was absolutely head over heels for him.
But Everleigh could never not be excited to help her friends get ready. “Okay, what time do you want me to be over?” She grinned, shutting her locker. The girls began to walk out into the school’s parking lot. “Maybe five thirty-ish?” Melanie suggested. Melanie was decently popular. She enjoyed roller skating, cheerleading, and fashion. She had beautiful lush blonde waves which complimented her oceanic eyes. “Sure! I’ll ask my mom when I get home.” Everleigh beamed. The girls separated into their cars. 
Everleigh walked to her car where Nancy and Mike waited impatiently. “Finally, why were you late this time?” Mike grumbled, getting into the car after it was unlocked. Nancy clicked her seatbelt in while Everleigh started the car. “Calm down, I was only like ten minutes late.” She hated having to defend herself to her idiotic brother. Normally, he’d continue to scold her about how he and Nancy could’ve been kidnapped or died, but this time, he let it go. While she was driving, she felt a tap on her arm which rested on the armrest in between her and Nancy. Everleigh looked over to the passenger seat where Nancy mouthed some words to her. She raised an eyebrow to say “Wait, say it again?” The brunette nodded. Then, Everleigh took in what she was trying to say. “We’re dating.” Nancy leaned back into the chair, waiting for a reaction.
“We” was Nancy and Steve Harrington. It seemed like the entire school knew who he was. Everleigh had wanted the two of them to date since Nancy mentioned he began talking to her, except it was different. He was kind around her. He listened to her and didn’t judge her for what she believes in. Everleigh grinned, satisfied. This was definitely coming up in girl chat when Mike wasn’t around.
As the siblings arrived at home, Everleigh pulled into her family’s driveway, being careful not to hit the mailbox. They all got out, grabbing their stuff. Everleigh unlocked the door where Holly was visible in the living room, playing with her toys. “Mom, we’re home!” Nancy yelled. Mike dashed upstairs into his room, slamming the door and locking it. “Micheal, stop slamming my doors!” Karen yelled from the kitchen. The sisters walked in, kissing their mom on the cheek. “Hey girls, how was school?” Everleigh walked behind her mom, with her arms folded, waiting for Nancy to respond first. “It was good. Same as always.” Nancy replied, shifting her body weight slightly. Everleigh wiggled her eyebrows from an angle so only Nancy could see, making the girl giggle slightly. Karen nodded, turning around. “What about you, Ev?”
She relaxed her face in time for her mom to face her. “It was alright. Mr. Mundy changed Tina’s seat because we were talking too much.” She rolled her eyes, hanging her coat up by the front door. Nancy had walked away to her room, probably to dream about Stevie poo. “I told you there were going to be consequences to you two chatting all the time.” Karen joked, smiling. Everleigh pouted, but then remembered about Melanie. “Can I go over Mel’s after dinner?” She asked, with begging eyes. Karen changed her position with her hand by tapping her chin above her arm. “What did you get on Mrs. Click’s assessment from yesterday?” Dang it. Of course she was going to ask this. Her lowest grade was in Mrs. Click’s class. History just wasn’t her thing. It was so boring and why did we need to know about The Great Depression anyways? “I got a B..” Everleigh muttered. Karen perked up at this.
“Well that’s much better than your last grade! A C- to a B? Good job, honey. Sure, you can go.” Everleigh stood up, proudly. “Thanks, mommy! Love you!” She ran upstairs into her room, shutting the door. She placed her backpack down next to her bed on the white carpet. She walked over to her pink telephone on her nightstand. She dialed Melanie’s number and waited. “Hello?” She heard. “Hey, Mel! Mom said I can come over after dinner.” Everleigh sat down on her bed. “Okay! Carl said he’s coming to pick me up at 7:00.” There was a loud knock at the door, interrupting the call. Everleigh covered the receiver with her free hand and took her ear off. “Yes?” She called. “Where’s my walkie?!” She heard Mike yell outside her door. “I don’t know, go away, Mike!” Everleigh snapped, rolling her eyes. “How am I supposed to know what you did with it..” She muttered. She took her hand off the receiver and put her ear back. “-and my parents don’t know about it so we have to keep it as chill as possible.” Melanie continued talking. 
Once the call was over, Everleigh put the phone back. She opened one of her drawers and pulled out a silky white hair tie, shutting the drawer. She held the tie with her teeth while she gathered her hair up with her hands and tied it into a bun. She walked out of her room into the bathroom to shower. When she finished, she dried off and changed into a simple white long sleeve shirt with a pink plaid dress over top. She put on lace socks and tiny black booties. By the time she was finished, it was time for dinner. 
She walked downstairs to sit at the table. Surprisingly, Mike didn’t come down for a few minutes. Karen looked at the stairs while everyone else ate. She sighed, picking up her fork. “Can one of you go get your brother, please?” She asked, waving her fork at Everleigh and Nancy. Everleigh nodded at Nancy and went upstairs. She knocked on the door. Once. Twice. No answer. “Mike! Come on, it’s dinner time!” Everleigh’s face scrunched up. She opened the door to reveal no one was there. He wasn’t in the bathroom either. Meaning he was in the basement. 
She ran downstairs past her family, opening the door to the basement. “Where’s Mike?” Karen called. “Hold on!” Everleigh replied. She walked in, seeing Mike under a blanket with his walkie talkie. He sat, frozen. He pushed the antenna down and cleared his throat. He looked… sad. “What are you doing? It’s dinner time. Don’t you hear us calling you?” Everleigh snapped, folding her arms. “Uhh.. well I was trying to talk to Dustin.” He lied. “Okay well tell him you guys will talk later, I’m starving.” She stomped back upstairs.
When dinner was finished, Everleigh cleaned her plate, rushing to grab the car keys. “I’m going now, bye mom! I’ll be back soon!” She waved, closing the door. She got inside the car, driving to Melanie’s house. When she arrived, she got out of the car and walked up to the porch. She rang the doorbell and stood politely waiting. Melanie’s father, who she’s seen a handful of times, opened the door. “Well, hello, Everleigh. How are you? Come inside. Melanie’s upstairs.” He moved over so she could enter the very homely household. “Thank you, Mr. Harris. I’m good, how are you?” She grinned with that candy sweet smile that almost everyone loved to see as she stepped inside. He nodded, smiling back and shutting the door.
Everleigh walked upstairs to Melanie’s room and knocked softly. The door opened revealing Mel in her pink nightgown with curlers in her hair. “Oh, come in!” The girls squealed, excitedly. Everleigh walked over to the girl’s divine wardrobe and began looking through. “Wait, where is he taking you?” She questioned, turning around. Melanie plopped down onto her queen sized bed, smiling dreamily. “He’s driving me to Enzo’s. How romantic, right?” Everleigh was happy for her friend. Happy that Carl wasn’t being such a punk and only taking her to his grandmother’s house. I mean, of course! Grandma’s cookies always scream “romance” to me, don’t you think so?
She turned back around, taking dresses out and handing them to Melanie. “Try all of those on! See which one you think fits.” The girls put on a mini fashion show, laughing and posing. Once they finally found a dress, Everleigh did Mel’s makeup. She sat down at a small vanity so Everleigh could stand over her. “One day, you have to teach me how to do more than just mascara, lipgloss, and blush.” Melanie half joked. Everleigh nodded, grinning. She spinned her chair around to face the mirror. “Like it?” She asked, hopefully. Melanie looked beautiful. “I feel stupid!” She laughed, staring at herself. “Well everyone feels stupid! Who cares?” Everleigh turned her chair back around, adding some finishing touches.
“Do you feel stupid?” Melanie asked, half smiling. Everleigh giggled. “Yeah I did, but then I chose not to feel stupid.” The girls smiled. They always had a strong bond together, feeling they could talk about anything and everything and never feel awkward. They took out Melanie’s curlers and waited for the phone to ring or a knock on her window, sitting on the bed. And they waited. And waited. And waited…
Everleigh started getting annoyed when it was already 8 and there was nothing. She scoffed. “That prick stood you up.” Everleigh’s face was disgusted. She stood up and kissed the top of Melanie’s head. Her mascara was ruined from her crying. Now she was just silent. Everleigh could tell the girl was thinking over her relationship and she didn’t want to interrupt it. She always knew Carl was a jerk, but this ends it. She was ready for her friend to find someone better. She knew she could stay and comfort her, but something was telling her it was time for her to be alone for a while with her thoughts. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out, babes.” Everleigh sympathized.
“I’m gonna go home. My mom’s gonna kill me if I’m out past 8:30 on a school night. I’ll see you tomorrow, Mel.” Melanie nodded. She walked towards the door blowing a kiss. She walked out and into her car. She took off home. “I’m going to kill him.”
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a/n: soo what do we think?? if u guys have any ideas or things u wanna see, please send me a request or a dm and if i write it, i will credit u for the suggestion! im actually really proud of this so far! and ik billy wasnt in these chapters, but hes coming in the next one ;)
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brunnerasposts · 2 years
"Halloween Bash" pt. 1
S.H. x Female Reader
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Summary: You and Steve plan to spend Halloween together when he ditches you to attend Tina's Halloween Bash with Nancy. A few hours later, you find yourself having to take care of a very drunk Steve.
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: st2 spoilers, underage drinking, swearing, slight angst, fluff, best friends to lovers, mutual pining
Additional Notes: I only have the inspiration for Steve and Eddie fanfics rn so I will most likely be writing those for a while, haha. I hope you enjoy this Steve fanfic! Likes, comments, and reshares are greatly appreciated :)
pt. 2 will be linked here!
~ ○ ~ ● ~ ○ ~ ● ~
"What are you getting all dressed up for?"
You were currently sitting on Steve's bed, watching in confusion as he picked out things to wear.
He didn't respond right away, changing his shirt before adding a jacket over top.
Steve reached for a pair of shades, sliding them on his face before looking to you.
"What do you think?"
You couldn't help but smile. "I think you're a tad overdressed for Halloween movie night."
Steve removed the sunglasses, hooking them onto his shirt. "I thought it would be really fun if we went to Tina's party tonight."
Arching an eyebrow, you began to cross your arms. "Why would we do that when we've already made plans to watch movies and get really sick on Halloween candy?" You asked with a small laugh before it slowly dawned on you.
Now that you knew why, you groaned in annoyance.
"Steve Harrington I know for a fact that you're not trying to bail on me for Nancy Drew." You spoke sternly, slightly peeved with him for even wanting to cancel.
This was your last Halloween as highschoolers!
Every year for Halloween or Christmas, you and Steve would get together and spend the day just watching films and snacking on holiday goodies. It was your way of bonding and winding down from the pressure of society.
Why would he want to cancel if not for his girlfriend?
"Oh, come on! It'll be fun I swear!"
"No, Steve. You promised me that we would spend the night just sitting on your couch with a bunch of rented tapes of horror movies!" You frowned, eyes traveling downward as Steve got onto his knees.
"But I already promised Nancy I would go with her and act like stupid teenagers! Come on, I know you and her don't get along, but this could be my chance to really get her to relax after Barb." He spoke, his words practically gutting you like a knife.
You hardly ever argued with Steve when he wanted to hang out with his girlfriend, but this was a tradition night for you both. He wanted to break tradition for Tina's stupid party?
It was true, that you and Nancy didn't really get along but that's because you were constantly battling for time with Steve. You really only ever saw him in school now that you had a job, but even in school he was wrapped around Nancy's little finger.
Sure, you were jealous. You had been smitten for Steve for three years and only realized during the summer that you were madly in love with the boy.
The feeling wasn't reciprocated obviously as he spent all his time with his little journalist.
They were either doing homework together in the library, making out next to her locker, or sitting together at lunch.
It was never just you and Steve. Now that you two finally had a chance to hang out, he was bailing on you? For Nancy?
"You promised her?" You asked softly, Steve sighing a little as he heard the hurt in your voice. "When?"
As he tried to come up with an answer, your anger over Steve never having the time to hang out with you suddenly boiled over.
"You know what?" You got up from the bed, grabbing your shoes, "I don't care. Clearly you're so invested with Nancy all the time that you dont even want to hang out with me anymore." Once your shoes were on your feet you began to make your way downstairs.
Soon enough, his feet followed. "No, come on! Y/N, wait." He pleaded, speeding past you to block the front door.
"Steve, let me out." You demanded.
"Y/N, listen to me! It's not just Nancy, every senior is gonna be there! You can come with us, hang out for a bit, ya know?" He suggested, you staring at him in disbelief.
"Sometimes you can be such a dick." You whispered, hurt spreading across his face. "Ouch, Y/N. Really trying to hammer down my ego huh?" He tried to joke but you weren't having it.
"Yes I am." You announced, silencing him. "When are you going to wake up and realize that Nancy has her head so wrapped up around Barb that the only reason she's with you is for comfort?" You questioned, leaving him flabbergasted.
It was a heavy subject, you knew, but Nancy didn't seem all that interested in Steve until Barb went missing. The timing was all too weird to you.
"She doesn't love you Steve. Nancy is quite the actress, I'll say that." You reached behind him for the doorknob, his hand grabbing your wrist.
"No, you're wrong Y/N. Nancy loves me." Although he wanted it to come off strongly, he sounded slightly worried. Almost as though he didn't want to believe you. "She doesn't, Steve." Your voice was gentle now, your eyes shifting from his to his lips.
"There are some people in this world who actually love you unlike her." Was all you could say before you opened the door and walked out.
This time, he didn't follow.
You didn't have your car with you, so you walked home. Traveling past the many children out in the streets trick or treating, your anger began to dissipate and the shame took its place.
Why did you say that to him?
In the many ways you pictured confessing to Steve, never had you wanted it to be done that way. It didn't seem like he understood either way which made you a little relieved.
As you arrived home, you grabbed the bowl of candy your parents had left out for kids and brought it inside with you, claiming it for yourself. Once you got inside, you found the house to be eerily quiet. It was unusual, making you turn to the cabinet near the front door. A note laid on it, written in your mom's handwriting.
Apparently they were having an 'adult' Halloween party at the Henderson household. You knew it wasn't much different from the ones in highschool so you shoved the note into your pocket before trudging up the stairs to your bedroom.
This night couldn't possibly be any worse. Not only did you get ditched by your best friend, but you left the rented movie tapes at his place and all you were stuck with was your small collection of books and a bucket of candy. You could sit like a fool on your porch and just pass it out, but if some kid from school was walking around with their sibling, you'd literally die of embarrassment if they saw you sitting at home instead of being out of the house either with Steve or at Tina's party.
Reading and munching on candy it is.
For the next three hours, you listened to Halloween tunes on the radio and read Dracula while eating a few different candies here and there. That is until a ringing of your doorbell sounded, making you groan.
Didn't kids know that there was no candy out on the porch?
Realizing you had left the front porch light on, you huffed and got up from your bed before making your way downstairs.
The doorbell rang a couple more times, your annoyance growing. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" You shouted as you went down the last few steps. You unlocked the door and opened it, except there was no kid at the front door.
It was Steve.
"Jeez, I thought you were some random kid trying to get candy." You sighed in relief before noticing his stance.
He was leaning an arm above his head on the doorway for support, eyes cast to the ground. His eyes seemed red, either from exhaustion, or crying.
"Hey," You spoke softly, slowly reaching forward to place a hand on his arm, "You okay?"
Steve didn't reply, eyes still fixated on the floor. A singular tear rolled down his face, causing worry to spread across your own.
"Hey, hey," You cooed, wrapping your arms around his waist to hug him. "It's okay, Steve. You're alright." Speaking softly was always the key with Steve when he was upset. It kept him calm, focused even.
If you panicked, he'd shut down. That was the last thing you wanted.
Steve practically slumped his body against you, making you drag him inside. Closing the door with your foot, you continued to comfort him by stroking his hair.
His usual minty scent was replaced with the muskiness of alcohol. "Jeez, Steve how much did you drink?" You asked him, not really expecting much of a response as you dragged him up the stairs and into your bedroom.
"Five...teen?" He mumbled, making you roll your eyes before gently sitting him down on your bed. "I'll be right back, okay?"
"No, no, no..don't go." He whined.
"Steve, I have to go get a trash can and some water for you." You told him, smiling a little as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Just stay right here." Steve wasn't going to let you go and that was certain. "Okay, let's get you comfortable, yeah? Then I can go get you some stuff?" His head slowly nodded up and down, making you sigh a little in relief.
You helped him remove his coat, laying it across the foot of your bed before looking to his shirt. Noticing a small stain of red liquid, your eyebrows furrowed. "Punch?" You asked, him nodding again.
"Arms up," He complied and you removed his sweatshirt, your cheeks warming as you gazed at him for a moment. Clearing your throat, you reached into your bag from earlier and pulled out Steve's Halloween themed shirt that he traditionally wore.
"Wanna tell me what happened?" You asked as he pressed the side of his face into your stomach, hugging you close. It didn't really bother you, you were just glad he wasn't about to throw up all over your duvet.
"Nancy um," He began, rubbing his eyes. Your attention was instantly back on him, waiting to hear what you were beginning to think.
"Nancy doesn't love me. You were right." He sniffled a little, making you sigh. As much as you enjoyed being right, this wasn't a time to show off.
"How do you know? Did she break up with you?" You couldn't help but ask, gently stroking his hair back so you could see his face more.
Steve's eyes were casted towards the ground, his grip on your sweater tightening. "No, she uh..she got really drunk and spilled punch on herself." He spoke slowly, his story sounding like himself right now.
"I tried helping her in the bathroom and she just started claiming how...bullshit I am. That we try and act like everything's normal when Barb is missing and that we act like we're in love-" His voice hitched.
"Oh Steve," You frowned, sinking down so you could properly wrap your arms around his neck while his remained wrapped around your waist. His head leaned against yours, foreheads pressing together.
"I'm so sorry Y/N," He spoke as he buried his face into the crook of your neck.
"Why are you sorry? I'm the one who went off on you which was totally unfair. I'm the one who should be apologizing." You argued a little.
Steve gripped you tighter, making you chuckle a little. "No, God, no. I'm so stupid. I should have realized that she didn't care for me. That she didn't love me." He huffed.
"And here I was abandoning you on our traditional holiday movie night just to hear that from her."
"Hey," You gently cupped his face and pulled his head back so you could make eye contact with him. "I'm not upset with you anymore. I shouldn't have even argued over it to begin with."
"I'm still sorry," He spoke, letting you go so you were free to move. Taking the chance, you helped him get situated under your covers, tucking him in. Once he was situated, you walked over to your radio and lowered the volume so it could barely be heard. "If you fall asleep, that's okay, okay? I won't be far." You promised him, giving him a soft smile before leaving the room.
As you went downstairs and into the kitchen, you began to worry about earlier events. He didn't know what you meant before when you mentioned there were others who loved him...right? He was drunk and too caught up with Nancy's drunken confession that maybe he'd forget you ever even said anything.
Once you grabbed two waters, you held them in one arm and grabbed the empty trash can with the other. You quickly made your way upstairs, quietly entering your room. "You're still up, huh?" You smiled a little as you looked over to Steve who had been staring at the ceiling.
"I can't sleep without you," He huffed, your cheeks warming. "Scared of nightmares coming?" You asked as you walked over to his side of your bed, him nodding and beginning to sit up.
You then opened the water bottle, helping him take a slow yet long sip. "Better?" He nodded as you took back the bottle, closing it tightly before setting it down on the nightstand.
"Y/N?" He whispered so quietly you almost didn't catch it. "Hm?" You hummed, setting down the other water bottle before looking to him.
"You love me right?"
His question completely threw you off guard, your eyes widening slightly. In fear, you chuckled nervously. "Love you? Of course. You're my best friend." You told him, the male beginning to shake his head.
"No. No, I mean like..love, love. Not that bullshit love. Do you really, really love me?" He asked, gently grabbing your hand before rubbing circles on the back of it. His actions and his words were making your heart race a little.
"Steve," You gulped a little, eyes unable to look into his as he was gazing at you in a way you weren't used to with him. God why did he have to be under the influence right now?
You wished he wasn't, that way you could tell if any of this was real.
Before you could continue, his hands found their way to your waist, gently bringing you closer to the bed. "Steve," You began again, though you weren't even sure what you were trying to say. Did he ask you a question? You couldn't remember.
All you could focus on were his hands as one stayed on your waist while the other brought itself up to your face. He cupped your cheek gently, your eyes finally meeting his. "I like when you say my name."
As he leaned in, you lost all sense of clarity, letting him press his lips into yours. When he began to move his lips, you did too. You practically melted under his touch, your fingers brushing through his hair so you had something to hold onto.
He groaned a bit into your mouth, making your stomach do flips. Steve was kissing you.
This was wrong. You knew it was.
He was in pain and wanted you for comfort. As much as you wanted to cherish this kiss, it couldn't go any farther than that.
Quickly, you parted from the kiss, placing your hands on his shoulders to keep him at a distance so he couldn't try and do it again.
"No Steve," You panted, "As much as I want this, you're hurting. If this is gonna happen for us, I want it to be done right. I don't want to be Nancy's sloppy seconds, okay?" You told him.
"You're not, Y/N. No, trust me that's done. She and I are done." He leaned in again only for you to back away. "Steve, you're drunk and heartbroken. I don't want us to get together this way."
You inhaled shakily, still adrenaline high from the kiss. You watched him for a moment, seeing his slightly swollen lips part as he wanted to argue. "I don't even know if any of this is really you or if it's drunk Harrington taking over," You sighed, removing his hands so you were at a comfortable distance again.
"Steve, sweetie, get some sleep okay? It's late and you need to sleep off the alcohol." You helped him lay back down, kissing his forehead.
"Lay with me?" He whispered, making you hesitate. It wasn't like you and Steve have never slept in the same bed before. Your parents knew how close you two were and always allowed sleepovers. But after the kiss and with Steve being drunk, you weren't sure.
God damn it.
Going around to the other side of the bed, you pulled the duvet back and got into the bed. Once the covers were pulled back over you, you watched as Steve rolled over so he faced you.
"Sleep now, okay?" You asked him, the male nodding slowly before closing his eyes.
You did the same, allowing the radio and Steve's breathing to lull you to sleep. Before you could really get into a deep sleep, Steve called your name quietly.
There was a moment of silence before he finally answered.
~ ~ ~
"Morning sleepyhead." You smiled as Steve made his way down the steps and into the kitchen where you stood by the stove making bacon and eggs. "Smells delicious." He yawned, walking over to one of the cabinets to search for headache medicine.
"Third shelf."
"Thank you," He grabbed the bottle and opened it, taking out two of them. His attention was on taking the pills, but his eyes were watching you.
How could you be so peaceful after what he did to you yesterday?
"Do you feel better this morning?" You asked, looking over to him after you scrambled his eggs. "Physically? No. My head is killing me. Tina definitely overdid it with the punch this year." You couldn't help but giggle at his words.
"Emotionally? I've been better, but I am better than I thought I'd be." He sat down at the island counter. "Oh yeah? Well that's good. Maybe some sleep helped." You suggested, plating his and your bacon.
"Yeah..sleep." He agreed slowly, eyes still fixated on you. At this point you could feel his stare, making you look back over to him.
"What's up, Harrington? Is my hair messed up or something?" You joked, making him crack a smile.
"No, I'm just looking at you is all."
Your eyebrow arched, but you decided he was just being weird so you shrugged it off and continued to cook your eggs.
As his eyes bore into the back of your head, you could feel his eyes again and it was beginning to make you nervous. Why was he staring?
"Harrington, what's up?" You asked, plating the eggs. You then turned the stove off and turned around, arms crossed.
Steve's eyes widened slightly in surprise, quickly beginning to shake his head. "No, no, sorry. I must still have alcohol in my system." He explained, letting out a nervous chuckle.
"Well you're able to hold good conversation now. So, I don't think the alcohol is really taking any effect here." You walked over to the island, leaning against it.
"What's going on Steve?"
He seemed hesitant, mouth opening and closing almost like a fish as he couldn't find the words. It made you wonder if he remembered what happened with Nancy.
After a minute, you said his name again, making him come back to reality.
"Yeah, um, I guess I just have a question to ask?" He seemed unsure, but you decided to go with it anyway.
"Okay," You turned and grabbed the plates before placing his in front of him. You set yours down in front of yourself, just wanting to keep it from getting cold.
"What exactly happened last night? When I got here, I mean. I remember Tina's party, and I remember ringing your doorbell but that's about it." Steve got up to go grab some utensils, his back to you which gave you the opportunity to facially express your nervousness.
You squeezed your eyes shut for a second, mentally cursing yourself. You opened your eyes again, trying to find a quick lie.
"Last night?" You began, "Well, you showed up to my house and I practically had to drag you inside."
Steve chuckled as he made his way back over, handing you a fork. You thanked him and began to pick at your eggs with the fork. "Then I brought you upstairs, helped you get out of your sweater since Nancy spilled some punch on you, put you in your Halloween sweater instead, and then we went to bed."
The lie came out a lot easier than you expected. Maybe it was because you left out the impromptu kiss.
As you met Steve's eyes, you could see the confusion in his face. "That's all that happened?" He questioned, eyebrows furrowing. "Did we talk? I feel like I remember talking with you in your room." He said, rubbing his temple a little.
"I mean, you told me what happened with you and Nancy, so that could be it." You explained, really hoping he would just drop the subject before you died of embarrassment from the replaying memory of Steve's lips on yours.
"And that was all we talked about?"
You were hesitant. Why were you even hesitating in the first place? It wasn't like you'd never lied to Steve before. They were just smaller lies. Like, Tammy Thompson is an excellent singer or that new kid Billy Hargrove wasn't the new king of Hawkins High.
"Yeah. That was all."
Steve watched you for a moment before shrugging and eating his eggs. Your shoulders relaxed and you began eating as well.
God, this was gonna come back to bite you in the ass.
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stevi0e · 1 year
Dating Calvin Fischoeder headcannons [Cause I'm too lazy to write a full fic]
My bad if the spacing is very strange, I wrote this on Google docs on my laptop and had to paste it, please forgive me if it's bad lol
@self-shippingbingus e
Meeting him for the first time!!!
●Yall meet at the restaurant, obviously
You're there to visit your older brother Bob and his wife and kids, he's there to collect rent.
You're messing around with the kids when he comes in.
"Hello Belchers! And…you." 
Linda is immediately suspicious.
You greet him with a shy nod and a hello, before he turns to Bob and asks about you.
Bob explains that you're his younger sister, born just before his mother died. [Reader is late twenties/early thirties]
He nods and goes quiet before asking you for your name. You give it to him and he immediately gives you an odd nickname.
It's weird but endearing.
He collects the rent silently and leaves, glancing at you several times during the whole interaction.
He's got a crush <3
        First time he asks you out!!
●You're at the pier with Louise, Gene and Tina when they leave you alone to go on some ride you were scared of (me projecting my fear of rollercoasters lmao)
He finds you sitting alone on some random bench and stops to say hello, asking you some questions about yourself and what you thought of WonderWarf
He specifically asks you how you feel about the rides he came up with/ parts of the Warf he designed.
He gets all flustered if you compliment them <3
He later asks you if you felt like going on the ferris wheel with him, to which you decline as you can see the kids returning, but offer to go another time instead.
He nods and says he'll meet with you the next day for a date in the Warf
He walks away before you can answer, only giving you a time and what to wear 
It goes lovely, he gets you dinner afterwards at a nice restaurant (you make sure to tell him Jimmy Pesto's is off limits, which he respects) and you give him a kiss goodbye at the end of the date <3
          Dating him!!
●I don't pin him as a super jealous guy, but he definitely gets a little possessive most of the time. He's not super vocal about it, opting to just wrap an arm around your waist and glare at the person or rest his hand on your lower back and whisper in your ear. He also gets super pouty and upset if you ignore him.
He takes you on his trips everywhere, it annoys Felix sometimes but he's gotten used to it.
He's not above firing someone or upping their rent if they upset you.
He loves physical touch but gets fidgety and can't sit still for all that long, but he loves messing with your hair or your hands, holding them and/or tracing random shapes on the back of them softly.
Gives THE BEST forehead kisses and usually gives them when he's proud of you/happy.
Shows you off to EVERYONE 
He is so happy you're his, he wants the whole universe he's yours.
He won't show it very outwardly in public but he's always smiling even slightly when you're around. 
He's not too bothered about telling your family, but he knows you're worried about Bob finding out so he keeps a low profile when they're around/when he comes to collect rent.
Except he doesn't really and he still flirts with you constantly, he just doesn't let on you're dating.
The kids definitely know. Especially Tina, she thinks it's super romantic and cool that you have to hide your relationship. 
He calls you honey, darling, my love, beloved, mistress and Dove
You call him Cal, Caviar (rich person joke lol), Fish-man, sweetheart, my love, and hon <3
      Telling Bob and Linda about you guys!!
●I think how Bob finds out is that one time him and Calvin were tied under the pier. 
Calvin suggests calling you, knowing you'll answer. He recites your number off by heart as if Bob doesn't know and Bob gets suspicious.
He starts asking questions and gradually starts yelling, a mixture of confusion, anxiety from the whole pier thing, and hurt that you didn't tell him.
Might make a fic out of this lol
Calvin explains, leaving out the details he knows you would be able to explain better and general stuff he thinks you'd rather talk to Bob about in private.
Bob slowly calms down and talks about how he's scared of how much his younger sibling is growing up so fast.
Calvin sympathises as he felt that way with Felix (tho felix still acts like a child most of the time)
After they're out from under the pier, you run into his arms crying and yelling at him to never scare you like that again. 
He pats your head gently and kisses your forehead, still aware of Bob being around though he's occupied with Linda and the kids.
Linda sees you guys hugging in a more-than-friendly way and gasps
Bob just sighs and is like "Yeah, I know." 
The kids start telling them about how they knew all along.
You have a heart to heart with Bob later on, he says he's not entirely okay with it but he understands you love Calvin, and that you'll always be his kid sibling no matter what <3
          Random headcannons!!(some nsfw)
●He LOVES to spoil you. Too much at times and Felix gets jealous.
Felix was jealous when you first started dating but you guys are friends now.
You and Fanny hung out before she tried to murder your brother and your boyfriend and several other of your loved ones.
He wants kids but realises it's already a burden living with the Fischoeder name and is scared he'll be a bad father.
Grover had a crush on you when he first met you and tried to fight Calvin for you. He lost.
NSFW ahead!!!!
○Breeding kink.
Probably more of a sir kinda guy than a daddy but is down if you're into it.
He'll choke you but only lightly, he doesn't wanna hurt you.
Spanking is good though, if you're OK with it. The choking is just a little much considering he's been almost murder several times.
He's like a good 5-6 inches. 
Insecure about his body but you make sure he has nothing to worry about obviously.
Loves to praise you!!!!! All the praise!!! 
Praise mixed with teasing but no heavy degradation.
"Such a naughty little thing, so good for me"
Will degrade you if you ask but his default is praise <3
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lilyvandersteen · 1 year
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Home Away From Home by @lilyvandersteen
This story was written for the Klaine Prompt Reverse Bang, and is dedicated to @justgleekout, who made art for this prompt, and to my faithful beta @hkvoyage. Thank you so much!
Cooper buys a hotel sight unseen and asks Blaine to run it for him over the summer. Only, the hotel is a health and safety hazard and Inspectors Hummel and Abrams are hell-bent on closing it down. Can Blaine spruce the hotel up in time and save Cooper's investment?
Rated M. Warning for the use of a rape drug in the story. No actual rape, though, I assure you.
You can also read this story on AO3.
Blaine woke with a start as he fell out of bed.
“Oops!” said his roommate, wincing sympathetically. “Didn’t mean to push you that hard, but you just wouldn’t wake up.”
Blaine groaned and rubbed his sore bottom as he got up, squinting at his alarm clock. “Tina! It’s three o’clock in the morning! Why would you wake me up at this hour?”
“So you could answer your phone. Or silence it. It’s been blaring off and on for at least ten minutes. You’re lucky I haven’t smashed it to bits yet!”
Right on cue, Blaine’s phone went off again. He grabbed it and tapped the Answer button.
“Hey squirt!” Cooper boomed.
“Don’t call me… Coop, why on EARTH are you waking me up in the middle of the night?”
“What? It’s not… Oh, hang on, time difference. Right. Didn’t think of that, squirt, sorry.”
Blaine sighed. “Don’t call me squirt. And okay, I guess you’re filming somewhere at the other side of the world again?”
“Yes, we’re working on that fantasy series for Netflix that I told you about. I’m in Thailand right now. Flying to New Zealand tomorrow. I’m having a total blast.”
“That’s great. Now tell me, what was so important you had to tell me right this minute?”
“Oh! Oh, just you wait, you’re going to LOVE this!”
“Uh-oh,” Blaine mumbled between gritted teeth. “What now?”
Cooper either didn’t hear him, or pretended not to.
“You know how you’re always telling me to stop spending my money on stuff like cars and tech, right?”
Blaine huffed. “And with good reason. You spend an obscene amount on gadgets. And that Bugatti is SO over the top.”
“Exactly!” said Cooper. “Well, now I’ve made a ‘sound investment’, as you call it. Real estate, as you advised.”
Blaine’s heart leapt. “Really? You bought a place in New York? And you’re calling me to ask me if I will move in with you? The answer’s yes!”
Tina put her hands on her hips and glared at him.
“Nah… No. Not exactly.”
Blaine’s sense of misgiving tingled.
“I didn’t buy a house. I bought a hotel. It was a steal, I’m telling you. I couldn’t pass it up!”
“A hotel? Where? Why?”
“Well, I won’t be this pretty forever, you know,” Cooper explained. “And then I might not get booked as an actor anymore. So I needed to find a back-up plan for when I stop being in demand. Talked about it with the guys here over lunch, and Sebastian Smythe, who plays my younger brother in the series we’re filming, said he had a hotel he could sell me. I kind of like the thought of offering people a nice vacation, you know. A home away from home. Maybe I could do a one-man show after dinner. Like they do on cruises. Doesn’t that sound amazing?”
“Yes, yes, that’s all very well, but you’re still filming now. So who’s going to run the hotel?”
“Well, that’s where you come in,” Cooper announced cheerfully. “You’re done with your exams, right? And now you’ve got several months off. So you can go check out the hotel for me. See if the staff that’s in place is okay or needs to be replaced.”
“Coop, are you insane?”
“Think of it as a free vacation, squirt. I’m sure the staff will pamper you once they find out you’re the brother of the new owner!”
Blaine shook his head slowly in disbelief. “Have you even SEEN the place before you bought it?”
“On the website, yes. It looks great!”
“Ugh, Coop! So you saw a couple of pretty pictures on a website and shelled out a fortune sight unseen? How can you be sure the place even exists?”
Cooper chuckled. “Well, of course it exists! The previous owner sent me an Excel spreadsheet with the bookings. It’s booked solid for the rest of the year already! Just think what a fortune I’m going to make!”
Blaine tugged at his curls in frustration, repressing an ungodly urge to strangle his brother. “UN-BE-LIEVE-A-BLE. You are unbelievable! Okay, not everyone has a head for business, but I can’t believe you are THIS much of an idiot! Are you sure you’re actually my brother and George Anderson’s son? Our father would have a conniption if he found out about this!”
“I thought you’d be happy I’d followed your advice.”
Blaine could almost hear his brother’s pout.
He sighed, raking a hand through his hair again.
“I know you meant well. But… Buying a place without even visiting it first is not a good idea, and that’s putting it mildly. There could be all sorts of things wrong with it. If you say you didn’t pay much, that’s quite likely, in fact. This ‘investment’ of yours may be just as useless as that Nintendo Wii Supreme you just had to have.”
“Hey! It’s not useless! I’ve used it a lot!” Cooper protested. “And I’m sure it’s all on the up and up. As I said, the pics on the website look fantastic!”
Blaine pinched the bridge of his nose and suppressed another sigh. Talking to Cooper was very much like talking to a toddler, sometimes.
“Coop … Anyone can copy-paste a couple of nice pictures onto a website. That doesn’t prove anything. Did the realtor give you a virtual tour?”
“Uhm… No.”
“Did you pay someone to do a thorough inspection of the property before you bought it?”
“Please tell me that the offer you made had a home inspection contingency, at least?”
“Uhm… No idea.”
Blaine’s voice rose an octave. “A title contingency, to make sure no-one else can claim the property?”
“I don’t know.”
“Did you even so much as look the hotel up on TripAdvisor to see if it had good reviews?”
“Nope, didn’t think of that.”
“Oh, Coop…” Blaine groaned. “What a mess! You need to go there, stat, and check the property from top to bottom. You actually bought it already, right? It’s not just an offer you can withdraw?”
“It’s mine, yes. I signed a contract. But you know I can’t go check the property right now. I’m heading to New Zealand tomorrow, and I’m needed there for at least six more weeks.”
Blaine let his head down, overwhelmed. “Ugh… I’m not awake enough for this. Coop, send me all the info, and the contract, by e-mail. I’ll look it over and see what our options are.”
“I knew I could count on you, squirt. Thanks a lot. I’ll send you everything. And now I’ll let you sleep. Sorry again for waking you up, and talk to you later!”
Cooper rang off, and Blaine was left staring at the phone in his hands in bewilderment.
Tina cocked her head to the side. “So… Your brother bought a hotel? Just like that?”
Blaine nodded. “Just like that. And then recruited me to sort everything out for him. Oh, this is going to be a disaster!”
“Why are you in such a panic about this, Blainey Days? Surely, your brother wouldn’t let himself be duped?”
Blaine groaned. “Oh, yes, he would!”
He patted Tina on the arm. “But that’s my problem, not yours. You can go back to bed, and I’m sorry my idiot brother woke you up like that. I’ll make you pancakes in the morning to make up for it, okay?”
“Okay. G’night.”
Blaine wearily shuffled back to his bed, and was out like a light.
By six a.m., though, he was awake again, worrying.
After half an hour of tossing and turning, he got up quietly and started up his computer.
Cooper had sent the files, as requested.
The contract did not have a home inspection contingency nor a title contingency, as Blaine had feared.
The hotel wasn’t in a nice touristy location. It was in the middle of nowhere. A place called Lima, Ohio.
Also, the hotel had certainly not been a “steal”. Cooper must have sunk a lot of capital into it.
The photos on the website did look good, yes, but as soon as Blaine checked the reviews about the hotel on TripAdvisor, he knew they had to be fake.
All of the reviews were negative. And it was bad. Worse even than Blaine had feared.
The mildest complaint was one about the lack of free Wi-Fi. It went steadily downhill from there.
Guests complained about the hotel being overbooked. About dirty and stinky rooms. About a faulty outlet that fried their shaver. About bed bugs and cockroaches. About leaking taps that kept them up all night. About wanting a nice hot shower and only getting freezing cold water. About noisy neighbours that kept them up all night because the walls were so flimsy you could hear everything through them. About beds that creaked with every move they made and mattresses so old and thin their back was in knots. About sweltering heat in summer and bone-deep cold in winter, because the air conditioning units didn’t work. About the stale bread and lukewarm coffee they got for breakfast. About seeing mice in the restaurant. About rude staff that would come into their room without even knocking or that were accused of stealing money and a phone charger. About the lack of elevators and ramps for wheelchairs. And a blind person complained about their assistance dog not being let in.
When he’d read all of the scathing reviews, Blaine let out his breath in a big woosh.
 Oh, Cooper, what have you done now?
Blaine felt like banging his head on the table in frustration, but refrained, choosing to get started on the pancakes instead.
When Tina emerged from her bedroom and saw how unhappy her roommate looked, she steered him towards a kitchen chair to give him a shoulder massage, saying, “Tell me all about it, Bee.”
So Blaine told her everything.
She whistled low. “I know the place. I grew up in Lima. And that hotel was where I lost my virginity after prom.”
Blaine shuddered. “TMI!”
Tina laughed. “Oh please! That’s something everyone does in high school. Get over yourself!”
Blaine wouldn’t meet her eyes, thinking of the only school dance he’d ever been to and how that had ended.
“Not everyone,” he mumbled.
“Well, anyway,” said Tina, “the place was a dump even then. I’d say sell it again immediately. But who’s going to want it? And even if someone does, they’ll pay a lot less than your brother did, so he’ll lose a lot of money.”
“Can he afford to lose that much money?”
Tina clacked her tongue. “Then we’ll have to do what we can to save the situation.”
Tina put her hands on her hips. “Yes, well, unlike SOME people, I believe in roommate solidarity. Don’t think I didn’t hear you, telling Cooper you’d move in with him!”
“I meant for you to come with me, of course,” Blaine tried weakly, but Tina wasn’t having it, sending him a fierce glare.
Blaine looked down and swallowed, remembering how happy he’d been for a moment before Cooper had dashed his hopes. “Sorry. I just… I saw myself living in one of those pretty brownstones, and I jumped the gun. Sorry. As it happens, you don’t need to be scared I’ll leave you in the lurch. If I want a brownstone, I’ll have to buy one with my own money one day. Cooper’s proved once again that I shouldn’t count on him. And I was a fool to think I could, even for a split second. He’s an idiot, and all he ever does is make my life difficult. I should know that by now. He’s proved it so many times.”
“Aww, don’t be so hard on him.”
Blaine put a pancake on his plate and drowned it in syrup. Then he started shovelling big bites into his mouth, chewing with vigour and determinedly not looking at Tina.
“Blaine, don’t be like that. He made a mistake. We all do that, don’t we?”
Blaine swallowed a piece of pancake and retorted, “Our mistakes don’t cost millions of dollars. That’s the difference.”
“Well, he’ll make more millions, won’t he? How much does he get for that acting job he’s doing now?”
Blaine shrugged. “Dunno. But it had better be a lot, if we’re to renovate the hotel he bought. Let me first check with Monique if we can get that contract voided, though. I don’t think we’ll be that lucky, but it won’t hurt to check.”
“Who’s Monique?”
“She works for my father,” Blaine clarified. “Has done so for years. She’s like part of the family. I’ve known her since I was very little. Played with her daughter in my father’s office.”
“Hmm, so how could she help you? And why would she?”
“Monique has a soft spot for me,” Blaine smiled, thinking of all the scrapes with his father she’d gotten him out of. “And she knows this stuff like the back of her hand. She does everything that’s to do with real estate for my father. Buying, selling, finding contractors for renovation works, buying furniture for buildings, you name it, she does it.”
Tina cocked her head to the side. “Why didn’t Cooper contact her then, if he wanted to buy a hotel?”
“Coop’s more of a split-second decision kind of guy,” Blaine told her. “Never looks before he leaps. And then he looks to me to solve the problems he’s created. It’s exhausting.”
“You’d think he were the younger brother,” Tina giggled.
“Yep. He’s almost forty, but he still has the impulse control of a four-year-old.”
After breakfast and doing the dishes, Blaine called Monique and explained the situation, sending her all the documents. She confirmed what he thought – there was no backing out of the contract anymore.
“Could you check if the place is Cooper’s outright, please?” Blaine asked. “Seeing as there’s no title contingency, there’s no knowing who else might have a claim on it.”
“I’ll look into it,” Monique said, “but I don’t think you need to worry about that.”
“Oh, and please don’t tell our father about this, Monique, okay?” Blaine implored her. “He’d go ballistic, and even though Coop is a moron, I don’t want him dead.”
Monique laughed and promised not to breathe a word about it to Mr. Anderson. “And if you need any help fixing the place up, you know who to call. Glad to help, whatever you need!”
“Well, the first thing we’re going to need is pest control. So if you know a good pest control firm over there in Ohio?”
Monique hummed and click-clacked on her keyboard for a minute or two. Then she said, “We’ve worked with Orkin, based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Did the job well. I’ll e-mail you their contact information. What else?”
“An HAVC specialist, a handyman and an electrician to fix all sorts of stuff, and a reliable plumber. Oh, and another thing… You buy loads of office furniture and supplies cheap in auctions, right? When companies go bust and their assets are sold to pay the debts?”
“That’s right. Want me to look for hotel stuff for you?”
“Yes, please. Furniture, mattresses, quality linens, you name it, we’re going to need it. Thanks, Monique!”
Monique chuckled. “It’s your brother who should say thank you. The things we do for that boy, right?”
“Right,” Blaine sighed. “Looks like I’m heading to Ohio for the summer. I’ll keep you posted, Monique, and thanks again!”
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angelhummel · 1 year
*throwing this at my followers and running away*
I Found Myself A Cheerleader
another pezberry fic by me :)
Rating: E
Word count: 8220
Summary: Santana catches Rachel in a compromising position.
Canon divergence, assuming Santana moved to NY and enrolled in classes at NYADA much sooner. Set around mid s4
(Kurt and Tina are mentioned by name but not shown. Brittany, Finn, Brody, Puck, Jesse, and Cassie are referenced but not by name)
read on ao3
Santana strode down the hallway to her apartment, slowly rolling her head, then her shoulders as she walked. These dance classes were kicking her ass worse than she’d imagined. It was just because she was out of practice, she told herself. A few more weeks and she’d be back to her old self. Things would get easier. Then she could start dancing circles around everyone else in class and make them even more jealous of her than they surely already were.
The thought made her smile as she reached her door. Both roomies were out at the moment and wouldn’t be home til later. She was trying to decide how to spend her few short peaceful hours as she fumbled through her dance bag for her keys.
Maybe do some cool down yoga to help her unwind. Take a nice hot bath afterwards. Hell, maybe even rub one out while thinking about her new dance instructor with the perfect hot older bitch attitude and the abs to die for.
Santana finally made contact with her keys, pulling them out and unlocking the door, letting herself inside. She turned to slide the door shut, freezing on the spot when she heard a noise from further inside the apartment.
“Hello?” she called out tentatively, quickly adjusting her keys so they were sticking out between her fingers, her hand clenched in a tight fist around them. Just in case. She forced herself to step forward, inching closer towards the curtains that made up their three bedrooms. “Kurt? Rach? Who’s there?” She cringed at herself for immediately turning into the dumb first kill girl in every horror movie ever.
She was overreacting, she thought. It was probably just some mutated subway rat the size of her arm that wandered its way in and decided to make a nest out of Berry’s homeschooled chic sweaters.
Actually, she wasn’t sure if that was the best or worst case scenario.
The curtain to Rachel’s room fluttered, and Santana steeled herself to face down whatever was in there. She crept over to it, reaching for the edge to yank it back.
“Hey, it’s just - ME!” Rachel shrieked the last part as the curtain flew open and all she could register was Santana’s fist at eye level before she flinched away and clenched her eyes shut.
“Jesus fuck, Berry, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” Santana groaned, dropping her bag to the ground and tossing her keys on top of it. “Why the fuck didn’t you answer me? I could’ve seriously mangled your face.”
“I - I was about to, I just…” Rachel trailed off, gesturing vaguely to her room behind her. “I, um, was busy with something… Didn’t want you barging in.”
“Right, yeah, glad we avoided that,” Santana shot back, rolling her eyes. “What are you even doing home?”
“My last class was canceled. What about you? I thought you were still taking those extra evening lessons?”
“No, all my instructors thought I was spreading my awesomeness too thin so I’m just taking the regular courses now,” she replied. She looked back at Rachel, actually taking in her appearance now that her little adrenaline rush had passed and her heart rate was returning to normal.
Rachel’s hair was pulled back into a messy bun - heavy emphasis on the mess. Her cheeks were noticeably flushed, she was avoiding eye contact with Santana. And she seemed to be clutching onto the edge of her robe for dear life, keeping it shut tight all the way up to her neck.
A lightbulb went off in Santana’s head.
“What?” Rachel asked, her voice small as she chanced a glance up to Santana’s face. Just to see a knowing smirk quirking at the corner of her lips.
“Oh, nothing…” Santana shrugged. “I just get it, okay? Empty apartment, you thought it would be the perfect time for a little self care. No shame in it.”
“I’m not sure I know what you mean,” Rachel replied with a puzzled frown.
“Jesus, fine, you need me to spell it out for you?” Santana asked, crossing her arms over her chest as she stared at Rachel. “Self care? Masturbation? Nothing to be ashamed of, seriously. A little self exploration is totally healthy. Especially for someone as sexually repressed as you.”
Rachel’s cheeks got redder and redder the more Santana spoke. “Okay, you’ve made it clear that you have completely misread this situation!”
“Really? Your hair is a mess, your face is red, you’ve got that robe wrapped around you so tight it’s probably cutting off your circulation… And there’s no guy in sight,” she added, craning her neck to get a better look into Rachel’s room like she had to be sure. “So unless you’ve got Invisi-Billy in your bed, it looks like you did this to yourself.”
“I -” Rachel shut her mouth as quickly as she’d opened it, biting her lip as she fidgeted on the spot. Santana arched an eyebrow, wondering if she was going to say anything else. “Fine, you know what? You’re right. You caught me,” Rachel finally conceded. “I thought I would have the apartment to myself for an hour or so, so I thought I’d engage in a little self pleasure. Are you happy?”
“No, not really.”
“Well that makes two of us!” Rachel snapped. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, you can go take your shower, or whatever it is you do after class, and I will get dressed, and we will pretend like none of this ever happened.”
“Heard that one before,” Santana muttered, letting out a noise of surprise as Rachel actually tried shoving her out of her room. “Jeez, Berry, it’s not worth manhandling me over. Seriously, it’s not that big a d-” Santana cut herself off, her gaze dropping down to where Rachel’s robe fell open. Not like she was trying to get a peek or anything. And even if she had been, she would’ve been out of luck. Because instead of bare skin, Santana caught a glimpse of an all too familiar red, black, and white fabric.
Her eyes went wide, and Rachel blushed impossibly darker as she scrambled to fully cover herself back up.
“Berry, please tell me that’s not what I think it is,” Santana said, reaching out to grab the collar of Rachel’s robe. Yanking it open to reveal the bright red WMHS logo across her chest. “What in the Invasion of the Body Snatchers is going on here?!” She took a step back, staring at Rachel in disbelief.
“Okay, listen, it’s not whatever jealousy or psychosexual reasoning I’m sure you think it is, okay?” she asked. She kept her head down, her gaze fixed firmly on the floor as she spoke. Far too embarrassed to even try and meet Santana’s eyes again.
Rachel took a deep breath before continuing. “Tina sent me a picture earlier. Apparently she just joined the Cheerios,” she told Santana. “And I realized that meant I was the only glee girl that was never on the squad. And I remember you mentioning you brought your uniform with you, to have a reminder of your past life at McKinley. So I thought I’d try it on for a second and see how I would’ve looked, were I ever a member of the team. I was planning on putting it back before you ever even realized it was gone. It was just a little harmless dress up, that’s all.”
“Dress up? I mean if that’s your kink, fine, but you at least could’ve asked me first.”
“Santana!” Rachel whined, her head snapping up to look at her friend with wide, desperate eyes. “Is there any possible way we can move forward from this point without you making fun of me?”
“Hey, come on, who’s making fun of you? It’s just a little good natured ribbing. Friends do that, right?”
“Well it doesn’t feel good natured,” Rachel pouted. “I think I might actually die of embarrassment right now...”
“Oh, come on, me thinking you were finger blasting yourself in an empty apartment was way more embarrassing.” Rachel’s cheeks lit up again, and Santana just laughed when she turned on the spot to go back into her room. “Okay, okay, I won’t talk about that either! But seriously, it’s not that embarrassing. Either of those things. But especially not wanting to try on the uniform. I mean, the Cheerios were pretty much the only group you weren’t a part of in high school, right?”
Rachel stood in her room with her back to Santana, one hand on the curtain like she was ready to close it, but not moving to do so just yet. She nodded.
“Right, so, no big deal that you wanted to see what you’d look like on the squad,” Santana continued. “Seriously, Rach, it’s not a big deal, okay? This isn’t actually high school. I’m not gonna run off and tell all the cool kids what happened so we can laugh about it in a glee club meeting later. I mean, I guess I could go tell Humdrum Hummel, but he’d probably end up giving me a long speech about how I shouldn’t make you feel ashamed of your body or whatever the fuck.”
“That’s probably true…” Rachel replied, a barely there smile on her lips. She let go of the curtain, hesitating a moment before turning back around to face Santana. “Would you, um… Oh, it still feels so embarrassing. Wouldyoutakeapictureofme?” she asked in a rush, anxiously biting her lip again.
“Oh, uh, sure,” Santana replied, surprised at the request. She’d still been expecting Rachel to shoo her out so she could get changed. She didn’t even think she’d get to see the full getup on Rachel. Not that she was dying to or anything. No, obviously nothing like that. But she’d be lying to herself if she said she wasn’t at least a little curious to see how Rachel looked in her old uniform.
Rachel smiled when Santana agreed, pulling her into her bedroom and closing the curtain behind them. “We’ll take the pictures in front of the curtain - it makes a good neutral backdrop. Let’s see… Lighting, we need lighting,” Rachel muttered to herself, going around her room to set everything up.
Santana should’ve known that all Rachel’s embarrassment would melt away when it came to being photographed. But she let the other woman do her thing, until Rachel was handing Santana her phone, already in camera mode.
Rachel took her bun down, her hair cascading down over her shoulders as she walked back around in front of Santana. Santana’s gaze shifted to Rachel’s hands to watch her undo the tie on her robe, shedding it to reveal the full look.
Santana’s throat went dry. The uniform was custom made to fit her exact measurements, which made it the tiniest bit tight on Rachel. But that wasn’t something Santana was going to complain about. She glanced down, realizing Rachel had also put on sneakers to complete the ensemble.
Santana let herself indulge a little, her eyes slowly making their way up Rachel’s toned, tanned legs. It was always a mystery to Santana, how someone so short could have legs that seemed to go on for so long. Those schoolgirl skirts and flouncy little dresses Rachel always wore to school were bad enough. But the Cheerio skirt on her was positively lethal. Santana barely even glanced at the hints of skin peeking through the fabric slats of the skirt before she noticed Rachel’s hands clasped in front of her body, fidgeting together.
“So… What do you think?” she asked. Santana snapped herself out of her daze to realize Rachel was waiting for a verbal response. Seemingly nervous and… shy? That was a new one.
“You -” Santana started, her voice coming out breathier than she expected. She cleared her throat and tried again. “You look good.”
“Really?” Rachel asked, instantly relaxing at the compliment. “Thank you… I was worried I’d look silly. You really don’t think I look silly?”
“God, no, Rach. You look seriously hot right now.”
The blush from before came creeping back into Rachel’s cheeks as she smiled at Santana’s praise.
“Okay, okay, picture time!” Rachel clapped. She backed up to the curtain, facing Santana with her hands on her hips and a bright grin on her face.
Santana smiled to herself, snapping a couple of pictures of Rachel like that. “Very cute,” she commented. “But you have to give me a real cheerleader pose.” She watched as Rachel gave it some thought, then switched poses. Drawing a knee up and balancing on one foot, raising her arms up over her head in a big V. “Ooh, much better. Shake them pompoms, girl,” she teased.
“But we don’t have any - oh.” Rachel giggled, but held her position as Santana took more pictures. “You’re so bad…”
“You love me for it,” Santana said. She lowered the phone, so Rachel dropped her pose. “So, uh, who are the pictures for?” she asked curiously, feeling like she needed a distraction to keep herself from leering at Rachel any more than she already was. Talking about either of the two guys Rachel was somehow still juggling seemed like a good way to bring her down.
“No one,” Rachel replied quickly. “I mean, it isn’t like that. I just wanted them for my own benefit. And I suppose I’ll send one to Tina, since she inadvertently started this. Of course I’ll have to show Kurt - he’ll get a kick out of it.”
“You can send them to me,” Santana said with a slight shrug, hoping that would somehow make it seem like a casual and not at all weird thing to suggest.
“Really? You’d want me to send them to you?” Rachel asked. Her expression shifted from confusion to mischievous as a smirk slowly spread across her face. “Why? Something for your spank bank?” she asked, trying her hand at teasing Santana like Santana had just been doing to her.
Santana didn’t respond, feeling a lump forming in her throat with the way Rachel was staring at her right now.
“Oh my gosh, I was kidding!”
“Shut it, Berry,” was the only comeback Santana could muster.
“Santana, I had no idea you felt this way about me,” Rachel teased, twirling back and forth on the spot and making her borrowed skirt flare out with each move. “It’s nice to know you think I’m so attractive.”
“Berry, if you keep talking, I’m going to throw your phone out the window.”
“Aw, come on, San. What did you just tell me? Something about how this is all totally normal and it’s good to have a healthy sexual appetite -”
“Okay, I warned you.” Santana marched to the other side of the room, Rachel’s phone clutched tight in hand, heading over to the closest window.
“No!” Rachel exclaimed, chasing after Santana and snatching her phone back. “Those windows don’t even open, you know?”
“No, but I bet they break,” Santana replied flatly.
“God, Santana, is that really still how it is with you? You can dish it out but you still can’t take it?” Rachel asked, crossing her arms over her chest and arching an eyebrow at the other woman.
Santana didn’t answer at first, just looked Rachel up and down again to take in her full appearance. She let out a short laugh, shaking her head.
“Nothing, nothing… You’re just really embodying the whole cheer captain HBIC thing right now. It’s impressive, really.”
“Well I am an actress. It’s what I do,” Rachel replied, distracted from tormenting Santana now that she was being complimented again.
“True… But you’re missing something.”
Santana turned to Rachel’s vanity, grabbing a brush and hair tie and waving them in front of her face. “The high pony, duh. You went to all this trouble to try the uniform on, you might as well rock the whole look. Otherwise it won’t be as authentic or whatever.”
She sat back on Rachel’s bed, making herself comfortable against the pillows at the headboard and gesturing for Rachel to come sit in front of her.
“I suppose you make a good point,” Rachel said, joining her on the bed. She settled in between Santana’s legs, her back facing Santana’s front.
Santana took her time in gently brushing through Rachel’s hair and gathering it all up at the crown of her head. Thankful for the fact that Rachel’s back was to her at the moment. She just needed to calm herself down. Stop her mind from racing to dangerous places.
Really, she didn’t know what came over her all of a sudden. Santana was in college. In New York. Santana was a grown adult now.
So why was she feeling butterflies like this was some stupid high school crush?
It was just the uniform, Santana told herself. Obviously it dredged up feelings for her ex and memories of everything they got up to in high school. But even as Santana tried her damnedest to redirect her feelings to a more appropriate place, all she could think about was Rachel. All the times she subtly (or so she thought) checked her out during glee practice, or a group trip to Breadstix or the Lima Bean. She thought about when Rachel showed up to class in her Britney costume, and how it seemed to jumpstart Santana’s whole sexual identity crisis. Even before that, in sophomore year Santana would often find herself staring at Rachel’s legs in those ridiculously short skirts during dance rehearsals before she was even totally aware of what she was doing.
Okay, the little trip down memory lane certainly wasn’t helping. Suddenly all Santana wanted was to get away from Rachel and really calm down. Whatever was going on with her right now, she didn’t need to add it onto the already strained and beyond complicated relationship she had with Rachel.
She wrapped the elastic around the ponytail and tightened it - possibly a little too hard, given the way Rachel hummed in response - and sat back against the headboard. The most distance between them that Santana could manage right now, given the fact that Rachel was practically sitting in her lap.
Rachel turned halfway around to look at Santana, and Santana was sure by the look on her face that she didn’t have the same tumultuous thoughts swirling around in her own head.
Of course she didn’t.
“So… How do I look now?” Rachel asked with a hopeful smile.
“Awesome…” Santana whispered. And then, without thinking, reached up with one slightly trembling hand to try and sweep Rachel’s bangs to the side. “You should wear your hair like this more often… You always have so much hair in your face, like, all the time. Someone could start to think you’re hiding behind it.”
“Maybe I am…” Rachel murmured. “I always thought that pulling my hair back would only serve to highlight my… beak.”
Santana’s hand dropped back down to her side, as her stomach started to twist itself into knots. Of course while she was inappropriately thirsting over Rachel, Rachel was just going through every insult Santana had ever hurled at her in high school.
Because when were they ever on the same page?
“Well that’s rude. And it’s just not true… Who said that?” Santana asked quietly.
“Oh, just some mean girl I knew back in high school…”
“Yeah, well… she’s not here anymore,” Santana whispered. She took a deep breath, forcing herself not to break eye contact with Rachel as she spoke. “Look, Berry, if you tell anyone I said this, then I’m throwing you out the window instead. But you’re hot, okay? Like seriously hot. You’d have to be blind not to see that.”
Rachel blushed - they’d both been doing plenty of that this afternoon, Santana thought - and smiled at the praise.
“Thank you…” she replied softly, her gaze downcast as she played with a loose thread on the comforter. “I was being flippant earlier, but it really does mean a lot that you see me that way now…”
“Not just now…”
Rachel froze, looking up to meet Santana’s eyes again. “Santana…”
Santana shook her head slightly, needing to snap herself out of this little bubble she’d created for herself and come back to reality. “You, um - We can take some more pictures now that your hair is -”
Rachel lunged forward, cutting Santana off with a kiss. Eager but not forceful, almost like she was expecting Santana to push her away.
Santana didn’t push. But she was too stunned to react. Before she really processed what was happening, Rachel broke the kiss herself.
“Oh my gosh…” Rachel whispered, her hand coming up to gently touch over her own lips. Looking as stunned as Santana felt, like she couldn’t believe what she’d just done. “I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me… That was very impulsive and I know I should’ve asked for permission first or - or given you a warning but I -”
Santana interrupted her with a kiss of her own. Gentler this time, just a way to wordlessly tell her it was okay, that she didn’t have to work herself into a lather over this.
Trying to convince herself of the same thing.
Rachel looked much more calm when they broke apart this time. She turned around completely, sitting on her knees and facing Santana fully.
“Well… this is certainly new for us.”
“No shit,” Santana replied. Doing her best to hide just how affected she was by the kisses.
Rachel wasn’t thrown by her attitude.
“New is good,” Rachel continued softly, looking into Santana’s eyes. “I mean, if someone told me three years ago that not only would you and I be living together, we’d be genuine friends on top of that, I would’ve thought they were lying. But our relationship has progressed leaps and bounds over the years and, well, here we are now… Who knows? Maybe this was the obvious next step for us?”
Santana just stared at Rachel, her brain still struggling to process their kisses, never mind whatever monologue Rachel was busting out to try and justify what they’d done. All she could do was nod her head once she realized Rachel’s speech sort of required a response.
“Obvious” was the furthest thing from her mind right now.
“We don’t have to have it all figured out right now…” Rachel said softly. “I know it’s a lot, and you don’t seem to want to discuss it at the moment, which is completely fine by me… I don’t know what this means for us. All I know is that I really want to kiss you again…”
“Do you ever shut up?”
Rachel opened her mouth to answer, but Santana didn’t give her the chance. She pulled Rachel close again, taking whatever response she was formulating and turning it into a soft, muffled moan as their lips met once more.
No longer hesitant, no longer worried about being rejected, they let themselves indulge. Giving in to their desires, and letting the spark between them ignite into a full blown flame.
Santana’s arms wound tight around Rachel, and Rachel pressed closer against the other woman. Shifting so her legs were bracketing Santana’s, and she was sitting in her lap.
When Santana pulled away this time, it was to start trailing kisses along Rachel’s jawline instead. Her hand crept up Rachel’s back, up to the ponytail she’d styled just minutes earlier, getting a firm grip and using it to tilt Rachel’s head back, exposing her neck and giving Santana plenty of new territory to explore.
And explore she did.
Spurred on by Rachel’s soft little hums of pleasure, Santana let her lips wander over every exposed inch of Rachel’s skin she could reach. Paying special attention to each and every noise falling from Rachel’s lips, every shift of her body, making sure she knew what kind of reaction she got from every spot she kissed.
A kiss just below Rachel’s ear earned a sharp gasp in response.
Santana’s lips brushing over the curve between her neck and shoulder pulled a soft whine from Rachel.
An open mouthed kiss to Rachel’s pulse point - Rachel’s body jolted in Santana’s arms, a low moan escaping her lips.
“There we go…” Santana purred, a self-satisfied smirk on her face as she went back in for more. Kissing over the same spot, as Rachel’s grip tightened on Santana’s shoulders. Darting her tongue out to lick over it, making Rachel squirm in her lap. Sinking her teeth in and starting to suck at her skin, causing Rachel to cry out in pleasure.
“Santana…” Rachel breathed, her eyes clenched shut as Santana teased the oh so sensitive spot on her neck.
Santana just hummed in response, not wanting to let up until she knew she’d left her mark. She looped Rachel’s ponytail around her hand, getting a better grip and yanking her head back further, earning another moan from Rachel.
“Santana, please…”
That got Santana to stop. She kissed over the faint purple hickey she’d managed to leave, before looking up at Rachel through her lashes.
“Please what?”
Santana’s grip loosened on Rachel’s hair, so Rachel had enough room to tilt her head forward again. She just stared at Santana with heavy lidded eyes, her lips still parted but no more words coming out.
“Oh, now you’re speechless?” Santana asked, a teasing lilt to her voice. It was slight, but apparently enough to make Rachel blush. “Suddenly you’re shy about making demands?”
“Asking for a solo that I know I deserve isn’t exactly the same as… this,” Rachel whispered.
Santana chuckled at that, shaking her head as she looked up at Rachel. “Is that it? Think you haven’t done enough to deserve a little pleasure?”
Santana wrapped both arms securely around Rachel again, holding her tight as she sat up. Switching their positions, she laid Rachel back on the bed, their legs slotting together as Santana settled herself over Rachel. She leaned in closer, like she was going in for another kiss, but swerved at the last second and brought her lips up to Rachel’s ear instead.
“You want me to make you work for it, Berry?” she asked in a hushed whisper.
Rachel whined softly, shook her head.
“Well you have to tell me what you do want…”
“I - I want you…” she breathed. Santana tried to pull back enough to look down at Rachel, but the other woman tightened her arms around Santana’s body, keeping her in place. “I want you to - to stop teasing me, and kiss me, and - and touch me.”
“Better…” Santana whispered. Still attempting nonchalance to hide the way her heart jolted in her chest at the request from Rachel.
She rewarded Rachel’s bluntness with more kisses and nips to her neck, still making sure to focus on the spots that got the best reactions. Keeping herself balanced with one arm on the mattress, her other hand came up between them to touch Rachel. Running over the stiff material of the uniform, hesitating just a moment before cupping Rachel’s breast.
Santana knew from experience that it was difficult to get any real gratification from over-the-uniform touches, but Rachel still gasped at Santana’s actions. So she kept it at that for a few moments, sucking another mark into Rachel’s neck as she toyed with her. Squeezing gently, then a little harder, rubbing her thumb over her nipple, trying to see if any of it was working for her.
Just when she was about to ask if Rachel wanted to get the top out of the way, she had her answer.
Rachel’s hand came down to the wrong side of the uniform, fumbling for the zipper that wasn’t there.
“Please get this stupid thing off of me,” she said with a frustrated huff, pouting up at Santana.
“Fuck, you’re such a brat…” Santana muttered, reaching up to the right side and quickly tugging the zipper open. Easily ridding Rachel of the uniform top, and leaving her naked from the waist up.
Santana’s eyes roamed over Rachel’s half naked body, drinking in this new sight before glancing back up to meet Rachel’s eyes. Feeling like Rachel was waiting for her approval.
“Still hot, though,” Santana whispered. She moved down a little, kissing all over where she couldn’t reach before. Letting her lips lead the exploration over Rachel’s collarbones, her chest, the space between her breasts. Her hand slowly wandered up Rachel’s side, enjoying the bare skin underneath, but paused just short of groping her again.
“We can stop if you want to…” she told Rachel. Needing more than Rachel’s reserved silence before she was comfortable going further.
Rachel shook her head quickly. “Please don’t stop…”
Santana felt a sense of relief flood through her body, just knowing Rachel was into this. Into her.
She smiled, and leaned up to press a soft kiss to Rachel’s lips as her hand met her breast again. Repeating the same actions she’d done over the uniform top, for a much more enthusiastic Rachel this time around.
Santana kissed back down Rachel’s body, circling her nipple with her tongue before taking it into her mouth and sucking gently.
“Ohh…” Rachel moaned, reaching up to thread her fingers through Santana’s hair and hold her in place.
Not that Santana planned on moving any time soon.
She was enjoying Rachel’s reactions far too much. All the breathy moans, the little mewls of pleasure, the way her body trembled underneath her, how she tugged at Santana’s hair when Santana got the tiniest bit rough with a pinch or a nip.
And how, before long, Rachel started to weakly grind against Santana’s leg that was situated between both of hers. She thought she felt the slightest damp patch rubbing against her thigh.
“Have you soaked through two layers already?” she asked, licking her lips as she looked up at Rachel. “Or did you decide to go completely commando under my uniform, pervert?”
“Why don’t you see for yourself?” Rachel whispered, parting her legs in invitation.
Santana happily accepted.
She slid a hand down Rachel’s stomach, bypassing the skirt part of the uniform, and let it disappear beneath the waistband of the bright red spankies.
Rachel whimpered as Santana’s fingers brushed over her sensitive clit, and easily glided down lower over her slick folds.
“Fuck, how are you this wet already?” Santana asked in a low, husky voice, keeping her eyes on Rachel’s face as her fingers teased Rachel with practiced, expert movements.
She could tell Rachel was wearing her own underwear as well, because she wasn’t immediately met with the less comfortable fabric of the Cheerio panties. She could also feel a wet spot against the back of her hand letting her know that, yeah, Rachel had already soaked through two layers of clothing.
That was doing wonders for her confidence.
“Is this all from a few hickeys and a little second base action? Makes sense, it’s probably the most time anyone’s ever spent on your pleasure…” she murmured, kissing over one of the marks she’d left behind earlier.
Maybe it was the lingering mean streak in her that begged Santana to tease Rachel even in this situation. But the way Rachel was moaning and basically humping her hand, Santana was sure she could say anything right now and Rachel wouldn’t give a fuck, as long as Santana kept working her clit the way she was.
“Or maybe you started getting turned on when I was taking your picture…” she continued, biting over Rachel’s pulse point and making her cry out. “I know how much you love that…” She licked over the spot to soothe it, pressing a soft kiss there as well. “Too bad I can’t get to your phone now, or I’d have to take some pictures of you like this…”
Rachel let out another soft whimper, absently nodding her head along with Santana’s words.
Santana had thought Rachel didn’t care what she was saying, but maybe she was wrong.
She was starting to think Rachel was getting off on it.
“No, I know what it was…” she purred, slowing her movements down and just idly circling her index finger over Rachel’s clit to draw things out and keep teasing her. “I bet you started getting turned on because I walked in on you doing something risqué. Caught in the act, and all that. You seem like the type of person who needs a healthy little dose of humiliation to get themselves going. Fuck, if that’s the case, you must’ve been this soaked 24/7 in high school…” she chuckled. “That could explain a lot…”
Rachel whined, her face completely flushed pink again. Santana wondered if it was caused more by her words or her actions. Whichever it was, she wasn’t stopping either one.
“Mm, but honestly, I think I was right the very first time…” Santana said, her hand slipping a little lower as she started to sink two fingers into Rachel’s leaking entrance.
Rachel gasped, her legs involuntarily coming closer together. Santana had to nudge them apart again with her own leg to keep Rachel open for her.
“I think I walked in at the start of a very elaborate masturbation session. I think this game of dress up was just the first step.”
She thrust her fingers in with slow, shallow motions, just letting them fill Rachel a little at a time. Delving deeper and deeper, bit by bit, until they were buried as deep inside as they could get. She held still a moment, her thumb finding Rachel’s clit and working it as she started to pump her fingers in and out.
“I know how much you like to put on a show, Berry, even if you’re the only audience member,” she whispered in her ear, listening to the short, ragged breaths that Rachel took as she rode Santana’s fingers. “And the way your mirror and vanity are both facing the bed, well, you would’ve had the best seat in the house, wouldn’t you? Looking like Cheerio royalty, sitting on the edge of your bed with your legs spread, fingering yourself, with the best view from all angles… I bet you would’ve gotten yourself off in no time.”
“Shut… up!” was all Rachel could muster in response. She shoved a hand into her underwear alongside Santana’s, starting to rub her clit while Santana fingered her.
Rachel’s orgasm hit almost immediately, and her back arched off the bed as she came with a loud, lyrical moan.
Santana worked her through it, fingering Rachel until she was spent and stilled her own hand. She pressed a few soft kisses along Rachel’s neck and shoulder as she slowly pulled her fingers out, and pulled them free from the confines of Rachel’s underwear.
“Even your sex noises are annoyingly musical…” Santana muttered.
“I-” Rachel stopped, staring up at Santana as Santana popped her fingers into her mouth and sucked them clean.
“You..?” Santana asked, but Rachel didn’t respond. Just grabbed her by the hair and pulled her in for another heated kiss. Surprising Santana by immediately licking into her mouth, chasing the taste of herself on Santana’s tongue.
The kiss was as quick as it was dirty, and Rachel pulled back far too soon for Santana’s liking. She laid back on the bed, her eyes closed and her lips parted as she let out a content sigh.
Santana laid there as well, watching Rachel for a few moments as she awaited her next move. When she couldn’t be sure one was even coming, Santana started to feel awkward. She turned onto her back, staring blankly up at the ceiling.
Was that it? One and done? She honestly wasn’t expecting Rachel to pay her back, but at least acknowledging her presence post orgasm would be nice.
Santana rolled her eyes, resigning herself to her long overdue shower, and pretending like this never happened once she left the confines of Rachel’s room.
She sat up to leave, but a gentle hand on her arm made her pause.
“Where are you going?” Rachel asked, her brows knitted together ever so slightly as she looked up at Santana with those deep brown doe eyes of hers.
“Shower. Figured you’d want some privacy to change.”
“But I haven’t even - I mean, you didn’t let me…” Rachel trailed off, pouting a little as she pushed herself up onto her elbows. “Are we done?”
“You tell me,” Santana replied with a shrug. Her icy attitude creeping back in now that there was the slightest possibility of Rachel rejecting her again.
“I… I don’t want to be,” she whispered, sitting up fully now and frowning at Santana. “I just needed a moment to catch my breath. I’ve never - Well, it’s been - That was the best orgasm I’ve had in a while,” she admitted. “I didn’t know it was possible to have such a strong reaction from a little fondling and dirty talk.”
“Yeah, well, it’s safe to say I’m the hottest partner you’ve ever had,” Santana replied airily, flipping her hair back over her shoulder. “That probably helped.”
“I most definitely agree with you there…” Rachel said with a shy little smile. “Which would make it all the more disappointing if you were to leave without letting me reciprocate. I mean, you’re still fully dressed, and I was so caught up in what you were doing to me that I was barely in my right mind to do anything back.”
“Well I guess if this is where you want to start worrying about equality and fairness, you won’t hear me complaining,” Santana smirked.
Rachel reached out to tangle her fingers in Santana’s hair, pulling her into a kiss. She eased Santana back on the bed, and Santana went willingly, letting Rachel crawl on top of her and take the reins for a while.
Rachel made short work of Santana’s dancewear, getting her out of her tank top and shorts, then her sports bra, and finally her underwear. Leaving Santana completely naked, while Rachel still sported the remaining vestiges of the Cheerio uniform.
She sat back on her heels, slowly running her hands along Santana’s smooth, toned legs, admiring the view in front of her.
Whether in uniform, dancewear, street clothes, or nothing at all, Santana was every bit as gorgeous as Rachel always knew she was. She used to envy her for it - hate her for it - but those thoughts were so far away from Rachel’s mind at this moment that they might as well have belonged to someone else.
How could Rachel hate her now? How could she be jealous? When Santana was naked in her bed, baring herself completely for her, and her alone. It was everyone else that should be jealous of Rachel now. Because Santana was hers.
At least for the moment.
A slight smirk tugged at Rachel’s lips as her gaze settled on Santana’s opening, seeing her skin already glistening with wetness.
“And you were making fun of me earlier?” Rachel teased, reaching out to run a finger agonizingly slowly over Santana’s folds. Santana shuddered lightly at the touch, then watched in awe as Rachel immediately brought her finger up to her lips and swirled her tongue around it. “Mm, looks like somebody is a bit of a hypocrite…”
“Take it as a compliment, Berry…” Santana muttered, wrapping her legs around Rachel to try and pull her closer. Rachel giggled - actually fucking giggled - and gently pushed Santana’s legs back down to the bed.
“You took your sweet time earlier, I think it’s only fair you give me the same courtesy,” she murmured. She carefully settled herself over Santana, pecking her on the lips once before starting the journey lower, trailing kisses down the column of Santana’s throat.
She must’ve wanted to repay everything Santana did to her, Santana thought, because it wasn’t long before Rachel was latching onto her neck and sucking a mark, in almost the exact same spot Santana left one on her.
Santana reached up to grab onto Rachel’s ponytail again and hold her in place. Her other hand found Rachel’s, bringing it up to her breast so Rachel could give her a different kind of pleasure at the same time. Rachel didn’t protest being moved like this, no doubt too concerned with her budding hickey to say anything. She just let Santana guide her, and started teasing her nipple like she wanted.
Rachel didn’t pull away from her neck for what seemed like ages, and Santana knew there had to be a nasty looking mark left in her wake. But Rachel seemed proud of it judging by the self satisfied little smile on her face.
Rachel gently blew over the wet patch of skin, and Santana shivered.
“Felt like marking your territory, huh?”
“Maybe…” Rachel smiled, before kissing her way lower.
Santana figured none of Rachel’s past fucks were into nipple play, because when Rachel got to second base, she could tell Rachel was mimicking what Santana had done to her. Which wasn’t really a bad thing. Santana knew what she was doing, so Rachel copying her just made it seem like Rachel knew what she was doing.
So it was oh so upsetting when Rachel pulled away far too quickly for Santana’s liking, and started kissing lower down her body instead.
“Oh, you’re -” Santana cut herself off, licking her lips as she watched Rachel.
“Is that okay?” Rachel asked softly, stopping to look up at Santana with her mouth just a few inches shy of Santana’s pussy.
“Fuck, yeah, more than okay…” Santana replied with an eager nod. “I just - didn’t think you’d go for muff diving right away.”
Rachel wrinkled her nose up at the phrase, but pressed a soft kiss to Santana’s hipbone. “I’ll admit it’s something I’ve always been curious about…” she murmured. She dropped another kiss to Santana’s lower abdomen, then moved down to kiss along her inner thighs. “It’s an act that I certainly wouldn’t mind adding to my sexual repertoire…” she added in between kisses.
“Mm, you make it sound so sexy…” Santana purred, her words dripping with sarcasm.
“As sexy as ‘muff diving’?” Rachel shot back.
“Why don’t you put that mouth to good use and eat me already?” Santana asked, still holding onto Rachel’s ponytail and bucking her hips up slightly.
Rachel retaliated by grabbing onto Santana’s thighs, keeping her spread open and pressed down against the bed at the same time. She leaned in closer, hesitating at the last second like she had to steel her nerves, before just going for it.
Santana moaned at the initial contact, holding tight to Rachel’s hair but letting her go at her own pace. Which, Santana quickly found out, was much more erratic and scattershot now that she really didn’t know what she was doing.
“Fuck, Rach, it’s not a competition,” she breathed, gently tugging on Rachel’s hair to get her to back up a little. “It’s been a while for me, too. I just wanna enjoy the ride, okay?”
“I - Sorry…” Rachel whispered, licking over her lips and avoiding Santana’s gaze. “Do you, um… Any advice?” she asked sheepishly.
“You can start by taking your time…” she replied softly. “Just try to remember how it felt whenever you were on the receiving end of it, and try and mimic what felt good to you.”
Rachel remained quiet, still not looking up at Santana, or attempting to resume her oral work.
Fuck, Santana thought, getting enough information in Rachel’s silence to fill in the gaps of her sex life. Or at least enough to realize that Rachel’s sex life was nothing but gaps. With the guys she’d been with, Santana knew it couldn’t be good, but goddamn. It was way past the point of being even a little comical to her now.
Though Santana didn’t think she could be the best teacher. All her experience with guys was just lesson after lesson on what she definitely didn’t want. With her ex, they got to figure things out together. And in the limited hookups she’d had since moving to the city, there were only women who seemed way more experienced than her.
She took a deep breath, gently running her fingers through Rachel’s bangs to sweep them back out of her face.
“Just think about whatever feels good when you touch yourself, and turn it around on me. But with tongue,” she said. “I mean, use your fingers, too. Don’t let me limit your creativity. Just slow it down a little. And don’t just focus on the clit the whole time, either. That’s like, a total rookie mistake.”
“O-okay…” Rachel nodded. “Sorry for being such a drama queen about all this…” she added quietly, pressing a conciliatory kiss to Santana’s hip.
“Like I’d expect anything less…” Santana murmured. “But don’t worry, I plan on giving you lots of opportunities to practice until you’ve totally perfected your technique.”
Rachel cracked a smile at that, ducking her head bashfully and leaving a few more kisses in her wake as she traveled back to Santana’s center. She started again, working much more slowly this time, taking her time to just savor everything about the experience.
Santana let out a soft hum in satisfaction, going back to holding onto the base of Rachel’s ponytail, guiding her a little but mostly letting her explore on her own. She spread her legs wider for Rachel, folding her other arm behind her head so she could prop herself up and enjoy the view.
“Mm, better already, baby…” she breathed. “Just nice and slow for now. You can build up to more…”
Rachel hummed in response, sending a shiver up Santana’s spine.
Santana didn’t offer too many instructions after that, but wasn’t shy about praising Rachel either. She let her know what felt good, encouraged her to keep going, even told her how hot she looked.
Of course Rachel ate it all up.
But she had to back off after a while just to catch her breath. Feeling light headed, like she’d somehow been forgetting to breathe this entire time. “Still doing a good job?” she asked, tracing her index finger over Santana, following all the same paths her tongue had taken.
“Better than good…” Santana whispered, her hand sliding down to cradle Rachel’s jaw, her thumb brushing over her bottom lip that was slick and shiny from her juices. She raised her hand up to suck it clean and taste herself.
Rachel smiled proudly at that, her attention shifting downward again as she slowly started to push two fingers inside of Santana. Santana moaned, clenched tight around her, before relaxing into it. Rachel watched as Santana’s hips rolled with her movements, fucking herself deeper and deeper onto Rachel’s fingers.
She brought her other hand up to spread Santana open further, making it easier to get to her clit. She swirled her tongue around it, sucking gently, as her fingers started moving faster in and out of Santana.
“Fuck, baby, just like that…” Santana moaned, her hand tight in Rachel’s hair to keep her in place now. Rocking her hips up to press herself harder against Rachel’s tongue, and down again to fuck herself on her fingers. “I’m close…”
It only took a few more moments for Santana to chase down her orgasm, crying out as she came and spilled out all over Rachel.
Rachel didn’t stop. She just doubled down, working her fingers at a rapid pace inside Santana and eagerly lapping at her cunt until she got Santana to cum again.
“Fuck!” Santana cried, pulling Rachel in suffocatingly close and riding her tongue and fingers until her second orgasm subsided. She had to push Rachel back after that, her sensitive pussy desperate for a reprieve.
Rachel popped up from between her legs, a smile on her face as she crawled up the bed to lay down beside Santana. “Still good?” she asked.
Santana turned her head to look at Rachel, just to see most of the lower half of her face shining with her juices. She let out a breathless laugh, leaning closer to plant a sloppy kiss on Rachel’s lips - trying to taste herself more than she was actually trying to kiss Rachel. “You’re a fucking mess…” she mumbled, falling back against the pillows. “You must’ve really been dying to experiment like this.”
“I was. Eager, I mean…” Rachel whispered, keeping her eyes on Santana’s as she spoke. “But not just for an experiment, or experience points. That was nice, of course, but… Well, I couldn’t see myself doing this with just anyone. And you certainly aren’t just anyone.”
“Damn straight,” Santana smirked.
Rachel laughed.
“Imagine if we knew three years ago that we would end up here…” Rachel sighed. “We could’ve saved ourselves a lot of fighting.”
“Nah, I think we needed the build up,” Santana replied. “It was three years of very elaborate, drawn out foreplay.”
“Maybe you’re right…” Rachel chuckled. “Just promise me it won’t take three more years of arguments and insults before we have sex again.”
“Oh, I promise.”
“And hey, since you were so fond of the dress up idea, I’m sure I can dig up some old plaid skirts for you to wear next time…”
“Don’t push your luck, Berry.”
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perilus · 3 months
Hey Tina, hope you're doing well :)
I don't usually do this, but I thought I'd ask for your opinion given the fact that we're of similar age and you seem really smart :)
So I'm turning 23 in 2 weeks and I feel.. stuck
I feel like I can't separate myself from my family (who aren't very supportive haha) and subsequently, I feel an intense need to leave and be independent. But I can't grow in the things that I love because I feel like a song as I don't do what they want me to do, then I'm not entitled to the things I want to do. Besides that, I suffer from anxiety and depression, and I just can't bring myself to develop in any way.
I feel like I'm stuck in my own little dream world that I created, and the biggest problem is that you don't want to leave. I wonder if you have ever been in a similar situation or if you just have any advice
Thank you either way (even if you don't have time to answer ♡ I know it's kind of a heavy question)
Lots of love♡ stay safe :)
Hey :)
I’m not usually this vulnerable/open about my personal life online either, but:
Funny enough, (hardly funny at all actually), I am in the exact situation as you are 😭. My family is not supportive of my growth at all. They don’t know much about my dreams, and what they do know, they use against me. They reduce my interests in things like literature and music to signs of immaturity and lack of real discipline. What my family wants is obedience. They care about me as a daughter, but do not care about me as a person. At all. I cannot be my full self around them. I cannot share my dreams with them. I have learned to avoid sharing myself with them, to keep them from gaining more ammunition to use on me when they want to belittle me, call me unrealistic and incapable, punish me for being some way that disagrees with them, etc. They definitely do not know about my blogs/vlogs, haha. I feel like I’m more myself here than in everyday life.
I feel stuck too. All I can do is develop my mind in my free time through literature and media I find online, at night when I’m finally alone and no one expects anything from me. I suppose if I had any advice it would be to stay curious, keep learning, and keep discovering the things you like and want.
It’s hard. You love them, you want them to love you, you’ve done so much for their approval but they’re never really satisfied, you’ve never done enough, maybe you have a sibling who is half as disciplined as you are yet is effortlessly favored whereas you are not, despite having put in twice as much effort for that approval they so effortlessly receive 🙄😔. They might have more freedom than you do, because maybe you were born as a gender you cannot control, and despite how smart you might be, you cannot control that they will only ever see you as a woman, who should perform the “female” duties of the house, stay at home, work remotely, whereas your sibling is conveniently male, granting him freedom that you can’t have, because he does not have the responsibilities that were forced on you. By “you” I meant me. Yet, I don’t want to sever myself from my family, they are all I have. Ugh. Anyway, I have to help take care of my family because they’re the only people I have, but it inhibits me from growing. It’s such a confusing place to be in. And depressing and unfair and it makes me feel so so alone. I know I said in a previous Q&A that you should leave the people who don’t appreciate you at your most authentic, but in the case of family, it’s a bit different. It’s complicated.
I really wish I was in a position to give advice on this. I need it too.
But, I hope a window opens up for you soon; some opportunity to help you out of where you are in life, if that’s what you dream about. If that opportunity takes a while, I hope things aren’t too hard on you in the meantime. I see you, you’re not alone.
Much love,
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PUSH-UP: Domestic fluff: After F-F : Syd and Carmy are together and she's remiscing of the shitty week after F-F and how much has change, while Carmy his working out, basically doing push-ups on top of her. Few hours later, when everyone was gone, when only Nat, Richie, Tina, and her were standing staring at the freezer’s door, Syd truly allowed herself to be angry. I bet so much on this, she thought. Her eyes were watery and glossy and she didn’t know if she was teary from being tired or angry. Tina pat her back before embracing her and whispering to her in spanish:    - No dejes que se te meta en la cabeza, cariño. (Don't let it get in your head, baby) She was thankful, the embrace has allowed her to deeply breath. She allowed herself to muffles some of her worry into the arms of the older woman. Another part of the fic: _____  She thought on her way out she might have heard Carmy’s voice, and seeing the slight halt Richie made, she would assume right, yet, she decided that it was enough for tonight and bypassed Richie who was already at the door, wearing his coat on top of his dark suit, holding the door before her and after her. . They shared a small look, the door closed behind them like the reminder of a prisoner’s life sentence. Syd’s scared to admit to herself that she hesitated on her way to the car. Every fiber of her beeing wanted to scream, yell and curse at whomever. She didn’t have time to scream  Fuck during service, the loud cliking of the metallic back door was resonating in her ears. Damning, haunting and final. The clicking answer of a ghost question, who died on Carmy’s lips that night. But for once, the dark-haired woman couldn’t pass’s Carmy’s feelings before hers. (my fave so far) - AU: It's miss Sydney for you. ( Syd's truly his mother's daughters) How charismatic Syd's applied the Belle, defunt Adamy mother. An upset Sydney, a whimpering Carmy, a bratty Syd. Courtship. - Are you a boy, Berzatto, whispered Sydney. The question gave Carmy a case of tinnitus. This wasn’t a question as much as it was a statement of Carmen’s behavior. The questioning of his entire persona, his entire being to the girl he liked, nay, loved sickened him. He felt dizzy as if the fume of the toxicity of his assumptions were consuming the hairs in his nostrils. -  I do not, want to have to teach you to be a man, Carmen. She said softly, he could hear the displeasure in her answer. He imagined her pouting, her lower lips soft as pillow. Pillows he will never get to ta- Carmen couldn’t stand up, sense had left him.  A shiver had gone through all his body when she whispered his name, he felt sicker and hornier. As if the words before didn’t stab him through his chest, he felt hot.   So, I will explain this and this once only, because I    ‘l’ ‘ i ‘  ‘k’  ‘e’ you, the girl was spelling out and enunciating the word so clearly, as if to make sure the extra space would give enough time to Carmy to grasp the implications of him screwing up with his future fiance. - I will fix this, - Humph, responded the young girl, - No…No, Sydney, an annoyed sound came out of Adamu’s only daughter, a clicking of the tongue that resonated in Carmy’s ear like the ringing bells in town. Bad omen, ill omen. - Miss Adamu, he corrected himself, apologetic, apologizing for daring to even breath the same air, his hands were sweating, his throat was hurting, drained of any ever-existing fluid. He had never had water before Sydney Adamu. Hell, he hadn’t lived before Sydney. So, he sure as hell never had drank before Sydney. He couldn’t allow a world were she couldn’t fathom… Teary like a child on his first day at kindergarten, like a lover waving his soulmate goodbye. Oh God, he wanted to throw up.
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sketchfanda · 10 months
Chestnut Stud Across the Multiverse: Double Z Opportunity
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“How in the hell did I let 18 talk me into this kind of stuff….” Krillin half asked and said to himself as he mulled over his thoughts in regards to his current situation. Trying to look anywhere but right what was in front of him at the moment as he walked a seemingly plain, random office corridor. Now why you might ask was he in such a mood and what was he trying not stare at exactly you might ask? Well to answer the latter question, he was trying not to stare at the swaying backside of the woman guiding and leading him around here, a hot, sexy mature piece of ass known as Tina Lynx. The furry babe clad in a simple casual sweater,miniskirt, sneakers and shades and carrying a tablet in hand as a sort of digital clipboard and walking with a distinct sway and shady to her thick, plump and curvy form. Her thighs rubbing together, hips striding as her ass bounced and clapped, hinting she had a thing on beneath that saucy skirt of hers. Krillin of course doing any and everything he could to be polite, a blush in his face as he rubbed the back of his head nervously, the stubble of his spiky hair felt on his palm as his usually smooth dome head was in its unshaven  period. The former question and the cause if his nervousness as well as why he was following this lynx babe? Well that answer came soon enough the shades wearing babe shit a glance at him over her shoulder, a friendly smile on her pretty face.
“Hey don’t worry about it so much handsome, feel free to look, I don’t mind. Sure who hasn’t seen what I’ve got without clothes on,right?” Tina playfully quipped, a soft giggle from her muzzle at seeing Krillin flinch and blush as if he were a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Deciding to take her advice as it occurred to him that some of the pictures snd posters on display in this corridor snd throughout the office building it occupied were, shall we say, of a very adult nature. Tina’s tone friendly and playful all at once as she continued leading the off duty cop and former monk to where ever she was leading him to.  “And don’t worry too much about it, from what your wife told us over the phone and in your e-mail application, you’re gonna be a natural. But it’s perfectly reasonable to be a bit nervous for your first time doing anything related to porn..” Reassuring him as she reminded him exactly why he was feeling the way he was. Ah yes indeed that’s right, he was at the office of Double Z studios,  a pornographic movie company and he was here for his tryout to star as a performer. 18 by chance had come across a want ad in the paper, looking up the details in their website to find out that they were looking for human males and similar non anthro males to audition for the first time. To which his hot cyborg bombshell of a wife wasted no time in filling out an application on his behalf and arranged this appointment for him, such a lovely wife he had, he thought to himself sarcastically. He knew why she’d done it of course for more than one reason. He had plenty of spare time when he wasn’t on duty protecting snd serving the public and there wasn’t any of the odd, usual galactic threats to existence happening. Not to mention it paid quite handsomely and best of all,in her mind, she’d get to watch her man doing porn!! God the sex they had just from how turned on she was at the ides of her husband going at it with drop dead gorgeous furry babes, it’d been as wild as their first time together snd their honeymoon night. Hell even the very union that had conceived Maron and it wasn’t like the thought of doing this line of work wasn’t a a turn-on. Hell Oolong and Roshi would cry tears of blood if they knew, wk during why him and not them.
“Yeah I know, pretty sure that’s going to be a regular on the job kind of thing huh?” Krillin quipped as he out on a brave front, still blushing but a half hearted smile on his face as Tina gave a soft, friendly giggle to that remark. The mature feline hottie soon stopping as they came to an office door, displaying the name Zig Zag on its glass and shutter frame. Signifying they’d arrived at the domain of the boss lady herself as Krillin steadied his nerves. This was it, no turning back now as Tina knocked on the door, the pair awaiting a response as Krillin had an idle glance at his surroundings. Posters framed and hung in the wall alongside pictures of employees/performers of the month or week, proudly displaying the body of work Double Z studios had put out. Including some of their recent non anthro male stars who had also applied for the position he was trying out for. Among them being some guy they called Red Riot and some small little Red Devil looking guy with horns and a tail. The fact said posters boldly displayed their female stars naked as the day they were born made th compact fighter blush, reminding him how 18 he’d made him watch some Double Z movies for “research” as she had called it. Particularly of the founder and owner of this very studio herself. An exotic woman and Jack of many trades when it came to porn. Writer, director, producer and of course star, the one and only Zig Zag herself, whose voice called from inside for them to enter as Tina opened the door, leading the auditioning shirt king in. Showtime, he thought to himself as he followed, the door shutting behind them.
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The Office itself seemed like well any old office and there Krillin saw set nicely snug in a corner was the notorious,infamous casting couch. While sitting across nice and comfy from it in simple but stylish corporate casual wear was the one and only Zig Zag herself. Ms.Double Z who was every bit as exotic as she looked, after all how many women like her in this world were full on tiger-skunk hybrids? Her sleek,toned and curvy bombshell body rocking a big fluffy tail with snow white fur decorated with black stripes, her eyes a rich sparkling crystal blue as she wore a sensual smile on her luscious face’s muzzle. Which from the shortstack lawman’s perspective could come across as rather predatory as those azure eyes were no doubt mentally undressing him as she locked her gaze on him. “Well now,your wife sent me a picture or two but seeing you in person, you look even better than I imagined..” the TigerSkunk hottie quipped and teased playfully. Krillin blushing as he rubbed the back of his neck out of nervous reflex, taking a seat as she gestured for him to do so. Between her and Tina,who stood between the desk and the chair like some casual neutral observing 3rd party, it was tough time trying to decide who’d be the least likely to get him all riled up with arousal by staring at either one of them. As aforementioned, 18 had him conduct “homework” by watching a few double Z movies for “research purposes”. These two had featured quite extensively among the vast ocean of clips, highlight reels and then some available on just the streaming platform alone. To say nothing of the dvd and bluray digital libary, as ZigZag caught his attention by getting up from seat to move around in front of her desktop and park her glorious miniskirt clad rear on the edge. Her fluffy tail idly wagging and waving sensually as she began to speak.
��Now handsome...mind if I call you that?” Krillin blushed but shrugged,hinting he was fine with it either which way as she nodded from his confirmation and resumed her train of thought. “As you’ll have gather, you’re not just any guy trying out for work here at my little playground here,no sir. This tryout goes well you’ll be among my small growing little cast I’ve been rounding up and assembling. Not my first human but definitely first among many,or the last should this work out for you. All depends how much you pass my personal standards...” she spoke,as she gestured to Tina, who nodded and tapped away at the screen on her tablet,showing a sort of checklist to the shortstack dude. This included details such as length, girth, build, stamina, staying power to name a few. He could see she wasn’t kidding about standards. Very high ones at that from the looks of it as she moved from sitting idly on her desktop to pacing about, hips swaying and her tail wafting in the air with a rather perfume like scent. It was rather intoxicating and pheromonal in its nature and quality, made sense given how charistmatic and stunning she was. As she spoke of what she aimed for when it came to selecting her stars and especially how to apply it to the likes of him. In their hiring experience so far, size defnitely counted but only especially and particularly if you knew how to use it. As well as how long you could last and go for and no damn pretentious egos!! Small mumbling rants about horses, bulls and the like, noticing a brief shudder of...passion shared between her and Tina when he heard them refer to something or someone like scalies, or whoever this Moxxie or Eijiro guys were. Before the Siberian TigerSkunk sexbomb looked at him coyly and playfully as she gestured for him to stand up, which he did, not wanting to disoblige her.
“First thing’s first, let’s see who and what we got to work with here. Be a sweetheart and strip down to your skivvies, won’t you?” She sensually quipped, his eyes bugging a bit as he bit back any remark or retort, blushing as he began to do just that. Tina and ZigZag gluing their gaze as they purred,certainly liking what they were seeing. At 5′1′‘, he certainly wasn’t going to turn heads at an airport but he wasn’t some stubby barrel or stringbean twig boy, no sir. From the neck down, Krillin was a physical Adonis or Atlas, his body a work of muscular art crafted,sculpted and honed by years to decades of combat training in the martial arts. Arms and legs like compact tree trunks, broad shoulders and pectorals with a perfect sixpack of abs. His boxers snug and tight but keeping him modest as he blushed and sat back on the couch, watching as Zigzag strode over and began to touch and caress him. Making him shudder,his muscles twitching as her busy hands massaged his physique, definitely liking what she. Oh yes,she quite liked it a lot as she teased hovering glances and touches to the crotch of his boxers, her tail waving like a snake slithering gracefully along the ground. “Mmm I like what I’m seeing, oh yeah you’re passing a few check arms so far handsome…“the hybrid hottie purred as she pried herself off from him to stand back and admire him like some prime work of art. Sitting back atop her desk, making the vertically challenged fighter blush as her skirt lifted enough to expose she was commando under it.
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Tina of course reminded him of her presence in the office as she cleared her throat politely, making him jump a bit in his seat. “Alright boss should I call her in? I’d say we’re ready to start the tryout….” She enquired as her hybrid boss nodded in affirmative, Tina fished out her cellphone as she tapped away,typing and sending a text to god only knows who. Looking at the lynx hottie with a hint of puzzlement and confusion which she noticed as she eased it. “We’re just gonna have one of our stars com in here and perform with you like doing a scene from one of our projects. Naturally it’s not enough to have the looks but also the skills. So ofmcourse we will be recording this..,”she explained as she gestured to a nearby digits, video camera in a tripod which was connected to a laptop on ZigZag’s desk. It made Krillin wonder how he’d missed sight of thst when he got in here, gulping nervously as his face blushed. That’s right,he reminds himself internally, he was auditioning for work at a porn studio which meant having to be work in front of cameras and filming crew…having sex!! That somehow made him scared and aroused all at once, scaroused! Or even scared and horny, scorny!? Was that even a word? Point being he was already feeling exposed in front of the two furry hot piece of ass and they were going to watch and film him doing it with another woman. He hadn’t felt scaroused and scorny since that whole fiasco at Videl’s bachelorette party. Let’s just say things got lewd and wild when 18 and some of the ladies got drunk, Especially the guest of honour herself. His thoughts brought back to the present as a new fsce made their presence known as they barged into the office without knocking and slammed it shut behind them.
“I swear to God, this had better be a good reason for calling me here thst doesn’t involve cleaning another mess you made. I already been busy enough just mopping and sweeping up the sets from Red Riot and that damn Imp’s scenes earlier today!!” The new arrival snarked hardly as Krillin took in her appearance. Of course at this point why wouldn’t or shouldn’t he be surprised she was another hottie, it seemed like one of those absolute rules here at Double Z. Only the most bodacious tits,the bubbliest and juiciest asses and succulent curves and tones need apply and this babe was no exception to that. A heavily dark blue to navy feline who would no doubt seem pitch black in the sort of lighting and shading. A toned curvy figure and frame with her silky fur on display thanks to her denim dungarees,a wheeled bucket with the attached mop in hand signifying she was likely a custodian or janitor if her remarks were anything to go by, a feather earring dangling as her h pretty face displayed a natural neutral. Albeit offset by the aether intense, fierce expression she wore in her face which made it clear she was plenty annoyed and pissed off. Her golden feline eyes turning their glaring gaze on him as she noticed his presence, her expression deepening. “Oooh you saucy bitch, a casting couch routine? You got God knows how many horny bitches a available and you want  me to try get this runt off? Tch,fine whatever if I’m gonna be cleaning this mess, no harm in me being the one to make it…” with that said,she nudged her miko and bucket aside into an idle corner as Tina went to go prep the camera, Zigzag’s smile growing to a mix of amusement and arousal at the pending display she was about to witness. Her tail swaying as it’s pheromones scent flowed.
“Knew I could count on you to step up babycakes. Krillin honey,this is Darke Katt, part time starlet and custodian, don’t let the attitude out you off,she’s a sweetheart when you really get to know her.” The tigerskunk porno entrepreneur quipped playfully,shooting him a wink and a while. Katt of course responded by shooting her a dirty look over her shoulder as she razzed her and flipped her the bird. Before turning her focus back to Krillin with a deadpan look, the sort of which said ‘‘Better make this worth my while or I’ll fuck you uo in the all ways that make you useless to a woman!!” It was certainly scarousing, As the shadowy feline made him big his eyes out and drop his jaw as she undid he buttons of her dungarees, letting the to fall as she began to peel off and remove it, leaving herself naked as the day she was born. Her tits perky and firm, just right enough for a man’s hands to enjoy and play with,her swaying tail connected to a glorious bubble butt just crying to be played like a bongo drum, her slit glistening with small signs of arousal as he himself felt that familiarmrush of blood. The kind that went from his brains to his loins as the feisty feline leaned close to him, draping her arms around his shoulders as he pulled his face close towards her own. Suddenly pressing her lips to his, the fur of her muzzle silky and soft as he suddenly found her tongue invading his mouth. Overwhelming his brain with a surge of pleasure as her claws scraped along the skin of his back. Making him flinch as she hinted those babies were razor sharp snd ready to cut him up if he so much as got any funny ideas or really pissed her off. Much as she seemed to hate being the one to handle the two at hand, she seemed to be getting quite into it as her fingertips and palms caressed his muscles hinting she was maybe enjoying this. This caused him to gain some confidence as he returned the passion of her kiss, their tongues dancing as his hands touched and began to massage her back. Which got a deepthroated our coaxed out of her hinting she was coming to like this, as she broke theirs liplock for some air, eyes still deadpan but sort of softening. As her hands were soon caressing his thighs and hips before making their way to cup and grope his crotch. Blinking in puzzlement and confusion as those silk boxer spatz displayed a bulging swell which she kept rubbing, tilting her head as if wondering, was she really feeling what she thought she was? She grabbed the waistband and tugged his boxers down, making him gasp as she pulled them right off, she had to see it, she had to!!
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See it she most certainly did, her golden eyes widening like saucer plates, jaw dropping as did ZigZag and Tina’s own. The latter’s shades tilting askew and crooked as right then and there before her eyes, there was his cock out there in the open. Standing stiff snd proud,more erect than a flag pole and looking hard enough to smash a boulder into rubble and dust or hammer nails into solid steel. Their pussies responding to their brains going into bitch in heat mode as they felt their nectar flow and run down along their thighs as Katt shook her head and found her voice. “Fucking hell is that a dick or a weapon of mass destruction?!!” Katt remarked with a tone of shock and awe, her feline eyes locked on that length and girth that seemed just ideal to be considered a pussy pleasing piece of heaven. Kneeling on the floor as she grabbed his cock in a firm grasp, stroking it as she leaned in close to breathe in his scent. Shuddering as that musk flooded her senses. Making her brain awaken those deep, dormant primal instincts which called to her,told her this compact Adonis before was an alpha male that would take her to great heights of pleasure. Smaller but louder voices crying, begging, pleading to have him mate and breed with her as she licked the lips of her muzzle and gave his cock head a kiss and a wet flick of her tongue. Followed by another and another as she went from tip to base and vice versa, showering his shaft with lust and affection, not even leaning his smooth but heavy balls untouched. The feline hottie sucking blowing away as if she weee enjoying s delicious meal.
“My oh my handsome,your lady sent me some dick pics but seeing it in the full flesh this up close and personal is something else….a literal and figurative money maker” ZigZag quipped with playful awe, biting her lip sensually as she sneaked a hand under her skirt. Poking and prodding her her slit as she and Tina watched Katt outright facefucking herself as she attempted to deepthroat Krillin’s cock. The little man shuddering as her tongue and mouth bathed his length in the wrongness and warmth of her saliva. Tina sensually panting as she kept the camera on them, rubbing her thighs together as her own pussy lips gushed as bad as Katt’s own was. Dribbling and raining down in the office floor as she and her boss slash bestie watched the short king do more tha okay in proving his credentials for this line of work. More so when he pried Kat off of his cock,pulling her up to sit in his lap and straddle him, pressing his lips to hers as they kissed and made out, the compact love machine giving into his primal arousal and just go with the flow of the feline babe’s sensual passion. Feeling her purr into their session of heavy petting as she humped ad ground her bubble nut and her slit against his drool soaked cock. Adding a nice heavy shower of her pussy juices as their hands massaged and caressed each other’s backs, her claws teasing along his skin as his grabbed and squeezed her asscheeks. Before the shadowy stray found her body acting on the erotic momentum as she raised her crotch and plunged down in his cock. Bottoming out balls deep instantly as she threw her head back to howl with orgasmic ecstasy as the penetration of such length and girth was so intense.
Not that it stopped her from continuing on,as she began to pump and move her hips, bucking and riding that dick like she were taming a wild rodeo bull or horse. Deepthroated moans and gasps escaping her muzzle s she cupped his fsce with her hands, eyes locked with his as she found him returning her lust and desire by pistoning away into that warm,hot womb. “Fucker…you big dicked…ass clapping little..runt…how dare you be so fucking good…making me feel so…fucking hate you…so much..you’re gonna feel every bit of hate…hate,hate…drain You dry ‘til this falls off…” on and in Katt went,proclaiming all her hate towards the shortstack stud. The tiger skunk babe grinning as such words in contrast to katt’s actions were proof Krillin was passing his tryout with flying colours. It was the shadowy sex kitten’s way of showing love and affection, Something she and many who were sexually experienced with Darke Katt had dealt with before as she her lynx companion continued to look on with shameless growing arousal. Watching as the momentum of passion developing between the hairless ape of a stud and the feisty tsundere of a sex kitten shifted and transition into positions which deepened the intensity of Krillin’s penetration. The navy/onyx furred babe moaning her head off as orgasms hit her so fast and hard that there was no way for her to keep count.
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From a mating press, where her legs were,pushed and bent back so far her ankles laid in either side of her head, to head singing her wild mane of hair as as she was in her hands and knees on the couch as he fucked her doggy or rather kitty style in this case. His big balls smacking her clit as her juices splashed on the lush valure seating, his length and girth making her stomach bulge as his hands squeezed and massaged her ass. Before giving her a shocking delight as he hoisted her up into the air, standing on the couch as he fucked here in a full nelson position. Her arms and legs in his grasp as he pumped and hammered his shaft, Tina making sure the camera was locked on the display of their loins connected together in their lewd,intimate embrace. ZigZag of course had gotten so horny to the point she was now stripping herself naked, licking her lips with lust as as she watched Katt’s face wear an expression that screamed her brain was flooding with raw, mind numbing pleasure. Her pussy squirting as she yowled with ecstasy. Erupting like  a geyser as she felt the short king finally blow his load. Shots of hot white cream  shooting into her womb’s warm embrace as she felt her body become limp as a ragdoll. Pouting cutely as Krillin pried her off of his juice soaked cock and gently laid on the couch, just in time as her tigerskunk boss now entered into the fray. Purring with sensual delight as she began to kiss and lick on his cock and balls, loving the taste of his jizz and katt’s pussy nectar, hands caressing his torso as she kissed up along it to start her own make out with him, stunning and surprising him as she broke their liplock, her blue eyes twinkling with mischief. “Now now handsome…let’s see how your stamina and staying power really step up. Especially with more than one partner….” She playfully treated, kissing him again as Krillin shrugged his shoulders and just decided to roll with it. Making the hybrid hottie moan as she felt him begin to grope and stroke her furry bombshell frame all over.
Tina adjusted her shades, blushing with a sensual smile as she kept the camera rolling. Biting her lip as she watched ZigZag have her own turn with their potential new hire. ZigZag was no stranger to handling big cocks but there was no doubt this short king was ina whole league all his own,as she rode him cowgirl style, massaging his abs as her booty bounced and jiggled with every impact of their loins smacking together. Passionate moans escaping her muzzle as his hands grabbed and squeezed her tits, the hybrid bombshell getting first hand experience with some of his slight skills in the art of tantric love making. Feeling him not simply fuck her body but even assault her mind,heart and soul with sensual passion. Proving there was more to him than just his godly set of loins and thst his muscles weren’t for show as he now stood on his own two feet on the ground, hoisting snd holding her up in the air as he p,anted his hands on her ass. Squeezing that juicy striped furry booty as she draped her arms and legs around his compact Herculean body,tots rubbing against his firm pecs as their tongues mashed and danced together in a sloppy game of tonsil hockey. The Lynx cutie feeling her slit gush there was no doubt she was pretty much a bitch in heat as she was soon stripping off her own clothes. Now naked as she played with herself with little to no sense of shame or inhibition as she saw her boss now getting fucked in a piledriver position. Her back and legs at 90 degree angles as her head and shoulders laid on the floor, while Krillin pumped his cock like he was working a pornographic butter churn. Zigzag loving every second of it of course but especially when the luscious moment he finally let loose and came inside of of her arrived, cumming together with him as some of his excess spunk sprayed and flowed out. Tina licking her lips as she watched the off duty cop pull his shaft out, now slicker and wetter with a mix of jizz and the pussy juices of two absolute hot pieces of ass.
“Round 3 handsome….” The lynx porno veteran quipped with sensual playfulness as she got his attention, seeing her now enter the fray in all her thicc,plump and curvy glory. Kissing him with a thirsty passion as their hands caressed and massaged each other’s bodies as she nudged him to lay back on the floor. Purring and grinning as she straddled his head, sitting on his face as she gave him a encouraging squeeze of her thick thighs. “Drink up there handsome,you must be parched….” The moment she said thst, she felt him lick and lap away at her slit, making her pussy juices pour into his mouth as he quenched his thirst while Tina rode the momentum of orgasmic ecstasy rocking her body. Falling foreard to grasp and stroke his lubed up cock as she practically made out with it. Deepthroating with abandon as she sucked and blew on thst shaft, her shades askew to expose the glowing pink hearts in her pupils which were also visible in those of zigzag and Katt as they recovered and watched Tina get her own turn becoming sexually acquainted with Krillin and his raw stud potential. Looking on as their arousal skyrocketed once more, kneeling on the floor as Katt probed her slit as zigzag made out with her, their tongues enacting a lesbian kiss as she squeezed and massaged the black cat’s furry titties as Tina rode Krillin in reverse cowgirl. The camera seeing the curvy lynx hottie’s tits bounce as Krillin couldn’t help himself from slapping thst ass like the erotic bongo drums just calling for him to play with them. It was pretty clear from just Katt alone that he’d passed his audition with flying colours butt they were just too horny to care as they last their passions drive them higher and higher into a primal dance of a passionate mating frenzy.
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The red recording light on the video camera blinked away as it confused to capture the display of animalistic virility occurring in and around the casting couch tween the vertically challenged but supremely well endowed dude and the 3 furry porn stars. Tina pressing her furry tits against his shoulders as she caressed him from behind, making out with him while he fucked Zagzag doggystyle as the hybrid honey ate Katt out. The shadow furred hottie moaning as he held that mane of Snow White hair close, feeling thst sex goddess tongue lap up her nectar snd the excess flow of a Krillin’s jizz. To him fucking Tina on her hands and knees as he fingered Katt and Zigzag, 3 fingers knuckle deep into those sloppy snatches as his thumb rubbed their clits as he bucked and thrust into the lynx’s warm oven. Before he made Zigzag sit atop h his shoulders as he made out with her slit, her hands caressing his scalp as Tina and Katt made out together while they tagteamed his cock with a double blowjob. Each and any every instance he’d blow his load and was still hard, they change up positions and combinations, three or two on one or often having himself some one on one time with one of the, as the other two had some hot lesbian action together. The figurative and literal climax achieved as they knelt before him as he sat on the couch, stroking his cock and groaning as he shot them with a final shower of his seed raining on their faces and tits and into their mouths. The compact stud panting as he finally felt his bidy gave out, welcoming the rest as the trio of furry babes joined him on the couch, Tina and zigzag sandwiching him on either side as Katt laid atop his front, sleep taking them as they recovered and basked in the afterglow.
It wasn’t long after this quite enthusiastic audition that 18 would find an email in her inbox, the cyborg deadly beauty grinning sensually at seeing the subject title. ““He’s Hired!!” The blonde knew her man would succeed in his tryout and the only thing that would be as delicious as seeing him do porn with all kinds of sexy pretty hotties wss no doubt how many of them would welcome getting knocked up by her sex god of a husband. Oh yes,wild chestnut oats woild sown one way or another and the future would see a glorious army of krillin’s babies. She’d see to that and the fsct she’d get a bit of the royalties was just the delightful bonus,grinning as she forewarde the email to Bulma, Chichi, 21 and a few other lady friends and acquaintances knowing Krillin’s video of his audition was attached with it. Said video would be uploaded to Double Z’s studio streaming site of course, announcing their new hire and highlighting his prowess and skill as it made record numbers of views on day one. With many female subscribers commenting they were alresdy anticipating his feature adult film debut. 
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Answer the questions then tag 5 fanfic authors
Tagged by @kitkatt0430 thank you!
How did you get into writing fanfiction?
My friend sent me a e-mail with some Doctor Who/Sherlock crossover fics to read and they were fun and I already liked writing but was too nervous to actually share any of it, so it seemed like a good way to practise being less nervous because it didn't have to have my name attached to it or be connected back to me in real life
I am less nervous than when I first started, but I'm definitely still too nervous to share anything with my real name attached to it.
How many fandoms have you written in?
AO3 has 25 on my profile but some are connected (like the various dctv shows and several different comics that are all dc)
How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Ten! More or less, I don't have the very first stuff I put on ffn any more, but it's about 10
Do you read or write more fanfiction?
It probably varies from month to month depending on how inspired I am to write, but I think it might lean towards read, certainly at the minute
What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I may still be nervous often, but I have grown in confidence, which in turn does let me experiment with fics more- like using first person POV in the Barriscowest Sherlock Holmes AU, leaning more into horror with Nightmares, dipping my toes in the Eobarry sandbox, criticising the soulmate trope in Blank- without worrying too much about "this one is different will people like it" to actually sit down and write it, and I hesitate over the post button less.
What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I read an entire research paper on CFL quark matter for a throwaway line (and because I was curious) and I still understand literally nothing about CFL quark matter. I'm so glad I did chemistry not physics
What’s your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
All of them? I really love the ones where people pull out a line though, especially when it's a line I loved writing. And @goldheartedchaoticdisaster's Eobard insults, I love those so much
What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I guess I like playing around with rare pairs sometimes to see if I can make a story out of changing relationships around? There are a handful of ships where my fic is the first to use the tag, and there is still only one fic in the Tess Morgan/Tina McGee tag and I wrote it. The same is true of the Laurel Lance/Lily Stein tag only AO3 haven't listed it as a tag you can search for yet apparently, so that probably fits fringe
What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
I think everything has its challenges but the hardest parts are always when the characters don't know what to do because putting myself in their spot is also going to mean I don't know what to do, but to get the plot rolling something's got to come next
What is the easiest type?
Short, dialogue heavy conversation fics. Or I assume these must be since that is often what I end up writing
Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
On my laptop, on my phone, in notebooks (though this is typically original writing, not fanfic), and typically mornings and evenings, but honestly whenever I've got a moment and an idea
What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
Original fiction. I've got the idea, I write little bits occasionally, but I know all my trouble writing that one stems from anxiety over what do I do when it's done. One day I'll write it though
What made you choose your username?
Doctor Who. I was panicking a lot and it was the first thing I could think of so I entered it into the box before I could chicken out yet again (Eleven has his "fezzes are cool" bit, the jelly is as in Jelly Babies, and the banana is from the Ninth Doctor)
Tagging @roboticnebula @ftl-faster-than-life @alittleflashvibe @annnesbonny and @spectralarchers if you would like to?
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crownlost · 1 year
ive lowkey got tina brainrot so
- she can purr (aligator)
- she can make ray gun noises (think baby aligator)
- her pupils dialate like a cat
- the horns on her crown can move slightly, and often portray mood (pinned back, perked forward etc)
- she prefers her form without legs as they tend to get in the way and she can hover anyway
- she probably has pokérabies
- cyrus could whisper her name and for every passing minute she's not answering the call, it hurts worse
- not currently tied to a pokeball but the red chain functions the same way
- she hates the cold. h a t e s it. if she sees lava/a hot spring, she will stake her claim of the territory and will likely swim for hours. god forbid you try and stay once she's claimed it
- also hates ice types. you're on the list, mf.
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