#to gift something to makoto after learning about
aikotos · 11 months
Aikoto Week ~ Day 2
Who would confess first, Leader or Aigis? How do you think it’d go? We already have seen it in canon, Aigis is the one who confesses first. While Makoto had feelings towards her before that, I think he would wait for Aigis to fully understand/come in terms with her own feelings, he wouldn’t want to intrude on her development.
If he had confessed first, Aigis would have said yes, just accepting it as a fact regardless of being fully aware of the implications or her actual feelings. So waiting until she realises it herself is the best for both parties, Makoto is shown to be very patient towards Aigis and letting her learn things at her own pace, so I think him not saying anything until Aigis confesses is the most likely outcome.
Though I also feel they would be kind of couple who simply start dating without really realising it and without an actual confession haha
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thelaughtercafe · 3 months
Reader finding out Byakuya and Peko are ticklish
Tea Type: Rose Boba
Potential Triggers: N/A
Pairing: F! Reader/Byakuya, F! Reader/Peko
Length: 503
Summary: N/A
Byakuya Togami:
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You’ve gotta be real close with him to even get anywhere close. The thing about these two is they’re constantly aware of their surroundings. 
Aoi tried to tickle him in the library once and was smacked on the head with a book for her attempt. 
So he’d need to be off his game- sleep-deprived or just overthinking a particular issue. 
When your hands slip around his waist he assumes you’re being typical and wanting affection but nope- by the time he realizes; he’s already snorting and jerking in your grip. 
He rushes to cover his mouth between gasps of mirth, boyish giggles and snickers that are totally foreign when not in derision of someone making you giggle too. 
“You're…aha! Gonna wish I killed you fast!”
He’s a threatener when he’s ler’d. Total brat. 
Never admits it but honestly? Think he’d like the loss of control. 
His only hard no is telling Toki/Genocider. He doesn’t think he’d be able to handle it. 
Most comfy with you but also finds he doesn’t mind the future foundation members wrecking him a little, especially Makoto, and Kyoko since he feels they’re “on his level”.
He’s a fighter but he also never wants to hurt who’s getting him a lot of times so he’ll flail out wildly at empty space.
Only one I think he wouldn’t mind hitting is Yasuhiro just because he finds it funny honestly. 
He regrets it after Hiro redoubled his efforts and forces him to squeal out an apology. 
Hates his laugh.
His siblings made fun of him for it, so he’s incredibly sensitive about it but he gradually learns everyone has weird laughs through you and Future Foundation. 
Peko Pekoyama:
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Peko is a smidgen like Togami in that you need to be close to her first. 
She’ll flip your ass if you catch her off guard and then gasp and rush to make sure you’re okay.
She doesn’t mean to, but she’s trained that way to protect Fuyuhiko and the whole family. 
But you’ll likely find out while unwinding with her- offering her a massage is a great way to initiate touch. She doesn’t see it coming and you feel a little bad for tricking her as she beams in excitement. 
You start massaging her back and shoulders normally for a few minutes and then suddenly brush your fingertips over her sides. 
Poor thing yelps and you both freeze, blushing. 
She’s exceedingly adorable you decide, when she turns and mumbles shyly. 
“I…didn’t say you had to stop.”
She’s curious honestly. Here is a sensation she’s never experienced before. She wants to experience it to its fullest. 
She’s seen her Young Master and his sister of course but she was never included in such things. It wasn’t something thought about. 
Fuyuhiko finds out firsthand when Peko doesn’t disappear during one of said tickle fights and takes full advantage of it. 
He gets you an extravagant gift to say thank you, and Peko will seek you out when she needs a massage again. 
It’s very sweet. 
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flowering-thought · 1 year
Hey! I recently discovered your ocs and I love them very much <3 You're pretty good on making them feel like actual people! I know you have a lot on your plate right now so feel free to ignore this if want!! How would the brothers react to a darling who, when they confessed, wrote it off as a (cruel) joke because there's no way a handsome guy such as themselves likes them?
Hope you take care! I'm super invested on your children so I may or may not make some fanart of them 👉👈 hope it's okay?
Omg hi!! Oo I quite like your idea cause ngl I've done that too babe <3
A reminder that you're beautiful though <3
I'll give all the aggressive love ya need on those insecure days and so will the Kawahara's-
As for fanart feel free!! Ngl I love hearing people's ideas and if someone makes fanart I just melt jrksksnwkw
I hope you're having a good start to the new year!! So let's get with this-
Not double read so there might be spelling errors 🫠
Takeo then Daisuke then Makoto <3
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Takeo after some months of getting to know you in person, finally confessed. He decided to do it while you two were meeting for coffee.
He always wanted to make it more elaborate, maybe ask you out with some fancy sign or with an elaborate gift, or maybe even a treasure hunt! But somehow the sunlight hit you just right and as he sat across from you he couldn't help but feel like he'd burst if he didn't tell you how pretty you were.
"I really like you!" Was what he blurted out, a small blush reaching the tips of his ears. He felt the urge to smack his head on the table but decided it was now or never. His fingers fiddled with each other anxiously as he looked up to your slightly shocked expression.
"I really like you and would you maybe go on a date with me?" He asked. But you only sat there confused before a small chuckle left your lips, "Oh come on that's not even a funny joke Kawahara! You're way too handsome for someone like me!" You say, the slight twinge in your chest hurts but you really didn't take him seriously.
And Takeo felt his heart nearly explode. He wasn't expecting this kind of reaction. "I'm serious." He said, his tone becoming neutral as he stared right at you.
"You're the most beautiful person I've ever met both inside and out and I don't care what anyone says you're the only one I want. So I'm serious when I say that I like you and want to go out with you." He claimed. He felt so serious that you had completely froze.
Takeo reached one of his hands across the table to take one of yours and give it a squeeze, "Please give it some thought. I seriously want to be something more with you. This isn't a onetime thing and ever since I saw you I knew I wanted to ask you out.".
⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚.
Daisuke had many worries swirling through his head. He had gotten to know you for a bit before he was absolutely sure he couldn't live without you.
His head was filled with thoughts of dates and seeing new reactions and complimenting you. He couldn't wait to just hold you in his arms on a rainy day and read peacefully. He envisioned doing so many thing with you that would only prove you to be his.
So here you were, hanging at the bar, petting Mikan on your lap with a big smile on your face as you talked with Daisuke. Honestly Daisuke is east to talk to. He loves listening and when you ask him about a novel he's interested in for the week he goes on about something new he learned and how the plot is going and his eyes light up in a way you adore.
And he loved that. The way you listened to him with genuine interest, your hand holding your head and the soft gleam in your eye as you listened to him ramble. It wasn't till he went silent that you waved your hand in front of his face with a soft smile.
"Kawahara? You alright?" You ask, tilting your head out of habit as you question him.
"Would you be mine?" He asked, that moment of transparency in his emotions slipping out without thought. You reeled back a bit, unsure of what you heard. "What?"
Daisukes' eyes widened when he realized what he said and his hand went to grab the cloth he used to dry off the counter and hold it tight, "Well! Um! Would you maybe go out with me?" He asked, a little unsure as he repeated what he really meant.
You smiled awkwardly before fumbling with your hands, "Very funny, I don't think many would make a joke like that though.." You mumbled. Daisuke felt his grip on the towel tighten at your words.
A joke?? How could he ever joke about his feelings for you? He nearly felt himself cry before he hardened his resolve and looked you straight in the eye.
"I'm serious! I haven't felt like this for anyone before. You're the only one I've ever felt this way about. Please don't turn me down without thinking about it!"
⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚.
Makoto had been going to your bakery quite often. He loved the smell of sweets and warm fresh baked goods. The warmth of your bakery felt so lovely on a cold morning before work.
Sometimes he came after work just to get to see you a bit more. He always told himself that he was going to do more than make conversation with you.
But when he'd make his order and covers with you he'd get so lost in conversation that his mind couldn't think about anything else other than you're voice and the calm and lovely way you'd talk to him and make the effort to make him feel comfortable.
And he noticed that you didn't treat other customers the same. You talked with him more, laughed with him more, you actually seemed happy each time he came in.
And he thrived on that smile you gave him each and every time.
And one morning, when there was no one around and he saw your pretty lips curve into a smile, he knew it had to be then.
So he walked right up and as you asked him how his morning was and that you had made a new batch of his favorite sweets ready for him he stared right at you with the most serious expression and blurted out, "Would you go on a date with me?".
A minute od silence passed till he noticed your anxious look. The way your body nearly caved in on itself and how you almost looked lost for words. "Is this maybe a prank? Maybe one of your coworkers put you up to this?" You asked, almost looking like you'd tear up as you stood there.
Makoto nearly felt his heart break at your expression and frowned. He knew you had to like him? So did you really think that he would play such a horrible prank? That he disregarded your feelings to the point he'd do something so horrendous?
He almost wondered if your reaction was due to experence and nearly felt his blood boil till he realized he needed to come up with a reply.
So he calmed his heart best and shook his head.
"It's not. I really find you adorable and I was really hoping you'd give me a chance. I don't mind waiting for your answer and I come in every day so don't feel pressured to give me one until you're ready! But I'm serious when I say I want to get to know you better. If you give me a chance I promise I'll make it worth your time."
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nkn0va · 2 months
noel accidentally forgetting her s/os birthday and trying to do something last second
The poor, sad sap.
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-A strange feeling had been weighing on Noel's mind for a while now. The feeling you get when you're forgetting something important but can't figure out what it is.
-She'd been trying to find something to help her relieve this feeling, and it came in the form of official documents.
-She'd been doing paperwork and came across personal info for a few NOL officers, including you. Taking a peek at your birthday, it appeared to be coming up this Friday.
-Oh no...
-It was Wednesday...
-Noel feels like having a panic attack on the spot upon the realization that she'd completely forgotten her own S/O's birthday up until now. It's...a while until she can breathe normally again.
-Her first instinct is to immediately go to Tsubaki and Makoto for help, there was no way she could do this on her own. Hopefully they can give some helpful advice.
-Makoto's first instinct upon learning that your birthday is nearly here is to go balls to the wall with a huge ass birthday party. Tsubaki has to bring her back down to Earth since there's not nearly enough time for that and everyone on base is too busy.
-The three spend a while bouncing ideas back and forth. Should she cook for you? Absolutely not unless she wants to murder you, but the others don't tell her that, just saying to put a pin on it for now.
-A ring? No, this is your birthday, not a marriage proposal. Some other nice piece of jewelry? Potentially. Fancy recreational place like a fair or concert that might be happening? Never can go wrong with that.
-Internally, the idea of sharing one of the poems she's written about you comes up, only to be quickly shot down. If you ever read one of her poems with knowledge she wrote it about you and for you, she would overheat of embarrassment.
-Eventually it's decided to be a fancy dinner at a place per Tsubaki's suggestion along with a special gift of a solidly nice necklace with your birthstone.
-Your jaw damn near drops once you show up to the place and you immediately feel guilty for indirectly making Noel feel like she had to go all out like this for your birthday. However she's surprisingly insistent that it's really no problem. How she managed to pull it off you don't know but if she's telling you not to worry in front of a such a nice place you're definitely not complaining.
-It's a good middle ground of being able to eat some nice food Noel provides you with while not instantaneously and haphazardly throwing you onto death's doorstep and praying to whatever God of your choosing that it doesn't answer. The impeccable atmosphere of a balcony view over the city of Naobi is also a very nice bonus.
-After indulging yourself in such fine dining that would give you a heart attack on the spot if Noel had let you see the bill, she takes you over to a park nearby, taking in the fresh, crisp night air on a relaxing stroll. No one there, just you and the lady you felt so unbelievably lucky to call yours.
-And just when you felt you couldn't possibly by more lucky, Noel seemingly out of nowhere pulls out a gorgeous, custom made necklace featuring your birthstone front and center.
-You would've never guessed she'd put such a thing together in merely two days, even if she had some help, and you probably don't ever find out. You let her put the necklace around your neck before being unable to help yourself but bring her into a passionate kiss of pure joy, nearly taking the poor thing's breath away.
-Noel's caught completely off guard, embarrassed, and blushing like mad, but the smile on her face outshines any star you could look up and point to right now.
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enochscribbles · 7 months
Could we please get general relationship headcanons for Ann, Makoto, Futaba, Haru, and Sumire (if you'll write for her) from Persona 5?
General relationship hcs for the P5 girls!
Hello, thanks for the request, sure! of course I will write for Sumire I love her sm
Absolutely drags her s/o shopping
A lot of trending dates like at the mall, coffee shops, trying perfume and buying flowers for one another
Theme parks, Ferris wheels, and sharing so many sweet things (donuts, candyfloss, dessert…)
A bit nervous at first but when she’s happy absolutely FLAUNTS how amazing you are
Her smile is completely infectious and you always end up having the best time with her
You actually end up going to studios and such a lot for her modelling career, helping out mainly by giving moral support-
Silly acts of affection like rubbing noses or butterfly kisses that make her laugh
Study sessions together, most likely
Has like no experience romantically so she’d look to you to guide her a lot
She can be quite formal in asking you to go on a date or if she wants physical affection, but she learns to loosen up around you over time
She likes to spend a lot of time with you and use small acts of service to show her affection instead of direct words, which she can be somewhat awkward with
So a reminder you have an essay due in tomorrow or a text asking what you think of an interesting question or concept is her way of saying I’m still here/I care about you.
Makoto always looks like she feels a little more at ease when she catches sight of you, especially at school where she has the student council and all (works too hard)
Will fall asleep on your shoulder
Late night video game sessions while curled up in heaps of blankets
Rambling to one another about your interests/whatever media you’re into at the time
Leaping on you from behind in a hug to greet you while yelling sneak attack!
You help her a lot with going out where there are people and she tends to cling to you a lot when there are a lot of others around, she trusts you
Basically playing ping-pong with video game references if that makes sense lol
Please convince her to eat slightly better than coffee, curry, instant ramen or some unholy combination of two in an entire day, if you cook for her she’d compare it to Sojiro’s (saying it’s not as good) but also love you forever /j
Really long hugs :>
She’d gift you so much coffee, her own special blend, you possibly wouldn’t know what to do with it all
She’s very attentive and sometimes you’ll just get a package with clothes or a game or something that you’d mentioned wanting awhile ago, she’ll probably refuse to say how much it was bc you’d try to pay her back
So, gift giving is definitely a love language for her, and receiving acts of service would make her melt
Horror movie nights! With popcorn.
Prefers to have her relationships more private so you can expect a lot of quiet evenings and walks where it’s just the two of you
There would be a lot of going to her performances and competitions and cheering her on, you’re her #1 fan and she appreciates it so much
She may take you to the gym or training to spend time together, just a warning (and her training can be quite ruthless)
As such, it’s a special thing between you to look after one another, like when she’s tired from training or you’ve pushed yourself or are burnt out, which includes going out and getting bath bombs and other products like that
Her cooking is so good + the domesticity of her s/o being in the kitchen while she cooks gives her butterflies
She can be surprisingly confident when she's sure you want to be with her
Tying the ribbon into her hair when she has it up for competitions and such
I hc it’s something she sort of absorbed from Joker in her time with the thieves – when she regains a little of her confidence, she can be a little theatrical, jokingly so, and you can expect her to give you a red rose with a flourish and a small giggle, and say something romantic playfully before getting flustered over it, it’s very lighthearted and fun
and that's all!
google search what are the love languages again
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hikachin · 11 months
"Place Your Bets" Translation
After quite a while of not translating (around a year), I am back. This time I translated Makonyan's new single, "Place Your Bets". The jazz and rock melody really grabs your attention and showcases his maturity.
This single is released to celebrate his 5th artist debut anniversary. As a way to give back to his fans, he brought us "Place Your Bets". Yes, he did write the lyrics.
According to Seigura July 2023 issue, this a parallel of "Miserable Masquerade". With the theme of it being "counter attack". It is about a man out for revenge. I will not try to explain too much cause I'll probably TL the article when the copy is in my hands.
Rainy Day is also another song he wrote the lyrics for. I'll most likely TL Rainy Day, too.
Before you start reading the TL, please do note a few stuff. I am no expert in Japanese and I am still learning it. I am sorry in advanced if there are any mistranslations. With that being said, please enjoy this masterpiece 🙏
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"Place Your Bets" ~ Furukawa Makoto [古川慎]
Oh Lady, ready? Crazy, I don't miss you
In an unforgettable flavor
My heart is beating for avenge it
The curtains open to a showdown-like frenzy
The dress that wrapped around the scarlet memories
The lies that burn to ashes, a trampled resolve *⑴
A fragile relationship (visage) ignored *⑵
(Let's) Start this game like a kiss *⑶
A yearning gem
The hand that can't reach the cry of the past
The messiest, sweetest room
(An) unravelled spell
"Place Your Bets"
(I) love you so much to the point that it destroys (me)
The night blooms as you ridiculed me with a "it's been a long time" *⑷
The captured, traveling innocence that was imprisoned *⑸
Stirred up fakeness
I've gone insane as I'm being exposed
Sepia painted endorphin
Daring lips, the wheel of reunion
The needle that moved will not be able to stop
(Break this, your jail
my oath, my faith)
The misérable noise of the bell
That surrender
Never disappearing mutterings
"Goodbye masquerade"
It's beautiful because it doesn't satisfy at all
The poker face facing the table
The unavoidable, undeceivable final blow of the last phase *⑹
A raise of intertwined gazes *⑺
Destroying each other until we're mad
I've arranged one of the best parting gift *⑻
Right in the middle of your heart,
I just stabbed it
The game is over
⑴ 「踏み締める」means to harden by treading. I use trample just cause it's easier for many to understand. It's also not too long, unlike the original definition.
⑵ This starts the saga of "Furukawa Makoto using different furigana than the actual furigana of the kanji". 「関係性」is read as 「かんけいせい」(kankeisei). But the furigana says 「カタチ」(katachi). From what I have found, 「カタチ」means visage. Take this information as you will. I believe the visage of the relationship is the one that's fragile.
⑶ Similar situation to ⑵, 「勝負」is usually read as 「しょうぶ」(shoobu). But in here, it's written as 「ゆうぎ」(yuugi). 「ゆうぎ」can be written in kanji as 「遊戯」and 「遊技」. First one meaning "play" and the other meaning "pasttimes". Again, take this info as you will.
⑷ I did my best with this one. But this is just how much I can translate the sentence.
⑸ Same situation with ⑷, this is just how much I can translate the lyrics.
⑹ 「トドメ」here is written purely in katakana. So no kanji or anything which made it confusing. Other than translating to "final blow", it could also mean "stab".
⑺ Same situation as ⑷ & ⑸. This is seriously the best I can do for this sentence.
⑻ Has a similar situation here where he used straight up katakana [ハナムケ]. Further confusing which kanji it is. In the end, the only fitting meaning I found is a "parting gift". The other meaning has something to do with a horse's nose.
If you'd like to support me, you can do so by donating to my Ko-fi down here ^^
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
Grinding a bunch of confidants. Loving Haru, I think she'll wind up being a good Empress once I see her ending.
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Futaba's arc is done and her ultimate persona is A Dark Planet Lit By No Sun, I see.
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Oh wait no its a Tron Sphere. I can feel the Daft Punk bass thumping from this thing.
I dunno what to say about Futaba except she is a textbook Hermit. The Hermit is all about the pursuit of knowledge to the neglect of all other things. It can be someone taking a spiritual retreat to find their inner quiet. It can also be a haxxor girl recluse learning to be a programming supergenius.
The important part of the Hermit is the duration. At its best, the Hermit takes a long break from society and returns to share the knowledge they discovered in their solitude. At worse, the Hermit is sequestered too long and loses that connection to society.
Futaba's journey to relearn how to interact with people and to be in public spaces is an extremely good Hermit arc. She has the hidden knowledge she left the world for but her path back is clear in front of her.
Ten out of ten! Like, just... textbook execution.
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PICTURED ABOVE: Reverie trying to get Akechi to attack him in public.
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Took Yusuke on a date and he asked Reverie to keep guiding him through new experiences, and somehow the game still doesn't let you mack on him. Fucking unfair.
And then, finally, after dodging me for weeks.
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It's Maruki's final day here, and he's doing everything but a villainous striptease for our amusement.
It's okay to escape your problem, oh Maruki. Bro. Oh, you are going to be such a problem very soon.
I do love this performance though because the lines in the script are some red fucking flags, but the VA doesn't lean in at all and maintains the soft, earnest kindness the entire time. I'm hyped for Maruki to, idk, wrap a golden lasso around Mementos and ruin everyone's lives with his batshit savior complex.
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(i say worth the price, P5R was a gift, thank you cardiganism)
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At this point, it's a running gag that every SLink ends with the person revealing they know Reverie is a Thief.
This is the first time that's felt dangerous.
I'm actually impressed with the game's restraint for not changing the BGM to something a little tense, because I sure felt fucking tense when he said this.
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Maruki, you are so intensely fucking dangerous.
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...... oh that's subtle
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Okay, did you try your hypothesis out on your ex-fiance? Because that'd be severely fucked if you did that, homes.
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Can't wait to see the degree to which you absolutely fuck everything up. Sincerely: go wild, man, do some damage. I bet it'll be spectacular. You are what ethics boards have nightmares about.
Back in the MSQ, its time to send Sae the calling card. Makoto volunteers to get it to Sae.
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okay so we're double crossing the double-crosser. fabulous.
Is Joker going to be the one to do it because Akechi might take that as an overture of love at this point.
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And the fuse is lit.
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Akechi, you are a stone cold bitch and I hope it stings when your ass hits the curb.
NOW I MUST SLEEP BUT TOMORROW: finally figuring out what the FUCK is going ON.
Love it when a framing device comes apart.
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razzmothazz · 4 months
fuck it. more oc rambles but its all just random things i thought of
Makoto is a huge kikuo fan!!! also speaking of his music taste, i imagine that if he ever finds n25s music he will also love it and be a fan :3 he mostly listens to weird/obscure/sad[ish?] stuff, but one day he overheard someone talk about mmj and decided to check them out, cause he never rlly knew/was into an idol group before and wanted to see what those are about. he fell in love IMMEDIATELY. he felt a comforting warmth in his chest when he listened to them and became a huge fan of their music!!
it took him a while to actually get the hang of the idol thing, but after being very stupid [/aff] about it on his blog people explained it to him HSHDHDIDH. he decided haruka is his fave simply cause she seemed the most put together and thats the kind of people he admires, but as he got deeper into the fandom(i guess u can call it that??) and learnt more about the idols he started sharing the same respect for all of them! haruka is still his favourite tho tee hee.
speaking of haruka! he actually met her AFTER he became a fan by chance and it was the most awkward thing ever. he was waiting for his sister in front of the girls school and saw her walking by, she noticed him and complimented his earring and he just. gave it to her. his mind bluescreened and so it seemed like the most reasonable reaction to an idol complimenting you on something.is to just. give it to them???? he did mention hes a fan tho, so she accepted the gift sjjdjdhskdhfb you can imagine his face when he saw minori run over to haruka after she walked away from that awkward interaction of theirs. he was SHOCKED.
oh yeah ive decided also that he has a part-time job at a music store his family owns! his grandma is the owner so he helps out there a lot, and is also how he met shiho!! she would come around there quite often so they ended up chatting a lot and eventually became friends :3 it took a while tho since theyre both not that talkative, but eventually bonded over their taste in music amd instruments. they often send eachother song recommendations :3
his work at the shop also led him to be close with an! Ken would often get equipment from them and sometimes an would go with him or get stuff by herself, either buying new stuff or sending something for repairs and whatnot. they knew eachother for a few years, and when he learned she makes her own music he was very excited for her and would often watch her perform, later cheering her on when she was part of vbs [which is how he got to know kohane, akito and toya]. he admires how hard working and responsible she is and sees her and ken as family :3
AND SPEAKING OF VBS- he found himself getting along with toya very quickly, since theyre similar in many ways! they enjoy hanging out at weekend garage and just peacefully drinking tea/coffee in comfortable silence, which others find. a bit odd. they have mutual respect for eachother and find the others presence calming.
when it comes to akito tho... they dont exactly get along. makoto is very chill, but something about akito and his temper kinda bugs him.. he sees him as somewhat responsible but way too impulsive and competitive, hes still nice and doesnt comment on those things because akito seems to be a great friend to vbs and is definitely not a horrible person or anything. basically not annoying enough to get worked up about it but annoying enough to just Not Enjoy His Presence All That Much. not like akito likes makoto much either, he kinda sees makoto as a guy that has no backbone and finds him quite boring. however they have something of a mutual respect of The Grind. if you will.
wow im rlly just going on and on here okay last one to finish off the vbs thing!!! kohane!! makoto doesnt spend much time with her but an talks about her a lot, and from her words shes an amazing friend and partner, so he has a lot of respect for her!! whoever makes an this happy will get his admiration and respect, not to mention he sees how hard kohane works too and thinks thats amazing :3
okay thats all for now im back to being normal [not]
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thenewfuture · 10 months
Dude...okay. First of all, yes Monokuma was manipulating him. Monokuma doesn't just hand things out without a reason. His "gifts" are always given with the intention to stir shit and create motives for killing. Even seemingly benign stuff like the class photos in THH Chapter 6 were given to make the remaining six survivors mistrust each other. He would not have handed out a bombshell like that, unless he wanted someone to get killing again if Trial 4 didn't end in the culprit's favor. And while no, he wouldn't have been able to predict the method Nagito would use, that's kind of irrelevant. He just needed Nagito to add more bodies for Junko to possess. It was simply a bonus that his mark's plan was more well thought out than Monokuma could have hoped for. There is no reason at all to assume that Nagito was made aware that getting the class killed would be advantageous to Junko. None. Him knowing that and going ahead with the plan would mean he would be consciously acting in the name of Despair and not Hope instead of unwittingly. Which not only would mean that everything we know about his twisted ideology is a lie. But it pretty much means that he was never brainwashed and has always been on Junko's side. Since when he got that information he was still amnesiac of everything from Hope's Peak. I mean if that's what you think, well okay. But your storyline doesn't seem to assume that's true. As for the bitchy insults from him in Chapter 4's trial...seriously? That is such a childish thing to still hold against him. Of course he acted like an asshole to them. He'd just discovered that the people he looked up to as idols are all terrorists. He was disillusioned, confused, and angry. And the fact that he chose not to share that information with them is actually a very good reason to assume he didn't know about the brainwashing. If he was operating under the assumption that these people chose to become Ultimate Despair of their own free will, then it would make perfect sense not to trust them with that information. For all he'd know they might just choose to turn back of their own free will once more after learning the truth. I appreciate that you took the time to give such a detailed reply. Honest, I do. And I'm sorry that it dragged on for you. But that interpretation you gave puts a lot of stuff into perspective. You've gone out of your way to interpret him in SDR2 as the shittiest scumbag imaginable. It's no wonder to me now that this blog has been attracting so many anti-Nagito anons ever since the character woke up. They probably see the less sympathetic way he's written here and on other blogs as a signal that they can vent their hatred for him. I do still enjoy this blog's story for the most part and am interested in seeing what you do in the future. And I do believe that you're sincere about wanting these characters to all get better. But I really think you need to reevaluate how you think about some of them. Nagito, Hiyoko, and potentially others too.
1. You’re in that Monokuma manipulated Nagito however. But Monokuma manipulates EVERYBODY! That’s why he gives out the motives! It’s his job! So I don’t know why we’re suddenly using that word for Nagito of all people, because by your very logic and words; Teruteru should be understood for starting the killing game, by wanting to see his mom again and stopping Magito. So you should understand EVEN MORE where he’s coming from. But nope, Nagito’s the exception not the rule, huh?
2. We’re back to this back and forth again. Like I said it’s pointless to argue because we have no way of knowing how intricate the file goes. One of Nagito’s core character traits is that he has no problem dirtying his own hands with despair it it means Hope can bloom from it.
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Question though: do you think the file goes in detail about Future Foundation. If yes, Nagito shouldn’t have even tried his plan if he knew the Ultimate Hope Makoto was apart of this and that he wouldn’t want something like this. If no, Welp, we’re back where we started. Circles. We’re talking in circles at this point debating hypotheticals.
3. The insults weren’t that bad? Um…
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They were incredibly poor taste! They have every right to be royally pissed at him! Whole game is ranting and raving about his ideology that they all find wrong, and now he’s insulting Hajime because he doesn’t deserve to stand next to the Ultimates and talked ill of the recently passed Gundam. I don’t think the characters would let this shot ho so easily as that OVA put it out to be. One of the points this arc was showing exactly that.
I will say it is kind of refreshing that this isn’t a defense post about Hiyoko. I was wondering when a Nagito defender would come. Welcome. What took you so long. As I’ve stated previously, even if I made Nagito out to be this much of asshole and dick to others, I still don’t tolerate the bullshit other anons have said about him when they go too far. I’m trying to say that Nagito is not innocent and has to coke to turns with that as well.
But anyway, as I reread you’re previous rant. You’re whole argument goes out the window when I read this little entry:
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Are you seriously implying that Nagito is exempt for any and consequences because of his condition?
No. No No No No No No No No NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!
How dare you insinuate that bullshit! Just because Nagito has a mental illness you think he’s excused from punishment basically!?
Nagito is smart, he is aware of his actions! He can logically think and deduce, he’s arguably one of the smartest characters on that island!
Don’t you ever, EVER, use that as an excuse! Too long have I seen people use that to defend themselves being like, “Ooooh! I’m sorry I did those things! I’m autistic! You have to forgive me so easily!” BULLSHIT! I am autistic too! I will not have you treating me any differently if I did anything wrong! That does excuse anyone from their actions!
If you have the free will of your own accord and you’re full capable of your actions and not at all brainwashed by Junko or the Monokuma helmets, you should take responsibility for you’re actions! Own up to them! END OF STORY! Don’t fucking baby him.
If you ever…
…use that as an excuse again I will not tolerate it and have you immediately blocked! You will not be welcome here! Don’t ever do that again! I sincerely hope you don’t, then my message goes out to those who do actually use that as an excuse. If you do…
……God. ….Fuck!
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laylas-dr-sideblog · 2 years
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Finally, the first spreadsheet for my Talentswap AU, Ultimate Wheelspin! I spun a wheel to change the death order, talents, story roles (Protag, Antag, etc.), and then I essentially said “fuck it” and made a bunch of manual decisions/respun multiple times.
Sayaka Maizono, Ultimate Photographer: The protagonist! Her dad gifted her a camera when she was six, and she would take pictures in the backyard and show them to him when he came home. It helped them bond, and photography’s been a comfort to her ever since. Leader type with a heart of gold; Think Kaede, but more logically oriented.
Makoto Naegi, Ultimate Moral Compass: I took some creative liberties, and now he’s basically an activist. Had his hope/despair epiphany at a much younger age, and now dedicates his life to making the world a safer, kinder place. Soft boi who believes in everyone, especially if they don’t believe in themselves. Sayaka’s childhood friend and ally/love interest! I love naezono so goddamn much—
Yasuhiro Hagakure, Former Ultimate Detective: Hiroko landed in debt when he was still in school, so he took up scamming to support her. Long story short, he conned the mafia don’s daughter, one thing led to another, he uncovered an underground conspiracy and Hope’s Peak scouted him. He joins Chisa’s friend group, and they all graduate and come back to the school as teachers a few years later. The cool teacher who cracks jokes and lets you do your own thing as long as nothing gets set on fire. Acts as a secondary ally (because if you think about it, every game has two allies—Sayaka/Kyoko, Chiaki/Nagito if you squint, Kaito/Maki).
Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Ultimate Clairvoyant: The incident with Toranosuke led to him having an identity crisis, which led to him getting super into spiritualism as a way to make sense of it all. He’s mellowed out (a bit), but thinks he’s more chill than he actually is. Occasionally slips back into being loud and intense. Autistic.
Mondo Owada, Ultimate Cook: Retired from the gang after Daiya’s accident and decided to get his life together, learned to cook for himself and something clicked. Eventually, he opened up a diner…and then his old gang started visiting regularly, causing him to question his decisions. Like Taka, he’s less intense now, but still aloof and insecure. Takes an anger management class.
Hifumi Yamada, Ultimate Mechanic: Played with legos as a kid, kept practicing until it morphed into general tinkering. Plans to realize mechs upon graduation. Makes significantly less perverted comments than canon. Never seen Pudgy Princess Piggles (and doesn’t care to). Also autistic.
Mukuro Ikusaba, Ultimate Team Manager: When she and Junko were younger, they were disowned by their parents and thrown onto the streets. They found a flyer for a tennis tournament with a grand cash prize and decided Junko would compete with Mukuro as her coach. They won, and the rest is history. Mukuro wears the pants here, but is as overprotective and clingy as ever. She’s also the antagonist, defying her talent and hyper-focusing on protecting Junko from everyone else. (Also last-minute retcon pretend that’s a 16 on her jacket)
Junko Enoshima, Ultimate Tennis Pro: Born with instantaneous reaction time, processes everything faster than the average person. Suffers from existential boredom and a lack of empathy, but her sister gives her a reason to try. If only she would stop smothering her…and acting out during class trials so Junko could carry them.
Sakura Ogami, Ultimate Traditional Dancer: Retired from martial arts with Kenshiro’s and her family’s blessing and shifted her focus to dancing. The internet gave her a lot of shit for it, deeming her “Cherry Blossom Ogre”. When Kenshiro fell ill, she decided she would go back into martial arts upon enrolling in Hope’s Peak. Pretty much the same, but more in touch with her feminine side.
Chihiro Fujisaki, Ultimate Adventurer: Took up hiking to get stronger. It gave Chihiro a good sense of perspective and finally they were like, “You know what? Fuck gender roles!” and are currently exploring themself, defaulting to they/them in the meantime. Still has low self esteem, but working on it.
Kyoko Kirigiri, Ultimate Cosplayer: Saw through Fuhito’s bullshit and started feigning incompetence at detective work so he’d let her see her father more…until she actually burned her hands mishandling evidence. Jin took her back and they never saw the fuckstick again. Kyoko got really into sci-fi and fantasy growing up, because the characters who outsmarted the villains and conquered their scars reminded her of herself and her dad, and she liked to dress up to feel more like these characters. When Jin took over Hope’s Peak, Kyoko decided to become an Ultimate to prove to Fuhito they were both better off without him, and started cosplaying professionally. Sassy and confident, loves the spotlight. Constantly name-drops her dad. Aroace.
Aoi Asahina, Ultimate Lucky Student: A lot of passion and energy, nowhere to channel it. Actively signed up for the raffle for a chance to challenge herself and figure out where she belongs. Pure bean who would die for you. Has ADHD.
Toko Fukawa/Mahou Syo, Ultimate Magician: Family was a theatre troupe, forced Toko to participate. They created Syo as her stage presence, and she became Toko’s alter and host. They write in a journal to fill in the blanks when they switch, and also to simp for Byakuya together. Syo believes her magic is real. All-mighty agent of chaos and merriment, self-proclaimed. Basically Spinel from Steven Universe. With Syo’s support, Toko is more susceptible to the idea that someone could love her.
Byakuya Togami, Ultimate Fashionista: Togami Corp is a fashion company. That’s. The only change. But as a result, this Byakuya wasn’t exposed to true crime stories at a young age, so he has the normal human reaction to seeing a dead body. On top of that, he’s more sociable and hedonistic, but he still puts a lot of effort into his designs and modeling work. Totally people-watches. Also aroace.
Taeko Yasuhiro, Ultimate Programmer: Wins quick money by hacking into the accounts of big-name companies. Makes her presence known online as ♦️♦️Queen-of-Hackers♦️♦️. Envies and loathes the rich, hypocritically shit-talks them at every opportunity. No filter in general; the only person she can convincingly lie to is herself.
Leon Kuwata, Ultimate Artist: Couldn’t go back to baseball, music was a bust, so finally he settled on painting and sculptures to express himself. Dense as hell, but strongly opinionated. Has ADHD.
As for the traitor and mastermind, I’m gonna keep that a secret for now~. ;) I’ll make the other classes eventually!
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dragon-business · 8 months
Start of Kiwami 2: Majima is free, Kiryu is depressed
So, in Majima's pre-kiwami 2 story we learn that anonymous guys from Togo decided to ask around and get people to send some money to Kiryu. Increasing sums over the span of time… and we don't know if Kashiwagi had a hand in this, but he was worried about Kiryu's perspectives after leaving Tojo again.
Majima, sending Kiryu money: Hah, this is kinda pathetic how eager I am to do it… I wish to see his surprised face tho, would be nice. Or just to see his face. Dang, I gotta end this through with a joke, it's getting too sappy.
Yeah, of course, Majima diligently transferred the payments, but the ever increasing amounts of them, and the wording of the letters really made us think that… barely anyone besides him contributed to this cause. Like. This was enough support money to live more or less comfortably with Kiryu working part time as a garbage collector.
– And yes. RGGO explains that during the year-long gap between kiwami and kiwami 2 Kiryu did exactly that. Worked at his part-time job, cared for Haruka, and… nothing else, apparently. Just imagine him coming home, chatting with Haruka a bit and then sitting in his tiny room, dissociating. Not thinking about how Reina and Shingi are dead. Not thinking about the fact that Yumi is dead (how he failed to protect her again). That Nishiki is gone, and it's unclear when he will be back again, if ever (we sent him to prison here). And this is not even touching the whole thing with Kazama.
Man sucker punched Kiryu's view of himself and his life choices one last time before kicking the bucket. And Kiryu might’ve forgiven him in the moment, because what else can you do when the man is dying and you've been hit with the life altering revelation you literally have no time to process. But living with this knowledge afterwards? Realising what it can do to Nishiki? What it is doing to you?
So yeah, Kiryu was very depressed, and very closed off from the world for a bit there. And it lasted up until the events of Kiwami 2 started, and got him out of the room, and made him enjoy life even.
(In our version of the story, events of almost all games take way longer time than in canon. For instance, plot of Kiwami 2 spans about 7 months, and ends, like in canon, at winter)
Majima, without knowing, was sponsoring his lonely depression streak there. Even canon confirms that Kiryu dropped contact with almost everyone at that time. But Majima didn't go out of his way to stay in touch with Kiryu either. At least at first. He had a lot to deal with and process after Shimano's death. About himself, his life, about Kiryu and what he means to him. Majima's whole life got turned around. So, naturally, he needed some space. From Kiryu especially. 
– But then months went by. And even more of them. Majima sent Kiryu gift money (not knowing he's the only one doing so), gifted him his special knife, thought about him, missed him. Majima got closure with Makoto, finally letting that piece of his soul heal. Then he left Tojo, because it was the best decision at the time, and Majima's still the best manager. He became truly, actually free – with legal business and all of his boys with him. A lot of stuff happened.
So yeah, sure, Majima was doing his own thing for a bit there, and then so much time passed it seemed a bit awkward to make contact. But also, all this time Kiryu was right there in Tokio. And didn't even send a word to Majima. Nothing at all. After everything, he just dropped off the face of the earth.
And it's not like Majima is bitter about it or hurt. Oh no. He's deeply indifferent and passionately doesn't care. And everyone should remember that, if they don't want a special boink on their safety helmet, and the reassignment to toilet cleaning duty.
– So, when Kiryu decided to finally show up out of the blue, wanting something from Majima no less, with all of his "I need you", "you are someone I can trust". Of course Majima played it super cool and indifferent at first. And of course he made Kiryu fight him.
And did you notice that he finally really smiled only after that fight? Did you notice how Majima immediately gave in, and forgave Kiryu right there on the spot afterwards? Did your heart also missed a bit at that moment?
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seisoukan · 2 years
A Praying Chant - Chapter 4
Translated by: @seisoukan
With thanks to my proofers: @kuma829
Season: Winter
Location: Mall
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SUBARU: We’ve arrived at our destination ☆
Where can we find those mascot animals you told us about, Ukki?
I’ve never seen this area here before? Is it new?
MAKOTO: Mhm, this is the newly-opened Chinese vendor area I read about online. There are lots of products from there for sale~
ADONIS: I am quite interested in learning about these products.
I heard somewhere that China’s meat products are very diverse, so I have a little understanding of it.
MAKOTO: Haha, then Otogari-kun could check out the butcher’s store, or a Chinese restaurant.
ADONIS: Mhm. Let’s first find a gift for Oogami.
It’s getting late, after all.
MAKOTO: Yup, let’s go directly to the store mentioned online. When we have time, we can browse the rest of the feature area.
SUBARU: Sure! By then, we can call up Gami-san, Hokke and the others for a grand adventure~
MAKOTO: It should be in this area. Let’s go to this store first~
SUBARU: Whoa! It’s so red! It feels like the color red is everywhere~
And above us, there are tons of these weird hangings with lots of knots tied into them.
MAKOTO: Let me check. These seem to be called good luck knots, or Chinese knots. Their meanings range from ‘good luck and good fortune’ to ‘peace and prosperity’.
SUBARU: This material is super comfy to the touch. I think I’ll buy a bunch to hang on my body later~
Hey, Occhan, do you want to buy one as well?
Huh? Where did Occhan go? Ukki, have you seen Occhan?
MAKOTO: Ahh, nope… I was too fixated looking at all this stuff and in a moment of carelessness… er…
Ah, wait, Otogari-kun’s over there!
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SUBARU: Occhan, don’t go running around by yourself!
ADONIS: Ah, I’m sorry. I saw something quite interesting, so I walked away.
These are some strange-looking animals. Which country are they from?
SUBARU: These should be the mythical beasts Ukki told us about, right?
Look, they even have a little good luck knot tied on their tail~
MAKOTO: Yup, I’ve seen some of these beasts in games of mine, so I recognize a few.
SUBARU: This one, this one! This one should be the divine dragon ☆ The one from Dr*gon B*ll that can grant wishes~
MAKOTO: You’re right, but I think this one matches Akehoshi-kun well~
This is called a pixiu[1]. In local culture, it is an auspicious beast that attracts wealth and treasure. It can bless Akehoshi-kun with tons of sparkly money ♪
SUBARU: Wow! This one’s good, I want to buy this one ☆
I’ll take really good care of you, so I’m asking you to bless me with a steady supply of super sparkly and shiny money ♪
ADONIS: Um, Yuuki, do you know what this one is? The one that looks like a turtle carrying something on its back.
MAKOTO: This should be a bixi[2]. What it’s carrying on its back is a stone tablet.
SUBARU: What a poor thing, having to carry su~ch a heavy object.
MAKOTO: Haha, it’s not what Akehoshi-kun thinks. In fact, this guy likes the weight; despite it, he always holds his head high, and never stops moving forward.
ADONIS: I want to buy this one. Although I’m unsure what it symbolizes, I greatly admire its tenacity.
MAKOTO: Mhm, I also feel like this creature is suitable for Otogari-kun~
But let’s see what to buy for Oogami-kun first. We all went off and bought our own things, and ended up forgetting the main quest.
SUBARU: Hm? Does that mean Ukki bought something too?
MAKOTO: Yup, this is what I bought. Hopefully it can protect me while I escape from my recent misfortunes~
SUBARU: This is a phoenix[3], isn’t it?
MAKOTO: Mhm, that’s right~ By the way, I just picked this out for Oogami-kun. What do you all think?
SUBARU: Wow, this one looks super majestic! Gami-san is sure to like it!
ADONIS: Mm, that’s what I think, too.
MAKOTO: If we’re all in agreement, then let’s choose this as our present~
Let’s go and visit Oogami-kun now. But where is he, exactly?
SUBARU: Give me a moment, I’ll contact Gami-san~
Subaru’s card is based off the pixiu. You can read more about them here.
Adonis’ card is based off the bixi. You can read more about them here.
Makoto’s card is based off the Chinese phoenix, quite different to the Western one. You can read more about them here.
The Heavenly Beast's Scroll - Masterlist
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chibitantei · 1 year
@epitomees / (Makoto to Naoto for the sister verse) sends:
It must be fate's hand which played the cards of two separated sister's birth dates. Only a few days apart from each other and divided by their year. One older, the other younger. Finding out this information was more of a hassle than Makoto imagined, due to Sae's strenuous schedule. Her lack of presence in the apartment was a setting the younger Nijima grew into once their last, living parent passed away. Alone, empty, a lack of familial connection at such an age impacted a person greatly come their young adult years.
The question begged Makoto: what about Naoto? The black sheep of this deteriorating family, as seen in the eyes of the eldest Nijima. Her visits amounted to snide bickering and dirty glares, along with abruptly departures without much of a single goodbye spoken. Nothing learned, nothing shared, and Makoto fell in the middle of it all. Alas, her own voice fell below the constant noise pollution and arguments.
But not this time. After learning of Naoto's birthday just days after her own, the brunette set a goal. Unfortunately with little knowledge of Naoto's preferences, there wasn't a lot of options to work with in such short time. Basics gifts were out of the running. No doubt it'd show a lack of empathy or care in Naoto's eyes....if she truly did care about Makoto in such a way, too. Something more complex, or perhaps a gift as complicated as the detective herself.
The days passed with little luck. Juggling her other responsibilities, on top of picking out a decent present scrambled Makoto's thoughts into a anxiety-induced concoction. Something, anything...
It's not until the day before the deadline an idea finally sparked to life. Once student council duties were completed, Makoto set her sights on visiting Jinbocho. Naoto's a studious type, judging by her attitude and personality alone, but quick-witted and sharp-tongued. Scanning the many sections inside the nearest shop brought the brunette towards the small games section tucked near the children's book shelves. Her eyes caught sight of several puzzle games, some ranging from a measly two hundred count to one thousand. Seven hundred was fairly complicated, and the one held in her hands depicted an overview of Akihabara. Challenging, and fun at the same time.
One present down.
More wandering brought Makoto into the fiction section, each book alphabetized by name and date of publication. She pulled out a few piquing her interest, scanning the inside cover for a brief description of the stories written within. Nothing caught her attention so far, or moreso, for Naoto's fascination. Not until a pink-covered spine grabbed Makoto's flitty gaze. The Factory, a book written by Hiroko Oyamada. Characters found themselves working in a factory making anything known to man; furniture, buildings, houses, you name it! A surreal and strange tale of the working environment, and the inescapable effect of separating work life from home life. Bingo!
She quickly made her purchases, with an added birthday card set on top, then set out for home. The next day arrived with little fanfare. Nervous anticipation kept Makoto's nerves tight especially once the last class ended for the day. She texted Naoto that morning to briefly meet her once school was over for the day. Once inside the student council room, away from any prying eyes or stragglers, Makoto handed Naoto the bag full of goodies.
"...I had no idea how close out birthdays were..." They really were sisters, weren't they. "...I'm sorry if this uh...pulled you out of any case work or..." The air already was tense once the younger detective stepped inside. At this point, it was choking her, which made it even harder to get her words across. "But. I wanted to be somewhere alone and..." Not at home. "...quiet to give you this..." It's left in Naoto's care now. Whatever she decided to do with her presents, Makoto wouldn't be angered or sad.
"...happy birthday." A hand rested on her opposite arm, with her eyes staring down at her tight grip. "I hope...your day has been well."
Naoto's Birthday | Closed
She had to thank Niijima-san for preventing a future where she was left in an orphanage with no hope of escape. What she had now was preferable, but every so often, Naoto wondered if it would have been better if she was sent there instead. While she had lived with them until her departure, she kept personal effects to a minimum. Knowing she could be shunted to another location at any time made it difficult to put down any roots.
So indeed, the current situation was the best solution. Away from those she shared no blood in common with, peace and quiet to greet her after a long day. There was nothing to long for. But worthless sentimentality kept her tied to a family whose ties should had been severed long ago. It seemed to be fraying, and she hoped that chapter of their lives and hers would be closed, never to be thumbed through again.
On her birthday, a date she had never shared, only left vague, a text message coupled with a name she wasn’t sure how to feel about appeared on her phone. To meet at Shujin. Prestigious prep school, carried a weight her current school did not. Declining or accepting waged war and after a few minutes of careful deliberation, acceptance was the victor. She fired a quick message and proceeded to cast it into the depths until the bell rang.
She arrived and stayed silent as Makoto spoke. Noting the shyness that had overtaken her, Naoto took the bag and looked inside. A jigsaw puzzle of Akihabara, not too easy, not too difficult, although more than a thousand wouldn’t have posed a challenge. The next item, a book, The Factory. She heard of it before, knew that it was kafkaesque. She had read a few novels of his, although she never owned a single copy. This would prove to be an interesting read. The last was a simple card with a simple message.
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At first, she wanted to ask, How did you find out, but it didn’t appear appropriate. “Thank you. These were thoughtful,” was what she settled on, and knew there had to be more.
“Sometimes, I wonder what if things had been different.” But thinking about what can’t be changed won’t solve anything, she nearly voiced, but omitted. “Eventually, we will go our separate ways, but I’ll treasure what you’ve done for me. However, no matter what has happened, I am glad it was you that I spent those years with. The thoughtful elder sister I always wanted.”
She didn’t smile nor did she approach for a hug, but for once, she hoped her sentimentality shone through, hidden as it was. “We’ll see each other somewhere out there. Or you can drop by my apartment again. Take care, Niijima-san.”
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