#tom moffett
denimbex1986 · 7 months
'David Tennant had it all. As the tenth Doctor he was a fan-favourite with a run of episodes that reached more than 13 million viewers in the UK – a record for the modern revival of Doctor Who, which almost rivalled its 1970s heyday. He left on his own terms in 2010 rather than being shoved aside for a younger, cooler star (in fact, the BBC wanted him to stay longer). His legacy set him up for lucrative convention appearances and fan worship for life, while his post-Who career is flourishing. So why risk it all by returning?
“I hadn’t thought about it like that,” Tennant laughs. “Thank God I made it to this point! It never really occurred to me to worry about that. Perhaps it should have done…but with Catherine [Tate] being part of it, and with Russell [T Davies] writing the scripts, I never actually worried about anything other than my own ability to run as fast as I used to.”
In fairness, while the return of old favourites to a stage they’ve vacated can sometimes tarnish a legacy, Tennant’s Doctor is a special case. Apart from Tom Baker, it’s hard to think of a Doctor Who star who so captured the public’s imagination. At the height of his career on the show, Tennant was plastered on magazine covers and lunchboxes; he was accosted in the street. In 2009, he was the BBC’s Christmas ident. By the time he left, aged 39, one suspects he could have been reading the phone book to a Dalek and viewers would still have tuned in.
Happily this comeback, announced to great fanfare last year, is a little more involved than that. “The first conversation we had about it was very casual,” Tennant recalls. “Russell and Catherine were talking about the notion of: ‘What if we got the band back together for one last special? But David would never do it.’ And I said, ‘What do you mean I’d never do it? I’d do it in a shot. And then suddenly, we were back for three in a row.
“I mean, why not?” he laughs. “It was such a joyous time, and these are people I love as humans, and certainly love as people to work with. And Doctor Who is something that will always be hugely important to me.”
In fact, there’s a case to be made that the 52-year-old Tennant – who’s speaking to us the day after his birthday, ever committed to the show – never really left Doctor Who behind in the first place. Yes, he’s had many successes since – Broadchurch, Good Omens, Des, Marvel’s Jessica Jones and Staged to name but a few – but he’s always kept a foot in the TARDIS door. After all, it was just three years after his dramatic regeneration that he teamed up with his successor Matt Smith for 2013’s 50th-anniversary special.
“I was sort of a member of the guest cast on that, because it was Matt’s show,” says Tennant now. “It’s different when you’re in charge of the TARDIS again. There’s a lot more work to do. I remember on the 50th, going, ‘Oh, this is easy. I used to have to learn far more lines than this!’”
Two years after that, Tennant was back headlining his own Doctor Who stories for a series of audio dramas co-starring – and this sounds familiar – ex-companion Catherine Tate. He’s kept playing the Doctor that way ever since, lending his voice to audio plays and (more recently) video games starring his character.
The Doctor even looms large in Tennant’s personal life. He married a guest actor on the series – Georgia Moffett, who appeared in a 2008 episode with him – which means his father-in-law is former fifth Doctor Peter Davison. He also has a police box cut-out in his garden. Given all this, it’s hard to imagine why Davies and Tate thought this on-screen return would be a hard sell.
“The truth is, it’s a rather lovely, benevolent, generous thing to be connected with. I love it. I always have, and I’m sure I always will,” says Tennant. “I grew up with posters on my wall signed by Tom Baker. It’s very peculiar that I should end up in the show that was, to a greater or lesser extent, the thing that inspired me to be in the profession I’m in.
“It runs through my life as if through a stick of rock, really. As you say, I met my wife on the set of Doctor Who, and I’m now a father. I’ve given up trying to resist the inevitability that Doctor Who will be following me around for the rest of time.”
Instead, he’s embraced it. So, this week he returns as the Doctor on BBC1 – but not the same one he played before. Originally, Tennant says the plan was for him and Tate to return for the anniversary in a flashback episode, set during their shared 2008 series and with a storyline completely different from the specials as they now exist.
“It would have been an unseen adventure from years before,” he says. “Russell immediately had an idea for a story, which I’m not going to mention because I don’t think it’s yet seen the light of day. It certainly wouldn’t have been part of an ongoing story. But I hope one day he does use it because it sounded great.”
But Davies’s return to the BBC fold as the new Who showrunner changed everything. “Then Russell decided he was coming back full-time and the whole thing blossomed,” says Tennant. Suddenly, the one-off had turned into a trio of specials for Doctor Who’s 60th anniversary.
Davies tells me later: “It was simply as many episodes as David and Catherine could do. If they had said, ‘We’ve got time to make 12,’ we would have made 12. If they had said, ‘We’ve got time to make one,’ then we’d have made one. But I think a one-off would have been a disappointment.”
And it was a flashback no longer. Instead, Tennant plays a new (and official) incarnation of the Doctor that follows on from his younger self and the Doctors that came after – Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi and Jodie Whittaker – in a way that’s woven into the story of the specials (titled The Star Beast, Wild Blue Yonder and The Giggle).
“That’s part of what the Doctor himself is struggling with: why is he here?” says Tennant. “Why has he got this face back, and what might that mean? Though you’re still in a recognisably Doctor Who world, and I think that’s right and proper,” he adds. “It gets you back into those stories that you know and love and recognise, with some elements in there that are unexpected.”
In particular, he says that the second and third specials go in unusual directions. “With two and three, Russell has written Doctor Who like I have never seen it before,” he reveals. “He’s come back to it with a whole new raft of ideas and enthusiasm. I’m just very chuffed to be able to be part of that.”
But of course, he’s not going to be part of it for long. Davies describes Tennant’s new incarnation as a “Magnesium Doctor” – in other words, he burns brightly but not for long – because at the end of the third special, airing on 9 December, he’ll regenerate into new Doctor Ncuti Gatwa. The 31-year-old Sex Education star takes over for the Christmas special, followed by a full series next year (and beyond – he’s already filming episodes that will be shown in 2025).
“I have seen a bit of Ncuti, and he’s magnificent,” Tennant says. “He’s just got such an energy. He’s so creative, and he’s inventive, and he’s funny, and he’s a proper actor. I think he’s going to be great.
“I’ve met Millie Gibson [new companion Ruby], and she seems lovely, too. I haven’t got a chance to see any of her stuff yet, but they seem great together. I’m jealous of the adventure they’ve got in front of them.”
When asked if he has any advice for his successor, Tennant seems vaguely horrified – “What would I say? I mean, literally, what would I say?” I suggest he might prepare Gatwa to return in about 18 years. “Well, he’s young,” Tennant laughs. “He’ll get into the 100th anniversary, probably. I don’t know if I’ll make it that far. Though if I can keep running fast enough –
I don’t know. I never imagined that I would be sitting there for the 60th anniversary, talking about three specials we’d made. This show continues to surprise everyone involved with it.”
Still, it must be hard to hand over the TARDIS so soon after getting hold of it again. Was there a moment, just for a second, where he thought about snatching back the sonic screwdriver, barricading the studio and staying on for a full series?
Even as a lifelong fan, he says not. “It was never on the table,” Tennant says firmly. “The story – well, as soon as I start to talk about this, we get into the area of spoilers, so I’m not going to say any more. All I know is that I’m excited and jealous of everything that Ncuti has in front of him. And I can’t wait to enjoy it as a viewer, because I think he’s magnificent.”
He laughs. “I think they thought, ‘Let the old man run around for a minute – and then we’ll get a nice, young bloke in.’ ”'
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sheltiechicago · 3 months
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“Hope” (2022), recycled motorcycle and bicycle tires, wood, screws, braided bicycle inner tubes, zip ties, and spray paint, 27 x 15 x 14 inches. Photo by Max Yawney.
Tire Treads Twist into Braids and Knots in Kim Dacres’ Celebratory Busts of Black Women
All images © Kim Dacres
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“Natty Dread II” (2022), recycled auto and bicycle tires, wood, screws, bicycle parts, and spray paint, 37 x 9 x 17 inches. Photos by Max Yawney
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“Enid” (2022), recycled auto and bicycle tires, wood, screws, and spray paint, 27 x 13 x 12.5 inches. Photos by Max Yawney
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Left: “Anita” (2023), recycled auto, motorcycle, electric skateboard, and bicycle tires, pressure-treated wood, construction screws, and black satin spray paint, mounted on pressure-treated wood base, 52 x 16.5 x 24.5 inches. Right: “Phyllis” (2023), recycled auto, motorcycle, electric skateboard, and bicycle tires, pressure-treated wood, construction screws, and black satin spray paint, mounted on pressure-treated wood base, 54.5 x 16.5 x 24.5 inches. Photo by Tom Barratt and Charles Moffett Gallery
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mizgnomer · 2 years
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Behind the Scenes of The Five(ish) Doctors - Reboot  (Part 2)
Excerpts from the Five(ish) Doctors-Reboot article in DWM Special 38 - The Year of the Doctor:
“I’m not counting on any of us being back. I had the idea that if we weren’t asked, I was going to do a separate video with the ‘classic’ Doctors, and Tom sitting around looking at a telephone.” So said Peter Davison when asked during a panel at Fandom Fest 2012 in Louisville, Kentucky on Saturday 30 June if he would be appearing in the much anticipated 50th Anniversary Special of Doctor Who.
Peter had been dabbling in making videos for a few years. He had previously made some comedy videos, in which he starred as himself, for the Gallifrey One conventions held in Los Angeles in 2010 and 2011. These videos, which saw Peter sending himself up, had also featured cameo appearances from other actors, including his son-in-law David Tennant.
Peter’s joke suggestion of making his own Special was greeted very warmly, and quickly reported across the internet. With word spreading, Peter found himself being asked more about this idea as he attended other events... and he began to feel that he was now semi-committed to it.  In the coming weeks, Peter’s enthusiasm for making a celebratory programme of his own started to grow. 
[...]  From the outset, Peter was very clear that the project was to be made for fun, without anyone being paid for an appearance (in fact, later on many volunteered their services for free before being asked), and had in mind a piece that would run for five or six minutes.  He mentioned this to Steven [Moffat, Doctor Who showrunner] at a party shortly before Christmas 2012.  Recalling the event in DWM, Steven indicated that Peter said to him, “I’m pretty certain what you want to do for the Anniversary Special is with the modern Doctors. Would you mind if I made a film of all the classic Doctors trying to get in on the act?”  Steven replied that he didn’t mind at all since this would not overlap with his own plans.  Peter then asked if the executive producer would be happy to perform a cameo in it, which Steven agreed to.
[...] Meanwhile back in Cardiff, Peter Davison’s daughter, actress Georgia Moffett, visited her husband David Tennant on set on Wednesday 3 April.  Having read her father’s script, she took a copy along and handed it over to Steven’s fellow executive producer Faith Penhale.  
When Steven read Peter’s script, not only was he impressed with the humour and understanding of the subculture surrounding the show, but saw potential in bringing the finished result to a wider audience as part of the BBC’s celebrations. Speaking at the Doctor Who Celebration press conference, Steven explained that Peter’s script “solved a problem for me because I wanted all the Doctors properly involved - if they were willing - as best as we could.”
Link to [ Part One ], or the other Tennant-era Doctor Who BTS posts [ full episode list ]
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jpbjazz · 1 month
‘’I had never heard anybody with such control on the clarinet… His complete mastery of the instrument is astounding.” 
- Red Callender
Né le 24 septembre 1929 à Fort Worth, au Texas, John Wallace Carter avait d’abord étudié le saxophone alto avant de commencer à jouer de la clarinette à l’âge de douze ans. Très influencé par la musique gospel qu’il avait écoutée à l’église baptiste durant son enfance et par la musique de Duke Ellington, Count Basie et Cab Calloway, Carter avait amorcé sa carrière en jouant du blues au Woodman’s Hall d’Anacostia, un club de jazz de Washington, D.C. Il avait aussi fait équipe avec Ornette Coleman, Dewey Redman et Charles Moffett dans les années 1940.
Après avoir fréquenté le I.M. Terrell High School, Carter avait décroché un baccalauréat en éducation musicale à l’Université Lincoln de Jefferson, au Missouri, en 1949, avant de compléter une maîtrise en éducation musicale à l’Université du Colorado en 1956.
De 1949 à 1961, Carter avait gagné sa vie en enseignant la musique dans le réseau d’écoles publiques de Fort Worth. Parallèlement à sa carrière de professeur, Carter avait continué d’expérimenter avec la clarinette et avait découvert que c’était cet instrument qui lui permettait d’exprimer le mieux sa personnalité musicale. Parmi les premières influences de Carter, on remarquait Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Lester Young, Duke Ellington et Count Basie.
Après s’être installé à Los Angeles, Carter avait enseigné durant vingt et un ans (1961-1982) dans les écoles élémentaires publiques de la ville.
En 1964, Carter avait formé le  New Art Jazz Ensemble avec le trompettiste Bobby Bradford,  le contrebassiste Tom Williamson et le batteur Bruz Freeman, un pionnier du free jazz qui avait d’abord joué avec Charlie Parker, Lester Young, Coleman Hawkins et Sarah Vaughan. Le groupe avait poursuivi ses activités jusqu’à la mort de Carter en 1991 et se produisait surtout dans le Nord-est des États-Unis.
Décrivant sa première rencontre avec Bradford, qui était de six ans son cadet, Carter avait expliqué: ‘’I met him when I got out therem about ‘65, Bob was living in Pomona and teaching out there, and I was teaching out there (L.A.). I was very frustrated with whar I was doing. I had come here un 1961 and had aspirations for playing my music and I thought I could get as much studio work as I wanted to do when I got out here {...}. I play good lead alto, tenor, soprano, good flute and clarinet of course. I can play oboe and basson, all well enough to do session work.’’ Dans la même entrevue, Carter avait ajouté: ‘’Bob had been with Ornette up to ‘62, then went back to Texas and taught for a couple of years and then moved out there. Well so Bobby really wasn’t doing anything either, on any kinf of regular basis so we got together, it was very natural for us to try to get a group together.’’
Parallèlement à sa collaboration avec Bradford, Carter avait joué du jazz progressif avec des artistes locaux, se produisant à la flûte et au saxophone tout en approfondissant sa maîtrise de la clarinette, contribuant ainsi à briser les frontières musicales tout en était toujours accompagné par Bradford à la trompette. Au cours de cette période, Carter avait aussi joué avec le pianiste Hampton Hawes et le saxophoniste Harold Land.
Carter avait également opéré son propre club de jazz, le Rudolph’s, afin de contribuer au développement de la relève. En 1967, Carter avait dirigé une oeuvre d’Ornette Coleman à UCLA. Carter expliquait: ‘’It was a suite that Ornette had just done for the Guggenheim Grant that he had just got, whatever year that was. A very difficult pass. The band was in the festival house orchestra, whoever was playing brought along their charts and we played them. Carmen McRae was on that and Clark Terry. Ornette’s piece was written for big band against his quintet. {...} Full group, five trumpets, four trombones, five reed and a full rhythm section, and violins and cellos. He played that music a lot of times, he played it with the San Francisco Symphony, he played it in Europe and back in New York.’’
Dans les années 1970, Carter avait fait partie du  Little Big Horn Workshop avec Bradford et Newton. Au cours de cette période, Carter s’était également fait connaître pour ses concerts en solo. Dans le cadre du New Jazz Festival de Moers en 1979, Carter s’était produit en duo avec le clarinettiste allemand Theo Jörgensmann durant trois jours. Le concert, qui avait fait connaître Carter à travers le monde, avait donné lieu à une nouvelle performance du duo en 1994.
Vers 1973, Carter et Bradford avaient fait une tournée en Europe et avaient enregistré avec le pianiste Horace Tapscott. Lors d’un séjour à Paris, Carter avait même joué du bebop avec Jaki Byard et Kenny Clarke.
Carter et Bradford s’étaient également produits en concert à UCLA en compagnie de l’Art Ensemble of Chicago, avec qui ils avaient enregistré l’album Tandem 1 en 1979. Après s’être joint au quintet d’instruments à vent de James Newton, Carter avait fondé en 1981 le groupe Clarinet Summit avec Alvin Batiste, Jimmy Hamilton et David Murray.  
Même s’il maîtrisait plusieurs instruments, Carter avait surtout joué de la clarinette et du saxophone soprano à partir de la fin des années 1970. Il expliquait: ‘’I think that certain personalities goes with certain instruments. While I have known that all along it took me a long time to associate that myself - because it takes a long time to try and see yourself, and I’m still trying. Like I know what that I am not a tenor player, but I’ve spent a lot of time fooling with the tenor saxophone. I played tenor and college because that was the only way I could get into the dance band. In those days I couldn’t read as well as other fellows could but I could solo better that they could so they need me in the band for that (rires). So I got in on tenor.’’
Lorsque sa fille et ses trois fils avaient atteint l’âge adulte au début des années 1980, Carter avait commencé à enseigner la clarinette à plein temps au Wind College de Los Angeles, une école qu’il avait lui-même fondée. Carter, qui possédait sa propre maison de disques, avait également enregistré avec Bradford et Newton l’album Night Fire, qui comprenait des classiques comme “Morning Bell”, “Juba Stomp” et “Buckin.”’ Sur l’album Dance of the Love Ghosts, Carter avait combiné les cuivres, les synthétiseurs et des percussions traditionnelles comme le kete et le dawuro. En plus de la chanson titre, l’album incluait les pièces The Captain’s Dilemma” et “Moon Waltz”, toutes des compositions originales.
De 1982 à 1990, Carter avait résumé sa vision du jazz et de l’histoire des Afro-Américains dans la suite en cinq parties Roots and Folklore: Episodes in the Development of American Folk Music. Publié dans un coffret de cinq CD, l’oeuvre, qui combinait le jazz moderne avec le blues et le jazz traditionnel, avait été saluée par la critique comme une des meilleures réalisations des années 1990. En 1998, le clarinettiste François Houle avait repris des extraits de l’oeuvre sur son album intitulé In the Vernacular—Music of John Carter.
Peu avant la mort de Carter en 1991,  le New Arts Jazz Ensemble avait enregistré un dernier album. Intitulé ‘’Seeking’’, l’album comprenait cinq compositions originales de Carter, dont “Karen on Monday” et “Sticks and Stones”.
John Carter est mort au Daniel Freeman Memorial Hospital d’Inglewood en Californie, le 31 mars 1991 à la suite de complications liés à son cancer des poumons. Carter laissait dans le deuil son épouse Gloria, sa fille Karen et ses fils John Jr., Stanley et Kris. Atteint d’une tumeur non maline, Carter s’était fait retirer un de ses poumons un an avant sa mort, mais il avait continué de se produire sur scène. Carter avait présenté une de ses dernières performances en février dans le cadre d’un événement organisé par la Society for Jazz and World Music à Santa Barbara, en Californie.
Continuant d’explorer l’histoire du peuple afro-américain, Carter avait présenté en septembre 1990 sa composition “Castles of Ghana”, une suite inspirée de la traite des esclaves en Afrique de l’Ouest au 16 siècle,  au Japan America Theatre de Los Angeles. Dans le cadre d’une entrevue accordée au New York Times en 1990, Carter avait déclaré qu’il avait conçu le projet après que son fils John Jr., qui revenait d’un voyage en Afrique de l’ouest, lui ait expliqué que les châteaux du Ghana étaient utilisés comme lieu de détention pour les futurs esclaves avait d’être expédiés en Amérique.
Au moment de sa mort, Carter devait se produire avec un quartet comprenant Perry Robinson, Theo Jörgensmann et Eckard Koltermann.
Carter a été admis au Down Beat Hall of Fame l’année-même de sa mort en 1991. Au cours de sa carrière, Carter avait remporté deux autres prix décernés par le magazine: le premier pour un enregistrement avec un petit groupe en 1973, et le second comme clarinettiste méritant la meilleure reconnaissance en 1982.
En 1996, Carter avait obtenu quatre étoiles du magazine Q et cinq étoiles du NAPRA Trade Journal pour ses compositions “Sippi Strut”, “Spats”, “Hymn to Freedom” et “And I Saw Them” tirées de son album Shadows on a Wall. Commentant le dernier album de Carter, le critique David Grogan avait décrit le musicien comme un compositeur d’avant-garde passionné par l’histoire du peuple afro-américain et l’avait surnommé le ‘’Alex Haley of the Jazz world.”
Carter avait souvent été comparé au trompettiste Wynton Marsalis pour la beauté et la spontanéité de son jeu. Le tubiste et contrebassiste Red Callender qui avait accompagné Carter, Bradford et Newton sur l’album Dauwhe, avait souligné la maîtrise par Carter de son intrument dans l’ouvrage Rough Guides to Jazz, dans lequel il écrivait: “I had never heard anybody with such control on the clarinet…. His complete mastery of the instrument is astounding.” 
Les compositions de Carter pour clarinette, trompette, cornet, violon, trombone, batterie et contrebasse portaient souvent des titres évocateurs comme “Evening Prayer”, “Conversations”, “The Fallen Prince” et “Theme of Desperation.” 
Plusieurs musiciens ont rendu hommage à Carter après sa mort, dont le clarinettiste François Houle qui avait enregistré des versions lyriques de ses compositions “Sticks and Stones” and “Karen on Monday” sur son album Vernacular—Music of John Carter publié en 1998.
Un des premiers clarinettistes de l’histoire à avoir exprimé une vision humaniste de l’héritage africain dans le jazz, Carter avait toujours improvisé avec énormément d’émotion. Les recherches tonales de Carter l’avaient incité à étudier le passé esclavagiste des Afro-Américains et à mettre en lumière leur combat pour l’émancipation après la Guerre civile. Artiste passionné, très articulé intellectuellement et très concentré sur sa musique, Carter avait influencé toute une nouvelle génération de musiciens, dont Julius Hemphill, Peter Epstein, James Newton, David Murray et Bobby Bradford.
©-2024, tous droits réservés, Les Productions de l’Imaginaire historique
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nwdsc · 2 years
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(▶︎ Imposter Syndrome | Barbra Licaから)
Imposter Syndrome by Barbra Lica
n a world where almost everyone appears to have their public image and hashtags in order, “Imposter Syndrome” explores instead an identity still in flux. Equal parts playful and sombre, these songs flip unapologetically between genres, tempos, and production styles in search of what it means to be a flawed human with big dreams, bigger feelings, and a verifiably awkward social presence… With this newest EP, JUNO-nominated singer-songwriter-producer Barbra Lica presents her most brutally honest music to date, combining elements of Folk, RnB, Indie Pop, Jazz, and Existential Synth (not a real genre). Recorded almost entirely in home studios and cobbled together instrument by instrument, “Imposter Syndrome” represents a two-year production collaboration with some of Toronto’s most accomplished artists including James Bryan (Prozzäk, Philosopher Kings), Nicolas Tateishi (Sam Drysdale, Joanna Majoko), Christine Bougie (Bahamas, Lydia Persaud), Drew Jurecka (Dua Lipa, Jully Black), and Joel Visentin ("This American Life"). With her light-hearted dance number dedicated to girl nerdom (“Girls Like Me”), her reverie to utter defeat ("The Ghost of Me"), her gentle musings on empathy (“Take Care of You”), and her Randy Newman-esque ode to aging women (“Sour Women”), Barbra takes listeners on a rollercoaster ride of emotions and soundscapes.クレジット2022年10月7日リリース Written by: Track 1: Barbra Lica Track 2: Barbra Lica & Danielle Knibbe Track 3: Barbra Lica & James Bryan Track 4: Barbra Lica, Danielle Knibbe & Alexandra May Track 5: Barbra Lica & Tom Fleming Track 6: Barbra Lica & James Bryan Track 7: Barbra Lica Produced by: Track 1 & 4: Barbra Lica & Joel Visentin Track 2: Barbra Lica & Nicolas Tateishi Track 3 & 6: Barbra Lica & James Bryan Track 5: Barbra Lica & Christine Bougie Track 7: Barbra Lica & Drew Jurecka Strings Arranging: Track 7: Drew Jurecka Editing: Tracks 1 & 4: Joel Visentin Track 2: Nicolas Tateishi Tracks 3 & 6: James Bryan Track 5: Christine Bougie Track 7:Drew Jurecka Vocals: Barbra Lica Support Vocals for Track 1: Contributed by: Genevieve Marentette, Sammy Jackson, Lori Cullen, Andrea Ramolo, Whitney Ross-Barris, Carole Binsky, Faith Amour, Laurent Bourque, Avery Raquel, Denielle Bassels, Chynna Lewis, Joanna Majoko, Stacey MacIntyre, Gina Pennesi, Leah Canali, Julie Mahendran, Sara Lynn Swaigen, Julia Swaigen, Grace Hightower, Evie Hightower Synth Programming: Tracks 1 & 4: Joel Visentin Track 2: Nicolas Tateishi Tracks 3 & 6: James Bryan Track 7: Drew Jurecka Keyboards: Track 1 & 4: Joel Visentin Piano: Track 5: Joel Visentin Track 7: Barbra Lica Organ: Track 3: Joel Visentin Guitars: Tracks 1 & 5: Christine Bougie Track 2: Nicolas Tateishi Tracks 3 & 6: James Bryan Track 4: Rich Grossman Electric Bass: Track 4: Alex St.Kitts Track 5: Mark Godfrey Track 6: James Bryan Acoustic Bass: Track 7: Justin Gray Drums: Track 1: Sarah Thawer Track 5: Joshua VanTassel Track 6: Marito Marques Trumpet: Track 4: Tom Moffett Violins,Violas: Track 7: Drew Jurecka Mixed by: Justin Gray @ Synthesis Sound Productions Mastered by: Justin Gray @ Immersive Mastering Photography by: Jen Squires Makeup and Hair by: Sydney Desnoyers Haircut and colour by: Jamie Potts CD Graphics and Design by: Matilda Armstrong 8-Bit Disc Art by: Matthew Barnett This project is funded in part by FACTOR, the Government of Canada and Canada’s private radio broadcasters. Ce projet est financé en partie par FACTOR, le gouvernement du Canada et les radiodiffuseurs privés du Canada.
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noloveforned · 2 years
set your dial to wlur tonight at 8pm for four straight hours of no love for ned. as always, you can catch up with last week's show at your own convenience below.
no love for ned on wlur – september 23rd, 2021 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label the pointer sisters // i need you // break out // planet bungalow heaven // hey hey hey // hey hey hey digital single // chasing fireflies no age // compact flashes // people helping people // drag city los cripis // tired and blind // restaurant 7" // glad fact bees make honey // are you sure? // bees make honey, volume one ep // (self-released) the beths // silence is golden // expert in a dying field // carpark karen // leave this town // karen // old bad habits francisca griffin // one eye open // live at the crown hotel on august 14th, 2021 cassette // trace/untrace the sheaves // good health // excess death cult time cassette // moone acid seven // yokohama e oideyo // oz days live '72-'73 kichijoji: the 50th anniversary collection compilation // temporal drift the black tones // the end of everything // the end of everything 7" // sub pop carson mchone and the outfit // end of the world // camera varda variations ep // merge holy motors // superstar // superstar digital single // wharf cat codeine // tom // dessau // numero group neti-neti // that which remains // impermanence cassette // dinzu artefacts cecilia lópez and joe moffett // ambient atrophy // caprichos cassette // triptick tapes otomo yoshihide's new jazz orchestra // hat and beard // plays eric dolphy's 'out to lunch' // aguirre clark terry // brother terry // color changes // candid makaya mccraven // seventh string // in these times // international anthem ra washington and jah nada // planting seeds // in search of our father's gardens // astral spirits sélébéyone // poesie i // xaybu- the unseen // pi janette king featuring maryze // mirror // what we lost // hot tramp charles amoah // scratch my back // sweet vibration // soundway badge époque ensemble featuring james baley // zodiac // clouds of joy // telephone explosion triathalon // relax // spin // lex matching outfits // babe, pay for my train ride! // band made out of sand cassette // kitchen leg the orchids // didn't we love you // dreaming kind // skep wax mo troper // i’m the king of rock ‘n roll // mtv // lame-o las uyuyuy // juan ramón // tremolina tapes- the olympia tapes and the glasgow tapes compilation cassette // discos walden spice world // dying to go // there's no i in spice world // tenth court
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nofatclips · 4 years
Goodbye Blue by BadBadNotGood (featuring Jonah Yano) - Directed & Produced by Devon Little
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thedeadlyassassin · 5 years
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doctor who + text posts (part one)
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1122deactivated2211 · 5 years
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Joseph Beattie and Georgia Moffett in Tom Brown's Schooldays (2005)
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This year’s event from Titan Comics continues with The Lost Dimension Special #1 – and it’s available right now!
Written by Emma Beeby and Gordon Rennie – who wrote Titan’s Fourth Doctor comic series together – the issue forms the fifth part of the event, and covers the Fourth Doctor’s, Romana’s, and River Song’s part in the tale. Ah but I bet you’ve spotted someone else on the cover, haven’t you? Yes, there’s Jenny, the Doctor’s daughter from, uh, The Doctor’s Daughter (2008). This should come as no great shock, however, to anyone keeping track of The Lost Dimension so far…
This is the first of two Special issues, and this one’s also extra-long, with 36 pages of Who-y goodness.
Check out our preview of the first few pages, with art by Wellington Diaz (who worked on one of my favourite 1990s Marvel covers, Amazing Spider-Man #422, featuring the “rebirth” of Electro), Ivan Rodriguez, and Anderson Cabral.
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
You’ll notice the comic ships with two different covers: the first by Mariano Laclaustra, and the second by Will Brooks.
Titan Comics’ Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension Special #1 is out now, priced $4.99.
Out Now: Titan Comics’ Lost Dimension Special #1 (Preview Pages) This year's event from Titan Comics continues with The Lost Dimension Special #1 - and it's available right now!
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typingtess · 3 years
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season Twelve Rewatch:  “War Crimes”
The basics:   The trial of rogue SEAL CPO Thomas Argento begins.
Written by:  Jordana Lewis Jaffe wrote or co-wrote wrote or co-wrote “Honor”, “Patriot Acts”, “Dead Body Politic”, “Paper Soldiers”, “Unwritten Rule”, “Big Brother”, “Iron Curtain Rising”, “Exposure”, “Savior Faire”, “Beacon”, “Defectors”, “Exchange Rate”, “Black Market”, “Payback”, “Battle Scars”, “Mountebank”, “Vendetta”, “Where Everybody Knows Your Name”, “Pro Se” “Heist”, “Born to Run”, “Provenance”, “Commitment Issues” and “Knock Out”.  Jordana Lewis Jaffe was a lawyer before becoming a writer and producer for television.
Directed by:  Yangzom Brauen directed “Venganza”, “Heist” (written by Jordana Lewis Jaffe), “No More Secret”, “Concours D'Elegance” and “Missing Time”.
Guest stars of note:  Back from the season 11 finale are Juan Riedinger as Navy Chief Petty Officer Thomas Argento, Myk Watford as Navy Petty Officer William Moffett, Kendall Johnson as Special Warfare Operator First Class Malcolm Kendricks and Chris Lamica as Navy Petty Officer Second Class Michael Cole.  Traci Thoms plays Marine Lt. Colonel Lucilla Castro, Heather Mazur as Margaux West, Tim Lounibos as Navy Captain/Judge Anthony Sorrentino, Hina Khan as Monica Kendricks, Bill O’Neill as Martin, Krystal White as Baliff, Mike Tarnofsky as the Navy Corrections Petty Officer and Tom Noga as Retired Navy SEAL Captain Parker Cole.
Our heroes:  Are in court to prevent a guilty man from going free.
What important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Helpful to Lt. Col. Castro in all ways possible. Sam:  The man, the myth, the legend. Kensi:   Putting away her g-u-n at the request of a young mother.   Deeks:  Sees the end of the case as Shakespearean. Eric:  Absent. Nell:  Does not have the shorthand with Fatima to understand her assorted sounds. Fatima:  Worried about the case. Roundtree:  Seeing his first major NCIS case through the end. Hetty:  See Eric.
What not so important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Running late as he’s running out of The Squid and Dagger. Sam:  Throwing Callen out of the car if he touches the radio again on a long trip to San Diego. Kensi:  Off a little on Daddy Issues. Deeks: The least chatty Martin in the episode. Eric:  Absent. Nell:  Offers ways to help Fatima keep calm but not during office hours. Fatima:  Meditating with scented candles and rain forest videos in Ops. Roundtree:  Chasing SEALs into neighbors pools. Hetty:  See Eric.
Who's down with OTP:  Not a lot of OTPing today.
Who's down with BrOTP:   Everyone was on the same page – even if Callen was a tad tardy to start the day.
Any pressing need for a cranky retired Admiral?  Only to say mean things to Argento and Parker Cole.
Who is running the team this week?  Nell from the office, Callen in San Diego.
Fashion review:  Callen is wearing a medium blue suit, light blue dress shirt and blue and red tie.  Sam is in a black suit with his a crisp white dress shirt, a dark tie and his Special Warfare/Navy SEAL Trident.  Kensi is wearing a green tee-shirt, Deeks’s is medium blue.  Nell is wearing a lovely blue jumper over a white and blue checked blouse with a bow.  Fatima is wearing a white light jacket over a black shirt.  Roundtree is in a dark plaid blue suit, pale blue shirt and red and white tie.
Music:  None.
Any notable cut scene: None.
Quote: Nell:  “Fatima?” Fatima:  “I'm trying to meditate.” Nell:  “And, uh... how's this going for you?” Fatima:  “I don't get it. I spent a fortune on these candles. And I didn't realize they were scented.” Nell:  “Yeah, I can, I can smell that.” Fatima:  “I have such a headache and I keep repeating the same thing, but it just makes me more stressed.” Nell:  “Right. Well, what is your mantra?” Fatima:  “There's a lot riding on this.” Nell:  “Oh, I-I'm aware of that.” Fatima:  “No, that's, that's my mantra.” Nell:  “Oh.”
Anything else:  The episode opens with a summary of the season 11 “Code of Conduct” finale.  In a military prison at the San Diego Naval Station, the guard has the prisoners up for Reveille day after day.  A bearded Chief Petty Officer Thomas Argento has the last cell in his unit.  On the day of his trial, he is clean shaven and dressed in his formal uniform.  As Argento leaves, the guard sings “Anchors Going Away” in a mocking tone.  Argento just smiles as he leaves the cell block.
A well-dressed Callen is being picked up by Sam behind The Squid and Dagger.  Sam, also sporting a suit, is in a hurry.  Callen is running late.
In the Armory, Deeks is practicing loading his gun with a blindfold on.  Kensi joins him.  Deeks wonders if Roundtree can load his gun with a blindfold on.  He can, according to Kensi, who saw Roundtree do it.  Deeks asks about Roundtree’s location.  Learning Roundtree is just outside San Diego, Deeks thinks there “will be blood” if Roundtree beats Callen and Sam.  Kensi is happy that Roundtree is getting to finish what he started with NCIS last spring – this was his first trip out of the country for NCIS, his first big case, his first war criminal.  Deeks jokes about remembering his first war criminal.  Kensi is not amused.
Fatima updates a commuting Nell on the case including that the President is tweeting about it.  While the case is getting all the attention, Fatima and Nell know all that matters is what the prosecution can prove.
Sam introduces himself to Lt. Col. Castro, a Marine and the JAG officer trying the case.  She and Sam spoke on the phone several times.  While Callen and Roundtree are looking for some breakfast, Sam asks how Castro feels about the case.  With the strong testimony of the other SEALs, Castro thinks they have a good case.  She knows the defense will be after the other SEALs but she prepped them.  “Not one has wavered,” according to Castro.
As Castro enters the court, she meets Margaux West, Esq.  West is Argento’s private counsel and a friend of Argento’s wife’s cousin – a US Senator.  “How could I not say yes?”  
In the courtroom, Argento agrees to a trial by military judge alone and not by a military jury.  Judge Sorrento will be the jury and he’s also in charge of the sentence.  Sorrento notes that he read the witness statements but those statements are not the trial – the government has the burden of proof.  Callen, Sam and Roundtree are the only people in the courtroom’s gallery – all socially distance from each other.
Castro makes her opening statement about Argento’s crimes and the brave sailors who would not remain silent about Argento’s actions.  Kendricks, Moffett and Cole – three of the four men who gave sworn statements about Argento’s actions will testify.  The fourth SEAL, Barr, is on a mission and unavailable.  These sailors put their careers on the line to do what was right.  Argento is the war criminal.  The defense decides to hold their opening statement until Castro makes her case.
Nell finds Fatima meditating in Ops, complete with candles.  Lots of candles and a rain forest video playing on the big screen.  Fatima didn’t know the candles were scented and Ops sort of smells.  Her mantra – “there’s a lot riding on this” – isn’t helpful either.  While Nell has nothing to offer while they’re working, she does have something worse – Argento’s Senator family member is tweeting about the case including people speaking badly about Argento burning in the fires of hell.  Fatima thinks the Senator is a little ray of sunshine.  Nell is more worried that the Senator knows something they don’t.
Castro questions Kendricks, who is reviewing his statement to NCIS.  He confirms it is his sworn statement but he no longer stands behind what he said.  Kendricks denies that Argento killed the prisoner – Kendricks takes the blame.  “What the hell just happened?” Roundtree asks Callen and Sam.  Callen thinks the case has been blown out of the water.  Sam is furious that NCIS fought to get Kendricks immunity.
The judge wants to see the lawyers, wondering “what the hell is going on?”  Wells starts to speak but the Sorrento addressed his questions to Castro.  Castro asks for a one-week continuance but the judge is willing to give her an hour.  Wells gets a little mouthy so the judge decides to give Castro until 2PM.  As they walk away from the bench, Castro thanks Wells for her help.
As Kendricks leaves the courtroom, Sam is right behind him.  Kendricks won’t talk to Sam – he gets into his SUV and drives off.
Callen finds Castro near the courthouse.  She’s lost more than Kendricks – now Moffett is missing.  Worried about what they’ll say on the stand, Castro can’t really move forward.  Callen wants to help.  The team will look at who visited Argento in the brig – see if someone told him about a possible move against the witnesses.  Callen will also investigate Kendricks’s family – maybe the threat isn’t to Kendricks but is to his family.  
Leaving the courthouse, Roundtree runs into Cole, who is not in his dress uniform.  Cole wants to help.  Working with Kendricks for three years, Cole never saw the man lie.  Cole knows Kendricks, Moffett and Argento – he can help.
Fatima makes a strange noise when Nell asks for an update.  Though Nell enjoys working with Fatima, they don’t have enough of a history or shorthand for that noise to make sense.  Fatima explains that Argento’s visitors list was rather limited – no wife, no sister, brother, parents or in-laws.  While they all have been in the news “beating the drum” for Argento’s innocence, nobody visited.   Fatima just notices that Nell is sitting at Hetty’s desk.  Nell asks “how do I look?”  “It suits you,” Fatima says.  Back to Argento, he had a “ton” of visitors – none recognizable to Fatima.  Nell actually thinks that’s a clue.  
Kensi and Deeks arrive in a quiet suburban neighborhood.  “Too quiet,” they both agree until they hear a scream.  Kensi and Deeks grab their weapons and move toward the home with the screaming.  The woman at the house sounds normal when Kensi and Deeks do the whole “federal agents” announcement but will only open the door if they put their “g-u-n-s” away.  They comply and a woman carrying a teddy bear and wearing a red Sheriff Woody hat.  Her children were playing hide and seek and that was the scream.
Kensi and Deeks introduce themselves but Monica Kendricks already knows who they are.  She is so grateful for all the help Malcolm received while working with NCIS.  He couldn’t have testified without NCIS’s support.  Monica learns about what Kendricks did in court from Kensi and Deeks – she turned off the TV so the kids would have no chance of hearing about their father’s testimony.  She’s stunned – Kendricks didn’t kill the prisoner.  Kensi and Deeks ask about threats to their family.  Monica doesn’t believe them – Malcolm went through a living hell to get ready to testify.
Sam walks into Argento’s holding celling.  Argento is dismissive of “the man, the myth, the legend himself.”  Sam just stares at Argento.  Argento keeps talking about what happened in the court – how Sam didn’t see that coming.  Sam wonders if Argento knew it was coming.  Argento promises he was as surprised as everyone else – “how crazy is that?”  Argento has no plans of spending the rest of his life behind bars and based on Kendricks’s testimony, he won’t.
Cole tries to call Moffett – who isn’t answering his home phone and his cell phone is going straight to voicemail.  Cole figures if Moffett hasn’t been kidnapped and tortured by “Argento’s minions”, he may be hiding at his gym or his ex-wife’s home.  Roundtree sends Cole to the gym, he’s going to see the ex-wife.  Cole states the obvious – this wasn’t how the day was supposed to go down.
Nell and Fatima call Kensi.  They went through all of Argento’s visitors – nobody has any direction connection to him, even a connection through friends and family.  The visitors all have a connection, however – they all work for the same courier service in downtown LA.  Information was being delivered to Argento through couriers.  Kensi and Deeks are on their way to the courier service.
Margaux West is chatting on the phone when she’s approached by Castro.  West is looking for the charges to be dropped.  Castro isn’t looking to drop charges.  She will be pressing charges, however, if West had anything to do with Kendricks changing his testimony.
Kensi and Deeks meet Martin, the one Martin on the planet who is chattier than Deeks.  Martin the courier is excited to meet Martin Deeks.  Spelling Argento for Martin at the courier service gets them the person who was sending the couriers.  Sadly, that person is a ghost.  The name was fake and so was the law firm paying for the courier.  Couriers have been visiting Argento for months.
Roundtree gets to Moffett’s ex-wife’s house only to see Moffett run.  Moffett jumps over a neighbor’s fence and right into the neighbor’s pool.  A now toweled off and drying Moffett doesn’t know who got to Kendricks but he knows why.  Moffett was sent photos of his son taken over the last few months.  Moffett sent his ex-wife and his son to her parents’ home in Palm Springs.  He’s been waiting for whoever wants to threaten them.  Kendricks knew about the threats to Moffett’s son.  That’s why he changed his testimony.
Back with chatty Martin from the courier service, chatty Martin from LAPD and Kensi try to get info on the man who paid for the couriers.  Courier service Martin knew the guy was weird – always came in alone, always paid cash – older, white man with a military look.  Chatty Martin has no photos of the man, however.
Roundtree calls Sam – Marines from the Twentynine Palms Marine base are now with Moffett’s son, ex-wife and her parents.  Sam is off to see Moffett – they have two-hours to testify.  Parker Cole, Petty Officer Michael Cole’s father, appears in his full dress uniform.  The senior Cole is a Navy SEAL legend.   Callen takes a quick series of photos of the older Cole, who is active with a group working with current and retired military.
The older Cole has quite the impressive military record according to Fatima.  Graduated from Annapolis in 1969, was a SEAL for 11-years, highly decorated.  Son Michael Cole was out of Annapolis as well, now serving with the SEALs.
Sam makes a plea to Moffett, who just wants to protect his four-year old.  Sam was hurt that Moffett didn’t think that Sam or NCIS would protect the boy.  With the damage done, Moffett has to do the right thing.
Chatty Martin barely recognizes a returning Kensi and Deeks but certainly recognizes Parker Cole as the man sending the couriers.  Deeks asks Chatty Martin if he is sure.  Chatty Martin is positive Parker Cole is the man in the security video.  Kensi and Deeks tell Chatty Martin he said he didn’t have a photo of the man.  Chatty Martin didn’t – he had video.  Kensi and Deeks worry about the younger Cole either being a victim of his father’s criminal behavior or part of the scheme.  
Pleased with Kensi and Deeks’s work, Callen updates Castro – who thinks she has enough to bring up the senior Cole on charges.  As Sam is about to put Moffett into the Challenger and go to the courthouse, the younger Cole pulls up in his truck.  Sam wants Callen to get San Diego PD to Moffett’s ex-wife’s house now.
A frightened and weepy Cole wants to stop Sam and Moffett.  He’s shaking as he points he gun at Sam.  Sam talks about the pressure from his father and that gets Cole to put his gun down.  Once Cole is unarmed, Moffett is livid at Cole for threatening his son.  Cole is a mess but Moffett wants to testify “more than ever.”  San Diego PD pulls up.
Callen arrests Parker Cole just before he enters the courtroom.  
At 2PM, Callen is in the courtroom with Roundtree but no Sam.  Castro tries to stall for time but fails.  Just as Judge Sorrento is about to move on, Sam and Moffett walk in.  Moffett testifies.  
Deeks tells Kensi that Castro got the US Attorney to file Obstruction of Justice charges against Parker Cole.  Malcolm Kendricks’s testimony was thrown out.  They are just waiting for the judge to do the right thing.  Deeks sees this as a Shakespeare story – Cole turned on his brothers to please his father.  “Textbook daddy issues,” according to Kensi but Deeks disagrees.
Callen arrives home when Sam calls.  It was a big day for both of them and they did the right thing.  
What head canon can be formed from here:   Sam’s mention of his father makes the senior Hanna’s lack of screen time just that much more frustrating.  
The one big problem with the episode is the location madness.  I’m an East Coast person but even I know San Diego is about a two-and-a-half to three hour drive from Los Angeles on a good day, maybe twice that on a bad day.  So we’re supposed to believe that Parker Cole paid couriers to go from Los Angeles to San Diego instead of just say hiring a San Diego courier service to do the same.  Moffett’s wife and son live in San Diego but Kendricks’s wife and children live in LA.  I know military people don’t always live close to the base but is Kendricks travelling three-hours a day to work and three-hours back.
The story is fine, the locations are not.
I’m guessing some of this was how season 11 might have ended with Mac having the Castro role.  Still, nice to see Tracie Thoms (big Cold Case fan).
Episode number:    Episode two of season 12, 264 episodes in.
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mysticalhearth · 3 years
Cabaret - Bad Hersfeld - 1995 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Act 1 only
CAST: Peter Heinrich (Emcee), Pia Douwes (Sally Bowles), Witta Pohl (Fräulein Schneider), Utz Richter (Herr Schultz), Frank Jordan (Clifford Bradshaw), Patrik Fichte (Ernst Ludwig), Annika Bruhns (Fräulein Kost), Barbara Köhler, Claudia Waucshke, Julia Hillens, Manuela von Englen, Nane Broning, Susanne Riegger, Suzanne Back
Cabaret - Donmar Warehouse - 1993 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Alan Cumming (Emcee), Jane Horrocks (Sally Bowles), Sara Kestelman (Fräulein Schneider), George Raistrick (Herr Schultz), Adam Godley (Clifford Bradshaw), Michael Gardiner (Ernst Ludwig), Charlotte Medcalf (Fräulein Kost), Loveday Smith (Lulu/Two Ladies Dancer), Kevin Walton (Herman/Customs Officer/Max), Anthony Hunt (Bobby/Two Ladies Dancer), Charlotte Storey (Texas), Christopher Staines (Victor), Matt Kane (Rudy)
NOTES: Pro-Shot
Cabaret - Fifth US National Tour (Roundabout 50th Anniversary Tour) - February 17, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Randy Harrison (Emcee), Andrea Goss (Sally Bowles), Sharan Cochran (Fräulein Schneider), Mark Nelson (Herr Schultz), Lee Aaron Rosen (Clifford Bradshaw), Ned Noyes (Ernst Ludwig), Alison Ewing (Fräulein Kost)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the new tour, with no obstructions. Randy does a terrific job in the role. Great cast and very strong performances! A+
Cabaret - The Netherlands - 1989
CAST: Willem Nijholt (Emcee), Alexandra van Marken (Sally Bowles)
NOTES: Generation loss
Cabaret - Third Broadway Revival - May 3, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Alan Cumming (Emcee), Michelle Williams (Sally Bowles), Linda Emond (Fräulein Schneider), Danny Burstein (Herr Schultz), Bill Heck (Clifford Bradshaw), Aaron Krohn (Ernst Ludwig), Gayle Rankin (Fräulein Kost)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture with no obstructions and features the entire Revival Cast. Alan gives a terrific return performance as the Emcee. Gayle and Linda still give such beautiful performances that are wonderful to watch! A
Cabaret - Third Broadway Revival - August 19, 2014 (SJ Bernly's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Alan Cumming (Emcee), Michelle Williams (Sally Bowles), Linda Emond (Fräulein Schneider), Danny Burstein (Herr Schultz), Benjamin Eakeley (u/s Ernst Ludwig), Kaleigh Cronin (u/s Fräulein Kost), Stacey Sipowicz (u/s Lulu/Two Ladies Dancer), Andrea Goss (Frenchie/Gorilla), Leeds Hill (Bobby/Two Ladies Dancer), Kristin Olness (Helga), Jessica Pariseau (Texas), Dylan Paul (Victor), Kelly Paredes (u/s Rosie), Evan D Siegel (Hans/Rudy)
Cabaret - Third Broadway Revival - November 20, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: Alan Cumming (Emcee), Emma Stone (Sally Bowles), Kristie Dale Sanders (s/b Fräulein Schneider), Philip Hoffman (s/b Herr Schultz), Bill Heck (Clifford Bradshaw), Aaron Krohn (Ernst Ludwig), Gayle Rankin (Fräulein Kost), Katrina Yaukey (u/s Lulu/Two Ladies Dancer), Benjamin Eakeley (Herman/Customs Officer/Max), Andrea Goss (Frenchie/Gorilla), Leeds Hill (Bobby/Two Ladies Dancer), Kristin Olness (Helga), Jessica Pariseau (Texas), Dylan Paul (Victor), Stacey Sipowicz (Rosie), Evan D Siegel (Hans/Rudy)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture with Emma joining the cast as Sally. She does a dazzling job in the role and very precise in detail. Lovely performances from Kristie and Philip. A
Caesar and Cleopatra - Stratford Festival - 2009 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Christopher Plummer (Julius Caesar), Nikki M James (Cleopatra)
Camelot - Second Broadway Revival - 1982 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Richard Harris (King Arthur), Meg Bussert (Queen Guenevere), Richard Muenz (Sir Lancelot), James Valentine (Merlyn), Barrie Ingham (Pellinore), Richard Backus (Mordred), William Parry (Sir Dinadan), Thor Fields (Tom of Warwick), Jeanne Caryl (Nimue), William James (Sir Lionel), Andy McAvin (Sir Sagramore)
Candide - New York Philharmonic - May, 2004 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Paul Groves (Candide), Sir Thomas Allan (Dr. Pangloss), Jeff Blumenkrantz (Maximilian), Kristin Chenoweth (Cunegonde), Janine LaManna (Paquette), Patti LuPone (The Old Lady)
Candide - Paris - December 31, 2006 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: William Burden (Candide), Lambert Wilson (Dr. Pangloss), David Adam Moore (Maximilian), Anna Christy (Cunegonde), Jeni Bern (Paquette), Kim Criswell (The Old Lady)
NOTES: Recorded by the BBC.
Candide - Scottish Opera Production - May, 1988 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Mark Beudert (Candide), Nikolas Grace (Dr. Pangloss), Mark Tinkler (Maximilian), Gaynor Miles (Paquette), Ann Howard (The Old Lady), Nikolas Grace (Cacambo)
The Capeman - Broadway - 1998
CAST: Ruben Blades (Adult Salvador), Renoly Santiago (Tony), Ednita Nazario (Esmerelda), Michelle Rios (Aurea), Elan Ruz Rivera (Cookie), Sara Ramirez (Wahzinak)
NOTES: "THE CAPEMAN" OBC 1998 (mp4) Very poor picture quality, but clear audio. Marc Anthony (Young Salvador), Ruben Blades (Adult Salvador), Renoly Santiago (Tony), Ednita Nazario (Esmerelda), Michelle Rios (Aurea), Elan Ruz Rivera (Cookie), Lugo (Baba Charlie Cruz), Sara Ramirez (Wahzinak).
Caroline, or Change - Broadway - July 24, 2004
CAST: Tonya Pinkins (Caroline Thibodeaux), Veanne Cox (Rose Stopnick Gellman), Anika Noni Rose (Emmie Thibodeaux), Chandra Wilson (Dotty Moffett), Chuck Cooper (The Dryer), Larry Keith (Mr. Stopnick), Alice Playten (Grandma Gellman)
NOTES: Fixed the brightness balance. Sound improved. Includes TV appearances.
Caroline, or Change - Toronto - February 1, 2020 (The Musical Speakeasy's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jully Black (Caroline Thibodeaux), Evan LeFeuvre (Noah Gellman), Deborah Hay (Rose Stopnick Gellman), Damien Atkins (Stuart Gellman), Vanessa Sears (Emmie Thibodeaux), Alana Hibbert (Dotty Moffett), Keisha T Fraser (The Washing Machine), Stewart Adam McKensy (The Dryer), Samantha Walkes (The Radio), Measha Brueggergosman (The Moon), Sam Rosenthal (Mr. Stopnick), Oliver Dennis (Grandpa Gellman), Linda Kash (Grandma Gellman), Moses Aidoo (Jackie Thibodeaux), Micah Mensah-Jatoe (Joe Thibodeaux)
NOTES: Features a speech from the artistic director of the Musical Stage Company regarding the commencement of Black History Month. This is my first ever complete video capture, save for a short blackout for about the last sixty seconds of the closing number. A worthwhile watch that begins Musical Stage Company's residency of the Winter Garden Theatre!
Caroline, or Change - West End Revival - December, 2018 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master)
CAST: Sharon D Clarke (Caroline Thibodeaux), Jack Meredith (Noah Gellman), Lauren Ward (Rose Stopnick Gellman), Alastair Brookshaw (Stuart Gellman), Abiona Omonua (Emmie Thibodeaux), Naana Agyel-Ampadu (Dotty Moffett), Me'sha Bryan (The Washing Machine), Angela Caesar (The Moon)
Carousel - New York Philharmonic Concert - March 2, 2013 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Nathan Gunn (Billy Bigelow), Kelli O’Hara (Julie Jordan), Stephanie Blythe (Nettie Fowler), Jessie Mueller (Carrie Pipperidge), Jason Danieley (Enoch Snow), Kate Burton (Mrs. Mullin), John Cullum (The Starkeeper), Shuler Hensley (Jigger Craigin), Tiler Peck (Louise), Robert Fairchild (Fairground Boy)
NOTES: HD Pro-shot from PBS, recorded 3/2/13 at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center and marks the orchestra's 75th appearance on the series. Aired on April 26, 2013.
Carousel - Third Broadway Revival - March 2, 2018 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Joshua Henry (Billy Bigelow), Jessie Mueller (Julie Jordan), Renée Fleming (Nettie Fowler), Lindsay Mendez (Carrie Pipperidge), Alexander Gemignani (Enoch Snow), Margaret Colin (Mrs. Mullin), John Douglas Thompson (The Starkeeper), Amar Ramasar (Jigger Craigin), Brittany Pollack (Louise), Garett Hawe (Enoch Snow, Jr.), Andrei Chagas (Fairground Boy)
Carrie: The Musical - Broadway - May 15, 1988 (Closing Night) (Highlights)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Linzi Hateley (Carrie White), Betty Buckley (Margaret White), Charlotte d'Amboise (Chris Hargensen), Darlene Love (Lynn Gardner)
NOTES: Act 1 only.
Carrie: The Musical - Chicago/Stage Door Fine Arts - August 9, 2015 (Closing Night) (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Anna Blanchard (Carrie White)
Carrie: The Musical - Hamburg - August, 2019 (Rumpel's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Lorena Dehmelt (Carrie White), Kaatje Dierks (alt Margaret White), Larissy Pyne (Sue Snell), Tim Taucher (Tommy Ross), Rita Sebeh (alt Chris Hargensen), Nils Marckwardt (Billy Nolan), Isabelle Schubert (Lynn Gardner), Nicolas Schulze (Mr. Stephens), Kerstin Leowin (Norma), Selina Bögelein (Frieda), Dominic Angler (George), Piero Ochsenbein (Freddy), Sara Kettmann (Helen), Dominik Thätner (Stokes)
Carrie: The Musical - Hamburg - July, 2019 (Rumpel's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Lorena Dehmelt (Carrie White), Maya Hakvoort (Margaret White), Larissy Pyne (Sue Snell), Tim Taucher (Tommy Ross), Alexandra Nikolina (Chris Hargensen), Nils Marckwardt (Billy Nolan), Isabelle Schubert (Lynn Gardner), Nicolas Schulze (Mr. Stephens), Kerstin Leowin (Norma), Selina Bögelein (Frieda), Dominic Angler (George), Piero Ochsenbein (Freddy), Sara Kettmann (Helen), Dominik Thätner (Stokes)
Carrie: The Musical - Hartford - March, 2015
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Caroline Cannon (Carrie White), Diana Zee Chandler (Margaret White), Maggie Powderly (Sue Snell)
Carrie: The Musical - Off-Broadway - February 4, 2012 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: Molly Ranson (Carrie White), Marin Mazzie (Margaret White), Christy Altomare (Sue Snell), Derek Klena (Tommy Ross), Jeanna de Waal (Chris Hargensen), Ben Thompson (Billy Nolan), Carmen Cusack (Lynn Gardner), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Mr. Stephens), Blair Goldberg (Norma), Jen Sese (Frieda), Corey Boardman (George), F Michael Haynie (Freddy), Elly Noble (Helen), Andy Mientus (Stokes)
NOTES: Great capture of this beautifully retooled revival. The performances were astonishing and the whole cast was senstational. Marin and Molly are pure perfection! The campiness has been removed from the show and there is such a sad and powerful story that remains. A-
Carrie: The Musical - Off-Broadway - March 18, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Molly Ranson (Carrie White), Anne Tolpegin (u/s Margaret White), Christy Altomare (Sue Snell), Derek Klena (Tommy Ross), Jeanna de Waal (Chris Hargensen), Ben Thompson (Billy Nolan), Carmen Cusack (Lynn Gardner), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Mr. Stephens), Blair Goldberg (Norma), Jen Sese (Frieda), Corey Boardman (George), F Michael Haynie (Freddy), Elly Noble (Helen), Andy Mientus (Stokes)
NOTES: Terrific capture, one of my favorite shows. Marin was more of a Barbara Cook portrayal, Anne was more of a Betty Buckley. Rare performance as Anne only went on a handful of times. A-
Carrie: The Musical - Off-Broadway - April 5, 2012 (Highlights)
CAST: Molly Ranson (Carrie White), Marin Mazzie (Margaret White), Christy Altomare (Sue Snell), Derek Klena (Tommy Ross), Jeanna de Waal (Chris Hargensen), Ben Thompson (Billy Nolan), Carmen Cusack (Lynn Gardner), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Mr. Stephens), Blair Goldberg (Norma), Jen Sese (Frieda), Corey Boardman (George), F Michael Haynie (Freddy), Elly Noble (Helen), Andy Mientus (Stokes)
NOTES: Highlights only, including ‘And Eve Was Weak’, ‘Carrie’, ‘I Remember How Those Boys Could Dance’, ‘Stay Here Instead’-’When There's No One’, ‘Destruction’. Recorded vertically on a phone
Carrie: The Musical - Seattle - October 10, 2013 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Keaton Whittaker (Carrie White), Alice Ripley (Margaret White), Larissa Schmitz (Sue Snell), Kody Bringman (Tommy Ross), Tessa Archer (Chris Hargensen), Andrew Brewer (Billy Nolan), Kendra Kassebaum (Lynn Gardner), Brian Lange (Mr. Stephens), Erin Herrick (Norma), Melissa Maricich (Frieda), Frederick Habreen (George), Riley Neldham (Freddy), Alexandria Henderson (Helen), Eli Wills (Stokes)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of one of the Final Dress Rehearsals. Top notch production and thrilling performances from Alice, Keaton, and the whole cast! This is quite a unique capture since it was the first time the blood was dropped. Too many amazing things to point out here, don't miss this one!!! A+ Well filmed with a nice mix of close-ups and full stage shots and no obstructions. Based on the revised Off-Broadway version, and presented at the Balagan Theatre. Because this was recorded at the final run-through prior to opening night, there are a few “holds” as they worked out any kinks: * After “Evening Prayers” there is a hold to change all microphone batteries, resulting in most of the song being run a second time (the sound check was removed and put as a bonus at the end of act two). * During the scene where Carrie is getting ready for the prom a microphone made a "farting" noise and Alice grabbed her butt and said "sorry" which made the cast and tech crew laugh. 
Carrie: The Musical - Seattle - October 13, 2013 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Keaton Whittaker (Carrie White), Alice Ripley (Margaret White), Larissa Schmitz (Sue Snell), Kody Bringman (Tommy Ross), Tessa Archer (Chris Hargensen), Andrew Brewer (Billy Nolan), Kendra Kassebaum (Lynn Gardner), Brian Lange (Mr. Stephens), Erin Herrick (Norma), Melissa Maricich (Frieda), Frederick Habreen (George), Riley Neldham (Freddy), Alexandria Henderson (Helen), Eli Wills (Stokes)
NOTES: One of the first regional productions of the revised Carrie. Good to have Ripley in something.
Carrie: The Musical - Stagedoor Manor - July 31, 1999
CAST: Julie Kleiner (Carrie White), Vivienne Cleary (Margaret White), Nina Sturtz (Miss Gardner), Kaily Smith (Chris), Erin Evers (Sue), Blair Late (Tommy)
NOTES: Another abridged version. Video suffers from gen loss but has cleaned up decently. Piano is the only instrument in the orchestra, and it drowns out some of the singers. This has been incorrectly labelled as an authorized production,which is incorrect - this was an unauthorized production (e.g., no rights were secured before the production), though Gore (and Cohen) were in the audience of this performance and chose not to sue Jeff Murphy and Stagedoor over copyright infringement, partly because Gore said he had always wanted to see the show done with actual teenagers (reported by Jeff Murphy, the director).
Carrie: The Musical - Stratford-Upon-Avon - February 16, 1988 (Preview) (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Linzi Hateley (Carrie White), Barbara Cook (Margaret White), Sally Ann Triplett (Sue Snell), Paul Gyngell (Tommy Ross), Charlotte d'Amboise (Chris Hargensen), Gene Anthony Ray (Billy Nolan), Darlene Love (Lynn Gardner)
NOTES: Filmed professionally for the RSC archives on the third night of the performance (February 16, 1988). Shot from first row mezzanine center with no obstructions with audio taken directly from the soundboard. Mostly a full stage shots without zooms. This is usually incorrectly labelled as "Opening Night (February 13, 1988)", which is incorrect, as on opening night, Barbara Cook was almost decapitated right after the set changes from "Don't Waste The Moon", which not seen in this video (also verified by the person who copied this from the archives).
Catch Me If You Can - Broadway - April 27, 2011
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Aaron Tveit (Frank Abagnale, Jr.), Norbert Leo Butz (Agent Carl Hanratty), Tom Wopat (Frank Abagnale, Sr.), Rachel de Benedet (Paula Abagnale), Kerry Butler (Brenda Strong), Linda Hart (Carol Strong), Timothy McCuen Piggee (Agent Cod)
NOTES: A nice capture of the short lived show. Disc also includes around 100 minutes of interviews, B-Roll, behind the scenes, etc. Great video with nice picture and clear sound. A
Catch Me If You Can - Seattle, WA (Pre-Broadway) - August 4, 2009 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Aaron Tveit (Frank Abagnale, Jr.), Norbert Leo Butz (Agent Carl Hanratty), Tom Wopat (Frank Abagnale, Sr.), Rachel de Benedet (Paula Abagnale), Kerry Butler (Brenda Strong), Linda Hart (Carol Strong)
NOTES: This is a great capture of the show. The show is filled with wonderful talent. Aaron and Norbert have a great chemistry together and Aaron has a huge voice. Kerry and Felicia both have great songs and great vocals. The show itself is very sleek and mod. A
Catch Me If You Can - Seattle, WA (Pre-Broadway) - August 15, 2009
CAST: Aaron Tveit (Frank Abagnale, Jr.), Norbert Leo Butz (Agent Carl Hanratty), Tom Wopat (Frank Abagnale, Sr.), Rachel de Benedet (Paula Abagnale), Kerry Butler (Brenda Strong), Linda Hart (Carol Strong)
NOTES: Some very quick blackouts, none last more than 30 seconds or so.Very little obstruction, just heads on the bottom and the right, mostly in wideshots, and they're hardly noticeable.
Cats - Broadway Revival - July 22, 2016 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Leona Lewis (Grizabella), Ahmad Simmons (Alonzo), Daniel Gaymon (Admetus/Macavity), Christine Cornish Smith (Bombalurina), Christopher Gurr (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Emily Pynenburg (Cassandra), Guiseppe Bausilio (Carbucketty), Corey John Snide (Coricopat), Kim Faure (Demeter), Lili Froehlich (Electra), Sara Jean Ford (Jellylorum), Eloise Kropp (Jennyanydots), Ricky Ubeda (Mr. Mistoffelees), Jess LeProtto (Mungojerrie), Andy Huntington Jones (Munkustrap), Quentin Earl Darrington (Old Deuteronomy), Shonica Gooden (Rumpleteazer), Tyler Hanes (Rum Tum Tugger), Jeremy Davis (Skimbleshanks), Emily Tate (Tantomile), Georgina Pazcoguin (Victoria), Sharrod Williams (Pouncival), Arianna Rosario (Sillabub)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new Broadway Revival. Everything is nicely captured with dance numbers full stage shot. High energy performances with some choreography and song tweaks from the original! A
Cats - International Tour - April 22, 2019 (Closing Night) (Highlights) (mymummysaysimamiracle's master)
CAST: Elizabeth Futter (u/s Grizabella), Lloyd Davies (Alonzo), Thomas Inge (Admetus/Macavity), Dean Ambrose (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Sally Frith (Bombalurina), Matt Harrop (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Katie Deacon (Cassandra), Louis van Leer (Carbucketty), Fletcher Dobinson (Coricopat), Ella Nonini (Demeter), Amy Whittle (u/s Jellylorum), Grace Swaby (Jemima), Ceili O´Connor (Jennyanydots), Alex Harrison (Mr. Mistoffelees), Billy Mahoney (Mungojerrie), Jak Skelly (Munkustrap), John Ellis (Old Deuteronomy), Kirsty Ingram (Rumpleteazer), Dan Partridge (Rum Tum Tugger), Matthew Rowland (Skimbleshanks), Eilish Harmon-Beglan (Tantomile), Hannah Kenna Thomas (Victoria)
NOTES: Highlights only(Opening, Mungo and Rumple, Old Deuteronomy, Jellicle Ball, Skimbleshanks and Moments of Hapiness)!
Cats - Italy Tour - 2010
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Luca Giacomelli (Admetus/Macavity), Azzurra Adinolfi (Bombalurina), Gianluca Ciatti (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Silvana Isolani (Cassandra), Denise Brambillasca (Demeter), Federica Baldi (Jemima), Stefania Fratepietro (Jennyanydots), Salvatore Marchione (Mungojerrie), Roberta Miolla (Rumpleteazer), Roberto Colombo (Skimbleshanks), Tiziano Edini (Pouncival), Alessandro Lanzillotti
NOTES: Non-replica production. House Cam with no zooms.
Cats - Japan - 2006
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Koji Tomita (Cassandra), Masashi Kikuchi (Carbucketty), Yuka Takizawa (Demeter), Chie Inoue (Jellylorum), Kazue Haruhara (Jemima), Yoko Ishi (Jennyanydots), Hitoshi Tsuzi (Mungojerrie), Shoichi Fukui (Munkustrap), Kensan Ishi (Old Deuteronomy), Shinobu Aikawa (Rumpleteazer), Emi Takakula (Tantomile), Kyoko Sato (Victoria), Eliko Mulata (Sillabub)
NOTES: Filmed from the very front row
Cats - Netherlands - June 29, 2007
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Pia Douwes (Grizabella), Merlijn Wolsink (Alonzo), Pierre Alexandre (Admetus/Macavity), Daymon Montaigne Jones (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Anouk van Nes (Bombalurina), Paul Donkers (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Caroline Beuth (Cassandra), Michael Macalintal (Coricopat), Suzanne Heijne (Demeter), Veerle Casteleyn (Electra), Annemieke Van Der Veer (Jellylorum), Cindy Belliot (Jemima), Marleen van der Loo (Jennyanydots), Mark John Richardson (Mr. Mistoffelees), Mark van Beelen (Mungojerrie), Roberto de Groot (Munkustrap), Marco Bakker (Old Deuteronomy), Marjolein Teepen (Rumpleteazer), Stanley Burleson (Rum Tum Tugger), Marcel Visscher (Skimbleshanks), Hannah van Meurs (Tantomile), Anique Bosch (Victoria), João Paulo De Almeida (Pouncival)
Cats - Netherlands - July 28, 2007
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Anita Meyer (Grizabella), Merlijn Wolsink (Alonzo), Pierre Alexandre (Admetus/Macavity), Daymon Montaigne Jones (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Anouk van Nes (Bombalurina), Paul Donkers (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Caroline Beuth (Cassandra), Michael Macalintal (Coricopat), Suzanne Heijne (Demeter), Veerle Casteleyn (Electra), Annemieke Van Der Veer (Jellylorum), Veerle Casteleyn (Jemima), Maaike Schuurmans (Jennyanydots), Mark John Richardson (Mr. Mistoffelees), Mark van Beelen (Mungojerrie), Roberto de Groot (Munkustrap), Paul Walthuis (Old Deuteronomy), Marjolein Teepen (Rumpleteazer), Gino Emnes (Rum Tum Tugger), Marcel Visscher (Skimbleshanks), Hannah van Meurs (Tantomile), Anique Bosch (Victoria), João Paulo De Almeida (Pouncival)
NOTES: Starts at the The invitation to the Jellicle ball and missing a couple of minutes at the start of act 2 two. Act one is filmed in night shot, and act two comes with a verry clear picture. Veerle Castelyn is followed a lot.
 Cats - Netherlands - September 16, 2007
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Penny Voss (Grizabella), Merlijn Wolsink (Alonzo), Pierre Alexandre (Admetus/Macavity), Daymon Montaigne Jones (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Anouk van Nes (Bombalurina), Paul Donkers (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Caroline Beuth (Cassandra), Michael Macalintal (Coricopat), Suzanne Heijne (Demeter), Veerle Casteleyn (Electra), Annemieke Van Der Veer (Jellylorum), Veerle Casteleyn (Jemima), Maaike Schuurmans (Jennyanydots), Mark J Richardson (Mr. Mistoffelees), Mark van Beelen (Mungojerrie), Roberto de Groot (Munkustrap), Paul Walthuis (Old Deuteronomy), Marjolein Teepen (Rumpleteazer), Gino Emnes (Rum Tum Tugger), Marcel Visscher (Skimbleshanks), Hannah van Meurs (Tantomile), Anique Bosch (Victoria), João Paulo De Almeida (Pouncival)
Cats - Tecklenburg, Germany - August 29, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Maya Hakvoort (Grizabella), Andrew Hill (Alonzo), Zoltan Fekete (Admetus/Macavity), David Pellerin (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Sabine Hettlich (Bombalurina), Yngve Gasoy-Romdal (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Lucy Castelloe (Cassandra), Tobias Joch (Coricopat), Caroline Frank (Demeter), Leah Delos Santos (Jellylorum), Celine Vogt (Jemima), Benjamin Eberling (Jennyanydots), David Pereira (Mr. Mistoffelees), Nils Haberstroh (Mungojerrie), Armin Kahl (Munkustrap), Reinhard Brussmann (Old Deuteronomy), Anna Carina Buchegger (Rumpleteazer), Shane Dickson (Rum Tum Tugger), Stephan Luethy (Skimbleshanks), Eleonora Talamini (Tantomile), Taryn Nelson (Victoria), Hakan T Aslan (Pouncival), Marthe Römer (Etcetera)
Cats - The Netherlands - 1987
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ruth Jacott (Grizabella), Kyle Boynton (Munkustrap), Fred Butter (Rum Tum Tugger)
Cats - The Netherlands - August 18, 1992
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ellen Evers (Grizabella), Joyce Stevens (Bombalurina), Wilma Hoornstra (Demeter), Michiel Verkoren (Mungojerrie), Brian Galliford (Old Deuteronomy), Meike Staring (Rumpleteazer), Fred Butter (Rum Tum Tugger)
Cats - The Netherlands - August 18, 1992
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ellen Evers (Grizabella), Joyce Stevens (Bombalurina), Wilma Hoornstra (Demeter), Michiel Verkoren (Mungojerrie), Brian Galliford (Old Deuteronomy), Meike Staring (Rumpleteazer), Fred Butter (Rum Tum Tugger)
Cats - Vienna - 1988 (Pro-Shot's master)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Broadway - April 20, 2017 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Christian Borle (Willy Wonka), Ryan Foust (Charlie Bucket), John Rubinstein (Grandpa Joe), F Michael Haynie (Augustus Gloop), Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs Gloop), Emma Pfaeffle (Veruca Salt), Ben Crawford (Mr Salt), Trista Dollison (Violet Beauregarde), Alan H Green (Mr Beauregarde), Michael Wartella (Mike Teavee), Jackie Hoffman (Mrs Teavee), Emily Padgett (Mrs Bucket)
NOTES: Great HD capture of the new musical based on the Roald Dahl classic novel. A fresh dark take on the material, which was fun and very enjoyable! A great comedic cast and innovative production. A
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Broadway - May 1, 2017 (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Christian Borle (Willy Wonka), Jake Ryan Flynn (Charlie Bucket), John Rubinstein (Grandpa Joe), F Michael Haynie (Augustus Gloop), Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs Gloop), Emma Pfaeffle (Veruca Salt), Ben Crawford (Mr Salt), Trista Dollison (Violet Beauregarde), Michael Wartella (Mike Teavee), Jackie Hoffman (Mrs Teavee), Emily Padgett (Mrs Bucket)
NOTES: Fantastic HD video with excellent picture and clear great sound; Video has great close-ups and good stage shots for dancing numbers.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - West End - January 22, 2015 (Lanelle's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD)
CAST: Alex Jennings (Willy Wonka), Zachary Loonie (Charlie Bucket), Billy Boyle (u/s Grandpa Joe), Vincent Finch (Augustus Gloop), Amy Carter (Veruca Salt), Rhianna Dorris (Violet Beauregarde), Daniel Rhodes (Mike Teavee)
NOTES: Fun show with very imaginative staging, though I do wish they used more songs from (either) movie. The first 5 minutes of Act One has some wandering and blackouts, but after that it is a steady and unobstructed shot. Includes curtain call.
Chasing Rainbows - Paper Mill Playhouse - October, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master)
CAST: Karen Mason (Ma Lawlor), Stephen DeRosa (LB Mayer), Colin Hanlon (Roger Edens), Karen Mason (Kay Koverman), Ruby Rakos (Judy Garland), Lesli Margherita (Ethel Gumm), Max von Essen (Frank Gumm), Michael Wartella (Mickey Rooney)
NOTES: Great HD capture of this Judy Garland bio musical focusing on her early years, leading up to The Wizard of Oz, with a couple of fun tap numbers! Act One starts when Judy sings a version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow (same tune but with different lyrics). Act Two starts part way through the number right before they enter the MGM studio. Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows.
The Cher Show - Broadway - April, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master)
CAST: Stephanie J Block (Cher (Star)), Teal Wicks (Cher (Lady)), Micaela Diamond (Cher (Babe)), Jarrod Spector (Sonny Bono), Michael Berresse (Bob Mackie), Michael Campayno (Rob Camilletti), Matthew Hydzik (Gregg Allman), Emily Skinner (Georgia Holt)
NOTES: Beautiful HD close-ups but some long drop-outs and quite a few obstructed scenes. The rake in the mezzanine at the Neil Simon kinda stinks and I'm pretty sure the ushers were playing flashlight tag with each other the entire show. but I began to care a lot less as the night went on Video is very Cher-centric...choreography in "Dark Lady" is captured beautifully, but for the rest of the show I was mostly focused on getting those Stephanie, Teal, and Micaela zooms. We start at the scene before "Half Breed" and when Stephanie tells everyone to stand up for the finale it's all over for my filming ability.
The Cher Show - Broadway - January, 2019 (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Stephanie J Block (Cher (Star)), Teal Wicks (Cher (Lady)), Micaela Diamond (Cher (Babe)), Jarrod Spector (Sonny Bono), Michael Berresse (Bob Mackie), Michael Campayno (Rob Camilletti), Matthew Hydzik (Gregg Allman), Emily Skinner (Georgia Holt)
Chess - Netherlands - November, 2006 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jeroen Phaff (Anatoly Sergievsky), Joke de Kruijf (Florence Vassy), Jasper Kerkhof (Freddie Trumper), Mieke Dijkstra (Svetlana Sergievskaya), Ben Cramer (Molokov)
Chicago - Broadway Revival - 1996 (Highlights) (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ann Reinking (Roxie Hart), Bebe Neuwirth (Velma Kelly), James Naughton (Billy Flynn), Joel Grey (Amos Hart), Marcia Lewis (Matron "Mama" Morton), D Sabella (Mary Sunshine)
NOTES: Almost the full show (2 hours and 7 minutes). Usually referred to as Press Reels, this is actually the unedited footage shot for press or archival purposes. Decent amount on generation loss with some distortion at the top of the screen, and a time code at the bottom. Sometimes incorrectly labeled as 1995 .
Chicago - The Netherlands - 1999 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Simone Kleinsma (Roxie Hart), Pia Douwes (Velma Kelly), Stanley Burleson (Billy Flynn), Marjolijn Touw (Matron "Mama" Morton)
Chicago - The Netherlands - Fall, 1999 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ellen Evers (u/s Roxie Hart), Pia Douwes (Velma Kelly), Stanley Burleson (Billy Flynn), Serge Henry Valke (Amos Hart), Marjolijn Touw (Matron "Mama" Morton)
NOTES: Good capture; multicam proshot. One camera is centre stage, the other is on the left balcony.
Chicago - West End Revival - 2004
CAST: Frances Ruffelle (Roxie Hart), Pia Douwes (Velma Kelly), Alex Bourne (Billy Flynn), Zee Asha (Matron "Mama" Morton)
NOTES: The same video as the March 27, 2004 video
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - Broadway - April 16, 2005
FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST! Working on uploading
CAST: Raúl Esparza (Caractacus Potts), Erin Dilly (Truly Scrumptious), Kevin Calhoun (Childcatcher), Marc Kudisch (Baron Bomburst), Jan Maxwell (Baroness Bomburst), Phillip Bosco (Grandpa Potts)
NOTES: A little shaky at times, and some ducks, but otherwise excellent. Includes news footage.
A Chorus Line - Broadway Revival - September 30, 2006 (Preview)
CAST: Michael Berresse (Zach), Tyler Hanes (Larry), Brad Anderson (Don), Mara Davi (Maggie), Jeffrey Schecter (Mike), Yuka Takara (Connie), Michael Paternostro (Greg), Charlotte d'Amboise (Cassie), Deirdre Goodwin (Sheila), Ken Alan (Bobby), Alisan Porter (Bebe), Heather Parcells (Judy), James T Lane (Richie), Tony Yazbeck (Al), Chryssie Whitehead (Kristine), Jessica Lee Goldyn (Val), Paul McGill (Mark), Jason Tam (Paul), Natalie Cortez (Diana), Michelle Aravena (Tricia), E Clayton Cornelious (Butch), David Baum (Roy), Mike Cannon (Tom), Nadine Isenegger (Lois), Grant Turner (Frank), Lorin Latarro (Vicki)
NOTES: Commonly mislabelled as Opening Night (October 5, 2006), however menu says it is September 30, 2006. Video includes the playbill and some bonus news features of the Pre-Opening, Opening Night and the Review.
A Chorus Line - Hollywood Bowl - July 29, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Mario Lopez (Zach), Spencer Liff (Larry), Michael Starr (Don), Mara Davi (Maggie), Robert Fairchild (Mike), J Elaine Marcos (Connie), Denis Lambert (Greg), Sarah Bowden (Cassie), Leigh Zimmerman (Sheila), Kelsey Walston (Bebe), Tiana Okoye (Judy), Cornelius Jones Jr (Richie), Justin Michael Wilcox (Al), Courtney Lopez (Kristine), Sabrina Bryan (Val), Ross Lynch (Mark), Jason Tam (Paul), Krysta Rodriguez (Diana)
NOTES: This all star cast gives energetic and nuanced performances, cast as a whole is a stand out with absolutely incredible dance numbers, nicely filmed, no obstructions, no washout, just a couple of quick dropouts, filmed from stage directly, screens are never shown, filmed in 16:9 with a mix of wides, mediums and close-ups, show is 125 minutes on one disc includes curtain call and playbill scans.
A Chorus Line - North Shore Music Theatre - November, 2010 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Derek Hanson (Zach), Kurt Domoney (Larry), Joe Grandy (Don), Cary Michelle Miller (Maggie), Jonathan Day (Mike), Hannah Chin (Connie), Aaron Umsted (Greg), Rebecca Riker (Cassie), Katie Cameron (Sheila), Sean Quinn (Bobby), Katerina Papacostas (Bebe), Bethany Moore (Judy), Delius Doherty (Richie), Venny Carranza (Al), Nancy Renée Braun (Kristine), Leslie Donna Flesner (Val), Christopher Shin (Mark), Miguel Angel Falcon (Paul), Julie Kotarides (Diana), Maggie Marino (Tricia), Brian Bailey (Roy), Michael McCrary (Tom), Sarah Shepler (Lois), Taylor Shubert (Frank), Wendy O'Byrne (Vicki)
NOTES: Performed in the round, two cameras and sound patched in from the soundboard.
A Chorus Line - Off-Broadway - July 12, 1975 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Robert LuPone (Zach), Thommie Walsh (Bobby Strong), Clive Clerk (Larry), Ron Khulman (Don), Kay Cole (Maggie), Wayne Cilento (Mike), Baayork Lee (Connie), Michael Stuart (Greg), Donna McKechnie (Cassie), Kelly Bishop (Sheila), Nancy Lane (Bebe), Patricia Garland (Judy), Ronald Dennis (Richie), Don Percassi (Al), Renne Baughman (Kristine), Pam Blair (Val), Cameron Mason (Mark), Sammy Williams (Paul), Priscilla Lopez (Diana)
NOTES: The original Broadway cast filmed prior to moving to Broadway. Professionally filmed using multiple cameras for the Lincoln Center Theatre on Film and Tape (TOFT) archives. Newly surfaced video which is a HUGE improvement over the previous version which has been in circulation for a while. This is also complete and includes the opening announcement alerting the audience that the show is being filmed. Amazing quality, but still has a little generational loss. In black and white. The DVD has been enhanced with chapter stops for all of the musical numbers. This, along with the tapes of Crazy for You and Passion, is amongst the only three TOFT tapes that have been leaked.
A Chorus Line - The Netherlands - 2002 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Wilbert Gieske (Zach), Fons van Kraaij (Larry), Roy Kullick (Don), Marieke van Hulst (Maggie), Birger van Severen (Mike), Hannah van Meurs (Connie), Thomasj Vets (Greg), Ellis van Laarhoven (Cassie), Anouk van Nes (Sheila), Hans van der Heijden (Bobby), Manon Novak (Bebe), Carolien Canters (Judy), Perry Dossett (Richie), Job Vlaar (Al), Eva Roest (Kristine), Jacqueline Aronson (Val), Paul Boereboom (Mark), Hein Gerrits (Paul), Cystine Carreon (Diana), Cyrille Carreon (Tricia), Peter van Dosselaer (Butch), Axel de Graaf (Roy), Regi Severins (Lois), Peter Stoelhorst (Frank), Roeselien Wekker (Vicki)
A Christmas Carol Goes Wrong - BBC Special - December 30, 2017 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Henry Shields (Chris), Henry Lewis (Robert), Charlie Russell (Sandra), Dave Hearn (Max), Chris Leask (Trevor), Nancy Zamit (Annie), Greg Tannahill (Jonathan), Jonathan Sayer (Dennis), Ellie Morris (Lucy), Diana Rigg (Aunt Diana), Derek Jacobi (Scrooge/Himself)
NOTES: Mischief Theatre 2017 BBC Special proshot.
A Christmas Story - Broadway - November 7, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: Johnny Rabe (Ralphie), Dan Lauria (Jean Shepherd), John Bolton (The Old Man), Erin Dilly (Mother), Zac Ballard (Randy), Caroline O’Connor (Miss Shields)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Broadway transfer. This is such a fun show and a top notch cast that delivers the perfect blend of performances. Nice changes from the previous PreBroadway tour from last year and a perfect show to get into the holiday season!
Cinderella (Pantomime) - Mercury Theatre Colchester - 2020 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Mari McGinlay (Cinderella), Mari McGinlay (Prince Charming), Deborah Tracey (The Fairy Godmother), Nicholas McLean (Buttons), Nerine Skinner (Dandini)
NOTES: aired to raise money for covid-19
Cinderella (Rodgers & Hammerstein) - Broadway - March 2, 2013 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: Laura Osnes (Ella), Santino Fontana (Topher), Victoria Clark (Marie), Harriet Harris (Madame), Ann Harada (Charlotte), Greg Hildreth (Jean-Michel), Marla Mindelle (Gabrielle), Phumzile Sojola (Lord Pinkleton), Peter Bartlett (Sebastian)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of this classic show, with this being the first time having appeared on Broadway! Really a top notch cast and a beautiful production, nicely staged! A
Cinderella (Rodgers & Hammerstein) - Broadway - April 17, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Carly Rae Jepsen (Ella), Joe Carroll (Topher), Victoria Clark (Marie), Fran Drescher (Madame), Ann Harada (Charlotte), Todd Buonopane (Jean-Michel), Stephanie Gibson (Gabrielle), Peter Bartlett (Sebastian)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture with no obstructions. Carly and Fran were wonderful in the roles and really gave them their own touch! Great to see the show still in wonderful shape. A+
Cinderella (Rodgers & Hammerstein) - Second National Tour - May, 2018 (House-Cam's master)
CAST: Tatyana Lubov (Ella), Louis Griffin (Topher), Leslie Jackson (Marie), Sarah Smith (Madame), Joanna Johnson (Charlotte), Corbin Williams (Jean-Michel), Nicole Zelka (Gabrielle), Antonio Beverly (Lord Pinkleton), Christopher Swan (Sebastian)
NOTES: Video is filmed in a house cam format. There is a lot of spotlight washout so you can't really make out faces, but the sound is wonderful. Soundboard. Location unknown
Ciske de Rat De Musical - The Netherlands - 2007 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Danny de Munk (Cis de Man), Hugo Haenen (Meester Bruijs), Hajo Bruins (Vader Frans Vrijmoeth), Mariska van Kolck (Tante Jans), Marjolijn Touw (Moeder Marie Vrijmoeth), Marleen van der Loo (Suus Bruijs), Ad Knippels (Kinderinspecteur Muysken), Sjoerd Pleijsier (Bovenmeester Maatsuyker), Ids van der Krieke (Oom Henri), Jacobien Elffers (Bet(je)), Ger Otte (Pater de Goey), Jorge Verkoost (Jan Verkerk)
City of Angels - West End Revival - March 9, 2020 (Preview) (BwaytoWestEnd's master)
CAST: Theo James (Stone), Hadley Fraser (Stine), Jonathan Slinger (Buddy / Irwin S. Irving), Rosalie Craig (Gabby / Bobbi), Rebecca Trehearn (Donna / Oolie), Rob Houchen (Jimmy Powers), Vanessa Williams (Carla / Alaura), Marc Elliott (Pancho / Munoz), Nicola Roberts (Avril / Mallory)
NOTES: Stage Shot filmed from Stalls. Awful audio.
Clueless: The Unauthorized Musical Parody - Rockwell Table & Stage - September 10, 2015
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Laura L Thomas (Emma), Tom Detrinis (Weston), Spencer Strong Smith (Josh), Emma Hunton (Tai), Corbin Reid (Dionne), Christopher Chatman (Murray)
NOTES: A production of Rockwell Table & Stage; well filmed from the audience with clear picture and excellent sound; musical selections included "I'll be There for You" (aka the Friends theme), "Wonderwall," "Barbie Girl," "Like a Virgin," "Rolling in the Deep," "Dancing On My Own," "Big Yellow Taxi," a brief excerpt of "Popular" from Wicked, "Always Be My Baby," "Love Shack," and a clever version of "Proud Mary" that incorporated the famous "rollin' with the homies" bit from the movie.
The Color Purple - Broadway - March 28, 2006 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: LaChanze (Celie), Elisabeth Withers-Mendes (Shug Avery), Felicia P Fields (Sofia), Kingsley Leggs (Mister), Brandon Victor Dixon (Harpo)
NOTES: Beautiful capture of this show, crystal clear picture and sound, great closeups. A
The Color Purple - Broadway Revival - November 11, 2015 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Cynthia Erivo (Celie), Jennifer Hudson (Shug Avery), Danielle Brooks (Sofia), Isaiah Johnson (Mister), Kyle Scatliffe (Harpo), Joaquina Kalukango (Nettie)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new revival which been stripped down and streamlined to focus on Celie's journey. Some beautiful moments in the show with the direction and simplicity spotlighting the story. A few blackouts in the first 5 minutes as clueless ushers fumbled around. A
The Color Purple - Broadway Revival - May 11, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Highlights
CAST: Cynthia Erivo (Celie), Heather Headley (Shug Avery), Danielle Brooks (Sofia), Isaiah Johnson (Mister), Kyle Scatliffe (Harpo), Joaquina Kalukango (Nettie)
NOTES: Beautiful capture of the ever stunning Heather Headley joining the cast. There really is no need to say anymore! A
The Color Purple - First National Tour - April 22, 2007 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jeannette Bayardelle (Celie), Michelle Williams (Shug Avery), Felicia P Fields (Sofia), Rufus Bonds Jr (Mister), Stu James (Harpo), LaToya London (Nettie), Stephanie St James (Squeak)
NOTES: I have to say I enjoyed this cast more than the OBC. Jannette is amazing here and will give you chills and Michelle is stunning. Beautiful capture. A+
The Color Purple - First National Tour - September 6, 2009 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Fantasia Barrino (Celie), Reva Rice (u/s Shug Avery), Felicia P Fields (Sofia), Rufus Bonds Jr (Mister), Stu James (Harpo), LaToya London (Nettie), Tiffany Daniels (Squeak)
NOTES: This is the performance following the day Fantasia missed two performances from "Food Poisioning", which made the Chicagoland News. Despite that, she still gives a great performance as Celie and has such a powerful voice. Reva knocks it out of the park as Shug! A
Come From Away - Australia - 2019 (Highlights) (Press Reel's master)
FORMAT:  M4A (untracked)
CAST: Zoe Gertz (Beverley/Annette & others), Douglas Hansell (Kevin T./Garth & others), Richard Piper (Claude & others), Simon Maiden (Oz & others), Sarah Morrison (Janice & others), Nicholas Brown (Kevin J./Ali & others), Nathan Carter (Nick/Doug & others), Angela Kennedy (Diane & others), Sharriese Hamilton (Hannah & others), Emma Powell (Beulah & others), Kellie Rode (Bonnie & others), Kolby Kindle (Bob & others)
NOTES: Proshot B-Roll of Welcome to the Rock, Me and the Sky & Somewhere in the Middle of Nowhere
Come From Away - Australia - September 12, 2019 (WizardWisdom's master)
CAST: Zoe Gertz (Beverley/Annette & others), Douglas Hansell (Kevin T./Garth & others), Richard Piper (Claude & others), Simon Maiden (Oz & others), Sarah Morrison (Janice & others), Nicholas Brown (Kevin J./Ali & others), Nathan Carter (Nick/Doug & others), Katrina Retallick (Diane & others), Sharriese Hamilton (Hannah & others), Emma Powell (Beulah & others), Kellie Rode (Bonnie & others), Kolby Kindle (Bob & others)
NOTES: HD capture of the Australian company of this fantastic musical. Includes a video of a post-show Q&A with the cast in honour of the 18th anniversary of September 12. Shot from the back row of the dress circle, so a head blocks the centre at times but it’s shot around where possible. Most noticeable in the group numbers where a lot of the action is downstage. The first 4 minutes or so is mostly wandering shots as I was setting up my camera and evading ushers. A lot of great close-ups - Zoe’s “Me and the Sky” is a highlight.
Come From Away - Broadway - March 10, 2017 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jenn Colella (Beverley/Annette & others), Chad Kimball (Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Geno Carr (Oz & others), Kendra Kassebaum (Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Lee MacDougall (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Q Smith (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Petrina Bromley (Bonnie & others), Rodney Hicks (Bob & others)
NOTES: A beautiful capture of the new Broadway musical. The score is fantastic and the production is wonderful.
Come From Away - Broadway - February, 2020 (StarCuffedJeans's master)
CAST: Becky Gulsvig (Beverley/Annette & others), Tony LePage (s/b Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Paul Whitty (Oz & others), Pearl Sun (t/r Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Jim Walton (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Kenita R Miller (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Petrina Bromley (Bonnie & others), De'Lon Grant (Bob & others)
Come From Away - First National Tour - February, 2020 (Hollis Mizner's master)
CAST: Marika Aubrey (Beverley/Annette & others), Andrew Samonsky (Kevin T./Garth & others), Kevin Carolan (Claude & others), Harter Clingman (Oz & others), Julia Knitel (Janice & others), Nick Duckart (Kevin J./Ali & others), Chamblee Ferguson (Nick/Doug & others), Christine Toy Johnson (Diane & others), Danielle K Thomas (Hannah & others), Julie Johnson (Beulah & others), Sharone Sayegh (Bonnie & others), James Earl Jones II (Bob & others)
Come From Away - Toronto - January 7, 2020 (The Musical Speakeasy's master)
CAST: Eliza-Jane Scott (Beverley/Annette & others), Jeff Madden (Kevin T./Garth & others), George Masswohl (Claude & others), Cory O’Brien (Oz & others), Cailin Stadnyk (u/s Janice & others), Ali Momen (Kevin J./Ali & others), Clint Butler (u/s Nick/Doug & others), Barbara Fulton (Diane & others), Kate Etienne (u/s Hannah & others), Lori Nancy Kalamanski (u/s Beulah & others), Kristen Peace (Bonnie & others), Kevin Vidal (Bob & others)
NOTES: As far as I know, the first ever video of the Toronto production! I had the entire show in VOB format ready to post but, unfortunately, I lost the USB it was on in the middle of an airport. Luckily I was able to salvage all but thirty minutes of the original footage, so all that's lost is part of the scene after "I Am Here" and a portion of "Somewhere In The Middle Of Nowhere". If you find a USB the size of a thumbnail around Pearson, it's a $5 reward! A flu passed around the cast that they were all just recovering from, and at one point you can see Bev take a tissue out of her pilot's jacket and blow her nose. It explains the large number of understudies on, particularly of interest is that of the role of Hannah being played by a Caucasian actress, which causes her absence for the bus scene and leads to a severely different dynamic I'd not seen the character played as before.
Come From Away - Washington D.C. - September 24, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jenn Colella (Beverley/Annette & others), Chad Kimball (Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Geno Carr (Oz & others), Kendra Kassebaum (Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Lee MacDougall (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Q Smith (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Alyssa Wilmoth Keegan (Bonnie & others), Rodney Hicks (Bob & others)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the PreBroadway try out in DC. Terrific ensemble piece telling the stories of stranded passengers during the 9/11 attacks. A
Come From Away - West End - November 5, 2019 (wheredidtherockgo's master)
CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), David Thaxton (Kevin T./Garth & others), Clive Carter (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Robert Hands (Nick/Doug & others), Helen Hobson (Diane & others), Cat Simmons (Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Jennifer Tierney (s/b Bonnie & others), Nathanael Campbell (Bob & others)
NOTES: The bottom left of the video is slightly obstructed by a lighting rail. The master accidentally stop recording during '38 Planes' but realized right away so it’s only missing a second or two. Some nice close-ups. Clive misses the cue for the first “Welcome to the Rock!”
Come From Away - West End - April, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master)
CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), David Shannon (Kevin T./Garth & others), Clive Carter (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Robert Hands (Nick/Doug & others), Helen Hobson (Diane & others), Cat Simmons (Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Mary Doherty (Bonnie & others), Nathaniel Campbell (Bob & others)
NOTES: This video is never to be publicly shared on YouTube, tumblr, Facebook, Stagedork etc. 
Come From Away - West End - February, 2020 (queenofthedead's master)
CAST: Alice Fearn (Beverley/Annette & others), Mark Dugdale (Kevin T./Garth & others), James Doherty (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Alasdair Harvey (Nick/Doug & others), Kate Graham (Diane & others), Cat Simmons (Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Mary Doherty (Bonnie & others), Tarinn Callender (Bob & others)
NOTES: Slightly obstructed by one head but worked around the best I could.
Come From Away - West End - November, 2019 (queenofthedead's master)
CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), David Thaxton (Kevin T./Garth & others), Clive Carter (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Bob Harms (s/b Nick/Doug & others), Helen Hobson (Diane & others), Chiara Baronti (s/b Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Jennifer Tierney (s/b Bonnie & others), Nathanael Campbell (Bob & others)
NOTES: Incomplete: starts 12 mins in. Shot around heads. The combination of the revolve and the lighting of this show might make it a jolty watch but the action is caught as best as possible. If I had to decide who to film, I chose Rachel Tucker.
The Comedy About A Bank Robbery - West End - August 20, 2019 (wheredidtherockgo's master)
CAST: Sean Carey (Sam Monaghan), David Coomber (Neil Cooper), Charlotte Duffy (u/s Caprice Freeboys), George Hannigan (Everyone Else), Liam Jeavons (Mitch Ruscitti), Damian Lynch (Mr. Freeboys), Killian Macardle (Officer Shuck), Jon Trenchard (Warren Slax), Ashley Tucker (Ruth Monaghan)
NOTES: My first video ever. I couldn’t see what I was filming so the camera has a tendency to film upward toward the ceiling. You can hear me laugh pretty loudly since I was holding the camera close to my face.
The Comedy About A Bank Robbery - West End - December, 2019 (queenofthedead's master)
CAST: Tom Hopcroft (u/s Sam Monaghan), Ross Virgo (u/s Neil Cooper), Charlotte Duffy (u/s Caprice Freeboys), George Hannigan (Everyone Else), Eddy Westbury (u/s Mitch Ruscitti), Damian Lynch (Mr. Freeboys), Killian Macardle (Officer Shuck), Jean-Luke Worrell (e/c Warren Slax), Ashley Tucker (Ruth Monaghan)
NOTES: Masters Notes: Shot around 2 heads. A few dropouts that add up to about 5 minutes overall. Not the most focused capture and a lot of fidgeting from the master, but action is captured mostly well enough.
Company - Kennedy Center - June, 2002
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: John Barrowman (Bobby/Bobbie), Lynn Redgrave (Joanne), David Pittu (Harry), Christy Baron (Susan), Emily Skinner (Jenny), Marc Vietor (David), Kim Director (April/Andy), Elizabeth Zins (Kathy/Theo), Marcy Harriell (Marta/PJ), Alice Ripley (Amy/Jamie), Matt Bogart (Paul), Jerry Lanning (Larry)
NOTES: This video gets listed under various dates including June 5th, June 6th, June 15th, July 7th, and different copies exist in varying quality and size.
Company - Second West End Revival - January, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master)
CAST: Rosalie Craig (Bobby/Bobbie), Patti LuPone (Joanne), Mel Giedroyc (Sarah), Gavin Spokes (Harry), Daisy Maywood (Susan), Ashley Campbell (Peter), Jennifer Saayeng (Jenny), Richard Henders (David), Richard Fleeshman (April/Andy), Matthew Seadon-Young (Kathy/Theo), George Blagden (Marta/PJ), Jonathan Bailey (Amy/Jamie), Alex Gaumond (Paul), Ben Lewis (Larry)
Company - Third Broadway Revival - March 10, 2020 (Preview)
FORMAT:  MP4 (HD)|Gifted: Upon Request
CAST: Katrina Lenk (Bobby/Bobbie), Patti LuPone (Joanne), Jennifer Simard (Sarah), Christopher Sieber (Harry), Rashidra Scott (Susan), Greg Hildreth (Peter), Nikki Renée Daniels (Jenny), Christopher Fitzgerald (David), Claybourne Elder (April/Andy), Kyle Dean Massey (Kathy/Theo), Bobby Conte Thornton (Marta/PJ), Matt Doyle (Amy/Jamie), John Arthur Greene (u/s Paul), Terence Archie (Larry)
NOTES: Wideshot MP4 Gifted Upon Request
Company - West End - Novemeber 28, 2018 (Diodenes of Catania’s master)
Format: MP3 (tracked)
Cast: Rosalie Craig (Bobbie), Patti LuPone (Joanne), Mel Giedroyc (Sarah), Gavin Spokes (Harry), Daisy Maywood (Susan/Priest), Ashley Campbell (Peter), Richard Henders (David), Jonathan Bailey (Jamie), Alex Gaumond (Paul), Ben Lewis (Larry), Richard Fleeshman (Andy), George Blagden (PJ), Matthew Seadon-Young (Theo)
Copacabana - Netherlands - 2002 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Danny de Munk (Tony Starr/Stephen), Cystine Carreon (Lola Lamar/Stephanie), John Leddy (Sam Silver), Jacqueline Aronson (Gladys), Sophia Wezer (Conchita), Edwin Jonker (Rico)
Coriolanus - Donmar Warehouse - January 30, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Alfred Enoch (Titus Lartius), Brigitte Hjort Sørensen (Virgilia), Deborah Findlay (Volumnia), Elliot Levey (Brutus), Hadley Fraser (Aufidius), Jacqueline Boatswain (Valeria), Mark Gatiss (Menenius), Peter de Jersey (Cominius), Tom Hiddleston (Coriolanus)
NOTES: Often circulated with hard subtitles. The June 4 2020 YT livestream version does not have them. 
Coriolanus - Stratford Festival - 2018 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Alexis Gordon (Virgilia), Andre Sills (Coriolanus), Brigit Wilson (Valeria), Graham Abbey (Aufidius), Lucy Peacock (Volumnia), Michael Blake (Cominius), Stephen Ouimette (Brutus), Tom McCamus (Menenius)
NOTES: Great quality video and audio. This is a professionally filmed version of Coriolanus, presented by the Stratford Festival (Stratford, Ontario, Canada) in 2018 and streamed online on April 30, 2020. Original file format: one MP4 file
Cruel Intentions - Los Angeles - July 31, 2015
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Katie Stevens (Kathryn Merteuil), Constantine Rousouli (Sebastian Valmont), Molly McCook (Annette Hargrove), Shelley Regner (Cecile Caldwell), Tyler Sheef (Blaine Tuttle), Spencer Strong Smith (Greg Mcconnell), Alexander Pimentel (Ronald Clifford), Pamela Holt (Mrs. Bunny Caldwell)
NOTES: Notes: Well filmed from the audience with clear picture and excellent sound; featuring songs by The Goo Goo Dolls, Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, Meredith Brooks, Natalie Imbruglia, Spice Girls, Counting Crows, The Verve and Christina Aguilera
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Broadway - November 22, 2014 (Lanelle's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Alex Sharp (Christopher Boone), Francesca Faridany (Siobhan), Ian Barford (Ed), Enid Graham (Judy), Helen Carey (Mrs. Alexander)
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Broadway - December 30, 2014 (Matinee) (SJ Bernly's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Taylor Trensch (alt Christopher Boone), Francesca Faridany (Siobhan), Tim Wright (u/s Ed), Enid Graham (Judy), Helen Carey (Mrs. Alexander), Mercedes Herrero (Mrs. Shears and others), Ben Horner (Mr. Thompson and others), Richard Hollis (Roger Shears and others), David Manis (Rev. Peters and others)
NOTES: "Nicely filmed. There's a couple of quick dropouts and not many washouts, but no obstructions or blocking. A-"
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - National Theatre - September 6, 2012 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Luke Treadaway (Christopher Boone), Niamh Cusack (Siobhan), Paul Ritter (Ed), Nicola Walker (Judy), Una Stubbs (Mrs. Alexander)
Curtains - West End - October 8-12, 2019 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Jason Manford (Lieutenant Frank Cioffi), Carley Stenson (Georgia Hendricks), Ore Oduba (Aaron Fox), Rebecca Lock (Carmen Bernstein), Samuel Holmes (Christopher Belling), Leah Barbara West (Niki Harris), Alan Burkitt (Bobby Pepper), Martin Callaghan (Oscar Shapiro), Emma Caffrey (Bambi Bernét), Nia Jermin (Jessica Cranshaw), Adam Rhys-Charles (Daryl Grady), Mark Sangster (Sidney Bernstein), Minal Patel (Johnny Harmon)
NOTES: Pro-shot streamed by The Turbine Theatre on 4/14/20 as a fundraiser for coronavirus relief efforts.
Cyrano de Bergerac - Netherlands - 1992, 1993 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Bill van Dijk (Cyrano), Ryan van den Akker (Cyrano's love interest Roxane), Peter de Smet (Ragueneau), Danny de Munk (De Guiche)
10 notes · View notes
goalhofer · 4 years
1st American Born NHL Draft Pick By State
Maine: Greg Moffett (121st overall, Montreal) 1979
New Hampshire: Cecil Luckern (205th overall, New York Rangers) 1975
Vermont: Randy Koch (102nd overall, New York Rangers) 1975
Massachusetts: Bobby Sheehan (32nd overall, Montreal) 1969
Rhode Island: Tom Mellor (68th overall, Detroit) 1970
Connecticut: John Glynne (185th overall, Pittsburgh) 1975
New York: Max Hansen (163rd overall, Minnesota) 1973
New Jersey: Dave Given (101st overall, Buffalo) 1974
Pennsylvania: James Mathers (223rd overall, Pittsburgh) 1974
Delaware: None drafted
Maryland: Jeff Brubaker (102nd overall, Boston) 1978
Virginia: Eric Weinrich (32nd overall, New Jersey) 1985
North Carolina: Jared Boll (101st overall, Columbus) 2005
South Carolina: Ryan Hartman (30th overall, Chicago) 2013
Georgia: Tom Ulseth (97th overall, Chicago) 1975
Florida: Valmore James (184th overall, Detroit) 1977
West Virginia: None drafted
Michigan: Herb Boxer (17th overall, Detroit) 1968
Ohio: Curt Fraser (22nd overall, Vancouver) 1978
Indiana: Real Turcotte (17th overall, Montreal) 1983
Kentucky: None drafted
Tennessee: None drafted
Alabama: Nic Dowd (198th overall, Los Angeles) 2009
Mississippi: None drafted
Illinois: Tom Machowski (101st overall, Atlanta) 1973
Wisconsin: Dave Hanson (176th overall, Detroit) 1975
Minnesota: Wally Olds (57th overall, Detroit) 1969
Iowa: Russ Becker (228th overall, New York Islanders) 1984
Missouri: Marco Kallas (247th overall, Washington) 1982
Arkansas: None drafted
Louisiana: None drafted
North Dakota: Dennis Johnson (74th overall, Detroit) 1972
South Dakota: None drafted
Nebraska: Cal McGowan (70th overall, Minnesota) 1990
Kansas: None drafted
Oklahoma: Bradley MacDonald (59th overall, Calgary) 1985
Texas: Brian Leetch (9th overall, New York Rangers) 1986
Montana: None drafted
Wyoming: None drafted
Colorado: Joe Noris (32nd overall, Pittsburgh) 1971
New Mexico: None drafted
Idaho: None drafted
Utah: Jeff Levy (134th overall, Minnesota) 1990
Arizona: Jim Brown (92nd overall, Los Angeles) 1979
Nevada: None drafted
Washington: Jim Korn (73rd overall, Detroit) 1977
Oregon: Grant Sasser (94th overall, Pittsburgh) 1982
California: Chris Ahrens (76th overall, Minnesota) 1972
Alaska: Harry Armstrong (89th overall, Winnipeg) 1983
Hawaii: None drafted
5 notes · View notes
hollywoodfamerp · 5 years
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Hey Famers!
For the anniversary trip, all celebs will be staying at Hôtel Le K2 Altitude luxury hotel! Amenities include: ski passes, gym, heated indoor/outdoor pools, spa, movie theater, multiple bars/lounges, babysitting/childcare, playground for kids, arcade room, and free food/drinks at all hours of the day/night. Suites are available with multiple beds for non couples and a couples room is available for those rooming with their significant other.
Under the cut you’ll find the list of all the roommates.
The roommates were done by a RANDOM generator. Unless we got a message from you telling us you wanted to be with a specific person - you were included in the generator.
As we get more people into the roleplay, we will update the list. If you do not see your characters name on this list, or if you happen to get paired with one of the other characters you play - please message us POLITELY and let us know - the generator was a little weird, but hopefully everyone is accounted for - if not, we’ll fix it, don’t worry :) 
As stated before, as we accept new apps before AND during the event, this list will be updated. Same will go if people get unfollowed, leave the RP etc. So please be mindful that this can and most likely will change.
So, that being said - please LIKE THIS POST so you can not only keep track of this list but also so we know you saw this notice.
Rami Malek, Lucy Boynton and Oscar Isaac
Saoirse Ronan and Ansel Elgort
Armie Hammer and Candice Swanepoel
Anna Kendrick and Adam Levine
Harry Styles and Brendon Urie
Sam Claflin and Vanessa Morgan
Priyanka Chopra and Aaron Tveit
Charles Melton and Camila Mendes
Nikki Bella and Nick Jonas
Niall Horan and Taylor Swift
Melissa Benoist and Bill Skarsgard
Meryl Streep and Jessica Lange
Keith Duffy and Sarah Drew
Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke
Natalia Dyer and Joe Keery
Luke Hemmings and Ashton Irwin
Aubrey Plaza and Chris Pratt
Katherine Langford and Dylan Minnette
Katie McGrath and Theo James
Jared Padalecki and Lights Poxleitner
Kate Middleton and Prince William
Nina Dobrev and Paul Wesley
Emily Blunt and John Krasinski
Chris Evans and Jade Chynoweth
Sebastian Stan and Leighton Meester
Skeet Ulrich and Behati Prinsloo
Thomas Jane and Susan Sarandon
Daisy Ridley and Tessa Thompson
Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun
Ben Hardy and Gwilym Lee
Donald Glover and Karlie Kloss
Sam Hunt and Olivia Wilde
Troye Sivan and Connor Franta
Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens
Maia Mitchell and Ross Lynch
Shay Mitchell and Richard Madden
Adelaide Kane and Dylan O’Brien
Laura Harrier and Emmy Rossum
Emma Stone and Jennifer Lawrence
Pierce Brosnan and Madelaine Petsch
Phoebe Tonkin and Justin Timberlake
Michael Clifford and John Boyega
Zendaya Coleman and James Rodriguez
Cara Delevingne and Jesse Lingard
Liam Hemsworth and Margot Robbie
Sophie Turner and Anthony Mackie
Max Thieriot and Normani Kordei
Arielle Kebbel and Elodie Yung
Dele and Ashley Benson
Ashley Tisdale and Chace Crawford
Emma Mackey and Chyler Leigh
Louis Tomlinson and Gal Gadot
Lily James and Calum Hood 
Taron Egerton and Tom Hiddleston
Georgia Moffett and Matthew Gray Gubler
Avril Lavigne and Perrie Edwards
Rose Park and Adam Driver
Chris Hemsworth and Carrie Underwood
Camila Cabello and Zayn Malik
Oh Sehun and Alisha Boe
Jennifer Morrison and Tom Holland
Colleen Ballinger and Sarah Paulson
Justin Hartley and Rebecca Ferguson
Christina Perry and Christopher Gorham
Link Neal and Emma Watson
Mamie Gummer and Hwang Yeji
Danielle Campbell and Zak Bagans
Seán McLoughlin (Jacksepticeye) and Miley Cyrus
Alex Morgan and Jake Gylleenhaal
Jensen Ackles and Park Sooyoung
Bella Hadid and Dan Avidan
Grant Gustin and Danielle Campbell
Zoey Deutch and Tyler Posey
Bradley Cooper and Katherine McNamara
Brandon Flynn and Gigi Hadid
Ryan Bergara and Ariana Grande
Kiernan Shipka and Hailee Steinfeld
Patrick Mahomes and Melissa Fumero
Alycia Debnam Carey and Josh Brolin
Chloe Bennet and Victoria Justice
Penn Badgley and Sabrina Carpenter
Elsa Hosk and Crystal Reed
Beth Behrs and Jerome Flynn
Jennie Kim and Lana Del Rey
Becky Lynch and Aaron Goodwin
Lily Collins and Zoe Kravitz
Lindsay Arnold and Bradley James
Zoe Sugg and Ben Barnes
Matthew Daddario and Julianne Moore
Jon Bernthal and Jasmine Tookes
Timothee Chalamet and Britt Robertson 
Elizabeth Gillies and Bae Joohyun (Irene)
Shailene Woodley and Bruno Mars
Rob Raco and Blake Lively
KJ Apa and Shawn Mendes
Joe Jonas and Nicki Minaj
Miles Heizer and Leo DiCaprio 
Lady Gaga and Robert Sheehan
Kendall Jenner and Elizabeth Olsen
Tom Hardy and Lili Reinhart 
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burlveneer-music · 5 years
The Soul Motivators - Mindblastin' EP - deep funk/Afrobeat from Toronto (Do Right Music)
Shahi Teruko – Vocals Marc Shapiro – Bass Voltaire Ramos – Guitar Doug Melville – Drums James Robinson – Keyboards Derek Thorne – Percussion Tom Moffett – Trumpet Dominique Morier – Tenor Sax Emily Ferrell – Trombone 
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mercurygray · 5 years
'Life passes through places.'–P.J. Duffy, Landscapes of South Ulster
Patrick Farrell, of Lackagh, who was able to mow one acre and one rood Irish in a day. Tom Gallagher, Cornamucklagh, could walk 50 Irish miles in one day. Patrick Mulligan, Cremartin, was a great oarsman. Tommy Atkinson, Lismagunshin, was very good at highjumping—he could jump six feet high. John Duffy, Corley, was able to dig half an Irish acre in one day. Edward Monaghan, Annagh, who could stand on his head on a pint tumbler or on the rigging of a house.         
 –1938 folklore survey to record the local people who occupied the South Ulster parish landscape.                                                                                                                      * * *
Kathleen McKenna, Annagola, who was able to wash a week’s sheets, shirts       and swaddling, bake bread and clean the house                    all of a Monday.             Birdy McMahon, of Faulkland, walked to Monaghan for a sack of flour two days before   her eighth child was born.   Cepta Duffy, Glennan, very good at sewing—embroidered a set of vestments    in five days.   Mary McCabe, of Derrynashallog, who cared for her husband’s mother in dotage,    fed ten children, the youngest still at the breast during hay-making.      Mary Conlon, Tullyree,    who wrote poems at night.    Assumpta Meehan, Tonygarvey, saw many visions and was committed to the asylum.      Martha McGinn, of Emy, who swam Cornamunden Lough in one hour and a quarter.      Marita McHugh, Foxhole, whose sponge cakes won First Prize at Cloncaw Show.      Miss Harper, Corley, female problems rarely ceased, pleasant in ill-health.      Patricia Curley, Corlatt, whose joints ached and swelled though she was young,    who bore three children.    Dora Heuston, Strananny, died in childbirth, aged 14 years,   last words ‘Mammy, O Mammy!’    Rosie McCrudden, Aghabog noted for clean boots, winter or summer,    often beaten by her father.    Maggie Traynor, Donagh, got no breakfasts, fed by the nuns, batch loaf with jam,    the best speller in the school.    Phyllis McCrudden, Knockaphubble, who buried two husbands, reared five children,    and farmed her own land.    Ann Moffett, of Enagh, who taught people to read and did not charge.
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