ghostlycoyote0 · 1 month
Two fandom blorbos and two oc blorbos. Still holding that gun.
Oh, easy. Spoilers for the end of Skulduggery Pleasant book 3, and much vaguer spoilers for book 7 (just scroll until you see the Drow in the green cloak to skip them)
Fandom first. Skulduggery Pleasant and Valkyrie Cain, the main duo of my absolute favourite book series, Skulduggery Pleasant. I’ll assume you know nothing about them because that lets me ramble even more
At the start of the series, Valkyrie is 12 and her uncle just got murdered as part of a plot to bring back ancient eldritch gods (of course, they don’t know that from the get-go). She meets Skulduggery when a nameless henchman (who I later found out from the wiki is called Vindick Leather) breaks into her uncle’s house while she’s staying there for the night and attacks her; Skulduggery then uses air magic to blast the front door off of its hinges, sets the guy on fire, shoots him in the shoulder, and loses his disguise in the fight therefore revealing that he’s a skeleton
Long story short, she takes his hat hostage and threatens to trample it if he doesn’t let her tag along, and now she’s his partner in crime
Sorcerers choose their own names by the way, so Skulduggery literally named himself Trickery, and this happened before he became a skeleton and it also became a pun. Valkyrie named herself partway through their first case
Great, context and exposition out of the way! I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC SO SO MUCH!! They shaped pretty much my entire sense of humour, I love them, I’ve loved them since I was 9 or so and I wanted to be like Valkyrie when I grew up. The way they bounce off of each other, the way they’re perfectly in sync, the little codes and recurring phrases they have that only have meaning to them (“the sparrow flies south for winter”, “doors are for people with no imagination”, and “until the end”). I just love them both so much
The fact that Valkyrie was willing to open the portal to the home world of ancient eldritch gods who despise humanity, just on the very slim chance he would be alive and have even the smallest shred of sanity left, after having been dragged there a year prior. The fact that Skulduggery was willing to go into complete and total isolation for eternity to protect her in the magic equivalent of cryogenic sleep if it came down to that. They would do literally anything for each other. I think I’m running out of ways to put how much I adore their dynamic into words, so I’ll sum it up as the ideal example of platonic soulmates. They’re very, very special to me
I mostly just talked about the serious side of their dynamic because I have no clue how to put the more lighthearted side into words without rattling off quotes. Rest assured, they are also hilarious
Skulduggery is also very quotable, too
Right, OC time. I have a limited selection; most OCs I made have been lost to time, either because they got attached to bad memories (like Kai Zoku, who I am only mentioning because I still think his name is great; it’s literally just the Japanese word for pirate and he was the Ultimate Pirate Captain. It’s an Ace Attorney level name pun, I love it), or because the D&D campaign they were made specifically for crashed and burned and I never found somewhere else for them to fit (looking at you, Myra.. at least I could recycle her name into my GW2 character)
Anyway! This is Kyrae, my Drow Warlock. Her campaign has been on a cliffhanger for two years and is officially coming back next month! This is a picrew, but I edited all of the colours myself. It’s not 100% accurate, but it’s the best I can do
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Kyrae (no last name) is from the jungle region of Xen’drik, a continent where dinosaurs still roam and everything is shrouded in disorienting, cursed mist. Her campaign is in Eberron, a lesser-used official setting, and Eberron Drow are split into three main cultures; the Sulatar, the Umbragen, and the Vulkoori
Kyrae is Vulkoori, a culture of many tribes - some more nomadic than others - who all worship the scorpion god Vulkoor, all in different ways. In Kyrae’s tribe, he has the epithets Vulkoor the Hunter and Vulkoor the Wrathful. They honour him via skilled hunting, and when given a reason to, being so ruthless and brutal that they’ve gained a reputation as bloodthirsty. That reputation came from their enemies, but they’ve never corrected it. They’re mostly isolated, with a few good allies to trade with
Her cloak was a gift from her best friend, Ryzul, who was stung by a scorpion while they were out hunting together. He was dead before they got home. Kyrae overheard a discussion about what to do; this was clearly a sign that Vulkoor was angry with the tribe, so maybe a sacrifice would appease him. And who better, than the victim’s closest friend, who was with him at the time? It’s been implied that there was another reason for that decision, but that was said out of character, so she has no idea
She ran when she heard that, and didn’t stop until she bumped into a shadowy figure wearing a smooth, white mask, with nothing but three black crescents in the shape of a smiling face. An Archfey. He seemed surprised that she could see him, and they struck a deal. She clearly needed help, and he was incredibly bored, so he would provide that help and she would provide a good story to watch. He helped her find the only port, and she boarded a ship to Korvaire, the continent the campaign takes place on
Fast forward maybe 20 minutes after stepping off of the boat. Kyrae caught a goblin child pickpocketing her, which lead to a guard attempting to throw the goblin off of a ledge, which of course lead to combat. Kyrae wasn’t having that, no harm had actually been done. For her first turn in the first combat in her first hour of being on this continent, she had her familiar, Vanguard (a winged mongoose who was summoned on the boat ride, more on him later), barrel into the guard and send him hurtling off the ledge. The rest of the party saw the fight break out, helped her, and she just kind of started following them because no one objected. They’re her tribe now, and her entire sense of identity, morality, and purpose is based on them, what she thinks they would or would not approve of, etc
So, Vanguard. A winged mongoose. The wings don’t have much significance, I had a choice between a familiar that can fly or a familiar that can swim really fast. They’re feathered, but I was so indecisive about what they actually look like that I ended up deciding they’re from a different bird every time he’s summoned. Now, the other half of his description is way more important, and I spent SO LONG deciding on it. I didn’t concern myself with specific species because then I would have never settled on one and he’s technically a Fey anyway, but. A mongoose is not only an animal Kyrae could have reasonably seen before, but they’re known for resisting venom and fighting venomous animals. Kyrae just turned her back on a scorpion god. It’s simple, but I think I’m clever. This art is, as always, by @prince-frederic
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I could also talk about everything Kyrae is now dealing with and the trauma that’s happened, but I think that’s enough paragraphs about her for now /lh
I’ve already explained Sigurd’s full backstory once or twice here, so I think I’ll pick Vivian for my next OC
This is Vivian Harker, a Bloodborne OC! The token is a picrew that I did the colours for again, and the art is once again by Milo
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I’ll pull back the curtain a bit here; she was inspired by Hammerlock! More specifically, it went like this:
Hammerlock would be really fun to have in Bloodborne, but I obviously can’t just take an existing character and use him in this TTRPG. It boils down to someone having the time of their life fighting the horrible monstrosities and maybe writing things down about them - can’t take cool trophies when you need to stay mobile. How do I justify that in such a dark setting? Maybe their dad was a hunter and they’ve grown up hearing stories about it, but they have no idea what they’re actually getting themselves into!
The end result is Vivian, who’s thrilled to be playing out the stories she’s grown up with now, and is filling out a sketchbook (with suspiciously red ink) along the way. She became a 16 year old white girl because she was made for a TTRPG campaign, and I can’t change my voice very much. She has no idea that when her father told those stories, he left out the traumatic parts
Daniel Harker was a fairly accomplished hunter. I say was, because this time, he refused to leave home to hunt. That was the first sign that something wasn’t right. The rest were little things, like teeth that are slightly sharper than before, eyes that reflect light like a cat’s. Little things, that indicated some kind of transformation was coming
Vivian could tell. She knew that the monsters used to be people, that hunters get affected the worst of all. She couldn’t get answers, though. So she took his equipment - the clothes a little too big for her - and left only a note to explain where she had gone
She’s thrilled to be here, to actually be fighting these creatures she’s been told about so many times, to be slowly filling her book with sketches and notes, but time is limited. She just doesn’t know how limited
The other, crucial thing she doesn’t know, is that there are no happy endings to be had in Yharnam
Anyway. Two fandom blorbos and two OCs!
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SEVERANCES UNDONE Introduction Post! Finally! 🎉🎊
Hi there! We're SEVERANCES UNDONE, a median, quoiconscious, trauma-endo, system with highly complex + partial dissociative identity disorder currently at around ~150 members and counting! We said we'd do an introduction post "soon"; that was almost 2 years ago, oops. At least we're getting to it now! Anyway!
general information
— bodily 21 years old, Native American + white, AnCom, agnostic syncretic luciferian
—physically disabled, nonbinary, queer, mentally ill, neurodivergent, radically inclusive
— genderpunk, pluralpunk, realmpunk, cripplepunk, voidpunk, rabiespunk, cringepunk
— delusional, psychotic, trans-species, alterhuman
system information
— introtean, delusion-based, dreagenic, umbragenic
— quasi-metaphysical, possessgenic, chaogenic, pregenic, cosmagenic, protogenic, diplotic, neurogenic, traumagenic
interests (* means special interest)
— video games — Minecraft YouTube — ARGs — general horror media — the paranormal — analog horror* — Slenderverse* (especially Marble Hornets* and EverymanHYBRID) — Half-Life VR but the AI is Self Aware — gender studies* — LGBTQIA2+ history*
frequent fronters (name | pronouns | role | source | tag)
— Jay Merrick | it/blood/thou/mew/sh* | perennial host | Marble Hornets (current — source list in progress) | host.txt ⥼ 📼 ⥽
— Alex Kralie | He/Him | heraicen + instigator + imprisoner + cynic + reveressence | Marble Hornets | Kralie.text ⥼ 🍎 ⥽
— William Clarke | he/that thing/nyct/it/▇▇▇ | co-host / inconsishost + protector + emergency fronter + stim holder | Who's Lila? | Will.txt ⥼ 🎭 ⥽
— HABIT / RABID / JAXSON | nameself/nullpronominal | janusian + avenger + anger holder | EverymanHYBRID (primary) / TribeTwelve (secondary) / MLAndersen0 (tertiary) | HABIT.txt ⥼ 🪓 ⥽
— Lonely Boy / Romeo | .txt/pink/smitten/virus/lovesick/malware/💌/💓 | hyper-romantic symptom holder + hyperérosian + obsessor + overnaut | Wilbur Soot's "e-girl trilogy" | Simpbur.txt ⥼ 💞 ⥽
do not interact
— basic DNI criteria (homophobes, transphobes, racists, etc)
— radqueers, TERFs, LGB alliance/#droptheT supporters, anti-xenogender/neopronouns
— if you demonize any mental illnesses (yes - this includes any personality disorders, if you believe in the concept of narcissistic abuse and similar rhetoric, unkindly fuck off)
— system exclusionists, trans exclusionists (yes - that includes people who are under the trans umbrella themselves), M-spec exclusionists, exclusionists of any kind
— pro contact pedophiles, MAPs, or supporters
— alt-right, pro-corporation, pro-cop, anti-BLM, bootlickers
— fakeclaimers, reality checkers, aggressively pro-psych
— harass anyone over any purely FICTIONAL content they consume and/or support
— cringe/flop blogs, cringe culture supporters, posters to r/fakedisordercringe, r/systemscringe and similar websites (if you post us on those subreddits or websites, actually consider getting a goddamn hobby ♡)
(our DNI does not apply to any of the terms we coin or flags we make, since we believe it's impossible to stop someone from resonating with a term just because they disagree with you or have a different world view, and it's frankly a little ridiculous to try and gatekeep things like that. - That being said, while we have no restrictions on who can use our terms and/or resources, we'd prefer that those who break our DNI criteria don't reblog, like, comment or otherwise directly interact with our posts. - Thank you!)
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caninophobia · 2 years
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> Umbragenic
[umbra (latin; shadow) + genic]
Umbragenic is a term for systems whose origins contain parts that are unknown/uncertain, even if some parts are known/certain.
For example, if a system knows that it’s traumagenic, but feels that there is another origin or something hidden from them, they can also label themselves as umbragenic.
Umbragenic can be used on its own or as a modifier to other -genic terms.
(Term coined by The Dark Garden System, flag made by Damien.)
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xykos-of-eberron · 8 months
Dragon shards, and their uses
Dragonshards! Such lovely little gems!
I've began studying these beautiful things a while ago! My studies have led me to many discoveries about the gems and their uses. All three deriving from the powerful progenitor dragons .
Eberron shards
Eberron shards! Potent conductors and enhancers of magic! Much like the copper wire to electricity they can focus magic on a single point! These are the most common and potentially useful dragonshard! If you live in areas that has soft soil you can usually find them in topsoil! Q'barra and the shadow marches are perfect places to find them!
Khyber shards
Khyber shards! Used to bind and can be seen in lots of khovairian advancements! These dragonshards can be seen in the lightning rail, ships, and airships of the dragonmarked houses. Zilargo is big on binding! These can be useful when you want to imprison an extraplanar being... Or the souls of the dead!
These shards are found anywhere in khyber!
Bloodglass is a khyber Dragonshard mixed with obsidian. Some people said the giants used this to bind elementals into large houses made of bloodglass, and they could manipulate it and make openings through the bloodglass or close it! Now these are often used by the drow of xen'drik. A notable item is the shifting blades they have! A short sword that turns to a great sword?? Amazing! I'd love one!
Siberys shards
Siberys shards! These shards enhance innate abilities! Often used for magic items to increase the power of them! They can help with psionics, sorcery, or the breath attack of dragons! The inspired of sarlona sometimes embed these into their skulls! These are very useful and far rarer as they randomly fall from the ring of siberys, thus these shards can be found in, the sea of rage, xen'drik, argonesson, and the thunder sea!
It's also said the umbragen draw power from a large siberys shard that crushed an ancient civilization of elf!
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cniska · 4 years
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A bust of my drow witch Taalin I’ve been working on for an Eberron campaign. I am very excited to play her. She does have a body but i havent gotten that far with the coloring yet. She has a familiar who is a TRESSYM he is an ASSHOLE but we love him. 
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prairie-silkweed · 5 years
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viviotakamachi-old · 5 years
In most settings, non-human races have one monolithic culture
But then there's Eberron, where basically EVERYTHING has multiple cultures interacting with each other and it's super cool
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gr33nspeak · 3 years
Watching people tie themselves in knots ofur expurring the nyature of the dark is a little wild being a descendent of the umbragen
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recoveryform · 4 years
Made some dice cage earings, to house two of my favourite gem dice. Unfortunately they got chipped, so I've ordered replacements for my set but couldn't bare to throw these ones out, hence jewellery.
Using $3 jewellery making/earing repair kit and a $4 set of jewellery pliers both from K-mart - I could actually take these dice out and still use them!
The dice set is from Gemco Crafts on Etsy (Yanny sells these dice, and both her and her shop is lovely!) - They're one of the Blue Sandstone sets.
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The dice set these come from, I use for my Umbragen drow shadow sorcerer in my DM's latest Eberron campaign.
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feyariel · 6 years
A Guide to WarCraft Races
Ancients, August Celestials: The Four Symbols, but a crane instead of a pheonix/vermillion bird...because it's more Kung Fu-ish? Also the yak. Not really sure how yaks are especially Chinese. I mean, there are yaks in China, but when someone says "Chinese," do you think "Yak"? No, no you don't. You never think of the yak. For shame, you yak-forgetterer, you!
Ancients, Treants: Surprisingly not Night Elf buildings.
Ancients, Wild Gods: Have you seen Princess Mononoke?
Anubisaths: Anubis if he were a race of giant robots (or maybe gargoyles).
Aqir: Evil bug people.
Aqir, Mantids: Thri-Kreen, but evil.
Aqir, Nerubians: Aranea/Driders, but ~Egyptian and cold.
Aqir, Qiraji: Evil DESERT bug people.
Arakkoa, High: Aarakocra, aka Weird Chickens (Plato's Man, per Diogenes).
Arakkoa, Outcast: Aarakocra, but also Skeksis.
Botani: Definitely not treants.
Cenarians: Centaurs, but also night elves.
Cenarians, Centaurs: Centaurs, but Mongols.
Cenarians, Dryads: Female Cenarians, so not as strong. Hooray sexism!
Cenarians, Keepers of the Grove: Male Cenarians, so weirdly powerful. Yay patriarchy!
Cenarians, Magnataur: Centaurs, but woolly mammoths.
Demons: Warhammer demons.
Demons, Annihilan aka Pit Lords: Demonic magnataur?
Demons, Aranasi: Supposedly arachnid demons. Aren't.
Demons, Ered'ruin aka Doomguards: Balrogs (D&D: Balors/Pit Fiends)
Demons, Imps: Maybe possibly Grell.
Demons, Imp Mothers: New study suggests childbirth responsible for obesity epidemic.
Demons, Inquisitors: The love-children of The Pale Man from Pan's Labyrinth and the Dementors from Harry Potter.
Demons, Mo'arg: Cyborg demons, usually with giant axes.
Demons, Nathrezim: Demons, but also vampires.
Demons, Sayaad: Succubi, but censored. (Apparently, two-piece bikinis are too risqué if they're implied lingerie, but definite dominatrices aren't.)
Demons, Shivarra: Not all that much like Shiva, really.
Demons, Terrorguard: Balrogs with stomach mouths!
Dragonspawn: Dracotaurs, but before Dracotaurs existed. Unless there's something from the Forgotten Realms.
Drakonids and Dragon"men": Dragonborn before Dragonborn existed. See also Dragonfolk and such from earlier D&D eds.
Drogbar: Another kind of trogg.
Drust: Umm...giants who like wicker
Dwarves, Dark Iron: Duergar, but fiery.
Dwarves, Earthen: Original dwarves, made of earth.
Dwarves, Frost: Dwarves, but snowy.
Dwarves, Iron: Dwarves, but golems or maybe robots.
Dwarves, Ironforge: Dwarves, but also archaeologists with guns. So dwarves, but 200 real-world years in the future.
Dwarves, Wildhammer: Dwarves with gryphons and Mjolnir expies! +2 Shamanism, -2 Mining.
Elves: Humans (especially Dalarani), but with pointed ears. Vaguely/formerly immortal. As prone to apocalypses as humans, but more prone to causing them.
Most are also drow with caveats.
Elves, Banshees: Screamier ghosts. Special, 'cuz elves.
Elves, Blood: Drow, but as high elves. Lolth is instead magic addiction. (See also Incredibly Lame Puns.)
Elves, Felblood and Felborne: Somehow not satyrs.
Elves, Harpies: Elves, but also birds. Murderously crazy.
Elves, High: Possibly Crip Elves. Notably not drow.
Elves, Naga: Merfolk, but also dragons. Also drow; Lolth is a Lovecraftian horror at the bottom of the sea.
Elves, Night: Drow, but also wood elves. Lolth is instead Artemis/Titania or [insert moon goddess here].
Elves, Nightborne: Drow, except not evil; living "underground" wasn't literal (except for the Fal'dorei). Again, Lolth is now Titania.
Elves, Nightborne, Fal'dorei: Driders, but weirder.
Elves, Satyrs: Drow, but also hairy demons and gingers.
Elves, Void: Drow, but they're literal dark elves (Shadar-Kai, Mystaran Shadow Elves, Eberronian Umbragen, etc.). Cthulhu cultists instead of Lolth cultists.
Elves, Wretched/Withered/etc.: Meth - Not Even Once.
Eredar: Demons, but then not originally. Hooray retcons!
Eredar, Draenei: Holy demons in spaceships! Space squid-goats! Protoss, but -2 Predator, +2 Shamanism.
Eredar, Draenei, Broken: Unnecessary middle ground between Draenei and Lost Ones.
Eredar, Draenei, Lightforged: As Draenei, but +2 Naaru Tatts (w/ associated hyperzeal), -2 Shamanism.
Eredar, Draenei, Lost Ones: The original (WarCraft III) Draenei. Very ugly.
Eredar, Man'ari: Demonic demons! But then not originally.
Eredar, Man'ari, Brutes: Now with spiky backs!
Eredar, Man'ari, Doommaidens: Now female and with wings!
Eredar, Man'ari, Wrathguard: Now with toenails and dual-wielding katanas!
Ethereals: Mercane (so space goblins), but incorporeal mummies.
Forsaken: Undead, but with LGBTQ+, chronic illness, and rape victim subtexts. Vaguely evil, definitely problematic.
Forsaken, Human: The playable kind. For edgelords.
Forsaken, High Elven: The not-yet-playable kind (maybe eventually as the vampiric San'layn). Also the entirely insufferable kind.
Fungarians: Myconids, 'cuz the world needs more Myconids.
Furbolgs, Gnolls, Hozen, Jalgar, Saberon, Saurok, Sethrak, Tortollan, Virmen, Vulpera: Ubiquitous furries and scalies.
Giants, Azeroth: See various Monster Manuals for sections on giants. Make more obviously elemental.
Gnomes: Krynnish tinker gnomes (maybe mad gnomes), but they used to be robots. Tend not to explode so much.
Goblins: Same as usual, but Jewish stereotypes replaced by allusions to corporate capitalism. Still explodey, tho.
Goblins, Gil-: Goblin mermaids! Well, not really.
Goblins, Hob-: Replacements for ogre slaves.
Grell: Too similar to Elves, Goblins, and Trolls not to be related, but evolution doesn't work properly on Azeroth.
Humans: Medieval Northern/Western Europeans. Brown people mostly absent. Prone to suffering apocalypses and instituting fantastic racism.
Humans, Kul Tiran: Human pirates practicing ancient British paganism (kinda), now with different body types!
Humans, Vrykul: Humans, but also giants.
Jungle Stalkers/Sasquatch/Wendigo/Yeti: Even Azeroth has cryptids. Weirdly intelligent.
Kobolds: Rats, but miners and obsessed with candles.
Kobolds, Snobolds: Same, but icy.
Lobstrok aka Makrura: Azeroth dismissed, bring out the dancin' lobstahs!
Mogu: Fu "Dogs," but bipedal.
Murlocs: Deep Ones, but mascoty.
Murlocs, Deep Sea: DEEP SEA FANGLY FISH!
Murlocs, Gorlocs: Murlocs, but arctic.
Murlocs, Jinyu: Murlocs, but Chinese and intelligent.
Murlocs, Mur'gul: Murlocs, but scarier.
Naaru: Angels, but windchimes.
N'raqi: Illithids, but not plagiarizing.
Observers: Beholders, but possibly not infringing on copyright. (Probably still infringing.)
Ogres: Umm, yeah, ogres. Sometimes cyclopes.
Ogres, Gronn and Draenor Giants: Semi-plausible evolution? IN WARCRAFT?!
Ogre Mages: Not as cool as oni.
Orcs: Orcs, but honorable. Orcs, Dire: A race of Garroshes.
Orcs, Fel: Orcs, but more demonic.
Orcs, Mag'har: Less demonic, more expansionist.
Orcs, Pale: Gollum.
Pandaren: Pandas, but furries. (Even real pandas have thumbs.) Chinese, but more alcoholic.
Podlings: Angry flower children.
Pygmies: Somehow related to goblins; ugly Grummles.
Ranishu: Evil(?) roly-polies. Maybe aqir.
Sporelings: Myconids, but not.
Sprites: Kodama from Princess Mononoke.
Tauren: Minotaurs, but stereotypes of Native Americans.
Tauren, Highmountain: Same, but with moose antlers.
Tauren, Taunka: Same, but bison and snowy.
Tauren, Yaungol: Same, but yakfolk.
Titans: Space Gods.
Titans, Titanic Watchers et al: Norse gods, unless they're Egyptian gods.
Tol'vir/Obsidian Destroyers: Wemics, but sometimes also Phanes and Gargoyles.
Troggs: Proto-dwarves somehow related to kobolds.
Troggs, Grummles: *HOW* did Blizzard make Troggs cute?
Trolls: As D&D trolls, but with Yoruban diaspora (Hollywood voodoo and Jamaican) stereotypes plus Jurassic Park (movie) raptors for mounts and shades of Mayaincatec.
Troll Subraces: [insert climate/terrain here]. No word yet on mer-trolls. Most. Subraces. EVER.
Trolls, Zandalari: As trolls, but much more Mayaincatec.
Val'kyr: Valkyries, but undead.
Val'kyr, Spirit Healer: Val'kyr, but also Diablo angels.
Worgen, Gilnean: Werewolves, so humans, but also furries with druidry made vaguely Wiccan. The playable kind.
Worgen, Night Elven: Not yet playable, but almost inevitably will be.
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jorajhisays · 7 years
Okay, so after everyone recovered from their hangovers and gathered their things we set off onto the next part of our exciting underground journey. The guardsman was super nice and chatted with me while I waited for everyone to get their stuff together.
They weren't very helpful about where the portal we needed to shut was, all they could kinda do was point us in the general direction and send us off. Fair enough though, according to Harland the Underdark is a pretty big place. I do wish they could have given us at least some form of directional help.
We kinda wandered along single-file through the narrow tunnels until we came upon a place with lots of pools. They looked really warm. The moment Harland stepped close to one, something came out and grabbed him! It looked like a lobster with tentacles. It was kinda icky, but at least it wasn't trying to crush me.
It didn't manage to poison Harland, which is good because it would have been bad for him. Callie tried to attack it, but I don't think it turned out so well for her. Harland tried to do some magic thing that would tell it to put him down or something, but it didn't work. I was worried it'd try to go back into the water so I went around to the side of it and stood on the edge as I tried to whack it. It grabbed Callie in its claws after moving Harland into its mouth. I think it wanted to eat him. I'm pretty sure it did, at least. In the end, Dominus landed the killing blow just as the thing tried to retreat into the water. He did well, I'm proud of him. He was pretty pleased with himself, too.
Harley and I dove into the water after we caught the glimmer of shiny things at the bottom. I had bigger hands, so I grabbed the coins and this pretty bird (not the fun kind, unfortunately). We divided what we found, there was like, 102 gold and 53 silver. I got to keep a copper that had a bite taken out of it!
Dominus wound up really liking the raven which was apparently something that people used to send messages from one another. He named it Kutkh, and we let him keep it. Inside the bird was a piece of paper, we couldn't recognize what was written on it even after Harland and I puzzled over it for a good while. It seemed to be some type of code. I put it away in my bag until we could get someone else to look at it.
We gave Harland's crossbow to Dominus, just so he can shoot things from far away. It looked so tiny in his hands...
After we all kinda recovered from the attack, we kept exploring. We found three different potential paths to follow, none of them looked particularly inviting. There was one area that was just... ice. Another section had cobwebs all over the floor of the tunnels. Large ones, too. And the last one had a lot of statues.
We didn't really feel up to going into the room that had the statues, especially after Harland told us that they were most likely petrified people. Didn't really feel too much like fighting a bunch of spiders either, so into the icy caves we went.
Eventually, we discovered a room with a very large tree in the middle. And three frost giants. We tried to talk to them, but they didn't respond. A voice told us that they didn't speak Giant very well.
What looked like a preteen girl materialized from the snow piled around the dead leaves. She was small-looking and pale. She was wearing a light blue dress and she had wings. She said her name was Hrim. It's a little tricky to try and say her name, so she told us we could call her Rime.
She was currently in control of the Frost Giants. As Harland, Dominus and Callie were discussing the tree behind her, I asked her questions.
She said she was in control of the frost giants, and that she'd been there for a while. She asked us what we are, and whether we were there for the tree. I don't think it would have ended well for anyone should they have said yes, because the air noticeably chilled when she asked that. We told her the truth, that we were not.
Harland asked her a few questions about his religion, and she sent off one of the Frost Giants to get some food for us, and called us guests. We asked her what kind of food she had, and she only said non-humanoid meat. Good enough for me, haha.
“You're not Royalists, so why are you here?” she said, “I was expecting the King Cult sooner or later.”
“We're a little lost, I suppose.” I said, “Well, I feel a little lost.”
“Well, I was expecting the Umbragen to come for their slaves, or for Zern to come to try and bargain for the Mind Flayers, or for King Cultists to come for their Princess. But you're just... lost.”
I remembered that bit of conversation because I felt a little bad for her. She seemed to expect so many people to come after her, and was prepared for so many bad things. Instead what she got was us.
Beside me, Dominus tried to stick his hand into this magical-looking blue fire, and the fire refused to touch him. He seemed really upset by that.
Apparently there were poisonous mushrooms beyond her cave (and not the fun kind), and they didn't like the cold so it was okay to stay where she was. There was not much point in us going ahead, so Harland asked her about the tree. I'll try and write what I remember, Harland told me some of the bits I missed so I could write it down.
She said that the tree was a Miracle from Vinland, the Night Watchman. He's the old god of law, community and zeal. She said it was a prison. For her.
Her title is the Redwater Princess. She said that a Royalist Cult paid the Umbragen lots to get slaves to make the part of her that was now in the tree. Seventeen thousand three hundred and nine souls, to be precise. They were fused together into a single entity and instilled in a pure vessel of celestial blood.
Harland told me the Redwater King hates everything that is. Existence itself pains him. He wants to see the end of all things, including his followers. They built her of that hate, empowered by thousands of souls that despised them specifically. She strained against her bindings. There was chaos, and then she left. The power she had was immense. Seventeen thousand souls infused with Divine Hatred. She burned from within. It hurt her.
She prayed for a miracle, and it was granted. All of the hate and pain and suffering was sealed in the tree. Hrim was made up of what's left.
Harland thanked her for her story, and she said that we could repay her if we liked.
Hrim said we smell of blood, and light, and darkness, and forests. And time. She asked us to kill her someday. When we had the ability to do so. She said she'd rather that we killed the Princess and let her figure out the rest of what she was. That we were the first people to find her in a decade, and that it was not a coincidence.
We agreed.
She gave us four blue crystalline tears. She said they were respite. Peace. She said that we could put them under our tongue and they'd keep our hearts strong and our minds at peace for an hour or so. She also said that if we crushed them and rubbed the powder into a mortal wound, they might grant us hope.
Hrim... Her story is so sad. I always knew the world wasn't a safe place and that bad things could happen, but some of the things I've seen and heard of recently have been... so much worse than I could have ever imagined possible. I feel like I understand a little of why Ulysses did what he did. He wants to be the greatest hero that ever lived. I want to help make this world a place where people don't to hurt like this. I want to make a difference. I want to make a change. I have to get even stronger.
She gave us some more information about the fortress, and then once we left she sealed herself away, so that nobody else could find her.
We will come back to her, someday. I swear it.
After we left her, we followed the paths up to where there were a lot of spider webs. While Harland was trying to think of what to do, I decided to sit down and write. Ain't no way in hell I'm stepping on those webs.
Oh, but Harland is summoning something. I'd best put this away.
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Introduction post!
[plaintext: Introduction Post! /end PT.]
Hi there! We're Serenity in Severances, a mediple, misaconscious, trauma-endo, system with partial dissociative identity disorder.
[plaintext: mediple, misaconscious, trauma-endo system with highly complex, partial dissociative identity disorder /end PT.]
We are currently sitting at ~190 members and counting.
General Information [plaintext: General Information /end PT.]
— bodily 21 years old, Native American + white, anarcho-syndicalist, collectively agnostic syncretic Luciferian Hellenists — physically disabled, anonbinary, queer, mentally ill, neurodivergent, radically inclusive — genderpunk, pluralpunk, realmpunk, cripplepunk, voidpunk, rabiespunk, cringepunk
[plaintext: genderpunk, pluralpunk, realmpunk, cripplepunk, voidpunk, rabiespunk, cringepunk /end PT.] — delusional, psychotic, trans-species, alterhuman
[plaintext: delusional, psychotic, trans-species, alterhuman /end PT.] — Tagging Information
[plaintext: Tagging Information /end PT.]
System Information [plaintext: System Information /end PT.]
modifiers [plaintext: modifiers /end PT.]
— introtean, delusion-based, dreagenic, umbragenic
[plaintext: — introtean, delusion-based, dreagenic, umbragenic /end PT.]
origins [plaintext: origins /end PT.]
— metagenic, possessgenic, chaogenic, pregenic, cosmagenic protogenic, diplotic, neurogenic, traumagenic
[plaintext: — metagenic, possessgenic, chaogenic, pregenic, cosmagenic, protogenic, diplotic, neurogenic, traumagenic /end PT.]
interests [plaintext: interests /end PT.]
(* means special interest)
— video games — Minecraft YouTube — the paranormal — general horror media* — The Chonny Jash Cinematic Universe™/Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium/HMS* — alternate reality games* — analog horror* — Slenderverse (especially Marble Hornets and EverymanHYBRID)* — Half-Life VR but the AI is Self Aware* — queer theory* — LGBTQIA2+ history*
frequent fronters [plaintext: Frequent Fronters /end PT.]
(these change depending on our current cyclical interest, working on a list of all of our member's tags)
— The Soul/Umbra | he/tune/aura/lucid/null | internal protector / intimidator / emergency fronter | Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium [plaintext: internal protector / intimidator / emergency fronter | Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium /end PT.] | The Soul.txt ⥼ 🐔 ⥽
— The Whole/Equinox/Nyx | it/he/divine/fate/radiant | assistant perinaut / primary fronter | Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium [plaintext: assistant perinaut / primary fronter | Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium /end PT.] (current — source list in progress) | main.txt ⥼ 🎭 ⥽ — The Heart/Juno/Eros/Atticus | he/swoon/fawn/cupid/💞 | janusian + peacemaker + resolver | Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium [plaintext: janusian + peacemaker + resolver | Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium /end PT.] | The Heart.txt ⥼ ❤️‍🔥 ⥽
— The Mind/Lucien/Dawn | she/they/he/aeon/code/shift/haze | imprisoner + enforcer + servitor / Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium [plaintext: imprisoner + enforcer + servitor / Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium /end PT.] | The Mind.txt ⥼ 👑 ⥽
— William Clarke | he/that thing/nycto/it/▇▇▇ | co-host / inconsishost + protector + emergency fronter + stim holder | Who's Lila? [plaintext: co-host / inconsishost + protector + emergency fronter + stim holder | Who's Lila? /end PT.] | Will.txt ⥼ ⛓️ ⥽
do not interact
— basic DNI criteria (homophobes, transphobes, racists, etc)
— radqueers, TERFs, LGB alliance/#droptheT supporters, anti-xenogender/neopronouns
— if you demonize any mental illnesses (yes - this includes any personality disorders, if you believe in the concept of narcissistic abuse and similar rhetoric, unkindly fuck off)
— system exclusionists, trans exclusionists (yes - that includes people who are under the trans umbrella themselves), M-spec exclusionists, exclusionists of any kind
— pro contact pedophiles, MAPs, or supporters.
— alt-right, pro-corporation, pro-cop, anti-BLM, bootlickers.
— fakeclaimers, perform reality checks without express consent before the party entered a deluded state, aggressively pro-psych (neutrals are on thin ice).
— harass anyone over any purely FICTIONAL [plaintext: FICTIONAL /end PT.] content they consume and/or support,
— cringe/flop blogs, cringe culture supporters, posters to r/fakedisordercringe, r/systemscringe and similar websites (if you post us on those subreddits or websites, actually consider getting a goddamn hobby ♡)
(our DNI does not apply to any of the terms we coin or flags we make, since we believe it's impossible to stop someone from resonating with a term just because they disagree with you or have a different world view, and it's frankly a little ridiculous to try and gatekeep things like that. - That being said, while we have no restrictions on who can use our terms and/or resources, we'd prefer that those who break our DNI criteria don't reblog, like, comment or otherwise directly interact with our posts. - Thank you!)
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me wretched ?
let me curr to quercine shades
effund your albid hausts
lactiferous maids
o , might I vole to some umbragenous clump
depart , be off , exceed , evade , erump 
0 notes
cniska · 4 years
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Sketches of my drow Taalin and her tressym for our Eberron game
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viviotakamachi-old · 5 years
This means
1) a campaign that involves helping and uniting the various groups fighting against the Daelkyr- the Umbragen, the Ironroot Dwarves, the remains of the Dhakaani empire, the Gatekeepers
2) really weird, alien aberrations- metroids will be among them
3) a lot of room to explore the more unique cultures in Eberron
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dragon-above · 7 years
Etherclaw Clairvoyant
Etherclaw Clairvoyant Huge Outsider (Extraplanar) Hit Dice: 17d8+119 (195 hp) Initiative: -1 (-1 Dex) Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares) Armour Class: 22 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +15 natural), touch 7, flat-footed 22 Base Attack/Grapple: +17/+35 Attack: Bite +25 melee (2d6+10) Full Attack: Bite +25 melee (2d6+10) and 4 claws +20 melee (1d8+5) Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. Special Attacks: Psionics, visions of doom, hostile jaunt Special Qualities: DDamage reduction 10/cyrite, darkvision 60ft., immunity to poison, light aversion, ethereal reflex, power resistance 27, outsider traits Saves: Fort +17, Ref +9, Will +13 Abilities: Str 30, Dex 8, Con 24, Int 19, Wis 16, Cha 21 Skills: Concentration +27, Diplomacy +25, Intimidate +25, Knowledge (arcana) +24, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +24, Knowledge (history) +24, Knowledge (psionics) +24, Knowledge (the planes) +24, Listen +23, Psicraft +24, Spellcraft +24, Spot +23 Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Combat Manifestation, Quicken Power, Psionic Fist, Greater Psionic Fist ========================================= Environment: Undeground Organization: Colony (1 clairvoyant plus 10-50 warriors plus 50-200 drones) Challenge Rating: 18 Treasure: Double standard Alignment: Usually lawful evil Advancement: 18-34 HD (Huge); 35-51 HD (Gargantuan) Level Adjustment: -
The enormous creature before you resembles a 16 foot tall ant, its torso raised upright its forearms ending in many fingered hands. Great chitin spines jut sideways and up to over 20 feet from its body, more than doubling its effective height and framing it in a regal pattern marking its leadership. Ethereal tendrils arc between these spines, sparking like electricity. The creature’s rear is bulbous and ungainly, making its movement slow, but focused and determined. The formian queen that followed the expansionists away from Daanvi became fatally cursed by the crossover to the Ethereal Plane. Before she withered and died, preventing the colony from expanding throughout the ethereal landscapes, she birthed a small number of hideously mutated eggs. The eggs lay dormant for many years, and only as the other formians began to be changed by the unusual magic of the region did they hatch. The creatures that emerged from the aberrant shells were the etherclaw clairvoyants, powerful monstrosities that would lead the surviving formians to power. The clairvoyants are few in number, but their power is unrivalled. When the clairvoyants reached maturity and the etherclaws crossed over to the Material Plane, they split the etherclaws among themselves and set off across Khyber. Using the psionic powers granted to them, the clairvoyants immersed themselves in a perpetual hive mind, so that even as they split physically they would remain as one mentally. The motivations of the clairvoyants range from lust for power to pining for the homeland. Some of the clairvoyants urge their drones and warriors to the surface world to conquer the Dragon Between and perhaps learn the magical secrets that changed them. Others harass the Daelkyr and the fiends deep in Khyber. One clairvoyant has found that warriors born of the Umbragen, a merger of shadow and ethereal, are particularly potent. Combat A clairvoyant will rarely attack without hordes of warriors and drones at its heels, and as powerful manifesters, they use their psionic powers before engaging in close combat personally. If it suspects it might lose a battle, a clairvoyant will shift its opponents to the Ethereal Plane and make preparations before their return. Hive Mind (Su): By sharing its senses and experiences across a hive mind, an etherclaw clairvoyant can never be flanked or caught flat-footed as long as another etherclaw of any caste within 100ft is aware of the danger. Other etherclaws within 100ft of the clairvoyant receive the benefit of the hive mind too. Light Aversion (Ex): Etherclaws have an aversion to sunlight, and will avoid bright sources of light and flee from natural sunlight. Natural sunlight or a daylight spell negates the clairvoyant’s ethereal reflex ability and prevents it using the hostile jaunt ability. Ethereal Reflex (Su): Etherclaw clairvoyants have an unusual connection to the ethereal plane. As a reflex, a clairvoyant reduces damage by shifting a small portion of itself to the ethereal plane when hit. As an immediate action, a clairvoyant can make a Reflex save (DC equal to damage taken) to reduce any damage taken to half. If the damage would affect creatures on the ethereal plane (a ghost touch weapon, for example), this ability has no effect. Hostile Jaunt (Su): Once per day as a full round action, Etherclaw clairvoyants can focus their power through their spines and release a blast of ethereal energy that shifts its chosen foes to the Ethereal Plane. This ability affects up to one creature per Hit Dice of the clairvoyant, to a maximum range of 50ft. Affected creatures must succeed on a DC 23 Fortitude save or shift to the Ethereal Plane as if the target of the ethereal jaunt spell, with a duration of 2d4 rounds. The save DC is Charisma-based. Visions of Doom (Su): The greatest of the etherclaws possesses the ability to draw visions from the future to infect the minds of its targets. These hostile images often reveal secrets of the target’s own death, though from time to time the visions are of other events entirely. An etherclaw clairvoyant can use this ability once per day as a standard action. The target, which must be within 100ft of the clairvoyant, must succeed on a DC 23 Will save or take 2d6 points of Wisdom drain and become stunned for 2d4 minutes. A success halves the Wisdom damage, and negates the stunned condition. The save DC is Charisma-based. This is a mind-affecting ability. When the effects of this ability end, the target buries all memory of its death and locks it away so that it can never recall its ultimate fate. Psionics: An etherclaw clairvoyant can manifest powers as a 15th level psionic (seer). The save DCs are Intelligence-based. Typical Psion Powers Known (power points 225, save DC 14 + power level): 1st – destiny dissonance, detect psionics, force screen, precognition; 2nd – clairvoyant sense, inflict pain, object reading, sensitivity to psychic impressions; 3rd – body adjustment, escape detection, fate link, telekinetic thrust; 4th – death urge, empathic feedback, power leech, remote viewing; 5th – catapsi, clairtangent hand, second chance, psychic crush; 6th – greater precognition, psionic contingency, psionic disintegrate; 7th – energy wave, fate of one, insanity; 8th – hypercognition.
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