#valvert fanfic
cliozaur · 14 days
Until recently, I wouldn't have believed fanfiction could be so captivating that you can't put it down. A few days ago, I spent the whole night glued to an amazing Valvert fanfic. It started out deceptively as a "punish me M. le maire" piece but then blossomed into a serious, heart-wrenching drama about Toulon's secrets, brimming with suspense, plot twists, and betrayals. Oh, my heart ached for most of the story, even though I knew it would have a happy ending.
This experience made me realize two things. First, I don't enjoy post-Seine fanfics nearly as much as those set in Toulon or Montreuil-sur-Mer. These earlier settings offer the enticing possibility of uncovering secrets that Hugo kept hidden from us. Second, I might need some therapy. It's probably not ok that my safe-spaces are the bagne of Toulon or the mairie of Montreuil-sur-Mer.
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valvert fake dating au complete ✅ all 13 chapters (and a very short epilogue in two parts) have now been posted 😌
here's the link for anyone who feels like reading about two emotionally stunted old men pretending to pretend to be in love with each other and utterly failing to communicate about their feelings 💖
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tobeferre · 1 year
A co-stars/acting AU!
Film director/actor/writer Javert has a huge crush on his co-actor, Jean Valjean. He's just really dumb about it.
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secretmellowblog · 7 months
For me the ‘canon homoerotic subtext’ between brick!Valjean and Javert is really more about the parallels between Javert and Eponine, who are explicitly set up as character foils.
Brick!Javert isn’t obsessed with Valjean like he is in adaptations. He’s not psychosexually obsessed with hunting him down; he really doesn’t seem to think of him as being any different than any other criminal—- he doesn’t think about Jean Valjean much at all until after Jean Valjean saves his life.
But after the barricades, Javert’s sudden weird desperate emotions about Jean Valjean are like a twisted mirror of his character foil Eponine’s weird desperate emotions for Marius.
Some guy takes pity on them, and extends them a bit of basic impersonal kindness— and they react by descending into this violently self-destructive suicidal admiration built on self-loathing. They’re both described as making themselves the “dogs” of Marius/Valjean, the dogs of people who barely remember they exist.
And anyway! I think there is potential to explore things there in analysis and fanfiction
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24601orwhatever · 12 days
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MASTERED BY @medium-observation
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lenievi · 3 months
maybe with more info it'll change but Javert>Valjean gets funnier with the way it goes in the book
like Javert saw Valjean when Javert was in his early 20s, then he became a policeman, and some 15 years later (when he’s around 40) he meets a guy, his instinct goes !!!! and he spends FIVE YEARS watching him and thinking about him and studying him and collecting info and trying to make him crack, but also three of those years were spent being extremely respectful towards Madeleine because he was his superior (not to mention Javert avoided him as much as he could in those three years), and all that time Madeleine is just kind to him and Javert's mind just goes: but convict? can't be? no? yes? no? but my instinct! but instinct is not infallible! convict? no?
and then Madeleine is not kind to him once and Javert gets petty and goes yeah, he's Jean Valjean after all
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thefrenchbrick24601 · 4 months
Hey y’all um. Can I please rant about my favorite Les Mis fanfic pretty pls
the What Streak of Madness series (beginning with A Change of a Bizarre Kind) by M_Moonshade was the first Les Mis fanfic I ever read and to this day it is my absolute favorite. Ive reread it a thousand times and it never gets old 
basically, it’s a retelling/crossover between Les Mis and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (dw you don’t need to know a lot about that story, what you need to know is in the description/notes) where basically Javert takes a potion that releases his darkest impulses, including his extreme attraction to the mayor
it’s extremely well written, author has fantastic writing style
we get tender moments, we get angsty moments, we get smutty moments
very fun smut, bottom javert 
mystery and intrigue!! ooo!
multiple “books” in the series that expand on the story/the boys relationship 
Fantine is alive! And a Girlboss!!
the characters are very well done, author had a really good understanding of the characters 
and it has a happy ending!!
yeah anyways I love it so much go read it if your interested <3
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whorejolras · 1 month
yes i ship valvert. yes i fucking hate javert. we exist.
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calico-cows · 2 months
I’ve been reading a cute Valvert fic and lost track of time. Happy 1:30 am
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autumngracy · 2 months
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Not me creeping up to the wordcount of the fourth longest book ever written
#A Reflection of Starlight#AROS#valvert#fanfic#writing#Hey I switched back to LibreOffice again after setting up my new computer#(RIP my old computer's installation of MS Office 2009)#And also my old computer in general as it is now giving me the blue screen of death upon boot#but ANYWAY#does anybody know how to make LibreOffice stop highlighting formatted areas? BC with Dark Mode it's highlighting white text#which makes it impossible to read my footnote and page numbers#Also I CANNOT believe this program was coded to be so that 'Ignore' and 'Ignore All' options only do so for the CURRENT SESSION ONLY#Like what in god's name???#I spent 3-4 hours reformatting AROS after converting it only to learn that all the 'errors' I told it to ignore just popped back#the second I reopened the document like jesus christ#Why even offer those options if it doesn't do it permanently for that document file#HHHHHHHhhhhhhHHHHHH#I then spent another several hours being forced to change the language formatting to French for all the French bits#JUST so it would stop underlining all of them in red#And there's no way for me to get rid of the underlining on things like cut off bits of dialogue#bc they are NOT proper words and I refuse to add them to my Dictionary (thus polluting it) just to get rid of them#Ugh#So anyway remember years ago how I joked about what if I accidentally wrote a fanfic longer than the source material itself#That being one of the longest books ever written (technically THE longest book ever written#if we're counting the FRENCH version of it and not the English translation#And yeah I know I technically split AROS into 3 books but that was only for reader convenience#It's still one book in my heart#And also because I think it would be REALLY funny to surpass Hugo's wordcount#Which is entirely plausible bc in English it was only about 531k so I only a little over 100k off and I think I can easily make that#with the material I have left to write but is already mostly plotted out
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ifwebefriends · 5 months
A Reflection of Starlight Review
(TW: brief mentions of COVID, cancer, and suicide) (spoilers for Les Mis but no spoilers for AROS)
Please indulge me as I tell a bit of a personal story.
I took French all throughout high school and also participated in French club. I was also really into musical theatre (and I still am) so I was interested in the musical Les Misérables. I saw it live once and it was incredible. Sometime during my sophomore year I tried to read the original Brick but didn’t get very far, it’s just kinda not my thing I guess. But the characters were so charming and endearing to me and I was primarily moved by the stories of Jean Valjean and Inspector Javert. I was moved by how their characters and stories mirror each other and how they’re so alike but their differences drove them to very different places. During my senior year of high school we watched the 2012 Les Mis film in French club one day. At the end when Javert kills himself, almost everyone in the room cheered, but I did not. While Javert did many bad things, had a very narrow worldview, and made things so much harder for our protagonist, I still felt pity for him. I felt pity that he lived by this one doctrine all his life because he kind of had no other choice and when faced with the idea that he may be wrong, he was so distressed and had no one to turn to, so he took his own life.
Earlier that year, I started reading a fanfiction called A Reflection of Starlight by AutumnGracy, and I was quickly sucked in. For those unaware, it is a continuation of the Les Mis book that starts with one big difference: Jean Valjean saves Javert from drowning after he throws himself into the Seine. From there, the two grow closer and Javert learns to live with the fact that the law isn’t infallible with the help of Jean Valjean.
I started reading this fanfic in the spring of 2019 and I didn’t finish it until today, January 15th, 2024. Over four years. To my credit, it is a HUGE work, spanning over 379,000 words; that’s longer than the entire Hunger Games trilogy, which is about 301,000 words in total. A lot has happened in my life since I started reading that slowed my progress. The COVID pandemic hit, I got diagnosed with cancer, beat cancer, started college, had a cancer relapse, beat the cancer relapse, and got a boyfriend all in the time that it took me to finish this thing. This is the longest text that I have ever read.
And there’s a good reason why I stuck with it: it’s absolutely amazing. While I didn’t read the original Brick, the wording and structure of the story seems very appropriate for the original time period and story. It’s extremely well-written and tells a compelling story all on its own that gives all of the main characters a resolution to their pasts and a hopeful and happy ending. It’s kinda plot-heavy, there’s a lot of original stories and plot lines taking place, but it is all engaging and wraps up really nicely.
The center-point of the story, however, is the growing relationship and eventual romance between Jean Valjean and Javert. From beginning to end you see how this beautiful relationship slowly develops and grows. And I mean SLOW. This is literally the slowest burn that I have ever read. But it’s worth it. Even before it’s explicitly romantic, there are lots of cute, endearing moments between the two that kept me hooked. They’re even asexual which makes my aspec heart so happy. This is probably the greatest fanfiction that I’ve ever read.
@autumngracy thank you so much for such a wonderful work. Your authors notes throughout were entertaining and made me feel like I was experiencing this story along with you. Your writing is phenomenal and I hope you know how great your skills are.
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cliozaur · 5 days
Recently, I found a Valvert fanfic claiming to be historically accurate. I was so excited, anticipating a historically accurate setting as the author promised. I start reading, and I see that almost every detail is wrong. What and where they eat: French croissants that appeared in the early 20th century, baguettes that first appeared in 1837 but were ridiculously expensive, and, of course, tea, it goes without saying; modern cafes with tables outside (late 19th century phenomenon). The way police investigation is organized (practices of the late 19th century); modern work ethics. And of course, they speak and behave like emancipated people of the early 21st century. Painful. Actually, the only thing that probably makes that fanfic ‘historically accurate’ is the inclusion of one historical figure.
What I want to say: I am used to all these anachronisms in fanfics and can turn a blind eye. But just don’t claim it’s ‘historically accurate.’
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valvert fake dating fic is now at approximately the halfway point!
i've just posted chapter 7, featuring Drunk Javert (boy that was fun to write) 🍾🥂
here's the link~
(or start reading from the beginning here. 💌)
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aftershocked · 2 months
So this was originally meant to be posted for @valvertweek, but time (and editing) got away from me. Um, better late than never? 😅
Title: après la pluie, le beau temps Rating: Explicit Word Count: 17.8k Summary: That unswerving gaze that Valjean had ever felt boring into the back of his neck as he walked the careful tightrope of mayor, of Madeleine. Those gimlet eyes that even as the years had passed assessed and studied, always sharp and quick and stubborn when they alighted upon Valjean; and now, wholly beloved, glimmering before him with suppressed need and longing, the weight of his head supported entirely by Valjean’s hands, the leather stock scraping the thin skin on the inside of Valjean’s wrists.
Valjean said, in the unshakable and implacable voice of power and influence that Javert had always responded to—that even now he wanted to yield to—“Javert. I would like you to do as I tell you, tonight.”
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secretmellowblog · 3 months
For @valvertweek, I have posted:
A brand new *third* chapter of "Annoyances," my Brick-based post-seine tragicomedy! My excellent beta reader @fremedon tells me this chapter is very good, and they have great taste.
The fic's summary:
Jean Valjean, exhausted from the barricades and the sewer, somehow finds the strength to drag Javert out of the Seine. He has no strength left for anything else. He collapses from exhaustion on the quai near the Pont Au Change as the situation rapidly devolves into tragicomedy. Inspired by a tumblr post from @Alicedrawslesmis: “Oh god can you imagine Valjean having to jump into the Seine to get Javert out? the man has had No sleep for the past idk 40 hours and just had to crawl through 5 miles of sewer carrying a dead body and thinks he’s going to lose everything to the law and then this fucking asshole jumps off a bridge? and he has to jump after him? and swim like an olympic athlete against the current to get the guy out of the water from the rapids? that’s too much. That’s just god fucking with him at this point. Valjean pulls Javert out of the water and passes out from the exhaustion of the last two days and Javert is like ’…great. Now I have to drag this man back to his apartment AGAIN�� but Javert is also exhausted from the last two days so it’s just a comedy of errors”
The title of the fic comes from these lines:
“That Javert, who has been annoying me so long; (...) that frightful hunting dog!”
—Jean Valjean in  Les Misérables Volume 1 Book 7 Chapter 3, Hapgood translation
“You annoy me. Kill me, rather.”
— Javert to Jean Valjean, in Les Misérables Volume 5 Book 1 Chapter 19, Hapgood Translation
In Chapter 3, we will explore: Cosette, and the severe consequences of abandoning your daughter alone to go run off and risk your life without any explanation!
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buildarocketboys · 6 months
also 68 + valvert for old time's sake <3
We Shall Not Overcome by Frank Turner
Cosette POV modern AU, vaguely based around the lyric "Ever feel like an awkward understudy thrown into a cast where you just don't get along?" Hope you enjoy, it was fun to dip my toe back in the Valvert pond after so many years!
Today is the third day the big scary policeman has come to their school, at least according to Cosette's friend Camille. Cosette hadn't seen him till today. In her opinion, he doesn't look all that scary. Just grumpy.
They're doing final rehearsals for Jack and the Beanstalk, and Mrs S is worried because Mr Fauchelevant is off sick and he's supposed to be playing the giant. Cosette loves his "Fee fi fo fum".
"Now, children," she asks, as Cosette spies the big policeman plodding closer to the stage. He looks kind of embarrassed, she thinks. And kind of silly. Like he doesn't know how to be around children. "Would any of your fathers be able to stand in for the giant? It's not too demanding, and they can read off the script."
Cosette's hand shoots up into the air. Her papa would make an excellent giant - he's big and tall and has a deep voice. Of course, he's not at all scary, but Cosette thinks maybe he can be, with practice. Cosette will volunteer to read with him, so he can learn his lines and not have to rely on the script.
Mrs S points her out. "Yes, Cosette," she says. "Do you think your papa would be willing to be our giant?" She looks a little surprised, probably because her papa is quite shy and rarely comes to school functions, but he's coming tonight. And her papa will do anything if she bats her eyes at him, she just knows it.
She nods.
The policeman approaches even closer, mounting the stage and then bending to talk to the girl, his eyebrows furrowed pleasantly. "Your father will be coming tonight?" he asks.
Cosette nods again; she's decided she likes the funny policeman with his silly expression. He looks like he's trying not to fart. She giggles at the thought, then snaps her mouth shut. "Yes," she answers him, trying to look serious and grown up. "He's coming to watch me - I'm the golden goose!"
The policeman's expression twitches, and for one second Cosette thinks he's going to laugh. Then he straightens up. "Well, isn't that something," he says to himself. Mrs S glances at him worriedly. "I'll see you tonight, then-" he waits politely for her name, and she gives it, remembering her manners.
"Cosette," she says, and he smiles knowingly. She feels a little worry tug at her gut, but she ignores it.
"Javert," he replies, offering her his hand. She takes it bravely.
Yes, she decides. She definitely likes him.
Papa is very reluctant to be the giant at first, which confuses Cosette. He's going to be there anyway! She knows he's shy - that's why he hides when strangers come knocking at the door instead of answering - but the giant barely has to say anything at all. Just "Fee fi fo fum I smell the blood of an Englishman!" Which Cosette knows he knows, because he used to read that book to her when she was smaller.
Eventually he agrees, and she makes him practise with her, and he does do a really good low growly giant voice. Cosette giggles at him, and he looks pleased.
They arrive earlier than really necessary to school, because Cosette is impatient and manages to convince him that they need to be there before anyone else. So they spend most of the time before the play starts milling around backstage among the other kids. Her papa looks so funny and awkward surrounded by kids so much shorter than him - he really does loom like a giant. She remembers the policeman from earlier and thinks that her papa kind of reminds her of him. Awkward but kind.
Cosette's scene and her papa's are one and the same, so she drags him by the hand to the stage when Mrs S calls her name.
"Remember, Papa," she says seriously. "Your lines are "Fee fi fo fum I smell the blood of an Englishman". Her feathers are digging into her hair and she can't see very well through her mask, but she doesn't mind. Her papa is with her.
He nods, looking a bit sick. She goes on stage ahead of him, honking her patented golden goose honk. The big policeman is sat in the front row, leaning forward, hands on his knees, as if poised to pounce.
Cosette looks behind her for her papa. He makes two steps onstage, glances towards the audience - to Javert, she thinks - and then dashes back off.
"Papa," she hisses. Jack is waiting on the other side for his cue - Papa is meant to say fee fi fo fum but he's vanished. "Papa!" she says louder, looking desperately behind her then back at the crowd.
Javert gets to his feet. He climbs onstage.
"Don't worry, Cosette," he says, resting a hand on her shoulder. "I'll get him. You just keep up with your honking now."
She scowls at his back as he heads backstage, and then follows at a distance. It's her papa, she thinks, so she should be the one to get him.
When she gets backstage, however, Javert and her papa are in the middle of a heated conversation, and she hides herself behind the costume rack to listen.
"She's waiting for you, Valjean," Javert says to her papa. "What, are you just going to let her down?"
Her papa glowers at him - she's never seen him look like that before. He's actually kind of scary. "And then you arrest me straight afterwards? Or worse, in the middle of the play?" He shakes his head. "I don't think so Javert." He turns to go, to leave, and Cosette gasps, then slaps a hand over her mouth. She can't believe he's going to leave.
"Valjean," says Javert sharply, his hand landing on her papa's shoulder. Why does he keep calling him that?
Papa look up at him, bitter hatred in his eyes. Then he lets out a laugh. But not his normal one - a mean one, like when Brigitte had stolen her lunch and then lied to the teachers about it. "If you're so concerned about the play, maybe you should play the giant. You're a lot scarier than me."
Cosette isn't sure about that - there's not much between them as they glare at each other. But Papa's right - Javert would make a good giant. Maybe she should have asked him in the first place, instead of getting her papa involved.
Javert is the first to look away. "Look, what if I promise not to arrest you?"
Papa squints up at him suspiciously. "Why would you do that?"
Javert shrugs, looking embarrassed. "I like the kid. And she clearly cares about you." He snorts. "No accounting for taste, I guess."
"So you don't arrest me...ever?" asks Cosette's papa doubtfully.
Javert snorts. "Nice try, Valjean." He sighs, looking him up and down. "But I'll give you some time. A week," he says. "To make arrangements for the kid."
Papa glares. "Why do you care? Gone soft in your old age?" he taunts.
Javert shrugs uncomfortably. "No," he says. "I don't take pleasure in this, you know, Valjean."
"Could have fooled me." He shrugs Javert off his shoulder, thinking.
"Well?" Javert asks. "Is it a deal?" Then, leaning forward to whisper in his ear, so Cosette can't hear, "You know she's been hiding behind the costume rack this whole time, right?"
Her papa pales at whatever the policeman - Javert - says in his ear. "Alright," he says. And then raising his voice, "Cosette, you can come out now."
Cosette pops out from behind the costumes with an uncertain grin. "You're gonna be the giant?" she asks, eyes only for her papa. She gives Javert the cold shoulder - she'd only understood a fraction of the words that had just passed between her papa and this man, but she knew he wanted to arrest her papa. Her good, kind papa who had never done anything wrong. Cosette has changed her mind about liking him - she hates him, actually.
"Come on, papa," she says imperiously, ignoring Javert. "We're late."
She pulls him onstage and he stumbles over his lines and everyone stares at him. But that's okay because Cosette squeezes his hand and he rallies, carries on. At the end of the night, he brings the house down.
Javert disappears, and Cosette, forgetting she hates him now, can't help but feel a little disappointed.
True to his word, he doesn't appear to arrest her papa that night. Or the next. Or the next. Cosette soon forgets about him, although one day she thinks she sees him as she plays at the park, looking over at them thoughtfully, even sadly. She runs to tell her papa.
"Papa!" she yells. "Look, look!" She drags him towards the bench where Javert was sitting only moments ago, but he's gone.
The only thing he's left behind are three, possibly magic, beans.
Maybe it's Javert's idea of a joke.
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