#was 9 yo dont be weird
lussilover397 · 1 month
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swagging-back-to · 2 years
Saying a kid is being very conservative with the frosting for gingerbread houses yesterday having to follow it up with "conservative as in you're not using a lot!"
Catch me outside today saying "don't use it liberally, meaning not a lot"
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tgcg · 3 months
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this is my element (+ album)
asking me to pick my fave album is like asking an orphan matron to pick her favorite baby boy
thats some weird and cruel circumstances to put upon me i feel like it changes every damn week like a rota
i mean what if my beats misbehave and i gotta put 'em in time out i cant play permanent on that theyre too cute
but yknow what i can show you one thing thats been on my mind lately
so when i was a kid we had this skateboard vid by "element skateboards" on DVD
they were this skateboard kit slash apparel company that was all about progressivism and shit and they did these much lauded comp tapes of dudes riding around on their boards and doing the dopest of macho tricks on the shit
flipping it turnways
putting the rock in the house like a big man
we had some of their merch actually
so anyways the one we had back then was This Is My Element
released 2007
mostly clips from cali i think and i mean the camerawork is fucking insane on some of those shots
this is gonna sound lame as fuck but i prob spent so many cumulative hours just peelin through the footage and ogling the shit outta it
that framing was tight
so you may be asking yourself or me
dave you genuine dicksucker i asked about your fav album not your favorite sordid ass display of smooth dudes hardcore riding and grinding them boards in public dude you have a problem
ok well that wasnt a question first of all so jot that down
but anyways to THAT i say
listen to the music
the whole thing has an original soundtrack of ambient beats
got some abstract hip hop jams, got some more indie stuff, lots of acoustic sampling
HELLA underground
and basically every track minus one is done by sampler beast david p. madson AKA "odd nosdam"
dude is my hero seriously
he is the master of the beat machine i shit you not hes always been kinda my idol on this stuff
aside from bro obviously
anyways he had an E-mu SP-1200 which is a really oldschool sampler invented by dave rossum in the late 80s
revolutionary to the hip hop scene
nosdam had this mega distinct sound to his music that i always wanted to replicate on my own beats
still do
i dont know for sure if he used it on T.I.M.E. but he uses some of the same samples from "vol. 9" which was exclusively SP-1200 so im gonna get a lil j’accuzi on that
it couldve been a boss dr sampler SP-202 though idk
he had one of those
so aside from beating the shit out of the pause/resume button to flip my whole cranium at the cinematography or whatever i would also kinda play it on loop to listen to the soundtrack and space out at 2am
the lonely broner seemed to free his mind at night
ok shit broner is good but i didnt mean it like that
that was goofy lets just keep movin
it was the only way i had to listen to it back then but i mean the video is 50 mins long so its basically just an odd nosdam album with accompanying ambient skater sounds and random expletives and whatever
random car sequence
yknow what i dont think people respect enough?
the dude who catches all the "mad stunts yo" on camera
i swear to god at least half the time hes ALSO on a board and that shit is bananas to me
bros gotta be on some whole other level of zen to skate good AND catch all them glamor shots of his fellow skater
thats like an express ticket to the ER imo
the ambulance is already on the scene watching you like an eager crow watches a half dead dog
ok gonna go ahead and lay it out flat
not great on a board myself
kinda dogshit at it actually
so maybe im not exactly an arbitrator of skateboard heinousness
but i always kinda liked watching THEM do it i mean who doesnt?
whats an even crazier layer to stack on the "dave" cake is
and dirk told me this because unfortunately it kinda happened post-2009
he would do all these collabs with one of my childhood favorite underground rappers david cohn aka serengeti
surrounded by daves left and right dude even before all the time travel horseshit
thats like
serendipitous as fuck i think!
if sburb was just a revolving door of artists called dave that i could bump fists with
instead of other mes in various states of aliveness tending toward extremely dead
i wouldve probably given it something higher than 2 stars on my TGN review
so yeah you ask me my favorite album its T.I.M.E. by odd nosdam i guess
bump that shit on a walk your mind will go places unknown to man
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jackmanbj · 9 months
is this real?
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jack was at the studio and you were walking around the house, you couldn’t figure out why you were experiencing weird cravings but you thought something was up being as though you’ve been extremely tired and not feeling the best when you woke up
later on you went to the store to get all the things you were craving and decided to get a pregnancy test while you were there
once you got back you ate almost all your snacks and went to your bathroom to use the pregnancy test
after waiting a few minutes thinking about what jack would do if you were really pregnant being as though he didnt even tell the world about you and you had only been together about two years, hell you didnt even know if jack wanted to propose.
after about five minutes you finally bought yourself to look at the text
“| |”
your heart dropped, you wanted a baby, and you wanted a family with jack but you didnt know if he was ready.. what if he kicked you out or tried to make you get rid of the baby
you thought if he would try and do that he didnt deserve you or your baby. you went back to the store and got a little box, pacifier and a note
on the note you wrote “i know you dont know me yet but i already love you, cant wait to see you daddy!” in strict cursive
you placed the box on his side of the bed and went on your phone, you decided not to tell anyone until jack found out
it had been about an three more hours and you had basically forgotten about the whole thing, until jack walked through the door
you felt nervous but quickly but your phone down and went to meet jack at the door
“hey sweet girl, i missed you” jack said placing a kiss on your lips “hi baby, can we go take a bath im really tired” “of course” he took off his shoes right at the end of the rug and made his way to the bathroom after you, not noticing whats on the bed
he ran some water and got in opening his arms to you you got in and sat on top of him giving him a deep kiss jack tried to stick his tongue in but you backed up
“unt unt, no sir, you need to go to bed you’ve been working for the past 9 hours” “you’re no fun.” once the water got cold you both got up and you put on some boxers and a bra, deciding not to put anything else on
jack changed into sweet pants with nothing else on jack was crawling into the bed but quickly seen the closed box “baby whats this?” “open it” you whispered jack looked at the box then back at you then back at the box before opening it “are..is, is this real..?” you started tearing up as jack got up picked up up and spun you
“im going to be a fucking dad!!” all doubt you had went away as you started giggling “jackk! put me downn!” jack carefully placed you down and got on his knees rubbing and kissing your now growing belly
“he baby.. i cant wait to see you, your gonna look like me i can tell” “no! there gonna look like me” “whateverrr, its my seed” “JACK!” you both laughed and crawled into bed
you held your arms out to jack and he cuddled into you
“goodnight baby” he started rubbing your belly “goodnight j” “mm i love you both” “we love yo more jj”
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borderline-culture-is · 3 months
Hi, this is a long ask. I am not diagnosed with anything, but Ive been thinking that I might have bpd. I started self harming at 9 yo, and was given ssri and antipsychotics to treat the symptoms, because i was too young to be diagnosed. Three years ago I moved countries, and I was so stressed that I literally ragequit talking all my medications, because I couldn’t sustain importing it from my country. Follow two horrible years of withdrawal, where I kept having derealization episodes, panic attacks, delusions followed by crying spells that lasted for hours, inability to maintain any relationships at all, I was incredibly angry and abusive to my mother, all that fun stuff. For the first year I refused to get any therapy because I thought they didn’t care about me and didn't want to settle for that, and the second year I was so crushed that if a fucking rock would listen (metaphorically), I would break down to it. Still not getting much support atm because being underage in an unfamiliar system makes it really hard to know what to do.
I only shook out of this state in the beginning of this school year, when my teacher called the cops on me for self-harming. I started working on regulating my emotions, meditating, and just accepting that I am the weird one for feeling this way and learning not to blame or burden other people. I also started noticing that my whole live ive only had FPs, and not a lot of genuine close relationships (I feel like I depend on them for my satisfaction, always feel betrayed for not being closer, but also feeling hesitant to even call them a friend). Before I kinda just assumed that everyone felt the same way, and that I was pathetic for feeling dependent and lonely. I also noticed that I have horrible episodic memory loss, I have to exclusively rely on other people or recorded evidence to shape any perception of my past.
I think, to an extent, my other traits have cancelled out some of my symptoms: I never lashed out or argued with my classmates because I was too scared that they would leave me, so instead I forced myself to act in the most mild way possible; I do have black and white thinking towards new people, but I make myself ignore it because I understand that it is my fault and I am being unreasonable; I never acted impulsively because I was too depressed or too scared to be proactive in any way at all.
My biggest issue with self-diagnosing is that I have never had any traumatic experiences. I come from a caring family, and, although I still blame my mom for feeling unfulfilled and neglected, there isn’t anything my parents really did wrong. She did as much as she could and I feel guilty for resenting her. I don’t remember any of my childhood, but it is completely reasonable to assume that nothing ever happened that would count as traumatic.
My point is, I have already either developed some coping mechanisms, or have come to accept that I will always feel misunderstood and unhappy. Even if I do have some kind of a disorder, I am unsure whether I should even try to get diagnosed in the first place. If I do, this would mean that my whole life is thrown out of the window with a diagnosis like that on my medical chart. It would negatively impact my human rights, my employability, my independence, all those things I really can’t afford to compromise, being an immigrant and trans. But at the same time, I just really want to find out what the hell is wrong with me, to feel understood and to have some support on how to live a normal life.
Yeah I guess the main purpose of this ask is to vent to someone who understands, and to ask for your opinion and advice on whether you think I have a disorder and if I should attempt to get it diagnosed.
okay. even if you dont think you have any trauma, theres still a lot of factors that could contribute to it. i think its also worth mentioning that you said you cant really remember your childhood, so it does leave some room for trauma that you either may not remember or just might not see as traumatic. and i also think that feeling neglected as a kid could do some damage, even if its unintentional. sometimes parents hurt their kids without realizing, and it doesnt invalidate the way that you feel about it!!
as for diagnosis, i think its okay for you to self-diagnose, as there are a lot of difficulties and struggles that comes with being diagnosed. i think it really depends on whether or not you personally see it as worth all of the potential trouble that it can bring. i do think that your symptoms are valid, and i can see a lot of hem as lining up with BPD. if you're really doubting, i dont think downloading a copy of the DSM-5 would be a bad idea, since it's what professionals usually reference from anyway.
regardless of whether or not you choose to get diagnosed, you and your struggles are valid!!! as someone who has also experienced BPD symptoms since we were young, we definitely feel for you. if you definitely think you are borderline, then i believe you are valid as long as you dont mean any harm, and i am pretty sure that you dont :]. we genuninely wish for the best for you, and we hope that your situation and overall well-being gets better soon 🫶 (/p)
- oliver
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Not sure if I should explain this on every post or not but I'm lightly working on a Lumen game inspired by Hades & Kill 6 Billion Demons, all about you escaping a randomly-generated hell using a weapon of your choice. The weapon system is a core aspect of the game; it's similar to my other Lumen project, Luminous Vein, though you'll only start with one weapon instead of two. It might seem like a downgrade, however-
This is one of the (currently) two weird gimmick weapons with questionable function and clashing aesthetics. The yo-yo has a mechanical focus on gaining Casts - which if you haven't played Hades is essentially a little projectile you can fire that's usually disconnected from how your weapon attacks - but is characterized as being cool and doing tricks & shit. also I've been playing Penny's Big Breakaway so honestly I might change it to add more references and maybe make it more usable. The core combat system isnt too complicated but I dont really want to explain the whole thing in each post where its important, but I can answer any of the questions you have probably
Plaster Yo-Yo
Not a conventional weapon, made as a toy for children in Hypercrash and Cloud 9. Unlike the other weapons, though, this can be pretty easily smuggled into hell, and still used as a tool for violence. 
Stylish: Instead of actions being for direct violence, the Plaster Yo-Yo's actions can be used just to look cool. When you spend an action, you can describe an interesting way for it to play out, and gain an additional Cast for the rest of your turn. When you spend all your actions and none of them deal harm, you can also gain a Cast for the rest of your turn.
Plaster Yo-Yo Actions:
Toss: Can use a cast, a movement, or an action. Throw the yo-yo one range, dealing 1 harm to any enemies in the way. The yo-yo stays in that position until using Recall or moving.
Recall: (Can be used after using Toss) Can use a cast, a movement, or an action. Bring the yo-yo back, dealing 1 harm to all enemies in the way. 
Tornado: Requires 2 actions; deal 1 harm to all enemies within Near range. 
Plaster Yo-Yo Aspects: 
(Costs 1 Titan Blood) Aspect of Style: Gain +1 Cast (for all turns).
(Costs 1 Titan Blood) Aspect of Spinning: After using Toss, the Yo-Yo deals 1 harm to any target in Close range of it, and deals 1 harm to any enemies in Close range of it at the end of every round until it returns to you.
(Costs 2 Titan Blood) Aspect of Break: Recall can move you toward the yo-yo's position.
(Costs 2 Titan Blood) Aspect of Pose: When you gain a cast, cause all enemies within Near range to lose an action.
(Costs 2 Titan Blood) Aspect of Sticky Hand: The yo-yo can attach to a targeted enemy, who will move with it, taking 1 harm for each obstruction or enemy they collide with.
(Costs 3 Titan Blood) Aspect of Sawspinnin’: replaces Plaster Yo-Yo action list with the following:
Rip-It: Can use a cast, movement, or an action. Send a Sawspinner into the arena; if it hits something, it will deal 2 harm before bouncing to another target. Any additional harm added to this action counts as a separate attack. 
Arena Center: any Sawspinners in the arena will begin to orbit towards you, moving 1 range toward you at the end of each turn, dealing 4 harm to any enemies in their paths.
Sawridin’: use Rip-It action, then spend another action to jump on the Sawspinner and move with it. Any movement effects are applied when you bounce off an enemy
the final aspect turns it into a beyblade idk if thats clear or not
anyway vote on what you want to see next pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasif you want. idc
prev update (Hollow, Goddess of Rot)
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henbased · 1 year
Yo hi! I’m hoping you dont find this ask strange, weird or whatever you call it :( Just wanted to ask a favor if you could possibly check the post I pinned for my cats? Its on this blog, please do check if you have a spare time and reblog/boost it. Im so sorry if I did bother you, just need some help. Please do send me a msg to reply or answer the ask privately, please 😭🙏🙏🐈
see everyone, this is a very good example of a scam.
-url i dont recognize, not someone ive ever interacted with or have seen in mutual circles
-a bunch of randomly reblogged posts all within an hour (9-10 hours ago). it's to make the blog look used. first post on this blog was 10 hours ago.
-asked for this to be answered privately
-fandom art profile pic to make it look authentic. except it's certainly not art this rando drew.
-blog is fairly blank
stay safe and vigilent everyone, and be careful who you give your money to.
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sylviaplathenthusiast · 5 months
people i want to know better! <3
@bellaxisworld and @star4daisy tagged me at the same time lol thank you
last song - first burn from the hamilton musical (when that song gets stuck in my head theres nothing to do but listen to it on repeat
fave colour: dark green or maybe burgundy lately. maybe also deep blue. or like lavender. i’ve taught myself not to think about the answer too hard cause it sends me into an identity crisis
last film/show: religiously watching new girl lately. and i dont really remember what my last film was but i think it was either страсти по матвею or el estudiante. very different movies in every respect but surprisingly the bottom line is kinda the same
sweet/savoury/spicy: i love things that are like savoury and spicy but i guess if i had to pick one it’d be sweet i am a sucker for chocolate even though i get flare ups if i eat too much of it
relationship status: in that weird limbo between the honeymoon phase and the thing that comes after it. i dont really believe in those phases anyway so yeah just happily in love i guess which is still baffling to me even tho its been 9 months
last thing i googled: shades of red called lmao. but if that doesn’t count then the russian translation for capercaillies, i was trying to translate a poem i wrote and i almost didn’t fail
current obsession: getting back on that grind yo. my depressive episode forced me to miss a whole month of studying and completing my coursework and obviously (cause the universe hates me) that was one of the most important months you could possibly miss. so although my psychiatrist said it’ll take at least a month and a half more until im back to normal and i should probably stay away from the thing that is actively worsening my mental illness… have i ever listened to my psychiatrist? no
last book: woman at point zero. adored the book but had to stare into nothingness for a while after i was done
looking forward to: finally taking a fucking break in a little over three months when exam season is over! but more realistically, i’ve got a lot happening this weekend, i’m having a sleepover with my boyfriend, theres a casino themed birthday i’m attending and also i’m going to my friends recording studio to maybe get some music recorded. so yes i am looking forward to the weekend
np tags: @itsasmallghost @miss-star-dust @1mmortalsylviaplath
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theatrekidstatus · 6 months
Chapter 17
We got more busy i was in 5 productions and 10 movies. But something happened one day
"Bea i dont fee-" i was cut off by my throw up it got on me and my bed "do you know whats wrong" "no but everything HURTS" "lets stay home today"  "but" "but nothing you're sick so im going to help you" "fine" "lay down imma make a ✨breakfeast smoothie✨" "oh no" -20 minutes later- "its just fruit" "yeah,you dont like fruit or something? "I just thought" "what?" "it would be breakfasts made into one smoothie" "you're funny" "yo sè" "Si quieres hablar español, podemos hablar español" "only been 'speaking' it for 9 years calm down" "seems like plenty of time" "MOVING ON,I kinda miss Hamilton" "me too but we're moving up in the world" *he gets a text* "shit my moms in the hospital" "ant go to her I'll be fine" "you sure you can come" "'rest'. NOW GO" "see ya letter" he says all rushed and paniky. one thing lead to another and i was at walmart buying a pregnancy test "Y/N TERRELL" forgot i was famous "can i please get a photo" "sure"
*TAKES PHOTO* "dont post till till atleast half a hour please" "YES ANYTHING FOR YOU" "thanks i really appreciate it" i made my way back home and used the test and unlike when i was younger i passed i just cried perfect timing my now husband  came in "honey what's wrong" "if I tell you don't get mad" "of crouse" "I'm pppp-pregnat" "im going to be a dad" "mhm y-your happy" "of course, but i want a baby if you want baby" "i want a baby" i say with now happy tears "can we tell people" "of course lets tell the mains
                                                             GUYS GUESS WHAT
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:what
Pippy poo😀🥹☺️😃😅😊😄😂😇😁🤣🙂😆🥲🙃:what
Mommy nèa(not dirty🙄)😉😗😝🤓😌😙😜😎😍😚🤪🥸🥰😋🤨🤩😘😛🧐🥳:what
Loser Leslie 🤫😐🙄😲🫠🫤😯🥱🤥😑😦😴😵‍💫😶🫨😧🤤🤐🫥😬😮😪🥴:what
Weird David 😮‍💨🤢🤕👹😵🤮🤑👺😵‍💫🤧🤠🤡🤐😷😈💩🥴🤒👿👻🤖:what
ThEy DiDnT sAy I CoUlDnT sIng 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏻:what
Oakyyyyy the unfuckable tree👉🏾🤚🏾🫲🏾✍🏾👆🏾🖐🏾🫱🏾🙏🏾🖖🏾👇🏾💪🏾🫵🏾☝🏾👋🏾🦾🦶🏾✋🏾🤙🏾🖕🏾🦵🏾:what
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾:WE PREGERS
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:we?
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾:my bad
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:you should name them jazzyjr 😜
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾:what if they're a boy
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:jazzyjr💀 
Anthony pov:We got more busy i was in 2 productions and 8 movies. 2 show But something happened one day
"Bea i dont fee-" she was cut off by her throw up it got on me and our bed "do you know whats wrong" i asked "no but everything HURTS" she proclaimed "lets stay home today" "but-" she started "but nothing you're sick so im going to help you" i cut her off "fine" she says Resently "lay down imma make a ✨breakfeast smoothie✨" i announce  "oh no" she mumbles -20 minutes later- "its just fruit?" she asked "yeah,you dont like fruit or something?" i ask "I just thought-" she cuts her self off "what?" i ask "it would be breakfast food made into one smoothie" she reveals "you're funny" i say "yo sè" (i know) "Si quieres hablar español, podemos hablar español" (you want to speak Spanish we can speak Spanish) "only been 'speaking' it for 9 years calm down" she tells me "seems like plenty of time" (its not😭😭) "MOVING ON,I kinda miss Hamilton" she brings up "me too,but we're moving up in the world" i say confronting her *he gets a text* "shit my moms in the hospital" i say panicked "ant go to her I'll be fine" "you sure you can come" "'rest', NOW GO" "see ya letter" i say all rushed and paniky. one thing lead to another and i was on insta because my mom turned out to be all right and i saw a fan and y/n at walmart. I see shes buying a pregnancy test because its on the belt. theres a video on the next slide "Y/N TERRELL" forgot i was famous i hear her mumble when you hang with her engouge you.hear.everything. "can i please get a photo" "sure"
*TAKES PHOTO* "dont post till till atleast half a hour please" "YES ANYTHING FOR YOU" "thanks i really appreciate it" i think she made her way back home and used the test and unlike when she was younger she passed i heard just crying perfect timing her now husband  came in "honey what's wrong" i ask "if I tell you don't get mad" she tells "of crouse" "I'm pppp-pregnat" she sputters out "im going to be a dad" i say in shock "mhm, y-your happy?" she asked "of course, but i want a baby if you want baby" infrom her "i want a baby" she says with now happy tears "can we tell people" i ask "of course lets tell the mains"
Pinkey pie💓🩷:GUYS GUESS WHAT 
Jazzy 😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:what
Loser Leslie 🤫😐🙄😲🫠🫤😯🥱🤥😑😦😴😵‍💫😶🫨😧🤤🤐🫥😬😮😪🥴:what
Weird David 😮‍💨🤢🤕👹😵🤮🤑👺😵‍💫🤧🤠🤡🤐😷😈💩🥴🤒👿👻🤖:what
ThEy DiDnT sAy I CoUlDnT sIng 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏻:what
Oakyyyyy the uncool tree👉🏾🤚🏾🫲🏾✍🏾👆🏾🖐🏾🫱🏾🙏🏾🖖🏾👇🏾💪🏾🫵🏾☝🏾👋🏾🦾🦶🏾✋🏾🤙🏾🖕🏾🦵🏾:what
                                                                         WE PREGERS
Jazzy 😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:we?
                                                                           my bad
Jazzy 😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:you should name them jazzyjr 😜
                                                         what if they're a boy
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:jazzyjr💀 
Im back yall anyway after i finish this book (not for a WHILE) ill have more books ready not all Hamilton related tho
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kyra45 · 1 year
orcylightning is a scam account
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5/9/2023 update: Blog is gone now but please keep an eye out for anyone who sends you the same ask.
PayPal account isn’t owned by the real owner, please report it. Also report the blog for phishing. Not making a detailed scam warning as I have a link below to the source where they got the photo from. Please share this post to bring awareness about scams like this. Story given by scammer says rash yet the cats already been to the vet and has no sign of an injury. It’s a fake story made up entirely and changes by every photo they use.
Pinned post made May 8 Monday at 6:18pm
Actual cat | Quick Guide to scam spotting | Scam posts list | What is a pet donation scam?
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“Yo hi!! I hope you dont find this ask strange, weird or whatever you call it :( Just wanted to ask a favor if you could possibly check the post I pinned for my cats? Its on this blog, please do check if you have a spare time and reblog/boost it. Im so sorry if I did bother you, just need some help. Please do send me a msg to reply or answer the ask privately, please 😭🙏🙏🐈”
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tv-gh0st · 11 months
Damnit i made a new au
guess what time it is
time for
✨My own Links meet au!✨
and the zeldas meet up to!
ive got an idea for story but jts a little bit to much like Lu for my liking so i am currently editing it and will be posted hopefully soon!!
zeldas will also get designs to ima be focusing on this whole au to actually cas aprently my hiatus is over ill be working on other aus from time to time but theres alot to do for this and i am bery exited!! ill be making a master post once i post some more stuff im really exited!!
bellow the cut is my current designs for Links(no full body drawings yet cas there are 14 links ad 15 zeldas i need to draw and i am not dealinf with that shit today)
Before the split
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skyward sword Link
20 years old
first chosen hero
forged the master sword
dating Sun(his zelda)
always looks like hes gonna fall asleep
very expressive
Minish cap
17 years old
can be small like minish
the smith kf the group
Social anxiety
lets the minish do his hair!
Fallen hero Timeline
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four swords
Four swords adventure
18 years old
the colors sre very separated
others only think hes a little crazy talking to himself
Links awakening
17 years old
keeps a flower in memory of Marin
learned how to braid his hair from her to and keeps it like that
has alot of shit
A link to the past
a link between worlds
triforce heros
technicly a prince cas of fabel(Zelda and his sister)
bunn boi
his colors blended much easier
the legends of zelda
links adventures
16 years old
also alot of items
gets lost easily especially with the weird geographical part of the merge
very curious
Child timeline
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twilight princess
19 yo
has a wolf tail and wont explain why or how he got it
can control when he comes wolfie usually but sometimes when they move around he just is wolfie and cant become hylian
big brother energy
Babys litterly any one whos younger then him even if its just by a year(Wild and Time do count cas of there weird ages)
Hyrule Warriors
23 years old
did cry over his scarf once
big brother energy aswell but in a funner "you were supposed to watch over the,! But no one was put to watch over me!" Kinda vibe
knew wind and mask before but they didnt know him its weirddddddd
mentioned minda and marin and others lost thrre shit
Age of calamity
17 years old
gravitates twords Warriors
Might have acidently been the start of a new split in the timeline no one actually knows where age sits exept hes on the child timeline
Breath of the wild
Tears of the kingdom
keeps the arm and the sages idc how totk ends
physically hes like 20 ish chronologically hes 121 mentally hes like 17 years old
can cook wonderfully
eats randome shit for fun
is a lik shit
is very loyal but definitely took alot to get that loyal
is extremely weirded out bt Age
Adult timeline
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Wind waker
Phantome Hourglass
14 years old
has tetras bandanna
thinks the green heros tunic is dorky as fuck snd hates the hat
has tried to shoot every link out of a cannon that hes had the opportunity to with wavering success
is gonna fo bat shit crazy/ good way
Spirit tracks
15 years old
very done with ur shit at all times
i dont think he knows what color is(wears alot of fucking grey)
Likes wind tolerates the others
is gonna go bat shit crazy/ bad way
And ofcourse Time and Mask
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Ocarina of time
18 years old
mentally 9-10 years old
doesnt actually know how to read
from adult timeline
friends with Malon
socially akward mess
Ocarina of Time
Majoras Mask
11 years old
tired of everyones shit
in denial of all this timeline merging stuff
Thats all the Links!
Master post here!(coming soon) Zeldas prt 1 here! Zeldas prt 2(Coming soon)
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begaydodrughailsaten · 11 months
Sharing a room with a 9 yo is the fastest way to lose your mind
"Can you make your bed i just washed all your bedding for you"
"Noooo i dont have arms"
"Please make your bed"
"But itll hurtttt"
"No it wont please make your bed"
*weird noises*
*puts his fitted mattress on upside down*
"Will you mom be happy when she sees that?"
"I dont have a mom"
"Yes you do we live with her"
"Hey i know where you live"
"No shit Sherlock we sleep like 4 feet away from each other"
*more weird noises* "i will sleep like this!"
"No you won't you only have 1 pillow we both know youll get cold and want at least 3 stuffed animals"
"Noooooo i will sleep like this!" *laying down with 1 pillow giggling*
"Everything on my side of the room or in front of the door way will get thrown away or is mine now"
"NOOOOOO" *dramaticly starts shoveling his pillows blanket and stuffed animals into his part of the room*
"Fair, please stop screaming tho?"
"Chipmunk i love you, please shut the fuck up before my head explodes."
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steampunkcdplayer · 11 months
Hello I am Cup. My writing pseudonym is G. Rose (subject to change bc im indecisive...) & welcome to my original writing & OC blog & my self publishing journey.
they/he/she - 24 yo - neurodivergent - white queer & nonbinary grad student.
I may ask you to clarify tone sometimes. I also struggle with auditory processing so it i mishear something from a video/audio please feel free to correct me!
Like/follow/asks from my main: @/cupcraft.
Rules: DMs will be turned off for this blog except for mutuals, but as for asks/following me/etc its pretty similar to my main but TLDR: bigots or exclusionists/TERFs are unwelcome always. I reserve the right to block you if you are weird/hateful/etc.
Background: windows xp bliss background
Header: same as background
PFP: Vincent Van Gogh
Writing Works
Part 1 Summary
1: Unnamed steampunk story -> "BOT"
2: Unnamed poetry chapbook -> "relationshipchapbook"
3: DND OC's from a campaign I DM-ed -> The Story of Nephira Quest (tsonq)
1: anons -> anon asks
2: mutuals -> mutual tag
3: cd.txt -> text posts/thoughts
4: cd.rb -> reblogs
5: reference -> art/writing references
6: save/fav -> ways i save and favorite things
7: cd.oc -> oc stuff
8: cd.poetry & cd.prose -> for the writings :]
9: tw [TRIGGER]
I may maintag things sometimes too. Honestly things may change as we go. Lol.
Boundaries & Content Warnings Below!
Writing boundaries:
Art/Fanart: Just like with my fanfics you may always make art/fanart for my works without asking permission. I just ask if you post the art please @ me/credit me somehow! @'s are welcome because I'd love to see it and RB! I also just ask also that this art doesn't break my boundaries.
Shipping/fanfiction/meta/headcanons/inspired works: I do not care if you ship any of my ocs or fictional characters or write fanfiction/meta/headcanons about them even if it is not what I've said is canon. Note that I will curate my own experience. Please don't write proship/noncon/etc. type fics I will block you and i dont like you. Just give me credit on any works (ie reference to the source material). I do not mind if you @/ me to look at something you've posted, but note I may not read/look at everything.
NSFW: I ask that you don't write or draw NSFW of my OCs/characters unless the source material is already NSFW/18+. Nothing I am currently writing or working on is of that nature so currently there is none you can do this to.
Writing Content Warnings:
My writing may deal with adult themes, explicit language, as well as sometimes triggering concepts. Please block as needed for your own safety, I will do my best to properly add warnings (and you may inform me of any I missed!)
My current work is not 18+ or NSFW but again there may be adult themes. If this ever changes or I write something that is of this nature, I will make this clear so those works can be seen by only adult audiences to the best of my ability.
if you ever have any questions you may always ask!
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venusdear · 11 months
literally lol. stan yong junhyung for a happy life.
LITERALLY LIKE TF. ONE HATER EVEN HAD A KID. HOW DO U HAVE A WHOLE ASS KID AND UR GETTING MAD AT THIS MAN WHO DOESNT KNOW U EXIST. and if they had a kid most likely theyre married. so like. why are you getting mad at someone for doing smth youre already doing lol.
it rly is omfg. i used to read a kids' fashion magazine that was called kiki XD this was when i was like 9-10 yo
he rly does deserve it. someone get him up there again. or to1's kyungho. either one would be good for me lol.
yeah i dont either. just this song i rly like XD
also a small confession: sometimes i like coming up with english names for idols. i dont ACTUALLY call them those names bc thatd be weird lol.
ive got eng names for all of highlight down except dujun. theres
hyunseung: ricky (hyunseung left beast in 2016 but idc i love him)
junhyung: jake
yoseob: ryan
gikwang: eli ofc
dongwoon: aiden
yes ik they sound like 6th graders XD
LOLOL kiki is a magazine too?!??!
bro everything i hear about wakeone is always so bad like why can't they manage their artists better...
junhyung is jake from enhypen now
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superchat · 2 years
despite having played bass for over 10 years now....my bass is a fuckin....conrad bass, if youve even heard of it. its super old and needs rewiring. it was one hanging around my dads family and when i said i wanted to learn bass, they just was like "you can have this, no one uses it and its beat up"
pic i found online but they have a weird wooden guard? finger rest? or somethng that i have no idea wtf its good for
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the best things i can say for looking for a bass, unless you HAVE to, do order online. try to play it in person. keep in mind action and strings effect the ease of playability. imo too uhhh, DONT get a fuckin bass that needs a battery to play. if you look at the back youll see. active basses need batteries, usually 9 volts, and if the battery dies, the bass wont work for shit even plugged into an amp. passive basses dont need batteries and because of that i like them more. im sure theres soome cool thing abt active basses, they have a buuilt in amplifier and stuff but idc lmao, want it to work without issues
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last thing i can say is dont get a super dirt cheap bass. or iinstrument in general. idk if youre asking to learn bass or if you already play and want some reccs, but often ppl buy like, a $100 instrument as a safe way to see if theyll like it. but if its really cheap and trash, its gonna sound trash, and itll play like trash (constantly go out of tune, neck might be bent which makes it sound awful) and how can you really learn to enjoy an instrument if its fighting against you? its hard enough to learn an instrument, dont make it harder by playng something half broken (pls spend within your means obv....its kind of a privledge thing, if you really do wanna learn but have financial problems, of course its okay to get somethng that satiates you for now, but i would say plan on upgrading when its feasable)
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felikatze · 2 years
finished season 9 it didn’t make me nearly as insane as season 8 but i still really really liked it. ninjago has no right to be this good actually it feels weird.
first off my fav moments of this season were: jay’s mental break in the first two episodes, mystake fucking with dareth for no reason, and also cheering/hooting/hollering/etc “YO SICK SEASON 3 REFERENCE” throughout the entire later half of the lloyd v garmadon confrontation
onto Thoughts, in slightly more chronological fashion:
i loved both plots this season! the main four + wu in the first realm and lloyd with the resistance in ninjago city were both great! normally, with split plots, i tend to get invested in only one of them, so whenever it switches to the one i dont care about, i get super impatient to get back to the good one but none of that here!! both are good!!!
the two plots have a lot of parallels! the theme of leadership between garmadon and the iron baron, the main group being largely on the run, scrounging for allies, learning new skills, yadda yadda. the thematic parallels work well since the environments of the two settings are so vastly different. the first realm is kinda boring looking, and i don’t think that setting could carry a season by itself, so it’s good that. it doesn’t. yeah.
um my thoughts arent very structured hold on i gotta think. about my thoughts. putting them into words is hard but if i dont they’ll rot and i don’t want mold in my brain
ok first of all let’s talk abt characters instead of actually going chronologically.
mystake! she was. incredible. she’s so fucking funny. in previous seasons she was just Mad All The Time and a plot device so it’s super cool to see her fleshed out. her being an oni explains how she gets all those weird fucking teas, i think. and how she’s buddy buddy with wu (even if she yells at him a lot). She’s like a funnier version of Wu. you get the cryptic wisdom, and if you don’t heed it, she gives you violent dirrhea. i dont know how to spell it and i’m not going to google it. brown ninja, in fucking deed. rip dareth.
loved when she Unveiled Her True Form and just went ham on garmadon also. this old woman is down to fight. she’s just here for a good time. she’s amazing and i adore her.
skylor! she’s always good! i’m right! her scene in season 5? great! season 6? amazing! here? INCREDIBLE. i love her always but i adore with how the show actually remembered her powers this time and used it in such fun ways. combining powers for camoflague was GREAT i loved that scene. i really liked the plan lloyd hatched to have skylor yoink garmadon’s power to control the giant stone guy, and it backfiring feels logical. like, she stole the power of a demigod. it’s kind of amazing she’s alive.
that plan in general was great fun with the gang kidnapping harumi, taking good advantadge of both mystake’s and skylor’s abilities. again, mystake is a riot, when pretending to be harumi, too. twas rlly good. even if it failed!
character wise i liked skylor too bcuz season 4 parallels. she’s the one kickstarting the resistance, consisting of the elemantal masters introduced in season 4, whereas in that season, she was a traitor to it. it’s clever. she’s scrappy, too, making use of her restaurant and the trash heap for a variety of things. skylor ily thanks.
cole n wu were fun i think. i snorted when cole in disguise mode introduced wu as his son. having the dangerbuff bluff actually work was a great continuation of a joke from season 8 and a great source of humor in the early episodes. generally a lot of good jokes in the early half because that’s when everyone’s Down In The Fucking Pits (sometimes literal pits) and this season has a hopeful swing to it that necessitates relieving the tension set by s8 somewhat.
generally i liked how wu n the ninja worked together. season 7 set wu up to be like, actually fallible. fallable? fail-able. english. it shows growth for the ninja while playing into wu’s current arc for them to be the ones teaching him lessons that he takes to heart both in his final interaction with the iron baron and his fight against garmadon. “did you use my words against me?” “they were my words first” time is a flat circle it’s fun. Wu Has Learned The Power Of Lying And Violence.
as mentioned in the beginning i thought jay’s mental breakdown in the first 2 episodes was funny as hell i gotta mention it again. season 6 said jay anxiety disorder rights and when you get sent to another dimension apparently set in some sort of mad max / how to train your dragon fusion parody and you’re This Close to starving, anxiety just Loops around to being calm again. only when things look a bit up and then down again to emotions re-emerge. I’ve experienced this before every single exam i’ve had in high school.
OKAY NEXT (i swear jay’s not becoming my fav of the og four i swear he’s not [grits teeth]) nya and pixal. women. i feel they were a bit under utilized this season esp pixal and misako getting arrested halfway through. nya had good scenes esp fight scenes aand uhh. yeah. they were mostly there to help out lloyd which WAS cool but also kinda sucked. do you understand me. do you.
moving on to lloyd. great amazing arc this season, Smooth Continuation of his season 7 arc. kinda feels like Ninjago Movie..... 2!!!! in the “the real power was inside us all along” which like Works but i dunno. ANYWAY. i like how he started out kinda Super Insecure despite his dramatic in the season 8 finale because Shit Sucks at the start of the season. as stated before the entire season is an upswing whereas season 8 was a downward spiral, so lloyd got to climb out. it’s Cool to yoink his powers since the whole green ninja destiny shit was so important in the past and he has to get a solid sense of self outside of that. i enjoyed the scene where the gang break into the Big Tower and hijack ultra violet’s tv show and the whole “finding your voice” thing. again natural continuation of season 7 of lloyd as a leader and him trying to inspire others is nice. plays into well with the teamwork themes mainly shown through wu, with how lloyd still needs the help of everyone else in the resistance, like the same scene where harumi plays lloyd’s epic pwnage from season 8 on a screen and he falls silent on live tv until nya tries to get rid of it.
lloyd as a good leader also works super well as a contrast to both the iron dragon n harumi and garmadon since those groups are. Falling Apart Live. i’ll get into this later kk.
SPEAKING OF harumi. super happy i called early on harumi yoinking garmadon as her own dad because that’s like. goddd. you wanna kill me with this shit ninjago you really want to hurt me this time. at first harumi gets a bit of just deserts when garmadon almost kills her with his new powers (hello star wars much. did you know this is a star wars reference. do you.) and she’s like Afraid For Her Life. and then mister e fucking DIES bye. but THEN the scene where she offers garmadon her sword happens and she’s like Ready To Die but he just holds the sword next to her shoulder like those pledges of knighthood? yeah. it’s kind of fucked up since harumi has so many parental issues and has probably been projecting that on garmadon for YEARS at this point and garmadon is kind of a shambling corpse who’s. not doing too hot mentally either. scrampled eggs up there.
harumi makes me insane actually cuz i am SO HAPPY when in episode 9 when the skylor and garmadon fight over the stone monster she Realizes She Fucked Up. like YEAH it’s super On The Nose when she runs into the building and she sees parents trying to shove their son into a full elevator and she only hears her own voice in the screaming. again SIMPLE BUT EFFECTIVE, since the show makes a big show (badum tsch) of showing (i’m not good at words today) of civilians running from the stone monster and my first thought was “i bet some people died down there” and then harumi saves the family and she just Stares In Horror at the stone monster as it stumbles, toppling buildings. The foundation shakes under her because her foundation has shattered and she sees for the first time that she never got revenge for anything, that she’s the bad guy here, that she’s enacting the fate she rued upon others, innocents. harumi makes me kinda insane.
fucked up additonally how garmadon goes off the shits once harumi dies (this is a fake-out death i feel it in my heart they dont have the guts to end it like this) bcuz it reminds me a LOT of how garamdon was for lloyd in season 1. the harumi garmadon dynamic makes me sick in a good way.
didnt mention this last time but sometimes i’m sad this IS a lego show bcuz garmadon just casually has some ribs sticking out which is never addressed like he IS a shambling corpse. could’ve been a lot of horror in that but you don’t even notice much since it’s a flat texture. his blood is Purble.
mentioned s1 parallels with harumi buuut like i mentioned in the beginning i wanted to scream holler yell yodel whatever when lloyd turned the tables on garmadon by Not Fighting. FIRST OF ALL this is a big turning point for lloyd since he’s been hyping himself up to fight his dad all season and he Hates doing that generally (hi season 2) BUT ALSO BECAUSE. HE LEARNED THAT FROM GARMADON. THAT’S SO GOOD. remember season 3???? DO YOU REMEMER SEASON 3???? I DO!!! I DOOO!!!!!!!!! the art of the silent fist or whatever. THAT’S SO GOOD OK. garmadon’s brief bout of pacifism returns to kick him in the ass and it’s like. symbolically. think abt it. lloyd’s had to accept that the father he loves is essentially dead but he still has the memories. he still has what he learned. the time he’s spent with his father doesn’t suddenly vanish. it’s sweet. AND garmadon who’s been trying hard to ignore and suppress his past basically disowning lloyd getting his ass handed to him by his own lessons, by who he used to be. ninjago don’t do this to me i’m already mentally ill.
i’m done talking abt single characters time to talk abt factions.
the resistance and the elemetal masters. liked them. i always like it when side characters come back for some reason and it added to the hopeful atmosphere of the season and the “you’re never alone” message. karlof great. yeah. even if they all got arrested partway through i liked having a couple more scenes for these bozos.
i mentioned lloyd being a good leader is a parallel so like. i love how the two villain factions of this season kinda shot themselves in the foot with their whole “rule through fear” thing because it stops working when people stop being afraid of you.
the existence of the dragon hunters kind of baffles me. did not expect the Mystical First Realm to have Just Some Guys in it. they don’t look human which i like. weird ashen skin in yellow lego land and glaring red eyes that make me question why Faith Specifically has one regular lego eye. who is she. good visual storytelling how they all have various scars. i think they may be a cult, a little bit.
it’s a really good setup for the iron baron to have the plot twist be that the oni are just. Gone. and how you can’t build trust on lies n shit. the main bozos for the dragon hunters were distinct enough but i’ve forgotten all their names by now. I liked Faith even if the name puns this season could be. less. (take a shot every time they say some variation of “have faith”.) like again how the dragon hunters fell apart as a threat once their teamwork started flagging was great and they’re visually distinct. 
again parallels yadda yadda the sons of garmadon lowkey fell apart in a similar way. the main general guys started being Afraid of garmadon and only harumi had his respect and you could tell.  ultra violet’s tv show was kinda funny as hell. reminds me of when jay was a tv show host both of them are twitch streamers.
I HAVE probably more things to say but i’ve run out of word juice so this is all. k. yeah. this season was good. nice payoff on buildups from season 8 and it just felt good to watch. again hopeful swing hopeful message. the season 8 finale was the darkest hour and it has passed. everything can be rebuilt, no matter how dire the situation is. it can always get better, if you believe it will. it’s nice.
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